#masters of the universe spoilers
pemprika · 8 months
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an untainted innocence
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anomalousvortex · 3 months
the master (wherever they are) getting randomly turned to dust and then brought back: what did that fucker do this time
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valc0 · 4 months
Rogue is Jack
Rogue is the Master
Rogue is a pre-Hartnell doctor
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cactiaintracist · 10 months
is it a David Tennant doctor specific thing that whenever the jeopardy gets too high the doctor effectively proposes to his enemy
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
Panels with Time and the Master Sword are my favorite flavor of angst
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Credit to @linkeduniverse
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Here's my guess for dungeon groups:
Time, Twilight and Wind (because Time is NOT going to let Twi out of his sight, also if you look at the second-last panel in the update, it seems like he's looking at them specifically)
Warriors, Hyrule, and Legend (I think it makes sense for them to be together, even if Legend drives Warriors nuts. I could see him being like "here pretty boy I'll teach you all you need to know about dungeons" and go from there. Hyrule is there because I bet he'd want to go with Legend, and he also seems to look up to Warriors)
That leaves Four, Sky, and Wild, which I didn't think about much, but would certainly be an interesting group. Four and Wild working together would be nice, especially with Wild's new sword, and I wonder if Four would maybe end up using the Master Sword... maybe. It's just a guess.
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swervesfirstblaster · 8 months
save me gorgeous adeela magical couple transformation save me save me
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bingqiv · 5 months
it’s just the way that the doctor still tragically loves the master despite everything.
the master has destroyed their planet and violated their people in the worst way possible and yet they’re still intrinsically entwined for eternity.
the master is who he thinks about when there’s a chance he may die and the master is who he thinks about when he survives.
missy said “my heart is maintained by the doctor” and i do think that’s mutual. the doctor’s hearts are maintained by the master, they always have been and always will be.
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doks-aux · 10 months
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom had just about everything I could have asked for:
Orm Marius big screen redemption arc
Arthur and Orm bickering and bonding
Orm not knowing shit about the surface
Orm seeing his mama again
Orm in surface clothes
Angsty MantaShin fodder
Shin being fucking adorable
Arthur Jr. being the cutest baby to ever exist
Mera and Orm being chill
The only things I'm kinda disappointed we didn't get are more Orm interaction with the Curry clan (especially Tom and Jr.) and Orm living at the lighthouse. But that's what fanfic is for.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Hi!! I really really want to get into the academy era eu stuff, but I just have no idea where to start 😭😭😭 do you have any audio/novel/etc recs to start off with? Thank you so much!!
-✨️🪐 anon
Hello! So sorry I didn't see this sooner - I've been quite busy lately (busy enough I forgot to submit my Big Finish Short Trips this year...)
Anyway, for the Academy Era, the starting off point is generally Divided Loyalties. In this novel, there is a long dream sequence of the Academy Era. Since it is a dream, it might not be 100% accurate, but it's what we have.
Otherwise, most of the information we have on the Academy Era comes from the occasional reference in a bunch of different stories. Some of them have more Academy Era material than others...
We can get some pretty good insights from some DWEU material (beyond what is in the TV show). I won't list spoilers here just in case that wasn't what you were looking for (though I have other posts that do entail this information), but here's the list I can think of off the top of my head. Some of these are stories with just general young-Time-Tot era references (not necessarily at the Academy but still the itty bitty, pre-leaving Gallifrey guys), but I'll include them anyway. And some of these references are quick, so be prepared.
Novel: Divided Loyalties
Novel: Tomb of Valdemar
Novel: Deadly Reunion
Novel: Lungbarrow
Novel: The Death of Art
Novel: The Dark Path
Audio: Time in Office
Audio: Darkness and Light
Novel: The Time Lord Letters
Short story: The Nameless City
Audio: Planet of the Rani
Audio: Master
Comic: The Glorious Dead
Comic: Weapons of Past Destruction
Comic: Space in Dimension Relative in Time)
Short story: The Three Paths
Audio/Novel: Mission to Magnus
Novel: The Eight Doctors
Audio/Novel: Cold Fusion
Audio: The Eleven
Audio: Blood of the Time Lords
Audio: The Widow's Assassin
Audio: Crossed Lines
Short story: Celestial Intervention - A Gallifreyan Noir
Short story: The Legacy of Gallifrey
Novel: Timewyrm: Exodus
Novel: Goth Opera
Audio: The Toy
Short story: Birth of a Renegade
Short story: Rebel Rebel
Audio: Neverland
Audio: The Next Life
Novel: Island of Death
Novel: Unnatural History
Novel: Christmas on a Rational Planet
Audio: Disassembled
Comic: Flashback
Audio: Together in Eclectic Dreams
Audio: The Last Line
Short story: Report on Term's Work
Audio: The Wormery
Audio: Storm Warning
Novel: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible
Novel: The Infinity Doctors
Short story: Seven Deadly Sins
Audio: Order of the Daleks
Audio: The Apocalypse Element
Audio: Prisoners of Fate
Novel: Original Sin
Novel: The Twin Dilemma
Anyways, these are the ones that immediately pop to mind when I think of stories that have references. It's not a complete list, mind, just the ones in my head at the time of writing. They are also not in any order, just the order I thought of them.
Regardless, most of these are just references, and you may not want to read an entire novel for a single reference...If that is the case, let me know, and I can explain some more!
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rommaru · 8 months
Adam/Teela fandom, are we happy now?
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fulcrum-art-fox · 2 months
I do love how episode seven portrayed what happened on Brendok with all its nuance and then episode eight went. well what if we stuck the four people who are least likely to be able to be objective about it in a room together to have a conversation about it
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Look at him!!!
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hamofjustice · 1 year
nemona's sync pair story in pokemon masters ex can be viewed anytime as soon as you recruit her, and in just a couple minutes of dialogue we scarlet/violet story analyzers get some great subtext-made-text and new subtext:
confirmation of one instance of nemona working herself really hard for the sake of others and seeing anything less as a display of her own weakness and letting them down (even if the others are her pokemon in this case). it's something that i thought always seemed likely to be a theme with her if we knew more about her, with stuff like her mostly un-commented-on arm brace / compression glove and perfectly clean room nearly devoid of personality outside of her meticulous schedule and displays of her achievements, and what that implied about her relationship with her family, teachers, and idol
recontextualization of why she wears sporty athletic wear and runs around everywhere, even though she's a straight-A nerd who has to take a break every 50 feet when she initially takes you to school and is still winded enough to be worthy of comment from arven by the time you're running around in area zero
the fact that penny, the otaku shut-in, did not get called out like this means either she performed exactly as arven expected her to based on how she looked, or that nemona was doing the worst out of all of the group and might actually have some kind of chronic condition / disability like some fans theorize. nemona's stamina now being revealed to be a long standing insecurity of hers despite shrugging it off with a joke in area zero implies the latter to me
if she shrugged off a long standing insecurity with a joke, that could potentially say a lot about any other things she didn't want to make a big deal about that fans are a little suspicious of, like saying her parents were "hands-off in a good way" with her while her sister got all the attention, which i definitely think was an deflective understatement or simply not realizing there's a problem
and if her low stamina and "bad throwing" are in fact due to some kind of condition and mostly out of her control, that also makes her calling herself weak that much more tragically unfair to herself. someone hug this kid please
i trust these folks to write a compelling nemona if they were given the chance to, not just a fun and cute one. they get it.
her 15 minute storyline from her debut event is mostly just good fun with her meeting a bunch of people and almost winning a big tournament with her new friends hilda and bede. it also, however, touches upon how sad she is that people mostly get jealous of her rather than feel inspired by her (which she actually comes up with a motivational speech to try and combat this time, with hilda's help). it even has her tell blue and bede that florian/juliana back home is "a precious treasure" to her, which made me melt into boiling taffy.
now i'm looking forward to whatever else they come up with when nemona's more plot-driving friends arrive. despite how cheesy and hit-or-miss pokemon masters tends to be, they're treating scarlet/violet with respect so far. it's canon to me. i kinda need that right now when we're not sure what the friend trio are gonna get in the DLC of the actual game.
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zokoko-tan · 1 month
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Zombified Mako
[old art from 2023]
This makes no sense since he's the perfect Homunculus but this was just a "what if" scenario drawing. I was just curious and bored and wanted to draw him as a zombie homunculus, he would still be cute to me even like that 💔
Zombie Mako makes me sad to think about
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alfiely-art · 7 months
Raincode × Cult of the Lamb au...
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+ some doodles
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Some notes under the cut:
It isn't a 1:1 au, more of a mix of the two games. Makoto, Yomi, Guillaume+Dominic, Seth, and Swank are the bishops, with each having a right-hand disciple (their importance depends on the bishop; Yomi's disciple is Martina, other disciples don't really matter) (kiiiinda thinking that Seth's disciple is mr Charlie Radiohead by my bestie @wackpedion . . . Wiki do you want me to turn Charlie into a cute little guy)
Yomi is like Kallamar, he's an absolute coward and has Martina fight in his place for his boss battle- when you defeat her, he comes out with a ton of weapons and is unpredictable (but doesn't do a lot of damage). Maybe he uses Martina's death to grow more powerful, showing that he doesn't really care that she's gone.
Guillaume and Dominic are a duo pair of bishops, tag-teaming. Dominic gets to talk, not very often after losing the crown they share (I think I'll give him Heket's throat injury).
I haven't figured out much about Seth and Swank in particular, but I'm definitely going to workshop this.
Meanwhile! Makoto takes Narinder's place, being the Bishop of death- but Yomi knew Makoto would grow far more powerful than the rest of them, and locked him away. Makoto, noticeably, is a lamb- just as Yuma is. Theyre not the same person, but they're like... mirrors. Only reason they're not the same person is because I couldn't figure out how to get that to work here. Anyway, the bishops decide to kill all of the lambs for the same reason as Canon Cult of The Lamb, and Yuma is the last living lamb. Makoto chooses him to kill the bishops and bring him back to power, and gives him the Crown.
Now, you might be wondering, wheres Shinigami in this au? Here she is. The crown in cotl has a personality of its own and can sometimes communicate with the Lamb, but here, there's a full-on person in there. She can speak with Yuma and takes a liking to him, happy to be able to be out and about again and not restricted to Godhood with Makoto.
Yakou is Ratau, being a previous attempt of freedom of Makoto's, but you don't sacrifice him to the fox- he dies in the Yomi battle. See, Yomi figures out the best way to get out of dying to Yuma isn't to send illness and famine to Yuma's cult- it's to kill someone Yuma really cares about, it's to give Yuma a choice. Kneel, or allow for Yakou to be killed. Kneel, and Martina kills both Yuma and Yakou- with Yomi, of course, hitting Yakou when he's already down. If you refuse, Martina kills Yakou, but he fights back before dying and gets a good chunk of damage on Martina. While it sorta takes away Yakou's selfish actions from Raincode, I honestly can't figure out how to incorporate it into this au- I do intend on him being a bit selfish, though.
I'm still workshopping it, but the NDA detectives are Yuma's disciples.
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