#marvel fatigue
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agentoffangirling · 6 months ago
Hey, just saying, if a lot of y'all are having Marvel fatigue (honestly, I can't blame you for that), may I suggest watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
It has many of the Marvel elements we know and love, I mean it's set in the same universe, however it has many many unique twists that truly make it stand out as its own thing. If you're looking for something Marvel-that-isn't-quite-Marvel, this is the way to go
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ichigotheringbearer · 1 year ago
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harleycao · 3 months ago
So, I just heard about Chris Evans coming back.
And I realize that I gave up (the rest of the way) on the mcu the second they announced the supposed release date for fantastic 4.
I've probably talked about this before, but I don't really care, I'm talking about it now, too.
At SDCC this past july, the fantastic 4 movie hadn't started filming. it started the week after.
Despite that, the release date is June 2025. And we all know that won't happen.
A lot of people brush that off and say they do that to build excitement.
But that doesn't change the fact that they rush the people who work for them, especially those aren't actors and the actors who aren't white males. We've heard from people who have worked for them on special effects and such. We know what they're like.
And we alk know why they announced the date as being in July.
Because Superman also comes out in July. And Superman is why I gave up on marvel. Because while marvel/fantastic hadn't even STARTED filming, Superman had already finished with filming and moved to the next stage of creating the movie.
And I realized it was obvious who cared about the content they were putting out & the people who worked for them
All marvel does is bank on nostalgia and use maybe half-fleshed out ideas that don't connect from one thing to the next.
The reason why some movies and shows are still good on their own is because of the people behind those individual movies & shows who care. And I will continue with some stuff for people like them, but only on a limited basis depending on what I feel like watching, who is involved with different projects, and what they are about.
Because I don't have super hero fatigue. I have MARVEL FATIGUE.
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I'm sure Across the Spider-Verse is good, but it honestly looks exhausting to me. I loved Into the Spider-Verse, one of my favorite animated movies of the 10s, but I'm well past the point of superhero fatigue in general and multiverse fatigue in specific. There are too many characters to juggle, it's too dense, it feels more like a member berries checklist at this point. I can't pass judgement until I've seen it, but I kinda don't want to. It's not for me. It's not my thing anymore, hasn't been for years.
I want it to be good, but it looks like just another installment in the genre I've dubbed Corporate Masturbation. Wreck it Ralph 2, Space Jam 2, Ready Player One, Chip and Dale, Spider-Man Home Home Home, another two hour commercial for the studio to brag about all the IPs it owns. Someone tell me I'm wrong. Tell me it's not distractingly gratuitous. Tell me the plot doesn't suffer under the weight of all the references and callbacks and easter eggs.
I can't even imagine another Spider-Man multiverse movie on top of all the ones that already exist. Can't wait for Morbius 2 where they bring back Paul Giamatti as the Rhino and Michael Papajohn as the guy who carjacked Tobey's Uncle Ben. Who wants to see CGI reanimated Macho Man Randy Savage reprise his role as Bone Saw McGraw? Will Andrew Garfield ever catch the tattoo guy who shot Martin Sheen? Which obscure character from a single episode of a cartoon that aired during the Bush administration have fans been waiting to see make their debut on the silver screen?
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vicontheinternet · 2 years ago
I kinda wanna watch the marvels but marvel fatigue is still kicking my butt. It looks good from the trailer and it seem like a good concept.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 years ago
Hi dear librarian! 1/? I was wondering if there's a term to describe a phenomenon that plagues so many films nowadays and partially responsible for the downfall of BBC Sherlock and MCU: it appears that the creators/screenwriters are afraid of or uncomfortable dealing with strong negative emotions. It's very obvious in Sherlock S3,S4, and MCU after Infinity War. They immediately interrupt an emotional scene with a quip, joke, or a solution. It really disturbs the plot flow, emotional buildup,
2/? and the tension of the show. E.g., in Sherlock S3E1 the reunion scene and the underground scene, in S4 the ghost Mary non-stop quips before the emotional hug. In S2, they really shouldn't have revealed Irene or Sherlock survived immediately after the event. I don't know what the writers were afraid of. Without a proper buildup, the resolution doesn't feel satisfactory. I'm very happy that in GOTG 3 they avoided this problem and it's probably the only MCU film worth seeing recently. 3/3 Another example is the Thor series. I know Thor 1 has many plot flaws, but they got the aesthetics right and with a Prometheus type of self-sacrifice, it feels like a proper fusion of technology and mythology. But later they wrote Thor as a laughing stock for his depression and in his own 3rd and 4th film, every remotely serious emotional scene was undermined by something. Just why?! That's part of the reason people say MCU doesn't feel relatable anymore. Thx for reading and stay cool!
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Thank you for this insightful ask, and my answer is essentially this: shareholders and studio meddling, and probably bad writing by people who think they know better. A lot of the MCU, for instance, is SO boring and repetitive right now because they're too afraid, it seems, to stray from "what is safe", stuff that won't have people bitching at them, or they're trying too hard to recapture what made the Infinity Saga so amazing. They spent TOO long being praised and in turn stopped trying so hard, and under Chapek, dude was a greedy bastard who worked Feige to stress. I'm glad that they pulled back, it seems, and I hope it stays that way, hopefully so they can make new movies up to the quality of GOTG 3 again. Studios like Dreamworks and Indie studios are taking risks, and it's paying off, because people are bored with the sanitization of Disney and Marvel. Everything has to have no true villain in Disney.
That's not to say I don't still enjoy Disney, I do, but Marvel as-of-late has put out more flops than fantastics. And I suspect some of it is studio and shareholder meddling. It's a miracle Gunn got to do what he wanted for GOTG3, and I'm glad he did. With Thor 3 I feel like Taika got raked over the coals because he had to follow whatever plan they wanted for his vision. I dunno. Marvel for me is so hit-and-miss these days.
As for Sherlock... I think part of it was BBC meddling and another was ego-tripping, because Mofftiss continually put out winner after winner of seasons, so they thought, because just the TWO of them got an Emmy for TAB, well, they're good enough to get it for a WHOLE SEASON! (which, for the record on my opinion, I think Mofftiss are better at ONE SHOT episodes, not an entire series on their own... they run out of ideas and then throw whatever their weird fanboy fantasies want, and without a third writer to reign them in, we get S4). So yeah, that's what I mean by bad writing as well. I BELIEVE Moffat or his wife owns Pinewood Studios that they film in, so like... it's literal studio meddling, LOL. But yeah sometimes a writer or director can also be too big in their britches, and whatever they say, goes.
So yeah, I dunno. It's honestly a mix of everything and fatigue with the unoriginality of content these days. I think that's why I don't really watch anything anymore unless a trailer REALLY grips me, or it's recommended to me by a Lovely. I stick mostly to old-faves because I know I won't be disappointed, or fandom-related content.
What do y'all think?
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utopiafitness · 2 years ago
How to Beat Fatigue: A Comprehensive Guide
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Fatigue refers to a feeling of extreme tiredness that can significantly affect one’s daily activities. In this  guide, we’ll explore the causes of Tiredness, the difference between being tired and sleepy, and various strategies to combat Tiredness. Fatigue is a  physical or psychological feeling that can be caused by many factors, including medical, lifestyle, and psychological issues. There are many causes of Tiredness, including insufficient sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress and underlying medical conditions such as anemia, thyroid disease, and inflammation. 
Both Tiredness and drowsiness are different concepts, although they can stem from the feeling of being tired and exhausted. Lethargy is feeling sleepy or needing sleep, while Fatigue is  feeling weak or unable to perform tasks properly.
Hygral Fatigue
Hygral Fatigue is a condition in which the hair shaft swells and stretches as it absorbs water, then shrinks as it dries over time. This swelling and shrinkage damages the hair shaft, causing breakage, split ends and general hair loss.   Because their hair is porous and absorbs and loses water easily, hygral Fatigue is common in people who always have curly or frizzy hair. It can also occur in people who regularly use heat tools or chemicals to treat their hair.  
It is important to maintain the health of the hair by using moisturizing and moisturizing products to prevent wetting and to avoid over-combing the hair. Deep healing and prevention also help prevent damage from dehydration. If you think you may have wet Tiredness, it is best to consult  a hairdresser for advice and treatment plans. Read More...
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henrymedia · 2 years ago
Loss weight in 3 three days
Night mega Burner
Wellbeing Enhancements
Night Super Burner Surveys: Viable Evening Fat Terminator Pills or
Is it true or not that you are attempting to get thinner in spite of a solid eating regimen and work-out everyday practice? Do you end up thrashing around evening time, unfit to get the relaxing rest your body needs? Assuming this is the case, you're in good company. Rest is fundamental for legitimate recovery, post-exercise recuperation, energy, and confronting the next day's difficulties with full power. In any case, with occupied lives, getting the important rest and keeping a sound way of life can challenge. Click here 👇👇👇to take a look at the the supplement
To this end Night Uber Burner, a dietary enhancement that helps support digestion rates while snoozing, was made. In this article, we dive further into the meaning of value snooze weight reduction, the advantages of the enhancements, the regular fixings tracked down in Night Super Burner, and how you can buy a valid jug with the best limits.
Why is rest significant in your weight reduction venture?
Getting satisfactory rest can altogether affect digestion and weight reduction. As referenced, digestion dials back during rest, which can assist with weight reduction as the body consumes calories during this time. Besides, research has demonstrated the way that lack of sleep can prompt hormonal uneven characters, remembering an increment for ghrelin (the craving chemical) and a diminishing in leptin (the chemical that signals completion). This irregularity can prompt indulging and weight gain.
Then again, getting sufficient rest can control these chemicals and decrease the probability of gorging. Furthermore, when you get sufficient rest, your body can more readily control glucose levels, which can likewise assist with weight reduction.
At last, rest is additionally fundamental for post-exercise recuperation. At the point when you work out, you make small muscle tears that need time to recuperate and remake. During rest, your body produces development chemicals fundamental for muscle fix and recovery. This actually intends that in the event that you are not getting sufficient rest, you may not give your body the time it necessities to recuperate from work out, which can adversely affect your wellness objectives. Click here to take a look or to purchase the supplement
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Be that as it may, occupied timetables, stress, and unfortunate dietary patterns can prompt weight gain and restless evenings. Absence of appropriate recovery and rest makes medical issues and makes weight reduction much really testing. This prompted the improvement of an answer, Night Uber Burner, which assists you in your weight reduction with traveling while at the same time offering a profound, tranquil rest cycle as well.
Night Super Burner was created and produced in the U.S. in a GMP-confirmed office, utilizing all-regular fixings that have been exceptionally chosen and clinically demonstrated to accelerate recuperation during rest and further develop digestion. Night Super Burner assists you with consuming fat and accomplish profound rest, guaranteeing continuous rest and satisfactory recuperation.
What is Night Uber Burner?
Night Mega is a strong dietary enhancement that supports weight reduction and consumes fat quickly while you are snoozing. The enhancement likewise contains 100 percent normal fixings that advance in general body wellbeing and assists you with partaking in a relaxing, serene, and undisturbed rest. Night Uber Burner is liberated from energizer fixings to ensure continuous rest and satisfactory recuperation.
Advantages of Night Super Burner
Each case in the Night Uber Burner bottle is intended to work productively with next to no aftereffects. The enhancement, when taken reliably, offers a few medical advantages as it contains strong fat-consuming parts.
Here are a portion of the advantages of involving Night Super Burner in your weight reduction venture:
Upholds the accomplishment of normal body weight: Night Super Burner contains an exceptional mix of fixings that assist with weighting misfortune. For instance, grains of Heaven Seed Concentrate is a substance compound that supports weight reduction properties. Studies have affirmed that it can build the body's energy consumption, animate fat decrease, and further develop the body's lipid profile.
Animates protein and glycogen digestion: Night Super Burner contains fixings that invigorate protein and glycogen digestion. Aquamin™ Mg, for instance, decreases exhaustion and sleepiness, keeps up with typical mental capabilities, and supports the upkeep of an electrolyte balance. N-cetyl-L-tyrosine upholds the working of the sensory system, partakes in the amalgamation of chemicals, and supports cerebrum capability.
Upholds the accomplishment of a casual state: KSM-66®, an ashwagandha extricate, has an adaptogenic impact, increments stress opposition, works with nodding off, and assists you with accomplishing a condition of unwinding. Comparable outcomes are exhibited by concentrates of lemon medicine spice and saffron pistils contained in the item.
Works with nodding off and further develops rest quality: Night Uber Burner contains fixings that help work with nodding off and upgrade rest quality. Saffr'Activ® further develops generally speaking rest quality, works on nodding off, and lessens sensations of tension. L-Theanine from Green Tea upholds mind and sensory system capability, upholds fixation, innovativeness, and memory, and shows stimulant properties.
Speeds up recuperation during rest and further develops digestion: Night Uber Burner contains a blend of upwards of ten fixings that work around evening time to expand the impacts of weight reduction and assist you with accomplishing your figure objectives. BioPerine® upholds the course of thermogenesis, upholds weight reduction, and works on the retention of supplements.
Save enormous on Night Uber Burner: Snap here to purchase now!
Fixings in the Night Super Burner supplement
Grains of Heaven Seed Concentrate [12.5% 6-Paradol]
This concentrate contains 6-paradol, a substance compound that has shown weight reduction support properties. It expands the body's energy use, invigorates fat decrease, and further develops the body's lipid profile. It likewise exhibits thermogenic impacts, increments glucose use, and hinders lipid combination in adipocytes.
KSM-66 (Ashwagandha remove)
This ashwagandha extricate upholds the body on many levels. Studies show that it can really uphold pressure decrease, further develop fixation and mental capacities, and further develop rest quality. It can likewise upgrade cardiorespiratory wellness, lessen muscle to fat ratio, further develop muscle recuperation, and increment muscle strength and development rate.
Green Tea Leaf Concentrate [40% EGCG]
This concentrate contains as much as 40% EGCG, a polyphenol with vivacious cell reinforcement movement. It can add to supporting fat decrease, further developing the body's lipid profile, and managing glucose levels. It hinders the action of COMT, the protein that separates norepinephrine, consequently drawing out the excitement of the thoughtful sensory system and invigorating thermogenesis.
This concentrate further develops by and large rest quality, works on nodding off, and lessens sensations of uneasiness.
L-Theanine from Green Tea
This compound backings mind and sensory system capability, fixation, imagination, and memory and has shown stimulant properties.
Lemon Demulcent Spice Concentrate
This concentrate works with unwinding, keeps a positive state of mind, and works with nodding off.
This compound backings the course of thermogenesis and weight reduction and works on the ingestion of supplements.
Vitamin B6
This nutrient backings the working of the sensory system, keeps up with typical energy digestion, and is significant for the body's working.
Aquamin™ Mg
This compound diminishes sensations of weariness and sleepiness, keeps up with typical mental capabilities, and supports the upkeep of an electrolyte balance.
This compound backings the working of the sensory system, partakes in the blend of chemicals, and supports mind capability.
The most effective method to Purchase Night Super Burner
Night Super Burner is accessible web-based on sites including Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba. In any case, it is suggested that you buy the enhancement from the authority site to guarantee you get a credible item. On the off chance that you have any inquiries, you can contact client assistance through the contact button on the site.
The producer offers premium limits when you purchase from the authority site. Here are the costs for Night Super Burner:
Get one jug of Night Super Burner for $49.00 + postage charges.
Purchase three jugs of Night Super Burner for $98 + postage charges.
Purchase six jugs of Night Super Burner for $147 + postage charges.
All in all, Night Uber Burner is a special and successful food supplement that supports fat-consuming during rest. It contains a one of a kind mix of 10 fixings that work synergistically to expand the impacts of weight reduction and assist you with accomplishing your figure objectives.
On the off chance that you are searching for a characteristic and viable method for supporting your weight reduction objectives and further develop your rest quality, attempt Night Super Burner today. Its remarkable mix of 10 fixings will assist you with accomplishing your objectives quicker and with less exertion. Assume command over your weight reduction venture and obtain the ideal outcomes with Night Super Burner. Visit the authority site to learn all the more today!
Additionally Read: Best Fat Consuming Eating routine Enhancements to Get in shape
Subsidiary Revelation:
The connections contained in this item survey might bring about a little commission in the event that you pick to buy the item prescribed at no extra expense for you. This goes towards supporting our examination and article group. Kindly realize we just suggest great items.
Kindly comprehend that any exhortation or rules uncovered here are not in any capacity whatsoever substitutes for sound clinical or monetary guidance from an authorized medical care supplier or confirmed monetary counselor. Make a point to talk with an expert doctor or monetary specialist prior to settling on any buying choice in the event that you use drugs or have concerns following the survey subtleties shared previously. Individual outcomes might fluctuate and are not ensured as the explanations in regards to these items have not been assessed by the Food and Medication Organization or Wellbeing Canada.
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todoroki-tina · 10 months ago
Tbh the mcu should’ve taken a break after Endgame.
Still really funny that Marvel named a movie “Endgame” and sold it as the final culmination of the MCU where they killed off two main characters and retired a third and then were shocked when people started loosing interest in the MCU after that
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moderngeekdom · 1 year ago
Is Marvel Fatigue a thing?
Since I keep seeing "Marvel Fatigue" or "MCU Fatigue" or more commonly "Superhero Fatigue" popping up on social media, YouTube, and in other such discussions, I want to call back to a podcast we did in 2018 about the same subject, just for Star Wars instead. Enjoy!
Modern Geekdom Episode #0065 - Star Wars Fatigue?
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fandomluna · 2 years ago
I'm not sure entirely when it happened, probably at some point between Endgame and the endless list of Disney+ shows, but I've had complete zero interest in any new Marvel content for well over a year. And honestly? It's kind of a relief.
Didn't realise just how exhausting it had got trying to keep up with all the new stuff, I have Marvel Fatigue. With each new release I'm even less interested in catching up.
Doesn't help that the more new content they pump out, the more the heavy Marvel formula stands out. Its boringly predictable.
So for anyone considering giving up (or just taking a break) with the MCU, I fully recommend it.
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creative-caramel-coffee · 7 months ago
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Off Day Or Day Off
Summary: Reader has a bad day due to a chronic illness they struggle with (POTS). Luckily Lizzie and Scarlett look after her.
Tw: headache, mild pots, exhaustion / fatigue, pain medicine, mentions of passing out
Words: 2129
A/n sorry for such a long absence I got diagnosed with POTS so I have been in and out of the hospital for appointments for the past few weeks. So, this fic is kinda just me projecting. Also, POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (for those who don’t know). Let me know if you want a part 2.
You knew today was going to be hard when you opened your eyes to see your alarm had already been going off for a good half hour.
Whilst not something that was unusual for you, it did pose some insight into how the rest of the day may go. Taking a deep breath, you gathered the strength to sit up, still feeling exhausted to your bones and wanting nothing more than to lay back down and keep sleeping.
Reaching out to smack the alarm in order to finally get it to shut up, it took a few tries to finally hit the button.
You were tired despite having slept over the recommended eight hours. You were tired when you woke up and you had no doubt you would be tired when you went to sleep.
Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed you braced yourself to stand up. Once on your feet you stayed upright for a good half a second before sitting back down hard.
Yep, today was an off day.
Trying again you managed to stick the landing this time, but still had to pause to wait for the patches in your vision to clear up first before doing anything.
You were vaguely aware of a dull ache in your temples and a general feeling of malaise and fatigue across your whole body.
You leant against the wall of your bedroom while pulling on some fresh pant and swapping out your pyjama shirt for a clean and presentable top.
You fought to stay upright while hopping around to stick the socks over your cold feet.
Throwing your notebook and pencil case into your backpack before pulling your laptop off the charge you added it to your bag and slung it over your shoulder, not bothering to do up the zip just yet.
Scanning the room your eyes caught on the small medical pouch were you had left it the day before. Groaning you circled back to grab it and triple check it was stocked with extra electrolyte packets before tossing it into your already full bag.
Your footsteps were heavy on the stairs as you plodded down to the kitchen, the voices of your little sister and mother only seeming to aggravate your growing headache.
You gripped the railing as you descended the stairs just in case your fatigue flared anymore than it already had.
As you shuffled into the kitchen you distantly listened to your mum wish you a good morning. Feeling tired and slightly annoyed at the whole situation you mumbled something incoherent back to her.
Scarlett had been your mother for almost ten years now after the adoption had gone through. You had met on the set for one of her earlier marvel films and due to your less-than-ideal situation and close bond with the actress she had adopted you.
It hadn’t been until a few months into living with her that she begun to take notice of your fatigue and various other issues. She had been with you every step of the process to get diagnosed and despite your fears she had stayed by your side.
You had been managing your tachycardia for a long time now and the symptoms of POTS weren’t as intense as they once were. However, from time to time you still had flare up which caused you a lot of heart ache and suffering.
As you slid into your place at the kitchen table Scarlett set down a plate of bacon and toast for you whilst she continued listening to the constant chatter stemming from your younger sister.
Scarlett nodded along with Rose’s story as she observed you closely. She had noted something was off almost straight away and knew you were doing your best to keep up a front.
It was Scarlett’s day off and as such she was tasked with taking Rose to school as Colin had headed into work early for a meeting with the writers.
You weren’t too interested in the food your mother had given you. Despite loving bacon and usually chomping it down with gusto you felt gross and tired.
Scarlett took note of your slow pace and droopy eyes as she took roses dishes back to the sink and loaded them into the dishwasher.
Scarlett had been trying to help you get better at advocating for yourself by simply making you ask for her help. She hoped it would help you speak up for yourself more now that you had more recognised needs. However, she also knew when to step in and simply help if you didn’t ask first.
She frowned at the sight of your backpack slung over the back of the chair knowing full well she didn’t want you going to uni if you were unwell.
As you continued to poke at your food with a fork and a bored expression that barely masked the exhaustion Scarlett sent rose to get dressed.
“Alright munchkin, what’s going on?” Scarlett said sitting down next to you.
“‘M fine mum. Just tired, I didn’t sleep well.” You grumbled still mining away at the edge of the slightly burnt toast with your fork.
Scarlett frowned as she knew you had been asleep before ten after she had poked her head in at around nine fifty to see if you were up.
“In that case maybe you should stay home today and get some rest sweetheart.” Scarlett said softly.
“No. No, I’m ok.” You said shaking your head which wasn’t a great idea as the patches reappeared in your vision.
“Alright.” Scarlett said admitting defeat for now. “I have to take rose to school; do you need a lift to uni?” She asked and you nodded pushing away the full plate of food. “Ok then come get your shoes on.”
You nodded again and stood. Just as she had expected Scarlett watched as you swayed on your feet slightly, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision as your hand blindly reached for the table to provide the support you needed dot stay upright.
“Alright. No.” Scarlett said. “Definitely not. You’re staying here sweet girl.”
“But i’m-“ you begun only to be cut off.
“If the next words out of your mouth are “I’m fine.” I’ll make you take the whole week off.” Scarlett said and your lips snapped shut. “Go make yourself comfortable on the couch, I’ll have lizzie come stay with you while I’m out. She has the day off too and before you start, I’m sure she would like to spend the time with you.” Scarlett said before you could protest hindering the younger actresses schedule with your change of plans.
Before you could protest Scarlett gave you a look that kept the words in your throat from leaving.
“You’re not a problem y/n. Lizzie loves to spend time with you, and it makes her feel better to be able to help you out. Plus, I don’t want to leave you here alone in case you need something or pass out.” She said sternly but kindly.
“But I haven’t passed out before.” You grumbled.
“There’s a first time for everything.” Scarlett said. “Now go get comfy while I call Lizzie.” She said pressing a kiss to your head and giving you a light shove in the direction of the living room.
As you settled into a small nest on the couch you begun scrolling through Disney plus before settling on something to watch. You heard Scarlett talking on the phone in the kitchen before she appeared and handed you a water bottle which no doubt was filled with electrolytes. She spoke to Lizzie for a bit longer before coming back once the call was done.
“Drink.” She instructed, nodding to the bottle in your lap. “Lizzie will be over soon. I have to take rose in and then we can have a movie day and see if Lizzie wants to join us.”
“Ok.” You mumbled feeling bad for ruining everyone’s plans.
“None of that. We love you and we would rather spend the day making you feel better than knowing you’re not ok and doing what we planned.” Scarlett said as she picked up roses backpack and grabbed her trainers from the doorway.
Rose came and hugged you goodbye before continuing her endless chatter about something or other as she and Scarlett disappeared out the doorway. Scarlett blowing you a kiss as she left.
Snuggling down into the blankets you felt your eyelids droop as the show played on in the background.
What couldn’t have been more than five minutes later the doorbell rang before the door opened. You knew Lizzie had a a key, but she always rung the doorbell before she let herself in just to let you know it was her.
You heard the door shut and the sound of her taking off her shoes before she came upstairs.
“Y/n?” She called out as she walked down the hallway.
“In here.” You said barely shouting.
A moment later Lizzie entered the room, her face looking a little sad at the sight of you all bundled up and sleepy, your arms wrapped around your water bottle as your eyes drifted shut.
“Hiii.” You mumbled quietly.
“Hi sweet girl. Oh, look at you, it’s not a good day, is it?” She asked as she took the seat beside you on the couch.
“No.” You huffed as you shuffled over into her side.
Lizzie’s hands went straight to your hair as she brushed her fingers through it. She guided your head to her lap and gently began braining locks of your hair. The feeling of her fingers on your scalp relaxed you as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Have some more to drink first baby, then you can have a nap, okay?” She said helping you sit up and sip some of the electrolyte drink before guiding you back to her lap as her hands took their place back in your hair.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep again.
The next time you woke up Lizzie’s hand was still gently massaging your head which was helping with the now whopping headache you had. You shifted slightly prompting Lizzie to look down from the show she had put on and see you were awake.
“Hi sweetheart, how are we feeling love?” She asked softly.
“Headache, tired and lousy.” You mumbled turning your face into her stomach making her chuckle softly at your cuteness.
“That’s no good.” She said frowning now she registered your words. “Want me to get your mum to bring some Panadol and a snack?” She asked and you nodded into her stomach.
Lizzie gently reached down and placed her hands over your ears to shield you from the noise as she began calling out to Scarlett who you hadn’t noticed return.
“Scar car you bring y/n/n some Panadol and a snack!” She called and you faintly heard your mum’s response before Lizzie was prompting you to drink some more of the electrolyte drink in your water bottle.
“Sorry I know this wasn’t what you two wanted to do on ur day off” you said to both actresses when Scarlett came in with some cupcakes, she and rose had baked the day before and a strip of Panadol.
“Honey…” Lizzie said looking sad. “I’ll always be here when you need me.” She said softly.
“Yeah, I can’t get rid of you.” Scarlett joked making all three of you laugh.
When you winced at the noise Scarlett went straight to mum mode as she popped out two of the tablets and put them in your hand before nodding to the water bottle.
“Alright, what are we watching?” Scarlett asked situating herself on your other side and pulling your legs into her lap, so you were laid across the two of them.
“Whatever y/n/n wants.” Lizzie said chucking the remote to you.
“I’m thinking marvel.” You grinned making both women groan in protest.
You put on age of ultron and barely twenty minutes in Lizzie’s gentle head scratches had lulled you back into the arms of sleep.
POTS was hard to live with but with all the people in your life supporting you it was bearable.
Part 2
@barbarasstar @charlie56
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rainydayandmondays · 1 year ago
I still haven't watched Loki and I love Tom and Loki.
I'm a huge marvel fan, and for me at least, I don't know if it's fatigue necessarily. Covid messed up so many things that affected the release dates of shows and movies that were all supposed to tie in together somehow. So now it's like one movie here, a show a year later, dates keep getting pushed, and it just makes it hard, even as a die hard fan, to see the overarching storyline they're trying weave together. The first phase worked really well (for the most part) because the pacing of the releases was spot old. That being said, I cannot wait for The Marvels. I already have my tickets.
I still feel the First Phase of Marvel worked so well because it was only movies. People understood quite easily they needed to watch most of the movies in order to keep up with the larger arc. However, throwing in series on a streamer a lot of people don't get has thrown a monkey wrench into it. Honestly, I still don't subscribe to Disney, and have been trying to keep up from on-line write-ups and recaps. It's a total chore, and I can see why a lot of people are now just dropping it.
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sbd-laytall · 10 months ago
Some miscellaneous panels about what it means to be a hero.
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Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #50, Ms. Marvel (2014) #5, Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (1993) #4, Batman (2011) #32, Daredevil (1964) #13, Adventures Of Superman (1987) #505
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littlemissomega · 1 year ago
How Low Can You Go ?
Diabetic!reader x Stucky
Summary: reader’s blood sugar drops in the middle of the night
Warnings: Dangerously low blood sugar, low blood sugar symptoms (head racing, shaky, brain fog), crying, blood, mention of glucose tablets (which is kinda a medication? It helps get your blood sugar up), orange juice, fluff, pet names (Ladybug, princess, sweetie, honey, etc)
Short and sweet enough to give your hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
For reference, any blood sugar below 70-80- depending on your dr- is considered low
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Why is my heart pounding? Y/N wonders groggily as her eyes flutter open. She can tell something is wrong. Her skin feels clammy and her whole body is shaking. Y/N slowly sits up, looking around confused. Her brain feels foggy and she can’t think straight. Tear well in her eyes from the frustration and she put her face in her hands.
“Are you okay, baby?” Bucky asks, voice thick with sleep.
Y/N bursts out in tears and he shoots up in bed.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he asks, putting a hand on her cheek. Her skin is cold and sticky under his palm, “Steve, wake up,”
Y/N feels Steve sturs and sits up on her other side.
“Ladybug, what’s wrong?” Steve asks, rubbing her back.
“Don’t kn-know can’t think heart don’t know don’t fee-feel good,” Y/N sniffles.
“What’s your blood sugar?” Bucky asks, turning on the lamp.
Y/N squeezes her eyes shut, nuzzles her face into Steve’s chest in the bright light.
“Huh? Don’t know too dizzy,” she whimpers.
“It’s okay, princess, we’ll make it all better,” Steve soothes, wrapping his arm around her and Bucky grabs her phone off the nightstand.
  Bucky goes straight to her Dexcom app.
“Shit,” he mumbles, pushing the blankets off and jumping out of bed.
“What? What is it?” Steve asks, tightening his grip about Y/N
“40.1 (2.2mmol/L) with double arrows down,” Bucky calls as he runs down the hall to the kitchen.
Bucky���s hands tremble as he grabs two bottles of orange juice from the fridge, as well as Y/N’s glucose tablets.
“Let’s manually check, baby,” Steve suggests, gently turning her so her back is against his chest. He grabs her diabetes bag off the nightstand and gets the glucometer (what checks how much sugar is in your blood) out. He quickly puts a strip in before getting the lancet (finger pricker) out. He quickly cleans her shaking index finger with an alcohol swab before pricking this finger.
“Oww Stevie,” Y/N whines.
“I know baby, I’m sorry,” he soothes, wiping the blood up with the strip. Steve lifts her still bleeding finger to his lips and sucks on it gently. 3…2…1…
“39.3, Buck!” Steve calls, releasing her finger with a pop.
“That bad?” Y/N slurs.
“Don’t close your eyes, Ladybug, Bucky will be right back,” Steve tells Y/N, gently tapping her cheek as her eyes start to close.
“Don’t li-like it,” she responds. Steve wipes the tears from her cheeks.
“I know, baby. Here’s Bucky!” Steve points out as Bucky plops down on the bed.
“Here you go, Ladybug,” Bucky voices, opening the orange juice and lifting it to her lips.
Y/N struggles to part her dry lips, still feeling confused. The sugary, tart juice is a shock to her system and she almost chokes on it.
“There you go, baby, think up,” Steve whispers, placing a hand on the back of her head.
“Take this too,” Bucky adds, opening the glucose tablets and getting two out. He gently parts her lips with his thumb and places them on her tongue before lifting the juice back up. She swallows them without hesitating.
“You’re doing so good, honey,” Steve soothes, “Keep drinking it,”
Y/N obeys, swallowing until the last drop is gone.
“Do you think that’s enough?” Steve whispers.
“I think? I don’t wanna overtreat and it goes high. Let’s just wait 15 minutes and recheck,”
“Yes, baby,” Bucky responds, putting a hand on his girlfriend’s leg.
“I’m sor…sorry I woke you up,” she stutters.
“It’s okay princess! I’m sorry you’re feeling icky. You’re gonna start feeling better soon, honey,” 
Bucky places a hand on Y/N’s cheek and she leans into it.
“I love you,” she mumbles.
“I love you too,” Bucky smiles.
“And I love you,” Y/N repeats, flopping her head back on Steve’s shoulder.
“And I love you too, Ladybug,” Steve chuckles, “You’re our best girl. Always,”
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 years ago
1/? "because people are bored with the sanitization of Disney and Marvel. Everything has to have no true villain in Disney" OMG, Steph, I knew you'd have the answer! Sanitization it is! No true villain, no fighting strategies, no strong emotions, and no satisfaction either. I used to watch lots of WW2 documentaries as a kid because dad's into it and there was only 1 TV, lol. Lots of strategies were being used by every side to test and reveal the other party's and its own weaknesses,
2/? and then acted accordingly. There were moments of serious despair and numerous heartbreaking sacrifices, which was why the final victory felt exultant and precious. MCU used to know this but somehow they've decided to "sanitize" it, as if realistic wars and strong emotions are too much for the audience to bear, as if they are doing the fans a favor (eye rolls). Black Panther doesn't quip and people love it! Nowadays the formula is an omnipotent villain who wins at every turn, 3/3 and who decides to give up at the last moment(Sanitization), so here suddenly comes the "victory" for the good guys. BBC Sherlock suffered from this formula too: Moriarty, Mary, Eurus. Isn't it ironic that Mofftiss are good at one-shots, ACD canon are mostly one shots, and it should have been the perfect match. There's also too many plot twists re: Mary. Plot twists are only fun used once. The length they went to sanitize Mary. Nice chatting w/ you Steph! You are insightful and talented!
(referencing this post)
Hey Nonny!
BAH, sorry I put this aside for so long, especially since it's more a commentary piece than anything.
YES, agreed re: the sanitization and the one shots. It's frustrating because I feel like everything is starting to feel very... same-y in movies and TV shows by popular brands, because they count on their name carrying the franchise, rather than the franchise being what people enjoy. And people are cottoning on to it too.
I hope with the recent trend of "different" things making boatloads of money, brands will stop catering to the shareholders and let writers tell the stories the right way.
And if we ever get Sherlock S5, I hope Mofftiss gets their heads out of their asses, hire a third writer to reign them in, and recreate the magic that S1 was.
And yes, plot twists are only fun if used once AND makes sense. S4's didn't make sense, which is why it was so frustrating.
Thank you for your insight, Nonny! <3
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