#marve fanfiction
shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
Aiden sighed as he settled back in the grass, basking in the midday sun whilst his horse grazed nearby. After almost a week of camping, he was pretty sure he only had a day, two at most before the Dyn Marv Caravan passed close enough for him to join the clowder for the winter. It was a trick all Cat’s picked up after a couple of years on the path and missed opportunities to go home because you were restless. Pick a stretch of road and hunker down until you hear the calls. They still liked to remind Schrödinger of the year he missed them because he got distracted by a pretty shepherdess and was helping her ‘tend her flock’, as it were.
He smiled to himself as he closed his eyes and started idly listing off the various birds he could hear. Something he’d always found calming. Wood pigeon; obviously. A blue jay, a couple of crows making a din about something further into the trees, a linnet.
He tensed when his sensitive ears picked up a distinctly human call. Somebody somewhere in the woods was singing. Aiden relaxed when it didn’t sound like they were getting any closer (further away if anything) before frowning. He couldn’t make out the words but from tone of voice alone it was apparent his mystery serenader was pissed. He winced in sympathy for whoever or whatever had earned such ire. His musings were interrupted by the sharp crack of wood breaking, followed by the singing rapidly turning into a shriek. He whistled 'stay' at his horse, hoping the flick of an ear was acknowledgment and not a fly before leaping to his feet and grabbing his swords before sprinting in the direction the noise had come from.
The groans of pain and multiple (very creative) curses were both a blessing and a curse. It was providing him with pretty clear directions but who knew what else they’d attract. It wasn’t long before he found their source though. A pit trap, the branches and bracken laid over the top destroyed. He made sure to make his footfalls louder as he approached.
“Hello, is somebody there? Oh Gods, if there is, please be an actual person and not some sort of liche or something.” The voice only sounded slightly shaky, which could just as easily be down to the scent of pain as well as that of fear.
“No Liche around these woods. None I’ve seen anyway.” Aiden said as he peered over the edge. It was deep, and the earthen sides were totally smooth, with not even a decent sized tree root visible, whoever had dug this wasn’t taking any chances.
A young man sat on the pit floor, blinking up at him with wide, blue eyes. A light pack on his back and a lute laying next to him, his hands grasping his left ankle. His gaze fixed on Aiden’s swords from where they peeked over his shoulder, “Wait. Armour, two swords…Witcher?”
Aiden nodded, mentally preparing himself for having to convince him to accept help from him.
“Oh, thank fuck.” The man’s shoulders sagged as he gave a relieved sounding laugh, “For a minute there I thought I was in trouble. Jaskier the Bard.” He inclined his head and Aiden got the impression it would be a full bow if he were standing, “Be a dear and help me out?” Aiden blinked down at him. Shit, he was definitely concussed.
After Jaskier had assured him that no, he hadn’t hit his head, but he had buggered up his ankle somewhat, they came up with a system. Jaskier passed his lute and pack up to Aiden, the Witcher feeling guilt spring up at the flash of pure hurt in the human’s eyes when he half-jokingly asked “’How do you know I won’t just leave you there?” He held his tongue as he hung as far over the edge as he dared and offered Jaskier his hand so he could haul himself out with Aiden’s help. He looked anywhere but at Aiden as he sat and tried to wipe the dust and mud off his bright red doublet. He immediately reminded the Witcher of a cardinal bird.
Aiden cleared his throat awkwardly, “Your ankle, think you can walk on it? I can help you back to your camp or horse if not.”
Jaskier shook his head, “Don’t have either I’m afraid. I’ve been travelling incredibly light as of late, I don’t know if you’ve tried it, but it’s been surprisingly freeing not being weighed down by useless stuff, you know.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call a bedroll useless.”
Jaskier waved a hand, “Debatable. I-fuck!” Aiden caught him by the arm as his ankle immediately buckled underneath him when he tried to stand, “No, walking’s not happening. Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologise for. Lean on me.”
“Where are you taking me?”
Good fucking question, actually.
Aiden really didn’t have time for this. He couldn’t leave a defenceless human hobbling around on an injured leg, but he couldn’t exactly risk an outsider encountering the Caravan either. There was a reason they stayed off the main roads after all. He tried to sketch a basic map in his head: This should be just about manageable.
“My camp. We’ll use my horse to get you to the nearest town and you can make your own way from there yeah? Unless you know of anywhere else nearby, where were you heading?” The nearest town was about a days ride away, if he rode through the night after dropping Jaskier off he should hopefully be back in time to catch the Caravan.
“I…no,” and there was that hurt again, “I have nowhere to be and nowhere to go. Such is the life of travelling Bard.”
“Easy, Sparrow.” Aiden cooed as he helped Jaskier up on the saddle, the Bard holding his lute in his lap and muttering something about how it must be some unspoken Witcher tradition to name your horse after another animal.
“Know many Witchers then?” Aiden asked
“Just the one, we travelled together on and off for a time, he’s a Wolf.” Aiden felt ice go down his spine. Fuck. A certain, tolerable raven head being the exception, if he was going to end up with some possessive fleabag accusing him of kidnapping, Aiden was cutting ties now.
“Where are they now?” Aiden tried to keep his tone light. If Lambert had lost another brother, he wouldn't know until he made it back to his own home for the winter and the thought that Aiden would know before the poor sods family momentarily settled heavily in his chest.
“I don’t actually know. We had a bit of a disagreement a while back. Which school are you by the way, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Aiden fished the snarling cat head from out of his tunic, which was met with raised eyebrows and an “…Ah.”
“Still happy with our plan?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jaskier sounded genuinely confused.
“I can guess what your Wolf told you about my lot. If you’d rather take your chances, I can leave you with some basic supplies.”
“Dear, if I paid attention to every single thing I got told about Witchers, my life would have taken a very different direction. You’ve given me no reason not to trust you so far. So, hop up and let’s go.”
“Self-preservation isn’t a phrase you know very well, is it?”
“We’ve a passing acquaintance at best. Speaking of, may I know the name of my rescuer and escort? Unless you don’t mind me calling you Dear for the entire trip.”
“I’m Aiden.”
Read the rest on my A03!
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jopzer · 5 months
jopzer........ good ship.
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There is no Heterosexual explanation for these guys
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lenkalost · 6 months
Cedric and Axel are as different as night and day. Yet, they somehow became friends, a fact Cedric isn't unhappy about. But when Axel starts flirting with him, things become complicated. And between contracts and the everyday trouble that is Dyn Marv, Cedric doesn't need any more complications.
Hey! Another Saturday, another chapter. Today, there's all the drama. I hope you enjoy it. ;)
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akhuna · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aiden & Gaetan (The Witcher), Gaetan & female OC, Gaetan & Joel (the Witcher), Gaetan & Schrödinger (The Witcher) Characters: Gaetan (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Joël (The Witcher), Schrödinger (The Witcher), Original Female Character(s), Guxart (The Witcher), Lexandre (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Dyn Marv Caravan (The Witcher), Cat School (The Witcher), Mentor/Protégé, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Team as Family, so what if Gaetan had a kitten, and if it was terrified of thunderstorms, caring Gaetan, Fluff and Angst, Language Barrier, dwarvish
Gaetan's kitten Brigitt is facing her terror of thunderstorms and goes out into the nightly Camp of Dyn Marv to search for her mentor.
Based on @lenkalost‘s Tales of Dyn Marv series!
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grahambaham · 5 months
Cracticus tibicen by AlzazelSustrai
Flash Thompson hates water polo days. He's definitely not a simp, as the internet lingo calls the, not for the handsome stranger who walks in looking for Peter Parker one day. Absolutely not. No way. He could never. Be a simp, that is. Obviously.
A funny one-short of Percy from Flash's point of view.
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soft-and-exhausted · 2 years
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le-panda-chocovore · 1 year
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Tony Stark, Iron Frost Characters: Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Loki, Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies) 
Additional Tags: Avengers Tower, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Stark Tower, Sassy Tony Stark, Sassy Loki (Marvel), Sexy, Bad Jokes, Magic, Irony, Sarcasm, Drama, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Drama & Romance, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Tony Stark Has Issues, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Thor is a Good Bro (Marvel), Odin's Bad Parenting (Marvel), Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), They both need therapy, It will be way too long, Sorry Not Sorry, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Could Be Canon, Alternate Canon, Canon Rewrite, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, How Do I Tag, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Bisexual Tony Stark
ASGARD — Le criminel, prince, magicien, et vaniteux Loki est jugé impitoyablement pour sa tentative d'asservissement du peuple humain, sa trahison envers ses devoirs de protecteur des 9 royaumes, et de la manipulation illégale du Tesseract à des fins destructrices. TERRE — Le génie, playboy, milliardaire, philanthrope Tony Stark, peinant à se remettre de son expérience de mort imminente qu'il a vécu en tentant de défendre sa ville en tant qu'Iron Man, est tenu éveillé chaque nuit par les cauchemars qui le hantent et la crainte d'une autre attaque extraterrestre.
Et, à des millions de milliards d'années lumières de distance, ces opposés pourtant si similaires se rencontrent.
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canmom · 8 months
Two more Exordia interviews with Seth (via @eyeofanaxis), some great answers here both funny and serious. Shoutout to Grimdark magazine for using they pronouns.
The violence question in the first interview is particularly interesting - laying out a bunch of creative spec-bio off the cuff and then spelling out one of the themes in Seth's work that I find most compelling...
Underlying all this is a broader theme in my work, the question of whether violence is ultimately the Right Strategy in the universe—whether it’s possible to build a system which is cooperative, equitably helpful to all its contributors, resistant to outside attacks and proof against internal corruption and collapse. I really hope that is possible. I am not afraid of entropy but I am afraid of conquest and cancer, the two great threats to organized positive-sum systems.
...but I think the part people will find funniest is where they reveal it all started as a Bionicle fanfiction.
When I was in high school I wrote a Lego Bionicle fanfiction where the Bionicle world was invaded by aliens, and one of the aliens defected to the Lego side to help them fight back against her people. I thought she was a pretty cool character, because I was fifteen, so everything seemed pretty cool.
Second interview is mostly lighter, but has some all too real shit re the SFF 'community'.
Also James C Scott gets a nod! I really gotta read Seeing Like A State.
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
Nothing in Batman comics is canon because it’s literally 90% fanfiction written after the actual creators stopped writing the characters.
anon it doesn't work that way.
By that logic, practically noone exists because the original writer of Batman, Bob Kane and Bill Finger, only created Bruce, Dick, Alfred, and the villains gallery. That's it.
No Barbara, no Jason, no Tim, no Damian, Steph, Cass, Duke, Lucius, Tim Fox, Kate, Talia - there's no one then.
But suppose we go back on that statement and say 'well actually, the creators of new characters', which still doesn't make sense but let's go with that. Then major plots wouldn't happen. Because Max Allan Collins and Chris Warner created Jason Todd but Judd Winick is the one who brought him back to life. Marv Wolfman and Pat Broderick created Tim Drake but Alan Grant wrote a lot of the Robin comic and Batman comic characterization for him.
It's physically impossible to say that just because other people continued the series, the comics can't be taken seriously.
Comics are the source material. Of which fanfics are based on.
The Star Trek and Star Wars book series are written by multiple different authors but that doesn't mean that what's written doesn't happen or isn't true or is wrong. The 39 Clues and Doctor Who series are the same deal.
Batman comics are canon. Because if only the works of the original authors of Batman were to be considered canon, then practically everyone in the Batman universe doesn't exist/doesn't matter. Because they're just fanfic then.
But this idea doesn't just stop at the Batman fandom anymore because every comic was written this way. The people in Superfam? Gone. Flashfam? Gone. Arrowfam? Gone. Like this logic doesn't just apply to Batman, it applies to virutally every character in the existence of DC.
The beauty of comics is seeing how the next writer will continue the story. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they need tweaking, and sometimes they're wrong although that's usually very rare.
The problem with fandom's view on comic writing is the belief that whatever the authors create must match our perspective of the characters. That's wrong. Their characterization is what we should be adding on/building on to our perspective of the characters. Unless there is something so wrong, something so illogical, that it must be noted because that character has never acted that way before, then we must discard or critisize a comic.
Comics develop. Characters develop. Each writer brings something new and adds a layer of depth to each character they write about. That's how we get new interactions, new relationships, new sides that make each character interesting.
Take the original Dick Grayson comic and his intro to Robin
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Detective Comics (1937) Issue #38
Dick originally wanted to go to the police. He had no intention of going after Tony Zucco but Bruce is the one who demands they go after him together by themselves!
I love this version created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, but I also love the version created by a completely different author where Dick decides to stake out Zucco on his own. Both versions show different sides of him and authors sometimes even choose which one they want to include. Some have gone with this version where Dick tries to go to the police before being interrupted by Bruce and others have gone with the second, more famous version. But neither of them are bad and you can't say that the one where Dick goes after Tony Zucco is fanfiction. It's canon. If it's written in comics, it happened unless there's some disastrous, glaring contradiction.
You have to understand, these comics - especially Dick and Bruce's - are nearly 100 years old. Dick, and it's wild to think about this, existed before even the Justice League did. Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Aquaman were all created after him. If the orginial writers stopped writing, and noone picked it up, there would be no Justice League and that's a problem because the Justice League is one of the foundations of the DC comics.
So much has changed in a century and new writers constantly come in to show that change. That's why comics after the original writers finish writing are still canon and important. The original characterizations of all these major players were all super peppy and cheerful before new writers added angst and drama to their backstories. Bruce and Dick used to laugh and grin when they went crime fighting with no sadness or anger or other emotions. It wasn't until a couple decades later where writers started writing that in which is how we get the grim avenger Batman today.
Here's the third point to why they're relevant even though they're written by new authors: the passage of time in real life, is included in canon comics characterizations.
One comic talks about Dick discussing the Joker and he says, "at the beginning, it was just all fun and games. He would cause problems but at the end of the day it was a game. But one day, things went too far. People got shot. That day, the Joker changed. He was darker and evil. It wasn't games anymore."
This comic panel talks about the Golden Age to now, the progression and development of characters.
The comics and reality are inseparable because reality is literally written in. The works of writers after the orignal ones aren't arbitrary or some whimsical thing.
It's very different from fanfiction because fanfiction has no need to stick to the truth or canon characterization but these comic writers do because they have an obligation to do so. The only problem they might have is accidentally focusing too much on one aspect of a character and neglecting the other parts but almost none of them are way off the mark.
So no, for the sake of characterization, personality development, plot events, and new interactions, all comics are extremely important and definitely canon. Us readers might have different opinions and thoughts on them but it's irrelevant in the face of the fact that the comics are the only truth to which we can base our interpretations on.
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lenkalost · 5 months
Cedric and Axel are as different as night and day. Yet, they somehow became friends, a fact Cedric isn't unhappy about. But when Axel starts flirting with him, things become complicated. And between contracts and the everyday trouble that is Dyn Marv, Cedric doesn't need any more complications.
Hey! May the 4th be with you and may you enjoy this new chapter. On the menu today: more angst. A lot of it. ;)
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akhuna · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gaetan & Cedric (The Witcher) Characters: Gaetan (The Witcher), Witcher Cedric (The Witcher) Additional Tags: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Family Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Cat School (The Witcher), Dyn Marv Caravan (The Witcher), Headcanon, Campfires, yes Gaetan tries to calm Cedric down here, Gaetan brought Cedric to the Dyn Marv, Bonding, Background Character Death, Building trust, I really had to type out the Gaetan & Cedric tag, oh my Summary:
Gaetan is taking a young Cedric to the Dyn Marv to become a Witcher. After learning about Cedric's past on their first evening, Gaetan shares his own backstory about his family, and, most importantly, his sister.
~ ~ ~
Heeey folks, what’s up, I had some thoughts about Gaetan’s backstory, specifically, his sister. :)
(Feedback is always welcome, as is criticism.)
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
-debby ryans at you- how are you feeling about that thunderbolts* trailer, snookums. your old blog is trying to crawl from its grave.
you are an unhinged rat for sending me this ask i hope you know <3 you already knew that but i'm telling you anyway bc you're a rat bc now i have to explain myself-
this is from @eebuckley my partner <3 i've alluded to it in the tags of this blog but i used to be a semi-popular MCU blogger from like 2018 to 2020. (semi-popular for the ship i wrote, anyway) and since like, probably Infinity War/Endgame i have been slowly more and more disillusioned by the MCU ranging from only passively being interested in projects to outright despising them if i saw them. which sort of sucks, given how much i loved the MCU at it's height. i was like. aggressively into it. like a "i had asthma attacks watching trailers bc i got so excited" level of into it. maybe cringey in hindsight, honestly but yk. whatever brings you joy, ig.
and anyway- my partner witnessed my very real and normal reaction to the Thunderbolts* trailer and now i'm *mad* bc i'm actually excited about it. it made me feel about the MCU a way i haven't felt in years, especially after a lot of announcements that rlly pissed me off.
cannot believe it looks like we might actually get a comics-accurate Yelena and a comics-accurate Bucky. i'm such a sucker for Bucky Barnes, he's one of the only Marvel characters i actually read Marve comics for and i'm forever bitter how badly he got screwed over. if that movie is good i'm going to end up writing fanfiction. probably crossover fanfiction bc over my dead body will i write just plain MCU fanfic. and i'm a Jason Todd/Bucky shipper anyway so i could make it work, i think-
anyway TLDR is i'm excited and i'm mad about it and how dare yo expose me for being an MCU fan on THIS blog. you coulda send this ask to my MCU blog that still exists and i have occasionally used. but instead you *exposed* my ass on my refined DC blog as a filthy Marvel fan. i will be divorcing you again. ty gn ily
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mtdthoughts · 9 months
Moonlight Pt. 1 (Migi & Dali Fanfiction)
At the time I'm writing this post, it's New Year's Eve, and I wanted to finish 2023 with something that I've been cooking up for a while.
Never in my life did I imagine that I would write fanfiction.
But I really do love this series, and I thought that I could help fill in some of the story that wasn't shown. In particular, this fanfiction occurs during Chapter 43 of the Migi & Dali manga or Episode 13 of the anime. It is told from Migi's perspective, and I wanted to add some context based on my interpretations of the characters and my (limited) imagination.
Be warned, I am not an expert at writing, so I can't guarantee that the reader will enjoy reading this, but I hope they do. Tumblr is probably not the best place to post this, but it'll do for now. I might post the other parts here too.
I decided to title this fanfiction "Moonlight" as a reference to the "Water Flea Song" that the twins are so familiar with.
It was the night of Christmas Eve, and I laid in bed excited, unable to sleep. Because Santa would come tonight, or at least that's what the old couple said. I don't know if Santa's real or not, but that doesn't matter, because I'm a good boy and I’m getting a present!
"Perfect, if I continue to pretend to believe in Santa, I can get presents forever. Right, Dali?"
Dali was on the other side of the bed, but I couldn't feel him move or hear anything from him.
"You asleep?" I asked. No response.
Dali has been acting strangely lately. I know that the old couple would accept us both, but Dali says he's fine with just me being happy. That can't be true, right? To be honest, I'm not sure what Dali was thinking, but I thought that if I cheered him up, maybe he'd change his mind.
"Let's split the presents in half..." I whispered.
But was that okay? Did Dali really want to share my presents?
Oh well, no use in thinking now. Better get to sleep, or else Santa won't come tonight...
I was now sitting at the dining table, and as usual the old couple was sitting across from me with smiles on their faces, and the golden beast was pacing around, looking hungry. The table was set with lots of delicious food like jambalaya and turkey, and the air was filled with the smell of cherry pie. We talked and laughed as we usually did, but then I noticed a familiar voice. I turned to my right, and there was Dali, with his scar, sitting next to me, laughing with a joyful expression that I had not seen in a long time.
I was now lying in bed with my pajamas on. Oh, it was just a dream.
I yawned and got up from bed, and saw that Dali was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at something. At our little Christmas tree, there were two presents that looked the same.
"Huh? Did the present split in two?"
A knock came at the door. Dali reacted, and quickly ran to the wardrobe to hide himself. Right, we still needed to be Hitori. Rather, I still needed to be Hitori...
The door opened, and it was the old couple, with the same warm smiles on their faces.
"Good morning, Hitori!" said the old woman.
"Good morning," said the old man.
Before I could greet them, I remembered that it was time to open my present. I looked back toward our little tree. Oh right, there were two presents.
"Hey, I thought that each child only gets one present. Did Santa make a mistake?" I asked.
The old couple turned to look at each other, then looked back at me with the same smiles.
"Santa doesn't make mistakes," said the old woman.
"Why don't you go ahead and open them?" said the old man.
I went ahead and tore open the presents and revealed what they were.
"Whoa, a clay pasta set!" I exclaimed. I could make so many delicious-looking creations with this! Spaghetti, cherry pie, omelets, and so much more! I turned to the next present.
"And this is, an exciting and exhilarating science set?" I said, confused. Huh? I don't think I could play with this. This looked a bit too hard for me to figure out. I returned to marvel at the pasta set.
"I see," said the old woman, "It looks like this house has a gluttonous and creative child, as well as an intelligent and sensitive child."
"It took us a while to notice the differences," said the old man.
Huh? Did they figure us out?
"We'll be waiting downstairs with seats for the both of you," the old lady said, as the old couple smiled and walked away.
I can't believe this; they finally accepted us! I was so happy that tears came out of my eyes. Dali and I could finally be ourselves now! We could finally live the lives we always wanted!
Or so I thought. I ran to the wardrobe and called for Dali's name as I tried opening the door, but Dali kept it shut.
Why? What was Dali thinking? Even though we’re twin brothers, I still couldn't understand what Dali was thinking. Dali usually knew what I was thinking, so why couldn't I do the same for him?
Still, I knew that Dali was suffering, just like the time when I ran away from him. Ever since we came home from the Ichijo house, he spent every day sitting under the dining table just eating the scraps I gave him. He told me he was fine with being my shadow because we would always be together, but for some reason I still felt his loneliness and sadness.
I wanted to help him, but I wasn't sure how. I just wanted Dali and me to be happy together...
That’s it!
"Dali... it seems like we're different after all. And maybe we'll only be getting even more different from now on, with what we like, what we dislike, and how we feel about things... But there will still be some things that'll never change, like my happiness being Dali's happiness, and Dali's happiness being my happiness!"
That's right. It didn't matter that we were different, and it's okay that I didn't understand everything in Dali’s mind. What mattered was that we understood each other’s hearts, and that we would always be together helping each other.
Please Dali, let my feelings get through to you…
It was silent for a little while before the wardrobe door started creaking. As the door slowly opened, Dali came out, facing down so that I couldn't see the face he was making. As soon as Dali stepped onto the floor, I ran to him and gave him a big hug.
"Dali!" I exclaimed as I embraced him tightly.
He returned my hug, and I felt that he was slightly shaking.
A few seconds later, we released each other, and Dali had his usual confident grin.
"Well then, let's get to breakfast, Migi. We don't want to keep them waiting, right?"
Tears continued to flow from my eyes as I gave him a wide smile and replied, "Yeah!"
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royal-confessions · 9 months
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“My home alone fanfiction. Prince Louis: Kevin Mccallister, Meghan: Harry (wet bandit 1), Harry: Marv (wet bandit 2), Kate: Kate Mccalister (Kevin's mom) , William: Peter Mccallister (Kevin's dad), George: Buzz Mccallister, Charles: misunderstood creepy old man, Camilla: the pigeon lady. Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy new year!” - Submitted by Anonymous
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