#marley does stuff
marley-manson · 2 years
i keep seeing vagueposts about bj fans or haters or both or something, so my hot take is that bj tends to be idealized in fic, at least the fic i’ve read, and tends to be demonized for fun in shitposts and memes, so if this is like an argument about whether bj gets demonized or idealized then both sides are both right and wrong
and serious meta seems to be a balance of both from what i’ve seen. you got your fans who explain almost everything he does as catering to hawkeye in some way, including episodes like joker is wild lol, and you got your fans who see him as a genuinely wholesome good dude in a situation that makes him behave badly, and you got people who mainly focus on his flaws either because they don’t like him or because they’re what makes him interesting
there’s something for everyone
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For dating game: Donna Noble for a non Mash option from something I'm pretty sure I've seen you reblog stuff from, BJ, and Klinger
I can't believe I got 2 Donnas for this game and neither were the MASH one haha. And yes I AM a Doctor Who fan but like with Twin Peaks I'm only a shallow fake one because I only feel really passionate about RTD era :( sowwy again. I'm 0 for 2 today. But at least I didn't skip MASH s1-3 AND I didn't skip the 9th Doctor AND I read Laura's diary + Dale Cooper's tapes. So now everyone has to give me a little headpat and forgive me and say they're not mad at me thank you <3
Donna Noble
I couldn’t handle Donna QwQ I couldn’t match her energy it’s very sad :( I feel like I would do the exact opposite of what the Doctor did for her in terms of bringing out her most amazing qualities. And I do really try to highlight and praise the qualities of people in my life!! I just don’t know if I could help her reach her full potential. Which sounds like one of those weird therapy-talk approaches to relationships but unfortunately sometimes when you really admire someone you actually do start thinking about things like “am I supporting her journey effectively” and all that. But this is just a date right so it can just be a casual thing. I feel like Donna is someone with whom I could straight up be like Hey so I was never socialized properly and your last relationship ended comically terribly so do you want to like try practicing dating with each other? I think it could be fun! And then eventually she could move on to find happiness with Mr. Temple :)  
Wait actually sorry quick tangent if Donna doesn’t remember the Doctor what does she think happened to her fiance from way back when. Does she. Does she remember the giant alien spider or. Hang on--
BJ Hunnicutt
BJ Hunnicutt is the human equivalent of Disneyland. Everybody in the entire nation is absolutely obsessively feral over it it’s sooo beautiful it’s sooo fun you just HAVE to experience it it’s a quintessential expression of the American dream blah blah blah. But I will never attend this overpriced (constantly borrowing money) and overcrowded (too much competition from the rest of Mashblr) theme park. I do not care for its fastpass system (willingness to cheat on his partner) or its uninspiring coaster design (anger issues), and I am further offended to hear of the constant introduction of cost-cutting measures that harm visitor experience (growth of mustache). Not even the prospect of purchasing a fully functioning Cogsworth clock (chance to join the Punnihawk polycule) is enough to tempt me. It’s not happening. I am going to Dollywood (Maxwell Klinger).
Maxie my beautiful girl Maxie whomst is so very adored by me
My wife my kitten my sweet snuggly wuggly good time gal. My Dollywood. Know that I love and adore Maxwell for eternity <3
BUT. I must love her from afar because I couldn’t in good conscience waste her time when I figure there must be a more compatible match out there, ya know? Like, I know hardly anything about baseball and I wear the same clothes every day and I don’t eat red meat so I can’t even share those beloved hotdogs. Max deserves the Best as I’m sure we all agree, and we know he wants a serious long term partnership. I want the same thing, so I know that such a lifelong, committed relationship should be with someone who finds themself more easily compatible with Max’s tastes and interests.  
On an unrelated note, Charles sure seemed to get super into baseball in War For All Seasons, huh? :) And we know he cares a lot about his clothes, as we see him hiring a personal tailor at least once! :) And he was surprisingly eager to get to share in Max’s hotdog delivery in The Grim Reaper, too! :) So many random fun facts in this world \^w^/
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maengekyou · 14 days
i know this is a naruto blog but i need the world to know how much i hate halsin (and gale)
#that's it#that's the post#whenever i see fanart of them i just go /urgh/#such talented artists but goddamn looking at them gives me the ick#like halsin is the type of guy who thinks you're flirting with him bc you ask how his day was#(which is kinda canon bc he falls in love with you no matter what you say to him. even if its purely platonic and you turn him down)#yknow like the one male friend who tells you he has feelings for you and you gently let him down bc he's your friend and you like him#and he says he understands and its ok but every time you dare to laugh at his jokes or show interest in his life#he jumps back to his delusion that you might fall in love with him in the future as long as he tries hard enough#and you tell him again and again and again#and you somehow make it work until you find someone you like and then he gets angry at YOU bc its not him why is it not him#in the end you two are no longer talking bc his ego is too big and you're the problem anyway its your fault your friendship is over#also in real life he'd be the guy who does mushrooms and stuff bc he's in close touch with nature and he has learned so much about himself#while being high (and he won't shut up about it)#he'd listen to electro and reggae (bob marley. yknow. he wrote a song about women and how awful they are! “no women no cry” hahah. RIGHT?)#just the typical white dude with helper syndrom who thinks he is going to /help/ children in africa out of poverty after school#who doesnt use sunscreen bc its carcinogenic but uses vegetable oil instead#and then his skin turns that leathery bronze color after repeatedly getting burned#who walks barefoot 99% of time but has one pair of shoes: the ugliest pair of barefoot running shoes the world has ever seen#oh and gale is just way too egoistical and self-centered. like the way he boasted about being in bed with a goddess?#thats just peak male behavior and no thaaaank you#omg just ignore me i dont know what happened xd
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levisonlylover · 8 months
Secret romance in the Survey Corps
Fem!reader x Levi// a bit ooc//fluff//spoilers// A/N: It might be a bit messy since this was a bit rushed, hope this is okay
Levi would bring you tea whenever you are working late in the office. it could be paired with your favorite pastry.
Levi would stand beside you, maybe when going on a flight of stairs, he would have his hand behind your back for support
During meetings, he is always seen seated beside you or in front of you.
when sitting, he puts his arm on your chair as Erwin or Hange discusses the plans
At night, Levi would visit your barrack and sometimes stay there to cuddle up beside you or even listen to you ramble
at night, Levi would take you to the rooftop and look at the stars as he watches you admire the stars
When cleaning, he would assist you, whether dusting or mopping. And when both of you are alone, he would kiss your cheek in a split second.
when it comes to missions, Levi tends to become protective over you. He makes sures you are not out of his sight. He does not want to lose anyone dear, especially you.
During rainy days on missions, Levi would look for you, the memories flood back at him when it happens.
After missions, when you aren't injured, he'd take you to his office and tells you he is glad that you are safe.
After missions, when you are injured, Levi tends to worry ten times more. looking at your injuries with his stoic facade, when deep down in his heart, he worries.
During season 3, Levi catches you staring at him, the gray shirt almost hugging his form.
Season 3!Levi would shield you from anyone and whispering sweet stuff, making sure you're the only person to hear it.
During the rumbling, Levi was severely injured, but not too injured to make sure you are okay
During the rumbling, Levi would do his best to protect you from the generations of Titans.
In the aftermath of the rumbling, When you find him, Levi tends to tear up and try his best to hug you, not caring if anyone sees. he is just grateful you are okay
Post-war!Levi will make you stay with him in Marley to grow your relationship with him
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violetarks · 4 months
“i hate you.”
“fuck off.”
“get out of my house.”
you look over your shoulder, apron on as you cut vegetables on his chopping board. your glare makes reiner weak — weak enough to finally draw his attention to the floorboards and clench his fists.
“shut up and sit down, dinner will be ready soon, you idiot.” you scoff, furrowed brows are you loudly chop up some carrots.
he knows you don’t mean anything you say, and neither does he. when you don’t hear him sit down, you eventually sigh and shake your head, placing the knife on the bench.
“look, reiner, you need to just… just trust me, okay?” you huff out, obviously tired from your ongoing argument with him. it had been hours, and all reiner can muster up is some sad excuse to try and make you leave. “what is going on with you, huh? why are you all of a sudden acting so hostile?”
“you were being rude to me first.” he scoffs, crossed arms as he leans against the back of the couch. his eyes are still trained on the floor, “yelled at me as soon as i walked into the house.”
“because you fuckin’—” you stop yourself short before wiping your face and continuing your work, “you came home after hours of silence. didn’t even tell me where you were going… how am i supposed to act?”
sometimes, you didn’t understand your boyfriend.
you were one of the only other people that marley had sent to do recon on paradis. zeke gave you all the information you needed to know before sending you off. at the time, you were both 17-years-old and just happy to see each other. you were dear friends, until zeke sent you a letter to come back and reiner made the move to kiss you ’goodbye’. he promised he would come back to you.
maybe he was lying, because he had been out in the town for hours without any notice. you resorted to even asking porco what was going on, and he just shrugged it off. you thought, he had to come home at some point, right?
right you were. he walked into his house 30 minutes after you started prepping dinner.
“i don’t want you here anymore.” he says, knitted brows. this place has been his for a while, you only moved in upon his request. “i… i don’t know how to explain it to you, y/n, i just… i would feel so much better if i was alone.”
“so what, you can wallow in self-pity for the rest of your life?” you retort, now washing the chopping board, “i don’t want you here alone, reiner.”
“it’s my house.”
“you’re my boyfriend.”
“so what?”
“are you serious?” you scoff, dropping the board into the sink and turning to him. your wet hands press against your biceps as you cross your arms over your chest. “reiner, what has gotten into you?”
when you land your gaze on him, reiner is holding his head in both his hands, covering his eyes and tears stream down his face silently. you are quiet as well as you drop your hands, quietly sighing through your nose. your footsteps towards him don’t make him flinch, and he stays still.
you try not to take anything he says to heart because you know how little he means it. he’s just scared. but he can’t say it out loud. instead, he throws out excuses and stuff to make you upset and leave. it hurt that he would do such a thing, but you loved him. reiner was yours.
your bring your arms closely around his waist, resting your hand between his shoulders. “it’s okay.” you whisper, allowing him to finally crumble in your arms and cry out loud, “you’re okay.”
how many years does he have left? how could you continue to love him after he told you what happened on paradis? why would you stay? to torment him? to punish him for his sins?
he sits down on the back of the couch and you slip passed his knees to hug him tighter. your fingers brush through his blonde hair, and you kiss his jaw softly. reiner can’t help but let you hold him, you were the kindest touch he has ever known. and what could he do without you?
“please leave me.” he whimpers out, still covering his face.
your heart aches at his request, but you only hug him closer to you. “don’t be silly, reiner.” you mumble, lips against his cheekbone.
he’s pleading you at this point. but you don’t let go.
“i’m with you ‘til the end.”
that’s what he’s afraid of.
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
Alright, one more "I hate Zeke" post for now, and then I'm done for a while, lol. I've just been thinking about this stuff a lot lately.
So, you know what really sickens me about the scene when Zeke turns Falco into a titan?
Zeke listens to Colt beg and plead with him to let him and Falco get out of range before he screams, but Zeke remains unmoved, professing to feel terrible about having to do what he’s about to, before screaming and turning Falco into a titan, killing Colt in the process.  But then, the thing is, he IMMEDIATELY proceeds to utilize Falco as a weapon against Reiner, sending him to attack him to buy himself more time.  I’m sorry, but someone who genuinely felt remorse or sadness at having just, essentially, murdered two children who posed absolutely no threat to him, and who hadn’t consented at all to being a part of his plan, doesn’t then turn around and use the body of one of those children to further his insane goal of genocide.  These are two kids who grew up around and admired Zeke, and thought of him as a role model, by the way.   And he doesn’t even hesitate, either to turn Falco into a titan and kill Colt, or to then use Falco for his own gain.  It’s the same way Zeke had no problem letting the other warrior candidates get crushed to death during Eren’s attack on Liberio.  Zeke leaves them there, knowing what’s about to happen.  He doesn’t try to warn them or get them out of harm's way.  He just abandons them to their fate.  And again, these are children he’s spent a significant amount of time with and who looked up to him and saw him as a role model.  I think what we see Zeke do in both of these cases perfectly encapsulates his sociopathic nature, and also just how hollow is his claim that he wants to save people from their suffering.  He really doesn’t feel anything for anyone.  He treats other human beings like they’re nothing more than tools, there to be used and manipulated however he wishes to further his agenda.  That’s sick, man. 
Now contrast that with what Levi does when they visit Marley, for example, and what happens with Ramzi.  Levi jeopardizes their cover, and thus, their mission, to save Ramzi’s life, a kid he doesn’t even know, and who just tried to rob them.  This demonstrates once again how Levi doesn’t value ideological beliefs or political goals, even admirable ones like peace negotiations, above individual lives, as I talked about in my post “For People, Not for a Dream”.
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satureja13 · 2 months
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After Ji Ho opened his Pandora's Box stuffed with all the feelings he'd hidden deep down inside to survive, they all got kicked out of the game. After Vlad and Kiyoshi, who hadn't been ingame, helped them up and checked if they were unscathed... Vlad: "Where is Ji Ho?!" They couldn't ask Tiny Can - the overload has blewn his circuits ö.ö Saiwa: "Gods - is Ji Ho stuck ingame? How are we supposed to get him out when Tiny Can's broken?" Jack was shaking: "It's all my fault. I wanted the investigations to continue."
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Before Vlad could take something - or someone - apart in his grief and anger, they heard an incoming call from the computer, which luckily hadn't been destroyed, like poor Tiny Can. It's Noxee! And Greg. Noxee: "Babies! Ji Ho is save! Don't worry, he'll be fine. We need you to leave Tomarang for a while. Pack your stuff together and take the train tomorrow. I'll send you the tickets."
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And - as always - before they could ask or say anything: Noxee: "Huh, already that late! We have to... prepare *winks*. Bye Babies! See you there!" Jack: "Argh! Can't they keep their hands to themselves! Turn that off! He stole my girl in this world and even ingame!" As if things weren't worse enough!
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So Ji Ho is safe. But Noxee said he will be fine. Means he isn't fine right now? Vlad was still raging. He wasn't even able to feel Ji Ho through their bond! But Noxee wouldn't lie to them. Ji Ho is safe. Even though Jack was at the verge of loosing it himself, he dragged Vlad (and Kiyoshi - as counsel ö.Ö) over to his houseboat, to watch a Star Wars movie. This always calms them down and distracts them - at least for a while. And Jack hopes Diety Kiyoshi has one of his 'here' days and could cast a little soothing aura on Vlad... or whatever he was able to do. Little Goat: "I wonder where we are going to go?" Kumo: "Who knows? The poor Boys." Little Goat: "Who could have forseen that, though..."
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When they entered the houseboat, Jack's TV was running? Jack: "Huh, I don't remember leaving it on. And I never watch the X Files..."
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Skully: "Hey, Buddy! Come join us!" Skully? How the hell did he make it out of the game! ö.ö And what is Malfoy doing here?
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Jack isn't able to deal with anything else today. So he just shoved in a bigger sofa and they watched the X Files together... Skully: "Everything's gonna be alright, you'll see."
'Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost Along the way, yeah In this great future, you can't forget your past So dry your tears, I say, yeah'
Bob Marley - No woman no cry
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Leaves Saiwa and Jeb, alone together for the first time since... uh it's been months! To make it less awkward - and because Jeb knows that it helps Sai to run when he's upset (usually Jack says/does something stupid so Sai runs after him ^^') - he urged Sai to accompany him. It's raining, but they didn't bother.
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Saiwa looked at Jeb and he was thankful he was acting somewhat 'normal'. They ran quietly for a while. Even though Jeb must hurt from their separation just as much as he does, and must be upset about the latest happenings - he's Ji Ho's best friend after all -, he's still solid like a rock and devoted to him and tries to help him where he can. And Sai remembered of one of their happier days, running together through the rain... How he wants those days back. Jeb: "Look forward or you'll trip ^^' We can't have another of us injured." Right, forward it goes...
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Sai couldn't stand going home yet - back to all the madness that awaits them there, so they went to the Night Market. Sai: "I'm going to ask Ms Coombes to replace me. I failed utterly as our leader. I'm too weak for this - even broke down." Jeb: "None of us could have avoided what happened. And no one else could have brought us this far. Look at all the things you've already achieved, hm? How well you did. And we already promised we'd carry the burden together with you. Just let us. We need you." He wanted to add 'I need you' but it's neither the right time nor the right place for this.
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Jeb: "Van... (It's not the right time and place to call Sai 'Vanië', Jeb's nickname for Sai, either) uhm, I don't want to upset you any further, but the monolithic figure on the platform Jihovere stood on and raised the storm - it was the same as in the cave Ji Ho's grandfather held him capture with his brother... I noticed it when I freed him." Sai: "What? No way he made it into the game, did he?" Jeb: "I hope not. We'll have to discuss this tomorrow with the elders from the Resistance. Even if it 'only' was a 'reminder' for us from Tiny Can to finally start to learn how to protect ourselves against the Siren's Spells. It's too severe to ingore it any longer." Sai: "I'm not sure if I can lead you through all this, Jeb." Jeb: "I know you will. Together with us, hm? Don't give up on us." He also meant Sai shouldn't give up on them - and their love. But he didn't say it out loud either.
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No one noticed yet, but Skully wasn't the only thing that made it out of the game. The sword Jihovere pulled out of her King's statue's heart was lying on Ji Ho's memorabilia rack ö.Ö'
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This is the last post from the 'Who killed Jack?' chapter! 🗡 I hope you enjoyed it! I had so much fun! (I already told you how much I love these Crime Games ^^') So following the Boys solving a case was the perfect combo for me :3
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Does this mean game over for the Therapy Game? ö.Ö' Who knows? If you want to learn how it all started with the Therapy Game: - the development of the Therapy Game (chapter 26) -> here - their therapy sessions (chapter 27) -> here - and the Murder Mystery (chapter 28) 'Who killed Jack? -> here
The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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moonspirit · 3 months
Hello moon🫵🏻
What do u think abt annie actually tutoring armin post rumbling? Yk bc he is an ignorant mf bc of paradis and annie just knows a lot more stuff bc of the marlyan training or sm (idk how to write marlyan) and just being ahead of paradis in ssooo many things, so hell just ask abt sm and she’ll answer and then his face turns to that cutsie ootsie curious baby and then b like “ oohh wow!!” and maybe even praising annie a little if yk what i mean😎 but thats not the subject.
And theyll just get used to that and annie will really REALLYYY love showing armin new stuff bc he becomes just sooo happy and his reaction is worth the exhaustion that comes after explaining that and this thing. Maybe one time theyll be trying something new armin never heard of it and he messed it up really, so annie will just show him the right way and hell try again and when he get it right hell just smilllee thatt big ass smille wuth eyes brightening and hell turn to annie to let her see that he did a good job and shes just falling in love even more and ayoo this is so long
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All Annie has to say is something like: "Hey I'm pretty sure Neptune is going to be the closest to Earth tonight, it was in the newspaper in Marley when I was a kid... It's already that day, huh." in casual, passing conversation.
And Armin's immediately: *perks up his ears and comes running* NETPEUNE?? NEPTONE??? WHAT IS THAT ANNIE? TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME-
At first it's extremely exhausting for her because she can't just explain in 2-3 words and call it a day - Armin has a million questions. "It's blue? Why is it blue? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S JUST A BALL OF GAS? How does that stick together then? Space-time? What. How does this work? YOU CAN USE MATH TO EXPLAIN THIS?! Annie, then how-"
And she's. TIRED.
But it's so endearing, you know, how he becomes all bug-eyed and happy and excited, vibrating on twelve-different atomic levels, drooling all over her because. DELICIOUS NEW THING TO LEARN. And despite how her throat begins to get sore because she's simply not used to talking so much (!!!!) Annie finds she can't get enough of watching him being so happy and curious - IN HIS ELEMENT - and hanging on to her every word.
And because he's SMORT and CLEVOR and INTELLIGANT he picks up concepts quite fast and after he's just swallowed a whole new piece of information, he's all satisfied and wagging his tail and.... Annie has to do this because he's SO CUTE.
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(and ofc, later he rewards her for being suuuuuuch a good teacher :3 Ya know what I mean. *winkwinkwinh*)
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miya-rin · 2 years
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here are some small iwaizumi boyfriend headcanons
requested through this ask!
has soo many blankets in one of his closets so when its winter time you two can stay in bed all day and cuddle without being too cold :(((
he likes to be little spoon every once in a while and it is so cute when he asks cause he gets kinda quiet and averts his eyes and when you say yes he has this little smile and omfg he is the cutest ever
he never cries while watching sad films but you put on one movie where a dog dies, like marley and me, and this man will BAWL HIS EYES OUT
always smells faintly of coconut because of the shampoo, conditioner and body wash he uses
absolutely loves ariana grande, he walks around humming to the tune of “into you” but flat out denies it every time you bring it up
he really hates the smell of lavender, claims it reminds him of a restroom. if you buy lavender room spray prepare for him to gag (on purpose or just to annoy you) whenever you spray it
ive said this before and ill say it again, he loves paying for your stuff. he doesnt even let you spend your own money as he believes that you should let him provide for you, and no matter how much you argue with him over this, it always ends with him paying for you
hates mushroom, refuses to eat them. he almost had an adult tantrum once when oikawa secretly tried to feed one to him so now you know to never give him any
he actually loves taking part in couples tiktok trends with you, he always tags you in them or sends them to you and asks to try them out
where he is an athletic trainer he obviously knows how to help with injuries, so if you ever have a pain somewhere on you body he will drop everything to help you and make sure you’re ok
walks around your house / flat in only gray joggers and smirks whenever he catches you looking
when he is nervous he taps his fingers on stuff and he normally does it on your thighs as a way to let you know how he is feeling so that you can try and calm him down
when you guys are arguing he always waits for you to finish talking before he starts so he doesn’t interrupt you and make you feel unheard :((
he really liked collecting vinyl records but he never told anyone, he only brought it up once to you as he was talking about the fact he didn’t have a record player, so you got one for him on his birthday and he almost cried because he was so happy that you payed attention to such small part of what he enjoyed and omfg i love him he is just the sweetest
^^ i should also mention i think he gets kind of emotional whenever you do something sweet for him that most people would normally overlook
all of my haikyuu boyfriend headcanons
thankyou for reading! i hope you liked it!
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infernalodie · 2 years
Pope Heyward x Female! Hippie! Reader
Pope has a secret girlfriend that the pogues don’t know about. One day at school they were all going to meet up at Popes locker to head home, but before they get to him reader comes up out of no where and kisses him, and they’re just acting all cute and stuff while his friends are just staring at him from a couple feet away.
So like a few days after that the pogues meet up on a boat ride and depend to meet popes girlfriend but he keeps saying no at first until he finally caves.
So they all meet up at the beach one day and they all end up really liking her
(Could u have Sarah and Cleo be there to like, have it in a reality where they both go to the same school as the pogues)
𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
"𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵"
Inspo: Bob Marley - Is This Love Dominic Fike - 3 Nights
Pairing: Pope Heyward x Hispanic!Fem!reader
Summary: How Pope pulled you was beyond their barrier or understanding...
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Warnings: Just fluffy
Words: 2595
Everyone knew that Pope Heyward was completely incapable of getting a girlfriend. Everyone at school knew it, Figure Eight knew it, and probably the entire county did as well. Although it wasn’t Pope’s fault, the Pogues personally liked taking digs at him. Making him forever scared of interacting with a girl as he was constantly reminded of the fact that he was awkward and didn’t pick up on how much he talked. And it stuck with him for a while, always scratching at the back of his skull during parties or in the halls of the school.
“So, small kegger tonight at JB’s?” JJ inquired, looking up from his phone as he looked at the group surrounding John B’s locker. Well, it was just him, John B, Cleo, Kiara, and Sarah. They were missing the genius of their schemes.
“I’m down,” Sarah said. “Wanna help me get some beer from the store?” She grinned, nudging Cleo, who rolled her eyes, unable to waver the smile that formed on her lips. Barely able to finish her nod before Sarah squealed and hugged her.
“John B can get the grill going when we get there and I’ll get the campfire started.” JJ then turned his eyes to Kiara, raising a brow. “That leaves you and Pope to do something other than be smart-asses.”
The blonde laughed loudly when the girl punched his shoulder harshly. But Cleo was quick to take notice of their missing member, frowning slightly. “Where is Pope by the way?”
For some time, their genius had been out on a lot of their hangouts. Saying he had studying to do and that his dad needed his assistance. Now, they would’ve believed that if they hadn’t gone investigating and asked his dad and found out Pope was out with a friend. Who; that was still a mystery. Every time they asked the boy, he avoided it and said it was some guy he was tutoring for a class.
Still, they weren’t convinced and he didn’t show any room for submission to their questions. So, they left it alone and demanded he come and spend some time with them when he got the chance. That was a month ago and he had been with them for a total of 4 days that entire month.
JJ grumbled in annoyance moving past the group. “I’m going to put this runt in a headlock if he backs out on this kegger.”
“Maybe he’s busy, JJ,” John B reasoned, shutting his locker and following the blonde. The three others close in tow. “We shouldn’t force him to–why are you making that face? Did you see him naked?” John B looked where JJ seemed to be in a state of paralysis and felt his chest tighten in shock.
There Pope was, leaning against his locker talking to a girl. And it wasn’t just some girl either, it was you. The local stoner and the girl JJ bought his weed from and had spent a lot of time with at parties. You were leaning against Pope’s front, looking up at him with those doe eyes of yours. Hands pressed to his chest where your nails gently scratched at the fabric that divided you from him. Your golden skin glowed under the lights of the school hall, which oddly complimented Pope in some way. Like you were meant to be there with him.
Everyone in the group knew you in certain capacities, but all had great things to say about you. Known as the down-to-earth girl and weed smoker of the generation. Well, that last part was what JJ took you for. But you were kind to everyone you came across and showed a level of genuine love that would have anyone falling for you. Kiara would know since, for a time, she had liked you before she quickly realized that your affection was felt throughout the group and most of The Cut.
But that didn’t change the fact that Pope pulling you was the hardest thing to believe. Out of everyone, Pope was the last person that should’ve pulled you. “Who do you she is to him?” Sarah asked, a mischievous look on her face. “Maybe sugar mommy.”
“No, he’s definitely in a dom/sub relationship,” Kiara protested. “Can’t tell me otherwise.”
“Maybe they’re just dating,” Cleo said, earning looks from both girls. “We’ve been saying he can’t get a girlfriend. Maybe we just underestimated Pope's abilities.”
JJ scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “And if that’s the case, he used his skills on the right girl. This way I get free weed from her whenever- Ow!”
He rubbed the pulsing spot of pain as John B shoved him around the corner. “We’ll interrogate him tonight when we get him to confess.”
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Out of some beach house, you remember helping your parents build on The Cut, was where you stayed. Although your parents lived just up a small little path leading to their home, this was where you resided. Where you got to call your own personal home you got to do whatever you wanted. Blast music through the night, smoke as much as you weed and smell like a skunk in the morning, or where you got to spend quality time with your boyfriend.
Speaking of Pope, you had only realized how late he was for your guys’ dinner. You had even gone out of your way to make the meal and now you were just cleaning up the house for some ungodly amount of time. J Balvin, Bad Bunny, and Bob Marley had been on constant repeat as you cooked and cleaned what you could. The warm lights hung from the ceilings and Christmas lights Pope helped you put up kept you awake and aware of your guys’ third date. Or what was supposed to be your guys’ third date, but his lack of text or phone call made you believe it might just be for another night.
Hearing the sound of a boat approaching your dock, you moved away from the kitchen and to the back door and stepped outside. The wind of the ocean hitting your face gently with the scent always being a beautiful reminder of what you were thankful to have. But you saw the source of the noise and felt your brows tense together as you saw JJ at the front of the boat, waving hysterically with a beer in hand.
“We’ve come to set you free from the dark hold Pope has placed on you, Y/n,” he called out. “But first, let’s party!”
Behind the rambunctious blonde was the missing piece of your night. His expression was downcasted as he didn’t dare meet your gaze. That confused you more than what the Pogues business was being at your home and being a bit too loud for your liking at this time of night.
There had been many times you had been caught up in their more than common days and lived to regret it. Mainly because you had JJ at your neck begging you for more weed or Kiara always being snotty when she didn’t get what she wanted. So, it was more so the people you experienced those rather adventurous experiences with. But Pope levelled them all out, same as Sarah, Cleo, and sometimes John B.
Stopping at the dock, they started to hop off and tie the HMS Pogue to the end of the dock. “Knock it off, JJ,” Sarah laughed. “This is just a get-together. No one is going to be interrogating anyone. Even though I’d like to have an explanation for this.” She motioned a finger between you and Pope, who was slowly approaching you.
Although he was scared of the fury you had prepared for him, he couldn’t help but take the calm before the storm to his fullest capability. Taking in your clothes that were all his. The black Harvard sweater JJ had gotten him a while back and the grey sweatpants. They looked unapologetically cute on you from how big they were.
“Cariño, ¿qué está pasando?” You whispered in a soft voice, taking one of his hands and gently using your thumb to stroke his knuckles.
Glancing back at the group that was slowly approaching, talking amongst themselves, Pope’s had fitted back to yours with disappointment. “No dejaban de invitarnos a todos a pasar el rato,” he explained. “Quería hacerlo para la cena, pero me retrasaron.”
His use of your first language made you smile, unable to rid yourself of the butterflies that infested your stomach. Heart warming at the sound that shook your core, awakening the onslaught of love and happiness that invaded your body. You weren’t planning on making him feel horrible about missing dinner or getting angry at him. With how the Pogues were, you understood that his time and attention had to be elsewhere sometimes. Not to mention that he’d spent so much time with you ever since you two started dating, him not being able to make a date would’ve happened sooner or later. But the way he spoke, the genuine disappointment he felt for missing out made you relieved you weren’t the only one sad about your guys’ alone time.
Standing up on your tippy toes, you pressed a kiss to his lips and smiled. “It’s alright, babe,” you reassured softly. “We can do it some other time when JJ doesn’t think you put a curse on me.”
“It is a reasonable assumption!” JJ exclaimed. “And you’re speaking her language now? Maybe the curse is placed on you, man.”
Unable to contain your smile, you gently punched the blonde. “Ya basta, JJ. Estás siendo un imbécil,” you laughed. “Since you guys held my boyfriend up from our date, you might as well come in and eat.”
JJ didn’t hold back from pushing past you and Pope, rushing inside to get a plate of food with Cleo in tow. John B muttered a quiet thank you, Kiara giving you a smile and following. Sarah gave a sheepish smile to you and Pope. “Sorry for ruining your night,” she apologized. “We were honestly curious as to when you guys got together and why neither of you told us. But it wasn’t our business, and I’ll apologize on behalf of the others.”
“Don’t worry about it, Sarah.” You smiled, hand tightening its hold with Pope’s. “You guys would’ve found out sooner or later. Better now than later on.”
Pope simply never wanted to tell because of the things his friends would drag you in on. And as much as having you around with them would be amazing, you were his personal getaway. The temple in the middle of the forest of annoyances he dealt with on a daily basis. You were the person he could retreat to and just be with in silence and feel comforted. He wanted that for himself and you understood it fully. So, not telling the group had been the easiest and earliest decision the two of you made 4 months ago.
Stepping inside, Pope wouldn’t lie, but this felt so natural. Not just you two being like this in public with his friends, but everyone being together with you as the brand new addition. Of course, it wasn’t the first time, but this wasn’t just some stupid mission to find gold. This was a simple hangout with friends and just having the time of your guys’ lives. There wasn’t a bombardment of questions from anyone. They all were just being themselves and enjoying the time together. Drinking, smoking, eating, and laughing.
“So, when did you guys start dating?” Kiara inquired, taking a bite of one of the patatas bravas you had made. The group decided to just put all of it on one plate and eat one at a time as a group. Everyone in your small living room with weed smoke lingering in the air and beer bottles scattered across the coffee table.
You, leaning against Pope’s chest and sitting between his legs, looked back at your boyfriend. “You want me to tell them or do you?” You inquired gently, taking the blunt from between his fingers and taking a drag.
“You can,” he said. “I want to hear your voice.”
Everyone was watching and listening and JJ nearly choked on his squared potato. Cleo is unable to hide the expression of complete admiration at Pope’s words. “You guys are completely adorable.”
JJ coughed, dusting his hands off as he stood to his face and held his hand out to Pope. “My boy plays for the Washington Rizzards.”
No one held back from groaning in disgust as JJ looked at them in confusion. John B takes it upon himself to toss an empty beer can at the guy. “Shut up, dude.”
“What? What did I say?”
A laugh fell from your lips as you looked up at the blonde. “Sé útil JJ y coge la Tequilla del armario.” You pointed to the specific cabinet and earned a look at of confusion.
“She said to go grab the Tequilla in the cabinet,” Pope explained. “Did you not pay attention in Spanish class?”
“I was high through that class and you should be blaming your girlfriend for that!” He said, walking away and grabbing the bottle and bringing it over to the group. “Now, continue with your story, please.”
“We started 4 months ago,” you said. “Pope took me out on a date where he made some shitty pasta-”
“It wasn’t that bad!” Pope reassured his friend, earning an unconvinced look from you as he sighed. “Okay, so it was pretty bad, but that’s beside the point.”
“He basically just took me out on his dad’s boat where we smoked, talked, and then he just kinda, asked me out,” you said, face warm at the memory. You left a large chunk of that night out of the conversation since that is more for you and him than anyone else to hear. “And since then, we’ve been together.” You looked back at the boy, smiling bashfully.
“I still can’t wrap my head around how he got you,” John B commented. “No offence Pope, but Y/n is out of your league.”
“Just like I said, he’s on the Washington Rizz– Okay, I get it!” JJ rubbed the back of his neck from the harsh slap inflicted by Kiara.
“Don’t worry, I’m still trying to understand it too,” Pope confessed with a laugh, hands rubbing small circles along your hips. “I mean, I don’t understand why she chose me.”
“Porque eres el amor de mi vida, cariño.” It was instant the response you gave. And it was enough to make Pope’s heart stop for a moment as you looked at him adoringly. Nothing in life could change the happiness that you have felt in these past 4 months of your life. So small in the grand scheme of what is to come, but so important to you. Your parents loved him, your friends loved him, and you loved him. And it might be too soon to say that, but you knew what you felt and you knew what you wanted for the rest of your life.
The sound of gagging earned everyone’s attention with the source coming from JJ, who was holding the neck of the Tequilla bottle having taken a large swig of the harsh alcohol. But his hand held over his mouth made your face twist in anger as you glared at the blonde. “¡Por el amor de Dios, JJ! ¡Lo juro por Dios si vomitas en mi alfombra!”
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lucaaazd · 4 months
Ymir’s death is one of the most frustrating plot points in AOT. She does not deserve it and here’s why.
Yams builds up her character to go from living solely for others to living solely for herself, only to spring this random guilt on her out of nowhere.
Like okay, she ate R & B’s friend and that sucked, but think about the context and the life she lived before then.
She was captured by Marley as a little girl, tortured and punished for something that was not her fault, turned into a monster to roam the desert for 60 years, and then these Warriors FROM MARLEY came along (admittedly they weren’t exactly working for Marley by choice, they were also children in difficult circumstances but still) and she accidentally ate one.
Like, so what?!!
Every Warrior had to eat SOMEONE to inherit that power, INCLUDING MARCEL.
Who did Marcel eat? We do not know, but we know he ate someone, not by choice, just like Ymir.
Plus even if Ymir didn’t eat him then, the best case scenario for him was if he succeeded in the mission and came back to Marley and eventually got eaten by someone else.
Ymir knows all of this.
She’s been through way too much, having had to learn the hard way to say fuck you to those who try to manipulate her for their own protection & gain, to live for herself and show others to do the same, like Historia.
Like sure, deep down she’s still a caring & self-sacrificing person, as we’ve seen in the tower episode, but she tore the whole damn thing down when Hisu yelled at her and said “What do u think ur doing?? Being noble, trynna sacrifice yourself to lend us more time? What about all that ‘living for yourself stuff’, is that all talk too you idiot?”
Ymir has been through TOO MUCH to leave Hisu behind, to leave this new life that was the only thing she ever truly owned in her entire miserable existence, even though it was only borrowed time, for these marleyan warriors who had made it clear that they wanted her as a prize to present to the government so they wouldn’t get killed right away. Like, come. On.
Yams was so quick to kill the most visibly queer characters (Marco, Ymir) in the most rushed & undermining ways.
Edit: Ymir has also vocalized her despise for Historia’s martyr complex numerous times throughout the show, so it makes even less sense that she decided to throw her life away over the guilt of accidentally eating a Marleyan warrior.
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koiishyy · 4 months
The death of peace of mind (time is a thief)
ღ summary : Your keen sense for imminent threats and disaster's goes haywire during an otherwise once in a lifetime festival, and if you were given one more minute, then everything might have been different. pairing : porco galliard x braun! reader tags/content warnings : graphic depictions of violence, swearing, depictions of a panic attack and survivors guilt. pre-established relationship, hurt/comfort. a/n: this is the first reader fic i've uploaded to tumblr since i was fourteen, be gentle with my soul pls. enjoy!
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There’s a taste lingering on the tip of your tongue.
It’s sickeningly sweet and accompanied by an icy chill that sends goosebumps pricking across your biceps. Dribbling down the side of your hand, it trickles across your skin towards your sleeve. At this rate, it’ll stain the cream-colored uniform. With another lick, you quell the racing liquid.
It tastes like well-ripened strawberries.
Ice cream isn’t a luxury you’re often afforded within the Liberio internment camp. It’s one of many foods that is solely attainable past the gates. A delicacy that the Marleyans decided to withhold from the spawns of devils. You can stain your hands with the blood of their enemies and do their dirty work, but they can’t even allow the simple, regular pleasure of ice cream.
Today is a different tale, however. Today is a celebration. The war against the Allied Forces took longer than predicted, but even with the countless setbacks, Marley’s victory reigns true.
All thanks to the race they despise so much, of course.
Now, there’s vendors packed, lining the streets of Liberio. Exotic foods and little knick-knacks sit front and present at every booth. It’s supposed to put the foreign guests at ease and make them feel happy that they signed a peace treaty with the country that proceeded to massacre them. There’s supposed to be a play about what you have no idea—at some point in the debrief you had tuned out Zeke’s voice.
The younger candidate’s run amok before you, weaving through the crowd with excitement gleaming in their eyes. Every sweet treat entices them, and every savory dish catches their wonder-filled eyes. Of course, your sister is among them; in fact, Gabi is the most vocal of them. Her brown eyes ogle fascinated over a monstrosity of a chocolate drizzled crepe, the desire to stuff her belly full of the unique pastries setting her up for stomach-aching punishment later.
She’s babbling to Reiner, whom, for once, you’re grateful for, over the treat. He’s been graciously paying for the food, even at your protests.
Over the years of your youth, you’ve butted heads more times than you’d like to admit with your cousin. His arrogance over being a half-blooded Marleyan being the biggest argument starter. Now, after he returned from Paradis, he’s different. Different in a way you can’t quite put your finger on. Whatever he went through with the island devils changed him. You don’t argue anymore, not like you used to.
Pieck has also been keeping up well with the candidates, trailing after them and engaging in conversation. You watch as money exchanges hands and Gabi receives her crepe. Pieck laughs as she practically inhales it after the first bite. You even manage to capture the faint crack of a smile from Reiner.
Udo and Zofia stand off to the side. Udo does most of the talking you notice. The kid has the innate ability to chatter on about any topic. Zofia listens, never once interrupting him or telling him to quiet down.
A little ways away, you spot the Grice brothers, who have ventured just a tad bit further than the group. Colt ruffles Falco’s hair, which earns him annoyed swats from Falco. You’re surprised that Falco isn’t glued to Gabi’s side.
Everyone’s having a fantastic time. Plenty of laughter is being had, and delicious food is being consumed and enjoyed. It’s good company. It’s a beautiful day. Most of the veteran warriors have even let their guards down.
Everyone is happy. So why can’t you be?
“Your ice cream’s melting.”
The words jolt you violently from your endless thoughts. Physically, your head recoils, jerking upwards in the direction of the familiar voice. In the midst of staring off into space, Porco has retreated to your side. He looks at you with a hint of concern and a wealth of curiosity written across his features.
Your eyes trail towards the half-eaten ice cream cone tucked in your grasp. It threatens to become a watery soup. The pink-tinted liquid trails in multiple lines down your hands, sticky and warm now.
“Shit,” You hiss softly, transferring the cone between your hands. You shake the hand covered in liquid, flinging droplets of ice cream against the ground. You’re not even sure why you’re still holding onto it—your appetite has long gone. Porco sighs, pulling a brown napkin from his jacket pocket. He extends it in your direction and you gladly take it. “Thanks.”
“What’s on your mind?” He asks.
“What?” You blink, tossing the ice cream into a nearby garbage bin. Shaking your head, you wipe your hands clean. “Nothing.”
Porco gives you a knowing look—a look you despise. A frown tugs at your lips. He never misses the slightest change in your behavior. You hate it.
“You always finish your food.” Porco points out. “Lying to me is stupid; why don’t you just tell me?”
He’s right; you hate that he’s right. Lying to him is stupid, considering you’re more honest with Porco than anyone else. You’re being difficult for no reason.
Well, you do have a reason, just not a particularly good one.
“I just have a bad feeling.”
Porco’s eyebrows furrow. “About this and the play?” He inquires, and you nod in response. “The allied forces have already signed the treaty. The war is over. No one would be dumb enough to plan an attack in Liberio anyhow.”
“Treaties are broken all the time.” You remind him.
Enchanting hazel eyes trail over your face, and your heart skips a beat. “It’s your gut, isn’t it?” Porco asks.
Instinctively, your hand grazes against your abdomen, a nauseating feeling building in your stomach. “My gut’s never wrong.” You say. “You should know, it’s saved your ass more times than I can count.”
“Not every time.” Porco argues. “Also, I save my own ass and everyone else's—and yours too.”
You roll your eyes. “Name one time I’ve been wrong.”
Porco’s lips part, the resemblance of a word forming on them, only for no sound to come out. They bob open and closed, and you can almost visibly see the gears turning in his brain. He looks stumped. He struggles for a moment, too stubborn to accept the truth, before finally relenting to the glaring reality.
Your gut has never been wrong.
This keen sense for imminent disaster was one of the reasons you earned your warrior candidacy. Gabi calls it your sixth sense. You could sense a threat from a mile away. No one could ever pull a stealth attack on you because your gut was never - and has never been wrong.
Porco’s eyes comb the crowd before wrapping one of his large hands around your wrist. He gently tugs you to an abrupt stop, redirecting your course to a secluded portion of the street—in an alleyway between two nearby buildings. The group continues onward, temporarily oblivious to the loss of two of its members.
Porco turns to you, serious as ever. His intense gaze causes butterflies to awaken and flutter about in your stomach. “Say your gut’s right; do you think we’d need to be worried about it?” He asks, his hand falling from your wrist to your hand and curling his fingers around your own. “It’d have to be one hell of a sneak attack.”
An exhausted, tense sigh falls from your lips. “Of course it would, but you saw how badly Reiner’s armored titan was destroyed by the artillery.”
“That’s because Reiner’s useless.” He grumbles under his breath.
You scowl, continuing with your train of thought. “And Pieck’s equipment takes precious time to transport and set up—time we won’t have.”
Apprehension lingers in him, but you can tell he believes you—or at the very least in you. Your eyes flicker across his face, knowing that he trusts you and that this pointless questioning is only for his peace of mind. He knows you would never be this worked up over something if you didn’t believe it. He knows you. He knows you.
So, he relents.
“I’ll let Pieck know.” Porco says, his hand trailing up to your cheek. He cups the side of your face, sighing. You lean into his touch—his soft, gentle touch. It’s a side of Porco that only you see regularly. “No one will trust just a gut feeling—especially not from us. So stay alert, okay? Stay near me until this is over.”
Relief floods through you instantaneously, and you nod. “I’ve got your back.”
“And I’ve got yours.” Porco smirks. He gazes at you for a moment, his cheeks growing a pinkish hue to them. His usual cool confidence falters. Shyly, he murmurs, “You look pretty today; did I tell you that?”
“No, you didn’t.” You grin. “But I’m only pretty today, though?” You tease.
“What? Well, no, of course not.” Porco flusteredly stammers out. A giggle breaks through your lips. “You look pretty every day; just today you—ah, goddammit, nevermind—forget it.”
It’s rare that you get moments like these. Moments where you are not warriors or dirt-blooded Eldians. Moments where your lives are simple and you get to act like every normal couple.
Embarrassed by your teasing, Porco grumpily attempts to depart. Softly laughing, you tug him back to you. “C’mon, I’m kidding, Pock.” You say, pulling him in by his jacket. “Stay with me. Just for another minute, please?”
He can never resist those puppy-dog eyes of yours. Porco sighs and obliges. “One more minute.”
The two of you lock eyes, and the world dissolves around you. Porco leans down, pressing his lips to yours. One kiss, two kisses, three. His lips envelope yours, gentle but a little sloppily. His hand slides up the small of your back, keeping your body pressed into his.
It’s bliss. Loving Porco is a private affair; these moments that bear the threat of the public eye are few and far between. You cherish them, silently wishing to scream your love from the rooftops. A wish that will never come to fruition—not with your positions.
Coming up for air, you pull back. Still not wanting to break the bubble just yet, Porco leans to press his forehead against yours. The tip of your nose kisses his, and a small smile tugs at your lips. Your eyes lull shut once more, savoring every moment of this temporary peace.
Until you hear the distinct sound of someone calling for you, Gabi’s voice rings across the streets. Your eyes spring open, and you catch a glimpse of her on the main road, Reiner in tow. You still, watching as they disappear down the street.
“Minute over.” You murmur.
Porco hums in response. “Minute over.” He echoes, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s go.”
One more minute.
Clawing at your throat, bile threatens to spill over from you. There’s an aching in your chest, a hammering against your ribcage. Your heart threatens to crack the very ribs that protect it. Your footsteps feel heavy, weighted by cement. There’s a dull pain thudding behind your dry, bloodshot eyes, the capillaries in them threatening to burst at the seams.
You wish you would have stayed in that alleyway for just one more minute.
Corpses would still litter the streets of the place you call home, crimson blood pooling against the concrete and staining the pavement. The hospitals would still be overfilled—maximized to their capacity—and even then, with patients scattered across the hallways. Smoke would still billow, flames roaring in the midst of building debris. The crisp, icy water of the sea would still hold the remnants of Marley’s naval fleet—pieces of their vessels floating aimlessly across the ocean.
A minute wouldn’t have prevented this. A minute wouldn’t have fixed this.
But for a minute, the vile image of Zofia’s pulverized upper body wouldn’t be on repeat in your mind—the mental image of her limp legs connected to nothing haunting you whenever you squeezed your eyes shut. A minute would have spared you the feeling of Udo’s arm slipping from your grasp in the midst of the panic. A minute would have given you the opportunity to hold your sister close, keeping Gabi by your side and never letting her go. Another would have prevented her from boarding that airship and taking Falco with her.
You have to order yourself to take deep breaths, lest you claw at your skin and tear the feeling of guilt out of your muscles. The miserable feeling clutches your chest like a vise, constricting your lungs. Tears threaten to spill from the corners of your eyes. You blink them back—you don’t get to cry, not yet.
Forcing out another sputtering breath is like swallowing a hot coal. The acidic burn in your throat is only reinforced by the action. You keep swallowing, attempting to provide some sort of aid to no avail.
The Paradis devils. Eren Yeager. They’ve destroyed your home and killed innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the Warriors actions. And now they have Falco and your sister—your baby sister.
Through the shroud of grief, there is only panic.
Is she a prisoner of war? Is she dead? Are they going to torture her for information? Will they use the same methods that Marley does? You don’t even want to think about it.
Your gut tells you she’s alive.
And it’s so hard to breathe.
You failed them.
It’s clear as day, plain and simple. You should have spoken up and told someone with a higher ranking about your gut feeling. Instead, you doubted your judgment. General Magath might have listened, though the rest really would have never believed something as silly as a gut feeling.
But you did fail them: Zofia, Udo, Gabi, Falco, Pieck, Reiner, Colt...
Oh god, Porco.
You finally reach his bedside, unsteady and five seconds away from completely unraveling. The feeling of breaking completely only intensifies as your eyes roam Porco’s unconscious body. The Warriors took a brutal assault from Eren Yeager, one that not even your gut could have predicted.
Temporarily, relief floods you. Porco is alive; his body is regenerating. It’s clear the doctors have done all they can for him, the only course of action to allow the titan’s power to complete the rest.
It’s the worst shape you’ve ever seen him in after a battle.
You practically collapse into a nearby chair, unable to stand on the two feet that have been carrying you throughout Liberio tonight. All you can do for a moment is stare at him, watching as his chest slowly rises and deflates. He’s alive. He’s alive, he’s alive, he’s alive...
And Udo and Zofia are not.
Shakily, your hand reaches out for Porco’s, his fingers clammy and cold to the touch as you clasp your hand around his. Thousands of emotions rush through your veins, and your mind fights tooth and nail to make sense of all of them. You cling to him, the relief of him being alive and the guilt of being glad that he is alive swirling within you all at once. How are you going to be glad he’s alive when your sister is gone and people are dead? How are you going to feel glad he’s alive when you should have been by his side in the first place?
You don’t know.
You break.
The tears come pouring out in rapid succession. “I’m sorry.” You say this through gritted teeth, lowering your head against Porco’s arm. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left your side.”
You fall asleep curled over his bedside, his hand in yours, clinging on for dear life.
Porco doesn’t wake for a while, even after his body has recuperated.
Over the span of his unconsciousness, you’ve been flip-flopping between the hospital and your home in what little free time you’re offered, checking on your parents and giving your aunt updates on Reiner.
Your parents are wrought with grief, convinced that Gabi has been killed. The crying is incessant from your mother, while your father is stone-cold and quiet. But you know better—Gabi is not dead. You don’t tell them that, though; the fate of her being alive in the hands of the island devils might be worse than her being dead.
When Porco does wake up, you’re there.
You barely register the subtle flex of his fingers against yours; he is far too busy spacing off. Porco stirs to life, a pained grunt erupting from his lips. His eyes flutter open, adjusting to the haze of his newfound surroundings and trying to come to terms with what he remembered before blacking out. By the time you notice, he’s already speaking.
“You're going to squeeze my fingers off.” Porco’s raspy voice grumbles from beneath you. Dazed, his tired eyes peer up at you from beneath heavy lids.
His first words to you almost want to make you laugh—or cry—solely because of the fact that he’s speaking. Porco’s always been terrible with words. When he confessed his love to you, it took you a good ten minutes to actually understand what he was saying. It’s one of the most endearing things about him.
But you can’t muster a laugh, and you’ve almost cried your body's weight in water. There’s nothing left for you to do besides softly gasp, “You’re awake.”
"Yeah, and I hurt like hell.” Porco murmurs, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. You turn and reach for the water at his bedside as he props himself up. He squeezes your hand as he takes it. “What happened?”
Your body stills, reforming itself into something statue-like. One wrong move, and you're certain your limbs will crumble into dust. Regardless of what you believe, you have to tell him everything, much like you had to fill in Pieck when she awoke.
So you do. You tell Porco everything that has happened or did happen as a result of Paradis’s raid on Liberio. You recount the death toll as you know it, including Zofia and Udo. You assure him that his parents are okay. You tell him the effort to rebuild the destruction and scrub the city clean is already under way. You tell him about Pieck and Reiner, you tell him about Zeke.
Much like you did, Porco goes through a range of emotions. The prevalent one is anger; you can see it bubble and dwell beneath his skin. A fierce look glints in his eye, and you let him break into a tangent, surprised that he managed to keep his anger controlled this long. Deep down, you know he blames himself, much like you do.
Once he cools, he looks at you. “How’s Gabi?” He asks.
Your mouth runs dry. You had been purposefully pushing that part of the story until the bitter end. “Gabi’s….Gabi’s gone.” You strain out.
“Gabi’s dead?” Porco’s eyes grow wide. He leans forward, all attention on you.
You shake your head. “Gabi’s not dead.” What little tears you can produce struggle their way out, burning white-hot at the corners of your eyes. “S-she’s gone. They took her. She boarded that damn airship, and Falco went with her.”
It becomes a struggle to breathe again. The all-consuming panic crashes over you like a tidal wave. You wish you could be stronger about it, like you have been, but in the presence of Porco, you shatter all over again.
“Hey," Porco coaxes, tugging at you. “C’mere.”
You crawl into the creaky hospital cot with him, careful about where you put pressure. You don’t care what your position is or who sees it; you need him. Porco seems to have the same sentiment as he guides you. You rest your head against his chest, thankful for the slow, steady beat of his heart that thuds in your ears.
“She’s gone, Pock. They took her and Falco, and they killed Zofia, and it’s all my fault.” You whimper against his chest, once again fighting back the trickling downpour on your cheeks. Absent-mindedly, Porco’s fingers comb through your hair.
“Don’t say that.” Porco firmly commands. “This isn’t your fault. This isn’t anyone’s fault but those fucking island devils'. I swear-“
He sharply inhales, running his free hand along his mouth. “What?”
“I should have had your back.” You say, curling into his body. “I’m - I'm really glad you’re alive.”
Porco’s fingers grow still in your hair. You hear the quick skip of his heartbeat, and your eyes flicker to his face. A faint smirk pulls at his lips. “They can’t kill me that easily, not when I have you to come back to.” He tells you. Porco pulls you as close as he can, mushing your bodies together. “Don’t worry,” he whispers. “We’ll get Gabi back, I promise. Whatever it takes.”
You believe him, body and soul, because you know him. Nodding at his words, face brushing against the rough fabric of his shirt, you mold yourself against the shape of his frame. You clutch to the only thing that makes sense in the world at the moment—tired and weary.
“I love you.” You murmur.
A quick second passes, and you begin to believe he hadn’t heard you, until he murmurs back a soft "I love you, too.”
And in that minute, you wish you could stay in his arms forever.
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f0xgl0v3 · 9 months
Octavian headcanons :3
Another round of general Octavian headcanons, family edition! Would first like to state I’m not touching the legacy strands currently because stuff like Augustus Caesar and his demigod status in Pjo and all of that messes stuff up and I need more time to think about that and actually reading ToA and stuff.
Anyways, motivation for the Octavian post is to settle pre-audition jitters. Drama club beauty and the beast production, and auditions are tomorrow :,] gonna have to weasel my way through the singing part and hope my acting carries me the rest of the way through (in the words of Perseus Jackson; if I tried to sing I’m pretty sure it’d cause an avalanche.)
*Update because I’ve been writing this post for a day; we had dance auditions first! Pretty much just seeing where we are in dancing skills for this, it was really chill and fun and vibes were immaculate! Sorry this post is kind of ajifnsdb and I couldn’t get names down for these people, but I’d want to do that after figuring out.. naming work?
But ajdienajdjfneb whatever onto the headcannons!!
Big family, BIIIG family. In my head he has 8 other siblings (he is indeed the eighth child just for my amusement and it works for the little time before I work on how I think New Rome does naming, and I’m not touching that with a 39 and a half foot pole)
Old money family too. They’re descended from Emperors and they’ve managed to continue that legacy and have a family business, aware of Triumvirate holdings, may even have positive work relations.
Octavian is the 2nd youngest, in order his siblings go; 1st eldest, 2 kid, 3 child, 4&5 were twins, then 6,7,8,9. His poor mom has so many kids- but got solid breaks between them, though I don’t want to calculate ages at the moment.
Staring with his youngest sister. It’s Julia, that Julia. The one that’s Terminus’s little ‘assistant’. Octavian likes getting the opportunity to see her more often than most of his other siblings. She’s a little menace but gets away with it, nothing bad though, just mischievous.
Skipping Octavian we go to child 7. Who doesn’t have a name but just got out of the legion a few years ago, and moved out of the legion/New Rome. Bit of a rebel, but just wants to settle down with a family of their own and distance themselves from the family. They had a neutral-to negative relationship with Octavian. Octavian doesn’t like his siblings distance from Rome, and sibling likes Octavian but can’t help worry over him.
Kid 6 would be probably Gaius or something (again. Not about to go think too hard about what is gonna end up being Octavian’s Oc siblings. I can think about them later) he got out honorably after Mt.Tam, I like to think he’s still looking for a job and drifting in that University stage.
Kids 5&4 are twins, fraternal (maybe identical but I want more fraternal twins) and absolutely wild?? Jobs set up probably as something like loan sharks, they help upkeep the family fortune. Think like Ebenezer Scrooge or how Bob Marley are described in Christmas Carol. Taught Octavian everything they knew about blackmail, manipulation, etc. but they’re generally silly. Both usually try to charge people for various scams, think of the cartoonish dealer with the giant trench coat.
Child 3 has their own family and works for Bombillio’s (?) pretty comfortable with life. Fascinated with the mortal realm, slips on trips their parents take for business.
Child 2 and 1 have significantly branched off and live sort of anywhere, I feel like 1 is supervising that outpost in Canada (that’s another Hc I have that I talked about a LOOONG time ago) and then 2 probably lives out with their partner in San Fran and cats.
Okay a sorry I’m a little jittery because it is SNOWING!!!!! Where I am at least but still, SNOWING!! Sorry I couldn’t name anyone but still, wanted to get general family stuff down and writing posts like these calm me down when I’m feeling a bit aaaaaurgh.
Octavian has mostly good relationships with his siblings. Though he feels like he’s the only one really invested in being a citizen of New Rome and upholding the family name.
I’ll probably change around the siblings and their order whenever I decide how their ages work. But I feel they’re all relatively close in age and then Julia is just the odd one out.
His mother is a legacy from a newer family in New Rome, she’s pretty silly and generally just wants the best for her family.
His dad inherited the unnamed, unspecified family business/company and currently runs it, preserved his old crown awards and has them framed in his office, takes his family very seriously.
Okay, I’m working on the rankings research. It’s… a thing, but for now I might just make more of these random little hc posts, in between larger posts and passion stuff y’know?
Also maybe other fandoms? I’m still very much a Pjo person but I still wanna talk about other stuff lol,
Anyway here’s a quick Octavian thing I did, I’m still messing with his design, I feel like this might stick but I’ll still mess around with his hair, but I just wanted to add a little more to this post because it felt… pretty empty lol.
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Also possible post on how some of the weapons characters have look? Would love to draw actual referenced things like IVILIS(? Don’t wanna go check but the Juno sword I think- Jason’s sword-) Reyna’s spear sword & dagger. Octavian’s Pilum & dagger, some hc stuff, maybe actual Camp Half-Blood stuff (because I wanna draw Backbiter)
Okay, I think I’m done now :3
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melishade · 4 months
I love the way you wrote the latest chapter. It feels less like Eren and Zeke are being judged by gods, and more like the AOT fans are finally giving these two self-righteous idiots a piece of their mind. It's very satisfying!
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Despite me liking Attack on Titan, I still have quite a few issues with it, and I've said it quite a few times, either on Ao3 or on this blog. One of the major things being season 4 was rushed and because it was rushed, there were many character moments and build up that Isayama completely missed out on, like the Marleyans and their dynamics or Eren's descent into madness. I think that an extra season would have help a lot of the stuff that Isayama intended for season 4.
That being said:
I've have to really break down, edit and rewrite Primus' interactions with Zeke and Eren multiple times, and I'll elaborate on that in an AOP alternate scene. Primus has also withheld his identity from Eren and Zeke in order to determine their character. If Primus had said that he's Optimus' god, obviously they're going to treat him differently and hide stuff from him, so keeping his origins a secret benefitted him long term. And he was glad that he did considering what he ends up learning about the brothers.
So when Primus does confront them with his identity revealed, he's really just watching them scramble trying to come up with excuses for their plans. Both involve genocide, which he obviously doesn't agree with as a being of creation, which is why Primus removes Zeke's ability to communicate with Ymir, both as a punishment for his crimes, and so he doesn't enact his plan.
Still, Primus does feel pity for Zeke, understands his plight, and considering the other alternative being Eren's plan, he does believe Zeke's plan is the better option. Zeke's plan doesn't kill off the current living Eldians. It just stops them from having children. Which is still a genocide, the Eldian people will die out, but it's a small price to pay for the future of the AOT world. However Primus has seen Zeke show no remorse in his actions when it came to killing for Marley's empire and didn't truly value life and the actual points of living. Zeke's plan simply reflected a deep-seated issue within himself: that he just wanted to die.
However, there's also the issue of Zeke not getting the actual results he wants with his plan, because people are going to be people and will abuse power. From a historical standpoint, I don't think that Zeke's plan would have achieved world peace. It simply would have caused a power vacuum that would have been replaced by another, possibly crueler, power.
Now, I know that people bag on Zeke a lot, and I've done that too, but Zeke has still been dealt a really bad hand, and that is something I have to acknowledge. Zeke's ultimate purpose in living essentially boiled down to wanting to die while also fulfilling Ksaver's plan. But because Primus told and showed him that his future was not possible, he loses any real will to live. At least that's how I saw it, especially since in the main AOT timeline, Zeke didn't really fight his way out of the Paths and made sandcastles until Armin showed up. Zeke had to really be broken down emotionally in order for Primus to consider him a non-threat, and all he had to do was show Zeke the futility of his plans.
Eren however-!
So imagine this from Primus' perspective: you wake up after the war is over and have been revived. You hear a cry from across the universe in an alternate dimension and go searching for it in said alternate dimension. You travel through years worth of memories without having the ability to really interact with the outside world. But then a miracle happens: you meet two humans that can see you completely! One of them is wary of him, but the other is willing to speak with him. He's rather quiet, but he's polite and considerate or Primus' situation. The two even bond for about seven years of searching through Grisha's memories, so much so that Primus even reveals his name to Eren.
But then Primus finds out that Eren had been withholding information that he clearly knew, actively attacked him with he tried to create a peaceful solution, and spoke of his disciple, Optimus, in such a vile and twisted manner even though Optimus wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. And then you find out, through searching through memories, much to the behest of the Primes to not do that, that this teenager not only wants to destroy the world, but kills one of your very first creations in the process.
Obviously, Primus is very pissed off at Eren more than he is at Zeke.
One of the few things that genuinely frustrated me when the final manga chapter of AOT came out was that Eren's friends were still treating him with kindness, respect, and even love, even though he tried to kill them and wiped out 80% of humanity. Eren destroyed the world and put many survivors of the massacre in desolate situations. The anime does improve on this a little bit, with Armin having a much more visceral reaction to being told that 80% of humanity is dead. However, what Eren did was genocide to a massive degree, and it clearly wasn't to protect his friends or even the island. It was for his own selfish gain of fulfilling a wish that never really existed. I implore you to watch this video:
Because it provides a really great breakdown of Eren's overall character which is that his main, selfish, desire, is freedom, and he will do everything and anything to get it. Even if it meant his friends and family got caught in the crossfires, even if he understood the struggles of the Eldians outside of the walls, he rejected all of that in order to fulfill his selfish wish.
And this breakdown really helped me write Eren's interactions with Primus a lot more fluidly. Because Primus has seen the goodness within Eren. He knows the good things that Eren is capable of doing, so he's so confused as to why Eren devolved into madness and death in such a short amount of time in his eyes. Primus brings up the fall of Shinganshina and the death of his mother, but Primus knows deep down that doesn't address the issue of Eren's motivation. He feels as though it is something else. So he brings up his friends, Armin, Mikasa, and Optimus to try and figure out the underlying issue. (I'll also break down the Prime voices in another ask and how each of them, and Primus, react to Eren's answers because that deserves it's own post). But Primus just sees Eren dodging the question, refusing to stand down when it came to the concern and safety of the people he cared about. He justifies his actions as protecting them, but Primus knows that none of them wanted this.
It's only when Primus threatens Eren's freedom that Eren confesses his truth:
Eren just wants to see the world burn and achieve the freedom he so desired as a child, and Primus reacts appropriately by calling him out for his childishness and nearly ends his life over it. Because like the video said, Eren hasn't grown or changed. He's rejected the growth that's he's been confronted with and has always been the same person since season 1.
There's a lot more that I can talk about, and this definitely feels like it's me rambling. I'm certain I did repeat some points. However, I don't mind asks regarding chapter 90 and 91 because I really want to provide my breakdowns even further on the topics and ideas I've had.
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averagepsychouser · 8 months
Songs that actually remind me of fallout companions characters in no particular order. The themes vary pretty wildly.
Arcade: Starting off with Danke Schoen (I listen specifically to the Wayne Newton version on Spotify) which is a thank you to an old love for all the good memories. This song fits the general motif of goodbyes to the past that Arcade’s character is struck through with, and it was translated into an English version from a foreign language (like auld lang syne).
Benny: In very Benny fashion, Luck Be A Lady by Frank Sinatra. It starts off slow but quickly speeds up, and of course the lyrics all sound like things he would say. Naturally the song is about gambling and the fickle nature of luck. Also, it is annoyingly catchy.
Vulpes: Basic, I know, but A Well Respected Man by The Kinks is definitely like him. While the song is originally a satire about the middle class in Britain, it speaks of a monotonous life with darker undertones in the background. Understandably, a spy is going to need to live a monotonous life like this in order to maintain his figure as an upstanding member of whatever society he’s infiltrating. Vulpes, right?
Boone: I Don’t Want To See Tomorrow by Nat King Cole (Holy shit fallout show reference). Yeah yeah yeah, sadman deadwife stuff, I get it, but this song really does seem like him. The lyrics are pretty damn depressing, talking about how life without a love is a life not worth living. It’s very slow and deliberately paced, and hauntingly mournful.
Cass: Here’s a surface level song, and I know her only character trait isn’t drinking, but Poor Little Critter on the Road by The Knitters, X, and Dave Alvin fits. Essentially its about having a good time drinking and living life chaotically.
Ulysses: Going back to somber songs, Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley & The Wailers. The song is about African American cavalry troops fighting in the American Indian Wars and their struggle for survival, and I think it can reflect onto Ulysses very well. Some lyrics that are so, so, so much like him are “If you know your history/Then you would know where you’re coming from” followed by “Then you wouldn’t have to ask me/Who the heck do I think I am?”
I’ll prolly repost with more songs later idk
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thebrightsessions · 1 year
Hi !
I just finished the brights sessions and in one of the episode D. Bright said that the atypical represented 4% of the world's population, and that let me wondering, considering that almost every atypical that we encounter in the serie is queer, what percent of the queer community is atypical ?
Apart from that, i love your show and all of the amazing character! I hope you have a great day !
Oooh GREAT question! Lemme do some quick math here...
Okay, according to my universe bible (which is pretty accurate, if not fully comprehensive, I'm sure there's stuff I forgot to write down), there are 29 known and named atypicals across the 7 seasons of the podcasts, excluding the Bright Sides (Season 5, the bonus episodes) and the three books (though there is some overlap) but including Frank Sawyer and Sadie Greenwood, who are, like...atypical-adjacent.
Of those 30 atypicals (presuming I counted correctly (does this post have enough parentheticals yet?)), 14 are definitely canonically queer in one way or another. So, by that logic, nearly half of the atypical population is queer! I have a feeling that number would go up if I were to go through and pull out all the folks from the books and the bonus episodes (which perhaps I will do someday but I don't know the orientation of all the bonus ep characters (bc they were created by other people) and pulling out characters from the books is always a mess because, uh, I do not outline lol) but I also don't know that I can say our little atypical population is fully representative of the global population's queerness? Like flocks to like, so perhaps this a somewhat self-selecting bunch, or maybe there really is just a very high correlation between being atypical and being queer. Dealer's (fanfic writer and headcanon-er's) choice!
Counts under the cut:
Known Atypicals:
characters who are canonically queer are bolded - these are characters who either have queer relationships or talk specifically about their identity. some folks on this list are straight (Frank, Sadie, Marley, Jackson, Blackwell, (though tbf, Sadie is the only person in the whole series who ever says they're straight I'm pretty sure, so who knows)), but there are plenty who we never say one way or another, so anything is possible!
Sam Barnes Caleb Michaels Chloe Turner Frank Sawyer Robert "Damien" Gorham Mark Bryant Rose Atkinson Franklin "Frankie" Meeks Sadie Greenwood Ben Bernard Oliver Ritz Margaret "Mags" Densmore Jackson Crawford Jason "Marley" Beck Seamus Blackwell Michal Sharon Helen Sidney Alice Michaels Alice Rufie Jordan Tobias Sitzer Alexis Neal Cat Cam Vanessa Turner Ira Alex "Blaze" Chen Maguerite Sarai
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