#bertolt fubar
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stormychameleon · 10 days ago
I'll never shut up about how cute Bertholdt is
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underrated king like wtf
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grimmcheems · 22 days ago
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Yall this took forever to finish. So glad I actually decided to continue it instead of abandoning it in my drafts🎀🗿 I love this brush so much and have been using it for a while now, I might make more arts like this occasionally bc they take forever.
Other than that, pray for me yall🙏🏽or help me manifest bc things have not been going well for me for a while. I just have not had any luck this past yr. Anyways I love berumin and the handful of us berumin truthers out here (🤭you know who you are🗣️)
😭 berumin yapping below⬇️🗣️‼️⚠️
I think this is my first actual Berumin art, wherein it’s obvious💀 all of the other ones I’ve made of these two are so all over the place and parts of aus I made, but this one is just something I did for fun a yr ago and left the sketch alone(it was so close to being abandoned fr) until I got back to it two weeks ago and decided to pull through. At first I was just gonna do a simple lineart and got carried away and then had to go all out to make everything match and make sense. It rly was a process doing the limbs and having to change a lot of the posing.
Idk what it was but I added those nails to armin on one hand and had to do it for ALL of them, it just rly played into the demon aspect so well I couldn’t resist. This originally didn’t have all the smaller details and I rly just made a lot of it along the way.
I rly liked thinking of this dynamic where Bert is more gentle/pure? And Armin is more deceptive and controlling? Idrk how to describe how I imagined it in my mind when I first made this but that’s the gist of it. Armin at first had a curious expression than the sly one he has here in the old sketches, and there was even a very rough sketch version where he’s an angel instead but I didn’t find it that appealing as a concept and I remember that sketch being so frustrating to get the wings right and I think that’s why I dropped this drawing at first.
Anyways 🗣️🗣️I LOVE BERT and MIN🗣️🗣️🎀🐢🐚
I actually like how ambiguous I left the context of this because there rly is a lot of possibilities this could go story-wise. Like, does Armin appear to Bertolt physically and everyone can see him but he’s only befriending Bert for demonic(?) purposes or is Armin manifested by Bertolt subconsciously. Is Armin a representation of Bert’s corruption? Who knows? I honestly couldn’t tell you but that’s probably why I was happy to make this more detailed than my usual stuff.
Other than that I do like the idea that perhaps Armin was a fallen angel that was casted out and became a demon? Something like that. Maybe Bert became a man of the cloth as a result of shame and guilt over something he did and that mirrors Armin’s fall from grace in how they both have to mask who they used to be???? Maybe none of this is real and this is Bert’s divine punishment in purgatory? What if there was a universe in which Bert wronged Armin in someway and Bert’s psyche takes a hit because of it?
It’s possible this isn’t even Armin but who knows?
Yall maybe I’m cooking with this actually.🤭👀👩🏽‍🦯🗿
What do you perceive this as and what is your take from just this alone? I kinda wanna know how everyone else would interpret them in this👁️👁️😳🥺🙏🏽🎀
Should I do another version of this but with concepts around demonology or something? Idk.
Btw I plan on finishing another berumin drawing I started last yr ,but based on a rly good berumin fic I read, I just haven’t gotten back to it.
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sof1eee · 1 month ago
"I'm so sad my favourite character didn't get enough screentime!"
Oh yeah? well my favourite characters are either dead, overhated, underrated or all of the above 💔
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bertolthooverloveblogx12 · 19 days ago
Dear AOT artists, keep drawing Bertholdt with dark skin! Don't pay attention to the nonsense comments saying that you can't draw him like that. They just want to be stupid racists.
Your brown skinned Bertholdt is valid!
Your Bertholdt with Middle Eastern ancestry is valid!
Your Bertholdt with South Asian ancestry is valid!
Besides him looking very beautiful with dark skin (and in my opinion, much more beautiful than the version of the anime), it adds much more to his character. Please, never listen to these haters and continue doing that amazing work!
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alexryudragon · 13 days ago
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Sweet bertolt and brave wolfwood
Brave wolfwood say wow! Soulskull very good for make snowman ☃️
Sweet bertolt say yeah I make snowman and sunglasses was like you
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woowooberu · 2 years ago
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my baby
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bert-fubar-is-the-worst · 8 days ago
Most Bertholdt Hoover fans are either conservatives or mindless consumers incapable of critical thinking. There's a huge huge overlap between Bert fans and Arcane season 2 fans for a reason, and that reason is Bertfujos sincerely buying Bertholdt's "there's no bad sides" bullshit. While he's, you know, a genocidal nazi almost singlehandedly responsible for wiping out 20% of a country, and this are his excuses for not changing his ways.
The Bertfujos be like:“Both sides are bad and have problems, so maybe it’s individuals and not the systems in place that are the issue.” No wonder there's such a big overlap between Bert fangirls and Arcane fans.
Bertfujos calling themselves "leftist" and "for the oppressed class" my ass. Your fave is a genocidal Nazi from a fascist state that lived his entire life in privilege, having far better living conditions than anyone from Paradis that's not literal royalty.
And for Arcane Season 2, I'll just cite this Youtube commentary under an Arcane Season 2 analysis video which expresses why the "both sides are equally bad" bullshit doesn't work far better than I can:
"It was always clear to me the show would gesture at leftist politics but never support them. Even back in season 1 they instantly pull the old trick of “Both sides are bad and have problems, so maybe it’s individuals and not the systems in place that are the issue.”
Arcane absolutely did this to the extreme.
Piltover is a beautiful bustling trade hub and a center of technology. There are abundant resources for Piltover’s residents, there is wide access to academic knowledge, and notably, not a single character from Piltover is depicted as struggling with any kind of systemic issue. There is no pollution or crumbling infrastructure. There are no widespread diseases or serious drugs, and seemingly no true poverty. Even the systemic corruption depicted through the council members making underhanded deals is never depicted as a bad thing, it’s simply how their system works, and it’s never questioned.
Zaun on the other hand is where all the criminals and “undesirables” are dumped. There is widespread pollution which is directly because of Piltover pumping their own down to the undercity. Notably, there aren’t many foreign characters in Zaun, and many other hints which imply the undercity is mostly cut off from the world by their Piltover oppressors. There is widespread drug use and corruption. The entire undercity’s infrastructure is crumbling. Poverty and food insecurity is rampant. Piltover enforcers routinely harass and beat the Zaunites. The city also has no formal government structure explicitly due to Piltover’s refusal, which is why the chem barons rose to be the defacto governing bodies.
One side is clearly oppressing the other yet they are never depicted as such. Instead the show tried to say “well look at how bad they BOTH can be.”
It’s important to mention how the same concepts are depicted in both cities:
- Drug use does happen in Piltover, but characters like Salo are shown as desperate or misguided. They may do it for pleasure or because they feel they don’t have other options, but they are never depicted as bad for using. In Zaun drug users are literally shown as horrifyingly deformed monsters. They are explicitly turned into subhuman creatures either mindlessly causing chaos and violence, or killing and robbing for their next fix.
- In Piltover corruption of the government is shown as simply a fact of life that outsiders like Jayce must join to keep up with. It’s almost like a game, and the prize is money and exploitation. In Zaun the corruption of Silco and the chem barons is a failure of their moral character. They are sniveling, hotheaded, vindictive, and cruel. All the traits that put them in charge are bad and disruptive.
- Pollution in Piltover is nonexistent. There is basically no dirty street or park. The air and water are pure. The buildings are all in pristine condition. In Zaun the pollution (pumped directly from Piltover) is so bad people like Viktor have life-threatening illnesses and disabilities due to their exposure to the environment of the undercity.
- Technology in Piltover is beautiful and whimsical, almost angelic with the sweeping bursts of blues and whites. Even when it’s something made for brute force like Vi’s gauntlets or Cait’s gun it’s still full of brilliant dazzling sparks and heavenly glow. In Zaun technology is crude, simple, and corruptive. It’s almost wild and goes against nature, like an artificial mutation. When chem tech is on display it’s messy and gooey, almost like blood splatters or slime on everything.
I get the writers and Riot originally made these aesthetics as just artistic contrast, but it does have hidden center-right politics in it. One side, which happens to be the oppressed side, is dehumanized and made out to be wild animals haphazardly committing acts of violence. On the other hand their oppressors are humanized, made out to be passengers who are powerless among the laws and institutions they support which also conveniently make them obscenely wealthy and powerful.
For all its brilliance as a show, this was always the uncomfortable background noise. Since the first couple episodes the depiction of the oppressed and their oppressors immediately played right into American Hollywood capitalist propaganda about how “The billionaires destroying the planet and using child slave labor ALSO have feelings you guys!”"
Stop coddling CopTholdt and excusing his actions. He's a privileged committing genocide against a minority for money with no regard for others lives or suffering.
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bertholdtisapieceofshit · 3 days ago
Kill Bertholdt. Behead Bertholdt. Roundhouse kick Bertholdt into the concrete. Slam dunk Bertholdt into the trashcan. Crucify Bertholdt. Defecate on Bertholdt's dumplings. Launch Bertholdt into the sun. Stir fry Bertholdt in a wok. Toss Bertholdt into an active volcano. Urinate into Bertholdt's coffee. Judo throw Bertholdt into a wood chipper. Twist Bertholdt's head off. Report Bertholdt to the Marleyan Government. Karate chop Bertholdt in half. Curb stomp Bertholdt. Trap Bertholdt in quicksand. Crush Bertholdt between Armin's teeth. Roast Bertholdt on a grill. Eat Bertholdt. Dissect Bertholdt. Turn Bertholdt into a mindless titan. Stomp Bertholdt's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Bertholdt in the oven. Lobotomize Bertholdt. Mandatory daily cock and ball torture for Bertholdt. Grind infant Bertholdt in a mortar. Drown Bertholdt in boiling oil. Incinerate Bertholdt with napalm. Kick Bertholdt off a cliff. Feed Bertholdt to a Titan. Slice Bertholdt with a sword.
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leechingoffandoms · 1 year ago
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Trainee Days P.1/?
// don't tag as kin / id + f/o
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stormychameleon · 8 days ago
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these are just random sketches but adult Bertolt helps me stay sane these days. Consider this as an Actor AU
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stormychameleon · 8 days ago
girly pop... eye shadow tutorial when
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sof1eee · 26 days ago
I know it's not just me who thinks Bertholdt is definitely more stronger than Reiner 🤷🏻‍♂️
I feel like he's so much more stronger than Reiner, both mentally and physically, I MEAN COME ON HE'S LITERALLY 6'4 💔, i feel like he just mostly held back alot during training to not attract that much attention on him and also, he's like very shy.
Even Keith Shadis said he has potential but he just lack the aggression and the initiave to make a decision by himself. I truly believe if he wasn't as timid as he was, he would've took the number two spot in the cadet corps 🙏🏻, also he literally was trusted to hold the power of the colossal titan? So i think that speaks for itself 🙂‍↕️
We saw a glimpse of how strong he was in the RTS Arc, where he was left to make all the decision by himself, AND WE CAN SEE HOW STRONG AND SKILLED HE TRULY WAS. He literally DODGED Mikasa's surprise attack from behind AND HE MANAGED TO KICK HER TOO!!! Like he was strong enough to dodge and hurt an ACKERMAN, and he only injured his ear in the process. Even Mikasa was shocked with Bertholdt's strength because she has actually never seen him in his full potential.
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violentjo · 10 months ago
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Photo dump!! Mans was getting too cute so they had to nerf him 💔💔
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stormychameleon · 8 days ago
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I’ll say it with my full chest: Bertholdt is equally as complex—if not more—as any other character in AoT and people only see him as ‘boring’ or ‘just there’ because he is quiet.
In a show full of natural born leaders, those who act without hesitation, who speak their minds loudly and impassioned, it’s easy for a quiet character to be seen as unimportant. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Bertholdt’s quiet demeanor is not to be mistaken with simplicity—to me, he is a textbook overthinker, riddled with conflicting thoughts, growing fears, and guilt that remains firmly planted in his mind, taking root there and growing out of control.
As someone who is quiet and meek by nature, it’s not surprising that Bertholdt grows into this nervous, indecisive person—he’s been a warrior since he was a child, an immense weight placed on his shoulders, the burden of being someone able to cause mass destruction with ease.
He’s been used as a weapon, constantly told what to do by others; he can master any skill better than most others, but lacks the power to do anything with those skills until he’s told.
He knows that if he is obedient, if he does what he is told is right, that he will be able to save his sick father, become an honorary Marleyan, and have some semblance of peace and safety. To him, at this point, he can be someone who defeats evil if he stays on the right path.
But, this becomes less simple as Bertholdt becomes wracked with guilt as he grows more and more aware of the truths of the world and the war he’s been forced to fight in; one that is not against evil, but driven by fear and hate.
We see it from one of his first ever interactions—when he uses the hanged man’s story as his own cover story when he speaks to Eren and Armin for the first time. Sure, he was trying to blend in, but he could’ve just as easily made something up.
That story had actually been weighing heavily on him, when he reveals that he’d been having recurring nightmares about it and asks Reiner in private why that man would bother telling that story just to later hang himself.
The thought is brushed aside rather quickly, but this gives us a look into Bertholdt’s mind and personality; someone battling inner turmoil, someone who contemplates what it means to have agency over life and death, someone who grapples with guilt.
He likely believed that the man wanted to be judged for his actions, to feel the weight of his guilt, before taking his own life; just as Bertholdt already felt the guilt of his actions in destroying Shiganshina and subconsciously was likely seeking out judgment and consequence. His sleeping position even matches The Hanged Man tarot card.
Later, we see Bertholdt’s guilt, emotions, and inactions reach a boiling point that compromises the warriors’ mission. He lets Armin use his feelings toward Annie as leverage to distract him, and he has a breakdown as he confesses to his friends in the Scouts that he hates what he’s done, that he genuinely does consider them friends, and that he wants to pay for what he’s done.
He knows that it was because of him that Eren ended up getting away, that he’d be the reason that Reiner and Annie would continue being in danger in Paradis, their mission now prolonged—his guilt only continues to build.
Moments before the return to Shiganshina, Zeke and Reiner had both told him that he needs to begin acting on his own, Reiner even going so far as to call him unreliable.
As someone who relies on the people he cares about and seeks direction from them, hearing that his own friends and comrades actually doubt his abilities and reliability would shake him to his core.
This interaction surely made him steel himself, made him push down his emotions, made him act. It made him put on a mask of apathy toward the Scouts, his friends, and nihilism toward the world around him, and play a role.
(Not to mention, Bertholdt has now seen Reiner—this person who was seen as weak, who was never even meant to be a warrior in the first place—grow into an actionable leader, and I can only imagine that would make his own self-doubts grow.)
I think when he transformed into the Colossal, part of him also genuinely did want it all to end, there, no matter the consequences. Reiner was too injured at that point to be the leader; it was his one, final chance to prove himself, to show that he is capable of doing something.
And I believe, too, that he was a terrified kid who just wanted the fighting to end—knowing that if it didn’t happen there, it would happen eventually, after more and more death and destruction.
He knows these people, his so-called enemies aren’t devils, aren’t evil, and don’t deserve death simply for being born on the opposite side of a war, but they have to die to prevent further bloodshed and catastrophe.
He knows the world is a cruel place, and there’s no changing it. He’s one of the first people to acknowledge that both sides are just doing what they think is the right thing, and if that’s the case, then the “right thing” ceases to exist. There are no devils; there are simply two sides and the hatred that fuels them.
There was no other way out this time—he couldn’t crumble under the weight of his guilt and risk compromising their mission again, for the sake of Reiner, for the sake of Annie, for the sake of his father, for the sake of everyone. He’d already done that before, and he couldn’t do it again—his true nature, to him, was nothing but a weakness.
He’d been fighting for his whole life, had seen and done unimaginable things that tormented him, had learned truths about the world that shattered what he’d been taught since childhood, and he knew that one way or another, things were going to play out in a horrific, gruesome way.
And at that moment, he accepted it because he had no other choice.
You could see his behavior in his last moments as true apathy—but I don’t. I see it as a terrified, exhausted, guilt-riddled kid living in a painfully cruel world, wanting to make it all stop and knowing that a peaceful outcome was never going to happen, that the cycles of hatred never cease.
I see it as him putting on a metaphorical armor to push past his own fears, guilts, and powerlessness.
And in his death, you see him return to his true self, his true nature—a timid, scared, lost and lonely boy, reaching out for the help of his friends…
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bertholdtisapieceofshit · 3 days ago
Bertholdt is a disgusting, subhuman piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to live or even to be born. The only thing he deserves is to be tortured for eternity, completely alone. No punishment would ever be enough for him, not even eternal torture. Ah, how I'd be glad to test his regeneration capabilities, to cut his stomach open, to tear his guts out while this swine begs for mercy, to crush his ribs, to pull his teeth out one by one, to feed him his own torn and crushed organs, to dismember him over and over, to douse him in gasoline and set him on fire, to strangle him, to crush everything below his shoulders in a trash compactor - again and again, for eons.
The people who said Reiner and Annie deserved to die too because apparently it's somehow unfair if only Bertholdt dies despite Bertholdt being the only one of to not get attached to anyone on Paradis or develop any sort of remorse for him actions. Reiner and Annie didn't want to do anything that they did, but Bertholdt did it coldly, stoically, calmly, without a shred of remorse. Bertholdt killed Marco and didn't shed a tear for him while Annie and Reiner bawled their eyes out. Bertholdt is a piece of trash that treated Reiner and Annie like his possessions while giving them zero emotional warmth, support or affection. Bertholdt is a disgusting, abusive monster that doesn't deserve Reiner or anyone at all because he will never reciprocate the love people give him and treat others like extrnsions of himself rather than people.
Bertholdt is a sociopath that wasn't broken or even affected by his monstrous actions while Reiner and Annie were, despite bearing far less sins on their shoulders than Bertholdt. He's a heartless bastard that's canonically racist against Paradis Eldians, calling them devil children and viewing them as lesser scum. Even hell is too good for Bertholdt, there's no punishment too harsh, no torture too horrible, no death too painful for him.
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ocean-eyed-lovers · 1 year ago
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