#anti bertholdt
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bertolthooverloveblogx12 · 19 days ago
Dear AOT artists, keep drawing Bertholdt with dark skin! Don't pay attention to the nonsense comments saying that you can't draw him like that. They just want to be stupid racists.
Your brown skinned Bertholdt is valid!
Your Bertholdt with Middle Eastern ancestry is valid!
Your Bertholdt with South Asian ancestry is valid!
Besides him looking very beautiful with dark skin (and in my opinion, much more beautiful than the version of the anime), it adds much more to his character. Please, never listen to these haters and continue doing that amazing work!
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a0random0gal · 1 year ago
"healthy" doesn't always mean good in fiction. Eremika's unhealthiness is what makes the ship compelling and interesting. It's built into the core of the story. Also your "healthiest ship" requires ignoring that he emotionally manipulated her into keeping her mouth shut about his genocide plan and threatened to have her memories erased. Historia never expressed any interest in him that way. Men and women can in fact just be friends.
Ohh boy, you're bold anon, I have to hand it to ya.
Yes healthy doesn't always mean good, in fact it can actually lead to some very boring ships, but that is still a perfectly good thing to look for in a pairing.
In contrast unhealthy can be interesting, but mostly leads to abusive relationships that get glorified by the fandom in spite of their toxic nature, and in this aspect Eremika is no exception. These two are just awful for one another.
He headbutts her, call her names, tells her he hates her (I know he didn't mean it, but it wrecked her emotionally so my point stands) put her in a situation that could have gotten her killed, never confided in her regarding his plans etc...
She was an overbearing mama who constantly treated him like an incompetent child that couldn't do anything on his own.
What's compelling in a relationship with this dynamic:
"Eren eat your veggies!"
"Eren put on a coat, or you're gonna catch a cold!"
"Eren don't run you're gonna trip!"
Oh and don't get me started on this
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She literally deluded herself for years into believing that everything he did was somehow tied back to her. Even Armin, Reiner and Berthold gave her the 🙄 look.
Also her entire character revolves around him and it makes her super boring and robotic. Even after he dies she spends her life worshipping his grave and dies with that gosh darned scarf on her neck. She only took it off once ( when she gave an ounce of development) before cruelly snatching it from the hands of a dying girl that was using it for comfort (something I'll never forgive her for).
She was originally meant to break away from him but alas, good writing died after 134.
Annd the story never revolved around them. Mikasa only became the protagonist in the last chapter out of fucking thin air and it looked soo forced. Lmao Hisu had more parallels with Ymir than Mikasa of all people.
The only time their relationship mattered was at the end of season 2, but after that we got nothing important.
Last thing on this dumpster fire of a ship... They're boring asf.
Like I know some unhealthy relationships that are toxic and all, but the characters have chemistry, and it can make up for the awful shit they can do to eachother. Eremika has no chemistry. I would rather watch paint dry than think about them romantically.
Regarding Erehisu... Have we read the same aot chapter? Or just the same conversation between Eren and Historia? Because I don't think so.
He emotionally manipulated her to keep her mouth shut
What? When did this ever happen? She chose to stay silent. Hell he didn't even need to tell her his plans, it was quite risky, since she could have snitched on him to the Mps and ruined everything.
He chose to confide in her cause he knew she wouldn't tell, cause she was the worst girl in the world who saved him, the girl who chose her selfishness over the world already, in that cave when she saved him, when she told him that she would always be his ally, that they were enemies of humanity.
She never wanted the future that she was destined to if she accepted the 50 year plan. She had accepted it for the greater good. Something selfless that only Christa could have done.
He knew that, and reminded her of who she really was. A selfish, normal girl like everyone else.
She was shocked by the genocide that awaited them if they followed Eren's plan but ultimately chose it over sacrificing herself and her future children. Totally in character, no manipulation involved lmao.
He threatened to erase her memories
Nope. She was upset so he offered to lighten her burden by erasing her memories if she wanted to. It was a proposal made out of empathy for her shock. No threats, where did you see em?
She was never interested in him
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Say what you want about her feelings for him, interpret them how you please, but you can't deny a connection from which feelings could blossom. This meme perfectly sums up my thoughts about this:
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Yes men and women can be friends, I just don't see it this way for Erehisu. Actually I could tell you the same thing for Eremika. Better as siblings lol.
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sonofthesaiyans · 10 months ago
You know for years I was desperate to see Attack on Titan end. I was so goddamn fed up with the series, with the manga, with the fanbase and ESPECIALLY with the self indulgent asshole who wrote it that I never stopped wishing it would just crash and burn. The ending was bafflingly stupid and unsatisfying, and I stand by that opinion, I am at a total loss as to why anybody believes for a minute that the anime ending somehow redeemed what was first presented by the manga.
I was so furious at AOT, the whole timeskip made it the bane of my existence. Something I followed casually but with dedication became something I felt actively insulted by after what began with the fucking Marley arc. And after the events of that arc nothing else mattered to me except that the fucker ended.
Well it finally did. And that still brought me no satisfaction. Looking at you Gabi, looking at you Eremika......and yeah the Rumbling and the time loop, I hated all of it. Some of the worst and most delusional writing I've ever seen.
So why the hell then am I still somehow upset that it's over?
Any normal person would drop a bad experience and move on. But I have a hard time moving on from this. And part of me is upset it's done after all these years of cursing its existence.
It's a feeling I cannot make sense of. Can anybody else?
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bert-fubar-is-the-worst · 9 days ago
Most Bertholdt Hoover fans are either conservatives or mindless consumers incapable of critical thinking. There's a huge huge overlap between Bert fans and Arcane season 2 fans for a reason, and that reason is Bertfujos sincerely buying Bertholdt's "there's no bad sides" bullshit. While he's, you know, a genocidal nazi almost singlehandedly responsible for wiping out 20% of a country, and this are his excuses for not changing his ways.
The Bertfujos be like:“Both sides are bad and have problems, so maybe it’s individuals and not the systems in place that are the issue.” No wonder there's such a big overlap between Bert fangirls and Arcane fans.
Bertfujos calling themselves "leftist" and "for the oppressed class" my ass. Your fave is a genocidal Nazi from a fascist state that lived his entire life in privilege, having far better living conditions than anyone from Paradis that's not literal royalty.
And for Arcane Season 2, I'll just cite this Youtube commentary under an Arcane Season 2 analysis video which expresses why the "both sides are equally bad" bullshit doesn't work far better than I can:
"It was always clear to me the show would gesture at leftist politics but never support them. Even back in season 1 they instantly pull the old trick of “Both sides are bad and have problems, so maybe it’s individuals and not the systems in place that are the issue.”
Arcane absolutely did this to the extreme.
Piltover is a beautiful bustling trade hub and a center of technology. There are abundant resources for Piltover’s residents, there is wide access to academic knowledge, and notably, not a single character from Piltover is depicted as struggling with any kind of systemic issue. There is no pollution or crumbling infrastructure. There are no widespread diseases or serious drugs, and seemingly no true poverty. Even the systemic corruption depicted through the council members making underhanded deals is never depicted as a bad thing, it’s simply how their system works, and it’s never questioned.
Zaun on the other hand is where all the criminals and “undesirables” are dumped. There is widespread pollution which is directly because of Piltover pumping their own down to the undercity. Notably, there aren’t many foreign characters in Zaun, and many other hints which imply the undercity is mostly cut off from the world by their Piltover oppressors. There is widespread drug use and corruption. The entire undercity’s infrastructure is crumbling. Poverty and food insecurity is rampant. Piltover enforcers routinely harass and beat the Zaunites. The city also has no formal government structure explicitly due to Piltover’s refusal, which is why the chem barons rose to be the defacto governing bodies.
One side is clearly oppressing the other yet they are never depicted as such. Instead the show tried to say “well look at how bad they BOTH can be.”
It’s important to mention how the same concepts are depicted in both cities:
- Drug use does happen in Piltover, but characters like Salo are shown as desperate or misguided. They may do it for pleasure or because they feel they don’t have other options, but they are never depicted as bad for using. In Zaun drug users are literally shown as horrifyingly deformed monsters. They are explicitly turned into subhuman creatures either mindlessly causing chaos and violence, or killing and robbing for their next fix.
- In Piltover corruption of the government is shown as simply a fact of life that outsiders like Jayce must join to keep up with. It’s almost like a game, and the prize is money and exploitation. In Zaun the corruption of Silco and the chem barons is a failure of their moral character. They are sniveling, hotheaded, vindictive, and cruel. All the traits that put them in charge are bad and disruptive.
- Pollution in Piltover is nonexistent. There is basically no dirty street or park. The air and water are pure. The buildings are all in pristine condition. In Zaun the pollution (pumped directly from Piltover) is so bad people like Viktor have life-threatening illnesses and disabilities due to their exposure to the environment of the undercity.
- Technology in Piltover is beautiful and whimsical, almost angelic with the sweeping bursts of blues and whites. Even when it’s something made for brute force like Vi’s gauntlets or Cait’s gun it’s still full of brilliant dazzling sparks and heavenly glow. In Zaun technology is crude, simple, and corruptive. It’s almost wild and goes against nature, like an artificial mutation. When chem tech is on display it’s messy and gooey, almost like blood splatters or slime on everything.
I get the writers and Riot originally made these aesthetics as just artistic contrast, but it does have hidden center-right politics in it. One side, which happens to be the oppressed side, is dehumanized and made out to be wild animals haphazardly committing acts of violence. On the other hand their oppressors are humanized, made out to be passengers who are powerless among the laws and institutions they support which also conveniently make them obscenely wealthy and powerful.
For all its brilliance as a show, this was always the uncomfortable background noise. Since the first couple episodes the depiction of the oppressed and their oppressors immediately played right into American Hollywood capitalist propaganda about how “The billionaires destroying the planet and using child slave labor ALSO have feelings you guys!”"
Stop coddling CopTholdt and excusing his actions. He's a privileged committing genocide against a minority for money with no regard for others lives or suffering.
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
I agree that I don’t like Bertholdt being a smoker in the timeskip
His dad was pretty sick and I’m also gonna assume his mom was too. I just don’t see Bertholdt even with depression and guilt after RTS smoking.
‼️In this house we 🙅 don't 🙅 stand with 🚫 cigarettes 🚫‼️ 😤😤
Thanks for sending your hc, anon!! ✨✨ Gonna tag your idea as Bertholdt lives au, so more people could see!
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h0-0d · 10 days ago
Folks, the battle is officially OVER !
Let's celebrate 🥳
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i think the Bert hate anon is gone, all of their blogs disappeared from my block list
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turn-my-hollow-purple · 4 months ago
Which of My Playlists I'd Give to AOT Characters
HI GUYS HI! I am in such a state of uncreativity(?).. please leave me asks and/or requests or anything. yes this is a CRY FOR HELP!! Anyway lmk if you want the links for any of these
Eren: "so if ur lonely... u know im here waiting for u..."; *heh* my military propaganda playlist (not really but?)
Mikasa: "I'm Tired and Angry but Somebody Should Be"; my feminine rage playlist
Armin: "I was never really insane... except on occasions... when my heart was touched" -Edgar Allen Poe; this is my Poe(try) autumn playlist for my soft boy
Jean: "The Feminism Leaving My Body"; it's just like... all rap songs that are disrespecting women lmfao- DON'T GET ME WRONG! Both Jean and I love women, however these songs slap sometimes...
Connie: "W4@T TH3 4CTU@L 🦆 I$ THI5 PL@¥L!&T- it’s like my last brain cell at 3 in the morning when I-"; guys it just cuts off because it doesn't fit- this is low-key my fav playlist ever and needs no explanation it's just chaos
Sasha: "Nowadays Men are Just Lining up to get Neutered"; idk why but she would just think this playlist is so funny and hype
Levi: "aiygiwgwyaiydiwdwy"; it's my emo music playlist but unironically he would eat this shit up
Erwin: "capitalism but make it characteristically flamboyant"; my man is so anti-government and these are all political-esque(?) coded songs I just think it's funny
Hange: "that silly moment when I eat you. nom."; this is GENUINELY a playlist of cannibalistic coded songs so yeah
Reiner: "Is that… seasonal depression I smell? Mm yes 🫥"; these are just angsty-depression songs for winter time
Bertholdt: "i lied. i don’t like sex. put ur clothes back on. we’re gonna do our skincare"; chill music for a yap session and stargazing
Annie: basic answer is my "POV: Annie Leonhart Kinnie" playlist; not basic answer is "if the ocean was the devil, id be covered in hate."
Ymir: "good luck babe"; this is also a basic one but yeah... gay (or queer coded) music
Historia: "I can’t be your friend, can’t be your lover"; hopeless romantic music
these are a healthy mix of chaotic and genuine BUT PLEASE DONT IGNORE MY CRY FOR HELP THANKS!
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zevijikuri · 3 months ago
Hi all!!
I’m making a little post because I’d love to dabble in some AOT rp’s! Please note I’m completely new to this fandom and its characters so I’m not yet at a point where I’m comfortable writing any of them, purely because I’ve never had the chance to, but I’d love to try it!!
Here are a few things about me:
I’m 22
I work full time, so I apologise if I can’t always reply really quickly but I’ll always aim for at least 1-2 replies a day!
I write in the third person and literate - however I very much value quality over quantity, so I’m happy for you to offer small replies! I’d always much prefer a short, well thought out reply over a long multi paragraph reply of waffle
I typically find when I rp, our responses start long as we set the scene, and gradually level out to shorter replies as we grow comfortable
I love dead dove content but it is not a must!! We can talk about our boundaries and find something we’re both comfortable with. I’m equally as happy for fluff too!
I’d love to hear any and all ideas you may have!! I don’t judge, go wild!! Chances are we will find something we’re both loving!
I always value an interest plot over smut. Smut is always welcome, but I won’t typically rp PURELY for smut, if that makes sense
I’m looking for 1 or 2 rp partners
If you don’t feel like we’re vibing together, please say so!! I will also do the same. I don’t think any offence needs to be taken ✨
I like to keep character’s personality’s as canon as possible, but I entirely understand there will be changes especially if in an AU setting, or situations where characters can grow!
Always happy to rp side characters, for example if we want to include Eren’s friendships with Mikasa and Armin, or in a Eruri rp having Hange show up!
Antis please DNI!
The main ships I’d like to rp are
- Levi x Zeke (I know it’s a fat chance I’ll actually find someone who wants to rp this, but I’m crossing my fingers and trying my luck regardless ✨🤭) For this ship, I enjoy both characters as switches, and I’m happy to play either character
- Levi x Erwin (I enjoy both characters as switches, and I’m happy to play either character)
- Levi x Eren (I enjoy top/dominant Levi with bottom Eren, and I’d like to play Eren)
- Levi x Hange (I enjoy both characters as switches, and Hange can have either male or female genitalia, and any pronouns, I’m happy for either)
- Reiner x Eren (I enjoy top Reiner, but I would also like to dabble in bottom Reiner too, so either is fine! I’m happy to play either character)
- Reiner x Bertholdt (I enjoy top Reiner with bottom Bertholdt, and I’m happy to play either character)
Please feel free to shoot me a DM with a little introduction about yourself and which ship you’d be interested in!! ✨❤️
I am also happy to rp over discord!
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bert-fubar-is-the-worst · 5 days ago
Bertholdt is literally Jimmy from Mouthwashing so I understand why.
A thoroughly irredeemable character without any capacity for empathy or care for others, who sees women (in Jimmy's case) or racial minorities (in Bertholdt's case, women too, most likely) beneath him and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.
Send help please because I think mouthwashing is trying to replace my aot bertholdt fixation-
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year ago
aot characters' favorite mha characters bc i'm funny (not meant to be taken seriously in the slightest pls)
eren—loves ochako uraraka but he breaths a little heavily every time shigaraki’s on screen
everyone thinks it would be bakugo but he saw him being mean to an armin kinnie (deku) and huffed through his nose and now he’s a bakugo anti
mikasa—bops to the hero too song but jirou isn’t her favorite character since she’s “too emo”
bakugo became her favorite as soon as he stepped up on stage in the sports festival and told everyone he was gonna win, she shed a single and called the entire gang extras after that
armin—tries so hard not to have deku as his favorite character but tbh it’s just like when he watched encanto and saw mirabel it was like it was meant to be
cries when deku eats all might’s hair
coincidentally also a huuuuge all might stan and defender who actually gets pissy everytime someone slanders him
jean—“ew i don’t watch that gay hero show” (momo bc “hot and underrated leader”)
also ojiro because “there’s just something ab that guy's voice…”
sasha—denki :) jean makes kissy faces at her when connie looks away and when connie doesn’t look away. sasha thinks it’s an invitation to make out. it isn’t.
but also momo bc of the boobs
connie—“this toga mfer is creepy as helllll”
unironically stans sir nighteye and cried when he died and makes a hate shrine dedicated to overhaul (“isn’t that a video game lolzzz” “that’s overwatch you fucking moron”)
historia—aizawa DICKRIDER bro she screamed when he cut his leg off and eren paused to shout at her for six minutes during which she kept crying about the leg
also saw dabi’s backstory and her face was just permanently stuck like this ☹️ becomes a dabi fan only after that so eren accuses her of being fake bc he’s a hater
ymir—“that girl with the green hair that moves and shit”
says she likes bakugo because he’s funny but the first time hawks appeared on screen her eyes were WIDE and she giggles a bit every time he’s in the show after that
reiner—“oh definitely mirio”
“is it because you’re also a better version of the main character”
eren: “hey what the FUCK actually” giggles and twirls hair cutely “reiner mirio’s actually in my top five too”
cried when aoyama was exposed he was like ong that’s me
bertholdt—he also likes uraraka but his one and only fav character is hagakure 
there’s not much to be said there but when he told everyone that mikasa was like “yiiiiiiiikes 😬 aren’t you literally the colossal titan too 😂”
annie—she says it’s endeavor and everyone groans really loudly and connie says “ofc you like him abusive dad ahh dickrider”
her second fav is toga. 
and her third fav is wash.
erwin—hero commission president blonde lady 
this one ->  
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says he wishes he bought levi as a child
levi isn't happy about that
hange—obviously the evil doctor who helps all for one
she also thinks all for one is hot
“i wanna look at the frog girl’s tongue soooo bad”
levi—mr compress
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dorminchu · 2 years ago
i have never felt such frustration; or lack of self-control
Summary: Thrashing upward with his stump, Eren pushes off with his good leg. The crutch clatters to the floor as he hooks his arm around Reiner's nape and drags him to the ground. Annie must have taught him. They're struggling on the floor. Blistered, pink skin against Reiner's calluses. Eren's jaw tightens. Reiner tightens his grip. "You did this, when?" "This morning." Eren's throat bobs. He smells like sour breath and sweat. His eyes glint when he adds, "What are you, my carer?"
NSFW below the cut.
a/n: I was trying to write for a different AoT-related project, but the brainworms took hold. Back to the problematic favs with a "pilot episode"; Zeke using Reiner's confliction as a proxy to manipulate Eren (and vice-versa). All's fair in love and war, amirite?
Falco's new friend from the hospice keeps cropping up in friendly conversation. Now Gabi wants to meet him. "He's probably a spy," she says, though Falco won't hear of it.
"He's just forgotten who he is. It's the shellshock."
"You're way too trusting of what others say," Gabi mutters. "No wonder your aptitude is so low."
"So? You're too pushy," Falco insists. "He's a private man, he wants to be left alone."
Back and forth. Most days, Reiner has to grin and bear it. Now, out of their meetings with William Tybur and Magrath, Galliard's been prodding as well: "Why are you spending so much time out on patrol? Shouldn't you be socializing with all the politicians? Tybur's sister keeps asking about you, I can't keep telling her you're at work."
"I'm keeping the internment zone clear. These anti-Marleyan bastards might try to do something massive, especially during such a event as the festival. Best to be safe than sorry."
"You don't have Bertholdt kissing your ass anymore," Galliard says, "it doesn't mean I have to do the same."
Reiner shrugs. "Right. You have Pieck for that."
"You want to say something," Galliard hisses, flushing, "say it to my face, you prick. Don't drag her into this."
As a kid, Galliard was always the one picking on him. Now, with four years' experience in Paradis, it's difficult to feel the same level of shame for a guy who's never left the uncomplicated chaos of war on the front lines.
"I'm not the one sucking up to my compatriots," Reiner says coolly. "I'm protecting my country. The same as Bertholdt did, and your brother."
Galliard's jaw twitches. "You're so sanctimonious, it makes me want to vomit."
Civic duty brings Reiner back to the tenements in the middle of the afternoon. He should be attending those parties with the rest. Instead, he's rapping on the door. "Krueger," he barks.
No response. Might be out for the afternoon. Reiner's asked around the tenement, once or twice. The consensus is that Eren Krueger keeps to himself. He buys whiskey from the general store and occasionally medical supplies to dress his wounded eye and leg. He has a job sorting mail behind the desk at the local post office.
In the last year, there's been a societal push for Eldian servicemen to have jobs, even if it's menial labor and out of sight from the general public. It gives the Marlyeans a reason to console themselves that they aren't complete scum, and the Eldians an incentive not to revolt against their betters.
Reiner's gotten enough shit from Galliard and Magrath wasting his time down here. If he asks around too much, Eren will start changing his strategy.
The uneven beat of the crutch. “People are going to get the wrong idea if you keep following me around.” He's gaunt, and hasn't shaved. There are circles under his eyes. He isn't wearing any bandages and his left eye bears a perforated scar down the cornea. "Vice-Captain."
"I've got a warrant," Reiner says. "Let me in."
Eren, pushing the door wider with his shoulder, does nothing to contest this. If he had a warrant, he would present the papers. There's enough corruption within the Public Security Authorities that most veterans just keep their traps shut.
The door shuts behind him. The smell of disinfectant offset by stale air. The kitchen is cleaner than expected, considering Eren's bedraggled appearance. "It gets boring talking to the wall all day," he says, hobbling towards the old bedroom. "Do you drink?"
"Not while I'm working."
Eren nods. "If you could open the drawer, please."
Reiner does so. Stacks of letters, newspapers. If Eren's spending on alcohol, he doesn't have the money for much else. "Any news from Paradis?"
Eren doesn't answer straight away. He shuts the door with his good leg. "What are you here for?"
"Collateral." Eren stares at him, waiting for elaboration. "Can't hardly call myself a Vice-Captain if you blow up half the tenement."
"I've managed so far."
Reiner scoffs. "You're fucking mental."
"What does that make you?"
Reiner grabs him by the shirt. Past the blood in his ears, he can barely hear the traffic outside. Thrashing upward with his stump, Eren pushes off with his good leg. The crutch clatters to the floor as he hooks his arm around Reiner's nape and drags him to the ground. Annie must have taught him.
They're struggling on the floor. Blistered, pink skin against Reiner's calluses. Eren's jaw tightens.
Reiner tightens his grip. "You did this, when?"
"This morning." Eren's throat bobs. He smells like sour breath and sweat. His eyes glint when he adds, "What are you, my carer?"
Reiner's face twists. He pushes Eren off to fall harmlessly on the floorboards. Eren's mouth splits into a tremulous grin, on the verge of beatific. He isn't smiling when Reiner grabs him by the scruff of the collar and smacks his head into the wall opposite the bed. "Let's get this straight," Reiner says, dangerously quiet. "You ain't in the position to be asking me for favors. Your friends ain't coming to your rescue. You really don't have jack shit." Nose-to-nose, Eren doesn't flinch. "Give me a reason not to turn you in to Marley."
"Go ahead," Eren grunts, "it'll be the best thing we ever did for mankind."
He can lift Eren off the ground without much effort. He knocks his head into the wall and Eren starts snickering. "You think I'm fucking scared of you? Turn me in, it won't change anything," Eren pants. "The war will go on and you and I will be nothing but a footnote in Paradis and Marley's history. What's your family going to say? That you took your time with a war-criminal. Marley'll punish them in your stead. The least you can do is spare them that pain."
Reiner could call him names, remind him what a stupid, pedantic little brat he used to be. In the reflection of his sclera, all he'll ever be is the boy who traded his life for Berwick's.
Eren's grown up, tempered his despair into a weapon. And there is Reiner, always on the precipice between the barrel of a Mauser and enough self-awareness. Without Bertholdt to set him straight, or Annie to compete with, he'll turn to his enemy for a scrap of approval.
Eren's expression shifts. He's staring at Reiner intently.
"Is that all you wanted?" he asks. He’s looking at his mouth.
Bertholdt and Annie. Pieck and Porco. Everyone pairs off, leaving him with a dead man's inheritance. Berwick never got the chance.
What remains of Reiner's self-control is forgotten for the moment as he crushes their mouths together. Shoving him on the bed. Eren grunts, pulling him closer.
He tugs Eren's chinos past his thighs and sinks to his knees. The hot weight on his palate. Eren swears audibly, grabbing the back of his head. Despite his enthusiasm, it takes half a minute for him to stutter to a finish. Reiner swallows, half-amused.
“Shit,” Eren mutters, wets his lips. The tips of his ears pink. He takes a breath and his voice is even again. "It's... been a while."
Reiner strips off his jacket. Untucking his shirt from his belt. "Figures you'd be a quick shot."
"Go fuck yourself," Eren bites.
The first sign of emotion that's not indifference or nihilistic despair. Reiner huffs. He flips Eren over. Open-mouthed bites from his nape to the notches of his spine, retracing the same path with his tongue. His ribs stand out. All he does is drink, most likely.
"Reiner," Eren hisses.
"Shut up."
Thumbs dragging down the cleft of his ass. Eren tenses. Pushing himself up on his hands to compensate for his lack of a calf.
"The end-table," Eren mutters.
Reiner stands up too quickly to be composed. He walks over to the drawer, opens it. Bottle of antiseptic. A standard first-aid kit that looks new. A tin of petroleum. It's safer bet than machine oil.
Eren rolls his shoulders. "Come on."
Reiner grabs the tin, slams the drawer shut.
His fingers tacky. Eren shoves back onto Reiner as well as he can. Three fingers as far as his body will permit, prodding around until Eren groans through his teeth, twitching. Reiner keeps pumping, reaching over to free his cock, greasing himself in turn.
When he lines up, on his knees, he's panting harder than he should. Eren sucks in a breath, then curses as Reiner starts to split him open. His grip on the sheets flexes, white-knuckled. Apart from this, he's silent.
The force behind Reiner's hips pushes him forward until he has to brace himself against the wall. Reiner pulls out only to shove back in, each time a little deeper. Eren's head wilts, like a horse with too heavy a load.
Reiner almost stops to check if he’s all right. For his hesitation, Eren snorts, “Ah? Who’s a quick shot?”
Pulling out and shoving back in, deep enough that Eren shouts, planting his weight between the wall and the mattress. The stump of a leg judders. His cock weeping against his stomach. Reiner pushes his head down so he doesn't have to look at him.
Eren finishes between his chest and the sheets, moaning. Reiner presses the side of his fist to Eren’s mouth. Eren bites down as if they’ve been shacking up in the barracks for months instead of errant fantasy. His breath hot and stuttering, the kiss of saliva against the bite.
Reiner’s pace turns sloppy. He catches himself on his hands so he doesn't collapse on top of Eren. If they weren’t enemies from the other side of the ocean, they’d still be Eldian throwaways. He tucks himself back into his pants. They're both breathing hard.
Eren, supine, could be a dead man until his chest inflates, deflates. He rolls over, pushes himself upright.
"Don't talk to Grice anymore," says Reiner shortly. "If I so much as hear a Mister Kruger out of his mouth, they're going to have to scrape what's left of you off of the street."
Eren levels his gaze. He nods. "I won't be seeing you again."
Reiner stops. It's not a question, but the inflection of his voice leaves more room for open-ended answers. "No," he says, at length. "You'll be going back home."
"I never told you I was going home," says Eren slowly.
Reiner shrugs. "Grice mentioned it."
It was Zeke, but Eren doesn’t need to know. He'll be interested to hear about this.
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tender-hearteddd · 2 years ago
.˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ RULES!
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i am ending critical. i do not like the whole “genocide is okay when you do it for your friends :)” message. it doesn’t feel like aot and it feels lazy and incomplete. genocide is never okay and is never a viable solution. the fact that that aot present it as the only option is what really loses aot for me. also so much wasted potential. aot is a supposed critique of war but as someone who left my homeland when I was a child due to war, from a region of the world the whole goddamn world cheered for the destruction of, it is a horrible critique because it isn’t being written by a fully devoted anti-imperialist. my fanfic is an anti-imperialist rewrite of aot based on my experiences as a refugee. if you don’t like my views than feel free to block me.
i shitpost more than i write :< so please take this into account before following me. although i created this blog with the intent of making it a writing blog, this blog solely isn’t only for writing purposes and i am also going through the worst writers block ever m(_ _)m
i am incredibly, astonishingly, unbelievably shy - even on the internet so it is hard for me to make and interact with moots. this blog is also mostly dedicated to one of the most unpopular characters to an incredibly popular manga and my view on most animes/pieces of media are really unpopular so it’s really hard for me to make moots ^ - ^
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if you are a racist, have racist views, lgbtphobic, have lgbtphobic views, misogynistic, have misogynistic views, right wing, fetishize lesbian and gay relationships, are bigoted in gen, or just reactionary in general. i do not fuck with you. this blog is supposed to be a safe space for others and for me as well. I hope you get the help you need but don’t deserve.
if you bully people for your own pleasure - it is easier to degrade people behind a screen because you know you won’t say to their face and if you can’t say it to their face, don’t say it at all.
if you are are pro-ED, anti-recovery. i do not need any negativity on my blog.
if you are under the age of 18.
semi-joke (mostly a joke idc LOL) but dni if ur french, british, italian or just white in general :(
feel free to rant in my personal inbox; i know this isn’t popular amongst everyone but i have no problem lending a hand to anyone who needs one.
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this blog is solely focused on my OC (sumaiya) and her relationship with bertholdt hoover. sumaiya is based on two of my cultural backgrounds (east african and south asian) so she is a black/south asian woman. not necessarily mixed but she is from a fictional country that is the blend of both of my cultures, as ive never felt like i had to necessarily choose a side. if you have a problem with this, than please feel free to block me.
i may (keyword being may) expand writing for more characters/writing for multiple fandoms. but im solely focused on my OC as i am using my WiP fanfic as a way to better my writing. if i were to write for more characters, i would only write for the warriors + jean as they’re my favorite characters in snk.
for any of my future nsfw work, i do not write any power dynamics.
i mainly write female readers as i am a female and feel most comfortable writing female readers.
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please abide by all rules! (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 year ago
BeruSasha?? Are you kidding me? And that's great, you didn't stop at comparing Gabi Braun to Sasha, but now you're suggesting she could've fucking BIRTHED the kid?
You Gabi fans are as fucked up as the degenerate who wrote her into the story. Yes, DEGENERATE.
Can we stop overcompensating for how godawful this character is? That ship sailed when Isayama failed to make room for BOTH girls, and instead opted to spite his longtime fans. Don't dig a deeper hole for your boy Hajime, assholes.
Cringiest headcanon I have seen in a long time.
Bertholdt and Sasha look like they could be Udo and Gabi’s parents
Udo takes after his dad and is naturally quiet but attentive
Gabi is like a whirlwind and takes after Sasha
Both kids have incredible marksmanship because of their parents.
I already replied this one on Twitter, but gonna post it here too because I now love this so much omg ;;
I already hc Udo as berusasha kid, but Gabi it's just too obvious and I ??? was sleeping ???? No but seriously, the parallels are right there, they are so much alike (that's why I'm sure Sasha would easily forgive Gabi! 🥹).
Now I can't help thinking on them on a weekend trip, Sasha and Gabi being the loudest duo, singing at the top of their lungs, always so excited, while Bertholdt and Udo are trying to chill for like five minutes lmao...
Thanks for sending this sweet headcanon, it always make me happy read your thoughts about berusasha!! 🩷
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sonofthesaiyans · 3 years ago
Top 10 Likable AOT Characters Fans Now Hate
Once again! CBR.com gets one right every once in a while.
Very little I can disagree with here. The characters on this list are all terrible or were used inappropriately. I do not get why people still like Eren, Mikasa, Annie or Reiner. Most of them remain totally static and it I have to explain why Eren is not a character you should still be supporting at this stage, that person I will force on the stand without any remorse.
Connie is a fucking waste of thought. In sharp contrast to Sasha. And nowhere is that clearer than in this and the previous episodes. When I talk to Isayama on why he kept him and not Sasha, I am gonna lay down the bamhammer.
Ymir. Good God Ymir. Just why? Arguably the only one more fucked over that Sasha. I still do not get why she gave herself up and I never will.
Yelena. Why the fuck does she have fans? After the next episode, they'll hopefully vanish as quickly as she did.
Apathetic to Zeke Yeager. And as for Armin, he’s probably had it the least bad of this lot. But his statements in the final chapter.......I hope it stays in the anime so I can watch Rome burn. 
An AWFUL LOT of these entries single out season four as the culprit of a lot of the issues raised among these characters. Anyone seeing where a lot of my frustration comes from yet? 
Fucking awful season. The fans are delusional if they think character growth was ever a priority of season four. Isayama has an inflated sense of self worth and the fans are too easily lulled by crappy CGI and shirtless Levi.
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turn-my-hollow-purple · 3 months ago
Assigning AOT Characters Rap Songs From my Rap Playlist
idk this might be too niche... just tryna put out content while fighting for my life in college finals. Anyway, never falling for a man again because FUCK
Eren: "Revenge by XXXTENTACION; everyone... just listen to the lyrics for a second thank yew. I really have little to elaborate on this one idk
Mikasa: "PRIDE." by Kendrick Lamar; I think just the intro line sums it up so well... 'love's gonna get you killed, but pride's gonna be the death of you , and you, and me'. She is the best, and she knows it, but she can't let her love for Eren get in the way of being the best or else everyone's dead
Armin: "Like Toy Soldiers" by Eminem; chat if I elaborate on this one I might start crying, thanks. Just listen to it... after he kinda took over for Erwin and everything like fuck happiness... 'that was never my object for someone to get killed. why would I wanna destroy something I helped build?' or 'down-talking a man who literally saved my life'. Just gonna leave that there...
Jean: "HUMANS AND MONSTERS' by Lil Darkie; alright this might be controversial but he would fucking vibe soooo hard to this song. It's chaotic and loud and slightly conspiracy theory-coded and he likes that... especially the lyric "and if I was you, I would just quit. And if I was me, I am me, I'm glad I'm me"
Connie: "Me and Your Mama" by Childish Gambino (he's my fav rapper y'all); It's funny and chaotic and omg the beat drop. Yeah, Connie would eat this shit up like actually and he knows every single word
Sasha: "PICK IT UP" by Famous Dex and A$AP Rocky; this song is also pure chaos and vulgar lyrics and she loves that about it. It's a lot like Connie's song and the two vibe so hard with one another to these songs. She screams 'A BAD BITCH PUERTO RICAN!' every time she hears this song
Erwin: "Chapter 319" by clipping; I don't think this requires too much of an explanation? it's a very clear government-hate song and that's just so Erwin. He's on that anti-government, anti-police, protesting agenda or whatever. 'This government doesn't respect us'
Levi: "No Church in the Wilde" by Jay-Z/Kanye West; I just think it's such a badass, rebellious concept of a song for someone fighting... specifically the lyric 'what's a god to a non-believer, who don't believe in anything'
Hange: "tv off" by Kendrick Lamar; Hange loves the scream portion of this song where he just goes 'MUSTARDDDDDDDDDD' like that's their favorite part. They're a big fan of the chaos and heart that are Kendrick's lyrics and beat
Annie: "Demons" by Doja Cat; I think Annie is a bigggg Doja stan and she sits here and listens to "Demons" and is like 'yeah how do my demons look, bitch?'... it's a little confidence, bad-ass boost song for her
Reiner: "Goosebumps" by Travis Scott; this fits his kinda depressed, self-loathing nature that (in a way) relies on other people and its laidback. "With my squad I can do no wrong" is a nod to Annie and Bertholdt I fear
Bertholdt: "Lucid Dreams" by Juice WRLD; it's introspective and guilt-ridden which reflection Bertholdt well
Ymir: "Heartless" by Kanye West; this shows her care-free, badass, bitch personality because she really doesn't care about anyone except herself (excluding Historia of course)
Historia: "Sober" by Childish Gambino (I had to have my fav make an appearance again); I like this song for her because it's kind of an upbeat feel with sad lyrics which feels a lot like her as a character. And tbh, I think after everything happened with Ymir she has a hard time forgetting about and coping with everything unless she isn't sober
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massensterben-a · 3 years ago
ooc. one day i need to find out where the fanon comes from that Bertholdt is a cutesy, shy, innocent ray of sunshine who can do no wrong. low self-esteem does not equal purity of the soul. in fact, he doesn’t even have low self-esteem. he correctly assesses that he sucks at taking charge of a situation and hates confrontation. but he also said that he is perfectly capable of getting into the top ten because he’s just fucking built like an olympic athlete, dont ask him why. in the same sentence!! and as sensitive as he may very well be, he is entirely capable of shutting that shit down in order to function. like. Trost solely added to Bertholdt’s kill count and he was well aware of that the entire time. and he was OKAY WITH THAT. (yes yes he probably felt very guilty and fucked up about it, i’m just saying we only see him grieve when it comes to Marco. Fuck Mina, Thomas & co ig). his breakdown in CoT is the only time we genuinely see him in touch with his feelings. never again. my point is: Bertholdt is not a uwu soft boy. he is a traumatized child soldier and a lil bit of a bitch.
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