tomsdonutdealer · 3 months
nolan can we date
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mars is my husband and i love him very much!
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Marlene: I'm not my mother and I'm not my father but a third worse option Mary: [gasps] their child
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luegootravez · 6 months
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Mimi Elashiry by © Harper Smith
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transitranger327 · 5 months
Homes are Something You Make (A gruulfriends fanfic), Chapter 1
How do Chandra & Nissa navigate their competing needs and desires while being fully invested in each other? Where do they go after jumping thru the omenpath?
Notes: This fanfic idea has been rattling around my brain since I read “She Who Breaks the World” a year ago. Hopefully my weird writing style enhances the story and not detract from it. This is mostly canon-compliant, tho I’ve taken some liberties where I see fit (Nissa’s hair didn’t immediately grow back, etc). ADHD Chandra (just like me fr fr), Autistic Nissa. CW for some light disabled self-loathing from Nissa.
It had been nearly two months since Chandra & Nissa (Chandra AND Nissa!!!!) had left Zhalfir (Mirrodin? Zhalfirrodin?) and arrived on this new plane where the mysterious storm elemental came from. At least, they thought it was nearly a month, but the days were so long here, stretching out like a Second District summer day cranked up to eleven. Except the nights seemed just as long. Chandra didn’t mind (she was always restless), but it seemed to be taking a toll on Nissa. About once a week, she would tell Chandra “I need to stay here to meditate and rest”. Maybe it was because she was still healing from phyresis, maybe it was because losing her spark drained some of her life, or maybe it was just because she didn't have Chandra's boundless energy. The first two times, despite Nissa's assurances, Chandra had felt guilty about leaving her partner (companion? girlfriend?) alone, but on the third time she actually felt Nissa's presence in the air, mana, and landscape itself. When she got back to where they were staying, Nissa told her “I think I finally connected to this plane’s worldsoul; I saw you wandering”.
And so they fell into a rhythm, exploring the plane together most days, and on the days Nissa needed rest, she joined Chandra by traveling along the leylines. Spontaneous enough for Chandra's craving for the unexpected, but routine enough for Nissa to feel safe. They had learned much on their travels, and every night they got to enjoy each other's company.
“So how did you two meet?” Marlan slid an ale to Nissa, sitting at the Inn's bar. Nissa smiled as she watched her girlfriend (companion? partner?) trying to learn some sort of bar game on the fly. "I guess you could say it was work? She was a planeswalker…a sort of traveling mage…and came to defend my home while it was under attack from otherworldly monsters called Eldrazi. As part of defeating them, we had to cast a spell together and I felt a connection deeper than I felt with any other person.” Marlan’s face still wore a look Nissa couldn't parse, “okay that's pretty cute, but how would anyone call that ‘work’?” Nissa blushed, embarrassed, “Sorry, I forgot to elaborate. After we defeated the Eldrazi, she invited me to join her and some of her friends to travel with her and defend the multiverse from threats like them. So what we did on my home plane feels like my first day on the job.” “You said you were a planeswalker, did you ever meet Urza?” Marlan asked, “I’ve heard stories about him, they say he was a planeswalker and visited us many years ago” Nissa started to shake here head when a shout came from across the pub room, “URZA’S THE WORST!” Chandra had stood up and started to walk to the bar, “I never met him, but I was friends with some of his students. Teferi always said Urza was the worst guy you would still work with if you had to. Jhoira and Karn had similar mixed feelings. Sorry for interrupting, I just wanted an excuse to kiss my beautiful girlfriend”. Chandra ran her fingers down the polished copper of Nissa’s implants before intertwining their fingers and kissing her forehead several times. “Well if you ever need a room to stay on your travels, Marlan’s Inn & Tavern is always open,” Marlan declares as she pours Chandra a cider, “especially to friends of Olenn. Xe and I go way back.” As Chandra heads back to the bar game with Olenn, Nissa can’t help but stare at her girlfriend (yeah, that sounds right). “Wait, were you an explorer too?” “At times, I considered myself one. But I didn’t have the energy to constantly travel, nor did I feel the urge to. So I found a town I liked, set up an inn, and have been taking care of weary travelers ever since.”
“Here,” Nissa said, as she felt Marlan’s connection to the town.
“Olenn and I met on one of my last expeditions. We became friends almost immediately, talking about everything and nothing. Our lives, our hopes, ourselves. If xyr spirit wasn’t so restless, I think xe would’ve considered this to be xyr hometown.” “Was xe born here?” Nissa asked, tho she immediately regretted asking something so personal about a stranger. Marlan chuckled, “Nissa, homes are not something you’re born into, they’re something you make.”
They’re something you make. Marlan’s words rattled around Nissa’s brain the rest of the night. As she wandered over to Chandra to tell her she was overstimulated. As the two of them, a little more tipsy than they intended, staggered up the stairs to their room, holding hands the whole time. As Chandra helped her disentangle her day clothes and phyrexian cages, still perplexed that the fire mage stared at her like she wasn’t irreparably scarred and deformed. As they settled into bed together, Chandra taking time to make sure they both felt comfortable, all while kissing the back of her fuzzy head (the hair seeming to come back more slowly after phyresis).
They’re something you make. The two of them had certainly made something. Was it a home? Nissa wasn’t sure. It felt more like a compromise than a true home. Was it a family? Absolutely. Nissa had guarded that feeling for so long. After the betrayal on Amonkhet, after their misunderstanding on Ravnica, after Phyrexia tried twisting that feeling towards the Orthodoxy. But now, the feeling had overflowed any walls Nissa had erected in her heart and mind. It was so much, she was pretty sure Chandra could feel it as their hearts beat together.
They’re something you make. It was the last thought Nissa had before falling asleep. Well, the second-to-last. Her last thought was just an image of Chandra’s goofy grin.
The first rays of sunshine crept into their sleepy little room. Nissa felt the nauseating light on her face (too much, too much!) and wriggled around so she could face her beloved flame. The effort alone told her that it was going to be a rest day. The sunlight danced on Chandra’s face as if it were a stage for a Rakdos drama, and it was so beautiful. Nissa managed to tuck one of the pyromancer’s wavy red locks behind her ear, exposing her soft cheek for a small kiss. A muffled “I love you” emerged from her half-open mouth, which subsequently curled into a smile. The long days had tanned her skin, making her look much more like Pia than when Nissa had first met her on Zendikar all those years ago. Chandra wasn’t exactly awake (she was always the last to fall asleep and the last to wake up), but she was conscious enough to feel Nissa’s love pouring out of her soul.
For a while, they both lingered in the space between awake and asleep. Nissa staring at Chandra’s beauty, Chandra fidgeting with Nissa’s soft skin. Then they both caught a whiff of something familiar: attar mixed with aether static. A soft knock came on the wooden door, “Sorry if I’m waking you up.” Feeling Nissa’s subconscious “It’s a rest day”, Chandra groaned a bit as she clumsily climbed over her girlfriend (yeah, girlfriend) and staggered to the door. A mouthless, firewood-grey face with pale blue eyes greeted her as she opened the door. “I heard there were planeswalkers staying here,“ they said, somewhat surprised by the lack of surprise from the two women. Well, until they saw the filigreed shoulder pads stashed in the corner, and felt the red-haired woman embrace them with a whispered “svagtam.”
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trisnoctisvia · 4 days
malan shippers where r y'all
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keycomicbooks · 7 months
Marvel Double Shot #1 (2003) Joe Jusko Cover, Marlan Harris Story, Asamiya Pencils, 1st Appearance of Spinach
#MarvelDoubleShot #1 (2003) #JoeJusko Cover, #MarlanHarris Story, #Asamiya Pencils, 1st Appearance of #Spinach "Spinach" & "Dear Thor..." In the tradition of TALES TO ASTONISH, it's two classic characters in one cool comic! SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Marvel%20Double%20Shot.html#1   #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #NerdyGifts #KeyIssue #Thor #Hulk
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haydenigmatic · 9 months
Sorin (so-rhin) of Kilmeden
Step into the world of Sorin, where every performance is a carefully orchestrated act, and every con holds the promise of both risk and reward. Her story unfolds in the labyrinthine streets of Soirsa, where veils dance, secrets whisper, and the cities themselves become stages for the elaborate performances of a life lived in the shadows.
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For her face claim I'm still on the look , this portrait (inspired by the character of Esmeralda of The Hunchback of Notredame) kinda reminds me of Kristine Froseth. For the voice I would say Cree Summers (Kida from Atlantis the lost empire) or Penelope Cruz.
Family Dynamics:
Marlan - The Foster Brother: Her bond with Marlan is a mixture of shared survival and genuine camaraderie. They found each other in the gritty streets of Soirsa during their early years, forging a connection that goes beyond blood. Marlan, quick-witted and agile, is Sorin's partner-in-crime, and together they navigate the intricacies of their nomadic life. Their unspoken understanding and the shared weight of their pasts create a profound sibling bond.
Shevy - The Mentor and Father Figure: Shevy, a seasoned con artist, serves as both mentor and father figure to Sorin and Marlan. Having taken them under his wing when they were still navigating the harsh realities of life in Soirsa, Shevy imparted his knowledge of the art of deception and thievery. His guidance went beyond the tricks of the trade; he instilled in them a code, an unspoken set of rules that, despite their illicit activities, set them apart from ruthless criminals.
Some details about her:
Memorable Quote: "People like us, we don't get happy endings. But we can make the most of what we have."
Sorin and her foster brother, Marlan, communicate in a silent code using hand signals and glances during their scams.
When in a new city, Sorin seeks solace on rooftops, finding comfort in the panoramic views that temporarily distance her from her past.
Traveling between the 12 principalities/countries/districts of Soirsa with Marlan and Shevy, only staying long enough to make a profit before moving on.
Her lively companion on her adventures is Jinx, a mischievous (capuchin) Crown-tail monkey with a fascination for shiny objects.
Sorin follows a moral code; she refrains from stealing from those who can't afford to lose.
Trust doesn't come easy to Sorin; she carefully assesses individuals before letting them into her inner circle.
Having once been forced to work as a courtesan, her past is marked by torment, but her resilience and skills have helped her survive.
Sorin's talent lies in the mesmerizing "Dance of the Five Veils," a performance that draws admirers from all walks of life.
Though she's adept at blending in, a faint Kilmedian accent occasionally reveals her origin to keen listeners.
She was bestowed with the name Sorin by the house mother. This name, like a veil, concealed the remnants of her previous existence and marked the inception of her life as a courtesan.
Once prosperous merchants in a bustling city, Sorin's parents faced ruinous debt due to unfortunate events. A ruthless creditor, seeking retribution, sent masked assailants to storm Sorin's home one night. Unable to repay, her parents were mercilessly murdered, leaving Sorin as the sole witness to the consequences of financial ruin.
A heartless slaver seized the opportunity, abducting the grief-stricken Sorin. Sold into slavery, she became a mere commodity, her innocence shattered as she navigated the brutal realities of captivity. Forced into a life where survival meant mastering adaptation, Sorin's spirit faced the crucible of hardship.
A wealthy patron purchased Sorin, thrusting her into the world of courtesans. Trained in entertainment, seduction, and charm, she became a pawn in the games of the rich and powerful. Behind the lavish façade, Sorin concealed scars of her past, forced to wear a mask of grace and sophistication to survive.
Once believed she had escaped the clutches of slavery when a powerful man, professing love and marriage, bought her. However, it was a cruel ruse; he sought to exploit her talents for his gain. The illusion of love shattered, leaving her trapped in a different form of servitude.
Realizing the betrayal, Sorin, fuelled by the bitter taste of deception, sought liberation. It was her foster brother, Marlan, and mentor, Shevy, who orchestrated her escape. With their cunning skills, they shattered the chains of illusion, allowing her to break free from the clutches of a man who feigned affection while intending only exploitation.
The experience left her scarred, not just physically but emotionally. She had felt genuine love for the man who merely saw her as a tool for his ambitions. The betrayal deepened her mistrust and cemented her resolve to rely on Marlan and Shevy, the only constants in a life fraught with deceit.
I may have added way more but I needed to add context guys.
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weirdcat1213 · 6 months
now that i think about it, theres a chance vash heard about the legend frank marlan but postponed his visit for many years. basically he postponed it so much that when he went to the town he was like "oh boi im excited to meet this legend that ive heard of recently" and then bam, the realization "recently" was 10 years ago hits
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cogito-ergo-absens · 4 months
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La rétro causalité : une exploration des événements futurs influençant le passé
La rétro causalité est un concept fascinant qui suggère que des événements futurs pourraient influencer des événements passés. Bien que cette idée semble contre-intuitive et défie notre compréhension conventionnelle du temps, elle est explorée dans divers domaines de la science et de la philosophie.
Qu'est-ce que la Rétro causalité ?
La rétro causalité dérive des termes "rétro" (en arrière) et "causalité" (relation de cause à effet). Elle désigne l'idée que des effets peuvent précéder leurs causes, autrement dit, des événements futurs peuvent influencer des événements passés. Cette notion remet en question notre perception linéaire du temps et ouvre des perspectives nouvelles sur la nature de la réalité.
Expériences et Théories Suggérant la Rétro causalité
Effet Wheeler-Feynman et Modèle Transactionnel
Effet Wheeler-Feynman : Proposé par les physiciens John Wheeler et Richard Feynman, ce modèle implique que les particules peuvent échanger des informations par des ondes avancées (voyageant vers le passé) et retardées (voyageant vers le futur). Bien que cette idée soit principalement théorique, elle a inspiré des discussions sur la rétrocausalité.
Modèle Transactionnel de John Cramer : Ce modèle de la mécanique quantique propose que les événements quantiques impliquent des transactions entre des ondes avancées et retardées, suggérant une forme de communication rétro causale entre particules.
Expériences sur le Libre Arbitre et la Précognition
Expériences de Benjamin Libet : Dans les années 1980, le neuroscientifique Benjamin Libet a mené des expériences montrant que le cerveau semble préparer des actions avant que nous prenions consciemment la décision de les effectuer. Certains interprètent ces résultats comme une indication que des informations futures peuvent influencer le présent.
Études de Précognition : Des expériences de parapsychologie, comme celles menées par Daryl Bem, prétendent montrer que des participants peuvent parfois deviner des événements futurs mieux que par simple hasard. Les résultats de Bem, publiés en 2011, ont suscité un débat sur leur validité et sur l'existence possible de la précognition.
Expériences de Choix Retardé
Expérience de la Double Fente avec Choix Retardé : Cette version de l'expérience de la double fente de Young, réalisée par John Wheeler, démontre que la décision d'observer ou non une particule après qu'elle ait passé les fentes peut sembler influencer son comportement antérieur. Cela suggère que des choix futurs peuvent affecter des événements passés au niveau quantique.
Expérience de Choix Retardé de Marlan Scully et Druhl : Cette expérience est une variante de la double fente, où l'observation se fait après que les particules ont passé les fentes mais avant qu'elles ne soient détectées, montrant des résultats similaires et ajoutant au débat sur la rétro causalité.
Interprétations Théoriques
Théories de la Gravité Quantique : Certaines théories de la gravité quantique spéculent sur la possibilité que le temps ne soit pas linéaire à des niveaux fondamentaux de la réalité. Ces théories sont encore largement spéculatives et ne disposent pas de preuves expérimentales solides.
Paradoxe d'Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) : Bien que cette expérience concerne principalement l'intrication quantique, elle ouvre des questions sur la causalité et l'influence d'événements distants. Certaines interprétations suggèrent que les corrélations instantanées entre particules pourraient impliquer une forme de rétrocausalité.
Réactions et Controverses
Le concept de rétro causalité suscite des débats passionnés. La plupart des scientifiques restent sceptiques, soulignant que des preuves expérimentales solides et reproductibles font encore défaut. Les résultats des expériences mentionnées, comme celles de Libet et Bem, sont souvent critiqués pour leurs méthodologies et interprétations.
En revanche, les philosophes du temps et de la physique explorent les implications théoriques de la rétro causalité. Ils discutent de modèles où le temps pourrait être non linéaire ou où la causalité pourrait fonctionner dans les deux sens. Si la rétro causalité est réelle, elle pourrait révolutionner notre compréhension de la causalité, du libre arbitre et du destin, et influencer notre perception de la responsabilité morale.
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era-arts · 5 months
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The (non-ttrpg) Living Nightmares protagonist, Lena Marlan AKA Patchwork (with and without body alteration from magic overuse)
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techtalkbyjames · 6 months
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"Never wait or hesitate, life is half over b4 we know it" ~ Marlan Grey
🔥 Music is your BFF, your Touchstone and your Truth...Own a piece of history. Feel what is felt worldwide... Guitar is the engine in music...Start your engines ! ...
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luegootravez · 3 months
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Mimi Elashiry by © Harper Smith
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Team creates 'quantum composites' for electrical and optical innovations
A team of UCR electrical engineers and material scientists demonstrated a research breakthrough that may result in wide-ranging advancements in electrical, optical, and computer technologies.
The Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering research group, led by distinguished professor Alexander Balandin, has shown in the laboratory the unique and practical function of newly created materials, which they called quantum composites.
These composites consist of small crystals of called "charge density wave quantum materials" incorporated within a polymer (large molecules with repeating structures) matrix. Upon heating or light exposure, charge density wave material undergoes a phase transition that leads to an unusual electrical response of the composites.
Compared to other materials that reveal quantum phenomena, the quantum composites created by Balandin's group exhibited functionality at a much wider range of temperatures and had a greatly increased ability to store electricity, giving them an excellent potential for utility.
Read more.
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favarion · 4 months
Working on Sophias Story again :D
-> A little later, Sophia reached maintenance shaft [xy], where the main security system of the SD of the Abyss Chrusher was located. The light activated by a motion sensor flared up in cold white with a delay of a few seconds. Neon Xilkor tubes of the NX-6 series had this somewhat unpleasant habit, which the manufacturer Asterisk never rectified. Despite this, Hallinger-FTL continued to install them in all maintenance rooms of their ship series to this day. The Davar class in particular suffered from this fact, as it had a higher number of such areas due to its modular design. As a result, Sophia had only been able to recognise the large control cabinets and component racks by the myriad of flashing LEDs when she arrived. This sea of red, orange and green diodes, which greeted her auspiciously from the steel racks, secretly watched over the entire crew and ensured that the safety units of the individual SERAHs were working.
Now that the white light flooded the room, she saw it in its entirety, and with it the technology inside. In contrast to the blinking confusion of the Sevix control racks on the right side of the room, the Servagul control cabinets on her left, unusual for a Davar-class ship, emitted a soft green glow. The reason for this was that Servagul built light panels into the doors of their products, which no self-respecting shipbuilder needed. Such nice lighting did nothing but waste power unnecessarily. Sure, ships like the Abyss Chrusher might not lack power, but that was no reason to be so wasteful.
Shrugging her shoulders, the engineer lifted her tool and the testing device before taking them to the control cabinet labelled SUR-2, where she set them down. She unlocked the door with her CAM and the handle whirred out, allowing her to open the cabinet. Sophia sighed, pulled open the cupboard door and, coloured by the light from the front panel, saw another flood of flashing or glowing diodes emanating from the security register cards. It was a sight that filled the engineer with joy, because she had hardly been able to wait to get back into the bowels of the Abyss Chrusher, but the work that was to follow was rather dull. So she plugged her headphones into her CAM, put them in her ears and switched on an album by a band Liv had shown her a few days ago. A harsh guitar riff accompanied by the vocals of a woman singing in the language of the Marlan system rang out.
She then began checking the security tabs, which initially consisted of informing the SD-SERAH of her work via the control panel in the top frame of the device. In fact, Sophia was only slightly keen on an emergency lockout of the SD, even if she could override it with her system authorisations. Basically, you had to give Servagul and Sevix credit for the cleverness of their products. After all, the automatic security system, which according to Ela - unfortunately there were no plans on this subject - summarised one subsystem of the drive per cabinet in order to pass them on to SERAH in a bundle.
You could imagine the tabs and their subsystems as the nervous system of a body, which transmitted every pain of the machines to the consciousness or to an AI. SERAH then reported the information to the Abyss Chrusher's SAM, the ship's main AI, which ensured that appropriate action was taken. What the SERAH was to the SD, the SAM was to the entire ship.
Sophia pulled a small screwdriver from the side pocket on her left arm. She used it to loosen the two neck screws on the top and bottom of the front panel of each of the seven assemblies. She was then able to pull them out by the handle to insert them into the test device. This established a serial, wired connection with the fuse register in order to then interrogate the main function of the unit on the two circuit boards of the modules. For this purpose, the test device simulated a fault by sending a specific signal sequence via the bus interface. The module processed this within a few femtoseconds and signalled an alarm back to the test device. At least that's how it worked when everything was OK. The process only took a few blinks of the eye until the technical measurement results - such as resistance, time and induction values - appeared on the display of the test device. Confirmation of the success or failure of the analysis could then also be obtained.<-
The story of the empty sky - 1 Dreams of electronic tears Chapter 10, A fairy tale of normality
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tentacleteapot · 2 years
the first Dungeons & Dragons movie giving me a theatrical high fantasy movie in the year 2000 with a Black main character, but then having that main character be Marlan Wayans doing his best Ruby Rhod impression for half the film before being killed off (and ostensibly revived offscreen but the characters never see him again and the sequel never mentions him at all) is a real fucking monkey’s paw situation and I’m not sure how I feel about it
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Scorch Spitter
"Yes, she can be a nuisance. But at least my tea never gets cold." —Marlan Farthwald, innkeeper
Artist: Johan Grenier TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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