#marius mention
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lacefedora · 5 months ago
Sleep: Devil's Minion/ Armandaniel
Armand has a nightmare about marius, daniel comforts him
<got a little stuck on this one a few days but I like the result. Contains references to marius and all the baggage that comes with that>
Armand rarely slept. He didn't need much sleep and to Daniel it seemed like Armand felt he was wasting his time if he slept away the hours instead of using them to do something. Read or buy art or whatever the fuck he kept doing that utterly destroyed Daniel's blender and garbage disposal. The man kept busy.
So it was an odd thing, to find Armand asleep. Even odder to find Armand in Daniel's bed doing it. Daniel was pretty sure they'd had sex in the past, some moments Armand has erased from Daniel's mind. He had caught glimpses of it when he had tasted Armand's blood. Glimpses of a life that Daniel had no memory of. He planned to go digging on that. But they hadn't shared a bed since his return.
He takes a moment to just watch him. Armand looked younger in sleep somehow. Too young. Daniel reaches out, about to brush some dark curls from his face. But then he sees Armand's brow furrow. His face twists like he's in pain. He starts to speak. Daniel can't understand the words… he knows enough French to get by but this isn't french… but not quite Italian either. He seems to be… pleading though. Trapped in a nightmare.
Perhaps this was the real reason Armand avoided sleep.
"Armand." He calls to him when he starts moving and twitching. Finally he reaches out, brushing his hair back and trying to wake him gently.
The response is immediate. Armand shoots straight up, cringing away from Daniel's hand. Daniel draws back his hands, holding them up. Armand's eyes are wild as he looks around the room, more panicked than Daniel had ever seen him.
"It's me Armand��� just me." Armand's eyes come to rest on him.
"Daniel…" He says, like he's coming back from far away. Daniel sees Armand start to reach for him, then he stops, hands falling back to the bed. "Forgive me. I was dreaming." He says slowly.
Daniel has never been particularly hesitant. He moves across the bed and grabs Armand, pulling him against him. It's… bizarre how Armand fits against him immediately. He buries his face against Daniel's shoulder and he feels a shuttering breath against it.
"I'd say you had a nightmare, boss. It's okay." Daniel says and he puts his hand on Armand's hair, petting his curls. "You want to talk about it?" He asks. He doubted he would. Armand simply… didn't talk about things if he could help it. He was a volatile ball of constant repression. Right up until he exploded.
Armand seems to somehow burrow deeper into his embrace, clinging onto him.
"It was about Marius. Just… an old punishment." Armand tells him in a halting voice. Daniel's honestly a little touched he even got that much out of him.
"Marius… your creep Maker that used to pimp you out to his other artist friends?" Daniel asks and he keeps petting Armand's hair, feeling him start to unwind and relax under the touch. "Can't say I'm surprised he did shit to give you nightmares. Guy seems like a real peach." Daniel says flatly.
"He was not always… I was a wild thing then." Armand says, almost in defense.
"I don't know how to break this to you, but you're a wild thing now." Daniel tells him. He liked it about him actually. Which probably made him completely fucking insane, but here they were. "Don't really care how wild you were. Didn't deserve that shit, And you didn't deserve whatever it is that gave you nightmares 500 years after the fact, okay?"
Armand is silent for a long time after that. Daniel starts to think he's fallen back asleep. Instead after an age of silence Armand turns his head and presses a kiss to Daniel's shoulder and then tightens his arms around him.
"Thank you…" Armand says quietly. Daniel just smiles and pulls him to lay down together on the bed.
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userarmand · 2 months ago
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Didn’t everyone know he was the boy I kept? My minion, my lover, my secret treasure?
Marius; 'Blood and Gold' (2001)
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cloudabserk · 6 months ago
look i understand if you like marius because this is the evil morally bankrupt vampire story. however when people argue that marius was actually really cool and chill and normal about armand i want to fight them
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loumandforyou · 8 months ago
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Do you want to hear my story?
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asraeas · 9 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire 2.04 'I Want You More Than Anything in the World'
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yudol-skorbi · 9 months ago
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itsguysnightitsironic · 8 months ago
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Blood couture.
Dress the soul! For your awfully unattractive, darling.
Give me a description and I will ignore most of it
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I'll never live down the dress-up games, those paper dolls have magic in them.
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peanutbutterandsadness50 · 6 months ago
No one:
Andy: *giving the most gut wrenching, soul-baring performance you’ve ever seen*
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mondschein14 · 1 year ago
This is the best German production I have found so far and it does many things right, such as Grantaire having long hair
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oldbutchdanielcraig · 5 months ago
iwtv fanfic friday <3
happy weekend reading!
all human decisions by LuckyDiceKirby (@luckydicekirby) m, 19k
Daniel’s bastard maker had the advantage over him: he could travel by daylight. By the time Daniel woke at dusk, sprawled on the couch and actually literally tucked in, there was no sign of him. Well, fuck Armand. Daniel might be a newly minted best-selling conspiracy theorist whose sanity was being publicly debated on every existing social media platform, but he was still a journalist. He could track down one monstrous extremely divorced serial killer, easy.
(armand is sooooooo annoying in this. he's everything to me.)
colour me your colour, baby by hederabug m, 2.6k
“Daniel.” Daniel hears the soft, but insistent voice first as a distant call, as if she’s submerged in water. She breathes air when Armand’s hand grabs at her shoulder. “Wake up, lover.” Armand is on all fours, hands and knees on the bed above where Daniel’s still lying down, so they’re face to face. Armand’s brown eyes are glinting with some manic light, her face cast in shadow, striking chiaroscuro, lit only by the dull amber glow of the bedside table.
(rest assured i will be doing a dm yuri theme week soon and rest assured this will be on it. but it was too good not to include here. i need like 17 more fics in this series)
With His Heart Still Intact (They Didn't Do It Right) by CaravanOfCrows (@asthedeathoflight) t, 6k
A series of collisions; in which free will exists but fate isn't going down without a fight. (surely Armand and Daniel only have extremely normal feelings about freedom and agency and destiny)
marketplace heart-eater by eggalbumin m, 6k
Daniel picks up a blade from the stack of discarded tools in the kidney tray. It has blood on it. “I’m a little scared to ask,” he says, with the aura of someone who isn’t very scared of asking at all, “but who’s blood is this?” Mine. Yours. My master’s, twice-diluted. Why does it matter anymore? It’s poison either way. “The doctor was just showing me how to do incisions. It’s fascinating work.”
(really fucking awesome armand character study. the first time i ever found marius compelling due to the fact that he's written from the lens of armand's tangled knot of being. like i think he should be killed with hammers as much as the next guy but he makes for such a fascinating narrative concept)
did you believe in the glass city by tei @bloodripelives nr, 5.9k
"Yes," Armand breathes. "Yes. Is anything they did to me worse than what I have done to you?" Daniel wants to say yes, but shit, he's not even sure what Armand had done to him. And whatever it was, he is sure that he would have let him do worse.
(daniel tracks down marius for the sake of armand's tangled knot of being. it goes as well as you would expect. so fucking beautiful and soooo fucking compelling. made me cry at least twice. read it now)
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nothing-but-paisley · 10 months ago
Top 12 romantic vc moments:
12. Pandora and Marius have sex mortal style while arguing the entire time
11. Devil's minion movie nights with Daniel agreeing to watch Blade Runner 500 times
10. Distraught Marius reunites with Armand after he survives going into the sun
9. Bianca tenderly caring for the dying Amadeo
8. Lestat calling Armand good to embrace and good to love
7. Amadeo hacks through Marius' door with a battle axe
6. Lestat & Louis' first flight
5. Nickistat drunken makeout at the inn
4. Armand tells Louis he wants him more than anything in the world
3. Daniel's turning in the imaginary garden
2. Pre-concert Loustat reunion
1. The Villa of the Mysteries
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bluetheanimator · 3 months ago
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doodles based off of @rainbowstargazerlilies mechanisms x tma crossover fic!!! this fic has become known as my Autism Bible and is driving me up a wall insane. i love gay people
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kafkaesquedyke · 5 months ago
I’m a little confused by some posts I’ve seen about armand breaking down the door in the book, because they frame armand as either ‘lol he’s so random’ or ‘that proves he’s abusive too’ when everything that happened before explains armand’s actions
break down with tva book quotes under the cut TW: discussions of csa
the initial event that triggers everything is Marius sending Armand to a brothel to have sex with other boys (which was preceded by Marius sexually abusing Armand for a couple of years atp (all of the following takes place while Armand is 17), including already having sent armand to another brothel to have sex with women)
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this basically differs from his previous sexual encounters in that he 1) has sex with other guys, 2) they’re most likely around his age, and 3) he enjoys it (I consider basically every sexual encounter Armand has in tva non-consensual but this, and the following encounters, are the closest to “potentially consensual” within a fictional narrative, that this book has to offer and the closest we get to Armand’s real sexual preferences)
following that Marius grows incredibly cold towards Armand, which he clocks as him being jealous (Armand knows Marius is a supernatural being and that he can read his thoughts) though Marius is also potentially stressed because of his duties towards Akasha and Enkil
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So, Armand leaves and has sex with Lord Harlech, some noble man he just met (again, I don’t consider this consensual, but mostly because of the age gap)
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(not included in the screenshots, but they switch and Armand tops and doms Harlech and deliberately makes a point about enjoying it, which contrasts his relationship with Marius where he is not allowed to reciprocate intimacy (mostly due to Marius’s vampire nature) also Harlech behaving like a lunatic after lol)
then he goes to Bianca (a close friend throughout the novel) and they have sex as well
she calls him out on his relationship with Marius, as well as that he was hiding from him
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once Armand returns, drunk after stirring over Marius�� treatment of him in a tavern, Marius is madly painting with vamp speed disturbing the other boys
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he’s also painting Armand, further implying that his rage is about Armand sleeping with others, again, something Marius ordered him to do!
Marius ends up flinging paint in his rage, after Armand enters (presumably reading his thoughts?) and orders everyone out of the room
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Marius does not respond to Armand’s pleas to once again talk with him, so they can resolve the situation. Armand begs him to simply admit that he’s angry with him and Marius continues to ignore him and then flees
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he locks himself in his bedroom (which Armand shared with him so far) then he tells Armand to go sleep with the other boys in a way that implies an end to their relationship. tbc, at this point armand ties all his self worth back to Marius and how much he is desired by him, specifically because Marius is the only person who ever “cherished” him
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so Marius rejecting him like that signals to Armand that he is no longer special to him and has therefore lost his unique worth, which Armand has built his entire self worth on (by Marius’s design)
so Marius acting jealous over Armand having sex with others (partially under Marius’s orders), Armand questioning him, not getting a response, leaving to further explore his sexual options, which makes Marius even more jealous, while the entire time refusing to talk about it, despite Armand begging him to, and then rejecting Armand completely is what ultimately leads to Armand breaking the door down. Marius was a 100% more immature here than Armand despite being a thousand-year-old beefing with a teenager (who he’s abusing)
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gilberttheboy · 2 months ago
I'm DESPERATE to know what Louis' business connections think of him, because it's such a funny detail to have Businessman as a part of his personality vs just an occupation that he's good at. He likes Business! He wants to be the first Vampire Capitalist (feel like that ship has sailed, but it's good to have dreams)!
Does he go to things personally? Are all the rich widows at art auctions pissed off cause he won't share the name of his plastic surgeon? Are people intimidated by him for Business reasons or because he has scary vampire vibes?
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ormymarius · 1 year ago
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no other cbm man can serve as hard as Patrick Wilson did as Orm
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Marius's turning being a traumatic event where he was kidnapped and forced into godhood + Akasha corralling him into being her eternal worshipper + Amadeo meaning beloved of god + "worshipful mercy" + "paint me with black wings" + Marius's showverse betrayal and exploitation of Amadeo being immortalized in a piece of religious artwork = nonconsensual divinity as something that can be passed down and refined over the generations, à la Isaac and Iphigenia.
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