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Indie Chat Noir{Adrien Agrest} & Saber {Saoirse Ecrire}
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Rather than impose, the older female kept her distance. Lean against the nearest outer brick wall, deep ice lock on the form of chat noir. Steely but filled with compassion and concern. She would keep her distance, respect their privacy for his sake....
For now.
Muscles remain tense, presence of the mysterious woman provide a small sense of comfort. Right eye uncovered by the gauze locked on the form of red before him. He allows her to grab and hold his hand, sadness, frustration danced across his features with each of her words. Him? Turned beast? Trying to KILL her?! Why? How did that......
(He was capible of that maginitured of cruelty.)
This part of the story eclipsed his ears, continued to ring across long after Ladybug finished speaking.
“.. And this was supposed to be another secret, right?”
Hurt. His whole body aches while he finally met her face. While there was anger, it was mostly the pain he felt. “Another one there to ‘protect’ the future of Paris right?” He took a step back, retract his hand to wrap around himself. Almost like a protective layer for himself.
“Ladybug, I don’t know what you expect from me. I want to support you, I’m always here for you. But you refuse to trust me with anything!” His face fell to the side, hung while he fought back tears. By this point, the figure behind him stood fully. Still, feet ready to carry him to her to his side on his call.
“We��re supposed to be a team, but you continue to hide things from me. I know... I know that Paris needs you and I know that we have to keep our personal lives separate, but how am I supposed to support you if everything important is hidden from me?”
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Before the bug could leave, the tiger gave a sharp snarl. “When it comes to him, it does. But that’s not something the ‘perfect’ person would understand.” Eyes trace up and down the girls form, though the scowl remained even when ladybugs tone soften. There was so much more she wanted to say, wanted to throw at her feet and make her understand just how much pain chat was in. But....
A single low growl, tail twitch in a show of protective anger. She release a long sigh. “I’ll let him know, when hes conscious.”
Leaving her only with that, the tigeress turned on heel. Took a few steps, and dropped off the buildings edge. Stinging silence left in her wake. 
Form blanketed in leather black came to land a few steps behind. Though the landing wasn’t perfect, the being carefully came into the light. Locks of blonde clung to the gause that cover half his face. 
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Not knowing what to say, chat stayed silent as he came to sit on the edge a good distance away. Steely eyes of blue peer from the shadows, a second form finally came into the light, but stayed there leaning against the brick wall of the chimney. It was the woman from before.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Go on anon and send my muse a nightmare! Could be about people they love, people they’ve lost, events in their lives, irrational fears they have, or anything you want! 
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Sound of footsteps grew as the female approached the other. Her face was hard to read, but there was a sense of displeasure emanating from her. She’d only heard of ladybug from noir up to this point. He only spoke of praise and adoration. Of a strong, determined girl who could do no wrong and yet.. single handedly this same savior of Paris caused so much heart arch for a soul who loved her so deeply and dearly. Someone who had such a high respect for her that, even as his isolation grew, he never once spoke ill of her.
Ladybug never saw that sorrow. Raw, real, almost tangible feelings were instead given to her. And now, she could finally let the bug get a glimps.
Her boots crunched with each step, heavy with anger and grief. Her frame came to a stop mere inches from ladybugs crouched form, her words spat in the redden figure with a snarl.
“Do you finally get it? Do you finally see the pain you’re putting him through?!” Slightly clawed fingers grasp her shoulder. “Is this anyway to treat a so called teammate?”
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Silence. No voice to answer her, no chuckle of reassurance or that of understanding. Only, a flash of white.
Step of blue, step of white, a feminine form emerged from the dust. Dark blue locks, weaved between frost locks came to a stop. A single stripe crawled up her back, jutted out with tiger stripes. This wasn’t chat noir.
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Fury hidden behind eyes of sapphire, her brow furrowed with her fangs bared. “...Ladybug. Be ready!” She shouts over her shoulder, before her focus returns to the being. Crouching to all fours, “...KEEN SPLICE!”
Wrist flick outward, pannels of a fan flash open. Her form broke into a full out dash with poise and purpose. Sounds of metalic taps carried her pass the sharp claw of metal, aim for her head. But it was too slow. A furious flash before the screen, snowy white glow enveloped her fan’s edge. Sharpen edge fell, long fine slash grew across the screen, cut clean through the core. Snap.
Butterfly of black and purple hue was freed by the strike.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Smirk dances across his lips, memories of pain and recent distance between them were pushed aside as his heels dug against the pavement. Teeth bare, one clawed hand press against the floor before he lunged for the creature. With a certain amount of grace and flow, his frame weaves through the onslaught of attacks. Debris of stone, steel, and dust began to fill the vicinity.
Both feet skid to a sudden stop while the edge of his pole flipped downwards, ineches from his face the attacking claw of metal buried into the floor before him. Momentum sent the boy high in the air. One foot, then the next landed with a welcoming clank. With the grace only a cat could manage, chat dances up the creatures arm. Palm rose in time to catch the tosses lucky charm, giving only a short, curt nod in response to her call.
Trinket in hand, he lunged once more for the monitors edge. Fangs bare as a harsh snarl tore from his throat, twirling the drivers point outwards. The point came down hard, periving the surface.
Shattering it, just as a free claw of metal crashed against him. Sending him far into the destruction, a loud crunch indicating his crash landing hidden by dust.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
It didn’t take long, for him to enter the fray. Feline percision he landed with his feet splayed across the lampost point. Single hand reached back, his pole extended out to its natural state. bright pools of green narrowed to a harsh glare, teeth bare, the cat shouted. “Hey! why don’t you pick on someone your own make! Oh wait, from what I’ve seen, you’re not really up to code, are ya?”
The chim of those words sent the monster into a rage.
Another cyberbully. Another doubter! He’d show them, he’d show….Each. and every. One of them!!
Arms lock outwards, pole up and in the ready position as the machinery flings towards the black spot, and soon to be black splatter mark. Without much afterthought, Chat CHARGED at the thing that struck her down.
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
He wasn’t stupid. Something was wrong, something changed within thier dynamic changed. Green eyes screwed shut while he shifted his focus back to the threat. That was, until he felt a familiar tug-
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Clawed feet dug against the rooftop he currently skid across while his form wretch around to face her head on. Bright green eyes focused solely on her,   “Ladybug you’re hurt already! Just stay...” Her words cut him off. What felt like hours, he stared at her. Pools of emerald wide with bewilderment, shock, and hurt.
They were a team, yet she couldn’t think straight around him? What? Why...?
Jet black ears lay flat againt his skull. Every fiber of his being tense with feelings of hurt, betrayel. most of all...Confusion.
This wasn’t right, it was supposed to be them against the world. Yeah, she kept her secrets, and she didn’t open up to him nearly as much as he’d want her to. But, they still had that built in trust. They could rely on each other, confide in each other. At least, thats how he felt.
Clearly, he was wrong.
His jaw clenched tight, brows furrow against on another as his lips part to speak. But before he could speak-
A cacophany of screams caught his senses. Both ears perk, twitch toward the direction of distress. Screwing his lips shut, though it was with a great deal of trembling, he forced his feelings aside. 
“..... You’re the one whose hurt. You have a broken arm, the bone probably punctured the skin. you’ve already summoned your lucky charm and you’ll turn back soon. I can handle the up front fight alright? Just, just stay behind and ready your attack from a safe distance away.”
Turn on heel, chat took a few steps forward as he muttered just loud enough for her to hear. “Least that way, you can concentrate.” With that, he threw himself into the frey.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Shes lying. hes used to her pushing him away during times of the mission, pushing him to keep his focus where it needed to be. But this? This was more than he could take. His muscles tense, he didn’t stop the look of pain in response to his offer of help.
Hes silent, quickly binding her arm before she can pull away. 
Once the bones set, wrappings are set in place, bright green flashed up to hers. And she smiles, yet theres no emotion. Its empty, hollow, a former shell to that cheeky banter he’d come to love about their interactions. “M’la...”
“Ladybug. I don’t understand what’s been going on with you. And i want to help, i do but..”
A sigh pass, blonde locks shift with his movement as the blonde stood up. Craning his neck back just enough to look back to her, without skipping a beat, he offers a genuine look of concern and support. But... theres a deep pain there, hidden behind his kindness. He knew of the pressure she held, though hes not willing to hide what he felt. “You keep saying we’re a team, but you didn’t even call for me. Even now, its almost like you’re sca-”
Crissendo of loud screams cut words short. Whipping his sight back to the akumatized, chats eyes narrow into near slits. “...Rest. I’ll handle this.”
His form storde forward with a purpose. Pulling his staff free, it extends, and in a matter of seconds, the feline holder was gone. Off into the chaos.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Concern, mixed with a dash of pain washed over her. Emerald hues flickers from her face, to the injury. In no time, Chat closed the distance between them, dropped to his knees, and scanned over the arm.
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Bitter metalic scent wafts from the broken limb. His face instictively scruched, affected by the scent alone. Shaking his head, forcing the reaction away, clawed glove reached toward the injury. Bent in an unnatural fashion, with peeks of white made his entire body freeze. That was bone.
An audible gulp, the feline quickly glanced about. Green highlighted planks of wood. Yeah, that’d work. “St-....Stay still for a sec. I think i have an idea.” Chat rose to all fours, scurry across the roof and gathered up his supplies. By the time he was done, chat ran back to Ladybug. 
“U-um... I’m no medical professional. But this’ll have to do for now.” A black covered palm held out to her, an invetation. Silent plea for her to let him treat the wound.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
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Things had been...tense. He wasn’t.. fully, sure when those changes started to happen. But, despite his kept up playful phisade, despite still keeping things pleasent and light between them, Chat knew that something was wrong. Ladybug was always perfessional, took the job seriously. Its part of why he placed so much belief in her! Why he admired her but... Recently? Recently... Nothing he did, nothing he said, reached her. It was like, they were on parallel paths. Standing side by side and yet, comepletely separate. 
A heavy breath heave pass his lips, it was about that time. The cat rose to his feet, both arms stretching far above his head. Limbs fell to his side, a few soft hops, that familiar cocky look rose back to his face. 
Destruction. Ears perked up to the sounds of distress coming from the north part of town. Immidiately, chat fell into a full sprit. It was by the time he made it half way to the vicitm that he heard it. An earpeircing scream.
He’d never heard it before. But deep, deep in the very core of his being... He knew the owner.
She was in trouble?! She was in trouble!
Chat threw himself into a full run. In seconds, he was on the scene. Eyes of emerald wide, rage filled his sight as he snarled. “dON’T YOU TOUCH HER!!” His staff twirled, his frame lunged at the robot, smacking its arm which aimed to smash the bug, away. His own momentum causing it to stumble back. One foot, the next, his frame curled forward to scoop his partner up. Once she was secure, he exetended his staff upwards, carrying them both upwards until they were atop a nearby building.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
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A short fall, swift and keen as her body twist effortlessly around the car sent flying in her direction. Both feet plant against the asphalt before lunging her free from the destruction. A Low whistle left, the tigress stood up fully. “Man... I have got to kick that habit.” 
But she couldn’t help it... With all the chaos, it was easy for her to get so wrapped up in just watching the duo fight that she’d lose track of her surroundings. “Ah! Now where’d the-.”
Well, that answered her question. “Ha... The bridge.” 
She wouldn’t miss this. How were they going to defeat this one? By now, the pair would have beaten the beast but... Something was off. And by the way the black cat holder was acting, they were running out of time. Saorise reached them in no time, but was sure to keep hidden from their sight. For now, she’d just continue to watch as Ladybug and Chat Noir’s fight continued.
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
Eyes raise to catch a glimpse to the familiar look of a feline slits. One hand rests on her hip while she does a once over the other. Really, had the black cat miraculous holder never seen one of his own? Or rather, did the one who gift him with his power never tell of others? Regardless, his concern is met with a shrug along with her own cheeky grin.
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“Purhaps if i were a civilian, I’d listen to your warning étranger Noir. Seeing as I’m not, I’m afraid i won’t be missing the action.” Her attention moved from him to the akuma. One step back, her stance wide and her body seemed to curl inward until she was on all fours. In one sudden lunge, she sent herself flying towards the chaos.
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
first major headcanon for saorise.
Although she know secret identities are important, if she shows her real self to your muse it means she trusts them 100%. and she’d expect them to return the sentiment. though as the one tasked with keeping the users in check, it wouldn’t be hard for her to find out whose who based on their kwamis scent))
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
“Lynx...” She called own, a playful tone underlying her words. “...Fangs out!” 
Flash of blue, overline with silver overtake her body. Icy silver fabrics stretch across each fingertips. From the core of her being, flash across the rest of her frame, down her spine dark navy strips cut across in a tiger striped fashion. From under her eyes, made part of her mask, were side made strips. Sharp, slightly elongated fangs grew past her lips. Silvery blue hair bounce flatter upward as one rounded cat ear popped up. Thick ribbon wrap along her hips, leaving a long strip out as her tail appendage.
She stepped out into view, ears flick in the direction of what sounded like a fight. Turning on her heel, the girl drop to all fours. Her body pounce to one side of the walls that ran parallel to her being. This action repeats until her form soared over the buildings of paris. Upon her landing, she ran off towards the action. Unbeknost to her, a certain highschooler caught her silluet across her screen.
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twoclawmiraculous · 5 years ago
“Yeah...Yeah i know. I’ll be fine mom. I told you, i want to do this. I’ll see you this summer.” A nod of the head, follow suit an almost inadible hum, the teen continued to chat away until a gasp of shock broke her trail of thought. “Akuma! Everyone, quick! get moving!!”
“Gotta go!” click.
The female pushed herself to her feet, a turn of the heel. Saoirse broke out into a full sprint toward the destruction, rather than flee. To the outside world, she was a simple reckless fool. Throwing herself into a danger she had no business involing herself in. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.....
Form slid to a halt before a closed off alleyway. nimble fingers felt across the rough brick’s surface, gripping the corner, violet orbs peer out to the open. Glancing from left, right, then left one last time, the girl ducked back under the protective cover of the building’ sides. A smirk grew slowly, clear excitment clear on her features, she called out to the creature hidden on her person. “...Lynx. Did’ja hear?”
“Hehe! Of course i did!” A small, barely visible creature flew out from the inside of the girl’s hoodie. Fluttering upward, the kwami hovered infront of her partner’s pale face. “...It’s the perfect oppertunity to finally see that bug, an’ other cat user fight up close n personal!”
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