#marisol whatever her last name is
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sickofthistoxicshit · 11 months ago
To be honest the way part of the fandom has treated this Tommy character as a god makes me dislike him more. Unfortunately the Buck bi arc was tainted for me because it all feels force. Also what doesn't help is that Eddie was to much involved in that storyline.
The way people are acting like it's a perfect relationship and yet we barely saw them together feels just weird.
Also I don't like how some literally push Eddie away for this new white man.
This is Taylor Kelly all over again. The sad part is that the season is short and people wAnt to to spend their time giving more to the new guy.
I hope him and Marisol are gone, but I'm afraid. These two characters took the joy out of the Buck and Eddie storyline for me.
The fandom, I think, in this case, is definitely the problem here,
Lou is completely unassuming and enjoying the process and being a buddie shipper just like us - if one actually bothers to read the interviews and not just pick and choose what to talk about.
That is what makes me like Lou.
The fandom has somehow glorified Tommy's character after a couple of episodes and yeah it rubs the wrong way, because, what about the story we had so far?
Is season 7 a reset to 911? and everything that came before that doesn't count? Why not just make it 911 abc pilot then?
I don't think that's the case, but I think the last minute switch between Buck and Eddie kind of ruined it for the Tim because, yes, in a way it feels forced and out of left field.
Supposed that Buck was indeed vying for Tommy's attention, why do it like that? and why involve Eddie in the first place?
I have a lot of questions and my main problem here is not that Buck is experimenting with Tommy, it's the way they practically propelled this ship off the cliff into a dangerous spin, they went from zero to 200 in a second. - That is not how you build a relationship.
You don't try to figure out what you want, mess up the first date, then invite said date to an apology coffee and then invite him to family wedding on the way. It just doesn't work that way.
I may be straight, but I have gay and bi and lesbian friends, neither one of them has ever brought a second or even a third date to so much as a friends get together before they were sure that this is something that would last, before they brought the intended victim to be judged by friends and family.
And people who talk about Tommy as being established in the 118 family, that is not true. He has a connection with Chimney in that that he owes him his life and an acquaintance with Hen, who is clearly not very fond of him, because of obvious past she had with him and their old house before Bobby came into the picture. - Remember - Chimney was her ONLY lifeline in that house.
Tommy was not a liked character before.
Arguably Buck had more history with Taylor than he did with Tommy (which is none at all) - But Taylor is a strong opinionated and often self-serving woman (not unlike Buck mind you), emphasis on woman. - That is the only reason she never stood a chance. Because the writers could have made her and Buck the greatest love story this show has seen, but they continuously managed to ruin any fondness for any female LI to ever grace that set.
And this season is short, to bring in a new LI kinda defeats the purpose of re-establishing the team and this show, because it does feel the same as any of Buck's old relationships that were being pushed for the benefit of 'god forbid Buck actually learns how to be alone and healthy and happy' - the only thing that changed in Buck this season is his sexuality and nothing else, and that vexes me.
My problem is not with Tommy, it's the perpetuation of 'poor baby Buck' society. - I love Oliver and I love Buck - I am tired of the ever repeating pattern of forgiveness for his self serving ways without any accountability that we keep seeing.
I don't think Buck's or even Eddie's firsts or you know what? even seconds should be each other, I am more than happy to make this journey with them, but let it be a marathon not a sprint to the finish line - they knew they would get renewed for another season, they could have written and built it better than what we got - because the moment they switched gears after the second episode, the story became written in the same messy last minute way both S4 and most of S5 were written.
There is no grand plan, at this point they are merely winging it and see where the wind takes them. - And that is idiotic, they had SO MUCH TIME to make this a well written story with the strike and long break after that, to write as they film is lazy and stupid and mostly childish.
And yes this is Taylor all over again, not in that they are the same type of people, but that Buck is jumping head first into a relationship without actually knowing how he got there. - Bobby said that himself - and it is the same, because who in their right mind invite a second (kinda) date to a family event? Like dude have you ever dated before? Do you how this works?
It is a LOT of pressure and not even for Buck himself - because he brought this on himself - but rather for Tommy (aka the intended victim) to be first introduced to the family after a couple of dates when he himself has no idea where he and Buck are standing.
Marisol, has indeed sucked the joy out of the Eddie's story, I don't get why do either of the boys had to be in a relationship starting this season to begin with. Like, she is literally a handbag, the token hetero symbol, so to speak, what she is doing there? is beyond me.
The catholic guilt of her being a nun is bullshit, and as Bobby said himself, Eddie has no problem committing to certain people/things. She serves no purpose this season other than a seat warmer/ glorified babysitter since Buck is otherwise engaged.
They could have gone for Eddie finding his way in the department, Eddie dealing with his mommy issues, Eddie trying to figure out what and who he wants in his life, Eddie trying to navigate Chris' terrible teenage years.
They could have explored the fact that a guy going with his supposed gf/wife in the golf course checking Eddie's hot ass (6X17) - Oh wait, they were going to... the ground for Eddie's coming out was all laid out and they took a sharp turn to left field in the second episode of S7 and made it all about Buck again, because the Natalia actress couldn't come?? what kind of a weak ass reason is that?
And yes, the cliche of receiving the odd white man out (who played a controversial role in early seasons) rather than the regular casted poc male or the guest starring woman, for that matter, better is all kind of f-ed up, but no one would talk about that, of course. 👀
Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is coming next will be worthy of our time and attention because so far we got about more of the same as far as Buck and Eddie are concerned - except that Buck has just broaden his variety and has a bigger pallet of mate choosing at his disposal.
I have two very close bi friends, so I know how their minds work, because God knows they share with me more than I ever wanted to know lol. And one of them is watching 911 with me and she is happy for the rep as well, but unhappy with how it was developed too.
At the moment, I have decided to put any Buck and Eddie topics aside and just want to get the LONG AWAITED Madney wedding, if anyone deserve a happy ending, it's them. ❤️
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survivoreddie · 1 year ago
Episode 7.05 and the transphobe is still there, I have decided that I will cut her out of every scene she has with Eddie.
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whereyoustand · 10 months ago
oh using smores to immediately represent Shannon Diaz I am SICK
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rainbowonice · 2 years ago
They really just said FUCK character development and let’s go full on hypocrisy on both Eddie w/ “you should never date someone you met on a call” just to go on a date with a girl he met during a call in witch he didn’t even.. interacted with?? She was the first latina available woman and they rolled with it (so blandly racist btw after Shannon all of his interest has been latino women??) and Buck “i don’t want to pick the wrong couch again” and then picking a couch with a girl that he had 3 dates in total, two ending terribly, she’s/was obsessed over his death, she got jealous of his past after 1 date, judged him and left saying the seme exact works Taylor said to him when they broke up. And yet she’s the right one for Gods knows what reason.
This isn’t even about Buddie just a bit shh it’s about ruining two characters for the sake of an heteronormative happy ending that makes no sense at all. They really thought that this was going to be the season finale and instead of just leave them single they HAD to pair them with some women as if Eddie wasn’t a whole homosexual
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imagine-notnatural · 2 months ago
More Task force 141 x Janitor Reader
It starts when you offer a neck massage to Rodriguez. They’d just returned from some mission, and all she and the rest of group did was complain about how sore they were. As shes a close friend with Michael, and a good friend of yours too, you decided to offer her relief. A quick massage, just while you had time between tasks and she had her own downtime.
You once done it absentmindedly when you stood behind Michael at a meeting. He sat on the bench in front of you, so you just simply rested your hands on his shoulders. Nothing over the top. However as the meeting progressed, he’d started feeling your hands gently squeeze his shoulders. Michael didn’t react, he didn’t move or give any indication that he felt what was going on; figuring you might stop the pleasant movements of your hands. This continued for another twenty minutes, by the time the meeting ended you’d thoroughly worked out all the kinks in his neck and shoulders, had gently run your hands through his hair enough times where his eyes had to fight to stay open, and left him in a daze.
Ever since, any time he’d feel your hands on his shoulders he’d still, hoping that you were entranced enough with whatever it was Bill(your boss) was talking about that you’d do it again.
“You can say no, Im just offering a service, you don’t have to tell me yes if you’re uncomfortable. Genuinely, I only offer because you seem like you need it” you say, awkwardly turning away from her as she seemed on the fence.
“Marisol, trust me, it’s good. You’ll probably get put to sleep. I call (Name) NyQuil behind their back because they nearly put me to sleep once-“
“Mikey what the fuck-“
Rodríguez laughed, “Sounds good, Thanks (Name) I really appreciate it.” Once she gave you the go ahead, you rounded behind her.
“You still good?”
She gave you a nod.
You started gently kneading the muscles at the base of her neck and worked down from there. The way the three of you were positioned was that Mikey (and you previously) had your backs facing the recreational rooms’ tv, and now you were able to face the tv with Marisol. Some reality tv show had caught your attention, and with time, the sounds from the screen and the show itself distracted you.
By the last comercial break, when you looked down you found Rodriguez was chin-to-chest. Her head rolling over to allow you to gently trace the base of her neck with your nails.
“You still okay?” You asked, chuckling when she grunted happily as her answer.
Just then, more of her squad came bounding in..
“Rodriguez we’ve been looking for you what are- Hey what’re you doing?”
“What’s it look like?” You respond, noting that Marisol had yet to lift her head and her eyes remained shut.
“Aw dude- Me next! My fucking back has been killing me!” Someone from outside the door said, when you turned to look it was another member of their squad.
“You want one? Twenty dollars for however long real housewives of Dubai is on-“ Mikey instantly sat up from the old couch, his arm outstretched and hand open. You instantly shot Michael a glare, while the others looked at him in disbelief.
“Man what-“
“Mikey I didn’t-“
“It’s worth it” Marisol said, loud enough to catch everyone’s attention. She placed a hand over your hand own and gave you a quick thank you. She got up from the folding chair she’d been sat at and riled her shoulders. “It’s fucking worth it. Watch this,”
She made a show of rolling her shoulders and neck.
“Im gonna sleep like a fucking baby tonight. Ten out ten, will recommend ” She smiled and gave you another thank you. You were distracted by her smile, and didn’t hear what Mikey said next.
“So? You heard her, and you know Rodriguez doesn’t lie for shit- what do you say?” Michael smirked, hand still outstretched.The two men looked at each other before they looked back at you.
Still distracted by Rodriguez’s smile, you didn’t notice when the men pulled out their wallets.
“You got change for a fifty?”
“I do”
You turned to see the men exchange bills in front of you before offering you twenty each.
“Im not- I mean- uh-“
You sighed as they gave you a pleading look.
I mean you’re a college student paying out of state tuition fees AND the majority of check went into rent and bills… Having a bit of extra cash is like totally in your best interests…
“Who’s going first?”
And that’s how you became a part time masseuse.
It was a well kept secret. Michael had taking to managing the operation, his payment being on demand head scratches. He’d made it so only people vouched by someone you’d already worked on or by you or Michael personally, would you even consider. It was all kept on the down low so that you wouldn’t end up in some sort of trouble, you accepted payment in cash, goods, and trades of services. And everyone was kept in check by some sort of code of honor they’d established amongst themselves.
Marisol and Michael and taken it up to personally warn (threaten) everyone that if you got caught and didn’t give massages anymore they wouldn’t take it lightly. (Blah blah blah breaking knee caps blah blah blah Marisol is so creative!)
And sure there were physical therapists on base, but for whatever reason you seemed to excel in relaxing people to the point of sleep. That’s what people really came to you for.
One night when you were on graveyard shift, you recieved a text from Michael.
TMNT: Hey, just fyi sgt MacTavish and Garrick r gonna head over to you soon
You: ??
TMNT: The ones w the thiq thighs n fat asses
You: be more specific this is yam city we’re in partner
TMNT: SCOTLAND FOREVAA n the guy w the cap from the 141
You: yOU MEAN KYLE?! ur lYING!! HOW?!
You: who couched ?!
You: vouched*
TMNT: Marisol
You: Ah :o
TMNT: Yeah ;)
You: (ToT)
You: Bye then
TMNT : toodlelu~
You waited nervously for the two sergeants in the rec room. You eased your nerves by scrolling through the streaming services on the TV. Just as you had finally settled on a series, there was a knock of the opened door.
“So yur’ NyQuil?” The Scotsman was the first to enter, an inquisitive eye as he looked over your humble single chair set up. His resting smile, made your stomach do flips as you watched him look you over
“ a wee bit jumpy no?” Soap smiled, getting side eye from his fellow sergeant who was still outside the door.
“Fucking Michael- Yes but no, don’t call me that. It’s (Name), the dipshit trying to get the name to stick is my friend…” you fought to maintain eye contact with those bright blue eyes of his
The Englishmen made his appearance soon after,
“ So it is you! What? Threatenin’ us to keep clean wasn’t enough for you, you’d to start knocking people out?” Kyle walked in with a grin.
“Well, you’re some big hotshot guy so when I couldn’t get to you I had to find an outlet.” You chuckled,
“So Marisol let y’all in on the operation. What’s going on fellas?”
“Near dam dislocated my shoulder when training last week and haven’t been able to sleep it off,” Johnny answered, tentatively rolling said shoulder. You nodded then turned to Kyle,
“Well, truth is I’ve just been tired.” You nodded again,
“Alright then gentlemen, I’ll get started with-“
“Call me John, Bonnie”
“Okay, I start with John and I’ll get to you after.” You gesture for Johnny to sit in the folding chair beside you, “there’s snacks- well the layout is almost the same as your own personal rec. room so you’ll know where snacks are. Kick back on the couch, watch the movie and n’” you turn slightly to see how much more of the movie remained… an hour and forty five minutes.
“Like 45 minutes I’ll have y’all switch.”
The two men looked at each other briefly before stepping to their spots. Gaz on the couch and soap in the chair.
“Oh can I actually get you turned the other way?” You ask, Johnny quickly stands to turn around and sit as you positioned him.
“Okay, now, just let me know if anything hurts in the not good way, okay? I’m going to get started on your neck and then work from there. Sound good?” You asked, placing a bit of scentless lotion on your hands.
“Let me know if I hurt you,” Kyle couldn’t help but turn away from the screen to see you get started on Johnny. As you couldn’t see his face, Johnny scoffed lightly and gave Kyle a small smile at your words. Chin restringing on his arms, Johnny began speaking
“Nah, I’m sure’ve had worse, ‘think I can handle-“
Kyle had the pleasure of seeing his teammate’s face freeze and contort into something between pained and relieved-
“Jesús, Mary, n’ Joseph, the grip on you-“ Johnny grunted, hiding his face in his arms. From his angle, Kyle could see the way your thumbs dug into the base of his neck.
Gaz laughed, “What mate? You good?”
“If it hurts I’ll stop, just say the word,” You said, seemingly unfazed,
“Don’t you bloody dare-“ He muttered, leaning his weight into your hold. He began muttering phrases under his breath, some unfamiliar to you and other indiscernible.
“That good huh?” Kyle smirked,
Johnny, who’s face was buried in his arms only grunted at muttered “-bile your heid” or at least that’s what you managed to understand.
“It’s alright, it’s a compliment to me, yeah?”
Johnny made a noise of agreement
The three of you laughed it off, continuing with light conversation, soon enough you got into your rhythm.
See? nothing to be afraid of! Just passing the time and getting some of that green!
“So how did you find you had this talent of your’s, (Name)?”
“It was just something I did since I was younger. I’d usually only do it for my family but I haven’t..” you paused, thinking of how to continue.
“Ay, dinae stop I paid good money for dis’” Johnny joked sleepily, his breath had begun to steady and his voice sounded more muffled, like his mouth wasn’t moving at all. You chuckled and carried on.
“Relax sergeant, I’m not stopping.” You moved back from his broad shoulders to the base of his neck. You could’ve sworn he’d began purring as your fingers began raking through his hair and working at the junction between his neck and skull.
“But yeah, just something I’ve always done.”
Kyle nodded, taking note of your hesitation but not commenting. You all remained in a comfortable silence afterwards, the movie playing in the background.
Before you knew it, the forty five minutes were up. Your phone buzzed on the counter and you lifted your hands though no without immediate protest.
“Timers’ rigged-“
“No sir. Go ahead and get up, I’ve got to do your friend next before I head out for my actual work. “
“Get out the chair bruv- it’s my turn.”
He only grunted.
Johnny groaned but rose this time, he tentively lifted his arm and rolled it in its socket,
“Braw Job la-“
“Cannae you see I’m going ya jobbie?!”
You laughed, not entirely sure what the Scot was saying but understanding the fact he was pleased with the results. Johnny grumbled annoyed as he laid back on the coach,
“N’ I was falling asleep too!” He complained halfheartedly, placing his feet in the arm of the couch.
“Ay mate but you were cutting into my time.”
“Ah Git Awa’ and Bile Yer Heid,” John huffed, watching as Kyle took his seat in your chair. “Alright same rules, let me know when something’s not working for you or hurts in a bad way, ‘Kay Garrick?”
“Garrick? What happened to Kyle? You cross with me?”
He’d turned his head back slightly, his expression ameused.
“This is a professional setting Mr. Garrick, I’ve got to be professional.” A smug smile pulled at your lips. You placed your hands on his shoulders to begin.
“So this is where you two disappeared to.”
You turned around to trace the source of the unfamiliar voice. You were lead to the doorway- oh hey it’s the grim reaper
“ AH!”
By now both men in the room, had begun stifling their snickers.
“We have to stop meeting like this!I mean you no offense but you’re one scary S-O-B you know that” You swalllowed, raising your head from beside Kyle.
He didn’t respond, but telling from his eyes and the minuscule movement where his mouth would be, you figured he was amused.
“Stalking us’ Lt.? And here we thought yee couldn’ stand us,”
He giant of the group of giants found his place in the corner of the room, he leaned against the counter and allowed for Johnny to yap away.
Meanwhile you’d restarted your timer hesitantly, starting again and hoping that the sound of John’s voice and the tv kept your voice out of earshot.
You leaned over slightly, just enough for Kyle to hear you. ( And for a tingle down his spine n heat reach the tip of his ears)
“He won’t kill me right? He looks the like kinda of guy that could kill me.”
“I mean he could, but he won’t….‘Least I hope…”
“Fuck right off then Garrick, if it wasn’t for the money you paid me I’d leave right now.”
“So you’re telling me you’re only here for money? I thought you liked me?”
“Just because you’re hot doesn’t mean you can’t be insufferable, sergeant. I’ve gotta keep the bills paid somehow.”
“You think I’m hot?” He smirked,
“Yeah,” you scoffed, “- and insufferable, don’t forget that part. It’s key that you understand that’s more important .”
The two of you continued to bicker, not noticing that the Lieutenant and other sergeant had been watching the two of you interact.
“Lively one ye?” Soap turned slightly to get a look at Ghost’s expression. Despite being hiding under that skull themed baklava of his, Johnny felt he’d seen enough and been through enough with the man to get a general feel for him.
Ghost took a moment to take in the scene.
Kyle trying to rile you up while being forced multiple times to keep his head facing forward. A broad smile on his face and the sound of his laugh just slightly louder than the television.
You, who eventually forced him to plant his face into his arms so that the whole ordeal would be over with. A smile tugging on your own lips no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
He then turned back to Johnny, who watched the two of you as well. The look on his face seeming content, his eyes following the way Kyle’s eyes lit up and switching off to the way your lips moved when you smiled and spit back another comeback. There was a heat to it all but.. The whole scene was so… domestic. Ghost quickly turned away, instead focusing on how you decided to torture Gaz, completely giving up on the relaxation part of the massage and instead aiming for as many weak spots as you could find.
Lively indeed.
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johanna-swann · 5 days ago
You know, I get that Eddie was annoyed with Buck over going full passive-aggressive remarks / petty mode, I get that he was probably trying to convince himself the move to Texas is a good idea when he was talking to the potential renters, I get that even if Buck didn't scare off those renters on purpose it was still a serious problem for Eddie.
But. He also said a whole lot of bullshit, really hurtful bullshit about some of Buck's worst fears and insecurities. And while Buck did everything and I do mean everything by the end of the episode to make it up to Eddie - apologising, calling out his own bad behaviour, admitting the insecurities it all stemmed from, renting Eddie's house himself, telling him he was of course right to do whatever he can for Chris and organising a farewell team dinner as a gesture of goodwill to top it off - Eddie did fuck all. He barely admitted that he isn't in love with the idea of leaving LA and that was it.
I didn't expect him to grovel or get on his knees and thank Buck for his generosity (that's ridiculous), but he didn't acknowledge that he behaved badly at all? What he did was dig his grave deeper. Instead of saying "I didn't mean that thing you overheard" or "of course you matter too, but I don't feel like I have a choice here" he went the opposite direction and accused Buck of spying and trying to get Eddie to pick him over Christopher??? Eddie sweetheart, I know repression is your middle name and you can get tunnel vision because of that, but holy fuck. You're acting like an arsehole. Get some perspective man.
(Elaboration on that tunnel vision thing under the cut.)
On the one hand I'm tempted to blame this on the overall shit writing for season 8, but this kind of has precedent going back many seasons. When Eddie maneuvers himself into a tight spot, he represses his doubts, puts on his blinders and doubles down on the path he chose.
He did it when he started hanging out with Kim last season, never thinking about what the hell he was doing and only told Kim the truth / decided to stop seeing her after he was confronted by Buck. He didn't think about how insane that situation was, how it wasn't fair to Kim, how (even if he was only trying to be her friend, nothing more) he still lied to Marisol to sneak around with a woman he didn't want her to know about, how this could blow up in his face if Chris got wind of it. And then it did blow up in his face and he expected Buck to fix the tension with Christopher for him "like he always does". He did admit he fucked up and he is making something of an effort to repair his relationship with Chris, but he still isn't in therapy, still doesn't talk about Shannon and still does only what he thinks is right instead of asking literally anyone for advice.
During season 5 he distanced himself from the team, refused to talk to Buck about how he was doing because "he has moved on and so should Buck", quit his job basically over night, his mental health worsened and he only stopped charging ahead blindly when he had a major breakdown. I'm not blaming him for this per se, mental illness is a bitch, but it is another example for a well established pattern of behaviour.
Season 4 and 5, he's in a relationship with Ana and he doesn't love her, but she's a nice girl and a good girlfriend who gets along well with his son, this is what he is supposed to do, right? It is Buck who has to sit him down and tell him to maybe consider Ana's feelings, how shitty she must feel or will feel when she realises how invested she is in a relationship with a man who doesn't love her.
Season 3, the "divorce arc" / fight club era. Buck didn't sue Eddie personally. He sued the boss who unrightfully kept him from his job and the institution he worked for. He had lost his job, was probably hanging out 80% less with his entire social circle than before the bombing, had almost died twice and was still recovering. This had nothing to do with Eddie personally and yet Eddie got majorly pissed. Didn't even try to see Buck's perspective. And personally I don't think Buck should've sued. I think he should've gone to the union or tried talking to Bobby again or at least get one of their mutual friends in on this to get their advice (Hen or Chim maybe). But Eddie while in a rough spot himself went full tunnel vision again and put all of the blame for basically everything that sucked about the situation for him on Buck. Who later apologised unlike Eddie who only gratiously forgave Buck.
Season 2 Eddie had an affair with his wife who he was separated from at the time while refusing to let her see their child. He treated her like a dirty secret, had her sneak out the back door, only contacted her to begin with because he needed something from her. He eventually started being nicer to her and they started spending time as a family again, but Eddie did all of this with his "this is how it's supposed to be" goggles on. She was his wife, they had a kid together, this is the path they're supposed to take. No other options to be considered. Even 6 years later he still hasn't really accepted that Shannon didn't want to be his wife anymore and he ignored his Shannon complex for years.
This is a well established pattern. When Eddie has decided that he is in the right and that his plan is the best one then he sticks to it no matter what, he stops considering other opinions and will trample over other people's feelings in the process.
Not saying he isn't overall a kind person who wants to do right by other people, but he has this particular flaw and for someone who expects his best friend to always have his back no matter what he sure neglects reciprocating that sentiment a lot.
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justchillandshipit · 5 months ago
Bobby and Buck Scene
We know from various articles that Buck has a scene coming up in 8.6 with Bobby. He will be spinning out and looking for advice.
I fully expect Bobby to ask, in that special way he has, why are you keeping Tommy at a distance? Why aren't you letting him in?
I've seen a lot of discourse on how Tommy is an outsider and that he doesn't care, but now that I've thought more about the last episode, I don't think that is the case. Buck is holding back. Tommy has said that he is letting Buck set the pace, and it is now clear to me that apart from sex, Buck isn't letting this relationship go deeper.
He's told Tommy about Bobby being like a father to him, but he has never tried to bring them together. He has never told Tommy Athena's name. Even in the hospital, Buck calls her Sargent Grant. I find it strange that he would even refer to her by that name when not on duty.
So coming back to my original comment. Bobby should be asking the above questions. Whatever secret is making Buck spinout is likely not the heart of what is happening, it's the excuse Buck is using to pull back even further. Similar to the way Eddie was preparing to end things with Marisol because of the nun thing, but then Buck came out and Eddie decided to double down on a relationship he didn't want in the first place.
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perotovar · 1 year ago
into the beat of the night (ch 3) "self control"
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moodboard by the lovely @hellishjoel, gif by me
pairing: frankie morales/enby!oc!river price (they/them) rating: 18+ (minors dni) chapter warnings: fingering, one (1) handjob, discussions of sexuality/gender (in an... interesting way), goth stereotypes abound, swearing, more cute shit word count: 3k dividers by @saradika beta: @scenaaario (ily adrienne ♥)
for notifications, follow @oakslibrary and turn on alerts ♥
series summary: frankie thought he had himself figured out by now. he liked both men and women, had dated both in the past. but when someone that challenges what he thinks that means comes into his life, in an unlikely place, he truly learns who he is, and more importantly, who he loves.
series masterlist
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“What’s their name again?”
“River. I already told you, Benjamin,” Frankie chuckled, taking a drink from his beer.
“Right, sorry. I’ve just never met a non… what was it again?”
Frankie, Benny, Will, and Santiago were at their usual bar that night. It was in a different part of town than The Night Owl, with a completely different vibe, but it was cozy. The four of them had become regulars and knew the staff by name.
“Non-binary person,” Will said, shoving Benny on the shoulder. “Are you listening at all?”
Benny shot his brother a look and stuck his tongue out, because apparently Benny was still five. “Of course I’m listening! Non-bi-nar-y,” he sounded it out, tapping his finger on the table with each syllable. “What does, uh… What does that like, mean, Fish?”
Frankie furrowed his brows and took another drink. “I haven’t actually asked yet. All they told me is that they’re like… both, and neither, at the same time.” He hummed thoughtfully. “I was a little distracted after that and didn’t get to ask.”
Santiago grinned, slapping Frankie on the shoulder. “Good for you, Fish.”
Frankie rolled his eyes, but smiled, thinking about the kiss he shared with River the other night. They kept texting, and he’d even asked River out on a real date, which brought the guys to the bar. It had been a year or so since his last date and he needed advice on where to take someone like River. He wasn’t as familiar with the goth subculture and thought maybe his brothers would have experience. At the very least Ben, who’d been with a few different kinds of people.
“I did look it up that night after I got home, but I’m still a little confused,” Frankie shrugged.
“Just ask them, man,” Will offered. “They seemed cool with your first question.”
Frankie nodded, a look of determination crossing his features. “You’re right. It couldn’t hurt, right?”
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Frankie was sweating. Marisol was with her mom this week, so he hadn’t had to worry about having that conversation yet. He was planning on telling River about her tonight. He checked his hair in the mirror again before he left, deciding to go without his hat tonight, but worried all his nerves would deflate the work he put into it. He sighed as he messed around with the unruly curls again. This is why he stuck to hats. Frankie’s phone vibrated on the bathroom counter, startling him.
ok im ready, eddie 😉
River still thought it was hilarious that Frankie had worn an Iron Maiden t-shirt to a goth club, claiming that it fit his “old man aesthetic”, whatever that meant. This led to River referring to Frankie as “Eddie”, after the band’s skeleton mascot.
Yeah yeah i’m coming
Frankie saw the typing dots appear and disappear a couple times before disappearing completely. He sighed to himself and checked his hair one last time before leaving his apartment. 
When he got to the neighborhood of the address River had given him, he checked his phone again, making sure he was in the right place. He slowly crept up the hill towards the last line of apartments and immediately his heart started pounding. Frankie really liked River. He didn’t want to fuck this up, and hoped him being a dad wouldn’t ruin that. Or his big dumb mouth.
River was standing at the bottom of the staircase of the apartment complex and waved, a huge grin on their face. Frankie stopped the truck and leaned over to open the passenger side door for them to climb inside. The scent of bergamot, clove, and sandalwood filled his nostrils again as the truck door shut. Frankie calmed down, and smiled, leaning over to give River a kiss on the cheek. “You look amazing,” he breathed, taking in River’s outfit; they had a collarless shirt buttoned up all the way, tucked into plaid pants, and nice dress shoes. All black, of course. They wore no lipstick today, their makeup was simple, and their hair was perfectly straight. It looked like they’d freshly shaved the right side of their head as well. River’s look was so new for Frankie, he couldn’t help being captivated by them every time he saw them.
“Thank you,” River smiled, heart skipping a beat. “Where are we off to?” They rested their ring-clad hand over Frankie’s larger one in between the two of them on the seat. “When you said it was a surprise, I admit I got a little nervous.”
Frankie placed his hand on the back of the truck seat and looked behind them as he backed up to leave the apartment complex. River’s eyes were glued to Frankie’s neck and subtly licked their lips at the sight of the thick muscles and veins. Their eyes moved up to Frankie’s side profile and they swooned.
“How come? Don’t trust me?” Frankie smirked, making eye contact before his eyes moved to the road, and started heading toward their destination.
River shrugged, even though they knew he couldn’t see them. “Maybe. Maybe not,” they smirked. The red light of the clock on the console caught River’s eye; 7:30pm. 
“Well, that’s a shame. I had a nice dinner planned and everything,” Frankie showed them an exaggerated pout, a twinkle in his eye.
“Oh, well, in that case.”
The restaurant Frankie picked might’ve been a little more… casual, then he remembered. The last time he was here was with Jackson. He shook off the memory. He was here with River now. The place was actually more like a diner, with vintage photos of women in pinup-style outfits and poses.
Frankie reached for River’s hand and laced their fingers together as he found them a table, letting River sit first.
“Such a gentleman,” River teased, squeezing his hand before getting comfy in the booth.
“I try,” Frankie smiled bashfully as he joined them on the opposite side. The light shining down onto the table lit River beautifully. He noticed that River’s button-up was actually a dark green, with subtle velvet roses all over.
They ordered their food and made easy conversation. River talked about their job as an architect. They were working on designing a building that was be built in the next couple of years in the city. Frankie found it fascinating but couldn’t focus on the words, too distracted by their calming voice and watching their mannerisms. River talked with their hands a lot whenever they got excited about something, and Frankie thought it was adorable.
“Sorry, I know I’m rambling now,” River shook their head, cutting themself off. Frankie frowned,mouth full of french fries.
“Please, continue, I don’t mind listening.”
So River did. They talked about anything and everything. Frankie interjected here and there, but was more than content to listen to River talk. When there was a lull in the conversation, Frankie’s palms started to get sweaty. Their plates were empty now, but River still had half of their milkshake left.
It was now or never. Frankie took a deep breath.
“So… I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” he started. River raised an eyebrow and rested their chin on the palm of their hand, listening. Frankie cleared his throat before continuing. “Um, so I know this is a dealbreaker for some people, so I won’t be offended if you want to stop things after tonight. B-But I would like to stay friends if that’s the case.” He rubbed his sweaty hands on his thighs. “I’ve got a daughter.”
River was quiet for a second before a small smile appeared on their face. “I’m actually not surprised. How old is she?”
“You’re not?”
“Of course not. You’re an incredibly handsome man of a certain age–”
“And any woman would be stupid not to make an honest man outta you,” River winked.
Frankie blinked a couple times before chuckling softly. River continued to surprise him. “Well, her mother isn’t in the picture, at least not with me. Marisol, my daughter, sees her half the time, and stays with me the other half of the time,” he explained, crossing his arms comfortably over the table. “Oh, and she’s four.”
“Aww, can I see a picture of her?”
Frankie’s heart fluttered as pulled his phone out, opening the album of photos devoted just to his little girl. He slid his phone over to River and they started scrolling through the photos with a smile on their face.
“She’s adorable, Frankie,” River hummed, returning his phone back to him. “I can tell you think the world of her. I won’t lie, I’m not really… uh, a kid kind of person. I always just planned on being the cool cousin and not a parent,” they muttered, resting their chin on their palm again.
Frankie nodded in understanding. “I totally get that. I just figured it wouldn’t be fair to you, or to Marisol, to keep her a secret, y’know?”
“Absolutely, and I appreciate you telling me,” River nodded back. “But I like you. A lot. And I’m willing to give this a shot with you. So I don’t think Marisol is a dealbreaker.”
Frankie’s heart soared at River’s words. “I really like you, too,” he grinned like an idiot, cheeks warm. “C’mon, we still have another part to this date.” He stood up and held his hand out for River to take.
After paying, the two found themselves back in Frankie’s truck heading down the highway. It was starting to get darker and the roads were clearing. They pulled up to a drive-in, but there weren’t any other cars.
“What is this, Grease?” River teased. “A diner and then a drive-in movie?”
Frankie snorted and reached out his window to pay for their tickets before finding somewhere to park. “I happen to like drive-in movies and diners, thank you very much.”
“That’s because you’re old–”
“I’m only a few years older than you,” Frankie deadpanned.
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About a third of the way into the original Halloween, Frankie put his arm around River’s shoulders and pulled them close. River happily cuddled into Frankie’s side, loving the warmth and softness they found there.
Halfway through, River’s eyes started wandering elsewhere. They looked down at the crotch of Frankie’s jeans, and wondered what lay beyond the tight denim. They looked up at Frankie’s face and kissed the little patch in his beard that refused to grow hair. Frankie looked down at them, deep brown eyes looking over River’s features. He went from their dark-rimmed eyes, to their collarbone, and back to their plush lips, his heart pounding. He didn’t need any further convincing and started kissing River deeply, holding the side of their face.
River hummed into Frankie’s mouth and slowly crawled into Frankie’s lap. They grinned as Frankie huffed a breath against their lips, holding River’s hips in his large hands. River kissed the corner of Frankie’s mouth before moving down to the side of his neck and sucked a mark where his neck met his shoulder. Frankie shuddered, moving a hand down and squeezing River’s ass. They lifted their head and looked at the far-away expression on his face.
“Are you one of those guys that doesn’t like to fool around on the first date?”
Frankie blinked up at River, thinking about it. “I mean, no, but–” “Good,” River growled, latching back onto Frankie’s neck and sucking hard.
Frankie moaned openly at that, but pulled them away. “Wait,” he breathed. River tilted their head to the side and didn’t say anything, letting Frankie continue. “Um, I had another question.”
“Well, uh. I don’t mean to kill the mood, because God, I really wanna get back to that, b-but I was curious,” Frankie swallowed, not making eye contact again. “I looked up what non-binary was after you told me and I was a little confused, and basically I just– Um, I wanna know like, how… this would… work,” he trailed off, gesturing between the two of them and at the bulge in his jeans.
“You’re asking what I have so you know how to proceed.” It was a statement, not a question, said softly in understanding. River played with the curls at the back of Frankie’s neck.
Frankie nodded. “If that’s an invasive question, I’m really sorry, and–”
“Shh,” River chuckled, pecking Frankie on the cheek. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m not offended. You’re actually being really sweet about all of this. I know this is new for you.”
Frankie smiled shyly and shrugged, but let them continue.
“I was raised as a girl. ‘Assigned female at birth’, is typically what we call it,” River looked down, playing with the collar of Frankie’s shirt. “You were assigned male at birth. The doctors looked at your parts and decided that’s what you were, and you never felt like it was incorrect, right?”
Frankie nodded, listening carefully.
“Right. Well, it felt wrong to me. I didn’t really know what the feeling was growing up. It’s actually kind of a recent development for me.”
Frankie chewed on his bottom lip, one question still buzzing around his head. “How do you… How did you know? And did you… have any… surgeries? To um–” he didn’t know how to word any of this.
River laughed softly. “Yeah, I had top surgery. I no longer have breasts, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Everything below the belt is still intact,” they grinned, moving their crotch closer to Frankie’s. “The complicated answer, especially for someone so new to this, is that gender is a societal thing. How you’re perceived, presented to the world is just through the eyes of society. How you see yourself is what actually matters, though. And when all that societal bullshit doesn’t affect your life, the roles you’re ‘supposed’ to play don’t matter anymore.”
“I’m River. River is me. I don’t care how people see me. I did all of this,” they gestured to their body. “For me. Not for anyone else. Because if I didn’t, I would be unhappy. And my own mental health and happiness matters more than some so-called church-going do-gooder’s opinion.”
Frankie looked at River in awe. Their confidence and respect for themself was one of the most attractive things he’d ever seen. “You’re amazing,” Frankie breathed, surging forward to kiss them deeply. He gripped River’s ass again and pulled them closer, grinding his hardening cock against them.
River moaned softly, grinding back, and tangling their fingers into his hair. Suddenly, Frankie pulled back, catching his breath.
“Wait, does that, like…” He thought for a second. “While I was doing my research, I came across a couple other terms I didn’t know.”
River chuckled and kissed down Frankie’s neck softly. “Go on.”
Frankie’s breath hitched, speaking shakily. “Um, I’ve always considered myself b-bisexual– oh– a-and if non-binary people are technically a th-third gender, then does that change?”
“No,” River hummed, licking underneath Frankie’s ear, before taking the lobe into their mouth and nibbling.
“It doesn’t?”
River shook their head. “Bisexual is more like an umbrella term. People interpret it differently,” they reached a hand down between them, trailing their fingers to Frankie’s belt buckle and undoing it. “For example, you’ve always assumed it just meant you were attracted to men and women, right?”
Frankie moaned softly as the pressure was relieved from his hard cock, and nodded.
“Exactly. Another way you could see it is you being attracted to people that are like you,” they gripped Frankie’s cock tightly, making him gasp sharply. “And people who aren’t.” They grabbed his hand and placed it onto their crotch, grinding against him.
He was so hard he was throbbing, and so turned on his head spun. He started undoing River’s dress pants and slipped his hand down to their panties, finding their pussy impossibly warm and wet. 
“Fuck,” Frankie groaned, rubbing at their clit through the fabric of their underwear. River moaned sweetly and bit their bottom lip, moving Frankie’s boxer briefs out of the way so they could grip around his cock.
“You’re so hard,” River grinned, rubbing their thumb over the tip. They started stroking him slowly, watching as the head of Frankie’s cock appeared and disappeared underneath the foreskin. 
Frankie was breathing heavily, resting his head on the back of his seat and looking at River through his lashes. He moved the tips of his fingers in small circles for a few moments before he moved his fingers beneath their underwear and touched bare skin. River gasped at the contact and nodded, giving him permission.  Frankie slowly sunk his middle finger inside them and started pumping in and out. His thumb rubbed in time against their clit. River started moaning louder, throwing their head back to expose their throat to him.
Frankie saw an opening and latched his mouth onto their neck, marking them in return as his free hand held the back of River’s head. “You’re so fucking sexy,” he groaned, biting at River’s skin.
River shuddered at the praise, rocking their hips against Frankie’s hand. “‘M close,” they whined, panting down at him. They started to lose their rhythm on Frankie’s cock and squeezed him tightly in their fist. Frankie nodded in understanding and started moving his fingers faster, adding a second one as the slick sounds coming from between River’s legs filled the truck. 
“C’mon, baby. You gonna come for me?” he breathed against their neck, leaving soft kisses against their skin. The contrast between what his mouth and what his hand were doing was overwhelming and River wouldn’t change it for the world. 
River nodded, their brows moving downward in pleasure before stilling above him as they came. Their hips rocked back and forth over Frankie’s hand as they came down, moaning and biting their lip. 
The sight of River coming was enough for Frankie and his cock twitched hard as he erupted all over River’s hand. He grunted and hid his face in their neck as his balls emptied messily. He whined softly, twitching in the aftershocks. 
River giggled quietly and held him close after licking their hand clean. “Gonna have to blow you next time,” they hummed thoughtfully.
Frankie groaned as his oversensitive cock twitched between them. “Don’t say shit like that while I’m still vulnerable, you menace.”
River bit his cheek, then kissed it softly. “You love it.”
He did. He really did.
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a/n: please enjoy this meme that inspired the scene above
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mazzystar24 · 10 months ago
Watch us be panicking over nothing, but if it does go down THAT route, I'm done! I don't want a show claiming to be inclusive of everyone and everything to have a woman who is so horrible on a show like that
Hi anon!
Personally I’m less panicking more vomiting at seeing edy onscreen and poor Eddie in comp het prison (I’m gonna get you out of there one of these days buddy I swear😭🫶)
I think I’m like 95% certain that like everything so far indicates to me that they’re not writing Marisol to stay
Like first of all I’m pretty sure tim flat out said he didn’t originally want her back and that he just didn’t want two offscreen break ups in s7 and Natalia’s actress couldn’t come back
Like he’s made his disdain abt the end of s6 VERY clear
He then turns around and puts no effort into making Marisol even appear like she MIGHT stay because he gives her no last name, no personality and what can only be referred to as a gag as her main storyline
And then he has bobby flat out call Eddie out and say that he hasn’t said anything/ spoke about her in a way that makes him think he wants her to move in and that he has no trouble committing to other things so what is REALLY the issue (her) I mean Eddie fumbled with understanding bobby again but it’s the thought that counts🤷🏽‍♀️
Plus I think they are WELL aware of the fans opinions of edy so from a purely business perspective- if an actress who is not a series regular or even a significant character and whatever form of contract you have with her is presumably coming to an end and she’s causing you trouble and getting you bad publicity you will cut her at the first opportunity (and you would be very dumb not to, ESPECIALLY FOR ONE YOU DIDN’T WANT IN THE FIRST PLACE)
Also on a more general note the stills are almost ALWAYS a red herring that make 20+ theories and 100+ rants and then turn out to be something completely and utterly different so until we actually see content in the episodes that indicate to us that Marisol even stands a chance to stay fr then I’m gonna continue to believe that one day soon I’ll be free from seeing edy’s stupid transphobic face on my screen with her annoying voice that puts Janice from friends to shame
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sevensoulmates · 1 year ago
Speculation ahead:
I want to talk about the title "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered" less from the assumption that the song lyrics = what happens in the show and less from the assumption that Buck's name being in the title means it's all about him. The episode may have him have a central storyline but I'm 99% sure the episode will also feature Maddie and Eddie having central storylines in this episode too.
So, Bothered and Bewildered. To me, those words signify big change, big realizations, but also confusion, discomfort, growing pains with emphasis on the pain.
Bothered implies that whatever change is coming it will not be easy. It implies that this is something that disturbs the characters usual life. It's something that requires looking inward, discovering why the change bothers them so much, and coming to terms with the new life they'll probably have to lead from that moment forward.
Bewildered implies that this change is a surprise. Not something the character saw coming. ((so for those of you who are assuming this is Bi Buck realization I don't think it'll be just a "oh yeah I've been bi this entire time" thing)). It's not something they've been sitting on agonizing about, but something that comes out of the blue. Or maybe, it's something the character wouldn't let themselves think about and/or never believed was true about themselves, but now has to reevaluate who they really are.
This could mean a hell of a lot for all of the characters. From a Maddie/Madney perspective maybe they're adjusting to being fiance's, or Maddie worries about potentially becoming a wife again.
For Eddie, if this is a queer realization for him, I don't think it's an easy one. It's one he'll struggle with. We know Marisol is still around, this could be in reference to the relationship he's trying to force with her. I do still believe man is deep in compulsory heterosexuality, so I wouldnt be surprised if he tries even HARDER to force this relationship with Marisol in a last ditch attempt to prove his "normalcy". And perhaps he finds his relationship with Marisol bothers him in unexpected ways. In relation to potential bi Buck, it could mean Eddie has to grapple with Buck's sudden queerness and determine WHY it is bothering him. If anyone has a "am I homophobic because my queer best friend is with someone else" moment, I believe it would be Eddie, not Buck. I truly believe Eddie is that repressed. But if the Buck/Tommy rumours are true then this could spell EXTREMELY interesting for Eddie as well, especially considering the next episode is You Don't Know Me.
And Buck. I know we're all kinda jumping the gun assuming it means bi Buck, and istg I'm also hoping and praying too. Truly, it makes the most sense to do. Let the homoeroticism of the basketball scene sweep Buck into an unexpected queer realization and let him grapple with the idea that now Men are an Option. And if Men are an option, Eddie could be an option. The implications of this are fucking ENORMOUS.
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queen-erika-the-songful · 9 days ago
First thoughts on Barbie & Teresa: Recipe for Friendship
(these are incoherent notes I took during my first watch through)
Okay, opening up by cooking tamales is interesting
The song is not interesting though
Abuela Carmen not having a written tamale recipe is so real. I only learned my Mom's enchilada recipe from watching her.
I like the mini tamale lesson. I hope that gets kids wanting to make their own.
Nikki and Brooklyn's hairstyles are great! I wish Malibu and especially Teresa got new hairstyles too.
Ooh, specific location alert! Abuela Carmen is from Zacatecas. That's actually really great that they put in a specific place instead of just "Mexico". Not that it would've been bad to just say "Mexico", but I like that they name an actual city.
I love the platter and apron being family heirlooms. I wonder if the platter is going to break.
Nikki spent Christmas with Teresa? I like that! Actual info on how Malibu's friends are friends to each other and not just her.
Mentioning the tamale-Christmas connection is awesome!
I actually really want to make tamales now.
Teresa and Abuela Carmen having random Spanish is slightly annoying but it comes with territory of having a bilingual Latin American character in media so I guess I'll deal with it. I mean at least she speaks Spanish.
Wait, Brooklyn's family still has their old house??They're paying for a house in NYC and LA at the same time??
Oh hi Emmie I forgot you were gonna be here.
This duet between the Barbies seems a bit time-waste-y. Like we don't need to know how good friends THEY are right now. This is Teresa's movie! Plus the song itself isn't that good. How is this the same team that gave us the SLA and BCBC soundtracks???
As nice as it is to see Emmie again I HATE this setup. We should not be following a "Barbie & Barbie Shenanigans" story. This should ONLY be about the Marisol's restaurant plot.
Was that....a pizza rat reference?
Still unsure why they wanted to put this in NYC. Maybe there will be a reason.
"Comida del Corazon". I kinda figured the name name would be something like that since Abuela Carmen kept talking about "making food from the heart".
I like Marisol calling Teresa "Teresita".
Nikki has yet another hobby: interior design. I mean on one hand she continues to be the most fleshed out of Malibu's friends, but on the other it's starting to feel like they just slap whatever hobby/talent fits the situation into her.
Oof. Emmie just volunteering Brooklyn for a dance role without actually asking is so not cool.
Malibu still has no backbone. Surprise, surprise.
Teresa why are you not furious at the Barbies?! You gave them a job and they didn't deliver.
UGH Brooklyn has no backbone either.
I just realized we're in NYC because of the Broadway thing.
Another hollow song, but at least Rafa is here!!
Brooklyn you don't get to be mad!!!! How dare you?!?!
Again now it's all about the Barbies. Why are we wasting time from TERESA'S MOVIE to have a Barbie/Barbie falling out??
Wow, Malibu actually getting to be angry and even passive-aggressive?! God that is such a breath of fresh air.
I don't like Melanie's design but I can't articulate why. It just seems off somehow.
Emmie's advice isn't bad but it doesn't feel like it comes from the best place since, again, she basically forced Brooklyn into this role. I mean she's not wrong; it is better to concentrate on what you can control in the moment vs can't control, but Brooklyn shouldn't be in this position in the first place.
WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER BARBIE/BARBIE DUET!!! I'm glad each Barbie is admitting her fault in the fight, but CAN WE GET BACK TO TERESA AND HER PROBLEMS??
Literally who cares about Brooklyn right now, Teresa? She bailed on you and did almost nothing to contribute to this incredibly important event in your family's life after promising to do so.
Teresa accidentally coming up with the last lyric seems appropriate considering it's SUPPOSED TO BE HER MOVIE.
Rafa should've had a bigger part in this.
Using Abuela's apron as design inspiration is very sweet.
The fact that Teresa spent the majority of her runtime trying to figure out this tamale recipe is very disappointing. We should've seen her doing other things for the restaurant too.
Awww that lesson that everyone's cooking isn't exactly the same is beautiful. I actually really love that.
The lyrics in this last song are clunky but at least the instrumental is better than the previous songs. And the chorus is actually a bit catchy.
Uh.....maybe idk how these things work, but how is Emmie's show going straight to Broadway after 1 preview? Maybe it's that popstar influence.
Okay I guess the ending with them all cooking together is kind of cute.
Yeah I knew this was only going to be half Teresa's movie and half Barbie/Barbie stuff. I hate being right sometimes.
Nice that they got a cultural consultant. Too bad their efforts were basically wasted.
Holy crap I just realized we know next to nothing about Marisol.
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ariendiel · 1 year ago
If Noah and Priya get together after Nope's breakup post-villa, what would every islanders' reaction would be like?
Noah and Priya getting together after the show? Oh now that's 👀👀
Like, I think quite a few of them would feel both betrayed and vindicated. For instance, Hope will be hurt but also suddenly have a "hah I knew it!" over him considering how he tried to keep denying having feelings for Priya while in the Villa when they had the whole he-has-an-ex-named-priya drama. I think Lottie as well will be smug as she has one more thing to hold against Priya, even if they got together after the show after Nope breaking up – she's the queen of petty after all. Hannah will go along with whatever Lottie is doing and feeling, so she'll probably be snarky on socials too whenever Lottie is.
I think Marisol will shrug and be rather indifferent, in her mind the show is over so it's all whatever. I think people like Elisa, Jakub, Lucas and the other more competitive Islanders will feel the same (aka not much). Henrik will completely miss that they're even together until they next meet up or something lol, whereas Bobby will be a bit conflicted as he probably knows (as do they all, but Bobby will forever be especially conflicted around Noah because in my mind he has a crush on him) that it won't last but are happy they're at least having fun.
Rahim will be a bit sad because he always had a thing for Priya really, but then again he's with or was with Jo by the end so he's mostly over it and will manage to be happy for his friend. Gary as well will just be happy for his gym crew mate, hoping he'll get to enjoy a relationship for once even if it most likely won't be forever.
Finally, Chelsea will be over the top excited as always, probably finding it super romantic and whatnot because she's just that person.
Thank you for the ask, this was fun! Sorry if I forgot someone, but it's a lot of Islanders to remember 😅🤍
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dragon-swords-prophecies · 1 year ago
Writeblr Re-Intro, 4th Edition
Hi! I'm copper or dragon or whatever else you wanna call me. Minor, he/him preferred but they/them also works. My main is @copper-dragon-in-disguise. I'm queer & neurodivergent.
Asks and messages welcome! I might take a while to respond to them but I like them. I mostly write fantasy, and my current main WIP is a steampunk fantasy murder mystery called Herald At Dawn. I also have a few back burner WIPs, which are all below the cut. (also, these all have taglists, if you're interested i can add you to them!)
Post subject to updates at any time.
My WIPs:
Herald At Dawn (#wip: herald at dawn)
Synopsis: 11 years ago a woman named Marisol Ekker was murdered by the wife of her son's father, Evelyn Belmont. Despite evidence to the contrary, Evelyn Belmont was acquitted, and faced no punishment. Nearly a decade later, investigative reporter Alexandrina McLelland approached Marisol Ekker's son, Nathaniel--who was 12 at the time of her death--, to write an article about the corruption present in the case. Shortly after the article is published a string of murders begins, with no seeming rhyme or reason to connect the victims. But the timing seem suspect, and as the fallout of the articles publishing hits Nathaniel, more and more people keep dying, until the killer targets somebody much closer to home than Alex would've ever guessed.
Herald At Dawn was originally done for NaNo 2023 (I did a half nano, 25k not 50k), and its a steampunk murder mystery with a dash of fantasy. Set in a city called Volimere, it tells the story of the staff of a newspaper called The Clockwork Herald, and their adventures with a murder. The main POV character is Alexandrina McLelland (she/her), an investigative reporter. It's gay as fuck and also the first in what I intend to be a series!
Backburner WIPs:
Some context: The first three are all inspired by dnd characters/campaigns, and are in the same world/universe. The fourth is also in the same universe & dnd inspired, but it doesn't have a specific character attached to it.
Frost & Fire (#wip: frost & fire)
Synoposis: The death of an ancient primordial dragon brings the greatest (if not that well known) adventurers of the last centuries together. Enna Helder-Kromlin, half-Elf thief and contractor for the crown of Halmond, along with her sister, Anne, leader of the thieves guild Oleski. Anastrannia & Redari Galendel, twin half-Frost Dragon, half-Elves, one a shadow ranger and one a shadow sorcerer. They must work together, if not get along, to stop a evil dragon named Dizerdrat from trying to claim the power released by the death for himself, because if he does his could conquer the world—and would.
Frost & Fire is my original WIP, and I need to rework the plot a lot, but I still quite like it. Its about two twin half-elves named Anne (she/they) and Enna (any pronouns) Helder-Kromlin , and their efforts to stop a dragon from using magic (that he got from killing another, different dragon who was as old as time, pretty much) to conquer the world (this one particular continent, but despite the fact that they're spectacularly well traveled for half-elf orphans neither of them have ever actually left the continent, so its the world to them). Along the way they meet Anastrannia (she/they/ze) and Redari (they/he) Galendel, two siblings who have a lot of secrets and know a suspicious amount about dragons. This has a wip intro, though it isn't super current, but I'm linking it anyway.
One of Copper (#wip: one of copper)
Synopsis: The current god of death, Illa, came to power during a war between the gods a thousand years ago. A wizard is now trying to start another one, aiming to kill a god and take their place. Illa does not want to see another celestial war. She has no direct influence on the mortal plane, however, and so she outsources the quest to a ragtag group of heroes, when the original group of heroes sends back a memo saying that they're retired, and she can come down herself and make them go herself if she's so insistent.
One of Copper is about a bard named Kairon (he/they) and his friends, Ash (she/her, 60-something blacksmith), Joshua (he/him, quarter-elf fighter with minor nature magic and a massive crush), and Elas (they/them, elf sorcerer who is mildly (read: Very) cursed) & their adventures. Originally this was gonna be high fantasy, then it was gonna be lighthearted high fantasy, and now its gone in the exact opposite direction into high fantasy except much sadder than the original. Its about Death trying to stop a war between the gods that a wizard is trying to start, because the wizard wants to become one. (the goddess of death is called Illa. she's inspired by the Raven Queen in d&d).
UNNAMED, aka Enna's Prequel (PREV: Angel's Daughters) (#wip: ennas prequel)
By the time they were 19 years old, Enna and Anne Helder-Kromlin had been accused of murder once, imprisoned at least three times, and orphaned twice. By the time they were forty, those numbers would be changed to six, fourteen, and one, respectively. They had only ever actually committed four of the murders they were accused of, as Enna liked to remind people. Unfortunately, they had also been the targets of a blood feud, gotten kidnapped then almost killed by a necromancer, and twice had to go into hiding.
This is the backstory of Anne and Enna. Its set approx. 10-20 years before Frost & Fire, and it shows how they ended up where they are now, and their adventures. This is directly based off the original d&d campaign I played with Enna as my PC, and the main plot elements are a necromancer named Eleanor, a murdered brother, blood feuds (of a sort), and various other things. This is unnamed. It was previously called Angel's Daughters, but that rather spoiled the ending.
Silence and Secondhand Souls (#wip: silence and secondhand souls)
Fate is an interesting thing. Some doubt it even exists. Not me. Not anymore. Souls don’t rest until they’ve told their story, and I’ve got a long way to go yet. My friends are dead and so am I, haunting a narrative I never got a choice in. How exactly did that happen, you ask? Let me start at the beginning. Or the end, rather. I died when I was 21 years old.
Silence and Secondhand Souls is a first person POV story, narrated by Alexandra Rovenowa. She is dead. This is the story of how she died, set seventy years or so before Frost & Fire. It is also the story of how history likes to repeat itself, and how sending kids on quests for the sake of the world is bad, and of a kind Death, despite it all. (This is my most dramatic wip. Its a tragedy, and I really, really like it.) This does not have a current wip intro.
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ravenspeakrp · 8 months ago
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Welcome to Raven’s Peak, Pea, we’re excited to have you! Marisol Gabriela Nunez Acosta (Jeanine Mason Witch) has been accepted. Please be sure to stop by the CHECKLIST for the follow list, tags to track, and other reminders.
FULL NAME: Marisol Gabriela Nunez Acosta SPECIES: Witch AGE: 34 DATE OF BIRTH: May 23rd GENDER IDENTITY: Cis female NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown OCCUPATION: Scammer Freelancer WORKPLACE: Various, Pandemonium  POSITIVE TRAITS: Versatile, innovative, thrifty NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, opportunistic, inconsiderate LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: Born FACE CLAIM: Jeanine Mason
TRIGGER WARNING:scamming/con artist, deadbeat father Being raised by a woman stuck on a terrible, no good, dirty rotten asshat of a man, has certainly made an impact on Marisol. Her father -- by her words, 'sperm donor' is more appropriate -- basically spent his time hopping back and forth between their family and another's, not really providing much in the way of protection or fatherly touch. It was more like, when he got bored, he showed up. And sadly, her mother was more often considered the other woman, or the mistress, who thought she could totally change him to be everything she and her daughter deserved and more. 
Nope, she couldn't. But that never stopped her from opening the door any time he decided it was time to see them both again.
Marisol grew up understanding what kind of woman she certainly didn't want to become-- one like her mother, dependent on a man and whatever value she felt he could give to her. Much like the other woman, who had it far worse than they, with several kids from that same deadbeat jackass. At least Marisol's mother was fine to at least have a revolving door of different men from time-to-time. Each one worse than the last. She couldn't fix any of them, either. 
But, that seemed to be a low-key curse for the Acosta women. As far back as their lineage went, they never could seem to keep a real relationship. Marisol often jokes that her life is much like that Practical Magic movie, about how the Owens women were troubled with never being able to have real love. Their family of witches were matriarchal and they almost always had girls. 
Despite the craft so thoroughly intertwined in her family's history, Marisol herself has never been that great a witch. While her mother has taught her everything she knows and Marisol has embraced the witch aesthetics whole-heartedly, her actual gift is shoddy at best and she doesn't know why. But, that hasn't stopped the woman at all.
She's always been something of a hellion. Her youth was spent causing trouble wherever she went, either on purpose or accident-- she'd claim it just kind of followed her around! A free spirit that never liked to be tied down, Marisol would march to the beat of her own drum and very much lived up to the Gemini ways. Unlike her mother, it was her going through people like tissue. One minute, she'd be with someone and the next, they were old news. She loved hard and fast, and people often described it like a whirlwind. Same with jobs-- she never really had a specific thing in mind and her interests changed on a whim. Like a leaf, she went wherever the wind blew her.
In the past several years, though, Marisol seems to have gotten involved with a lucrative way to earn quick cash and that's usually by scamming the idiots that come through Raven's Peak. Tourists that don't know what they're looking for, don't know what they're talking about, and definitely got no clue about a witch's touch. In her mind, she's not hurting anyone, right? She's got to eat too. She'll do whatever she needs to. Has this landed her in hot water? Oh, on more than one occasion. But Marisol has no plans to stop peddling her fake readings and fake crystals and fake-whatever these poor fools are looking for. Like Ursula, she's merely helping these poor, unfortunate souls!
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chevelleneech · 10 months ago
I agree with somethings for sure, but I also think a lot of the “worry” on both sides comes from people having such strong bias for their preferred pairing.
I would prefer Buddie, but I am also currently enjoying Buck and Tommy. However, I think the biggest reason people view BuckTommy as potential endgame, is because queer characters very rarely get to have multiple partners on screen unless they are written as promiscuous. But even within the 911 universe, none of the queer characters date around. Hen and Karen are married, Josh is perpetually single, while TK and Carlos, who were set since the Lone Star pilot, are now married. The only gay man to date, was Michael and I think he only had two maybe three boyfriends, only because I think they were looking for an actor who could commit to a contract. David was the third, and they’re now married. Hell, even in Station 19 the bisexual woman slept around until she found her wife (I think they got married), while the gay guy mourned his dead husband for a while only to now be a multi-cheater (from what I’ve seen).
As such, this is why I think Buck’s coming out feels odd to me. Because he is a budding serial monogamist who is now backed into a tired trope that does not allow him space to freely date. At the same time, we have already seen him sleeping around and attempting to find The One. Now, he’s with a man, and because on screen queer relationships after often treated as “Oh, my past partners didn’t work because I didn’t know I only wanted this partner!” it is unlikely we’ll see him have multiple male partners. Tommy has to be The One, because it’s what the trope dictates as well as it’s what a season seven love interest usually means anyway.
Not that a s7 Love Interest is a thing, but very rarely do shows add in love interests they don’t plan to have stick around so late in the game. I do think the show will get at least 10 seasons, but we won’t know that until we do. Which is why it makes sense in theory for Tommy to just be his final partner. However… Tommy and Marisol are essentially on the same playing field, people just don’t want to admit it.
Tommy has a last name, yes, but all we know about him is that he is a former army pilot who was a closeted and rude firefighter during his early to mid 20s, and now he’s an out search and rescue pilot. Which is fine. I have no issues with that level of backstory for where we’re at in their relationship. But I also do not have an issue with how little we know about Marisol right now. It’s less than we know about Tommy, but overall blank enough for Tim to build upon, because he didn't know what to do with her. She is a home renovator who attempted to be a nun, but left the convent behind.
Another thing I don’t think people are taking into consideration, is that both Tommy and Marisol are in s7, solely because Tim Minear didn’t want to start at zero again. He said himself he didn’t drop Marisol because he didn’t want Buck and Eddie to be single at the same time again as we started a new season. He also said he didn’t want to create a new character for the sole purpose of them being Buck’s bisexual awakening, and that he didn’t want to have it be a character disconnected from the core group, because as with Abby, it was too difficult to have them intersect.
So these aren’t storylines that have naturally progressed to where they currently are. Things have been forced, because they were easier to do for the show runner and writers. Which is also fine. Sometimes you have to make do with whatever is easiest, then build from there. The thing is, with both Buck and Eddie, the only thing either of them have yet to experience in a relationship is “endgame.” So Tim has to make the ultimate decision of either having both of their partners stay, both of them leave, or one goes while the other stays.
Either way, the writers have to craft an actual believable romance for Buck and Eddie. Because no matter what anyone says about Tommy being perfect for Buck, he hasn’t done anything to showcase that. Neither has Marisol. She’s showing as much grace and comfort to Eddie as Tommy has shown to Buck, but nothing about either pairing has been romantically charged. BuckTommy is equally as potentially endgame as EddieMarisol, simply because in my opinion, it’s the most realistic outcome based on the very real possibility the show ends at 10 seasons, tv history, and the things Tim said he doesn’t want to revisit.
So if s10 is the last, trying to ignite one or two brand new love interests who feel fleshed out and cared for by viewers will take time away from further fleshing out and tying up storylines for established beloved main characters. Leaving the only other options being Buddie becomes canon or one or both of them end the series single.
And I say Buddie is one of the only other options, because while they have a beautiful platonic friendship, they are also fleshed out and established as individual characters, and don’t require extra writing to involve them in the core group. And one of them being single would at least show the other is capable of being written as happy and in love, despite what shippers want. Whereas both of them being single would leave too much room for people to question why they were the only two mains written as having never found The One.
That said, the reason I don’t see Buddie being endgame is because historically, it’s not a thing that happens. Two well established same sex characters don’t often end a series dating. It’s either given as a last hurrah (Korra), mentioned as a long-held want (Castiel), or said to have been what the creator wanted after the fact (Dumbledore). All of which is alright, you know? Everything has its own context, but I don’t see ABC bothering to push their boundary any further when Henren and BuckTommy are technically enough to do the heavy lifting of the current expectations from the newer eyes on the show.
Henren is established and in love and have been married for years, while Buck and Tommy have likely three more seasons (8, 9, and 10) to develop into an established and longterm couple. So why would the network have them split up? Unless it has already been decided with an absolute “Yes”, that Buck and Eddie will get together at some point in s8, and stay together for the remainder of the series. Or one of them (likely Eddie, because again, Buck can no longer be promiscuous) date around yet otherwise stay single for the remaining seasons.
Here's where I am with Buddie.
[CW: I am using the Buddie tag on this post, even though the gist of it is that I'm increasingly doubtful that it'll ever happen. This is NOT an anti-Buddie essay. If you'd rather not read about this topic, please keep scrolling. The bulk of the essay is behind the cut.]
I've thought a lot about this over the weeks since 7x04 aired. It's not a secret that I'm wildly enthusiastic about the BuckTommy pairing (as are many fans) but what does that mean for my thoughts and opinions about Buddie, a pairing I still love and for which I am still writing fic (slowly but surely…)?
It's become increasingly difficult to reconcile hopes for Buddie with dread for a BuckTommy breakup, but if the show managed to pull off a breakup that did not destroy me, I would still be all in for a Buddie endgame.
But more and more, I don't think it's in the cards, and I'm increasingly okay with that.
First off, I know it's a common assumption that Buck and Tommy have an expiration date, and that it cannot last. That may very well be the case, but…the show is not acting like it, nor are they presenting this arc as if it's short-lived. Episodes 4-6, while also being about other things (especially the amazing Madney wedding plot in 6) were also a bit of a trilogy about Buck discovering his sexuality and taking tentative steps into a relationship with another man. It didn't go…particularly smoothly, but the events of 7x06 where they were concerned had a completely different tone. They had a much more settled vibe in the karaoke club scenes, from Tommy's very boyfriendly "check-in" look before he had to leave, to Buck's casual/distracted "Be safe" (as if he's said this before) and just how they spoke to each other and touched each other was much more comfortable than in the coffee meetup. Which makes me think it's been a few weeks and they've seen each other a few times in the interim.
And then that kiss. Putting aside that it was juxtaposed with a literal wedding kiss, there was nothing uncertain or hesitant about it. It felt like a very arc-capping kiss, coupled with the reveal to the rest of Buck's friends and family, and the clear message was "Okay, they're done 'getting together' now, they are together and will be together going forward, even if we don't see Tommy every episode (much as we don't see Karen every episode)." We know Tommy will be around through the end of S8, if not in every remaining episode. After that, we'll see.
A lot of fans have viewed one of the guys coming out as queer to be a first step towards a Buddie future, but I have to say I've never been super comfortable with that logic. I've always thought that if they were going to get together, or both be revealed to be queer, it would have to be at the same time, with each other, via them getting together. The minute they pulled the trigger on Bisexual Buck, I immediately thought that this made Buddie far less likely. Why?
Because it would mean that the writers/showrunners would be making BOTH their "hot younger firefighter" characters queer…separately. In separate storylines. Distinct from each other. And I just don't see that happening. I'm not saying it SHOULDN'T happen. I'd be over the moon. I'm saying I think that's unlikely.
As much as it pains me to say it, I think Eddie will be written as straight and will continue to be written as straight. I don't disagree with the many examples of queer coding we've all seen - the problem is all of them can be just as easily interpreted as arising from a different trauma. Almost everything we've seen from him that could very legitimately be read as breadcrumbs for a queer identity for him could also be rooted in his trauma over Shannon's death, his family trauma, his PTSD, or his general anxiety over being enough for people. He can be read as having sexuality crises. But he can also be read as having other crises with the same results.
I'm not seeing a sexuality crisis for Eddie in the future. I just don't feel like that's where they're taking him. They're taking him somewhere -- he's got storylines coming up -- but I think they're going to have to do with his family, possibly his friendship with Buck, maybe his relationship (I think we can all agree Marisol isn't going to last, she's like the anti-Tommy in that she's been around way longer but has infinitely less of a presence), and Christopher. That's a lot to deal with just right there. If I'm wrong, I will be delighted to be wrong.
I think the show will continue to prioritize and showcase Buck and Eddie's very deep and emotional friendship, which is revolutionary in its own quiet way. Another thing that makes me think they're setting Tommy up to be a long term love interest is that one of the first things they did with him was affirm that he will not come between Buck and Eddie, give him his own relationship with Eddie and Chris, and have him show that he understands and respects the depth of their bond. Not to mention they've integrated him with the firefam. No other of Buck's love interests have gotten this treatment (Taylor had the most contact with the firefam, but I don't think anyone would say she was integrated, LOL). And it shows how committed they are to maintaining Buck and Eddie's friendship as a key emotional element of the show. Tim has also said this, repeatedly.
People often say that there's no explanation for how Buck and Eddie are with each other if it's not romantic - I read a fantastic essay that pointed out that this statement is the reason their platonic friendship IS so important. Men should be able to be vulnerable and loving with each other without it being romantic, as women can be. If we're unable to see a loving friendship without interpreting it as romantic or sexual, what does that say about the kind of male friendships we see everywhere, that makes this one so different?
I know this is an old anti-Buddie argument and I'm not anti-Buddie nor do I mean it's wrong to see it as romantic. I still do. I'm saying if it's not, if it never is, what it is, is already valuable and special, especially when one of them is now openly queer and dating a man.
Anyway. That's where I am with it, and my interpretation of where the show is with it.
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ravenadottir · 3 years ago
I have a random question! Love hearing your thoughts (not sure if this has been asked before). Say after the show the s2 characters are asked to be on a reality show (ex big brother, the challenge, ex on the beach) - which characters would be on what show? And are there any that would refuse?
hello there!
i've answered this ask not too long ago, click here to read 💜 and in there i only gave the names of three islanders: lottie, bobby and henrik, because i don't watch/know a lot about reality shows so i just talked about the ones i thought it fit with them. the following islanders wouldn't go back so i'm giving you my reasoning to believe in that.
୪ lucas, hope, marisol, shannon ୪
there are some islanders that i reckon wouldn't be willing to give reality shows another try so they don't get that stain in their name, because they don't want to be considered a "sub-celebrity".
୪ ibrahim ୪
yes, rahim left the show with a girlfriend (if not mc, jo) but that wouldn't last long. plus, he wants to focus on his career as a golf player and the celebrity culture around reality tv could hurt his chances.
୪ priya ୪
possibly got a lot of hate for going after noah the way she did. going back to reality tv means she would have to endure mean comments from other people if she was a contestant, and i don't think she would voluntarily go through it f she could avoid it. plus she's now focusing on her own brand so there's not a lot of time for other stuff. there's also the possibility of her watching back and regretting lots of things.
୪ hannah, gary, kassam, carl ୪
they would consider the stressful situations that involved them during their journey and choose to not go back to reality tv. carl and kassam will have extreme booked schedules after the show, gary wants to focus on his own hobbies and occupation, possibly changing what he does for a living, and hannah is writing her first book, none of them would go down that path again.
୪ chelsea ୪
similar to ibrahim, kassam and carl she's gonna get busy with work for a while. i reckon she has a lot of potential for reality tv but wouldn't go for it again, unless she could host something, like she did on season 3.
୪ people that would do it because ✨fame✨୪
blake, rocco, jo, jakub, felix, arjun, elijah, elisa. all of them have more than good reasoning to go back and try different things. in blake's case i reckon it could also be about love and how to find it. the others would be down for whatever, especially if it's slightly connected to social media and has lots of engagement. elijah and arjun would be down for specifics, like shows that are related to their professions. and as for elisa, it's always good to have your name out of youtube so same goes for her.
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