#mario= shocked Pikachu face
riri-time · 3 months
Bowuigi fanfic idea
Luigi and Bowser have been dating for a while now, but it's still a secret. Mario and peach have a secret plan to send Mario to spy on the koopa kingdom since Bowser hasn't been doing anything lately. Mario isn't allowed to tell anyone even Luigi, so they tell him that Mario's going on a trip on some other island. Luigi thinks this is a great opportunity to visit his giant boyfriend while Mario is away. So basically Luigi is spending good quality, fluffy time with his koopa family and Mario witnesses it , absolutely flabbergasted, while spying. Can y'all imagine the shenanigans like
Mario: *on the roof of the throne room*okay I'll just watch from the windows for now
(Luigi and Bowser walk in)
Mario: is that my brother!! I need to do something! Did Bowser kidnap him when I left!?*about to go in before ...*
(bowuigi kisses)
Mario: stunned in complete shock and horror
I feel like his face would look like this
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Also here's a cute and funny bowuigi picture by @midi_roo on X/twitter
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smittyxtv · 4 months
MARIO'S On Who Wants To Be a Millionarie!!
Except of course it's Who Wants to be a Smitty! If you lose, it's all over, kiss your porcelain smooth skin goodbye, because you win a one way trip to the smitty zone!!
Just between you and me, and I think the answer to the 2nd question is Birdo. I mean it's kinda obvious, right? Whatchu think?
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nintendoprecure · 5 months
NP Update of sorts??? Idk what to call this
Anyways, hello everyone! Peach (the creator) here! Today I’m gonna give like a current like… “where I’m standing” for NP’s progress
First off, remember how I said I was gonna transfer the current NP episodes on AO3… yeah that slowly evolved into a rewrite. I’m rewriting NP EP1 again😭😭 the current EP1 I wanted to change a few things and thus it started a rewrite. Also the visuals now for the episode are very outdated in comparison to ep2 & 3 so I wanted to give them a fresh coat of paint as well. I think it deserves some better looking art if you know what I mean. Also it’s hard to work AO3 on a phone I’m struggling so I apologize if it’s taking so long to get it up on there, I’m trying my best😭
Second off, the fancuries.
I’m shocked that I ever got nominations considering I have done NOTHING with NP this year since the previous fancuries. I’m still very grateful for all your support, I’m just… don’t feel like I deserve any of it😭
The show must go on though. This ain’t a consideration post because that period obviously passed but rather a… idk. I just feel like talking about it. Hope that’s okay😭
NP has been nominated for the following categories:
- Fanseries of the Year
- Creator of the Year
- Best Fanseries Concept
- Best Mascot/Fairy Design (Pixelena)
- Best Supporting Cure (Cure Trainer)
- Best Mascot (Pixelena)
Now I’m gonna break these down in the next bit…
- Fanseries of the Year
…. I don’t deserve this one. NEXT—
- Creator of the Year
I’m assuming this means me… like myself uh… I’m honored😭 I’ve been mostly doing Mario related stuff this past year though,,, (though said Mario thing DOES relate to NP in a way but shhh) but um… I do like to create things so I’m touched by this!!
- Best Fanseries Concept
I’m sure there’s already plenty of video game themed precure series, but I do hope that somehow NP can stick out and be unique while still being fun. NP does indeed take place during a very specific time period (late 2010s) so it does let me utilize games from this era. Also I love the 3DS, they’re perfect for a precure henshin device. I hope that NP’s concept of “cures visiting their representative world” which will appear in future episodes also is very fun and a different kind of way for world building…
Hmmm I wonder if this has anything to do with Project SFA hint hint hint
- Best Mascot/Fairy Design (Pixelena)
I feel like Pixelena is ALWAYS nominated for this or the other mascot category. I mean… who doesn’t love a cute adorable alpaca as a mascot? Her design is simple but still playful with her polka dots and fluffy fur & but is so cute…
- Best Supporting Cure (Cure Trainer)
Ahhh, Natalie!! She is indeed a good support (in sense of this and quite literally in battle). She’s extremely energetic and bouncy, surely will put a smile on anyone’s face, and in battle she sends out her trusted Pikachu to fight!
- Best Mascot (Pixelena)
Once again, Pixelena. She is very flattered for all the love (please don’t let it get to her head please don’t let it get to her head) and demands that she’s wins because she deserves it. Go vote Pixelena she wants to aim to be president next
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Onto the last section of this little update thing- Project: SFA
If you follow my main (@peachiecure) you may have noticed my posting a new project there that’s Mario related but… Larissa appears to be there. That is because Project: SFA is actually a spinoff of NP…
As mentioned before, NP has a concept where the cures visit their representative worlds to sometimes help out, and it appears that the Mario world that Larissa visits has very interesting… things happening.
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SFA mostly focuses on the royal trio, a group of young royals in the Mario universe but Larissa does visit every now and then. My hope for both projects is to show very different parts of NP’s overall world. Of course, SFA will be written in a way so that if viewers only care about consuming SFA’s content, then they’ll be able to enjoy SFA without diving into NP for explanations. (But that ain’t really relevant for this account to be talking about huh… welp, oh well)
That’s all I currently have for now to share, thanks for listening to me ramble ahahah.
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Swearing but just a little bit of it. Everything else is pure Fluff.
Chapter: 1/? I'm planning about 20, maybe even a little more.
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.1k
Author's note: Heeey! This is my first fic ever in life, I had this idea rotting in my brain and I've been dying to write it for soo long, it is lowkey inspired of something that happened in mi DR. English isn't my first language so if you see any grammar mistakes please lemme know. Luv ya.
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Chapter 1 I wanna be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
I’ve been in love with Bakugo Katsuki since our first year in the UA, I mean yeah, he’s got some issues to deal with, but he was able to go through a lot of stuff, he was kidnapped, marked as a problem child and been a victim of this disastrous “hero society”, but in the end he is just a loud kid who likes to win, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him wanting to be the no. 1 hero. Isn’t it?
Today is the day, the first day of our last year in this hero academy that made the promise of turning kids like us into saviours of the people, it’s been a long journey since the selection exam and at first I was kinda shocked that I really gotten into class 1-A, since there was people with better kirks than mine, I used to think that drawing things in my skin was way less impressive and useful than shooting lightings, make things float or throwing acid, but I grew fond of my quirk thanks to our talented teacher Mr. Aizawa and the marvellous All Might, and in this day I’m really proud of everything we have accomplished as students, and that is why I am going to confess my undying love for the ash blonde guy this year.
I’ve waited enough time I know, but there was so much more I had to know before telling him, at first I was completely sure he and Kirishima were boyfiends, but it turns out they just love each other in a soulmate-ish kinda way, and of course be sure Bakugo actually likes girls (although neither of us actually knows what does he like cause he never talks about that stuff), my best friends Deku, Shoto, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Tenya have been listening me rambling about Katsuki for two whole years so we made a 12 steps-ish program for confessing, but now that is time for the first step I’m nervous as I can be, sure it’s easy, it’s not like it is the first time actually talking to him but it surely feels different. I grab my stuff and wait by the class 3-A dorms stairs, but the one who comes up is no other than my favourite pokemon in the flesh.
-Well if it isn´t L/N Y/N in person- Said Denki Kaminari with a big smile and a non matching sleep deprived face – I appreciate you waiting for me to walk to class together but I have to eat breakfast first, Sero bought this new cereal who is basically just marshmallows and colourful tiny stuff and I’m dying for tasting it but you know how Aizawa don’t like when I eat sugar before class, or during class, or after, In fact I don’t think he wants me eating sugar at all, but it just tastes sooo good, Y/N wanna gab something for lunch?-
-No thanks Denki, actually I’m waiting for Bakugo, I have a couple questions about his internship, you know quirk related stuff, and… uhh just school things I guess, but please tell me if the cereal tastes good, now I’m dying to know- I say with a bit more nervous expression that I planned, but I don’t think Denki notices
-I’ll let you know, good luck with Bakubro, he’s angrier that usual today- Said the yellow haired boy.
And just as he said that a Redhair and a Blonde came downstairs, my heart skipped a beat when Bakugo looked at me with that gorgeous crimson eyes.
-Good morning Y/N!- Said Kirishima with his usual brighter than the sun smile
-Morning, draw- Said Bakugo in his usual raspy voice. C
onsidering how almost every one of us in class A were upgraded from “extras” to some sort of specific quirk related nickname “Draw” was one of the best, and I think it was because of how close he and I have grown, ever since we started training together after the UA sports festival of our first year, I was beat up so easily by Tetsutetsu that I had to practically beg for assistance and of course, Bakugo being the winner and also no. 1 in class was the perfect choice, two years has passed and I can say with confidence that he is my best friend, he would deny it completely if someone asked it, but I think he also enjoys my company, I have seen him laugh, cry, complain about family or whatever, and even blush when I asked if he and Kiri where a thing, and my feelings toward him only grew and grew.
-HeyBakugo, wannawalktoclasstogether? Ihaveacoupleofquestionsaboutinternshipsandthisthinghappendwithmyquirk and… – I was so nervous that I spoke way too fast.
-Have you been drinking that monster stuff that shitty hair and Pikachu are into? Because I didn’t understand a single word coming from your mouth, now besides tutoring you in kicking ass I have to make sure you know how to speak? – Bakugo said with his usual mocking kinda bully tone
-Hey, just wanted to walk you class, what if some crusty-looking guy wants to kidnap you on the way there? AGAIN – I said with some defiance tone, Denki busted into laugh and Bakugo give him a killing stare.
- ‘Tch, let’s go then, shitty woman- Was that a blush? Maybe I crossed the line but bitch I might be.
This was the first part of the plan, just casually invite him on a date, I know him, he can’t say no to 8x spicy ramen and a night at the arcade (anything were he can fight and win, thank God for Bakugos competitiveness)
-So Katsuki, I was wondering if you are free on Friday, there is this new ramen place, and they have this extra spicy ramen challenge that I just know you can beat- I say holding my breath to not sound so nervous, why am I so nervous? This is Bakugo, we’ve been friends for two whole years, we’ve hung out together a lot of times, sure with Kiri, Mina, Denki or Sero, but, it counts, right?
- Huh? Friday? Yeah why not, bet that I can beat you at eating too, should I tell shitty hair? – He said.
-Actually I have only two coupons so I was thinking we just both go after school, I also want to beat your ass in Mario Kart so maybe a ramen and arcade afternoon? – Yeah Y/N confidence, relax, you got this.
-Beat me in something? I doubt you can be able to do that woman, but sure, let´s give it a try then, just don’t hate me for being better than you in everything- He said with a smirk in his face, God he’s gorgeous.
-You wish Katsuki- Yeah that’s better, this is the friendship we have built for over two years, everything is going to be just fine.
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OMG! Thanks for reading, if you wanna be tagged in the series please lemme know.
Part 2 here
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo x Reader Oneshot TMNT 2014/2016
Disclaimer: I own my love for fanfiction, nothing more. Enjoy!!
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"I don't trust you." To say those words didn't hurt would be a blatant lie. Standing in the lair with all four turtles around, you blinked, determined not to show any type of weakness. Leo's eyes were resolute after the statement, and the three other turtles grew quiet. 
It started with Mikey's casual teasing. You were so used to it, so when he joked about Leo having a crush on you because he constantly gave you the cold shoulder, you laughed it off. Mikey's wasn't being serious. But apparently it struck a nerve with Leo.
"Leonardo." Splinter heard it all. You could see the way Leo's jaw was clenched, and all you wanted to do was punch him in his stupid leader face.
"Raph is right, you really are nothing but a jerk!" you pushed up your glasses, turning on your heels as you stormed off. You knew the moment you got back to your room you'd fall apart. But you could save a little face. You just needed to ensure you didn't fall apart in front of him. You wouldn't give him that power.
Leo's mistrust wasn't completely unwarranted. Your meeting with the turtles was fairly unique. It wasn't in an act of heroism. You had in fact tracked them down. Like Donatello, you were very good with computers. A master hacker. Because of your little hobby, it provided a lot of room for snooping. In middle school you hacked NASA, and they were none the wiser. By the beginning of high school, you were hooked up to every police scan and federal cases. Everything and anything that you wanted to know was right at your fingertips.
Being an orphan probably didn't help with your moral compass. As long as you knew it was always about seeking our own self interest. You were now a junior in high school. Being a New Yorker was pretty much the usual. Grumpy people, busy bodies. What wasn't ordinary was alien invasions. It alarmed you when there were metal boxes floating in the streets, panic throughout the city. What pissed you off was the fact that it was never addressed as to what really happened that day. The government provided some half assed excuse, and everyone just accepted it. Determined to get to the bottom of your newest interest, you'd stumbled upon something quite interesting.
A fellow hacker, almost as gifted as you. Not nearly as careful though. At the time you had no idea it was Donnie. You just followed the informational patterns that strangely aligned with all the unexplained incidents that occured in New York. Intrigued, you kept pushing, and even decided to confront the individuals that you were led to. Safe to say four giant mutant turtles were not what you were expecting. After nearly having a heart attack, you finally solved the mystery of the vigilantes.
A very unexpected development emerged from your discovery. You befriended them. Donatello was impressed at your technical skills, and you were even more with him. You were born with the genes basically, probably from your parents, but they were created. He adapted his intelligence all on his own, and to you that was astounding.
Months passed, and you found that being with the turtles and even assisting when you could, you felt like you were a part of something great. Something amazing. You were helping people with your gift, rather than using it for your own means of living. All in all, they seemed to like you. Even Raph who probably was the least trusting of strangers warmed up to you. The only one who held a general dislike for you was apparently Leo. 
Since your meeting was a bit forced, he was weary of you. As time went by you thought that would fade. It wasn't like you would reveal their secret to anyone; they were your friends. At least that's how you saw them. Leo obviously didn't feel the same. Not that you cared. If he wanted to act like a douche then you would let him. If he thought those words would make you run he was wrong. You will be back first thing tomorrow. After you were done crying a little to day that was.
~The Next Day~
"Don't worry too much about Leo. Ya gotta give him time. " Raph nudged you on your seat on the couch as you were beating him in mario kart.
"I'm not worried. It's his fault if he wants to keep that giant stick up his ass." Raph laughed out loud and you joined, adjusting your glasses quickly so you didn't lose your spot on the course. Someone clearing their throat behind you made you drop the control. You didn't have to turn to know who it was. Raph was already standing, flipping over the couch.
He was probably there because it was about that time for them to go on patrol. Raph ruffled your hair with a grin. "See ya later kid, I'll be back to beat ya."
"Hah, maybe in your dreams!" Donatello rushed past, handing you a computer. "Thanks for the codes, the servers are moving a lot faster (Y/N)." you nod. "Sure thing Donnie, anything for a brother hacker." you showed him a peace sign smiling. Mikey was the last to join, swinging his nunchucks. "Who's ready to kick some criminal butt!" he said excitedly. Raph and Donnie just turned, not really acknowledging the younger turtle's antics. "Really? No one." he followed behind still trying to get a word from his brothers. Leo lingered there, and it took you a moment to realize he was staring at you.
You frowned. "Don't worry, I'm not going to burn down your home or anything, so you don't have to keep watch. " you stood, pushing your glasses up your nose, heading in the opposite direction. Leo knew he deserved the hostility. After the conversation with Splinter, he felt like he really understood nothing about his feelings.
"Did they forget that she basically blackmailed us just to see who we were. Why am I the bad guy." He was more than a little frustrated. Even Raph was lecturing him on his statement that day. Raph of all people.
"Leonardo, she's young, just like you. I believe there is another reason you're conflicted about her."
"What do you mean?" He couldn't understand what Splinter was trying to say.
"Maybe you have learned to see her in another light. And it's difficult for you to understand. So your mind is telling you it's mistrust, but is that what you really feel?" His forehead creased in thought.
"What I really feel." He couldn't come up with a good answer. His encounters with you were never lengthy. He barely acknowledged you on most occasions. But when he did, he found that he was watching, or more like studying what you did. Your intelligence, humor, and those glasses that never seemed to stay perched up on your face. Leo's eyes grew wide.
"Sensei I..."
"You have feelings for her." Leo wanted to swallow his tongue. That couldn't be.
"There is nothing wrong with what you feel, however you need to be more careful with your words. (Y/N), despite her resilience is still very much a child. " Leo was still in a sense of shock. Splinter walked over, patting him on the shoulder. "I know you will find a way to make amends with her. Just be honest." he said nothing else, walking off with his hands folded behind his back.
"How am I supposed to do that." If you disliked him before, you definitely hated him now.
~Flashback end~
Leo released a heavy sigh. It would take a lot to take back those words. Right now, all he wanted was to let you know that he was wrong. It didn't matter if you detested him. He just needed to restore the trust he should have placed in you the moment he realized you cared for his family the same way he did.
"Mikey check out my costume!!" you were sporting a pikachu onesie. It was halloween after all, and you were more than excited to show off the cute yellow design.
"Pika pika~" you mimicked the sound your favorite Pokémon with a smile.
"You're so cute!" he gushed in a baby voice. You giggled, adjusting your glasses. The parade was about to start and you didn't want to miss it. Since this was one of the few days the turtles could roam around without suspicion, you were overjoyed. It was the first outing you had with them all together outside. You bounced on your feet when Donatello and Raph came from around the corner talking about training most likely. "Come on guys we need to get going!" you urged. Raph placed his hand on your pointed hoodie. "Alright hold ya horses. Leo's coming too." You puffed your cheeks at that.
"Great, the world's greatest killjoy is joining us." You really didn't want Leo's strict attitude on your night of fun.
"Speak of the devil." He was walking with his eyes in a book. When he saw everyone gathered his eyes raised. When they landed on you, he stopped completely. You knew it was stupid, but you blushed, because of the awe in his eyes as he looked at you. Your gaze moved down as you grabbed at the tail of your costume, fiddling with it. "Dummy, why is he looking at me like that!" Leo was the last person you wanted to make your heart beat that way. You weren't even wearing tight clothing either, so why the hell was he staring like you were the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. Leo willed himself to look away, placing his book down.
"She looks so cute." Of course he didn't say it out loud. Regaining his cool, he folded his arms.
"You guys ready."
"Yeah dude we were waiting for you." Mikey reached over picking you up, you were laughing the entire time.
"Onward soldiers!!" he shouted. Raph just tapped him on the head. "Dude!" Donnie rolled his eyes.
"If you guys start fighting Sensei won't let us go." he informed. Mikey made a zipping motion on his lips. Leo watched his brothers marching away with you. And a tinge of jealousy rushed through his body seeing how comfortable you seemed with Mikey.
Walking through the streets you took in all the creative costumes. Bands were marching, people cheering, bodies jumping and prancing to the music that blared through the speakers. Mikey was a little ways ahead, easily making friends in the crowd of people. He looked so happy. Raph and Donnie's eyes were also trained on Mikey. The content expressed on their faces was really indescribable. They usually gave him a hard time, and you knew it was just how brothers acted with each other. He was the youngest, and you were positive if anyone tried to hurt him, they would protect him in a heartbeat.
"Hey there, are you all alone cutie." you were so distracted that you didn't realize you got partially separated from the others. The male blocking your way annoyed you. Raph and the others were a short way up the street. If you could just get past this guy you could join them.
"Sorry but I'm with my friends. I've got to go." He moved closer to grab your hand, and you were about to recoil when a hand came down and pulled you backwards. You stumble into something firm, and when you look up, blue eyes are glaring at the man before you. "She's taken." the guy raised both his hands with a laugh. "Alright hulk no need to get mad. You should keep a better watch on your girl." He backed up, leaving, falling back into the crowd. When he was gone, those electric eyes moved in your direction. He was still holding unto you.
"T-Thank you Leo." you weren't much of a fighter, and you would hate it if the turtles first outing got ruined because you couldn't stay close. "Be more careful, guys like that are nothing but trouble. I'd hate it if you got hurt."
That was the nicest thing he'd ever really said to you.
Wait a minute.
"What did you mean I'm taken? " you raised a brow. Leo let you go, taking a step back.
"I was just..I didn't want him getting any ideas." He wouldn't look at you. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"N-No it's okay. I kinda figured as much." Why the hell were you disappointed at his answer. You should know better.
"By the way, you're costume it's..really nice." you flush, fixing your glasses.
"O-Oh! T-Thanks." You must have been dreaming. Another nice statement from Leo. What was the world coming to? The both of you stood there awkwardly for a while, neither sure what to do.
This was the longest conversation you had with Leo that didn't end up with animosity on either side. Your eyes caught his hand that was hanging, and you took it softly in your own. Leo looked up stunned. "S-So we don't get separated again." you clarified. Raph and the others were already a ways ahead. It would have been bad if you got into another little scuffle. So you started moving to them, keeping a soft grip on Leo's hand so he didn't fall behind. You kept your eyes forward, because you knew if you looked at him again, he'd figure out just how happy you were to hold his hand.
If only he knew how you felt.
"Ugh! I hate these so much." you sighed heavily, massaging your eyelids. "What's the matter?" you almost jumped, startled by the concern in Leo's voice. Everyone else seemed taken in their own task. Mikey didn't even turn from his game at your small yell. "I-It's really nothing, just a code. It's been stressing me out for the last hour. "
 Leo took a seat next to you on the chair, turning you in his direction. You just watched him, waiting for whatever he was about to do. He smiled, reaching out and removing your glasses. You closed your eyes not really expecting the gesture. "You have to stop for a while and..." when his words started to trail off you were confused. "W-What's wrong?" He looked so dazed, it sort of alarmed you.
"It's nothing, it's just your eyes...they're beautiful." he muttered.
"Oh boy."
Since the Halloween party, Leo was being especially nice to you. Now that you thought about it, he'd been doing it way before that.
"You're beautiful.." He was very careful not to voice that, still, he could think it. Because it was true. To him you were breathtaking, his only regret was that he'd didn't figure out his feelings before. Maybe now it wouldn't have been so hard for him to be honest about how he felt.
Your eyes were staring in shock, your mouth slightly agape.
"Did you just...call me beautiful." Leo paused.
"You said...you said that I'm beautiful." surely you didn't imagine those words coming from his mouth. What was really going on here. Of course you were overjoyed. But didn't he still not trust you? Why was he saying these things, looking at you the way he did. Leo stood in ample time, and before you could get another word in he was leaving hurriedly.
"I-I have to go." He didn't offer an explanation, just bolted like his life depended on it. You sat there, flustered and maybe even a little irritated.
"Why the heck is he pulling me in so many directions."
One day he's telling you to your face that he doesn't trust you, then the next he's looking out for you, complimenting you. It was driving you crazy.
"I hate boys." you groaned.
The soft knock on his door had his eyes lifting. He stopped momentarily attending to his bonsai tree. When the door opened, his heart staggered for a fleeting second. You walked in, shutting it. Your hands were behind your back, and you could barely hold eye contact with him. Leo wasn't much better. He placed down the small clippers, shifting on his feet. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, concerned about the surprise visit.
"Y-Yes actually." you needed to get a handle on whatever this crazy thing was between the both of you.
"Why have you been acting so weird with me. I know the both of us we've never really been on the best terms. And I guess I don't help that much. But you're the same. You say things to me to piss me off and I get so agitated! " You were shouting, and Leo's head lowered.
"Then you act so sweet and kind out of nowhere and it completely messes me up because I can't read you at all. Do you hate me or not!"
"I could never hate you (Y/N)." That simple statement the way he said it, the look on his face. It struck you right in the heart.
"Why do you do that.." you lips quivered, and you took a step forward, Leo didn't expect to see the tears that were gathering in your eyes.
"Stop giving me hope and then tearing it from me. Y-You have no idea how I feel about you.." Damn it, your intention was never to break down in front of him. Leo clenched his fists, and you raised your hands to wipe away your tears. When you heard him walking towards you, everything in your body stilled. Leo's hand rested on your cheek, and you opened your mouth to say more, but Leo stole whatever words you had prepared. Standing there wide eyed, you could barely believe the feeling of his lips pressed softly to your own. Because of the height difference. He had to lean down slightly. When he pulled back, his eyes flickered open. The glow of his eyes were somewhat surreal.
"I should have never said that to you (Y/N). That day..I was stupid. Long before I had feelings for you. I guess I was just too scared to admit how I felt, so I kept my distance, and created excuses to keep it that way. I'm so sorry that I made you feel like you weren't welcomed. You're just as much a part of this family as April and Vern. "
"Leo.." so the entire time he cared about you, the same way you did for him. He just didn't want to accept it. Maybe he was terrified you wouldn't see him the same.
"Dummy." you mutter. Leo smiled at that, scratching his neck. "I have been an idiot. As a leader I should have understood better."
"Maybe you should stop expecting yourself to constantly know the answer for everything Leo. Somethings just aren't that logical." He knew that, now.
"There's still so much I need to learn. Will you help me?" you blushed, trying to hide it.
"S-Sure. I am a genius after all." you boasted, nudging your glasses.
"Yes you are." you gazed at him, nibbling on your lower lip.
"Leo..that kiss.."
"I'm sorry! That was definitely not okay. I think I just..reacted." You could tell he was still a bit unnerved by it all. He still wasn't completely sure of your feelings.
"I kind of liked it." you mumble. Leo is still, processing your words. When he takes a step forward, you can't stop the quickening of your heart beat.
"Can I kiss you again?" The fact that he asks permission this time causes your heart to do flips. He's standing right in front of you, and his eyes have already zeroed in on your lips. You stop nibbling on your lips when you feel his warm palm on your cheek. He doesn't make another move, waiting for an answer. When words fail, you simply give a small nod. Leo smiles warmly, that all he needs.
He lowers to meet your lips, and as he does, his forehead lightly taps your glasses. You flush in embarrassment, and Leo just chuckles. "Have I ever told you that you're absolutely adorable in glasses." The comment makes your cheeks darken even more, and as you think of a reply, Leo banishes any chance of you forming coherent thoughts. His lips are so soft. And the way he's holding your face in his palms, it makes you want to melt on the spot. Every movement is gentle and almost calculated.
The right amount of pressure and passion. How does he know to kiss so well? It shocks you, the expert way his lips are clashing with yours. It's possible he's seen one to many movies, and like the prodigy he is, the skill was something he picked up quickly. "Leo.." You can't do much but submit to him, and this time. This time there is no doubt in your mind. Because you finally know  his feelings, and he's aware of yours as well. When he picks you up bridal style, you're a bit taken by surprise, separating for a brief moment. As you do so, his eyes are a lot closer, and you can see everything. All his fears, wants, struggles, desires...
It's enough to overwhelm your heart. But you aren't afraid. Not at all. Because this is Leo. He may be terrible at voicing his feelings, but you know for a fact that he won't hurt you. Not at all. His blue bandana does wonders to highlight the similar glow of his eyes.
You can't look away, and you don't want to. Your hand presses to the center of his chest, and right beneath your palm you feel it. The insistent strumming. The look in your eyes changes to one of surprise, and he immediately knows why. "It's...harder for me to hide it when you're so close." This entire time he's been acting so confident and in control. Yet, he's just as smitten as you, Maybe ever more. You grin at that. "You don't have to." You reach up, reclaiming his lips, and nothing in the world seems sweeter than the taste of Leo's lips. And you know for a fact, nothing ever will.
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sampauwelsschrijft · 4 years
The story of how I told my cousin I’m autistic
*Me, my sister and my two cousins are in the basement playing Mario Kart Wii*
*We only have three controlers so we have to pass them around, it’s my turn to watch while the others play a round*
*I’m rocking my body singing Roki by MikitoP, the song just came out*
My cousin: Stop acting autistic
Me: Why?
My cousin: Because it’s weird.
Me: So I’m not allowed to act autistic?
My cousin: No.
Me: But I am autistic.
My cousin: *shocked pikachu face*
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rottenbrains · 4 years
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Wordcount : 1763 words
Warning : curses and cuss because we’re talking about THE Bakugou Katsuki
Quirk: Natural Wielder (you can pull out swords from your thighs, and add natural elements to it)
Your blades clash with the rock-solid ice mountain that Todoroki managed to aim to emerge right in front of you, blocking you from closing the gap. 5160 carbon steel and engulfed in blue flames, the double swords you are using now were a bad match for his ice, being the strongest material for swords and able to melt his ice. Even if he used his fire on you, you would just jump around and evade every attack. Soon, you’re able to cut through his ice and rushed to him in a frontal fight. Again, another wall of ice. You have to finish him quickly, you’re almost at your limit. Maintaining the fire and double swords, on top of that is really pushing you to your limits. One full swing and you destroyed the wall. Your knees buckled below you as you pushed through. Grazing his cheek and left arm, you attempted to make frontal combat as you thrust your fist on his chest, pushing the air out of his lungs. A hook on his ankle, and done, detained from any move. Aizawa was about to wrap both your training when Todoroki flipped you, making you lie on the ground and freezes your limbs on the ground.
“Todoroki, it’s cold!!” you yelled at your opponent for the basic hero training.
“You can unfreeze her, Todoroki… you both did great” A speaker was booming with the teacher’s voice. “Both of you go fix yourself first, before coming to the monitoring room.” Aizawa finished his comment, urging the white-crimson red-haired male to unfreeze you.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to go overboard…” Todoroki mentioned to you as you stood up from the ground and followed your classmate to Recovery Girl’s booth to heal both of your injuries. Since it’s only cuts and grazes, both of you got patched up quickly and made your way to the monitoring room to join the others.
“Y/n, you can be really hasty… that’s why Todoroki can still knock you out… so try to improve that, and also your blade control since it drains you too much” Aizawa-sensei commented on your fight. “As for Todoroki, you could improve your combat skills… Since you’re already comfortable with fighting at long and medium-range, a close-range attacks can do you just as many injuries… but your stamina is good, better if you can improve it more. That’s why I have you both as a partner for today’s training…” he concluded his comment on both of your fight.
“Well, that’s it for now… I’ll see you guys on Monday. Rest your body during the weekend, next week’s training will be much more than these… we’re pushing your limits as you know…” Aizawa-sensei said as he let us go back to change and go back to the dorm. You walked ahead to join Momo-chan and the others so you can change quickly and go back faster as you heard your loud boyfriend shouted from the back.
“You half-bastard can’t even hold a candle to her!!! She still scarred you!!”
And cue the comeback from ‘half-bastard’.
“Why are we talking about candle here?”
“That’s not what he meant, Todoroki-kun…”, Deku decided to correct his classmate.
“Shut up, Deku!!
“Ooh, let me join you guys,” you cheered from the living room when you saw Ochako-chan and the others preparing food for dinner. From the sink, Kyoka-chan stopped you from helping.
“You must be still tired, we’re almost done so why don’t you just wait??” she asked, looking at you with an apologetic smile. Well, you did have your right palm and left forearm that’s bandaged due to the injuries from the training. You couldn’t really blame her.
“Ehh… let me help with the plates, then…” you asked. You made your way past her and take the plates to serve the food without even waiting for an answer from your friend. She just let you be, since you already have the plates. Slowly, the others emerged from their own rooms and made their way to the living room, waiting for everyone. Soon, with warm foods in front of us, we chow down the food while chatting with the others.
“It’s Friday night, time for games!!” Kaminari shouted from the couch as he pulled a set of game controller from a drawer, and showed it to us. Mina-chan also took out some board games, making all of us flocked around in the living room. You ran towards Denki, fetching one of the controllers.
“You’ve got yourself a match, Pikachu!” you yelled at him as both of you settled down in front of the TV, picking your characters for Mario Kart. You were about to call Katsuki when you saw him walking towards the lift. You took a peek on the clock… it’s almost 9. Knowing that your boyfriend sleeps early, you gave up wanting to call him and focused on beating Kaminari. After few rounds of winning streaks, you let others take your place and played board games with Iida and the others… then gossip with the girls.
“For someone that’s not storing electricity like Kaminari, she can be quite energetic… but, it looks like she’s out of charge now…” Kirishima grumbled while looking at Y/n’s sleeping figure, leaning sideways on the couch as she hugged one of the pillows there. Looking back, he looked at Ashido.
“How come you didn’t realize that she was sleeping?”
“You can say we’re too immersed in stories, we didn’t hear her soft snores”, Ashido answered as she scratched her neck.
“Well, we should expect this. She was tired from the fight with Todoroki, being the last team and having the longest fight…” Sero interjects.
“Even Todoroki-kun went to sleep earlier…” Deku added.
“She’s too energetic all the time, we kinda forget she can be tired too~” Ojiro commented.
“Guess it’s time to move her…” Kirishima finally said.
After much deliberation, Kirishima kneeled down near her and was ready to scoop her up when he’s pushed away.
“Don’t touch her, bastard… I’m carrying her.” Bakugou growled lowly, a note of finality evident in his phrase as he picked her up, bridal-style. The whole class was shocked to see the ‘old man’ suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Since he’s always one to sleep early, they didn’t expect him to be awake now that it’s almost 12am.
“Okay okay… he’s all yours, doting boyfriend” Kirishima teased him.
“You just wouldn’t let go of her, huh… Just be honest for once will ya?” Kaminari added fuel, making the male to snap.
“Shut you, you extras!!” he yelled loudly, only to hear giggles from the ‘extras’ and squirming from her.
“Hmm.. Katsuki??” she yawned as she rubbed her eyes to look at the figure carrying her.
“…you shit.. you shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch… stupid…” he said as he entered the lift, and punched the button. She just quiets down, waiting to be sent to her room.
Both of you exited the lift on the fourth floor, which is wrong. Your room was on the fifth floor, just beside Tsuyu-chan. Sensing your confusion as you thought Katsuki forgot your floor, you were about to ask when he growled.
“Stop looking like a lost dog, stupid… we’re going to my room.” He quickly made his way to his room, opening the door by his hand and slamming it shut by his foot. He put you down on the bed as he went to drink from his bottle.
“I thought you were asleep… it’s almost.. oh no, it’s already 12…” you questioned him as you looked at him. No bedhead, bloated face, or hoarse voice, meaning he hasn’t slept at all.
“It’s because you shits kept on yelling so loud, I heard it from here…” he grumbled loudly as you focused your sensory. You can hear Mina-chan’s voice from his room, she was cackling with the others, since you can hear Kirishima’s loud voice too.
“And you should’ve gone to sleep earlier if you wanted to sleep!! Who the fuck sleeps on a couch, without blankets and the others so noisy?!” He poked your head as he sat down beside you, glaring thousands of blades on you that it makes goosebumps appear on your skin.
“It’s the weekends, we ought to have some fun with the others…” you retorted back at him.
“It’s Friday, for fuck’s sake…”
“Well, at least I’m not an ‘old man’ like someone…”
“What was that you shit!!”
Occasional insults and banters were exchanged between the two of you, and soon enough you felt growing drowsy again as your body relaxed against him as you ticked him off with your replies. Feeling your body against him, he shut up automatically. Hooking you by the waist to keep you near, he pulled both of you to lay on his bed as his leg pulled the blanket until his hand can reach it. You turned around to face his chest as you snuggled closer, the blanket draped on both of you.
“Next time, don’t sleep on the fucking couch, you shit” he whispered to your forehead before planting a chaste kiss.
“You’ll come and carry me back even if I do…” you whispered to his chest.
“You fucking like working me to the bone?” he growled, pulling you even closer to him if it was still possible.
“I like you, carrying me like a princess…” you answered coyly to his question.
Listening to his heartbeat so close to you, his warmth and scent enveloping you, his company relaxing you. You felt yourself growing more drowsy while being hit by the fact that you really loved this prick like an airplane crashing to your whole body. You craned your neck to look at him, your arms being freed from his hug and slithered to his back. He looked down at you from the sudden movement of your hands.
“You know I love you, right??” you asked him, genuineness laced your question/statement.
Even though he would mostly keep his ‘tsundere’ demeanor all the time, there are times where he would let it go.
One of those times is now.
“Yep, and I love you too, you shit.” He whispered before his lips fall on yours. Moving in sync, the kiss lasted until you have to pull from him due to lack of oxygen. Annoyed, he clicked his tongue. He wants more. Granting his wish, you pecked his lips and smiled sweetly.
“I’m sleepy, and you are too… we’ll continue next time…” you said, and hid your face on his chest.
Good thing he loves you. If not, he might already blast you off the bed.
The next day
“Y/n you shit, come back here!!!” Katsuki yelled as he tried to find you. On his cheeks were scribbles, written using a permanent marker.
‘I love Y/n’ on right, a big heart drawn on the left.
And a phrase on his forehead, written in bold.
‘I’m a tsundere!’
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spearbeans · 4 years
"sparks fly, it's like electricity" — shinkamijirou one-shot
prompt: the title of this oneshot. yeah.
details: shinkamijirou spending time together in kaminari's dorm room. kaminari being kaminari, and shinjirou being done w him | 773 words
etc: when u cant choose a favorite ship just make it poly ✨ am i right? anyways i love these kami ships alot but exploring shinjirous dynamics is hella fun. also kami is so stupid i love him
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It's the usual weekend in the 2-A dorms. Everyone is doing their own things; chilling in their room, catching up on sleep, playing games, doing assignments.
Kaminari is happily sitting in his room, on his bed. The clicking sounds of game consoles and the familiar Mario Kart soundtracks playing in the background. Kaminari turns his head to the right, observing the way Shinsou is burning holes into the TV as he focuses on the game. Seeing that he's currently leading, he is smirking victoriously as his character (Dry Bones, his favourite. Kaminari still doesn't get why.) passes the finish line. A heavy sigh is heard from Kaminari's left now. He turns his head to see Jirou crossing her arms and "angrily" asking Shinsou what he wants as a reward. Shinsou thinks for a while before tapping his cheeks a couple times. Jirou sighs and scooches over to Shinsou's side, leaning in to kiss the boy's cheek. Shinsou (a cheater, Kaminari thinks) turns his head right before Jirou makes contact so they'd kiss on the lips instead.
Jirou pulls back after a few seconds and hits Shinsou's side lightly, "Hitoshi, that's unfair!"
Kaminari laughs at the way Shinsou shrugs and claims he could do it since he won the bet. Jirou huffs in response, folding her arms back. She is red, and Kaminari can't tell if it was because she's flustered or angry but it's adorable nevertheless. Jirou gets flustered easily under her cool, badass cover she seems to have, and it's something Kaminari really loves seeing. (Shinsou too, he bets.)
“Kyoka~ I’m sorry,” Shinsou says, dragging out his words as he drapes himself over Jirou.
Jirou looks in the opposite direction, ignoring Shinsou’s pleads and cute acts. Her face completely betrays her cold-shoulder act though, as it gets redder the longer Shinsou remains clinging on her side. Shinsou starts kissing her, leaving a trail up her shoulder to her neck and her cheek. If it was possible, Jirou would have gotten even redder. Jirou tries to turn her head, but makes no effort to push Shinsou away from her.
Kaminari quite enjoys the view, seeing his two (unlikely) lovers flirting. It had been a worry when they first got together. But that worry proved to be stupid when they started to warm up to each other as much as they did with him. But as much as he did love seeing them, he is getting bored of just watching.
Kaminari clears his throat and in a whiny tone comments, "Don't forget about the baby here!"
Shinsou pulls himself away from Jirou, both of them turning to look at the blonde. Shinsou and Jirou make eye contact, communicating silently before facing Kaminari again. Kaminari waits. Jirou and Shinsou move up the bed, taking up the space on either side of Kaminari.
Kaminari's heartbeat quickens. Jirou and Shinsou remain still beside him. Silence.
Then, both of them shift behind Kaminari and Shinsou lies down on the bed as Jirou leans in and kisses him. Kaminari turns around in shock, folding his arms as he pouts.
"Not fair!"
Kaminari gets ignored as his lovers make out in front of him. He pouts even more. Jirou finally pulls apart and tilts her head to look at the sulking Kaminari. She moves away so Shinsou could sit back up.
"Shut up Pikachu," she says as she gently pushes Kaminari down so he would lie down on the bed.
"Your turn, baby," Shinsou leans down and whispers into Kaminari's ears.
Jirou leans in on Kaminari's right side. Kaminari could almost explode right there and then. From both sides, Shinsou and Jirou closes in to leave quick pecks on his cheeks.
It could've been a sweet moment, if Kaminari had not accidentally released a burst of electricity when they made contact.
They both pull away in shock (literally), Jirou lightly hitting Kaminari as Shinsou taps his lips. Luckily, it was only a short, small amount of electricity that wouldn't hurt them. It happens every now and then, when Kaminari gets a little too excited.
"Sparks fly~ It's like electricity~" Kaminari sings, grinning widely at his two lovers.
Jirou facepalms, and Shinsou glares at him. Kaminari lifts his hand, making a peace sign pose. Jirou and Shinsou share another look, giving each other a nod. They both get up, and start walking towards the door with their fingers interlocking. Kaminari is left in confusion. Shinsou opens the door, and they both walk out while waving to Kaminari.
Kaminari blinks.
And he blinks again.
Then, he rushes out the door screaming "I'm sorry!" as he runs after his two giggling lovers.
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smashy-headcanons · 4 years
Probably an odd question, but what do you think the speech patterns of all the characters are? Just the way each one talks and all that
I can’t promise I’ll do all of them or that they’ll all be good (mainly because talking about anything involving analysis of auditory speech isn’t my strong suit) but I’ll try to do a few of them.
Also my sibling @theirkenshavethetardis (who has said themself that they don’t really know a lot about video games) added some of their own headcanons, which I’ll post in the keep reading link below.
(BotW) Link: He doesn’t speak, he mostly gestures and whatnot.
Samus: Pretty blunt and straightforward but not rude, will crack a sarcastic joke with a straight face.
Fox: Straightforward and focused, speaks more analytically than someone like Samus or Falco, and he tends to be more polite (especially towards authority figures).
Bowser: A bit more rude and snappy (as one would expect), he tends to talk big and exaggeratedly, and while he does use insults he doesn’t use them as often as others expect from him.
Ice Climbers: They tend to speak more politely and positively, and they often speak in unison.
Marth: Also polite, but in a more apologetic way; he tends to speak more negatively (but not in a “you must be fun at parties” kind of way).
Meta Knight: He tends to speak very formally, to the point where it takes someone a second to process the fact that he essentially said “I’m off to stab God” with different words.
R.O.B. (not legible by most people): Speaks literally and somewhat formally usually, but has wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much sass to be considered “formal”.
Lucas: Casual, he tends to speak a bit quietly, but he references memes more frequently than most others in Smash.
Wii Fit Trainers: They’re pretty polite, although a bit more serious usually–they’re not very formal, but you wouldn’t call them casual either.
Palutena: Somehow both the extreme ends of casual and formal, and serious and jokey. Graceful and divine if you’re not well acquainted with her, but the embodiment of chaos to those who know her well.
Shulk: Speaks scientifically because he is a scientist but also pronounces “sauce” to rhyme with “horse” like a wrong person would do.
Inklings: Use a lot of slang and tend to speak casually; they all also reference memes a lot.
Ridley: Manages to combine screeching with the speech patterns of the worst person you’ve ever met but like, somehow with everyone at the same time constantly.
Simon: Formal and serious and tone, and speaks with a mid-to-late 1600s dialect.
Sibling’s additions:
Mario: Talks quickly and gestures a lot. Gets loud without meaning to when he’s excited.
Dr. Mario: isn’t this just mario wtf
Donkey Kong: He Monkiy
Yoshi: Yoshi noises.
Kirby: Mostly makes baby noises. Occasionally references a meme. Once Sans got him to recite the entirety of Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up.
Pikachu: Mostly Pikachu noises. Uses emphatic gestures to get its point across.
Pikachu Libre: Pikachu but in Spanish
Luigi: I like to imagine him having a bit of a stutter, and that it gets worse when he’s nervous.
Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff
Peach: Her voice is almost musical. She could run an ASMR youtube channel in her free time if she wanted, and no one can prove that she DOESN’T.
Daisy: Swears like a sailor, which shocks a lot of people at first. She’s very loud and brash and brings life to any conversation.
Bowser: Yells most of the time without meaning to, but if he’s upset he gets very whiny and grumbly like a small child.
Pichu: Pichu
Spiky-eared Pichu: Pichu
Mewtwo: Mostly speaks normally, but occasionally finds an interesting word online or something and will use any excuse to repeat that interesting word because it sounds nice.
Mr. Game & Watch: Beeps a lot. The beeping intensifies with emotion.
Wario: Meme-loving fuck
Sonic: He has big ADHD brain and sometimes his thoughts are faster than his mouth, so he’ll trip over his words or say the wrong thing.
King Dedede: Occasionally he’ll forget a very common word and become frustrated, halting a sentence or conversation so he can try to find the word he was looking for. Often, he’ll remember the word hours later and shout it without context.
Lucario: Lucario (”You know Lucario can use telepathy right?” “Oh. What did I put for Lucario?” “’Lucario’” “No thoughts, head empty.”)
Charizard: Charizard
Ivysaur: Ivysaur
Squirtle: Squirtle
Diddy Kong: Is monkee
R.O.B.: He sure does beep a lot
Villager(s): When no one else is around, they revert to their true language: Minecraft villager noises
Wii Fit Trainers: Both have a hard time turning off their “professional” voice, and will sometimes say things like “Great job!” or “Remember to control your breathing” in contexts outside of fitness training.
Rosalina: She whispers her thoughts to her lumas, even when they aren’t thoughts she means for others to hear. This makes it easy to know pretty much everything about her.
Greninja: Greninja.
Duck Hunt Duck: Quack
Duck Hunt Dog: Boof
Shulk: Is really feeling it (They asked if Cloud was “the guy who’s really feeling it” and now insists that Shulk is just Cloud but younger)
Isabelle: Sounds like she’s in customer service, complete with “how can I help you today?” and “sorry for the inconvenience”, but that’s actually just how she talks
Incineroar: Incineroar
Piranha Plant: Mostly plant noises
Joker: Makes batman references because if he doesn’t, his name is a waste. No I don’t understand who or what this character actually is. Fight me.
Sans: Always sounds dead tired, even though he sleeps half the time. His puns are legendary.
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Technically the Fire Emblem series only has six unique characters in Smash, as two of the characters are Echo Fighters. Those fighters would be:
Considering this is one of Nintendo’s biggest franchises these days this should be no shock. Look at the characters for the other big franchises:
Bowser Jr.
Dr. Mario
Piranha Plant
That’s eight unique Mario characters. If you wanted to you could also include Wario and Yoshi, as they also are Mario characters, though they represent their spinoffs.
Then there is Pokemon.
Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
That’s eight characters at face value, and technically 10 since the Pokemon trainer’s pokemon are all unique.
The fact of the matter is that it really isn’t a big deal. Of course Nintendo is going to put a lot of reps from their biggest series, and of course they’re gonna be putting in a character from their critically acclaimed smash hit game from last year. You have a right to be disappointed of course but this does make sense from how they represent their big series, not to mention it would be weird if they only put in other people’s characters as DLC.
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cric0-boi · 5 years
The first time they were all sent on a cooperative mission
Chunks:From now on we'll be using codenames. You can address me as "eagle one" Nastasia, codename, "Been There done that"
Nastasia:*shocked pikachu face*
Chunks:Mimi is "currently doing that"
Mimi:*sips tea*
Chunks:Dimentio is "it happened once in a dream"
Dimentio:*pleasantly surprised*
Chunks:Count, codename, "If I had to pick my boss"
Bleck:That's fair.
Chunks:And Mr.L is!..."Eagle 2"
Mr.L:Oh thank god.
Bonus:*While they're all spying on Mario from afar.
Chunks:"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it" is in position
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smittyxtv · 5 months
Professor OAK, what did you put in these pokeballs...
Professor Oak: why yes, let's see here. You have the red pill - pokemon undertale, with a little sprinkling of nightmare sauce, to keep things saucy - if you will.
Oak: Blue pill is what I take when I'm feeling just a subtle little breeze of dementia, it's super mario pokemon. Don't worry at those times, it's been proven unsafe for me to drive.
Oak: That's all, which will you choose?
Oak: What do you mean green pill? There's a green pill too? It's one of the options? You really think I should put on pants?
Oak: Oh yes, the green pill, thats pokemon pokemon nightmare - he winks at you.
oak(?) Also sorry about the tiktok watermark, i created the text title there 😑
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kirby-suggestions · 6 years
Who are your best friends in Smash?
Oh boy, I tend to become friends with almost anyone I meet! It’s kind of a long list, but I’ll give it a go!
All of the 64 gang are really close! There weren’t a whole lot of us at first, so we all got to know eachother really well. At first, most were like “wait do I have to fight the pink marshmallow guy? I don’t want to hurt him!” But, uh, I kinda misjudged how much I needed to hold back, and ended up trouncing basically everyone except Pikachu. Samus had already visited Pop Star, and even saw me take down some Metroid, so she knew I could handle myself, and Ness was used to fighting cute alien creatures who were surprisingly powerful, but basically everyone else was really shocked by how much butt I kicked!
At first it was a little intimidating talking to Mario and his pals. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and DK already knew eachother really well while almost everyone else was either alone or only had passing knowledge of another person or two. Top that off with Mario being THE Mr. Nintendo and the group felt kind of tough to approach! Then I heard Yoshi and DK arguing about who would be able to eat the most out of his banana horde, and I jumped in and said I wanted to take on the challenge too!
I think you can all guess who won that challenge.
It provided a good way into talking to the rest of the gang, and I became fast friends with all four, they’re all really great!
I remember Jigglypuff came in late, and everyone kept thinking she was me for a while. In fact, quite a few people thought I was a pokemon at first! I had a few games at that point, but I hadn’t quite hit my big boom yet, so it was reasonable.
Ness and I became really close really quickly. Bonding over fighting Giygas and 0 respectively really gave us a good reference point! Plus, we were The Kids of the group, I’m sure most of you know how that is.
Then there was Samus, Fox, and Captain Falcon! I think Samus tried to warn the two guys about how I had fought Metroid before, those two would be the only ones who that’d mean anything to after all, but I don’t think they quite bought it! Later we all talked about intergalactic adventures and stuff, it was pretty neat!
I’ve mostly lost contact with the Link and Pikachu who were there for the first two events, but there were definitely some good times to be had with them! I got to hold the Master Sword for the first time and it was really cool!
When Melee rolled around, the group started to get a good deal bigger, and I still haven’t spent much time with everyone who was introduced! What started as a tight-knit group of pals became something way more. Unfortunately, I still didn’t quite figure out how much I should hold back. This time, I ended up going too far in the other direction and hardly won any matches at all! Pretty much everyone from 64 was kind of worried about me because of that!
Meeting Bowser and Ganondorf was really interesting, they’re way different from any of the foes I normally face! I kind of thought Mario and Bowser’s relationship would be like what I had with Dedede at the time, but, no, even if they hang out go-karting and golfing and stuff, their relationship is way more intense! I’ve still hardly talked to Marth and Roy to this day, I didn’t even notice Roy had left in the third event at first because of just how many people there were at that point and since I had barely talked to him! Game and Watch was hard to connect with at first. He made good food, but I couldn’t ever quite figure out what he was thinking! I wouldn’t really get him until Brawl rolled around, we respect eachother now! I… think…
Getting to meet Peach and Zelda was awesome! They became friends really fast, though I wouldn’t get too close to them until later, during the whole Subspace fiasco. They’re both really nice and really smart! Or rather, wise would probably be a more apt descriptor! Peach also makes the BEST cakes! Oh man, SO good!
So then Brawl came around, and with it my friends Dedede and Meta Knight joined our group! I’ve already talked about how Meta Knight was unwilling to hold back and, well, that kind of ruined everyone’s fun. Everyone really liked Dedede though, especially when he basically saved the day during the Subspace adventure! Once again, there were so many people at this point I still haven’t spent much time with a bunch of them! We got a whole TWO new Links and I’ve only ever spent a significant amount of time with Toon Link!
Sonic and Lucas were definitely the big highlights for me! It helped that both of them, as well as the aforementioned Toon Link, kinda ended up getting grouped up with The Kids alongside myself, Ness, and newcomers Pit and Pokemon Trainer of course! All of us had a ton of fun together, Sonic is about as cool as they come and is always ready for a good time! Lucas was pretty shy at first, but once he opened up he proved to be really nice! I have become close to Pit since then, but that wasn’t really related to Smash at all. During Kid Icarus Uprising’s development we talked a lot about Sakurai’s methods. Gotta tell ‘ya, he really put poor Pit through the ringer in that one! He was asking me for advice all the time!
So Smash 4 shows up, and with it who do I see? None other than Mega Man and Pac-Man! Some of my biggest heroes, and I get to hang out with them! Oh man, I was so excited to meet the original Big Eater and Ability Copier respectively! Mega Man pretty quickly joined my little friend group, alongside Bowser Jr. of course! Smash 4 was just generally a fun and relaxing time for us all. Bayonetta showed up late and kinda smashed everyone’s faces in, but at least she wasn’t quite Another Meta Knight, I got him reeled in for this one.
So yeah, that’s pretty much what’s up when it comes to who I hang out with during the Smash Bros stuff! I’m guessing this was probably more in depth than you were expecting, but hey, now you know! I haven’t really gotten to meet the new people in Ultimate yet, they’re, uh, sorta zapped, but I’m definitely looking forward to hanging out with the Inklings the most! Y’know. When I rescue ‘em.
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mrultra100 · 5 years
Super Smash Bros: Nexis- The Fighters (Warning-Long as Hell)
(Edit: All of the fighters have taglines, many are from their reveal trailers)
What an E3 scoop it has been for Nintendo folks, lemme tell y’all. Not only with got Dragon Quest’s Hero, but we also got Banjo-Kazooie into the mix too! Today’s Smash reveal is why I’m starting a 3 part mini-series on a hypothetical Smash game, featuring non video game- characters as fighters! Not only all fighters already present in Smash, a rosters of well known characters will be included here. With that out of the way, Let’s Settle in Smash!
(Fighters that we already know)
.Mario: 1-Ups!
.Donkey Kong: Beats the Competition!
.Link: Tri-forces in!
.Samus: Places the Bounty!
.Dark Samus: Takes Over!
.Yoshi: Rolls Into Battle!
.Kirby: Swallows His Anger!
.Fox: Soars In!
.Pikachu: I Choose You!
.Luigi: Isn't Scared to Fight!
.Ness: P.Knocks Out The Competition!
.Captain Falcon: Blazes Through!
.Jigglypuff: Puts You to Sleep!
.Peach: Takes the Cake!
.Daisy: Blossoms!
.Bowser: Flips The Switch!
.Ice Climbers: Slide Down!
.Sheik : Appears on the Scene!
.Zelda : Wises Up!
.Dr. Mario : Prescribes Pain!
.Pichu : Shocks the Crowd!
.Falco : Takes Flight
.Marth : Gets to The Point!
.Lucina :  Wakes Her Blade?!
.Young Link : Masks His Fears!
.Ganondorf : Wreaks Havoc!
.Mewtwo : Strikes Back!
.Roy: Seals The Deal!
.Chorm : Awakens
.Mr Game & Watch : Flat Zones the Battle!
.Meta Knight : Strikes From the Shadows!
.Pit : Shines Through!
.Dark Pit :Crashes The Party!
. Zero Suit Samus : Zeroes In!
.Wario : Brings His Wares!
.Snake: Sneaks In!
.Ike: Fights For His Friends!
.Pokemon Trainer : Catches Em All!
.Diddy Kong : Swings Into Action!
.Lucas : Comes Outta Nowhere!
.Sonic : Speeds Into Brawl!
.King Dedede : Hammers Into The Scene!
.Olimar : Crash-Lands!
.Lucario : Unleashes The Aura!
.R.O.B. : Assembles!
.Toon Link : Sails Off!
.Wolf : Dives In!
.Villager : Comes to Town!
.Mega Man : Joins the Battle!
.Wii Fit Trainer : Weighs In!
.Rosalina and Luma : Launches Into Battle!
.Little Mac :Punches In!
.Greninja : Makes a Splash!
.Palutena : Alights!
.PAC-MAN : Hungers for Battle!
.Robin : Brings the Thunder!
.Shulk : Foresees a Fight!
.Bowser Jr : Clowns the Competition!
.Duck Hunt : Takes Aim!
.Here Comes a New Challenger: Ryu!
.Ken : Turns Up The Heat!
.Cloud : Storms In!
.Corrin : Chooses to Smash!
.Bayonetta : Gets Wicked!
.Inkling : Makes a Mess!
.Ridley : Hits the Big Time!
.Simon : Lashes Out!
.Richter : Crosses Over!
.King K. Rool : Comes Aboard!
.Isabelle : Turns Over a New Leaf!
.Incineroar : Enters The Ring!
.Piranha Plant : Pipes Up!
.Joker : Steal The Show!
.Hero : Draws Near!
.Banjo-Kazooie : Are Raring to Go!
.Terry: Faces the Fury!
.Byleth: Joins Smash House!
.Mii Brawler : Gets Up Close and Personal!
.Mii Swordfighter : Take a Stab!
.Mii Gunner : Locks and Load!
With the first half out of the way, here’s characters that would fit well in Smash, video game or not
.Paper Mario (Super Mario) : Joins the Fold!
.Geno  (Super Mario)  : Shoots From the Stars!
.Waluigi (Super Mario) : Arrives In Time!
.Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong) : Whips It Good!
.Linkle (Legend of Zelda) : Arrows In!
.Poochy (Yoshi) : Fetches a Fight!
.Bandana Waddle Dee  (Kirby) : Waddles In!
.Marx (Kirby) : Rolls Into Battle
.Zan Partizanne (Kirby) : Shocks the Competition!
.Krystal (Starfox) : Freezes Over!
.Mimikyu (Pokemon) : Dresses for Battle!
.Buzzwole (Pokemon) : Flexes In!
.Necrozma (Pokemon) : Devours the Light!
.Sandaconda (Pokemon): Slithers In!
.Ninten (Earthbound) :  Powers Up!
.Samurai Goroh (F-Zero) : Slices the Showdown!
.Lyn (Fire Emblem) : Slashes Into the Brawl!
.Viridi (Kid Icarus) : Drops the Bomb!
.Hades  (Kid Icarus) : Gets Reckless!
.Ashley (Warioware) : Casts Trouble!
.Shadow (Sonic the Hedgehog) :  Brings the Chaos!
.Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles) : Drive Into Battle!
.Jeanne (Bayonetta) : Weaves Her Way!
.Octoling (Splatoon) : Passes the Test!
.Callie and Marie  (Splatoon) : Stay Fresh!
.Pearl and Marina  (Splatoon) : Stay Off the Hook!
.Alucard (Castlevania) : Rises  Above the Darkness
.Oracle (Persona 5) : Hacks In!
.Shantae (Shantae) : Dances Through the Danger!
.Monster Hunter (Monter Hunter) : Joins the Hunt!
.Filia (Skullgirls) : Brushes Up!
.Cerabella  (Skullgirls): Brings the Big Top!
.Peacock  (Skullgirls) : Toons In!
.Squigly  (Skullgirls) : Reignites!
.Rayman  (Rayman) : Lends a Hand!
.Spring Man (ARMS) : Armed and Dangerous!
.Ribbon Girl (ARMS) : Wraps In!
.Ty and Revvit (Dinotrux) : Truxs it Up!
.D-Structs and Skrap-It (Dinotrux) : Rampage In!
.Ton-Ton  (Dinotrux)  :Races Through!
.Xee  (Dinotrux) : Small But Mighty!
.Flapjaw  (Dinotrux): Wings It!
.Moana (Moana) : Washes Up!
.Maui (Moana) : Gets Hooked!
.Tamatoa (Moana) : Rises From the Depths!
.Johnny (Johnny Test) : Explodes Into Action!
.Dukey  (Johnny Test) : Fights Some Fur!
.Vampire Susan and Mary  (Johnny Test) “ Glitter for Glory!
.Duke (The Vampair Series) : Bites In!
.Missi (The Vampair Series) : Slays in Her Velvet Dress!
.Charlie (Hazbin Hotel) : Hops Into Action!
.Vaggie  (Hazbin Hotel) : Makes Her Point!
.Angel Dust  (Hazbin Hotel) : Webs In!
.Alastor  (Hazbin Hotel):Goes Full Smile!
.Rawhide (Long Gone Gulch) : Slingshots Into Smash!
.Snag  (Long Gone Gulch) : Goes Monstrous!
.Mako  (Long Gone Gulch) : Put Some Bite Into the Fight!
.Cuphead (Cuphead) : Rolls the Dice!
.Mugman (Cuphead) : Goes For Broke!
.Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine) : Makes His Premiere!
.Allison  (Bendy and the Ink Machine) : Strikes From Above!
.Wallace & Gromit ( Wallace & Gromit) :Get Crafty!
.Fern and Willis (Awful Hospital) : Go Medical!
.Dr. Phage  (Awful Hospital): Goes Quack!
.Carmen Sandiego (From her Netflix remake) : Strikes Into Smash!
.Sam & Max ( Sam & Max: Freelance Police) : Make the Case!
. (Team Fortress 2) Meet the Heavy!
.Homestar (Homestar Runner) : Dashes Through!
.Strong Bad (Homestar Runner) : Checks the Competition!
.Mr. Bump (The Mr. Men Show) : Takes a Crash!
.Chris (Wild Kratts) : Gets Wild!
.Martin  (Wild Kratts): Takes A Swing!
.Aviva  (Wild Kratts):Goes Technical!
.Taterazay (Patapon) : Fights to the Beat!
.Ben (Ben 10 Omniverse) : Goes Full-Hero!
.Vilgax  (Ben 10 Omniverse):Shows His Might!
.Gwen  (Ben 10 Omniverse):Gravites Her Way!
.Charmcaster  (Ben 10 Omniverse):Charms up a Fight!
.Kevin  (Ben 10 Omniverse):Keeps it Rock Solid!
.Ralph (Wreak-It-Ralph) : Wreaks It Up!
.Lilith (Boarderlands) : Answers the Call!
.Claptrap (Boarderlands) : Starts A Revolution!
.Shrek (Shrek) : Takes Orge!
.Spongebob (Spongebob Squarepants) : Is Ready!
.Tracer (Overwatch) : Blinks In!
.Jotaro (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures) : Stands Proud!
.Flain (Mixels) : Heats Things Up
.Snoof  (Mixels):Skis to Battle!
.Scorpi  (Mixels) : Snuggles By!
.Tentro  (Mixels) : Stretches In!
.King Nixel  (Mixels) : Nixes The Battle!
.Booger  (Mixels) : Slimes In!
.Volectro (Mixels) : Shocks and Awe!
.Globert (Mixels) : Dazzles The Showdown!
.Knight (Hollow Knight) : Shades In!
.Hornet (Hollow Knight) : Creeps Up
.Agumon (Digimon) :Digivolves!
.Jibanyan (Yo Kai Watch) : Summon Forth!
.Hat Kid (A Hat in Time) : Shows Up in Time!
Sweet lord that was a mouthful, and now I feel like Pooh’s Adventures, adding characters into a story where they don’t belong. So, how did all of these guys meet up with the Smash roster? The answer to that question will be brought up in the next episode: the story mode, where we unfortunately reunite with an infamous foe, sort of... Stay tuned folks!
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redoqs · 3 years
1. I like your new profile pic.
2. I think poetry should have a certain level of subjectivity that allows multiple interpretations of the work. If you don’t say exactly what the poet was getting at, that’s cool. I love it when people tell me their thoughts when reading something I wrote. But you got exactly what I was saying here. Gender fluid is actually a better term. I usually just say enby like in my other response bc it’s easier. My pronouns are they/she. Most people don’t respect that if they ask at all. When someone does I’m like *shocked pikachu face* But yeah this one is about trying to find a balance between masc and fem. I have long hair, pretty womanly curves, and a higher pitched voice which gives me mega dysphoria. I plan on cutting my hair later this year. I didn’t want to make this poem serious or struggle filled. I was playing Super Mario Kart 8 and one of the courses inspired the candy imagery. What did you get from the store and more importantly, would you like to share? 👀
I’m going to leave the poem as it is. I think there’s a reason why I had nothing else to say. Basically, I came to the same conclusion you did. The title meaning completion but it seeming incomplete give it a whole new level of depth. What did you mean when you said you’d keep your eyes on that stanza?
Seriously, thank you for taking the time to read my work and explain your thoughts.
1. Thanks!
2. I agree, poems should have a certain level of subjectivity and while I understand that, I’m also like “can I please get close to what the author was trying to get at?” Some poems are easier to do that with than others and even if you are “wrong” you can still bring attention to other interpretations. As long as you have proof from the text to back up your statements and though processes then you’ll never be wrong and that’s one reason why I enjoy analyzing poems so much that being said I still have one more of your poems to analyze and imma do it because I love reading your work. Now hold on because I’m about to celebrate
Okay, my fault, I just get hype when my interpretations happen to match what the author was saying. Also, you don’t gotta worry about me not respecting your pronouns, I gotchu and will fight anyone who disrespects you. They/she it is! But since I’m not non-binary, or an enby I should say, and haven’t experienced body dysphoria, I can’t speak on what’s it’s like, which is why I thought my interpretation of the poem was dead wrong. I do know that it isn’t all the great on mental health tho and I’m really sorry that you have to deal with that. When you say you’re cutting your hair later this year, hopefully that means tomorrow! I know it doesn’t but we gonna be counting down the days! It’s gonna look amazing, we already know. The fact that super Mario kart inspired the candy imagery is hella funny and hella creative, I loved that so much! I got jolly ranchers and those sour airhead rainbow strips things and yes, I’ll absolutely share with you.
I think the incompleteness of the poem makes it complete so yeah, leaving it the way it is seems to be a good idea. When I said I was going to keep an eye on that stanza, I meant because I didn’t understand that but now I know you were referring to your voice, so I get it now. Sorry if you’ve said this before but do you just write poems for fun or do you plan on being a poet? They’re incredible and if you have more I’d like to read them and analyze them, I promise I won’t take a month to answer them. Thank you for sending them and allowing me to share my thoughts
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Snuggles and Cuddles
Kirishima woke up to find himself in a peculiar situation. It was quite strange, if you asked him. Now, don't get me wrong, he was pretty content to stay where he was, and it wasn't that it was awkward or anything. He just... he didn't know what to make of it.
There he was, on the couch in the common room, with Bakugou's arms wrapped around his waist. He had no idea how this happened, last thing he remembers was playing Mario Kart with Bakugou.
He looked around and saw that the controls were on the table and that the console and TV we're off. When did I fall asleep? Did I fall asleep while we were playing? Wait! Who turned off the TV and console?
Did Bakugou turn them off and willingly lay down to sleep next to Kirishima? His face heated up at the thought. No, no, Bakugou isn't like that. He was probably just really tired and fell asleep like me. But then who turned off the console and TV? He closed his eyes so he could focus more on the questions at hand.
He would've continued pondering these questions, but they were quickly pushed out of his head by a bright flash and a clicking sound. He opened his eyes and looked to where the sound was coming from and found Mina, Sero and Kaminari standing there, Mina with a phone in her hand.
"Shit! I forgot to turn off the flash!" Mina said.
"You idiot!" Kaminari hissed.
"You can't talk Kami!" She whisper-screamed. Kirishima giggled a bit at that. "Ya know I can hear you guys, right?" The trio immediately turned their heads to face back at him. 
"Oh, sorry did we wake you Kirish-?" Sero trailed off.
Slowly, very slowly, their expression turned from shock to complete, unmistakable, horror. 
"Are yo-" he started only to be interrupted to Bakugou's screaming "WHAT THE FUCK RACCOON EYES?! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING??! WAKING ME UP AT...WHAT FUCKING TIME IS IT??! WHAT GOD DAMNED DAY IS IT???!!"
"Well- it-it’s just that you two looked so cute cuddled together on the couch and-well- I couldn't help myself!" Mina explained.
"What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked in a quieter, but still screaming, voice. "Two of us? Couch? Cuddled? What the actual fuck are you talking about??" It was then that he seemed to notice his arm wrapped around Kirishima's torso. 
"How the fuck did this happen? Why the fuck am in the common room? The fuck did you do??!" He, once again, screamed. His cheeks growing steadily hotter by the second.
"4:30am. Saturday."
"Then why the fuck are you up so early? You shouldn't even be up this fucking early on a school day!" He screamed. 
"Well you see we were-" Sero started.
"Actually, ya know what? I don't fucking care! If it has something to do with you three! I don't want to fucking get involved!!"
Kirishima was still in his little peculiar situation, with Bakugou's arm wrapped around his torso. He didn't seem to want to remove it, and Kirishima was perfectly fine with that.
Then Bakugou sat up and jumped over the back of the couch.
"Well, I'm going back to fucking sleep. You should too shitty hair." He said walking around the front of the couch and grabbing Kirishima's arm and pulling him out of the common into the corridor. As they were walking down to the elevator they could hear Mina, Sero and Kaminari talking.
"Wow, who knew Bakugou was such a big grump in the morning." Mina said.
"Well... I kinda expected that from him. You know how he is." Kaminari answered.
At that exact moment, Bakugou stopped dead in his tracks, let go of Kirishima's hand (which Kirishima was quietly sad about) and calmly, calmly, walked back into the common room and up to Kaminari. He looked him dead in the eye and said. “When I get up again, your dead you fucking Pikachu.” Then turned around and proceeded to drag Kirishima to the elevator, leaving a shaking Kaminari behind. 
They got to the elevator and went in. Once they were in the elevator Bakugou, once again, let go of his hand, causing Kirishima to, again, feel slightly sad, and pushed the button for their floor. The awkwardness in the air, as they stood in the elevator, was so thick it was almost palpable. Kirishima couldn't stand it, he wanted to say something but he didn't know what. 
He opened his mouth to start talking about something, anything really, but was cut off by the ding of the elevator announcing they had reached their floor. They walked out of the elevator and Kirishima was about to turn and walk to his dorm when he felt Bakugou's hand grasp his tightly and drag him in the other direction. Not knowing what to say or do, he just went along with it. When they finally stopped Bakugou opened his dorm and walked in. When Kirishima didn't follow he said "Ya comin' or what Hair-for-Brains?"
Come in? Why would Bakugou want me in his room? The only time I've ever been in there is when we study. Kirishima thought to himself. Nonetheless he made his way into Bakugou's room closing the door behind him. Bakugou laid down on his bed and wrapped himself in his blanket. Kirishima, yet again not knowing what Bakugou wanted him to do, sat down on the floor. Bakugou opened his eyes to see him sitting on the floor next to his bed.
"The fuck are you doing Shitty Hair? Aren't you gonna sleep or something. It'd be fucking creepy if you were just sitting there watching me sleep." Bakugou said.
"Y-you want me to sleep? On your floor? I appreciate the offer? But I'd much rather prefer sleeping on my bed than your floor. It's nothing personal really, it's just-"
"You fucking idiot!" Bakugou hissed "I'm not gonna fucking make you sleep on the floor!"
"Then where-" Kirishima cut himself off suddenly realizing why Bakugou had dragged him all the way to his room and invited him in. "Oh."
Bakugou buried his face in his pillow, face getting redder by the second, and said "Just get in you fucking bastard." But, he didn't scream this, nor did he say if in a harsh tone, his voice sounded more vulnerable, more open. 
Kirishima got up from the floor and made his way onto the bed, snuggling in closely to Bakugou, burying his face in his chest. Now’s as good a time as ever I guess. So, why not. Kirishima thought to himself. He took a deep breath and said "I-I really like you Bakugou! and n-not just as a bro!" 
Bakugou gave a slightly breathy laugh before replying "I know that Shitty Hair. Now shut up and go to sleep. We can talk 'bout this more later." Bakugou gave Kirishima a small kiss on his head, and with that, both of them fell asleep.
First hings first: thx to my pal Sam for help with the title! Hope y’all like this little Bakushima oneshot i made!  Let me know what you think! And if you have any complaints please tell me what you didn’t like about it! Have a good rest of your day! 
Edit: i just made a few small tweeks and changes on punctuation and spelling and stuff.
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