#marinette a needle and thread
the-coffee-fandom · 1 month
Psht 25 poems and 1 Moodboard deleted? No I would never.
If you saw any of my Tag Team Tournament submissions, no you didn’t
Submitted 27 things total and none of them counted due to insufficient tagging on some of them.
See you next year 😎
0 notes
intercoursefluids · 6 months
TBTSB Chapter 5 (Damian's POV)
This Gala could not get any worse.
First: A group of girls all decided to try their hand at touching him/ forcing eye contact. They were given a warning before they were escorted off the property.
Second: Grayson and Todd had started making bets with each other which never ends well at functions like these. So he left to find someone else to entertain him.
Third: Father and Drake were both greeting guests and he wanted no part in that so there went that idea.
Forth: Alfred and Cassandra were nowhere to be seen which, while unsurprising, was disappointing, to say the least.
And Final: A girl just ran into him and fell on her ass.
Again, this night could not get any worse.
“Oh my Kw-Gosh! I’m so sorry, I should have been paying attention!”
He places his now empty glass on a passing waiter's empty tray before extending a hand down to her.
What? Just cause he doesn’t like being touched doesn’t mean he’s a complete and utter asshole.
“It’s perfectly fine. I should have been paying more attention as well.”
She smiles gratefully as he pulls her up dusting herself off before meeting his eyes to, presumably thank him, before she freezes.
Both of them for that matter.
“Your eyes are beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like them.”
Her voice is barely a whisper, dancing softly in the voices surrounding them yet still crystal clear.
“If my eyes are beautiful then yours must dance on the edges of enchanting and divine.”
She blushes holding out to shake.
“It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Marinette.”
Taking her hand Damian bows low and presses a kiss to the back of it instead.
“My name is Damian, and I can assure you the pleasure is mine. Please enjoy the party.”
He straightens back up to see the guy behind her filming the interaction (mostly just her face).
Nodding to him Damian turns to walk away just to meet the gaze of his older brothers. 
Both of them filming the interaction, Grayson with a happy smile on his face and Jason with a smug smirk and-
Wait a minute.
Their eyes aren’t grey.
Why aren’t their eyes grey?!
“Well then, Mari. Are you going to let me help name your future kids this time or do you want to do it yourself again?”
A strangled shriek and slap followed by several people laughing can be heard.
“Shut your face, Adrien!”
Damian meets Grayson's eyes from behind his phone to see obvious concern from the older boy.
Todd raises an eyebrow, looking plenty ready to go grab his brother and take him home. And, looking at his shaking hands, he understands their concern.
“You suck so mu- Woah! Adrien! Your eyes are so pretty!”
He distantly hears a snort from behind him as he starts to put the puzzle pieces together.
“Not as pretty as loverboy’s eye bet. Wait. Mari my eyes are green, you wouldn’t be able to see them unless-.”
Damian spins back around to face her at the same time, both having come to the same conclusion.
“I’m going to take a guess and say that we are thinking the same thing right now.”
Damian mutely nods his head, walking towards her and taking her arm, slowly looking her over for the signifying tattoo.
There, peeking out from the fabric of her low-hanging backless dress is part of the League of Assassins logo and the tip of a bird wing.
He taps her hip gently looking back up at her face.
“You didn’t happen to have a tattoo here before we met did you?”
She shakes her head no, slowly stretching her hands out for the lapels of his blazer.
“Is it alright if I check for yours?”
Nodding his consent she slowly unbuttons his shirt with one hand moving his Jacket aside with the other.
She doesn’t have to unbutton his shirt very far before she finds it.
A threaded sewing needle wrapped in an insect wing resting directly over his heart.
“I’m going to take another guess and say that this wasn’t here before, was it?”
She gently rests her hand over the tattoo looking back up to meet his eyes.
“No, it wasn’t.”
She smiles up at him gently and begins buttoning up his shirt once more.
Almost instantly he misses the warmth of her hand over his heart.
She places her hand back over his heart once she's done buttoning his shirt much to his delight and he places his hand on her hip, right on top of where he knows his mark rests.
She reaches up with her other hand to hold his cheek, staring into his eyes with wonder, marveling at the color as a soft smile lifts her lips.
“Mr. Wayne! Smile for the camera!”
Marinette and Damian turn as one in the direction of the shout, Marinette's hand falls from his face as she turns but their position doesn’t change much more than that.
Several flashes go off temporarily blinding the newly found soul-pair in an attempt to get the first scoop.
Security immediately runs over and starts forcing the paparazzi (that somehow got inside) out the doors as Damain’s family and Marinette’s (probably) friends surround them to limit the pictures they can take.
“I’m sorry about that, Marinette. I don’t know how they got in.”
She waves him off, nudging the blonde guy in the side.
“Kind of reminds me of when Paris thought I was Adrien's girlfriend and stalked us across the entire city. That was a fun day huh?”
‘Adrien’ groans, covering his eyes with a hand.
“I thought we agreed to never talk about that.”
She laughs, directly in his face.
A single sharp puff of air that she leans into his space to make.
“You said, you hoped, and then you pretended that we had that conversation and that I said yes.”
He sighs, electing to just stay quiet.
“So, is anyone going to explain what happened or should we start guessing and hope one of us is right?”
Everyone turns to the blonde girl leaning against the guy with blue-tipped hair.
“Right, okay, Damian, these are my friends Adrien Agreste, Chloe Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, and Luka Coffaine-Stone. Kids, meet Damian.”
Damian turns to his family, decidedly ignoring the ‘kids’ part of the introduction.
“Marinette, these are my brothers Dick Grayson-Wayne, Jason Todd-Wayne, and Tim Drake-Wayne, I have another brother Duke but he didn’t want to come. One of my sisters Cassandra Cain-Wayne, Barbra, and Stephanie both decided to stay with Duke. Our grandfather Alfred, and my father Bruce Wayne. My stepmother also decided to stay home, her name is Selina Kyle-Wayne.”
Marinette nods to his father about to say something before Todd interrupts her.
“Yeah it’s nice to know your names and all but why are you two still clinging onto each other?”
Marinette Looks at their position realizing that they still have their hands resting over the other's soulmark.
With a fierce blush, she reluctantly pulls away to just stand at his side.
“We’re soulmates.”
Damian nods along with her words gently taking hold of her hand and lacing their fingers together.
It's strange, everyone had always told him that when he finally found her that it would feel like finding a piece of himself that he didn’t even know he was missing but it doesn’t feel like that at all.
There was no missing puzzle piece or newfound feeling of wholeness. There didn’t need to be. He had always been whole, it just felt like he could be better than he was before.
“Congrats, Mari. I guess this means you can finally see green now huh?”
The one with blue-tipped hair- Luka, grabbed her attention from his brothers who had taken to passing money between themselves and slapping each other repeatedly on the arms.
“Yeah! I can see green now-...”
Damian turned his attention back to Marinette when she froze up her eyes going wide.
“I can see green now! Holy sh- wait a minute.”
She starts to run away from him before turning back, grabbing his collar, pulling him down to her, and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll be right back.”
She darts off towards the gardens again, leaving a stunned (and blushing) Damian in her wake.
He finally snaps out of his daze to his brother's loud laughter, and a hand shaking his shoulder.
He takes off after her, jogging slightly in an attempt to catch up.
“You can’t just do that , Marinette.”
As he chases her throughout the garden, trying to catch her as she practically floats from one spot to another he can’t help but think that he can see himself falling for her.
He’s going to fall for the bitch that stole blue.
And he’s not even mad about it.
Come Find Me In The Maribat Discord!<3
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starwarsmum · 9 days
Chapter 2 of Introducing: Mousinette 🥰
Chapter 2: Marinette Moves On
The release of her new website, combined with Jagged raving on social media, meant that Marinette was extremely busy after Christmas. Her parents were very supportive of her stepping back from the bakery so that she could keep on top of her schoolwork and her commissions. 
Marinette's friends, on the other hand, were growing increasingly vocal about how they felt neglected. Alya in particular had messaged her several times, asking to hang out with the ‘whole gang’, which Marinette politely declined. Every time she did that, Lila would lay it on thick, asking if it was because she would be going, and apologising for making Marinette uncomfortable, which made Alya slightly harsher with Marinette.
Marinette neither confirmed nor denied that Lila was the reason she didn't want to hang out, but Alya was hotheaded and tended to assume Marinette was still jealous of the other girl. Marinette had lost count of the number of times she had been lectured for not being ‘more open-minded’, which made her temper flare. 
And so Marinette found herself spending even more time with Kagami or Luka. She carved out time in her schedule to spar with them, especially Kagami who would use a bokken while Marinette went barehanded. It was fun and challenging, and helped her to keep her skills fresh. 
In addition, even though the website was finished, Marinette kept up with her weekly calls with Barbara. She had found that the woman was friendly, smart and could be witty. Plus, they had a shared disdain of puns from ex-boyfriends turned friends. When the older woman had told her about her first boyfriend, Dick, Marinette had been horrified to find out there were other nerds who made puns constantly.
It was nearly Valentine's day when Barbara called Marinette outside of their agreed times, which made Marinette worry. She picked up hastily, sending an apologetic look to Chloe who only huffed in annoyance.
“Hey Babs, is everything okay?” She put down the needle she had been threading and peered into her screen. “It's not like you to call out of the blue like this.”
“Well, it's also not like me to receive a mystery package, Mari,” came Barbara's dry reply. “After checking it for…problems…imagine my surprise when I find a gorgeous, hand-knitted blanket, with little glasses and computers designed into it. Care to explain?”
“Oh, um,” Marinette fumbled, glancing at Chloe before shrugging sheepishly. “You're my friend, Babs. You helped me out more than I can say, and I wanted to make something for you.”
“Mari, sweetheart, this must have taken hours,” Babs said, sounding mildly horrified. “I did the site because Penny asked, not because I needed you to pay me back.”
“Don't you like it?” Marinette pouted, cocking a hand to her hip. She fought back a grin when Barbara sighed and pinched her nose. When no denial seemed forthcoming, Marinette shrugged and smirked at her. “Well then, I don't see the problem. Besides, you mentioned that your ex was complaining about, you know, and now you can rub it in his face.”
“Oh my god, you're so right! Actually, can I commission you to make something else for me as well, then? Because whilst this is practical and I adore it, I want to be able to really rub it in.”
Marinette laughed goodnaturedly, agreeing easily, before admitting that she was in the middle of a different order. They agreed to chat about things when they had their usual catch up that weekend. Chloe raised a brow at Marinette when she picked the needle and thread back up, and continued as though there had been no interruption.
“So who was that, Dupain-Cheng?” Chloe said when it became clear that Marinette wouldn't speak without prompting. When she only received a noncommittal shrug in return, she harrumphed. “How is it you always make mysterious connections and refuse to explain anything?”
“Just lucky, I guess,” Marinette replied, smirking at her little inside joke. “Besides, do you want to talk about my social life, or let me finish Kagami’s Valentine's present? That's what I thought,” she added smugly when Chloe grumbled and waved a regal hand.
An hour later, Chloe inspected the completed product - a delicate kimono with tiny dragon and bee embroidery along the folds. It was red and black, with gold detailing and Chloe cooed over it, before assuring Marinette that her fee would be in the account within the next day.
Tikki buzzed around Marinette's head, showering her with praise for how well she had done completing the kimono. She suppressed a smile as she thought about the black and yellow dress that Kagami had commissioned for Chloe's Valentine's gift. She was pleased that her friends were happy together, even if she had been wary of Chloe when they had started dating.
But Chloe had apologised for her behaviour, going so far as to buy some rare threads as an apology gift, even though that hadn't been necessary. Chloe had been spirited away by her mother at the beginning of lycée and, upon returning at the beginning of this academic year, had kept to herself mostly. She no longer tried to antagonise Marinette and had gone out of her way to assist others when she could. 
So, whilst they weren't the best of friends, Marinette and Chloe had agreed for Kagami's sake to get along. And it had worked out in the past few months, Chloe's biting sarcasm softening to friendlier teasing. Alya still wouldn't spend time with her, but she no longer cautioned doom every time Marinette said that she was going to, so Marinette counted that as a win.
When Valentine's day finally arrived, Marinette dreaded going to school. Even though she knew there would be no akumas, thanks to her single-handedly bringing down Hawkmoth 2 years ago, she still had to deal with average teenage drama - usually in the form of Lila preening over a large bouquet of flowers that a ‘mysterious admirer’ had sent for her. Which would lead the girls in even Marinette's classroom to speculate whether they were from Adrien and, if so, when he would finally ask her out.
So when she walked into the classroom to see a giant bouquet sitting on her desk, she immediately assumed that someone had mixed up the seats. They weren't the usual mix of roses and tulips that she was accustomed to seeing Lila receive, but it was definitely an expensive bouquet. 
So she was very surprised to see her name on the tag. She gulped, mind whirring into overdrive as she tried to work out who could have sent her such an ostentatious gift. She blushed as the other girls made noises of appreciation, Alya nudging her in the ribs excitedly, before flipping the card over in search of more. She was not disappointed as she read:
To an amazing girl, who does so much for those around her. We haven't known each other long but I wouldn't trade what we have for the world. Lots of love, the girl behind the screen.
The blush deepened as she realised that Babs had sent such an impressive bunch of flowers, all because Marinette had mentioned that her friends made a big deal about her being single on Valentine's day. She was touched, but also mortified by the attention she was gaining. How on earth was she going to explain this away?! 
She remained tight-lipped until another flower delivery, this time the anticipated one for Lila, interrupted the class. Lila came in a few minutes later and cooed over the arrangement. She couldn't hide the surprise in her face when she saw the class gathered around Marinette and immediately tried to work it to her favour.
“Oh, Marinette, I didn't realise you were dating again already! Unless…but no, I'm sure you're very happy,” she assured, letting the doubt in her voice do the work for her. The people who knew Marinette less well began to look at her speculatively, making her hackles raise. Fortunately, she was saved answering by a loud laugh from the front of the classroom.
“Oh, now I see why you were so secretive about your phone call, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe smirked, flouncing over to her. “It looks as though she knows how to treat you right, at least. You'd better introduce Gami and me when you go public though, it is ridiculous to think you hadn't mentioned her before.”
Which sent the class into uproar - Marinette remained quiet, lowering her head to her arms to hide her relief. Chloe had successfully diverted the class and Lila hadn't managed to twist it any further. Not long after, the class was called to order by their teacher and Marinette was even more relieved that she sat at the back so that she didn't feel like someone was behind her, staring.
She would have to have a word with Barbara about the over-the-top display when they chatted that weekend, though she was touched by the thought that had gone into it. The bouquet held her favourite hues and flowers, and she knew she would be pressing several of them. 
_ _ _
“Babs, I swear to god, what the heck?” Marinette deadpanned as soon as the woman had joined the chat. She was greeted by laughter and a bright smile. She tried her best to keep her scowl, but the laughter was infectious and she giggled back. “Okay, fine, I deserved it after the whole blanket thing. But you have no clue how stressful the class was about this.”
“Please, you probably handled it like a pro, Mari,” Barbara said shrewdly. “And I assume it all worked out, or you would have called me.”
“Okay, number one, rude. Two, I hate how insufferably smart you are,” Marinette shook her head, clearing the light blush that was forming across her cheeks. She was trying her best to stamp out the burgeoning crush on her new friend but it was hard when she did things like that. “Anyway, I had another idea for your commission…”
They passed the next couple of hours chatting about the commission and general things that had happened in their week. When it was time to say goodnight, Marinette felt more grounded again, and she signed off cheerfully. 
The following two weeks were a little easier, Barbara chattering about her family in the background while Marinette worked during their weekly catch ups. During getting to know each other, Marinette had mentioned wanting to attend university in America, and Barbara had been working hard to convince her that Gotham University was the best for the business course she wanted to take.
In trying to convince Marinette what a good idea it was to choose GU, she had started talking about the people she spent her time with. When she talked about Dick, Marinette could see the affection and weathered annoyance she had for the man. She was cautionary when talking about Jason, who she knew fairly well, but warned had a temper.
“Oh, Tim is the one who is obsessed with your work, by the way,” she said casually, on the third catch up since Valentine's day. “He is a huge Jagged Stone fan, but he also follows fashion pretty religiously, so he keeps trying to find out who you are. Luckily, he can't crack my encryption because he doesn't have as much experience as me.”
“I take it he's really annoyed with you for having those commissions then,” Marinette mused, pinning a section of the skirt she was working on back before shooting a grin at the woman. “What about the one that's my age, David was it? You haven't told me much about him.”
“That's because I don't know much about Damian,” Barbara admitted. “He's not exactly easy to get along with, and he doesn't want to get to know anyone as far as I'm aware. The main thing I know about him is that he likes animals more than people. Now Steph, she's a riot! Used to date Tim, but they're friends now, which is starting to feel like a club, with three of us.”
“Ha, well I'd love to meet all these people you keep talking about,” Marinette said cheerfully, focusing on the hem of the skirt for a second. “And, honestly, Gotham U is my first choice, it just depends on if I can get the grades. But I'm not too worried, I'll get in somewhere, and then I'll plot my takeover of the fashion world.”
“Well we'd love to have you in Gotham. Plus, it's Penny's alma mater too, so you'd be part of this club too!” They were interrupted by Marinette's phone ringing abruptly, and she apologised, putting down the needle she was using to answer.
“Hey Als, what's up?” She wedged the phone between her ear and shoulder, squinting critically at the finished waistband of her design before deciding it was perfect. She frowned and gave the phone her full attention after a moment. “I'm sorry, what?”
“Girl, you know how there's that new designer that, no offense, is revolutionising the fashion world? The one that makes all of Jagged Stone's outfits, MDC,” Alya was saying excitedly, her words coming out in a rush. Marinette's eye twitched, worried that she'd been found out, so she put the phone on speaker and confirmed that, yes, obviously she knew about all major fashion designers, including breakthrough ones like MDC. She saw Barbara's mouth twitch and silenced her laptop, leaving the microphone alone. “Right, so you know how Lila saved Jagged Stone's kitten years ago? And so she's, like, super tight with him?”
“Alya, you know I don't-” Marinette began, trying to cut the other girl off, but she was overridden.
“No, don't start with the disbelief thing, I've told you that green is not your colour,” Alya said, and Marinette could almost see the scowl the aspiring reporter must be sporting. Barbara's mouth dropped open, before she started to say something Marinette couldn't hear. “Listen, because she's so close to Jagged, she's met MDC! And she said she could get me a telephone interview with him,because he's not ready to let his anonymity go, so I can't do a vlog on it.”
“Oh, so when is that happening?” Marinette tried to relax her jaw and sound upbeat but she was fuming. She could hear the scepticism in her voice though, and knew that Alya had picked up on it too.
“Marinette, I know what you're going to say, but can't you just be happy for me? It'll be huge when I get to do this interview. And Lila already told me that he's not quite ready for any interviews, but as soon as he is I'm first on the list!”
“Alya, please, I know you're excited,” Marinette said, exasperated. “But can you just see it from a different angle? She hasn't given you a shred of proof that she actually knows MDC, and you don't even have a date for the interview! It is so far from a guaranteed thing, and I just don't want you to hurt your chances moving forward-”
“I should have known you would be like this,” Alya said, sounding every bit as exasperated as Marinette. “I only wanted to tell you so that I could offer to hook you up when I did get the interview - can you imagine collaborating with someone like that? - and I'm still totally going to do it, but now you're going to have to apologise to Lila as soon as it goes through. Also, you have no proof she's lying, whereas I know that Lila knows Jagged Stone, which is what makes it plausible!”
“She's never proven that she knows Jagged either!” Marinette hated arguing with Alya, but she hated liars more. Especially when she knew they were lying. Barbara was looking concerned but Marinette focused purely on Alya for a moment. “And the only reason you think I'm wrong is because you decided I was jealous of her, which I'm not-”
“Yeah, right,” Alya laughed, though she sounded fed up. “Forget it, I know you're busy right now, I'll see you at school on Monday, okay? And maybe try to be more open minded.”
Marinette stared speechlessly at her phone for two full minutes. She was so frustrated with Alya, who refused to believe that she didn't still have feelings for Adrien and therefore had to be jealous of Lila. Eventually she shook it off and turned the sound back on for her laptop.
“Okay, no, seriously, what the hell was that?” Barbara said incredulously. “Did she just say she was going to get an interview with MDC? Has she been sniffing paint fumes? And who on earth is Lila?”
“Ugh, Lila is the reason I needed a new website. I can't prove it, but she spread a rumour that I stole all of my designs. She has a knack for telling almost believable stories and the internet is a hellhole, so I had to take it down and go anonymous, which you knew. But Lila's been lying since I met her when we were fourteen, and my friends seem to just believe her.”
“Well, that sucks! How has she not been caught?”
“It beats me, I've tried reasoning with everyone, I've tried to prove she's lying and I've tried to ignore her and take the ‘high road’ but nothing works,” Marinette said, shrugging as she turned back to the skirt. “At this point, I'm just trying to outlast this and make it to university.”
“But why don't they believe you? I've known you for a couple of months but I can tell you're not the type to get jealous of some girl for whatever reason. Plus, you actually know at least one famous person? And you're literally the person this girl is pretending to know this time.”
“Oh, they think I'm jealous because of my ex. When she first showed up, I maybe let her tactics get to me and tried super hard to prove she was a liar with no evidence. But then I dated the guy they think I'm jealous over, and things ended mutually, so I don't really know what they're thinking. But anyway,” she said, waving her scissors around dismissively. “Let's get back to talking about all the reasons I should attend GU.”
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cosmxcmxrk · 19 days
Slowly posting my oneshots here, reminder that in my works characters are always aged up and consenting.
Marinette's sewing machine rumbled against her crafting table, her tongue perched between her lips as she pushed yards of fabric through the haste needle. A curious Tikki sat nearby, sorting sewing needles into a pin cushion.
She hummed as she reached the end, snipping the thread and pulling it out to look at it. Tikki flew to her side. "Is it everything you imagined it to be?"
She smiled and sighed happily. "Yes, Tikki. He's going to look amazing in this."
She folded the shirt and stuffed it in her bag before sprinting to the door to leave. Tikki scrambled to her side, finding her usual spot in Marinette's purse.
Adrien wrapped his plush, designer towel around his waist and combed at his slick hair in the mirror. He turned his face side to side, examining it.
He had just shaved yesterday and already golden specks peppered his jaw. He tsk'd his tongue before reaching into a drawer to pull out a small razor meant for this exact predicament.
"Chat Noir 1,000 years ago would be devastated to see you limit your beard potential." Plagg chided.
Adrien smirked. "That's not really my look. Besides, I can't hide this face behind a beard. Marinette needs-"
"You to pose for her website, yeah yeah. I thought you quit modeling."
Adrien took a powder sponge to his nose. "I told you before, I love modeling Marinette's designs. Adrien Agreste is exclusive to her handcrafted work now, plus I'd do anything for her."
Plagg sighed and shoved a piece of cheese into his gaping mouth, chewing obnoxiously. Adrien toned it out with a blow dryer. His phone buzzed against the marble counter, his eyes glancing down to squint at the message.
Lady of My Dreams✨: I'm on the way, mister model.
He smirked happily, heart thumping faster. He quickly tossed his hair around, wishing it would dry faster.
Marinette rung the doorbell to the Agreste mansion, the gate promptly opening. "The Gorilla" stood at the front door with the same displeased expression.
"Good morning!" She said happily as she passed him by, handing him a bag of fresh warm croissants. He cracked a smile and nodded.
She happily skipped up the stairs, clutching the bag containing the newly crafted outfit she made for her boyfriend. She reached the top step and raised her knuckles to knock at the tall, black door.
Before she could make a sound, the door cracked open. Adrien peaked around and looked down happily at his little seamstress. "Hey, Bugaboo."Marinette looked up with red cheeks and smiled.
He snickered and pulled her in quickly by the shoulders. Her hands immediately clung to his firm neck as they leaned towards each other for a kiss. They stepped back into the room, sharing praiseful greetings and loving smooches.
It took only a few more seconds for her to realize her Chat was only wearing a bath towel placed so low on his waist it was almost indecent. Her hands suddenly felt hot against his bare skin, she looked him up and down and stammered.
Adrien laughed and gave her a smug glance. "Sorry, M'Lady. Putting on clothes seemed redundant."
She ran her eyes down his happy trail, the smallest patch of blonde hairs poking out at the top. Her legs stiffened, teeth clenched. "T-This early in the morning?" She said quietly.
"What was that?" He asked.
Her head snapped back to his. Her eyes were blown with bewilderment. "Nothing! You just...should really put some clothes on before I explode!" She shoved the bag into his hands and pushed him into the bathroom.
He snickered at her reaction and shut the door reluctantly. They had seen each other naked several times before, but he loved how she always became incredibly flustered when her eyes met his bare skin.
She walked around in a circle, fanning her face. That conniving cat always found ways to mess with her and tease her relentlessly. The door opened and she turned around quickly trying to play it cool.
He stepped out, striking silly poses. His face was plastered with an impressed smile. "My personal designer once again hits the nail on the head."
Marinette's eyes were glazed over with infatuation. "Woooooow." She cooed out with hands clasped together.
She was ogling, gawking. Her brain wasn't on the same plane of existence anymore. He looked at her smugly. "Looks like the bugs in a trance again."
She pulled out her phone and started snapping a few photos. "I'm changing my fashion website into a blog of just photos of you." She joked.
He snickered. "You'd get so much traffic it'd crash."
She gasped and widened her eyes. "You're right! I have to keep these for myself!" She continued snapping at different angles.
She thought about how incredibly lucky she was. She of course had always kept photos of the model on her walls, computer, phone, etc. but nobody got to see all of the photos she took for her website but her. The thought made her giddy, stomach fluttering.
As he moved his arms, the bottom of the shirt rose, exposing his mid-drift. She stared at the top of his v-line, biting her tongue. His stomach was hard and tan, his hip muscles poking over the hem of the shorts.
A sudden, erotic thought disturbed her focus causing her to freeze. Adrien looked at her perplexed and stopped posing. "Everything okay?"
The thought of Adrien not only posing for just her, but posing with skin showing, perhaps nude, giving her a brain wave. She thought of all of the scant poses she could make him do. Touching himse-
"Earth to Marinette!" He said waving his hand in front of her face.
She looked up at him with a sheepish look. "Sorry...I was thinking about something..."
Adrien knew what that meant. This wasn't the first time she daydreamed while he modeled for her. He smiled down at her slyly and pushed her phone down.
"Care to share?" He said softly.
She dug her toes into the floor anxiously. "Just the u-usual..."
He stepped closer, placing his hands on her hips. "You're getting worked up from taking photos of me again, aren't you, Little Bug?"
She hummed at the nickname, feeling hot where he touched her. "I...think I got enough photos." She said looking up at him wantonly.
He smirked and stepped away, walking toward the couch and sitting down, patting the cushion next to him for her sit. She followed suite, sitting close to him and handing him the phone.
She didn't bother looking, knowing they were flawless, all she could look at was the chiseled side profile of her Chat. He also, did not care too much about the quality of the photos, wanting to focus on his lady.
"Maybe I need to take some photos of you next time." He said turning his head to look at her.
Their faces were only centimeters apart now. She couldn't help but admire his features in her head. His eyes were like twin emerald jewels, lips like silky cherry blossom petals. She loved how clean he smelled, and how petite she felt next to him.
"You're so handsome, you know that?" She said with a blush developing, reaching her hands up to cup his face.
He smirked as he watched her eyes dart to his lips then back at his eyes. Her lashes were long and her pupils were shiny. He squeezed the top of her thigh, trying his hardest not to pounce her.
"Enlighten me, M'Lady." He said in a hushed tone.
Marinette pulled him closer to her by the collar of the handcrafted shirt, with both hands. She looked down at his peach colored lips with half lidded eyes one last time before attaching hers to them. He kissed back eagerly, bringing a hand up to hold her wrist as she held his neck.
The kiss was slow, and passionate. Marinette felt her body heat up as they made out at such a pace. Her abdomen swirled, letting herself know she needed more.
She hummed at how enchanting his mouth felt on her own. There was nothing more delicate than the dance of her and his lips. Adrien always liked to tell himself they were made for his in the pique of his late night thoughts.
Adrien nipped softly at her top lip as she pulled away for a second, only to go back in immediately. He lowered both hands down her sides and gripped her hips, pulling her closer to him, chest to chest.
He felt her hum in delight into the smooch. The feeling of her touch was certainly something he was accustomed to, but it still made his blood run hot. He grunted at the tightness of his pants, cursing himself for being so incredibly whipped for Marinette.
She slid her hands higher, gripping onto his golden hairs, her favorite spot. He felt a shiver run up his spine at the soft touches of her fingers. "I love it when you touch me like that." He whispered between a kiss.
She moaned in response, tangling her fingers further into it, guiding his head against hers. Without taking his lips away from hers, he leaned her back onto the couch. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso.
He continued exploring her waist with his hands, finger pads running along the soft skin of her stomach and hips. Her body twitching in response to the cold metal of his ring grazing her skin.
He felt her begin to impatiently rock her hips against his. He grunted at the slight friction of her ass on his hardening dick. The movement of their mouths against one another becoming slightly quicker, and wetter.
His hands made their way higher, snaking under her shirt. He traced the delicate lines of the lace on her bralette, searching for the peaks of her nipples. She moaned lightly as he thumbed over them, arching her back at the sensation.
He pulled away from her lips, immediately going back down on the side of her mouth. She rubbed her hands back down his neck, slipping them into his shirt, slightly scratching at the skin of his upper back and shoulders.
He kissed softly down her jawline to her neck, grasping the fabric of her bralette and pulling it down gently. She gasped at the feeling of her hardening nipples being freed, being teased by the fabric of her shirt.
He gave the sensitive spot on her neck a pressed smooch, eliciting a moan. He pulled away his face and looked at her with lustful eyes.
"You make the sweetest sounds for me." He said quietly.
He kept the intense eye contact as he pulled her shirt up. She blushed, tightening her legs around him. He smirked before lowering his mouth to her right bud, giving it a kiss.
The heat of his mouth, and the soft wetness of his lips on her nipple made her close her eyes, scrunching up her eyebrows. She bit her bottom lip lightly, trying to contain her moans. He knew how much she loved when he sucked her nipples, and her stubbornness to moan just spurred him on even more.
He planted another open mouthed smooch on the soft pink skin, then swirled his tongue around the bud softly. She leaned her head back, back lifting higher off the couch.
"Ah! A-Adrien..." She gasped.
"I could do this for hours." He grunted before closing his mouth around it, sucking it softly, simultaneously flicking his tongue at it inside his mouth.
She finally put her pride aside, moaning and grinding herself harder into his clothed, neglected dick. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, moving his hips with hers as he sucked greedily on her nipple.
"I l-love it when you kiss me there, Chat." She moaned, pulling at his hair.
He didn't need her words of validation to know she enjoyed it. He gave the now swollen bud a hard suck, pulling it gently then releasing it. He kissed his way over to the left one beginning the same maneuvers. He pulled his right hand loose and brought it up to play with the sensitive bud as he worked his mouth on the other.
She wiggled in his arms, feeling overwhelmed by his touch. She felt like she could cum just from him doing this alone. And so could he.
He finally pulled away from the left with a pop and sat up, placing both hands on her chest to thumb the tender buds. She looked at him with a lewd face, squirming in pleasure. He loved how sexy she looked with wet, swollen nipples, and even more were the sounds coming from her mouth.
He felt another painful twitch from his shorts and lowered his hands down her waist. He latched his fingers onto the hem of her pants, pulling at them. She lifted her hips slightly to allow it, the cool air against her skin giving her immediate goosebumps.
He pulled both her pink capris and panties off in one go, tossing them to the side of the couch, then went for the askew bralette and shirt. He knew she always felt embarrassed, but he loved when she was stark naked in front of him leaving him in his clothes.
He felt his stomach flutter at the sight, and his cheeks went red. He leaned down to reattach his lips with hers, her kissing back with need. The feeling of her naked heat against him was almost too much for him the bear.
He pulled away from the kiss to look down at her body, moist folds staining the material of his shorts. He grunted and looked back up to her face, which was painted with slight embarrassment and full arousal.
"You take my breath away." He praised, bringing a thumb to her cheek.
She brought her hands to the bottom of his shirt and began lifting it upward. "Take away mine too, Chat."
He loved how needy she sounded, and happily aided her in stripping him of the shirt she worked so hard on. She leaned back on her elbows, and watched in awe as her boyfriend's skin stretched over his abs and arm muscles as he sat up to lift the shirt over his head.
He leaned back down and placed his hands on her knees. She whimpered as she looked down at his hand as he rubbed it down her thigh to the aching lips of her pussy.
He leaned his face down, nearly touching noses with her as he lowered three fingers to her vulva, feeling around the slick folds. She wrapped her hand around his wrist tightly as he rubbed the digits into her clit.
He paid close attention to the way her body reacted to his touch. Her legs shook slightly, breath catching when his finger completed a circle.
She ground her hips into his touch, wanting more friction. She could feel her entrance fluttering, begging to be filled by his thick tan fingers. Her stomach churned at the thought.
"Adrien...please finger me." She moaned, pulling his hand lower.
He muttered a curse under his breath, loving the way she was looking at him with such intensity and lust. He obliged, carefully pushing two slicked fingers inside her entrance.
She pursed her lips together, moaning at the sensation, squeezing his wrist. He started a slow pace, massaging his finger pads along her soaked walls. His dick was incredibly jealous of his hand, causing him to grit his teeth at the ache.
She noticed the action, mentally punching herself for being so selfish. She took her other hand to his belt buckle, doing her best to unlatch it with one hand.
His fingers found the soft, textured spot deep inside her, and immediately began thrusting them up into it at a rougher angle. Her body jolted back with each thrust of his hand, moans turning more into cries of pleasure.
In the midst of her immense arousal, she was able to free his dick of his shorts. She matched the pace of his fingers, pumping his tip that was dripping with precum. He let out a deep, relieving groan.
"Fuck, M'Lady. You turn me on." He growled.
They both continued staring wantonly into one another's eyes as they worked their hands on each other. He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes squeezing shut. She had only been touching him for a minute, and he already felt his orgasm approaching.
The feel of his girth in her hands made her squirm, her body becoming impatient. She stared down at the twitching organ, admiring the thick vein that ran up the shaft.
"I want you inside me, Adrien. I want your cock to make me cum." She said softly.
He felt his head spin at the words, and the sounds she made following. Her legs tightened around his hand, her thumb rubbing a circle into the slit of his dick. He tensed his stomach trying his hardest to hold back his orgasm.
"As you wish, M'Lady."
He pulled his fingers away, opening her legs. She brought both of her hands to his waist, gripping the hard muscles of his stomach. He pushed his shaft down with his thumb, pressing slowly into her.
They both moaned at the feeling, already overly sensitive from the foreplay. He leaned down, meeting stomachs with her, elbows on either side of her head. He placed a hand on the side of her face, thumb locking under her jaw, rocking into her at a slow, but forceful pace. She brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.
He brought his head down to attach his mouth to her exposed neck, biting down lightly as he thrusted. He could feel her legs shaking harshly against his sides. Not only were her moans delightful to hear, but being able to feel them on his lips from her throat made it all the better.
His dick was throbbing, begging to be relieved. The pace of his thrusts were slower, more sensual, and it felt incredible for the two of them. The build up was slow and exhilarating. As much as he loved pounding Marinette until she saw stars, it was just as fun if not more to rock his cock into her, feeling up every inch of her insides.
She loosened one hand and laid it back to reach for his that was resting beside her head. He intertwined his fingers with hers tightly, holding her hand down above her head.
He groaned after every thrust inside, his pelvis hitting flat against her mons. Her breath escaped her lungs, loving how deep he was, tip pressing firmly against her erogenous zone. Her walls fluttered around him, the two not being able to hold back any noise that escaped their lips. It was euphoric.
Her whole body squirmed, the pleasure becoming overwhelming. She felt her body continuously contracting, orgasming over and over. The pressure of his body on hers kept her from spasming about. She could feel his hips sputtering, he pulled his mouth away from her neck to look her in the eyes.
"I can't last much longer, Bug. You feel too good." He groaned feeling her insides squeeze him tightly.
"Cum inside m-me, Adrien. I want it." She gasped out. She ground her hips up against him with fervor, getting a high from the feeling.
He moaned at a higher pitch, grinding harshly into her, hips circling. "F-Fuck, ah...I'm cumming, Marinette."
She squealed as he filled her, fingers digging into his shoulders. He continued grinding as he came, body convulsing against hers. She watched him with awe in her eyes as he orgasmed, face flushed and eyes squeezed shut.
He finally pulled himself out, dick twitching hard, cum still spurting out onto her stomach. He ground his dick into her folds, cursing at the pleasure.
She giggled, admiring the sight of it. "Wow, Kitty." She gawked.
"That was fucking amazing." He laughed, wiping his forehead of the light sweat that percolated.
She pushed her hips up into him, feening off the friction on her clit. His breathing settled as she ran her hands along his pecs. "I don't think I've ever cum so many times in a row." She said with embarrassment in her voice.
He gave her a smirk. "Nothings impawssible, M'Lady."
She blushed hard, pounding his chest with her hands. "You seriously have the worst comedic timing!"
"I know you love it." He leaned, down pecking her cheek relentlessly.
She would never admit it, but she did. She melted into him, wishing he would never stop. And he didn't. His playful pecks turned into loving smooches against her flushed cheeks.
She pulled his face away by his hair and turned to look at him and gave him a sheepish look, pulling him back down to kiss her lips. An action he would never turn down.
They instantly began grinding against one another again, kissing harshly. They would always want more of each other, nothing ever felt like enough.
Adrien broke the kiss to groan. "Goddamnit." He muttered.
Marinette giggled. "What?"
She didn't have to ask to know, because she could feel it against her stomach. He looked at her embarrassed. She smiled and pecked his nose.
"You know I want it too, Kitty." She whispered, leaning back in to smooch his upper lip.
He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"
He sat up, pulling her up and flipping her around onto her stomach. He grabbed her by the hips and lifted her onto her knees, ass in the air. She gasped at the sudden movement and looked back at him from over her shoulder.
"I think you'll have to remind me, Little Bug." He grabbed his dick, dragging the tip up her folds from behind.
She gripped the cushion of the couch, wishing he'd just put it in without the teasing. "I always want you, my love. I love it when you fuck me." She wiggled her ass against him, desperately wanting him to put it back in.
He gulped at the sight, placing both hands on her hips and pressing her firmly into the couch. He lined himself up to her and pushed the tip in teasingly. She smiled back at him with a moan.
"Good girl." He praised before slamming himself into her, immediately thrusting at a fast pace.
She squealed, toes curling at the sudden pressure against her insides. "Fuck, yes!" She screamed throwing her head back and squeezing her eyebrows up in pleasure.
"Damn, Bug. Is this what you want?" He grunted.
The sudden change in the mood of the room felt exhilarating. Her body was going limp, all she could focus on was how amazing his cock felt ramming into her guts. "Y-yes! I love it!"
"Fuck, you like it when your kitty fucks you hard, huh?" He growled, becoming high off the feeling.
The words sent lightening up her spine, causing her to squeeze her knees together, eyes rolling back in her head. She was a rag doll at this point, completely merciless to him.
Adrien felt mesmerized as he watched her lips wrap around him, pulling him in after each thrust. The way he felt in this moment was so different from a few minutes ago, like his brain switched from pure love to aggressive lust.
She tried her best to rock back on him, body jolting forward with each thrust. His hands were digging harshly into her lower back, causing her to arch downwards into the couch.
He groaned, biting down on his lip before reaching down to pull her up by the arms. She reached an arm behind her and latched it onto his neck, the other holding herself up. He kept one hand on her waist, the other wrapped around her front to grip onto her stomach.
He pressed the hand into her abdomen, fucking into her at a deeper angle. She tightened her grip on his hair. "You're so good at fucking me, Adrien." She moaned with a love drunk smile.
He leaned his face close to hers as he felt the warm sensation in his stomach build. "You're so good at taking me, Marinette."
She felt herself clench around him, wanting desperately to release. She rocked herself back on him. "Oh God, I wanna cum, Chat! I love your cock inside me! Don't s-stop!" She moaned.
Adrien kept his gaze on her face, resting his head on her shoulder. He nudged his mouth against her ear and nipped at the skin. "The way you're squeezing my dick is fucking amazing." He growled.
She moaned loudly, a shiver running up her spine as his breath hit her ear. His tongue teased at her nape, throwing her closer to the edge. Her legs were shaking harshly, barely being able to hold herself up. "I-I'm cumming!" She squealed.
Adrien lowered the hand on her abdomen lower, reaching greedily for her vulva. He dipped his hands below her folds, massaging softly at her clit. She screamed, feeling overstimulated as she orgasmed again. He continued his actions, knowing she thoroughly enjoyed being fucked senseless.
Her slick dripped erotically down his shaft, the warmth of it eliciting a deep groan from Adrien. He took both hands to her hips, pulling her down on him as he reached his own orgasm. Her upper body fell forward, her arms barely able to hold herself up as he came deep inside her.
She looked back at him with a blown out expression. Her legs twitched hard, fingers gripping the cushions to where her knuckles were turning white. He pulled out slowly, watching intently as his and her essence poured down her inner thighs.
"You need to make me shirts more often if this is what it entails." He joked.
She smirked tiredly. "Why do you think I want you to model my designs?"
Adrien pushed her hips back down to lay on her side, making room for himself to lie next to her. She immediately pulled herself closer to him, placing her hand on his jaw to trace her fingers along his skin.
"I'm going to need another shower." Adrien said breaking the silence.
Marinette giggled and kissed his nose. "Are you implying what I think you're implying?"
Adrien teased at her hips causing her to gasp and twitch. "You know the shower is one of my favorite places to-"
Before he could finish, Marinette was already scrambling off the couch to run to the bathroom. "Hurry up, Chat boy."
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artzychic27 · 10 months
Blame @msweebyness’s post for this… I call this au Miraculopolis
Marinette: Goddess of Luck and Chance. Her symbols are ladybugs and clovers
Adrien: God of Family and Children. His symbols are domestic cats and carnations
Alya: Goddess of Messaging and Facts. Her symbols are spectacles and pigeons
Nino: God of Protection and Defense. His symbols are shields and turtles
Nathaniel: God of the Fine Arts and Inspiration. His symbols are paintbrushes and peacocks
Alix: Goddess of Time and Memory. Her symbols are clocks and rabbits
Juleka: Goddess of Serenity and Inner Beauty. Her symbols are mirrors and ravens
Rose: Goddess of Romance and Love. Her symbols are roses and doves
Sabrina: Goddess of Loyalty and Companionship. Her symbols are rings and wolves
Chloé: Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Her symbols are gold coins and bees
Kim: God of Sportsmanship and Victory. His symbols are palm branches and eagles
Max: God of Statistics and Possibilities. His symbols are abacuses and horses
Ivan: God of Poetry and Ballads. His symbols are quills and mice
Myléne: Goddess of Nature and Grains. Her symbols are cornucopias and bears
Marc: God of Literature and Epic Tales. His symbols are fountain pens and roosters
Aurore: Goddess of the Sun. Her symbols are parasols and lions
Mireille: Goddess of the Moon. Her symbols are wool and sheep
Reshma: Goddess of Craftmentship. Her symbols are a needle and thread and spiders
Ismael: God of Mischief. His symbols are apples and foxes
Lacey: Goddess of Siblinghood. Her symbols are rope and frogs
Jean: God of Theater and Entertainment. His symbols are comedy and tragedy masks, and songbirds
Cosette: Goddess of Masking and Adaption. Her symbols are a makeup pallet and chameleons
Zoé: Goddess of Rebellion. Her symbols are broken handcuffs and a tiger
Simon: God of Technology and Surveillance. His symbols are eye-shaped pendants and hawks
Denise: Goddex of Strength and Health. Their symbols are barbells and bulls
Luka: God of Music and Emotional health. His symbols are lyres and snakes
Kagami: Goddess of Combat. Her symbols are swords and dragons
Ondine: Goddess of the Sea. Her symbols are a trident and orcas
Different nations, different mythologies and deities
They’re all powerful deities, but they still act like teenagers, get crushes, drink a lot of wine, have wild parties up in the heavens, and crash mortal parties whenever they please
Being the goddess of Masking and Adaption, Cosette can shapeshift into any animal she pleases while the others only shapeshift into the animals they’re associated with
Cosette: Random animal exit! *Shapeshift into a shark and starts flopping around on the ground before shifting back and gasping for air* Random… Land animal exit! *Shapeshifts into an ostrich and walks away*
Zoé: Even as an ostrich, they’re still gorgeous.
Marc and Nathaniel have been crushing on each other for eons
Rose and Juleka have been girlfriends for centuries now. Juleka is not affected by Rose’s romance-inducing aura, and Rose is not affected by Juleka’s almost ethereal beauty. They just love each other
Adrien has almost this maternal instinct due to being the god of family and children, and as such, he adores mortal infants
A former member of the gods and goddesses of Miraculous is Lila, the goddess of deceit and trickery. Her symbols are jackals and masks. She still has her divine powers, but she’s not allowed back in the skyward abode of the gods and goddesses for a multitude of reasons, and has offended each of the others gods in some way
Also… She was just annoying as hell
*During an outing in the divine garden, long before Lila was banished, Myléne is telling the others about a new tree she had come up with. The others are listening intently when Lila suddenly interrupts*
Nino: Someone, make her stop!
*Nathaniel summons his paintbrush staff and slathers a bit of red paint over Lila’s mouth. It dries in an instant, and her words come out muffled*
Nino: *Sighs* Much butter.
Ismael possesses an object called The Golden Apple of Chaos. Basically, when he throws it, it causes some sort of havoc somewhere
He’s always tempting mortal children to cause a little chaos
Ismael: Just think of it, Manon. You, me. All the chaos. All the discord! ALL THE FREE CHICKEN!
Legend from both Miraculous and Prodigious mythology tells of a monster named Kiku, once a mortal man who wanted to become stronger. One night, he snuck into Kim, Denise, and Kagami’s temples, and stole one of Kim’s medals, one of Denise’s barbels, and one of Kagami’s swords. When they discovered this, the god, goddex, and goddess punished him by turning him into a monstrous bear-like creature. He had impenetrable skin and could tear through entire villages with his claws
One quirk about him is that whenever he gets flustered or excited, a peacock tail will fan out from behind him
A tale from mythology of Miraculous talks about how Nino developed feelings for Alya when she protected him and several mortals from a dangerous monster while they were visiting the mortal realm
Wherever Marinette steps, four-leaf clovers grow
When they arrive in the mortal realm, their entrances are all a sight to behold that you’ll wanna punch yourself if you miss them
According to Miraculous mythology, whenever Rose travels to the mortal realm, she descends from the sky in a flurry of rose petals. And when she lands on the ground, several doves appear at her side, and she emits a pink aura that causes people to momentarily fall in love with the first person they see
When Nathaniel comes to visit the mortal realm, the sky becomes an array of colors as his beautiful, iridescent chariot is drawn by several peacocks.
Reshma descends from the sky, performing aerial tricks using spider web silk. Her feet never touch the ground as a clutter of spiders carry her about, almost making it look like she’s gliding
Lore has it, that centuries ago, Denise nursed a young injured bull they named Aithen back to health, and infused him with some of their divine magic, helping him grow stronger over time until he was able to pull their heavy two ton chariot on his own
And, there is a tale stating that Simon won Denise’s heart after using his wits to vanquish a monster attacking the mortals
According to mythology, Lacey bestows blessings on mortal children and their siblings, helping to strengthen their bonds and know when their siblings are in need
While Lila may be the goddess of deceit and has done some terrible things over the centuries, she still has standards. As such, she refuses to ever interact with Lucien, the god of Onedience and Power, and Emani, the god of Manipulation, who were also ousted from their heavenly abodes
Max’s sacred object is his golden abacus, gifted to him by Kim. Centuries ago, Kim melted several of his prized golden medals to create it for him
During the annual Olympics hosted by the Miraculous, teams from different nations come to compete for glory. The gods and goddesses watch from the stands while disguised as humans or the animals they are associated with. Kim, meanwhile, is in his god form and loudly cheering for the team representing Miraculous
While Nathaniel is one of the kindest gods of Miraculous, but he also has a fiery temper. When provoked, he’ll fly into a rage, and even the other deities know to approach with caution
One way to piss him off is by claiming you’re a better artist than him. He’ll curse you so that any piece of art or art material you touch will turn into dust. *cough* Louis *cough*
Due to being the Prodigious god of not only Theater, but also Entertainment, whenever there’s a party happening in the mortal realm, Jean is known to make a grand appearance. This is usually when he feels as though the party’s reaches its peak. Guests are to be advised that whenever Jean attends a mortal party, it doesn’t stop unless he wants to stop. The longest was a week
Zoé, the Prodigious goddess of Rebellion is also known to frequent parties, usually ones thrown by teenagers who plan and attend it without their parents knowing. From the heavens, she descends using a charriot drawn by two majestic tigers. She describes parties such as that as, “Rebellion in its most premature form!”
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 26-Honour
Marinette looked back at her phone, trying to follow the directions to Cosmic Threads. She was new to Gotham, but it had been listed as one of the best fabric stores in the city. She couldn't wait to create her latest design.
As she turned the corner, she was bowled over by a group of older boys.
"Sorry!" they shouted, as the continued to run down the street.
Marinette sighed as she picked up her phone from the floor. As she picked it up, she noticed a black wallet on the floor.
'Must belong to one of those boys. I can drop it off on my way back from the store.'
Suddenly, her arm was grabbed and she was face to face with The Penguin.
'Son of a bitch! No wonder why they ran! They at least could have warned me!'
The batboys winced when they saw the girl they had run into, in the arms of The Penguin. He had his umbrella gun pointed right at her and she didn't look happy. She didn't even look scared; she looked pissed off. Once they entered the fight, it wasn't hard for him to claim her as a hostage. All it had taken was a well thrown batarang to knock the umbrella out of his hand, but he had quickly tossed her off to the side. Red Hood protected her and told her to run through a side exit and was gone. No more distractions. Marinette quickly ran out only to run into the cops.
'Looks like I can't go shopping today. Guess I might as well return the wallet.'
Marinette looked inside and saw a Gotham ID. The wallet belonged to Damian Wayne.
After Marinette had given her statements, she turned to leave. She turned towards the crowd and saw the boys from before. Marinette walked up to them and threw the wallet at them.
"Thanks for the tip, Assholes!" she shouted.
Damian picked up the wallet and looked inside, "So, how much did you steal?"
Marinette was quick to punch him in his face, breaking his nose.
"You-" he cried out.
Jason and Dick held Damian in place, as she glared at him.
"How honorable you are, Coward." She sneered.
Marinette turned away and quickly let the scene. Jason let go of Damian's shirt and started laughing. Dick called for a medic to come look at his youngest brother. Tim sighed, and looked down.
'Blood? Was she injured by the Penguin?'
Tim left to follow. It hadn't been that hard to catch up with her.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked her.
"I'm fine." she growled and continued walking.
Tim looked her over and noticed a gash on her leg. Rapidly, he picked her up. Marinette started struggling, trying to break free.
"Hey! Put me down! Help! Help!" Mari began to scream, as Tim took her back to the crime scene.
"Hey!" Tim called out, "She needs medical attention. She's just stubborn!"
"I can take care of myself" Marinette cried out.
"Oh, really?" Damian questioned, as he held a cloth to his nose, "What were you going to do? Stitch yourself up?"
"Yes." Mari answered.
Damian recoiled in shock. He looked her up and down. The gash was the length of her inner calf and appeared deep.
"I doubt you have the medical training to handle something of that magnitude." Damian declared.
"And I doubt you know how to be a gentleman!" she replied, "Oh, wait! You already proved that."
Damian glared at her as Drake hesitantly set her down.
"I can do it myself." Marinette explained.
"I can't allow that!" the EMT stated
"I was brought back against my will and do not wish to receive medical attention." she spoke, crossing her arms.
"Where are your parents?" the EMT questioned.
Marinette smiled, "Isn't emancipation the best."
The Wayne boys and the medical attendant looked at her in shock.
"Can anyone look after you?" they asked, "I have to accept you refused treatment, but I'd rather not have you go later to a hospital for blood loss."
Marinette rolled her eyes and picked up the cleaning solution from the ambulance. After she sprayed the solution on her, she grabbed the stitching needle with the thread. She quickly and easily stitched herself up. She wrapped her leg with cotton and gauze.
"Like sewing a shirt." She quipped.
Marinette hopped off the back of the ambulance and walked away.
Damian quickly grabbed her hand. Mari turned and glared at him.
"You are right. I should have spoken up as we rushed by, even grabbed your hand." he stated, "Let me do the honor of walking you home."
"I don't know." Marinette spoke, "You might attract more rouges along the way."
"Dinner then?" he suggested, "Come have dinner with us and I can make sure you are given a ride home."
She sighed, "You're not gonna stop until you redeem yourself, are you?"
"I'm told I stubborn." Damian declared.
Marinette looked at him and relented.
"Fine, but if I don't go home by seven, I'm calling the cops for kidnapping." she answered, "I'm already behind work because of you and have to get up earlier to get what I need now."
"Your injury won't hinder you?" he questioned, "Can't your boss give you a break?"
"I'm my own boss." Marinette smiled, "I do comission work from my own home. I was on my way to Cosmic Threads for some fabric."
"Maybe I can pay for your fabric then." Damian inquired.
Marinette winced, "I take hours to shop. I know exactly what I need and I'm picky when it comes to the quality of my work. It also won't be a frugal purchase."
"Don't worry." he smirked, "I can pay for it."
"Your wallet's funeral." She smiled back.
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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starsfic · 4 months
What type of ML AU do you prefer: one where Adrien doesn't exist, or one where he's a much better character?
It depends on the writer/artist.
In the case of better character, I love the Scarlet Lady AU by @zoe-oneesama and the Feralnette/Dad Villian AUs by @bigfatbreak.
(For those who don't know, Scarlet Lady is an AU where Chloe unknowingly steals the Ladybug Miraculous from Marinette, becoming the lazy and glory-hungry Scarlet Lady and leaving Chat Noir to pick up her slack. Feralnette is an AU where Marinette "moves the needle", becoming unpredictable to Hawkmoth attempting to akumatize her over and over again by changing her attitude, while Dad Villain is an AU where Hawkmoth makes the Wish, killing Sabine and leaving To to become Viceroy.)
There are plenty of essays on Scarlet Lady by @nobodyfamousposts, but the basics are that the better writing and character work make Adrien a much better character. He reacts to things! He rebels against his father! He pulls his weight because Scarlet Lady won't!
Meanwhile, in Feralnette and Dad Villain, Adrien shows way more concern and care for Marinette and his friends than he does in canon. He shows more character than he does in canon! In Feralnette, he openly admits that he has a type in buff girls who can beat him up. In Dad Villain, he openly reacts to the fact that his father is a supervillain and his mother is a narcissist. In one comic, Adrien is covered in dirt and leaves because he tried to run away by climbing the walls of the manor!
These examples make Adrien a way better character than he is in canon.
Meanwhile, I don't really know of AUs where Adrien just flat-out doesn't exist. But I do know of good fics where he isn't present for much of them.
For example, Leave for Mendeleiev, Copycat, and Grumpy Cat by @imthepunchlord and the music threads her heart close series. (For background: LfM is an AU where the year that Marinette gets the Ladybug Miraculous, she gets moved to Mendeleiev's class, Copycat is an AU where Felix and Adrien switch places and Felix ends up stuck in Paris before the show begins, Grumpy Cat is a fic series where Felix ends up as the new boy in school with the Cat Miraculous, and music threads is a series where being a Miraculous wielder is terrifying and it studies the fact that kwamis are technically eldritch beings.) All three have Adrien either in the background or a figure that exists but has no presence.
And for that, Marinette is better for it. She's not constantly being humiliated by the universe for daring to have a crush. She's happy and confident in her own skin. She has other love interests, yes, but she's able to basically go at her own pace without pushy friends pushing her to confess.
What I'm trying to say is that it depends on the creator.
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maribat-menagerie · 4 months
Malachite Milestones Wave 3
Welcome everyone to the start of the event!
What better way to celebrate Pride month than a Rare Pair and Poly Ship event? This runs through the entire month of June.
Event Info/Reminder
This is open to everyone!
17 ships were voted to represent the Active Roster (will be found below the line). These ships are split into 3 sections to give a variety a chance of winning.
The overall winners of each section will win their own channel in the discord server. Since the focus is on Ao3 but we still want creators of other media forms to participate, a wildcard ship will win a channel as well based on these submissions. The top ship between all sections will be given a drawing by an amazing Maribatter!
Another wildcard will be revealed halfway through the month. This wildcard will also receive a channel.
Every fic gets 1 point. As certain milestones are completed, they will receive extra points for their ship! (For the list of milestones, see the informational document in 'Important Links')
Every couple days there will be updates on Tumblr as to how the scores are looking. All milestones hit will be shared here as well!
The Submission Tracker will be updated asap and will provide links to all submissions for those who are here to enjoy the creations while not creating themselves.
For any questions, please feel free to ask them below! Share out the event and most importantly, have fun creating!
(The Active Roster shall follow the Important Links)
Important Links:
Malachite Milestones: Ao3 Submission Form
Malachite Milestones: Other Media Submission Form
Malachite Milestones '24 Tracker
Malachite Milestones Informational Doc
Malachite Milestones Ao3 Collection
Maribat Menagerie: Rare Pair, Poly Ship, & Bio-Parent Discord
The Active Roster
Garnet Guardians:
Cassette: Cass/Marinette
Lapped Seams: Konette; Kon/Marinette
Demonic Design: Marave; Marinette/Raven
Purple Thread: Stephinette; Steph/Marinette
Baguette Brawn: Marijon
Rhodonite Ravagers:
Detective Melodies: Draine; Tim/Luka
Alley Cat: Jaydrien; Jason/Adrien
Yarn Threads: Selinette; Selina/Marinette
Casino: Cass/Nino
CapCut: Damino; Damian/Nino
Red Wasp: Vesperake; Tim/Zoe
Time Warp: Alix/Barry
Alexandrite Avengers:
Demonic Beastbug: Marinette/Beast Boy/Raven
Silent Spindel: Cass/Kagami/Marinette
Glitched Matrix: Timarix; Tim/Felix/Marinette
Cold Case: Tim/Marinette/Kagami
Threading the Needle: Steph/Cass/Marinette
Midnight Aurora Storm (Wildcard): Cass/Kagami/Felix
That concludes the roster. These are listed in order of most voted on to less voted on.
Every fun ship name was suggested by a Maribatter then put to a poll within the Discord to decide between any with multiple suggestions!
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verfound · 1 year
I noticed in "Coffee Shop Soundtrack" Luka calls Marinette "darning" a lot. Is that supposed to be "darling"? Because while "darning" is fabric-related I guess, it sounds kind of weird as a nickname.
Sorry, I don't usually message authors about typos but it's been used a dozen times in this story so far and I wasn't sure if you are doing this intentionally or not.
...it is not, in fact, a typo. 😂 It's a nickname I picked up from mc-lukanette ages ago, and it appears in most of my established relationship fics. I even play a bit with its development/backstory in "More Than a Checkbox" (ch7):
“…absolute worst timing ever, Jagged, I swear!” shouted a harried voice he had only heard through phone calls during the past month and a half.  His eyes found her soon enough: there, standing behind Jagged and rapidly working a needle through the sequin-studded coat he’d commissioned specifically for this tour.  Marinette looked…incredible, completely stunning, knock-out, drop-dead gorgeous – but she also looked pissed, and it was so classically Marinette that Luka couldn’t stop the stupid smile from splitting his face.  “I’m here to surprise Luka, not you, and if I miss him because you –” “You’re not gonna miss anything, beautiful,” he whispered into her ear, wrapping his arms around her middle and tugging her against him.  She squeaked and fumbled her needle, but it was still connected to the thread and just dangled behind Jagged as she turned to return his hug.  He sighed as he pressed his face against her neck, breathing her in.  He glanced up to see Jagged smirking at them over his shoulder, and he rolled his eyes as he flipped him off.  “You should probably finish up with the needle before I stab him, though.  Trust Jagged to need something darned when I want your attention instead.” “…right!  Right!  Darning first – darling later!” she said, getting back to work.  He blinked at her and clapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to snort at what she’d said, but if she realized her words or noticed his reaction she gave no sign of it.  She just continued stitching, the tip of her tongue poking out as she concentrated,  By the time she secured the fix, they had a song and a half and maybe six minutes before Luka had to join the rest of the band back on stage.  He had so many questions, but when Marinette turned away from Jagged and back to him and tugged his mouth to hers they all flew out the proverbial window.  Jagged started laughing at them, but when they continued to ignore him (when Luka tugged Marinette closer and stepped forward, rattling the makeup vanity behind them as her butt knocked into it) he just coughed awkwardly and made himself scarce.  Marinette was beaming when he pulled back.  “…hi, rock star.” “…hey yourself, darning fairy,” he teased.  Her eyebrows soared, and he chuckled as he kissed her again.  She groaned into his kiss. “N-no,” she whined, patting his shoulder to get him to move back.  “That is not becoming a thing, you dork.” “It’s totally becoming a thing,” he chuckled, darting in to kiss her again, “darning.”
Marinette calls Luka "Star", short for "rock star". He calls her "darning", a play on "darning fairy" (and bc it can easily be misunderstood as "darling", and if anyone questions him on it he gets to brag on his amazing girlfriend/wife).
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the-delta-42 · 6 months
The Truth 4
[1 The Truth] [2 Soul] [3 Through a Shattered Mirror] [4 Healing]
“Why are you asking me over again?” Asked Luka, following Marinette.
“It’ll be easier to explain when we get there.” Answered Marinette, waving a hand behind her. Luka chose not to ask about the red markings that were supposed to be gone.
“Does this have anything to do with the Guardians?”
“No, this is completely different.”
Luka frowned, stopping, “So, this hasn’t got anything to do with the alternate world you, Adrien, Alya and Nino got pulled into?”
Marinette froze, “Well, it does, but none of the guardians are involved.”
“Okay, what am I walking into?”
Marinette sighed, before looking around, “Okay, I may or may not have kidnapped my abused double, she’s going by Bridgette now by the way, we’ve managed to get her to talk about her world and, from what she told us, you were the one good factor before you left.”
Luka blinked, “Oh-kay, that wasn’t what I expected.”
“What were you expecting?”
“Anything that wasn’t you kidnapping your double? Something a bit normal!”
“Do you want to help or not?”
“Right, yep, Lead the way.”
Bridgette watched Odette conducted a trial for a Collector doll Marinette had made.
“And for the crime of being ugly,” Said Odette, grabbing a pair of scissors, “You are being eggs-et-cuted!”
The dolls head fell to the floor, the fluff spilling out of the hole on the head and body.
Bridgette reached out and grabbed a needle and some thread, just as Marinette popped up through the hatch and spotted the Collector’s decapitated state, “Seriously?!”
“I’m going to fix it.” Mumbled Bridgette, as Marinette entered the room fully, followed by Luka.
“Actually,” Said Marinette, gently taking the needle and thread, “I thought you’d like to hang out with Luka for a bit.”
Bridgette stared up at Luka, her heart fluttering slightly, “O-okay.”
“Great!” Grinned Marinette, grabbing Odette and exiting the room.
Adrien watched at the other him stared at a book in front of him, unlike Adrien, the other him had regressed to the age of a toddler like the other amoks.
“Maybe they created him a few weeks before Hawkmoth’s first attack.” Suggested Nino, as Shelly and Bubba wandered around the room.
“We’ve started calling him Aiden,” Said Adrien, frowning, “He’s taken to it well, but he’s a bit hard of hearing for some reason.”
“Have you had his hearing checked?” Asked Alya, looking up from her phone, “Oh, Mari’s on her way with Ode, she said something about leaving Bridge with Luka.”
Adrien frowned, ever since those Guardians had blown Luka off, he’d been distant, “Tikki did say something about the Luka of that world being remembered more fondly than the others.”
Something collided with Adrien’s leg, before a sharp pain emanated from his knee, “Agh!”
Bridgette ran away, giggling, as Adrien sat down and rubbed his knee, “Why does she do that?”
“I told her cats bite to show affection.” Said Marinette, dropping into a seat, “I’m meeting Su Han later, I’m going to ask him about manipulating Monarch’s wish again, try and get Bridgette and Aiden secured to this world.”
“Are you going to talk to him about those markings?” Asked Adrien, frowning.
“I’ll bring it up, it might be a permanent side effect of saving me from Monarch’s wish.” Murmured Marinette, looking up at the ceiling.
Adrien quietly wrapped an arm around her shoulders, while Odette dragged Aiden over to Bubba and Shelly.
Ladybug watched at the gloves and arms of her suit vanished, revealing the black swirls and lines that covered her skin.
“I’ve told anyone who’s seen them that they’re temporary tattoos.” Said Ladybug, as Su Han frowned at the markings.
“They’ll go away in time.” Said Su Han, “But, you may want to sit out of a few fights with this new Hawk Moth, just to be safe.”
Ladybug nodded, “What about Bridgette and Aiden?”
“Since the portal they came through was made by you,” Said Su Han, after a moment, “they would already be tethered to this world.”
Ladybug let out a small laugh, looking up at the Guardian, “That’s great. I was worried they’d be forced to go back.”
“They won’t and they can’t.” Responded Su Han, “Tikki and Plagg destroyed their world, as I am sure you are aware.”
Ladybug winced, before nodding.
“It is unusual for Kwami’s from one reality to destroy the Kwami’s of another.” Commented Su Han, looking over Paris, “We will continue to search the city for Hawkmoth, we will find them and reclaim the butterfly.”
Ladybug nodded, as Su Han vanished, before she launched her yoyo and swung away.
Marinette looked up as Bridgette and Odette played a game of snap, Felix and Kagami were performing magic tricks for the other toddlers, producing a toy rabbit, which quickly found it’s way to Aiden. Adrien was talking quietly with Nathalie, no doubt trying to find a way of forging two more birth certificates.
“Eh, things are gonna be fine.” Plagg made Marinette jump as he flew out of her shoulder, “Sugarcube’s already working on it.”
“That’s…” Marinette pause, “reassuring.”
“That other me was a nightmare.” Said Plagg, settling on Marinette’s shoulder, “He knew everything that was going on and did nothing. Half the crap the child went through was a nightmare.”
“What happened to the other Tikki?” Asked Marinette, looking down at her sleeping Kwami, “She hasn’t told me anything about what she saw.”
“She hasn’t told anyone.” Stated Plagg, “For all we know, she could’ve slapped the other her, or blew her up. No one will ever know.”
“What happened to the other people, the ones that were innocent?”
“Oh, they were transported over here and merged with their counterparts here.” Dismissed Plagg, as Luka dropped down next to Bridgette, the girl leaning into him as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
‘Yeah,’ Thought Marinette, shifting as Adrien sat down next to her, ‘Everything’s going to be alright.’
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stickypiratevoid · 2 years
Why Writing Marinette Is So Hard For Me (and maybe you will relate)
I'd talked with my friend about MLB characters, particulary miss Mari Sue Bread-Maker here. Even though I cast aside my salty behaviour to her and trying to see her as a plastic doll figure to write as a character, I still can put a finger on her base personality. But I'm drawing blanks here. It's because when I look at her throughout the seasons, the writers always trying to stick cool things to her, never actually developing her base that would make a decent start in writing. It's like they got a bulletin board of her with some of her base personaliry being overwhelmed and stacked brim full with sticky notes of "cool", "quirky", and "not like the other girls" things because she is sooo amazing she needs to be good at everything except being near Adrien, teehee~
All I can think of is something her stans would call "personality" (which is quite questionable if you really want to meet that kind of person in real life) on this list :
Clumsy: This one is not a personality but a motoric problem and needed to get treated asap before you are flying down the stairs. Where's all the bruises she got if she falls for the nth time that day? Girl's skin are thinner than boys.
"Loving" Adrien: Again, not a personality but a problem that needs to be treated asap before she got jail time. That fireman is insane to help a teenager becoming a criminal early in her life. Don't tell me that's how he approaches his wife...
"Overly Planning": Thrice of again, go to therapy asap. We only see her doing this to Adrien, not even her mom got a ready gift for the next 20 years. You might say that it's different kind of "love" but nah. If she is a real planner, she would swipe out a gift for her mom asap from under her desk. If you follow with her having ALL of her classmates schedules, she would be burning through her textiles to get them presents for their birthday for at least another 2-3 years.
I asked again to another friend of mine who usually write ideas and AUs. He said that even though Mari Sue's talents are admirable in handiwork, it even got corroded when the seasons stretched out. It only got passing mention of a few minutes screentime of certain episodes, but there's nothing that can ties her "passion" to her personality. She doesn't examine the texture of textiles, saying that it feels appropriate for [project] (eye for details); she doesn't take notes or inspirations from a painting, feelings, or stories ; heck, she doesn't even carry her needle and threads everywhere she goes in case of something; not even excitedly rambling about fashion like freaking Alya rambling about her scoop of journalism. The little details is to build importance of her passion, and it shows that the writers just don't care.
No wonder all I can think of when thought of her is her creepy, stalkerish, obsessive, and control freak tendencies because it's what apparently stay coherent throughout the seasons.
Seriously. All I can do is making an entire whole new personalities for her and I don't freaking wanna do that because I want to go straight to writing with a decent base. I would lose my drive to write just to remember to separate Mari Sue canon self and what personality I think would fit in.
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msweebyness · 1 year
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Here’s the first of our monster kiddies! Enjoy this AU, and thanks to @imsparky2002 for helping me with this AU! (And to @artzychic27 for allowing the use of their OC’s!)
Species: Living VooDoo Doll
Appearance/Attire: Petite, Black-blue Yarn Hair in low pigtails, Grayish fabric skin covered in stitching, bright blue button eyes, stitched mouth. Patchwork dress in various colors under a pink hoodie, grey sneakers with pink ribbon laces.
Bio: A timid and sensitive girl who is cautious in everything she does out of fear of causing pain for her friends should she herself be injured. Marinette rarely speaks louder than a whisper, but is still known for being very kind and helpful to others. She loves to sew though she is always very careful with her needles, a hobby that she shares with Reshma. She has feelings for Adrien, Kagami and Luka, though she is far too shy to confess them. She’s also more than a little clumsy due to having a lightweight body made of cloth!
“I’m coming apart at the seams here, guys!”
“Do I need to get my needles out, Lila? Leave Adrien alone!”
“I don’t get why so many people hate getting shots! I’ve always kind of enjoyed it!”
“Coraline is a masterpiece!”
“I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”
“All three of you are cute as a button, guys! You’re the thread that holds me together!”
Who do that voodoo that she do? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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boldlyanxious · 1 year
Robinhood 5
Part 4
He didn’t slow the pace even though he knew he was hurt and she was probably very uncomfortable. He would have to stop soon though. The horse needed rest and water. He would prefer to push on but the pace plus the weight of another person would endanger the animal. He was sure they were not being followed anymore. Marinette kept trying to talk, but the angle she was at had made that impossible. He had removed his hand from her mouth after they got some distance but it was clear she had no idea it was him who had her. She would probably still be struggling but he had effectively made that impossible by having her laid over the front of the saddle and keeping a grueling pace.
He slowed the horse down and stopped next to a stream. The water was rushing past but not fast enough to be dangerous. He jumped down and then pulled Marinette down after him. She pulled back violently away from his grip. He hadn’t been holding her tight so she gathered momentum and nearly tumbled into the stream. He reached out and caught her arm. She managed to keep her feet under her and he tugged her back to safety. She had pivoted away from the water and then crashed into him. He held her up by sliding an arm around her back until she could regain her equilibrium.
When she looked back up at him, he was fairly certain that was the moment when she realized she was back in his custody. She actually looked relieved and relaxed a bit. She stopped trying to get away and looked around as she stepped away from him. She didn’t react badly until she looked down at her hand and realized that there was blood.
“That’s blood. Why is there blood?”
She glanced down at herself briefly but quickly looked to him as the source instead. He nearly laughed at her reaction to seeing the arrow sticking out of his side. Unfortunately holding it back made the pain he had been ignoring worse. But he didn’t think it was too bad. He had definitely had worse on his travels. It had all been to draw out his family at a certain time and it had worked. They had left to come help him and because of that, they had been blamed for the deaths of The Dupain Cheng’s and Emelie Agreste. The more he had learned since coming back made him believe that Gabriel Agreste had planned the whole thing. Jason didn’t think that his wife was supposed to die. She had just gotten caught up in the plan.
He turned to look at the arrow. It was on his side but it seemed to have hit mostly skin. The leather along his back had kept it from hitting too deep but it still would need to be carefully removed. He didn’t want to worry Marinette or make her think she would have a shot at running away. He reached back to pull it out if it would come but she moved forward to stop him.
“It’s just a flesh wound,” he said. “I’ve had worse.”
“I’ve seen worse. But even if it isn’t bad, pulling it out like that is going to make it worse.”
He released it and she moved closer to inspect the wound. He was surprised that she seemed concerned. He sucked in a breath when she used her finger to probe around the entry point. Her other hand brushed against the skin while lifting his shirt to get access.
“You won’t distract me by trying to remove my shirt. You are far too easy to lose track of for me to let you pull one over on me.”
“I’m not running from you.” she looked down and when she met his eyes again she looked contrite. He had never seen her like this. “I don’t have anywhere else to go. There is no one else I can trust.”
“So you decided to trust me?” She turned away from his searching gaze but he reached for her face and turned her back to him. “A horrible decision, really.”
He pulled back again and turned to the stream. If nothing else, he could try to clean the wound. Taking his shirt off would make that easier but he didn’t want to scare her.
“I can help you with the arrow. I have my needle and thread and some scissors if it won’t come right out.”
“I’m supposed to believe a high born lady can deal with the blood and arrow? You can dig it out and sew me closed.”
“I have seen it done. The doctors tried with Emelie. It was horrific to watch. But this isn’t as bad. It will get worse if it's untreated.”
He turned and stared her down. She stiffened her back while she met his gaze. She definitely had spirit. She refused to be intimidated by him. He reached back and tore the bottom of his shirt so it wouldn’t catch on the arrow. His eyes never left hers as he pulled the shirt up over his head. Her eyes looked down at the movement but he continued watching her face as it colored in response to his exposed skin. It quickly went from the embarrassed blush to shock as she took in the scars across his chest. She didn’t seem to be able to stop herself from reaching out but she did stop herself before she touched him.
Instead she looked back at him. Her mouth had fallen open when his past injuries were revealed. She closed it quickly and schooled her features to focus on the job at hand. He wouldn’t be able to see her reaction to the ones on his back. They were far more pronounced than the few he had across his chest and arms.
“I’ll start a fire,” he said.
“That will be useful. Do you have anything to boil water in?”
He pointed at the bag on his saddle. She moved to fill a pot and he went to find some wood. He listened closely and she didn’t run. He could hear her singing to herself as she worked.
Marinette was nervous about this. She was good at sewing. Very good. She loved doing it. But to do it for skin that was bleeding worried her a lot. There was a lot that could go wrong. But it was clear that Jason needed to have his wound taken care of. He had only been wounded in his attempt to help her. Waiting and traveling further with it still in there would just cause more damage. She took a deep breath as he got the fire going. She could do this.
It took a few minutes to get the fire hot enough and the water to boil. While they waited, he pulled food out of his bag and offered her some and they both got comfortable. She used the water to clean her tools and got some cloth ready to clean and cover the wound. Looking back over at Jason, he didn’t say anything. He acted like he did this all the time. He turned his back towards her and laid on his side so she could easily reach the wound. When she saw his back she realized he may actually do this all the time. The scars on the front were noticeable but his back was far worse.
She bit her lip to keep from reacting to it. She pressed her hand against his side so she could decide how to best do this and heard him suck in a breath. She wasn’t very near the wound so she guessed he must be in a lot of pain. It would probably be best for her to move quickly. She took a deep breath before reaching for the knife she had cleaned.
“Do you want me to tell you what I am doing or just do it?”
“Just do it. It will be better if I don’t expect it.”
He bit down on a piece of leather as she worked on widening the wound to where the arrow head would be removed. He barely flinched at the blade but when she had to feel what direction she needed to move it, he jumped and knocked her away.
“I’m sorry. I have to make sure I get it out as straight as possible. Twisting it would be worse for healing.”
“It isn’t your fault. I reacted. I will do what I can to not react but it may work better if you hold me down.”
She nodded but she did not feel confident. He was much stronger than her. She didn’t think she would be capable of holding him down. But he seemed to think it would help so she put her leg on the other side of him and sat on his thigh. He made another pained groan and she resolved to do this quickly. She did her best to shut him out. As gently as she could, she checked the angle of the arrow and gripped the arrow. Taking care not to push on it, she prepared a cloth to cover the wound and pulled it out while covering it after.
His groan was worse this time. His whole body clenched under her. She waited until he had regained control before she began stitching the skin together. She ignored all of his reactions, focusing on the work. Unless he stopped her, she would just work as quickly as she could to keep from dragging out the pain. With that method, she finished in only a few minutes and set to work covering it so it would be less likely to become infected.
She had to wrap it by winding cloth around his midsection. He lifted himself as she wound it but it was difficult to reach. She had to reach around, nearly hugging him causing her face to brush against his bare chest. He was straining with the effort but she was nearly done when he said, “Enough!” Instead of pushing, she used what was left to tie it off. Shifting her weight, she moved off him so he could rest. But he rolled over nearly on top of her, gripping onto her forearm. His breathing was heavy but she didn’t know what to do about that except wait.
She held still, waiting for him to regain himself. It was several minutes and finally his breathing was evening out. The grip on her arm loosened and he opened his eyes. He watched her for a moment without moving. Slowly, he shifted himself and reached out, pushing her hair away from her face. Suddenly she was the one who felt like she couldn’t breathe. The feeling came out of nowhere. She had been fine while he had been struggling. When his hand fell away, she got up and went to the stream to get a cool cloth and some water. They would probably be leaving soon and he would need to be ready.
The journey should be over by nightfall but it was taking much longer than he had expected. Maybe he should have waited to have the arrow out. The stitches seemed to be holding but the process had made the pain worse. He was just happy that he wasn’t having to chase Marinette down to bring her back. He wondered about what had happened to make her run to them rather than away. She said she had no one else to trust which made it sound like she had trusted someone who proved to be against her.
It didn’t make sense. It was all too much just to stop her from helping as Ladybug. She was working alone and could easily be controlled by blocking her from helping. There was something else going on. Some other plan that he couldn’t see. It all felt deeper than whatever was shown on the surface. He would need to get her to talk about it soon. Chances were that it would affect all of them. He would need to know who else was involved. He had already had enough of trusting the wrong people and it had cost him a lot. He preferred not to do it again.
There was a lot of fanfare when they arrived back at the camp. Jason had to rush off immediately for concerns about the upsurge in the movement of Gabriel’s men. They were everywhere and becoming harder to track. He wasn’t really sure what to do, he didn’t know where all the men were coming from. They had to have been hired but there was no way Agreste had enough money to hire that many after all that had been recovered. It was as if nothing they had done so far had been any help in stopping him. A scouting group brought back refugees from one of the towns nearby and they were expecting that more would come.
There were a lot of tasks to do to help settle them in and make sure everyone would have what they needed. He found himself looking around for Marinette frequently but every time he found her she was busy helping someone. She didn’t even notice him because she was so busy. He had worried that his people would be frustrated that she had run before but they flocked to her, eager to make sure she had what she needed or thank her for deeds of the past. Wherever she went, smiles were left. It took him a moment to realize that he was frozen in place, smiling while watching her.
Marinette felt at peace. It wasn’t the same as the last time she was with them. She didn’t fear them and she wasn’t trying to run away. There was still hard work but it felt like she was helping build something worthwhile. She could really find happiness here. She looked over at Jason. He was working with the others to build some more sturdy structures for the new people who had arrived just before them. She tried not to stare but her mind inserted the image of him shirtless. Perhaps she should check on his wound to make sure it was healing well. He had been doing quite a bit of work and it would be rough to have the stitches tear.
Chances are that it had healed fairly well over the last week and that if it hadn’t one of the others would have found a way to help him. She wasn’t a surgeon so she didn’t have any information on how to help him if it wasn’t healing. She didn’t even know why she was fixating on it except he had helped her escape and for that she would always be grateful. At some point, she would need to get back to her estate. She would need to guard it from Lord Gabriel’s plans. All signs pointed to him wanting to take over as he had with the Wayne Estate when they had left. She couldn’t let that happen.
The opportunity to talk to Jason arrived that afternoon. She was with a few of the others, gathering herbs and plants. With the influx of movement from Lord Gabriel, they would have a few armed men out with the women locating the plants that they needed. Today, Jason was one of those men. She enjoyed this task the most. It was much like her daily strolls in the garden but she had a specific purpose when she was walking. Her other regular tasks had been ones she enjoyed more or was better at. She would help with the clothing repair or baking bread because those are things she was skilled at. She still had turns with laundry and preparing the meals but it was nothing like it had been on her first night with them.
She moved towards Jason as she continued gathering the plants that were useful. He looked over as she got near but he didn’t say anything to her. He looked back out, checking for the slightest hint of danger. He didn’t appear to be on alert as if he had seen anything so she assumed that it was fairly safe right now.
“I do hope your injury is healing,” she said as she continued to gather near him. “I imagine that it is near time to remove the stitches if you have not done so already.”
He lifted his tunic to show it to her.
“It did as well as could be expected. There has been no infection and the stitches are still holding.”
“They could be removed fairly quickly if you wanted. I have the scissors on me.”
He nodded and she pulled out her small sewing scissors. He sucked in a breath as she put her hand next to the nearly healed wound. She bit her lip. She hadn’t expected it to still be so tender. Following the same method as before, she didn’t tell him what she was doing ahead of time. She just clipped each of the stitches quickly and then pulled them out one by one. She pressed her other hand flat against his side as she worked, trying not to think about how his muscles felt. They clenched under her touch as she pulled the stitches out. She hoped the tenderness would not last long. It should feel better by now.
He didn’t look at her as he covered it back up. He shifted in his spot to look around for any danger. She gathered up her basket of findings of the day and started to move closer to the others but she turned back.
“I am worried about my estate. There are papers there that grant me the rights to run it but I fear what will happen if they are found by the wrong people.”
“I can have the scouts find out whether or not it would be safe. Is this something we can send someone to find?”
“It would be easier to do it on my own. I’ve used my parents’ hiding spot as I started to become suspicious of those around me.”
He nodded in agreement, “We will find a way. I believe you may be right about his purpose.”
“He has never harmed me but he sought to control me. I could have easily stayed safe if I had just followed his guidance but my safety would have come at the cost of everyone else’s. I could not live that way.”
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @izanae | @kittenmywaythrulife | @folk-ever-lore | @jayjayspixiepop | @achaoticmess1
@adrestar | @zynna | @jeminiikrystal
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
@fluffbruary Day 24
Marinette’s groan was muffled by the pillow.
“Oh, Marinette,” Tikki said sympathetically. “You need to calm down. I’m sure you’ll get it done by Christmas!”
“No, I won’t, Tikki!” Marinette wailed. “It’s impossible! And my head – just – isn’t – working!” She banged her head on the wall with each word.
“Marinette!” Tikki said severely. “Be kinder to yourself! Art is difficult, and sometimes you just can’t get inspiration. It’s alright. You just need a break.”
“A break?” Marinette snorted. “Right, Tikki. I only have five more Christmas presents to finish, another commission from the website, three orders to deliver, a speech to prepare, and of course, I need to man the shop and keep an eye out for akumas at the same time!” At the list of all the things she had to do, despair filled her and she pressed her head into her hands.
“Okay,” Tikki decided. “You need to learn to organize.”
“Marinette, Alya is your backup as class representative. Can’t you ask her to write you a speech and help you practice it tomorrow? It’s three days away. You have time.”
“I - yes, but she’s busy with her blog, and—”
“You’re busy too,” Tikki interrupted. “If not, ask her if you can work on it together tomorrow during lunch. Perhaps Nino and Adrien would help as well.”
Marinette hesitated. “I don’t know, Tikki. I don’t want to impose—”
“When Alya brings the twins or Nino’s brother over for babysitting suddenly, do you think she’s imposing?” Tikki asked severely.
“Of course not. She’s my friend and it’s not—” She broke off, realizing the hole she’d dug herself into.
“Marinette, you have to learn to delegate,” Tikki said softly. “You can’t carry the whole world yourself. You’re not Atlas.”
“I know – wait,” Marinette said, astonished. “Did you know Atlas?”
“That’s beside the point!” Tikki exclaimed defensively. “Text Alya and ask her.”
“You can’t say something like that and expect me to just drop it,” Marinette argued, even as she picked up her phone and typed out a text asking if Alya could at least write up a draft of the speech, backtracking several times and following through only because of Tikki’s stare.
Within moments a Sure thing, girl, I’ll write it, I have loads of ideas! lit up her screen.
Tikki preened with satisfaction.
“Oh, stop looking so smug,” Marinette said without any heat, relief at losing one of her responsibilities soaring through her. “Now to get back to the needle and thread,” she said without any enthusiasm.
She hated it, but there was no inspiration for a design. The thought of picking up the needle filled her with dread. She loved designing and she loved making clothes, but sometimes, like now, she felt she’d rather do anything but that.
Tikki looked disapproving. “Do you feel like you’ll make any progress?” When Marinette didn’t answer and instead resignedly began to try to thread the needle, she added: “Marinette, you already spent an hour and a half on this. Why don’t you try to get something else done while the inspiration is gone? Maybe some time outside will get you out of the rut. I’ve known plenty of artists for whom that has worked.”
Marinette looked up with interest, setting the needle aside. It did seem like a good idea. “Really? Like who?”
Tikki sniffed and dove into Marinette’s purse as she got ready to go down. “I’m not allowed to tell you, sorry.”
“That’s a pity,” Marinette said with genuine disappointment, thundering down the stairs. “Maman!”
“Marinette?” Her mother looked surprised to see her. “What is it?”
“I’m ready to go do the deliveries,” she said.
“Are you sure?” Her dad asked concernedly. “You said you would be busy with other projects all day. We were considering going ourselves, or hiring someone else.”
Marinette made a face, grabbing the packages and kissing her parents on the cheeks. “I’m having a bit of artist’s block.”
Dad looked sympathetic. “Creating art is always difficult.”
Her mother patted her cheek fondly. “Maybe a break will help.”
“That’s what Ti—thought! That’s what I thought! Bye!” She rushed out before she could give up any secrets. She strapped the packages to her scooter, and set off to Nadja Chamack’s place first.
“Oh no,” she groaned. She’d just delivered the second package, practically across the city, and had spent only fifteen minutes inside. In that time, a snowfall had begun. A warning rang out on all news screens, to stay off the roads. “Tikki, what am I going to do?”
“I’m not sure, Marinette,” her kwami replied. “You’ll have to stay put.”
“I haven’t even finished the deliveries,” she griped.
“No one can blame you for that during such a sudden storm,” a voice came from behind her, and she spun to see green eyes she knew very well.
“Chat Noir!” She exclaimed in happy surprise. “What are you doing out? Is there an akuma?”
“Nope,” Her partner sounded as cocky as ever, swaggering towards her. “I saw a princess out alone in distress, and thought I had to step in.”
“Oh, are you my knight in shining leather?” She batted her eyelashes at him, and saw him laugh.
“Something like that,” he agreed. “May I escort you back home then?” He asked, holding his hand out to her.
Marinette bit her lip. “I still have one delivery to make. . .” She fretted.
Chat Noir frowned. “Your parents won’t mind if you miss one in this weather.”
Marinette shrugged. “They won’t, but I will. I don’t like leaving a job undone.” Even now, her fingers twitched at the lack of control she had over the speech she was supposed to make in a few days.
Chat Noir was giving her an odd look. “Alright. I can help you make it, and then take you home.”
Marinette lit up. “You will? Thank you, kitty!” She kissed his cheek.
Chat Noir … blushed? Shifting from foot to foot. “Yeah, uh, no problem, Marinette.” He took her arm, made sure the scooter had been parked safely in the free parking space (which made Marinette’s heart skip a beat at how thoughtful he was), and then leaped into the air using his stick.
Marinette laughed from the sheer thrill and joy of it. “You know, I thought people would be more scared or sick when I took them like this,” he mused as they landed on the roof.
She didn’t know how to tell him it was only because she was used to the sensation of being hefted around with him or with her own yoyo.
“Well, I’m hardly ordinary,” she quipped in a distraction, but to her surprise, he glanced at her and his whole face softened.
“No,” he said quietly. “You certainly aren’t.”
Unsure what to make of that, Marinette stared at him. He blushed and turned away. “Your delivery’s near the Grand Paris Hotel, right?”
“The next building,” Marinette nodded.
“Great. It’s on the way to your house from here.” And sure enough, within twenty minutes Chat Noir had her on her balcony.
“Thanks, Chat Noir. There’s no way I would’ve gotten that done half as fast without you,” she said, leaning against the railing. The snow was still falling thick and fast. “I need to tell my parents I’m back and that I made the deliveries.”
“Yeah, of course. And don’t worry about your scooter,” he said. “I’ll get it tomorrow and bring it here.”
“You will?” Marinette blinked up at him in surprise. “Wow, I er. . . didn – I mean can’t – I mean don’t know what to say.” She stammered, feeling her heart pound.
Chat Noir grinned arrogantly. “You don’t need to say anything. Your feelines are written all over your face,” he purred.
Marinette snorted. “Whatever, kitty.” She turned to go down, but slipped over the sheet of ice and snow coating the balcony and braced herself to hit the ground when Chat Noir easily caught her.
“Easy there, Princess,” his chuckle vibrated through his chest, and Marinette squeaked. He was strong, she’d always known that of course, but there was something about being held in his arms, pressed up against him, that made him seem all the more solid. “Maybe I need to accompany you down there to make sure you don’t grievously injure yourself.”
“Maybe you should,” Marinette breathed before she actually thought it through. As soon as she heard what she said, she had a full blown panic.
Chat Noir looked as taken aback. “I should?” He echoed in bewilderment before composing himself. “Well of course I should. Glad you’ve seen sense Mademoiselle,” he took off an imaginary hat and waved her forward.
Marinette smiled as she felt her anxiety melt away. This was Chat Noir, her beloved partner. There was no one around whom she felt more comfortable.
“In the middle of a project?” He asked interestedly when he saw the state her room was in.
Marinette cleared her throat in embarrassment. “Something like that,” she said. “I’m trying to make Christmas presents for my friends, and some were easy, but some just won’t come out right.”
“Well,” Chat Noir said as they jumped down the door. “Maybe I can help you.”
“I’m sorry, kitty,” Marinette said mock solemnly. “But I don’t think you could.”
“Why not?”
“Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror in costume? Your fashion sense is terrible. All leather, leather, leather, and not even the tasteful kind,” she clicked her tongue, not mentioning that she found him very handsome.
Chat Noir gasped in fake horror, putting a hand to his chest. “You have mortally pawfended this cat, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“You have nine lives, don’t you?” Marinette said dryly. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
She heard him laugh delightedly as she opened the door of the kitchen and saw her parents worriedly whispering. “Did you just make a cat pun?!”
“No, of course not!” She denied defensively, as her parents cried out in relief and ran to hug her and wring Chat Noir’s hands in thanks.
The cat just smirked at her as her parents forced him to stay for dinner, winked and mouthed: “Course not, Princess.”
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dramatic-squirrel · 2 years
Daminette December Day 11- Pain
Blood dripped from the wound on arm to the floor of the batcave. Damian looked away from Marinette as she glared at him. “You’re lucky I don’t kill you over what you just did.” He stayed silent. Marinette grabbed the medical supply kit and pulled out antiseptic, a needle, thread and bandages. 
“At least you have the sense to not talk back you imbecile. Never, never, take a bullet for me again. I have a magical suit that’s bullet proof, even the best technology can’t compare to that.” She didn’t warn him or try to be gentle as she dumped the antiseptic on the wound. “This time it was the shoulder, but next time it could be something fatal.” Damian’s continued disregard for her feelings just angered her more. “Do you have any idea how scared I was?!”
“I thought you preferred me not talking.”
“I want you to apologize and promise you won’t ever do it again, you… you.. rois des cons.” She wanted to hit him, but at the same time held herself back because of the injury. “I don’t need protection, I am fine on my own!” She tried to go back to stitching the wound but tears blurred her eyes forcing her to stop.
Damian took the needle from her. “I can't say that. You know and I know that I would do the same thing again, Habibiti.” Tears flowed down her cheeks at his words. 
“You’re really lousy at comforting people.”
“Empty words and platitudes will not help you.”
“I thought you were going to die!” She gasped for air as she recalled the moment that happened not long ago. “I couldn’t see where you got shot, all I saw was blood, and you groaned in pain, and my mind could only think of the worst case scenario. I love you, Damian. If you weren’t in my life, I’d have one less reason to get up in the morning.” 
“But you do have other reasons. And you are aware of how dangerous our duties as heroes are, there is no reason to be so emotional over this.”
“Understanding and living it are two very different things, Damian.” She threw her arms around him. “I will never be prepared for the possibility of your death no matter how likely it is.”
Awareness dawned on Damian. Growing up as an assassin, as a hero, he grew calloused to the thought of death. Seeing people rise from the dead, the concept didn’t seem real. But for Marinette it was different. He hugged her back, “I’m sorry, Marinette. I will endeavor to be more careful in the future.”
“I know you won’t. But thank you anyways Damian.” They stayed like that for a while, until both fell asleep from exhaustion.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Thought I’d get in on this incorrect quotes thing, if this hasn’t been done, science and akuma classes with FRIENDS quotes? I feel like there’s a ton of potential for hilarity there!
Jean: All right now remember, something this big and long is gonna be very difficult to maneuver. Fortunately I have a lot of experience in that area.
Ismael: What are you, five today? Can we please focus here? A naked man's life hangs in the balance!
Lacey: I'm telling you he's dead. What we are about to have here is a dead naked fat guy on a stick!
Simon: Alright, guys. Let's poke.
*They start to advance the giant poking device*
Simon: Steady… Steady… Okay, a little higher. Careful of the angle. Okay, okay, we're approaching the window. *As he says this, the poking device goes through the window* Thread the needle. Thread the needle!
*They start poking him. He then moves*
Zoé: He's alive! He's alive!
Reshma: And yet, we are still poking him.
*Ugly Naked Guy notices them*
Simon: Okay, retract the device. Retract the device!
*They start pulling the poking device back*
Mireille: He does not look happy.
Marc: Hey, hey! Now he's showing us his poking device!
Cosette: Hey, that's never gonna make it all the way over here, buddy!
Kim: What are you still doing here? I thought you guys took off.
Adrien: Oh, no, he took off. With my clothes!
Kim: … Are you nude in there?
Adrien: Not exactly… I’m wearing panties.
Kim: … Do you always wear panties?
Adrien: No, no. This is the first time.
Kim: Wow. Talk about your bad luck. I mean, the first time you try panties, and someone walks off with you clothes.
Adrien: *Pokes his head out of the stall* I was not trying them out. Luka asked me to wear them.
Kim: Well, Lemme see!
Adrien: No! I’m not letting you or anyone else see! Ever! *Shuts the door*
Kim: … Okay. *He heads into the next stall over, stands on top of the toilet, and peers into Adrien’s stall* Whoa! Nice frills.
*Nathaniel walks in. It takes him a few seconds to notice Kim*
Nathaniel: Kim… Some people don’t like that.
Kim: Adrien’s wearing panties.
Nathaniel: What? Lemme see! *He heads into the other stall next to Adrien and stands in the toilet to look*
Adrien: No!
Nathaniel: Nice tush.
Adrien: Alright! One of you give me your underpants!
Kim: Can’t help you. I’m not wearing any.
Adrien: How can you not be wearing any underwear?
Kim: Oh. I’m getting heat from the guy in the hot pink panties.
Adrien: Alright, Nath! *Ismael suddenly walks in* I’ll give you fifty euros for your underpants!
*They notice Ismael*
Adrien/Kim/Nathaniel: Hey. *Then do a double take*
Ismael: … I saw nothing. *Backs out of the room*
Juleka: *Strumming her bass* Smelly cat. Smelly cat what are they feeding you? Smelly cat~ Smelly cat~ It’s not your fault.
Kim: *Wearing all of Ivan’s clothes* Look at me! I’m Ivan! Could I be wearing any more clothes? Maybe if I wasn’t going commando~
Ivan: Whay?!
Kim: Yeah. I’ll tell ya, it’s hot with all this stuff on. I better not do any, I don’t know… Lunges! *Starts doing lunges*
Marinette: Okay! You ready?! *She leaves for a second, then comes back with a hairless cat*
Akuma Class: …
Alya: Oh my God-
Alix: What the hell is that?
Marinette: It’s a cat
Alix: That is not a cat!
Marinette: Yes it is!
Nino: Why is it inside out?
*Juleka and Nathaniel are walking, only for Max to jump in front of them*
Juleka/Nathaniel: *Screaming*
Nathaniel: What the hell was that?
Max: A lesson in the important of unagi.
Juleka: You’re a freak!
Max: Perhaps. Now I’m curious. At what point during those girlish screams would you have begun to kick my ass?
Nathaniel: Alright, so we weren’t prepared.
Juleka/Nathaniel: *Pop out from under Max’s desk* DANGER!
Max: *High pitched screaming*
Nino: Adrien, check it out! *Presents six tickets* Hockey game tonight at the ice rink and we’re taking you.
Kim: Haply birthday, pal!
Nino: We love you, man. *Kisses Adrien*
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