#marigold trio
lordofdestructionm · 9 months
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wickmitz · 13 days
I decided to start talking about Wick and Rocky's relationship because I like their dynamics too, I like seeing Wick scared of Rocky and Rocky being aggressive with him, which is unusual because Rocky is rarely aggressive with anyone, but of course Wick is an exception to rule
Also my mini opinion about their possible relationship, I think that if Rocky didn't have to fight for his place, then he and Wick could become friends, or at least tolerate each other a little, I also see some superficial similarities, their gentlemanly and romantic natures, and their common love for explosions (remembering the quarrymen chapter), but this is my assumption, I think that I don't understand the characters' personalities well, so I can be wrong in this assumption, something like that. So, what do you think about their relationship?
for starters, i cannot thank you enough for this ask! as i’ve said previously, i have many thoughts on these two, so it’s nice to finally be able to share some of them. although given the extent to which i think about them, i apologize in advance if this is sloppy and sort of everywhere … while i’ll try to structure things the best i can, i cannot promise i’ll succeed! but hopefully this is an enjoyable reply nonetheless.
one of my favorite things about rocky and wick’s relationship is absolutely how aggressive rocky is towards the aristocrat ; he is prone to glares and cruel jokes and borderline hissing whenever the man is within his line of sight, or can be brought to a wailing-fit over the mere mention of his name from miss m’s mouth. there is a childishness to it, but a very prominent threat as well in spite of rocky’s usual incompetence. so he goes out of his way to posture around wick, readily lying and adorning himself with the gangster drapes he so badly wants to wear, in the hopes that it intimidates … will even badmouth wick’s family and make fun of his name and rock related obsession to mitzi, and so on so forth! yet all of this is very reminiscent of schoolyard bullying rather than anything too severe, though we as the audience understand rather quickly that rocky would bash wick’s head in with a tire iron if he could. ( translation : if it wouldn’t earn the tears or hate of a certain beloved mitzi may ) and it’s all very intense despite the absence of actual violence! and i understand why many fans see this as unusual for rocky and believe that it’s only wick who makes him act so aggressively, but i’d argue it isn’t really wick at all that prompts such scary reactions from him … and that rocky is a deeply angry character who’s a.) been boiling quietly for a long, long time and b.) has turned wick into a punching bag of sorts for this inner world of resentment and hurt. basically, when he’s judging the well-to-do or poking fun, his eyes don’t look at wick and actually acknowledge him as sedgewick sable ; instead this is a being, something vague and metaphorical, who threatens to upseat rocky’s permanence in the lackadaisy and steal away his savior, and he’s had a hand in the violinist’s misfortune for a long time.
obviously, rocky doesn’t think wick robbed him of his family twice over and made him homeless, but he is channeling the fear and anguish of those events into his loathing for wick, if that makes sense? it’s easier that way -- to finally have an outlet for everything bleeding inside of you, to be able to bite and claw at something without feeling conflicted or having to take personal accountability for your own mistakes … which is something that i think rocky does struggle with to a degree. he is sort of a finger pointer! his pain has to be worth something, it has to be for someone else ; spending years homeless and losing his last bit of family was for freckle, and the scrambling of his literal brain was for mitzi, and that means he can’t ever be angry with them! well, except that he is, somewhat, but he buries it deep down instead of feeling it. with freckle there is a sense of strain between them -- an air of ‘you owe me’ from rocky to freckle as he uses freckle to appease miss m, and he constantly pokes fun at his cousin too. it’s lighter than his jabs at wick, but there’s a constant pestering, a reminder of how good freckle has it : how he’s got the mom and the house and the job and the girl most notably. i don’t think rocky is intending to come across as mean, and to his credit he hardly does! but it’s rather clear to me that some part of him, some hidden and deeply hurt part, is rather indignant about taking the fall for freckle all those years ago. which he can’t understand, because how could he? he made that choice, he decided to take accountability for something he didn’t do because he loves freckle and knows it’d be so easy to believe this family tragedy was roark’s fault ; the devilish child he was, all troublesome and too broken to properly fit anywhere. so there is a disconnect born here, where rocky can’t comprehend that he’d be angry at freckle, so instead these not so great feelings are placed elsewhere and silently boil over time. and with mitzi … i don’t think he’s angry at her per se, but there is a frustrated and desperate chorus of : why him and why not me, when i’m the one out here dying for you? which is certainly unpleasant. of course, rather than allowing those feelings to be more aimed at miss m, whom he feels unloved by, he ( again! ) represses these emotions and allows them to fester into his greatest fears and fantastical complexes. i think there is a lot of other miscellaneous anger he could have towards others too … perhaps some part of him is sore upon seeing ivy’s normal lifestyle, watching her go to university and knowing that’s been taken from him. or an ache felt when hearing stories from zib and the band and how they used to travel successfully, living as nomads, and rocky is all too reminded of his similar lifestyle and how he couldn’t make it work as effortlessly. people with immense trauma are more prone to irrational anger and jealousy, to viewing everything around them as unfair and believing it’s even more unjust that so many people get to live comfortably while they’ve suffered. a situation that gets more messy when you’re someone like rocky, a man who’s willingly made choices that have harmed himself and wants to continue on with his smiling, bumbling fool of an act. he does not want to be angry, does not want to see it within himself, i think, which leads to an accidental increase of it.
all of this is to reiterate that wick is a scapegoat for rocky and nothing more. it’s why he’s rather hypocritical whenever it concerns the man. for example, it was stated by tracy that he looks down upon wick for his excessive presence at the bar, yet he appears to enjoy hanging out with zib -- who drinks just as often! he makes fun of how all wick ever talks about is rocks, when he himself is prone to poetry rambles that people find irritating or boring, and etc etc. this is also just a human nature thing, to critique someone you heavily dislike and even going as far as to belittle things you love or do in your own day to day because you just hate them that bad! but given rocky’s willingness to befriend anyone, it more so reeks of a dehumanization element. wick is every obstacle in his way, every divine force that threatens to send him packing again, so he is equal parts unnerved by wick’s presence and angry about it. it is mostly a fear response we are seeing, an emotion that’s morphed into long held resentment and anger. so his actions are extremely defensive, with him trying to push wick far away and keep him and mitzi separate, like some sort of animal attempting to ward off a threat that’s come too close to their home. despite the loaded animosity there, this hate has hardly reached its peak … but it shall only grow more intense as things continue onward i’m afraid, since as it stands ( in the comic at least ) rocky is at an all time low … and is ten times more desperate. i’d honestly say wick has become so warped in his mind’s eye that he can only strive towards ‘winning’ over the other man, because that’s all he can see anymore. i think mitzi implying that wick willingly helped her out, the intense head injury, and rocky’s fragile emotional state is exactly what pushes him towards premeditated murder in look-see. i don’t know how people perceive that arc, but to me it’s very clear that rocky actively sought to see the deaths of wes and fish that night. going as far as to lament that he’d be, “very disappointed if ( he ) dreamed them,” and purposefully luring the marigold duo away to have freckle pick them off. while you could argue that this was a smart move, in a gangster sort of sense, there’s still no denying that rocky is oddly chipper about the whole thing and is now seeking death out ; whereas before his methods of vengeance were just, well, ruining people’s livelihood but ultimately leaving them alive. this isn’t to discredit the fact that rocky is going through something! he is in a very muddled and dark place, mentally and physically, but even tracy has said that the head injury hasn’t changed rocky’s personality -- it’s only brought things to the surface.
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source : q&a with tracy .
which, yeah! makes sense! head trauma can cause a person to become a wreck emotionally ( think mood swings, irritability, etc ) but it doesn’t completely morph someone either. personality changes may occur, but it’s not like you’re being rewritten entirely, you know? and given tracy’s old statement, it’s clear that ‘personality changes’ aren’t a side effect he’s suffering from. something that adds to my beginning statement, which is that rocky is a deeply angry and troubled person, more so than fans give him any credit for.
however, to touch upon your mini opinion about these two, i actually wholeheartedly agree that rocky and wick could become friends if circumstances were different. they do in fact have many superficial similarities, but one of the more prominent things they deeply share is never really belonging in the groups they frequent. this is more overt with rocky’s character, yet wick faces it too in subtle ways. the well-to-do crowd, seen through the investors, find the gentleman to be lacking in about every place imaginable ; to them he is an obsessive freak who cares too deeply for meager rocks, something they constantly mock him for, while he’s also being noticeably set apart from the rest of them … he seems younger than the investors, more excitable, passionate, and a little less experienced, and doesn’t seem to care for money or reputation as much as them either. there is a constant rubbing between him and them, where what he enjoys is seen as wrong, such as his love for the lackadaisy and his choice in paramor, a grieving widow with extremely dangerous ties. we also know that wick doesn’t have many friends at all, with the only two he has being lacy and church ( church is listed as such on his character profile, in a sort of tongue-in-cheek way ), both of whom work for or with him. they are obliged to hang around, and while they care in varying ways, they are prone to judging him just as much. honestly, it’s not shocking that wick seeks refuge at his chosen speakeasy! but even there he is rather distant from everyone else. he doesn’t speak to zib ever in the comics, nor seems all too close with viktor, ivy, or horatio … it is merely mitzi he is close to, even if he knows of the other people who work there. and, once again, wick very obviously doesn’t fit in. he is not gangster material, could never be an atlas may replacement, much less someone who could get his paws dirty in such an active way. so he has his feet in two different worlds and doesn’t know how to fit into either of them, or which one he actually wants to fit into more. i think in many ways rocky could relate -- these are two very lonely people who wish to belong somewhere and be accepted by some group or another but go about it in all the wrong ways. wick, who is too hesitant to fully commit to what he wants and is worse off for it, and then rocky, who obsessively throws himself against what he wants until he breaks every bone in his body. they also have explosives to bond over, lol, and other miscellaneous things like their taste in women i suppose … but this potential bond adds to the tragedy of lackadaisy, where we see two people who on every level should get along but we’re burdened with the knowledge that it’s an impossibility anyway, because there’s no removing the circumstance of which they’re in.
though i like to believe that despite wick’s fear of rocky, he maintains a kindness towards him regardless. i think his worries about rocky are rather surface level … he doesn’t know the boy at all, really, and thus can’t make heads or tails of him, hence him believing the lie in balderdash. so when i’m feeling particularly self indulgent, i like imagining a world where they’re forced together and sort of ‘stuck’ together ; to which rocky finally breaks and exposes his wounds to wick, in every sense of the word, and wick finally gets him. the aggression, the possessiveness of mitzi … it is all fear and desperation and a profound sadness, things he’d sympathize with. if rocky was able to explain that he loathes wick because if he saves the lackadaisy then mitzi won’t need him anymore and that it’s not fair that wick gets to so easily fix things when rocky would give his soul for his home, for her, and how wick could render every sacrifice he’s already made for naught by smoothing things over with some greenbacks and he can’t lose this, he just can’t --! … which, well, wick is too kind of a man to be able to do anything except feel awful, even though it’s not his fault at all. here we have two people who could coexist! and they should, since rocky logically can’t do every speakeasy job ( band member, rumrunner, mitzi’s shadow, also the guy who gets the money for the hooch ) by himself, just like how wick can’t save the lackadaisy with only his cash and limited booze stash. it’d be a joint cooperation, a collaboration between them, both equally important in the grand scheme of crime’s every turning wheel … but rocky’s rage and fear won’t let him see that, and likely never will. still, in scenarios where everything ends up alright for the lackadaisy and the people involved in it ( which is not how canon will go, by the way ), i fancy wick and rocky getting better within their relationship. rocky will always be prickly and quick to upset around the other man sadly, but perhaps he could see wick in a softer kind of light. or at least understand vaguely enough that he isn’t out to get rocky, so to speak. and then maybe wick learns that pancakes soothe rocky’s ire and poorly makes them anytime he wishes to talk to the man, and other fun things like that! but you should have more confidence in your character analysis skills, because you were spot on ( at least in my eyes ) about them potentially getting along if things were different. it’s certainly a fun aspect to play around with, and is important to note when discussing their relationship so you can fully understand just how warped rocky’s perspective on things are. and how unstable and traumatized he is too, of course </3 sidenote, but i also hope that throughout everything i’ve said here, or anything i’ve said before on my blog, that my love for rocky and my own sympathy for him comes across well enough. while he’s deeply flawed and i have no qualms discussing said flaws in depth, i also don’t think of him as some insane freak who’s evil at his core or anything like that. honestly, i adore analyzing him so much as a character because of how far down his issues go! he’s very well written, i’ll say, as is wick and many of the other characters, but i digress.
once more, thank you for the ask! i’ll end this here because i fear if i don’t i’ll start going in circles, since their relationship is so vast and very important for rocky in a character sense. hopefully i shed some more light on it though! i love these two to bits and pieces and i wouldn’t be half as invested in lackadaisy if their dynamic wasn’t so monumental -- at least to me.
#my asks.#lackadaisy#rocky rickaby#sedgewick sable#tracy j butler#i also think rocky’s sudden taste for marigold blood is him making marigold his other scapegoat#he isn’t dealing with anything in a healthy manner and is so traumatized it’s starting to spill out of him … which is. uh. not good!!#but it sure is what’s currently happening regardless#cannot stress enough that rock is a very ill and traumatized individual who hasn’t had a single break in his life#he is constantly in stressful situations that are dangerous … and like.#when you’re constantly put in those situations you become numb. and angry. and it becomes hard to heal#or to truly connect to others … etc#i could talk in depth about rocky’s traumas and why they’ve caused this anger issue and this inner disharmony inside#because frankly there’s a lot there! and i hate to say it but people who are hurt normally show their hurt in ugly ways#especially if mentally ill … which rocky is imo#it’s just the reality of things! this isn’t me demonizing mental illness or the effects of trauma. i’m just being realistic here#someone as deeply troubled as rocky ( someone with NO outlet and whom hides his feelings from others and himself )#is bound to be. well. troubled!! his smiling facade is merely another mask he wears to cope and to be good for the people he loves#it is not … really rocky rickaby … rocky rickaby is that and the wrath and the self destruction and more#AHEM but i digress. how rocky treats wick and all that has really done wonders for understanding his character#and i truly love the wick / rocky / mitzi trio so bad. their relationships with each other is what drew me into this world#like. i am shaking them so much. the overlap!! the complexities inherit in their bonds and what that says about the individual characters!#it’s amazing truly lol like … i have had such fun thinking about them twenty four seven for the past three-ish months#anyway. anyway! i love analyzing these bitches. they can fit so much into them#and i’m rooting for wickmitzi endgame and for wick to desperately try to bond with rocky … while his bloodshot eye is twitching as we speak#lots of fun!!! lots of pain and agony too … rocky is nothing but a painful character alas. that is his nature. but that is also his appeal#and ooops i’ll shut up in the tags now i just. have a lot to say. and a lotta love to give to these two!! but uh. yeah <3 loved writing thi
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mtsodie · 1 year
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yay ! yay ! yay ! yay !
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cherryrainn · 1 year
hi hey hello fellow angst lover, I have a request for Lackadaisy! :D
We all know Mordecai is nowhere near a good headspace or mentality, especially over the years where he's done some messed up shit. He may even be secretly anxious in certain situations, but it usually doesn't escalate, considering how calm and collected he is. May I request a platonic, angst and hurt/comfort oneshot where Nico and Serafine experiences Mordecai having a panic attack over a situation that triggered some awful memories?
Have a good day and I hope to see you around!! <3
━━ ✧ 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; no pairing, just the marigold trio
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; i love you. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!! we're best friends now.
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; panic attack, emotional distress, mention of past trauma
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the old abandoned building loomed in the distance, its broken windows and crumbling facade telling stories of a bygone era. it was the kind of place that most folks avoided, a relic of a time when this part of the city had been alive and bustling. but for mordecai, nico, and serafine, it offered a rare moment of respite from the chaos of their lives.
the trio had been wandering the city's outskirts, trying to keep a low profile after a particularly messy job for the marigold. nico and serafine had been regaling mordecai with one of their typically animated conversations when they stumbled upon the decaying structure. despite the foreboding exterior, curiosity got the best of them, and they decided to explore.
nico lounged against a weathered wooden beam, his red bandana loosened as he talked animatedly with his sister serafine. their laughter echoed through the empty halls, filling the space with a strange, dissonant kind of joy.
mordecai, normally the picture of stoicism, stood a few feet away from them. his tuxedo-colored fur seemed darker than usual in the gloom of the building. he appeared lost in thought, his olive-green eyes distant. the conversation around him was a distant hum, like the buzzing of bees on a warm summer day.
as nico and serafine continued their banter, mordecai's mind was a turbulent sea of memories and emotions. he had always been skilled at burying the past, locking away the horrors and regrets that haunted him. but today, something had triggered a flood of memories, and he was drowning in them.
it started as a subtle unease, a tightening of his chest that he tried to ignore. he clutched his glasses tighter, his fingers trembling imperceptibly. the memories clawed at the corners of his mind, threatening to break free.
nico noticed the change first. he paused mid-sentence, his eyes narrowing as he studied mordecai. "hey, mordecai," he called out, concern lacing his voice, "you look like you've seen a ghost. you alright?"
mordecai's throat felt dry, constricted. he tried to speak, to reassure nico that everything was fine, but the words caught in his throat. his chest tightened further, and he could feel the panic clawing its way up from the depths of his soul.
serafine, her creole accent lilting through the air, chimed in, "yeah,, you don't look too good. you ain't never been this quiet before." she took a step closer to him.
mordecai's breathing quickened, each inhale feeling like a struggle. his heart hammered in his chest, a deafening rhythm that threatened to drown out the world around him. he felt trapped, suffocated, as if the walls of the old building were closing in on him.
nico, always quick with a quip, attempted to lighten the mood. "come on, don't leave us hangin'. you're killin' the vibe here," he said, flashing a lopsided grin. but his smile faltered when he saw the terror in mordecai's eyes.
mordecai's vision began to blur as tears welled up, unbidden. he couldn't let them see him like this, couldn't let them see the vulnerability that lay beneath his usually calm and collected exterior. but it was too late.
serafine, known for her lack of empathy and her ruthless nature, didn't usually concern herself with the well-being of others. yet, even she couldn't ignore the turmoil in mordecai's eyes. her voice, while still carrying a hint of her usual dispassion, softened as she spoke. "mordecai," she said, her accent lending an unexpected warmth to her words, "what's troublin' you?"
mordecai couldn't find the words. ge shook his head, his breathing ragged and uneven. his body felt like it was betraying him, like he was spiraling out of control.
nico and serafine exchanged a worried glance before closing the distance between them and mordecai. they reached out simultaneously, each placing a reassuring hand on his shoulders. it was a simple, silent gesture, but it conveyed their understanding.
as nordecai's panic attack raged on, they remained by his side. they didn't need words to comfort him; their presence was enough.
serafine, usually devoid of loyalty or empathy, began to speak softly, "it's alright... you ain't alone in this."
nico nodded in agreement, his voice gentle and caring. "yeah, we've got your back... you can let it out."
mordecai's shoulders trembled, and he finally found his voice, a hoarse whisper of pain and fear. "i...i can't...i can't control it."
serafine's hand moved to his cheek, her touch comforting. "you don't have to. just breathe with us."
nico joined in, his voice steady and reassuring. "inhale, exhale, mordecai. nice and slow."
and so, in the dimly lit and forgotten building on the outskirts of the city, they stayed together. nico and serafine, normally the jokers, became pillars of support and understanding.
as the minutes stretched into hours, mordecai's panic attack began to subside. his breathing steadied, and the crushing weight on his chest lifted, if only slightly. he wiped away tears with the back of his hand, ashamed of his own vulnerability.
serafine offered a small, understanding smile. "you did good."
nico nodded, his lopsided grin returning. "yeah, you're tougher than you think."
and as they left the old building behind, the weight of mordecai's memories was still heavy on his shoulders. for now, there was nothing he could do. but that's okay.
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koskela-knights · 7 months
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Rare pairs
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ladykailolu · 1 year
Which ending do you think is most interesting or cool for lil Marigold?
Single dad Godot with Marigold
- still lawyer or Coffee shop au
Godot x Jake with Marigold (it’s Jake as Marigold’s new step dad)
Somehow by the black magic arts: Gyro x Jake x Godot (with Gyro’s bastards as step siblings)
Godot x Phoenix (if you play or watch part 4, Trucy as new step sister
Maya Fey single mom/auntie with Marigold [if Godot no get out of jail] + Pearl step sister
Bonus: if Mia was in a coma by the thinker instead of dead and if she woke up
Mia x Godot with Marigold
Let me rank them.
1) Gyro x Jake x Godot, because Godot still has a chance to raise Marigold and to be in her ife and to rebuild his own life. But now he's not alone! He was two wonderful boyfriends to help him raise a child and remind him that he has value and worth, that he can rebuild. It's a stable house for Marigold. Furthermore, Marigold now has a lot of siblings to play with, so she gets it all: a loving stable arrangement of parents, siblings kinda near her age that she can do things with, and a happy, engaging life.
2) Godot x Jake, Godot x Wright, because for much the same reason above: Godot gets a second chance at life, love and happiness. He gets to heal. And Marigold lives in a stable household environment. In this barest of looks on it, I'd say that Godot x Jake and Godot x Wright are about the same.
3) Mia x Godot with Marigold, also very good because again, Godot gets to heal (and maybe he isn't so damaged when he learns that Mia is still alive?), Mia gets to be alive and be the awesome boss she is, and Marigold gets both her parents!
4) Godot as a single father with Marigold, it's not a perfect life and far from easy, but Godot finds some way to make it work. Apparently, California doesn't exactly ban a murder convict from later becoming a lawyer, so there's hope for him to still be a lawyer? But I don't think that's likely. He might be burned out. I can see him opening up a little cafe, a little coffee shop and live in a small apartment above it with Marigold. It's a humble life, and it's also sweet.
5) Maya Fey single mom/auntie with Marigold + Pearl step sister, because Marigold still misses her parents! She lost her mom permanently, and now she scarcely sees her dad. Auntie Maya and Pearl are wonderful, and with them, Marigold has a chance to grow up and be silly.
Basically, I would like for Godot to be paired off with someone who can love him, appreciate him, and help him heal and rebuild.
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
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Something I sketched last night before conking out. It's a weird PVZ AU where these three broke their Universe with one machine that merged humans with plants!
All the plants are hiding in a hidden bunker from Crazy Dave, who got mutated with 5 different plants. Everyone blames the zombie-plant hybrid (who was like that before the whole.. mess) Doom Shroom, all because they were the one that pushed the button on accident.
These 3 are the main characters of an up-coming blog. Later on, when the situation gets worse and time-travel gets involved, and 3 more plants get added to the cast of main characters.
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zoe-oneesama · 8 months
Do you have any concept art for the class with outfits inspired by the other heroes?
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So we have our first group, doing the classic trio of Marigold, Chat Noir, or Scarlet Lady (with only Chloe being SL)
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The second wave of Fox Trot and Koki Marina fans.
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And a group of miscellaneous heroes (I forgot to draw Marc and Max TT^TT) these concept sketches are so old that it was before I decided to add ALL the heroes, so, no Purple Tigress, Pigella, Ultimutt, Minotaurox, Comousiner, or Fenice. Though weirdly Ondine is dressed as King Monkey even though he wasn't confirmed in SL yet...?
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lackadaisycats · 5 months
I don't know if anyone else has asked this, but are there other members of the Marigold Gang aside from the main trio in the pilot? I know there was Fish and Wes, but idk if Freckle officially killed them in the comics
The Marigold gang is multitudinous, yes. Those featured in the comic are just the ones the events of the story happen to focus on.
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rainybyday · 2 years
It started with teenage trivia. 
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were all hanging out and playing games with each other. At first, it was just pvp games with the trio taking turns beating each other and gain more points in their score board. As time went on, Danny was the only one play a level based game with both Sam and Tucker mindlessly watching him go through the ‘Underworld’ level. It was when Danny faced his first pop of color in contrast to all the black and gray did he raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. 
“Why are there red flowers in this level?”
“Their Spider Lilies, they mean death, Danny.”
And that was that, 
He really didn’t think much of it afterwards, the small fact tucked away in his mind, never to resurface again. 
Until it did. 
He took notices of some red spider lilies that were left behind after defeating Undergrowth. A lightbulb went off in his mind and made the connection that maybe that's why the plant-based ghost grew such flowers in his attack. 
Then he started to wonder if the other types of plants Undergrowth used in their fights also have similar meanings.
Chrysanthemums, he later searched on the internet, also symbolizes death. Crimson roses symbolize mourning and Hyacinths symbolizes deep longing. Danny also felt amusement when he found that some lilies symbolize rebirth and new life or how Carnations and Gladiolis mean remembrance.  
But it really hit home when he found out that some flowers can mean resurrection. 
He closed his phone after that. 
Yet, just like any other teenager who faced the rabbit hole called the internet, Danny found himself going back to search other types of flower meanings and symbolizes over and over again. When it wasn’t enough, he later had a stack of books about the meaning behind many other flowers scattered around his room. It was soon after did Danny started to detail the more interesting stories and meaning behind some flowers into an empty journal. 
Slowly, Danny started to learn the study of florigraphy day by day. 
Then one day the trio of friends were walking down the street from another ghost alert (turns out to be Cujo) with Sam explaining once again why the two boys should think of becoming vegan with Tucker explaining why meat was to amazing to give up. Danny only listened to the two bickers for majority of the walk, humming once in a while. 
Then he randomly inserted himself in between the two with a question.
“Hey Sam, what's the easiest flower to grow?”
It ended with Danny going home with three types of flower seed packets and small indoor pots, curtesy of a quick trip to the store.  
Surprisingly, with some help from Sam and Jazz, he did manage to grow some blossoms in his rooms. Even with an ecto-contaminated home and ghost running around the flowers manage to survive which left Danny with a sense of pride every time he wakes up to look at the arrangement of sweet alyssums, blue morning glories, and marigolds. 
(Sweet alyssums mean ‘Sweetness of the soul’)
(Blue morning glories, while short lasting, means infinitive love, trust, respect, and honesty.)
(Marigolds have so many meanings to them, yet he likes to think of them as ‘beauty and warmth of the rising sun’.)
His pride grew into affection, and soon he was growing more pots of flowers in his room - some by his window side, some handing from hooks on the upper walls, and some growing in a small dark spot with uv lights giving them light. It didn’t take long for his room to smell of flora which Danny loved. 
His small window side garden became a room/green house. Unfortunately, with his growing obsession with growing even more flowers he had to either move his hobby somewhere else or be satisfied with the small garden he has now. 
And so, Danny picked up his packets of newly bought seeds and started to plant even more flowers in a clearing near their hid out. 
So now Danny would always tend to his garden, always find time out his day to care, trim, weed, and water his flowers with gentle hands. He would pick the ones that were always done blooming and gift them to his friends or Jazz, not wanting the flowers to go to waste. Sometimes he would press some of the flowers dry, and once he found out how, he started to take his time picking and drying the flowers that were able to become teas. 
Truly his curiosity had blossomed into a sort of obsession for the boy. 
What he didn’t expect was for ghost to like said obsession. 
Maybe like is too much of a strong word but it seems to fit more or less. 
First it started with Cujo who Danny was chasing once again for digging up holes all over some poor guy's yard. Danny didn’t even realize that the chase was leading Cujo to his outdoor garden until they were right there. Danny was already panicking thinking that Cujo was going run right through his poor flowers when Cujo did the unexpected. 
He ran around his garden. 
Danny almost lost Cujo with how much he was gawking at the scene. 
Then it was Ember who refused to fight him since Phantom had some roses at hand (he didn’t think ok! he didn’t have time to shove his flowers somewhere safe from getting burn to ash thanks) because she didn’t want to burn them. 
Danny thought it was a Cujo think, after having even more weird encounters with other ghost and their avoidance to harm his flowers, he left to ask Clockwork about it. Turns out that ghost respect flowers because they are a common gift to those that had died, and when a flower is placed on their graves, they considered it a token of respect and acknowledgment. 
That really turned his perspective a full 180. 
(Maybe that's why he felt at peace when tending to his garden.)
Since then, Danny always grabbed a basket of flowers to take and place on empty graves routinely. On Halloween he would leave bundles of marigolds, on death days he would leave forget-me-nots, and on New Year's he would place daffodils. 
His actions didn’t go unnoticed by the ghost or the rest of the town. Soon, elderly would wave him over and ask him if he could place certain flowers on their loved one's graves, small elementary kids would give him common daisies to take with him and some adults thank him when he makes him rounds. 
Heck, even some ghost started to attack less and would sometimes watch him place some flowers on the graves, and every time he placed one on their graves they would puff up with pride at the token.
Danny never felt so at peace before. With a single blossom he can hold the peace he wanted in his town. With just a little bit of respect, slowly the tricky and pranks started to slow down. 
Little by little, Amity was able to breath. 
Slowly, the death was coming to rest. 
Now 18 years of age and Danny wanted to leave Amity. Already he established himself as a peace maker of sorts, with most of the ghost staying at the Ghost Zone with a few floating around. His rounds to the graveyard because a business of sorts with people asking to buy certain flowers for special occasions which he happily gave. By now, Danny was finically stable and thought it was time to move somewhere. 
But after a bit of thinking he choose a surprisingly reasonable place to set shop. 
Danny set his sights at Gotham and her ever growing graveyard. 
(While he may be a human boy with a love for flowers, he was also a King who wish to help his people bring a Balance.)
Add more in another post: Flower Shop Au Pt2
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Ok you did rocky and nico but what about Mordecai with widow reader with three kittens? (bonus if you include aunty Serafine and uncle nico)ps I love your writing!
This one is a bit different from the other widow-with-kiddo asks but I hope its still to ur liking ~
Firstly! Regardless if you're working the Marigold Room as a bartender or musician, or you're in the gang directly, the kittens are often at the hotel. The staff knows them, the managers don't mind because they stay away from guests, other gang members are familiar with them and make sure they stay outta trouble. The hotel's back rooms and staff quarters are like an endless maze to the kiddos, and they know the whole place like the back of their hands. ... Kinda.
Not to mention how they're doted on by everyone - Asa gives them candies, Nico tosses them high in the air, Serafine is kind of scary but she gave them these funny bracelets (made of bones??? but theyre funny and she's pretty so it's okay!), various hotel staff cooing over how cute and well-behaved they are.
And then there's Mordecai. He's pretty scary to adults, let alone kids. When he sees them skittering around in the peripheral of his vision, he has to frown even more. Who let these wayward children in here? He hears them running about the halls and empty offices while he's trying to do accounting. And as much as Mordecai wants nothing to do with them, he's a figure of great interest to your kittens. Someone who isn't cooing over them? Whose in an office way in the back, only one light on? The one who follows Mr. Sweet and dresses in all black? Their little imaginations run wild, even if you've plainly told them that "Mr. Heller" is your colleague and to leave him be.
The oldest one approaches him first. Which is to say, she lingers behind the doorway, peeking in and thinking he can't see her tail and ears sticking out. He hears the younger ones shushing each other. As much as Mordecai wants to be annoyed, instead, a painful deja vu comes over him. Your oldest finally patters in with a nervous "Mr. Heller?". Before he can ask what she wants, she plops a candy on his desk and runs off, the other kittens right behind her.
As much as the shadowy cat doesn't want the trio bothering him, he's torn about them being so fearful of him. All three of them stir up painful familiar memories of his sisters, but the youngest especially reminds Mordecai of Rose. He tries not to think of how old she and Eshter are now, if they miss him the way your kittens miss you when you're away. It's hard for him to keep up his cold exterior when those painful memories bubble up to the surface.
So when the oldest comes by his desk, he finally sighs and says with a frown, "All three of you, just come in and show me what it is." And the other two shuffle in, with their big eyes and hand-me-down clothes and it's just. Very difficult not to dismiss them.
The two youngest have decided he's their "secret friend", even if you were well aware of how they liked to pester your overly serious colleague. You'll watch your girls draw him alongside other people they know (why does he always look so shadowy and sketchy, even in crayon form?) but you don't know they like sneaking their drawings into his satchel or desk drawers. They'll leave wrapped candies and pretty strings and buttons too, to his exasperation. Eventually Mordecai walks over to you and drops a handful of the little treasures at your table.
"Gee, Mordecai, I'm flattered. You know what a guy/gal likes."
"Don't be ridiculous, I'm returning what your snooping progeny keep leaving me. Tell them to stay out of my things."
"Looks to me like they're trying to add some color to that depressing office you hole up in."
And so on, and so forth, you two really like to bicker, don't you?
(Oh, and Mordecai starts keeping the door shut and locking it, but then he hears giggles and sees them shoving the pictures and little things under the doorway.)
Now they aren't afraid of him at all, which means they want to run about Mordecai and get his attention. They'll giggle as they dart between his legs or "hide" under his coat. Their fur gets all over his black clothes. When they inevitably tumble and fall, he picks them up by the collar or under the arms and scolds them for running indoors. And he yanks them down when they get too rowdy and climb up furniture, or sometimes he finds the youngest one crying because she got lost and takes her back. If he catches any of the kittens with an unlaced boot or messy face, he stops them immediately.
"Stop! Lace up your boots immediately. You'll trip and crack your skull open. Don't run in the hotel lobby, either. This is an establishment, not a wild jungle you can traipse about in - keep still, what is on your face? Is that - syrup? Did you not think to wash your hands and face after - no, there will be no giggling about breaches of hygiene -"
(A few people are staring as Mordecai fusses over her, which he doesn't notice until a woman walks by and says, "oh, it's so hard at this age, isn't it? Don't worry, you're doing great." And he dies a little a lot inside).
He tried doing these things in secret, but inevitably one of the Savoys or Asa or you would spot him, and the youngest one loves prattling on about him. Asa, Nico and Serafine find "Nanny Heller" to be hysterical. He's going to throttle someone or plan a murder swear to god-
There's been several moments when you hear a high-pitched squeal that sounds like a scream, and you run over in a panic ... and oh, it's just Nico dangling one of the kittens upside down and pretending to lose his grip. False alarm - wait, why is Mordecai here too?
If you're a triggerman with the gang, it means you're keeping all sorts of odd hours. You've been with them for years and you're more than useful, so having the children set up in an empty office isn't looked twice at. They've got their bedding, some books and toys, and ... sometimes they're sleeping there more than they sleep at home, which you aren't proud of. It's not just the cost of childcare, but the odd hours and questions being asked about your job, especially if you're a woman.
The first time Mordecai came across this office was by accident, but he knew the children had to be staying somewhere. He walked up very quietly, and looking through the open doorway, saw the oldest doing her homework at the big desk while her two siblings slept under it, curled up with their pillows and blankets and stuffed toys. He didn't think he'd be affected so strongly, but it was painful. A very, very painful reminder, and maybe he saw himself a little too much in that girl, furrowing her brow and making sense of numbers.
You and Mordecai have had strange arguments about the the children, which was odd at first. You wondered why the so-called unfeeling triggerman cared at all. If he felt you were being too reckless during a job, he'd tell you as much, but there was more bite in his voice. He never outright said 'you have others depending on you', but it was in his tone. Many times you felt judged, or looked down upon - but a lot of these fights weren't about you specifically. It was the situation that upset him, the lengths one had to go to keep their family fed and safe in a clean environment. He was definitively projecting, and not always aware of it, or just in denial about it. Mordecai tried not to dwell on his own mother and sisters: what they felt when he didn't come home one day, when they read that letter explaining where all the money was hidden, when the realization sunk in for Eshter and Rose that their brother wasn't coming back. If they were sad, or angry, or resigned, or didn't think of him at all anymore. Or maybe they'd resent him forever.
Look he really doesnt want to be thinking about these things -
After long jobs, you'd wash the blood off and change shirts and tiredly walk all the way to the back rooms where your kittens were sleeping. Sometimes you stir the oldest awake so she can help you carry the other two to the car, but honestly, the only apartment a single parent with three children can get is pretty shit. So most times you just curl up on the floor with them, catching a few hours of sleep before you need to wake up the oldest for school.
You hold her hand as you walk through the back rooms and out the staff exit. Sometimes Mordecai sees you. You wear the same tired but persevering expression as his mother did, looking a mess compared to your well-put together daughter. He knows she washed up and dressed herself, and packed her own bookbag. She has that look of responsibility and eyes that are a little too old, and it's too familiar, so he looks away.
(Sometimes the oldest finds an extra sandwich in her bookbag, or new pencils and one time, a new pair of mittens. She feels like it's magic, so she doesn't want to tell anyone, otherwise the magic will 'break'.)
You and Mordecai already have a very strange relationship (can you call each other friends yet? You'd consider him that, or something more, but his feelings are something else entirely), and your kiddos would certainly add another layer of strangeness onto it. You might actually get to know him a little faster and closer than most do, or at least see a side that most people have never seen or even considered him capable of.
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lordofdestructionm · 4 months
Fun Vikdecai scenario for you
and by "fun" I mean pure angst
After the events of the Pilot its not hard to imagine Ivy giving Viktor more details about the trio''s "successful" rum run and their encounter with Marigold. Whether to brag or because Viktor wants to know exactly how much danger she was in.
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She might mention the moment when she looked over her shoulder and it looked like Mordecai had his gun aimed right at her, and maybe she was seeing things, but she could swear it looked like he had the shot but lowered the gun
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Viktor pauses for a moment but casually dismisses the idea. Mordecai is a traitor and backstabber etc. Shot his partner of over six years in the knee and went to work for their biggest rivals just after Atlas died and the grass started looking greener on the Marigold side.
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Plus Ivy still has that wide eyed optimism about her, so of course she is going to read kinder intentions into what could have been a simple matter of the car being too far away or the gun jamming etc.
He doesn't think too much about it after that. Eventually, after recovering just about enough from his injury from the pig farmer attack, Viktor insists to Mitzi that he go with the two crazy noodle armed cousins instead of Ivy.
Mitzi is reluctant but knows when Viktor isn't going to budge, and so she agrees on condition that he not try and throttle Rocky or Ivy's boyfriend while on the job.
The terms are accepted.
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But the inevitable happens, and of course, they have a run-in with Marigold.
This is a nightmare for Mordecai.
This is exactly what wounding Viktor's knee was supposed to prevent. He can't let the Savoys go after Viktor, but even if he manages to get them to focus on the two crazy amateurs, Mordecai won't be able to get away with just wounding him and then leaving him be like the kneecapping incident, because the Savoys will want to finish the job, and what reason could he give them for refusing?
Killing Viktor is clearly not an option. He couldn't do it to Ivy and there is no way he can do it now. Betraying his trust, the years of always having each others backs, and the unlikely bond they shared when he left Lackadaisy, had been hard enough. However much he told himself it was "for his own good".
Now either Viktor or his invesitgation into Atlas's death are doomed. Likely both.
He has to try and force Viktor to retreat. He fires warning shots close enough for Viktor to feel the bullets fly past him but just miss his large frame.
Viktor knows how deadly Mordecai is at range and considering what limited weapons Viktor is working with surely the stubborn and still visibly injured and slower moving Ox for once will do the sensible thing!?
But there's a problem with that strategy. Viktor knows Mordecai. More specifically, he knows how well he shoots. He has seen him hit much less tall and broad targets in much more difficult circumstances without breaking a sweat, but here he is missing multiple shots? That's when what Ivy said months before comes back to him.
He knows Mordecai is missing those shots on purpose.
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What the hell happens now?
Mordecai can't retreat but has no idea what to do either with Viktor clearly not backing off, while Viktor is not only too stubborn to do so but now knows Mordecai is trying not to shoot him. Does he take the opportunity to confront him? Get out from behind any cover and just start walking with as strong and determined a pace as his bad knees will allow? Does he want to pull Mordecai's head off his body, get payback for his knee, demand an explanation why someone he considered a friend betrayed him?
All the while, Mordecai is getting more and more panicked with every heavy step.
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niagaragrape · 1 year
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marigold trio
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 4 months
The last thing Almondlight remembered was the burning feeling of his chin colliding with mud-slicked earth, right as his legs finally gave out beneath him.
It’s a rather stark contrast to the harsh medicinal smell that floods his nose as his consciousness slowly pulls him back from the depths.
It’s not an unfamiliar scent; in fact, it’s something he feared he’d never know again. It brings a wave of sadness, of happiness, of overwhelming relief as he realizes his days of walking are finally behind him. He made it home. He finally made it home.
Another smell, one that laces fear through Almondlight’s jumbled thoughts, catches his attention. It’s not the bitter tang of marigold he knows to belong to Ferretpaw, nor is it Emma’s sweet honeysuckle or Oaktrail’s damp clay.
Deep forest pine, tinged with salty mineral and poppy. The smell of fur that he used to burrow into as a kit, not that long ago. He manages to crack open his eyes.
He is where he expects himself to be, within the shallow cave that the Colony’s trio of medicine cats call their work space. At first groggy glance, he appears to be the only soul in there. There’s no movement apart from a small insect scuttling across the dusty floor. The light filtering in suggests a high sun, at its zenith and possibly on its descent. His eyes scan to the right, to the left, slightly more left, and that’s when he spots who he’s searching for.
Long, brown tabby fur, surrounding a muzzle tinged with silver.
Glowstar. His father. The cat he is equal parts relieved and terrified to see.
He’s going to be upset, he thinks. He’s going to berate me. ‘What a foolish thing you’ve done’, he’ll say. ‘Who would be so stupid as to believe they could outsmart a Twoleg and its dog? No son of mine would even entertain the thought!’ He’s not sure he can handle a reprimand in his state.
And what a state he is in; breaking his leg on his first escape attempt was not an ideal situation to find himself in. He was affixed with a splint by a Twoleg to keep it immobile, and it’s certainly done its job, as he’s fairly certain they wrapped it that way in order to deter another exit. His second attempt got him out of the Twoleg’s nest, and from there he started his slow trek home. Unfortunately, the bulbous mass of brightly-colored cotton holding his limb hostage made his travels all the harder to manage; hunting for food was incredibly difficult and he could only clumsily traipse his way through the forest, as the blasted thing got caught on every branch and thorn he came across. If tearing it off was an option, he would have done it in a heartbeat.
The shape of his father stirs, and another sting of fear stabs Almondlight in the chest. He looks around wildly for options. A quiet exit is impossible, but maybe he can manage a quick one—
Sage eyes meet a kaleidoscope of blue, green, yellow. He’s only been gone less than a couple of moons, but his father looks to have aged considerably since then. He swallows audibly.
Glowstar regards him for a moment; they regard each other, the lost son and his equally lost father, in a den that stinks of herbs and smells of home. And then, the father crumples.
“My son… My son, please, come here—“
Forepaws wrap around Almondlight’s shoulders, and a face tinged in silver buries into his neck fur. Glowstar shudders against his frame, emotions wracking his body that Almondlight has only ever witnessed one time before this, and a strained sob claws its way out of the older cat’s throat, like the act alone is nearly impossible for him to do. To say Almondlight is shocked into silence is an understatement.
“I-I thought— I was so certain— Oh, my child, you do not know the weight lifted from my shoulders…” His voice is heavy with tears.
Almondlight’s tongue catches up to his mind. “You aren’t upset…?”
“Upset? Why would I ever be? You live and breathe before me now; I can’t possibly believe my fortune!”
He frowns deeply. “But I… I failed, Father. I made an incredible error in judgement. I was ignorant to believe I could take on that beast and his hound…”
Glowstar’s face leaves his pelt, expression soft and wet. He shakes his head insistently.
“No, my boy. I cannot blame you for the choice you made; a warrior looks after his own, and you were looking out for Needlemaw, yes?”
Almondlight inhales sharply, casting his eyes to the den’s entrance. “I-I was. Did he…?” Glowstar nods.
“He’s just fine. It was your quick thinking that prevented two lost warriors. And it seems you’ve returned to us after all. I can’t imagine a better outcome than that, can you?”
He wishes that he could. Like with most things, his father is right; both he and Needlemaw made it out alive. There is no better outcome indeed.
A memory surfaces, hazy and recent. He scores his claws against the silty sandstone beneath as he struggles to stand up.
“Father, we have to— It’s Foggythorn, Father! She might still be down there!”
A heavy paw lands between his shoulders, gentle yet unmoving, pushing him back down onto his belly. “Son, please stay here,”Glowstar warns. “We have Foggythorn handled. She is in the right paws.”
He looks at Glowstar in confusion, before flicking his gaze around the den once more. They continue to be the only two cats within its interior. Why is she not recovering in the medicine den?
“Why is she not with us? She couldn’t even stand on her own when I found her… I had to carry her. I was carrying her…”
His eyes find Glowstar’s, and nothing more needs to be said. They are narrowed with pity. Something in Almondlight’s heart plucks, and snaps sharply.
“She was… She must have only slipped, there’s no way… Father, how can that be? How can that be?!”
It’s his turn to collapse against Glowstar, clinging to him as grief attempts to swallow him whole. He was certain that they’d both make it home. He knows she was still with him, step for step. Why was that still not enough?
A tongue rasps gently behind Almondlight’s ear. “Do not blame yourself, boy. You did more than enough for her.”
“But I should have been faster… I could have helped her. M-Maybe she wouldn’t have fallen, maybe she wouldn’t have been in the river at all—“
“Almondlight. You did more than enough for her. Fate is wicked, and she does not pick whom she takes from this life with reason in mind. To try to find reason at all will drive you mad… And all the reasoning I’ve done has made me an insane old man.”
Almondlight has sensed this change within Glowstar for moons at this point, but to hear him so blatantly disapproving of Her will feels like a needle in his side. Perhaps he was not as completely aware of Glowstar’s bleeding heart as he once thought. He tightens his grip on his father’s fur and sheds his tears in silence. Tears for Foggythorn, and tears for Bonekit and Marshkit. He has walked the path they now face, alone and without direction. He hopes Hollyspeckle is a better cat than his father is.
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theboyanachr0nism · 7 months
malevolent part 40 thoughts right after listening [SPOILERS]
john being forced to tell noel that he's the KiY hurt SO BADD THAT'S HIS FRIEND
the sheer irony of jarthur's original goal being to separate themselves and then the moment the perfect opportunity presents itself they must refuse. gorgeous
THE BUTCHER TEAMING UP WITH THE BOYS!! i screamed, never knew i needed this trio in my life
noel recovered surprisingly quickly from uh. everything that happened??
noel yapping to yellow made me LAUGH i love him
speaking of noel.
how dare harlan edge us with him almost being killed the entire episode and then just have kayne snap him away after being shot in the neck. i'm so sorry king you deserve better 😭😭😭
arthur's SCREAM after he got shot made me feel like i got punched in the gut jesus christ. harlan's voice acting never fails to amaze me
arthur repeating faroe's name while trying to kill larson. owie :(
what even is there to say at this point
first of all his nicknames ("marigold" "our little crumpet" for arthur 💀💀)
arthur being his favourite AGAIN is so funny. he really is multiple eldritch gods' special little boy and they each attempt to drive him to insanity as a little enrichment
EXPLODING THE BUTCHER'S HEAD??? rip king what a way to go
larson rest in piss bitch no one will miss you 🙏 i am sorry arthur didn't get to beat you to death though
jarthur are gonna have the most epic divorce after this courtesy of kayne i am Scared
anyways i am fucking reeling and will not sleep tonight. peace
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apompkwrites · 2 years
the "good" fairies || malleus draconia
masterlist characters: malleus (platonic), wren + marigold + veneta (ocs) genre: angst contains: abuse (of power), kinda rushed(?), servitude summary: the three advisors, otherwise known as the three good fairies, are responsible for (name)'s final test to become a royal servant. notes: hoo okay there's more ocs. pretty obvious who they're based on :) gonna try and ramp up on angst next chapter probably, so get ready for that whenever it's done :)) parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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you dreaded this side of the palace. it housed the more "royal" members of the staff, of course, not royal enough to surpass the queen or prince. just royal enough to be considered part of the higher court.
many royal advisors stayed on this side of the palace, often deliberating amongst each other to decide the best course of action for whatever issue was placed on their plates.
you knew that high-ranking members of the royal guard stayed here on occasion as well, both to protect royal advisors and to rest from battle or training. you caught glimpses of the familiar general that took over after the death of the prince's father.
but the group you dreaded the most in this side of the palace were the three "good" fairies, as they were lovingly named by the residents of the palace. of course, officially they were known as the three royal advisors, the top three that were in charge of directing the rest of the advisors in the castle.
wren, marigold, and veneta. the advisor trio that was respectable enough to interact with the queen of briar valley. and the only advisors that have some sort of influence over her decisions.
such as the idea of banishing you from briar valley entirely.
you had only heard it once when you happened to eavesdrop on them at a young age. on the other side of the door, you remembered hearing wren bring up the topic, marigold present the "positives" that came with it, and veneta urging the queen to at least consider it.
you were glad she had some semblance of mercy for you in her heart.
"where is that brat?!" ah, seems veneta's in one of her moods again. fortunately, you had heard stories of how the third advisor was in one of these moods. unfortunately, this would be the first time you would experience it yourself.
"patience, dear veneta," and there was the familiar honey-laced tone of wren, no doubt sitting up in a chair as if she were of royal blood herself.
"the little nightshade is taking their sweet time," marigold would point out, her sickeningly sweet voice sending chills down your spine.
to her you were taking your sweet time. but in reality, you had been standing outside of this door for a few minutes, gathering your exposure the way that miss leah taught you. you straightened your back, took deep breaths in and out, and swallowed the anxiety bubbling in your stomach.
three light knocks. just the way she taught you.
"finally!" you heard veneta groan on the other side. marigold and wren quickly shushed her before the latter opened the door.
wren stood at the forefront, her hands neatly folded in front of her reddish-pink dress, a far cry from the usual dark tones the castle utilized. that was a usual trend for the three advisors, donning colors too bright for the entirety of briar valley that it seemed they chose to be garish on purpose.
pink feathers lined the cuffs of her sleeves as well as the long slight down the middle of her dress, decorating her garb as if she had been a winged beastman. her curly brown hair was tied up in a bun, both neat and unkempt at the same time.
marigold stood to her right, her long blonde hair almost blinding and contrasting her olive green dress. little flowers decorated the slit down the middle rather than feathers like wren. although she had the "kindest" eyes out of the trio, it did not make her any less critical.
veneta stood to the left of wren, her full figure covered by the poofy blue dress that accentuated her curves. her hair was a bit more curly than wren's was but it was cut short into a bob rather than long. her face seemed to be permanently frozen into an angry pout.
"miss wren, miss marigold, miss veneta," you greeted the trio with a bow, your hands clutching onto each other desperately for some sort of comfort. "i will serve you to the best of my ability."
"better get you started then, huh?" veneta scowled down at you, mischief sparkling in her eyes.
you weren't sure you would live to the end of this trial run.
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you expected veneta to be the bane of your existence, but no. surprisingly, wren and marigold posed more of a threat to your sanity than veneta did.
veneta was very vocal about her disdain towards you, often tripping you up when you went to serve them tea or muttering spells under her breath to mess with your appearance. she seemed to focus more on physical torment.
wren and marigold focused more on psychological torment. wren opted to order impossible tasks of you, such as lighting up all of the lanterns in the halls in a little under two minutes ("for it is proper for a servant to complete their tasks in a timely manner,"), while marigold delegated the more risky tasks to you, such as handling the creatures of the forest that disturbed the surrounding flora.
you were lucky you got any amount of sleep considering it wasn't uncommon for them to pass off their paperwork to you.
this is all temporary, you would tell yourself in the middle of the night, your handwriting getting sloppier with each minute that passed. this is all to prove them wrong.
just a few days more and you would be free from them.
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"today is your last day as our servant," wren lamented, her picturesque smile seeming more threatening as time went on. "do try to fulfill your duties to the end. it'd be a shame for you to... tarnish your reputation before you officially become a royal servant."
"yes, ma'am," you hummed, bowing to the brunette.
"ooh, wren, what'll be their next task?" veneta asked excitedly, already jumping in her place. "will you send them there?"
"what do you take me for, veneta?" wren scoffed, waving her hand. "i have the perfect task for our little pest. one that will push them to their very limits."
there were times where you were unsure whether wren or marigold was worse in terms of impossible tasks.
"(name), fetch us proof of a slain beast laying deep in the woods, near the borders of the valley."
was it wren, who sent you to do impossibly long tasks in such a short amount of time, or marigold, who gave you impossible tasks of protection?
"the beast in question has no name, but is known for its gnashing teeth and serpent-length tails."
on that final day, you had realized just who was worst between the two.
"complete this task by the end of the day and you shall pass your final test." wren stared down at you as if you were nothing but a bug. her fingers formed a bridge that held up her chin, her smile twisting into a scowl.
with no doubt in your mind... it was her.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @dindarasuum @mizucika @lunavixia @gasoline-eater @thesirenwashere @rainingdandelion @mariesakamari @potatohuman04 @illnesscomm
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