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neworleansvoudou · 2 years ago
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Who's Who in Hoodoo History: Laura "Lala" Hopkins
“Marie, yo’ da greatest—yo’ help me do my work.” This is the prayer Lala prayed at the beginning of all her conjure work. She was a two-headed conjure woman and an ardent admirer of Marie Laveau. Her devotion to the legendary Voudou Queen illuminated her path as a disciple of the esoteric arts and weaver of spells that drew admirers and foes alike. As a practitioner of Laveau Voudou and Hoodoo, she made enemies with community members by being a conjure woman for hire; at the bequest of some, she would harm others. She was also known for her gris gris charms for love, and money. Lala was dirt poor, eccentric, and always on the outs with the locals. At the same time, she was creative, resilient, and skilled in the conjure arts, making her a formidable adversary. Learn more: Who's Who in Hoodoo History (crossroadsuniversity.com)
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aaliyahunleashed · 1 year ago
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Queen Akasha Art -- Reposted from @erickdvila
Who is your favorite (good or bad) black female horror character?
Here' a few names:
- Queen Akasha (Aaliyah) 'Queen of The Damned' (2002) - Katrina (Grace Jones) 'Vamp' (1986) - Sue Ann (Octavia Spencer) 'Ma' (2019) - Red (Lupita Nyong’o) 'Us' (2019)
- Adelaide Wilson (Lupita Nyong’o) 'Us' (2019) - Alexa Woods (Sanaa Lathan) 'Alien v. Predator' (2004) - Selena (Naomie Harris) '28 Days Later' (2002) - Det. Rita Veder (Angela Bassett) 'Vampire in Brooklyn' (1995) - Miranda Grey (Halle Berry) 'Gothika' (2003) - Jeryline (Jada Pinkette Smith) 'Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight' (1995)
(List above from flipscreened.com)
Anyone missing on this list?
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mambo-marie-laveau-voodoo · 2 years ago
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#zombies rituel de zombification #baronsamedi https://store-e-voodoo.net #magie #magique #initiation #mystique #sorcellerie #vaudou #rituel #rituelvaudou #pacte #mariage #vaudou #initiation #mystique #sorcellerie #benediction #degagement #rituel #occulte #marielaveau #mambomarielaveau #storeevoodoonet #evoodoonet https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3XFuljyUz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caitlinmccarthyart · 2 years ago
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Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans 💀 #caitlinmccarthyart #marielaveau #voodoo #voodooqueen #nola #neworleans #witchart #witchcraft #witchery #witchshop #witchy #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8tdxwrwJ1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moabitessconjure · 4 years ago
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fortuna-asia · 2 years ago
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Witch altar
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mimimonty · 4 years ago
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Deja Boudreaux
A no cc original creation, available on the Gallery.
Gallery ID: maria310308
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lofarosmagickshop · 3 years ago
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Marie Laveau (1794–1881) was a Louisiana Creole: descended from the colonial white settlers, black slaves and free people of color of southern Louisiana. For several decades this ‘Voodoo Queen’ held New Orleans spellbound. She staged ceremonies in which participants became possessed by loas (Voodoo spirits); she dispensed charms and potions, even saving several condemned men from the gallows; told fortunes and healed the sick. #magick #witchesofinstagram #witch #voodoo #occult #tarot #marielaveau #witches #spirituality #crystals #spells #spiritual #love #divination #wiccan #esoteric #witchlife #hermetics #dowhatthouwilt #astrology #zodiac #loveisthelaw #loveunderwill #lofaro93 #familiarsarenotpets #hoodoo #oils #herbs www.lofarosapothecary.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CThuUUjLO3-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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momasarah · 4 years ago
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Why the X's? There are different theories about why three X's are drawn on Marie Laveau's tomb. Tradition says, if you draw three X's then knock, or spin around, and say your request and the spirit will grant it. Slaves were almost entirely illiterate. They drew an X to sign their names, since they could not write. It is believed that the original X's were a signing of her devotees names, saying "It's me, I was here". The number three is also sacred in most any religion as the holy trinity exists in some form or another to most people. It is also believed the X is a symbol of the meeting of light and dark and at the center is where we can communicate with the spirits. There is also a theory that since Vodou originated in Haiti, the slaves passing through is how it was brought to New Orleans, that the X is a version of the Haitian Cross which can look like two X's overlapping. As I was leaving a cigar, and I was surprised it was the only cigar there, I felt the presence of two people approach. My husband stood between us, as I was kneeling in prayer. It was what I assume to be a father and daughter (in her late teens, early 20's). She asked my husband "What's all this?" He replied "It's the grave of Marie Laveau." She replied "Who's THAT?" My husband's response; "She was a Vodou Queen." The young woman replied with "Oh". She hurriedly backed up, walked far around me and left. Hurriedly is an understatement. I chuckled, and I swear I heard Marie chuckle as well. You can read my full entry in my bio or click here; https://conjuredcardea.blogspot.com/2013/07/pilgrimage-to-tomb-of-marie-lave.html?m=1 #hoodoo #voodoo #conjurewoman #conjurework #PagansOfInstagram #magick #spellcandlesofinstagram #spellcraft #spellpower #FolkMagick #folkmagic #marielaveau #neworleansvoodoo #neworleans #PagansOfInstagram #voodooqueen #saintlouiscemeteryno1 #saintlouiscemeteryneworleans #graveyardgirl #conjurewoman #hoodoopractitioner #HoodooWitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CEfG-MFnWZs/?igshid=vvwlhi4wazx5
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greywillow3 · 4 years ago
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St.Louis Cemetery No.1: 
Vetiver and oak moss 
Lure you down the dark streets 
The sweet taste of licorice 
Dances on your tongue 
The green fairy bewitches you 
As you slowly come undone 
Passing Marie Laveau’s tomb 
And all the ancient stones 
Observing all the signs and 
Knowing there is more 
Than you will ever find 
The future may crumble
This history will survive us all
It’s rich in the blood 
That has been sacrificed 
And pulses in the 
Music that dances 
Through these halls 
Secret gardens strung 
With jasmine and wisteria 
Linger in the air 
You run towards 
The Mississippi River 
Your reflection becomes clear 
Glistening from the summer heat 
The moonlight dances off your skin 
I’m certain I’ve been here before 
And I never want to leave again… 
💫Amber Comber
#nola #nolalove #cemetery #marielaveau #ritual #poetry #poet #writeitout #healing #lush #greenwitch #poetrycommunity #words #poem #words #writing #writingcommunity (at Nola) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhn3aJJrIc/?igshid=oqli9ccn8gwt
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neworleansvoudou · 1 year ago
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Marie Laveau was one of the wisest women that ever lived. She was gifted with a power from on high that very few people are gifted with. She could look at you without ever having seen you before and tell you where you were born, what hour you were born and the time, and also the condition of the weather if you wanted to know that. She was, in a way, to me another Solomon, sent from the Almighty God above to come down here and help his people. I also picture her as a John De Baptist who comes to teach right and righteousness. This woman that I am telling you about prayed not three times a day as Daniel did but prayed every hour in the day that our Heavenly Father sent. I picture her as one chosen by God’s own hand. She was not selfish, but waited on the Black as well as the White, and the rich as well as the poor. Doing all the good stuff she could. And never doing any harm to anybody. ~Old Man George Nelson, 1936
Marie Laveau possesses an enduring magick as the preeminent witch queen, Voodoo Queen, and heavenly Saint in New Orleans. Her style of Voodoo encapsulates all the mystery, glamour, and power every witch, folk magic practitioner, and Vodouisant longs for. And let’s face it, witches love pretty things - shiny black mirrors and crystals and stones, beautiful tarot cards, and gold embossed velvet bags in which to keep them. We love the smell of incense, flowers, and perfumes as much as the aroma of a healing chicken soup on the kitchen stove. Living a tradition that is, in its very essence, natural, harmonious, and exquisitely beautiful, we see the allure in what others may deem profane. In The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire, I continue where The Magic of Marie Laveau left off. This book is a working grimoire geared towards the modern witch and conjure worker that provides spells, advice, formulas, and recipes for solving the problems of daily living and enhancing quality of life in the most magickal of ways.
Available direct from the author here: The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire (creolemoon.com)
If you would like a signed copy, just make a request upon checkout and I will be happy to sign a copy for you.
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mambo-marie-laveau-voodoo · 2 years ago
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Fête vaudou #makaya 😘merci à tous pour vos participation 🙏 https://store-e-voodoo.net #magie #magique #initiation #mystique #sorcellerie #vaudou #rituel #rituelvaudou #pacte #mariage #vaudou #initiation #mystique #sorcellerie #benediction #degagement #rituel #occulte #marielaveau #mambomarielaveau #storeevoodoonet #evoodoonet https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7bYchDiBq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caitlinmccarthyart · 2 years ago
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Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans 💀 #caitlinmccarthyart #marielaveau #voodoo #voodooqueen #nola #neworleans #witchart #witchcraft #witchery #witchshop #witchy #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CiogLieLUq4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moabitessconjure · 4 years ago
After begging your ancestor to bring back that toxic man for the 50-11th time....
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fortuna-asia · 3 years ago
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A Little space for my Altar , please share your altar and hashtags #houseofwitch
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thedivineprince · 4 years ago
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#AllisaBlessing #RespectTheVoodoo #LOVEmyNewOrleans #Ancestors #ATR #TwoSpiritMedicineMan #TheConjureMan #Conjure #Egungun #zangbeto #Rootworker #MississippiDeltaVoodoo #BrasCoupé ‪#DoctorJohnMontanee‬ #AuntJuliaBrown #MarieLaveau #Hoodoo #PapaGhede #Obeah #Voodoo #ObeahMan #Bokor #iyaamiosoronga #iyaamiaje🕊 #Oso #Iyaami #TheSevenAfricanPowers #BaronSamedi 🐍⚜️🎩 #Sanse #TheWitchDoctor (at House of the Divine Prince) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJsUusujq09/?igshid=x5jvuy3r5lk8
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