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joannmathews · 2 years ago
Women and Adversity: March, Women's History Month, Marie Benedict, Writer of Historical Fiction
Marie Benedict, Writer, Historical Fiction (Photo by Jo Ann Mathews) Women and Adversity: March, Women’s History Month Marie Benedict Writer of Historical Fiction As I said in my post about Pam Jenoff, I can’t let Women’s History Month pass without featuring women who write historical novels. Marie Benedict is well known for digging into history to find women who were overlooked despite their…
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bargainsleuthbooks · 2 years ago
#TheFirstLadies #MarieBenedict #VictoriaChristopherMurray #NewBooks #HistoricalFiction #June2023Release #CivilRights #BerkleyPublishing #PenguinAudio
The #CivilRightsMovement began long ago, and a new #historicalfiction novel explores the work #EleanorRoosevelt and #CivilRightsLeader #MaryMcLeodBethune did together and separately, from 1927 to 1945. #TheFirstLadies #MarieBenedict #BookReview #Berkley
The daughter of formerly enslaved parents, Mary McLeod Bethune refuses to back down as white supremacists attempt to thwart her work. She marches on as an activist and an educator, and as her reputation grows, she becomes a celebrity, renowned in the Black community, revered by titans of business, and recognized by U.S. Presidents. Eleanor Roosevelt herself is awestruck and eager to make her…
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jennabookish · 6 years ago
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I bought a pack of animal bookmarks for the children’s books in my Little Free Library, but I’m 100% keeping the pig.
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miss-mesmerized · 4 years ago
Marie Benedict - The Mystery of Mrs. Christie
An abandoned car brings the police to Styles, the famous residence of Agatha and Archibald Christie. The famous writer has gone missing after a fierce quarrel between the couple during breakfast. Archie does not seem concerned at all and he is astonishingly reluctant to cooperate with the investigators. For the detectives, his behaviour is highly suspicious and even more so when they uncover an affair he has had for quite some time and because of which he asked his wife for a divorce. Yet, all this information is not really helpful in determining the whereabouts of the grand dame of crime. This is one way the story can be told, but maybe there is also a completely different version.
 “Then the phone rang, shattering my lonely vigil. When I picked it up, I nearly cried in relief to hear a familiar voice. But then the voice spoke. And in that moment, I knew that everything had changed.”
 Agatha Christie’s disappearance in December 1926 is, due to broad media coverage, a well known fact. However, the mystery has never been really solved and the crime writer herself did not comment on what actually happened during the ten days of her absence. Marie Benedict, by whom I already totally adored the portrait of Hedy Lamarr in “The Only Woman in the Room”, fills this gap with a very clever story which especially enthused my due to the tone which perfectly copies the crime writer’s style.
 The narration tells the events of two points in time alternatingly. The first recounts how Agatha and Archie met, their first years during WW1 and their quick marriage which is immediately followed by darker years stemming from Archie’s depressive and dark moods. The second point of time follows the events after her disappearance. The first is shown from Agatha’s point of view, the later gives more insight in Archie’s state of mind thus revealing a lot to the reader but at the same time, omitting very relevant pieces of information which keeps suspense at a high level.
 Even though it is a mystery, it is also the story of a woman who wants her marriage to succeed, who is willing to put herself and her daughter second after her husband’s needs and who fights even though there is nothing to win anymore. However, she does not breakdown but emerges stronger and wiser since she used her cleverness and capacity of plotting to free herself of her marital chains.
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acotovialiteraria · 4 years ago
É! . Está lido! . Agora é assimilar tudo, colocar as associações particulares nos eixos e seguir em frente! . Por ora, só consigo dizer que é um livro brilhante e que tem na Lojinha da Cotovia! . Boa semana, gente! . ("A única mulher"; Marie Benedict; Editora Planeta) . #aunicamulher #hedylamarr #mariebenedict #theonlywomanintheroom #guerramundial #hitler #nazismo #austria #judaismo @planetadelivrosbrasil (em Belo Horizonte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8ajHRnjce/?igshid=jbsv9tr6x9eg
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maeliteratura · 4 years ago
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#Resenhamaeliteratura ⁣ Se você também gosta de histórias de guerra, baseadas em fatos reais, não pode deixar de ler A Única mulher, de Marie Benedict, lançamento da @PlanetadeLivrosBrasil.⁣ ⁣ A trama começa com uma apresentação no teatro da jovem austríaca Hedy Kiesler. Dona de uma beleza hipnotizante desperta a atenção de Friedrich Mandl, um poderoso e envolvente comerciante de armas austríaco.⁣ ⁣ Pra proteger seus pais, que são judeus, e a si mesma, aceita se casar com ele, um casamento rápido que logo mostra que o mundo mágico que ela imaginou não existe.⁣ ⁣ Vivendo perigosamente e convivendo com as flutuações de humor do seu marido, a jovem vai aprendendo a "ouvir" um mundo de segredos e conspirações, guardando estes dados, que poderão ser úteis no futuro. ⁣ ⁣ Fugindo deste casamento que se assemelha à uma prisão numa gaiola dourada, Hedy escapa para os Estados Unidos e volta a ser atriz, tornando-se a grande atriz de sucesso, Hedy Lamarr. ⁣ ⁣ Só que em meio ao sucesso, há o remorso de ter fugido sozinha. Paralelo ao seu trabalho com atriz, ela se une à um músico inventor e juntos desenvolvem uma tecnologia de espalhamento espectral que poderia ajudar e muito a marinha americana na guerra. São estas descobertas que revolucionaram os sistemas de comunicação e que deram origem a tecnologias como o wi-fi e o bluetooth. É muito interessante acompanhar suas criações e descobertas, embora para alguém de humana como eu, soem absolutamente incompreensíveis.⁣ ⁣ Me conta, quer ler? Recomendo a leitura! Post completo no maeliteratura.com ⁣ ⁣ #maeliteratura ⁣ #acreditamosnoslivros ⁣ #aunicamulher ⁣ #mariebenedict ⁣ #keepreadingencasa ⁣ #segundaguerramundial ⁣ #holocausto (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEC7vb-pLk9/?igshid=ikb519dey1ux
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karahanz · 5 years ago
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Bu kitabı okuduktan sonra “Einstein” adını duyduğumda ya da gördüğümde artık aklıma öteki Einstein yani Mileva Mitza Maric gelecek. Mileva’nın, Albert Einstein’in biyografisindeki bir isimden daha fazlası olduğunu anladım! Bilim kişiye insanlığını unutturuyorsa,insan kalbini yok ediyorsa neye yararki.Kitabın başında ikilinin muhteşem zekası beni hayran bıraktı ve aşkları sıradan değildi.Sonra Albert Einstein’in davranışları tam bir hayal kırıklığıydı, en çok neye kızdım bilemiyorum fakat bunca fedakarlık yapan karısına köle muamelesi yapıp yanından değil gerisinden yürütmesi ve evliliklerini devam ettirmek adına hazırladığı antlaşma maddeleri(bilenler vardır, bu maddeleri bir yerde görmüştür ya da okumuştur ve belki de espri konusu yapmıştır😱) akıl alır gibi değil.Böyle entellektüel bir zekanın bir kadını aşağılaması kabul edilemez,özellikle de sıradışı zekaya sahip karısını... Kitap kapsamlı araştırmaların ürünü harika bir kurgu olsa da 1980’den sonra açıklanmış olan Mileva Mitza Maric’in , Albert Einstein’le ve arkadaşı Helene yazıştığı mektuplar referans alınmış. Tabiki Albert Einstein’in hayatını konu alan birçok kaynaktan da yararlanılmış. Okunmaya değer👍 Alıntılar yapacağım, daha sonra yorumlarda olacak, biraz uzun😉 #otekieinstein #ötekieinstein #mariebenedict #kanesyayınları #kanesyayinlari #edebiyat #biyografi #milevamaric #einstein #alberteinstein #okumak #read #book #books #instabook #vscobook #vscobooks #1kitap1fotograf #1k1f #okumahalleri #kitaptavsiyeleri #birkitapokudum https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ep5o-ph8k/?igshid=17bbmc94mhabh
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artzyguylou · 6 years ago
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QOTD: What is your favorite book genre? HAPPY PUBLICATION DAY to THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE ROOM by Marie Benedict My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 My Review: This is another outstanding novel based on a real character by Marie Benedict. The Only Woman in the Room is the story of Hedy Kiesler, an Austrian rising star. After a controversial movie debut, she finds find great success in the role of Empress Elizabeth at the theatre. She is quickly noticed by Austrian weapon dealer, Fritz Mandl who pursues her interminably until she accepts to become his wife. Hedy’s life with Fritz is not all rose and eventually escapes to America where she becomes Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood star. Hedy has a secret which is eating at her. In an effort to atone herself, she recruits the help of music composer George Antheil to develop a radio guidance system which would increase the accuracy of torpedoes. How can a movie star and a music composer develop such an advanced technology? Don’t be surprised and read the book. You will find out that Hedy Lamarr is much more than just beauty, she is brain as well. This is a fantastic book which will keep you reading and cheering for Ms. Lamarr. Thank you to Raincoast Books for my advance reader’s copy. The Only Woman in the Room is now available at your favourite bookstore. Follow me on Blogger @ http://guylous.blogspot.com or on Instagram @twodogsandabook to see my latest book review. #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #book #books #booklover #bookish #bookreview #bookdragon #bookaholic #reading #readersofinstagram #instaread #ilovebooks #bookaddicted #bookishcanadians #theonlywomanintheroom #mariebenedict #raincoastbooks #fiction #historical #bookpublication https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXynHrnA4K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iowqiu21hson
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mustafaokutan · 6 years ago
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@aradagezercokcaokur Gunaydiiiin 💙💙💙💙 @okumacemberiolusturalim etkinliginin ilk kitabi #okudumbitti lerin arasinda yerini aldi. Kitaptan sonra #einstein i gormek istemedigime karar verdim. Size kitaptan bahsedeyim. 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 #otekieinstein Mileva dogustan bir bacaginin sakat olusu sebebi ile annesinin "siradan kadin" tanimina uyamayan, babasinin ise kizinin "hic kimseye ihtiyaci olmasin" dayatmalari arasinda gecen topal bir genc kizdir. Annesi ve ulkesi Sirbistan'in tanimlamasina gore "evlenmeye elverisli" degildir. Ama Mileva zekasi ile ulkesinde kizlarin okuyamadigi liseyi muhtesem bir puanla bitirmis ve universiteye kaydolurken Albert Einstein'dan bile yuksek puanla matematik-fizik bolumunu okumaya Zurih'e gitmistir. Universitede kiz sayisi hepi topu 4'tur ve kendi bolumunde "tek kiz ogrenci"dir. Profesor Weber onu gormezlikten gelerek sinifta surekli "beyler" diye hitap eder. Tabii sinifta sorulan bir soruyu "beyler " yerine MILEVA cevaplayincaya kadar.😂 "beyler"in kafasi durmustur. Kiz arkadaslari (Ruzica siyaset bilimi, Milena psikoloji, Helene ise tarih okumaktadir) ile ayni pansiyonda kalarak yakin arkadaslik kurar. Helene onun tek sirdasidir. Okulun ilk gununden beri Albert Einstein'in dikkatini ceken Mileva Albert'a asik olur. Evlenirler. Tabii evlenebilmek bile o kadar zor olur ki bunu da kitaptan ogrenin. 😆😆 Bir erkek ne kadar alcakca davranabilirse Albert'ta elinden geleni ardina koymaz. Ornegin Mileva'nin Lieserl'in anisina yazdigi ve urettigi gorelilik teorisinden Mileva'nin adini kaldirtir. Kendi adini yazdirir. Pekiii Lieserl kim??? Einstein'in hic gormedigi 1,5 yasinda vefat eden ilk cocugudur. O kadar acimasizdir ki kizini bir kez olsun gormeye gitmez. Kitabi siddetle tavsiye ediyorum 😘 😘 😘 #kanesyayinlariasktir #kanesyayinlari #bookstagram #okumaçemberioluşturalım #mariebenedict #ötekieınsteın #fotografcekkitapoku #kitapokufotografcek #Repost with @insta.saver.repost • • •
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carolannt · 7 years ago
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Thanks @bookbub for the shout out! Loved this book. #carnegiesmaid #mariebenedict @sourcebooks @sbkslandmark
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Nuova lettura in corso: "La donna di Einstein" #mariebenedict #einstein #bookstagram #stoleggendo📚 #booklover #bookphotography #booknerd #inlettura📓 #reading #readnow #leggerefabene #libromania
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lharvey250 · 8 years ago
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MY RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️▫️ PUBLISHER SourceBooks Landmark PUBLISHED October 18, 2016
An intriguing fictional account of the revolutionary and tumultuous times between Albert Einstein and his brilliant first wife, Mileva.
SUMMARY The gifted Mileva Maric was from a wealthy Serbian family, whose father encouraged her to be bold, and “go get your due”. She was the only woman among her six classmates at Zurich’s Swiss Federal Polytechnic. Soon after beginning classes she and Albert Einstein became friends. He continually pursued her. She was terrified of getting involved with him, her work was the most important thing in her life. But, as they spent more and more time together, her fondness for him increased.
“Miss Maric, I am madly in love with you. I promise that my love will never impede your profession. In fact, my love will only propel you forward in your work. Together, we will become the ideal bohemian couple—equal in love and work,”
With these words and promises she was lost. He was giving her everything she had ever dreamed of. Albert believed that together they could solve the major scientific riddles of their time. Mileva and Albert collaborated on research and papers eschewing archaic complicated ideas. But as the papers and articles they co-authored starting gaining recognition things began to changed. As Albert’s fame increases, Mileva is somehow standing deep in his shadow.
REVIEW THE OTHER EINSTEIN is a fascinating read about the gifted female physicist, who was smart enough to cross barriers and enter the all male physics and mathematics classroom in 1896. This book is a work of fiction, but the author MARIE BENEDICT provides several websites that contain the papers and letters that were used in formulating the book. http://einsteinpapers.press.princeton.edu
The story is well written and a quick read. If you enjoyed Loving Frank, Mrs. Poe or The Paris Wife you will like this book as well. A discussion guide is included in the back of the book making it ideal for book clubs.
I read this book free as part of the Big Library Read facilitated by Overdrive. It’s a reading program through your local library that connects millions of readers around the world with the same e-book at the same time. It’s a worldwide digital book club. The Big Read website includes a interview with Marie Benedict and a discussion forum. The Other Einstein is available on Overdrive June 12 to June 26, 2017.
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bargainsleuthbooks · 3 years ago
#HerHiddenGenius a novel of #RosalindFranklin by #MarieBenedict #NetGalley #ARCReview
#HerHiddenGenius a novel of #RosalindFranklin by #MarieBenedict #NetGalley #ARCReview Once again, Benedict weaves an intricate story about a woman we should all know about but might not #science #dna #rna #STEM #bookreview #bookstagram #booksta #reading
Release Date: January 25, 2022 Rosalind Franklin has always been an outsider―brilliant, but different. Whether working at the laboratory she adored in Paris or toiling at a university in London, she feels closest to the science, those unchanging laws of physics and chemistry that guide her experiments. When she is assigned to work on DNA, she believes she can unearth its secrets. Rosalind knows…
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acotovialiteraria · 4 years ago
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"E sou extremamente grata aos incríveis vendedores, livrarias e leitores que têm apoiado a mim e ao meu trabalho."("A única mulher"; Marie Benedict; Editora Planeta) 👏 . Trecho extraído do agradecimento da autora, Mari Benedict, em sua ficção histórica sobre Hedy Lamarr. E eu só consigo pensar: "Que mais autores se lembrem da importância do trabalho dos livreiros!" 😶 . #aunicamulher #hedylamarr #mariebenedict #theonlywomanintheroom #guerramundial #hitler #nazismo #austria #judaismo #apoieumalivraria (em Belo Horizonte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8Z3TTHiK7/?igshid=1wak4jvk1asix
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bookdivareads · 3 years ago
Best Fiction Reads of 2021: Part 3
Pt 3 of my #BestFictionReads2021: WILD RAIN @authorMsBev, YELLOW WIFE @sadeqasays, THE PERSONAL LIBRARIAN #MarieBenedict | @VictoriaECM, ISLAND QUEEN @VanessaRiley, SISTERS IN ARMS @kaiawrites, & CITY OF TIME AND MAGIC @BrackstonPaula. #historicalfiction
This third installment to my “Best Fiction Reads” list focuses on historical fiction. As with my previous recommendations, this portion of the list includes a little bit of everything within the historical fiction genre. If you haven’t read any of these titles, then I hope one or two (if not all) of these will spark your interest and make it to your 2022 reading list. I love reading anything…
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starfish1966 · 4 years ago
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This is what I did with my weekend! It was so so good! It hold the backstory about Agatha Christie and her husband Falling in Love and falling apart and the 11 days that she disappeared. I couldn't put this book down. I literally read it late into last night and finished it today. It was like reading Agatha Christie herself!! I totally recommend it to all my fellow readers. @MarieBenedict @sourcebooks #instagramreaders #curlupwithagreatbook #mariebenedictauthor #sourcebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CLTbbmFnA0ZfG7LsdHLWaQzFaH-msuG3TXg_Yk0/?igshid=1ws3d4qi3x09q
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