#march holiday package
sungwoonha · 1 year
next lvl procrastination is sending ur bffs xmas gift in march
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dustofthedailylife · 6 months
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
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Pairing: Wriothesley, Alhaitham, Diluc x (gn!) Reader
Summary: The Christmas season is rolling around and you spend those days with the one you love most. How are you spending it?
Tags: Fluff, comfort, kissing, teasing, consumption of (reasonable amounts of) alcohol
A/N: this is my secret santa gift for @jellalism for the @2023gisecretsanta event! (Hi, it me again :3). Once again I hope you have a merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. Sending you many hugs and I hope these fics make your holiday season a little brighter! <3
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It was a cold day in Fontaine and Christmas wasn’t far off. Just a little over a week and you’d be able to spend your first holiday together with Wriothesley. You already bought all the Christmas presents and had your bags packed to spend Christmas over at his place. 
The presents still sat neatly packaged below the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in your living room. But they wouldn’t stay there for much longer as you had agreed to come over today and stay until Christmas. So the presents needed to be relocated as well. 
You were beyond ecstatic to finally see him again. Especially since he even took some time off work as well to spend it with you.
Loaded with your bags and gifts you enthusiastically knocked on his door and it was soon opened by the man himself. He was wearing a cozy hoodie and sweatpants and looked like he had just woken up from a nap. At least judging by the pillow imprint on his cheek. 
Cute, you thought.
“Hi, sleepy head. Enjoying your time off?” You greeted him teasingly, pressing a quick peck to his lips before squeezing inside past him.
You quickly kicked off your shoes and impatiently waddled behind him, following him into the living room. You were curious to see how Wriothesley had decorated his home for the holidays, so when his back left your field of view and you could finally see the room you saw…
Not even a single Christmas light could be found in his house. There was no Christmas tree, no Christmas cookies on the coffee table, no cozy candles, no ornaments or stockings, no nothing.
“Do you want a cup of tea?”, Wriothesley asked, gently taking your face in between his big warm hands.
Your initial smile faltered pretty much immediately after you had taken in the utterly unfestive atmosphere and he seemed to have immediately noticed it, too.
“Is something wrong?” He inquired with a hint of concern in his voice.
“Where is the Christmas decoration?” You asked baffled. “You know Christmas is only a couple of days away, right?”
Now it was his turn to usher an awkward ‘uuuh’. He quickly glanced over his shoulder, scanning the room, before apologetically looking back at you with an expression that said ‘Sorry, it slipped my mind’.
“Well, uhm.. To be frank, I’m rarely ever here over the holidays so I don’t really… own any Christmas decorations.” He explained with a shrug and donned an embarrassed smile and scratched the back of his head. “Neither have I ever celebrated Christmas properly since I usually just work.”
“No no. This absolutely won’t do.” You lifted your finger up to his face in playful protest. “Go put on some clothes, we’re going shopping. We’re absolutely not celebrating Christmas before every nook and cranny in this house is looking festive and is covered in glitter.” You announced with determination, already marching towards the main entrance again to put your shoes back on.
“Right now?” He inquired in surprise.
“Right now.” You quickly confirmed. “And I pick the decorations – you pay.” You declared, putting your hands on your hips while glaring at him reprimandingly.
“Hey, wait a second! I never agreed to that.” He protested weakly, crossing his arms over his chest. But his smirk betrayed his real thoughts – he was enjoying this playful banter as much as you were.
“Well, too bad. You don’t get a say in this. Now come on, shopping time.”
Not even half an hour later and wrapped in your warm winter clothes, you found yourselves walking along the streets of Fontaine. It had already gone dark and a couple of snowflakes danced in the yellow light of the street lanterns. The shops by the road were all decorated with an abundance of Christmas lights and the air carried the fragrant smell of cinnamon and mulled wine.
You looked up to Wriothesley, who was walking hand in hand with you, while window shopping. When he noticed your glance his lips curled into a loving smile that was barely visible behind the gigantic red scarf that he had wrapped around his neck. His cheeks and nose were reddened by the cold and the snowflakes that got caught in his hair only emphasized how adorable he looked.
You dragged him into some stores that you knew sold various knick-knacks and decorations and bought what felt like an entire month’s salary worth of Christmas decorations. Although, despite all that, he somehow still managed to leave more money at his trusted tea store on the way back home.
Back at his house you quickly unpacked everything that you bought and got to work. While Wriothesley put up the Christmas tree you made sure not a single curtain rod, windowsill, and table was without any Christmas lights or candles. As soon as that was done you helped him put the red and gold glass ornaments on the tree.
All that was missing now was the big golden star tree topper that you attempted to hand to him, so that he could put it up on the tree himself. But before you had any chance to do so, he had already snuck both of his muscular arms around your waist and hoisted you up so you could stick it on yourself.
Once back on steady ground you looked around and marveled at your finished work. Everything was enveloped by a cozy light from all the Christmas lights and it looked even better than you had imagined. This would definitely do!
“I think we got everything.” You announced cheerfully, leaning your head against his broad chest and glancing at the tree to your left.
“Hmm.” Wriothesley hummed contemplatively, his chest vibrating against your ear as he did. “I think one thing is still missing.”
“Huh? What did we miss?” You lifted your head with a questioningly raised brow.
He fumbled around behind his back with a mischievous smirk plastered across his face. You knew that expression all too well by now – he was up to something.
You watched as he pulled out a little green twig with a red ribbon. You were barely even able to identify it as a mistletoe before he had already lifted it up into the air and held it over both of your heads. His free hand quickly found comfort around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Within the blink of an eye, his lips sealed yours with a passionate kiss, knocking the breath right out of you. You leaned into him with a giggle and felt him smile into the kiss in return. 
In an attempt to be even closer to him than you already were, your hand found comfort in his soft raven-colored hair. Reciprocating the sentiment, he snaked the arm he had held up over you around your midriff as well, hugging you impossibly tighter.
While leaning his forehead against yours and softly rubbing the tip of your noses together, he looked deep into your eyes with the same sly smirk he had donned earlier, before proudly declaring: “Now we’ve got everything.”
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With packed suitcases, you and Alhaitham crossed the bridge to your hometown Mondstadt. It was snowing heavily and the cold, biting wind was gnawing away at every sliver of exposed skin. It felt like icy needles were pricking at your face. 
It was peacefully quiet and all that could be heard was the crunch of the thick snow below your boots.  You watched how the snowflakes danced in the wind and how they got caught in the ashen hair and lashes of Alhaitham, who was walking by your side.
Looking at him in this kind of weather was almost comical. He was used to the humid and hot temperatures of the rainforest and had never really experienced the bitter cold of winter. He was treading carefully, trying his hardest not to slip on the frozen ground. His head was almost entirely hidden underneath the big wool scarf he had wrapped around his head as if he had tried to mummify himself with it. His nose and cheeks were reddened from the cold and you could faintly make out the chatter of his teeth. 
It would almost be adorable if he didn’t have the expression of someone who was about to murder the next person who spoke to him.
You bit your tongue to hold back a teasing comment about how he couldn’t handle the cold and instead opted to hold onto his hand that was rather stiffly dangling by his side. He glanced at you over the mountain of a scarf he had wrapped around his neck and immediately saw his expression ease up a little. His brows relaxed became less furrowed and the corners of his mouth twitched upward ever so slightly.
“We’re almost there.” You reassured, which was only met with a slightly grumpy-sounding hum of acknowledgment.
Not long after you arrived at the Tavern. You picked up your room keys and quickly shuffled upstairs to settle down.
Alhaitham quickly kicked off his boots once he sat on the bed and hissed in pain. His toes were borderline glowing in red and blue hues and he wasn’t wearing any socks either. Needless to say, he was wearing his usual boots with the hole at the top. Clearly, everyone could see that they weren’t fit for conditions like these whatsoever.
“You know, these boots are kind of impractical for this weather.” You remarked snarkily. And if looks could kill you would’ve dropped dead on the spot right now.
“Don’t look at me like that!” You shot back before he could usher a word of protest. “You agreed to spend the holidays in Mondstadt after all.”
“And you didn’t think to inform me about all that before we departed?”
“Well, I thought a smart man like you would know that when I said there would be snow in Mondstadt you would naturally conclude that ‘frozen water equals cold’” You remarked in the same snarky tone.
You both looked at each other for a couple of seconds in an intense staring battle. The frown prominent on Alhaitham’s face as he desperately tried to warm his feet with his warm hands. Although eventually, your pokerfaces started showing cracks. The twinkle that started to show in both of your eyes, a twitch of the corner of his mouth, a giggle that was stuck at the back of your throat that you tried to swallow. All of them were telltale signs that your playful argument was about to end in a fit of chuckles, like so often.
And as if on call, you both started laughing out loud at the same moment.
Alhaitham pulled you closer by your hands and you sat down on his lap, facing in his direction. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and slung your arms around him, which he mirrored.
“You’re stupid.” You exclaimed, pressing a quick peck on the exposed skin on his neck.
“Oh, am I now?” He retorted smugly, raising one eyebrow.
“Well, I’m not the one who wore boots with gaping holes in them when there are five inches of snow outsi–” Before you were able to finish the sentence, he quickly began loosely wrapping his thick scarf around your face, effectively shutting you up.
“Rude.” You giggled, muffled by the thick fabric. “Now–” You began, once you had pulled his scarf off your face again. “How about we take a hot bath and then go and visit the Christmas market?”
You could see his eyes wander towards the window. He skeptically eyed the thick snowflakes that were still falling from the sky. Anyone would be able to tell that he really didn’t want to go outside anymore, at least not in this weather.
“I know it’s freezing, but – if we go out, we can go buy you a pair of warm boots and I also know just the thing to fight the cold.” You intercepted before he could usher any words of protest. And after a brief moment of hesitation, he agreed with a loving smile.
After a steaming hot bath, you both found yourself back outside again. Not long after Alhaitham also waded through the thick snow with his newly acquired cozy and warm leather boots and some additional heat-insulating wool socks. He already looked a lot more comfortable than he had when you arrived here.
You walked in the direction of the Christmas market that was being held at the feet of the statue of the Anemo Archon, in front of the cathedral. 
Hand in hand you climbed the stairs up to the plaza. You could already make out the Christmas spices that wafted through the air before you could even see the first booth. And with every step you took your excitement got bigger and bigger. Your heart was thumping loudly inside of your chest and you felt an excited prickle in the pit of your stomach. The last time you were at a Christmas market was ages ago, so you were practically bursting with excitement.
Once you arrived at the top of the stairs, you headed straight for the stand of the Dawn Winery, dragging Alhaitham along with you excitedly. You could already make out the prominent scent of mulled wine and several other hot beverages. No matter how cold the winter was, a cup of mulled wine was always the best thing to warm one up from the inside out.
You bought two mugs of steaming hot spiced dandelion wine and handed one to Alhaitham. He skeptically took a sip, unsure about whether or not hot wine would taste as good as the stuff he was so used to. But when his eyes widened and a surprised hum escaped him you could only chuckle. You had expected this reaction.
“You didn’t lie, this really helps against the cold.” He remarked after taking a couple more sips from his mug.
“See! I told you so. And as you know, I’m always right.” You teased, to which he just rolled his eyes and huffed amusedly. “Don’t you dare say anything now, Haitham.”
He stepped closer to you, embracing you in a tight hug and pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
“You know, you’re lucky you’re so cute, or else–”, he paused dramatically, not intending to finish his sentence any time soon.
“Or else, what?” You asked, perking your eyebrows.
But Alhaitham had already ventured off to look at the market stalls with a smirk plastered on his lips. He just knew which buttons he needed to press to tease you. And clearly, you wouldn't be getting an answer out of him either.
“Dork.” You huffed, hurrying after him, interlocking your arm with his, leaning your head on his shoulder as you walked around the plaza with your warm mugs in hand.
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Christmas time was always the busiest time of the year for the Winery and the Tavern. Diluc was basically shipping out orders all day when he wasn’t at the Angel’s Share. During these times you always made sure to help him alleviate some of the stress by taking some work off his hands.
Today you filled in for someone at the Christmas Market stand of the Dawn Winery who fell ill. Your job was to man the booth for the mulled wine and punches and serve them to customers. 
It was the last weekend before Christmas and therefore the Christmas Market was packed to the brim. You barely got any time to take a break and only noticed that it was time to close up shop as soon as Diluc stood before you.
He helped you serve the last remaining customers and clean up the booth before you both started making your way back home to the Winery.
It had already gone dark outside now and the Christmas lights on the windowsills of the houses by the streets wrapped the environment into a warm light. 
Diluc’s hand that was intertwined with yours was comfortably warm like it always was. You could feel it even through your thick gloves.
Both were a stark contrast to the thick snow that crunched below your boots and the cold icy air that pricked at your skin. Every exhale created a little cloud of icy mist in front of your face.
Diluc squeezed your hand a little tighter all of a sudden and nudged his head towards the left, motioning you to follow along.
“Come with me.” He urged, an excited smile playing around his lips.
He led you out of the side gate of Mondstadt, near the Angel’s Share, and headed straight for the frozen lake. He let go of your hand and right in the next moment he was already slithering across the ice with a huge smile plastered on his face
“What are you doing?” You inquired curiously, eyeing him from head to toe as he looked at you expectantly. He stretched one hand out while putting the other behind his back, making him look unbelievably elegant.
“Join me!” 
The way he had slithered across the ice had looked so graceful and almost easy. But you had the inkling it wouldn’t end up being as easy as he made it look.
The way the snowflakes peacefully danced around you both in the yellow light of the nearby lantern made this scene almost feel dreamlike.
There was a comfortable silence in the air right now. As if the Gods had draped a white blanket over the world that muffled everything but the most important sounds. Only yours and Diluc’s steady breathing could be heard, as well as the rustling of the snow-covered trees by the shore and the soft pitter-patter of the falling snowflakes.
You stepped closer to the frozen surface of the lake and carefully put one foot on it to test the waters – or more accurately: the ice. And as expected it was extremely slippery and you almost fell the second you tried standing on it.
Diluc had come closer again and wrapped both his hands around your waist to steady you on the ice. He took hold of your hands and carefully pulled you along with him for a few meters. 
It looked like he was floating over the ice while you looked like a newborn foal that was trying to stand up for the first time in its life. Your knees were shaking and you tried your hardest to not lose your balance. But despite that the mere presence of Diluc made you feel safe.
“Why are you so good at this?” You inquired curiously, almost losing your balance once more.
“I used to do this every winter as a child. Whenever my father caught me he scolded me for what felt like hours because I could hurt myself. Although that never deterred me from doing it again every winter.” He explained amusedly as his ruby-red eyes began shimmering in the dim light of the lantern.
“Well then, is there some special technique to it? Because I feel like I’m going to fall on my butt the minute you let go of me.”
“I’ll simply not let go of you then.” He retorted with a smirk and you could feel how his grip on your waist tightened. “In all seriousness though, don’t bend your knees inward so much. Keep them straight and your soles flat on the ice. Then only bend your upper body forward a little bit.”
“Roger that.” You replied and did as he explained. And much to your surprise, you stance on the ice immediately felt a lot more safe. Your knees stopped shaking and you were able to stand somewhat comfortably now.
“Yes, just like that!”
“It works!” You exclaimed.
“Now, try moving your feet, while keeping this stance.” He instructed while slowly letting go of you, leaving you some room to move once he was sure you could stand on your own. 
He demonstrated the movement to you and you followed him by mirroring them.
Not long after you were still insecurely but steadily moving across the ice.
“Look, I’m doing it!” You yelled excitedly, looking back at Diluc who was watching you with the utmost adoration in his eyes.
“Indeed you are.” He answered proudly as he joined you again, slithering behind you and putting his hands on your waist once more. He carefully pushed you along with him.
You twirled around on the ice with a giggle and it felt like you were two figure skaters in perfect unison, showcasing their breathtaking performance. Although you were sure it looked much more amateurish than it felt. No less, because you weren't actually wearing any ice skates. But at that moment, it didn't matter.
Both of you basked in each other's presence and it felt like you let your inner child run free. The endorphin rush was indescribable. You felt practically invulnerable.
You soon felt comfortable enough to do pirouettes on the ice all by yourself. You had found the right balance to move across the ice and could even move faster than you did before.
You let go of Diluc’s hand and started circling across the surface of the frozen lake. Faster and faster you slithered across the ice.
The problem came about when you wished to come to a halt again. You never asked Diluc how you were able to stop again once you had built some momentum.
And before you had the chance to ask him you slithered and fell face first into one of the big puffy snowbanks that had piled up at the shore.
Snow immediately covered you, got stuck in your hair, fell on your face, seeped into every crevice of your clothes, and made contact with your skin. The icy sensation felt like needles pricking at your skin.
You heard Diluc yell your name muffledly and could make out hurried slithers that came in the direction of where you had fallen. He worriedly pulled you up to your feet again by your hands, patting the snow off your clothes and hair softly.
“Are you alright? I'm so sorry I should've paid more attention. Did you hurt yourself?” He was fussing over you as if you had just fallen down a cliff instead of a bed of soft, albeit cold, snow.
You giggled at his worried expression and slung your arms around his neck, looking intensely at his beautiful eyes.
“I'm alright. Don't worry about me. Although maybe I'm a bit cold now – some snow crept its way into my clothes, I fear.” You pouted with a giggle.
He wordlessly took your hands in his and removed the gloves from your fingers, intertwining his warm ones with yours. You made out a faint flare from the vision on his hip before you felt warmth seep into every fiber of your body, warming you up from the inside out.
“Be careful or you'll melt me.” You teased with a wide smirk. 
At that, he brought his face closer to yours, with an equally wide smile, before ushering: “Only your heart” against your lips, before passionately catching them into a deep kiss.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
GOOD MORNING!! I’m on my way to the airport cause I’m going on holiday for my birthday!!
I won’t have any signal for 2 weeks because I refuse to pay for a wifi package😂😭but I’ll be back the end of March💕
I love you all so much any I appreciate any and every thirst you leave me in my inbox while I’m gone xxx
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
Ladies and gentlemen and everything in between, it is nine degrees Fahrenheit outside
as a result: how well different DC characters handle the cold (because we all know it gets freezing in Gotham, sometimes right in the middle of the summer. Metropolis, Star, and Central City aren’t much better.)
Damian Wayne: he’s been raised from a very young age to withstand conditions harsher than most adults- cold was included in that package. However, that doesn’t mean he likes it. He’s right there with his siblings when they get back from a particularly frigid patrol, stumbling to the nearest fireplaces and dialing every naturally warm-running Kryptonian they know for cuddles (of course Dami would only ever be cuddling with Jon, but sometimes it’s nice to be sandwiched between him and Kara as well)
(That in itself is a sight to behold- Cass and Steph snuggling up to their gf Kara who totally has work tomorrow, Jon forcing Dami into his lap with like six blankets so he doesn’t get sick, Tim is literally melted into Conner’s side and hasn’t woken up since he got here, Dick and a reluctant Jason are sharing a massive blanket with Kon, and Clark and Bruce take pictures before sneaking off to cuddle without the prying eyes of their kids while Alfred makes everyone hot cocoa)
There are several heroes including the Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and ofc their respective people (speedsters, Kryptonians, Amazons, Atlantians) who don’t really… get cold. They tend to be used as heated blankets for other JL members and their kids lol
Wally West does not like the cold. Although he never has to worry about it actually damaging him because of his healing factor, it’s just unpleasant as a whole. So that means he comes home to Dick from patrol shivering, with a brand new cold, and pissed off. Dick will just hold him under multiple blankets in bed, watching Disney’s Frozen until they’re both asleep.
Jason Todd is used to it. He grew up on the streets and before that in poverty, so he’s no stranger to Gotham winter. He’ll often give his leather jacket and gloves to people he sees without, leaving him in just his suit and maybe he starts to get a bit chilly by then but it’s so worth it to know he made someone’s night a little more bearable. Plus he’s got a boyfriend and daughter to warm him up when he gets home.
Harley Quinn is an absolute psychopath and rarely wears a coat, even when it’s in the negatives. She’s out there in her pigtails (dyed green and red instead of blue and pink for the holidays!!) and skimpy skirts, not a sign of the winter in sight as far as her outfit goes (unless you count the hideous tree skirt she’s wrapped around her shoulders like a poncho). Something about her is just… immune. And it’s great, bc her gf Ivy definitely does not do quite as well as her in the cold and she’s happy to provide warmth whenever necessary.
Jon Kent is aware that it’s cold outside, but the funny thing is that it doesn’t bother him until he starts thinking about it. Like he’ll be on patrol with Dami or Conner, perfectly fine, and all of a sudden he’s aware of Damian’s chattering or Conner tugging his jacket closer at a gust of wind and then he’s so cold he wants to claw his own skin off. Luckily, whoever he’s with is willing to get him a hot cocoa at the nearest coffee shop, but still, he hates the cold. As a Kryptonian, it’s just unnatural.
Bruce Wayne has had hypothermia so many times in his Batman days that his temperature sensors are honestly dead. Obviously not great, but it means he can sit atop a gargoyle with 70mph frigid winds whipping past and hold whatever bird is tucked beneath his cape to hide from the weather without being affected whatsoever. There is a limit- Alfred has ordered that he come home when the frostbite kicks in, because he does need all his limbs to fight crime, but that’s the extent of his winter protection.
Tim Drake is the type of guy to forget it’s December and march out the house in a short sleeve, almost get blown off his feet by an aggressive breeze, declare “NOPE” and head right back inside. In the winter he does prefer mochas, but he adds so many extra shots of espresso you almost can’t even taste the chocolate anymore. Only Tim Drake could find Christmas horror movies, but he manages, and that’s how he spends 90% of his wintertime, Conner tucked into his side like a personal bf heater.
You know who really likes the cold? Diana Fucking Prince. She never got snow or even so much as a chilly breeze on the island- and you know what the snow does remind her of? That night. The one where she and Steve slow danced in the town square after saving the village, all the way back in WWII. It was the first time she’d ever experienced the cold, but it thankfully wasn’t the last (:
With that guys I gotta go to bed- I’m finally on winter break!! Have a good morning/ night/ 4am y’all 🥰
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suspensefulpen · 5 months
Mine & Mine Only
TW: Stockholm Syndrome, Bad Caretaker, Discussions of Torture, Manipulation
Since I didn't do Febuwhump, I decided to write a special for Valentines Day for the amazing Whump Community. A very strange story for a very strange holiday. An insanely mad happy Valentines Day from me to all of you <3
Whumpee frowned in disgust at the calendar. February 14, Valentine’s Day. Ugh, they hated the very thought of it. Sometimes, they hated the month in general. This was the day Whumper so tirelessly prepared for, just for Caretaker. This was the day Whumpee suddenly didn’t exist anymore. This was the day Whumpee realized how much they actually hate Caretaker. 
Ever since she came around, Whumper paid less and less attention to them. That was unless Caretaker gave them attention, Whumper would at the very least acknowledge them. But it wasn’t long before she stopped giving them attention too. Whumpee became irrelevant, almost like they were a ghost casually hanging around the house. No, they weren’t a ghost. They were sure the couple would be more likely to acknowledge them if they were. 
It felt as if they were indirectly saying Whumpee didn’t matter anymore. 
No, they were sure it was directly. Whumper used to leave them little gifts on Valentine’s Day as a reward. He even did it for other holidays. Whumpee hadn’t seen a gift with a name even remotely close to theirs written on it in six months. This was no mistake. This was a message. Even if Whumper gave them half baked apologies for forgetting about them, they still haven’t gotten a gift since. And it was all because of Caretaker. 
Whumpee scoffed and walked away. Whatever. They were going to just ignore everyone else too. For the entirety of tomorrow and maybe even the rest of the month. They didn’t acknowledge Whumpee, so why should they acknowledge them? 
“What’s wrong Darling?” 
Whumpee instantly brightened when they heard Whumper’s voice behind them. They turned around only to find Whumper wasn’t even looking at them. He was on the phone, presumably talking to Caretaker. 
“Are you sure? You sound upset.” 
Whumpee grimaced as Whumper walked by them without glancing over. They stomped out of the kitchen with a huff to finish the rest of their chores. 
When they got the mail, a package was placed on the porch. Curious, they picked up the box and shook it lightly. Whatever was inside had some weight to it and was sealed tight enough not to move around. It was addressed to Whumper, maybe they should ask what it is. Opening the mailbox, they shrieked when a large bouquet of roses popped out. They knew exactly who those were for. 
Would Whumper get angry with them if they threw the flowers out? Who were they kidding, of course he would. He’d probably yell at them and beat them and… 
Wait… If they threw the flowers away, they’d get yelled at by Whumper! And if they got yelled at, they’d get attention! Yes! That was a perfect idea! 
Whumpee paused again. No, that wasn’t a good idea. How long would it be until he noticed the flowers were gone? Hours maybe? No. Whumpee didn’t want to wait that long. They wanted attention now. 
They marched back into the house with the mail, making their way to Whumper’s office, holding their head high. He briefly acknowledged them when he pointed to the empty space on his desk. Without a second thought, Whumpee dropped the box on his desk. Whumper’s gaze instantly snapped away from the computer screen. 
“Whumpee! What the hell is wrong with you?!” 
“What… What do you mean sir?” They asked dumbfoundedly. 
“The box clearly says fragile. Why the hell would you drop it on my desk like that?” 
It did? Whumpee glanced down at the box, now noting the red stamp. When did that get there? They didn’t respond, staring silently at Whumper. He stood from his chair, his hand connecting with Whumpee’s cheek in a swift motion. They were sure their face was bright red now. But that didn’t matter. They got attention! They kept their head turned, hiding their smile. It was quick to dissolve when they were thrown against the wall, the same hand going around their neck. 
“Don’t start acting up because it’s almost Valentine’s Day Whumpee. You forget, I can still put you in your place. Just because I’m not paying attention to you doesn’t mean I won’t do it. I’ll put you back in the basement and leave you down there to starve. Is that what you want?” 
What?! No! That’s not what they wanted! Whumpee rapidly shook their head, wheezing out their words. “No sir!” 
“Then you better start acting like it.” 
When Whumper let go of them, Whumpee almost felt sad at the loss of contact. The warmth from Whumper’s hand was gone and they wanted it back. 
“Whumpee get out of my office. Now.” 
They quickly scampered away. 
Whumpee watched as Caretaker “helped” them tidy up. It felt more like she was trying to be in the way. She already was in every aspect of Whumpee’s life. She was just there. Taking up space. Existing. They frowned and glanced at the glass vase next to them. An idea instantly formed in their head. 
They swiped at it, knocking it to the floor. The shattering sound almost made them feel satisfied. They needed that to happen to Caretaker and her relationship with Whumper. They wanted to see it up close and in person, falling at their feet just like the glass. 
They picked up a shard, allowing it to pierce their hand. They dropped it and screamed in pain as Caretaker rushed over. 
“Whumpee, what happened?” She gasped when she saw the blood. 
“I don’t know! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault!” Whumpee cried, forced tears rolling freely. 
“I’m sure it was an honest mistake. Step this way so I can clean that cut.” She ushered Whumpee to the couch before leaving to grab medical supplies. Whumper stood in the doorway, glaring at Whumpee. He only shook his head before rolling his eyes and walking away. Whumpee didn’t know what that meant, nor did they like that. 
Caretaker came back and began patching up the wound. Whumpee glanced around before lowering their voice. “I hate you.” 
Caretaker didn’t react. “The feeling is mutual.” 
Whumpee stared at her in shock before frowning. “Clearly not if you care so much.” 
She smiled and raised her gaze. “You really think I care about you, Whumpee? You really think you matter to me?” She laughed. “I only do this to make Whumper’s hobby more fun. He gets the satisfaction of breaking you like a brand new toy.” 
They narrowed their eyes. “So you’re only here for his sake?” 
“Why no, of course not. There’s always more.” 
“Well I think you should leave. You have no place here and you don’t deserve Whumper.” Whumpee smirked. “Wait till I tell him how phony you are.” 
“Me?!” Caretaker repeated. Her surprise was very obviously fake. She laughed. It quickly turned into a fit of giggles, leaving Whumpee beyond confused. She took a deep breath and smiled again. “You really think that’s going to work? Oh Whumpee, you’re a lot more hopeless and pathetic than I thought.” She leaned forward, lowering her voice. “Listen to me Whumpee, I have your precious Whumper wrapped around my finger. He’ll listen to anything I say, no matter what it is. He’s never going to give you what you want. Even if that is just his attention. You’ll never get it. Because Whumper is mine.” 
“Well I had him first. He was mine before he was anybody’s.” Whumpee frowned. 
Caretaker giggled again. It weirded them out. Why was she laughing? Whumpee was being serious. It wasn’t meant to be funny. 
She exhaled, still smiling. “You really are pathetic, aren’t you? You really think Whumper cares about you? You are nothing but a toy. A plaything. A servant. A maid. That’s all you are and that’s all you’ll ever be. You don’t matter. If something ever were to happen to you, you’d just be replaced by someone else. You’re not as important as you think you are. Just because you were first doesn’t mean anything. You only keep him entertained. These feelings you have for him aren’t being reciprocated. Because he does not care about you.” 
“And what makes you think…” Whumpee trailed off, confused when Caretaker grabbed their hands. They watched in silence as she brought them up to her neck. Panic rushed through their body as she used their hands to choke herself. Whumpee did their best to remove their hands. While they hated Caretaker, they wouldn’t hurt her this way. 
Caretaker pushed Whumpee away and gasped loudly, standing from the couch. “Whumpee?! What’s wrong with you?!” 
“I didn’t—” 
Whumper instantly appeared in the doorway, a deep frown on his face. “What happened now?” 
“They tried to choke me!” Caretaker cried. 
“No I didn’t! She’s lying!” 
Whumper grabbed Whumpee’s shirt, almost picking them up from the couch. “I’ve had enough of you lately.” 
“Sir, I didn’t do anything! Honest!” Despite all of Whumpee’s earlier attempts at getting attention, this was not the kind of attention they wanted. Whumper looked way angrier than they’d ever seen him. 
“No, don’t act like that now. You want my attention, right? Well now you have it.” He let go of Whumpee. 
The last thing they saw was Whumper’s fist and the world went dark. 
Whumper sat furious, frowning deeply with his hand propping up his head against the arm of the couch. Caretaker who was putting away her new present, noticed the look. She sighed and scooted closer before wrapping her arms around him. “You shouldn’t let them bother you.” 
“I’m not. I’m just…pissed. I should force them to fix it.” 
Caretaker glanced at the jewelry box she’d gotten. The mirror inside had been shattered, thanks to Whumpee dropping the box. Despite how calm she looked on the outside, she was furious as well. “We can always get another one.” 
Whumper didn’t respond, still staring into space. A smile slowly grew on Caretaker’s face as a devious thought came to her. She tried her best not to laugh. That’s a perfect idea�� 
“I really should drag them back up here and make them fix it. Then strangle them until they’re unconscious, starve them–” 
“Actually, I have a better idea…” 
Whumper turned his head to meet gazes, his frown briefly faltering. “What’s that?” 
“I think you should get a whole new plaything.” He raised a brow but didn’t interrupt. “Clearly, Whumpee has forgotten their training. Why don’t you just start fresh? A clean slate.” 
Caretaker grinned widely as she watched the gears begin to turn in his head. 
Whumpee perked up when they heard Whumper open the door to the basement. It was obvious that he was still angry with them. His stomping made it evident. Yet, instead of any kind of scold, Whumper began to unchain them. 
What was going on? Were they going back upstairs? Did Whumper change his mind about punishing them? What was happening? 
Whumper placed handcuffs on their wrists and Whumpee raised a brow. “What’s going on?” 
He raised his gaze. “You’re leaving.” He pulled them up and began dragging them to the staircase. 
“Leaving?! You’re getting rid of me?!” Whumpee tried their best to break free. Before they could think, they were thrown to the floor. Tears filled their eyes as they looked up at their captor. 
“I’ve had enough of you Whumpee. Acting out just because you’re jealous of Caretaker and you want attention. Clearly you’ve forgotten your place in this house. You’re only a servant. A maid. Your job is not to beg for my attention, it’s to do what I asked you. But I see you can’t remember that. So since your memory is getting so bad, I’ll just have to get rid of you.” 
Whumpee couldn’t believe the words they were hearing. There was no way Whumper meant anything he was saying. He couldn’t mean it. That wasn’t something he would say. Their gaze shifted to the doorway, catching Caretaker grinning smugly. 
They frowned deeply. Of course they weren’t Whumper’s words. 
They were hers.
22 notes · View notes
Wrapped In Red!Peeta is a horny boy and I am here for it
He likes to dress Katniss up in nothing but those naughty red stockings, spank her, and then rail her into the mattress when the kiddos are fast asleep
Alright, Naughty Anon. Far be it from me to deny you the smut you so clearly want during the holiday season. It's not exactly what you asked for, but it's pretty darn close. You still get horny Peeta fulfilling (emphasis on the filling) his wife's needs. Enjoy!
A/N: This one is rated E for explicit sexual content and language. The next short piece that I post for this fun adventure will be considerably less smutty lmao.
After fifteen years of marriage, I know better than to ask questions about any packages that arrive at the door addressed to Katniss Everdeen-Mellark. Around early November, she starts shopping for Christmas. And after the holiday madness, the birthdays begin, with Cole in February, Avery and myself in March, Jaime in April, Karina in June, Olive in August, and now Daphne in October. When a package contains a surprise, Katniss usually gets a mischievous gleam in her eyes, kisses my cheek, and hides the package. If I don’t already know what it is and if it’s for the kids, later on she’ll slide an arm around my shoulders, and whisper in my ear to let me in on the surprise.
Which is why, when she receives a small package and blushes at the label, hides it behind her back and gives me a guilty look, I know that the package isn’t for one of the kids. Especially when I catch her later on, a little spaced out and biting her lip, and the blush remains on her cheeks.
And I can’t help the dirty direction my thoughts take for a few seconds. But I can’t linger on them, not with all of our kids still awake and fully aware.
To distract myself, I focus on our kids, who’ve taken over the house now that it’s Friday. With no homework in sight, they sprawl across the living room, raid the kitchen, ambush us with questions or the burning need to talk to either me or Katniss at every turn. God I love our family. It’s large and loud and chaotic, but overflowing with love. Katniss might tease me for being a sap if she could hear my thoughts, but as I watch her with Daphne on her hip, directing the efforts and preparing dinner, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with it.
She catches me looking and passes Daphne over to Avery. As she walks behind me, Katniss pinches my butt and stands on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear.
“Stop looking at me like that. Six is enough.”
“Who said anything about trying for another one?” She gives me a skeptical look and shakes her head before disappearing into the pantry. She’s right, of course. When we first got married, I never imagined we’d add three adopted kids, and two from Katniss and I, to our family. We’d planned on Jaime, and Daphne was a happy accident two years later. But she’s right. With so many kids underfoot, we’ve had to be creative to find time for just the two of us.
The kids are all busy at the moment, though, so I corner Katniss in the pantry. She jumps when she turns around and finds me hemming her in, pulling the door shut behind us.
“Really? The pantry?” Katniss asks, one eyebrow lifting up her forehead, but she’s smirking and slides her arms over my shoulders, winds the fingers of her one free hand into my hair as I bend down to kiss her.
“Yes, the pantry. If I thought I could get you off in three seconds, I’d have my fingers inside you right now,” I tell her and Katniss laughs, but she keeps kissing me. I back her up against one of the shelves and glass bottles rattle. Katniss moans in my mouth, and my need for her skyrockets. We’ll have to stop soon, but there’s always tonight.
Just as the kiss is getting out of hand, the door opens and I sigh as I hear Avery squeal, “Is that even sanitary? Get a room!” right before the door shuts.
“I would if you all would stop following us into them!”
I hear Olive and Avery giggle. Cole muttering that we’re weird, and Jaime asking what’s happening.
“Whose idea was it to have all these kids anyway?” I ask and Katniss kisses me again. Once, briefly.
“Yours. And if it wasn't your idea, you seduced me into it and convinced me it was mine,” she teases.
“Right, sure. I think I remember your go-to move for almost a year was demanding that I knock you up with Jaime,” I remind her, and she scowls slightly, but there’s no real anger behind it. In fact, her hand runs down my chest in a sensual caress, drawing the question out of me. “So what was in that package today that made you blush?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she taunts, her voice all breathy. I whine slightly as she slips around me and leaves me panting for her. Fuck this. Early bedtime tonight.
It takes me a few minutes before I can leave the pantry, and when I do, dinner’s ready. Normally, I love our family dinners. Tonight, I just want it to be over so I can drag Katniss to bed so I can return the torment, watch her squirm and try to be quiet until she can’t take it and starts making demands.
Not that I can knock her up again. We joke about it, but I had a vasectomy shortly after Daphne was born, when Katniss and I agreed that while we adore our crazy big family, any more might become more than we can handle.
After dinner, Katniss disappears, likely because she needs a few minutes of peace and quiet, while I make sure the dishes get washed, the kitchen gets cleaned up, and that there isn’t a traffic jam in the laundry room since tonight is Avery and Cole’s night to do their laundry. I make a note on our shared notes app that Cole needs new socks. Olive follows me around with a permission slip for a field trip until I sign it.
At one point, as I walk past our bedroom, I manage a peek through our cracked open doorway and do a double take before I stop and completely block the opening to stare at my wife. She’s standing in front of a mirror, holding up her work shirt, turning her legs and torso as she examines her reflection. Pale green thigh high socks encase her legs, topped with a bit of filmy, creamy lace. She’s wearing plain cotton panties in a sensible shade of tan, but as I slip through the door and shut it behind me, I’m already hard for her.
“Are those new?” I ask and Katniss gasps. I grin and lock the door as she lets go of her work shirt and scowls at me.
“You were not supposed to see these yet,” she says and moves swiftly towards me, but I beat her to it, wrapping her up in my hold and turning her back around to face the mirror, with my body caging her in so she can’t escape.
“I’ll forget I ever saw them after I leave this room,” I promise her, although it’s not a promise either of us expects me to keep. I brush her braid off her shoulder and cradle the side of her head in my palm as I start to nuzzle and kiss the side of her neck, where I know she likes it. Where my kisses make her knees quiver.
“Peeta, the kids,” she gasps as I start plucking open her shirt buttons and watching the reveal of her body in the mirror. I grasp one breast over her bra and massage her a little. She moans softly and pushes her hips back into me. I thrust back, rubbing myself on her ass as we gently start to move together and her cheeks flush, her eyes haze over with desire. We watch my hand trail down her body and Katniss gulps as I slip my fingers into her panties. “Oh fuck yes, don’t stop,” she pleads.
She’s not wet just yet, and I bite back my frustration. It’s not my fault, she’s assured me again and again, just something that sometimes happens after a pregnancy. So I withdraw my finger and suck on the tip before I dive back in and brush slow, tantalizing strokes over her clit.
“Peeta,” she sighs and grabs hold of my wrist with one hand, the other spearing into my hair as she writhes in my arms.
“Mo-ooooooom!” One of the kids shouts and Katniss immediately goes limp in my arms with a frustrated sigh.
“Ignore them,” I whine, even though I know she won’t.
“They’ll just keep shouting,” she reminds me. “And what if it’s Daphne that needs something?”
I release her, just enough to turn her around and cup my hand over her warm, damp panties. “I’ll go see what they need. But please, if you truly love me, you’ll have these socks on after the kids all go to bed tonight.”
She laughs and gives my lips a quick kiss. “Two hours until bedtime.”
“I’m getting them to bed within the hour,” I promise her and adjust myself before I leave our bedroom, leaving her flushed, mostly undressed, and irresistibly sexy.
I can’t get them to bed within the hour. It actually takes closer to three, since the older ones decide they want to watch a movie, and then Karina calls halfway through it and Avery pauses the movie so they can all chat for a few minutes.
I take the break in the movie to check on Katniss, and find her snuggled up in our bed with Daphne and Jaime, reading them stories as they yawn and struggle to stay awake. When she finishes the story, I scoop Jaime up out of the covers and Katniss grabs Daphne. After we’ve tucked them into bed and they’re both dreaming happily, we remind the older kids to keep the volume down on their movie so they don’t wake their younger siblings.
Finally, all three of them are in bed too, and I make sure the house is locked up for the night before I make my way towards our room, already plotting how I’m going to get Katniss wet enough for me so that I can rail her into the mattress with those green socks wrapped around my hips.
Or draped over my shoulders. I can’t decide, but I’m aching with need by the time I make it to our bed. Katniss is already there. I shut and lock our door and strip off my clothes before I slide under the covers.
“Mmmph, Peeta?” Katniss asks sleepily. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close as I start desperately kissing over her shoulder. I need her so fucking much right now, especially when I feel the soft knit fabric of those green socks rubbing back against my shins. My ankles. My feet. I let my hands roam up under the t-shirt of mine she’s wearing. Down to find that she’s changed into a lacy pair of panties.
“Katniss, fuck,” I groan as I toy with the lace edges and tease her navel with my fingers. “I need to be inside you, need to feel you coming on my cock.”
“Mmmkay, just don’t wake the kids,” she says and I freeze. She hums and wriggles, her ass pushing back against my hard cock, teasing me. But her voice and her mannerisms tell a different story. She’s half asleep. I hold still for a moment, to see what she’s going to do. And when her breathing deepens out and she remains motionless in my arms, I sigh. Kiss her behind her ear and whisper to her.
“Love you, Katniss. Sweet dreams.” She hums, sounding content, but I lay awake for a while, waiting for my erection to go away.
It doesn’t. Not with her ass pressed up against me like this, twitching and tormenting me in her sleep every so often. Not with those socks on her legs, beckoning to me. My hand keeps caressing her thighs absently. I keep hoping it’ll soothe me into sleep, touching her like this, but around one in the morning, I give up, carefully extricating myself from the bed and slipping into the bathroom. Maybe a shower will help me relax enough to get to sleep.
Peeta looks more exhausted than rested by the end of the weekend. Of course, he always works at the bakery on Sundays, making sure everything is prepped for the week, and our kids didn’t exactly make the weekend easy on us. With one week of school before their fall break, they seem to be extra rambunctious. And that doesn’t bode well for Peeta and I finding time to rest or spend time together once they’re on break.
I bite my lip as I turn off Peeta’s alarm and slide from bed on Monday morning. He deserves to sleep in today, so I deal with the Monday morning rush out the door to school on my own. Then I take Daphne and Jaime over to spend the day with Felicity. She’s been a lifesaver, watching our youngest ones while I work, and even though Peeta technically has today off and I work from home on Mondays anymore, Felicity is still more than willing to take the kids for an unscheduled day every so often.
When I get back home, Peeta is still sound asleep and I breathe out a sigh of relief as I watch him from the bedroom door. He didn’t sleep well this weekend, although I’m not sure why. Closing the door so I don’t disturb him, I take care of a few work items and then shift into a handful of household chores when I need a break from my job.
It’s when I’m gathering up mine and Peeta’s clean laundry to take into our room that I remember. I hold the freshly washed green socks up between two fingers and scowl.
We never got around to making love this weekend, and it was obvious Peeta wanted to, while I was wearing these socks, no less, which I technically bought for me to wear as part of a surprise I have planned. And because I haven't exactly felt sexy lately, but these thigh high knit socks always seem to drive Peeta absolutely insane with desire.
Within seconds, I feel feverish, thinking of all the ways we’ve managed mind blowingly hot sex because of a pair of these socks. So much so that for a while there, I owned a pair in almost every color imaginable. They’ve all either gotten worn out over the years or no longer fit my post pregnancy thighs. When I returned to Red Yarn Darling’s website a few weeks ago after Peeta tried (and failed) to find a decent replacement, I was thrilled to discover that the maker of these socks offers different lengths and widths. So I bought this green pair, in a size larger than I used to buy, so see if they’d work. To my surprise, when I received my purchase confirmation email, there was a personal note from the shop owner, saying that she was glad to see me back. She even included a code for a lifetime discount.
I’d been embarrassed about the personal email and code at first, until Peeta caught me trying on the socks and his reaction met every one of my expectations and needs. So I’ve already put that discount to use, even though it’s still well over a month before Christmas, to make sure that at the very least, I have a pair in red that fits. After all, those red socks and us have a history.
But we didn’t get to follow through on the promises Peeta whispered into my ears on Friday. Exhaustion, the kids being home for the weekend, all conspired to make it impossible. Honestly, I wanted him too. So badly. But it’s been like this ever since Daphne was born. Peeta and I tease each other during the day, but by the time we get into bed, one of us or both of us is usually just too tired to do anything about it.
But the kids aren’t home right now, I think slyly.
Taking only the socks with me, I return to our bedroom, shutting the door behind me for good measure. Peeta’s still asleep and I silently strip down to my panties before slipping into the green socks. I find one of his shirts draped over the chair, just enough of his scent lingering in the threads to tell me that he’s worn it, but not enough for it to need washing. I slip that on too and then join Peeta under the covers.
I wake up feeling rested. Refreshed. Warm. It takes me a moment to place all the sensations of waking. The quiet of the house. The sunlight peeking through the drawn curtains. The warm body plastered to my back and the arm wrapped around my waist. The hand tucked inside my shorts.
Wait. The hand tucked inside my shorts?
I hold perfectly still, other than my hand as I lift the covers just enough to tilt my head and stare at the proof. Katniss’s hand slipped inside my shorts. I suck in a sharp breath and as I do, her hand starts to move. Slowly caressing and scratching closer and closer until I’m practically hyperventilating and her fingers wrap around my rising cock.
“Good morning,” she whispers and kisses the back of my neck. I shudder in her arms and groan when she slings one leg over my hips, pulling herself closer to me. I grip her thigh and stare at her leg, sheathed in one of those green knit socks that arrived in the mail on Friday. 
“You made a promise to me on Friday that you didn’t keep,” she scolds me, her voice sensual and throaty. My hips buck into her touch and I fist my hand in the pillow as she starts stroking me. 
“I wanted to, but you were tired,” I rasp and she hums before kissing the back of my neck again.
“Prove it,” she murmurs. “Show me how much you want me.”
“The kids?” I ask, completely unaware of what time it is, although my brain manages to register that it’s Monday. Her day to work remotely and one of my days off entirely. Which means I’ll need to get out of bed to get them to school. Unless--
“Already gone. Daphne and Jaime are with your mom. The others are at school,” she says. “We have the house to ourselves.”
“I love it when you talk dirty,” I say and slide my hand into my shorts to join hers. Close my eyes and revel in the feel of her touch on me. Her lips on me, breathing hot kisses and exhales onto my neck and behind my ears. The way my hand around hers on my cock tightens her grip. I enjoy the sensations as long as I can stand it. Until I can’t bear the layers of cloth still between us.
I roll onto my back and leave her hand to touch me as she will, shivering slightly when she doesn’t stop stroking me while I try to shimmy out of my underwear. I’m not even done when she shifts to straddle my left thigh. Hers pushing up against me, and the soft knit of the socks along my leg drives me wild.
Our lips find one another and I bury my hands in her hair so she stays right here. Kissing me. I can’t think straight when she’s like this. Ravenous and touching me like I’m the only thing in the world that she wants or needs. Maybe that’s fanciful thinking on my part, but when her lips leave mine, I fill the space with words.
“You’re driving me crazy, Katniss. I need to be inside you. Soon,” I whisper and watch her bite her lip. Feel her grinding the lacy fabric of her panties on my thigh, searching for relief for herself. Her grip on my cock tightens and speeds up. “And you need it too,” I taunt her with a quick, deep kiss. “I can always tell how badly you need my cock by how you play with it. You wanna come on it, don’t you?”
She curses under her breath right before she kisses me. Lets go of me and shifts to straddle me fully. My own curse echoes hers as the soft fabric of her stockings rubs against my legs and hips. The coarser fabric of her lace panties slides over my cock.
I’m too close and not ready to finish, so I grip her under her thighs and push, urging her to ride my face first. I kiss along her sternum and her belly as she crawls over me, up to settle with her knees above my shoulders and her pussy right above my mouth. Then I pull aside her panties and tug her down onto me, moan at how fucking good she tastes. I swirl my tongue inside her, over her clit. Caress my hands over her ass, her hips, her thighs. She undulates her hips and whimpers my name.
And my cock fucking throbs when her hand tangles in my hair and she starts to fuck herself on my mouth. I try not to grin as her moans begin to shorten, quick punches of sounds that would echo through the house and be too loud if the kids were home, but they’re not home.
“Peeta -- please -- almost --” she gasps out and I flip her over, onto her back and ignoring the way she squeals and pounds on my shoulders in protest as I tear her panties off her body and shove her thighs up and then down, spread for me, pinned to the mattress on either side of her.
I bend over and bury my face between her thighs. Suck her clit between my lips and work it even as I reach down and slowly stroke my cock. I keep licking her until she’s wet and twisting on the sheets, incoherent sounds of pleasure pouring from her lips. But just before she tips over, I back off and sit up, taking in the sight of her. Hair wild and pulled in large wisps from her braid, fanned out over the pillow. Lips swollen and flushed, cheeks bright with heat, eyes glistening with need and love.
“Tell me what you need,” I taunt her with my thumbs on her thighs and she groans, reaches up and yanks on my hair until I fall on top of her in a heated kiss.
“Put that tongue back to work and make me come or get your cock inside me, Peeta. Stop toying with me.”
 I grin and take myself in hand, pushing her thigh up higher as I drag my tip through her folds. She’s not quite as wet as I need her to be for what I’ve got in mind, so I reach over and fumble in the nightstand for the bottle of lube we keep there. While I do, she kisses along my throat and caresses her hands over my shoulders and chest. 
Once I’ve got myself slicked up, I return to her, kissing her as I slowly sink my cock into her. She’s warm and after a few shallow thrusts, her lips part for me. I sink in deep, a little faster than I’d planned, and Katniss sucks in a sharp breath, making me lift my head.
“Did I hurt you?” I ask and she shakes her head. She bites her lip and plants her feet on the bed, starts rolling her hips beneath me.
“No, fuck no. Peeta, you feel so good inside me. Please make me come now?” she begs and I nibble on her lips, let her fuck herself on my cock for a moment before I plant one hand on her abdomen and hold her down.
“I will,” I promise. “But you have to say it. Say what you want, Katniss.”
“I want,” she whines and wriggles under my hand, but she can’t get loose enough to move the way she wants to. “Stop being an ass and make me come!”
“You wanna come on my cock?” I ask her and she nods frantically, her fingernails raking down my arms as she still can’t move. Can’t get the stimulation she needs. But her pussy is so warm and wet around me that I can’t help wanting to just sit here like this, with her surrounding me tight as a glove or a pair of well formed stockings.
“Say it, then,” I torment her with one slight rocking thrust and she gasps, stares up at me open mouthed. It’s a game we’ve played before, although not in a long time. We rarely have time for this kind of foreplay anymore, and I’m enjoying the fuck out of it. Watching her squirm and plead.
“Please. Please make me come. I wanna come -- come on your cock,” she pants and I finally start to move. Pulling all the way out, slow and torturous, then slamming back into her. Her breasts, her entire body, shudders and a strange sound leaves her throat as she grips my arms.
“Like that?”
“Yes,” she moans and arches into my next thrust. “Peeta! Like that.”
And it feels good. So good for me too as I thrust again and again, her nails digging into my straining muscles. Her body meeting mine. Her voice squealing out the song of her pleasure.
I need a distraction or I’m gonna come too soon. I grip her legs and fold her almost in half, bearing down into her as I drape her legs over my upper arms, my mouth hovering just over hers and my hand slipping into her hair, messing it up even more.
“And this? You like this?” I asks as my thrusts shorten but I can move faster like this. She gapes up at me and swallows heavily, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment before she speaks.
“You’re so deep. So deep inside me, Peeta, please. I’m gonna come. Need to come,” she whines and when she opens her eyes, I grin.
“Better be quiet or the kids will hear you,” I tease. She laughs and turns away from me, into my hand. She kisses my palm and smirks.
“Lucky for me, they’re not here right now. I can be loud when you make me come.”
“Or,” I taunt and work my fingers until I’m covering her mouth with my whole hand. “Or you could practice being quiet.”
She moans and closes her eyes, her lips pressing into my palm. I kiss along her ear and whisper filth to her, uncertain of her reaction until her hand slides up my wrist to hold my hand in place on her mouth and she looks at me from the corner of her eyes. I can feel her smiling against my palm. Then her teeth nipping at me, as though to say Harder, Peeta.
When I don’t change what I’m doing, she nips me again, harder this time, a playful look in her eyes. So I move faster. Deeper. At first, her moans are quiet enough that my hand can muffle them. But as I move inside her, the sounds she’s making crescendo, until her mouth is open beneath my palm and my own moans join hers.
If we were trying to be quiet, we failed. But I don’t fucking care when her head thrashes to her left, free of my palm as she bucks beneath me. Her hands slap onto my back and her pussy starts to clench on my cock. I grind into her, enjoying the feel of her orgasm on me. The bite of her nails raking down my back. Her unbridled moans filling the air.
And when she falls limp on the bed, she gazes up at me with satisfaction in her eyes. Slides her legs down off my shoulders. I shift my arms so she can, but then I feel the soft brush of the knit stockings on my ass, up to my waist where she cinches her legs tight around me.
“Come inside me, Peeta,” she whispers and arches enough to kiss me. “Fuck me into our bed and come inside me.”
I growl and dig my fingers into the sheets. Allow myself to do what she’s demanded. My hips slap into hers and she bites her lip, but she meets my thrusts and her nails once more start to bite into my skin. At one point, she starts moaning. Our mouths clash in sloppy kisses, and I don’t even try to control the moans pouring out of my throat as pleasure then euphoria takes over.
The entire bed shudders with my last thrust, but I can’t even think straight as I burn for her. Empty myself into her. Deprived of breath but overwhelmed with the feel of her clenching and gripping my cock. With the sound of her voice whispering in my ear that she loves listening to my moans.
“You’re so fucking sexy when you moan like that. Love the sound of you making love to me, coming for me,” she murmurs and her lips are hot on my throat, my ears, then my mouth.
I don’t know how long we kiss, but eventually, I wake up again and we’re still naked in bed. I check the clock and do some quick calculations before I grasp Katniss by the hips and tug her closer.
“Better tell me now if you’ve actually got work to do, or I plan on railing you into this mattress again,” I whisper to her and she laughs, then thrusts back into my erection before rolling over on top of me, rising up to straddle me.
“Or maybe I’m going to rail you into the mattress,” she teases, grasping my wrists and slamming them onto the pillows.
Fuck yes, I think as she bends over to kiss me.
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a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
Certainties & Mistletoe | Ch. 3
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Summary: Mistletoe, the only decoration the old bastard could bear to stand during the winter-months. You thought it harmless, simple and almost forgettable… but the events it causes, is anything-but.
Ebenezer Scrooge & F!Reader | 5929 Words | Prev.
Tags: Slow-burn, humor, banter, internal-thoughts, boss/employee relationship, maid!Reader, some world-building, pining (?), denial of feelings, confrontations, drinking, historical inaccuracies, canes, Scrooge being a Bastard
The gift of observation was a talent every proper servant of a house or business should be incredibly well-versed in. A requirement, necessity to perform the many duties of the house, and you thought yourself well-practiced, and quite subtle with your own gift of observation...
Then Mister Scrooge turned, leaving the cowering shopkeep to sag with relief at the lack of attention, and now fixed his cool-blue gaze sternly on you instead, completely catching you in your unabashed staring.
You didn't flinch. But you found the subtle threadwork of your winter-gloves suddenly very, very fascinating to study.
"That is thrice now," Lowly he spoke, though his stride was in high-spirits, as the pouch of fresh-collected coat clinked within his coat as he marched past you. "One would think you would learn to be more subtle by the second-time."
You followed after him into the snow-laden breeze upon the streets of London, protest on your frost-chapped lips, "I wasn't-"
"You were, and it is as much unnecessary, as it is unwelcomed." The sharpness in his voice is second-only to the tapping of his cane on cobble. "Manners, miss. I would expect you to remember them, even when not performing in the confines of the building you work in."
Murmuring your assent, you swallowed back a sigh, and silently-chided yourself on your foolishness. Both for your conduct, and for putting yourself into this bloody, unnecessary mess in the first-place.
The hours upon the streets were long, cold, and whatever stark-change had overcome the persona of Ebenezer Scrooge, seemed to have long-dissipated the very instant he marched out onto the streets.
You were falling, yes, but into uncertainty no-longer. Because while you were falling back, as rapidly as you had fallen-out, of normalcy, Scrooge had fallen back into his old ways.
And you felt the fool for thinking anything different.
Militaristic as ever, the Master marches to a tune that is entirely his own, and at least twice as stern as even the most uptight marshal could be. Undaunted by few, and not hesitating to barrel his way past many others, Mister Scrooge was a force of unforgiving nature all on his own.
And you - silly, foolish, far too-caring you - were stuck half-sprinting to keep up with the path of destruction he left-behind.
Prudence was sweet enough to trot a pace or two behind her master's heels, offering a sympathetic woof further-back to you whilst legs burned with the effort of keeping-speed with the man.
"Thank you, dear girl," You whispered breathlessly as you - at last! - passed her to come stand at the gentleman's side. Ebenezer Scrooge was darkly glaring forth at the driving-lanes before him, thick and crowded with enough carriages to at-last stop him in his tracks.
You were sorely tempted to kiss the hands of all the drivers-present, in gratitude, but instead gathered enough frigid air into your lungs to speak, "h...Holiday-rush, I suspect! Plenty of packages, plenty of gifts-"
"Oh, it's only traffic, Mister Scrooge-!"
"No, the lot of it!" He declares, scowling as he raises his cane to gesture upon the line of horse-drawn vehicles. A purely venomous expression was affixed on his face, teeth grinding and eyes flashing as he snapped, "Wasting countless -  and for what?? Dying joy, fleeting happiness... it all only lasts a single-day, a wonder any would want to bother with it at all!"
You said nothing. Merely taking advantage of your gift of inspection, eyes trailing from the sharp-cuts of fury, creases of annoyance lining his face, with his knuckles tight enough to tremble on his cane-handle.
Mister Scrooge looked, in all seriousness, like he was bracing to pounce-upon the drivers and all their festive contents. Something that simply would not do.
Carefully, you reached out to place a palm on the dark-wood of his cane. "Indeed, such a season can be quite a headache, when one considers all the work that must go into it..." A slight pressure, a bit pleadingly so, but the gentleman eventually followed the motion of your hands, blessedly lowering his cane back to touch the ground.
"Tis no must, about-it." He grunted once more, clapping one still-shaking hand over another on the handle of his walking-stick. "Though I can't think of any good-reason. A waste in all aspects, not excluding financial."
"Well," You started, tone still treading-carefully, for the last thing you needed was to restrain the man if he truly threw a fit at the drivers. "I cannot speak for the gifts, but as material as they are, I like to think the meaning behind the effort is where the true-gratification lies."
"Humbug." He said once-again, but it's a little less heated, quieter.
"It shows one cares," You state with a simple shrug. "However minimal, however much coin, or whether it is something that can even be held, it matters little. There are a thousand-ways one can display their care, adoration for another. Gifts just happen to be the most physical, and most popular in that regard."
This only earns you a scoff, and round of fingers tapping along on the cane-handle as the miser turns-cheek from you, apparently to study the line of carts on your opposing-side.
"This isn't the only season that one is inclined to give gifts, you recall?" You add, almost curious, as to whether his hate extended beyond the world of winter's festivities, into all holidays of giving.
The tapping grows louder, more rapid with his grunt in the affirmative, but the confirmation is distracted, distant, and only makes you frown. Your hand, seemingly disconnected with your body, reaches out towards the edge of his coat with fingertips brushing on the somber-cloth.
"Mister Scrooge-"
"Hurry along," And now, he is gone. A length cloud of black, his coat billows behind him as heels pivot, with Ebenezer driving himself from your side and down the walking-street, with a force that could rival the hurricane.
And, much to your chagrin, Ebenezer Scrooge was also inclined to rival a hurricane in speed.
Mayhaps he sought to kill-you through exhaustion, you ponder as you weave through thickets of crowds, ducking between shops as you reach the marketplace, and muttering apologies all the while for yourself, and your wayward employer.
"What haste!" A Madame scoffs, looking as ruffled as her fur-lined coat, glowering after the repeating black-clad figure. "I pray it's an emergency, or else, I...!"
"My apologies!" You assure her quickly, smile sympathetic, and strained from lack of air. "Tis is indeed an emergency... one of his coin purse," You add under what-little breath you had left. It truly felt like a three-way chase was being conducted: the bloodhound of a man sniffing out his borrowed gold, with Prudence trotting at a leisurely-pace behind, and you left to chase after them both.
And all the while, you could only think why?  
Why on earth, did you fool yourself with the notion that something was amiss with the Master in the firstplace? That you thought something had gone wrong with the man, when instead there was surely something wrong with you.
Not simply because you kissed the man, though surely that was a first-sign to your newly discovered brand of madness.
But a form of concern? For the welfare of none other than the one and only Ebenezer Scrooge?
Yes, a maid was gifted with skills of observation, and a special-sort of empathy for those they work for, and in your near two-years of employment, you offered a certain sort of care for the man. This went far, far beyond what you were normally capable of providing.
A walking-companion! You thought, finally allowed to slow when seeing the abrupt-halt Scrooge makes before an ale-stall, the bottles gleaming in the lamp-light nearby. I could've offered tea, or simply asked the cause of what thoughts and worries had come to offer change to his personality... not subject myself to such brutal exercise, with nothing to show for it!
Other solutions would have been simpler, especially when it seems any change, shift or departure of normal-attitude of the old-bastard seems to have long-since fled - besides the hasty ‘good-morning’ offered upon your entry, spoken without eye-contact.
Besides that singular incident, now becoming a habit, seemingly nothing had changed in old Ebenezer Scrooge.
And you, panting and leaning delicately at the stall as you staggered to meet your employer already engaged in snarky-discussion of his client, felt like a fool for not seeing it sooner.
There was no shift, no unsteadiness, nor uncertainty that required the closer-examination you sought, when you requested to join Mister Scrooge in the first place.
Ebenezer Scrooge was exactly the same as he was, and as he always would be... a single incident under a sprig of mistletoe, would surely not be enough to change him otherwise.
As proven by his harsh-speech to his very-late client.
"An additional-week, you've cost me," He says, through unclenched teeth as he looks over the curve of his nose at the ruddy-faced brewsman behind the stall-counter. "You're poor at math, as evident by your financial-prowess, but in layman terms, it means you now owe me double."
"Double!" Sputters the man, clasping a hand over his heart like the news caused the organ to sputter-too. "Mister, come now! Tardiness is most unforgivable, I can attest-to, but surely double is a bit harsh-"
"What would be harsh, is if I were to call to those fellows that-a-way," The menacing lender of Cornhill spoke flatly, but there was an almost malicious glint in his pale-eyes as he pointed down the lane, towards a lazy, unoccupied assembly of constables. "And inform them of a thievery, two-weeks in the making."
"You wouldn't-!"
"I would be well-within my rights to," Scrooge points out, no shortage of cold smugness in that sharp-toothed smile. "One-week's tardiness was mercy. I allowed this second-week to commence, moreso out of morbid-curiosity, rather than leniency. I was quite-fascinated to see how long this charade would go on, but it has stopped being entertaining."
"Mister Scrooge, I-"
"Pay. Or, I'll round up the police."
Despite your lungs still aching from your hours-long jogging, your breath caught and was rendered unusable as you looked between the paled-salesman, and your employer. He's drawn himself up practically on his toes, head-high and the glare in his eyes nothing short of deadly, in seriousness.
It's a look you would easily cave-at.
And it's a glare the stall-crafter can only bear a moment longer, before the stalemate ends with his sigh, and reaching beneath the counter.
"I only just gathered it today, Mister," He informed Mister Scrooge quite glumly. "Honest, swear on Her Majesty, 've only just made-back on profits-"
"My deepest, most heartfelt sympathies for your plight." Scrooge responded with a voice completely void of emotion, but the sharp, cruel smirk he soon offers is anything-but. "I'll inspect every coin. Drunkards and thieves are known to paint irons into gold, and I would so enjoy getting the entire sum I am owed back."
"Of course!" Nearly insulted at the insinuation, the man still winces as Scrooge opens the box with a nearly-careless air, catching a wayward coin before it can roll away from his grasp. “Here, now!? Must you-?”
“After a fee two weeks late? I indeed must.”
Smartly, the brewer doesn’t complain, though looked particularly irked when Mister Scrooge oh-so-casually begins to clink and shift his way through the boxed-collection, clearly enjoying the theatrics with a loud hum or low-whistle when he selected one worth bringing up to closer-inspection.
Toying with the brewsman, to the point where even Prudence snorts along with something curiously akin to an eyeroll.
Pity overtakes you for the stranger - many already offered the infamous-man a wide berth, but by association, now the marketman suffers a loss in all-interest from local pursuing clients, who are eager to quicken their step past his stall.
Having reassociated yourself with full-lungs of air, and pity, you quietly lean forth to ask: “Pardon me sir, but what finities do you offer?”
“Oh!” At-last taking notice of you, he’s eager to turn his attention from your employer onto you. “Only the finest , ma'am. Finest in all of the district, perhaps in all of London-!”
“I would think even the Thames ferments better than whatever you have in stock,” Scrooge drawls, frown exaggerated as he lifts a coin between thumb and pointer to bring to examination in the light. “This shade finds more kinship with marigold, rather than gold, wouldn’t you say?”
“I... I wouldn’t know, Mister Scrooge.”
A dismissive scoff as the sovereign was carelessly tossed back-in, while you faintly recalled that the man had recently spoken - and was provided a long, unwanted lecture - from a local florist, likely where a man such as Scrooge learned such precision for shades of flora.
Dismissing that thought yourself, you leaned forth with a more disarming smile, words far more friendly, “I admit, I'm most-curious to know what you offer, and quite the novice to private-brews. Anything of high-remark I should be aware of?”
“All of it, madam, all of it,” He assures you, smiling in relief to have a distraction in the form of a polite lady, though his eyes still glint over to the far less-welcomed gentleman at your side. “Mayhaps... a lady as lovely as yourself would be keen to see for yourself? A sample to soothe the temperaments, yes?” He asked, suddenly eager with his offer, and already ruffling around his stock for a mug.
“Oh,” You leaned back, your own gaze flitting to your employer, who was now actually-engrossed in examining his payment for fraudulent-gold. Even out on the streets, you were still on the clock. “Oh, I don’t know if I should...”
But it’s too late, a cork is already popped off, and a generous amount of amber-liquid poured into what you hope is a clean mug for tasting. “Not a worry, ma’am! Tis the season for relaxation and joy, both of which are assured in th’ brew,” Turning to you, there’s a wink offered as the finity is pressed into your hands. “Not to mention the warmth will keep you a-going in these winter-winds for hours more to come!”
“Well...” Another glance, uncertain as you seem to often-be these recent days.
But Scrooge remains occupied with the gold he pinches between-fingers, squinting down hawkishly onto his payment, seemingly without any care for the rest of the world. Least of all his maid taking a quick sip of a privately-made brew.
And, well... it is bitterly cold this afternoon.
“I suppose,” You murmur, partially into the cup with a final hesitation, before tipping it back to allow the liquid to touch your lips, reach your tongue, slip down your throat-
By Her Majesty, you quite-nearly keel over as the pure fire that races down your windpipes like a rifle's bullet, and seemingly finding comfort in lighting a blaze within your lungs. Nearly spilling the mug in your attempts to immediately put it down - more importantly, put it away from you - you gloved-palm nearly slaps over your lips, in an effort to keep from coughing sharply at the sheer strength in a single-sip.
Tears welled in your eyes at the effort, and at the burning...!
A large, furry head presses against your skirts, whining-concerningly as you rasp a prayer from salvation to the almighty around your thick-glove. Apparently, He hears your weak exclamations, as a foreign-hand comes up onto your shoulder. A comfort, though the source of it seems uncertain, jerking slightly upon contact... as if its owner is surprised to have made it himself, or perhaps shocked at willingly-touching another human-being.
“Perhaps I wasn't wrong to proclaim the Thames as the better craftsman.” The snarl cuts though your awareness like a knife, with Ebenezer Scrooge’s tone just as sharp as a blade. “What in the heavens did you give her, fool, arsenic?!”
“'Course not!” The salesman's eyes are wide, as he glances between your overwhelmingly adverse reaction, and whatever your employer's expression contains... based on the poor-man’s rapid pallor, it’s clear Scrooge looks the furthest from pleased. “It's my best-seller 'round these parts! S’got a bit of a kick, yes, but I thought she would appreciate the aftertaste-”
“Indeed, it’s clear that she doesn’t .” There’s a harder press of fingers into your shoulder as you swallow back the urge to cough, before a sharp-slam, and click of a lock falling into place of a coin-box, is heard. “I do hope you fancied borrowing my coin, for you’ll get nothing further from me. Except perhaps a bit of a kick for yourself, should you have the courage to try a stunt like this a second-time.”
Your vision clears, enough to see the salesman holding both palms up in surrender. Looking far from pleased, from what you manage to witness with your blurry-eyes, but far more fearful than to fret over his loss of lender.
Meeting your own, slightly bloodshot gaze as you struggle with the harsh-liquor, the gentleman winces with some sense of guilt, before murmuring his intentions, “I do apologize, truly, sir! I only considered that you might be inclined to forgive m'late pay. P-perhaps further support my lil' business, if your dear-wife showed favor with my wares.”
Your throat still burns, but everything else freezes.
Not excluding the now corpse-stiff hand upon your shoulder. And indeed, Mister Scrooge rasps like he is the wrath of Death itself as he frigidly-growls, “She is not my wife."
The fingers dig through the layers of fabric into your shoulder under his tense grip, one unyielding as he sharply turns you away from the stall, and whatever sputtered apologies the marketman has to offer. You would sympathize if your esophagus didn’t feel aflame, like hell-itself had come to light your throat into a smolder...
Your cheeks are equally heated, in the sheer embarrassment of the whole situation, and no small amount of self-anger at propping yourself here.
What foolishness! Priorly, you thought injecting yourself into the affairs of your employer was enough of a mortification, yet now you see that your own limits to humiliating-displays know no-limitations.
Of course, this should’ve been evident, the moment you chose on a whim and on fool’s tradition, to kiss the very-man who pays your wages. A humiliating display, but certainly not the end of your streak of such exhibitions.
You lower your glove to apologize - the minimal of what you can do in such an ongoing predicament - but the very-instant you attempt to speak, you burst into a coughing fit as the heinous warmth races back-up upon contact with fresh-air, forcing you to a stumbling halt as fresh-tears spring in your eyes.
You’re largely unaware of being ushered for some-semblance of privacy in a nearby alleyway, but entirely aware of the hand still resting upon your shoulder, soon traveling... lower.
It's all very-proper, of course, and... admittedly, a bit clumsy. The hand that comes to rest between your heaving shoulder-blades in your pants, is moreso like one of Prudence's paws with how lamely it attempts to soothe your breathing, providing easier passage of air back into your burning-lungs.
Sadly, it doesn't work.
But the gruff, barely-audible words that somehow manage to reach your ears between the coughing, help ease your coughs more out of shock than anything else, "That's it... In. Out..."
Guidance. It's gruff, rusted and, and certainly lacking much bedside-manner.
But the gentleman is guiding you, urging you with slow, grave words that seem long-since out of practice, in order to get you breathing-clearly once more. And that fact alone is enough to assist in smoother-breathing through your airways, taking-in easier, and easier-breaths as result of Mister Scrooge's guidance.
And the shock, that he would be so-willing to do so.
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onigirio · 1 year
OMG thanks so much! I loved your headcanons about Percy and Sunny so much that I need more, could I request something else for them again if it doesn’t bother you please <3
a/n: i’m glad you enjoyed it! i’m always happy to write for these two <3 i hope you like it
warnings: mentions of an anxiety attack
this is a sequel to this ask!
ah yes
holidays with sunny and percy
yes it’s march idc
you’re probably only a summer camper
so holiday season isn’t real until your last assignment is handed in and winter break starts
percy is always there for you
because of winter, you’re a little more sad than usual
so on your way home you often find yourself ending up in front of the jackson residence
*ding dong* “hey sally, sorry for bothering-“ “don’t worry sunny, percy’s in his room”
he’s like your battery pack
he lets you teach him some stuff to prepare for your own tests
he knows a lot more about the history of theater because of you
percy always tries his best to make sure you’re doing okay
if you’re an over thinker he will DEFINITELY reassure you you’re gonna do okay
you think he’s more stressed about your schoolwork than you are
but gods when winter break starts?
you guys are INSEPARABLE
because outside of camp, communication is a bit of a struggle
no phones for demigods </3
and you can’t exactly iris message percy during class
so whenever you’re together, you spend as much time together as possible
back to winter break
percy suggested way back in june to make a list of things you guys should do together
“beach babes’ to do list!”
beach babes bc yk, sun and sea
there is a whole section just for winter activities
and you didn’t have a lot of time because of school
even if you were free, you and percy opted to stay inside the warm sheets of his bed
but now?
honey it’s basically a two week long date
building snowmen, ice skating, sledding
y’all did every activity you could think of
christmas presents? please you guys have had those for a while
but you still go window shopping together to get the experience
“sunny can we please get those decorations” “we already have some perce” “yea okay but those ones aren’t blue!!”
you ended up getting them for him
redecorating the jackson tree was not on your itinerary
but it was fun nonetheless
the days leading up to christmas are a lot less crazy mostly because you guys were already burnt out from the first week of winter break
days in bed cuddling and watching hallmark movies? YES
lots of hot cocoa courtesy of sally !
you guys do this a lot
imagine your mom’s surprise when you call her at 9am telling her you accidentally fell asleep at percy’s house
it’s okay because your families spend christmas together!
i imagine your mom and sally spend so much time on the phone talking about how stressful it is to be a demigod’s parent
they have coffee every once in a while
this means you guys open GIFTS TOGETHER!
percy got you a scrapbook!
it has all the polaroids he took of you guys with all your friends’ signatures and miscellaneous doodles all over the pages
obviously you start to tear up a little
then there’s your gift to him
a camp care package <33
you only go to camp in the summer
so you and percy only spend time there together in the summer
and there’s the possibility of quests etc etc
so you got him a care package with little things to provide him with comfort
said package has a lot of snacks and candles and the like
the kicker is the blue build a bear you made him
it has the heartbeat and everything
you even found a chain that looks similar to the one you got percy!!
yes you put a little voice in it
yes it is you saying “love you loser”
percy gave you the biggest smooch after that
after gifts, obvi it’s time to spend the rest of the day cooking
i’m black so cooking on holidays takes HOURS
you help sally and your mom in the kitchen
percy is sad because he lost his partner to the kitchen
one thing led to another and now he’s making the green beans
lots of fun belting mariah carey in the kitchen
after stuffing yourselves, you and your mom have to leave
gotta see some other family </333
so you give percy an extra long hug
because gods know when you’re gonna see him again
probably tomorrow BUT STILL
yes you have been together everyday but it’s still a sad goodbye
hugs and kisses to last ages
so *spoiler alert* you did not see him for the rest of winter break
he also was not picking up your IMs
you assumed he went on another quest
yk bc he’s percy jackson
so you went back to school feeling a little bit percy deprived
at the end of your first day back you’re leaving the school building with your friends
chatting, talking about plans for the afternoon
you perk your head up because there is only one person who calls you that
then you see him
percy in a (blue) honda civic
you knew he could drive but you were not aware he had a car
he was beaming at you, waving you over
you were embarrassed
positively though
because everyone and their mom was staring at this kid waving and calling you over
your friends were giggling and teasing you
obviously they knew about percy, but they’d never met him
“i met him at my summer camp” they thought you were pulling their legs
bringing it back
you didn’t even notice you were smiling so big
“sunny?” “yea?”
barely even answered them
you were just staring at percy
“i think your ride is here” and they pushed you towards him
you wave them goodbye as they laugh and whisper about you
you don’t even care, you just toss your bag in the backseat and get in the front
“when the hell did you get a car” “ ‘oh hello percy! thanks for picking me up i love you so much’”
you stared at him with an eyebrow raised
“it was a late christmas present from my mom”
congratulations! you have your own personal uber
the only driving experience you have is driving the sun chariot on ONE occasion
so you’re so used to taking the bus
after telling percy about how it sometimes takes you hours to get home after a rehearsal or practice
he’s decided he’s gonna drive you when you can
because he doesn’t want you going home late on your own
yes you can fend for yourself but it gives him peace of mind
besides, you would never pull out your bow in public
you tell him not to worry because he obviously is busy with other things to do
but he says it’s not too much of a problem because you don’t live too far from him
you try to persuade him but he’s stubborn as hell
percy: 1, sunny: 0
yk what this means!
you get aux all the time
i’m projecting again
deffos showing percy all your fave musicals
aka you belting all your favorite songs while percy smiles and nods
“what’s this one from?”
you gasp in shock
because there is no way in hell percy jackson has not seen high school musical
the rest of the ride is you explaining the plot and playing all your fave hits
you tell him about the love story between the main characters
“so i’m troy, and you’re my gabriella?”
safe to say you went home together and had a binge watch
it’s funny watching percy react to scenes you’ve seen a thousand times
“troy did NOT choose basketball over the love of his life”
“sunny you know i would never choose anything over you”
he loves it now
sings the songs with you all the time now
even had your karaoke moments together in his bedroom
led to lots of cute videos
courtesy of sally <3
sometimes he stops and lets you sing
percy loves your voice
even if you’re just humming a tune while you study
he’s always listening
this boy melts when you get comfortable enough to play for him
once again self projecting
you get so nervous singing and playing your instrument for people on your own
and he’s held you after so many performances and shows at your school when you’ve had anxiety attacks
so when you say “hey percy, can I play you this song i’ve been working on?”
he almost cries
because you trust him enough to share something so personal
gods percy loved it
and he loves you
tells you how proud he is of your progress and your accomplishments
you promise him one day you’re gonna sing around the campfire at camp
he’s gonna hold you to it <3
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simmillercc · 4 months
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I do love me a cute apron. How about you? Do you have some sims that are deeply culinary and deserve a truly adorable apron? Or perhaps there's a need for something like this in a story you're telling. 
Whatever the reason, these aprons are super cute, and are divided into 2 packages: Seasonal and Sayings.
With the seasonal set, you'll see
1- Spring flowers - 4 swatches
2- Summer fruit and popsicles - 4 swatches
3- Autumn leaves - 4 swatches
4- Winter holiday gingerbread and trees - 7 swatches
In the sayings set, there are 2 sayings in multiple colours each:
1- TRUST ME I'M A Chef - 29 swatches
2- Kiss THE Cook - 15 swatches
You'll find these in CAS in TOPS>T-SHIRTS
FEMALE (Not restricted from males)
Proper colour tags
All feminine, some masculine
All Occults: Human, Alien, Vampire, Spellcaster, Mermaid Werewolf
Career, Everyday, Party, Situation for both packages - Retail Uniform for Seasonal only
Styles: Bohemian, Festival-Food, Contemporary-Basic for both packages, - Seasonal tags for seasonal package only
I chose not allowed for random because this is a very specific-use item, and I've marked all occults. If you change this to random, you may want to also change the occults.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Post Office Bounty Thwarted
ARGH, I just realized -- 
I didn’t lose a LOT when my phone broke last month, most of it was backed up, but my photos were not and among the things that I lost were a couple of photos of some cards and packages folks had sent me along with the notes about who had sent what. And while I have some of the cards and all of the stuff that arrived in the package, the cards are in my File Of Cool Cards I’ve Been Sent with a thousand others, and I have zero short term memory so don’t recall the contents of the package. 
SO if you sent me a holiday card in December, or a card or package from January to about the end of March, I definitely received it, I loved it, and I do not have a photo of it to share, I’m so sorry! The one that I know is @arukou-arukou sent me a lovely tree of cats and that is sitting on top of my hydroponic garden now :D I’m pretty sure other cards were from @alltangledupinblue and @nissus and Kris&Josh. Beyond that I apologize! 
Gotta do a post office run this week, I think, so hopefully more Bounty this weekend!
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dollshobby · 3 months
Review of Brooklyn 65-th Anniversary, Blue Sapphire by Mattel, 2024 💎
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Today we are reviewing one of the two dolls of the Barbie 65-th Anniversary series - cute and positive Brooklyn. The packaging of the doll has a very stylish and bright look, the colors used fully correspond to the concept of the Barbie holiday. The box is shaped, on the back of which there is a small excursion into the history of the creation of the series. The doll belongs to Black Label, the package includes a certificate and a model stand for the doll with a black base and mother-of-pearl stand.
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re-dracula · 2 years
Production Update!
We’ve received the money from seed and spark, and have ordered the physical rewards! We’re working on the other perks (like the Zine and friendship bracelets) too. Our current plan is to ship in January after the holidays, which will give us time to complete the perks we’re making ourselves and organize/package everything else - and take the end of December off!
We’re “editing” the “script” which means getting the novel into script format and adding content warnings. We’ll be doing read-throughs in January, which will roll straight into recording.
We’re contacting experts for our bonus episodes! We’ve already been doing a lot of research for this production, so we had some names jotted down from before we even began crowdfunding. We’re working on the concept album! Right now this consists of a lot of meetings with various artists and a little bit of jokes going too far. Someone wrote a rap battle. We do not know if we will produce it.
November and December will mostly consist of a lot of the boring producer stuff that falls under the category of “making sure ___ happens”. Jan/Feb is recording, and March through May is audio post production! That’s when we’ll start to have things to show for the, uh, show. I’ll be sharing updates as they happen because I think it’s fun to pull back the curtain!
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nonobadcat · 1 year
Afo on valentine with pregnant reader maybe if your ok with requests 🥺
Whoot! Finally had time to sit down and work on this! ❤️
I think the answer of how AFO would be with a pregnant lover depends on which country's Valentines Day we're talking about. In western style countries I'm sure there would be wining and dining but, since BNHA is set in Japan, I decided to go with a Japanese style holiday.
In Japan, women are expected to be the predominate provided of the holiday. This turns around on White Day in March when the men return the favor with gifts. There are several types of chocolate for Valentine's day: Giri (obligation), Honmei (true love: sounds suspiciously like homemade), Tomo (friends), Jibun (I bought for myself), and Fami (family). There are also reports of Gyaku (man to woman gifted) chocolate, but I get the impression most guys just wait for White Day.
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All For One x Pregnant Reader Valentine's Day
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Puffy coat lapels clutched tight to your neck, you dodged past yet another line snaking out from the tidy, pink and red mottled store fronts of the Roppongi Hills shopping center. Banners and LED adverts flashed limited edition everything from gold foiled chocolate truffles to "lovey dovey" rice crackers. Even Kitty Diamond, the slick, luxury pet shop, had swapped their usual clean, white window display for a flood pastels hearts. The mournful amber eyes of the plush Persian kittens for sale looked like a glowing sunset against their coral colored collars.
Squinting against the ferocious February wind, you stuffed the straps of your canvas bag into your armpit and braced the package tight against your chest. Out past the rose garden, you trudged down the sloping sidewalks towards the south entrance of Roppongi Station. As you passed L'Atelier du Pain, the French bakery, the odor of buttery baked goods made your bulging belly flutter. You groaned and patted your stomach.
"I told you at the first store, it's no good. I'm pretty sure that anything that smells that nice isn't on that troll doctor's 'recommended diet' list." You rolled your eyes. "Though I think his obsessing over my nutrient balance is going to give me higher blood pressure than any amount of potato chips."
When you reached the sparkling glass and rosy brass front of the luxury high rise, the doorman nearly tripped over himself to greet you. A nervously mumbled "welcome back" accompanied by averted eyes left you scowling. Clearly, someone had gotten short with the staff for "looking too long", again.
Honestly. You assumed, at first, that being visibly pregnant with his child would make the ever possessive Shigaraki feel more secure. However, even since seeing those two pink lines, your husband seemed more territorial than ever. Seeing the security guard's face almost made you want to extend your outing just to get away from the stifling apartment a little while longer. However, the throb of your swollen feet reminded you what a stupid idea that was.
Knowing that any further contact would make things worse, you strolled past the man and headed straight to the elevator. The sound of your annoyed toe tapping on the glossy, granite was your only companion. The glowing numbers crawled up floor by floor until they halted at the penthouse suite. With the tinny ding, you waddled off the lift and leaned against the creamy canvas wallpaper just beside your sumptuous, high rise flat.
Setting your purchase on polished, glittering tiles, you finished deep into your purse for your key. Your bag caught the edge the limited release vase on the hall table. You gasped. Lunging forward, your grabbed its lip before it could tumble to the floor. Heart pounding, you straightened the fresh flowers. Looking at the hasty arrangement made you purse your lips. No good. Compared to the perfectly crafted ikebana that usually sat outside the door, your efforts were a mess.
"Oh well," you sighed, turning back to the task at hand. "Not like it matters."
After all, one of his followers put a fresh arrangement in it every day.
You pressed your finger to the biometric scanner before turning the tumblers. The door slipped open on smooth hinges. As you balanced the load against your hip, a pink and white tag, decorated with a rolly polly infant, danged from your purse. Just as you leaned for the other bag, a large hand grasped your shoulder.
"I'll get that."
Without looking up, you shook your head at the owner of the smooth baritone and groped for your purchase "You're fussing again."
Shigaraki's pale fingers plucked the bag from the floor, hoisting it high over your head with a grin one tooth too wide to be kind. "You enjoy a little fussing," he teased, letting the goods swing from his pointer.
You reached out, snatching at your purchase. He sneered before raising it five centimeters beyond your finger tips. As you rocked onto the balls of your feet, straining for the handles, he leaned back, letting the bag bounce off his massive shoulder.
"Give it back!"
He chuckled, rocking it back and forth in the hanging air. "Why? It's for me isn't it?"
"For tonight! Not now!" Carefully shuffling sore breasts aside, you crossed your arms and grumbled. "Patience is not your virtue, is it?"
A massive palm engulfed your head, patting it twice before rubbing small circles at the edge of your scalp. "And following instructions is not yours." He nodded to the window at the end of the hall. A gust of wind rattled the pane. "I distinctly recall The Doctor telling you not to strain yourself this late in the pregnancy."
You pried his hand off your head and huffed. "A few block walk is hardly straining myself."
"In the cold and up hill?"
"It's 10C and I'm wearing a down jacket."
Red eyes narrowed. "With the zipper open."
You rolled your eyes. "...and who's fault is it that I've gained 10kgs?"
As a thick tongue darted out to wet his lips, your husband rested his hand on the shelf of your stomach. "It looks good on you."
Embarrassed heat flushed your cheeks. "Pervert," you spat, shouldering past him.
Planting your purse on the wall hook, you peeled off your coat and dropped it along side your bag. Braced one arm against the wall, you curled your finger inside your heel before tugged off your shoes. As you stepped from the gekkan onto the main floor, thick arms shoved themselves under your knees. Wide eyes looked up into a blinding, fanged grin.
"What sweets did my darling Valentine bring me?"
You gulped. "M-malted chocolate whiskey cake."
"Whiskey?" Crimson delight danced below long white lashes as he kicked the front door shut. "Not planning to share with me then?"
You raised an eye brow. "The All For One? Sharing with others?" With a shrug, you laid your head upon his shoulder and prodded his chest. "Seems a bit out of character for you."
Warm breath fanned across your neck. "Then what were you hoping for, my dear?" the devil whispered in your ear.
You faked a pout, but it was tainted by the coy grin tugging at your cheeks. Sultry promise coiling into every word, you loosened the next button from his open oxford. Chiseled pecs drifted into view as your stroked one finger down his sternum. His skin burned like hellfire.
"Have your cake and eat it too?"
Your heart fluttered as a low chuckle reverberated in his chest. You yelped at naughty nip at your ear lobe as his hands slide slowly up your thighs. Long fingers found the hem of your pants, tugging at the button.
"Oh," he groaned, nuzzling your scalp with his tall nose. "I think I can manage that."
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Fun fact: That cake did exist Valentine's day 2023: Bricolage Bread & Co - ¥5,200
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Time Skip 2019
Part 164(TIS)
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A couple of weeks has passed since New Years and is currently Jan 31st, 2019. Everything has gone smoothly but it has gotten a bit busy since the holidays are now over.
During the month of January the members have recorded their new Japanese album “#Twice2” and are waiting for March so it can be released. After being done with the Japanese album they will get ready to record for their new Korean album “Fancy You” and the music video some time during the month of March.
Jihyo has also mentioned to the members that they will be having an upcoming series of concerts in Japan and Korea known as “Dome Tour” or “Dreamday” that will be occurring mid March.
Dahyun has also expressed her interest in participating in the tour, depending on when the baby is born. Since she was not able to preform for the new years event she has been quite excited to go back and perform for Once.
Dahyun is also about to be nine months pregnant and has been buying baby clothes non stop. Currently she has a couple of packages arriving every few days from the catalogs she browsed during your date.
During these past few weeks, Jisoo has gotten a bit more active now that she is a year old. She has begun to walk independently with little to no assistance but does tend to waddle while doing it.
Ari and Hina on the other hand are about to be 11 months in a couple of days. With everyday they have gotten bigger and more active. Having Mina around has made their development go faster. Mina is also excited to celebrate their first birthday just like how Jisoo celebrated hers.
An important thing is that Jihyo’s birthday is tomorrow (February 1st) and you have planned some time alone with her to celebrate. You have asked the girls to watch Jisoo and set up the decorations for her birthday party.
Previous Chapter 163 Next Chapter 165
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India is known for its tourist hub and an exciting holiday destination for exploring wildlife, heritage, and culture,  admiring architectural wonders, undertaking religious places, going shopping, exploring new adventures, discovering historic treasures, and many more. With so many places to see and experiences to try, choosing that one perfect tourist destination in India for your next holiday can be confusing. This is why we have an exact list of the best tourist places in India that you can consider for your upcoming vacation and fulfill all your travel dreams!
Welcome to our website Vibrant India Travels. Here, we all are excited to plan your trip per your budget. We are passionate about creating unforgettable memories of you and your loved ones.FOR MORE INFORMATION- ABOUT US
Agra: The historic city of Agra is one of India's most loved tourist places as it represents the world-famous Taj Mahal, which is one of the world's seven wonders. From architectural gems such as Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri to mouthwatering local famous places of food such as petha, this exciting tourist destination in India has it all. Best Time to Visit: October to March
Chandigarh: one of the best places in India, the well-planned city of Chandigarh has the perfect combination of traditional Punjabi culture and modernity. From its well-irrigate gardens to fascinating museums, every nook and corner of the city has something special to offer. Best Time to Visit: August to March
Coorg: Popularly known as the ‘Scotland of India’, Coorg in Karnataka is characterized by its perpetually misty landscape, rolling green hills, and aromatic coffee plantations. This charming little hill station with its scenic views and colourful culture is a must-visit for every nature lover. Best Time to Visit: October to March
Dhanaulti: An offbeat destination nestled quietly in the hills of Uttarakhand, Dhanaulti is like a long-lost pleasant dream that brings with it peace, comfort, and quiet. If you have been on the lookout for a fantastic weekend getaway, then get your bags ready and head straight to this amazing and pristine little haven away from the city.
. Goa: A list of the best tourist places in India would be incomplete without a mention of the national party capital, the famous land of sun, sand, and sea, Goa! The laid-back vibes, the stunning beaches, the charming churches, the unique cuisine, the legendary nightlife, and the magical sunsets have made Goa a favorite destination for friends and family alike. Best Time to Visit: October to March
FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT OUR WEBSITE- https://vibrantindiatravel.com/category/travel-packages/
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takahirokatoh · 4 months
urgent notice (Wrong delivery)
About Umineko Episode 2 Stageplay DVD
If you have purchased the DVD, you should have received an email from F-Ticket.
Due to a mistake during shipping (packaging), it appears that the contents of the DVD have been shipped incorrectly. If you ordered directly from F-ticket in Japan and received a different product, please contact us using the contact form below. Below is the translated text.
We are pleased of Shingidan Mumei Classics x 07th Expansion vol.8 the DVD of the "Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Stage of the Golden Witch~ Episode2" performance.Thank you for pre-ordering the DVD of the performance.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to some customers who received the wrong DVD① (2-disc set) and DVD② (1-disc set). We would like to inform you of the procedure for exchanging the items. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we would appreciate it if you could fill out the form below and submit it by Wednesday, March 20, 2024. The delivery company, Just Corporation, will be handling this matter. Inquiry form: https://dm-ya.just-shop.jp/yu_mail-lp/#contactCont
*Even if you have already contacted us, please fill in the information below.
【Company Name] DVD配送について 【Name of the person in charge】 Name of the purchaser 【Telephone number】 Phone number 【E-mail address】E-mail address 【Type of inquiry】Other 【Contact Details】 Shipping address & Name of product purchased (DVD①(2-disc set)/DVD② (1-disc set))
■About the process of product exchange (1) Please contact us using the inquiry form. (2) You will receive an automatic response when your inquiry is completed. (3) After confirming the contents of your inquiry, we will contact you to inform you that the correct product will be shipped. (4) After receiving the correct item, please send back the incorrect item.  *I have included a cash on delivery slip, so please use it.  *There are no changes to the pre-sale bonus postcards, so please accept them as they are. ■About the shipping date The earliest we can ship is March 6 (Wed.). After that, we will ship as follows Inquiries received in the morning (by 12:00): Same-day shipping Inquiries received in the afternoon or on holidays (Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays): Shipped on the next business day. *Please note that delivery may be delayed due to shipping conditions.
Requests for Inquiries Please complete the above form by Wednesday, March 20, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Direct purchasers are eligible for this service. If you are using an agency service, etc., please contact the agency. We hope that the number of pieces received is correct as a result, but if it is not, we will not be able to respond to the exchange if you contact us late. In the case of DVD① (2-disc set), there is a notation on the back of the DVD. We have also seen some problems with Gmail, where the receipt completion mail does not arrive. Please try another email.
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