#sims 4 apron
ts4eve · 7 months
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simmillercc · 4 months
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I do love me a cute apron. How about you? Do you have some sims that are deeply culinary and deserve a truly adorable apron? Or perhaps there's a need for something like this in a story you're telling. 
Whatever the reason, these aprons are super cute, and are divided into 2 packages: Seasonal and Sayings.
With the seasonal set, you'll see
1- Spring flowers - 4 swatches
2- Summer fruit and popsicles - 4 swatches
3- Autumn leaves - 4 swatches
4- Winter holiday gingerbread and trees - 7 swatches
In the sayings set, there are 2 sayings in multiple colours each:
1- TRUST ME I'M A Chef - 29 swatches
2- Kiss THE Cook - 15 swatches
You'll find these in CAS in TOPS>T-SHIRTS
FEMALE (Not restricted from males)
Proper colour tags
All feminine, some masculine
All Occults: Human, Alien, Vampire, Spellcaster, Mermaid Werewolf
Career, Everyday, Party, Situation for both packages - Retail Uniform for Seasonal only
Styles: Bohemian, Festival-Food, Contemporary-Basic for both packages, - Seasonal tags for seasonal package only
I chose not allowed for random because this is a very specific-use item, and I've marked all occults. If you change this to random, you may want to also change the occults.
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warmsol · 4 months
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makoa and elia are having twins! ✿
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esotericas-sims · 2 months
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Jules has his first day at school! He tries his best to make introductions, but most of the other students seem disinterested in him. He does eventually find a few friends though, those being Lucie, the mayor's daughter, and Marie, Jules's neighbor.
Playing with SeveralPerson’s Ultimate Decades Challenge Rules
Started: 1800s
Current decade: 1890s
Family tree
CC Finds
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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radical-sims · 1 year
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someone call for a nurse?
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coatedinhoney · 1 year
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Tungsten Chef
Now that she's maxed her Baking and Cooking skill Raniyah has opened up her bakery kitchen for masterclasses!
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lou-from-moonwood · 2 years
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Update: S’mores that night, siblings eating grilled fruit the next morning in the middle of a thunderstorm, Miles knocking Rae in the head with a soccer ball (she has not asked him to practice since).
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tweedsims · 6 months
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January 2023 CC Finds
[Hair & Bows] 1. [Jacket][Moon Boots & Earmuffs]* 2. [Formal Dress]*[Dress Shoes] 3. [Pajama Top & Underwear]* 4. [Sweatshirt] [Leggings & Moon Boots]* 5. [Apron Dress (mesh)] 6. [Sweater Dress]* [Moon Boots & Earmuffs]* *Early Access Big Thanks to the CC Creators: @aharris00britney @nolan-sims @joliebean @rustys-cc @serenity-cc @trillyke @historicalfictionsims @sentate and a HUGE thank you to @culdeefell-sims for making me a bunch of special cc to get me through a rough time and always being one of my closest friends. Go check him out as he's new to making cc and is still learning.
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hannie-dul-set · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. general menace behavior, swearing, too much mentions of kissing and making out, it's beomgyu's turn to have a mental breakdown. WORD COUNT. 3.6k.
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg @captivq @tocupid @seosalad @ddazed-lhs @gyuszie @mifuyuyo @error-cant-function @twocupsofsuga @flowerbe0m @dangerousconnoisseurbanana @laviesm @keikeu @elavin @chaemmie @rikisly
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NOTE. the chapter title is clickbait, actually. anyway, it's the beomgyu chapter! this one is for both the e2l enjoyers and haters!! hope you enjoy whatever the fuck this is!
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CHAPTER 4 — kisses? kisses.
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IT’S NOT OFTEN THAT YOU GET TO STAY AT HOME FOR AN ENTIRE DAY. Supposedly, you and your friends had plans for the beach, but due to some circumstances that included one of their cars breaking down, it had to be canceled. You send an “Oh no, that’s too bad. Sad face. Sad face,” through text before punching your fist into the air in celebration and jumping back into the warm, welcoming embrace of your bedsheets, practically melting into the mattress.
Your plan is to stay in bed the whole day. Until you get hungry, so you force yourself out of your blankets and zombie-walk all the way down to the kitchen where you uncharacteristically find Soobin tinkering with the oven. He’s usually holed up in his room doing god knows what, so you’re curious to see what he’s up to.
You clear your throat to indicate your arrival. “Hey.” Your voice causes him to drop the tray a little too early onto the counter. “What’s that?”
“Oh, um. I was baking a little.” You’ve come to discover that Soobin can only talk to you when he’s not looking at you, so you say nothing when he focuses his gaze on the rather delicious looking arrangement of chocolate chip cookies on the tray instead of maintaining eye contact with you. “Y—you can have some— ah, careful! It’s still hot.”
It is still hot but it also tastes really fucking good. The cookie crumbles in your mouth and your eyes sparkle as you shoot him a thumbs up of approval. “Whoa. You can sell these.”
Soobin keeps his head down, but his pink ears are on full display. It’s cute. He lets you snack on as many cookies as you want and unties his equally pink apron. “Ah. I forgot.” You stop munching on the third cookie and raise a curious brow. His voice is hesitant when he says, “I have to leave for an appointment, but the cookies haven’t cooled yet so I can’t store them in the pantry yet.”
“You can leave it to me. Go do your thing.”
“Then...excuse me.”
He takes out the rest of the trays from the oven before shuffling off. Not long after, Heeseung’s nose pokes through the kitchen, beckoned by the scent of the freshly baked goods. “Soobin made them,” you show off on his behalf. He stuffs a bite into his cheeks before leaving. Apparently he also has somewhere to be.
It’s like Soobin’s cookies are luring them all down. Jake rushes down and wordlessly grabs a bunch before running out the door, saying that he’s late for his flight or something. Sunghoon shows up next, asking if you slept well last night as he picks out once from the batch, and your heart swells with tender pride at his attempt to strike a conversation. They grow up so fast. “Take care,” you bid him goodbye. He nods and heads out for his shift at The Lounge.
Jay also comes down for the cookies. “Got any plans today, champ?” he asks.
“Absolutely nothing at all.”
“Cool beans.”
“Very cool.” You push the tray towards him. He steals another bite. “Where are you headed?”
“Some lecture about fabrics. I heard they’ll be giving out some very nice gingham for participants at the end.” You can barely catch what he’s saying with the cookie wedged between his teeth as he pulls on his coat, but you tell him to have fun and, like the rest, watch as he leaves the house.
By the time it grows quiet, there are only five cookies left on the tray and you’re relieved Soobin had made more than one batch. It’d be a shame if he couldn’t even taste his own cooking. You carefully throw them all into a container, but pause upon realizing that Beomgyu is the only one who hasn’t come down, so he also hasn’t tried them yet.
He isn’t exactly your favorite resident. And although you aren’t particularly fond of Beomgyu, you also don’t want to spend the rest of your stay here with any bad blood with any of the boys. So you fish out a few pieces from the container and carefully arrange them on a nice looking plate. You even pour a glass of orange juice for him. Acting like a dumb little housewife for a guy you don’t even like a lot sure hurts your fucking pride, but you want to shove your sincerity up Choi Beomgyu’s ass until it forces him to be nice to you.
You’re extra careful when you climb up the stairs, hands full with the snack you prepared. It poses a struggle when you have to knock on the door, so you call out his name instead and hope for a response.
“It’s open— fucking piece of shit. You useless son of a fuck!”
Well, that doesn’t sound very inviting. 
But you invite yourself in anyway because after clearing things up with Sunghoon, you feel like you can conquer everyone else with ease. You’re overconfident. That was your first mistake.
The moment you crack open the door, your ears are attacked by aggressive keyboard noises and Beomgyu is hunched over in front of his monitor— three monitors, actually. You’re scared he’s about to destroy the computer with how rough he’s smashing every key, but he leans back not long after with an annoyed grunt and starts clicking things on the screen. “What do you want?” he asks without looking at you. It’s starting to rise, your blood pressure. You hope you last until the end of this exchange.
“Soobin baked cookies. I’m here to bring you some.”
He pulls down his headphones to his neck and the chair swivels to face you. An awfully aggravating move which is only exacerbated when Beomgyu’s eyes land on your offering and he stifles out a scoff. “Why? You trying to act like my wife, or some shit?”
You know what, fuck this, you’re not dealing with his ass.
“I’d rather kill myself than be your stupid fucking wife.” The desire to pour the sweet, sweet glass of orange all over his gaming setup nearly overtakes you, but you’re sensible enough. You settle with pouring it on his head instead. “Enjoy your drink, asshole.”
Maybe that was overkill, but you’re mad and sometimes you do impulsive shit (case in point, chasing down Sunghoon to his workplace). You would’ve smashed the plate on his face too, but Soobin’s cookies are too precious for that so you keep them intact when you stomp out his room, slamming the door shut in the process. It’s a good thing the rest of the guys are out of the house because the visual of you angrily marching into the kitchen and stuffing the rest of the cookies into the tupperware with a tightly knitted frown would definitely rouse some questions, and you can’t guarantee answering those questions nicely and possibly making a few of them cry (again).
The pantry door swings open and shut with a harsh noise when you enter to store Soobin’s baked goods. You place them next to the loaves of packaged bread on the middle shelf before letting out a heavy sigh. Beomgyu has ruined your day of relaxation and the only way to fix it is a good nap.
Unfortunately for you, that won’t be possible anymore. Unless you don’t mind napping in the dark recluse of your home pantry because when you attempt to pull open the door— it won’t budge.
Oh no. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
The door is stuck. You’re stuck. You have no one to blame but Choi Beomgyu.
Having an orange juice shower wasn’t part of Beomgyu’s calculations.
In fact, he wasn’t exactly calculating anything. He just spat out the first sentence that popped in his head and it ended up in a citrus-scented disaster. Maybe he should start using his head more the next time he has a conversation with you. That is if you still want to have anything to do with him. Beomgyu may have a dumb mouth, but he isn’t blind or stupid. He knows you don’t like him, and that might be his fault entirely.
Shit, this better not ruin my hair, he thinks as he runs his head under the bathroom sink, rinsing out the sugar from his roots but his shirt still smells of orange juice even after he’s finished drying up, yet he can’t be bothered to get a change of clothes so he just returns to his already ruined game of Counter Strike with a groan.
It’s not that Beomgyu hates you. In fact, he thinks you’re really cool and funny, but he’s emotionally constipated so he masks his chronic rizzlessness by being a massive douche. It doesn’t help that you sound really hot when you tell him to fuck off or swear at his general direction. The problem is, he can’t really tell you that, so he continues being a prick and picking fights with you whenever he can. Aren’t girls supposed to be into that crap? Beomgyu doesn’t watch a lot of romance films, but he’s seen how people thirst over Mr. Darcy. His Twitch chat also goes crazy when he swears on stream, and last time he checked a good chunk of his viewership are women. 
He’s sure he was on the right track. Until today— because that look on your face before you stomped out of the room was less hot-scary and more scary-scary. It haunts his mind as he plays another round with Yeonjun and the others, a ghost behind his eyelids. They’re yelling at him to get his shit together through the voice chat and that’s when he knows he needs to step out his room to get a breather.
Somehow, his feet lead him down to the kitchen instead of the covered deck. And his eyes are searching for your pissed off expression instead of the Red Bull his tongue is craving.
Must be in her room, he thinks. Cold air hits his face when he hooks out the energy drink from the fridge. Now that he thinks about it, it’s oddly quiet in the house. Usually, there’d at least be screaming or noise from Jake’s shitty relaxation playlist, but it’s dead silent right now.
Beomgyu prods around the island, looking for the Soobin cookies you mentioned. The only sign he has of their existence are the crumbs on the three trays splayed out in the sink.
Okay, what the hell was that?
It’s coming from the pantry. The fuck, is this house haunted?
Now, Beomgyu doesn’t get scared of shit. He makes his entire living from not batting an eye at video game jumpscares, so this is nothing. 
But if it’s his own house that’s haunted, he’s not gonna let the chance of kicking ghost ass slip through his fingers. The only reasonable thing to do is to kick the pantry door open.
So he kicks the pantry door open and bulldozes in.
“Wait, don’t leave the door—”
It shuts behind him, depleting all the light in the room. He’s shocked to see you instead of a transparent old man from the 1800s. “Great,” you huff. “Now we’re both stuck here.” You’re the ghost. You’ve been the ghost this whole time.
Beomgyu turns around and rattles the door knob, but the door doesn’t budge. “It’s useless,” he hears you say from behind. His arm deflates to the side and he slumps, defeated. “Do you have your phone with you?”
“No. It’s in my room.”
“Well damn,” you flatly say. “Guess we gotta wait until one of the boys arrives.”
He turns back to face you, eyes narrowed in both suspicion and curiosity because what the fuck could you have been doing in here alone that made so much noise. “Hey, I know you hate me, but you don’t need to look so disgusted.” He isn’t disgusted. He’s about to lose his fucking mind because what’s the point of having a giant ass mansion when the pantry is so, so goddamned tiny that he can practically feel your body heat seeping into his own skin? 
One more step closer and he’d be practically pressed up all over you. It’s a good thing you decide to sink down and tuck yourself as close to the back shelf as possible, pressing your knees to your chest as you look up at him with unmistakable annoyance. “Sit down. We’re gonna be here for a while.”
“I don’t hate you,” he obliges your suggestion, mimicking your position against the jammed door. 
“I’m not stupid. You’ve been a bitch to me the moment I stepped into this house.”
“Well, I fucking don’t. I don’t know what else to tell you.”
“Sure.” You wrinkle your nose. “And I’m absolutely elated by the fact that I have to be stuck with you here for the next two, three hours.”
Now, you don’t need to rub it in his face that you can’t stand him. Looks like that bet prize is as good as out of reach, but at this point he doesn’t really care anymore— undoing his fuckups is the more pressing issue at hand. His throat is dry and burning when he attempts to swallow, but nearly chokes on his spit when the particularly malicious death stare you’re giving him falls into his attention. Maybe he should say something. “Do you really think I hate you?”
“Well,” you cross your arms. “I’m at the very least sure you don’t like me.”
How does he fix this? There’s no tutorial or cheat code for this kind of situation. He’s stumped, he’s totally stumped. “Isn’t like— isn’t enemies to lovers supposed to be a popular trope?”
Something tells him he made the wrong move with how your glare suddenly softens and becomes drenched in pity. He doesn’t like that. He prefers it when you look at him like you want to stab a knife into his gut and twist it counterclockwise. “I don’t know which bastard lied to you, but acting like a stuck-up asshole doesn’t fly in real life, buddy.”
Beomgyu lets your words sink in before slowly uttering, “It…it does not?”
“No. No, it does not,” you confirm. A beat of silence. “Beomgyu, do you have a crush on me?”
The thing about small, locked places is that he can’t run away. Beomgyu wants to run away. He can’t do that. So he swears at you instead. “Fuck off.” You have deemed his enemies to love strategy futile, but you’ve backed him in a corner (literally), so he has no idea what to do. Distraction— a distraction would be nice to ward off the rising heat in his cheeks and the scent of fresh orange wafting into his senses that awfully reminds him of your disdain. There’s a stash of kisses chocolates he’s been raiding on the shelves somewhere. Chocolates are always good for stress, and he’s very fucking stressed right now.
“What are you doing?” you ask, following up your curious glances by standing up and digging your nose a little too close into his business as he fishes out a piece of chocolate hidden behind the stack of spices. A gasp rips out from your throat. “You bitch! You’re the one who’s been stealing my kisses!”
Beomgyu winces and nearly chokes on the sweet. “If you put it like that, people are going to get the wrong fucking idea.”
“What people? There’s no one else here,” you sass, arms crossed with a particularly grated expression. “But alright. I’ll let it slide. Give me a kiss, I think my blood pressure is rising.”
“Quit saying it like that,” he grunts, dropping three pieces onto your open palm. 
You tear one open, carefully placing the chocolate in your mouth. “Speaking of making out.” No one said anything about making out, you’re driving him absolutely nuts. “This sorta feels like we’re back in high school playing seven minutes in heaven.” You pause, chewing on another piece. “Except I’m pretty sure it’s been way longer than seven minutes. Fuck. When are the others coming back?”
It’s like a flip switched after admitting to not hating you. You’ve stopped glaring at him and instead reserved yourself to looking at him like he’s some sort of sick puppy you’ve decided to take in. Like now— lips slightly pursed, brows slightly knitted, and it makes him want to bang his head against the door because bleeding from a self-inflicted concussion would hurt his pride less than being on the receiving end of your pity. “You’ve never played seven minutes in heaven before?” Your tone is so soft, it kills him. 
“Why would I want to play that stupid game?”
“Hey, don’t slander my high school memories! That’s how I got my first kiss.” Again with the goddamned kisses, fuck at this point you’re doing it on purpose. Beomgyu refuses to look at you, grumbling unintelligible complaints under his breath. The chocolate tastes too sweet on his tongue and it’s making him nauseous. “Don’t tell me...you’ve never had your first—”
“What the fuck is up with you and kisses, seriously what the fuck are you trying to—”
He finally snaps, but quickly quells his outburst. It’s all your fault. You’re riling him up on purpose. When he thinks you’d snap at him back like usual, you don’t. Instead you continue looking at him with that unusual softened expression. “It’s alright, Beomgyu. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He wants to kill himself. “Wanna kiss?”
His shoulders slacken. He gives up. There’s no way he can win against the impenetrable force that is you. “No, you can have your stupid chocolate all to yourself,” he huffs, scrunching himself up further on the ground.
“I’m not talking about the chocolate. I’m asking if you wanna make out.”
What the fuck.
What the fuck are you saying right now?
“It’s gonna take a while for us to get out of here and it’s not like we have anything better to do.” You throw another kiss into your mouth and you’re talking so nonchalantly like you just asked him to pass the salt, to open the fridge door— not to engage in something totally non-friendly, non-platonic, toeing the line of propriety. Does Jake know your level of insanity when he suggested you live with them? Is Jake aware that you just casually ask people to exchange spit with you and die? “Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m just giving you the opportunity to experience the two things you have yet to experience. Totally up to you, buddy.”
How could you ask to kiss and call him buddy in the same breath? Beomgyu is convinced you’re not normal, but that should’ve been evident with how much your very presence tortures them every single god damned day.
He says something. He’s sure he says something, but it leaves his mouth before he could register them and the consequences of his impulsivity arrive when you’re suddenly a lot closer than he remembers and his brain jumps ship and he’s panicking. He panics when your fist crumples his orange-stained collar. He panics because he’s never kissed anyone before so what the fuck is he supposed to do now?
Shit, he really didn’t think this through. Holy fuck, you’re actually serious, you’re actually about to kiss him. 
“Did you say the cookies are in the pantry? I’m gonna get— oh shit, this thing is stuck.”
The door rattles. Alarm bells ring. Beomgyu pushes you off in a panic and a loaf of bread falls to the floor when you bump against the rack. Warm light spills into the tiny storage. He can clearly see the ruffled expression you’re wearing.
“Well. These aren’t cookies.”
He snaps his head up to see Heeseung standing at the foot of the entrance, clearly confused and alarmed by the unusual scene in the pantry. Soobin’s head pops in as well. You’re rubbing the back of your head when you spring up to your feet. “Holy shit, thank god. I thought we’d be stuck there for much longer.” 
“What happened?” Heeseung trails behind you as you leave.
“Stored the cookies and got trapped in the process. Beomgyu tried helping and failed. Jake needs to fix that fucking door.”
It was so easy for you to leave him behind after the mess you’ve made. Soobin offers to help him up, but Beomgyu’s mood has already soured beyond salvation so he ignores the outstretched arm and shovels himself up with a grunt and quickly catches up to you— you, who’s already sitting on the island and enjoyed your freedom with a box of macarons Heeseung brought. You, who’s nonchalantly offering him the powder pink dessert that probably looks like his very own reflection.
“Want some?” you ask, mouth full. He stares at the crumbs near your lips. It pisses him off. “They’re really good.”
“Don’t talk to me.”
You furrow your brows. “Are you upset because we didn’t get to—”
“I said don’t talk to me.”
He’s not upset. He’s not. He is. He’s not. Maybe he is but that’s not the fucking point here. The point is you’re evil and the absolute worst and how can you dangle a gold chain in front of him only to snatch it back away? Actually, it’s not entirely your fault. Beomgyu’s eyes narrow at Heeseung who’s a second away from booking it because he doesn’t want to get dragged in your crossfire. Too late. He’s already involved. He fucked up the moment he opened that god forsaken door. This has simultaneously been the best and worst day of his life because even though you've told him acting like a dick doesn't work— at least he knows you don't mind kissing him
If only Heeseung hadn't opened the fucking door. Beomgyu’s gonna fuck him up further in League tonight.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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endazes · 9 months
jake sim fic recs
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➼ part 2
peach balm
jake sim was an absolute menace
cramp chem
shortcake kisses
party in the usa
your lipgloss on mine
too close
get some rest
stop that!!
applying your new lipbalm
floured aprons
cuts and kisses
dont do this to me love
longer fics
unrequited love
rule number 1 dont fall in love
act now think later
kiwi and layla
test me
ready? set…touchdown
zero to one hundred
let you break my heart again
bf headcannons
two oblivious best friends
classroom au
nerdy bf
hot things he does
jake bf
academic rival
things he would do
drunk jake
jake as your bf
a train of kisses
lakeside rendezvous
keeping you happy
only kisses
candy hearts
hot newcomer
knee thing
hard thought
wish come true
353 notes · View notes
simmillercc · 4 months
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I do love me a cute apron. How about you? Do you have some sims that are deeply culinary and deserve a truly adorable apron? Or perhaps there's a need for something like this in a story you're telling. 
Whatever the reason, these aprons are super cute, and are divided into 2 packages: Seasonal and Sayings.
With the seasonal set, you'll see
1- Spring flowers - 4 swatches
2- Summer fruit and popsicles - 4 swatches
3- Autumn leaves - 4 swatches
4- Winter holiday gingerbread and trees - 7 swatches
In the sayings set, there are 2 sayings in multiple colours each:
1- TRUST ME I'M A Chef - 29 swatches
2- Kiss THE Cook - 15 swatches
You'll find these in CAS in TOPS>T-SHIRTS
FEMALE (Not restricted from males)
Proper colour tags
All feminine, some masculine
All Occults: Human, Alien, Vampire, Spellcaster, Mermaid Werewolf
Career, Everyday, Party, Situation for both packages - Retail Uniform for Seasonal only
Styles: Bohemian, Festival-Food, Contemporary-Basic for both packages, - Seasonal tags for seasonal package only
I chose not allowed for random because this is a very specific-use item, and I've marked all occults. If you change this to random, you may want to also change the occults.
Releases to public MARCH 8, 2024
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luminousls · 7 days
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LS-Berliana Crop T-Shirt
LS-Maya Apron
For Female
Compatible with HQ mod-
New Mesh
All Lods
Custom thumbnail
Adult-Elder- Teen-Young Adult
10 Colour
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rheya28 · 1 year
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Grace Dance Studio ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
➽ Hello guys, today I am building a Dance Studio in the Sims 4. Grace Dance Studio is owned by Madame Cecilia Grace, a well-known dancer, choreographer, master ballet teacher and performer in Windenburg. This beautiful dance studio is home to both competitive and non-competitive dancers and provides training to help students and passionate dancers accomplish their dance goals on and off the stage.
➽ I placed this as a Generic Lot as we don’t exactly have a Dance Studio Lot type, so it’s all just pretend. This lot could also be set as a Café as it meets all the requirements to function as one.
● Please make sure to turn bb.moveobjects on! ● Please DO NOT reupload or claim as your own. ● Feel free to tag me if you are using it, I love seeing my build in other peoples save file ● Feel free to edit/tweak my builds, but please make sure to credit me as the original creator! ● Thank you to all CC Creators ● Please let me know if there's any problem with the build
0:02 Intro 1:44 Speed Build 19:21 Photos
Lot Name: Grace Dance Studio Lot type: Generic lot type or Cafe Lot size: 30x20 Location: Windenburg
Tool Mod by Twisted Mexi *I recommend Downloading: Sims 4 Ballet Barre Mod  and the Ballroom Dance Mod by Mercury foam*
Note: I reuse a lot of the same cc in all my builds, specifically cc's from felixandre, HeyHarrie, and Pierisim so if you're interested in downloading past, present, future build from me i suggest getting all their cc sets to make downloading a little easier! other creators include Sooky, Charlypancakes, Sixam, Thecluttercat, Myshunosun, awingedllama, and tuds. This will also ensure that the lots are complete and are not missing any items upon downloading !
Awingedllama: Apartment Therapy
Lustroussims: Cozy Cottage [hanging aprons only]
Novvas: Rahat Set [poster II only]
Severinka: Monica Bathroom [wall lamp only]
Sooky: Horizontal Oil Painting - Portrait, Horizontal Oil Painting - Still Life, Tiled Floor Collection, Vertical Oil Paintings – Landscape, Vertical Oil Painting – Portrait, Vertical Oil Painting – Still life (LINK for ALL)
The Clutter Cat: Sunny Sunday pt 2 [ mirror only]
Charly Pancakes: The lighthouse Collection, Chalk pt 2, Lavish, Maples &S Construction
Felixandre: Chateau [all] , Colonial pt [1][2][3], Fayun pt 2, Berlin pt [1] [2] , Florence [all], Georgian, Grove pt [4], Kyoto pt [2], Paris [all], Grove pt [1][3]
House of Harlix: Harluxe, Jardane, Livin Rum, Orjanic pt [1][2]
Harrie: Brownstone [all], Brutalist, Coastal pt [2][5], Octave pt [2], Country pt [2], Spoons pt [2], Shop the look, Kichen
Cowbuild: Blooming Garden Café
Leafmotif: Calliope Bathroom [wall light only]
LittleDica: Rise& Grind
Littlecakes: Flowers (big ass roses)
Madameria: Basic Luxe [bar stool only]
*MOD*Mercuryfoam: Ballet Barre
Myshunosun: Daria Bedroom, Simmify pt [2]
Peacemaker: Hamptons, Pattered Jute Rugs, Terra tiles
Ars Bortanica: Peonies bouquet
Pierisim: Coldbrew [all], Domain Du close pt [2] [3], MCM pt [1], Oak house pt [3], The office, Winter Garden pt [1]
CharlypancakesxPierisim: Precious Promises
Ravasheen: Catas Throphy style [1][ 2][ 3], Skewllskewl highschool Décor
Rustic Sims: Modular life
Sforzinda: Func EP02 Espressogrindomatic
Simplistic: Rug Holland
*MOD* Simsten: Playable Harp
Sixam: Hotel bedroom [table only]
Syboubou: Ballet
● TRAYFILE ● Origin ID: Applez ● Twitter: Rheya28__ ● Tiktok: Rheya28__ ● Patreon: Rheya28 ● Youtube: Rheya28__
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antiquatedsimmer · 2 months
Doyle Legacy 1890s - 1900s LOOKBOOK
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Helena Doyle Harrington 1890s - 1900s
Babies first Lookbook!😀
Helena's upbringing was marked by poverty, stemming from the loss of her mother. This hardship led her to turn to prostitution for survival. However, her future husband Eddy, rescued her from a dangerous encounter with a violent client, allowing her to leave that life behind.
Together, they transformed an abandoned hunting shed into a functioning farm for their family.
Known affectionately as "Dove," Which is a pet name given to her since she worked as a painted lady. The color red became symbol for Helena since she adopted it as her signature, using the color to accentuate her vibrant hair and attract clientele during her time in the sex work industry.
Even after transitioning from a sex worker to a devoted wife I kept that color in mind each time she got an updated wardrobe.
The Harringtons lived poorly which is also why some of Helena's outfits seem out of date for time, she utilized her knowledge of previous decades sewing patterns to make clothes for herself.
I used up every outfit slot in CAS and I'd rather not overwhelm myself so instead I chose my favorites to share!
Thank you creators who put a lot of time and effort into making content then allowing all of us to enjoy it in our games as well! :)
If anything turns out to be credited incorrectly don't be afraid to contact me and I will correct it!
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Helena Details: Teeth | Lipstick | Eyelashes | Eyeshadow | Non-Default Eyes | Eyebrows | Skintone ( Soft Rose Skin ) | Lip Preset ( N3 ) | Eye Preset ( 3 ) | Body Preset ( 4 )
The Painted Lady: Dress | Dress Fringe Acc | Hair | Boots | Torn Stockings
Soiled Dove Work Uniform: Hair | Bodice | Skirt | Boots | Torn Stockings
Everyday: Hair | Top | Wool Socks | Boots
Housework: Apron | Hair | Top | Skirt | Hair | Dirt Overlay | Wool Socks
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Going Out: Dress | Hair | Hat | Gloves ( Basegame )
Wedding: Gloves | Hair | Veil | Dress | Heels
Formal: Dress | Hair | Heels | Hat
Party: Dress | Heels | Hat
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Underwear: Outfit is BelleBoudoirSet by GildedGhosts(orig link is broken) | Stockings are Basegame
Sleepwear: Nightgown | Hair
Swimming: Bathing Dress | Shoes | Hair | Tights
Hot Weather: Lace Shawl | Boater Hat | Bodice & Skirt | Boots | Hair | Dirt Overlay
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Hot Weather: Hair | Dress & Apron | Boots
Fall Everyday: Hair | Boots | Hair | Wool Socks | Fingerless gloves | Blouse | Skirt
Chilly Weather: Hair | Sweater Dress | Boots | Wool Socks
Winter: Headscarf | Boots | Wool Socks | Shawl & Apron | Scarf | Gloves | Hair
CC Creators:
@dzifasims @magic-bot @vintagesimstress @the-melancholy-maiden @kedluu @twisted-cat @remussirion @sentate @northernsiberiawinds @evoxyr @obscurus-sims @chere-indolente @linzlu @saurussims @uxji @simlotus @stamsim @gilded-ghosts @simstomaggie @dancemachinetrait @twentiethcenturysims @waxesnostalgic @peebsplays @rustys-cc @eirflower @dallasgirl79 @acanthus-sims @happylifesims @satterlly @dissiasims @historicalsimslife @zurkdesign @clumsyalienn @mlyssimblr
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allisas · 10 months
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The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack
If you want to be a top tier home chef, you need the right tools and work space. In The Sims™ 4 Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack, players can renovate their Sim’s perfect home kitchen, and upgrade to new sleek designs inspired by European kitchen designs. Tap into your best interior design skills with a full set of counters and cabinets and matching appliances, the Oven+Stove, Fridge and Dishwasher.
From amateur chefs who are looking to make their mark in the kitchen, to food entrepreneurs who are ready to turn cooking into cash, any Sim can live out their cooking dreams. 
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New Small Appliances, Big Kitchen Upgrade
Small appliances can deliver big results in the kitchen! With a brand new Stand Mixer (side note: Sims can eat edible cookie dough straight from the prepped ingredients jar), Waffle Maker and Countertop Pizza Oven, your Sims can invite family and/or friends over for a three course heart-shaped waffle brunch, lunch or a night of homemade pizzas. 
Speaking of pizza, show off your Sims’ sleek, modern pizza oven with new recipes inspired by traditional Italian flavors. Your Sims will become pizza pros, chopping toppings and tossing dough before sliding an unfinished pizza into the oven. Not a fan a ‘za? Not to worry! You’ll have new focaccia bread recipes to experiment with too.
We’ve added so many recipes over the years, and it’s a little trickier to find what you want. To support you in your Sims’ culinary quests, we have added filters so you can find the meal you are looking for in a fraction of the time in the free base game update coming alongside this pack. That is not the only thing we have added in the base game update… did anyone say #freethecupcakes? You can now cook cupcakes in your own oven!
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Sell Your Culinary Creations To Your Neighbors
Fancy yourself an entrepreneur? Sims can become food stand owners and set up shop in different lots, bonding with their customers and witnessing the outcomes of selling their culinary creations. Players can even customize the name of the The Anywhere Any Fare Food Stand and choose the types of food they want to serve. Hint, hint: The Waffle Maker and the Countertop Pizza Oven’s street food style recipes and portable features make them the perfect companions for the food stand.
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Cooking in Style
The ultimate cooking adventure simply wouldn’t be complete without the right cooking attire. With kitchen-ready hairstyles, matching food themed accessories, and aprons for the whole family, we plan to have your Sims looking like serious home chefs! We absolutely love the new kitchen clogs! The clogs!
The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack is available on September 28, 2023, on all platforms!
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