#marauders as cops
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part 1 of the brooklyn99 x marauders crossover
[We start off with James Potter walking out of a car. We hear his voice-over while he ducks over some tape, heading inside a store.]
JAMES: [Dramatically] This job is eating me alive. I can't breathe anymore. I spent all these years trying to be the good guy, the man in the white hat. I'm not becoming like them. I am them.
REGULUS: Hey! What are you doing, idiot?
[The camera pans onto a frustrated Regulus Black. We then see James projecting his face onto multiple TV screens inside the store, using what seems to be a video camera that's attached to the ten monitors.]
JAMES: I'm doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco. Or actually, ten of me are doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco. [He stares at the screens of himself.] 'Sup?
REG: Get it together, man. Okay?
[Regulus is now talking with the store owner. He has a notebook open, and a pen in hand.]
REG: So the store was hit about two hours ago. They took mostly tablets, laptops, and cameras.
[We hear a keyboard playing an 80s hip-hop beat. James is seen fiddling with it.]
JAMES: Sorry.
[He stops the music. Regulus returns back to the store owner.]
REG: I'd like a list of all your employees, whoever had access to the store. I'd also like to apologize for my partner. His parents gave him too much attention and now he believes he is the centre of the world.
JAMES: Uh, Detective... [regulus looks to james slowly.] I already solved the case. We're looking for three white males, one of whom has sleeve tats on both arms.
REG: [Walking over to James.] And how do you know that?
JAKE: I had an informant on the inside. He's been here for years. Watching, learning. Waiting. His code name? [He holds up a stuffed bear.] Fuzzy Cuddle bear. He's a nanny cam. [He flips the bear over to show the electronic device inside, which appears to be the end of a camera.]
REG: [Scoffs] You got lucky.
JAMES: No, I got here five minutes before you and figured that in this gigantic electronics store, there had to be at least one working camera. [He plugs the camera into the TV screens, broadcasting the recorded video of two guys stealing. We see their face clearly.] Oh! Hi, bad guys! [He looks to the bear] You did it, fuzzy. You busted 'em. It's time to come home.
JAMES: [Imitating the Fuzzy while holding him up.] I'm not sure if I can. I've been undercover so long, I've forgotten who I am. I have seen terrible things. I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons.
REGULIS: [Turning away.] All right.
JAMES: [Still imitating Fuzzy, however there is desperation in his voice.] Detective Black! Don't walk away from me!
[At the precinct.]
[James is bringing in the thieves from the store, heading over to the hold-up cells. While putting them in, he ends up bumping into Regulus while trying to get out. Regulus holds his hands up in defense, James pretends as if nothing happens, grinning stupidly.]
[We are then guided into the briefing room. It is 8:31 AM.]
[James is sitting down, in a room full of detectives when he looks to everyone.]
JAMES: Yes, I did crack the case. So, Black, would you do the honors?
[Regulus, frustrated, sighs and gets up from heisspot, heading over to a board. There is a small table in the corner of the board, which has a row called 'Potter', and another called 'Black'. Under Potter, it has 23, and under Black, it has 22.]
[Regulus sighs]
JAMES: Ah, yeah. And you're just gonna add one.
[Regulus changes the 23 to a 24. However, he wrote it really small.]
JAMES: I'm winning.
[The whole room applauds, cheering the situation on.]
[Regulus sighs, again.]
JAMES: It's a good feeling. It's a good feeling. Yeah.
REGULUS: [Returning to his seat.] Enjoy it while it lasts.
JAMES: I will!
[Remus Lupin is now standing up front. He is going to start up the briefing. There is a TV behind him.]
REMUS: Potter, update on the Morgenthau murder?
[James standing up from his spot, heading to the front of the room. There is now a slideshow on the TV which James is controlling.] Yeah! Good news for all you murder fans. Earlier this morning someone decided to shoot and kill luxury food importer Henry Morgenthau. [He flipped through the slides of the murder scene from the TV.] Body was found by the cleaning lady, during her interview, I deduced, using expert Detective work, that she had something super gross on her chin. [He changed the slide to the woman, and zoomed in on the white blemish on her chin. We see Peter Pettigrew perk up on his seat.]
PETER: I think it was flan.
JAMES: Peter thinks it was flan. I think it was butterscotch pudding.
[We now see Dorcas Meadowes with her legs on the table and crossed arms.]
DORCAS:Maybe it was just old person gunk. You know how old people always have that gunk on them.
JAMES: Oldie gunk. Could be, yeah. Anyone else?
REMUS: How about we focus on the murder and not the old person gunk?
REG: Crime techs are at the scene now. We're heading back when they're done.
REMUS: Okay, I want you on this. It's gonna be priority one for the new C.O.
DORCAS: Wait, tell us about the new Captain.
REMUS: Captain McGonnagal will be here soon. She'll wanna introduce herself. Dismissed.
[Everyone gets up from their seats and heads out the room.]
[We see Sirius Black at his desk. There is a template that says 'Sirius Black Civilian Administrator'. He is filing his nails, leaned back on his chair, unbothered. Peter comes up to him, smiling wide and sitting in the seat in front of his desk.]
PETER: Hey, Sirius. You know any scalpers? I wanna ask Dorcas to go to the Rihanna concert with me, but it's sold out. [The camera zones on Dorcas at the end of the room, getting a paper out of the file box.]
SIRIUS: Okay, two points to make here. First, Rihanna... You... [he looks disappointing.] And then Rihanna. [he flares his hands in the air to emphasize on the point.]
PETER: Yeah. What's your second point?
SIRIUS: She's got a type. Which is really anyone but you.
PETER: Yeah, that was my ex-wife's type too.
SIRIUS: Look, a Rihanna concert's a pretty big swing, man. I don't know. She's into watching old movies.
PETER: Cool. Where would I find a place that shows old movies?
SIRIUS: Oh, yeah, just go on the Internet and search for the phrase "I want to buy two movie tickets for a girl who doesn't like me."
PETER: Great. [Genuinely thinking he has given him good advice. He stands up to leave.] Thank you.
SIRIUS: [as he is leaving] Good...
[Reg is leaning against James' desk.]
REG: Hey, you heard anything about the new Captain?
JAMES: Uh, no, and I don't care. I just wish Captain McGintley never left, he was the best.
REG: He was terrible. You just liked him 'cause he let you do anything you wanted.
[We see a flashback of James and Dorcas on their chairs in an open space inside the precinct. They have fire extinguishers in hand and it's pretty clear on what they want to accomplish. Everyone is around them, anticipated for the outcomes while clapping and cheering along.]
JAMES: On your marks, get set...
[The Captain's officer doors open and in comes who we presume is Captain McGintley. Everyone stops.]
MCGINTLEY: What the hell's going on around here?
JAMES: Fire extinguisher roller chair derby?
[He goes back into his office, closing the door behind him.]
JAMES: And go!
[They shoot the extinguishers which projects them through the precinct, however it isn't as fast and powerful as a rocket launcher, however they do get pretty far.]
JAMES: Yeah!!
[We now get back from the flashback, where Regulus is looking at James with disappointment.]
JAMES: What's your point?
[he sighs.]
REGULUS: If I'm ever gonna make Captain, I need a good mentor. I need my rabbi.
JAMES: Sorry, dude. But this new guy's gonna be another washed-up pencil pusher who's only concerned with [He imitates a robot.] Following every rule in the patrol guide. Meep morp zeep. Robot Captain Engage.
WOMAN: Is that what you think?
[We now see a woman behind James, who is staring him down. She has the new Captain uniform on, and seems to be the new Captain, Minerva McGonnagal.]
JAMES: He-hey! New Captain alert. [He stands up.] You must be the new C.O. I'm Detective James Potter. Great to meet you.
MCGONNAGAL: Now don't let me interrupt. You were describing what kind of person I'm gonna be. I'd like you to finish.
JAMES: That's not necessary. [McGonnagal stares at him, and James is sort of intimidated.] Or I could recap very quickly, sure. Um, let's see. I think I said some joke about being a washed-up pencil pusher.
MCGONNAGAL: Now do the robot voice.
JAMES: Which-
MCGONAGALL : The robot voice you were doing when you implied I'm a rule-following robot. I wanna hear it again.
[James looks around the room where everyone is watching the scene happen. Regulus seems rather proud in the moment, clearly enjoying the scene.]
JAMES: [Softy, slowly and without any enthusiasm.] Meep morp zarp. Robot.
MCGONAGALL: That's a terrible robot voice.
MCGONAGALL: The next time I see you, I'd like you to be wearing a necktie.
[McGonagall starts to leave.]
JAMES: Oh, actually, the last Captain didn't care if we wore ties.
MCGONAGALL: [Stopping just before he enters his new office.] Well, your new Captain does. And more importantly, she cares that you follow her direct orders. [She then turns to the rest of the detectives and officers in the precinct.] Everyone, I'm your new commanding officer, Captain Minnie McGonagall.
REG: Speech!
MCGONAGALL : That was my speech.
REG: Short and sweet.
[in minnie's office]
MCGONAGALL : [Standing up and heading to her office window, looking over the precinct.] Tell me about your Detective squad.
REMUS: Um... Well, Barty and Evan [we see two men talking by the vending machines, giggling among themselves, most likely plotting something] They're pretty much worthless, but they make good coffee.
MCGONAGALL : Copy that.
REMUS: Now the good ones. Dorcas Meadowes.
[We see a woman at her desk, browsing online. The internet seems to be slow since she tapped the TV with her hand once. Then again. Then multiple times in a row.] Tough, smart, hard to read, and really scary.
[Flashback time. It is Christmas, and we see Evan at the printer when Dorcas comes in.]
DORCAS: Tell me who has me for Secret Santa.
EVAN: No! That takes all the fun out of it.
[EVAN is smiling, but Dorcas is far from happy. She glares at him while Barty pales slightly.]
EVAN: It's Barty. He got you a scarf. I'll make him return it.
DORCAS: Yes, you will.
[Back to the present.]
REMUS: Peter Pettigrew
REMUS: He's a grinder. Not the most brilliant Detective, but he works harder than anyone else, he really does.
[Flashback to Peter in the staff kitchen, ready to eat a muffin only to drop it on the floor.
PETER: Oh, man! My muffin. [He goes to pick it up, but his head hits the counter instead.] Ahh! Oh, my head! [He looks to the muffin which he accidentally stepped on.] My muffin, my head! And I stepped on the- On my muffin! And my head and my muffin.
[Back to the present.]
REMUS: Regulus Black.
[We cut to Regulus at his desk. A ball of elastics in hand, and his face scrunched up, concentrated.]
REMUS: He’s got mommy issues and a weird love-hate relationship with his brother Sirius, so he’s always trying to prove he's tough.
[Flashback to Reg pouring hot sauce over his hotdog in the staff room.]
BARTY: Careful. That stuff's pretty hot.
[he puts down his sandwich, staring at Barty.]
REG: Oh, is it? Hmm? [he puts more sauce on his sandwich, until the top is filled with sauce. He goes to eat it, some sauce dripping onto his hand. His face starts to scrunch up, and he's gagging, spitting the food right out. Barty doesn't even bat an eye.]
[Back to the present. We see the camera zoom in on James at his desk. He and Regulus have close desks, and we can see that in the frame.]
REMUS: He and Potter have some big bet over who gets more arrests this year. Ever since the bet, their numbers have gone way up.
MCGONAGALL : Tell me about Potter.
[James now has an action figure in hand of a police man, and is examining it. In the light, out of the light, everywhere.]
REMUS: James Potter is my best Detective. He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up.
MCGONAGALL : That was very well put.
REMUS: I've talked a lot about James in my departmentally mandated therapy sessions.
MCGONAGALL : Look, you know my history. You know how important this is to me. This precinct is doing fine, but I wanna make it the best one in Brooklyn. And I need your help.
[McGonagall is in her office with Sirius sitting in front of her desk, seeming that McGonagall has asked him to chat.]
MCGONAGALL: So, Sirius. Civilian administrators like yourself often have their ear to the ground. What do Black and Potter have riding on this bet of theirs?
SIRIUS: I will tell you under six conditions. Number one, you let me use your office to practice electric guitar. Second-
MCGONAGALL : How about this? If you tell me-
SIRIUS: Mm-hmm.
MCGONAGALL : I won't have you suspended without pay.
SIRIUS: Oh, that sounds great. [McGonagall sits down.] Okay, the deal is if Regulus gets more arrests, James has to give him his car. It's an old Mustang, and it's pretty sweet. If he gets more arrests, he has to go on a date with him. He guarantees it will end in sex, -which makes me uncomfortable because Reg is my brother but oh well-, I bet on at least some over-the-clothes action. At the very least, some touching-
MCGONAGALL : No, that's enough, Sirius.
SIRIUS: Caresses. I could see James showing up in a silk robe.
MCGONAGALL : That's enough, Sirius.
SIRIUS: All right.
MCGONAGALL : Thank you.
that was the first part, any feedback is appreciated :)
- jules
#jegulus crack#wolfstar#james potter#regulus black#rosekiller#brooklyn99 x marauders#idk what to put#lets see where this goes#brooklyn99 rewriting#remus lupin#james is jake peralta#regulus is amy santiago#i will be taking liberties#no beta we die like regulus#remus is terry#dorcas is rosa#mcgonagall is holt#buckle up dudes!!!#marauders as cops#marauders as b99 characters
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barty: if i came up to you and said i'd been arrested, what would you assume it was for? reg and pandora: *without skipping a beat, in total unison:* pandora: tax evasion regulus: murder reg and pandora: *looks at each other* pandora: murder regulus: tax evasion
#evan: stealing eight pounds of meth from a police evidence locker#dorcas: why do you say that#evan: there's a cop on the doorstep#they know him so well#harry potter#marauders era#marauders#the marauders#slytherin skittles#regulus black#barty crouch jr#pandora rosier#evan rosier#rosekiller
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july 17: fee | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 406
Regulus was aware that he was going about 20 over the speed limit. But he was so, so late for his meeting. He didn’t care that he was being a tad reckless. He had to get to that meeting.
When Regulus saw the flashing lights and siren in his rearview mirror, he cursed as he slowed and pulled over. He felt like he might cry. He’s never gotten pulled over before.
He heard the door of the cop’s car shut and he shakily pressed the button to roll his window down. The cop took the hat he was wearing off his head when he reached Regulus’ door, and Regulus really wished he had kept the hat on. Because underneath the hat was probably the most handsome man Regulus had ever seen. Perfectly tanned skin, dazzling grin, piercing eyes, and a mess up dark curls on his head.
“So,” the cop started, “you know why I pulled you over?”
Regulus nodded, probably too eagerly and managed to choke out, “I was, ah, speeding.”
The cop put his hands on his hips. “Indeed you were, love.” A smile was pulling on his lips. “Before I write a ticket, I’ll need to see your license and registration.”
Regulus dug in his glove compartment and handed over his papers and license. “Is this going to take long? I have a very important meeting to get to,” Regulus pleaded.
The cop laughed, pulling out a notepad and pen, and Regulus’ heart did a flop in his chest. “Writing the ticket right now, love, don’t worry about that meeting.”
He handed back Regulus’ papers, fingers brushing slightly. Regulus was ashamed that the small touch had sent lightning bolts up his arm. Regulus quickly stashed the paperwork away, and turned quickly back to the cop.
The cop tore a piece of paper off his notepad, folded it, and handed it to Regulus, brushing their fingers again. “Make sure to watch your speed in the future, love.” The cop winked. “I’m James by the way.” And with that, the cop retreated back to his car.
Regulus put his window back up and slowly unfolded the paper, expecting a hefty fee.
He blinked. There wasn’t a fine written in the paper. Just a phone number and a note that read:
Let me take you somewhere fancy.
And don’t speed.
Call me- James
p.s. Charming your officers out of a ticket doesn’t work every time, love.
#july 17#jegulus microfic#jegulus#regulus black#james potter#cop au#james fleamont potter#regulus arcturus black#jfp#r.a.b#reggie black#marauders#marauders era#harry potter#james x regulus#regulus x james#jegulus fanfiction#jegulus fic
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Muggle Police: What are your names? James: Don't tell them, Sirius. Muggle Police, writing: Sirius... James: Crap. Sirius: Nice going, James. Muggle Police: Sirius: Uh oh.
#harry potter#hp#marauders#sirius black#james potter#I bet they do this on purpose knowing the cops will never find them#but they enjoy the idea of the police going crazy looking
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22 / convict / 1476 words / NSFW / explicit sexual content
“I’m not wearing this,” Regulus complained immediately. He was holding up a pair of thong underwear, white and grey horizontal stripes across it. There was a small patch sewn into the waistband — an inmate number.
“Do you want to be the cop instead?” James asked, holding up his outfit. His was a pair of deep navy booty shorts and a button down crop top. It came with a small hat with a gold star on the front, and a pair of plush black handcuffs.
“Absolutely not, James.”
“Fine.” James smiled, like he had just won the jackpot. “Then you have to be the convict.”
Regulus huffed. He didn’t know why James was so adamant about role playing anyway, but he supposed if James ended up naked in the end, what difference did it make?
Regulus stormed off to the bathroom, following James instructions to put it on immediately, doing his best to only focus on the fact that he was about sixty seconds from seeing that man in booty shorts.
Suddenly there was a loud bang at the door, enough to startle Regulus into nearly falling over, second leg barely through his jeans he was sliding on over the costume.
“It’s the cops, open up!”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“Is there a problem, off—,” Regulus started to ask, but was immediately cut off by the sight of James in that outfit. “Holy shit, James.”
“It’s Officer Potter, to you,” James said, blushing. “There have been some complaints recently, I’m going to have to take you in for questioning,” he demanded, hands on his hips.
Regulus sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, deciding this game wasn’t so bad after all. “Okay, Officer Potter.”
James led Regulus to the back of their house and into their bedroom, demanding he be stripped down. “All of our inmates are required to wear the same prison uniform,” he tacked on, puffing out his chest. James reached forward and grabbed at the bottom hem of Regulus’ t-shirt, pulling it up and over his head.
“Hands behind your head,” James said, and Regulus had to hold back a snicker. James was a lot of things, but assertive was not one of them.
Not with Regulus anyway.
Regulus obliged, putting his hands behind his head, palms flush against his dark curls. He watched as James opened each handcuff before disappearing behind him, snicking each cuff shut around each wrist.
“Pants off next,” James said, moving back to Regulus’ front, undoing the button of his jeans and sliding them down. “This is certainly more appropriate,” James said stoically, gesturing to Regulus’ thong.
“What were these complaints for, Officer?” Regulus asked, looking down at James. James looked incredible in the crop top he chose, a piece of clothing that Regulus never would have anticipated to turn him on so much.
“Noise complaints,” James said, shaking his head as if he was truly disappointed. “I’m going to have to punish you, and I expect you to stay quiet.”
“Where would you like me to take that punishment?” Regulus asked, small smirk playing on his lips.
James gestured with a small nod. “Get on the bed, facing up. I want your hands against the headboard.” Regulus obliged, settling his hands on either side of a single dowel lining their spindle headboard, fuzzy handcuffs still forcing them close together.
James climbed over Regulus, straddling his torso as he reached up to fix the handcuffs, wrapping the center chain around the post before clasping it around both wrists once more.
He slid down Regulus’ body and settled between his legs, pressing his lips to the fabric covering Regulus’ cock. He exhaled hot puffs of air along his length, pressed his wet tongue to the tip.
Regulus moaned softly at the sensation, at the blood rushing straight to his cock. He reached down to card his fingers through James’ hair, only to feel the yank of metal and fur against his wrist. He whimpered, wanting to touch James so badly, wanting to guide his head just a bit lower, to force more pressure against his growing cock even with the underwear still on.
After a few moments, James pulled Regulus’ cock out from its confines, immediately licking a strip up the underside, and Regulus unable to hold back the groan that was let loose from deep down in his chest. Regulus hadn’t been expecting him to dive in so quickly; James was usually so gentle and explorative to start.
Not that Regulus was complaining.
James pulled his mouth off of Regulus’ cock just as quickly as he had taken it into his mouth, looking up at Regulus and tutting. “Quiet, or I’ll have to punish you worse than this.”
Regulus liked this James. He nodded.
The first few minutes that James took Regulus in his mourh, he was quiet. So quiet he very well could’ve been not enjoying himself.
But he was — of course he was, but he wanted more.
He let out a moan, guttural and primal and loud.
James jerked his head off of Regulus’ cock, and Regulus nearly grinned at him — a wide smile to rival one of James’ — if he thought he would still get what he was after.
“I told you if you couldn’t keep quiet, I would have to punish you worse, Regulus Black.”
Regulus nodded sweetly. “Whatever you think you need to do, sir.”
James slid his shorts off and settled onto his haunches, pouring lube on his hands and his cock before getting to work stretching Regulus out. Regulus bit his lip, stifling the moans he felt trying to push their way out, quieting all of the James’ and the pleases, until James was finally pressing his cock inside of him.
“That’s a good boy, being so quiet for me now,” James encouraged, grabbing ahold of Regulus’ hips, fingertips digging into his flesh. “Did you learn your lesson? Not to be so fucking loud where everyone can hear you?”
It would be funny that James asked that question — so loud, as he fucked Regulus’ hard, headboard slamming into a shared wall over and over — if not for how good it felt, how empowered James looked in that obscene crop top.
“Y-yes, officer,” Regulus said in a whisper. James reached down and took Regulus’ cock in his fist, stroking him at just the right pace to match his own hips.
Regulus cried out, sound coming unbidden, and James immediately released his grip around Regulus’ cock, leaving it throbbing and leaking at the tip. “Looks like you don’t deserve that after all.” He quirked a brow. “Do you need me to cover your mouth to make sure you keep quiet?”
Regulus shook his head.
“Or maybe I should choke you a bit, steal your breath so you can’t cry out like that?”
James phrased it as a question, but Regulus couldn’t answer — not with James still thrusting into him, not with the promise of that.
He let out a little mewl of assent, the sound making James lips upturn, perfect smile flashing back at Regulus as he reached a hand forward and wrapped his fingers around Regulus’ throat. “Now I want you to stay silent as I make you come all over your chest, do you hear me?”
Regulus managed a small nod, even with James’ fingers curled around his neck, pinning him to the bed. He craned his neck back just a bit, giving James more access, and watched as James continued to move above him.
He was beautiful in his uniform, so confident and proud to have brought this to fruition, to have Regulus quite literally under his thumb.
James increased his pace, thrusting into Regulus hard, hand tightening until Regulus was certain he would have small bruises dotting the side of his neck ��� little fingerprints as evidence of his punishment for being too loud.
All at once, James was groaning, a small grimace on his face, contorting before settling into something beautiful as he came inside Regulus. James’ entire body slackened just a bit, and Regulus sucked in gulps of air as he followed James over the edge, biting his lip as hard as he could to keep from crying out.
James looked up at Regulus, panting softly, sweat dotting his brow. “Good boy, Reg,” James said, only half breaking character. “You were so quiet for me.”
James pressed a soft kiss to Regulus’ lips.
“James,” Regulus said in response. “Why do you look so fucking good in that stupid shirt?”
James laughed. “I don’t know, Reg, but I’m dying to see what it looks like on you.”
Regulus wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of him playing the cop role, but if he got to bend James over and punish him, he was sure it wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
#convict Regulus#cop James#role playing jegulus#jegulus#james x regulus#jegulus microfic#marauders era#starchaser#marauders fanfiction#jegulus smut
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BITCH- okay so apparently one of my friends has been stalking my spotify (valid) and they were like… omg are you getting into a relationship or do you have feelings for someone again 👀👀 because i made a new playlist about love/ falling in love.
how do i explain to them it’s about everlark? bro… like i’m not in love. i’m just mentally ill.
#everlark#kat talks#i have so many marauders playlists too#what do they think those are about?!?#also what are you doing on my spotify?!?#what are you a cop#txt post#textpost#text post#marauders
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Evan Rosier would ADORE bojack horseman.
#he watches it with barty#and evs all like#“I am fundementally unworthy of love”#Bartys just like “HAH THE COPS A CAT LOL”#mf is NOT getting the greater themes.#dead gay wizards from the 70s#rosekiller#barty crouch junior#evan rosier#slytherin skittles#the marauders#mauraders#regulus black
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Prompt 18 - Form
Wolfstar, February 18, word count 621
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They exited the café into the sunny street and began to walk. Remus had no idea where they were going, and he didn’t think either Sirius or Barty did either.
“Erm, where are we going?” He finally asked as they crossed past their third street. Sirius and Barty both looked at him.
“I was following you,” Sirius said.
“I was following Sirius,” Barty replied, staring at Sirius like he should have known.
“And I was following Sirius,” Remus told them. He and Barty both looked to Sirius, and Sirius held his arms wide.
“Why are you following me? I have absolutely no idea where we are. I barely lived in this area; Remus has been here over a year.”
“You’ve seen how I live,” Remus retorted. “Work, home, eat, watch DVDs, bed, repeat.” Barty snickered beside Sirius.
“Ha, he’s got you there, Black!”
“Shut up, Crouch!” Sirius barked, shoving Barty in the arm. Barty stumbled and then fell over, landing hard on his bum.
“Oi!” He grumbled, rubbing his backside, before leaping to his feet and lunging at Sirius. They ended up in a scuffle. Sirius was winning, having Barty pinned beneath him as he ruffled his hair. A police car pulled up beside them and blipped their siren. The three of them froze.
“Right, lads, on your feet.” A grizzled-looking police officer stepped out of the car, followed quickly by a younger officer. “We’ve had a complaint about a fight between two young men who matched your descriptions, and having caught you in the act, I’m going to have to ask you to come with us to the station.” Remus watched the blood drain from both Sirius and Barty’s faces.
“Please,” Sirius begged. “You can’t take me, please.” The officer was unmoved, but his partner’s eyes flicked between the three of them. “Shit, shit, shit,” Sirius was shaking in fear now. Remus wrapped his arms around him and held him close. Sirius buried his face in Remus’s chest.
“What’s up with him?” the younger officer asked. Shacklebolt, his name tag read.
“He’s terrified that if you write his name on a form, his parents will find out and kill him,” Barty said, his voice hoarse. He moved protectively in front of Sirius. “And I mean that, they will kill him. They did it to his brother and covered it up when he did something they didn’t like. They’ll see who he was with, and they’ll kill him,” Barty said it all so evenly that you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t believe what he’d said.
The two officers looked at each other. Shacklebolt looked pleadingly at his superior, and Officer Moody narrowed his eyes. Remus noticed one had a jagged scar running from his eyebrow and down below his eye, giving his left eye an odd, distorted look.
“That is a large accusation to make, lad. I hope you have the proof to back that up,” Barty nodded.
“We have everything and more,” He told them.
“Barty,” Sirius whispered.
“No, Sirius, it’s time. They can help,” Barty turned on him. “Reg deserves better than how he’s remembered, and you deserve to be happy.” Barty looked back at Moody and squared his shoulders. “I’d like to report a murder and some other shit,” Moody huffed out a breath and opened the back door of the police car.
“Then you’d better come with us back to the station.” All three of them piled into the back of the car, Sirius in the middle, holding tightly to Remus and Barty’s hands as he breathed hard. Remus stroked his thumb across the back of Sirius’s hand.
“It’ll be alright,” He tried to reassure him, but Remus really didn’t know if it would be.
Next part
#wolfstar#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar fic#wolfstar fanfiction#sirius black#remus lupin#sirius orion black#sirius o black#remus john lupin#remus j lupin#sirius x remus#remus x sirius#sirius and remus#remus and sirius#marauders era#harry potter#wolfstar au#wolfstar fluff#wolfstar angst#barty crouch jr#alastor moody#kingsley shacklebolt#none of them knows where they are going#cant take sirius and barty anywhere#someone called the cops#sirius worried about his parents finding out about remus#barty deciding it's time to act#sirius having a near panic attack#remus just hopes it all goes well#form
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Sirius “I get mean when I’m nervous like a bad dog” Black
#I’m so back on my wolfstar bs#marauders#marauders era#the maruaders#cop car#mitski#sirius black#sirius orion black
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i get mean when i'm nervous, like a bad dog // i am cruel, i am gentle, i can make you laugh // i don't think about the past, it's always there anyway // and i will never die, i will never die, i will never die
#me when i've preemptively blocked all the exits#song: cop car by mitski#veryyyy him#del listens#sirius black#sirius orion black#sob#marauders#mwpp#harry potter#hp
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just wrote me the first rosekiller interaction after 7 chapters... wow man, that was rough
phew atleast thats over!
#THIS IS SO SILLY OMG#barty crouch jr#marauders era#marauders#evan rosier#entry.txt#rosekiller#son of a cop
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#yea i reposted this#me when i try editing in 2025 but i only have one stupid ass font#harry potter#sirius black#remus lupin#wolfstar#marauders#cop car by mitski
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i am so genuinely sorry for my friends who will be non stop hearing about tim bradford and how amazing he is and how he messed up with Lucy but they’re so good together that there’s no way they won’t be back together in season 7
#I’ve been keeping it lowkey in the groupchat#and by lowkey I mean I’ve barely spoken to any of them over the break#except like one phone call#I’ve been busy okay?#I also still have to make their gifts#ooopsie#also the rookie promo?#they’re teasing us with chenford#we shouldn’t#I know#LIKE HELLO?#my only thoughts are that they hook up#it’s so obvious#also bring protective Tim back#let him beat someone up#his trauma isn’t talked about enough#my life would be better if I met Eric winter#I fear the marauders hyperfixation has died a little#not a lot just for a bit#it’s still there#just overshadowed by my goofy cop show#I love my babies#chenford my babies#chenford#if they don’t get back together istg
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“How do you stay so innocent? After all we’ve been through, how are you still so… pure and sweet and happy?” It’s a question Evan’s been wanting to ask for a while, but he hasn’t been entirely sure how to ask without being offensive. But eventually, his desire to understand this one part of his twin that he hasn’t yet figured out overpowered his hesitance to ask. So here he is, waiting for Pandora’s answer.
Pandora contemplates the question for a while. Evan can tell she’s struggling with actual meaning behind her words—no, she’s thought about the “why” plenty—but rather, she figuring out how to word it.
“I wouldn’t say that I’m pure, or that I’m truly innocent. I know that bad things happen, and I’ve been through bad things myself. And it’s true that a lot of people are confused by how I’ve responded to those bad things.
“But it’s like this: there’s a girl who hates rainy days. And for a long while, she would spend rainy days alone in her room, shutters drawn so she could ignore all the rain. But it didn’t work, because she could still hear it, and the sound reminded her how much she hated rain, and how sad it made her.
“And one day there was a torrential downpour, the likes she had never seems before. And that was the lowest she’s ever been. But the day after, she went outside and saw the sun, and the green grass, and the flowers blowing in the wind. And she had a new appreciation for all the good things she had in her life, now matter how small.
“Over time, she came to realize that the rain was always going to come, and that she could never completely stop it. So she changed her reaction and way of thinking instead.
“Now when the rain comes, she doesn’t close the shutters. She stands and watches it come down around her, but isn’t sad or sorry that it’s happening. Because without it, she could never fully appreciate the flowers and sun and green grass she had all around her. And she knows that no matter how bad the rain might seem, it will always come to an end, and she’ll be able to see all the things that make her happy again. So she has hope when the rain comes, and she’s even thankful for it.
“People call her innocent, sometimes even crazy, for it, for being happy even when it’s raining, but the truth is that she just doesn’t see the point in feeling such encompassing sadness just because it happens to be raining. Her flowers are still there with her, the sun is simply hiding for a while, and the grass will look greener than ever before once the rain has gone.
“So that’s why I’m so “innocent.” Because I choose to be. And is it so wrong that I choose to retain childlike wonder and happiness, even in times of rain, simply because I want to? I don’t think so. And I think that it’s sad if someone else sees it that way. Because it’s not wrong, choosing joy for myself. Does that make sense?”
And it does, somewhat. It really does. And Evan can’t help but be impressed by the way his sister sees the world—he used to think she just wore blackout glasses all the time, blind to the hardship around her, but the truth is more complex than that. It’s more like she wears rose-tinted glasses, purposely choosing them each and every morning over the blue ones the rest of the world so often wears.
And as he smiles, and nods, and gives a little “thank you,” he feels as though he understands his twin better than ever before.
#i wish people would explore her character a bit more than just making her insane#i want her to have experienced these bad things and to now that they happen#not just be totally innocent and without a clue#i want her to choose her happiness and her innocence#don’t just make her insane#that’s a cop out in my book#pandora rosier#pandora lovegood#evan rosier#slytherin skittles#marauders fandom
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my mind is always trying to decide which one I love more, if healer Sirius or curse breaker Sirius?
also professor Sirius is such a good concept. I really can't decide
#not an auror tho#that man wouldnt be a magic cop#sirius black#healer sirius black#curse breaker sirius black#professor sirius black#sirius black headcanon#marauders fandom#harry potter fandom
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Fic where the Slytherin skittles are bank robbers and they rob this bank and find James (who’s a cop but was actually just there to do bank things) and they kidnap him and few others and then Regulus and James fall in love and James’ partner (Sirius) is trying to crack the case except James kinda doesn’t want him to cause then he’d have to say goodbye to Regulus.
Starchaser, Rosekiller, Wolfstar (background) and maybe some hinted at Pandalily (???)
#I don’t care if this is a gramática nightmare#It makes sense to me and other adhd bitches#Probably#The Slytherin skittles#Regulus black#evan rosier#barty crouch jr#dorcas meadowes#Pandora rosier#james potter#sirius black#starchaser#sunseeker#jegulus#rosekiller#Criminal!Regulus#Cop!James#The marauders
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