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recetarioo · 10 months ago
POSTRE DE HIGOS HELADO CON MANJAR, NUECES, CREMA Y CHOCOLATE No me digan nada malo de este postre, no acepto críticas 😁 Es que realmente quedó un espectáculo, en sabor y apariencia! Los ingredientes son sin cantidades, la idea es que les quede cremoso y el sabor equilibrado, pueden probar para ver que tal les está quedando, si le falta manjar o crema, depende de uds. INGREDIENTES: Higos frescos Nueces en trozos grandes Manjar Crema de leche Chocolate semi amargo derretido. Lo dejan en el freezer toda la noche, queda una especie de helado cremosito. En el video el paso a paso 🎥
Fuente: Cecilia Juricic (@lachichicocina)
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elbiotipo · 8 months ago
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Three buckets of papaya from my aunt's backyard, ready to be made into sweet (dulce de mamón o papaya en almíbar), just a little blessing from my region.
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alien-girl-21 · 2 months ago
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menkhu · 9 months ago
Now I'm curious... what are the stories behind the group names manjar and hippodrome wonderland?
LMAO i wish there were good stories behind them but the whole thing is pretty much my group is bad at coming up with party names so when we brainstorm and inevitably don't come up with any good ideas we go for the ones that make us laugh. hippodrome wonderland came from a random circus name generator (and we are actually a circus although tbh that method would be a lot funnier if we weren't) and manjar was an acronym of the party members' names
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made manjar when i got home. my mother is eating it by the spoonful
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dans-exposed-ankle · 9 months ago
need baby kalu pics asap pls
here you go 😋
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he is my dad's favourite cat
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and this is him as a kitten
(we only named him kalu because he had a brother who was grey/brown so we named them kalu and kardu and they kind of rhyme I swear im not racist 😭)
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brainclouded · 2 months ago
Grandpa got this food box from his work for the holidays and it has the most DELICIOUS Christmas cookies
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poemaspraalguem · 6 months ago
Doce como marmelo
Com cheiro de maçã verde
Os cabelos encaracolados, enrolam meus pensamentos.
Maldito momento que fizeram essa menina chorar
Quebraram o peito e deixaram marcas.
Os olhos castanhos
Lembram jabuticaba,
Os lábios tão aveludados como pêssego
Um sabor único entre amor e bondade.
Sou grato ao homem que a deixou partir
Assim, ela pôde cruzar a linha do meu destino
E agora, meu amor,
Eu conheço o manjar dos deuses.
Uma salada de frutas
O gosto do seu beijo, tem a melhor combinação de um fresco verão
Sou grato ao homem que a deixou partir!
Não pense que sou grato a dor que ele causou a ti,
Pelo contrário, sinto raiva
Mas, graças a escolhas erradas dele
Encontrei o tesouro que os deuses escondiam
Você está entre as sete maravilhas do mundo
Minha doce menina de olhos de jabuticaba.
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silverpoints-terminal · 1 year ago
Hey librarian lady, what is your opinion on pancakes?
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[Start ID: Niko smiling, a sleeved hand next to Niko's cheek. End ID.]
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Oh, you must be thinking of George! I... am not a librarian, Niko, I'm only a scientist.
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But maybe George likes them? I have not gone out to eat with her since forever.
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But I do like pancakes! I pour dulce de leche on them and they turn out delicious.
If you have something like that in your world, give it a try!
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months ago
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National Nut Day
Walnut, Hazelnut, Chestnut, Kola Nuts, Pine Nuts, Cashews, and more. There are more types of nuts in the world than most people realize, and many more of these are used for food than people suspect. Most people have a favorite kind of nut, most commonly involved in a favored kind of treat, but there are varieties and uses for nuts that are not commonly known.
Did you know that the flavor in your cola originally came from the Kola Nut? Or that Beech Nuts are commonly used as feed for animals? From ages past these high-fat, high-protein tree seeds have served as a major source of winter survival. Their natural ability to be stored and resist decay throughout the winter has made them a valuable resource for animals and humans alike.
What’s even more fascinating is that nuts have been revealed to have notable health benefits for those with a history of Coronary Heart Disease by lowering LDL cholesterol concentrations.
Learn about National Nut Day
National Nut Day has been created in order to encourage the public to consume healthier snack options. What is your go-to snack? A packet of crisps? A chocolate bar? We know that we are guilty of going for the unhealthy option more regularly than we should! So, why not use National Nut Day as the perfect opportunity to switch up your workplace snack? Some nuts, or a combination of nuts and dried fruit, is a healthy snack that will bring a lot of benefits.
The great thing about nuts is that there are so many different types and varieties to choose from. They come in many different sizes and shapes. You have everything from wrinkly walnuts to teardrop-shaped almonds, and so you are bound to find something that appeals to your taste buds.
We also love National Nut Day because nuts are not only delicious, but they are nutritious as well. Different nuts have different benefits. For example, almonds are rich in vitamin E, calcium, and protein. Another beneficial type of nuts is pistachios. They are high in fiber and they can help to reduce a rise in blood sugar after you have had a meal. Walnuts are also very popular, and they are a great source of omega-3 fatty acid. They can improve factors relating to heart health. Or, what about cashews? Cashews can improve blood pressure and they have a good nutrient profile too.
It is definitely a good idea to do a bit of research on your favorite nuts on Nuts Day too. You will be surprised by the different benefits that are associated with the variety of nuts out there. For a piece of food that is so small, it certainly packs a powerful punch when it comes to the different nutrients and benefits that it can bring.
History of National Nut Day
The Liberation Foods Company organized National Nut Day to celebrate the long and storied history of the nut, as well as to dispel some pernicious myths, such as the persistent idea that peanuts are a nut for instance. Nuts have been part of our diets for time out of mind, a trait we likely learned by following our fuzzy four footed brethren to their winter stores.
Since the inception of National Nut Day, great festivals have sprung up around the world to celebrate the versatility and great taste of the nut. There’s nothing like the rich smell of roast nuts to remind you that fall is here, and there is nothing to soothe a sweet tooth like a roast candied nut. Orange Glazed, Cinnamon, Sweet Chipotle are just a few of the common and more unusual flavors available in the world of the nut.
How to celebrate National Nut Day
The best way to celebrate National Nut Day is by treating yourself to your favorite nut related treat. Whether that’s a nut rich doughnut or a bag of your favorite roasted nuts, National Nut Day is an opportunity to indulge in the rich, nutty taste of.. well.. nuts!
There are often events held by vendors of nuts and their enthusiasts, where they share activities, introduce new types of nuts, and even share the best nut recipes. So get out there and improve your health and your winter with these shell-covered treasures.
There are plenty of other activities that you can do on National Nut Day. This includes making your favorite nut butter. A lot of people love nut butter, but why go to the store and purchase the premade version when you can probably make a much nicer version yourself? All you need to do is grab your favorite nut and throw them into a food processor. Most people will add some sweetener, and then all you need to do is blitz the combination. It really is as easy as that. Some people love their creation so much that they simply eat it out of the food processor. We won’t tell if you don’t!
Another way to celebrate National Nut Day is by adding them to your meal. Nuts are incredibly versatile, meaning they can be added to everything from breakfast to dinner. They go just as good in oatmeal as they do a stir-fry or salad. You can also brighten up someone else’s day on National Nut Day by bringing them a nut-based treat. A snack-sized packet of nut goodies is bound to put a smile on anyone’s face. It’s always nice when someone thinks about you, right?
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botherbug · 2 years ago
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callmeanxietygirl · 6 months ago
Acerca de la arrachera...
En los años 70, en Nuevo León, México, Don José Inés Cantú Venegas, un visionario comerciante de carne, revolucionó la gastronomía norteña. Nacido en 1926 en Pesquería, Don José se dedicaba al negocio de la carne, buscando siempre nuevas oportunidades. Durante una visita a Laredo, Texas, se encontró con un corte de carne sorprendentemente sabroso que resultó ser el diafragma de la res, considerado en Estados Unidos como desperdicio y vendido a precios bajos.
Viendo una oportunidad, Don José decidió importar este corte a Monterrey. Gracias a su ingenio, logró pagar pocos aranceles al clasificar la arrachera como víscera, argumentando que era la parte que separaba los pulmones del estómago. Pero no solo importó la carne, también necesitaba un nombre atractivo. Recordando a su tío, quien usaba el término "arrachera" para referirse al cincho del caballo que ajusta la silla de montar, bautizó así a este corte.
La arrachera rápidamente se convirtió en un éxito. Lo que alguna vez fue considerado desperdicio, ahora era un manjar en las parrillas de Monterrey y el norte de México. La fama del corte creció, convirtiéndose en un elemento esencial de las carnes asadas, un ritual de convivencia y celebración en la región.
Don José no se detuvo ahí. También inventó la "salchicha asa", otra delicia que se convirtió en un complemento infaltable en las reuniones de carne asada. Fundó la empresa Ponderosa y el Restaurante El Regio, consolidando su legado en la gastronomía local.
Aunque Don José Inés Cantú Venegas falleció el 15 de mayo de 2013, su legado culinario permanece vivo. La arrachera, transformada un de desperdicio a manjar, es un testimonio de su visión y perseverancia, celebrada en cada carne asada como un símbolo de ingenio y tradición.
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tortademaracuya · 1 year ago
agradecide todos los dias por las empanadas
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bagofbonesmp3 · 1 year ago
claramente el orden es milanesa de cerdo → milanesa de carne → milanesa de pollo → milanesa de pescado manga de infelices
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encefaloworm · 6 months ago
Getting a horrible allergic reaction bcs of a sweet I’ve eaten my entire life was not in my 2024 bingo
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leregirenga · 10 months ago
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Que ricos tus besos, que manjar tan dulce extraigo de tu boca cuando mis labios se unen a los míos. Y me gusta besarte tantas veces como estrellas hay en el universo, porque en ellos hay luz y me encienden de maneras tan bonitas que quedó aún más prendida de tu aliento.
Que no haya fin para tus besos, que siempre que puedas me los regales y que a ti te gusten tanto como a mi me apetecen.
Leregi Renga
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