#manifesting with depression/anxiety
adviceformefromme · 4 months
Please take note that everything you consume is affecting your energy. The Netflix series you're binging on, the words in the songs you listen to, the news you consume, the conversations you have, the foods you eat….It’s all impacting your energy field. So my question today is what are you allowing into your life that is keeping you in the gutter? If you’re suffering with anxiety, depression, feeling like crap, feeling insecure, what exactly are you doing to protect your energy? How far are you willing to go to keep your energy safe and guarded from those low vibration energies that are coming for you daily?…Are you willing to stop complaining about everything wrong in your life as you open your mouth each day? Are you willing to consume foods that make you feel nourished? Are you willing to switch off the news so you don’t take on the problems of the world and feel helpless? Protecting your energy is crucial for survival and happiness in this world, your energy deserves to be protected. You deserve to feel happy, to feel good, and it starts with you saying no. Saying no where possible to the things that are bringing you down…just a little thought of the day. 
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burrowedhydra · 4 months
I think I have realized something absolutely vital when it comes to manifesting with a brain thats often feels "dysfunctional" due to disability or mental health issues and can make you feel alienated from other advice or the loassumption community in general.
Anything that is "holding you back" is a circumstance. And what do we know about circumstances? They dont matter.
You cannot keep your toughts in control bc you have adhd and keep getting distracted? You have autism and you don't know if you understood everything right or if there's some hidden feeling you have yet to look for? Circumstance. Doesn't matter. Whatever you did, counted in favor of your manifestation, even if something distracted you during your technique
You have BPD or severe trauma and spiral every time you think about your end goal? Nope, the bad thoughts didn't count, you did absolutely amazing.
You cannot even begin your techniques because of executive dysfunction? Who the hell needs techniques anyways! Every breath your lungs have taken since you learned about manifestation has done nothing else but take you closer and closer to your success story.
You have depression and cannot even keep a happy thought and feel it real even tho that's supposed to manifest? Nah. Not true. Whatever technique you did and mindset that you decided for with whatever effort, completely fucking worked.
You are overthinking the fact that you're overthinking and worried if mere worry will mess up your manifestation? Nope. Your unfavorable thoughts are a circumstance, they don't matter in manifestation.
Notice anything in your head that goes against your pure intention and call them what they are: circumstances, not negative, not positive, but insignificant to the outcome.
Im not saying this do downplay lived experience here. You are allowed to experience pain, but said pain does not have the ability to control your outcomes. They can hurt like hell, I know, but they messed up NOTHING IN YOUR PROGRESS. Your godself cannot be bound by the circumstance of flesh. I'm saying this to liberate you from the thought pattern that makes you think your circumstances are so unique that they surely have to matter. Nope, they don't . No mental health issue nor disability is holding you back. Literally nothing is. Not you "not doing it right". You are not born to just suffer through the 3d, even if the manifesting community forgets about your unique experience and feels a bit alienating because of it. You are doing it right. You are doing it perfectly. Congratulations.
Well done, sweetheart. You did well. Welcome back to your power, God.
May you use all that power for good.
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mwagneto · 2 months
i think what's really been getting to me the past few months is the realisation that i dont relate to literally any of the mental health stuff i see anywhere. like whenever there's some affirmation or motivation or just relatable-sounding posts in general they all seem like such common problems and it's like, damn i literally dont experience any of that. and yet im still crumpling. something uniquely wrong with me
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tleeaves · 11 months
Plagued by horrible feelings that don't go away, only fester. (I feel like everyone who knows me hates me or even mildly dislikes me, and I have literally no evidence whatsoever, everything is always circumstantial and my brain jumps to mean conclusions.)
Sometimes you grow up with this feeling like something is wrong with you and you step back and wonder if it was just the Catholic church environment and undiagnosed neurodivergence or if maybe you are a little bit fucked up and you can no longer hide it.
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soundmindgoldsoul · 4 months
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In case you didn’t realize 🤍
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today is going to be a good day ✨ i’m manifesting it 💛 no anxiety 🫶🏻 no depression 🌻 no ocd thoughts/compulsions 🌼 only contentment and rational thoughts today 🍋 i’m manifesting it
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permanentreverie · 5 months
why must a young woman full of whimsy (me) be subjected to The Horrors (tummy hurt)
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lift-yourself · 2 years
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shiftingforyeonjun · 1 year
I wanna do this blog differently.
Lately, I feel like I’ve been losing myself and losing my spark. And this is something I’ve always struggled with especially when I’ve gotten into a new relationship.
If I haven’t stated before, I struggle with many mental health issues such as BPD, depression, anxiety and ocd. And honestly, I’m sick of feeling like this all the time and I want to do differently.
So along with manifestation and shifting, I want to also talk about spiritual growth and mental health.
I want to share my journey and experiences with my mental health and help the stigmatization of it, especially BPD.
Remember, this is a safe space for all. Your feelings are valid. Let’s grow together.
If you struggle with any of the following, follow my blog and join me on our healing journey where we will share our experiences and learn to grow together.
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship Anxiety
- Relationship OCD
- Retroactive Jealousy
- Anxious Attachment Style
- Self Love
- Fear of abandonment
- Anxiety VS Intuition
- Lack of self
- And much more
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
Are you living according to a vision, or living according to a revision?
What are you revising daily? Your traumas, your feelings of unworthiness, your struggles? Or are you revising those juicy feelings you get from looking at your vision board, feelings of gratitude, faith, abundance, wellness, wholesomeness?
Are you so busy remembering your past you forget to focus on your future, on where you want to be? Just a little food for thought…
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poorlittlevampire · 1 year
also i talked with my grandma abt college and she was so encouraging and excited about it so idc anymore its something i want to pursue ill put everything in my name regarding loans ill take on all the debt idc but its something i want to do ill just figure it out
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palaeolithicc · 10 months
personal post in tags
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raystie · 1 year
wow my last post was in Feb so despite not really having a following here I still feel obligated to say I'm going through a Bad Time both mentally and physically rn I can't even be bothered to think about or play Yakuza or do anything really. not dead but I sure feel like I'm on the way there rn. won't be here for a while take care everyone
#ray txt#well if you really wanna know the tmi details I'm putting it in the tags because I love overshsring#short version is entered depressive episode couldn't regulate my emotions constant crying and racing thoughts and mood swings#eventually psychosomatic symptoms caused by anxiety gets bad enough I start also having health anxiety and freaking out that I had some#disease or illness and that I was gonna die#if you've ever had your body feel like it's dying because of anxiety it's the typical shit#chest feels tight and like it's being crushed and like I can't breathe#random pains all over sometimes muscles or stabbing pains across torso#random nausea sweating and constant loss of appetite but maybe that was the depression#anyway after multiple crying sessions and nights where I couldn't sleep until like 8am and my parents considering putting me in#psych rehab (idea got scrapped) I go see some specialists#they check my blood piss uterus (irregular cycles I only get it every 2-4 months for years now)#and x-rays and they tell me actually everything looks fine physically! there's nothing wrong anywhere they can see and all my Levels are#perfectly Normal and Average I don't have a disease or illness or deficit#so all those pains and suffering really was just psychologically manifested and my brain made it up#andi know it's true because after that visit the chest pain was a lot less Andi can breathe better now#wait but that's not the end of it!#the gyne thinks I could have PCOS but can't confirm so I get my hormones tested and turns out I have more prolactin than normal#that fool made it sound like I Needed to get a MRI scan to check the gland that produces it in my brain or whatever#i go see an endocrinologist who says oh actually the extra prolactin is most likely just from your psychiatric medications#turns out if you take those it's commonly seen to go up so I didn't have to get scanned#this was optional but he suggested I take cabergoline to lower it and also get my menstruation regular again#and that's what I'm doing now but I feel like I had forgotten what having a period is like after always going for months without it#Oh and then I saw a new psychiatrist. because I had serotonin syndrome before and my body reacts badly to medications I've taken#he suggests a sensitivity blood test which I agreed to IMMEADIATELY because I've spent almost a whole decade taking all sorts of meds and#none of it working out#I haven't gotten the results back but he also said SSRIs are out of the question#although I've tried a bunch of antipsychotics and (prescribed) ADHD medications and they didn't work out#really want this fucking test because taking a med and then getting blasted with side effects makes me feel like a guinea pig being#experimented on
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spiritmoon23 · 11 months
Man being depressed is so much easier than being anxious this fucking sucks
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anders-hawke · 2 years
the other day my mom saw me making the mcr gifset and asked me if it wasn’t time to move on from the x-files................................. like mom if i could simply “move on” i wouldn’t have been in photoshop gifing mulderino and scullbag i promise you that
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stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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