#manifesting that they play animal crossing
chronic-solitarian · 5 months
save me survival mode bigfoot episode. survival mode bigfoot episode. survival mode save me.
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szynkaaa · 12 days
funny story, back in 2020 I was playing Animal Crossing New Horizon (like everyone else around the time), and made this post on my twitter:
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I was really surprised at that time they didn't have a villager based off the Monkey King yet
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moral of the story, bribery does work. ten dollar well spent.
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faedaes · 3 months
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The Man, the Myth, The Legend
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michax-forever · 2 years
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Au where in the end The Collector gets adopted by the Noceda family
(Vee has games on their phone)
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getbreaded · 1 year
Managed almost 5 hours of studying today. Covered sorting and searching algorithms and some visualisation but I'm beat.
Exam is next wednesday so there's still some time, just need to focus a little bit each day.
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luna-azzurra · 4 months
heartbreak through body language in Men
A drooping posture can convey a sense of defeat and sadness. Keep shoulders slightly slouched, and avoid standing tall or with a straight back.
Facial expressions play a crucial role. A downturned mouth, furrowed brows, and a distant or vacant gaze can all indicate inner turmoil and heartache.
Men often avoid eye contact when they're feeling vulnerable. If you're experiencing heartbreak, you might find yourself looking down or away when speaking to others.
Restlessness can manifest in various forms, such as tapping fingers, bouncing legs, or constantly shifting positions. This indicates inner turmoil and an inability to find peace.
Movements may become slower and less purposeful when someone is experiencing emotional pain. This can include gestures like reaching for objects or adjusting clothing.
Men in heartbreak might withdraw from social interactions or participate less actively in conversations. They may seem physically present but emotionally distant.
Deep, heavy sighs are often involuntary reactions to emotional distress. They signify a release of tension and an underlying sense of sadness.
Heartbreak can drain one's energy. You may notice a decrease in enthusiasm, vitality, and overall liveliness in how you carry yourself and engage with others.
Crossing arms, hunching shoulders forward, or clasping hands in front of the body can create a barrier between oneself and others, reflecting emotional guardedness and pain.
Gestures may become less expressive and more restrained. Hand movements may be smaller in scale and less animated compared to usual.
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thesirencult · 1 year
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The Tower, The Fool
This is someone you would never expect to have feelings for you. You view them as distant, private an cold towards you and others. There is something magnetic to them and, at times, they let their cold façade go. Then, you get to experience a different side of them. They may have played with children in front of you or taken care of an elderly person, assisting them to cross the street. This person loves animals and has a soft spot for them. This reminds me of a strong, tall man who build a sanctuary for chihuahuas after his wife left him. Now he takes care of them and encourages other men to break the stereotype and adopt a smaller dog.
So, this person could also be tall and either lanky or lean-muscular. Others see them as intimidating and may try to avoid them in social situations (like coworkers not inviting them out for a drink after work).
I don't think they'll express themselves. They feel very ashamed of their feelings for you and believe that you see them as "not good enough". This has nothing to do with the way you treat them and has everything to do about their own perception of themselves.
They are very innocent at heart and get hurt when people exclude them. This tells me that you must have treated them like your "chihuahua". You are the one who encourages them and offers help or a few kind words. They love your kind and sweet nature but it's hard for them to show their true emotions. You will notice them get shy and anxious around you, like a little kid. Give them a chance by letting them get closer to you.
Judgement, The Magician, 5 Of Wands
This person is very fair and just. They will love every single inch of you and they won't shy away from telling you that. You see yourself as "not being good enough" and the person who has a crush on you will pick up on how you feel immediately. They will try to get you to see your beauty and will get sad when you talk bad about yourself. They just don't understand how someone as perfect and beautiful as you doesn't realise their own strength and beauty.
This person is a master manifestor. They just know how to alchemize energy and change their physical reality. They will see that you have this ability too and they will admire how you are trying to forge your own path. They have probably manifested you into their lives and they'll idolize you a lot.
If there is an age gap (5+), this person will try to hold back and act as a mentor towards you but, they are very competitive with others and possessive. Their feelings will shine through when they sense someone else trying to get with you. You'll notice their absurd behaviour, call them out and they will just kiss you.
"I'll show you why I'm acting this way." And then smooch 💋.
Queen Of Cups, 7 Of Pentacles, 5 Of Pentacles
Okey-dokey! My sweet Pile 3, if you are not into girls or feminines, I would advise you to choose another pile. Otherwise, if you choose to stay, this energy could resonate with your personal journey towards love and abundance.
I'm seeing a very sweet soul waiting for you. This energy is very light and free-flowing. You may not have met this person yet, because of divine timing. I'm getting that when you meet them it will be "love at first sight". You'll catch them doing something random, like picking up a dumbbell at the gym or petting a dog, or even voting (?).
This "exchange" from afar will drive you crazy cause you will know nothing about this person and you'll think you will never see them again. I see that fate has other plans for you.
This feminine is your future spouse and she is very into personal development at the moment. They will be preoccupied with finances and they are trying to clear up "abundance blocks".
At first, they will seem reserved and preoccupied with other things. You'll exchange a few looks and sparks will be flying, so this is a case of a reciprocated crush.
They are quite happy with being by themselves and working on their coins and foundations for their future. I bet you'll hear them talk about that and you'll think "Baby don't worry, I'm your future 💋."
Slowly you'll start talking and I hope you make the next step otherwise they'll never ever let you in.
But, after you get closer to them, you'll realize that they are a very deep and wise person and not just sunny all the time. Actually you'll think of them as darker and lunar. You will love their passion and mysterious disposition. Be their fearless protector and their rock to climb up to and watch the sunrise.
The Hierophant, 9 Of Cups, Queen Of Pentacles
Right now you are going through a "level up" phase. I don't even know why you are waisting your time here. Lol. You are quite independent, fierce and unstoppable. You are also trying to manifest someone like you.
The person who will soon come towards and confess their crush on you is not someone overly "hard". They are quite dreamy and soft. They like ice-cream and long walks. They will take you on romantic dates and worry that you don't like the scenery because you are not talking that much.
This person sees you as a boos b*tch. They admire you and have put you in a pedestal. I'm hearing "Let me service you Queen.". They like "ice-cream" ! Oh my! This person really wants you and they would jump through hoops to get to you.
They'll pass all your tests with flying colours and you will keep wondering how they are such a good match for you. Let them feel like you are in control and they'll submit to you.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
May I ask for lmk Macaque with your list of prompts 59, 57 and 22 :3
Sure! Here's sadistic shadow monkey that follows you around :) I really do love him, lol. Hope you like the plot (It isn't much but I'm sure him learning you have other friends... opens old wounds.)
Yandere! Macaque Prompts 59, 57, 22
"Are those friends of yours? Are they your everything?"
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
"They never loved you. Only I love you."
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Emotional manipulation, Stalking, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Clingy behavior, Forced relationship/companionship.
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Macaque had recently found a new toy to mess with. He had always been one to mess with humans for his own amusement. Mischief was one of his favorite things.
Speaking of favorite things...
"You aren't ignoring me, are you~?" His voice echoes around you, shadows changing shape on their own. You had grown used to such anomalies recently. Shadows following you around had been something you were dealing with for months.
"Aww, come on, sweetheart! Did you really think I'd just leave you alone? You're far too interesting for that...."
Just like that the shadow monkey manifests, piercing yellow eyes staring into you as he materializes. He has a grin on his face, arms crossed as he circles you. Here he was... your forced companion.
"It's just so boring without you in my sight, Y'know?" Macaque purrs, acting like he ever let you out of his sight. He follows you from the shadows and in animal form. Really... there's no way he ever takes his eyes off you.
Which is why he felt he should 'cut in' when he saw you with a group of supposed friends.
"Didn't even bother to invite me~?" Macaque pouts playfully, dramatic as ever. He then wraps his arms around you, fur tickling your skin as he flicks his tail. He can feel your body tense under his touch, making his grin return stronger. "I thought you loved me~? Aren't we friends?"
Macaque can see your teeth grit at his comment. In response he really rubs it in, nuzzling into you playfully with a sigh. Oh how he loves your little reactions.
"Not now, Macaque." You say, trying to shoo him away but the monkey stubbornly stays. You had just had finished hanging out with your group of friends before Macaque stepped in. So luckily... they didn't have to see you try to shake off a shadow monkey.
"Why~?" Macaque whispers, tail swaying as his grip tightens. "Were those friends of yours?" Macaque coos, circling so he's in front of you. His grin is teasing... but also appears to be hiding something underneath. "Are they your everything?"
"Yes?" You answer, making Macaque lean back and cackle. You glare at him... only to pause when he stops with a serious expression. He looks... irritated.
"Oh, sweetheart..." Macaque purrs, staying close to you. "Do you really think they care about you?"
"Hey, what's your problem!?" You growl, pushing at the monkey as he grips your hands. He grins, holding them up to place on his cheeks with a cruel look in his glowing eyes.
"What? Don't believe me?" Macaque frowns in a growl, playing with your mind. He doesn't like the idea of you having other friends. Really... you deserve so much better.
"Of course I don't!" You hiss, pulling your hands away as Macaque frowns.
"Really now?" Macaque tilts his head before giving a concerned look. "If anyone knew the truth, it would be me!"
You look at him confused, Macaque humming with a nod of his head. He begins to circle you again, occasionally prodding at you affectionately. He loved when you squirmed.
"Don't give me that look, dear! Can't you tell?" Macaque prods, leaning his head against you. "If I can follow you around... Then I can follow them! Which means..."
Macaque notices the hurt in your gaze, leading him to quickly latch onto you.
"Oh, don't worry... that's why I'm here!" Macaque chirps, embracing you. "You look like you're about to cry... it's okay... just let me comfort you~"
Macaque knew how to use his words. He knew just what to say to manipulate others. You, poor oblivious thing, looked like you believed him.
Which made it much easier to lure you in all for himself.
"They never loved you. I heard it myself!" Macaque nods, playing the role of looking genuine as he sees your eyes water. Such a bittersweet look. "Really, only I love you."
"You're lying..." You whisper, the monkey leaning closer to your face.
"I swear I speak only the truth." Macaque whispers, tilting your chin up. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
Macaque observes as you stare ahead, not quite trusting him. He understands, he's a known liar. In fact, he's lying right now.
But your emotions are quick to take over rational thinking.... It's not like you can prove him wrong, right? Maybe your friends really are just pretending.
"I see..." You whisper, Macaque smiling when he realizes he has you wrapped around his finger.
"You never needed them anyways, sweetheart." Macaque shakes his head, humming while he pets your hair. "Seriously, they were so dull."
You can see Macaque stick out his tongue in disgust before returning his attention to you. You swore his piercing eyes dilated as he wraps his tail around you. You couldn't believe this.
"Well, I think it's time I made you feel better." Macaque hums, patting your back playfully before grabbing your hand. "How about we go on a little walk? Get something to eat?"
You look hesitant. Macaque wasn't someone you could necessarily trust. Although... he's been working on getting better lately, right?
It's not like he's hurt you....
"Again with the looks?" Macaque pouts. "Yeesh, the truth hurts, doesn't it?"
You nod and Macaque hums, a grin returning to his face before he pulls you into him.
"Well, come here then!" Macaque sighs, embrace tight against you. "I'll be here to comfort you... maybe even teach them a lesson for you, yeah?"
Macaque chuckles darkly, eyes half shut while he holds you tight against him and presses his face beside your ear.
"After all, You're stuck with me, like it or not, sweetheart."
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artwork credit: "The Great Hop" by Dillon Samuelson
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
word count: ~ 1.5k words
summary: Dave and you, two utterly scarred people, meet for stress relieving sex only. But damn, it’s hard. 
tags/warnings: explicit, angst, able-bodied reader, no use of y/n, allusions to unprotected p in v, smut (creampie, f!oral) but it’s hidden in between words and metaphors, church symbolism I guess, a whole lot of confession metaphors, DM me if I missed any
a/n: I missed writing for my man Dave and I just want him to feel good. So I tried to give him some comfort. Basically my plea for his innocence, your honor, Dave has done nothing wrong. thanks to @guiltyasdave for sending me hugs and beta'ing <3
dividers: @/saradika-graphics
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Dave is not a good man. He wants to be but somewhere along his way it got dark and he got confused and took a wrong turn. And then another one and another one. And now he is playing the lead role in this play that is his life.
He is tainted, dirty, he stains whatever he touches. He is Midas but what he touches doesn't turn into gold, it starts rotting. Innocence got corrupted by his badness. And so he looks for someone who is not innocent anymore, someone who was already dying so he is not the one to blame this time. And you? You looked for your own darkness in someone else. To be swallowed whole and to not have to feel for one fucking moment and to feel everything at once.
Of course your paths crossed, scavenger and carrion always end up together. But the lines are blurry between you both and neither one of you knew who was who. Not that it matters, not in the slightest.
It was a silent agreement. You meet, release stress and never ask questions or get personal. Two adults with needs. With the hunger for connection and life, but too scared to connect more than your bodies. 
Being open and permeable for feelings other than lust only meant pain in the long run. And both of you’ve had more than your fill. You are overflowing with pain. You do not want to add to that.
You set up meetings. A hotel room or your place, it was all the same. All you needed was an hour to release whatever has built up since the last time you’ve met. 
It was impersonal. A ‘Hello, how are you?’ at best. And every further attempt at small talk got cut off either by you or by him, with a yank of a shirt, with a shove to make the other one stumble onto the bed or against the wall. With a kiss that eats every word out of the other’s mouth and replaces them with grunts and moans. You had a routine: anger, grief, repenting. It was the perfect recipe for people like you: too lonely to stay alone but too afraid to let the mask of numbness fall.  
What you both did was ugly and selfish. Taking what you needed and giving what you didn’t want to carry around with you anymore. It looked like hate sex. It felt like it, too. But the hate you felt wasn’t directed at the other one. It was directed at yourself and the constant feeling of being a failure, a disappointment. You fucked the hate out of your bodies until it left you and got stuck on you instead. It manifested itself in the sticky residue of sweat, slick, spit, semen, sometimes blood. And when you washed the layer of anger and lust off your skins there were still imprints left. Silent witnesses of what you did to each other.
At times you were like animals, all canines and claws, more fighting than fucking. More scratching and biting and bruising than making use of holes and crevices. When you fought for domination it was never about dominating the other one, it was about dominating your own demons that ran a dictatorship in your souls and brains. And when the skin tingled where later the first bruises would bloom in rich scarlet and purple and the scratches started swelling and stinging you licked your wounds.
You licked his, the red ridges on his chest and thighs, those crests that tasted of salt and copper and your fury. And Dave licked yours. Soothing the imprints of his teeth in your softest flesh with his tongue, pressed flat against the underside of your breasts and the flesh between your shoulder blades. He cleaned your skin off the white, salty trails of your angry tears with little licks. Both of your palates were coated in salt, iron, despair but it all tasted better than the contempt for your own existence.
With the tending of each other's wounds comes a softness you both don’t want. Softness from soft touches makes the hard crust soften and crumble. Dave clearly sees the hurt in you, not just on your and his body, but the one behind your eyes whenever you avoid his gaze. He could smell it, the fear of being seen oozed out of your pores, only covered up by the strong stench of stubbornness and faked independence. He wasn’t mad about it, his scent was the same. You both knew, you both feigned ignorance.
You never kiss like lovers. If you kissed and it didn’t leave the taste of a penny on your tongues, you did it wrong. That’s what you’ve told yourselves. 
The soft kisses play pretend and dress up as the more tender bites and sucks and they only show up when you were sure the other one was not paying attention. 
It is a dance, a tango, a push and pull of what is and what could be. If only you were not broken and utterly ruined. It is sad for Dave, seeing you mourning the ability to let yourself be loved. Your heart was shattered into pieces, the biggest one missing since you were a child. You couldn't even remember how it felt to be whole. To feel love without it running through the cracks of your poorly glued together heart. 
If he only could, Dave would give you the missing pieces. His pockets are full of pieces, of sharp edged shards of the lives and people he destroyed. Each life taken becomes a fragment he carries with him. And in the moments he became too careless, too happy, he cut himself with one.
The blood on his hands is his, too. 
‘Can’t break what's already broken,’ you tell him every time. But the sound never makes it past your lips, always getting stuck between your teeth. And so you write it on his skin with your fingers. The letters inscribed with invisible ink made out of sweat and desperation on his back and stomach. By now, after months of meeting him, his body is littered with your messages. 
Be brave. Have your fill. Eat me, chew me, spit me out. Make me numb. Make me feel. I want to be alive. Please. Oh God, please.
It takes Dave a little while before he understands it, but the feeling of lightness in his soul after he leaves you - it doesn’t come from physical exhaustion and orgasms only. You hear his confessions. His silent confessions he licks into you. 
Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away. And he gets on his knees, every time, and looks at the mess he left inside of you, already spilling out because Dave never made a minor mess in his life. 
Dave wants to be good and so he cleans up the mess he made. On his knees, before you, the weight of your thighs heavy on his shoulders and his fingers almost touching while he spreads you open. 
His head ducks before you like a penitent in church as your body silently writhes, knowing what would come.
He takes his time since there is no rush in repenting. Being full of sin is never ending, especially for men like him. So why try to finish a confession when the list of wrongdoings is endless.
Dave speaks silently, mouthing his failures against you, licking his secrets into your cunt and he is amazed by the way she so patiently swallows his sins.
I kill. I am no good. I will hurt you. Forgive me.
He fills you up with his bitter truth, bitter like his cum that trickles out of you. It’s all bitter, salty, freeing. The more he repents, the deeper his tongue pushes his confession inside of you, the tighter you curl your fingers into his hair.
And your cunt takes it all, all the anger and fear and decay Dave carries inside of him. She sucks it in, clenches around his words like she is chewing on them. She does not judge, you do not judge. It is all the same, it all is pain and that is what you know. It doesn’t scare you.
I destroy. I just want to be good. Hold me. I am broken. Forgive me. I hurt.
He feels it in the way your body tenses and your cunt tightens. ‘Dave’ is the only word that tumbles from your tongue, in the same rhythm you rub yourself onto him. Just a few more silent whispers and pleas, he knows the ritual of confessing by heart.
Make me better. Forgive me. Forgive me. Please.
A broken cry, his or yours, probably a shared one. He keeps his mouth open, ready for his absolution. And with you coming, his absolution comes, gushing out of you. Every sin and every word, no matter how bitter and poisonous it was, got turned into something sweet and harmless. He drinks you in, swallowing the innocence you give him.
Forgive me for I have sinned. A tender bite to your inner thigh, a kiss in disguise, a thank you with canines and claws.
‘Forgiven,’ you write onto his scalp, massaging the letters into his skin and hoping they reach his heart this time.
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find my Dave York masterlist here
find my general masterlist here
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mewguca · 2 months
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Since Tumblr allows me to write text, here it is transcribed into the post itself, yay <3:
Why I think the Fifth Urge being tied to the Concept Of "The Self" Is Really Cool!!
(aka my Apocryphal Texts personal interpretation of the fifth urge lol) - by egguca/mewguca
My personal favorite label/title for the Fifth Urge is "Self-Preservation", as it lends itself quite nicely into double-meanings. I also interpret the Urges as manifesting differently on a base level VS on a higher level. (like with animals vs with people, though people can still regress to displaying baser forms of the urges. Hopefully that makes sense?)
On a base level, "self-preservation" manifests as a survival instinct.
To preserve one's current life, rather than accepting death and rebirth. Lesser beings seem to struggle with this greatly, as the slugcats we play as (vanilla) cannot move past Fifth Karma without external assistance (FP or Echoes). I think a lot of people tend to focus on this due to Survivor's association with the symbol.
On a higher level, this is the preservation of the "Ego." Of the very idea of the self. One's self-image. Ascension is often referred to as
"crossing oneself out", so wouldn't that naturally mean to accept an extinguishment of the self? Of course, Ascension is intentionally vague, but I feel like it makes a lot of sense for the Fifth Urge to be tied to ego, at least on a higher level.
In-Game References
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Notice how Karma 5 is displayed over the Ancient's face, which is crossed out. This is not seen in any of the other murals. Coincidence?? I think not! /ref
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Bright Blue Industrial Pearl
"Abatement of the Self" is mentioned. Shoutouts to "the self" being mentioned.
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Bright Red Farm Arrays Pearl / Sky Islands Dark Blue/Green
Moon mentions "ego" here. In Latin, "Ego" means "I." Thus, Ego is tied to the concept of the "Self." The concept of
"crossing oneself out" is tied to the concept of Ascension, and this suggests that the Persistence of the "Self" is (possibly, there are other ideas for this what causes "Echoes" to form.
This stresses the importance of shedding the Fifth Urge in all its manifestations.
*(I'm not trying to argue my interpretation is "correct" or anything; this is just for fun, lol. Do what you want! It's why this is titled "why I think it's really Cool" and not "why it's correct")
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gazeofseer · 22 days
🦋. Fate & Free will.🦋
'May believe in free will to be able to decide the end, but as the world stands always at the sight of wrong so what is right can be seen clearer,
Both goes hand in hand, the will rooted within you is a calling of fate..if not written in gate no free will is at grant of click bait,
Fatigue loses, justice prevails, intent rules the cruel falls at the feet of fate of which written at the will of every other being even the no existing things'
✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚
What is your state of being ?
Pick a Image
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✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚
Universe has called you for ages ago, due to some gloom and cloud you could not settle though, now in this lifetime you have the ability to take off the veil of skin from your soul and learn every ounce of what it means to be alive and dead.
Signs : You have double eyelids, sighs, brown and black hair, mole on forehead or near cheek, brown is prominent.
Spirit Animals : Snake, Peacock, Anything that changes and evolves caterpillars.
Message : You are being gifted with free will in this lifetime with the guidance of the fate being, you may have this sudden anxiety but not panic kind of, you go on a single thought and feeling for weeks and still it feels not like a waste. Because the universe is giving you that solace to exist and thrive through your soul.
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Every time things go wrong the world turns towards you and all you do smirk as if you awaited the blames as if you were named after shame, it is easy for people to walk over you despite firm boundaries because all they want is a little shade of peace underneath you.
Signs : Pisces and Saggitarus Dominance, day dreaming, you have your life figured out in your head, you see life as beautiful as you are, beauty is your solace, touching your own cheeks, looking into your own eyes, helps you calm down.
Spirit Animal : Deer, Swan, Fish, and White Polar bear.
Message : Divine has your strings attested to fate where whatever you do somewhat seems as an opposite to await, like if you do things like manifesting something it won't happen exactly, or will come half or will pass quicker, but when you let things at fate and have this flow that I have moved, done my actions, now the part of alignment is what I await for, is when things turns out in your favor, you may even have this quirky debates and sayings for divine and you are pure at heart and blessed so accept the blessings before what you see as one.
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Wild and free costs more than something sanity and that is the bondage, the ships, as if you have been stranded in an abandoned island for ages even to reach shore for yourself to attain something seems like crossing a sea wide spread as an challenge, you the queer, the unique, the non decipherable person, who is not an definite but very beautiful essence of the infinite being.
Signs : Distant from the world, no connection made so far from soul, too many flings, too many colleagues, they all hate you so true but their love just comes as soon as they see you fly or you let yourself loose.
Spirit Animal : Tigress, Horse, Fox, and Eagle.
Message : There is play of both for you where confusion is a must to clarity if everything is fine and clear you would not even move so timely the fate does come at play to test your core of free will where you may seem at war with timely dilemmas in your life especially in personal life, but as I said that is the part where you soul feels blessed beyond the blisters of life.
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I hope the reading resonates with you !! 🌸☘️
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5974
Jalsa, Mumbai June 26/27, 2024 Wed/Thu 12:56 am
🪔 ,
June 27 .. birthday wishes to : Ef Ravi Patel .. Ef Diyansh Kumbhat from Chennai .. and .. Ef Ayush Mishra from Bilaspur .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
💍 .. wedding anniversary greeting to : Ef Rajesh Kejriwal from Kolkata .. completing 35 years of togetherness .. on June 26 .. our wishes and more .. 💐🙏🏻��️🚩
Birthday - EF - Ravi Patel Thursday, 27 June our wishes for this day and the best ever .. love ❤️
Resistance .. its many forms and values and dimensions and usage .. so it became urgently important to apprise the self of it from sources ..
"Resistance is a multifaceted concept, encompassing physical, psychological, social, and political dimensions. Its definition and application can vary significantly depending on the context in which it is considered. At its core, resistance involves the act of opposing, withstanding, or striving against some force or condition. This broad definition can be applied to various fields, including physics, medicine, psychology, and social movements.
In physics, resistance is a measure of the opposition to the flow of electric current in a conductor. It is quantified by the unit ohm and symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω). The resistance of a conductor depends on its material, length, cross-sectional area, and temperature. For instance, materials like copper and aluminum have low resistance and are therefore good conductors, whereas materials like rubber and glass have high resistance and are good insulators. Ohm's Law, a fundamental principle in electrical engineering, states that the current flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance. This relationship is crucial in designing electrical circuits and understanding their behavior.
In medicine, resistance often refers to the ability of microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, to withstand the effects of drugs that are intended to kill or weaken them. Antibiotic resistance is a significant public health concern, as it makes infections harder to treat, leading to longer hospital stays, higher medical costs, and increased mortality. Resistance can develop through various mechanisms, such as genetic mutations or the acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals accelerate this process, making it imperative to use these medications judiciously and to develop new treatments.
Psychologically, resistance can manifest as a reluctance or refusal to accept certain thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. This concept is particularly relevant in therapy and counseling, where clients may resist discussing painful or traumatic experiences. This resistance can be conscious or unconscious and can hinder the therapeutic process. Understanding and addressing resistance is crucial for therapists, as it can provide insights into the client's internal conflicts and defenses. Techniques such as building a strong therapeutic alliance, using motivational interviewing, and gradually exposing clients to difficult topics can help in overcoming resistance.
In social and political contexts, resistance is often associated with efforts to oppose and challenge established power structures, policies, or social norms. Throughout history, resistance movements have played pivotal roles in advocating for social change and justice. Examples include the civil rights movement in the United States, the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, and the women's suffrage movement. These movements often involve a combination of nonviolent protest, civil disobedience, and sometimes armed struggle. The success of these movements typically depends on various factors, including leadership, organization, public support, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
In contemporary times, resistance continues to be a vital force in addressing issues such as climate change, systemic racism, and economic inequality. Activists and grassroots organizations worldwide are mobilizing to resist policies and practices that they perceive as unjust or harmful. Social media and digital communication have transformed the landscape of resistance, enabling rapid dissemination of information, coordination of actions, and amplification of marginalized voices.
Resistance, in its many forms, is an essential aspect of human experience and societal development. Whether in the realm of science, health, psychology, or social justice, resistance challenges the status quo and fosters progress. It embodies the struggle for survival, dignity, and betterment, reflecting the resilience and determination inherent in individuals and communities. As such, understanding and engaging with the concept of resistance is crucial for addressing the complex challenges of our world. "
... and at times the sources do not even address the most common of them all in the resistance ..
It be the pen and paper writing ..
When the pen has a resistance to the paper quality it is being written on the writing experience is determined as good bad or average ..
When the holding posture of the pen is conveniently comfortable to write, it produces the quality of writing exhibited ..
When the nib and flow of the ink on the pen is of desired like , the paper may be of the best resistance quality, the writing shall never be of the desired ..
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paper same .. nib different , pen different .. sign same , but all different in form and appearance ..
GN 😴
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Amitabh Bachchan
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m0ckest · 2 months
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❤️‍🔥 Collette Lahaye
Collette is a poised and carefully-spoken sim from Champs Les Sims who enjoys coffee, photography, and an increasing interest in the paranormal. She doesn't care for goofy antics or cheap comedy and finds the half-glass-full sims of the world tiresome. However, as a veterinarian, she's all play and cuddles with the furballs she befriends. So much, in fact, that she can't stand to see them cross the bridge and secretly resurrects them at home as ghost friends.
For Frankie's Lovestruck Challenge by @adoringsentiment!
🐾 At the age of 32, Collette has toiled through numerous jobs after completing her biology degree at Britechester until she could open her own veterinary practice in Tartosa where the locals know her as a stoic but generous doctor to their beloved pets.
💔 She does, however, have a jealous streak which has manifested in tight competition, both professionally and romantically. Returning to the dating scene right now is one of her first attempts at trying to actively combat these feelings.
🍷 Collette enjoys activities which she can usually do solo while pondering the harsh reality of the world: yoga, drinking wine in the evenings, and landscape photography.
🚫 She dislikes any activities that involve potential exposure to dirt and insects—such as fishing and gardening—as well as those that include goofy shenanigans.
👻 Her biggest weakness and secret is that despite her levelheaded exterior, she doesn't consider herself strong enough to deal with the loss of the animals that she meets. Refusing to let go, she brings them home and gives them the opportunity to live ghostly afterlives.
⚡ For nearly 10 years she's been secretly researching the paranormal and frequently making contact with the deceased in order to learn more about this craft. Without a formal mentor, she hides her research from everyone.
❤️‍🩹 Though her dating profile says she's looking for casual hook-ups, Collette is subconsciously either looking for someone to help her move past her avoidance to loss or someone to help her refine her supernatural craft... 👻
☕ An ideal date for Collette would be meeting up at a cafe downtown for coffee, finding a spot outside to do yoga together, and walking around the city while taking photographs of each other and their surroundings.
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Credit: Cupid's Corner Template by @folkbreeze Testpa Scooter by @surely-sims Scooter pose by @simmerianne93 Pose holding dog's ears by @jjposests4
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
{what do you need to know right now?} ~ oracle pac
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• pile one •
say what you mean
death and the maiden ~ “invasion, boundaries violated, dominance”
experience rebirth
blinded to pain
garden ~ “something lovely will grow from this”
dumah ~ angel of dreams
spell ~ manifestation
significant numbers:
18, 28, 12, 13, 15
you guys need to be honest with someone about how smothered you feel by them. they’re violating boundaries, wanting to be all up in your space constantly, and not letting go of you when they need to. you may have tried to call things off with this person, but i feel like you’ve not done it in a very direct way. you need to say what you mean. this person might not have intentions of disregarding your boundaries, but they are. and they’re not going to know if you don’t just say it. for some of you, this is the other way around. someone is telling you that they want to just move on from you and onto a new path in life (or their actions are showing that clearly) but you’re thinking that you can just force yourself into their energy in some way and it’ll change their mind, but this is a violation of their boundaries and this is unfair. you’re not realising how much you’re actually hurting them. whichever scenario you fit into, crossing the threshold of the ending of this situation will cause something new to bloom.
now is the time to manifest what you’ve been daydreaming about. this new beginning needs to be all about yourself. you may jump from connection to connection but you’re not realising that you’re self-sabotaging this way. you’re not going to find your dream life in another person.
your guides are also suggesting that you begin to focus on manifestation and creation. perhaps witchcraft too. this current time period requires you to just dive into something that you feel like you’re able to create pretty easily. there could be something that you’re extremely good at but you may be focusing on other people or external situations that you have no control over. something could be living “rent free” in your head, and your guides are suggesting that you funnel those thoughts and feelings into whatever it is that you feel like you’re extremely skilled in. this is when you’re going to see your manifestations begin to come in. and that’s how you’ll begin to learn how to transmute energy into something of use to you. and this could definitely help in a healing process.
you should write down all of the goals that you want to achieve. it’s time to step into the energy of setting goals and beginning to feel what it’s like to embody confidence in your abilities. you could also practice “stream-of-consciousness” writing. that will help with any creative block. especially if you’re a writer. also, if you enjoy writing, creating a story about a character who accomplishes everything that you are going to accomplish will help you in your path. especially if you like to read books and you’re someone who a good story sticks with. no matter how short or long, creating this piece of writing that you can be proud of will centre your thoughts around what you’ve written about. and since it’ll pertain to you and your life, it can be used as a tool. it’s literally scripting your life into play, at that point. if you’re a virgo sun, taurus rising, mercury in the 5th house - any astrological birth placement that indicates being a bookworm as a child - this could be a very healing tool for your inner child. especially in terms of being able to fulfil your inner child, and then showing your inner child that you are capable of becoming the “character” that your inner child looks up to, in a way. and this could be a way to build confidence and reprogram your unconscious mind.
also, if you have a small animal (a rabbit specifically), you need to play with them more. they could be getting aggressive, or biting more than usual, or just being more destructive in some way and this is the reason why. play with them!! 😂
if you’d like a private reading, then please check out my pinned post 💞🤍
• pile two •
carnivorous flower fairy ~ “a tempting offer has a high price”
it’s a ‘no’
black flower fragrance
villain ~ “you can always rewrite the story”
israel ~ “angel of song”
water ~ cleansing
significant numbers:
8, 38, 16, 16, 38
look up the angel number 1616. the first explanation that you find is the message for you.
whatever sounds like a good idea or a good offer that has been presented to you? - not a good idea. it comes with a lot of costs and i feel like it’ll leave you trapped in something that you can’t get out of. you need to take some time to actually think this through and figure out how to reject this offer, because i feel like you know that whatever this temptation is (whether it’s a person or a thing) is not for you. this thing or person will leave you isolated, emotionally cut off from the rest of the world, and dissociated.
you also may be procrastinating on a lot of things because you’re constantly feeding into something that detaches you from your problems, but it’s costing you a lot of valuable time and energy. i feel like this could be 🍃 (if ygm 👀 if this is the case, i feel you 😂😭) but no matter how 420 friendly we are, there needs to be some structure and discipline in our lives. even if that means setting an hour or two a day where we’re completely sober and try to focus on the things that we need to do.
also, don’t be afraid to be the villain in someone else’s story. you’re their villain because of your lack of fear when speaking the truth about them. you saw what you needed to see intuitively when you were around them, and you’ve just moved forward with your life peacefully to focus on yourself. and they’re mad about that. let them be. why’s that your problem? you need to listen to yourself a lot more. you’ve built a great connection with yourself and you need to protect this. listen to your intuition when it tells you things.
also, drink more water. and do this as a cleansing ritual. every-time that you drink water, visualise your entire body and energy being cleansed. water is naturally cleansing, and it’ll help you to not feel so fatigued. you might feel like you’re having to self-contain a lot. use water - whether that’s through drinking, showering, bathing, swimming, walking in the rain - to help your energy to flow a lot more. if you’re feeling lethargic, you’re dehydrated. drink water. your kidneys and liver will thank you. especially if you’re smoking that 🍃.
if there’s someone who is trying to cling onto you and/or control you, don’t let them. it’s okay to protect yourself from them. they’re preventing your growth by doing this, and they could be trying to vilify you because you’re putting up boundaries. maintain these boundaries and don’t be afraid to shut down any lies that they’re telling about you. this could be a controlling family member who sees you as a possession more than a person.
your intuition is trying to tell you something that you know is a fact, but you don’t want to accept it. accepting this intuitive message might make you feel like a bad person - but you know that what you know is true. your intuition is literally on fire and, again, you need to listen.
you could also be experiencing shame regarding your sexuality or your body, and this shame could be having a lot of control over you. this stems from societal standards or teachings from parents (the father specifically), but these are extremely harmful. you need to find a way to drown out the noise of standards set by other people and discover your own opinions on these matters to follow. instead of other’s.
if you’d like a private reading, then please check out my pinned post 💞🤍
• pile three •
page of wands
king of swords
king of cups
9 of cups
3 of wands
significant numbers:
1, 2, 6, 23, 35
you need to face the truth about someone who has either harmed you already, or would have no problem with harming you. this person could be showing controlling tendencies and you already know where this connection would lead to if it was to continue. there’s a lot of passion in this connection, but not much else. and if you used your third-eye/intuition, then you’d actually feel pretty vengeful towards this person after realising how they view you and what they’re planning for you. you’re disrespecting yourself and undervaluing yourself by continuing to be available for this person. if they provide substances of any sort for you whenever you see them - whether that’s alcohol or something else - then they’re trying to use this to distort your view of them and keep you unassuming of their intentions while you’re in a dissociated state. you may have been around this person for a while, but you need to consider what life would be like after this person. because with this revenge card, your guides are already working on defending you from this person. they’re not letting you get caught up in this. you can either choose to expand your mind beyond this person, and more towards yourself, or you can continue to ignore the truth of the situation. either way, your ancestors are coming through and putting an end to it. this is a harsh message, but it’s a truth that you need to hear. this person is not for you.
your anger is valid and should be felt. you can’t move on from a situation if you’re lying to yourself and other people about not being angry and upset when you actually are.
^^ if you’ve been thinking about putting some baneful magick onto someone, then your guides are giving you the green light.
someone could be trying to control what you wear and how you dress. don’t let them. you need to see that this is not normal and not just a part of a relationship.
a lot of you are feeling vengeful towards a past lover that you’ve moved on from. your guides are advising you to move into a more peaceful state of mind by focusing on working on yourself. you can use this anger for great self-development. contemplating petty revenge is a waste of time. your revenge will be choosing yourself over this person. don’t let your anger be bottled up or go to waste.
you could be having to decide between two people (two masculines) in your dating life. you need to be honest with yourself about who you’d find more peace and happiness with. one of them may be extremely attractive physically, but their personality might be very curt, very cold and distant for the sake of being logical and rational. whereas the other is a lot more emotionally warm, caring, and loving but you may not be physically attracted to them as much as the other. you need to focus on the one that makes you feel more at peace and comfortable in their energy.
if you’d like a private reading, then please check out my pinned post 💞🤍
• pile four •
inner child
autumn is my last chance - “please don’t lose hope”
relinquish control
the temple of my body
sun - “paint the sun back into your sky”
leleil - “angel of night”
high priestess/high priest
significant numbers:
16, 6, 27, 2, 11
your inner child doesn’t want you to completely disconnect from them. they’re expressed the most through some type of creative hobby and it seems like you’re not participating in this as much anymore. try getting in touch with them again - this could simply be through visualisation - and have a conversation.
you also need to take back your power in some way. particularly through your own body. something - or someone - has a hold over your body and you need to recognise that you’re the only one who has the right to dictate what happens to it, how it’s dressed, etc.
a dark night of the soul could be taking place right now, and it’s due to some type of internal conflict that’s occurring. you’re stuck in a phase of rumination about yourself, who you are, what you’re supposed to be doing, and it seems like you feel as though you don’t know who you are. the reason for this is your ego is being stripped away from you - as you know it. who you think you are as a person isn’t who you are beneath all of your conditionings, and you currently have the responsibility of finding your own self-governance and forming an ego of your own. that actually makes you happy. this is how you’re going to create your own happiness again. get back in touch with your inner child.
you also need to protect your body a lot more. sexually. you could experience a lot of people trying to sleep with you and you need to vet them thoroughly before sharing your energy with them. you don’t need to keep yourself contained and restricted from sex at all, but you need to find more responsibility when it comes to showing more respect to your body - sexually and non-sexually. and not in a way that’s rooted in purity culture and bs like that. you can sleep with 10 different people who meet your standards, and that would be respecting your body. sleeping with 2 people and having no standards for them is doing the complete opposite of what’s respectful to yourself. this “relinquish control” could be about finding more control over yourself sexually, and digging deep into why you make decisions that you won’t be proud of after the fact.
also, your intuition sends you messages through whatever you create.
i’m not seeing anymore messages for you, pile four. you’re my short pile today 💞
if you’d like a private reading, then please check out my pinned post 🤍
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cipheramnesia · 1 year
The "movie about a movie that kills you" is a surprisingly robust genre of horror. There's a wide range of approaches, but one key factor is the question of how good the deadly film in a film is, on its own. Some approaches are keeping the faux film entirely unseen, use brief clips, or make it real short.
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Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made goes in for a high risk approach and delivers a complete finished film, ostensibly made in the 70s and never released, framed by brief opening and closing info bites to set the stage of it.
Somehow this thing was completely off my radar, which means I was taken fully off guard as an ominous warning about the content in white text on black appeared on screen, giving a thirty second count down to leave if I wanted.
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Wonderful showmanship and canny filmmaking that got me right in the mood to enjoy what followed. While I wouldn't call it a scary movie, I found it almost delightful in the atmospheric dread and devotion to its aesthetic of low budget 70s films. Nothing in it feels like a curse on its own, but it does feel like the sort of movie that could easily prompt psychological distress for anyone under psychotropic influences, pre-existing emotional vulnerability, or prone to delusional states. Not through anything supernatural, more because it works hard to keep the viewer in constant doubt over what is and is not real for the characters in the film. Combined with the framing device of it being a movie somehow able to influence the real world of the viewer, and the use of fractionally visible flashes of occult symbols on the screen, it generates an intense feeling of unreality which for me was an almost drug-like high and an immersive pleasure.
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The premise of Antrum is simply a brother and sister decide to dig a hole to hell, and the movie plays out around this event by surrounding it with disturbing sounds and imagery, as well as real world dangers that weave the protagonists between the supernatural and mundane while keeping them in a state of terror and madness that grows until it becomes unrelenting.
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In a certain sense it also feels cursed, like the kind of film where there are elements that feel very transgressive - in particular the opening scene which to my mind evoked Un Chien Andalou - not the infamous eyeball slicing scene, but the use of rotting animals. The few and very basic visual effects remind me as well of the early Survival Research Laboratory devices engineered by Mark Pauline.
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However, the core question for me is also always what is the movie about besides the plot. If I had to identify some rough themes, I would say it's trying to explore the idea of understanding death and violence through the eyes of children who do not yet have the psychological tools for processing such matters, but who have been left on their own to do so regardless.
Many of the unusual elements in the movie can relate to death rituals poorly understood, starting from the very premise of digging a hole into the earth. And the same act is surrounded by strange rituals unclear in their origin, ideas which might be logical drawn from watching words recited over a grave without having a connection of purpose. Their encounters with other people are fully without possibility of communication as none of them speak the same language, and these mundane threats feel at times akin to a satanic Alice in Wonderland, rituals and violence whose meaning cannot be understood by the protagonists.
Likewise the supernatural is full of unprocessed images of death. Demons with black skin who look like mummified corpses. River crossings and empty chains dragging through leaves. It's as if death itself has manifested through the ambient world, surrounding the two children and refusing to let them leave its circle.
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In combination with the intriguing use of sigils inscribed throughout, it creates a movie that is for me a joy to watch. An absolutely perfect Halloween spook for next year, but your mileage may vary between finding it full of pretentious nonsense or maybe the scariest film you'll ever watch. It can really come off either way, and I'm honestly not quite sure why my reaction was actual joy in the watching. Not to undercut the severity of the subject matter, but I just can't stop thinking about how happy I was to watch the movie at work mechanically, to enjoy the well oiled pieces fitting together, and then all topped off with the delicious extra treat of the framing device. Surely worth 90 minutes of your life.
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inuhalfdemon · 5 months
No One Can Know...(8/?)
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Word Count: 4,299 Words
Rating: Explicit (SMUT)
Chapter 8
"I'm on the very top floor, room 1334
There's a king size bed but we can do it on the floor
Turn your cellphone off, leave a sign on the door
That says 'Do not disturb'."
- Halestorm
Lucifer stepped out from the portal; the swirling golden ring closing behind with a soft pop.
Materializing into Alastor’s room within the Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer found the demon – hands clasped behind his back – nodding to his shadow. The shadow flitted to a nearby wall, silhouetting itself sharply to give Lucifer a large gaping and toothy grin before skidding off underneath the door and out of sight.
“Where is he headed off to?” Lucifer asked, walking to where Alastor stood waiting. He saw that Alastor’s typical delicate rack of little antlers was branched into several largely curved and jutting points – a pristine buck, if there ever was one. 
“To keep watch, guarding the hotel.” Alastor told him.
“I assume you’ve taken…protective measures?” Lucifer asked, glancing back at the door.
“Yes, of course. All proper warding has been done. I’ve also taken the initiative of suggesting to Charlie that a trip to the cinema may be beneficial to everyone’s frayed nerves. The hotel is essentially ours, for the evening.”
Alastor turned; going to the small dining table that he had placed and set for them just beyond the room and within his own personal bayou.
Lucifer briefly noted that Alastor was without his suit jacket and staff – wearing just his long-sleeved red shirt adorned with the black cross and dress pants instead. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbows and his tail poked out from behind. Lucifer saw that it was in its normal small and delicate state, but that there also was a very subtle ridge of standing hairs that ran up the fluffy midline – tip to base.
Looking around; Lucifer took in Alastor’s rather….odd, aesthetic. He had anticipated Alastor’s quarters to be very much like any Overlord’s manner of living: something reflecting a visual demonstration to their status and power. Lucifer didn’t make the connection of: soft jazz playing from a radio, the various skeletons and bones of animals, the style of furniture or the general ambiance that he was appreciating, being something directly from what one might have found in early 1900s New Orleans. Not right away, anyway.
“So…what’s the plans for this evening, anyway? We doing doggy-style? Prone boning? 69? What?” Lucifer followed him in.
“Actually, I thought I might treat you to dinner and wine tonight.” Alastor told him, ignoring his lewdness.
“You, uh…what?” Lucifer asked, caught off guard. “Whoa, wait. Is that a pocket dimension?” Fully noticing the bayou now. “These take an incredible amount of power and an incredible amount of skill to manifest…how did you do it?” He poked his head past the seam between realms; assessing the depth of the dimension on both sides – it seemed infinite in both directions, seamless and well placed. 
“Why, of course, I did it by: using an incredible amount of power and an incredible amount of skill.” Alastor answered him; taking a seat at the table.
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Must I reveal all of my secrets to you, your grace?” Alastor asked him. “Now, please join me.”
Lucifer came to the table. Alastor had their meal served and ready for them; a bottle of wine chilling in some ice.
“Oh, crumpets.” Lucifer blurted. “I nearly forgot.” Doing an exaggerated whirl of the hand; he produced a large bottle into his hand. “I’ve had a case of this in my possession for quite some time. I have never tried it myself; but knowing you have a taste for Cajun...” Lucifer offered it to Alastor. “I’m told it is rather rare.”
Alastor took the bottle and his eyebrows shot up. “Rare, indeed. I’d have had trouble finding this even while I was alive.”
Snapping his fingers; Alastor sent the wine and ice away, producing two whiskery glasses in its place. “This will pair much better with our meal tonight. A Sazerac rye always goes nicely with a good Jambalaya.”  
Lucifer sat down. “The very same Jambalaya that Charlie has gone on and on about?”
“Yes. My mother’s recipe, bless her soul.” Alastor opened the Sazerac, pouring them each three fingers worth into the glasses. “It does…have a bit of a kick to it.”
Lucifer took his glass; offering a small toast to Alastor before taking a sip. “Well, I should hope so.”
Alastor gestured to their plates; nodding his head – a clear indication that they should dig in. Lucifer nearly dropped his fork after the first bite; the explosion of flavor across his tongue was…indescribable.
“Well, if that look doesn’t stroke my ego.” Alastor chuckled into his glass, sipping at his Sazerac.
“It’s…it’s…” Lucifer was having trouble forming thoughts.
Alastor laughed. “I believe I’ve rendered my King speechless. There is no higher compliment to be given to a chef, truly.” He smirked, lifting his own fork to his lips.
“You may call me, ‘Lucifer’, Al. Or even ‘Luci’.” Lucifer told him. “However…I do dislike the name ‘Luc’…”
“A most unpleasant name, to be sure.” Alastor allowed him. “So, tell me…Lucifer…how are things? You seem less rested since I last saw you.” It was days ago that Alastor had departed the King’s residence. Seven weeks before the next extermination, three weeks before Charlie’s arranged and upcoming meeting with Heaven.
Lucifer shrugged, finishing a bite of the food. “I don’t sleep well. I never have but, with Lilith gone…I hardly get any sleep at all.”
“What…methods have you utilized?” Alastor asked him.
“Everything.” Lucifer sighed. “Honestly…the one thing that always helped was Lili’s songs. You know that she sung? What it did?”
“Doesn’t everyone in Hell know that?” Alastor asked him. “Even if they haven’t had the pleasure of hearing it?”
“I’d like to think so.” Lucifer admitted.
“You know, I always found our Queen’s talents very inspirational. I am sorry that we have had to go so long without such moving music.”
“Me too.” Lucifer said softly, staring at his whiskey glass.
“How is Charlie feeling about the upcoming meeting with Heaven?” Alastor asked him.
“You would know better than I.” Lucifer told him. “I don’t…I don’t really hear from her.”
“Oh?” Alastor knew that to be the case before…but he found it rather odd that Lucifer and Charlie were not currently talking now.  “Have you reached out to her?”
“I…can’t. Not properly, anyway.” Lucifer took a large swallow from his glass. “I can’t discuss anything regarding her plans involving the hotel. It makes conversations that we have seem very…one-sided. Understandably, she becomes frustrated and I’m sure she thinks that I’m being distant or that I just become bored with what she really wants to discuss with me. I’ve tried. I really have but I end up floundering for the words and it all becomes awkward and misunderstood.”
“Why is that exactly?” Alastor asked him. “My deal with you shouldn’t have given you that much grief. The stipulation that I required was that you don’t interfere with my work here. Surely you should be able to carry out a conversation with your daughter.”
“It’s not our deal that causes it.” Lucifer told him. “It’s the deal I made with Lilith.”
“Come again?”
“Lilith essentially invoked a…similar…stipulation. I’m sworn to secrecy – the exception, of course, being you – I can’t interfere with any matters that could detriment Lilith’s plans. That’s why I sent Charlie to the meeting with Adam and it’s why I cannot discuss the hotel or any of Charlie’s plans relating to it specifically. She also required that I do not…interfere…in things.”
“The last thing I said to Charlie…the last conversation that we had in regard to the hotel, this dream she has, the redemption of sinners…all before I agreed to stand by Lilith; it wasn’t good. I said things to her that I didn’t really mean, tried to steer her away from Heaven’s gaze. Lilith assured me that Charlie is ready for this, that this is the time for her to come into her own – become the Princess of Hell that she was always meant to be… I trust Lilith, I really do but I…I just wish that I could tell Charlie that what I said…it wasn’t true.”
“Yes, well…” Alastor swirled his glass; having very nearly cleared his plate. “You’ve shown your support to her cause now, regardless. At least, as much as you are able. I’m sure Charlie recognizes the value in that.”
“But, I should have been there for her since day one.” Lucifer tells him, narrowing his gaze on Alastor.
“Perhaps.” Alastor merely shrugged, ignoring the venom in Lucifer’s look. “But, how much would it have changed anyway? We’re here now. Charlie is fulfilling her dream; she has the hotel, she has sinners – however few – willing to give this whole redemption idea of hers a shot, she has the meeting with heaven, she has you and Lilith both fighting together for her cause – what more could possibly be done?”
Lucifer had no answer to this, not at present.
“Would it…help,” Alastor set his glass down now, looking directly at Lucifer. “If I were to…suggest to Charlie that she reach out to you? Not to discuss the hotel, the meeting with Heaven or anything of that like but…maybe, to discuss how to carry oneself in the face of intimidation, turmoil, and….upheaval? The girl lacks something in her use of confidence, particularly in establishing some level of authority. Her meeting with Adam did not lend her many favors.”
“I appreciate the suggestion but I’m hardly the one she should turn to. She gets that from me.”
“Lucifer…if I may be so bold: You are the King of Hell. You are the very embodiment of Pride. This wallowing, this…self-loathing is unbecoming to one who should invoke nothing but fear to those who dare to so much as utter your name. What’s more, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
“Ok…you really want to talk about Pride?” Lucifer leveled his gaze on Alastor. “Tell me, have you managed to cycle out of your rut yet?”
Alastor tilted his head back, tweaking one ear. “You know very well that I haven’t.” He gestured to his intricate crown of antlers. “What the hell does that have to do w –?“
“You never called on me. After leaving. You’re still in rut; we have an agreement in place for such things.”
“It is easily managed now.” Alastor lifted his glass to his lips.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how pleasant you’ve been tonight, how…relaxed. You see, I find that very interesting. When it was you who told me yourself that avoidance would not be the solution to your…problem.”
Alastor’s ears pulled back.
“So, your plan now is what….to just wait things out? I mean, I’d love to keep playing this little game of ‘fuck buddies’ with you forever, but -”
“Don’t call it that…” Alastor hissed, bristling.
“You are so set upon holding onto this illusion of control that you have created for yourself that you’ve made yourself become incredibly short-sighted.”
“Please….do enlighten me.” Alastor’s eyes glowed softly red.
 “Gladly.” Lucifer stood up; leaning over the table now. “You are denying your body and yourself something that is a biological need; something that you – in fact – require…just for the simple fact that…you’d rather not!?”
“I told you…sex holds no interest to me.”
“When you’re not in rut.” Lucifer emphasized. “That’s been established. I can’t say that I’ll be here in the next seven years when you decide to stop playing at abstinence.”
“I never said-“
“You didn’t have to! I already knew!” Lucifer’s voice was rising. “You knew I’m much more experienced than you and you knew that I was familiar with Cervidae demons – was it really so hard to assume that I might know that a rut happens far more frequently than what you were leading me to believe!?”
 “The point, you are trying so hard to convey to me is…?” Alastor asked him, clearly not pleased.
“You think that by denying yourself something this important, putting yourself through this much grief and discomfort; it gives you control.”
Alastor waited; offering no comments.
“But, it makes you weak.”
Alastor tilted his head; eyes glinting. “You want to say that again?” Alastor stood up from the table himself now; glaring down at Lucifer.
“Prove me wrong.” Lucifer challenged him. “Void our deal.”
Alastor’s eyes narrowed. “What?”
“You’ve got fucking big ears, you heard me.” Lucifer told him, standing up and walking around the table now. “Void our deal. If you don’t need me anymore, why waste my time? You have so much control over the situation; I’m sure you’ll have no problems in fulfilling your end of things with Lilith so that she can give you whatever the fuck it is you are wanting from all of this.” 
Lucifer stopped and Alastor turned to face him. 
“I’ll even agree to your…stipulation.” Lucifer said, holding out his hand. “No interference from me…whatsoever.”
Alastor hesitated; considering the offer that was being made to him.
“You really want to know what control….true power…is, Alastor?” Lucifer asked him; looking up at him with a steady gaze. “It’s knowing your limits.”
Alastor smirked, looking skeptical.
“I’m being deadly serious about that.” Lucifer told him. “If you know your limits…you know to make the accommodations – to do the things that are required to ensure your success. Be clever. Be calculative. Do what’s required to see this rut finished and be done with it, Al, or…let it consume you.”
Lucifer was still holding out his hand; eyes on Alastor.
Alastor’s eyes were on Lucifer’s hand and then his gaze shifted to the King’s.
“Your choice.” Lucifer told him, waiting.
“I….decline.” Alastor told him; eyes shifting sideways. His ears leant back.
There was a moment between them; neither of them saying anything…then:
“You know…” Lucifer was taking a risk here, knowing that Alastor’s pride may have sustained too much damage tonight already.  “It was very clever of you…” Lucifer pressed in, bringing himself very close to Alastor now, but not quite touching him. “…to use some lovely bit of forethought in ensuring that you and I would be left all alone tonight.”
Alastor’s head tilted, ears standing straight. Lucifer couldn’t see it, but his tail had started moving; quickly swishing back and forth in a betraying wag.
 “It makes one wonder…” Lucifer pressed in even closer now and Alastor felt a light heat flooding into his face. Alastor leant back slightly, feeling the edge of the dining table pressing into his lower back.. “…if it was only dinner you were planning, why bother? Perhaps, you wanted to leave our evening together open to more…possibilities?”
Alastor swallowed.
Gotcha…thought Lucifer.
A tense moment passed. Lucifer was waiting for Alastor to offer up his response.
Then, “I won’t ask you to touch me, if that’s what you are waiting for…and I don’t do begging.” Alastor told him.
“No one ever said that you must – at least – not with me.” Lucifer told him. “There are other ways that for you to tell me exactly what you want, Alastor. For example…”
Lucifer stepped into Alastor now; their bodies making contact with each other’s. Placing a hand on Alastor’s lower abdomen, he slid it low so that just the tips of his fingers were pressed beneath the waistband to Alastor’s dress pants.
Alastor gasped, his body tensing – in a rather lovely way. His face properly reddened at the touch.
“You see, I’m a master of many languages, my friend.” Lucifer was telling him. “One of which being…” Lucifer slid his hand lower and Alastor leant himself further back at the feeling of his arousal. “…the oh-so-honest tongue of body language…”
 Lucifer found Alastor’s member; brushing it with just the tips of his fingers. The appendage was twitching…moving….lifting …
“You always have the option of telling me ‘no’...or that this is not what you want…” Lucifer continued; feeling Alastor shudder against him. “Or, you may command me. Imagine that…the actual King of Hell…fully and completely at your disposal – ready to fulfill whatever dark and twisted fantasy you could ever…envisage.”
Lucifer’s fingers wrapped around Alastor’s twitching penis; taking him fully within hand. Alastor bent back further; his pelvis tilting forward.
“You’re looking at me with such a lovely expression, Alastor…” Lucifer leaned into him; head tilting so that he was starring up at the sinner with glinting eyes.
Lucifer gripped Alastor. Using his free hand; he slid the waistband down and pulled Alastor out. His fingers kneading and stroking into the firming muscle.
Alastor’s lower jaw popped open and his breathing hitched; his face growing redder…
“Tell me to stop…” Lucifer breathed; resting his head against Alastor’s chest and looking up at him.
“Ahhhhhh….” Alastor pelvis jerked; he groaned and Lucifer began slowly pumping.
“Tell me that this is not what you want…” Lucifer hissed; smiling now.
Alastor’s ears fell back, his antlers stretched themselves high overhead. He was gripping the edge to the dining table with such force, he thought that he might actually break it.
Thrusting; he threw back his head – gasping…panting.
Lucifer’s grip tightened; feeling Alastor’s climb about to end. One final thrust and Alastor’s seed was in his hand.
Shivers of pleasure jolting through him; Alastor slumped against the table; he had left gouges in the surface of it where his claws had been. He was breathing heavily; watching Lucifer as the angel stepped away – looking at Alastor with a dark gaze - licking the cum from between his fingers.   
With a growl, Alastor pushed himself off from the table – going for Lucifer.
Lucifer tilted his head up and Alastor embraced him; his mouth pressing hard against his as cool shadows fully engulfed them.
Alastor had moved them to the bedroom. Skillfully; he had landed them into the bed…Lucifer pressed beneath him – facing him - into the mattress. He had also done them the honors of disrobing them both.
Well, Al…who knew you could be such a smooth operator…Lucifer thought, as they kissed with uncharacteristic fervor.
Alastor slid his tongue between parted lips and Lucifer groaned at the suggestive movements it made inside his mouth. When it retreated; Lucifer bit down sharply on Alastor’s lower lip – pulling it.
Alastor pulled his face back. Eyes sharpening into a bright red and glowing predatory gaze, he snarled loudly. His body went rigid; ears perfectly straight with standing hair.
But, just as quickly – the ferality was gone.
The glowing crazed look left Alastor’s eyes and his ears dropped. Alastor shifted; going to pull himself away.
“Alastor, it’s fine.” Lucifer gripped him by the arms; keeping him there.
Alastor made to pull himself away from the King’s hold but found that he couldn’t…
 “Really, Al….it’s ok.” Lucifer told him; looking at him. “Do you need to shift form? We could go somewhere else…”
“No, I…” Alastor wasn’t looking at him. “I should be more manageable but, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be….myself.”
Lucifer let go of him then, releasing his arms. He took Alastor’s face between both hands; forcing the demon’s eyes to meet his.
“Whatever you need…I’m here.” His thumb stroked Alastor’s cheek and the sinner melted into his hands – into the touch.
Sighing; Alastor let the tension leave his body – a ripple running up his spine.
Lucifer shifted with him; his long black devil’s tail and horns coming out to play.
Alastor’s change wasn’t dramatic; his antlers were heavier; his teeth were sharper and he was both larger and lankier than what would be considered normal for him…but, he certainly was no eldritch demon this time.
Alastor’s long limbs set him over Lucifer; his frame leaning and wavering over the angel lying beneath him. His face was all teeth as he bore down on Lucifer; a gaping and twisted grin.
Lucifer laughed; sliding to sit himself up so that he might get a better look at this new deer demon form of Alastor’s.
“Well, you’re just full of surprises, aren’t you big boy?” Lucifer told him appreciatively and he saw that Alastor’s tail was quickly flicking back and forth at this. “Just look at those teeth.” Lucifer stuck both thumbs into the corners of Alastor’s mouth; the demon dropped his jaw, exposing his rows of incredibly sharp fangs.
“I suppose you’ll want to use those on me…” Lucifer said softly, his devil’s tail lifting; snaking itself up and across Alastor’s chest.
Alastor’s eyes gleamed, drool seeping from between teeth.
“I might just let you too…after some fun.” Lucifer’s eyes glowed a soft yellow. “Can’t have that cute little lightweight ass of yours ruining our good time, can we?”
Alastor huffed, flicking his head and dislodging Lucifer’s thumbs from his mouth.
Lucifer leant himself back; eyes on Alastor.
“So…what are you going to do to me?”
Placing a large clawed hand across the angel’s chest, Alastor pressed down – pushing him firmly into the mattress. Lucifer smirked at Alastor’s claws – digging into his skin – not quite piercing through the flesh.
Holding him there; Alastor leant in – long tongue lolling from his mouth.
Glowing red eyes on Lucifer; he pressed his smiling face with sharpened teeth close and began to lick him – his tongue taking long and steady strokes all across his chest and abdomen – tasting the angel. In between strokes; Alastor was huffing – moving puffs of warm air across heated and wet skin – causing a very carnal and pleasant sort of sensation. Alastor’s musk drifted off of him; filling the room with his amorous odor.
Lucifer’s face reddened at this; tension building and sending him arching backward.
Alastor’s huffing and licking continued – his face pressing into Lucifer’s neck and nuzzling him. Prickles of pleasure ran through Lucifer; he was fully erect now and he could see that Alastor had plainly recovered himself as well.
Lucifer groaned; lifting a hand to find the base to one of Alastor’s antlers. Alastor was licking, huffing, nuzzling and sucking at the base of his neck now. Lucifer felt an incredibly building heat…his face and chest flushing in a brilliant red.
“What-what are you doing to me?” He arched further backward and Alastor’s low growl was one of approval.  
Alastor’s musk was driving him crazy. Lucifer’s heart was slamming in his chest; his eyes were so dilated that his vision was blurring – he felt like his blood was absolutely boiling and rushing all throughout his body.
“Mmphg…” Lucifer squirmed; pleasure overpowering his senses.
This….this is….
He was losing his train of thought.
Alastor was moving; his clawed hand lifting from Lucifer’s chest. He was lifting and turning Lucifer’s hips; trying to coax him to turn over.
Lucifer obliged and Alastor’s clawed hands carefully guided him into the desired position. Face down, ass up – Lucifer felt confident in knowing where this was headed. Alastor grasped Lucifer’s long, black tail – pulling it softly outward; the flesh of it sliding through his fingers, and then he lifted it upward so that it was limply raised. Lucifer – thoroughly flushed now – pressed his reddened face into the covers of the bed – winding his tail through the branches of Alastor’s antlers.
Doing something unexpected - to Lucifer - Alastor leaned in. Lucifer’s tail stiffened in surprise as Alastor’s face pressed close to his entrance, warm air puffing against him as Alastor continued his huffing breaths. Before Lucifer could fully register the implication of this; Alastor’s tongue – long and twisting - entered him. Lucifer’s back bent at a sharp angle and he garbled out some incoherent noise of surprise and pleasure at feeling Alastor’s gift of sliding and wet warmth moving through him.
Oh, this isn’t just fun we’re having…Lucifer was thinking. This…this is good.
Alastor gave him another growl of approval; the vibrations of it sending ripples of stimulation through and against Lucifer’s heat. Lucifer choked out a gasp; feeling Alastor’s wriggling tongue touching and pressing against sensitive tissue; his claws dug into the bedcovers, and he began to moan with a neediness he couldn’t have guessed that he was capable of. Alastor’s face was pressed tightly to him; growling and grunting as he continued on, performing his dirty work.
Alastor’s musk had become sharper; more concentrated and Lucifer felt incredibly but wonderfully dizzy from the effects it had on him. Pressed how he was, in this position – he could feel his own member – erect and throbbing; absolutely seeping against his own abdomen and threatening to release.
Pulling his tongue back; Alastor was ready to mount.
He shifted position. Clawed fingers dragging softly across Lucifer’s tail; he gently moved it aside. Lucifer coiled it firmly around Alastor’s thigh; bracing himself to be penetrated.  But, when Alastor slid himself in – it was done with such sweet and gentle slowness that Lucifer felt nothing, but a milk-and-honey type of pleasure consume him.   
Alastor moved slowly….purposefully; clawed hands steadying Lucifer’s hips as he bent himself forward. Taking his hands away from the angel’s waist; Alastor laid himself fully over Lucifer’s frame; his hands finding the bed so that his arms could give him a better leverage in his thrusts and support his weight to give them room.
Lucifer anticipated Alastor’s movements to become rougher….faster but, they didn’t. Instead, Alastor moved inside Lucifer with slow and even strokes; his long and curved penis entering and pressing into him in just the perfect way.
Lost in pleasure…Lucifer felt Alastor’s growls turn into purring grunts as the deer demon worked at nuzzling and nipping at Lucifer’s back and his shoulders, crooning to him his immense gratification.
He’s not just fucking me…he’s….breeding me.  Like I’m his little doe…
There was a sharp jut to Alastor’s movement and Lucifer felt him strike gold. Lucifer cried out at the flood of sensual pleasure and Alastor jutted himself into him again. Lucifer was the first to be pushed over the edge; his cum spraying onto himself and into the sheets. Feeling Lucifer growing limp beneath him; Alastor bent himself further forward; thrusting two more times before releasing his own load fully into the King.
If anyone catches my little reference that I made here to my previous fanfic : "Dirty Dealings": You deserve the gold-est of stars!!!
Chapter 9
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