Welcome To Hell :)
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I love winston y’all. I don’t care if he’s a villain I love him a lot and nobody can change my mind. my main account is~~~~~IWonderHowManyFandomsICanBeIn~~~~~~And my profile pic is by me c:
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
winston-pratt-puppeteer · 8 months ago
Finally updating my godawful pfp lmaooo.
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 1 year ago
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Spoilers for Renegades Supernova
Me when Evander died (I never liked him)
This was in my drafts for idk how long
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 2 years ago
Biblically accurate Winston Pratt:
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(This showed up on my fy page I-)
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 2 years ago
renegades fandom i need your help
i have an idea for a fanfic that takes place after the Supernova, but I have no idea if it's actually a good idea. AU where maybe, just maybee, the Supernova might've given a little girl named Riley some powers over life and death that she uses for her own personal gain. She may also have a vendetta against the Renegades, similar to Maggie...... and there's quite a few dead characters in the Renegades trilogy that would be able to make an appearance
is this like,,, interesting? I feel like it would be a neat/fun story to explore some characters undealt with trauma but I wanna know if it sounds dumb or not.
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 2 years ago
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Idk if you guys know this but I’m rereading the series and I’m wiser now with memes
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 3 years ago
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This is what I mean lmao /lh
I like how I can tell a person got into renegades, bc I get one person liking most of my meme posts in my notifications-
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 3 years ago
I like how I can tell a person got into renegades, bc I get one person liking most of my meme posts in my notifications-
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 4 years ago
Every time someone reblogs this I am reminded of how awful it really is lmao.
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Hey I’m back with a meme that I really hope nobody else did.
Also anyone remember this concept art??
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
that scene in gravity falls where grunkle stan is trying to teach a bear how to drive and the part where he says “and the yellow light means speed up,” is something i feel leroy would say
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
Rules: Tag someone you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @winston-pratt-puppeteer (thanks!!!!) so here we go:
Ships: Percabeth, Fierrochase, Thallen, Stucky, basically every canon TLC ship, Nodrian and so.
Last song: Demencia's Song from Villainous!
Last movie: Parasite! (chef kiss).
Food craving: I really want fresh movie theater popcorn, but sadly every movie theater is closed now.
Tagging @novadreamer95438 , @narcissacronin , @dawniebb and anyone who wants to do it :)
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
Rules: tag someone you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @darklings-heart :Y
So let’s get into it haha
Ships: novian, oscar and ruby (it’s rly cute) uhhhhdhdhd jesterine.
Last song: if i killed someone for you- Alec Benjamin
Last movie: Night at the Museum (top tier movie Rami malek is 10/10)
Food craving: I really want some spaghetti I’m not lying it sounds so good right now
(I’m only gonna tag one person but anyone else can do it )
Tagging: @healing-winston-pratt
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
rules: tag people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @ramblingsofachristiannerd thank youuu
ships: darklina, grindeldore, all the canon SoC ships, dramione, drarry, snily, wolfstar, novian, all the canon TLC ships, jesterine, e/c, reylo, stormpilot, anidala, finnrose, skysolo, barrissoka…I could go on but I’ll stop here
last song: The Old Ways – Loreena McKennitt
last movie: harry potter and the half-blood prince
food craving: toffee chocolate
tagging @storyweaverofgondor @snowysnow1234 @reylokisses @winston-pratt-puppeteer @the-starless-one and anyone who wants to!
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
*adrian is in the background slowly growing concerned*
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
So! Given the fact that Succesful Parenting is being released
I wanna share this headcanon that I have with @dawniebb about Winston and Evander being the same age.
Before Supernova, I liked to think that Winston joined the Anarchists at the very young age of 12 (and hey! I wasn't that wrong lol :")), so now I headcanon that he ran away at 12, made himself a name as The Puppeteer during two years, and THEN joined the Anarchists at 14.
(Evander joined the Renegades around 12-13 bc he was insistent af).
Just because we love the idea of them growing up as rivals, but as in "Annoying-Elementary-School-Pricks" kind of rivals.
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
Successful Parenting Pt. 2
HELLO! So yeah, like I promised, here’s the second drabble, which I must admit it’s one of my favorites bc Nova having a scar in her brow is canon king :) u cannot prove me otherwise :)
aaaand I guess that’s it. Hope you guys like it <3
(Fun fact: Nova sounds like 10000000 times more feral when I translate her to English idk why HAHAHAHA)
The ladder trembles, so Nova holds on tight to it even whem she feels as Leroy steadying it with a firm grip.
Once calm, Nova swallows and proceeds to keep climbing.
“Keep going, sweetheart! That internet won’t be connected by itself!” Honey Harper screams. Her voice is so cheesy almost sounds like a song.
Nova wishes the internet would connect by itself, though.
It’s been a couple of weeks since they moved to the tunnels, and to be honest, they could be living under better circumstances. Nevertheless, Nova considers they’ve been managing quite well with what they have. Except for this electricity issue, of course…which, honestly, it wouldn’t be a problem if these people weren’t so dependent on their precious electronic devices.
It would’ve been easier if they had money, but they don’t have any; and also it would’ve been easier if they had access to the public services, which they don’t have either (Not that Nova knows much about those matters, but Papà did manage to explain some of them to her).
There’s no running water or power down in the tunnels. There’s no gas, nor any of those “fancy privileges” (as Ingrid calls them). It reminds her of the way Prodigies were treated back in the day. Before Uncle Ace. Before the Age of Anarchy… And, at the same time, it makes her think about how disgusting the Renegades really are.
And since they’re so repulsive and undeserving of respect, Nova agrees to vandalize the city they firmly believe they built (even though it was Uncle Ace) by agreeing to climb on a ladder, all the way to the fuse box of a nearby restaurant, with the vile objective of stealing electric power from those people.
But even if she’s doing it willingly this occasion, it’s not like she will be given a choice next time. That’s how the Anarchists work and she’s already getting used to it.
Nova tries to keep the balance on her shaking body, and she climbs until she’s face to face with the fuse box.
“Alright, Nightmare. Can you see anything? ” Leroy asks.
Nova encloses her eyes and, after thinking about it for a couple of seconds, she answers:
“Not much.”
Immediately, the light of the flashlight Honey is holding gets brighter, and she rises it a little closer to the fuse box. Nova nods.
“Much better.”
“Okay. Now, you must link the wire you’re holding in your right hand to one of the connectors at the bottom of the box. Can you see them?”
She can. There’s a pair of them that are available, and when she realizes she can’t stay long to analyze them and figure out how they work, it’s really sad.
However, what happens next is not only sad: It’s a whole tragedy. Apparently, they’re so negligent they didn’t even take the time to investigate whoever owned that restaurant before sending a kid up there and, when Nova is close enough, in the most physically impossible way, a wire jumps out of the blue like a freaking frog and whips her face, which makes Nova suspect the owner is a Prodigy whose power must be related to electricity and this was some kind of security measure.
The pain is immediate, and the screeching that comes out of her is so annoyingly high-pitched that for a moment she refuses to believe it was actually her (Because she knows she’s way better than this).
By instinct, Nova lets go of the cables and the ladder, but before the situation gets worse, Leroy interferes.
“NO! Don’t let go! Get down here! NOW!”
Hiccuping as she feels miserable, Nova obeys. She’s four steps away from the floor when she feels a pair of hands around her waist. At first, it occurs to her that they belong to Honey, given the fact they’re so soft, but then she feels a pair of arms brushing her own, and she realizes they’re full of curly hairs. This means they’re not Honey’s. Nova has seen her furiously shaving all the hair in her body before.
Carefully, the person places her on the floor and Nova uses her hands to cover her face, screaming and crying. However, it doesn’t take long for them to start trying to take her hands out of the way so they can analyze the wound.
“FUCK! ”
“Kiddo, please let me see your face.”
And in the middle of the crisis, they finally succeed. Nova stares at them with only one of her eyes open. The other one hurts too much to even think about opening it.
They go quiet all of a sudden, staring, and Winston is the one who runs his fingers through a very specific point on her forehead, though Nova can’t tell which one is it.
“Uhm. We just need to disinfect it. No biggie.”
“Eugh.” Honey complains. “What about that disgusting browless dot? Will it grow again?”
Winston bites his lip. He touches Nova’s eyebrow again, carefully. His fingers are so cold she almost feels relief.
“Guess so. ” He says, casually. “… I mean, yes. It’ll grow again.”
But it doesn’t.
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
I really thought about uploading this one, and honestly I’m just doing it because maybe there’s someone out there who, like me, wants to see more Winston content. I mean, it’s not the type of content I personally would like to see, but it’s what I have :’)
Hope you like it.
This is a one-shot about Winston Pratt’s backstory. It’s not explicit, nor does it contain any explicit scene about *that* but, still, trigger warning: Rape references.
I’m sorry :’)
Keep reading
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winston-pratt-puppeteer · 5 years ago
Obviously since SOMEONE (cough cough Nova) didn't appreciate Winston while he was there, I gotta do it
Not that I'm complaining
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