#male breast reducation surgery
green-sun-wellness · 2 years
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beatrixstonehill2 · 26 days
"That's why I'm so excited for this stupid semester to be over! I'm trying to be a professional fashion model and the stupid guys at my university can't stop thinking with their cocks. It's kind of pathetic, really. But if in the meantime it placates these horny nerds and gives them something to play with and enjoy. On one hand..... I hate having these enormous cow-tits bouncing and jiggling every time I do literally anything. They're just so fat and swollen and sweaty..... God knows what boys see in silly stuff like this.
At any rate, like most universities these days our insurance is given out by the university and we're signed up for all kinds of programs and drug trials. You know, normal stuff. But I was oh so lucky enough to be selected for compulsory breast growth so my boobs can get big enough by the end of every semester that the surgery students can reduce my boobs back to a dignified girth. I shudder to think of all the money my family spent on tuition just for my body to be at the mercy of a bunch of horny med students.
Apparently the boys there had a crush on me, selected me and sent my info to the university insurance provider. So now for my whole time here at this school, earning my Bachelor's, my breasts will be subjected to this humiliating torment over and over. Imagine how mangled they'll be by the time I graduate? Might as well lop the things off by then...... I mean, just look at what I'm dealing with! Men play with them incessantly, whether through my clothes or they insist on pulling them out to have their fun. It is rather amusing, I'll admit. I like to stroke their faces and call them handsome as they handle my oversized breasts. I enjoy seeing them squirm, their cocks getting so big, a lot of boys cum in their pants simply from kneading and groping me. It's kind of empowering.....
And to think this is only after a couple months of these rapid-growth injections. Two months left. I could double in size. How will that even work? My poor back aches as it is. My boobs have huge stretch marks and look so swollen and red I tend to keep them covered. Boys don't seem to mind but other girls giggle and gossip. Then in another two months, when these hornball magnets are unbearably huge, I guess I'll be begging like a pathetic Hentai princess to not have to grow any bigger. For my captors to please stop forcing my body to expand! The med students will love hearing me beg. Then the whole university gets to watch my tits get dismantled, streamed live. I'll be flat chested again, given a couple weeks to recover, then I'll be given the injections yet again.
And this will be my life for over three more years! Forced to watch helplessly as my breasts grow to absurd, male-jerk-off-fantasy proportions, only to be chopped down to nothing, over and over. If these boys need so much practice why not line up all the busty girls and just chop off their breasts one by one like a regular community college? No.... instead these students see fit to get creative with me. So, I'll get the humiliating pleasure of growing massive blimp-tits every four months. I feel like my brain my start to crack..... Having to endure this for so long as I try to study and not look ridiculous in front of my peers. My growing breasts groped and pulled from my clothes, slapped around and fucked. I already feel like I'll never get the stink of cum out from between these sweaty, fat udders of mine. Even once the students chop them down to mincemeat in two months. I feel like a lab animal. Like all I am is this pair of breasts that exist solely for men to play with and torment and experiment on. Maybe instead of being a model I ought to donate my body for medical research, sign away my rights, and literally just become a pair of breasts for horny old doctors to run tests and trials on..... One thing at a time, I need to graduate first. Not for my diploma, but so I don't disappoint all these boys looking forward to four years of inflating and chopping off my boobs.... I simply can't abandon my purpose like that. ❤️"
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The Hobie fandom has a lot of smut, and with a character so accepting on so many fronts, it means so much to me to see trans!readers being taken into consideration.
As a trans guy myself, I love seeking out ftm!smut. But often times, I often can't read them. Many times I'm left feeling unseen, reduced, or even feminized.
And I wanna talk about that a bit, if it's okay.
My take and feelings on FTM!smut - As a Trans Guy
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Ngl as a trans guy myself I do feel a bit alienated by a lot of FTM!reader.
I'm gonna be honest - I feel like most ftm smut is written exactly as it would be a cis woman, just with the pronouns changed. Which is understandable, but not really how it works.
Cis women and trans men don't have sex the exact same, just because they're AFAB.
And I feel most smut writers haven't gone out of their way to research the sexual experiences of trans men and how we navigate the world.
Hobie smut is pretty vulgar, and I won't complaining! As a character, he has a high volume of smut, and probably the most diverse range, with Black!reader, ftm!readers, and male!readers being more common than most fandoms.
Black!Reader focuses on the unique experience of black people when in a relationship together. This unique experience is at the basis of black!reader.
But when we approach Ftm!reader - very often, our unique experience isn't reflected.
It's just assumed that because we are AFAB - there's no need to look deeper at the closer unique sexual experience trans men have - or to read up about it.
Most ftm!reader fic does not attempt to use affirming sexual language for trans men at all.
T-dicks - ie, natural clitoris enlargement you get after taking T - is a thing a lot of transitioning Trans men have.
But they're never called T-dicks in fanfiction. Only clits. It's very rare that a ftm!reader is described as having a dick - because so often the only dicks cis people recognize are natal dicks, and surgery-constructed ones.
Many cis writers may never even considered referring to a trans man's clitoris as a dick - pre or post T. They may see it as confusing to the reader, when it's not.
T-Dicks are dicks. Bottom growth didn't give you a full 3-4 inches, but you absolutely have growth and there are trans men that can penetrate with T-dicks - without surgery - if with the right partner.
The words pussy and cunt are used liberally in nearly all ftm!smut, and while many trans men are okay with these terms, I think a lot of cis writers ignore or do not know that often, terms like those can cause heavy dysphoria in a lot of ftm readers.
I don't think cis writers ever question if they might be making readers dysphoric - or showing them in a non-affirming way.
I feel like some writers believe that changing pronouns and calling the reader 'handsome' is really all it takes. Just write usual fem smut, change the pronouns - and done!
In reality, a large part of the ftm community feels uncomfortable with the word 'pussy' - and would much rather stuff like 'front hole'.
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A poll on 'What do you call your downstairs?'
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And I'm not saying that you can't call a trans man's genitals a pussy. And I'm not saying that a trans man calling his genitals a pussy is wrong.
I just feel like cis writers do not consider the dysphoria of their trans readers, when writing trans smut.
I feel like most cis writers don't actually seek out accounts of trans men and their sexuality.
I don't think they ever consider that these terms, talking about wetness and penetration (which many men on T can have problems with because of vaginal atrophy and dryness), breast, clits, cunts, pussy -
I don't think cis writers ever question 'Is this accessible for ftm readers that might have dysphoria? How can I make this accessible or easier for trans men who have bottom dysphoria?'
'How can I make this more affirming of them as men?'
It's the assumption that, because we're all AFAB, because we have vaginas like cis women - then naturally we must all fuck the same regardless of gender, the only thing changing being the pronouns.
That's not true.
And also - Trans Men are never really written like gay men.
Trans men having sex with men is gay sex.
And even though most writers write trans men with male OCs - they hardly ever write their sex as if they are gay men.
99.9% of the time, it isn't written that way. Its always written as if it's 'straight sex'.
The experience of how gay men have sex is never really taken account into these fics, which makes me feel like a lot of writers don't see it as gay sex at all.
At most, the ftm reader may be described as a bottom - but never as an otter or twink or bear or cub or leather or anything.
They see it as AFAB sex.
Cause If I'm getting strictly candid - I feel like if a writer wrote mtf!smut and kept focusing on the girls 'hard throbbing cock and balls' - we'd all be like 'oh wow that's very intense centering on genitals that may alienate some trans women-'
But in ftm!smut focusing on 'wet tight juicy pussy and thriving clit' is standard. It's never really questioned.
And this is not to say 'oh trans women have it better they get better smut-' No. They really don't. I'm just bringing this up to highlight the fact that we should be making sure that trans!smut is accessible and affirming to the trans people they're about.
Seeing a fic in which a gay trans man prefers to use his asshole, like most gay men fuck, is VERY VERY rare.
I feel like most cis writers never consider the fact that gay trans men may want to perform sex in an affirming, clearly coded, masculine gay way.
It's always assumed we use our front hole, are okay with it being called a pussy, have no problems getting wet, or that we don't have dicks (T-dick is a dick).
And because of that - the lack of affirming language and the lack of affirming transmasc experiences makes it very hard for me as a FTM person to read smut about ftm!readers.
I feel like most of them don't actually take our comfort - or our experiences in mind.
I feel like most don't attempt to actually read accounts of trans guys having gay sex, and what that's often like.
If you're a writer who feels guilty of any of this - you're not a bad person or a bad writer. And I genuinely thank you for including us in your work - from the bottom of my heart.
But I want to highlight this -
Trans men having sex is not a 1:1 of cis women having sex. The same way trans women having sex is not a 1:1 of cis men having sex.
Or experiences are unique - and our dysphoria does affect our sex lives, and how we navigate them.
Please, do not let this put you off writing trans men. But please keep in mind that our experience is unique.
So often I read ftm!reader and feel reduced down to my pussy. Without breasts in the equation, so much ftm!smut focuses solely on the pussy.
If you write ftm!reader please please do not let this put you off, but here's some tips I can give as a trans guy
Please do slight research of ftm anatomy, read an article about gay trans men, or go on r/ftm (subreddit) and read some posts about trans men, read some nsfw posts where trans men tell hookup tales.
Advocate has an great article called '16 things I learned from having sex with Trans Men' - which details and dispels 16 myths about trans men in bed. It's written from the POV of gay men who have been with trans men in affirming ways.
This post is in no way meant to be an attack or subliminal at any one writer. If it was one writer, I wouldn't care.
But this is something I've experienced and seen across fandoms and across writers in this fandom too. I feel the urge to write this because searching for affirming ftm!fics - I often come away feeling even more dysphoric.
Not because of the word pussy or cunt or anything -
But because of the erasure of my experience, the idea that my gender doesn't influence my experience of sex - only my AFAB genitals do.
If you write ftm!smut, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly.
But I feel like I had to say this.
If you read this far, thank you! This is one of my more personal venting posts but I'm also trying to raise a point and start a discussion. And you reading through this and giving me your time and understanding is already helpful enough, so thanks!
Here's Hobie.
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midnight-omega · 7 months
Male Omega hc
I wrote these a while ago and never posted them. Male omegas and female alphas are my favorite dynamics and my favorite pairing fr so I wanted to do an entirely separate post on my boys
Pretty long so bear with me under the cut also its fairly nsfw at some points reader beware
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🍥 Omegas in general are considered a rarer dynamic but when adding primary gender to the statistic male omegas are one of the rarest of the 6 gender/dynamic combinations
🍥 Male omegas typically cannot impregnate. It can happen in extremely rare cases but it’s so unlikely no one really considers it a thing. They are biologically built to conceive and bear pups even tho this is a little more challenging for them
🍥 Male omegas have wider hips than an alpha or beta male, but narrower hips than a female beta or omega. This can make it difficult to give birth naturally. It’s possible and happens all the time! But sometimes it’s just too narrow and a c-section is needed
🍥 Male omegas have lower fertility rates than their female counterparts. They’re more on par with betas fertility wise which means they aren’t likely to have litters (3-4 pups) like females can. Males usually carry 1-2 pups at a time and anything more is considered a high risk pregnancy
🍥 Over the course of their pregnancy they do develop breasts
🍥 They’re much smaller than the other dynamics, more on par with a female alphas, but they do lactate
🍥 This is a permanent change! They do not reduce after the first pregnancy
🍥 This physically marks males who have carried a pregnancy at least until 3rd term, and those who haven’t
🍥 Unfortunately male omegas suffer from body dysphoria at a higher rate than other gender/dynamic combinations
🍥 There’s a lot that goes into this and it differs from omega to omega, but it boils down to masculine body parts that function and a more masculine stature vs how feminized the omega identity has become and the feminization of bearing children. 
🍥 Pregnancy and the development of breasts makes this a lot worse
🍥 Binders are rather popular and easy to find because of this. It’s highly recommended to use these instead of resorting to your own tactics to avoid any bodily harm
🍥 Top surgery is also available for male omegas who feel strong or crippling dysphoria, but they won’t be able to lactate afterwards. More traditional packs/religions frown on the surgery for this reason and prefer binders as a solution
🍥 Pharmacies, department stores, lingerie stores, anywhere you can buy a bra or healthcare products will probably sell some sort of postpartum binder!
🍥 Speaking of lingerie stores, stores that specialize in omega lingerie typically carry two styles of bottom for every top. One that accommodates afab anatomy and one that accommodates amab anatomy
🍥 Some omegas feel the opposite kind of dysphoria tho, where we just talked about those who are unsettled by their more “feminine” parts there are other’s who identify with their omegean side more and find their more masculine parts more upsetting
🍥 Tucking is a common solution, though this is kept kinda on the down low in omega only circles. You won’t find this sort of thing advertised in common media
🍥 I mentioned earlier that male omegas are p much sterile, so this makes them really popular hookups especially for other omegas going through a heat
🍥 In some areas male omegas are more demanded than alphas when an unmated omega wants a partner for heat
🍥 Not only is there really no pregnancy risk with them, but some argue they make better lovers in general since they understand the vulnerability of penetration/heat and how to work the anatomy since they’re built similarly 
🍥 The concept that male omegas do not get as much pleasure out of penetrating compared to receiving is a myth! Both kinds of orgasms are equally pleasurable and some males only enjoy penetrating just as others only enjoy being penetrated. Its a personal preference!
🍥 The omega micro penis is also a myth. Omegas are smaller on average but they’re really not much smaller than an average beta
🍥 Keep in mind that when concerning length most alphas are showers and most omegas are growers. Your omega man might end up bamboozling you :))
🍥 Omega cum is clear or opaque. No/little sperm = no white
🍥 Male omegas are at the very bottom of the unspoken hierarchy. Normally the male takes place above the female, but it’s not the case with omegas who’s primary biological function is to conceive. Since female omegas are better at that they’re considered above males
🍥 Male omegas are very rarely represented in leadership positions because of this. Even within packs it’s extremely rare to find a male omega in a place of power/respect
🍥 This also contributes to a lot of the adversity they face. Males are at a higher risk of mental illnesses, suicide, sexual abuse, drug use, and face higher incarceration rates
🍥 Lightening the mood a bit…
🍥 Males have a deeper purr than females. It tends to be quieter too, but that can vary from person to person
🍥 Male omegas growl at anything. Any small inconvenience or discomfort grrr… they can whine and keen like all omegas but on average they tend to be more gruff with vocalizations.
🍥 Male omega fashion varies widely from place to place. They can be more masculine coded or more feminine depending on the dominant culture of the area. Neck covering is popular with all omegas, so high necked outfits or matching chokers are always in style.
🍥 Weddings and mating ceremonies are similar in variation with options for more feminine coded or more masculine coded outfits. Jumpsuits with pants partially concealed by the top flaring down is the style for male omegas.
🍥 feminine coded examples:
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🍥 A more masculine coded example thank you kpop ur visuals are unparalleled bc i could not find more masculine ones for the life of me until i remembered ab6ix the future world tour in seoul donghyun booby titty outfit:
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🍥 Male omegas can be referred to as wife/mom or husband/dad depending on the preference of the individual. If someone needs to clarify which of their dads gave birth to them they’ll use the terms dam and sire, otherwise parental names are a toss up
🍥 All omegas have nesting instincts, if they don’t suppress them, but males and females have slightly different habits. Male omegas tend to pick very closed-in areas with one entry/exit. They also keep their nests extremely hidden, it’s unlikely you’ll know where it is unless you’re mated to or a child of theirs.
🍥 Males need just as much affection, attention, and physical touch as females do. If they’re aloof don’t let them fool you
🍥 If alpha male dude bros can be compared to overexcited dogs then omega males can be comparable to cats
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greenwitchcrafts · 9 months
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Lavandula officinalis
Known as: Elf leaf, nard, nardus & spike
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae, there are genus of 47 known species of lavender. It includes well known plants such basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla, as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Flowers
Habitat and cultivation: This flowering plant is native to the the Mediterranean
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Most are hardy from Zones 5 to 9 | Spanish Lavender (L. stoechas) is only hardy in Zones 7 to 9.
Harvest: You can harvest all the budding spikes or flowers on your plant during the growing season but avoid cutting into woody growth. Don't want to take more than 1/3 of the plant at this time & limiting your harvest to flowers and buds should keep you within recommended limits. As first frost approaches, snip off woody, leafy stems & branching. You can safely take up to 2/3 of the plant at this time. Harvesting too early can stimulate more growth which you don't want since the lavender is moving into winter dormancy.
Growing tips: To grow lavender successfully it needs well-drained soil, full sun & may be a good idea to check the PH beforehand because soil too acidic may kill off your plants. It survives well in dry conditions, so you'll only have to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Plant lavender in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. This beautiful, fragrant herb is a great addition to raised beds, in-ground gardens, and growing in containers spacing plants 12 to 18 inches apart.
Medicinal information: Taking lavender products by mouth, including teas and a specific oil supplement or inhaling lavender oil as aromatherapy, seem to reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety. Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal & burns & bug bites. Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, & abdominal swelling. A study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil could be effective in combating antifungal-resistant infections. Using it as aromatherapy can also reduce colic symptoms & menstrual cramp pain.
Cautions: Lavender essential oil is possibly safe when inhaled as aromatherapy, but applying products that contain lavender oil to the skin is possibly unsafe for young cis males who haven't reached puberty. The oil seems to have hormone-like effects that could disrupt normal hormones & in some cases, this has resulted in breast growth.
Lavender might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Taking lavender with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness.
Lavender might slow down the central nervous system. If used with anesthesia and other medications given during and after surgery, it might slow down the central nervous system too much. Stop using lavender at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate & Saturn
Magickal uses:
• Place in sleep pillows to encourage peaceful sleep
• Wear as a perfume to attract a new love
• Rub on paper when writing love spells or notes for added power
• Add with rosemary to a satchet for preserve chastity
• Scatter around your home to invite protection & purifying energies
• Use in a ritual bath to lighten feelings of depression or sadness
• Wear or use in an amulet to discourage cruelty from a spouse
• Drink lavender tea before bed to aid in astral travel or dream magick
• Burn as an incense for meditation or spirit work
• Use in spells to strengthen friendships
• Purify your ritual candles & tools with a drop of oil to release any negative energies contained within them
•  Hang above your door protect against evil spirits , for home blessings & to cleanse all who enter
• Rub the oil on to the base of the skull or temples to help cure the nervous exhaustion that sometimes happens after intensive magickal workings
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 years
If you don’t want to or can’t bind for whatever reason and you still wanna pass:
Layers. They add a level of confusion that distracts people from your boobs. Invest in some lightweight/moisture wicking button up shirts for the hot months. You can usually find used ones for a few bucks at thrift stores, and if you’re willing to buy new from outdoorsy companies like Eddie Bauer they usually have the most lightweight and durable ones.
Stubble. If you’re able to grow facial hair but still like the look of a clean shaven face better, using an electric trimmer or only shaving at night can give you visible stubble while still mostly looking like you shave. If you have visible stubble people are more likely to read you as male even if your chest is a bit big. Experiment with what works for you. If you can’t grow facial hair but still want the look there are tutorials online for how to make fake stubble with makeup.
Sports bras. I usually use tomboyX or champions brand sports bras. Compression bras or shirts for post surgery can also be an option to reduce the size of your chest if those work for you. Don’t wear them to sleep unless you have to though. Be responsible. If you don’t like your breasts moving around while you sleep, try wearing a looser fitting sports or sleep bra or wear a tight fitting t-shirt.
Loose fitting clothing. Not so baggy that it looks like you’re wearing a sack though. That can actually bring more attention to the shape of your body. Just a little bit big. Not skintight. If you’re overweight and/or have smaller breasts you might be able to go without a bra this way depending on your body type. Experiment with what works for you and your needs
Good posture/masculine stance. Gamer posture doesn’t actually hide your chest as much as you think it does. Go through life acting like you belong where you are. Visible nervousness and trying to hide your chest brings more attention to you. Move more with your shoulders than your hips, observe how cis men move, and act like you belong there. It’ll actually help more than a chest binder in most circumstances.
Kinesiology Tape. NOT for everyone and very painful if done improperly. But you can tape your breasts to the side for a few days at a time with skin safe tape. Please for the love of god do your research first though and do NOT use packing or duct tape.
Good luck out there kids and always listen to your body! If you’re hurting yourself, stop that method.
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haggishlyhagging · 2 months
The legitimations used to erase male responsibility for African genital mutilation of women also can enable Hags to focus more sharply upon the justifications for gynecological genital mutilation. In Africa, clitoridectomy and infibulation are alleged to be justifiable because they are ways "for teaching women to endure pain." As we have seen, pain—and the dread of it—is also the Great American Gynecological Way of teaching women to be pre-occupied and pre-possessed. Other reasons given for mutilation in the African situation are religious belief and "custom." American women, like their African sisters, are also lulled into pain-full captivity by the prevailing beliefs and "customs."
African women, moreover, are mutilated for "aesthetic reasons," since the men of the tribes practicing these sado-rituals do not want their women to have anything "hanging down." Maiming for the alleged purpose of enhancing female beauty is standard practice in American cosmetic surgery. An example is mammaplasty, defined in Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary as "plastic reconstruction of the breast, as may be performed to augment or reduce its size." A variation on this is mastopexy, which is performed to "correct a pendulous breast." This involves removal of breast tissue and filling the space with a silicone bag-gel prosthesis, often with additional maneuvers to reshape the breast so that it points upward. Women shocked by the pain and danger of infection inflicted upon millions of African women for "aesthetic" reasons should consider the parallels with the increasingly popular American way of deadly beautification.
-Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology
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im not saying men are unaffected by beauty ideals but they dont get humiliated and dehumanised the way women do.
first of all, men considered attractive literally dont face any negative consequences while women deemed attractive face harrassment and bias that they must be stupid or arrogant or a slut etc.
especially if your body type fits the beauty standards as a woman you will face non-stop objectification and be reduced to „the one with the big boobs/ass/tight body“ or similar shit.
second of all, anytime i hear men considered unattractive complain it all boils down to issues with dating.
i get it; love and sex are an important part of life. but in many cases, these men dont just want a woman who loves and cherishes them; they want an attractive women and they still wont treat her like a full human being. those men turn around and objectify and sexualise women at any turn and expect us to feel sorry for them for being deemed unattractive.
thirdly, let‘s take a look at something men get mocked for like baldness.
are any doors closed to them? does the media relentlessly talk about some male politicans or actors bald head? are bald men underrepresented in powerful and desirable positions? no. same with fat men btw. they might face fat jokes but it doesnt really hinder their life chances like it does for fat women.
fourthly, masculinity regarding looks is literally just being a man in his natural state.
„dad bod“ is positively connotated while „mom bod“ is something to avoid at any costs - even though women are the ones bearing children. masculinity is not close to being ritualised like femininity; there are no extensive beauty rituals, no pain from high heels, no pain from waxing and shaving, no endless money spent on lashes, extensions, nails etc. they might give money to the nutrition industry to look fit but women do too and we are the main targets for the beauty and diet industry.
there is a reason why breast augmentation is the number one plastic surgery done globally. there is a reason why around 90% of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures is done on women. there is a reason why most people suffering from eating disorders are female. there is a reason why facial feminisation surgery is a thing but masculinising is not.
at this point people who both-side issues of beauty standards and attractiveness are willfully ignorant and bordering on mens rights activism.
women dont dehumanise men for being unattractive or attractive like men do with women.
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rtothe3rd · 2 years
Being a girl;
I don’t like the “pick me” misogynist idea that stereotypically “feminine” things are inherently negative or shameful and can’t overlap with “masculine” ideas or qualities, and I hate how toxic and sexist and pro-ED the embracing femininity communities (coquette girlblogging) can be, as if being a woman is made of suffering and a woman's body is a vessel for misogyny in thin, white, childlike standards of beauty. Fuck it all; I do love the color pink and wearing lip gloss and buying clothes and Lana Del Rey and sometimes I even look at my horoscope and I use copious amounts of hairspray, but I want to be a lawyer when I’m grown up and and I swear like a sailor and I’m an honors student and my favorite thing to talk about is politics and I’ll debate anything that breathes, and I try not to equate my worth (or anybody else's) with the number of inches around my waist. How can’t those two things coexist? Why can't I put Taylor Swift's album drop and the senate midterms on my calendar? Why can't my walls be plastered with photo strips and artsy postcards alongside my 4 framed speech awards? Why can't I fantasize about being in love and also about kicking a nazi in the face? I'm a female; therefore everything I do is feminine, no matter what people say. I want to celebrate and RECLAIM femininity for myself and for womankind, not for the male gaze. Coquette pro ED and pick-me-choose-me-love-me subcultures have one major thing in common: catering to men and men in particular. The day that we as women stop hating ourselves is the day we stop feeding into a school of thought that fuels a multibillion dollar industry that creates and profits off our insecurities. If you're gonna wear makeup, wear it for you. If you're gonna change your weight, do it for your physical and mental health. If you're gonna get plastic surgery, understand why. Why you've always wanted bigger/smaller breasts, a bigger/smaller butt, a flatter stomach, a smoother face. Girls, don't feel rushed to go through puberty, but when you do, celebrate that you're maturing and changing. The stretch marks are healthy. Your breasts don't need to be any bigger or smaller to serve their purpose, whether that is to feed children or just exist. The blood is not filthy, it's a sign of health. Yeah, I know it sucks, but don't let anybody make you feel bad. Those asshole boys wouldn't exist if their moms never menstruated. And to women MY mom's age, you don't need to starve yourself to achieve what filthy pigs tell you you should look like after carrying and delivering a pregnancy for 9 months. You don't need to be as thin as you were at 20, this is supposed to happen. You don't need to inject toxins into your face to make it look like you've never smiled or seen the sun. You don't need to be ashamed of living and aging naturally, aging is healthy, you are supposed to get older. When was the last time you heard a a man your age complain about lines on his skin or 5 extra pounds? When was the last time you saw a male celebrity's stomach rolls or cellulite blown up on a tabloid cover and picked apart by the whole world? when was the last time you witnessed a man reduced to his appearance? why do WE owe beauty to the world, a world where our bodily autonomy is in jeopardy? Why are we only beautiful when we're weak and starving and cold, where we're miserable and tired and hurting, when we're manipulated and injected and stuffed and exploited and profited off of and sexualized and traumatized and forced? forced to perform and change and carry a child? Men will pay to see videos of naked women seducing them and turn right back around and advocate for our disenfranchisement. Men have been taught that they have the authority to reduce us, shrink us down to sex symbols and forget our humanity, and these men do what they want and make millions and get elected to America's highest offices and win grammies.
If you're a woman and you're reading this, you do not owe a man's perception of you to anybody. Every time a grown man online treats me like I'm stupid; every time a boy taunts me about Andrew Tate; every time another woman acts like politics are inconsequential; every time I remember an 80 year old man making obscene gestures to me on the street; every time I read a school dress code implying that my body is inherently pornographic; every time another pig is elected to our government; every time our trans sisters are oppressed and excluded by other women, the fire grows. soon it will consume me.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 4 months
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The end of a whole post about genuine transmisogyny and bioessentialism (that didn't cover how trans men and transmascs and plenty of AFAB and intersex nonbinary people are treated as violent invasive inherently dangerous monsters in most queer spaces, but y'know, we'll ignore that since it was a discussion specifically of transmisogyny)
So... people call nonbinary people "theyfabs" instead of calling them "female"? If an AMAB person was going off about "male solidarity" and "only males being safe" (or as I've explicitly seen in multiple spaces, "transfem only spaces" and "only transfems are safe" and treating nontransfems as violent invasive inherently dangerous monsters tainted by masculinity and femaleness... oh wait, can't ignore that part after all), they'd just call AMAB people "males" and not "theyfabs".
What is calling those people assigned MALE at birth doing, then? What makes separating trans people into aFab and aMab and deciding that one is inherently safe and trustworthy and the other are dangerous (trans) misogynist predators out to get everyone of the "other" sex any different? What about that behavior would not earn the name "theymab", except maybe that the people objecting to reducing nonbinary people down to their assigned gender at birth aren't the ones doing the disgustingly transmisogynistic "female solidarity" shit in the first place, and that they find that as disgusting as they find the fact that you used it as an excuse to do the exact same violence back at them?
Oh, you don't wanna hear that, do you? You don't wanna acknowledge that when you were excluded because of transmisogyny, you turned right around and instead of attacking the assholes that did it, you decided to coin a term that literally is about "afab nonbinary people being inherently dangerous" to have "solidarity against transmisogyny" by violently reducing other trans people to the genitals they had at birth.
Instead of just, y'know, calling them "transmisogynists who weaponize their agab", or even "bioessentialist transmisogynists", or hell, even "afab solidarity" fuckers or hell, some acronym about "assigned transmisogynist at female" idfk. No, there has to be a snappy exorsexist term that takes the violence of being called "male" and decides to throw that right back at a bunch of unrelated trans people for BEING afab regardless of them never once weaponizing it.
Let's not pretend theyfab in usage is anything other than "(sometimes afab) trans person who uses they/them who I don't like". Let's not pretend that it's actually primarily getting wielded against the "afab solidarity" shit people. Let's not pretend it's just a way of calling, usually nonbinary people, "females" in a "progressive" way.
(Also, being treated as a disgusting hideous freak by other trans people? Have you SEEN how the trans community treats testosterone, phalloplasty, breast-removal top surgery, metoidioplasty, being masculine or a man... etc?!)
Like, I've literally been called a theyfab, and I'm not female, nor have I ever been!
(I'm actually a visibly intersex person with very obviously mixed sexual traits, but IRL, about 50 percent of people think I'm male and the other 50 percent think I'm female. I regularly face every kind of transphobia because half of transphobes assume I'm a trans women and half assume I'm a trans man and they somehow manage to be both right and wrong)
It's funny, too. I've seen nonbinary AMAB people talking about being "cursed" with an "ugly gross" male body instead of the "other prettier body they could have been born with" who aren't called theymabs for it. On the other hand, I've seen transmascs called theyfabs for lamenting not being born with the handsome male body they so desperately desired called transmisogynistic theyfabs for... not wanting to be afab?
Like I'm not saying that tweet isn't grossly bioessentialist, I'm just saying it's hypocritical to not acknowledge that calling ALL male bodies gross and ugly and bad is just bioessentialism no matter who it comes from. I'm saying that if people are theyfabs for identifying as trans and female, but also theyfabs for not wanting to be female/wanting to be male, and even theyfabs for identifying as male when they transition (one I've also seen)...
... then maybe you just want an excuse to call trans people "females" in a socially acceptable way and to do some "only (trans) women and femmes are safe and pure and good" shit.
That's a you problem. Because tacking "trans" on the front of "women and femmes only" doesn't actually make it better. "No men or females" isn't actually any better than "no men or males". And judging whether nonbinary people are "safe" not based on their actual gender, but by their infant genital configurations decades ago, is just basic fucking transphobia
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Top Surgery Reversal? 👍 or 👎
CW: dysphoria - top surgery - TOP SURGERY REVERSAL I know I haven’t posted here in FOREVER but I wanted to get some thoughts out somewhere so here I am. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but top surgery actually made me realize the depths of how shitty dysphoria can feel. Before surgery, my chest was a source of much discomfort in ways I still don’t really understand. I know I didn’t like attention being brought to it. I definitely did not like wearing bras that weren’t sports bras because of the way they kept my breasts separated and enabled movement (bouncing/jiggling/etc). Sports bras felt secure, offered tightness, and reduced sensations that occurred if I didn’t wear a bra at all. I occasionally experimented with going braless because I liked the freedom of it and feeling, but also like... huh... yeah... so something I’ve suspected since getting my autism diagnosis is that maybe a big factor in my previous discomfort, when I had breasts, was that it was a source of overstimulation while a sports bra would take that away as well as providing tightness which yay lol (my autism testing doctor said that’s a thing that people with adhd and autism often like). So, maybe that was a big reason I felt the way I did, but... I don’t think it’s the only reason. I also felt strongly that the presence of breasts was a big reason I was misgendered or rather... assumed by strangers to be female so often. That association certainly affected how I felt about it I’m sure, particularly when I was experimenting with bralessness after having transitioned (socially and with HRT). Resentment, bitterness, and frustration on top of the overstimulation and... hmmm.... I wonder if how I never wanted my boobs to stand out was always some kind of subconscious feeling of wanting to appear masc or not? That sort of... social awareness that this is what I need to do to appear more masculine... maybe. Sounds logical enough. Okay but as the time for the surgery was coming up and of course after the surgery... discomfort became DISTRESS.  True distress I mean with a clear correlation to drops in mood, downward spiraling, and suicidal thoughts too sometimes. Now... not likely the results of my surgery (nipples being too low on my chest) could very easily be playing a factor, not just that the breasts are gone altogether. I think my upset feelings just before and ever since surgery are very complex. First, of course, there are the straight-up desires to have breasts again though... I can’t ignore how these thoughts very often also correlate to spikes in libido. Sexual desires and having breasts nearly always coincide. While I am almost always the one I imagine having breasts in those fantasies, it’s difficult to trust my desire to want breasts when they too often are attached to this other strong emotion. Why don’t I have these wants separately? It’s confusing and thus hard to trust. The times when I’ve thought/wanted to have breasts again were when paired with another strong emotion: fear. They came when thinking about stuff like being worried I’ll never find someone to be in a relationship with or wanting to use a gym shower or spa where nudity is a thing and binaries are often required. Male shower? I don’t have or want the “right” bottom parts for that. I don’t really worry about using the lockers or bathroom stalls in Men’s restrooms/bathrooms/lockerrooms and always use them for that, but the shower? NOPE. Women’s rooms? ALSO NOPE. The fear of being second-guessed, disrespected, called out, mislabeled, etc that comes from using any women’s room is huge. But to be naked? Well... with my chest post-surgery... I wouldn’t want to do it. Whether anyone would EVER say anything or pointedly stare or not may be very unlikely, but the fear that they might or even just of the thoughts it would have on their mind is... terror. If I had breasts though... I don’t think I’d worry as much... at least not about the gender. Because ultimately, that fear is about wanting to have options-wanting to being masc but also wanting to blend back in with women if I think it’s the safest option. And not just if I happen or am forced into a “dangerous” situation but in wanting to not feel limited in choice because just having top surgery puts me firmly in neither category of a gender binary. I want the ability to do something like a gym shower or spa day if I feel like it! And being a gym rat is something I’d love for myself as well as going to a spa or spa-like place either by myself or with friends.  There are “sillier” thoughts as well like what if I’d be such a great or even perfect fit with someone (relationship wise) but not having breasts means it never happens. Just thinking how it would lower the odds of finding someone and YES I have heard from people that it’s makes people way less interested. Like not minding treating me like a boy but no breasts? No, thank you. And while I don’t remember enjoying anyone playing with them, I learn last minute that I enjoyed playing with them myself while masturbating. Of course, I would play with the nipple and even if I did reverse my top surgery that function isn’t gonna come back. So really... what have I been wanting when I SO NEEDED to have my breasts back again? I wanted to be able to pass as a woman sometimes and improve my chances at finding a boyfriend. Sounds stupid as hell but the feelings have been SO INTENSE. And well... I guess it wasn’t just those two reasons right? There’s that urge mixed in with sexual desires and... God I really don’t understand why I want it then! And trust me I’ve thought a lot about it.  And so the intense feelings, when I have them, say GET IT REVERSED FOR FUCKS SAKE! I’ve looked into it so many times and but the cost felt so out of reach because medicaid (the type of insurance I have) doesn’t cover a reversal. BUT NEXT YEAR IT WILL. Next year, a law becomes implemented that gender-affirming surgery can’t get rejected, even if it’s a reversal. I’d finally be able to afford it and now... now I need to do what I should have done in 2018/2019 and actually think it fucking through. That’s why I’m here writing this stupid long post. I rushed into it before because transitioning was scary and I knew I wanted to be a boy and at the time I started transitioning top surgery was just a thing everyone did to become a boy (at least as far as my limited understanding was). I knew I never wanted to get bottom surgery but top surgery... I had my discomforts and figured it must mean I didn’t want my chest and should get the surgery. So as soon as I met the requirements to apply for coverage, I did it and I ignored the mounting anxiety and fear that was threatening to drown me alive. I ignored it and literally only went on the day of because it was easier to go through with it than picking up the phone to call and cancel (also flexibility of plans and autism do not mix).  I mean I get phone anxiety with calls anyways but I was so afraid about having to explain to anyone or everyone why I had canceled it. WHY?! So many people didn’t even have the option and here I was with the option and canceling the day of?! I couldn’t even explain to myself why I was feeling the way I did.  So, I don’t want to rush again and while I understand some of my feelings better, there is a lot I still don’t understand.  IF YOU READ ALL THAT AND CAN RELATE AT ALL or want to share some insight (break out that d20) then please you are more than welcome to comment/quote reblog, etc. . . . . . . . ADDITIONAL NOTES I FEEL ARE IMPORTANT TO ADD: - I would still identify as trans and/or non-binary if I got my top surgery reversed though I wouldn’t be surprised if I rethought a few things and/or made some changes label/expression wise but CIS? I don’t think so. - De-transitioning is valid even though I don’t totally/really think it’s accurate for what I’m considering doing. Maybe it is, maybe it’s not. But it’s valid. Experimenting and changing your mind is valid. Realizing you’re not ready and need more time before living out of the closet (etc) is valid af and has historically been a part of many people’s journey. Or maybe you realized you need to stay in the closet partially or totally and if that’s what you need, please give that to yourself. Your life, your choice, there are ways to honor your feelings and find room within yourself while in the closet too! - I feel like I was going to add something else but gosh I cannot remember it now lol - Oh okay also, wanna make sure people know that while autism can make it difficult to understand your own complex emotions it doesn’t mean we can’t do it, have self-determination, etc. I just don’t have anything to compare these feelings with like stories from other people so it makes it hard to go “oh my feelings and thoughts are kind like this person’s and this person’s and this person’s thoughts and they all labelled them this way so maybe this is also a good label for mine”. Also complex feelings and thoughts are complex and thus difficult and would likely be a challenge for anyone who didn’t have a frame of reference to go by.  - This post has just been about exploring my feelings and thoughts about whether I want to get the surgery reversed and have breasts again and hasn’t (but maybe should have) touched on all the fears that would come with deciding to actually have the reversal done because FUCK that comes with plenty of fear which I did note as a reason I didn’t cancel my top surgery in the first place.
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WPATH Removed Age Guidelines To Protect DOCTORS From Lawsuits
By: Colin Wright
Earlier this year, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) updated their Standards of Care to the 8th edition, which caused considerable backlash when people discovered that it had lowered the minimum age recommendations across the board for puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries. The new section read:
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For cross-sex hormones, this represents a lowering of the minimum age from 16 to 14. The minimum age for double mastectomies has been lowered to 15, and for male minors seeking breast augmentation, WPATH now recommended 16 years old as the lower age limit, which is also the new age suggestion for facial surgeries and tracheal shaves. Genital surgeries, such as hysterectomy and vaginoplasty, has been lowered to 17—a year earlier than previous guidance.
This came as a shock to many who already viewed “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors as beyond inappropriate, especially given the pseudoscience being used to support the interventions.
However, last week, WPATH issued a “correction” to their recently-updated guidelines that completely eliminated minimum age recommendations from their guidelines, empowering individual practitioners to do as they please. Last week also coincided with WPATH’s annual conference, where Amy Tishelman, who was the lead author of the “Child” chapter of the new guidelines, revealed that these minimum age suggestions were eliminated so that practitioners could not “be sued because they weren’t following exactly what we said.” Tishelman also said that the goal was to maximize the likelihood of insurance covering the procedures while minimizing the likelihood of malpractice lawsuits.
This is an astonishing revelation, as it completely inverts the “do no harm” principle involved in the doctor-patient relationship. Instead of “do no harm” referring to minimizing the harm done by doctors to their patients, it now appears that harm is being reduced for doctors and surgeons while being elevated for their patients. Patients who are harmed by “gender affirming” treatments and surgeries will now find it even more difficult than it already is to seek damages.
With this change, WPATH’s “guidelines” are no longer guidelines—they’re a free-for-all. What is the point of a professional organization tasked with drafting guidance that refuses to give it?
It's almost like they fully expect there to be as massive an uptick in lawsuits as there has been an uptick in clinic referrals.
This isn't medicine, it's a cult.
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wadkin · 1 year
Get rid of your man boobs quickly, naturally and permanently
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A. Definition of man boobs
Man boobs, also known as gynecomastia, is a condition where the breast tissue in men swells and becomes enlarged. It can affect one or both breasts, and can cause significant emotional distress and self-consciousness in men. Man boobs can occur in men of all ages, but it is more common in older men and those who are overweight.
B. Causes of man boobs
There are several reasons why men may develop man boobs. One of the main causes is hormonal imbalances, where the levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body are not in balance. Other factors that can contribute to man boobs include obesity, certain medications, medical conditions such as liver disease, and the use of anabolic steroids.
C. Overview of Gynetrex supplement
Gynetrex is a natural supplement that is specifically designed to help men reduce the size of their man boobs. It is made from a blend of natural ingredients that work together to balance hormones, boost metabolism, and reduce inflammation in the body. Gynetrex is an over-the-counter supplement that is available without a prescription.
II. Understanding Gynetrex
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A. What is Gynetrex?
Gynetrex is a supplement that is made from a blend of natural ingredients, including green tea extract, turmeric, and chromium. It is designed to help men reduce the size of their man boobs by regulating hormone levels in the body, boosting metabolism, and reducing inflammation. Gynetrex is a safe and effective alternative to surgery or prescription medications.
B. How does it work?
Gynetrex works by targeting the root cause of gynecomastia, which is the overproduction of estrogen or hormonal imbalances. The supplement contains a blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to help reduce estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels in men.
One key ingredient in Gynetrex is DIM (diindolylmethane), which is found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. DIM helps to convert excess estrogen into a weaker form that is easier for the body to eliminate. This helps to restore hormonal balance and reduce the growth of breast tissue.
Another important ingredient in Gynetrex is Tribulus Terrestris, a plant extract that has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality and libido. It is also known to stimulate testosterone production, which can help to counteract the effects of estrogen on the body.
Other ingredients in Gynetrex include Zinc, which is essential for testosterone production, and Vitamin D, which has been shown to help reduce estrogen levels in men.
Overall, Gynetrex works by regulating hormones and reducing the amount of estrogen in the body, which helps to shrink breast tissue and prevent the development of man boobs. It also helps to increase testosterone levels, which can help to build lean muscle mass and reduce body fat.
How Gynetrex Helps in Getting Rid of Man Boobs
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A. Reduction of Estrogen Levels
DIM (diindolylmethane) - helps to convert excess estrogen into a weaker form that is easier for the body to eliminate.
Zinc - essential for testosterone production and can help regulate estrogen levels.
Vitamin D - has been shown to help reduce estrogen levels in men.
B. Boost in Testosterone Levels
Tribulus Terrestris - a plant extract that has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality and libido, and is known to stimulate testosterone production.
Zinc - essential for testosterone production and can help increase levels.
Vitamin D - has been shown to help increase testosterone levels in men.
C. Increase in Metabolic Rate
Green Tea Extract - contains catechins and caffeine that can help to increase metabolic rate and promote fat loss.
Chromium Picolinate - can help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for sugary foods, which can aid in weight loss and promote a leaner physique.
Explanation of each ingredient:
DIM (diindolylmethane) - DIM is a natural compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. It works by helping to convert excess estrogen into a weaker form that is easier for the body to eliminate. This helps to restore hormonal balance and reduce the growth of breast tissue.
Zinc - Zinc is an essential mineral that is important for many bodily functions, including testosterone production. It is also known to regulate estrogen levels in the body, which can help reduce the risk of developing gynecomastia.
Vitamin D - Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for bone health and immune function. It has also been shown to help reduce estrogen levels in men, which can help to balance hormones and prevent the development of man boobs.
Tribulus Terrestris - Tribulus Terrestris is a plant extract that has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality and libido. It is also known to stimulate testosterone production, which can help to counteract the effects of estrogen on the body.
Green Tea Extract - Green Tea Extract contains catechins and caffeine that can help to increase metabolic rate and promote fat loss. It is also a potent antioxidant that can help to reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Chromium Picolinate - Chromium Picolinate is a mineral that can help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for sugary foods, which can aid in weight loss and promote a leaner physique. It is also known to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help to reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders like diabetes.
Overall, Gynetrex works by addressing the root cause of gynecomastia, which is hormonal imbalances. By reducing estrogen levels and boosting testosterone levels, it helps to restore hormonal balance and promote the development of lean muscle mass. Additionally, the supplement's ingredients can help to increase metabolic rate and reduce cravings for sugary foods, which can aid in weight loss and promote a leaner physique.
IV. Other Ways to Get Rid of Man Boobs
While Gynetrex can be a helpful tool in reducing man boobs, there are other ways to address this issue. Here are some additional strategies that can be effective:
A. Exercise
Exercise is an important part of any weight loss or body shaping plan. When it comes to getting rid of man boobs, there are two types of exercises that can be particularly helpful: cardiovascular and strength training.
Cardiovascular exercises
Cardiovascular exercises, also known as cardio, are those that get your heart rate up and your blood pumping. These exercises can help you burn calories and lose fat, which can help reduce the appearance of man boobs. Some examples of cardiovascular exercises include running, cycling, swimming, and rowing.
Strength training exercises
Strength training exercises can help you build muscle, which can also help reduce the appearance of man boobs. By building muscle in the chest and upper body, you can create a more defined and toned look. Some examples of strength training exercises that can be effective for reducing man boobs include push-ups, chest presses, and dumbbell flys.
3. Diet
Diet is another important factor in reducing man boobs. By making some changes to your diet, you can reduce overall body fat, which can help reduce the appearance of man boobs. Here are some dietary strategies to consider:
Foods to avoid
Processed foods: Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. They can contribute to weight gain and overall poor health.
Sugary drinks: Sugary drinks like soda, juice, and energy drinks are high in calories and can contribute to weight gain.
Alcohol: Alcohol can increase estrogen levels in men, which can contribute to the development of man boobs.
Foods to include
Protein: Protein is important for building and repairing muscle. Good sources of protein include chicken, fish, eggs, and beans.
Vegetables: Vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. They can help you feel full and satisfied while providing important vitamins and minerals.
Healthy fats: Healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados can help keep you feeling full and satisfied while providing important nutrients.
C. Lifestyle Changes
In addition to exercise and diet, there are some lifestyle changes that can help reduce the appearance of man boobs. Here are a few to consider:
Limiting alcohol intake
As mentioned earlier, alcohol can contribute to the development of man boobs by increasing estrogen levels in men. By limiting your alcohol intake, you can help reduce your risk.
Getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and can also help with weight loss. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to help keep your body functioning at its best.
Managing stress
Stress can contribute to weight gain and poor health. By managing your stress levels through techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise, you can help reduce your risk of developing man boobs.
C. Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle changes can also help reduce chest fat. Limiting alcohol intake and reducing stress through practices such as meditation or yoga can help lower cortisol levels, which can contribute to fat accumulation.
V. Combining Gynetrex with Other Strategies to Get Rid of Man Boobs
A. Why combine Gynetrex with other strategies?
Combining Gynetrex with exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes can help enhance its effectiveness in getting rid of man boobs. While Gynetrex can help lower estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels, lifestyle changes and exercise can help reduce overall body fat and build chest muscles.
B. Examples of how to combine Gynetrex with exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes
One example of how to combine Gynetrex with other strategies is to take Gynetrex before a strength training workout, followed by a protein-rich meal. This can help boost testosterone levels and provide the necessary nutrients for muscle growth. Additionally, incorporating cardiovascular exercises and reducing stress can further enhance the effectiveness of Gynetrex.
VI. The Safety of Gynetrex
A. Are there any side effects of Gynetrex?
Gynetrex is generally considered safe when taken as directed. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as stomach upset or headaches. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new supplement.
B. Can anyone use Gynetrex?
Gynetrex is designed for adult men who are looking to reduce estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels. It is not recommended for women or individuals under 18 years of age.
C. How long should one use Gynetrex?
The length of time one should use Gynetrex can vary depending on individual needs and goals. It is important to follow the recommended dosage instructions and consult with a healthcare professional if using Gynetrex for an extended period of time.
VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of key points
Getting rid of man boobs can be achieved through a combination of exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements such as Gynetrex.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Just released new guidelines that suggest making it easier to trans children and two of the authors behind these guidelines wrote “Castration for Pleasure: Exploring Extreme Castration Ideations in Fiction”
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has released a finalized version of their updated Standards of Care guidelines (SOC8). Among the recommendations include reducing the age at which children can receive “puberty-blocking” drugs and cross-sex hormones to 9 years old. Age restrictions on surgical interventions have also been relaxed. 
In a change from previous protocols, no specific minimum age is recommended as a cut-off point. 
WPATH had previously issued specific guidance on age. Hormone treatments were recommended from 14 years old and up, cosmetic mastectomies at 15+, breast augmentation and “facial feminization surgeries” at 16+, and 17+ for surgeries of the reproductive system, like hysterectomies. They had also recommended an age of 18+ for phalloplasties, the surgical creation of a non-functioning penis. 
But on September 15th, WPATH abruptly issued a correction removing those specific age guidelines, despite growing criticism and concern over the medicalization of gender non-conforming children.
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The new criteria are raising concerns on subjectivity, as they appear to open the door for clinicians to halt a child’s puberty, place them on cross-sex hormones, or offer surgeries dependent once they have reached the period of development referred to as Tanner Stage 2, which occurs between 9-11 years of age.
In a section of the SOC8 guidelines titled “Summary Criteria for Adolescents,” WPATH states that “puberty-blocking agents” may be given to children who have begun Tanner Stage 2, which is reiterated under recommendations for “hormonal treatments.” With regards to surgeries, WPATH suggests a minimum of 12 months of “hormone therapy” before an individual can obtain “gender-affirming procedures, including breast augmentation, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, hysterectomy, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and facial surgery.”
The decision to limit child medical “transition” to Tanner Stage 2 seems to have been at the behest of current WPATH president, Marci Bowers. Earlier this year, Bowers, who is a trans-identified male, stated in a panel discussion for Duke University that children whose puberty has been halted prior to Tanner Stage 2 will never have adult sexual function or experience orgasm.
“An observation that I had,” said Bowers, “every single child who was, or adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2,” which is the beginning of physical development, when hormones begin their work of advancing a child to adulthood, “has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it’s really about zero.”
According to the September 15 correction, the following statement was removed from the medical guidelines: “Importantly, for each gender-affirming intervention being considered, youth must communicate consent/assent and be able to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of potential benefits and risks specific to the intervention.”
On the day of the document’s release, James Esses, a barrister and co-founder of Thoughtful Therapists, labelled the SOC8 guidelines as “one of the most shocking indictments of ideology infecting medicine that I have ever come across.”
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Esses came to widespread notoriety in 2021 after being expelled from a Master’s program he had been working through with the intention of becoming a therapist. The expulsion came shortly after Esses launched a petition to the British government requesting evidence-based therapy for youth presenting with gender dysphoria be protected from criminalization under “conversion therapy” bans.
“Safeguarding of children is no more. Age limits for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery are removed, as long as a child has reached ‘Tanner Stage 2’ (which can be as young as 9). There’s no requirement for a child to have taken hormones prior to surgery ‘if not desired,'” wrote Esses on Twitter.
Speaking with Reduxx, Esses expressed horror and shock at the new SOC8 measures.
“The fact that an 8 or 9 year old could potentially be prescribed puberty blockers is terrifying. The fact that a 12 year old could have a double mastectomy is beyond horrific,” Esses said. 
“The SOC also alienates parents by disregarding their concerns about medicalizing their children should their involvement be deemed ‘unnecessary’. The promotion of the dangerous practices of ‘chest binding’ and ‘genital tucking’ are a further cause for concern,” Esses added. 
“Mental health has also been kicked to the curb with a strict statement that therapy should never be a pre-requisite for medication or surgery. Finally, the SOC promotes irreversible and experimental medication and surgery, regardless of the fact that there are ‘few outcome studies that follow youth into adulthood’  and ‘no clinical studies that have reported on profiles of adolescences who regret their initial decision.'”
Esses also explained that WPATH appears to be using euphemistic language to “obfuscate” the serious nature of these medical interventions. “The guidelines are filled with ideological language. Irreversible medication and surgery is ‘gender-affirming health care.’ Terms like ‘cisgender’ and the factually inaccurate ‘sex assigned at birth’ are used.”
Largely ignored is the fact the new criteria reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found have been working intimately with WPATH in a Reduxx investigation published earlier this year. The site also hosts child sexual abuse fantasies that involved halting children’s development for pedophilic interests. 
For decades, the group has lobbied the American Psychiatric Association for changes to diagnostic terminology. Surveys conducted within the forum on castration fetishism have been published by WPATH in an academic journal and presented at official conferences.
The SOC8 guidelines were created in partnership with academics who have been leading figures in the castration fetish forum for over twenty years. In particular, members of the forum contributed views towards a new section in the guidelines on the concept of eunuchs as a gender identity.
The Eunuch Archive, the forum which is directly named as a resource in WPATH’s newly-released SOC8, is home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature.
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As previously reported by Reduxx, many of these stories feature a theme of the rape, castration, torture, and killing of children.
“Like other gender diverse individuals, eunuch individuals may be aware of their identity in childhood or adolescence,” states the final version of the SOC8. “Due to the lack of research into the treatment of children who may identify as eunuchs, we refrain from making specific suggestions.”
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In some of the stories, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual. Other themes include Nazi doctors experimenting on children by castrating and sexually abusing them. There are also erotic stories which describe young boys being given “feminizing” hormones, only to be sex trafficked during adolescence.
In May, Reduxx learned that three of the forum’s top members were academics who had been collaborating with WPATH on the most recent SOC8 guidelines. One of the site’s top administrators is Dr. Thomas W. Johnson, a Professor Emeritus at California State University in Chico. Johnson has been a leading member of the Eunuch Archive since 2001. 
Johnson uses the moniker “Jesus” on the forum, where he regularly posts content including videos of genital surgeries which participants use as masturbation material. 
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Johnson has also published research based on surveys he has personally conducted with other members of the Archive. His long-term academic interests have included advocating for the expansion of the “transgender umbrella” to include men with sadomasochistic and even pedophilic castration fantasies. Johnson is credited as a committee member who helped shaped the new SOC8 on the WPATH website. 
In addition to Johnson, Reduxx revealed two additional top forum members as academics similarly involved with WPATH — Dr. Richard Wassersug, a Canadian professor who has taught at Dalhousie, and Krister H. Willette. 
On May 13, research by Johnson and Wassersug titled “Castration for Pleasure: Exploring Extreme Castration Ideations in Fiction” was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.
“The most popular [Eunuch Archive] stories link sexual gratification and romantic partnership with genital abuse. They are characterized by the absence of consent for genital ablations and multiple [sadomasochism]-related paraphilias,” note Johnson and Wassersug. “Many stories feature attraction to, and ablation of, the genitals of pubescent or adolescent males.”
Commenting on WPATH’s apparent collaboration with members of the archive, James Esses told Reduxx that it was “extremely concerning” that ‘eunuch’ was being introduced as a gender identity. 
“Promoting the ‘castration’ of boys, particularly given many seek castration as a form of sexual fetish, and trying to bring it within the concept of gender identity in order to push irreversible surgery is abhorrent. The strong links with the Eunuch Archive, and the fact that the sole research regarding this topic appears to have come from this forum, is also of deep concern,” Esses said.
The class of drugs euphemistically referred to “puberty blockers” are the same medications given to chemically castrate recidivist sex offenders, and sex abusers of children in particular. This has caused some medical professionals to directly state that the use of these drugs in children is the “chemical castration” of minors.
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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lamidas01 · 1 year
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Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Gurgaon
Gynecomastia, also known as enlarged breasts in male. It is a common condition that can be caused by a various factors. Usually, it is caused due to increased testosterone levels in male chest, but it can also be caused by other factors such as obesity or lack of exercise and increased body fat or increased estrogen level. If gynecomastia is caused by certain drugs, steroids or medications, discontinuing their use may reduce symptoms. That's why it is very important to have better treatment at the right time.
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loominggaia · 1 year
How do rashova wear bras cause u know the four boobs and what if a girl rashova has really big boobs that's like double back pain
Good question! Roshava wear special bras that are made just for their species. Here's a crappy doodle of one:
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The straps for the bottom part of the bra are tucked under the roshava's top set of armpits.
Both female and male roshava are naturally quite muscular and have a low body fat percentage, so most females don't tend to have very large breasts. But everyone is different, and in rare cases a female roshava might grow breasts that are too heavy for her back to handle. In these cases, surgery or magic are possible solutions. If she can't afford such extreme measures, then there are also potions and medicines that can help reduce the size more gradually.
Lore Masterpost
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