#male!anna frozen
leander-simp · 6 months
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This is my male version of Anna from Frozen: Angelinian Agnardottir.
In my au, only Anna is gender-bent, except that the male version is actually just transgender. Everything is the same, except for the pronouns, title, and whatnot, except when Anna/Angelinian turns into ice.
Instead Angelinian just turning into ice whilst protecting Elsa, he actually embraces Hans as he turns into ice whilst whispering wedding vows to Hans. Once he finishes whispering the wedding vows, he promptly kisses Hans, causing Hans to turn into ice too as well- because the true love's kiss didn't work and it would make sense he turned into ice as well since Angelina is embracing him.
However when both are turned into ice, the blizzard/snow in Arendelle disappears but they both are still frozen. Elsa tried to unfreeze them but to no avail so as to protect the frozen pair, Elsa moved them to a cold and freezing room, where they wouldn't be melted like actual ice statues.
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vampire2468 · 2 years
And a quick update that I’m also in the midst of working on a Male Elsa x chubby reader fanfic as well! So stay tuned🥰🥰🥰
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candycandy00 · 4 months
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 9
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! I’m posting the first chapter just to check for interest. Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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Work at Terrian's house the next day was awkward and slow. Anna was obviously still upset over Nariah, and Terrian flitted around nervously, making pathetic and desperate attempts to get Anna to talk to him.
"Look, girls! I'm breaking out the steak reserves for lunch today!" he called at one point, holding up two large slabs of frozen meat.
Steak was Anna's favorite. She had looked up then, apparently tempted to say something, but she held her tongue and continued dusting.
You waited until Terrian stepped out of the room, then turned to Anna. "How long are you going to keep this up? He already apologized."
Anna looked down. "I know. I'm not really angry at him anymore. I just don't know what to say to him. Yesterday I admitted for the first time that I'm in love with him. Now I feel insecure around him."
"Well you're not making any progress like this. Just act like you did before. He's worried sick right now."
"Are you making progress with Vartan?" Anna asked suddenly.
You were caught off guard by the question. You stumbled over your words for a moment before nearly choking out a quiet, "Sort of."
Anna grinned. "Oh really? Are you sleeping with him already?"
"Of course not! I made him a bologna sandwich, okay?"
"Whatever you say," Anna laughed, nudging you with her elbow.
Terrian's doorbell rang loudly through the hall. You laid down your dusting rag and stood up, straightening the too-short skirt of your maid uniform and making your way to the door. You sighed as you pulled it open. "Yes, can I help-“
You were immediately silenced when you realized the person standing on Terrian's doorstep was a male half-breed with silver chin-length hair that framed his pale face. His narrow eyes were ice-blue and a strange shade of violet that you had never seen before, not even on a half-breed.
"A doctor lives here, correct?" His voice was lighter than Vartan's.
You weren’t sure how to answer. What if Terrian had gotten into trouble somehow? Perhaps confirming his location wasn't a good idea. "Um... I..."
The half-breed leaned in close. "This is important. Tell the doctor to come and examine my..." He stopped there, as if he had no idea how to finish the statement. He glanced back, and you noticed the thin young woman standing behind him. She was very clearly human, and her face, while pretty, was darkened by visible sadness.
"Is she sick?" you asked.
The half-breed took the woman's hand and gently, too gently for a half-breed, pulled her closer to the door. "She needs medical attention, yes."
You stepped aside. "Come on in. I'll get the doctor." You led them through the hall and to the living room, shrugging at a very shocked Anna on the way. The couple sat down on the couch as you ran to fetch Terrian.
You and Anna followed Terrian back into the living room and stood on either side of him. The woman introduced herself as Sophie. 
"I'm pregnant," she said, quietly but bluntly.
You stifled a gasp. Terrian's face lit up. "You are? That's amazing! Pregnancies are so rare. You must be immune to the chemicals in the water."
Sophie did not share his enthusiasm. "I didn't believe it at first. I missed a couple of periods and then a friend gave me an old pregnancy test to try. After that, I still didn't believe. Then Keon gave me a Pagoda test, and it came back positive. He says there's no way it can be wrong."
You noticed that Sophie seemed so sad. Her voice sounded as if it was threatening to break at any moment.
"So, do you want me to monitor the pregnancy then?" Terrian asked.
"No," the half-breed spoke up, "we want you to terminate it."
The smile Terrian had been wearing dissolved. "What?"
"You are capable of terminating the pregnancy, are you not?" the half-breed asked.
Terrian looked directly at Sophie. "Is this what you want to do?"
The half-breed opened his mouth, but Sophie put a hand on his arm. "Please, Keon," she said weakly, "let me talk to him. I'll explain."
The half-breed, Keon, looked at her with a flash of anger in his eyes.
Sophie didn't move her hand. "Please," she repeated, and Keon stood up. He walked out of the living room and closed the door behind him. You had never seen a half-breed do as a human asked before. Well, not besides Vartan.
"Keon is the father, as you've probably guessed," Sophie began, her voice still shaky. "We met three years ago. He showed up at my door one day out of the blue, with a proposition.”
“A proposition?” Anna asked. 
Sophie nodded. “Apparently some half breeds make arrangements with specific humans. They offer protection from the other half breeds, and in exchange the humans satisfy their needs. It’s a mutual arrangement, or at least ours is. I don’t know what would have happened if I’d refused. But I agreed to the terms, and I’ve been able to walk through the city without fear. They call it ‘claiming’. I’ve been claimed by Keon, so no other half breed will touch me.”
Your heart was beating fast as the words sank into your brain. Half-breeds could choose specific humans? Other half-breeds would stay away? Was that what Vartan had done to you?
"It's not so bad," Sophie continued. "Keon has always been relatively gentle with me. But now..." Her voice trailed off as she looked down at her own stomach.
"So he doesn't want his pet to have a baby?" Anna asked with a tinge of venom in her voice.
Sophie chuckled bitterly. "He was so furious and disgusted that I thought he would kill me."
Anna's face was turning red, her hatred for the half-breeds boiling beneath her skin.
"But he didn't kill me," Sophie went on, "Instead he started frantically asking around for a human doctor. One of the other half-breeds apparently told him about a clinic they had shut down, and that they had heard the doctor survived. That's when he told me I have to have an abortion."
"But why?" you asked.
Sophie met your eyes, and you could almost see the agony and rage festering there, held back by her quiet sorrow. "The half-breeds are forbidden to breed, at all. If the Pagoda were to find out I'm pregnant, they would execute Keon and myself immediately. The baby would die anyway. If we somehow managed to hide the pregnancy until the child was born, the Pagoda would give it a gruesome death if they ever found it. We would have to live in constant fear. Keon said that we should end it now, before..." Her voice finally broke, and tears streamed down her face. "Before we... grow to care for the child," she finished.
Terrian stood up. "Alright, I understand. I can examine you in one of the guest rooms and make preparations."
Sophie nodded. "Thank you, doctor. Please just give me a moment."
"Of course," Terrian told her. "My nurses will help you when you're ready."
He left the room. You and Anna began to follow him out, eager to give the woman privacy while she regained her composure. "It's not fair, is it?" she asked, and you stopped to look back at her. Sophie’s eyes were red from crying and her hands were shaking. "It's a miracle, that I'm immune to the chemicals, that I can give birth. It's my miracle but... I have to kill it." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.
Keon, who had been waiting patiently in the hall, walked into the living room and sat down beside Sophie. He stared at her wordlessly, and you saw a faint hint of pain in his face. He looked as if he wanted to reach out to the trembling woman beside him, to comfort her, but his hands remained stiffly by his sides. You found it sad that he had been sleeping with the woman for three years, yet he had no idea how to hold her.
Terrian examined Sophie several minutes later, and afterward told her to come back in two days for the procedure to end the pregnancy. He had to gather up the tools and medicines needed to ensure her safety. The couple thanked him and left, leaving the rest of the day clear for you and Anna to finish your cleaning duties.
Two hours of mopping and dusting later, Anna disappeared. You searched the kitchen, hall, and three rooms before hearing voices coming from behind one of the bedroom doors on the second floor. You pressed your ear against the door and listened.
"I'm not angry with you," you heard Anna say. "It's not your fault that Terrian kept you a secret."
"But my presence bothers you," Nariah's lovely voice responded.
"Well, I'm still getting used to... your kind."
"Don't worry," Nariah said, "you're certainly not the first human to regard me with fear and unease." Anna said nothing in response, and after a brief pause, Nariah spoke again. "Did you know that half-breeds are not allowed to meet their human parents?"
Anna must have shaken her head, because Nariah went on. "Most often, the human parents are executed shortly after the birth of the half-breed. But sometimes, very rarely, the human is kept alive if the offspring is viewed as exceptional by the Pagoda, for further breeding. I do not understand what their standards are, or how they determine such things, but I was considered one of these 'exceptional offspring'. My human mother was kept alive for three years after she gave birth to me."
You could hear Anna's breath hitch as she gave a small gasp. "You met her, didn't you?"
"Yes," Nariah said softly, "I did. One of the other half-breeds told me where to find her, probably more out of malice than of kindness. I searched the Tower, my curiosity overpowering my sense of obedience to the Pagoda. We half-breeds were forbidden from visiting the breeding and containment rooms, you see. But I found her, huddled in a metal contraption that looked like a cage. She looked so much like me, I knew in an instant that she was indeed my mother."
There was another pause, then Anna finally asked, "What happened?"
"I approached the cage, my heart pounding, and looked her in the eyes. At that moment, I called her 'mother'. I don't know why. We were never taught to use such sentimental terms, and I had only heard the word on the lips of the humans in the city. Maybe it was some buried human instinct. Regardless, she had heard me, and she screamed in terror. She recoiled from me until her back hit the other side of the cage. I was... repulsive to her."
Tears formed in your eyes as you listened outside the door. Anna remained silent.
When Nariah continued, her beautiful voice was slightly darker. "My mother began shrieking, 'Get it away from me! Get that monster away!' and she wouldn't stop until a Pagoda, my father, appeared behind her with a blade in his hand. He reached in between the metal bars and slit her throat, silencing her. She died in the cage, still looking at me with horror in her eyes."
For several minutes, the room was quiet and you heard nothing. Then footsteps abruptly headed toward the door and it slid open. Anna walked out of the room, her face red and puffy. She had been crying. "Oh, hey," she said when she noticed the hall wasn't empty.
"Sorry, I listened in," you told her, wiping your own eyes.
"It's alright. How much did you hear?"
"The story about her mom. That was awful. How could someone be afraid of their own child? And Nariah was only three at the time, right? How could she be scary?"
"Oh, so you didn't hear about the age thing," Anna said.
"What age thing?"
Anna smiled, the redness in her face dissipating. "Nariah is only fourteen years old."
"No way!" you said, a little too loud. Nariah looked at least twenty.
"I'm serious. She said half-breeds age a lot quicker than humans until they reach maturity. Then the process slows down to a crawl. So when she was three, she might have looked ten."
"Whoa, that's crazy. I guess we were wrong about her relationship with Terrian then.”
Anna's smile grew broader. "Yeah, she didn't know how to describe it, because she doesn't have anything to compare it to, but I think he treats her like a sister from everything she told me."
You smiled too. "That's great, Anna!"
They finished the chores, both in a slightly better mood. Anna was on speaking terms with Terrian again, waving and saying goodbye as she left. He was so happy he nearly cried, and you laughed as you headed out the door.
When you reached the door of your apartment, you wondered whether Vartan would still be there. You kept reminding yourself that he could leave at any moment without warning. With more than a little apprehension, you stepped inside.
Clearly visible from the door, Vartan was lying across the couch, fast asleep. You took a blanket from a nearby chair and spread it over his body. You turned out the lamp on the table next to him and leaned down.
"Goodnight," you whispered, then smiled as you walked to your own room and went to bed.
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
So first things first if you don’t wanna do this feel free to ignore but could I be so bold as to request Male Dragonborn Reader X Else? Like a DND X Frozen Crossover Relationship headcanons kind of thing. Please and Thank you and have a nice day 🙏
Being a Dragonborn and Dating the Ice Queen
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You look more human than most Dragonborn. Your draconic form only emerges when you’re angry.
You were a guardian of the magic forest when Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Kristoff answered.
Elsa was curious about you from the start. Your fire matches her ice. You bring each other into perfect harmony.
Elsa loves caressing your face and chest, whether it’s human or dragon.
She cools the fire in you and you help her become more confident in herself.
You’d defend her to your dying breath if you could.
Elsa loves laying on your chest when you’re in your dragon form. She loves the little purr that comes out of you when you cuddle.
You wrap your arms and wings around her completely. If dragons have treasures, she’s your most valuable one.
Anna is totally supportive of the relationship! She sees it as two unique souls that were just meant for each other.
You couldn’t agree more.
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physalian · 13 days
Character Types: Femme Fatales & Comic Relief
These two have nothing in common except the one thing I hate about them: By design, they exist to fulfil one shallow purpose, so I’m lumping them together.
Comic Relief
Characters that only serve one purpose in the cast stick out like a sore thumb. “Comic Relief” characters exist solely to be funny, as if the rest of the main cast is incapable of humor, and that this character is incapable of any serious moments. Instead of distributing different flavors of humor—sass, dry wit, jokers, pranksters, dark humor, dad jokes and puns—the writer comes up with their grumpy group of heroes, then I guess thinks “oh I need somebody funny to cut some of this seriousness”?
But on top of that, as this character exists just to be funny, there’s usually comparatively less development and rich character nuance for the comic relief over the other heroes. They get whatever crumbs are left over after every other more important character has eaten.
If they do have some tragic backstory or any serious moments, they are still the one desperately trying to cut the tension and either annoying other characters and the audience in the process, or being quite tone deaf in their endeavors.
The one everybody hates: Jar Jar Binks
The one some people hate: Olaf
The one that subverted himself right quick: Sokka
Prequel apologists, step aside. The writing is still terrible and Jar Jar even in Clone Wars features in episodes (“Bombad Jedi”) I routinely skip on rewatches. Maybe he’s funnier for little kids? I haven’t seen every piece of SW media out there but I can’t recall a single moment where Jar Jar has any moment of depth or seriousness and he’s frequently the most inconvenient element of any mission he winds up on.
Honorable mention for C-3PO, far less irritating but still largely a bumbling idiot (I love him, to be clear, he’s just always in the wrong place at the wrong time). The droid factory shenanigans on Geonosis comes to mind, as well as when he was so useless, he was riding around in a sack on Chewie’s back because he got disassembled in ESB.
Jar Jar is funny, but he’s only funny, and most often incompetently funny.
Olaf’s dark humor is what saves him for me personally. “I’ve been impaled” still makes me chuckle no matter how many times I see Frozen. Not only that, but he does have the big heart moment of the movie with Anna. He has zero tragic backstory, he was basically born yesterday, but he’s not a one-dimensional cardboard cutout.
Another honorable mention to, like, 8 out of 13 Dwarves, specifically Bombur, in the Hobbit trilogy. A combined 9 hours of movie and they chose to fill it with Mirkwood River Rapids™ instead of making up development for the heroes.
Sokka, on the other hand, looks like he’s going to be the sarcastic comedic relief, but he becomes so much more and wastes no time doing it. Compare him to the version of him written by the Ember Island Players. He’s been essayed about to death and there’s nothing more I can say about him that hasn’t been said before so I’ll leave it here: Sokka (and Toph) is comedic relief done right.
The whole cast is funny when they want to be, serious when they have to be. No one character gets designated “the funny one” or “the hopeful crying one” or “the buff one” no matter what Fire Nation propaganda wants you to think.
Final honorable mention to Leo Valdez. He has a ton of depth and nuance to him, but is very much "the funny one" of the Seven. Comparing Percy's trip to Ogygia with Leo's and one was a rather sullen "you could have this peaceful escape if you left your destiny behind, but you won't, noble hero" and the other was a bizzare romcom that, to me, wasn't funny, and just created a whole new set of issues surrounding Calypso's character.
Femme Fatales
Femme Fatales exist to look pretty, kick ass, pretend to be strong female characters, and be something for the male characters and male viewers to guiltlessly lust after because she’s asking for it. This is not a badass woman protagonist. The classic depiction of this trope is the shallow accessory to a male character, a seductress meant to either manipulate the hero into straying off his moral high ground, or to pit him against another man.
Black Widow.
In Iron Man 2, you can argue that she’s supposed to be shallow. She plays it very close to the chest as a spy and has no reason to let any other characters, especially Tony, behind her mask. It’s not her movie.
In this movie specifically, though, she is this trope exactly. The bodysuit, the perfect hair, the whole changing in the back of the car, her provocative fighting style. She is eye candy that can kick ass, the only thing missing is an attempt at seducing Tony but you'll still catch him looking. That’s the femme fatale.
Extremely popular in 80s and 90s action movies as an accessory to the male protagonist but they've existed as long as film has. If he doesn’t have a damsel in distress to save, he has a sexy leg lamp to woo.
But Black Widow shows up in another decade’s worth of movies and dies to motivate the boys (and because her life matters less than Clint’s because he’s got a family while she can’t have kids), only getting a solo film after they killed her off, but in that time, they gave her plenty to do.
Natasha has many moments with depth, most of them in Age of Ultron and Winter Soldier, but she does have them. She laughs, she cries, she jokes, she’s smart and resourceful in moments where she doesn’t have a male character to impress, she has strengths beyond her physical attributes, and she has flaws. And, she and Steve Rogers miraculously weren’t written a romantic subplot in Winter Soldier.
On the one hand, Natasha knows exactly what she is and her fighting style fully leans into using the weapons she has as a woman… but on the other hand, in creating her character, the writers chose to lean into sexing her up.
I love her character, I just don’t love what they did with her.
Both of these character tropes tend to feature in scripts that aren’t the best to begin with. A strong, nuanced cast of heroes doesn’t usually have that one outlier that completely drops the ball.
All I’m asking for is to not designate any one character as the bearer of whatever you forget to give the rest of the cast. “Oops I forgot the funny, let me add in a comic relief, here’s Bob,” is a disservice to Bob. “Oops I forgot the women, let me add in this femme fatale, here’s Nyxandra,” is a disservice to Nyxandra.
Let every character have some funny moments.
You want a femme fatale? Go right ahead, honestly, but maybe don’t make her the only lady in the cast? If she’s a femme fatale because she wants to be, that’s great, but maybe have a woman who proves that you do, in fact, know how to write women?
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synergysilhouette · 3 months
Another 10 Disney hot takes/probably unpopular opinions
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Not a fan of Meg and Hercules as a couple. I ADORE them having an innocent male lead and a jaded female love interest, but Meg's situation with Hades makes it feel very toxic. The movie is kinda confusing on whether or not she can refuse Hades; one minute he uses incentive to get her to do what she wants (which is bad enough; her freedom for Hercules' death), and then when she tells him the deal's off, he reminds her that she has no say in the matter. Following this, she rejects his deal and he forces her into being exposed so Hercules will make a deal. She does sacrifice herself for him in the end, but it still feels very iffy for me, particularly since the backbone of her resisting him isn't even "I can't let this guy get killed" but instead "I don't wanna fall in love after getting my heart broken and having sold my soul" (which is EXTREMELY valid, but so is the other point). Had Meg been a normal human and made a deal with Hades to save Hercules or help him earlier on during his training, it'd be so much better.
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2. Disney needs needs to stop making sequels just because of financial success and actually work to craft a narrative that requires a sequel or two. It's risky (considering the first film could have negative critical or commercial success, as well as take time and resources away from other films at the studio), but would have a better payoff, imo. I enjoyed "Frozen 2" despite it's flaws, but the fact that it felt independent of the first film did make it feel like we could've used an entirely different cast and made the same story.
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3. I need more musicals with a male lead--The last one we had was "Tarzan"--or "Hercules," depending on your criteria. The revival era has had female leads for all their musicals, with a male playing as a co-lead or a deuteragonist. I know the girls are MUCH more valuable at Disney due to the Disney princess line and musicals with a male lead may be harder to market (well, not really; "Aladdin" and "The Lion King" were the highest-grossing animated films at one point, and their remakes grossed over $1 billion).
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4. "Moana" needed a bigger (main) roster--Something I love is a nice-sized amount of main characters in a movie. "Moana" only had Moana and Maui for most of the movie, and thus it wasn't as enjoyable for me in that respect. "Moana 2" is introducing new characters, so I hope they can hold my interest.
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5. Involve the Anderson-Lopez team in more musicals outside of the "Frozen" franchise--they almost got to do this with "Gigantic," but it fell through. Their music has been great, so I really hope to see them in more musicals for Disney outside of Disney's "Frozen."
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6. NEVER return to hybrid animation for a feature film--It's too disorienting for me personally, and while the animation for "Wish" wasn't bad, it definitely didn't have the storybook vibe it was going for except with backgrounds. It would look fine if it was a video game, though.
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7. "Gigantic" should've been Disney's anniversary film instead of "Wish"-- I already did a post on this, so I'll just leave it at that.
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8. Raya is one of the best Disney leads in a while--Granted, her movie could've been much better and I wish the color of her clothes reflected her culture instead of going for neutral colors, but Raya is the blueprint for a great protagonist. It's been mentioned before how she's a feminist icon without having to really show it in ways others have in films, by being a confident warrior with no discussion of marriage or gender inequality brought up in the film. She's also deliciously sassy and quick on her feet. I may have preferred her OG concept of being stoic, but her swagger makes her one of the more engaging Disney leads, particularly as the adorkable trait started to show up. Speaking of...
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9. Ariel and Mulan are the best adorkable leads for a Disney protagonist--While I don't have much issue with Anna and Mirabel and don't really find Rapunzel or Moana that adorkable, Ariel and Mulan were the blueprints for a funny female lead, and they felt less forced than later leads.
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10. Aladdin is one of the worst Disney princes--DON'T KILL ME! He used to be my favorite Disney prince, until I watched a "therapists react" video to Disney couples and they brought up the fact that Aladdin had lied to Jasmine several times over the course of the movie. Him being insecure is a great character trait (a common one with Disney leads since the 90s, really), but it's poor writing to make his romance with Jasmine be based on a lie. I'd rather he just kept tight-lipped about his identity when Jasmine caught him the first time rather than covering up with another lie.
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goodomensafterdark · 9 months
Writers Guild Cock Fight: The imaginary prisoner
Written by Aidaran-ao3 find them on Reddit and AO3
CW/TW: semi-public sex (during frozen time), handcuffs, consensual, bratty Aziraphale, Aziraphale has a vulva and male pronouns
Read it here:
Aziraphale may be the one chained to the wall, but Crowley is not the one in charge.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to tell me what you want from me, dear boy.”
“Oh, I think it’s quite clear, angel.” Crowley gritted his teeth.
“Oh no, this innocent damsel in distress has no idea what you may want from her.”
“I can’t keep time frozen eternally, you know.”
“And my knees can’t stand this eternally either.” Aziraphale sighed, shaking his head with a sorrowful expression.
A big thank you to my lovely betas:
FuzzyGoblinoid for teaching me how the angel should be sitting, Kotias, for betaing and suggesting an AMAZING name for the fic (sorry I changed it to English, I was worried about people thinking I actually know French!), Ro_Fell, Azeutrecia, Violet and Anna Bird.
Now that the third piece of my series is posted, I'm open to suggestions of where they should meet next. I want it to be a series, spanning from Ancient Rome (where the first fic takes place), to modern times, so it'd be a fun challenge if someone has a setting they'd like to see them in!
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Love can see beyond
Frozen canon-divergence post F2 / Moana (2016) crossover fanfiction Pairing: Kristanna Rated M for angst/hurt/comfort (see tags on AO3)
Thanks to my two absolute amazing beta-readers, @hiptoff and @reconciledviolence729!
The fanfic-novel continues… Kristoff and Anna are bound to set for new adventures, one of them taking them to the Southern Isles. Together they can face the uncertainty of the invitation they have agreed to accept…
Chapter 9/42
They were silently sorting and tending to the reins and saddle pads when two male voices caught their attention and Anna startled, dropping her pad and grabbing Kristoff's wrist.
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greatqueenanna · 9 months
I was scrolling through your posts and read your response to an anon's question regarding Male Elsa (or Elias lol) and you mentioned if they meant villain Elsa. My question is, what would the movie be like if Elsa was a villain but redeemable and sympathetic as originally planned, in your opinion?
It depends on which Elsa we're talking about. Because there are two evil, but sympathetic pre-Elsa's.
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The one on the left (we'll call her Crown!Elsa) is the Elsa that is not related to Anna, with the backstory of being left at the altar and becoming the self-proclaimed Snow Queen after freezing her own heart. The one on the right (Onion!Elsa) is the Elsa that is Anna's sister and was forced to hide her magic, becoming jealous of Anna finding love and freezes her heart so she'll know her pain.
Both of them end up trying to attack Arendelle with a Snow Man army, only to be foiled by Hans who causes an avalanche to destroy them and Arendelle. Anna helps both realize their mistakes, and convinces them to help save Arendelle, becoming redeemed.
You can find more info on them and other versions of Pre-Frozen in my What Came Before Analysis (Shameless self-plug in lol).
In terms of Crown!Elsa, I don't think her story would be as emotional to be honest. Interesting, sure, but Anna and Elsa being sisters is like the breakthrough that made this story work in the first place. A random lady that Anna has to appeal to to get her to be good doesn't hold the same weight, unless if Anna knew her on a personal level (friend of her mom, aunt, care taker, mentor, etc).
Now, Onion!Elsa always sounded really interesting to me. Don't get me wrong, I would choose the Elsa we have now any day, but I have to admit that Onion!Elsa always sounded like a really fun character. If we go by her original characterization, she seemed very childish in a way and very overly dramatic.
Like, look at this old art by Claire Keane.
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She just seems so full of character and emotion - she seems like she is both goofy and full of heartache that you can't help but feel for her. Also, she apparently raps. I kid you not. If you read @Stitchkingdom's post here, you can actually take a look at Onion!Elsa and Anna's song that predated FTFTIF Reprise, Cool With Me.
So if we take Onion!Elsa, and put her right into the current Frozen and Frozen 2, things would be very different.
First off, Onion!Elsa would probably be much crueler towards Anna wanting to marry Hans - straight up calling her stupid. I'm pretty sure Onion!Elsa would cause the winter on purpose as well. I'm also pretty sure she would hit Anna on purpose (but regret it afterwards), and have no issues killing off the Duke's Henchmen. She would probably clap back at Hans' "Don't be the monster they fear you are!" with something like "How about you tell them to stop trying to murder me?!" She would probably be less kind to Hans and the Duke's treachery, and probably at the very least freeze their asses before sending them away.
In Frozen 2, she would probably be much more distant in Arendelle and could maybe feel a stronger pull towards the voice. I imagine Onion!Elsa would also be much more strict with Anna following her everywhere, and have no problems pushing her away earlier on (for example, maybe she straight up leaves Anna behind at the Northuldra Camp after the Earth Giants come along to chase them). Also, Onion!Elsa would most likely let Arendelle fall to be rebuilt, because she would be much more offended by her grandfather's treachery and feel it needs to be destroyed, even if the spirits felt otherwise.
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Walt Disney Animated Pictures (Pt. 2)
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All my writing for Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Moana, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Encanto and Mickey & Friends will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots with your favourite Disney characters
Dr. Facilier Voodoo (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Elsa Sixth Spirit (Female Reader)
Wasabi Halloween Movie Night (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Bruno Madrigal From Afar (Gender Neutral Reader) I Don't Deserve Bruno (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Headcanons Headcanons that relate to Disney characters
Encanto Dating Isabela Madrigal (Gender Neutral) Luisa x Reader Fluff (Gender Neutral) Frozen Being Princess Anna's Girlfriend Would Include (Female Reader) Dating Kristoff Would Include (Gender Neutral) Being Kristoff and Anna's Daughter (Female Reader) Being Anna and Elsa's Little Sister (Female Reader) Tangled Being in a Poly Relationship with Flynn and Rapunzel (Gender Neutral) Being Rapunzel’s Serious Body Guard (Gender Neutral) Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert with Sibling! Reader (Gender Neutral) Being Flynn Rider and Rapunzel’s Kid (Gender Neutral) Mickey Mouse & Friends Dating Mickey Mouse Would Include (Male Reader) Christmas with Minnie Mouse (Gender Neutral) Minnie Mouse and Aroace Reader (Gender Neutral) Princess and the Frog Being in a Poly Relationship with Tiana and Naveen (Gender Neutral) Dating Prince Naveen (Gender Neutral) Dating Dr. Facilier Would Include (Gender Neutral) The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington and Ghost Child Reader (Gender Neutral) More Jack Skellington and Ghost Child!Reader (Gender Neutral) Misc Princes/Villains Kissing Headcanons (Gender Neutral) Disney Characters Tucking You In (Gender Neutral) Disney Characters Cuddling (Gender Neutral) Spending Halloween with Disney Characters (Gender Neutral) Disney Princesses and their Ideal Partners Pt. 2 (Gender Neutral) Luigi, Flynn Rider, Nick Wilde & Naveen React to Bisexual! Reader (Gender Neutral)
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kunoimochi · 1 year
Can you list your ocs types? Both male and female if that doesn't bothering you
Ok this is long so please take your time reading it :3 a lil bit warning tho it have a um very unique content so
Oh and i skip the 5th grade male characters since i already answered this kind of question for them before, i also didn't add the oc's with ninjutsu gakuen since um i can't think one for them 😭
4th grade
- fukuko Oishi
Ofc we all know fukuko she probably want to end up with someone who have a pretty hair but other than that fukuko unconsciously always attracted to a man who treat her badly as she once before have a crush to her bully. But this is not always the case, someone who good at making her laugh or feel embarrassed will work to, for example Mikagu and yes she once have a crush on him not knowing that Hiiragi is in secret relationship with him since they're 1th grade. Knowing fukuko gonna end up with nadare really tell alot about her type actually as nadare is a mix of mikagu and fukuko old bully, nadare probably the first guy that fukuko confess to (and probably the first one that rejected her and accept her in the end)
- Hiiragi kure
Hiiragi type probably the same as fukuko except for the bully part since she's easy to kick people ass no one dare to bully her, she sometimes give a tsundere ish personality to someone who easily and love teasing her. She always have fantasy about end up with a prince or a cool samurai make her have a very high standards. Her end game is Mikagu and we all know mikagu doesn't have the characteristic features of a prince or a cool samurai obviously but he have the gentleman and overprotective personality towards Hiiragi make her feel safe so she's still love him anyway even though she think that Mikagu is very stupid.
5th grade
- ameko Isa
Ame really hate boys, have something to do with her backstory make very dislike someone her age. Because of her hatred towards boys she really gard to attracted to someone and not the type have that her teenage romance. She's probably someone who have a daddy issues, she always attracted to someone FAR older than her. Have history flirting with male teachers in yahiko gakuen, it's not like the teachers pay attention to her tho. Like someone who take care of her and doesn't show affection in public. But just because of her daddy issues doesn't mean she can't end up with someone her age, she need a partner that can show her proper care and very mature is already good enough.
- Asahina Isa
Unlike her sister Asa doesn't hold hatred towards boys her age because of her mindset 'not all the men is the same'. She like pretty man because it's very nice to look at pretty face every morning. Very easily falling in love to someone who show her a lil bit of affection since she's so desperate for love. She's the type that run away from home with a man she barely knew (give a vibe like anna from frozen fr). She want someone who honest and genuinely like her, someone who is independent are good too because she's secretly very dependent women.
6th grade
- Risshū Anzai
Risshū really love pretty girls (i mean who don't girls are really pretty) he's are the type of guy who go with the flow since he's doesn't have a clear type in his mind. But he will list feature that he hope his partner have for example; someone who good at cooking, have a very good humor, calm, kind etc... You know the good characteristic but he's unconsciously attracted to intimidating women, someone who give him the scary glare whenever they're having a fight (it's turned him on–) probably try to rizz his female enemies.
- harukaze Eto
Yep pervert man have a questionable type very well– but anyway, harukaze mentioned he like a women who tied het hair up in ponytail styles. Someone who athletic is extra point because athletic women probably have a lot of energy(?). Someone who shy is also good so he can teasing them anytime. But harukaze being himself is not very choosy because in his eyes all women have their own quality so he doesn't care who he's end up with.
- Maori date
A very simple guy, as long that person know when they need to leave him alone and be there when he's need attention he doesn't ask much. His love language probably quality time and gift giving. Love independent women, he say independent women usually have a very unique personality. Since he's always a goody goof ball and have a personality of golden retriever someone who act like black cat probably suit him, he just want to make his partner happy. Oh yeah one more thing someone who good at massaging since he always have a back problem.
- Roufuu Goto
This guy get a long with harukaze very well because of 'certain' reason. Let's be honest here this both get along because of their type and kink's. Roufuu really love soft spoken women, someone who polite and have a good attitude. Like long hair women since he love to play and decorate people hair (or he just one to pull them). Even though his personality and interest is very feminine, he have a very masculine mindset so he really love someone who dependent with him.
- Raiyuu Hori
I don't think this narcissist man will ever got a partner but oh well, the type of girl Raiyuu want in his mind probably like a traditional wife you know what i mean, someone who can cook and stuff. But he also like someone shine brighter than him, someone who is talented, selfless and pure. Since he have a very strong leadership personality he tend to protect people but if there's someone who try to protect him instead he probably will be very flustered and blushing mess because– well this is First time happens to him so he doesn't know how to react. A good listener so if you talk much to him dw he like it.
- Haruji ishii
Another guy who doesn't care of what kind of person he will end up with, as long his partner love him regardless he doesn't care. Probably someone who have a deredere personality, he thinks that type of person is very adorable.
- korishirou itohi
He love language is physical touch so if he end up with someone doesn't mind this kind of affection. Love bokukko/tomboyish girl but not too masculine yk. Someone who can handle his annoying ass, laugh at his joke and eat his cooking.
- Naoyu shobe
This guy probably end up with someone who always nagging him. He need someone who can take care of him because sometimes he can be ready careless, he's not the type who do trouble but since all his friends is troublemaker he became involved with them. So someone who care and have mother like personality pretty fit with him (for clarification he doesn't have mommy issues)
- kyojin Iwamoto
Doesn't mind anyone actually as long the person doesn't act like a btch
- kyonosuke tao
He want someone who have a soft and soothing voice, someone who willing to help him ready in the morning. If that person still stay with him after all handle his personality hassle, they're the one.
- arihiko Tanji
He doesn't know tbh
- hagemu shirai
Probably someone who doesn't jugde him with the path he taking (talking about being a Hatakeyama apprentice). He have a very ugly mark in his body (effect from practicing black magic smh) he just hope his partner doesn't frightening by this, someone who caring about him, always honest and doesn't do stupid thing without him.
- itsuzo nisshi
Probably someone who can handle his personality because I won't :3. It's either someone who calm that can control him or someone who have a bigger anger issues than him so they can punch him or something. Someone weaker than him physically or mentally probably works that way he will try control his temper so he will not hurt his love one.
- norisuke kinno
Someone who ignore his stalker behavior :3. Please cutie patotie just curious about your life but he doesn't mean to be a creep. When talk about his personality someone who show kindness to him is already good enough tbh eventho he doesn't show any interest.
- Ikuna Mino
I mean if there's a guy who genuinely interested in her she won't mind. Probably someone who is not related with Hatakeyama family in anyway please she despise them.
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lorelei-lilyprincess · 11 months
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Day 1 : The first, and several drawing attempts
By the time FROZEN was launched in Japan in March 2014, I was spammed by all the Royal Sisters arts everywhere since it's launched in Nov 2013. Especially, those from my Thai artist friends.
At first I was totally struggling with drawing Elsa... I couldn't draw her at all... Then I saw someone drew Elsa & Anna in gender bender version. That's it. That's become my very very first Elsa & Anna––// I mean Elliot & Alfred drawing. (Now to think of the male names, they're Nordic right. I'll change their name to Erik & Andreas then.)
I think I first started posting my Elsa & Anna drawings on Deviant Art, Tumblr, and Facebook. Most of my artworks from the beginning are on DA so you can check them out here.
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frostfallsnowdrop · 10 months
The Queen's Voyage
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Elsa (Disney) Characters: Elsa (Disney), Anna (Disney), Honeymaren (Disney), Original Male Character(s) of Color Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, Canon Era, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Angst, Bisexual Elsa (Disney), Bisexual Anna (Disney), Sailor Anna (Disney), ships, Navy, Historical Fantasy, Ocean, Mentioned Hans (Disney), Unrelated Anna/Elsa (Disney), Elsa-centric (Disney), Ruler of Arendelle Elsa (Disney), Queen Elsa (Disney), Elsa Needs a Hug (Disney), Anxious Elsa (Disney), Discord: Elsanna Shenanigans (Disney), Elsanna Shenanigans Discord Monthly Contest (Disney), Trans Anna (Disney), Trans Female Character Series: Part 2 of Elsanna Contest Fics Summary: Elsa is asked to come to the Southern Isles to attend the trial of her ex-fiancee, Hans… which means for the first time in her life, she must journey across the sea. Ever since her parents died at sea, she's been a reclusive, anxious wreck… but perhaps a dashing young sailor named Anna will help the Queen come out of her shell. Elsanna, Canon AU, Unrelated, Fluff/Angst
Written for the @elsanna-shenanigans fic contest!
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masterbadyl · 6 months
Meet my favorite female and male characters from animated films and cartoons
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In case anyone doesn't know where some of the characters come from:
Bubbles- "Powerpuff Girls
Usagi- "Sailor Moon"
Eleanor- "Alvin And The Chipmunks"
Anna- "Frozen"
Madellaine- "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame ll"
Mulan- "Mulan"
Esmeralda- "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame"
Jasmine- "Aladdin"
Dory- "Finding Nemo"
Puss In Boots- "Shrek"/"Puss In Boots"
Buck- "Ice Age"
Tigger- "Winnie The Pooh"
Bugs Bunny- "Looney Tunes"
Clopin- "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame"
Genie- "Aladdin"
Bruno- "Encanto"
Donkey- "Shrek"
Mater- "Cars"
I remember when I answering questions from Disney, I talking about Clopin, Esmeralda, Jasmine, Genie, Mulan and Anna.
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hauntsnhoes · 11 months
Why Wish wound up the way it did; my opinion
I just feel like pointing something out. I really hope no one feels like I'm being accusatory. Because I understand that the woke movement and the left are very needed and they've accomplished great things and helped America come a long way. Personally, I'm glad they further normalized being gay. As an afro-latina bisexual woman, it means a lot to me. It's because of the woke movement that Disney decided to give us something like 'Wish'.
It goes all the way back to Frozen. I dunno how many of you were here when Frozen came out but people were angry that Anna and Elsa weren't people of color. When others said it was because it took place in Norway, leftists responded that this wasn't a good enough excuse. People also complained about the straight romance between Anna and Kristoff. Because the left was tired of straight romances in the media.
Now let's fast forward to 2021. We get Raya, who had no official love interest but very obviously has a LOT of sexual tension with Namaari. Who, for those of you who don't know, is a female character. After that came Strange World. The only 'romance' we get are Ethans straight parents and Disney's first openly gay main character; Ethan.
And now we get Wish. A movie that takes place in a fictional kingdom where, clearly, it was inspired by the look of a European country. BUT they still gave us a non-white main princess. Which, as I mentioned before, was exactly what the people complaining about Frozen were asking for. Some might argue that it should've taken place in Africa. But that's not what people were saying when Frozen was getting dunked on. The message was clearly "we want characters of color in white/European settings."
I've also heard people griping that the original script of Wish where Star was a Jack Frost-esque male character, meant to be Asha's love interest, sounded like a better story to them. But, ya'll, Disney was never going to let that story fly. Because according to the woke crowd; straight romances are out and gay ones are in. So ofc they scrapped the romance altogether.
I still liked Wish, the music especially. But I feel like we got what we got because Disney is trying as hard as they can to serve the woke crowd. Whether or not that's a bad thing is up to you to decide.
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heathtrash · 21 days
tww drabble exchange team! i have here a list of media that i’m very fond of for secret drabble purposes (i.e. any hallowe’en costumes or maybe crossover if you can make it work?? some of these are definitely here for costume purposes only). i realise that not everyone knows all the stuff i’m into and i don’t even talk about all of these on a daily basis. i hope you can find some common ground so we can be unwell about these characters together! you can go with a very subtle reference or like a full-on whatever your brain comes up with, as per my chaos request
you can use these however you wish—individual characters as costumes (or random crossover)—or couples costumes. ship them cross-media if you like??? with media that contains m/f, cross-dressing is very welcome unless stated otherwise (in which case i probably don’t want the male character(s)). anywhere i’ve put a ship name, assume the individual characters are up for grabs too
i’ve probably forgotten something, so if you’re like, “what about _?” send me an anon and i’ll let you know if it’s something i like or don’t mind receiving a reference for!
101 Dalmatians (Cruellanita)
Battlestar Galactica (Starbuck)
Beauty & the Beast (cross-dressed)
Buffy (Buffy/Faith, Willow/Tara)
Carmen Sandiego (series. i love Julia Argent SO much. you have no idea. also Carmen of course. and whatever their ship name is)
Carol (Carol/Therese)
Critical Role (Imodna, Vexleth, Beaujester, Beauyasha. no m/f cross-dressing here actually)
The Devil Wears Prada (Mirandy only)
Discworld (any of the witches (main series. I don’t know Tiffany Aching yet) - i don’t ship them but they’re fun. also Susan Sto Helit hhhhhhh)
Doctor Who (except 10th Doctor. Jenny/Vastra, 13/River, 13/Missy)
Downton Abbey (Lady Mary/Baxter my beloved)
Dracula (novel. the ladies. idk. i love vampires)
Dragon Age (only played origins so far but i love Leliana, Morrigan, Wynne)
Frozen (Elsamaren. Elsa & Anna only if they’re not portrayed by a romantic ship)
Gentleman Jack
GLOW (Ruth/Debbie but i love all these gays)
Hacks (Deborah/Ava)
Hades (the game. idk i love Nyx, Artemis, Aphrodite. all of the ladies)
His Dark Materials (Marisa Coulter/Mary Malone only)
Homestuck (if you pick this you’re so cursed (affectionate). Rosemary or any f/f ship. but heck, anything if you’re this committed)
The Incredibles (Edna Mode, Helen Parr)
Jane Austen (any novel)
Jane Eyre
Kim Possible (Kim/Shego)
Lady Dimitrescu
Lady Felicia Montague from Father Brown
A League of Their Own (any)
Little Witch Academia (i love Ursula Callistis)
The Locked Tomb (Griddlehark, any)
Lolly Willowes
Maleficent/Briar Rose
The Marvellous Mrs Maisel (Miriam/Susie)
Mary Poppins
Mass Effect (Liara/femshep, Chakwas/femshep, any f/f)
Matilda (Jennifer Honey)
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (Phryne, Mac)
Ms Valerie Frizzle
The Mummy (Evelyn/cross-dressed Jonathan. or better yet, Evelyn/Meela from Returns)
Nintendo (Zelda, Link, Rosalina, Samus, Peach, Daisy)
Orlando (character by Virginia Woolf)
Phantom of the Opera (Christine/cross-dressed Phantom)
Rebecca (Mrs Danvers/Rebecca, Mrs Danvers/narrator)
Ride the musical
Sailor Moon (any f/f but i’m also into the idea of cross-dressed Tuxedo Mask)
Scooby-Doo (Velma/Daphne)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Catradora but any f/f ships)
Star Trek (Kiradax, J7, Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn, Christine Chapel/anyone, literally whatever f/f)
Star Wars (movies/series. Dedra Meero/Arihnda Pryce. Padmé Amidala/Satine Kryze. Sabine Wren/Shin Hati. i do not know what happens in the majority of the novels. any other f/f you can imagine or some fun cross-dressing)
Steven Universe (Pearl my beloved. anything f/f but i’m not that interested in Steven or the human characters)
Tangled (Cassunzel)
Ugly Betty (i don’t have any ships idk)
Wednesday and The Addams Family (Wednesday/Enid, Morticia/cross-dressed Gomez)
The Well of Loneliness
The Wheel of Time (Moiraine/Siuan)
Wicked (Gelphie)
The Witcher (Yennaia)
Wuthering Heights
non-fandom specific:
any legendary historical ladies (Joan of Arc, Julie d’Aubigny)
any generic costumes that aren’t gross (i.e. poacher/prey animal, ball and chain. basically anything that has you asking if the cishets are okay)
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