#malcolm reed x hoshi sato
deadheaddaisy · 7 months
My first and main Enterprise OTP. I know the biggest ships are Tucker/Reed and T'Pol/Hoshi but hey, it's been 20 years (give or take) of shipping so sue me.
FYI: The links inside need to be changed to access the Linguistics Database: http://lingdata.eclipsingmoon.net/fanfic.htm
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I’ve been intrigued by the Hoshi/Malcolm romantic pairing lately, but I’m back and forth on whether to include that subplot in my little enterprise series (Brittle, Inconsistencies, Unnatural) or not. Narratively, it would suit the story well, but I don’t want it to be off-putting to those who have followed the story thus far.
If you have any input, I would appreciate it!
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i've recently discovered i am the only one alive who ships Malcolm and hoshi and I guess I brought that upon myself but you know what? I'll captain this ship and go down with it
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warpfive · 1 year
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protecting the enterprise crew, and getting injured in the process
CW: gn!reader, small depictions of violence and injuries
CREW: jonathan archer, t'pol, trip tucker, malcolm reed, hoshi sato, travis mayweather
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JONATHAN - it’s difficult for jon not to immediately get angry when you take a phaser hit for him. he’s had some trouble separating his feelings from his work - you only make things much more complicated and jon has to tell himself that if any other member of the crew did that, he’d just just as pissed. but he knows that’s not completely true, and it shows in the way his hands shake as he scolds you while t’pol comms for the shuttlepod. jon takes his responsibility as captain very seriously, so coupled with the fact that it’s somebody he deeply cares for (loves?), it muddies the waters and that only frustrates him more. later on, once phlox has stabilized your wound and orders you on a few days of bedrest, jon makes damn well sure you follow it, short of posting guards outside your quarters. he doesn’t go quite so far, but he visits you late in the night. scolds you again for getting hurt to protect him, makes you promise not to do it again, tells you how he doesn’t want to lose such a good officer and friend and… he doesn’t go much further. he doesn’t have to. when you tell him you don't regret it, and would so it again to save his life, jon wants to argue back. instead, he takes your hand and promises himself it would never come to that.
T'POL - vulcans are naturally stronger and more resilient than humans - it’s a fact often forgotten, t’pol’s noticed. especially in the chaos and confusion of a cave-in, where all the members of the away team are running away and simultaneously trying to help their colleagues out. t’pol was in charge of the away mission - it was her responsibility to assure her team’s survival. that’s all she was focused on, and not the rock moments away from falling and crushing her into a thick green soup. to give you some credit, you were fast and focused. t’pol barely registered what had happened - only that she felt your arms around her, a shove, and shortly after, your cry in pain that elicited something close to fear in her chest. phlox told her that the rock had broken your leg, and that you were lucky the break wasn’t another couple inches higher, or you would’ve been a real trouble. t’pol takes easily to scolding you, calling you reckless, making sure you knew how much she disapproved of your decision to save her. and yeah, you were in and out of sleep from pain medication. still, you found her hand and squeezed it and told her to court martial you, because you’d do it again in a heartbeat. though, you noticed in the next couple weeks that t’pol has been bringing you tea and finishing your work for you - she’s not completely as vulcan as she hopes.
TRIP - it’s all his fault, of course. if trip had been more careful, more astute; if he had somehow known this would lead to that and that would cause his console to blow, he could’ve prevented the whole thing. he was just too damn focused on the problem with the engine. with the ship shaking and the captain yelling over the comm, it was difficult to focus on anything else until he heard your name and felt you push him. trip wasn’t a small guy - in the moment, he was shocked you managed to push him over. but the shock fell away to panic once he figured out what just happened. the air was smoking, someone called out your name (maybe it was him), and he saw the angry red marks over your face and neck. phlox insists the burns aren’t all that bad, but trip doesn’t really believe him. if they weren’t so bad, then why did the sight of them turn his stomach so much? he tries to keep a good attitude, but part of him was so angry that you got hurt. not angry at you, of course. trip could never truly be angry with you. he was mad at himself, and after forcing a smile and turning away, the tight grit of his jaw was somehow worse than any burns he might’ve gotten in your place.
MALCOLM - he knows, logically, that he taught you hand-to-hand combat for this exact scenario. malcolm wanted, above all else, for you to be able to protect yourself if he wasn’t able to do it personally. yet, none of that made malcolm feel even a little better when he crouched beside you, a hand ghosting over the side of your face that was quickly swelling and bleeding. yeah, you smirked up at him. asked him if he was okay, and if he saw that move you pulled to disarm the man who’d pointed a weapon at him. malcolm insisted this was no time for jokes, and he said it in a rather harsh tone. of course, he was mainly frustrated at himself. if he’d disabled the attacking aliens quicker, you wouldn’t have had to intervene. and he says as much while pulling you up to your feet. you don’t seem upset - of course you weren’t, malcolm thought. you were still trying to ask if he was alright and malcolm had to eventually assure you he was, but he was also more worried about you. though, it wasn’t until you cupped his cheek and told him you were fine did he really believe you. still, in the days to follow, he couldn’t look at your black eye or hear your pained grunts without feeling guilty.
HOSHI - she didn’t even see the man coming. that was a flaw when she got so utterly sucked into her task - nothing else even existed. not even a large man with an energy weapon aimed right for her head and would have fired if you hadn’t intervened. the fight was long and brutal - hoshi heard the chaos of it from behind, but her focus needed to be on the task at hand. too much was riding on its success. it wasn’t until much later, when the crew was safe and the enterprise at warp, did hoshi come by sick bay. and of course, your spirits were high - talk of good teamwork and making you proud hit hoshi’s ears, but she just couldn’t match your energy. not when you were this battered and bruised from defending her. yeah, you talk of duty, saying that it was your job to make sure hoshi did her job. she didn’t feel much better, so you went a step further - telling hoshi that you loved her, and even without their duties to the ship, you would’ve defended her anyway. that did elicit a little smile, but when hoshi tried to give you a kiss, you were still a little too battered. you both compromised by holding hands until phlox had to run some more scans.
TRAVIS - when he came to, travis didn’t expect to be laying on a soft bed of grass, and not the hard metal floor of the shuttlepod. the sun shined right in his eyes, and when he squints against it, the motion pulls on a nasty lump on his brow - right, the one that knocked him out. and it takes only a few seconds of consciousness to sit straight up and search for you in a panic. the mental image he had of you being sucked out into space during the crash landing was thankfully laid to rest when he found you leaned up against a tree, looking more worse for wear than travis would have liked. when you saw him awake, you didn’t move to greet him. in fact, it seemed like just sitting there was causing you a lot of pain, despite working diligently to get the homing device back online. it wasn’t until travis stumbled his way over did he discover you’d broken your leg and probably a few ribs - a small price to pay, you told him, for successfully landing the shuttle (though, successful was a gracious word to use.) logically, he knew you were right. yet, it doesn’t make travis feel any better knowing he’d been in charge of getting the two of you to the surface, and you’d broken a leg when he failed to do so. he apologizes, you don’t understand what for. it just made him feel a little better.
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more-better-words · 7 months
Had this kicking around my drafts for a minute. Hoshi and Malcolm are scheming.
Trip laid his palms flat on the table and pushed himself up, smiling genially at his mess hall companions. "Well, I gotta get back to work. I'll see y'all later." And he sauntered cheerfully out of the mess, leaving Malcolm staring suspiciously at his back.
"He's been in an awfully good mood lately."
Hoshi shrugged slightly, taking a bite of her fruit parfait. "He's getting laid."
"Excuse you?"
"What? He and Commander T'Pol are back together. Or…finally together, or whatever you want to call it."
"How do you know that? T'Pol's certainly not the gossipy type, and he-"
Hoshi laughed. "Isn't telling because he's a gentleman?" She took another bite, looking like some arbiter of secret knowledge. "But I can tell."
"Oh really?" Malcolm leaned over the table, a glint in his narrowed eyes. "Care to make this interesting?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"First one to get either of them to admit to it wins."
"Loser covers the winner's next shore leave, all expenses, no questions asked."
"Next two leaves if it's T'Pol," she countered.
"You have a deal." She extended a hand. "May the best snoop win."
"May the best snoop win."
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lokismusings · 1 year
I did a thing. But please, if anyone has another idea for a fic where Malcolm finds out about the alien life form earlier in the episode, go ahead and write it!! I want all the fics of this because it’s under appreciated. Also, I’m excited to delve into the scientific and health-related process of this fic because the fetus being attached to Trip’s pericardium?! That could be so dangerous! I wish the episode would have focused on that, too, but I get that they were going for a more humorous approach.
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sl-walker · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 5/21 - 5/27
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Weekly Challenge # 6
On our chat server that starts with a D, the current challenge is New Homes; between 100 and 700 words of fic about new homes, be they literal places, new ships, new crews or people in general.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Jespah
The New House - G - Malcolm Reed/OFC
By @merfilly
The Unquiet End - T - Takashi Kimura/Hoshi Sato
Star Trek: The Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Undiscovered Stars - G - James T. Kirk/Lando Calrissian (SW x-over) The One Great Choice - T - Cleante al-Faisal, T'Shael, Jasmine al-Faisal
By @merfilly
A Breath of Fresh Air - T - Emony Dax/Leonard “Bones” McCoy Dreams - G - Hikaru Sulu Feelings - G - Spock Introspection - G - James T. Kirk Diplomacy - G - Mara, Pavel Chekov Storyteller - G - Nyota Uhura Serenity - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Julian Bashir (x-over with DS9) So Much - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Enterprise - G Contemplation - M - David Marcus/Saavik Strong Ones - T - Una Chin-Riley/Nyota Uhura A Gift - T - James T. Kirk/Spock One Friend Lost... One Gained? - G - James T. Kirk A Shore Leave to Remember - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Nyota Uhura Necessary - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy The Sound of His Engines - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Frayed - G - Christine Chapel Sippin' Time - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Complications of Empire - G - Kang Farewells - G - Christopher Pike Just One Man - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Change of Command - G - Christopher Pike, Robert April Points of Communion - M - David Marcus/Saavik She Would Have Known - G - Spock Acceptance - G - James T. Kirk, David Marcus Memories of Smoke - G - Nyota Uhura Assumptions - G - Spock, Sarek
By @sl-walker
'Cross the River - G - Spock Iron - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott & Spock Not Too Soon - G - Sarek, Amanda Grayson, Spock Maps, Rules and Moderation - G - James T. Kirk & Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Those Left Behind - G - Christopher Pike, Sarek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By @beatrice-otter
the simple secret of the plot - G - Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard Hope of Thee (The Zombie Remix) - G - Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi Processing - T - Data, Deanna Troi Reboot: The Chase - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1) Reboot (Legacy) - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1)
By @merfilly
Game in Town - G - Q Intimidated - G - Worf Admiral Compensations - T - Jean-Luc Picard Fell For Him - G - Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By @beatrice-otter
Nerys and the Emissary - G - Kira Nerys & Benjamin Sisko In Due Season - T - Prophet/Joseph Sisko (Rape/Noncon) Ornament - T - Kira Nerys, Lupaza
By @merfilly
In a Different World - T - Elim Garak (Mirror)
Star Trek: Voyager
By @sl-walker
Idle - G - Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay
Expanded Universes
By LordMcCoveyCove
Communiques - G The New Threat - M - Tenth Doctor (x-over with Doctor Who)
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ozzie-starfur · 2 years
Does anyone know of an ENT Chatroom or discord server I could join? I’m dying to talk to people about it/my pairings. If not would anyone be interested in joining one if I created it?
why is there no tag for Travis Mayweather x Malcolm Reed 😦
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nonbinaryvulcan · 4 years
Star Trek Enterprise crack because I guess I'm the first person to do it??
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orchidtreks · 4 years
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Zombie movie edition
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 5 years
(Star Trek: Enterprise) Archer x Reader: Crush
Author’s note: This was a story I published on my old account, but I’m bringing it back! Enjoy!
Trip, Hoshi, and Malcolm try to figure out who Y/N likes.
             “Chef has really outdone himself this time,” Trip mumbled through a mouthful of food.  You nodded in agreement as you savored the taste of steak and mashed potatoes.  It was the taste of home.  You had become accustomed to life on the Enterprise, but there were moments when you got just a tad homesick.
              “Hello,” Hoshi greeted the two of you as she took at a seat at the table.  While Trip had wasted no time in digging into the meal, Hoshi seemed a little more preoccupied with a language book.
              “Hey, Hoshi,” you said.  “What’s up?”
              “Oh, just brushing up on some languages, particularly Klingon.  If I rely on the universal translator too much, I lose touch with what I’ve learned.”
              “I can imagine.  That’s a lot of languages to keep up with.”  You shook your head in amazement at the thought.
              “What can I say?  I’m a prodigy,” she glanced up from her pages to smirk playfully before returning to her studies.
              “So…”  Trip leaned in slightly.  “Has anyone seen what’s going on between Nate and Lillian?”
              “Who?”  You gave him a confused look.
              “Two of my people down in engineering.  They seem to be getting pretty…close… lately.”
              Hoshi looked up once more from her book, raising an eyebrow.  “I didn’t think you were one to gossip.  Since when do you care about relationships aboard the ship?”
              “Since he can’t have one himself,” Malcolm replied, setting his tray down on the table.  He took a seat between you and Hoshi.  “He’s forced to live vicariously through others because of his own lack of a relationship.”
              “Hey, that’s not true,” Trip insisted, his eyebrows furrowing in irritation.  “I just like to know what’s going on with the crew, that’s all.  As a commander of this ship, it’s important to keep track of these sort o’ things.”
              “Of course,” Malcolm replied, though the amused expression on his face suggested he wasn’t so convinced.
              “An’ it’s not like I don’t have a relationship ‘cause I can’t get one, or anything.  You know it’s against the rules for us to date subordinates.  It ain’t appropriate,” Trip added.  
              “Sure,” you joked.
              But you were familiar with the rule all too well. It was one thing that stood between you and a certain Captain Jonathan Archer.  Well, that and the fact that you weren’t sure if he felt the same way about you.  You couldn’t ask.  He was the captain and you were a subordinate.  It just couldn’t be.  And if you ever happened to bring it up, you knew that Jonathan would have to refuse anyways, being that he’s such a responsible captain that abides by the rules. It’s one of the reasons you admired him.
        ��     “I know,” Malcolm said with a sigh.  “I also have to submit to that rule.”  He shook his head and pulled out a PADD, probably to resume work.  You wondered if he ever took a break…
              “What about you, _______?” Trip asked suddenly, making you look at him uneasily.
              “You’re not under the same rule.  How come you’re not dating?”  You could tell he was trying to be nonchalant, but you detected the hint of suspicion.  For whatever reason, the question caught the interest of the others at the table. Hoshi and Malcolm paused their work to look at you curiously.  Apparently, the whole crew had been wondering.
              “I don’t know…I just haven’t found the right person, I guess.”
              “Well, of course you haven’t,” Trip chuckled. “You barely spend time with anyone outside of command.”
              “Maybe I don’t feel the need to.  I’m here to work, not find a boyfriend,” you responded, hoping he would get the message that you weren’t interested in this subject.
              “But come on,” he continued.  “I know you.  You can’t tell me you haven’t even thought about it once.”
              “I mean, I have, but-
              “Is there someone back home?” Hoshi joined the conversation.  
             “Nah, she would have mentioned him at some point.”  Trip snapped his fingers.  “But that’s gotta’ be it.  You’re holding out for someone.”
              You shook your head, hoping that this conversation would end.  You had spent quite some time trying to keep your feelings a secret, to not draw attention to yourself.  There was no way that you would be discovered.  Not like this.
              Unfortunately, your facial expression betrayed you.
              “Yep, look at her,” Trip folded his arms and leaned back, pleased with himself for figuring it out.  
              “What are you even talking about?” you mumbled, turning your face away to hide your blush.
              “Is it someone aboard the ship?” Trip asked.
              “It has to be,” Hoshi replied.  “You said it yourself that she spends most time with the commanders of the ship, so…”  They both looked at you with wide eyes.
              “You like someone in command,” Trip concluded. “An’ since he has a no-fraternizing rule, you don’t want to say anything.”
              “I know you think you have me figured out, but I don’t like him,” you insisted.  
              “Who?” he asked quickly.
              “Captain Archer,” you replied before thinking.
              “Woah, there.  Hold up. I didn’t say anything about Captain Archer,” his smirk broke into a full-on grin as you stared at him completely speechless.
              Malcolm looked up from the PADD to gaze at you with wide eyes.  Hoshi’s mouth fell open in surprise.  Trip just kept grinning.
              “I-I mean.  No, it’s- I….Oh my gosh,” you covered your face with your hands, mortified that everyone in your group found out like this.  “I know that it’s not appropriate, but I assure you that I won’t let it interfere with work, and-”  You were just about to excuse yourself from the table, when Malcolm rested a hand on your shoulder.
              “Hey, relax,” he said reassuringly.  “It’s alright.  We understand what you’re going through.”
              “Yeah, don’t you think I’ve had feelin’s for a crew member or two that I couldn’t do anything about?”  Trip agreed.
              “And you’ve spent a lot of time with Archer,” Hoshi pointed out.  “It’s not exactly unheard of that you’d have feelings for him.”
              “But ya’ know the rules, ________.  Nothing can happen between you and the Cap’n. Besides, here are plenty of other crewmembers aboard the Enterprise.  Just because we can’t have relationships because of the rule doesn’t mean you can’t.”
              “I’ve thought about that, but…”  You sighed.  “I can’t be with anyone else.  Not with the way I feel about…you know who.”
“That’s really sweet,” Hoshi smiled.
“To be honest, I think I-”
              “Good afternoon, crew!”  Archer walked up to the table out of nowhere, making the whole lot of you freeze.  He noticed your reactions and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.  “And what might you all be talking about?”
              You noticed the smug look on Trip’s face and shot him a warning glance.  Oh no. He had better not…  
              “We were just askin’ _________ about her boyfriend,” he said causally, earning a few more warning looks from Hoshi and Malcolm.
              “Oh?”  Archer looked less confused and more concerned.
              “Don’t you think it’s strange that a pretty girl like her doesn’t have one?”
              “Oh,” Archer visibly relaxed.  “It’s most likely a personal choice.  There’s nothing wrong with that.”  He was about to walk away when he paused.  “What’s it to you, Trip?  You wouldn’t happen to be inquiring on the basis of personal interest, would you?”
              “No, sir,” Trip shook his head.  “I’m not startin’ anything.  Promise.  That would be against the rules, after all.”
              “Exactly.  Good. I knew I could count on you,” Archer said with a half-smile.  “And ________?”
             “Yes, sir?”
            “If anyone gives you anymore trouble, just send them my way.”
            You couldn’t hold back the smile.  “Thank you, sir.”
              After he left, Hoshi giggled.
            “Did you see how tense he got when he thought you had a boyfriend?  I think he was jealous,” she said.   You blushed and shook your head.  Then, you turned to give Trip a look.
              “What?  Just because I understand what you’re going through, it doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna’ have a little fun with it.”
              “You’re so mean,” you responded, though you were still smiling.
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deadheaddaisy · 20 days
In honour of Malcolm Reed's birthday, a bit of fluff and tooth-rotting sweetness.
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fouralignments · 5 years
ENT Ship Names
As a Star Trek: Enterprise fan and shipper. I think it is high time we deserve better names for our favorite ships. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to think of some. Here we go! 
ArmorEngineer-The pairing of Malcolm Reed and Charles “Trip” Tucker III 
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ArmoredMACO or ArmorMACO-The pairing of Malcolm Reed and Major Hayes 
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ArmorCaptain-The pairing of Malcolm Reed and Captain Jonathan Archer 
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Armorhelmsmen-The pairing of Malcolm Reed and Travis Mayweather 
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ArmoredComm-The pairing of Malcom Reed and Hoshi Sato 
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CommVulcan- The pairing of Hoshi Sato and T’Pol 
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CommCaptain- The pairing of Hoshi Sato and Captain Jonathan Archer 
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CommEngineer- The pairing of Hoshi Sato and Charles “Trip” Tucker III
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VulcanCaptain-The pairing of Captain Jonathan Archer and T’Pol 
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VulcanEngineer- The pairing of T’Pol and Charles “Trip” Tucker III 
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EngineerCaptain or CaptainEngineer -The pairing of Charles “Trip” Tucker III and Jonathan Archer
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Two Captains or Enterprise and Columbia- The pairing of Captain Jonathan Archer and Erika Herandez 
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AndorianCaptain or FrozenCaptain- The pairing of Jonathan Archer and Thy’lek Shran 
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Bonus: Cross over with Discovery 
Armored Spore- The friendship pairing of Malcolm Reed and Paul Stamets. Seriously, I think the two would make very good friends since they are of the same temperament and are workaholics. In the love department, they have similar taste as they attracted to the very warm personalities of Trip and Hugh; also go through a rough spot in their relationships for Malcolm it is in the Expanse (season 3) and for Stamets, it's Hugh’s death and resurrection. So, the two can comfort one another in their shared experience; these two are definitely gay disasters.  On the funny note, due to Malcolm being allergic to everything and Stamets working with spores all the time, Malcolm would be sneezing a lot around him. 
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Logical Candidates (A Sub-Commander's Guide)
A series where Sub-Commander T'Pol and her husband-to-be, Commander Tucker, navigate engagement, marriage, and family life with the Enterprise crew (feat. Malcolm Reed/Hoshi Sato!).
Five Times Trip Was Dumb and One Time He Wasn't
T'Pol assumed the logical thing was to prime Charles "Trip" Tucker III for matehood. After all, they were close and compatible. But sometimes a Florida man doesn't read between the lines. Five times Trip didn't take the hint. One time he dropped the hint himself.
Five Times T'Pol Kept A Secret and One Time She Didn't
Some things are better left unsaid. Whether it’s her own betrothal, Lieutenant Reed’s plans on proposing, Trip’s unexpected tears, Hoshi’s worries, or Lieutenant Briggs’s nasty comments, T’Pol finds she should just keep her mouth shut. A Sub-Commander’s Guide to keeping a rather unorthodox engagement under control.
Old Adages and Appreciative Beauty (A Sub-Commander’s Guide)
T'Pol and Hoshi have four things they need: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Malcolm and Trip have a lot more than four things they're planning. A Sub-Commander’s guide to being a perfect bride.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Match-Up Scenario Game - Star Trek Universe (Tv Shows)
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This includes male and female characters from the following Star Trek TV Shows: Discovery, Strange New Worlds, Voyager, and Enterprise
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :) Tag others/mutuals as well!
Requests: You can use these scenarios as requests for fics/headcanons as well (only when requests are open obviously)
(Scenario Game Masterlist)
Your Birth Month:
January: Cleveland Booker // Nhan
February: Trip Tucker // Kathryn Janeway
March: Spock // Hoshi Sato
April: Gabriel Lorca // T'Pol
May: Jonathan Archer // Michael Burnham
June: Christopher Pike // Erica Ortegas
July: Dr. M'Benga // Seven of Nine
August: Tom Paris // Una Chin-Riley
September: Sarek // Nyota Uhura
October: Malcolm Reed // Sylvia Tilly
November: Harry Kim // La'an Noonien-Singh
December: Chakotay // Christina Chapel
Your Birth Date:
1: Brings you your favorite dessert/candy... 2: Surprises you after being apart... 3: Gives you a token of their affection... 4: Makes you dinner... 5: Surprises you with flowers... 6: Surprises you with shore leave... 7: Proposes to you... 8: Takes you on a picnic... 9: Asks you to move in with them... 10: Surprises you with a trip... 11: Writes you a love-letter... 12: Gives you random gifts throughout the day... 13: Asks you on a date... 14: Suddenly kisses you... 15: Brings you breakfast in bed... 16: Makes you a hand-made gift... 17: Takes you dancing... 18: Hugs you so hard they almost knock you off your feet... 19: Surprises you with random kisses throughout the day... 20: Tells you how much they love you... 21: Surprises you with your favorite food... 22: Gives you a piece of jewelry... 23: Surprises you with a rare alien plant... 24: Throws you a party... 25: Builds you a pillow fort... 26: Surprises you with a fancy dinner... 27: Leaves you an anonymous letter... 28: Takes you star-gazing... 29: Gives you a heart-felt gift... 30: Leaves you secret gifts... 31: Takes you to a new planet..
First Letter of You Name (Or Username):
A-E: For your birthday.
F-J: Because it's your anniversary.
K-O: To cheer you up.
P-T: Just to make you smile.
U-W: Because they are in love with you.
X-Z: Because you are they're favorite person.
I apologize if your combo/matchup does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does. 
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Star Trek Masterlist
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"Brittle" Hoshi Sato Drabble 
Hoshi reflects on the various traumas she’s endured on this mission. 
"Solemn" Travis Mayweather Drabble
Travis’ thoughts after the events of “Dead Stop” (ENT 2x04)
"Recognition" Malcolm Reed Drabble 
For: Sicktember 2021 - Day 30 - Food Poisoning/Allergy
Warning: anaphylactic shock
"Impressions" Silik Drabble 
Silik considers the nature of time. 
"Inconsistencies" Malcolm Reed Drabble 
Malcolm reflects on his relationship with his father.
Warning: toxic parent-child relationship
"Unnatural" Malcolm Reed Drabble 
Malcolm finds himself in an unnerving situation.
Warning: mentioned mental breakdown
"Storm" Agent Daniels Drabble 
Agent Daniels has an unwelcome visitor
Character x Character
"Observation" Trip x T'Pol Drabble
Trip ponders what it would be like to be romatically involved with T’Pol.
"Haze" Jonathan Archer x T'Pol Drabble 
For Sicktember 2021 - Day 1 - Fever
Warning: illness, discussion of death
"Stranded" T'Pol x Jonathan Archer Drabble 
For Febuwhump 2022 - Day 1 - Head Wound
Warning: blood, injury
Reader Insert
"Denial" Jonathan Archer x Reader Drabble 
Jonathan reflects on his feelings for the Reader.
Relationship: romantic
Star Trek: Enterprise Preference: First Date
What it would be like going on a first date with Archer, T’Pol, Trip, Malcolm, Travis, Hoshi, or Phlox.
Relationship: romantic
"Remember" Malcolm Reed x Reader
Malcolm finds the Reader drunk.
Relationship: romantic (but could be interpreted as close platonic)
Warning: alcohol consumption, unnamed character death
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"Chance" Paul Stamets Drabble 
Paul understands there are risks. 
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Alternate Original Series
Character x Character
"Assumptions" Nyota Uhura x Spock Drabble 
Uhura is used to dealing with others’ opinions on her relationship. 
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The Original Series
Reader Insert
38 "Your hands are cold" Spock x Reader Drabble 
Shore leave takes an unexpected turn. 
Relationship: Pre-romance
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The Next Generation
Character x Character
"Again" Will Riker x Deanna Troi Drabble
Will and Deanna dine at Ten Forward.
Reader Insert
29 "I don't know what I feel, but that's irrelevant" Q x Reader Drabble 
Q strands the Reader on a distant planet. 
Relationship: Romantic
"Hidden" Captain Picard x Reader Drabble 
You’re the philosopher. You of all people should be able to understand why I betrayed the uniform I wear.
Relationship: Platonic
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"Staples" Tom Paris Drabble
Tom reflects on a childhood memory. 
Character x Character
"Memory" Q x Catherine Janeway Drabble  
Catherine finds herself conflicted by her emotions. 
Reader Insert
"Mutiny" Catherine Janeway x Reader
Janeway fails to see just how far their friendship has withered.
Relationship: Platonic 
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"Suffer" Elnor Drabble 
For: Febuwhump Day 11: Chronic Pain
Warning: claustrophobia, pain, reference to emotional abuse, reference to captivity
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