#making sure he doesnt lose someone else important to him
patrice-bergerons · 2 years
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
I've lately been thinking about a ghost fic in which Dench!M and Q hang out as two ghosts—although Q is not dead; he has just ended up in a coma. He is bound to his hospital room and Bond is also there in the story, losing his mind with worry that Q will never wake up or flat out die on him.
Importantly, this is a set up in which Q and Bond hooked up at least once but Q subsequently hit Bond with a 'we can't keep doing this' because even though he likes Bond very much he has too many reservations about getting involved with him.
So the story is one part waiting for godot vibes of Q trying to pass the time, trying to make small talk with his dead former prickly boss (who really does not believe in small talk) and retain his sanity and one part, well-
M agrees with Q's reservations w/r/t Bond you see. In fact, she offers everything Bond does in that hospital room as examples of why he is untrustworthy, dangerous, unreliable, cold. All things Q told himself in deciding a relationship would only end in disaster. But M goes so hard on him Q finds himself...defending Bond, offering alternative interpretations of his actions and related counterexamples from the past.
(And it's only when he wakes up, grateful to be able to reach out to Bond again and still indignant on his behalf, that he realises what a masterclass M pulled in reverse pyshcology, getting Q to realise he has perhaps been too harsh on Bond before.)
Essentially, I just think we see such little of M and Q interact and it would be reaaaaly interesting to explore what their dynamic would look like and also the mental image of Q walking towards the proverbial light only for M to drag him back by the ear with a 'where the hell do you think you are going young man?!' is absolutely hilarious to me.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Ok so ive had this idea stuck in my head for WEEKS at this point and i need to tell someone about it so im invading your asks
(ages for this au, id imagine Damians around like- 12 or 13 and Tim/JJ's like- 17)
What if a version of Damian (like from ine of the good happy batfam universes) was sent to to a universe with Joker Junior where the rest of the bats were killed by the Joker and JJ was never reacued and brought back to being Tim?
And Damian is like- terrified because he doesnt know where he is or how to get back home and then hes found by JJ.
And like- at first JJ would probably try to leave Damian but once he gets a good look at this kid baby brother, thats his baby brother- he would realize that he recognizes this kid. So he keeps him!
The only problem with that is the Joker. Now the bats are all dead (or theres circumstances preventing them from doing anything) in this universe so theres nobody around to stop the Jokers shit. And we all know that the Joker isnt above murdering or tourturing kids. (Id imagine the JJ of this universe has done stuff like that once or twice, but he doesnt like to. He's a smaller equally manical yet WAY less bloodthirsty version of the joker)
So JJ keeps Damian hidden from his "Papa" until the bats of Damians universe are able to find a way to bring him back home. In the meantime tho, Damians under JJ's care, and its terrifying, but at least he tries!
Now in my mind Joker Jr. is kinda like Jinx from Arcane with mood swings, visual and audio halucinations, so so smart but so so crazy and confused and SCARED and oh so close to finally snapping until he actually does.
And this boy that he kiddnaped rescued confuses the fuck out of him. Because Junior recognizes him from somewhere and he doesnt know why.
(I hope this all makes sense its kinda just like a word vomit lmao my lizard brain just want crazy older brother Joker Jr. [Also there isnt enough JJ content out there and that is a crime])
(Older brother JJ content??? Fuck yeah)
TW: JJ, torture, child abuse
JJ... Recognizes those glaring emerald eyes and scowling face. He doesn't know why, but it causes reality around him to pulse with uncertainty as it teters between JJ's world and someone else's. Someone Papa doesn't like.
JJ won't talk to them. He knows he's not supposed to. Papa will become angry. So Junior tears his eyes from the bird kid baby bat and turns to leave. A tsk stops him.
Another wave of familiarity crashes over JJ, but he doesn't know that child. He doesn't. He really really doesn't know him.
So, Junior should move. Papa won't he happy if JJ can't move.
Well, unless Papa is teaching JJ a lesson.
His nerves light up at the memory of cold metal tables, electric probes, and buzzing.
JJ needs to go, but that kid. He can't leave him. He also can't take him with either. He knows what happens to the kids Joker meets.
Junior would never disobey his papa, but the ever-present buzzing noise isn't a deterrent for bad behavior. With how often he's punished, it hardly matters whether JJ is being a good child or not. He's always in trouble. Instead, that buzz is a reminder that he can't be caught.
JJ is smart. He's clever and sneaky. He's also great at lying, even to bats. While he may not know why lying to the nocturnal creatures is important, he knows it's an accomplishment he's proud of.
He can hide the child from Papa! It'll be a fun game! Junior's little surprise.
Junior isn't sure what he's winning, but he knows what will happen when he loses.
Death to the bird and punishment to JJ! A great joke!
Though Junior doesn't know why the kid is a bird.
Oh well! JJ will take great care of the little bird. All he has to do is feed him and keep him hidden! It will be like all the other things JJ hides from Papa. He'll never admit it, but Junior thinks Papa is a little dumb. As long as JJ plays pretend with the older man, he'll remain unsupervised.
Anyways, JJ has more of a demented, childish voice while Tim is more analytical and serious.
Damian, to start with, doesn't recognize Tim. JJ has green hair, bleached skin, cut cheeks, and way less muscle mass. The behavior is drastically different as well (also, we're not gonna speculate any specific mental disorders for these AUs. JJ and Tim are considered different due to their characterizstions, but I don't want to put harmful connotations out there [especially since I don't have any relevant conditions to insert accurate and mindful interpretations]).
In this AU, the Bats are all dead. JJ did kill some of them, which drastically reduced his ability to recover and remember that he's Tim.
He didn't kill Damian, though. Tim also feels extremely protective of his younger siblings (Duke included). Unfortunately, they're dead in this AU :/
JJ oscillates between being terrified, peppy, silent, crying, and content at rapid rates. It takes several days for Damian to feel out some of the triggers.
The Bats from Damian's universe are trying their damned best to get there as soon as possible. Sadly, Joker finds out about Damian before then.
JJ, by this point, has bonded with the kid. That kid is HIS. He may have some slightly fucked up notions on how to show care, but he will not let anyone harm the bird (not even Papa).
So, JJ does his best joke yet. He kills Joker.
Only after killing the Joker do the other Bats show up. They offer to take JJ with them (particularly because that's Tim!!!), but he refuses. He doesn't want to go with his family. He doesn't remember them and he killed some of them.
He can't stay with them.
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Mistletoe Wars
Im keeping my word everyone!
Summary: SMG4 and 3 are fighting to see who is throwing the best Christmas party, but when someone brings a surprise mistletoe to the fight both men will end up having an unexpected heart to heart.
Tags: Fluff, love confession, comedy, mistletoe kiss
 SMG4 stands proud in the main lobby of his castle looking at his set up for this year's Christmas party, he made sure the castle had everything. A daycare for Mario to prevent the plumber from going crazy and more then likely setting the party on fire. A game section for his gaming friends, though SMG4 was only able to get his hand on one game only. The table had plenty of food and not to mention he got a Santa Claus area for his friends to make their Christmas wish.  Nothing can ruin this day after all he throws these parties every year and they always manage to save the day when things take a turn. 
He then runs outside excited to check on his high budget premium christmas light only to notice it wasn't working, in a panic he runs to check the outlet to trip over a cord.  Following the cord he tripped on he notices SMG3 on top of his cafe plugging his own high budget premium christmas light. He gets up running to the man upset “Oi! Turn that off! You're hogging all the electricity!” he paused “nice high budget lights tho,” he had to admit his rival had good taste in lights. SMG3 smiles flattered that his friendly rival noticed his taste “Thanks! And uhh NO!” just because they are on good terms meant he would let his idiot neighbor tell him what to do.  He smirks “I need the extra power for my lights for my upcoming christmas party!” This year he was going to out party SMG4. Two years he has been invited to SMG4 parties and finally understood why everyone loved Christmas so much. Now he was going to prove to the crew he can be just as cool as SMG4. 
SMG3 eyes go wide in shock “WHAT BUT I'M HOLDING A PARTY!” there was no way he was going to let SMG3 take the spotlight of the first ever Christmas on the showgrounds. “Come on SMG3 it's the first party on the showgrounds and it's super important to me,” before he can finish his sentence SMG3 rolls his eyes “Dont care and i'm pretty sure i didn't ask.” “Well it won't matter because my party will be cooler than yours!” He couldn't stand this man. Sure they may friends but that doesnt mean he wont start a war with his partner to show who truly is the best.  The two get to work decorating their place and making sweet treats to lure their friends over to their location. SMG4 looks at his watch and panics seeing it's almost time for the party, he dashes out of his castle and heads to Mario's place where everyone was waiting. 
Anxiety was eating at him, as he ran into Mario’s house, if his friends pick SMG3 party what would it mean? Could he lose his friends to his rival? He kicks down the door “guys you're still coming to my christmas party right? Please don't abandon me!” he didn't mean to say the last part but his anxiety was overwhelming him at the moment. His friends stare at him with concern while Mario is excited to see him “SMG4 we are playing go fish!” they indeed were not playing go fish he was pretty sure they were playing monopoly. Tari smiles at him “oh SMG4 we were just planning to head on over to your party!” Relief washed over him knowing that his friends would never abandon him for someone else, Meggy agreed with Tari letting him know that there was no way she would miss his parties. Truly he has amazing friends “Aw thanks you guys, now let's go party!” Suddenly an ad plays catching everyone's attention. It was SMG3 showing off his party and all the events he had going on, he even managed to find Santa and held him hostage at the cafe. 
Suddenly he lost his friends' attention as they all ran to go to SMG3 party for a ball pit, in a panic he dashed after them “Wait guys my party has two ball pits!” Being ignored he knew he had no other choice than to lay guilt on them thick, he looks down and acts like he is about to cry “Guys..are you really going to skip out on my party, after everything we have been through?” The plan worked as he saw each friend look down guilty before agreeing to go to his party, he gave them a soft smile as they walked into the castle. Then he turns and smirks at SMG3 before walking into the house, seeing that SMG3 knew he had to pull out the big guns. 
The pair begin their war attacking each other, forcing the crew to go back and forth, from avoiding bees to lame memes the crew was getting drained from the fight. Meggy groans at them yet again being chased out of SMG4 castle “This is getting ridiculous, there has to be a way to stop this!” The crew agrees as they wait for the next attack.  That's when a gift fell from the sky landing in front of them, looking up they saw Santa had escaped his imprisonment and dropped a box for them. Opening it they found a  mistletoe, Tari took it out of the box confused “How can this help?” Mario smirks, taking it from Tari “Mario has the perfect plan for this!” 
The crew run into SMG3 party acting like they are so relieved to be away from SMG4 “Oh thank god the fun party!” Meggy shouts to catch Three's attention.  He smiles and hands a gingerbread man to her “Hell yeah you are, now would you like a treat they are fresh!” While Three was distracted Mario put up the mistletoe and chuckled as he walked up to SMG3.  Just in time SMG4 charges in ready for his next attack, seeing his rival Three stomps over to him. Meggy and Mario both nod “You know what would prove who is better?” Both men turned looking at Meggy who was pointing upward. Confused, both men looked up, SMG4 eyes went wide seeing the mistletoe above them. SMG3 stared in shock feeling his face slowly heat up turning his cheeks pink. “Mario thinks whoever does it first has best party!” Both men looked down at each other awkwardly, they wanted to win but were they willing to go so far. SMG4 then came up with an idea “Why don't we just ask youtube? I will do a poll and the winner has to do it, if they don't the other wins.”
SMG3 didn't want to have to kiss the man in front of him but he had no choice; he needed to prove he can have fun parties too. Four set up the poll and watched the votes go in, slowly he became horrified. They were voting for him to be the coolest, meaning he had to kiss SMG3 or he would lose the war. “Well scrub? I'm sure you want to quit and that's fine, your friends and I will have fun over here!” He turns to face Three “I wont lose!” surprise SMG3 squeaks as Four grabs his arms and pulls him into a kiss. The crew gasped in surprise that he actually did it, while Mario took photos. SMG4 pulled away smirking “I win!” Three face was bright red at the sudden kiss unsure how to process all the emotions going through him. Then in a flash Santa comes back to nuke the place as payback for his kidnapping, SMG4 falls to his knees seeing everything on fire. While SMG3 finally snaps out of his trance to join SMG4 on the floor crying over everything burning. Meggy walks up to them patting their backs “Guys Christmas isn't about who has the best party, it's about spending it with loved ones like us your friends!” Tari jumps in with a drawing of them all with the words friends written on top. SMG4 smiles at his friends trying to cheer them up, only SMG3 seemed to be lost in thought. 
He gently taps SMG3 to get his attention, while it worked it made him worried about what the man could be thinking about. SMG3 gets flustered seeing the drawing “FRIENDS?! I mean uh I'd rather die than be friends with you guys!” Four giggles at the man’s act. Now that the pair weren't crying the crew had no idea what to do next, both hang outs are on fire and Mario’s place isn't big enough to have a party. That's when Bob chimes in to go to his place, with everyone in agreement they head off to Bob's home.
Everyone was there holding hands around a christmas tree, except for two meme guardians. SMG3 grabs SMG4 and drags him away form the group “Alright, what the hell was that gay shit earlier?” Four let out a sheepish smile “Uh i wanted to win?” he wanted to smack himself for such a stupid line. SMG3 glares at him before Four lets out a sigh, sure he wanted to win the battle but something else wanted to do it because it was SMG3. Things between them have changed so much, even his yelling and eye rolls had more affection to them then two years ago when they started to become friends. 
SMG4 looks up at the sky “SMG3, you notice that things feel different with us? It could just be me but in my desperation to beat your party, kissing you has made me see something.” SMG3 was getting ready to fight whatever burn Four was cooking but it never came. Instead he felt his breath get taken when SMG4 turned, giving him such a loving smile he didn't know what to do. “Remember our first kiss? I didn't trust you, still saw you as evil and hated that kiss, but this one…I wish it lasted more.” SMG3 blushes freaking out “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Do you know how gay this sounds!?” 
SMG4 nods feeling himself starting to blush, seeing that Four was being honest with his feelings he decided to try something. “You're an idiot, if you think this will get you anywhere it wont. I mean that kiss was awful. I'm a way better kisser!” Hearing this SMG4 smirks “Oh, well then if you're so good at kissing prove it~”
Three gave the bait and the other man took it. Knowing clearly how the other man felt made his heart flutter, it was now or never as he grabbed SMG4 hand. Blushing he leans forward pressing his lips against Fours. This kiss felt different from earlier, there was more emotion in it. SMG4 intertwined his fingers with SMG3 then with his free hand pulled him closer. They don't know how long they spent kissing under the stars on christmas night, SMG3 didn't care at the moment. Because for the first time in his life he is feeling true happiness, as they slowly pull apart Three shyly looks away not letting go of Four’s hand “See i'm way better.”
SMG4 giggles trying to hide his blush “I don't know about that, maybe we have to try again sometime…maybe over coffee?” SMG3 rolled his eyes at Four attempting to be sneaky about asking him out “The shop is closed on Tuesday around 1pm, maybe if you show up i can show you my skills again.” SMG4 squeezes Three hand and gives him a bright smile “Then it's a date!” 
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
Do you have any swap fml ideas or hcs at the moment? I really like this swap of the au
I have many
Phil's love/obsession is more pure loneliness than anything else, Missa has been gone for so long he needs someone to be with him. He chooses the most willing candidate.
Unlike FML Phil, Forever doesn't really have a chance to get out. In FML there is an event that reveals everything, reverse Phil would never make that mistake. That's okay though, Forever doesn't mind.
Phil actually leans into the Brunim thing sometimes and as a punishment he can destroy the illusion. It fucks with Forever's head more than you can imagine.
Alternatively, he leans into it and uses it as punishment. He is Forever's ex. For a reason. If Forever doesn't want to lose him again he better start behaving.
Richas and Fit know everything but neither of them do anything to stop it.
Richas because he doesn't know how to & he doesnt want to take his dad away from someone that makes him so happy.
Fit because he has seen worse and has more important things to deal with. He thinks the Brazilians will help him out but he isn't sure. He also kind of takes Q's place in FML.
Pac & Mike have their suspicions but they're never able to confirm.
Baghera tries to help Forever but she doesn't really know what's happened or how to stop it. She can tell Forever is hurting but she can never find out of place injuries and Forever won't admit to anything.
Obviously Chayanne and Tallulah know, but Chayanne is very on board with it and Tallulah doesn't see any of the bad bits so she thinks its sweet.
Phil feels bad about lying to Tallulah but the idea of her thinking badly of him makes him want to cry.
Forever never stops adoring Phil. No matter how bad it gets. It's partially because of Brunim but also because he genuinely likes Phil.
Most of Phil's manipulation is guilt tripping. Forever can't resist it, he's a weak, emotional mess.
Phil doesn't try to hide Forever but he does have the kids supervise him. It's easy to just say he's taking care of them.
Missa would have fallen victim to this but he left.
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dxtrsbrainrot · 6 months
Wayfinders in the dark
aqua , terra and ven wandering through the Darkness
ven was lost
he couldnt remember where he was , barely remembered who he was , he knew he was looking for people but he didnt know who . or why . surely if these people were so important theyd be looking for him too ?? then why was he still lost
he could feel eyes following him , not the right eyes , hes not sure how he knew but these were the eyes of things watching for mistakes , watching for a chance to strike him down . surely his armour will keep him safe ?? why is he wearing armour ?? is he a soldier ?? how will he fight when he cant even remember his family ??
his family ?? that cant be right , he doesnt have one , ven is barely a person , he cant have a family , shadows dont have bonds so neither does he
he can hear yelling and it sounds worried and frantic , two voices , both panicked but theyre far away and he doesnt know them so he continues the way he was going 
he feels like he should be going toward the voices but his instincts have never been all that good and he chooses to ignore them
aqua cant breathe
thats not entirely correct , she can breathe and terra is trying to help her do so but she shouldnt be able to , shes lost ven and terra has been looking more and more drained . she told riku they could handle this but she can feel that itch going in the back of her mind , waiting for her to open her heart to the darkness once more
she feels exposed , like her armour wont help protect her , wont stand a chance against whats coming for her . after all , how can armour that shes wearing protect her from herself 
she can feel terras hands on her arms , hes desperate for her respond , they were calling for ven a few moments ago when she suddenly stopped , you cant yell when you cant breathe , it all makes sense terra why wont you understand ??
hes scared , she can tell , she knows him better than she knows herself , even after all these years , the way his eyes are so wide , his breath short , his hands tightly holding her , he doesnt know how to help , she doesnt know if he can
her arms are burning through her armour , is that terra ??
this is all terras fault
he thought he was stronger this time , thought he had the darkness held back enough , thought he could protect them 
he cant remember how it happened , his head aches so bad and he cant help but feel even more useless , he finally gets his body back and it starts playing up like this
they were trying to find sora , get him back from the darkness as he saved them , terra doesnt even know if soras here . he hopes hes not
xehanort is gone now , terra has his body back and yet , he feels so useless , like hes watching someone else try and comfort aqua , shed gone quiet a few minutes ago and he still hasnt been able to get even an acknowledgement in her eyes , he doesnt know what to do but hes begging himself to think of something soon , ven needs him , ven needs them both
hes crying , he doesnt know when he started but he doubts hell stop soon , he knows he needs to focus , carry aqua if she cant move herself but everything is so dark , exactly like being locked in a being of pure darkness , maybe hes back , maybe he never got out
he can feel himself losing control of the magic bursting under his skin , he can hear someone behind him getting closer 
he doesnt know which he fears more
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Can I get E, F, I, and W for the slenderman fluff alphabet, please? Your take on my favorite pasta cryptid of all time is so nice and interesting. Adds a certain depth I don't typically see.
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman but it's these letters!
side thing but guys go listen to redoin by jerryterry its so fucking good im listening to it on loop while im writing this and its making my vibrate
Tumblr media
stone cold exterior, warm squishy interior. still hung up on the "slenderman longs for companionship just like everyone else but rarely gets that need met due to his nature and way of existence"
in other words he can be a passionate sap in regards to you, behind closed doors. he can wrapped up easily in things, so sometimes his passion can be mischaracterized as rage or annoyance but rest assured he's not angry with your existence
right in the middle of the "heart on the sleeve" and "cold and distant" thing, he feels he needs to keep up his image of powerful monster but he doesn't let you think at any moment that you're not important to him
i don't think he would want kids, and thats assuming he even can. in my au he was created by zalgo with the sole purpose to cause problems for people, i dont think zalgo was thinking about whether or not slenderman can reproduce when he making him
of course adoption is always an option, and who knows, maybe if you guys find some stray kid in the woods he might just take them in
this is where my take on slenderman strays a lot from the original since i personally think slenderman just. kicks kids out of the woods (which leads to them talking about him, which leads to slenderman being a known cryptid in universe) but thats mostly just me not wanting to dwell on child death + giving the dude some level of morals that at least somewhat align with the self loathing that comes with his "i dont want to eat people but i have to in order to survive" thing
but hey i think thats because i love those comics where people draw predator and prey animals where both sides are sympathetic
love shit like that
slenderman is only one part of this huge web that we call nature, simply existing because that's just how things are
whips and nae naes
rest assured that he will tear the world apart should someone or something ever send harm your way. god forbid you are mortally wounded or even killed
he knows some basic first aid stuff thanks to watching people for so so so long, but he's a kriller not a healer, he doesnt know what to do if youre losing a bunch of that red liquid that fuels your insides
oddly calm about it, though, though with the way he holds you you can feel his rage seething under his skin
he himself /can/ get injured but its rarely something to fret about unless its like, from some real powerful person or some human who knows how to take down a specific man eating forest demon; i've actually never really thought about what conditions would need to be met to outright krill slenderman but
when he's the one hurt he insists you not to worry, it's going to take a LOT to keep him down
if you're injured and its something he can treat he will make sure you take it easy but hes not going to baby you about it
okay so im writing this segment first because i can write a whole essay and really i dont know if theres going to be anything stopping me from doing just that. curse you jerryterry, the bops are so good. anyways onto the topic; a lot of my interpretation of slenderman is admittedly based around the early fandom characterization of him + a very specific fic that will remain nameless (though im more than happy to spill the link in dms, said fic also has some influence over my entire au/hc thing but thats not todays topic)
despite what many may think, i feel like, at least with my hyper specific take on slenderman, i feel like he wouldnt want you to fight along side him or be a proxy. only time i can see him date a proxy or fellow kriller is if you were already one prior to the relationship. in my au, slenderman resents his own existence for being what he is, and if he could he WOULD choose to be something else; however he cant rewrite the laws of this universe or fight against his biological functions
like i can go on an entire tangent, but my au is still so scrambled around that im not entirely sure where to start or how im going to make it make sense, but i feel like he would much rather keep you by him and safe (and even then i feel like thats pushing it, sure hes more than capable of protecting you but what if something stronger than him comes and fucks shit up? not all the creepypasta characters are buddy buddy)
but perhaps i will write a collection of loosely connected one shots one day detailing the world building and dynamics
i make no promises
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ill-say-this-fast · 7 months
hey! since the poll ended a while ago, i would like to give my two cents in-
If the general public or the twin's social circle found out about their relationship, how badly would everyone react? Would it be like a pre-HOM situation where everyone is tryna persecute the maximoffs? how would the kids (Billy, Tommy, & Luna) play a role in all this? (and yes, let us all finally acknowledge that these three kids are (long-lost) siblings) #sc*arletv*s*on fans feel free to rage hehehe
Thanks for the ask :) theres a lot to say
In their close social circle I dont know how many people are actually shocked. But suspecting something youd never say outloud and being publically told it are different. It would be a negative reaction generally. I feel like superheros have got better things to do than actually attack them for it, exclude, sure, make nasty comments about, some people probably, but no ones gonna try and arrest them I dont think (definitely not pre-HOM 'maybe we should kill them' ideas). As Toby's said, Wanda's friends might be worried about her, especially those of them that dont like Pietro. But none of them are likely to accept it comfortably if she tells them she's happy. She might get quietly pushed out.
Now its different if the general public find out (who have less reason to already think it). That'll cause a lot of outrage, and the angry crowd will always be louder than the crowd that don't care. That demands a PR response and some of the other heroes would be obliged to either publicly denounce them, argue that its fine and there should be no legal consequences (unlikely), or argue that the evidence is fake.
Frankly Wanda and Pietro should probably be arguing that the evidence is fake. I imagine Wanda would just pretend nothings happened and try and go about her life. A lot of her social circle who were already doing the same about their suspicions might continue to. I can see a lot of the avengers doing that, especially if she's still working with them cuz she's a big asset as well as a friend. But the xmen and that lot, the periphery social circle, who like her less, are much more likely to take the opportunity to attack her.
Pietro doesnt have a lot of friends to lose. Or a lot of good public rep. I do think he'd tailor his general response to fit with Wanda's even if he wanted to tell everyone to go fuck themselves. I see Wanda wanting to keep out of the spotlight (this isnt a wrong of hers to earnestly take accountability for and make right, it's one of the most important things to her heart that people want to insult), and Pietro taking the spotlight for them if she thinks either of them should make a public statement. He'd get in a lot of scuffles about it, especially if people are saying unkind or crude things about Wanda to him to goad him about it. Magneto is more likely to be his problem, either gonna deny it or blame pietro but almost certainly deny especially publicly. Maybe hed try and set Wanda up with other people he approves of more like in ultimates lol.
Wanda wouldnt want to stop doing her helping people job even if the people were horrible. I cant see her running off with Pietro to live away from any hate really, even if he might prefer that. She'd rather negotiate (or magically influence) her way out of a prison sentence if anyone actually managed to bring a legal case against her and keep working even if that means alone now. Maybe move her official domicile to new jersey or rhode island or wherever cuz it wouldnt be a legal crime there even if everyone still hated it. She'd be sadder and lonelier but people leave her that way a lot and she keeps going.
The only thing that might get her really set against other people is if they start bullying her kids. They still have the shield of being magically created even though everyone's gonna be theorising they're Pietro's. (I can see Vision taking the opportunity to blame her and the kids being someone elses for their marriage problems which would add fuel to the fire.)
Billy would hold onto the magically created thing both as a public defence and internally cuz he would not want to think of himself as an incest baby, he might step away from Wanda for a bit to collect himself but he does idolise her. It would be good for him to get over that idolising and appreciate her more as a real person with human flaws and struggles and not his favourite celebrity, and maybe this situation would be a way for that to happen. Or maybe he'd get over the incest first and things would stay the same. Or maybe he'd so not get over it that he starts to feel negatively about her instead. I don't like that but it's possible for him. Especially if he's recieving negative attention, he doesnt handle that well, but also he's a baby god how many people want to test him.
Tommy would definitely fight people bad mouthing him mom in public. He's not worried about protecting his own reputation, he doesnt have a particularly good one and he sets himself against other people easily so what they think is worthless to him. I don't see him being bothered about Wanda and Pietro's relationship. Its more likely to drive him closer to his mom (and dad) because he's setting himself against the people who are against them. People giving him a hard time is nothing new, and he's gonna give worse back because he's vengeful like that, and he can blow things up. (Tbh I'd like Billy and Tommy to argue about it, that would be fun.)
Luna would be far less affected because she isnt their kid, just Pietro's. And she's more than used to people saying bad things about her dad. In-marriage doesn't seem to be taboo for Inhumans so thats not gonna bother her. Maybe the other kids at her school try and bully her about it, but she's more than capable of spilling all their secrets which might keep them in line, and as I said, it's not about her like it is her half-brothers. At the least though, it's another nail in the coffin for Pietro not getting custody if he tries to again.
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pendwelling · 2 years
hiii!! i love your fics for both fandoms, especially love the way you write relationships!!; don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but do you have any tips for writing cedjeschris? i’m… trying something out…
Oh!!!! Im happy you enjoy my fics that means a lot, thank you so much 😭🛐
As for tips for writing cedjesschris, I guess I can try typing out the general things I myself keep in mind while writing! 👀
For one, Cédric is very much a "actions speak louder than words" type of person! He's the guy who rented out an entite shopping district because Eva and Christelle wanted to take Jesse out shopping but couldn't due to the complicated nature as a foreign prince and diplomatic hostage! He's also the type of person that logically knows that, as a hostage, Jesse technically isn't supposed to be keeping gifts but because Jesse is his friend, Ced lies and tells him "your assigned imperial vaults are too full" just so he can keep the girls' presents :') Cédric is a stoic and socially inept guy but he is an INCREDIBLY good guy deep down,not to mention a man of duty, filial to his parents+godmother, and considerate of his friends. He's also childish, so not making him an emotionless robot is good to keep in mind because that guy is actually the most emotional out of the trio when you think about it xDD
For Christelle, she might be the easiest to write 🤔 She's a very positive and energetic person, and is the type of gal that you'd easily get along with, with her emotional intelligence being one of her strongest fortes that makes up in her high EQ for where Ced is lacking :') <3 Being able to seamlessly incorporate pop culture references to fit her sense of humour and her context as a modern day Korean woman of the 21st century is also p important to keep in mind (which is hilarious, because no one else but her (and Jesse but she doesnt know he knows—particularly at the start of the novel) understands, so in-universe people just sort accept that she says all these wild nonsensical modern things and goes along with her 😂) She cares a lot for Jesse and sees him as a precious friend that she needs to grow stronger to protect (such is her instincts as a Holy Knight) and while she does fight a lot with Cédric, they both have a relationship of mutual respect and acknowledgment, no matter how much they bite or grab at each other's hair while sparring. ((One other key aspect about her character tho is Ham Ga-in's underlying worry that the original Christelle might one day come back to claim her rightful place, so Ga-in is actually very cautious and careful about her life sometimes, because she can never be too sure whether or not "the original Christelle will like [so and so decision that Ga-in makes]". For example, Chris keeps her hair long despite preferring short hair/easy to maintain hair, because it's not Ham Ga-in's hair, but og!Christelle's. She feels like she is "borrowing"/"has stolen" someone's body, so Christelle does her best to give her body a good life and make good decisions, so that if og!Christelle comes back, she will be happy since Ga-in took care of her life well. Ham Ga-in is actually a very complicated and complex character underneath her happy, simple, and cheerful exterior 😭)))
And finally Jesse!!! Surprisingly, he might be the hardest to write, because I feel that it's very easy for people (myself included haha!!) to fall into the trap of portraying him as a completely pure, good, and innocent person (i lose several years off my life whenever I see someone describe him as a Gary Sue too btw). Jung Yeseo is just as much of a modern-day man as Christelle, and while he's definitely way softer in temperament and can be dense, he also doesn't hesitate to privately insult and drag people through the mud in his head 😂 He's surprisingly very snarky (especially towards Cédric)! He just holds himself back because of his position as "Prince Jesse" so he can't act as casual and childish as he typically would xDD And he is definitely not a doormat—I think it's important to mention that Jung Yeseo was a law student, so that sort of gives context as to what kind of person he is. He is righteous in his own sense and can be hard-headed, and rather than being all-forgiving, he is capable of punishing and being stern when called for—a good balance on the scale of justice, shall we say (think of his reaction to Synkie and Peter! They tried to assassinate him so he acknowledges they should be justly punished, but he is also aware of the fact that they are children, and well, we all know that Jesse has a soft spot for children and animals due to his nature as a kind and caring older brother.) Jung Yeseo is a very good person and his kindness and gentle nature plays a big part in his personality, but he's so much more nuanced than his saintly image. Empress Fred even once said his stubbornness to win arguments reminded her of her husband! xD Yeseo is very smart, and while he has a better grip on his emotions than Cédric, he is dense in a comedic way (especially towards sexual advances + in terms of self-awareness) and can be awkward, but it's always enjoyable when people portray him with his snarkiness and subtle sharpness!
As for their dynamic as a whole, it's nice to remember that, while all three of them are adults above their mid-20s (Christelle is physically 19 but mentally in her 30s) they are also pretty childish for their age. It helps that the genre is lighthearted than other webnovels where each chara seems to be riddled with angst. CedJessChris' dynamic feels like three friends who have finally be set loose upon meeting each other, after a long life of hardships and shackles! They cause chaos and trouble, and feel very realistic in their friendship with the way they bond and have heart to hearts. Jesse is usually the mediator for CedChris' frenemies rivalry, but Cédric can also play the role of the only sane person when ChrisJess are up to their plotting shenanigans. And when CedJess fight, we can always count on Chris to be the one to set them straight, as well. They have a very balanced relationship!
I feel like I'm starting to go off way too long now LMFAOOJFJDKLD but yeah!!!!! A lot of what I've said are some of things that I try to keep in mind while writing, so I hope you might find them useful in any way, as well!! 😭👌 I'm curious about that something you say you're trying out 👀👀
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sara-likes-things · 1 year
The first time Steve saw Billy Hargrove he thought he looked like an asshole, the first time he got to interact with him he found he was right. Then after starcourt everything changed.
The things is, Billy Hargrove is the type of asshole Steve hates, the loud cocky kind, almost a mixure of king Steve and Tommy worst traits but in a better looking package.
Steve disliked lots of things about Billy but the most annoying one was that just because Hargrove is from California he gets to walk like he is the best thing to ever happen to Hawkins, and sure, Steve is confident too, his confidence comes from growing up wealthy, there's a certain pride only rich people have and Steve has no lack of it, his parents might not always be there for him but they taught him that he deserves good things above anyone else.
And sure that might have led to king Steve and he was an asshole too but the difference is Steve will never lose this confidence because no matter how popular or not he still is or how many times he gets beat up Steve is going to walk like he is the coolest guy ever, he has killed aliens for gods sake, of course he is cool. The only thing that sometimes makes him waver is that Steve doesn't understand as quickly as others (they all are nerds on his defence so sue him for not getting it as fast as them) but Steve knows he is charming enough to make people ignore that. And if his parents and their rich friends have teach him something is that charm goes farther than smarts, you only need to be charming enough to get to the top and then hire smart people to work for you.
But Steve is not an asshole anymore, he grow up. Finding about alien dogs from other other worlds does that to you.
So he is not surprised that Billy changed too.
Yeah, Steve hated the way Billy acted till he gets to really see who Billy becomes after the whole starcourt fiasco.
(Maybe he was always like that, Steve isnt sure).
What Steve is sure about is that Billy confidence is more of a bravado, sure he's loud and cocky because Billy knows he is hot and that his good looks help him to be popular but Billy also knows that he has to mask his personality to make the good looks really work, and none of this really matter when the most important person on his life makes him feel so small, like he is a nuisance at best (Steve hates Neil Hargrove but thats another thing).
Steve can notice how Hargrove gets tired of pretending everything is okay and gets lost on his head when he think no ones paying attention, all that loudness dissapearing behind sad glassy eyes.
Steve can see how Billy gets self-concious when people notice his scars, as if people noticing them erases his good looks and with that all his worth(Steve thinks they only make him look cooler, like an actual action movie star but in real life).
Billy after starcourt is quiet.
So when Billy sometimes acts the way old Billy acted Steve doesnt hate it anymore, he craves it, almost as if behind that survivor guilt there's a will to live and not just to perish.
A will to bring the old Billy back.
Because Steve knows about being cocky and acting like you're above the rest but he also knows about survival, and after learning about the real Billy how can he hate someone for trying to live.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for making work more fun (OC)
I (Enby) work with this other guy (really old lol M) to monitor this THIRD guy (i don't know how old these guys are I never asked, M) and to put it simply me and my coworker kinda boss him around. telling him what to do. yknow. me and my coworker take turns monitoring him, sometimes interchangeably, but for the most part he's the one in charge and i get to sit back and do nothing. which i wouldnt usually mind if the way we monitor this guy wasn't so boring. My coworker says we can't mention each other whenever we monitor the other guy, because it'll "ruin the narrative" or whatever something stupid and nerdy like that. generally just really boring and dumb to be honest. i don't even know why i work here but i can't remember what anything else even is, so i just stick to what i know, which is to just work. none of us are getting out of here so im just trying to make the most of it. i do that by adding a few things here and there, change a bit of the scenery up to just make things more fun for the guy we monitor. i mean if hes having fun then surely we'll have fun too right? at least i am. i add stuff like, yknow, a mini golf course..this- fake police interrogation, just for shits and giggles. apparently my coworker doesnt really like how im adding things, mentioning him, changing things im not "supposed" to change and "stick to the script". To HELL with your DAMN script already, I'M actually making things more FUN. And yknow what?? if I could maybe I'd make my OWN thing, but no, I can't, "we have to stick to the story!" well whats even the POINT of a story if its not fun?? Do you think walking around aimlessly with just- some GUY bossing you around is FUN?? No! No it's not, I'd imagine!! I'm actually doing work YOU don't seem to appreciate ENOUGH. AND FRANKLY I DO A LOT OF THINGS FOR YOU, AND A LITTLE RESPECT WOULD ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING TO ME. YOU CALL ME RIGHT AS IM IN THE MIDDLE OF DOING MY THING, YELLING AT ME THAT I "DID EVERYTHING WRONG AGAIN! GO BACK!" AND THEN I LOSE TRACK OF WHERE HE EVEN IS. BECAUSE OF YOU. I MESSED THINGS UP MORE. AND YOU STILL BLAME ME. YOU ALWAYS, ALWAYS BLAME ME. WHENEVER YOU'RE NOT IGNORING ME OR TELLING ME OFF FOR CHANGING THINGS OR MESSING THINGS UP I AM THE ONE WHOS BLAMED. CAN'T YOU SEE THE THING WE'RE MISSING IS THE FUN PART?? YOU WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY. YOU YOURSELF WANT TO BE HAPPY. BUT YOU CANT EVEN FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY IN JUST A FEW SIMPLE WAYS DESPITE THE COUNTLESS TIMES I'VE SHOWN YOU I COULD. I SHOWED YOU WHAT WE CAN DO INSTEAD OF THIS. IS IT BECAUSE IM JUST..SOME STAND IN TO YOU?? DO YOU NOT THINK THE PROGRESS AND EFFORT IVE PUT IN HAS NO MERIT WHATSOEVER?? AND YOU STILL FAIL TO SEE HOW IMPORTANT SOME ACTUAL ENTERTAINMENT COULD BE?? HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN ALREADY?? HOW LONG DO WE HAVE TO KEEP DOING THIS??
..Sorry. i got a bit mad.
i don't think i'd actually be able to tell him all that. at least i get to let my feelings out here now. its a bit more relieving. he thinks im the asshole here, but i think im justified. im making progress. im making things better. he just cant see it and ignores all of it.
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catenation · 11 months
Bido is gonna be the show stealer here isnt he. I wanna know what his relationships and general opinions are towards the other characters that end up in this main group of yours
cracks my knuckles (and also thank you so much for sending all these i feel the spirit of Story entering me once more)
in rough order from goodest to baddest:
greed: i could write entire essays about greed and bido even just in the context of what little we see of their relationship in canon but suffice it to say things are complicated in there. on the one hand theyre undeniably close. even disregarding how close i think they were before, just by process of elimination at the start of this theyre each flat out the most important person in each others life. bido has incredible depths of trust and admiration and care and Yearning for greed and greed in return also trusts bido completely, admires him, and loves him in his own "when i call you my possession it definitely definitely definitely doesnt mean my bff" way.
...the problem here is that on the other hand, he did tell bradley during the fight in the sewers that none of his henchmen are his friends. and bido heard that. and greed doesnt tell lies. Whoops.
having all his friends murdered, on its own, is pretty detrimental to greeds progress towards admitting (to himself as well as others) the One Big Thing. the good thing about this is that at least he does still have a guy left who he cares about enough to value HIS feelings on the subject, but the problem is dragging those feelings out into the open in the first place, and bido is going to have to be the one to do it. godspeed.
mei: she comes barreling into his life right as hes in the process of lighting the match to burn all his bridges. needless to say that match winds up tossed into the river. no one is immune. he hasnt gotten along with many kids in the past but mei is polite and earnest enough that he very quickly gets attached and starts thinking of her as part of the group, no matter how bad the fear gets that now he has someone else to lose.
everyone in this group has strong similarities that i think make them really good as a team, and with mei and bido, they each have baseline-quiet personalities interrupted by strong outbursts of emotion, especially getting really mad when they sense an injustice. theyre also both hopeless romantics and optimists at heart, even though bidos had decades to get jaded by his experiences and try to couch his hopes in realism, and mei sort of brings that back out in him, the realization that maybe the world Can be a better place. and in turn he teaches her that sometimes you have to hedge your expectations and work with what youve got. balance......
scar: so. scars got some Hangups, around chimeras. one of the first scenes i pictured when i was brainstorming this was bido and scar discussing nina, and bido bringing his own perspective on what he did that wouldnt really be what scar expected. everything about bido kind of throws scar off a little bit. he isnt sure what to make of him, whether to feel pity or disgust or?? ?compassion? (he is so burnt out on compassion but he cant help it either) (neither of them can help it)
in the end getting to know bido helps scar to realize that despite whats been done to him hes still just. A Guy. and in doing so helps him along the long road to accepting that he, too, is just A Guy.
yoki: bido does not like yoki. yoki is both all things that grate on him in a person (acts like hes still rich, snobby, selfish) and at the same time way too similar to himself for his own liking (weird little man, complains a lot, always scurrying about). he makes him self-conscious in a way he does not like at All. unfortunately for bido yoki (at some point along the line that im still not 100% solid on) decides inexplicably that he has to be Nice to bido and it drives him up the wall because he thinks hes patronizing him but its actually because i thought making yoki the ignored one-sided third point on a love triangle would be really funny.
marcoh: oh he likes marcoh even less than yoki. bidos experiences have created in him a serious distrust of any and all doctors, whether theyve been forced to quit the profession or not, and especially ones associated with the government. marcohs sadsack attitude does not endear him to bido at all and he spends most of his time glaring at or avoiding him. eventually he gets used to him being around, at least enough to stop registering him as a threat, and i do want them to talk at least once, but the two of them are probably the weakest bond in the group all things considered.
i hope very strongly that my bido characterization is enough to make people as excited about him as i am......maybe i can pull in some new bido fans with this. thats really like a solid 80% of the goal here
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fenikorg-talks · 1 year
jujutsu kaisen chs 235,236 spoliers!
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no but like i truly believe he actually forgot a chapter
you cant tell me otherwise why the heck in chapter 235 gojo was winning and then in ch 236 out of NOWHERE he's in heaven. it doesn't make any fucking sense
this is how 235 ends:
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gojo just released purple on sukuna destroying everything in its path, including himself, he healing slowly but steady, and sukuna on the verge of death, without a single hope of winning. everyone else is so sure that gojo won that they arent doubting the fight, they have 100% trust that gojo already won, without any but's or if's.
and THEN 236 starts like this:
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at first i thought it was a memory, but then gojo brings up the comment that dying was something to do alone, and I thought it was an hallucination or something like that, but then EVERY SINGLE DEAD PERSON THAT WAS CLOSE TO GOJO started to appear telling him that it was just damn time for him to finally die. Then gojo brings up the bullshit that he didn't do anything to protect the others, that he only did it for fun, to not be bored anymore, to finally fight with an opponent without holding back because he was the strongest and blah blah blah and I was certain it was bullshit. that man right there wasn't gojo it was someone else and gege was trying to get us off balance, something like a distorted reality or mixed thoughts that arent quite true and all that, but then they throw me this on the face:
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and we dont fucking know what shit happened. think about it: gojo's winning, sukuna almost dies, there's a very suspicious scene on the airport with teen gojo and everyone who he cared in his teenage years, and now he's dead, half body lying on the ground with a smirking sukuna declaring how the hell he won the match. IT DOESNT MAKE FUCKING SENSE. WERE WAS THE BATTLE? WERE WAS THE ACTION? WERE WAS EVERYONE ELSE COMMENTING THE SHIT THAT WAS HAPPENING? alright, it might have been a surprise attack, BUT WITH WHAT FUNDAMENTS DID SUKUNA ATTACKED??? there are too many plotholes in just these fifteen pages alone and I need answers. there is no need for a great explanation, I just needed a one single panel with the worried expressions of everyone who was watching, screaming even, for gojo who was in danger. if it was really a sneak attack and gojo couldn't see it, at least everyone else did, but noooooo they just showed us maki and yuta holding back themselves from literally murdering sukuna, and that was during sukuna's speech. where was higuruma's, yuji's, hakari's, miwa's, hajime's, ANYONE'S REACTION. JUST ONE WAS ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT SOMETHING BAD WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
another thing that had been bugging me: sukuna was fucking dyyiiing how the fuck did he healed himself if he didn't have enough cursed energyyyy reallyyy this is fucking insaaneeee, there are tooooo many plothollesss I insist. And then there's that, fucking piece of information, that sukuna "was holding back".... my dude, he was LOSING. i don't know if it just came to gege's mind that, "oh i hate gojo so much i cant keep writing this fight its giving me nausea, i know, lets fucking kill him so i don't have to see him again, yey!" ...... I'm sorry that's not how gege thinks. he may hate gojo but he KNOWS he's important for the story, otherwise he would have him gone a looooong time ago, i mean have you seen all the bullshit sad backstories he gives to this man?? the divorce?? the fushiguros???? yuta and mika????? itadori??????? shoko, utahime, masamichi, the elders??????? the DEPT that this man carries???? gege might hate gojo, but lets not forget that he is a well written character. and that also makes me overthink a little about the very first chapters of the manga, when yuji asks gojo if he can defeat sukuna, AND JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK HE RESPONDS??
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EXACTLY!! HE WOULD WIN! so that was a fucking lie, gojo was keeping yuji safe from wondering, or gege is planning something sick (there's also the option of gege just forgetting it, but for the sake of my mental health I wont elaborate on that) there are still things I do not understand and I NEED gege to explain.
also, there is this things that keeps coming to my head: sukuna isn't the type of sorcerer to brag about his power, like gojo did before, he releases his power when he needs it, and with the cards he's given. with itadori he couldn't do much because yuji could control him so the little things he did was due to the circumstances, like when yuji asked for help, he didn't want to help but the curse wanted to fight so sukuna killed the curse, then he ASKS YUJI TO RETURN TO THE CONTROL like damn that man has matters. and then, when jogo makes yuji eat the other ten fingers, he's overpower and starts to do whatever he wants because he has been in yuji's control way too much, and after he defeats jogo, who willingly wanted to fight sukuna, he literally gives yuji the control of the body again. it might be to lower yuji's motivations but still, he took advantage of the momentum to move on with his plan. another time he took the opportunity was when yuji died and made the contract that allowed him in the shibuya incident take control of fushiguro's body. this guy is smart, and he doesn't waste opportunities, so I can see him winning the battle. we all know by now that he did in fact won the battle, but we don't know with what kind of plan or tricks did he do it. i still don't buy the thing with mahoraga
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i feel like it's something else, something is missing, then again there isn't enough information, probably lost on the chapter gege forgot to release.
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THE FACT THAT THIS MOMENT ALONE MADE ME SCREAM INTO THE VOID. and it wasn't because gojo was dead, neither because sukuna gave him the credit he deserved, NO, its because gojo's smiling, he's FUCKING SMILING. that man doesn't want to fight anymore, its written all over the page, that man is tired, satisfied, and is hallucinating. and the fact that I can see that is what makes me scream. WHAT ABOUT FUSHIGURO MAN, ARE YOU JUST GONNA LET HIM DIE IN THE PIT OF DARKNESS HE'S IN?!! WHAT ABOUT THE PROMISE BRO WTF I know you didn't like Toji, but you got way too close with the kid you wanted to protect him you wanted him to live DUDE. he's just gonna leave all the work to the others, he wants to rest, he doesn't want to do anything with curses or sorcerers or anything like that, he will LEAVE them alone helpless because gojo was their last hope he was the strongest the only one who could win against the king of curses damn it aaaallll.
and THAT just makes me think... what are the others thinking? the only reactions we got from the last chapter were from maki, yuta, yuji and hajime, and they're veeeeery different
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yuta is fucking angry and worried and obviously scared, but still grabs his katana so anxious as he wants to go to the battlefield. maki is holding him back, with a more steady and severe expression, because she knows they cant defeat sukuna. the background around them is dark and still meaning they're still in the same place, holding back and waiting for the next move. yuji's expression is fucking scared, he's worried and he's sweating, and I'm certain he's trying not to cry, his background is moving which can mean he's moving to the battlefield even if he knows he's going to die, no one is holding him back which can mean either they are letting him go (such a shitty friends really) or haven't noticed he's gone. and hajime Is already IN the battlefield. that slash that cut gojo in two had enough time for him to move from wherever they were into the battlefield and he's EXCITED HE'S SMILING LIKE THE FUCKING IDIOT HE IS idk if he will be able to win against sukuna given the fact that he literally killed gojo, but oh well...
this is madness, i need the forgotten chapter
let me know about other things you notice too pleasssseeee
this also gave me A LOT of things to think about, like what will happen with itadori and his powers and all the rage he has and all the dead people he has seen and... well, all the tragedy
i might as well post something about itadori, we'll see
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in honor of our favorite 33 to 100000+ year old unemployed terrorist’s birthday (korean time), i present to you: puzzleshipping time loop au where yami yuugi gets worse instead of better from s0.
ok so we all know that the Gang(TM) got through some shit throughout the story, where they are pretty close to dying. a lot.
how consider, instead of making it through barely, they dont. (gets shot multiple times-)
ok but more specifically yuugi dies from the strain of shadow games and stress or a mishap in those games. and yami PANICS HE PANICS SO HARD PRAYING TO EVERY GOD THAT YUUGI DIDNT DIE AND THEN THE MAGIC OF THE PUZZLE ACTIVATES AND YAMI IS BACK IN TIME AND SAVES YUUGI and everyone gets out safe and sounds and sane :)
Except It Keeps Happening. Yuugi Keeps Dying. Yami Keeps Turning Back Time.
he can get it right if he just had another chance. he wont let yuugi die again. that wont happen and they would make it to the end of their journey this time-
Yuugi Dies To A Bully. (one more chance. please. i can make this right-)
Yuugi Dies To Silfer. (no please i not like this hes my partner i cant go on without him-)
yami gets more desperate, protective, and unhinged as the cast makes it through their journey. he gets jumpy, withdrawn, and snaps at anything that might seem like a threat. his already tense relationship with kaiba because more testy as he loses trust in those around him other than yuugi’s close friends. hes also more violent and harsh, not really giving up penalty games like he does in the transition to duel monsters.
yuugi is scared of yami. he never quite got over it even with his friends’ acceptance of yami. but he also knows yami is scared and he cant pinpoint why exactly other than its related to protecting him. but hes also scared to ask because what if yami snaps at him. he doesnt want yami to hurt anymore but also doesnt want him to hurt anyone else.
eventually, the continuous use of extremely taxing magic starts eroding away at both of their souls. cracks form in yami’s soul room first. stair start crumbling and doors are barely holding on. yami slowly starts losing himself and he knows it, but he also cant let yuugi die. the cracks reach yuugi’s soul room after a while. a few of the toys start showing wear, board games losing pieces, cracks in the walls. thats when yami comes clean.
its a terrifying and heartwrenching experience for both the yuugis and the rest of their friends. Yuugi has been dying. These games are dangerous and they haven’t been making it through them like they thought. the only reason why yami kept going and pursuing his memories? because yuugi keeps encouraging him to find himself and he thinks he can protect yuugi better next time. and because he thinks that once hes gone, yuugi will be safe again.
they figure it out though. they make sure yuugi stays safe. why do they keep going? because yami deserves to know who he is, and yuugi is willing to risk his life to get there. as he already had, but this time it will actually be different.
and yami learns an important lesson on friendship, learning when to ask for help, and communication. and then we have the rest of  normal canon just with yami’s major ptsd and a slower to warm yami who is still willing to burn someone to the ground in like season 4.
how does this relate to orv? idk man i just think time loop and go “omg yjh vibes fr fr” i think it would be an interesting parallel between yami and yjh, they just match in my brain for some reason. doesnt quite follow yjh’s character arc tho LOL
anyway i like angsty time loop aus as much as i like silly time loop aus. they just have so much potential. here i just wanted yami to suffer :)
anyway back to silly au ideas
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trashcatsnark · 1 year
Just rambling because I really wanna be feral about my bg3 tav and dont have a place to really do so lmao but my little rotted brain wanted to play with the whole- tadpole fucks with previous conditions/characters shit. Ala making Astarion able to walk in sunlight and and seemingly making Gale's orb hungrier/less stable (judging off the first artefact helping him as usual but then the second one doesnt)
And I don't do fantasy often but since arcana Ive always wanted to play with a character with a enchantment/spell on them that makes people forget them shortly after meeting them. Unable to form lasting connections and living a life thats almost entirely in isolation (i love lonely transient bitches)
So, my tav, Petra (half wood elf, rogue/ranger) ran away from a shitass abusive life with her now dead partner who casted the enchantment on them both, so only they could remember one another. Being each other's entire world. Shit happens, her lover dies, but the enchantment is binded to their instrument (lover was a bard)
Which is all build up to say, she had and only wanted a cozy insignificant existence, because significance just means giving people the power to hurt her/being known means vulnerability and yet now thanks to the tadpole, she is being perceived and thats horrifying enough- i also really love the extent that Petra contradicts with many of the companions in terms of the idea of ambition and desire.
For so many of the companions (except Karlach really) insignificance is their like nightmare. Gale has both an innate hunger f for power because he derives his sense of self-worth from being a powerful, significant, and impressive wizard. Gale of Waterdeep, chosen of Mystra, deep down he does want a more simple life of relaxing in his tower and idly reading, and cooking for someone he loves but he can't ever seem to fully shake this feeling that when he sees power or opportunity he must grasp it because without talent, power, significance, magic, utility- he thinks he has no worth at all. Astarion craves power, once you start to enter act 2, he starts to talk about how he thinks the player has ambition and that maybe heyyy you can use that ambition for me? Because to him ambition and power, his own or using someone elses is how he'll find a way to permanently escape his abuse. He says he's not content to sculk in the shadows, what good is freedom if he doesn't have the power to make sure he'll never lose it. Wyll, the blade of frontiers, wanting desperately to help everyone- be a hero, make the sword coast proud in a way he never could make his father. He wants to matter, he wants to be important, he is forever burdened by the weight of his mistakes- the pact that binds him, never able to feel free of it and just wants the world to look at him and see something good.
Lae'zel fears insignificance, this is stated plain as day in the scene where she threatens the player, if you choose to probe her thoughts. She's doesn't care if she dies, if her skull splits, and tentacles writhe through her flesh- she's terrified it will happen before her queen ever knows her name, that she'll never be more than a failed soldier, that she'll never wield the silver sword or ride a red dragon. That she'll die before she feels she ever mattered.
Shadowheart wants to be a dark justiciar, she wants to be of value to her god, she wants to matter- similarly to Lae'zel, ironic given their hostility, but it is the same ultimate goal. She doesn't want to be no one, she doesn't just want to be another follower who's struck with pain, mind wiped tirelessly, and nothing to show for it- she wants her pain to have purpose, meaning, even if it's just serving the god causing it. Karlach is already a bit of an oddity in terms of, she never really seems to be scrounging for power and signficance and in fact- her power, her strength, her ability is what led to Zariel choosing her as her attack dog. So, while she's a bit more similar in not having a heavy desire for power, ambition, and a goal beyond- not wanting to be hurt, the desire for freedom and life on her terms. They still differ so greatly in terms of- Karlach lost out on getting to be a part of life for so long, she misses people, connection, and she doesn't want to avoid life because it hurt her, she wants to take back the parts stolen from her- she wants to live and be apart of the world finally again on her terms. Even if it kills her.
And my brain just kind of buzzing and feral for this idea of how she somehow finds herself thrusted into not only being perceived, being surrounded by people who are learning who she is, knowing parts of her she hasn't shared, and also being asked to... lead. When it's never truly been something she craves and even overwhelms her, but it finds her regardless and how she helps ground for many of them their grappling for power/ambition while for her they help her find that... she deserves to be a part of the world around her, that she can touch the world around her and make a difference. And she's no less guilty of wanting something that's bad for her, that she's been alive but not truly living and returning to that loneliness once the tadpole is plucked out won't be peace, won't be contentment, isn't freedom, because it was never that to begin with- she was just languishing in isolation and grief as a living ghost.
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lennjamin-o7 · 2 years
Techno: "Huh, I couldve sworn I saw movement inside the palanquin" Phil, inside said palanquin: writing little notes on everything someone does that he doesnt like in his diary kicking his feet like a schoolgirl Phil: "Revenge and a sonboy?? What else could a man want! Truly I have the most perfect wife <3"
All the other notes in his diary are just P+ K in a big heart. On literally every page.
Schlatt: Doing his damndest to make a good impression on Techno Techno: "Kinda weird dude but he seems ok" Schlatt internally: If I dont become besties with this fucking kid by the end of the day I'm gonna lose my job; I am SO fucking behind on my magic taxes!
Schlatt: trying to bond a bit with the new sonboy of the fae realm Mielle: Ah yes, this is all about ME Schlatt: "Bro I'm trying to build business connection here! Leave me alone so I can SCHMOOZE!!"
Schlatt: "I don't think your pops would like me giving you food, he'd probably kill me about it actually" Techno: "the king can kill fae?? He never mentioned that before! That wouldve saved us this whole trip" Schlatt: "Oh they're going down the 'surprise adoption' route huh. Don't worry about it then princeling!"
Schlatt: "Wait you genuinely don't know who the fae you made that deal with actually is??" The royals: "Nope? Why would that be important??" Schlatt: "You know what? Not my business. I'm just here to do the bare minimum and network with the newest sonboy of the realm. Not educate dumbass humans."
Schlatt looking at the palanquin: "What kind of ASSHOLE would leave their sonboy alone all sad? God that's such a DICK MOVE isn't it little princeling?? Wouldn't wanna get adopted by that guy!" Phil, scowling from inside: This feels a bit personal
Phil: makes magic plant to shade his sonboy from the sun and heat Felix: leans closer to techno so he can have some shade too Phil: thin ice but I guess its ok Mielle: steals techno's seat and makes him sit in the shit area she was sitting in Phil: absolutely fucking not. eat shit and die.
Mielle: openly talks shit about who's about to be the prince of all fae Fundy who just wanted to see the sonboy: Bro i gotta fucking haul ass if I wanna live to see another day Puffy who needed to vibe check Mielle: The vibes? Rancid. I hope you have an AWFUL day. Matter of fact? I HOPE the queen kicks your ass. You deserve it.
Phil: They hurt our sonboys feelings! They made him so sad!! Kristin: aww poor baby :( I'm gonna rip them to fucking shreds <3
Queen Chesil: where the fuck has my son gone he ran off but now we cant find him holy shit this is bad Phil: Just turned my new son into a fae!! Might fuck around and get some more revenge later <33
Techno: "I wanna go back to my old family! I love them all!!" Kristin: "Oh yeah? Name one good thing about Mielle. Quickly." Techno: Techno: Techno: "That was so unfair and you know it" Kristin: "You'll get over it. Now how about some cookies? You're far too skinny!"
The royals: "thank god the queen was willing to hear about our deal. Now we dont have to worry about that fae yoinking our second child!" Phil, pulling the old switcharoo: yoinks their third child The royals: surprised pikachu face
The royals when court is back in session: "Where the fuck is our youngest prince what did you do" Kristin: "Yeah about that… you lost the custody battle on that one and since he's technically not inside your deal you cant do anything about it" :) The royals: "Surely there's some way we can bargain him back?? This isn't fair at all!" Kristin: "Ohh well the thing with that is we've kinda sorta already adopted him and turned him into a fae? Yeahh maybe you shoulve been a bit more attentive if you didnt want the boy to get snatched! We got his name fair and square too. No wiggle room at all on your end!! The royals: "Thats literally so unfair??" Kistin:"Have you maybe considered the fact that I literally dont care?? We're kinda fucking famous of stealing kids. Now shoo so I can have more sonboy time!"
Phil would do something like that. If anyone asks, he would call it a travel journal, but its just filled with vendettas and mushy doodles of Kristin. Little hardcore hearts drawn throughout.
Magic taxes asdfghjkll Yeah he would be. Fuck the magic IRS, he's from Magic New York.
Schlatt is there to do his job and insult mortals, and he's already done his job. And that insult thrown at Philza was INCREDIBLY directed. Phil was scowling the entire time. Very unhappy. Stay away from his new son.
Oh yeah, Phil didn't LIKE Felix trying to share the shade, but it was fine. Techno looked thrilled with his brother curled next to him. Can't be too mad.
Not eat shit and die, SMELL shit and die. Stinky plant for stinky children. Send a nice breeze so Techno doesn't have to smell it.
Fundy was not about to get merked because a bratty girl decided to try and one-up the kid literally wearing Philza's jewelry. He had a life to live.
All of your impressions are KILLING ME. Every single one of them. I am dead. Sorry guys, can't update the last chapter because this ask killed me via my funny bone /j.
There is a no refund policy in Kristin's court. Finders keepers. :P
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marunalu · 2 years
How do you think AFO and the AFO vestige feel about Izuku? Do you think he loves him as much as he does his brother? Hypothetically, if AFO does succeed with taking OFA from Izuku, what would he even do with him afterwards? Physical AFO showed no indication of wanting to kill Izuku while the AFO vestige has been bent on injuring him like the quirk arriving tendrils, talking my about breaking his spine, and activating Izuku's danger sense. Even if/when the dad for one theory comes true, what are AFO's real feelings towards Izuku?
I think afo/hisashi deeply loves izuku similar how he did for yoichi. But remember despite that afo deeply loved his brother he was willing to hurt him too. He allowed his bodyguard to push yoichi hard to the ground and hold him there, he locked him into a vault, he let yoichi starve himself, he forced a quirk into him against his will. Afo loved his brother so much, that he was ready to hurt him as an means to an end. To make it impossible for yoichi to leave him, to make yoichi dependend on him, to make sure he will never lose him. Afos love is toxic and fucked up, but its still love, just not the way a person should feel for someone else. Love is not always rainbows and unicorns, it can be REALLY ugly and messed up! And I believe he is ready to be that hard to izuku too, because right now afo needs to get ofa out of izuku under all costs. The thing is, afo gave izuku multible warnings in the past ("you choose yourself a thorny path"), tried to tire him out physically and emotional, tried to lure him away from his friends, tried to manipulate him and still tries to show him how fucked up hero society is. Afo is trying to open izukus eyes like he did once with yoichi and that only his way is the right one, but of course izuku doesnt listen and has no reason to. Afo wants izuku to understand his view and wants him on his side!
When you compare the real afo and the vestige, you will realize that the vestige is far more full of malice and brutal, not only to izuku but in generell and also way more controlling. And while the afo vestige is far more willing to use hard methods on izuku then the real one, nothing of it ever was meant to harm him really bad. Remember when afo inside tomura tried to stab izuku with his black tendrills but bakugou pushed him out of the way? Where did the tendrills stab through bakugous body? His shoulder and his far side, in other words nowhere near an important organ or main artery. And on top bakugou managed to recover from that injury incredible FAST. It was an attack meant to make izuku incapacitated im the moment. So he wouldnt be able to fight any longer. It was an non letal attack on purpose. Or when afo pushed izuku away with AIR CANNON! His most powerful and most destructive attack. He needed ONE shot to destroy kamino with it and injured the pro heroes there so bad with just one blow, that not one of them was able to stand up again. He pierced one of best jeanist lungs with it and almost killed him with that. And what did THIS very attack which one shooted dotzens of perfectly healthy pro heroes to an injured and physical and emotional tiered out izuku? NOTHING! Absolutely nothing! It pushed him several meters away, but izuku had not ONE more scratch on him. But instead AFOS (well tomuras) hand startet bleeding! Because afo did hold the true deadly power of the attack back to not injure izuku even more then he already was.
Same goes with afomuras comment about breaking his spine. In the world of mha breaking a spine can be healed and you can recover from that. Breaking his spine means izuku wouldnt be able to move anymore. He wouldnt be able to fight any longer. He wouldnt be able to stop afomura forcing ofa out of him. If afomura actually wants or plans to kill izuku afterward, he would have said so at this point. He didnt hold back to tell bakugou to die. If he really wants to kill someone, he makes that 100% clear. Not ONCE did afo OR afomura ever say that they want to see izuku dead or plan to kill him. Even when allmight asks afo in tartarus if he plans for tomura to kill izuku, afo COMPLETLY avoids answering the question and changes the topic. He doesnt want to kill him and thats a big deal if we consider that afo never showed any kind of mercy to one of the past ofa users.
Also its important to note that afomura is NEITHER afo or tomura right now. He is a completly new person. But he stores the emotions of both inside himself. When he was fighting against bakugou it was afos hate he felt not his own, he even notices how he doesnt understand where this hate is comming from. When izukus danger sense activated it was tomuras ill will he felt not afos. Danger sense has never activated yet because of the real afo, only to afomura and I mean come one, he was REALLY PISSED at that moment. He was about to lose the fight.
About the question what afo plans with izuku after he steals ofa are: vault time. Maybe not in the same fashion how he did it with yoichi, but still making it impossible for izuku to fight him. And I think inko is the key to that. Afo asked the aoyamas to bring the 40 year old macallan (inko) to him, but they only could bring the 16 year old macallan (izuku) to him. Afo asked for inko first! Thats important! And right now there are afos spies inside ua who have seen izuku and inko together. The male spy even gives an evil grin when he sees izuku and inko hugging each other. They know what izukus mother looks like, know his biggest weakness, the person he loves the most in the world and in the latest chapter there is a small flashback of afo and skepsis talking with each other and the spies listen to skepsis orders who gets his orders from afo. Inko will be kidnapped very soon. And thats how afo will "vault" izuku. By kidnapping his mother and forcing izuku to listen to him, to give him (and us readers) his side of the story and why he is doing what he does plus incomming past flashbacks of him and yoichi.
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