#maggie laf
partiallypearl · 2 years
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cupcake8me · 1 year
Here are some of the open characters u can ask
I'll reblog the rest
Merissa (merissa is crazy and likes torcheri g things but only if she is really bored and she doesn't interfere with other's storyline)
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This art velongs to the beloved mother m also known as anotherskele-anon my she rest in peace u-u (shes not dead)
Vu (vu is a chilled person and her girlfriend is emerald)
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Rose (rose is like an agnsty teen and is apart of the fell universe)
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Heidi (she's chilled and kind as far as I remember just don't piss her off (it's very hard to))
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Fresh!Merissa (basicly the smart fresh version of merissa)
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Maggie (she's very shy and doesn't like to speak much)
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Izzac (izzac is almost always annoyed especially with merissa and he's also an alcoholic. He's also swap merissa)
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(This art also belongs to mother m)
Jennifer (she's a lustful character so she'll flirt with u but if she tries anything she'll be bonked by merissa)
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Shayn (shayn is very shy but also likes causing mischief every mow and again)
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This art belongs to @laf-e-taffy
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girll-almightty · 3 years
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He just said "I know what that's like." I love him so much.
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the moons the clear one - totally an illusory - well not totally - but its a demi moon not full  - but idgaf about the foto except - idk  
a reminder  
whats reel  - like downton abby  - when maggie say “i will lick the stamps myself “  i awmost die laffing  - if u saw it make sense like tawking heads - thats smith btw not umber tho she saw the movie  - she took a break dance  
i was shuuuushhhhed at acupuncture today  - lol lol lol   - t   too rowdy for needles  - something about exclaiming the heart is a muscle speed freek bikers and looking like an iggy pop song    - yah i wuz w a teenager but they wuznt shhhhhhusshhhhed - i mean w fingers to lips and everything  - and i love the practitioner she is the best - but my hood is uh sedate maybe sedated  - we dont even come close to fitting in  - they actually love us at acupuncture usual - but the treatment room crowded  bizzy and ppl actually sleeping 
i love when the ppl i love start to get to know each other  - mixing 3d and social  platforms exchanging energy gifts lols love 
did more today than i remember so long maybe years  - walking every step cuz nowhere wuz far but a dozen trips up and down 3 flights step - carry water and juice from the store - another trip out acu errands lunch  - then final movie and dinner  
so yah exhausted - for reasons and pain yah cuz using and building muscle as much as  
crows fed a few   more tawked to   - birdsong often 
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pdrneokur · 5 years
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PDR NE OKUR? | Maggie Hyde & Michael McGuinness - Jung - Yeni Başlayanlar İçin ° ° Hiç Jung okumayanlar veya okuyup bilip de şöyle bir tekrar etsem diyenler! Haydi gelin bu şahane kitaba şöyle bir göz atın... . Nedir onu bu kadar özel kılan? Bana göre en önemlisi "çizgilerle" onun bütün yaşamını bize eğlenceli ve doyurucu bir şekilde özetlemesi. Çoğu ünlü kuramcıda olduğu gibi ailesinin bakış açısı, toplumsal yapı onun görüşlerinin oluşmasına katkı sağlamış. Freud ile ayrılması biraz sancılı bir süreç... Jung daha mistik bir insanken, Freud daha akılcı bir insan. Kopmasalardı anormal olurdu... Bir de laf aramızda Jung kadınlar arasında baya popüler 😅 Eğittiği analistler çoğunlukla kadın olmuş... . Ayrıca din konusunda Hz. İsa'ya ilişkin fikirleri hoşuma gitti. Kilisenin onun "gölge" yönünü yok saymasının, yani mükemmel bir günahsız olarak gösterilmesinin, onun bütünlüğünü kaybetmesine yol açtığını ifade eder. Aynı şey şişirilmiş ego ile üstün ırkı savunan Almanlarda görülmüş ve toplum olarak psikolojik sağlıkları tehlikeye girmiştir... . Kitapta tabii ki arketiplere ve daha pek çok şeye yer verilmiş. Simya, mitoloji, dinlere bakış açısı gibi... Bence #kurtlarlakoşankadınlar kitabını okumadan önce biraz Jung okunması yapmanız iyi olur 🙋🏼‍♀️ Basımı yok ama sahaflardan veya kütüphanelerden alıp okuyabilirsiniz... Umarım en kısa zamanda tekrar basımı olur..... . 📚"...bir hastaya öznel olarak cevap verirken, kendi sorunlarınızı keşfetme tehlikesi içindesinizdir." Sf.47 👏 . #yenibaşlayanlariçinjung #maggiehyde #michaelmcguinness #milliyetkitapları #psikoloji #carlgustavjung #jung #psychology #analitikpsikoloji #neokuyorum #neokudum #okudumokuyun #okudumbitti #kitaptavsiyesi #kitapönerisi #kitapalıntıları #kitapyorumu #kitapkurdu #kitap #book #bookstagram #read #reading - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B557KxFAVC8/?igshid=1v920xvw47n0s
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lucaslnclair · 7 years
Not to be dramatic but I'll always be bitter that Luke and Maggie didn't end up together in LAF
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the-everqueen · 8 years
Lams 20?
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
things to know:
1) John and Laf are in choir, which is the same time as Alex’s tutoring sessions, Mondays 5-7:30
2) this is spring semester, sophomore year
3) Alex won the university’s concerto competition in the fall and is scheduled to play with their orchestra this semester
Alex is late.
He was supposed to meet John and Laf for dinner half an hour ago, and he feels the excess time  churning in his stomach as he runs through dim halls toward the auditorium. He’s never late, John knows that, he just took longer than usual explaining secondary dominants to Caroline, he needs her to ace the midterm so Lee will acknowledge he’s a good tutor, he can handle a few students on top of his coursework and practice schedule, he needs the money, Washington looked askance at his scuffed shoes during dress rehearsal, he just needs survive the performance, they have to understand…
The lights to the auditorium are still on. The tightness in his chest loosens. Maybe choir ran over? Maybe he’s not that late.
He cracks open the side door.
John and Lafayette are stretched out on the empty stage, talking just loud enough that they don’t hear him. Alex has never acted with restraint in his life, but something makes him hold back, linger in the dark space between the door and the stage.
“… and then he fell asleep on me,” John is saying. “What do I do with that?”
Laf makes a noise of disapproval. “You need to talk to him.”
“But - you see the problem - I can’t decide whether it means anything. What if he thinks we’re just friends and I make it awkward? Besides, even if it did mean something, he’s going out with Kitty - they are still together, right, she hasn’t broken up with him yet? - and he wouldn’t do that, he has those stupid puppy eyes for her.”
Alex swallows. They’re talking about him, of course they’re talking about him. The scene is a high school cliche, except he never went to a normal high school so he doesn’t really know.
He’s not stupid. He sees the fond looks John gives him during their study sessions, feels him go tense whenever Alex jumps into his lap, hears the soft note in his voice when he says Alex’s name. They met last year because he thought the saxophonist at the jazz concert Burr dragged him to was talented and hot, and what harm could a little banter do?
But John is his best friend. He’s smart and passionate and reckless and an utter asshole. And Alex - well. Alex has never had friends before. The kids at Julliard hated him, called him loud and abrasive, and before that he was too busy practicing or doing homework to socialize. What he has with John is precious - they get each other like no one else at Kings. Alex doesn’t want to ruin that with his issues, or whatever it was about him that drove away his dad, killed his mom, and made Jaime hate him. It hurts, to imagine John looking at him like Maggie did last week, like Kitty did today, tired and frustrated.
People always leave, but he doesn’t want John to go.
He walks out, swings his messenger bag and then himself onto the stage, talking all the while. “Sorry I’m late. You wouldn’t believe how many Mozart sonatas I had to pull for examples. If she fails the theory midterm, it’s Wolfie’s fault, not mine.”
John and Laf exchange glances. Not subtle at all.
Alex scoots over so he can rest his head on John’s stomach. Like usual, as if he didn’t overhear their conversation about his mixed signals. He plays with the hem of John’s sweatshirt until Laurens relaxes under him, runs a hand over his hair.
“You still on for dinner? Or did you guys order a pizza while I was out?”
“We should have,” John muses.
Laf rolls his eyes. “No, because you like pineapple and that is wrong.”
“So, I’m hearing pancakes.” Alex pushes onto his elbows, making John grunt. “Unless one of you is craving fries.”
“Pancakes sound good. Laf can get the kids meal, they make a smiley face with whipped cream and chocolate chips.”
“Or the red white and blue stack.”
Laf gasps, puts a hand to his heart. “You are mocking me!”
“Like we don’t all the time.” Alex stands. “Drive us to pancakes and we’ll let you blast your Callas albums on the way.”
John and Laf argue on the walk to the parking lot about whether Callas or Norman is a better singer, which somehow devolves into a commentary on Laf’s inability to dance. Alex launches into an imitation of the tenor in last year’s opera. It feels good, it feels safe.
He isn’t going to ruin this.
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wenevergoutofstylee · 8 years
I'm rewatching laf & im at the part where Maggie is being really smug because she's singing with Luke but SHES HELPING HIN SING A SONG ABOUT LEIA GIRL BYE
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yuukisheele · 8 years
tagged by @cloneclubsestra thank you! Directions: answer the questions/fill in the blanks and tag 20 followers you'd like to get to know better. *Name*: Julia *Nickname(s)*: I don't have any *Gender*: Female *Star sign*: Cancer *Height*: i don't really understand inches but google said its something like 6'6" (plz don't judge me. math is not my thing and in my country i don't use inches.) *Sexual orientation*: Lesbian (but i don't really like that word and i use the word gay) *Hogwarts house*: Hufflepuff *Favorite color*: Purple *Favorite animals*: Cats *Time right now*: 12:43 am *Average hours of sleep*: that depends on the day *Cat or dog person*: both :p *Favorite fictional characters*: Carmilla Karnstein, Laura Hollis, Delphine Cormier, Cosima Niehaus, Helena, Laf, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor,Maggie Sawyer, Shane, Bo, Kenzi, Lauren,Lexa, Clarke..there are a lot more but it is to late to think right now. *Nummer of blankets you sleep with*: Usually 2 when it's cold *favorite singer/band*: Ican't answer this because it changes to much. *Dream trip*: I would love to see Scandinavia some day. *Dream job*: Lol idk yet. somewhere i can be happy i think? *When was this blog created? *: I really don't know the exact date but i guess like 3.5 years ago? maybe longer or shorter idk *Current number of followers*: 176! *What made you decide to make a tumblr*: it is a who, @datsparklez brought me here xD i am tagging: @lesbiancolors, @juliadijk , @karnivorouscupcake and everyone else who wants to do this thingy xD (you don't have to if you don't want to)
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dejasuv · 8 years
Okay but thaggie is the most random pairing on LAF but im here for it… like not gonna lie, Theo and Maggie are lowkey cute, it just came out of nowhere.
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jodqriel · 7 years
maggie’s face when alex says i love you is just lsjflksf dfsj laf
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its morning - a good one - both w kitty - a double goodness
tears  - i mean like maudlin man get a grip - no not that kind  
wet sloppy joy sad hope fear  
misses that sloppy weird thing u do on guitar lol - which weird sloppy thing - theres so many lol - we miss laffing - we still laff in different time zones - sometimes words r magic - and there  still 3 standing - walking in love - well i still kinda hobble esp if im carryin something  - (itz a metaphor t  - remember poetry ) 
on to 
birdsong - yes i hear it - louder on cue - more gentle thotprayers daily i feel and send 
maggie sez i am a rawk star :)   a follie a deux im sure or 3  i mean i gotta start my own record label to get myself recorded lol - a local legend at 2 open mics is not fame  - ( tbh imma not actually a legend tho i have been introduced as 1  - it was w love and lols - not just cuz im old as fuck) i do have a couple teen age fans - btw the kidz ie liam and vitas frends that i interact with - some r understandably skittish or just uninterested - but a few - just treat me as a peer - an older weirder peer perhaps - but they take me as i am - not like im that quaint funny old guy that gets tiresome quickly)  - and the vanity vinyl planning - maybe 100 copies 1st pressing and mostly give it away - not the greatest business plan but reality - i can reality good if i have to - only semi delusional and a tiny bit deranged but still free range  - havent been in a locked psych ward cept to visit in 30 years - on that happy note i ends :)
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something dreamy for the morning - sleep deprived as per normal - i must like it  - tho i try to - sleep more or maybe quicker  - i really dont drink that much coffee and - usual lee - if imma sleepy i can go there even after gulping a cuppa  ( wtf t - in reel life u never say things like cuppa - or do u - actually - yah but not like the british its not tea tho i like a nice earl gray from time to time and camomile if im illin )  - therz always - one more - song - something - the kitty duz her best - insisting i duz the good kitty thing like she iz  - and shut down stop  -nightnight kisses  - turn the lights out - wait - 1st remember to put a few crunchies in her bowl - kitties b hungry early morning sometimes 
a venus and laundry morning so far - not even the seagulls r up yet and they b squawking 1st thing  - usually  - no plans just a casual sunday  - or was that pleasant valley - imma deep space 9 it - whatever that means - rain cancelled appearance mostly but later in the week  - i really need a raincoat or something like that -  it dont need to be blue or famous but - shopping  - i go out between the showers - sometimes i get wet - its ok if not 2 cold and windy but its sf  
do u ever - have low expectations - yet - diss a pointed regardless - or do i mean aspirations  - settle for breathing deeply - sometimes - sighing - im good at sighing :)   - comes w the territory of whining  - im laffing cuz im not a  train of no thot bob or at least not twice - thats a 2fer for u if u wanna de cipher like al weberman  - he went thru dylans garbage  - i think we might a  stray cat off topic - theres a topic ?  really - in a 6 word story wattizit  - any takers 
out there
everyday another mia  main st exile tumblr - my notez in the single digits often - i gess i turn the lights off when the time comes music over 
considered briefly madrone tonight but i think no  notwithstanding maybe for a minnit man 
about that subscription jim  - u sure u wanna cancel  - duz the house of detention have a post card  or an email maybe - but u dont dont have a facebook - wait - maybe - keith richards duz but not really  - remember myspace 
the things that happen when u have phish for breakfast  - its what they serve on maggies farm another grat too it us dylan - reference i got a dozen - btw  al weberman is not one of the consulted al’s ever - a book by its cover not maybe but the author 
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