tacticalgrandma · 2 months
New BG3 fic is up! Orin and my Dark Urge, Dread, having some nice sisterly bonding as Orin gets ready to kill her. Featuring angst, family drama, and Orin refusing to call Gortash by his actual name. Standard bhaalspawn content warnings apply.
Comments/kudos/rbs always mean the world to me 💜
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birdloaf · 8 years
non-chudley ask which location would you choose to fight each of the hamilton characters?
i’ve been preparing for this question my entire life. thank u. here are my thoughts
Alexander: i would fight alexander hamilton in his own office. i know it seems counterintuitive but i feel like i could distract him by destroying a bunch of his shit. our respective scrappiness would ensure a close match, there would probably be biting involved and it would culminate in me stabbing him in the chest with a letter opener
Burr: I don’t want to fight burr. i think it’d be really depressing, like beating up an old man. i’ll pass on this one
Eliza: eliza and i would fight in a sunlit baroque dining room at precisely 10:00am and it would be preceded by 15 minutes of drinking tea and having a very calm yet ominous and metaphor-laden conversation from opposite sides of the dining table. the fight would end in a tie where we both decide to spare each others lives and part ways with a newfound sense of mutual respect
Washington: i would literally fight this man anywhere. any time, any place, i will fight george washington, and lose magnificently
Angelica: angelica and i would recreate the blacksmith scene from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Peggy: i would fight peggy in a grassy field dotted with wildflowers in the early autumn sunlight and it wouldnt be a real fight it’d be a pretend fight with our dog and then we’d kiss
Lafayette: i’d fight laf in the park next to my parents’ house because its where he got supremely fucked up one time in a humiliating defeat and his bad memories may give me the upper hand. JUST KIDDING not only would he kick my ass extremely easily he’d probably be charming and kind to me the entire time, and then i would feel bad
Laurens: i would fight laurens in bed. not in a sexy way, just because i feel like the only way i would stand a chance is by ambushing him in his sleep and smothering him
Mulligan: why would i bother honestly. i’d fight herc in a cemetery next to a freshly dug grave so he could just dunk me right in. i trust him to give me a proper burial and come back every once in a while to leave flowers
Maria: i wouldn’t fight maria what the fuck
Jefferson: here it is: i would fight jefferson in the parking lot behind a denny’s at 3 in the morning
Madison: i kind of just assumed madison and jefferson would attempt to tag-team me, therefore i would also fight madison in the denny’s parking lot. i use the word “fight” very loosely here since i feel like i would just have to yell at him or like gently tip him over or something
Philip: philip is a child but i would still fight him. maybe just a little though. maybe just a heated debate
KGIII: i would slap-fight king george in ye olde royal boxing ring surrounded by royal subjects and press photographers. he’d go down pretty quickly and hopefully i’d get to wear the cape
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womenofhamilton · 8 years
Are there any fanon interpretations of the female characters you disagree with?
None that I can think of off the top of my head! I do disagree with anybody who says that Maria was a slut and was a horrible homewrecker, but that’s a whole other argument! That’s about all I can think of! :)
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the-everqueen · 8 years
Angelica/whoever you ship her with, 12?
12. things you said when you thought i was asleep
“Is this a regular thing for you?”
“Sex or stimulating conversations about Mahler? Because the answer to one of those questions is yes.”
Angelica laughs. “I thought you fell asleep!”
“I’m not that old.” Church rolls onto his side, grins at her. How unfair that the photo in her program lied and he’s even more handsome in person, with his dark eyes and perfect skin and devilish grin. Like Apollo, if Apollo were concertmaster for the New York Phil. “Speaking of which, you game for another round?”
So, better than Apollo.
“In a minute.” She places a hand on his chest, which reminds her this is not a dream, this is real, she is touching John Barker Church. “Do you normally have sex with girls from the audience? Or is this some mid-life crisis thing? Because I don’t care either way, you were amazing, onstage and off. But I’m curious.”
“I’m in my thirties, can I have a mid-life crisis?”
“Music is like meth, ages you faster.”
“Hmm. That seems unfair. Isn’t it supposed to be healing? There are music therapists.”
“Don’t get philosophical on me.”
“I’m sure you could best me at the Greeks,” he assures her. “But to answer your question, no.”
She raises an eyebrow but keeps her tone light and teasing. “Then why am I here?”
“Because you are interesting.” He looks her straight in the eye. “Smart, engaging, and yes - beautiful. Besides, what woman would find me after a concert, not to congratulate me, but to tell me she thought my bowings could be more clear in the third movement? The stars had obviously aligned.”
She stares at him for a long moment.
Then she swings a pillow at his head. “You liar!” she shrieks, and both of them are laughing, bodies tangled in the hotel sheets. She really doesn’t expect anything from him - he’s famous, a world-class musician, and she’s a first-year graduate conducting student - but it’s a nice memory, something to tell Eliza and Peggy over break.
The next morning, before he flies out, she gives him her number. For networking purposes.
(He calls her that night. And the next. And the next.)
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theraptorcage · 8 years
Tumblr media
I would like to present to the board the lovely Honeysuckle, a leusistic (spelling??) red shouldered hawk (I think. I know she’s a hawk but it’s either red-shouldered or red-tailed and I can’t remember). She resided at Carolina Raptor Center many years ago and spent her last years on a Native American reserve. Photo by Anne Cooper. -------------------------------------------------
theoroark said to theraptorcage:
Do you have any pictures of leucistic birds? Thanks, and thanks for running such a great blog! -------------------------------------------------
I think this submission answered your request for me! What a cutie this one is.
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runawayforthesummer · 8 years
theoroark replied to your quote: Morristown 12th May 1780. …Alas poor Polly!...
Please, if anything Hamilton won the first season of the Bachelorette
Also true! They used to run the seasons simultaneously and intertwined before realizing they could make much more money the other way.
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swan-archive · 8 years
Bee Movie, My Immortal, Pepe the Frog?
Bee Movie: What’s your weirdest ship?
honestly, i have the most boring shipping preferences in the world, it’s truly tragic. the ““““““weirdest”””””” thing i’ve ever shipped, i think, was will/bev, and that’s only because h//annibal is so aggressively a one-ship fandom. i don’t know, man, i guess monster/human ships are pretty weird? i’ve got a couple hundred thousand of those kickin’ around, and not enough time to list them all.
My Immortal: How would you describe your usual fashion sense?
already answered!
Pepe The Frog: What’s something you find oddly satisfying?
i hate doing 90% of all chores, just because i’m an easily distracted fuck who doesn’t care about keeping her house neat, but for some reason i can get really into...doing dishes? like, i’ll go for days or weeks without washing ‘em, and then be like WELL I GUESS IT’S TIME TO GO and then just spend my entire day off scrubbing away like a maniac. and then all the dishes are clean. and it’s 9pm and i’ve been hovering over the sink for literally hours. @me PLEASE LEARN YOU TO MODULATE FOCUS
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tacticalgrandma · 4 months
New fic! Minthara and her Dark Urge paramour, Melisande, crash a ball for some light assassination. Gortash crashes Minthara's date night. Passive aggressive waltzes ensue.
Thanks so much to @bloomingjellies for letting me borrow her glamorous, terrifying durge oc, Melisande. She was so so much fun to write!!
Reblogs/comments/kudos always mean the world to me 💜
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birdloaf · 8 years
Which Hamilton character is most likely to run a Twitch account that accidentally records them singing along to late career Eminem
does lin miranda count as a hamilton character
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bandmaiko · 8 years
theoroark replied to your post: mumensai replied to your post: ...
J//amilton in general it feels like has become the biggest ship in the fandom and I do not get it at all
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avatarsymbolism · 8 years
AU where Momo actually is Gyatso reincarnated
When Momo first meets Aang, he’s very shy, and curious at first. He just stares at Aang, blinks…says nothing. Eventually, he sniffs Aang’s hand and instantly climbs atop his head. 
So, Momo really loves Aang, and tries to almost act like his guardian at times. It’ kind of cute. They have a really strong bond, Momo and Aang. 
Aang doesn’t learn that Momo is Gyatso until “The Guru.” And, when it happens, it’s this beautiful, powerful scene, and I think it would actually be really lovely and creative.
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the-everqueen · 8 years
Lams 20?
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
things to know:
1) John and Laf are in choir, which is the same time as Alex’s tutoring sessions, Mondays 5-7:30
2) this is spring semester, sophomore year
3) Alex won the university’s concerto competition in the fall and is scheduled to play with their orchestra this semester
Alex is late.
He was supposed to meet John and Laf for dinner half an hour ago, and he feels the excess time  churning in his stomach as he runs through dim halls toward the auditorium. He’s never late, John knows that, he just took longer than usual explaining secondary dominants to Caroline, he needs her to ace the midterm so Lee will acknowledge he’s a good tutor, he can handle a few students on top of his coursework and practice schedule, he needs the money, Washington looked askance at his scuffed shoes during dress rehearsal, he just needs survive the performance, they have to understand…
The lights to the auditorium are still on. The tightness in his chest loosens. Maybe choir ran over? Maybe he’s not that late.
He cracks open the side door.
John and Lafayette are stretched out on the empty stage, talking just loud enough that they don’t hear him. Alex has never acted with restraint in his life, but something makes him hold back, linger in the dark space between the door and the stage.
“… and then he fell asleep on me,” John is saying. “What do I do with that?”
Laf makes a noise of disapproval. “You need to talk to him.”
“But - you see the problem - I can’t decide whether it means anything. What if he thinks we’re just friends and I make it awkward? Besides, even if it did mean something, he’s going out with Kitty - they are still together, right, she hasn’t broken up with him yet? - and he wouldn’t do that, he has those stupid puppy eyes for her.”
Alex swallows. They’re talking about him, of course they’re talking about him. The scene is a high school cliche, except he never went to a normal high school so he doesn’t really know.
He’s not stupid. He sees the fond looks John gives him during their study sessions, feels him go tense whenever Alex jumps into his lap, hears the soft note in his voice when he says Alex’s name. They met last year because he thought the saxophonist at the jazz concert Burr dragged him to was talented and hot, and what harm could a little banter do?
But John is his best friend. He’s smart and passionate and reckless and an utter asshole. And Alex - well. Alex has never had friends before. The kids at Julliard hated him, called him loud and abrasive, and before that he was too busy practicing or doing homework to socialize. What he has with John is precious - they get each other like no one else at Kings. Alex doesn’t want to ruin that with his issues, or whatever it was about him that drove away his dad, killed his mom, and made Jaime hate him. It hurts, to imagine John looking at him like Maggie did last week, like Kitty did today, tired and frustrated.
People always leave, but he doesn’t want John to go.
He walks out, swings his messenger bag and then himself onto the stage, talking all the while. “Sorry I’m late. You wouldn’t believe how many Mozart sonatas I had to pull for examples. If she fails the theory midterm, it’s Wolfie’s fault, not mine.”
John and Laf exchange glances. Not subtle at all.
Alex scoots over so he can rest his head on John’s stomach. Like usual, as if he didn’t overhear their conversation about his mixed signals. He plays with the hem of John’s sweatshirt until Laurens relaxes under him, runs a hand over his hair.
“You still on for dinner? Or did you guys order a pizza while I was out?”
“We should have,” John muses.
Laf rolls his eyes. “No, because you like pineapple and that is wrong.”
“So, I’m hearing pancakes.” Alex pushes onto his elbows, making John grunt. “Unless one of you is craving fries.”
“Pancakes sound good. Laf can get the kids meal, they make a smiley face with whipped cream and chocolate chips.”
“Or the red white and blue stack.”
Laf gasps, puts a hand to his heart. “You are mocking me!”
“Like we don’t all the time.” Alex stands. “Drive us to pancakes and we’ll let you blast your Callas albums on the way.”
John and Laf argue on the walk to the parking lot about whether Callas or Norman is a better singer, which somehow devolves into a commentary on Laf’s inability to dance. Alex launches into an imitation of the tenor in last year’s opera. It feels good, it feels safe.
He isn’t going to ruin this.
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theklaud · 8 years
Happy birthday!!! Thank you for making such amazing art, and also being such a thoughtful, funny, and friendly person!
omg thank you so much!!!! ♥♥♥
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flowersfangsandfire · 8 years
theoroark heeft op je bericht gereageerd “WHO ELSE DIDNT KNOW THAT RIZ AHMED IS RIZ MC WHO FEATURES ON...”
Like apparently he had a song that was banned by the British government because it was “politically sensitive” WHY. DID. I . NOT. KNOW. THIS
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sokkaspetboomerang · 8 years
30. Favourite band
Already got that one!
31. How I feel right now
I feel fine! I’m a little frustrated with some stuff going on at school but that’ll pass. I had a bit of a dodgy couple weeks back there, mostly to do with crushes and romantic crap but I’m coming out of that now too 
37. Tattoos and piercing i want
I mentioned that I’m getting a bear tattoo! Nothing to big or anything but I’m excited. Never been keen on piercings though
70. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
Toss up between breaking my arm or ramming face-first into the wall of my grandparents’ pool. I also smashed a potted plant with my head when I was five but I brag about that so I can’t use that one
Ask Me Stuff!
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talesandfluff · 8 years
13-22, 24?
13. hardest character to write
The hardest for me are always highly energetic and extroverted characters, like Chris from Parks and Rec or Benny from In the Heights. Usually ESTPs.
14. easiest character to write
April Ludgate. Sorry, there is no other answer for me, ever.
15. hardest verse to write
What is this question? Is this about poetry verses? I don't know?
16. easiest verse to write
Is this still about those verses? Or is it like canonverse? In which case yeah it is the easiest to write?
17. favorite AU to write
Answered that one already!
18. favorite pairing to write
Currently, Vanessa & Usnavi, just love their dynamics and the possibilities created by their personalities
19. favorite fandom to write
Currently, In the Heights, for the diversity of human experiences it offers
20. favorite character to write
TBH I think I gotta answer Vanessa cause really, she's so awesome and strong and also some vulnerability, she's not easy for me to write but I love doing it.
21. least favorite character to write
Mmh, I don't know that there's any. I don't write characters I don't like writing.Maybe Pete because I really cannot write him properly and hate everything I write about him.
22. favorite story you’ve ever written
Probably First Times.
23. favorite scene you’ve ever written
Not sure if I have one that is clearly my favorite so I'm just gonna go with the first one I can think of, this chapter of Love and Pride that I really like.
Thank you
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