#maggie goes to london
ineffable-suffering · 11 months
The Jane Austen Ball and why it was never about Nina and Maggie
Otherwise known as (*takes a deep breath*): A completely inflated close-up look at various dialogues and events of Season 2 that prove that the Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeeper's Association Meeting Cotillion Ball was supposed to be Aziraphale's confession to Crowley
Look, the point's been made before but that's never kept me from making it myself again, still. In fact, even I made it before, at the end of one of my other metas. But I feel like it's absolutely worthy enough to get its own soppy, way-too-long post. And I do love it so very much to write ridiculously long essays on something that could easily be condensed into a short paragraph.
So, here we go! Snuggle up, get cozy, settle in and, most importantly:
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(Word count: 3.177 | Reading time: ~13 minutes)
As I already said above, I laid out a similar case in my meta about why Aziraphale is somewhat of an unreliable narrator. I'll try and recycle it here briefly, so I can further make my point.
When Aziraphale arrives back in London from his Edinburgh journey, he seems oddly happy and giddy for the fact that he just had a rather odd and threatening encounter with Shax. I explain in my other meta that this is because he just spent the last hours of his drive reminiscing on the thrilling and romantic magic show adventure of 1941 and also the fact that he just found out that Crowley has been replaced by Shax and no longer works for Hell.
Ergo: We have a hopelessly lovesick Principality at our hands, who's practically swooning over his serpent who saved him, his books and his magic show all those years ago.
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Realistically, Aziraphale should probably be a tad worried about the eery encounter with Shax, in which she definitely had the upper hand on him. But well, if you spend many-a hours driving across the serene countryside (Edinburgh is about an 8-hour drive from London), pondering on one of the craziest, sticky-sweet romantic adventures of your not-life life, well ... things tend to turn a little rosy around the edges. Head in the clouds and all that. Light shades of grey!
Alright, onwards: Once the angel, filled to the very brim with fond memories and butterflies, gets out of the Bentley, he's kindly met with a face full of verdant plants and a very in-character-grumpy Crowley.
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Fhwack! Way to burst the rosy bubble.
Seriously, the absolute lightning speed with which Crowley storms out to vacate the bookshop the very second Aziraphale arrives makes me giggle every time.
Let's make a first small (who am I kidding) diversion into analysing the following conversation in unnecessary detail ...
... simply because I enjoy quoting dialogue as an accurate reference in my metas. I'll also highlight certain passages I want to comment on in individual colours so I can back up my thoughts with them below. Alright, their little chinwag goes as follows:
Crowley: "They you are! I was worried something might have happened to you." Aziraphale: "No, nothing happened to me. Very uneventful journey indeed. No strange things at all." Crowley: "Good. That's what we wanna hear." Aziraphale: "Um .. everything okay with- ah.." *nods to the bookshop* Crowley: "Oh, yeah, fine. He's singing to himself. I think he must have been asleep. I heard snoring coming from his bedroom–" Crowley, to the Bentley: "Did you miss me? I bet you did." Aziraphale: "... I'm sure it did." Crowley: "So, any more clues from the mystery of the missing archangel?" Aziraphale: "Not exactly. Or, if there are, I haven't yet cracked the case. But I'm certainly hot on the trail of something." Crowley: "I'm sure you are. Oh, by the way, the whole sudden rain and awning thing was a complete washout." Aziraphale: "Sorry?" Crowley: "You know, project making Nina fall in love with Maggie. I failed, it's your go." Aziraphale: "I see. Well then, Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeeper's Association Monthly Meeting, here we come!" Crowley: "You're really hosting the meeting?" Aziraphale: "Absolutely! And I can guarantee you, it will be a night to remember."
At first glance, this has little to do with the plot of this meta but actually, it folds into my point very nicely! However, it's not time for that yet, so we'll just state the facts as they are for now and then bring them back 'round later when we need them. That being said: For the love of Someone, will these two ever manage to simply tell each other the truth of what happened instead of thinking they can protect each other by lying about it all the time? Hrmpf. As a big fan of open communication myself, I'm close to developing a stomach ulcer with the amount of false truths being spewed here. (Then again – and yes, that is another, way larger meta I'm currently cooking up – it plays so very perfectly into the whole Jane-Austen-Pride-and-Prejudice tragic miscommunication theme that this entire Season has, so I understand the point of it.)
Very uneventful journey indeed, Aziraphale, except for the fact that you were ambushed by a demon who told you she was Crowley's successor, knows about the rumors of the two of you being an item as well as what went down in 1941 (that almost had both of you exposed) and also seems to have figured out where you and your demon boyfriend are hiding Gabriel, all in the span of about a minute. No strange things at all, nooo!
And Crowley's "Oh yeah, fine" is a total lie too. Again, we see him make an absolute run for it before Aziraphale can even enter the bookshop. After all, he just once again witnessed Jim have a Gabriel-flashback, speaking of the Second Coming, while Crowley was alone with him. As fumingly angry he is with the amnesiac archangel – he's also absolutely terrified of what might happen (to him and Aziraphale) should Jim regain his memories. So, no wonder he's quick to vacate the premises after witnessing Jim's rather eery memory flashback (and was, just like Aziraphale, threatened by Shax mere moments later, lol).
But no, nothing out of the ordinary happened to either of them. Tip-top. Absolutely tickety-fucking-boo.
Alright, let's get back on track with the actual topic of this meta. Certainly hot on the trail of something, hm? At first glance, it might seem like Aziraphale is talking about the fact that Gabriel was in company of someone whenever he went to the Resurrectionist Pub. (The clue!) However, I don't actually think he is talking about that. Why? Because, and this slipped my mind too at first, he never actually follows any of this information up, does he? Yes, sure, he went to Edinburgh, found the capital-c Clue and then returned to London. But what does he do with it? Nothing. He doesn't keep investigating this hot trail because that's not the important thing he realized during his journey. No, the more important clue Aziraphale found during his trip, is that Crowley no longer works for Hell and that he is also very much irrevocably in love with him and must confess this at the earliest given chance. (The latter part isn't necessarily a new discovery for Aziraphale, but it surely is fuelled by the fact that he just realized Crowley's out of a Hellish job and simply hasn't told him yet.)
This exchange just the perfect indicator for the fact that Aziraphale, at no point during his drive back, was thinking about the Maggie and Nina mission. He has no idea what Crowley is talking about once he mentions it and seems surprised, even, that he would. Even though they just talked about it on the phone when Aziraphale was still at the graveyard. Which is another important piece of evidence because it means that the last status update Aziraphale got of Mission Lovebirds, was that Crowley had sensed an opportunity to make them fall in love – and had then hung up on him. Why is this important? Because it means that until that very point of their conversation, Aziraphale did not know that Crowley's attempt had failed! There would have been just as much of a chance of Crowley's weather miracle actually working out and Maggie and Nina already having skipped into the sunset happily ever after.
So, riddle me this:
Why would Aziraphale spend the entire ride back from Edinburgh plotting "a night to remember" (because clearly, he already had the entire Ball planned out down to a T in his head since he goes into action right away after arriving) if he didn't even know yet that Crowley's attempt had failed?
To be very clear here: We're not talking about Aziraphale driving on the M1 to London, having a silly little idea for putting on some good music, miracle-ing Nina and Maggie to dance to it and watch them confess their love–
He planned an entire actual Cotillion Ball with very particular location design that involves re-arranging the entire bookshop, specifically designed individual outfits for (almost) every single attendee, topped off with a live band, hors-d'œuvre, drinks and an actual choreographed group dance.
During one car ride.
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Where's the party planner Aziraphale AU? I'm waiting!
Now, sure, we know that it's still quite important for Aziraphale to convince Heaven of the faux-reason they gave for their accidental ✨25-Lazarii miracle✨. But if we're all honest, this all seems to be a tad much just to make two random humans fall in love, even for that.
Glittery ball gowns and suits? Red and gold wall curtains? A modified language filter? Bloody vol-au-vents?
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Talk about over the top ...
Once we start S2E5, Crowley is still surprised at the mere fact that Aziraphale is actually planning to organize the Monthly Meeting – and he doesn't even know yet that it's gonna be the most extravagant ball-boogaloo that the Whickber Street Community has ever seen! Aziraphale wanting to organize the meeting alone, is enough to render Crowley incredulous, because Aziraphale never mingles with the other shopkeepers. He usually actively avoids them and any sort of social encounters as much as he can because he doesn't care about the bloody Christmas lights, alright?
These things seem mundane and uninteresting to him, obviously, since all he really cares about is hoarding his book collection in peace like the little hedonist he is and drawing as little attention as possible to his none-business business.
Oh, right, speaking of books:
Let's take another unnecessarily detailed look at the whole Whickber Street invitation scene:
Aziraphale realizes very quickly that he's not the only one who's quite unenthusiastic about the blessed Chritsmas lights. And despite his very persuasive methods of temptation ...
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... he has to take some more drastic measurements. And those are?
That's right: Giving away his books.
I'll repeat it again, slowly: Aziraphale is willingly (!) giving away or lending his books to pretty much complete strangers to, allegedly, make two other humans strangers fall in love.
Seriously, who is that angel and what has he done with our prim, fussy, hedonistic Aziraphale that protects his books with the vice grip of an eagle carrying his precious prey?
Believe in the importance of Mission Lovebirds as much as you will, but we're talking about Mr. A.Z. Fell here who, over the past millennia, has pretty much spent every day actively working out methods to stop people from purchasing as much as a single paperback from his holy shelves.
And yet: the 1965 September Dr. Who Annual? Given away. The first edition of Expert at the Card Table that was S. W. Erdnase's personal copy? Lent away to grubby human hands to fondle around with.
Let's do another coloured dialogue diversion (don't worry, it's not as extensive as the last one):
Crowley: "You just did what I think you did?" Aziraphale: "I'm not prepared to talk about it." Crowley: "You gave away a book." Aziraphale: "I had to! Maggie and Nina are depending on me. They just don't know it yet."
Crowley backs up my point: This is a huge deal. Aziraphale does not sell his books – let alone give them away for free. We're all shocked! Flabbergasted!
And the explanation Crowley and us get just ... doesn't satisfy. Something and someone sure is depending on this Ball and doesn't know it yet. But it's most definitely not Maggie and Nina, folks.
You know for whom Aziraphale would give away his books in the blink of an eye, though?
Mhm, that's right.
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This pretty old serpent.
I want to take a minute to show you the reaction again that Aziraphale has upon entering the very same magic shop him and Crowley went to in 1941 to acquire the Bullet Catch:
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You ... you need a minute there, angel? You're sure looking a little ... affected.
And I mean, well, no wonder. He reminisced about that very memory four hours last night. To him, this shop is where the most turbulent, ecstatic, adrenaline-fuelled and romantic night of his life began. And it shows.
I've made my point in my other meta series about how Aziraphale is an incredibly nostalgic character. He romanticizes so many things in his memories – especially the parts that feature Crowley. So, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that he's once again willing to loosen the tight grip he has on his book collection to get the successor of Will Goldstone's Magic Shop, the shop that started it all for him, to come to his fancy Ball.
As we watch Aziraphale and his little lap dog demon pat around Soho, I'd like to take another second to point out that he goes to seven or more establishments before he even invites Nina.
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... and he only does so because she starts talking to them on the street. Almost like he'd forgotten about it. Why not ask her at the very beginning? To establish whether or not he'd have to book-blackmail her too?
"Perfectly ordinary invitation with no hidden agenda of any kind", except that he's using you and Maggie as a pretence to resolve his own clusterfuck of a relationship-miscommunication Jane-Austen-style so that he can then hopefully confess his undying love to his demon not-boyfriend boyfriend.
You'll forgive me another short diversion but my God, the whole exchange at the Marguerite's restaurant with Crowley literally cat-call-whistling Aziraphale over to him (and Aziraphale checking if he meant someone else first, I–)? I am weak. So, so weak and
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However, this is also when we get a snippet of Crowley finally revealing the truth in place of his "Oh, he's fine"-lie earlier and telling Aziraphale that he's actually pretty scared Jim might turn back into Gabriel and smite him altogether. And Aziraphale's response is, in a cosmic sense, (remember the pink paragraph now) so hilarious:
"Have you thought of just talking to him?"
Yeah, have you? Have any of the two of you? Just thought about talking? To each other? About anything?
'pparently not. But hey, it's all good because remember what the ultimate remedy for star-crossed lovers simply misunderstanding each other is?
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Bish, bash, bosh, problem solved!
Back at the ballroom bookshop, Aziraphale sends Crowley to invite Maggie in order to, in my opinion, not spoil the Ball-y surprise for him. (Inviting Maggie only now?! Wouldn't she be one of the only two guests who really should attend? Why the short notice? If she's really that important for the Ball you're planning, hm?)
On top of this, we see Nina almost not attending the Ball meeting after her partner broke up with her and Crowley being the one who coincidentally runs into her and ushers her into the bookshop before Shax and her "legion" of demons start creeping up on them. Again, if this hadn't happened by pure coincidence, Nina would have left to go home and this whole Ball would have taken place without her, rendering the apparent sole purpose of making her fall in love with Maggie useless.
Why doesn't Aziraphale care more for both of them to attend and be there? Why is he instead busy fussing over everything looking perfect and wonderful and doesn't even seem to notice that both Nina and Maggie are really late to the meeting?
Well. Well.
The answer's in the title, babes.
Alas, Crowley safely gets Maggie and Nina to join them, Mr. Brown is the only one who doesn't get a miracled outfit (fussy, petty angel, you just don't like him, do you?), Jimbriel stuns with glamour and flirt (and whatever sexually suggestive thing he does with his cheeks) and the Whickber Street Ball is a-go!
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Sorry, I just had to chuck this in again because Crowley's face here absolutely kills me every time. He looks so confused, I am hollering.
And the heart eyes Aziraphale is making at Nina and Maggie now that they're actually here?
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Oh, bless it, angel.
He's all like "Oh look, it's working! Jane was right! It's all going to be resolved, all the misunderstanding and quarrels! Crowley, where's Crowley–"
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Ah yes, there he is.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is an angel who is not listening to a single word being said right now. No, in his head, Aziraphale is already down on one knee, pouring his heart out to Crowley after they just danced the night away.
Oh, yes, right. The dancing.
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Parallel much?
But well, as marvellous and beautifully romantic as her stories tend to be, it turns out that Jane Austen isn't always right after all. Because before we know it, the perfect night shatters into many-a tiny pieces (literally).
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And once again, fhwack:
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... the rosy bubble bursts.
Let's take one more deep breath so I can make my final point:
In S2E2, Aziraphale explains to us very exactly what Jane's Balls (hrhr) used to be about: Solving miscommunication and confessing love to one another.
During his car journey back from Edinburgh, Aziraphale:
doesn't know Crowley's Mission Lovebirds had failed
remembers 1941 and just how badly he's in love with Crowley
and also realizes that they seem to have been wildly miscommunicating for quite some time now. (Crowley didn't even tell him he basically got let go!)
So, what does maddeningly strong love plus a want to resolve all the miscommunication equal? That's right: A night to remember! A Ball to change it all! A dance, a vol-au-vent, a confession. And, ideally, a happy ever after. Because:
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man angel in possession of a good fortune Jane Austen collection, must be in want of a wife demon husband.”
The Ball was never for Nina and Maggie. As a byproduct, maybe, yes. But the whole rest of the glimmer and glamour, the careful, romantic planning and set up of it all, the book-bating the other shopkeepers– that was for Crowley and Crowley only.
And oh, if only it were as easy as in the books.
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*whispers* I'm sorry, I had to.
Your honour, the tinfoil-hat crackpot defence rests. Feel free to share thoughts (and prayers) if you want to!
Au revoir! 💗
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book--brackets · 2 months
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (2012-2016)
Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue never sees them--until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks to her.
His name is Gansey, a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble.
But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can't entirely explain. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul whose emotions range from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher who notices many things but says very little.
For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She doesn't believe in true love, and never thought this would be a problem. But as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she's not so sure anymore.
Shades of Magic by V. E. Schwab (2015-2017)
Kell is one of the last Antari--magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black.Kell was raised in Arnes--Red London--and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, traveling between the frequent bloody regime changes in White London and the court of George III in the dullest of Londons, the one without any magic left to see.
Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they'll never see. It's a defiant hobby with dangerous consequences, which Kell is now seeing firsthand.
After an exchange goes awry, Kell escapes to Grey London and runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She first robs him, then saves him from a deadly enemy, and finally forces Kell to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure.
Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they'll first need to stay alive.
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski (1992-2013)
For over a century, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves have lived together in relative peace. But times have changed, the uneasy peace is over, and now the races are fighting once again. The only good elf, it seems, is a dead elf. 
Geralt of Rivia, the cunning assassin known as the Witcher, has been waiting for the birth of a prophesied child. This child has the power to change the world -- for good, or for evil. 
As the threat of war hangs over the land and the child is hunted for her extraordinary powers, it will become Geralt's responsibility to protect them all. And the Witcher never accepts defeat. 
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (1986-2008)
Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle.
To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl--and herself--than first meets the eye.
In this giant jigsaw puzzle of a fantasy, people and things are never quite what they seem. Destinies are intertwined, identities exchanged, lovers confused. The Witch has placed a spell on Howl. Does the clue to breaking it lie in a famous poem? And what will happen to Sophie Hatter when she enters Howl's castle?
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (2000-2020)
As a professional wizard, Harry Dresden knows firsthand that the “everyday” world is actually full of strange and magical things—and most of them don’t play well with humans. And those that do enjoy playing with humans far too much. He also knows he’s the best at what he does. Technically, he’s the only at what he does. But even though Harry is the only game in town, business—to put it mildly—stinks.
So when the Chicago P.D. bring him in to consult on a double homicide committed with black magic, Harry’s seeing dollar signs. But where there’s black magic, there’s a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry’s name…
Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie (1911)
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The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov (1966)
One hot spring, the devil arrives in Moscow, accompanied by a retinue that includes a beautiful naked witch and an immense talking black cat with a fondness for chess and vodka. The visitors quickly wreak havoc in a city that refuses to believe in either God or Satan. But they also bring peace to two unhappy Muscovites: one is the Master, a writer pilloried for daring to write a novel about Christ and Pontius Pilate; the other is Margarita, who loves the Master so deeply that she is willing literally to go to hell for him. What ensues is a novel of in exhaustible energy, humor, and philosophical depth.
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (2012-present)
When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults.
The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb (1995-1997)
Young Fitz is the bastard son of the noble Prince Chivalry, raised in the shadow of the royal court by his father's gruff stableman. He is treated as an outcast by all the royalty except the devious King Shrewd, who has him secretly tutored in the arts of the assassin. For in Fitz's blood runs the magic Skill--and the darker knowledge of a child raised with the stable hounds and rejected by his family. 
 As barbarous raiders ravage the coasts, Fitz is growing to manhood. Soon he will face his first dangerous, soul-shattering mission. And though some regard him as a threat to the throne, he may just be the key to the survival of the kingdom.
Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin (1968-2001)
Ged was the greatest sorcerer in Earthsea, but in his youth he was the reckless Sparrowhawk. In his hunger for power and knowledge, he tampered with long-held secrets and loosed a terrible shadow upon the world.
This is the tumultuous tale of his testing, how he mastered the mighty words of power, tamed an ancient dragon, and crossed death's threshold to restore the balance.
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youryurigoddess · 4 months
Aziraphale’s secret investigation and overlooked Clues
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Remember this frame from Good Omens S02E06? Apparently Aziraphale had been using the empty carton box brought by Jim to store things in. It became a new home to at least two out of three “Lost Quartos” — the supposedly lost Shakespeare plays briefly but hilariously mentioned in the Good Omens book — as well as a very mysterious legal document.
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Thought probably half of the Good Omens analysts here, including the ever so wonderful @fuckyeahgoodomens, who managed to find some information about the deceased John Gibson from New Cumnock (1855 - 1905).
Unfortunately the most interesting thing about this early 20th century provincial postmaster was his youngest child James (1894 - 1973), a quite famous stage (West End!) and film actor immortalized on screen in The Master of Ballantrae (1962), Witch Wood (1964) and Kidnapped (1963).
After that particular discovery the fandom-wide search seemingly led nowhere and the topic died a premature death.
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And I almost figured it out seven months ago.
“But Yuri, you’re so clever. How can somebody as clever as you be so stupid?”, you probably want to shout across a busy London street at this point. Well, let me tell you. Much like Aziraphale, I'm blindingly intelligent for about thirty seconds a day. I do not get to choose which seconds and they are not consecutive.
Only tonight the stars have aligned in an ineffable way.
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For those of you who don’t follow this account, some time ago I’ve realized that John Gibson isn’t the only testator whose estate was being investigated by Aziraphale right before The Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association monthly meeting.
If you watch S2 finale closely enough, you should notice that Crowley not only stress cleans Aziraphale’s bookshop — he also goes through the books and papers on his desk between the last three angels leaving the bookshop and Maggie and Nina’s intervention. A seemingly permanent arrangement of the props post-shooting, visible in detail both on Radio Times tour and SFX magazine photo shoot, sheds even more light on this detail.
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The close-ups published after S2 release are legible enough to refer us to a much more prominent historical figure, Josiah Wedgwood (1730 – 1795) — an English potter, entrepreneur and abolitionist. Founding the Wedgwood company in 1759, he developed improved pottery bodies by systematic experimentation, and was the leader in the industrialisation of the manufacture of European pottery.
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Long story short, I transcribed the handwritten pages abandoned on Aziraphale’s desk, found out the source and the full text of what could be identified as Wedgwood’s last will and testament, took a walk to visit his Soho workshop, and proceeded to write a lengthy meta analysis about it.
I was today’s years old when I realized that there’s something else connecting those two dead British men.
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The Scottish Post Office Directory of 1903 recorded John Gibson from New Cumnock as a “stationer and china dealer” (above) operating from the shop located in the town’s post office building.
Indeed, a close look at his post office shop window in the Henderson Building (below, bottom left) reveals an artful display of fine china and pottery next to postcards printed by Gibson.
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There are multiple ways to connect this surprising link with possible S3 plot points, obviously, but it’s getting late, so let’s just name the two most important ones.
You’ve probably heard of the Holy Grail, maybe from Monty Python or Good Omens S01E03 1941 flashback. Depending on the version of the story, if can be a cup, a chalice, a bowl, or a saucer — but almost always a dish or a vessel connected personally, physically and metaphysically to Jesus (unless you’re partial to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s idea that the Grail was a stone, the sanctuary of the neutral angels who took neither side during Lucifer's rebellion).
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A slightly more obscure dish related to the Son of God appears in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation as a vital part of His Second Coming. The Seven Bowls (or cups, or vials) of God’s Wrath are supposed to be poured out on the wicked and the followers of the Antichrist by seven angels:
Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.” So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse, and every living thing died that was in the sea.
The third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, and they became blood. And I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, “Just are you, O Holy One, who is and who was, for you brought these judgments. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve!” And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, Lord God the Almighty, true and just are your judgments!”
The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.
The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores. They did not repent of their deeds.
The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east. And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.  (“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”) And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found. And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was so severe.
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Aizraphale x Crowley x teen reader (platonic obvi)
This is part one of idk how many, but another sequel-ish part is in the works. Nobody did these fics the way i wanted so i did it myself. Sorry if its completely terrible, im not a strong writer.
It was a cool crisp autumn day in Soho, London. Aizraphale was loitering outside of his bookshop, planning to head over to Maggie's record store to see the new shipments. You, the teenager that stuck yourself to the angel and his demonic "companion", was trotting along beside him. You just kinda appeared out of nowhere one day, and after awhile of you following Aizraphale and Crowley, they learned to not question it any longer. As they were walking down the street, a man had stopped in front of Aizraphale, and struck up a conversation.
"Hello mister! I noticed you walking by and I couldn't help but stop you and strike a conversation. You seem very nice and I was wondering-"
The man stopped short when he felt a dark wave of paranoia wash over him. He peaked behind Aizraphale and noticed a teenager who was blazing with the rage of a thousand suns. He gave out an awkward chuckle and greeted them.
"Hey...you..? Is this man your father?" He spoke out. You gave a curt nod, not bothering to reply. Aizraphale on the other hand, shook his head.
"Oh! No, they're just-"
"Dad! We gotta go see Maggie, remember?"
Aizraphale swiftly turns around and stares at you in confusion, but quickly recovers and snaps his fingers as if remembering something and smiles at the stranger.
"Ah, yes. Sorry sir, but we're currently a bit busy.."
Aizraphale goes to walk away, but the man grabs his sleeve.
"Ah, could I at least get your name or number or something? I'm Brian, by the way." He chirps.
"You can just call me Aizra Fell, and a number? Wha-" Aizraphale can't fully reply before you cast another sharp glare at Brian and interrupt him.
"Dad!!!" You whine.
"Y/n why are you calling me-" Aizraphale is stopped short again, this time by a much taller figure.
"Whats going on here?" Crowley says.
You grab Brian's sleeve and pull him to the side. You cup your hands around his ear and start whispering to him. Brian turns pale before swiftly saying sorry to Aizraphale and running off.
"What'd you do?" Aizraphale asks.
"Told em' you were in a happy relationship already." You reply nonchalantly. The glint of mischief in your eyes goes unnoticed by Aizraphale, but not by Crowley.
"Y/n! It's rude to blatantly lie like that." Aizraphale scolds.
"Was I really lying though?" You smile and look directly at Crowley, who frowns in return.
"Whatever do you mean-"
"Come on Angel." Crowley states, and starts walking towards the record store, leaving you and Aizraphale to catch up.
Crowley and Y/n were waiting outside the store when Y/n catches Crowley staring.
"You threatened him, didn't you?" Crowley says, eyeing you.
"Oh, obviously." You said, holding back a smile.
"Why?" Crowley's question comes out quizzical, but he has a shadow of a smile on his face as well.
"Can't tell you. Well- I can, but I won't." You reply. This does, in fact, confuse Crowley, but he doesn't question it. He's learned in the year you've been around to just go with the flow when it comes to you.
"Well alright then." He says taking a sip of his drink, and you chuckle.
After a few minutes, Aizraphale comes out and holds the newest record up by his face.
"Look what I got!!" He sings out. His smile is big and brilliant, you and Crowley can't help but smile back, despite Crowley desperately trying to hide it.
"You big ol' softy." You whisper and elbow his side playfully.
"Be quiet y/n." Crowley warns. You laugh.
"Geez, sorry old man." You say, before turning towards Aizraphale. "Let's celebrate!!" You say while stretching.
"Breakfast at the Ritz?" Crowley suggests.
"Breakfast at the Ritz." Aizraphale confirms.
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melonsharks · 1 year
Tell us everything about the parent trap au immediately please please please
to give u an insanely quick rundown with a wip art i have:
aziraphale as elizabeth. wedding dress designer under his pen name A.Z. Fell. (hes an artist as confirmed in s2 and the whole "drawing on napkins" thing elizabeth would do appeals to me immensely)
crowley as nick. owns a vineyard. I NEED HIM TO OWN A VINEYARD SO BAD. shoutout to Old Vines on ao3 for changing me in a fundamental way. he makes wines and he tends to the vines and he is so passionate about it to an abusurdist degree. he yells at his vines when they arent growing right. you already knowwww.
when they meet for the first time, they don’t meet on a boat like in the movie, they actually meet at a wedding party :J crowley was a wine collector, just starting out. he loved offering aziraphale samplings of his most vintage collection out of impulse. (he likes seeing the way aziraphale savors them) (he’s besotted) Wants to own his own vineyard one day. aziraphale, on the other hand, has dreams of becoming a fashion designer of sorts, always drawing ideas on any scraps of paper he can find. his designs are very old fashioned, but thats like… part of the appeal. his work very much reflects who he is, and the people who flock to it understand that.
they enter this kind of… whirlwind relationship, they get married, and then eventually adopt two golden haired blue eyed baby boys. twins. :J warlock and adam.
they break things off because aziraphale leaves... alluding to their recent breakup in season two, the reason he left was because "we both clearly had very different ideas on where our lives were going. so. i packed up and left." (parallel s2 divorce 😋 they don’t know how to talk to each other) (aziraphale throws a book at his head after this argument, like the hairdryer in the movie LOL. it was pride and prejudice. crowley still has it.)
aziraphale leaves with adam. warlock is left with crowley. crowley eventually leaves London because he finds he cant stand being anywhere near Aziraphale (hes just irresistible in that way), and he goes to California where he finally fulfills his dream of owning a vineyard. a nice one on Napa, Northern California.
Aziraphale’s wedding dresses become more and more well known, Adam grows well-adjusted. Same kid you know from the show and book, natural born leader, a good head on his shoulders. (Aziraphale has no idea why Adam is like that, but he is so proud)
Crowley’s vineyard (The Garden Of Eden) grows and grows… Warlock is spoiled rotten, but he does love actually working at the vineyard with Crowley to and he and Crowley have a really good relationship…
Eventually the kids go to a summer camp together in London (i dont know if they . do this in the UK, but suspend your disbelief if you will) Adam meets The Them there, then meets Warlock after a nutty fencing thing, they kind of hate each other at first and the rest is history :J
side characters UM. LOL. idk……. i mean i kind of know but not really? theres just so many possibilities that make the rounds in my head. chessy could be anathema OR nina (ive had people suggest eric too?) and martin could be newt OR maggie (ive also had people suggest muriel????) gestures vaguely.
as for meredith…….erm…………🤷‍♂️ ive had everything under the sun suggested to me and i still……have no idea. LOL. gabriel, lucifer, shaX, FURFUR, THE WIFE FROM THE NON-SPOILER SPOILERS. I DONT KNOW. IT ALL FEELS WRONG. its hard to come up with this role in particular when these gay bitches literally only have eyes for each other. always. forever. u know. i think lucy is like. the classic answer. but idfk.
ask me about . more things if u want. this is consuming my every thought.
anyways the cover im working on for. for something:
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marauderingpaige · 4 months
Which one of my Good Omens fic ideas would you like me to start writing first?
Hiya, how are you all?
I have a number of ideas for Good Omens fanfics, however, I cannot choose which one I was to start on first, so I figured I would let you all choose which one you think I should start/which one you would like to start reading first.
1: Shortly after the nopepocalypse, and the two switching faces for their punishments, Crowley gets dragged to Hell for more punishment. He is to carry the next antichrist and watch as Satan raised the child, abusing them so that they do his bidding. The punishment being Crowley's child being turned away from him, declaring that he isn't their parent. Aziraphale realises that something is wrong when he doesn't see Crowley for a while and goes to Crowley's apartment, finding signs of a struggle and he is immediately alarmed. He makes plans to go to Hell to rescue Crowley. He ends up with the flaming sword again.
2: Crowley is Adam's birth mother. He was kidnapped by Hell and tortured... by Satan. It is a painful pregnancy but he connects with the baby mentally and through their souls. He and Adam communicate mentally. He gives birth alone and is allowed an hour alone with Adam before they come and snatch him from Crowley's arms and they hold him down, making Crowley watch as Satan changes Adam, blocks their connection, makes him able to adapt to look like who his human parents would be, and make sure he is unable to be sensed by demons and angels. Satan puts the human looking baby in the basket and heals Crowley, changing his clothes to what he was wearing when he was taken, and threatens Crowley that if he doesn't do exactly as he wants Crowley to do then he will take him and the baby back to Hell and make Crowley watch as he tortures and kills the baby, before slowly killing Crowley also. He sends Crowley and the baby back to Earth, they are placed near the Bentley, and the plans are forced into his head. Crowley has a moment with his baby before he takes the baby to the hospital, knowing that he can't go against the plan, for the sake of his baby. When the baby is in place he goes straight to Aziraphale to come up with a plan, though he doesn't say anything about Adam being his baby yet. Aziraphale notices something's wrong though and will figure it out at some point. Crowley makes sure the Dowling's are living in London and becomes the nanny, and Aziraphale the gardener, and he raises the boy he thinks is his son.
3. Maggie is Aziraphale's and Crowley's daughter from before the Fall, Crowley being her mother, but their memories were taken shortly after her birth. She knows who they are to her but can't say anything directly to them. She opened the record shop to be close to them, she miracles herself to appear that she is aging and disappears for a little while, only to reappear as her own daughter/granddaughter so that no one knows she isn't human. Crowley and Aziraphale find out the truth, however, when Crowley's memories are forcefully returned to him, Aziraphale's memories return at the same time due to a soul bond they share.
4. TW: mentions of unwanted abortion. After the Job incident, or after the flood (but probably after Job), Crowley and Aziraphale spend some time together, becoming... closer. They... sleep together ;) and Crowley becomes pregnant. However they both know that they can't be together, not properly, not yet, and they certainly can't have a baby yet, no matter how much they want to keep it. They aren't able to miracle the baby away, so they have to go the classic abortion route, Aziraphale stays with Crowley during it, and for a while after, but eventually they have to part ways so as to not arouse suspicion, with the promise that "one day" when it is safe for them to be together, they will be, and they will have a family also. Cut to the final 15 and after the kiss they rest their foreheads against the other's and Aziraphale rests his hand on Crowley's stomach, whispering, "One day. Trust me." This is the endgame. Their chance to be free. Following their 'divorce' is the events leading up to the second coming and Aziraphale, Crowley and others trying to stop it, then them getting back together, officially, and so on and so forth. Will probably be a rather long story, filled with flashbacks and such, too. And a lot of other revelations in the form of memories being returned and such, but I don't want to bore you all too much with super long explanations of these fics I want to, and will write, haha.
5. After the nopepocolypse and the switch and such Crowley and Aziraphale get together, thinking that they might finally be free enough to settle down. At some point Crowley gets pregnant (I think you guys can tell by this point that I am obsessed with this genderless being getting pregnant, but I have just read so many wonderful fics and... anyways, I shan't ramble too much). Crowley is just about to leave his apartment to tell Aziraphale about their baby, however, he hears intruders. After putting up quite a fight he is kidnapped by either Heaven or Hell (probably Hell) and hurt quite badly by a number of demons and Satan as he is held captive (there may possibly be a miscarriage, but if there is, once they have had some time to heal, then they will get pregnant again because I am obsessed with them having a family.) After a week or so of not hearing from Crowley, Aziraphale is incredibly worried and goes to Crowley's apartment to find out what is going on, to find the apartment a mess and one of the pregnancy tests that Crowley used, a note that Crowley quickly wrote when he heard the intruders, along with signs of whoever took his demon. Aziraphale works to rescue Crowley. They heal, and so on. Eventual happy ending.
6. This is a very basic idea that involves a bet, I don't know what yet because this idea isn't quite fully formed, between God and Satan involving Crowley and Aziraphale. But if you want to read this kind of a story first then I shall definitely formulate a plan.
Anyways, I think that is enough for now. Which one would you like to read first, feel free to ask questions, drop a comment, and vote in the poll. I am hoping to work on the first chapter this week as I have the week off work, and other than going to an Olivia Rodrigo concert, and my dad's birthday, the only thing I plan to do is write (both fanfic and the book I am writing). So yeah, please do let me know what is, hopefully taking your fancy.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day! xx
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queereads-bracket · 8 days
Queer Fantasy Books Bracket: Round 1
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Book summaries below:
The Dreamer Trilogy (Call Down the Hawk, Mister Impossible, Greywaren) by Maggie Stiefvater
The dreamers walk among us . . . and so do the dreamed. Those who dream cannot stop dreaming – they can only try to control it. Those who are dreamed cannot have their own lives – they will sleep forever if their dreamers die. And then there are those who are drawn to the dreamers. To use them. To trap them. To kill them before their dreams destroy us all. Ronan Lynch is a dreamer. He can pull both curiosities and catastrophes out of his dreams and into his compromised reality. Jordan Hennessy is a thief. The closer she comes to the dream object she is after, the more inextricably she becomes tied to it. Carmen Farooq-Lane is a hunter. Her brother was a dreamer . . . and a killer. She has seen what dreaming can do to a person. And she has seen the damage that dreamers can do. But that is nothing compared to the destruction that is about to be unleashed. . . . Fantasy, young adult, mystery, urban fantasy, paranormal, series
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
1883. Thaniel Steepleton returns home to his tiny London apartment to find a gold pocket watch on his pillow. Six months later, the mysterious timepiece saves his life, drawing him away from a blast that destroys Scotland Yard. At last, he goes in search of its maker, Keita Mori, a kind, lonely immigrant from Japan. Although Mori seems harmless, a chain of unexplainable events soon suggests he must be hiding something. When Grace Carrow, an Oxford physicist, unwittingly interferes, Thaniel is torn between opposing loyalties. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street is a sweeping, atmospheric narrative that takes the reader on an unexpected journey through Victorian London, Japan as its civil war crumbles long-standing traditions, and beyond. Blending historical events with dazzling flights of fancy, it opens doors to a strange and magical past. Fantasy, historical fiction, mystery, science fiction, adult
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BG3 Actor Convention list from September through November 2024 and Beyond
Listed in Character Alphabetical Order and by convention start date. I apologize for any errors and will try to update as time goes on.
Astarion - Neil Newbon
Sep 26th 2024 FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention (2024) in Salt Lake City Utah USA
Oct 11th 2024 Retro Game Con in Syracuse New York USA
Oct 17th 2024 New York Comic Con (2024) in New York New York USA
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 9th 2024 Liverpool Comic Con in Liverpool England United Kingdom
Nov 22nd 2024 Milan Games Week in Milan Italy
Nov 29th 2024 Fan Expo San Francisco in San Francisco California USA
Dec 20th 2024 Holiday Matsuri in Orlando Florida USA
April 11th 2025 C2E2 in Chicago Illinois USA
Dark Urge - Neil Roberts
The Emperor - Scott Joseph
Gale - Tim Downie
Sep 13th 2024 Arcana Festival in Morges Switzerland
Sep 28th 2024 ACME Scotland Comic Con (2024) in Glasgow Scotland UK
Oct 12th 2024 Geek Fest in Kalamazoo Michigan USA
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 14th 2024 Sasnakcity The Gathering in Kansas City Missouri USA
Nov 30th 2024 Comic Con Stuttgart in Stuttgart Germany
Gortash - Jason Isaacs
Sep 6th 2024 Rose City Comic Con in Portland Oregon USA
Sep 26th 2024 FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention (2024) in Salt Lake City Utah USA
Oct 18th 2024 Cincinnati Comic Expo in Cincinnati Ohio USA
Nov 1st 2024 Wisconsin Comic Convention in Milwaukee Wisconsin USA
Nov 9th 2024 Liverpool Comic Con in Liverpool England United Kingdom
Halsin - Dave Jones
Jaheira - Tracy Wiles
Sep 13th 2024 Arcana Festival in Morges Switzerland
Sep 28th 2024 ACME Scotland Comic Con (2024) in Glasgow Scotland UK
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 30th 2024 Comic Con Stuttgart in Stuttgart Germany
Karlach - Samantha Béart
Oct 4th 2024 Kami-Con in Huntsville Alabama USA
Oct 11th 2024 Retro Game Con in Syracuse New York USA
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Lae'zel - Devora Wilde
Sep 26th 2024 FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention (2024) in Salt Lake City Utah USA
Oct 11th 2024 Retro Game Con in Syracuse New York USA
Oct 17th 2024 New York Comic Con (2024) in New York New York USA
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 9th 2024 Liverpool Comic Con in Liverpool England United Kingdom
Nov 22nd 2024 Milan Games Week in Milan Italy
Nov 30th 2024 Comic Con Stuttgart in Stuttgart Germany
Dec 20th 2024 Holiday Matsuri in Orlando Florida USA
April 11th 2025 C2E2 in Chicago Illinois USA
Minsc - Matthew Mercer
Dec 6th 2024 PAX Unplugged Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA
Minthara - Emma Gregory
Sep 28th 2024 ACME Scotland Comic Con (2024) in Glasgow Scotland UK
Mizora - Tamaryn Payne
Narrator - Amelia Tyler
Sep 13th 2024 Arcana Festival in Morges Switzerland
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 30th 2024 Comic Con Stuttgart in Stuttgart Germany
Orin - Maggie Robertson
Sep 27th 2024 Nightmare Weekend Des Moines (2024) in Des Moines Iowa USA
Oct 11th 2024 Retro Game Con in Syracuse New York USA
Oct 25th 2024 Winnipeg Comic Con in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
November 2nd 2024 Collect-a-Con Houston in Houston Texas
Raphael - Andrew Wincott
Sep 28th 2024 ACME Scotland Comic Con (2024) in Glasgow Scotland UK
Oct 17th 2024 Gamescon Asia in Singapore
Shadowheart - Jennifer English
Sep 21st 2024 G-Fusion 2024 in Beijing China
Sep 26th 2024 FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention (2024) in Salt Lake City Utah USA
Oct 11th 2024 Retro Game Con in Syracuse New York USA
Oct 17th 2024 New York Comic Con (2024) in New York New York USA
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 9th 2024 Liverpool Comic Con in Liverpool England United Kingdom
Nov 22nd 2024 Milan Games Week in Milan Italy
Nov 30th 2024 Comic Con Stuttgart in Stuttgart Germany
Dec 20th 2024 Holiday Matsuri in Orlando Florida USA
April 11th 2025 C2E2 in Chicago Illinois USA
Wyll - Theo Solomon
Oct 25th 2024 MCM London in London England United Kingdom
Nov 9th 2024 Liverpool Comic Con in Liverpool England United Kingdom
Nov 30th 2024 Comic Con Stuttgart in Stuttgart Germany
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ineffablenlghtingales · 3 months
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Oh my, the flashback of Crowley and Aziraphale before the beginning of everything. Angel!Crowley is so adorable. Those little squeaks of delight when he's making the stars...
Aziraphale ends up popping his happiness when he mentions the plans that the universe and all of that is supposed to end in about six thousand years. Then Crowley's understandably upset but just asks (with genuine desire to know, I think) “How much trouble can I get into just asking a few questions?” Okay so I know I asked earlier about Crowley's Fall and y'all said it was implied in one way or another. Was his Fall because he dared to question the Almighty's plans and by those questions seemed to go against the great plan? Because if so, that isn't fair and I don't think Crowley deserved to be cast from Heaven into boiling pools of sulfur and condemned to an eternity as a demon just because he didn't understand the point of creating something so beautiful that would only be destroyed in the blink of an eye. (Another thing I could probably write more about at some later point...)
Then we're brought to present-day London where Crowley meets Shax (hm I decided I don't really like her.) So as I understand it, she's taken Crowley's place as Hell's ambassador? (Did I miss something in S1 or was it explicitly said that Crowley was Hell's ambassador on earth bec it was news to me). I love how Crowley just doesn't give a shit at all.
Memory-wiped Gabriel shows up in his skivvies and I felt sorry for Aziraphale and the massive headache he must have had dealing with him. But I loved John Hamm's performance. Like Gabriel is kind of stupid but not so much stupid as his head is just empty of everything.
Ever the one to help people in need, Azi lets him in, gives him a blanket and tries to figure out what the heaven is going on. Okay, but “You know what it’s like when you don’t know anything at all but you’re totally certain that everything would be better if you were near one particular person?” had me. Azi reacted a little bit too strongly to that, and are we to understand that he's denying the fact that Crowley happens to be that person for him? Open your eyes, dear Azi. Don't deny it, love. Then Gabriel, mentions that “something terrible” might happen and there’s a “thing” he’s supposed to give Aziraphale. The thing turns out to be an empty cardboard box.
Then, one of my favorite scenes. Crowley loses his shit when he sees Gabriel, and you see the poor demon is very much startled.
Crowley (very angry and confused): What's he doing here? Aziraphale: I don't know. Crowley (not impressed): Ask him! Aziraphale (helplessly): He doesn't know either. Crowley (really very much not impressed) *growls*: Ask him, properly! Crowley (to Gabriel): WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING. IN. THIS. BOOK-SHOP-PAH. (makes sure to pop that 'p') Gabriel (a little bit confused): I. Am. Dusting. *Waves the duster in the air)
Then the goose chase for Gabriel begins, Crowley is dragged back to Hell and gets threatened a bit by Beelzebub. Oh! I almost forgot. Crowley gets so mad he electrocutes himself. It was kind of funny. Like I loved how he's stalking out of the bookshop trying (not very hard maybe) to control his anger, and then he starts smoking. Then he shakes and gives up. "I can't do this. I'm so angry!" and yep, electrocutes himself also locking Maggie and Nina in their shop.
Crowley eventually frees the women with a snap of his fingers and goes back to apologize to Azi. But the angel wants the "I Was Wrong Dance” before he’ll forgive his friend for ditching him — and though Crowley is not so okay with that, he does it in the end with this fantastic flourish and bow at the end. Excuse me, sir.
So then they put their heads together and try to figure out what to do about Gabriel and decide to each do half a miracle to hide the amnesiac archangel. They do and are pretty convinced it works. BUT it sets off big alarms in Heaven, whoops.
Recap for 2x02 to come tomorrow, hopefully!
Next episode's recap ➵
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cobragardens · 11 months
A Meta on Crowley's Miracle Meltdown
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gif by phaxxion via Tenor
What exactly is happening in this moment? Why is it happening? Why is it included in this story?
I don't mean "Why does Crowley have a frustration meltdown after a huge argument with his partner about helping their former abuser Jeff Bezos?" We've all been there. But not all of us discharge a huge bolt of red infernal energy when we lose our temper, and more to the point, Crowley doesn't usually do that either. What gives?
And, as ixi of Fuck Yeah Good Omens asks and illustrates, why does some of the infernal energy Crowley discharges travel sideways into Give Me Coffee?
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Here's my proposal for answers to these questions.
Insofar as angels and demons were created expressly for the purpose of channeling miracle, maybe to angelic stock refraining from miracles is a bit like holding one's breath is to a human. Human bodies move air in and through and out of themselves as an automatic process. They can refrain from that process, but because breathing is the default, refraining takes a positive sustained effort.
And if you're holding your breath when someone punches you hard in the gut, you don't just lose track of holding your breath, you gasp, you make sounds, you breathe hard. You move a lot of air through your respiratory system for a few seconds until you regain your equilibrium.
Since coming to "a sort of generalised understanding" with Hell, Crowley hasn't been doing many miracles. Aziraphale says he thinks Heaven would notice if he "performed even a minor miracle," and Crowley agrees, "I don't want Hell taking an interest either"; this implies that they've both been trying to keep their miracle usage minimal. (From his continued abuse of London's traffic lights we can infer that Crowley, as usual, has somewhat more latitude in this regard than does Aziraphale.) But he's so freaked out by the appearance of Jeff Bezos Jimbriel and so angry about Aziraphale's line-in-the-sand insistence that the two of them help Jim instead of protecting themselves that Crowley feels approaching a loss of the ability to hold his breath, miraculously speaking.
So before he accidentally curses the bookshop, he goes out into the street away from everyone and tries to get control of himself. If he's not successful, then he's at least away from everyone and able to discharge miracle into the sky where it can dissipate, just like the spiritual smog of evil produced by the M25 dissipates without affecting any one person or thing.
Crowley channels the miracle into the form of lightning, but Crowley's lightning behaves like miracle, not like lightning. Lightning is a huge shock of static electricity, i.e., the sudden mass movement of positively and negatively charged ions toward each other; it does not come up through a person's body from Hell, and it doesn't damage mobile phones.
It takes a direct lightning strike to damage a mobile phone, and when that happens it doesn't just fry the phone, it burns it. An arc of circuit electricity strong enough to fry an unplugged mobile phone would be strong enough to shock and burn the person holding it as well. Nina and Maggie both have their phones on them when the lightning hits Give Me Coffee, but neither woman gets struck by lightning or electrocuted. Their phones get bricked because that is how Crowley thinks lightning works and therefore his lightning works that way.
And it is for this same reason that the "lightning" Crowley puts out hits Give Me Coffee: because it's not lightning, it's miracle. Miracle depends on the miracledoer's familiarity with the thing the miracle is acting upon.
When Crowley has his frustrationgasm, he doesn't have perfect control over where he's aiming miracle in that moment and/or he's concentrating on keeping it away from the bookshop and Aziraphale and the Bentley, so a tongue of miraculous "lightning" (which behaves the way Crowley thinks lightning behaves) slips sideways towards the next most familiar thing on the street to him: Nina's coffee shop. Crowley went there just a few minutes before this scene.
As far as I can tell, this moment serves two functions in the story. Firstly, as many others have pointed out, it establishes the color of Crowley's miracle to be red (continuing the motif of red as the color that represents him) in order to indicate the importance of the Supreme Archangel's purple and the purple of the miracle plume Crowley and Aziraphale's joint miracle produced.
But maybe it's also included because it explicitly establishes a mechanic we see repeated on a smaller scale in 1827: that an angel or a demon's control of the miraculous power they channel isn't always perfect. It can slip if they get really upset.
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rogue-bard · 8 months
I'm looking at Good Omens for a fanfic and I just realized all of this happened presumably on the same day:
Archangels arrive in Aziraphale’s shop, he lies about Maggie
Crowley and Aziraphale meet at the pub
They discuss taking the car to Edinburgh
Crowley effs off to somewhere and Aziraphale goes back to the shop
Muriel arrives
Crowley arrives again
Aziraphale takes the car to Edinburgh
Aziraphale goes to the Resurrectionist to investigate
He then goes to the cemetary to reminisce
Aziraphale drives back to London in the dark, while almost running over Shax
Why am I pointing this out? Because Edinburgh is at least a 7 hour drive from London and it is pointed out by Crowley that Aziraphale is driving punishingly slow on the way to Scotland.
Aziraphale drives 14 hours in a day AND all of this other stuff happened on the same day - and when the angels arrived, it didn't seem particularly early.
Did Aziraphale spend a night in Edinburgh? For the sake of my sanity, I will assume so.
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blueskyandpudding · 1 year
the nightingale symbolism in the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale
"Do you hear that? ... No nightingales."
The nightingale is a metaphor that has been associated with Crowley and Aziraphale's love story from the beginning. In season 1, during their romantic dinner at the Ritz, the love song "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" played, accompanied by God's narration:
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"While they were eating, for the first time ever, a nightingale actually did sing in Berkeley Square. Nobody heard it over the noise of the traffic. But it was there right enough."
“That certain night, the night we met,
There was magic abroad in the air,
There were angels dining at the Ritz
And a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square.”
The finale of Good Omens season 1 brought the song's lyrics to life with angels dining at the Ritz.
This love song, written in 1939 during World War II by Eric Maschwitz, music by Manning Sherwin and sung sweetly by Tori Amos in the film, evokes memories of a couple's first meeting, where the narrator imagines hearing the nightingale's song in Berkeley Square – a rare and magical occurrence.
The nightingale imagery has existed in art and literature for ages, symbolizing the arrival of spring, the serenade of the night, or accompanying mourning, later becoming a symbol of love. In English literature, the nightingale is often paired with the lark, one sings at night, while the other sings at dawn. For instance, in Romeo and Juliet, after spending the night together, the two lovers hear a bird's song and debate whether it's a nightingale or a lark, which ultimately symbolising their differences due to their families opposition.
In the context of the song and the show, the nightingale's song, a rare sound in modern-day London, becomes a symbol of the celestial love beyond the chaos of war or the division between Aziraphale's and Crowley's affiliations.
The moment Crowley leaves after confessing his feelings and abruptly returns to ask Aziraphale if he heard anything and kisses the angel, it's like his final attempt to evoke the most magical moment in their relationship (saving the Earth from Armageddon and then enjoying a luxurious dinner at the Ritz without interference from Heaven or Hell). It showcases the wonder of their goodness as they follow their hearts' guidance, even when no authority acknowledges it, much like the nightingale's song that was there but unnoticed.
When Crowley gets into his Bentley, the car itself starts playing "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square", but he deliberately turns off the music before driving aimlessly. Before leaving, he glances at Maggie and Nina, continuing with their own life without being together for the ordinary, objective, and practical reasons. Life goes on, and the Earth quietly turns; there's no other choice but to keep living.
The scene where both of them stand looking at each other, the music of the love song resonates again. The song's ending marks the moment the lovers bid each other goodnight with a kiss, departing into the night, and their date lives on as a beautiful memory. The angel and the demon part ways like the couple in the musical notes.
The nightingale may be in hibernation, but the brokenness in the music may foreshadow that one day it will be played again.
Complete, tender, and intact as it was from the beginning.
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thealogie · 8 months
we were busy pacing through london in circles for hours in order to process hour experience so we haven't shared the excitement yet, but here goes a quick rambling before bed time (after all donmarwarehouse-official correspondents ate due to queue at 2pm again tomorrow and report live from the ground 🫡🫡🫡)
hello??? hello??? I have to say as an ex film student who doesn't actually know a lot and hasn't actually seen a lot of theater I have extensive thoughts on the cinematic style of this production especially from a visual and sound design perspective but those are for later.
right now I can just say that I had a religious experience of sonder about mr tennant during the first few scenes. he sprinted past me less than half a meter away four times. we made an unholy amount of eye contact and one of his monologues had an eyeline basically right next to my face so i felt stared at while my chin was wobbling and i was tearing up. in my section I was person 2 to join in a standing ovation and we successfully pressured two stalls sections entirely into getting their asses off their seats (meanwhile maggie service and rob wilkins were the only people in their section to join in 🥺). the macbeths were so sexy. what the fuck is cush jumbos deal she is so good. i got goosebumps literally so many times. at times i put one of my headphones into a really funky halfway position and I think that was a cool mix of live voices and the very cool things they've done with the audio. the I'm scrambling to fix or at least hide something I can never undo and I'm going mad in the process themes hit me unexpectedly hard. the amount of empathy and emotion pretty much all of the characters evoked in me is staggering.
also you were right queuing is so fun nothing beats the adrenaline rush of getting tickets and nothing beats seeing people ten spots down the queue inside the theatre and just congratulating each other half an hour later.
donmarwarehouse-official correspondent peanut number 2 is signing off for the evening. back to the studio
Really incredible stuff. I felt so similarly about feeling intense emotion and empathy for every character!! ugh thank you for this it really gave me the second-hand high I was craving. Incredible reporting. See you again tomorrow!
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24-guy · 1 year
Right I've put too much thought into even making this post to not do it anymore.
(A very crude)
Explanation on how every romance in Good Omens has connections to Ineffable husbands.
God I'm out of practice at this thing.
This will contain spoilers for Season 2 of Good Omens. Everything is below the cut.
Anyway. This is because I've seen some people pointing out how it's Maggie and Nina and Ineffable Beuraucracy in season 2 but it's not just them who we can look at for the husbands. And it's going to be really scuffed because I have no notes to pull off of, and because I'm relying on my memory.
First, we have Anathema and Newt in season 1.
They both come from descendants who are supposed to be enemies, a witch hunter and a Witch, and they follow in those footsteps - however crudely - and that is how they find one another. And once they do, they instantly seem to click. Anathema doesn't stop dating Newt as soon as she burns the second prophecy book (presumably). And Newt also doesn't return to London.
So what does this say about Aziraphale and Crowley? They come from opposing sides and find each other because of that (focusing on the garden of Eden, rather than Before the Beginning) and, once they meet, they always come back together again. And it's only after... Everything... Do they really part ways. The main reason I decided they were worth mentioning in this is because they are hereditary enemies. Demon and Angel, Witch hunter and Witch.
Our next relationship to look far too deeply into is, of course, Nina and Maggie. I'm a firm believer in Nina being a placeholder for Aziraphale, and Crowley is Maggie, and so I'll mainly focus on that but I will also go into the other option at the end of this section.
Maggie spends this season pining for Nina even though she is aware of her partner. And Maggie always goes to see Nina in her shop, not the other way around. And we see, in the last episode, that Maggie is willing to wait for Nina to be ready. She knows that she might have to wait a while, but she will always be there. Which just sounds a whole lot like Crowley. He is the one who goes to visit Aziraphale in the bookshop, he has been waiting (even if it's unknowingly) for 6000 years for something to happen, he's the one who ends up trying to move the relationship forward at the end, and even after "I forgive you", he still waits by the car to see if Aziraphale will change his mind.
On the other side of the coin. Nina is the one who stays in her place of comfort; the coffee shop, and entertains talking to Maggie as she walks in. She's the one who has doubts about herself ("I'm not your type") and pushes Maggie away both because of those and because of her toxic relationship she's in. I think it's incredibly important that we never see Nina's partner (who's name I have forgotten), because it only adds to the parallel that it creates. Aziraphale is always in his bookshop, unless he needs to be elsewhere. He entertains talking to Crowley, even though we all know he enjoys it just as much, and his relationship with Heaven is toxic as all. We watch as Aziraphale denies Crowley's proposition to run away in favour of changing Heaven, he wants to change heaven and he wants to do it knowing that Crowley is beside him but he is willing to do it by himself if he needs to.
The other reading is more personality based. Nina is sarcastic and snide but clearly has a heart, like Crowley. Is also probably insecure due to aforementioned toxic relationship. And Maggie is sweet and has a similar brightly colored - slightly dated - outfit range to Aziraphale. Also Nina calling Maggie "Angel".
Ineffable Beuraucracy. They are successful because they affectively communicated and found common ground with opposing the Apocalypse. They also, you know, acknowledged being friends. And this is just an example of what Crowley and Aziraphale should have been doing from the beginning. It's all about the communication.
And that's ignoring the obvious angel and demon form an unlikely friendship which eventually becomes more through extended time together. :)
I have more thoughts but I've been typing this for about half an hour just trying to get my thoughts to be put to words but it was like trying to push grains of sand through paper.
As I said at the beginning. I'm very out of practice.
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I genuinely wouldn't have this any other way.
Rip each other to shreds, ladies.
those who fought valiantly but didn't make it under the cut:
Clive (Rose)
Raffalo from Crespellion (The End of the World)
Jabe (The End of the World)
Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)
Toshiko Sato (Aliens of London/World War III)
Cathica (The Long Game)
Suki (The Long Game)
Sarah Clark and Stuart Hoskins (Father’s Day)
Dr. Constantine (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Nancy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Female Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Novice Hame (New Earth)
Mrs. Moore (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Zachary Cross Flane (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Danny Bartock (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Scooti Manista (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters)
Nerys (The Runaway Bride)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan and Valerie (Gridlock)
Alice and May Cassini (Gridlock)
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Jenny (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Tim Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Kathy Nightingale (Blink)
Chantho (Utopia)
Morvin and Foon (Voyage of the Damned)
Bannakaffalatta (Voyage of the Damned)
Caecilius (Fires of Pompeii)
Evelina (Fires of Pompeii)
Soothsayer (Fires of Pompeii)
Ood Sigma (Planet of the Ood)
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Proper Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Val, Biff, and Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Unnamed Hostess (Midnight)
Rocco Colasanto (Turn Left)
Capt. Erisa Magambo (Planet of the Dead)
Yuri Kerenski (The Waters of Mars)
Maggie Cain (The Waters of Mars)
Addams and Rossiter of Vinvocci (The End of Time)
The Unnamed Curator (Vincent and the Doctor)
Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes To War)
Rita (The God Complex)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Emma Grayling (Hide)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Orson Pink (Listen)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Ecpress)
Rigsy (Flatline)
O'Donnell (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Bennett (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Heather (The Pilot)
Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Jake Simmons (Age of Steel)
Katherine (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Ross Jenkins (The Poison Sky/The Sontaran Stratagem)
Eve Cicero (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Daniel Llewellyn (The Christmas Invasion)
Diana Goddard (Dalek)
Rita-Ann Smith (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Shona (Last Christmas)
Vivien Rook (the sound of drums)
Unnamed Male Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Lee Clayton (fugitive of the Judoon)
Sabra (Time Heist)
Mr. Copper (Voyage of the Damned)
Psi (Time Heist)
Pete Tyler (age of steel)
Ohila (Hell Bent)
Professor Docherty (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords)
Hath Peck (The Doctor’s Daughter)
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
thank you @sweet-tangerine-dreams for engaging with me in this utter buffoonery but hey! aziraphale and crowley are utter buffoons. so we were laughing about this post and I sent the following:
I’m personally a fan of them making out and slamming into shelves, a book falls on crowley and he’s like ouch wtf and aziraphale says something like “OH NO MY FIRST EDITION SONG OF SOLOMON” and crowley just starts laughing.
more funny silly hijinks.
they finally make it to the bed. music stops they both stop. the bed is COVERED in books. they look at each other aziraphale says “oh you know I’ve never gotten the hang of sleeping” crowley says “and you know I’ve always thought that was ridiculous” snaps his fingers the books vanish. aziraphaledistress.png.
crowley says “relax I just reshelved them downstairs. alphabetically. by the last letter of the last word.” aziraphale says “you ridiculous serpent” and throws him down on the bed. clothes start coming off. crowley goes “ridiculous am I?” aziraphale starts listing other adjectives. the last one is “beloved”. they start kissing again.
cut to insane natural phenomena happening. earthquakes. the kraken bursts out of the ocean. alarms going off in heaven. michael slams her head into her desk. power flickers and goes out all over london. car alarms blaring. maggie and nina exchange a knowing look. gabriel and beelzebub watch in awe from alpha centauri as a wholly new nebula explodes into being in front of them.
cut back to aziraphale and crowley lying in a mess of blankets and feathers looking utterly dumbfounded. aziraphale looks at crowley, besotted, and says “you know dear that was quite nice” crowley groans and starts to protest. aziraphale interrupts by kissing him. oh so gently. crowley says “fine you can have it this time. that was really fucking nice” and wraps his arms around him. soft music plays, camera pans out the window.
utter chaos on whickber street.
and then she said this which i thought was so funny I couldn’t Not add it:
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