#genderless beings
marauderingpaige · 4 months
Which one of my Good Omens fic ideas would you like me to start writing first?
Hiya, how are you all?
I have a number of ideas for Good Omens fanfics, however, I cannot choose which one I was to start on first, so I figured I would let you all choose which one you think I should start/which one you would like to start reading first.
1: Shortly after the nopepocalypse, and the two switching faces for their punishments, Crowley gets dragged to Hell for more punishment. He is to carry the next antichrist and watch as Satan raised the child, abusing them so that they do his bidding. The punishment being Crowley's child being turned away from him, declaring that he isn't their parent. Aziraphale realises that something is wrong when he doesn't see Crowley for a while and goes to Crowley's apartment, finding signs of a struggle and he is immediately alarmed. He makes plans to go to Hell to rescue Crowley. He ends up with the flaming sword again.
2: Crowley is Adam's birth mother. He was kidnapped by Hell and tortured... by Satan. It is a painful pregnancy but he connects with the baby mentally and through their souls. He and Adam communicate mentally. He gives birth alone and is allowed an hour alone with Adam before they come and snatch him from Crowley's arms and they hold him down, making Crowley watch as Satan changes Adam, blocks their connection, makes him able to adapt to look like who his human parents would be, and make sure he is unable to be sensed by demons and angels. Satan puts the human looking baby in the basket and heals Crowley, changing his clothes to what he was wearing when he was taken, and threatens Crowley that if he doesn't do exactly as he wants Crowley to do then he will take him and the baby back to Hell and make Crowley watch as he tortures and kills the baby, before slowly killing Crowley also. He sends Crowley and the baby back to Earth, they are placed near the Bentley, and the plans are forced into his head. Crowley has a moment with his baby before he takes the baby to the hospital, knowing that he can't go against the plan, for the sake of his baby. When the baby is in place he goes straight to Aziraphale to come up with a plan, though he doesn't say anything about Adam being his baby yet. Aziraphale notices something's wrong though and will figure it out at some point. Crowley makes sure the Dowling's are living in London and becomes the nanny, and Aziraphale the gardener, and he raises the boy he thinks is his son.
3. Maggie is Aziraphale's and Crowley's daughter from before the Fall, Crowley being her mother, but their memories were taken shortly after her birth. She knows who they are to her but can't say anything directly to them. She opened the record shop to be close to them, she miracles herself to appear that she is aging and disappears for a little while, only to reappear as her own daughter/granddaughter so that no one knows she isn't human. Crowley and Aziraphale find out the truth, however, when Crowley's memories are forcefully returned to him, Aziraphale's memories return at the same time due to a soul bond they share.
4. TW: mentions of unwanted abortion. After the Job incident, or after the flood (but probably after Job), Crowley and Aziraphale spend some time together, becoming... closer. They... sleep together ;) and Crowley becomes pregnant. However they both know that they can't be together, not properly, not yet, and they certainly can't have a baby yet, no matter how much they want to keep it. They aren't able to miracle the baby away, so they have to go the classic abortion route, Aziraphale stays with Crowley during it, and for a while after, but eventually they have to part ways so as to not arouse suspicion, with the promise that "one day" when it is safe for them to be together, they will be, and they will have a family also. Cut to the final 15 and after the kiss they rest their foreheads against the other's and Aziraphale rests his hand on Crowley's stomach, whispering, "One day. Trust me." This is the endgame. Their chance to be free. Following their 'divorce' is the events leading up to the second coming and Aziraphale, Crowley and others trying to stop it, then them getting back together, officially, and so on and so forth. Will probably be a rather long story, filled with flashbacks and such, too. And a lot of other revelations in the form of memories being returned and such, but I don't want to bore you all too much with super long explanations of these fics I want to, and will write, haha.
5. After the nopepocolypse and the switch and such Crowley and Aziraphale get together, thinking that they might finally be free enough to settle down. At some point Crowley gets pregnant (I think you guys can tell by this point that I am obsessed with this genderless being getting pregnant, but I have just read so many wonderful fics and... anyways, I shan't ramble too much). Crowley is just about to leave his apartment to tell Aziraphale about their baby, however, he hears intruders. After putting up quite a fight he is kidnapped by either Heaven or Hell (probably Hell) and hurt quite badly by a number of demons and Satan as he is held captive (there may possibly be a miscarriage, but if there is, once they have had some time to heal, then they will get pregnant again because I am obsessed with them having a family.) After a week or so of not hearing from Crowley, Aziraphale is incredibly worried and goes to Crowley's apartment to find out what is going on, to find the apartment a mess and one of the pregnancy tests that Crowley used, a note that Crowley quickly wrote when he heard the intruders, along with signs of whoever took his demon. Aziraphale works to rescue Crowley. They heal, and so on. Eventual happy ending.
6. This is a very basic idea that involves a bet, I don't know what yet because this idea isn't quite fully formed, between God and Satan involving Crowley and Aziraphale. But if you want to read this kind of a story first then I shall definitely formulate a plan.
Anyways, I think that is enough for now. Which one would you like to read first, feel free to ask questions, drop a comment, and vote in the poll. I am hoping to work on the first chapter this week as I have the week off work, and other than going to an Olivia Rodrigo concert, and my dad's birthday, the only thing I plan to do is write (both fanfic and the book I am writing). So yeah, please do let me know what is, hopefully taking your fancy.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day! xx
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crispyanonart · 7 months
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in my mind this is what they're up to leave me alone
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brella-boi · 7 months
Someone said bugs with eyelashes is a weird choice
So I drew mors bugs with eyelashes
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spirk-trek · 4 months
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really love that for the metron design they went with "androgynous angel dressed head to toe in glitter"
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fiapple · 2 years
as a bisexual with a complicated gender identity, i just think that's so sexy and intellectual of me actually. if you are also a bisexual with a complicated gender identity just know we should be sharing a nomination for a nobel prize rn.
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cool but what if it was my first time taking strap in a while so i asked you to go slow. and you made sure you got me wet first, kissing my neck, playing with my nipples. and you followed my directions and so, so slowly push in the head of your cock. and you watched yourself enter me. and maybe you gave me one or two shallow thrusts just to see me stretch around you before you keep sinking into me. and your eyes go from my pussy to my face - my mouth hanging open, my eyes shut. you see me grab for the sheets so you lace your fingers with mine — let me grab you instead. closing my eyes with pleasure as i adjust to you. and you feel the shudders move through my whole body as i take you. and when you bottom out i make a noise - that deep oh you like that comes from my throat. and i start fucking you from underneath, my nails digging into your hand, pulling you in with my legs. and you look down at my hips working you and you moan and you kiss me. and you let yourself have the pleasure i give you before you say in my ear: oh, what happened to going slow?
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canisalbus · 1 month
oh I am so jealous about your non-gendered language (as someone who also only uses they/them)
The only way to use non-gendered pronouns here in greece is to call people 'it', as in the 'this is an object' type of 'it' which obviously isnt what most people are looking for
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I think the funniest thing about the whole "oh, Neil Gaiman makes a gay angel/demon show and suddenly he's a saint" is the fact that he's actually been very clear about the fact that he does not see the angel and demon as gay men. He said, and I do fucking quote, "whatever they are, they aren't that." You don't have to believe me. Look it up for yourself. So people who are claiming he's a good gay ally or whatever are deeply mistaken lmao.
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afamineinyourheart · 1 year
Being bisexual is fun cos I always win. Hot moms? Hot dads? Hot people? I win. Always.
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canines-crown · 4 months
"She", but not in a girly, feminine kind of way
"She", as in an unknown forest entity, worshipped by the ones unafraid of the truth
"She", as in a fearless heroine, charging into battle
"She", as in an old wise dragon who knows the secrets of the universe
"She", as in a creature with eyes of fire, and wings of sunlight
"She", as in.. Me
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stopthefeeling · 1 year
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Rose Tyler, I...
I would like to spend...
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loustat-lover · 2 months
Regarding gender roles in AMCs unholy family, I think it's interesting how Lestat is Claudia's mother, narratively/subtextually, but he's also plays the role of The Husband™. While Louis is Claudia's father but he's also plays the role of the housewife.
It's not "Lestat is the man and Louis is the woman", that's reductive and doesn't do their roles justice (not to mention the thinly veiled homophobia of that thought process). The gender roles expressed during The Unholy Family era are more complicated then I see some of the fandom paint it, and I wish people could really appreciate the way that they toy with gender in the show.
It's not the same way that Anne Rice toys with gender in the books by making every vampire a (thin white) androgynous creature of the night, but it's still has it's own subtle air of gender fuckery that is arguably perhaps more nuanced then "vampires become genderless because they're no longer human".
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oursystemblog · 1 month
since you couldn't hear anyone in the beginning, how did you learn who was who? how did you identify parts?
Not Very Helpful Advice-Wise Answer, Mostly just Rambling --
if you mean identify as in "figure out that they were Another Alter" , everyone was distinct enough that we could kind of just tell "hmm . I Am Of A Different State Right Now" -- which was always something we'd noted even before we had a word to put to it, so that wasn't really something we needed to figure out consciously. it's weird to describe it's just a Different Feeling behind the eyes
if you mean identify as in "figure out the name of" -- Most of them didn't actually have names at first so they ended up choosing one and readily wrote it down on their own while they were were fronting
i think for us it was pretty easy because at the beginning the guardian was The Only alter [aside from me , The Host] who would front with any frequency, so i Only had to identify them. this wasn't very hard because they also wanted to identify themself
we worked on that alongside figuring out communication, and it was a decent amount of time before the emotionholder [only other alter at the time] came forward so by then we'd already gotten to the stage of Basic Yes Or No Questions which made it easier
a bit beside the point but i'm adding this on because it's funny (in hindsight), i also freaked out a little bit when that happened because i went "oh i feel switchy/dissociated right now that probably means the guardian is going to front. okay that's fine, i'm used to that now" and then the emotionholder fronted instead (for the first time since we'd started figuring out the system thing) and once they were done i was like "Ok well that wasn't the guardian . That also was not me, though, so Who The Fuck Was That I Thought There Was Like One Other Person Here"
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Man I really looked at the options for Gender and Sexuality and just said no❤️
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ezlo-x · 3 months
Happy Pride
Tarú now has She/Her pronouns
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fatickono · 2 months
when people misgender the vessels. /neg. i explode ! literally combust and become 100000 little dust particles and explode again and burst forth and implode and GRUAUAHHGHGGGGH i hate it …
they don’t use he/him pronouns (they don’t use she/her either but the i’ve only ever seen the ppl misgendering the vessels refer to them with he/him) ….. rauhghghghg… when people call the vessels male… /neg… explodes even more!!! they’re not male they are CANONICALLY GENDERLESS!!!!! fhrienfvjfkwmdkfkm hornet is called the gendered child for a reason !
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