#mae x qimir fanfic
calamiitywrites · 18 days
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— qimir x mae
trigger warning: a bit of hateful speech ( towards jedi ) and mentions of violence and addiction to power.
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request via ask: "Ok so Mae is my favorite lowkey and I feel like if she had time to develop she could've been so much more. Would you mind making a oneshot where she actually does harness the force and she's scared of the darkness of it? Like she tells Qimir ( the shopkeeper ) that she's scared to tell her master because she doesn't know how to feel about what she's becoming? does that make sense?"
note from author: I also like Mae and feel like she should've had a little more time to develop, but I think I understand what you mean. Let's see what we come up with. I didn't mean to make it so long!!! as always please leave notes / feedback / messages etc. - calamiity
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The warm and desolate air of Khofar slid between her lips and nearly caused her to choke. They hadn't even begun hiking yet and she could already feel the regret of coming here nipping at her brainstem. "A relaxing retreat outside of the outer rim," he had said. Instead, she was confronted with a grim and dense rain forest surrounded by crumbling rock and fields of dead flowers. one would have to be braindead to find this relaxing.
truthfully, she couldn't decide which was worse; his erratic piloting or his incessant need to speak to her in old cryptic ideologies that centered around trusting her master. She had half a mind to believe that Qimir and her master were lovers with the way Qimir would radiate adoration and acquiescence at every utterance of her master and his antics. It made her wonder how close they really were. Had he seen the master's face? What deal did they make with one another? How much of what she tells Qimir, will the master find out about?
The more time she spent with Qimir, the more her questions and distrust amplified and stacked like a pile of bricks lodged in her throat, making it hard for her to breathe. osha was alive and he had known this whole time without telling her. everything had changed and yet everything still reminded the same. Her allegiance was irrevocably tethered to Osha. she didn't know who to be without her. now that mae knew and understood that osha was alive, her quest for vengeance seemed increasingly futile. Yet beneath it all lingered a piece of shame she was desperate to keep hidden from her master and from osha herself. a piece of her that refused to stop.
She didn't realize that her eyes were watering and the idea of Qimir seeing her in any state of vulnerability nearly made her grimace. She knew that the right thing to do would be to turn herself into Master Kelnaka and leave her fate in the hands of the Jedi counsel. But a fragment of herself, long suppressed and yearning for freedom, emerged from the shadows, chastising her for clinging to shackles. "This is not who we are," it spoke mirroring her own voice.
This inner voice had been with her since the death of Master Indara, and she had come to recognize it as a part of herself—an insistent, primal force that echoed through the forefront of her mind without remorse.
Before she realized it, her feet were already moving toward the forest’s perimeter when Qimir’s voice halted her in her tracks.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I wouldn't just take off if I were you. Khofar is massively uncharted. I know bounty hunters wont set foot in these forests." He stepped forward, inadvertently knocking over the container at his feet.
"Oh but you have," she replied, disbelief lacing her words.
"Yes… I have," he acknowledged matter-of-factly, shoving items into his bag. "To find the Wookiee and it was hard. That is one jedi that does not want to be found."
Her eyes wandered back to the forest and it some how seemed more threatening than before. The deep overcast destroyed any semblance of sunlight, casting an aura of dread that reached out with malevolent fingers.
"You went in there and risked your life for my master?" the disbelief in her tone had amplified and for a moment she found her eyes scanning him from head to toe. there was absolutely no way.
"No, I risked my life to help you." He corrected, retrieving a canteen of water from his bag and offering it to her
"Admit it, you need me." he added, his tone trailing off as he pushed the bottle toward her. When she reached for it, he held it firmly, meeting her gaze with unspoken intensity.
"You know, you sister being alive doesn't change anything. You need to kill the Wookiee. You made a deal." He reminded her.
There was a distinct pause between the two of them and for a moment she saw something she had never seen in Qimir before. A deep sense of understanding that he shouldn't have had. It was so profound and unsettling that she narrowed her eyes as if to look deeper into him. The deal with her master was not a secret between them, yet the concern etched in Qimir’s expression almost mirrored a warning—a subtle form of authority that twisted at her stomach. Was he commanding her?
Defiance decorated her features, her furrowed brows portrayed her resistance and betrayed her calm demeanor. "Osha being alive changes everything." she declared confidently, though her gaze fell away from his, while her thoughts moved inward. "But it doesn't change this." her voice was distant. she could feel his eyes burning holes in her skin, but she remained silent, teetering on the brink of revealing her true struggle.
She ground her teeth together to keep from speaking and turned towards the forest again. Though no further words were necessary, Qimir’s presence beside her rekindled that irresistible urge to unburden herself— he was the only one that she could really talk to. Yet the choice still felt unwise.
"How do you kill a Jedi without a weapon? It has to be some sort of test right? You engage unarmed, but you can use their saber if you unarm them. Or....is that cheating? I'm just curious to how you're gonna do it this time...you ..you failed so much." He jested.
"I didn't fail. I killed Torbin and I killed Indara." She retorted.
"But you killed them your way. You have to kill the Wookiee without a weapon. Your master wants...."
"What kind of deal did you make with him?" she interrupted, her voice sharp.
"I didn't, we didn't......I just owe him. You know how he is, he collects people."
"I've never seen his face, have you?" She pressed.
"You know I haven't." He spoke slightly annoyed. She could feel him pulling away from her, but she couldn't stop herself.
"I suppose it’s for the best that he hides his face. I’d hate to see his reaction when he learns I’ve been deceiving him," She chuckled bitterly while mentally wincing.
"Lying about what?" he asked, his gaze fixed on the distant trees, though his curiosity was simmering on the edge.
"Everything." She shrugged, eyes fixated on her feet as the sound of rocks crunching underneath her feet reminded her of their current remoteness.
"What do you mean?" He pressed further, this time looking back at her through the sides of his lashes.
"I know he's displeased with me for not ... killing the Jedi his way, but I have to do it my way Qimir. If I do it his way then I'm afraid he'll see that...." She trailed off, finally meeting his gaze. He had slowed his pace, studying her with an intensity that seemed foreign to his usual demeanor.
"He'll see what, Mae?"
She blinked, losing focus under his scrutiny, her gaze shifting away. A distant feeling warned her that if she told him he would end up telling her master. After she killed Indara it became clear to her that she couldn't trust herself so how could she ever hope to trust him?
She didn't notice it before, but they had stopped walking a few feet away from the forest. His eyes implored her to elaborate, but this was slowing them down.
"Nothing." She retracted refocusing on the forest and moving toward it. She was surprised to find his hand outstretched to halt her. Her eyes fell to his arm, and her brows furrowed in confusion. When she met his gaze once more, she encountered that same unsettling blend of authority and curiosity.
"Tell me."
"Why? So you can run off and tell him?" she questioned raising an eyebrow. Qimir’s shoulders shifted slightly, a hint of offense flickering across his face, but she saw through it. It was irritation, fueled by her lack of trust in him.
"Mae, you can tell me." He urged, but it was still there. That tinge of weariness that warned her to back away, but she wanted to trust him. he was her only friend.
"Something… happened during my fight with Indara," she began, her gaze skirting away once more. She half expected him to press her further for a response, but instead he stood quietly listening to her speak. She couldn't remember a time he seemed so in tune with her words.
"There was a moment when I thought I had her, but she bested me. I managed to escape, but even from a distance, I could tell she recognized me. She called out to me, and when I realized she knew who I was, this… tightness gripped my chest. It was as if it had been empty all this time, and then something flooded in without warning. All of a sudden she started clawing at her throat, and I didn’t realize she was choking until she collapsed. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, and it struck me—it was me. I was doing that to her, and I couldn’t stop. I almost killed her, but when I felt what I was doing, I stopped."
She swallowed hard, finally meeting his gaze. His expression was a mix of confusion and awe, leaving her unsettled.
"Are you afraid your master will learn you failed with Indara?" he asked.
"No," she replied, shaking her head. "I’m afraid he’ll discover how much I... liked it." The words felt like a confession, yet the peace she sought was overshadowed by shame. "I watched her struggle for breath, pleading with me for mercy, and all I could think about was how my people had been in the same position. Yet Sol, Indara, Torbin, and Kelnaka remained unmoved. They didn’t stop until my people were slaughtered and my home was destroyed. I showed mercy to Torbin. He was always fated to die by my hand, but after Brendok, he chose a life of permanent fasting and meditation, consumed by guilt. I allowed him to pass gently into darkness, but the others deserve no such reprieve." the malice in her voice had finally shown through and her eyes reflecting the rage she had tried so hard to conceal.
"I liked seeing her that way. I liked the rush of power that I felt, knowing I would be the last thing she saw before her death. To kill her unarmed, with the very power they used to destroy my people—just because they didn’t understand them—was satisfying. My master was once a Jedi. There’s something old and wise in him, and I know if he finds out... he’ll see me as a monster. Who would want to train a monster, Qimir?" her question was genuine, but when her eyes met his she froze. He was looking at her, but it didn't seem like it was her that he was seeing. Where was his mind?
"You can't....tell him, Qimir." She spoke, bringing him back into the present and pulling him away from whatever thoughts had been rummaging through his mind after her confession.
"I wont, but I think you should....." he admitted.
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theacolyteqna · 2 months
Hey guys, I know there’s not a lot of people following me but, I was thinking of writing an Acolyte fanfic, I never wrote a fanfic before but I was inspired to write one because of this sketch.
Is going to be one we’re osha and Sol has this kind of Thanos and Gamora relationship, we’re she was the perfect daughter that got away. The fanfic is going to be sad and angsty, qimir is still going to be the love interest but the main plot is this perfect daughter that left her whole life behind
I will be writing this based on voting which will end at the end of August 20th, 2024 and the first 5 chapters will be released on September 1st, 2024.
I don’t know how to tag people yet because I’m new to this app but, I want to give credit to the artist so here’s the link.
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Basic list of stuff the story will have
Thanos and Gamora relationship
favored child trope
Siblings rivalry trope / friend rivalry
Shelter trope
Love interest
Don’t know no if it still going’s to be enemies to lovers
Academic rivals
Or childhood best friends
I’ll edit the list as, I go.
Also all the second place votes will be add to another fanfic that I’m thinking of.
I don’t know if I want to do a modern Alternate Universes or stay in the Star Wars realm but I kind also write both versions.🤷‍♀️
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alderaanplacesss · 3 months
One episode of The Acolyte with that Qimir behavior and I’ve already written over 1000 words of smut??? WHILE NOT OFFICIALLY EVEN SITTING DOWN TO DO SO?
It’s crazy how something just activates this part of my brain and it pours out of me like horny vomit I mean wtf.
Anyway, if you’re curious for more on that “You really didn’t know it was me? Not even deep down?” line uhhhhh stay tuned.
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thefudge · 2 months
Isn’t my sister enough for you? she asks. Almost pleads. Qimir reaches forward. He twists one of her braids round his finger. “There is no such thing as ‘enough’. Peace is a lie,” he recites. “There is only passion.”
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samieree · 2 months
"Peace, Wound, Scar. Again. || SW: The Acolyte" Masterlist
(fanfiction)(Qimir [The Stranger] x OC)
[General Masterlist with list of boys I can write one-shots with here]
[Star Wars Masterlist]
[my works are also avaiable on Ao3: Samiere and on wattpad: _Saelin]
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Description + Introduction
Chapter I ''Reunion''
Chapter II ''Hunch''
Chapter III ''Spectre''
Chapter IV ''Slaughter''
Chapter V ''Different side''
Chapter VI ''Shades of grey''
Chapter VII ''Decision''
Chapter VIII ''Consequences''
Collages I did for this fanfic: for chapter V, generally
Edits I did for this fanfic: for chapter VII
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peanutwoman · 3 months
Gremlin Thoughts
Ah, just had a thought that expanded into part of a story in my head.
Qimir's about to kiss Mae, but she turns away and he ends up kissing her jawline instead. This happens more than once during their time working together. Sometimes in broad daylight in alleyway or in public, and sometimes late nights after a long day of scouting or a quick drink in the local bars.
Most times Mae starts it. It could be her loneliness and need to feel a level of connection, or simply her curiosity to satisfy the itch. She like the build up before turning him away bc it feels like a test for herself on how much control she had. At the same time, she feels embarrassed by even entertaining it.
Unfortunately, it always turns out like this, and Qimir understands. He gets it. He helping her bc he sees Mae clearly starved for attention just like himself, and can see how shes pushing het boundaries like how she pushing the expectations from her master. However, Qimir doesn't let this fog his mind or his judgment. He just accepts it and teases her to shake of the tension, then continues on to help her in other ways. He cares for her. That his acolyte. His pupil. If she needs his for anything, he will help.
Ok, thought cooking.
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thefandomfires · 25 days
Chapter 11 of my Qimir/OFC fic, The Gift, is posted
Link to Chapter 11
Ashe was one of the youngest Jedi to ever reach the rank of Master.
This is mostly thanks to her ‘gift’ as the other Jedi like to call it. She can see the auras of those around her, can see what they feel and what their intentions are among other things.
She was trained to be seen not heard, do as she’s told, and help when needed.
But after what happened to her as a child and during her training her allegiance to the Jedi is shaky on its best day. So when Jedi are being attacked she’s not exactly feeling all that helpful. She will follow her orders that’s it. No more or less.
There is only one person who seemingly understands her.
A man who’s face is shrouded in darkness.
Who she can only see and remember when she sleeps
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dreamprincess010-blog · 2 months
The algorithms called me out !
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
✦⠀      ˚            .
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(pic source: The Acolyte 1x04, 1x02, & 1x01)
✰ . ˚ 
Everyday that she’s breathed Mae has been devoted to little else than she has her twin.
˚        ゚      .
After finally being reunited with her sister after the tragedy that rocked their family, however, she’s forced to contend with their differences in a new light that she might not be able to fight against. ✦
˚        ゚      .
Who’s she supposed to turn to when the one person she truly cared for is also helping the Jedi hunting her down, and she’s stuck in a deal that’s come with more serious repercussions than she was prepared to deal with?
   ˚        ゚      .  ✦⠀       .
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❝ He breathes in softly, his face devoid — of what, Mae couldn’t help to guess but something was certainly missing in the look he was giving her now compared to his usual; so open she felt as if she could walk into it and settle. “She really did look just like you,” he whispers, voice dropping.
˚        ゚ ⠀✦⠀
Mae’s own eyes take on a sheen, her face losing some of its tension and her lips parting on a soft exhale. Any urge she still held to stab the man in front of her paling to nothing in light of such knowledge.
“Really,” she breathes out, eyes wide and wet and irresistible.
˚        ゚      .
He longs to press his lips to her fallen tears; taste such a foreign emotion on his tongue; to watch her relish in her own release.
˚       . ˚         ゚
A draft carries through the alley, blows Qimir’s bangs into his eyes. With a jerk he straightens, backs away from her like he would’ve if her shove had actually been effective, and coughs.
“Yeah,” he says, looking away and taking his abyss with him.
˚               .
A violent shiver snakes up Mae’s spine in its absence. ❞
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˚ Mae-ho "Mae" Aniseya x The Stranger/Qimir (Maemir) and ˚ Mae-ho Aniseya & Verosha “Osha” Aniseya ⠀✦⠀
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“Seek; Destroy” (1x0) not here yet
“Lost / Found” (1x1) not here yet
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“Runaway Mae” Osha’s supposed to be getting away from the fight, but when Mae breaks from their group she can’t force herself towards the ship any longer. The fading pulse in her chest when Jecki screams isn’t helping either, no matter how much Yord tries to talk her into getting to safety. (“Night”[1x5] - canon divergence) not here yet
 ˚        ゚      .
✰ . . ˚ 
Serious Status: Ongoing .
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(pic source: The Acolyte 1x05, 1x05, & 1x07)
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WARNINGS: mature language, extreme depictions of violence & canon typical "intense" violence, mild sexual themes, I am following the rules of the universe as set by the acolyte so if that’ll piss you off then leave.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any of star wars: the acolyte, either it’s characters or it’s themes, just the original parts of the story I’ve written around them.
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series playlist👇🏾 
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constellation pattern created by @syifafh on discord
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onyour-right · 3 months
so, who's gonna write the qimir x mae friends to almost something to enemies fanfic because uhhhhhhh i need it
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calamiitywrites · 19 days
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— qimir x reader
trigger warning: graphic scenes and descriptions of violence, blood and death. please proceed with caution.
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request via ask: "I actually would like to request a one shot or maybe even a story where the reader ( or an oc doesn't matter ) is hunting Jedi for her own reasons and is on her way to becoming a sith, but she's terrified of her force because it's not only powerful, but full of rage so needless to say it stems from the dark side. I don't want her to replace Osha or Mae, in fact I want them included in the story. however, I do want Qimir to end up teaching this character. Add some seduction of course, some mystery and I want it from the character's pov. I know this idea is all over the place and I'm not giving you much to work with but I would definitely like to see him interact with this character who could learn a lot from him but has the potential to be a stand alone character herself."
note from author: I think I understand the gist of what you're requesting so I will definitely interpret it in my own way. Please let me know if this is what you had in mind :) also, sorry it's so long, I had to introduce the character first haha!- calamiity
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There's a distant hum that tickles at her brainstem and finds itself traveling down to the pit of her stomach. she should be weary of this sensation because it was nothing more than the force riddling through her body. decorating her veins in a fire that could coat the 7 levels of hell in different degrees of flame. What kind of beast had she become to worship a power that made her feel this way? The moonlight, a silvered blade slicing through the night did nothing to hide her or shield the outside world from seeing what she truly was, a beast in human form. it whispered to the stars about her, but the sky was her only companion. Without judgement, It listened to her battle cries and the pleas of the Jedi that she cut down mercilessly. Crimson clung to her robes and dripped slowly down the exposed pieces of her face outlined by the fabric that covered her nose and lips. the deep red of it was in complete contrast to the darkness reflected in her irises. She had allowed the force to nearly consume her from the inside out and the eerie abundance of obsidian that nearly took over her entire vision told her that she had gone too far tonight. Her power — a forbidden curse with a seductive allure. The force must be exercised and properly managed, but the emotions beneath the surface of her consciousness were far too powerful for tradition. Wrath, Loss, Pain and Vengeance. They all danced the danse macabre within her soul, drenching it in affliction. there was no turning back now. Her veins were like molten lava, but they were chilled by the sound of the whimpering jedi that lay at her feet. Before she could stop herself, her eyes wandered to the delicate skin under his chin and she could feel the power of the force expand and contract around his throat. It took half of a second for her to realize that he was choking. a gentle tilt of her head was the only give away to her true curiosity. could she really end his life this way? how long would it take? A thread, a piercing silver stream of light slid through the forefront of her mind and she followed it. It broke off to her left and her eyes caught movement behind the shop window that sat uncloaked. It occurred to her that the 4 jedi she had murdered in front of the shop window was witnessed by someone. rather or not she was wearing a mask didn't matter, the idea of being seen in her most volatile state nearly made her shutter. however, there was no turning back now. With the distraction of the hidden bystander, the once choking jedi had gotten up and began sneaking away. She couldn't let that happen. Refocusing, she retrieved his lightsaber and ignited it with deliberate slowness. Aligning her gaze with his position, she extended her left arm to match his height, letting the dark blue blade hover above her other hand. Once she was certain of her aim, she harnessed the Force and propelled his saber like an arrow. It flew straight and true, embedding itself in the center of his back and causing him to collapse lifelessly where he stood. She turned back to the glass in search of the movement that she had seen before, but there was nothing. although she was sure that the person was still there, there was no reason to pursue them. instead, she flexed her force once more to create a smoke screen and vanish into the night where she had come. The night’s embrace was both her refuge and her torment, and as the echoes of her power faded into the void, she was left with the haunting realization that the greatest battle she would ever face was not against her foes, but against the seduction of her own darkness.
Her ragged gasps were the only thing that filled her ears as she removed the bloodstained robes that clung to her skin. A bath would do her some good, but it wasn’t until she was completely bare that she noticed the weight missing from her belt—the sai dagger made from cortosis was gone. Panic surged through her as she realized she must have dropped it during the chaos. however, she couldn't go back to that shop now. the bystander from before had already seen her cloaked figure, if she chanced it now then he would most likely get a glimpse of her. her best bet would be to return in the morning disguised as a merchant.
At first light she followed through with her plan to return to the shop where she had committed the atrocities from the night prior. it was strange to see that the fallen jedi had been removed, the ground cleaned and the sound of murmuring voices questioning if the chaos they heard about last night was even real. "I heard it was a rumor." said one store vendor. "No way, there have been many Jedi killings over the past few days. You heard about that cloaked figure that went after Indara a few nights back?" another spoke.
She paused for a brief moment at the name, she had never killed a jedi named Indara....perhaps there was another seeking out revenge? either way, it made her job easier. one less monkey for the zoo.
"I heard it was a drunk bar fight that went wrong and that they turned on each other." she chimed in. if everyone was going to put out some gossip, she might as well add her tidbit to throw them off a bit.
"There have been a lot of them spotted at the pub lately." the older woman agreed.
She hid the half hearted smile that graced her lips when she turned away from them, but her heart sank as she locked eyes with her missing dagger prominently displayed, as if it were for sale, in the window of the shop from last night. The idea of it being displayed as a trinket for someone to snag it nearly made her mouth run dry. She knew she had to retrieve it before the blade—or its significance—fell into the wrong hands. but how?
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calamiitywrites · 1 month
-casually slips in after being gone for thousands of years with a new obsession. -
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go ahead....request fics....i dare you.
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calamiitywrites · 13 days
so what i'm seeing is that y'all prefer qimir x reader stories over qimir x mae stories....? and ya'll lookin for smut aren't ya? mhm....gone and send me some requests then. 😏
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alderaanplacesss · 3 months
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The truth was the first time Mae and the master were intimate, it had been her advance accepted by him.
And he had met her there, letting her guide his bare hand first to her mouth, then under her waistband. Remembering it now, her body ached - not from guilt, but from imagining Qimir’s face of pleasure under the mask.
(Mae and her master have a special deal, until it all comes crashing down.)
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thefudge · 3 months
Nine times out of ten, Mae finds different sleeping quarters. Mae/Qimir
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samieree · 2 months
Star Wars Masterlist
[General Masterlist with list of boys I can write one-shots with here]
[my works are also avaiable on Ao3: Samiere and on wattpad: _Saelin]
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MASTERLIST Peace, Wound, Scar. Again. || SW: The Acolyte (fanfiction)(Qimir [The Stranger] x OC)
Someone is murdering Jedi. Master Indara was found dead on Ueda. The matter must be dealt with quickly and it would be best if it went unnoticed, so that the Jedi Council would not find out anything about it, because it would be obliged to inform the Galactic Senate about everything. Elyssa - a Jedi Knight - who rarely had the opportunity to go on missions - for some reason no one was willing to send her on them… - is one of the people that Master Sol is supposed to take with him. For now, it's just a matter of finding and catching Osha, because the prison ship has crashed. But someone is still killing Jedi. And behind this person there is someone much worse... Or maybe not worse at all?
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