#mads box
fairsweetlonging · 8 days
truth serum / system reveal au where shen qingqiu gets hit with an uncloaking spell that reveals the system in the reflection of his eyes every time it pops up.
during one of his missions, in the treasure hoard of some dragon-like creature, he finds a golden, oval shaped hand mirror, its gaudy style more victorian based than anything (airplane you hack!), that doesn't seem to do anything when he looks into it. but when he does, it reveals the system's screen in his eyes.
he doesn't notice this, of course, because he can't see it, and the system, surprisingly, stays quiet.
the peak lords think he's cursed.
maybe mu qingfang is the first to notice, during the mandatory post mission check-up, when shen qingqiu is scrolling through his most recently accumulated points and mu qingfang can see the strange vividly-blue lines reflected in his pupils. it's gone when shen qingqiu blinks, like it was nothing but a trick of the light.
it comes out when yue qingyuan is visiting and, just as he's done laying out the plans for a new mission, shen qingqiu's eyes glaze over and a bright blue box takes over the whole of his iris. shen qingqiu goes quiet; the thing in his eyes moves, shifts, pulses for a second, like static worms crawling all over his pupils. then he blinks, and it's gone, and shen qingqiu accepts the mission that yue qingyuan was almost sure he would decline.
maybe there is an intervention, when the peak lords corner shen qingqiu at qian cao peak and try to figure out what's wrong, subjecting him to all kinds of treatments and curse-finding spells that turn up empty, they can't find anything.
of course, the silencing threat is still very much up and running. at first shen qingqiu was kind of confused by the whole ordeal, but when the peak lords start describing a "strange blue box", he realizes, with sickening suddenty, that they're describing the system. and he can't say anything.
this only makes everything worse, because their fellow peak lord now keeps evading every question and acts like he doesn't understand. liu qingge points right at his face and asks, "that blue box, what is it?" and shen qingqiu laughs nervously and starts talking about how bright the weather is and surely it's the sky and nothing to worry about!
even worse, during the intervention the system thought it was a good idea to start talking to him, so now even the peak lords who hadn't seen it and who might have been persuaded by light tricks and reflections, get a first row view that no, that definitely isn't a trick of the light.
they try to do the whole thing of "are you in danger, blink twice" but shen qingqiu can't even do that because it's still a direct admittance!
maybe eventually he starts saying vague confirmations that don't actually confirm anything, like "this master hears what you're saying", or maybe he goes with a classic "this master can neither confirm nor deny that." but the system starts warning him for that too and eventually he stops saying anything, which worries the others more.
luckily mu qingfang catches on that every time they ask a direct question about the box or shen qingqiu says anything vaguely confirming, it appears. it doesn't appear when they ask about curses or demons, so it must not see that as a threat.
for a little extra angst: maybe the peak lords keep pressuring him for answers, and at some point shen qingqiu gets fed up and snaps out something like, "why don't you understand that i'm not allowed to answer that!" the system counts this as a direct admittance, threatening it's existence. so it punishes. shen qingqiu has a qi deviation so bad it lasts two weeks and takes two people every day to cleanse his meridians. the system doesn't appear in that time. it doesn't appear for a long while after that, either. the peak lords stop asking, mainly because shen qingqiu will instantly leave the room if they do. they don't stop searching for a cure, though.
shang qinghua returns from a business trip and catches on the second someone mentions a blue box and forced silencing.
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To gain a more mechanistic understanding of the ABCE model, a biochemical interaction model, called the Quartet Model, has been proposed (Figure 20.29). (...) The MADS-RIN gene is a never of the SEPALLATA gene family, which also includes genes required for floral organ identity and floral meristem determinacy (see Chapter 20, Figure 20.29).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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crustyfloor · 6 months
Ivan's face of (excitement??) when he was getting beat up and was beating up Till because this was likely the most attention he got from him all week is so crazy.. i need to examine this guy under a microscope
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yourlocalabomination · 6 months
Tick Tock, Teddy-Bear.
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friccafracc · 11 months
ok when did tumblr get so boring with askboxes. what happened to roleplaying with my ocs huh?? what happened to *pats them on the head* or "[x] what is you opinion on the socioeconomic state of america" wheres your whimsy??? wheres your FUCKING whimsy tumblr
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bits-and-pieces-of · 1 year
She’s his sidekick, he’s her dad, she’s his mentor, he’s her best friend. They’ve known each other for a few days, they’ve spent their whole lives looking for each other, he sees her, she understands him, they’re flawed, they’re perfect, they don’t need anyone, but it’s the two of them choosing each other against the world that betrayed them.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
my opinion on “does joffrey know about the incest” is that he honestly genuinely does not suspect a god damn thing UNTIL the big blow up when his father dies. the combo of ned doing All Of That when he’d previously been so politically inactive + stannis AND renly crowning themselves is all the confirmation he needs for all the weird shit he’s seen throughout his life to click into place but what EYE think clicks into place is “oh this bitch SEDUCED my WEAK and INNOCENT MOTHER from my AMAZING father????” and from then on he’s praying robb kills jaime before the war ends.
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post-it-notes7 · 28 days
Please tell me this will be a happy ending
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dearest anon, only time will tell
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
Friday Domestic Box Office: May 31st, 2024
1- The Garfield Movie $3.7M
2- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga $3.0M
3- IF $2.8M
4- Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes $2.4M
5- 🆕 Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle $1.9M
6- The Fall Guy $1.1M
7- 🆕 In a Violent Nature $1M
8- 🆕 Ezra $570K
9- 🆕 Young Woman and Sea $500K
10- 🆕 Summer Camp $390K
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yorufi · 4 months
1.9 sonetto garment.. maybe.. i think she would be rlly pretty in your artstyle :-)
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she’s like a little librarian ✿
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packet-of-staples · 1 year
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Day 141 of drawing Papyrus until he cameos in deltarune! This is why I wanted to establish Paps and Maddie as besties, for this dumb bit. Im going to see Barbie today!! And so are they!
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phatcatphergus · 11 months
Omfg in another life tubbo is the coach for Sunny’s soccer team. The PTA moms don’t like him bc he’s basically like a child (why ft does he have a kid???) and shows up late to practice sometimes in his old ass “fixer” car that he built from scratc but every girl on the team LOVES him bc he lets them wear whatever color uniform they want. They all respond with “YES COACH” during drills and gets them fruit snacks for after the game. He’s super intense and screaming like it’s the World Cup during the 7am Saturday games but the team wins every game back to back. He also has a pink jersey that the girls made him with the word “coach” bedazzled on the back.
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The MADS box genes share a characteristic, conserved nucleotide sequence known as a MADS box, which encodes a protein structure known as the MADS domain (Figure 20.28A). (...) When the tetramers bind two different CArG-boxes on the same target gene, the boxes are brought into close proximity, causing DNA bending (Figure 20.28B). (...) These tetramers are hypothesized to bind CArG-boxes on target genes and modify their expression (see Figure 20.28 B).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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loverboyplural · 2 months
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credit if using the bases ♡ no cred needed 4 the userboxes
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uses this npd flag ++ our midnight / suspected npd flag
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spirit-lanterns · 2 months
ever since you made that bluetooth pleasure connection joke I am not able to stop thinking about it 😭
like what if one of them forgot to disconnect and they’re in a situation? Ex: fighting for their life and trying to defend themselves and BOOM their weak in the knees and trying to fix their composure as they’re getting shot at. But finding it impossible to as they can feel the sensation of plowing into some good pussy
or if they were doing their job in a big meeting and as they were in a middle of explaining a chart and trying to get deals in but suddenly BAM we see them trying to keep their composure with an annoyed/shocked expression trying to hide their stiffie
This is why the Engineer always has to make sure that the Bluetooth connection is off, but maybe one day after getting plowed so hard, she forgets to. Which in turn, leaves many of the Androids going on to their respective jobs with their pleasure at the hands of whatever Android decides to fuck you next.
Perhaps Stelle stayed back with you while the other Androids went to work, and decided to do a “Round 2,”which ends up with several of the Androids stifling moans and trying to keep their composure. Kafka narrowly dodges a bullet and grimaces when she feels that familiar ghost sensation of your pussy wrapped around her, Yukong nearly drops her pen at her meeting because Stelle was thrusting into you at an erratic pace, and Firefly…I’m pretty sure Firefly just ejaculated immediately because she didn’t expect it. (Luckily, she was somewhere alone)
By the time many of the Androids return to your home, they’re all extremely pent up, exhausted, or irritated at Stelle because Stelle decided to do more than a Round 2 with you 😭😭
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biowho · 2 months
Have you heard that Game Informer just shut down? Their staff were laid off with no warning, and (less comparatively important but still notable) pulled all their articles, including the DAV ones.
@felassan leaves us for two days and look what happens
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