#madeline loves obi wan!
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Random Asahna Headcanons and Facts

(but since it’s an oc it’s actually canon :P)
As a Padawan:
She has up pictures of Anakin, Obi Wan, and Madeline (my friend bri’s oc) on her walls and has definitely talked off Ahsoka’s ear asking about what it’s like to be Anakin’s padawan.
Especially during the Clone Wars, I feel like padawans are much more rowdy and rebellious, so I’m definitely leaning into that with Asahna, especially with her best friend (if you make out with your friends) being Caleb Dume.
She and Cal met during one of her studious phases when she fell asleep in the library and Cal lightly nudges her awake. She immediately becomes fascinated with this shy, fiery haired boy. She hunts him down soon after and follows him around quite a bit, before introducing him to Caleb. She basically pleads with Caleb if “they could keep him”.
As mentioned above, while nothing is specifically lined out in terms of romance, Asahna and Caleb sneak around in have kissing sessions throughout the temple. This all started when they ended up on their second mission together (after meeting on their first one) and they were the last two around the fire and just looking at stars. Asahna initiated it…
The little trio loves to sit by the fountain and read or relax once they have gotten back from their missions.
Asahna absolutely has a fascination with bugs which mostly dies out after the Geonsian brain worms. She still occasionally ventures to the nature area of the temple and likes to watch little beetles crawl up the trees.
Even at 15, she likes to hang around with younglings and teach them what Yoda allows. She has so much love for the future jedi, which is what leads her to meeting a 4 yr old Leysha.
Although she is a very rebellious padawan, she deeply respects her master and those who have helped raise her into who she is. She often goes and meditates with Yoda and seeks his counsel.
As a fugitive (about the next decade after Order 66):
She absolutely loves hot chocolate! She loves to brew up some for her and Leysha (the youngling she saved) while they sit on her bunk curled up with a soft blanket and a holonet show on. She loves to drink it late at night and first thing in the morning (a very tired asah below).
Asah makes sure that Leysha stays on the ship whenever she has to work a job. Whether that is meeting up with an informant or dropping off some smuggled weapons. This also means that she has stocked up on toys and things for Ley to do while she is left alone.
As much as Asahna claims that their mosswa (original creature, inspo down below), Gigi, is for Ley, she can’t deny how much love she has for the mossy mammal when it curls up on her shoulder when it’s late at night and she is alone in the cockpit, piloting the DawnShredder (YT-2400) to a new planet.
Even though there are about 4 crew rooms on the DS and they each technically have their own rooms, Leysha and Asahna sleep in the same room and most nights, on the same bunk. Mostly due to Asahna wanting to be able to comfort Ley after nightmares.
She is certainly guarded and a much more hardened version of herself but for Leysha’s sake, she puts on a smile and makes sure to be what she had needed in the last 10 years for Ley.
As a rebel:
She meets up with an informant who happeneds to be Hera. Out of the two existing Ghost crew, she finds Hera more attractive in the beginning. The jet juice certainly makes Kanan look better.
She has the exact same coping skills as Kanan, aka being an alcoholic and a slut. Which is exactly how she meets Kanan… by getting drunk and hooking up with him.
That doesn’t stop her from stealing weapons from the Ghost (Kanan took her back to his cause she never brings men to the DS because she doesn’t want to disturb Ley).
Asahna and Kanan do not recognize each other and will not for a couple years.
Zeb is the first person that Asahna genuinely connects with. It was mostly due to the fact of trauma bonding and having to deal with watching your people die (she was at the temple during 66).
She constantly fights with Chopper as a way to release stress. Sure her and Kanan hook up to do that too but what’s more fun than yelling back and forth with a droid that happens to be a war criminal.
Asah never gives up the DawnShredder. It sits on lothal and from time to time, her and Ley sleep on it as a form of sleepovers. Which means that her and Ley bunk together on the Ghost which is alright because they had practically been doing that before joining the Ghost crew.
so yeah that’s the list i have for right now !! most of this came up on a whim cause i had like 3 but all of them really suit her lol
(references below, found the moss ferret on pinterest, if you know the artists user or @ pls let me know! and asahna was done by little_joy_15 on instagram!!)

#star wars#star wars oc#star wars rebels#star wars rebels oc#star wars clone wars#star wars clone wars oc#star wars art#jedi#jedi oc#mirialan#mirialan oc#star wars headcanons#star wars hc#original character#original character hc#asahna khar#love my silly girl and her little girl
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ohhh for the ask game how about 🍉, 🌱and 🌼???
thank you !!
🍉 favourite wip
probably you make loving fun. i have just a couple of chapters left to publish (one and a little bit to write out) and then i'll have to write random scenes that didn't fit into the main plot because i absolutely don't want to let them go
🌱 book that inspired your wip
it's not technically a wip because i haven't started it yet but i have a pero tovar idea sort of based on circe by madeline miller (and circe from mythology in general). then, if i do end up turning it into a multiple-parts thing, sorry, baby will have some aspects taken from ovid's metamorphoses i think. there's a bit of sally rooney's books in my obi-wan's wip (stay, stay, stay. though the title might change)
🌼 least favourite writing genre
smut but not in the sense i dislike writing it, rather i always get stuck on smut scenes for the longest time 🥹 sometimes it'll slow down the whole writing process
ask me!
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lucasfilm story group i have some questions for you regarding timelines and the tenacity of a person who has been dealing with the debate surrounding precision dating of the 'minoan' eruption for a decade and a half.
- yoda, issue 10: the cave
yes, it's the cave on dagobah, infamous for fucking with whoever enters it. but! yoda didn't know yaddle was dead until this point. regarding the veracity of the cave's visions: yoda's previous encounter with the cave showed him the fall of the jedi temple; luke's vision regarding vader was what would have happened if he had killed vader in anger—he would fall to the dark side, become sidious's apprentice, not the literal expression of himself in vader's suit but truth nonetheless; in the aphra comics, madelin sun also visits the cave and is also given truths.
and not just 'from a certain point of view'. the narrative pushes these parts of the visions as objective truths. the additional bits (yoda drowning in the skeletal remains of the victims of order 66, vader as the expression of the empire as he's the face of it to luke) are the baggage you bring with you.
so, after that little detour into what counts as truth and what counts as inference, the timeline, prior to the release the living force should be:
32BBY, c. PM: Valorum dispatches Sifo-Dyas and Silman to Oba Diah.
PM - 1W*: Trade Federation blockades Naboo. [QP]**
PM/0: Invasion begins; Obi-Wan& Qui-Gon on Naboo by twilight that evening [NA]***.
PM+1: Arrival in Theed the next day; flee Naboo; hyperspace jump to Tatooine takes a little over an hour****; arrive in Tatooine at midday [NA]; reach Mos Espa before mid-afternoon [NA]; meet Anakin & Shmi.
PM+2: Boonta Eve Classic; leave for Coruscant in afternoon (~3 hour trip****). The implication is that a night is passed while travelling to Coruscant, shown by night on Naboo and Anakin having trouble sleeping on the ship [NA].
PM+3: Arrival on Coruscant (day); Senate shenanigans; Dooku deletes Kamino from Jedi Archives, talks with Qui-Gon (assuming concurrent with Senate shenanigans, mid-afternoon if the light is from a window and not a glow panel); High Council tests Anakin (sunset - twilight) departure for Naboo.
PM+4: Chancery election; Battle of Naboo; Qui-Gon killed by Maul.
PM+6?: Dooku kills Yaddle.*****
PM+7: Qui-Gon's funeral, evening [NA].
PM+8: Parade in Theed.
PM+????: Sifo-Dyas shot down on Oba Diah moon.
* pm: phantom menace; +/- indicates the time, in days, in relation to the beginning of the film, unless otherwise noted (w for week). ** [QP]: information gained from queen's peril novel. *** [NA]: information gained from novel adaptation. **** how do i know it was 3 hours? i did the assigned homework. ***** this one is a bit squiffy, as we don't know exactly which day the council departed for naboo. the novelization says qui-gon's funeral was three days after the battle, and there hasn't been anything stated elsewhere to change this. it's the next day, at the very least, as the battle of naboo took up the whole previous day, but it could also be the same day as qui-gon's funeral, depending on when the council departed.
Meanwhile, the other sources:
Star Wars Timelines: he totes died 32BBY, after the Invasion of Naboo. The Living Force: timeline what timeline lol?
this is not helped by the reasoning behind the Coruscant reckoning system, canon's new calendar, being based on 'vibes' until they decided to do actual dates for Andor. because the date for the 0 point of the B/ABY calendar is now about 127 days into the Coruscant reckoning year because they ~vibed~ Leia's arrest warrant going out/the Battle of Scarif as happening on 7977.331.3.
I miss the old calendar. It was nice, and simple, and had lovely intercalary holidays. none of these decimals, none of these 'yeah it's totes a 365-day calendar like ours. no leap years. no we're not telling you about months. no, ignore the previous thing we said was canon, it's definitely not 10 months of 7 weeks of 5 days, 3 fete weeks, 3 extra holidays, adding up to 368 days. i have spent too many hours of my life trying to figure this out.
#fifth quarter#star wars: the living force spoilers#keeping up with the skywalkers#star wars timelining#for reference#and this isn't even going into the line about the felucia conflict happening in the#which would put it at the end of the year around solstice - new year fete#this tool is not USEFUL mr hidalgo it is the OPPOSITE of useful it is an UNtool
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I see Obi Wan Kenobi on that list... How about Obi Wan admitting his feelings to a not a Jedi reader and promising that one day he will leave it all for them?
@uncle-kenobi DO YOU SEE THIS??? a fellow obi wan simp! hello obi anon! this made me kinda happy - sad in the best way, very much :'). i've been wanting to bring a bit more star wars on to my blog and i am so glad i got this ask!
i have many thoughts on this, but this specific scenario came to mind, so i hope you enjoy! (simp enhancement drabble below the cut!)
pairing ~ obi wan kenobi x gn!reader
word count ~ 624
warnings ~ fluff! set after the events of rots, so i guess episode 3 spoilers! obi wan crying (so i guess a spot of angst), love confessions, and more fluff!
"Master Jed-" You paused as you took him in fully, his robes slightly blackened from ash, his hair wasn't as perfect as it always was, a stray lock falling on to his forehead. Just from his eyes you could tell something was wrong.
"Please..." He hung his head, sighing, "Don't call me that."
He sounded desperate, his voice was strained, like he had been yelling and screaming for eternity and was just now getting time to rest.
"What..." Just as you were about to ask what had happened to him, you saw the tears, he was crying, no, sobbing.
You didn't hesitate to rush over to him, placing a hand on his back to steady him as you led him over to a chair.
You knelt beside him. "I'm here" you softly murmured you didn't want to press further into what had occurred, but right now, you didn't need to know, all you needed was for him to be okay.
"You always are."
You cocked your head in confusion, and he finally looked at you, placing his hand over yours as it rest on his knee.
"You're always-" He swallowed back another sob, his voice trembled "Always, here for me."
You smiled softly up at him, it physically hurt you to see the amount of pain in his eyes, and you knew in that moment that you would do anything to take it from him. "I always will be"
He laughed, and your eyebrows furrowed, "You know it all meant nothing? The Jedi... The codes... All of it."
You weren't used to him talking like this, he was always so strict with himself, and you thought about how bad his situation had to have been if he was questioning the very things he had lived by for so long.
"I wasted so much time..." He sighed, turning to look at you again. "I wasted so much time not being with you."
"Obi, you visit me all the time, I promise it's oka-"
"No, no, that's not what I mean" He seemed more sure of himself now, like all of the questions and doubts he had about everything for the last few days had now flown from his mind. He squeezed your hand, "I love you."
A quiet gasp left your lips, and you suddenly knew exactly what had happened, the Jedi Order had fallen. As shocking as that revelation was though, in a sad sort of way, you were happy. He was free.
You felt yourself begin to tear up, all the visits to your little hut, the flowers from distant planets, the kisses left on your knuckles that you had sworn burned into your skin, it wasn't just the chivalry of the Jedi Code he was always so intent on following all of the time, it was simply, him.
"Run away with me."
His rapid change in tone gave you whiplash,
"We could go anywhere, I don't care where, just let me be with you."
"I love you Obi" You smiled at him, "and I would have followed you anywhere that damned Order took you"
He chuckled sadly, like he was still mourning the loss of his way of life
"And I'd follow you anywhere now. As long as you allow me to love you."
You didn't know when it happened, when his rough hands had found themselves planted on your cheeks, all you knew is that you didn't mind, and when you found his lips feverishly pressing against yours, you also knew that this is how things were always meant to be.
"I love you" He repeated, his voice booming within the confines of your small home, like he wanted everyone to hear him.
Like he was finally free to share with the world his love for you.
Because he was.
oh my gosh, this made me so happy! anon, i hope you enjoy! again, thank you so so much for this ask! i hope i did obi wan some justice! happy obi wan is the best obi wan and no one can change my mind. but mwauh! thank you anon, and i hope everyone enjoys this one as well!
#madeline loves obi wan!#obi wan kenobi fluff#obi wan x reader#obi wan kenobi x reader#obi wan x you#obi wan kenobi x y/n#obi wan reader insert
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Greek classics? That's very Obikin. I feel like they would fit in nicely among the ancient Greeks.
absolutely! i am a reincarnated patrochilles obikin truther.
it's super fascinating and easy to see why this is a popular parallel for those that ship obi-wan and anakin because like obikin, patroclus and achilles have the same brother-in-arms mentor/student-esque dynamic. not to mention they have a ton of speculation about the nature of their relationship, which i find quite funny when thinking about an encounter between obi-wan’s ex lover taria (?) when speaking to anakin, which you can find here. keep in mind this is right around this particular exchange.
patroclus/achilles are a good example of greek pederasty and erastes/ eromenos, and to some, obi-wan and anakin’s dynamic can fit into that relationship as well. this sort of shapes my perception of them VERY much.
i also made a post here that draws some parallels from a popular retelling of patrochilles by madeline miller that i enjoyed, but you may find similar quotes throughout the illiad that i think wonderfully parallel quotes about obikin in karen miller and stover’s novels. i'd like to list a few for you!
"Patroclus has fallen - he whom I valued more than all others, and love as dearly as my own life? I have lost him." and here’s another translation of the same quote: “My dear comrade’s dead - Patroclus - the man I loved beyond all other comrades, loved as my own life - I’ve lost him.”
i love the above quote compared to this:
“Son of Menoetius, my heart’s companion.“
there are a few quotes that i like to pair with this, but i think i prefer this one: “Anakin.” Obi-Wan’s voice had gone soft, and his hand was warm on Anakin’s arm. “There is no other Jedi I would rather have at my side right now. No other man.”
and finally:
“A last request - grant it, please. Never bury my bones apart from yours, Achilles, let them lie together…So now let a single urn, the gold two-handed urn your noble mother gave you, hold our bones - together.” (cough: obi-wan burying he and anakin’s sabers - their figurative LIVES, mind you - together in kenobi)
and of course, this quote to pair: Contemplation of death brought only one slight sting of regret, and more than a bit of puzzlement. Until this very moment, he had never realized he’d always expected, for no discernible reason— That when he died, Anakin would be with him.”
there are a few other posts by awesome people in the fandom about this that cover other quotes and angles, but i hope this was a fun read! thanks <3
#obikin#patrochilles#obikin as patrochillies#meta#obikin meta#quotes#vaderwan#anakin x obi-wan#anaobi#obiani
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creator tag game
i was tagged by @anewhope and @grogus-dad <3 ty valentina and emi!
rules: pick your 5 favourite gifsets of 2022 that got less than 1000 notes and then pick 10 gifsets of someone else’s from 2022 that got less than 1000 notes (it’s really easy to see note counts and lots of posts in the archive page)
music in the obi-wan kenobi teaser – this was the first time i did the soundwaves concept and developed this layout so it’s special to me. and i really like the addition of the music history!
max mayfield + black, white, and red – i made a soundwaves tutorial for usergif using this scene without plans to do anything else with the gif, but some members in usergif convinced me to do a whole set and i like how it came out! especially the rewind effect
bridgerton siblings x “best friends” by 5sos – i was inspired by gallery walls in home decor and this is my fav song off 5sos5 and i love their sibling dynamic so :’’’)
anthony bridgerton x tamagotchi – this gifset is literally all my fav things: anthony, teal, cute animations and graphics
kanthony + my top tracks from 5SOS5 – kinda niche of me i guess to combine two very different things but i think this is some of my best coloring yet. also, not my usual gfx style imo, so it challenged me a bit
this kanthony x “crazy in love” by @darcyscarden bc the blending and that color isolation in the 3rd gif!!!
the haunting of bly manner by @anewhope – i remember valentina workshopping this in psc and how quickly and beautifully it came together. the gold is still so stunning to me <3
the mandalorian ch. 6 by @pedrorascal – this layout is still one of the coolest i’ve seen and i love the text animations!
rogue one color palette by @grogus-dad – idk how this layout hasn’t been trending EVERYWHERE since emi dropped this masterpiece!! the colors are stunning and the color swatches are genius
abednedo names referencing the beastie boys by @madeline-kahn – outer glow is such an underused text effect imo and i love how it looks matched with the gif colors in this beautiful set!
obi-wan and leia by @djarin – elio’s coloring is just on another level always and this set is no exception. these colors make me so happy!
the bridgerton bros as powerpuff girls by @wakandasforever – this set is 10000000% accurate and 10000000000% cute
wednesday s1 episodes by @seance – the blending! the purple & gold! the typography! deserves wayyy more notes tbh
kanthony in s2 by @kathrynshahn – this blue is so stunning like. i can’t even explain why this exact shade of blue is so perfect to me but it is. not to mention the super cool animated transitions!
fav media & blorbos by @jakeyp – every set ives drops is so unique and beautifully composed. i love the vibrant colors and the playful typography. more people need to rb compilation sets just for the sheer beauty of them. this set should be at thousands of notes!
tagging everyone above and anyone else who wants to do this!
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The 73rd Emmy Awards nominations were announced by father/daughter duo Ron Cephas Jones (THIS IS US) and Jasmine Cephas Jones (Starz’s BLINDSPOTTING, HAMILTON).

Surely it was a good morning for Jasmine as her fiancé Anthony Ramos

and their HAMILTON costars Lin-Manual Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr., Daveed Diggs, Jonathan Groff, Phillipa Soo and Renée Elise Goldsberry were nominated thanks to the production being released on Disney+ .
Many fans were happy for Goldsberry’s nod but felt she should have also been nominated for her role in Peacock’s GIRLS 5EVA

The most jarring category nomination was Don Cheadle’s nomination (his eleventh!) for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for his 98 seconds (literally, 98 seconds) appearance in THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER. The worst of it is that he didn’t snag a nomination for his actual Showtime series BLACK MONDAY, a role he’s been twice nominated for.
Many people...had thoughts.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Other nominations and snubs...
THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER and HAMILTON was not the only Disney+ content to get nods, WANDAVISION was recognized with Elizabeth Olson, Kathryn Hahn and Paul Bettany all snagging nominations.
Lizzie’s husband breaking the good news.

Bettany was also chuffed to find out that his Amazon Prime film - the richly deserving UNCLE FRANK - was also nominated in the category of Outstanding TV Movie.

THE MANDALORIAN also received nominations
The majority of THE MANDALORIAN’s nominations were in the technical realm but the show did garner three acting nominations: Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito and that silver fox Timothy Olyphant.
When I think about how he was only nominated once for JUSTIFIED and zero times for Netflix’s THE SANTA CLARITA DIET I want to scream.
- A galaxy far, far away from Obi Wan Kenobi in characterization is Halston but Ewan McGregor embodied the (in)famous designer perfectly and got an Emmy nomination for it.

Just another great thing to happen this year to McGregor as he and his FARGO and BIRDS OF PREY partner Mary Elizabeth Winstead welcomed their first child, son Laurie.
Laurie with three of his four sisters: Clara, Esther and Jamyan.
-This was a very good year for first season shows as evident by the nomination of Apple+’s TED LASSO whose 20 nominations broke GLEE’s first season record for nods.
As Interpol sang, “there’s no ‘I’ in threesome”, there’s also no ‘I’ in team as the nominations just wasn’t for series creator and lead Jason Sudeikis but Hannah Waddingham, Juno Temple, Brett Goldstein and the Diamond Dogs: Nick Mohammed, Jeremy Swift and Brendan Hunt.

Juno has said that she would like to walk the red carpet with Hannah. Hopefully they can recreate Hannah’s Golden Globe winning night.
Phil Dunster (Jamie Tartt do-do-do-do) reacts.
As does Toheeb Jimoh (Sam Obisanya)
- Like TED LASSO, Hulu’s THE HANDMAID’S TALE had many nominations across the cast with Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Samira Wiley, Madeline Brewer, Max Minghella, Ann O’Dowd, Alexis Bleidel, Bradley Whitford and newcomer to the show McKenna Grace all receiving nominations. The glaring omission? Joseph Fiennes who gave a gloriously sinister performance this season.
As for snubs, I (try) not to go with my heart and classify omissions from shows/actors I love as a snub (though IT’S A SIN, THE GOOD LORD BIRD and its cast was robbed), I go by who was being pushed during The Hollywood Reporter’s roundtables. In that vein: John Boyega and the entire SMALL AXE crew were snubbed, after being nominated and winning various awards; Chris Rock for FARGO, which only managed to get technical nominations despite winning performances by Jesse Buckley, Jason Schwartzman and Ben Whishaw.

No nomination for Lena Waithe on her season of MASTER OF NONE. She has previously shared a writing Emmy for that show. Also locked out was Sarah Paulson for Netflix’s RATCHET.

Though Paulson’s costar Sophie Okonedo garnered a nomination.

While not honored this year, Paulson saluted her friend and AMERICAN HORROR STORY costar Evan Peters on his first Emmy nomination for his supporting role in MARE OF EASTTOWN.

While various awards bodies are always throwing nominations Nicole Kidman’s way, including the Emmys, she missed out on a nomination this year for THE UNDOING. However her costar Hugh Grant received one.
While not snubbed in nominations, many feel that HBO snubbed LOVECRAFT COUNTRY with cancelling it after one season - a season that has garnered 18 nominations.
The show has received technical nominations, as well as acting for stars Courtney B. Vance, Michael K. Williams, Aunjanue Ellis, Jurnee Smollett and Jonathan Majors.
#Emmys#The Emmys#tv talk#television#Ron Cephas Jones#jasmine cephas jones#mcu#disney+#falcon and the winter soldier#the falcon and the winter soldier#hamilton#daveed diggs#wandavision#kathryn hahn#Elizabeth Olsen#streaming#ted lasso#juno temple#hannah waddingham#brett goldstein#nick mohammed#Evan Peters#mare of easttown#sarah paulson#ewan mcgregor#long post#the mandalorian#lovecraft country#timothy olyphant#awards
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Anakin Blogging:
What’s the right order to watch the SW movies? KnightOTOC Ranks the SW Movies Why Ahsoka’s S7 Lightsabers are Blue ”I cannot interfere” Sometimes I draw Buzz Lightyear Luke Father-son or brothers? My favorite part of Wookieepedia the Skywalker name Content between TPM and AotC Helmet: A Star Wars Story Rey Anakin parallel Fresh Salted Hunk from the Deli Devil’s Contract AU An Explanation Are gifs libel or slander? Higher Ground Blogging Lars Quell Name Game Anakin’s Ghost Bum Out Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) Mind-Blowing Organizational Tool The Reaction You Requested Brad Pitt Cameo Can’t Explain, I think it’s Love My 3 Fave Characters Ever Worth its Weight in Gold Dark Middle Chapters My Curse It’s outrageous, it’s unfair Facts and Opinions Would these items work instead? Space Cowboys Diegetic Opera Lady Minnesota Update High-Maintenance Boyfriends Ranked + Part 2 Reconnaissance! This Guy + Part 2 Mirror Universe Karen Do Ben-Hur Again! Young, Dumb, and Full of Midichlorians Happy Birthday! + Part 2 My Ani Cosplay Best Title Crawl in Star Wars Low Poly Ani Hayden Voice + Hayden and Natalie Voices
Love That Maul:
I’m not a Sith Maul’s will Jedi Maul AU + Part 2 Impress the Bridgers “I was hoping for Kenobi” Poor Evil Gay Men "There IS no ‘US!’” Memes for the Old Master Awkward Zelda is the Boy 🙏Manifesting🙏
Other Prequels Stuff:
You’re reckless, little one (Except Shmi) “That’s...why I’m here.” Padme 🤝 Destiel Sith Obi-Wan AU Yikes High Republic Thoughts Pink and Blue Wat Tambor Theory I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in. Korkie! Actually I Want at Least 20 Prequels Discourse by Layer Rush Clovis Sideblog? My Evil Wife Ahsoka, Artorias, and Gerard Way Wait...We’re All Handmaidens!
I care about the Knights of Ren:
Illustrated Knights of Ren Headcanons The Baddest Boys of TRoS are Friends another Knight of Ren theory (with evidence) Avril of Ren Evil Monkey: Origins Poor Old TRoS Let’s split up, gang, and search for clues! vs Hux
Gay/Emo Shit About Han Solo
Solo is Sad, Too Solo 2 Solo Fandom the FOUNDATIONAL Rare Pair Han Feelings Chewie Feelings
Thinking about Mando:
Gallery review The Rise and Fall of Baby Yoda Coming at You from 2002 The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! Target Audience Mwahahahahaha + Meme + Part 2 Always Read the Comments Madeline just said “pooh pooh!” Warrior Gentleman Ouch, right in the niche! Yes he means ALL Mandalorians Put That Thing Back Where it Came From
Other Disney Star Wars Stuff:
Hierarchy of Needs + Part 2 Finnrey White Feminism Rogue Won LASaT Seriously Though, Where’s Ezra? Always Read the Comments, Bot Edition Cussin’ Anime Predictions My TFA Joke Revenge of the Jedi Promises, Promises
Gamer KnightOTOC:
Old Republic Wars Timeline Worth Fuckin Zeffo OTP YTTD = KotOR 2 Imaginary Sadness of Imaginary World + Part 2 Branching Paths Less Famous Sherlock Holmeses Hot Takes from my Kitten
Other Star Wars Stuff:
Last Thoughts Masterlist SW cartoons as meals I will never read this again My strongest Star Wars opinion Special Force Abilities Trek AU Top 11′s Balosar blogging Star Wars Writing Women Don’t bet against the house 20 Hot Takes Girls and Siths Vibing with Russ + Part 2 + Part 3 Powerpoint I’ve read approx. 10000 comics about this MY GIRL + AGAIN! + MY SON Ghostwritten by Cham Syndulla Mom Protagonists Dooku makes no damn sense...Compels me, though + Another List Starring Dooku A Daily Occurance + Part 2 + Part 3 Nostalgia and Ending a Franchise + Some Girls Planet Misandry Krayt’s Eye Color Continuity Small Companions Crossover #1 + Crossover #2
Catawampus from Star Wars:
Favorites Writing + Part 2 + Part 3 Senseless Violence MY ARM!!! Goodbye, Sheev Mashups for the faves Your SW Cameo Name Ahsoka’s suitors Ahsoka Fanart! My Mantra / My Better Mantra Fictionsonas SW Haters vs Trek Haters Darth Maul Prints They really are pretty useless Evolving Tastes The Gay Agenda Holorcon Boss Nass Kitty Balance in the Force KnightOTOC’s Official DNI There’s some good in...that! Ponchos: A Star Wars Story Fan edit of Maul vs Ahsoka Zabrak Padme Darth Hanna-Barbera It’s good, I like it Man After Midnight Snips protecting Skyguy Halloween cover of Battle of Heroes Come to the Dark Side... The Youngliest Youngling of Them All Hello, Sheev the OoOoOoOoOne! this looks better on mobile EU joke attempt (rough draft) Luke x Lando song! “Legacy Characters” Vivid Dream + Another One “Bill it to the Republic!” Maul and Ezra But They’re Cats Anakin vs Lancelot at Being Problematic Ongoing Poll grumble grumble Quinlan feelings Uncle Oni Blogging Part 1 - Part 2 Christmas OT3 How to Make ANY Sci-fi Good Subtweet How I’m Feeling So Intellectual Give in to your cringe! Prepositions Stretched Past their Limit Panicking Skywalker It’s called “art,” Kolara + Part 2 It’s no Seagulls, but still good My Favorite Trope + More Trope Stuff Underrated Joke imo My Demands! Spoonerism Wifeless Wife Guys 3 Guesses
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re: TSOA obikin the line “achilles wished all the greeks would die, so that he and patroclus could conquer troy alone” is SOOOOO them, especially sith them (but not /just/ sith them, oh no! regular anakin would definitely go for it, like, emotionally. obiwan would go for it and then immediately pretend he didn’t.
Thanks for sending this Destiny!!💚💚💚😊😊😊 LISTEN IM LIVING FOR THIS AU IM CRYING!!!💚💚💚💚💚
Like it would definitely be sith!obikin, that they want to conquer but they want to conquer together. Anakin would def say it and Obi-Wan agree with him but you’re right that he wouldn’t admit to thinking/agreeing with him about that part but he would feel it and be like “No, Anakin”
Tbh like I’m weak for Anakin/Achilles and Obi-Wan/Patroclus parallels bc like it’s so them and I can’t unsee it. That Anakin is destined for greatness but also for tragedy but he’s so bright and full of light and Obi-Wan loves him so much. That he knows Anakin is destined to be great and of course he follows him bc Anakin would most likely get himself killed and I die just a little bit bc the parallels are there and it kills me! Like especially this line from the book:
“Name one hero who was happy.”I considered. Heracles went mad and killed his family; Theseus lost his bride and father; Jason’s children and new wife were murdered by his old; Bellerophon killed the Chimera but was crippled by the fall from Pegasus’ back.“You can’t.” He was sitting up now, leaning forward.“I can’t.”“I know. They never let you be famous AND happy.” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll tell you a secret.”“Tell me.” I loved it when he was like this.“I’m going to be the first.” He took my palm and held it to his. “Swear it.”“Why me?”“Because you’re the reason. Swear it.”“I swear it,” I said, lost in the high color of his cheeks, the flame in his eyes.“I swear it,” he echoed.We sat like that a moment, hands touching. He grinned.“I feel like I could eat the world raw.”-Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
Like idk maybe i’m just weak for parallels and these four give off such strong parallel vibes that i’m crying especially when they (the heroes) didn’t get to be happy (bc of what happened in rots) and like i’m just crying (but at least they got to be happy when they became force ghosts)💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
#obikin#inquiries#tarvek-sturmvoraus#tsoa au#always feel free to send me y'all's hcs or y'all's thoughts i love hearing them#other people's au#other people's text#my text#my au#the parallels#i'm shookth
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Polyships and Threesomes
I have zero problems shipping the same character with more than one person. I’m a ship whore. For instance, I’m usually very drawn to Reverse Harems, stories in which many men are in love with a single woman.
So I made this list of my favorite love triangles. When I say there is a possible threesome is because the relationship between the characters is based on trust and deep friendship, so they might come to a agreement of sharing a bed. If they are underage, assume I’m talking about the future.
I’ll only be counting non-platonic examples. Friendship or fraternity not included, doe some ships are also heavily based on that, such as the first one on this list.
OT3 of unrequited love and tragedy (My most beloved love triangle)
Petyr x Catelyn
Petyr x Lysa
Dany x Jon
Dany x Jorah
Dany x Drogo
Jon x Dany
Jon x Ygritte
Jon x Arya
Jaime x Brienne
Jaime x Cersei
OT3 of forbidden love and tragedy
Lyanna x Rhaegar
Lyanna x Robert (Unrequited love)
Rhaegar x Elia (Unrequited love)
It’s next generation
Arya x Jon (From his side, suspiciously over-protective brother; or a Rhaegar/Lyanna that loved each other platonically and didn’t disgraced themselves because of it)
Arya x Gendry (A Robert/Lyanna that worked out)
Arya x Jaqen (Unrequited lust from his side. Sorry, not sorry)
Notre Dame de Paris
Esme x Quasi (Unrequited love)
Esme x Frollo (Villainous crush)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth x Will (Tragic love)
Elizabeth x Norrighton (Unrequited love)
Elizabeth x Jack (Dating Catwoman)
Stephen King’s IT (Possible threesome)
Beverly x Ben (Fave)
Beverly x Bill
Star Wars (Possible threesome)
Padme x Anakin
Padme x Obi Wan (Non canon. I wish it would be from his side and something he would be in denial about)
Ashita no Nadja
Nadja x Keith
Nadja x Francis
The Secret Garden (Possible threesome)
Colin x Mary (Wincest)
Dickon x Mary
Gran Hotel (Possible threesome)
Alicia x Julio
Alicia x Andres (Non canon. I liked it even better when they were confirmed as related)
Blood Plus
Saya x Haji
Saya x Solomon
Saya x Kai
Mary Reilly (I don’t know if dual personality counts. Possible threesome.)
Mary x Jekyll
Mary x Hyde
Penny Dreadful (Possible orgy)
Absolutely everyone with everyone. This show is one great orgy and still manages to be classy.
Inuyasha x Kagome
Inuyasha x Kikyo (Tragic love)
Kikyo x Naraku (Unrequited villainous love)
The Grisha Trilogy
Alina x Mal
Alina x Darkling
Alina x Nikolai
Madeline x Marquis de Sade
Madeline x Father Coulmier
Interview with the Vampire
Louis x Lestat
Louis x Claudia
Louis x Armand
Sam Raimi’s Spiderman (Possible threesome)
Mary Jane x Peter Parker
Mary Jane x Harry Osborn
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Possible threesome)
Buffy x Angel(us) (Lovers to enemies/Tragic love)
Buffy x Spike (Enemies to lovers/Hatefuck)
Xander x Willow (Friends to lovers)
Xander x Buffy (Unrequited love)
Willow x Oz (Monster boyfriend)
#Useful lists#Multicouples#Petyr x Catelyn#Jonerys#Jorleesi#Dany x Drogo#Jonarya#Jongritte#Lannicest#Braime#Lyanna x Rhaegar#Lyanna x Robert#Gendrya#Fresme#Sparrabeth#Norribeth#Willabeth#Benverly#Billverly#Anidala#Obianidala#Saya x Haji#Saya x Solomon#Saya x Kai#Jekyll/Hyde x Mary#Vanessa x Dracula#Vanessa x the Devil#Narkik#InuKago#Alarkling
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I posted 940 times in 2022
73 posts created (8%)
867 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 940 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 182 posts
#marvel - 156 posts
#rofl - 140 posts
#equality - 135 posts
#hetalia - 131 posts
#spoilers - 92 posts
#sw obi-wan kenobi - 92 posts
#rant - 88 posts
#mine - 79 posts
#rebellion era - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i remember looking through the list of revealed russian propaganda accounts and yeah i absolutely reblogged things from some of them
My Top Posts in 2022:
i still can't get over just how good the opening scene to HOTD is
like, they really gave us everything:
King Jaehaerys!!! it's so fucking cool to see him!!! and the shadow of his great reign hangs so heavily over Viserys!!!
Centering Rhaenys and how the crown was stolen from her (as well as putting the gender dynamics front and center)
the fondness in VO Rhaenyra's voice when she calls Viserys her father just slays me. bc even tho she sees how unfair it was for Rhaenys to be passed over, and even seeing how Viserys' faults led to the Dance of the Dragons, Rhaenyra still loves him because he's her dad
the final line - "the only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was itself" - being supplemented by the original GOT theme!!! CHILLS. Not only foreshadowing the Dance of the Dragons, but also Mad King Aerys, Rhaegar, and Daenerys!!
truly. It's only like a minute long and it may be one of my favorite scenes in this entire franchise.
28 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
i know that palps just being Fucking Done with vader’s eternal Obesession is hilarious, but i seriously cannot stop thinking about that scene, because...
sidious clearly always used the people anakin loved to manipulate him - whether it was padme, ahsoka, obi-wan, and then later luke. so why would sidious want vader to stop thinking about obi-wan, when he clearly uses obi-wan to taunt vader in other contexts?
could it be because a small sliver of anakin skywalker shone through when he fought obi-wan, and sidious could sense it? could it be that sidious was worried that if vader continued facing obi-wan, that sliver would only get larger and brighter? could it be that sidious realized that obi-wan might have been capable of taking his right hand from him?
105 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Bond falls victim to what I am now calling "Steve Rogers Syndrome," where a main character throws away his found family (which the audience has become much more attached to) in favor of a bland, boring, nuclear/heterosexual life. Just because Bond doesn't get his "happy ending" doesn't mean that he doesn't fall into this trope.
I think a lot of people would agree with me when I say that Bond & Madeline have no chemistry. They had no chemistry in Spectre and they continue to have none in NTTD. And yet, we're supposed to care about their relationship because 1) the narrative (i.e. Bond) tells us, instead of shows us, that he loves her, and 2) there is a child (which the narrative also tells us that we should care about).
But the truth is that Bond doesn't trust Madeline. Not really. The second he's attacked by Spectre, he immediately blames her and doesn't even question if he's wrong (and she doesn't really try to convince him otherwise). Now, you may chalk this up to Bond not trusting anybody, but here's where we get to the found family: because he does trust his MI6 family, implicitly, immediately.
He trusts Eve enough to tell her about the scientist, Feliks, what happened in Cuba, etc., and to ask for her help. He trusts Q so much that he gives him the flashdrive he recovered in Cuba, he stays with Q in his apt while he's in London, he places his life in Q's hands multiple times throughout Skyfall, Spectre, and NTTD. He trusts Mallory - even after knowing his shadiness with Herakles, he still trusts him enough to go back under his command. He even trusts Nomi after only a few days of meeting her - enough to trust her to have his back on the island, enough to trust her with Madeline and his child.
So the fact that Bond doesn't trust Madeline is a huge, huge red flag. To me, the "trilogy" of Skyfall, Spectre, and NTTD were all about establishing Bond's support system and family within MI6. In Casino Royale and QoS, he really only had M, and no other connections to MI6 beyond her. But starting with Skyfall, he begins to build a support network of people he does trust in MI6, and the audience begins to trust them (and love them) along with Bond.
This simply doesn't apply to Madeline, because Bond doesn't trust her, and so the audience is never shown why we should trust her or love her.
276 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
I've been thinking about tolkien lately, and i know this must've happened to many fathers and mothers across europe in the 1940s, but
do you ever think about how tolkien was sent to fight in a pointless, brutal, terrible war, from which only he and one of his friends returned? a war that promised young british men that they would find glory, only to find death and trauma and suffering? and when he returned, stricken with trench fever, he told his children stories of the adventures of a humble hobbit - a simple tale, that maybe purposefully didn't reflect just how awful his own "adventure" was.
And then just 20 years later, those children, his children who had heard those stories of a humble hobbit, got sent to fight in another brutal, devastating war, and he had to watch them go without him, knowing what they would go through because it had happened to him.
and this time, after that second war was over, and his sons had returned to him safely, he wrote another tale. This one not as simple. This one not for children, but for the grown men and soldiers his sons had been forced to become. This one centered the brutalities of war but also the hope of friendship and love.
i just. do you ever think about john ronald reuel tolkien???
4,154 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022

the special relationship is as strong as ever, lads
214,332 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
#tumblr2022#year in review#my 2022 tumblr year in review#your tumblr year in review#i love how my 2nd most reblogged post is a respectable 4k notes and then my 1st most reblogged is 214k#that meme haunts me to this day lmao#mine
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Thanks for the tag, @embersjanuary I love yooouu ❤❤ these are so fun!
1. Nickname: Mimi, Mimsicles, Meganstein, Meg, Megs, Meggie, and my personal favorites: whore/slut (affectionate)
2. Zodiac: Gemini ♊
3. Height: 5'4.5"
4. Hogwarts house: Slytherin, but fuck HP fr fr
5. Last thing I googled: How long the booster side effects last because YOOOO my glands do be swollen to the size of golf balls rn
6. Followers: 92 ❤
7. Song stuck in my head: (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult
8. How much sleep: uuuh 8-9 hours usually...tbh tho way too much most nights because I'm unemployed and depressed but 🤪🤙🏻
9. Lucky number: 7 and 28
10. Aesthetic: I usually wear comfy casual shit, vintage, or college dropout chic ya dig?
11. Dream job: I don't dream of labor, sooooo...owning my own bookstore or dog rescue one day would be cool. If I was smart enough I'd want to be a therapist or social worker, but as I just said, I'm a ✨college dropout✨
12. Wearing: my jam jams...plaid flannel pants and a sleepshirt that says: "don't bug me, I'm reading!" With books flying around like bugs
13. Favorite instrument: piano
14. Favorite song: Me by The 1975
15. Favorite Author: I really fuck with Madeline Miller, MacKenzie Lee, and Casey McQuiston fr fr
16. Favorite animal noise: any noise my dog made 🥺❤
17. Something random: here's a picture of me kissing Obi-Wan's lightsaber because I'm an Obi-Wan simp

I tag: @wooyeosang @dearscone @blueeyedrichie and anyone else who wants to do this, too! ❤❤❤
17 Questions, 17 People
Okay @ladyauroraborealis, I finally have time to do this game. Thanks for the tag, and sorry to keep you waiting 💜
Nickname: most people refer to me by my full name, but my online and some of my uni friends use Tessa or just Tess, so there you go
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 164cm, I think that's somewhere around 5'4
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 🦅✨
Last thing I googled: comic book genres
Followers: 259
Song stuck in my head: Mysterious Power by Ezra Furman
How much sleep: I'd say an average of 6-7 hours? Maybe??
Lucky number: 3 or 5
Aesthetic: somewhere between 1940s style and biker jeans, combat boots, and flannel shirts
Dream job: writer (both fiction and non-fiction writing)
Wearing: black sweatpants, navy blue shirt, Captain America socks 😅
Favourite instrument: damn that's hard. there's a case to be made for several, including cello, guitar, and drums. or maybe piano? violins are neat too. or the occasional saxophone...
Favourite song: so my favourite overall song is Schrei nach Liebe by Die Ärzte, but since that's German and not as many people know it, I'll also say Don McLean's American Pie
Favourite author: Jane Austen. Yes, it is that simple. I love many many others, but she's just got that special place in my heart, and she always will have it
Favourite animal noise: owl hooting? Maybe plain early morning bird song? Mighty eagle scream? Chicken clucking? Definitely something bird-related
Something random: I told a few friends about this already. but. I can't get past it, so you'll hear about it too. So for one of my classes, I had to reread The Hobbit this week. I went for an audiobook version, and for the whole thing I was blown away with how well the guy reading the book was doing the different voices. They sounded just like the movie, I was really impressed by how good he was at it. And then I get to the very last chapter, the very end. And the guy does the usual bits: "This has been The Hobbit, written by JRR Tolkien. READ BY ANDY SERKIS." 10 HOURS of listening to Andy FUCKING Serkis read the THING HE'S FAMOUS FOR to me, and I DIDN'T FUCKING RECOGNISE HIM. I am so disappointed in myself. From now on, I will live in shame.
Okay so I'll tag @mskatharinak @hedvig-ulrika @i-dont-like-bullies @tripfourconcerts @inthelapofthewhiteqwen @youhavenoideahowmuchihatethis @twostepsfromtemerant @barnes-rogerss @steve-x-bucky @lady-loves-a-lot @bisexualchaosincarnate @stoveandhisbucket @mywingsareonwheels @kalee60 @otp-holic @notemily and @elvensorceress. No pressure at all, this is only if you guys want to do this 🤗🥰
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market flowers
pairing ~ obi wan kenobi x gn!reader
word count ~ 2.2k
summary ~ when you have to hide your relationship from the rest of the world, you learn that the little things always seem to mean the most.
warnings ~ fluff and angst, established relationship, secret/forbidden relationship, obi being good with kids, descriptions of made up space botany(?), minor rots spoilers
a/n ~ madeline cannot write short drabbles anymore so i decided to turn this into a whole little one shot :) i did miss writing for my lovely space man, so thank you for this ask by the wonderful @nocapesdahling i hope you enjoy this my dear!! the prompt is bolded in the fic, and i hope you all enjoy!! mwauh!!
He was doing his best to be inconspicuous, you'd give him that, but it was still hard to avoid the looming presence of those flowing robes and that saber still fastened to his hip.
Though you weren't sure if you'd be able to to avoid those lingering glances and knowing smirks being thrown your way from across the market stalls regardless.
It was getting increasingly difficult to hide your smiles behind feigned yawns and sneezes, and even more arduous to stop your eyes from wandering across the market to steal a glance at him, a task you had apparently been so focused on that you hadn't even felt the man sneak up beside you.
"Anything I can assist with?"
You sighed at his familiar voice after the initial surprise, and smiling you turned to him, "No, thank you, General" You smirked, continuing to thoughtlessly meander between the booths. You looked to your side, running your hand along the silken fabrics as you chuckled to yourself, observing how his steps faltered at the use of his title.
"General?" He scoffed quietly, trying to not draw too much attention to the both of you, "What happened to Obi?" He whispered.
You quickly glanced to him, your eyebrow cocked as you wordlessly replied, you know why.
He sighed, clearly exasperated, he knew, you both had known right from the moment you had met that it would have to be this way, though on some days, that fact was much harder to accept. On the days where the both of you found yourselves on the same planet when he was sent on some needless diplomacy assignment, when you watched dolefully as he passed by your familiar, rounded bungalow only to smile bashfully to yourself before continuing on with your day, it was easy to pretend. On those days, it was almost as if you didn't even exist in his orbit, and you could easily dismiss any residual heart-fluttering that came from being in his general proximity
Though on other days, when the suns rose and there was nowhere he needed to be rushed to, when you found him waiting for you in the market, those days always felt a touch more agonizing.
He was just out of reach, even as he stood beside you now, inches from your form, he was still untouchable.
At least in public.
In the privacy of your small home, he was yours just as much as you were his, if anyone else were to witness the two of you existing so closely together in your living space, limbs tangled and hands intertwined, your foreheads pressed against each others as you giggled softly at one another, they may have thought that neither of you had ever experienced any sort of human touch at all.
You didn't have to shy away from his lingering caresses, he could snake his hands around your waist and sway softly as you stood over the stove, you could love him as he deserved to be loved.
With your entire heart.
And though it was proving to be one of those more strenuous days, you still smiled softly, he was with you today, and that was more than enough for you.
"Jedi!" The enthused yell coming from behind the both of you broke you from your thoughts as you turned to see the small crowd of children that were barreling towards him.
"Master Jedi!" another one of the children squeaked, stumbling to the front of the group as they gathered around him. The child was in a state of endearing disarray, a smudge of mud on her cheek and a spattering of dirt on her camel colored robes as she held out her hand, offering a small, white flower to him. The petals seemed to almost pulse as she held it in her hand, it hadn't bloomed yet, the light colored leaflets surrounding it's center protecting it's core from the world. Her gaze bashfully drifted to his boots as she spoke again, "S'for you"
He quickly dropped to his knees as soon as he saw the little girl's insecurity, as if the very sight of her called upon his ages old Jedi instinct to protect. "It's lovely, thank you" He smiled, gently taking the flower from her hand, "Where did you find this?"
The girl smiled proudly, sticking her nose in the air as she tucked her hands behind her back, "We stole it!" She cheerfully replied, pointing her finger at a small booth almost entirely covered in vivid bouquets of flowers and vines from every corner of the Galaxy. The other children around her jeered in disapproval, quickly pushing her arm back down to her side and shushing her bitterly.
Obi Wan only laughed, throwing his head back before sighing, "Well, I'm sure they won't miss one flower, will they?" The group shook their heads earnestly in unison before he continued, "Do you know where this comes from?..."
You stood slightly behind him, your gaze locked on his expressive features as he animatedly explained the origin of the plant.
You could get used to this.
He seemed so free, not weighed down by any responsibility or the threat of any looming conflict.
He carefully held the stem of the flower in his palm, focusing his energy on the blossom until the petals began to move on their own, exposing it's bright yellow center, the children all gasping around him as they watched in awe.
There was no General Kenobi to be found, no Master Jedi, no mentor, not even the young, determined Padawan you had first fallen in love with could be seen.
This was Obi.
Your Obi.
"...It's their favorite..."
The sudden mention of yourself brought you back to the scene in front of you, a smirking Obi Wan surrounded by a group of uncontrollably giggling flower-thieves.
The girl who had initially given him the flower suddenly stumbled over to him, whispering something into his ear before running off into the market. The others looked around for a moment, confused, before chasing after her, quickly waving to him over their shoulders as they returned to wreaking havoc in someone else's market booth.
Obi Wan dusted off his robes as he stood, a smug, yet somehow still gentle smile still plastered on his features as he turned to face you. Before you had a moment to speak, his hand was surging towards you, holding out the flower as his eyes timidly traveled to the dust-covered ground, not unlike the child who had handed it to him in the first place.
Your eyes flickered around the market, your hands twisting around the handle of the wicker basket as you scanned for anyone who may have been observing the two of you. When you finally returned your eyes to the man before you, you could have sworn your heart cracked at the way he looked at you.
His eyes were filled with that perennial, mournful sort of desperation you had seen in them on days like this, days when it felt like this could truly be.
"It's your favorite..." He muttered, swallowing thickly as he waited for you to take the bloom from him.
He smiled when you slowly retrieved it from him, tenderly pressing it to your nose and sighing, "Thank you, Obi."
You watched as his shoulders sagged when you finally said his name, "May I walk you home?" He asked, a wistful smile on his lips.
"Obi," You sighed, beginning to make your way out of the market as he trailed beside you. You so badly wanted to say yes, but you knew the real reason he was here. He had sent you a hologram when he first got the news, they had found a Separatist base on Utapau, the journey would be long and he'd be stopping by for supplies. You knew that this peace was fleeting, that underneath the flowers and lingering touches, once he left you again, it would be nothing but a memory you could cling to during that hard part of the night when sleep refused to come to you. You also knew that he wasn't alone, some other members of that damned council that kept stealing him from you had also come with him, stalking around Stars knew where, you had to be careful. "We can't." You reluctantly replied, as much as it pained you to say.
His reply was almost instant, as if he had anticipated your response long before you had even spoken. "This is a diplomatic assignment," He all but purred, "And it is a matter of good politics that I assist the citizens of all systems, and that includes you."
You huffed, knowing that there would be no use in fighting against him, even if you did, you knew he would only continue to lovingly hound you all the way to your home anyways. "If it's a matter of Galactic diplomacy..." You finally surrendered.
You couldn't hide your smile when he let out a hushed cheer in celebration as he offered you his arm.
"Obi..." You began to grumble, but before you could finish, he sent a quick, daring glare your way
"Galactic diplomacy" He smirked, nudging your elbow with his once again.
And who were you to argue.
You hadn't anticipated the soft whimper that escaped your lips when you finally wrapped your arm around his, he was so warm. Even in the sweltering heat of two burning suns, you felt yourself craving the warmth of his touch. As if the small droplets of sweat that had already begun to bead on your forehead weren't enough to tell your body it was far too heated already, you found yourself still wanting to tuck your head underneath the sleeve of his robes, though you would have to fight back the urge to pull yourself impossibly closer for now, knowing you weren't entirely out of view from the market.
The short journey to your home was mostly filled with a pleasant, mutual silence, the quiet only being broken by quiet hums of satisfaction when he would pull you closer to his side when a speeder bike rushed by the both of you.
He let out a trembling sigh when he finally released you from his grip, "We're here." He quietly muttered.
You hummed in response, smiling weakly as you looked back at him. "When do you leave?" You asked, even when you already knew the answer. Tonight. He's leaving tonight. You knew that. Yet some part of you asked anyway, knowing you would be prolonging his shadow on your doorstep a few seconds more by asking.
"Tonight." He replied frankly, and swallowing, he repeated, "I leave tonight."
You weren't sure what else there was to say, you had done this so many times before, yet it never seemed to get any easier.
Every time he left you, it felt so final, regardless of how many times he had successfully returned to you. No matter how many nights he had surprised you at your doorstep, his robes splattered with ash and blackened sand, despite the countless times he had promised he would come back to you, every parting always seemed to feel like your last.
"Do you know..." You trailed off, the words dying on your tongue as your watering gaze flickered to him. His chest heaved with shallow breaths, his eyes locked on his boots anxiously shuffling in the sand beneath the both of you.
He took a steadying breath before replying, still staring at the ground, it seemed he already knew your question before you could even finish it. "I'm not sure." He stammered before finally lifting his gaze.
Your voice shook as you whispered, "Obi..."
Your name fell from his lips like an exhale as his chin trembled, "I don't know" He choked, shaking his head, "I don't know."
"Don't say that" You stepped closer to him, your chest almost pressing into his with every breath. "You'll be back as soon as you know it." You tried to assure, placing your hands on either side of his cheeks. "You'll end up right here, okay? You always do."
It was then when a crushing sob tore from his throat, "I don't know." He repeated again, the uncertainty that was laced in his tone was evident, and you began to question if he had told you everything about his mission.
"I do, and I know you're going to wind up right in that market, just like always." You weren't sure who you were saying this for anymore, though it seemed to now be for the both of you. You hated how your voice quivered as you spoke, "You'll find your way back to me, I know you will."
"I love you" He muttered, his lips ghosting against yours as he did. "I l-"
"I love you" You quickly cut him off before he could repeat himself, "Now, tell me a second time when you get back."
A weak smile graced his lips as he slowly untangled himself from you, "As you wish" He breathed.
You nodded, sniffling as he stepped back from you, "Promise?"
"On all the stars."
You gripped the stem of the flower as he finally turned from you, offering you a final, strained smile before he set off towards the docking bay. He would keep his promise, he had to.
You knew that one day, on some far away date in the future, you'd be able to love him as you had always dreamed to, without any missions or councils or prophecies. One day, you'd be able to hold his hand, even maybe have the privilege of watching him blush in public as you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. Though until then, you would hold on to the hope that one day, you may be able to lean into those gentle touches in the open air instead of having to shy away. You would always hold on to the idea that one day, you would be entirely, unabashedly, and unapologetically his.
But today, you'd hold on to market flowers.
whAT IS IT WITH ME CRYING WHILE WRITING RECENTLY man oh man, i mean maybe it also had something to do with my Sad Freaking Soundtrack i had going on in the background but holy cow, this turned out much angstier than i had first anticipated, but just know that obi will always come back to you, no matter what :')
thank you so so much for reading!! as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are always, always appreciated!!
want more obi wan? check out my masterlist!!
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i was tagged by @1000-directions thank youuuuuuu (you can tag me in all the things ever)
RULES : ANSWER all questions, ADD one question of your own and then TAG as many people as there are questions
live session or studio session? i guess it depends on the song. like with “numb” by TATE, i love the studio version, the live version, and the bombastic (acoustic one-take) version equally.
coke or pepsi? coke (zero)
disney or dreamworks? disney/pixar. i adore a bug’s life to pieces, especially since it’s got madeline kahn and david hyde-pierce in it.
coffee or tea? tea. i usually drink up to five different types of tea a day and i’ve become that person that carries those five different types of tea in my bag.
books or movies? books. my crappy attention span rarely lets me sit through a tv show, let alone a movie.
windows or mac? windows
dc or marvel? marvel. mostly because i have a giant soft spot for tony stark and also because i love the sandman comics.
xbox or playstation? playstation. the last game i played on a playstation was katamari damacy but i think that counts.
night owl or early riser? i have two small children and i enjoy my free time, so let’s say both.
cards or chess? chess
chocolate or vanilla? (mint) chocolate
vans or converse? converse. except when the little lady gets to walking on her own i’m going to buy her this pair of vans i saw that had little yellow flowers all over them. :) (she already has a pair of hand-me-down converse from her big brother but they’re not shoes to walk in.)
star wars or star trek? star trek forever and ever. doesn’t even matter which series. i was randomly thinking about the first star trek movie on the drive home from work on friday. v’ger :(
one episode per week or marathoning? lol you’re lucky to get an episode per month out of me
gandalf or obi-wan? gandalf. i will never be over his description of aman for as long as i live.
heroes or villains? i guess it depends on the story. like in the rifter series it’d be so easy to hate laurie but i can’t. she’s such a fantastic character and wonderfully written and i love her.
john williams or hans zimmer? john williams
disneyland/disney world or six flags? six flags. i have good memories from going there with my cousin when i was little.
forest or sea? the sea. there’s so much mythology around it.
flying or reading minds? i have a raging anxiety disorder and a fear of heights. let’s go with reading minds.
twin peaks or northern exposure? i’ve never seen either one.
harry potter or lord of the rings? lord of the rings, forever. i have an entire bookshelf of nothing but tolkien and it wasn’t until i got my smartphone that i had a camera that could take a decent picture of it. i’m so proud of that shelf. if you would like to see a picture of my tolkien shelf (you know you do), just let me know. :)
cake or pie? pie
you are banished to a desert island, which benedict cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? smaug
train or cruise ship? a train
brian cox or neil degrasse-tyson? neil, although i really like both of them.
wizard of oz or alice in wonderland? alice in wonderland always.
fanfiction or fanart? fanfiction
the hunger games - books or movies? the books. i still haven’t seen the last two movies and i don’t remember the first.
be able to see the future or travel into the past? be able to see the future. because anxiety.
han solo or luke skywalker? luke skywalker.
lilacs or sunflowers? lilacs.
spring or autumn? spring. all that green.
campfire or fireplace? campfire! before my father-in-law passed away we used to go camping in the mountains and we’d have a fire and it was great.
french fries or onion rings? fries, particularly with gravy.
truth or dare? dare. i will do anything to avoid telling the complete truth about myself.
winter or summer? winter. let me be sad in a sweater.
vampires or werewolves? vampires. except surprise vampires. i read a historical m/m novel once and the plot twist was vampires and i was not amused.
red or blue? red, specifically tor red
eyes or lips? eyes
burgers or sandwiches? i think you could argue that a burger is a type of sandwich so let’s go with sandwiches.
friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers trope? friends-to-lovers. i am all about that moment when someone realises that the person they’d been looking for all their life was there all along.
pizza or pasta? pizza.
ancient rome or ancient greece? ancient rome. i just really enjoyed my high school latin class, okay?
foxes or wolves? wolves
mermaids or dragons? dragons
sci-fi or fantasy? fantasy, although sci-fi is an extremely close second
watch a film in theaters or at home? at home. i can pause it and go give in to my crappy attention span at home.
fireproof or no more sad songs? i’ve only ever heard fireproof but it’s got lots of louis so it’d win anyway.
bands or individual singers? bands
sweet or salty? salty. the marmite crisp is the work of the gods and bless the person who came up with it.
monotype corsiva or comic sans? comic sans. i’m not sorry. that other font is ugly.
turtles or frogs? turtles! little baby turtles! also not all frogs are to be trusted.
and for my question, blur or oasis?
i am going to tag @dearmrsawyer @louie-for-life @lirryonce @robotcorsair @iwanttodateizzy @outrunningthezombies @bunnystreet58 @mywitfailsme @whentherewerebicycles @givemeahomeamongstthegumtrees @theveryfloralbee @stuff-and-no-nonsense @tintedglasses @thelinesofthecars @hendroda and anyone else who’d like to do it.
#about#do it if you like!!!#i just realised that some people got tagged twice#so i took those off#sorry
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Thank you for the tag @wickedscribbles ❤
I've got a pretty mixed library, mostly country, stars wars (fanmade) and some late 90's early 00's music!
1. Who's gonna love you - Tebey
2. I Love you. I know - Royish Good looks
3. War Paint (Unplugged) - Madeline Merlo
4. How do you Love Someone - Ashley Tisdale
5. Bring Balance to the force - Royish Good looks
6. Remind me - Carrie Underwood and Brand Paisley
7. You're my Only Hope - Royish Good looks
8. Obi Wan sings a song (Original star Wars Parody) - Aaron Fraser-Nash
9. Far away - Nickleback
10.Don't you wanna stay - Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson.
No Pressure tags:
@clonecyare @youngcheesecaketale @evaldmark @princessxkenobi @hannahleightattoos @echos-right-arm @badbatcher @jediash @thenegoteator @kixthecondomfairy
I’m so behind on these, but I haven’t forgotten! Thanks for the tag @obi-1kenobi! The post was getting a bit long so I started with a fresh one :)
Rules: We’re snooping in your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
1. Rox In The Box - The Decemberists
2. La Traviata, Act I: Preludio - Sofia Symphony Orchestra
3. Utilities - The Weakerthans
4. Down On The Corner - Creedance Clearwater Revival
5. 1234 - Feist
6. Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
7. All Shades of Blue - Gregory Alan Isakov
8. Oh, Good Grief - Vince Guaraldi Trio
9. Cinco De Mayo - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
10. Emile’s Vietnam in the Sky - Elvis Perkins
Lol that is… quite a mix.
Anyway tagging @thetorontokid, @artemisthehuntress, @darthplodder, @intermundia, @jswander, @obi-wkenobi, @mindmysimplesoul, @tomicaleto, @realmoftenderness, @maragny (sorry and please ignore if you don’t like these things or if you’ve already done it!)
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For the fandom ask meme Star Wars
( @libraryoftheancients sent this to me as a message since my ask box was down so I’m answering it through anon)
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: Probably Luke or R2D2. I was literally raised watching Star Wars so I don’t even know how old I was the first time I saw it.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Jar Jar Binks. I loved him as a kid. Now he just annoys me.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I started off shipping Finn and Rey but now I’m a Poe and Finn shipper
my ultimate favorite character™: C3PO
prettiest character: Leia/Padmé/Lando
my most hated character: Toss up between Kylo Ren and Adult Anakin. Whiny af man boys
my OTP: Toss up between Leia/Han and Poe/Finn
favorite episode: ITS TOO HARD TO CHOOSE but 4, 5, or 6
saddest death: Qui Gon Jinn or Luke
favorite season trilogy: Original Trilogy
least favorite season trilogy: I don’t have one?? The prequels weren't as good as the orignal trilogy, but I still like them. I’ll say Rouge One cause it killed me emotionally. I WASNT READY FOR THAT ENDING
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I don’t like the purple hair lady from The Last Jedi. I dunno how well liked she is in the fandom tho.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Salacious Crumb
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: a mix between R2 and Obi Wan and Qui Gon and Rose
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: There isn’t one. I don’t have a lot of ships in the Star Wars fandom
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus
This was really hard Madeline T^T
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