#madeline cass
nofatclips · 1 month
Be Unbarred, O Ye Gates of Hell by Deerhoof from the album Actually, You Can - Director/Animator: Geoff Hoskinson
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lordgrimoire · 2 years
The Goonion would like a Word
Bruce had never had an experience like this before, letters of ransom from any of his rogues? Certainly! But the Goonion only ever left messages when they were paying bail for their own, and he was becoming worried as to why Jason’s Goons had posted a message to him via The Goonion.
“To Batman of Gotham, New Jersey, United States of America, We would like to have a word with you in regards to a pair of Meta Adjacent individuals we would like to harbor here in Gotham, we are only extending the courtesy to you regarding them due to the fact that the United States Government refuses to acknowledge them as people due to their conditions, the Boss said he would tell you himself, if he has not already he likely will soon. Suffice to say a family of three is coming to Gotham as their last chance at a safe harbor and we would prefer it if you did not get on their cases. We hope to receive your response without any broken bones, The Goonion, Gotham, New Jersey Branch.” Tim was staring at the paper, the stationary of The Goonion, with confusion, Dick, Barbara, Cass, and Stephany seemed rather accepting of it, and Damian was confused. 
“What is this, Goonion?” His youngest asked, staring at the paper as Bruce read over the return address, the Iceberg Lounge, a server named Thomas. 
“Ah, we haven’t told you about them yet have we?” Dick began, sitting back. “They’re nice folks, help get the Goons payed and are usually the ones to put their feet down when Rogues get outta hand for normal folks, for instance, the Joker does not have the stamp of approval for, many reasons. But primarily it’s due to his former Henchmen, including Harley, snitching on him to the Goonion.” Dick typed something into his phone, Damian’s own device pinging in his pocket, likely more info. “The Goonion has an odd relationship with us, we don’t go after them and they try to keep things regulated, Jason could probably tell you more, and it seems from the letter we do have to talk to him.” The door to the cave opened, and while Bruce looked up to see his second son come walking down the steps he seemed, tired, run down even.
“The Goonion already got to you? Good on them.” Jason huffed as he sat next to Damian, ruffling the boy’s head much to his exasperation and attempted swatting. “Situations fucked, the letter doesn’t even touch on the bigger parts but it gets, real fucky like, possibly gonna want to get Uncle Clark and Aunt Diana in on it fucky, definitely Constantine as well.” Well Bruce knew his flags rather well and if Jason was advocating for not only a League intervention but one headed by John Constantine? Bruce decided to address the original topic first. 
“They can stay, but they will have to answer questions.” Jason huffed and leaned back. 
“Ground rules then, the two younger kids? Meta Adjacent? They have a similar situation to me, and it turns out Ra’s is playing with not even a tenth of a full puzzle with the Lazarus Pit.” Everyone around the table stiffened, save Alfred who had come in behind Jason with a tea service, as Jason took a sip from the mug placed before him and nodding to Alfred. “Thank you. The details are spotty but the abridged form is this, the Lazarus pit is the remains of a bunch of people from a dimension to which we all go when we die, the residents therein call it the Infinite Realms since it services everyone that means every Person who has a faith or doesn’t has a place there. Furthermore these three’s parents who passed recently in a Government Sanctioned raid made a Portal to the Infinite Realms, and Lazarus Water? Corrupted, dirty, a literally soul eroding form of what makes up matter on that end of the divide, Ectoplasm.” Jason withdrew a vial from his pocket, a bright green and sluggish substances was held within. “This is pure ectoplasm, The Parents, a pair known as Doctors Jack and Madeline Fenton, introduced me to a Doctor from the Infinite Realms, suffice to say I am feeling much less angry and far more at peace with things, though apparently being angry is normal for the type of “Dead but Brought Back” I am.” Jason placed the vial on the table and slowly pushed it to Bruce, taking his hand back when he reached for it.
“Jazz, the eldest, is a student at Gotham University, or she is now, identities and the like will be handled later but for the younger two it’s time for some non starters, because apparenlty if you ask an Ecto Entity or anyone touched by the Infinite Realms how they died it sets off a “I Must Kill You Now” trigger in their head, essentially forcing them to suffer their deaths all over again until they deal with who or whatever asked the question, so no being a little nosey punk about it Tim.” Tim jolted at his name being said instead of Jason’s nickname for him but he nodded when he realized that his elder brother hadn’t looked away from him. Bruce was still proud the two had started to mend things so well, but as he stared at the vial a question swirled in his mind.
“Why did the Goonion send a letter then?” Jason stiffened slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Alrighty, so you know how I’ve been going to College classes since a year ago? I met Jazz at one of them, as Jason Todd, son of Bruce Wayne and card carrying member of Red Hood’s Goonion. This was, sometime around Spring Semester, soooooo” Steph lunged up, mouth open with a squeak until Cass pulled her back down. Jason sighed and continued. “We started dating last year, she wants to be a psychiatrist and maay have started working for The Goonion in Star City when one of their guys ended up on her mentor’s patient bench. Her academics are already transferred to Gotham U but she’s still looking for a new Mentor.” Bruce made an affirmative noise at that, encouraging, Jason was holding something back, the younger siblings hadn’t been named yet. “The Goonion hired her former mentor and Jazz followed them in since they have really good benefits, and she has experience with the whole Capes and Crooks thing already. Though she told me she would rather she and her siblings explain that.” 
So, Jasmine Fenton, after being a student for at least a year in Psychiatry, became a Goonion Psychiatrist, and then when her Parents died she takes her younger siblings, one of whom is rather recently adopted into the family by the looks of it, and flees her hometown, one Amity Park Illinois, which has a disturbingly blank file in the League databanks. “Yeah,” Jason began, looking over at the Batcomputer, scanning the total lack of data from two year ago on. “The Government locked their hometown down quick, they have a branch called the Ghost Investigation Ward, who managed to get a law in before our current Shining Dome of a President, was sworn in, apparenlty old Lex has been trying to rip that law to shredds since he found out about it and there’s something akin to a coup attempt going on from the GIW towards Lex. I looked into those guys already, I think it would be wiser to side with the current President and not a bunch of Loons who would dissect Uncle Clark and his kids if they got the chance.” Damian jerked slightly, turning to face Jason.
“Yeah, Krypton is dead it’s a dead world, by some of the smaller parts of the Anti-Ecto Acts that means that all Kryptonians are ecto-beings and by that law have no sentience, and are just emotions imprinted on ectoplasm, given the fact I died once they would pick me up as well in a heartbeat, for “disposal” as they call it.” The room had become Still, Dick seemed furious, staring at the damning lack of info alongside a pale Tim, Damian who was still staring at Jason realized just why his brother had looked back to him and was also looking at Cass, they had been brought back by the pit, they were by Federal Law non-sentient. Bruce felt the arms of his chair bend slightly under his grip before breathing out his frustration. 
“You have a plan?” Jason nodded, he seemed to be expecting worse, you really didn’t give him a reason not to, and began speaking.
“The Goonion will be dealing with protecting people who fall under the acts, we just need the JL to take this problem and light it on fire, drag it into the public eye and raid a few of the GIW’s bases that may have people, both from our side and theirs, in captivity. I will be going tonight to get Jazz and her Siblings from a bolt hole of theirs, an Aunt in Arkansas whose bound to be investigated is hiding them, I just need to borrow something.” Bruce allowed an eyebrow to climb up his forehead, he wants to borrow the Batplane for it.
“I’ll allow it, go and get them once it starts to become dark out, I’ll expect you back by dawn, do you have a place set up?” Jason blinked at him before nodding. 
“Yeah, one of the safer corners of Crime Alley, closest part to Gotham University, three bedrooms, two bath, someone maaay have helped me pick it out.” Bruce nodded, he would get nowhere in trying to guess which of his other children, Alfred, or any of Jason’s friends, or even some of their own collectively reformed Rogues could have helped Jason in this, but suffice to say it was a safe harbor and one backed by some rather tough figures. The Goonion alone would give anyone trouble, but with them being in Crime Alley that meant that they were essentially in an invaders nightmare. Dead ends, construction, dilapidated or abandoned buildings, it was a natural ambush site. Jason then put a box on the table, it was a scanner of some sort. 
“One of the reasons they’re coming here is this,” he flipped a switch and the machine began to frantically beep, practically sounding a long tone before Jason flipped it off again, “Gotham sits on a similar point to Amity Park, and as such we are LOADED with ambient ectoplasm, constantly stirred up by magic based curses of one sort or another it essentially blinds ectoplasmic tracking devices.” Bruce nodded, accepting the device as it was pushed down the table to him. “Jazz had apparently decided that they would run to Gotham if things went sideways like this anyways, we’re the closest ambiently effected city to Amity not ringed by GIW outposts and scanners.” Bruce paused in his observing of the machine, the GIW had surrounded other cities that had high ambient ectoplasm?
“Where?” Jason pulled out a small notepad.
“Well, Jazz wouldn’t tell us, but the Goonion has it’s ways, The GIW has encircled the following cities, Salem, Boston, and Springfield of Massachusetts, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia and Gettysburg of Pennsylvania, Chicago Illinois, Savanah Georgia, D.C., and then San Francisco and San Antonio of California and Texas respectively, I asked for this list at 6 this morning, I was handed this current version at Noon, these were just the overt ones. Metropolis, Bludhaven, and Gotham, are currently not surrounded, there are locations between them but not many.” Bruce stood, watching as addresses were placed on the table, each assigned a sticky note and details. 
“You should get ready to go get Jazz and her siblings, we’ll deal with this.” Bruce tapped on the sticky note closest to him. Jason nodded and stood, following Alfred out of the Batcave as Bruce looked to the rest of his family. “We have targets, we have details, Tim, dig up what you can on the GIW, Damian, Dick, Cass, Stephanie, your with me, we’re going to raid as many of these places as we can tonight, Barbara,”
“I’ve got comms, got it.” She interrupted, rolling over to the Bat computer and preparing for daylight operations 
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demonic0angel · 23 days
DPxDC Next Generation Kids (click for clarity)
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Continue reading for notes and introductions :)
1) Jove Bryce Wayne (11) - Steph and Cass’ adopted son. He trains under Cass and Bruce, and is widely admired by the other kids for creating his own fighting style with the dancing skills he gets from practicing with his mom (to his delight). Fun fact, he is albino!
2) Marillyn “Mari” Maddy Grayson-Nightingale (10) - Dick and Dan’s daughter. She was an accidental pregnancy, but both of her dads love her very much. Fun fact, she gained her baba’s personality and is rather rebellious and mischievous, which causes Dick to feel sympathetic for Bruce.
3) Elinor “Ellie” Catherine Nightingale (9) - Jason and Jazz’s eldest daughter. She, along with Mari, train under Dick, Jason, and Jazz in order to protect themselves. Fun fact, she looks and acts just like Jason when he was young.
4) Thomas “Tommy” Bruce Drake (5) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s oldest son. He is an evil genius who uses his cuteness to take over the world. Fun fact, the entire PhantomBat family have given up on convincing him not to, so now they’re just trying to instill morals into him and stall for time (they still love him tho).
5) Marianne “Ann” Talia Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest daughter. She is Alfie’s twin and is the fun and sunshine to Ellie’s seriousness and Alfie’s gloominess. Fun fact, she got her blonde hair from Sheila Haywood, but she doesn’t know that.
6) Alfonso “Alfie” B Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest son. He is Ann’s twin and is rather gloomy and antisocial compared to his sisters. Fun fact, he supposedly looks like Bruce when he was young, so he gets away with a lot when dealing with Alfred.
7) Rain Axel Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s son. He is Misty’s twin and can be rather mischievous, often causing trouble and chaos for the fun of it. Fun fact, he often teams up with Mari to prank everyone in the most ridiculous ways possible.
8) Misty Lilith Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s daughter. She is Rain’s twin, and is even more shy than Alfie and can start crying when stressed. Fun fact, although she can be anxious easily, her temper is even worse than her mom’s.
9) Ken-el / Kenneth “Kenny” Clark Drake (1) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s youngest son. Since he is the youngest, he is doted on the most. Fun fact, he has already unlocked most of his halfa abilities due to his Kryptonian heritage.
+ Jove’s name relates back to Cassandra’s because they are both names of mythological characters. Jove is another name for Jupiter (AKA Zeus).
+ Both of Mari’s names are actually a weird, mashed up version of Madeline and Mary (and also inspired by Mar’i cough).
+ Jason and Jazz’s daughters are named after Elinor and Marianne from Sense and Sensibilities and their middle names are from Jason’s mother figures in life. I imagine that Jazz had a falling out with Jack and Maddie, so she didn’t really care.
+ Alfie’s name is inspired from Alfred and his middle name is only “B” because Tommy was born first and Tim took the “Bruce” middle name.
+ Alfie and Ann, and Misty and Rain are inspired by Misty and Jackson, the canon kid characters of Sam and Danny. Both pairs of twins have an 8 month difference of age.
+ Why so many twins?? I used the twin idea first for Jazz and Jason, but when I thought of Danny and Valerie, I kept switching between ideas, so I eventually settled on twins for them too. Trust, it was a weird coincidence for Danny and Jazz too when they had twins at nearly the same time.
+ Misty and Rain’s middle names come from Tucker and Sam (Axel Foley and the episode “Life Lessons”). Their first names are inspired by Misty Fenton and I just found another name for Rain to match the theme.
+ Tommy and Kenny technically have different dads, (Tommy is Tim and Dani’s, and Kenny is Kon and Dani’s), but it doesn’t really mean anything, since they don’t pay attention to it.
+ The idea of Tommy, who is like Tim’s clone and absolutely evil, was so funny to me. He’s prob my fav child OC. His entire family know about his manipulative tendencies but he loves them so they let it go. (Damian and Dan have already pledged their allegiance to their future overlord.)
+ The short period of time where Jazz, Dani, and Valerie were pregnant at the same time was hell on earth for everyone.
+ Technically, Bruce only has 7 grandchildren (he cries when he thinks about it a little too hard), but bc they’re so close to Rain and Misty, Bruce thinks of them as his grandchildren too, so he always says he has 9. Danny and Val are like ??? But Rain and Misty totally believe that he’s their grandpa (which he is delighted about).
+ Damian is married to Jon and they have no kids, unless you count the farm they inherited and all of the animals that Damian adopted as his fur babies. However, Damian was young when the kids kept coming, so he became the designated babysitter and then the favorite uncle, which all of the other Batboys despise and are jealous of.
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Names with Cute Nicknames
Girls' Edition
Sometimes we just fall in love with a cute nickname for our characters. So here is a list of names that you can name your characters, even though you will only call them by their nickname.
Abigail - Abbie, Abby, Gale, Gail
Adaline/Adalina - Ada, Lynn, Lina
Adriana - Riana, Addie, Drea
Alexandra - Al, Alex, Alexa, Allie, Ally, Lex, Lexa, Lexie, Sandra, Sandie, Sandy
Amelia/Amelie - Millie, Lia, Mimi
Anastasia - Ana, Stassie, Stassy, Stacey
Antoinette - Ann, Annie, Toni, Netta
Ariella - Ariel, Ari, Ella
Aurelia/Aurora - Auri
Beatrix - Trixie, Bea
Berenike/Bernice - Berry, Bernie, Nikki, Neecy
Calista/Calliope - Callie
Cassandra- Cass, Cassie, Cassy, Sandra, Sandy, Sandie
Cassidy - Cass, Cassie, Cassy
Cordelia - Delia, Deli
Danica - Dani, Dannie, Niki, Nika
Dorothy - Dot, Dottie, Doro
Eleanor - Elle, Ellie, Lea, Nora
Esmerelda - Esme
Evangeline Evie, Evi, Eve, Lina
Evelyn - Evie, Evi, Eve, Lynn
Felicitas/Felicity - Feli, Fliss, Lis, Lissa
Francesca - Fran, Frannie, Frankie
Frederike - Fred, Freddie, Freddy, Rike, Kiki
Genevieve - Eve, Evie, Genna, Gina, Ginny, Viv
Jasmine - Jas, Jazzy, Mina, Minnie
Josephine - Josie, Joe, Phin
Leonora - Leo, Nora
Madeline - Maddie, Maddy, Lynn, Ada, Addie
Marigold - Mari, Goldie
Matilda - Tillie, Tilda, Mattie
Melissa - Liss, Lissa, Mel, Mellie, Missy
Natasha/Natascha - Nat, Nattie, Sasha, Tasha
Olivia - Livia, Liv, Livy, Ollie, Olive
Penelope - Penny, Poppy, Nelly, Polly
Philippa - Pippa
Rosalie/Rosalia - Rosie, Rose, Sally, Lia
Rosemary - Rosie, Rose, Mary
Veronica - Vero, Ronny, Nic, Nica
Wilhelmina - Minnie, Mina, Wil, Willa
Winifred - Winnie, Win, Freddie, Fred
More names!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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desktop-writes · 7 months
Static on the Screen | 01
--A Lack of Backup--
<|AO3|Gala Au|SotS|>
(<- Part 2 of 14 ->)
{TW: N/A}
[Words : 1,736]
*Note: For any overarching triggers, please click on the Gala Au tab at the top. For warnings regarding this specific fic, please click on the SotS tab.*
Sometimes there’s a moment where you know things will never be the same. A turning point in a person’s life, if you will. It could be as monumental as the moment of the wrongful death of a loved one, leading to an obsession to right the wrong that had happened. It could also be something as trivial as bumping into a person at a coffee shop, leading to finding the love of one’s life. For Barbara Gordon, it was a simple click on a link.
It had started a week ago. Three meta-humans had attacked Jason, Cass, and Damian while on patrol. Seeing as all three family members had some connection to the League of Assassins, the first idea was that they were assassins. The fact that they seemed to glow a Lazarus Green color only provided more evidence for that theory. But as soon as someone verbally confronted them, the theory crumbled under its weight.
“They had called themselves Ghosts,” Cass had signed with their face screwed in confusion. They had emphasized the last word, marking it as important. The rest of the night hadn’t given her much besides debunking the Assassin theory. While she couldn’t do groundwork anymore, she is still one of the if not the best, digital detective on the team. She had made a file and labeled it accordingly, then she had started her search with the keyword ‘Ghost’.
It had taken her 2 days between her day job and getting roughly 3 hours of sleep to find what might have been a lead. A self-published research paper by the Drs. Fenton titled ‘Effective Warding Techniques Against Ghosts’. Barbara had spent 3 hours reading the paper, scanning every detail for information. She could barely find anything useful at the end of those three hours. A lot of it was opinions worded through a scientific lens and not actual scientific facts.
Spurred on by the lack of information, she searched for other papers in their names. Yet, the majority of it was filled with the same content. Descriptions of creatures in agony while being remarked as'manipulative' and ‘non-feeling’ by the two doctors. She knew this needed to be brought up to Bruce and the Justice League as a whole, but she needed more information for the presentation. Thankfully, she had the next day off, and she began a more detailed search of the doctors.
They had documents claiming them to be doctors, with Madeline and Jack both holding doctorates in biology and master's in engineering with minors in Supernatural Studies, but she couldn't find any records of their college days. A handful of papers referenced in the other self-published research papers had Vlad Masters as another co-author, but that dropped after Vlad’s accident. That set off alarm bells in her detective sense, allowing her to dive deeper into her research.
She was nearing the end of her research binge on the doctors and was gearing towards Vlad Masters when she spotted a weirdly named Web link on the last page of her search engine of choice. Thinking it was something similar to the doctor’s papers, she clicked on the link. While it wasn’t another research paper, it was something that grabbed her attention. A halfway-done website wouldn’t have been published unless they were hiding something, so she opened the source code, hoping to easily crack the passcode and start snooping around in whatever was hidden.
The code was surprising, to say the least. The code itself was the same Lazarus Green color as the Ghosts, changing languages every 7 seconds - yes, she had timed it -, and moving in a scattered pattern. The code fought back as soon as the cursor was placed in the text box, with the creator not far behind. With her getting little sleep and the surprise of the abnormalities in the code, she ended up losing against the person on the other side of the screen. With her loss, her screen turned black with a green I-beam in the left-hand corner. A message was written behind it.
<I don’t recognize your system. Who are you? What is your affiliation>
Barbara looked at the question before checking on the burner phone she had bought for this reason. They hadn’t touched any files, even though they had full access to her civilian computer. She went the complement route and hoped to get more information on what lay ahead.
<It has been a while since someone had bested me. You should be proud.>
<I will not ask again. Who are you and what is your affiliation?>
Barbara’s hope of the other hackers’ pride getting to them and spilling what they’re hiding diminished with their quick response. She debated her options mentally. She could lean on luck, tell the truth, and hope the person on the other side is an ally in her search. She could also make up a lie and hope they won’t see through it. While she was debating, a new message appeared.
<You have one minute to respond, or else I will destroy your system.>
It seemed the decision was made for her. Even if she were to call their slightly plausible bluff, there were way too many important files on her computer, including the one she was building against the Fentons. Plus, she had yet to receive a notification on her burner phone about a breach.
<I go by the name Oracle while online. My employer may need this information. Can you unlock my computer?>
<Only if I monitor your actions.>
It was a fair request, one she would make in their situation. From their perspective, she was an outsider wanting to look at something personal to them. She could handle a little monitoring if she could find a crack in this case.
When the black screen disappeared, a light gray followed behind it, giving the website an industrial feel. Black text filled the tabs across the top of the screen, listing labels like 'Ghost Basics’, ‘Rouge Abilities’, and one with a lock emoji, among others. This was a hero database, given the mentions of rouges.
The database belonged to a group of small-town vigilantes, with the person she was conversing with filling in the guy in the chair role. She could tell they were young, with mentions of having to skip class or needing to find an excuse for the team’s main hero, Phantom. Just reading their rouge descriptions, as sloppy as they are compared to the bat’s, she could tell a lot about their team and how they worked.
She kept reading on about the rouges themselves. Even though the pictures were a blurry mess -similar to the stills she had asked Tim to try and clean up -, she could get some information through the written portion of the reports. Everything thing she was learning was leaving her increasingly shaken.
Needing a break from the rouges list, she looks to the Phantom tab to see if the Justice League needs to extend a hand or if they have it under control. She hovered her mouse over Phantom’s tab, only a tab away from the locked emoji. Right before she was about to click, her screen turned black again. Their previous conversation looked back at her, and a slight weight settled on her shoulders. On the other side of the screen was a child.
A child.
A child on an entire team of children being attacked by beings with the power levels of gods; who are being hindered by the very people they protect. At the very least, Robin had Batman, or even their junior teams, if something happened. She looks at the new message.
<Phantom is off-limits.>
She needed to keep the connection. Something is happening in Amity Park. Something big. She can feel it in her bones. Racking her brain for ways to keep the connection, she thought back to how unorganized and messy their reports seemed. Mentorship seemed like a good way to go with the kid.
<Your Phantom’s guy in the chair, right? I can help you with that.>
The next message was apprehensive, much like talking to an Alley kid. She should’ve expected this. She was a stranger who had attempted to hack into their database and then offered help with nothing in return. It had caught their attention, though, which was good enough for her.
<What’s the catch? Nobody would do that for free.>
<You seem to know a lot about Ghosts. We had a few show up in Gotham recently. You help me relay the information to Batman and the others tomorrow, then we can talk about our mentorship.>
It took a few minutes to get a reply, but that was okay. It gave her time to clear off her desk and start getting the papers strewed about in order.
<Let me talk with my team.>
<Take as long as you need.>
She continued cleaning up her apartment while she waited. While it wasn’t trashed, it wasn’t clean either. Taking empty snack bags and water bottles from the top of overflowing trashcans and putting them in a separate bag was repetitive and mind-numbing enough to pass the time. She set the filled bags by the door and rolled back to her desk, pushing the desk chair out of her way. It would be stupid to go out this late. She was finishing organizing the paper notes she took over the three days when she got a response.
<I accept. I am not giving you more access though.>
Her screen returned to normal; the same gray greeted her back. The only change was a small, lime-green chat bubble in the bottom left corner. She spent the next three hours getting a feel for Pharaoh’s setup while gathering more information on the team for her reports. She still had to collect information for the Justice League for them to look at what's happening ground-level. After three hours, she closed the database.
She told the bats, via group chat, that she had found answers to their meta case that needed to be discussed in person tomorrow. After closing the group chat, she checked the locks on the door for the second time that day. Assuring herself it was locked, she wheeled to her bedroom, locked her chair by the bed, and then pulled herself into bed. She went to sleep relatively easy, unknowing of the bombshell that would be dropped tomorrow night.
Chapter 2 should be out by the end of next month at the latest.
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 11 months
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🌈 Good morning and happy Wednesday, my bookish bats! You didn't think that tiny "queer books coming out this fall" guide was ALL there was, did you? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR this month. Happy reading!
❤️ A Vision of Air by Nicole Silver 🧡 Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper 💛 How to Get Over the End of the World by Hal Schrieve 💚 Kween by Vichet Chum 💙 The Forest Demands its Due by Kosoko Jackson 💜 The B-Side of Daniel Garneau by David Kingston Yeh ❤️ Midnight Companion by Kit Barrie 🧡 Let the Waters Roars by Geonn Cannon 💛 Into the Glittering Dark by Kelley York 💙 When the Rain Begins to Burn by A.L. Davidson 💜 Been Outside by Amber Wendler & Shaz Zamore 🌈 The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
❤️ A Necessary Chaos by Brent Lambert 🧡 The Spells We Cast by Jason June 💛 Pluralities by Avi Silver 💚 Salt the Water by Candice Iloh 💙 Beholder by Ryan La Sala 💜 This Pact is Not Ours by Zachary Sergi ❤️ Dragging Mason County by Curtis Campbell 🧡 Menewood by Nicola Griffith 💛 Mary and the Birth of Frankenstein by Anne Eekhout 💚 The Dead Take the A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey 💙 Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson 💜 Let Me Out by Emmett Nahil and George Williams
🌈 In the Form of a Question: the Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life by Amy Schneider ❤️ Songs of Irie by Asha Ashanti Bromfield 🧡 A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand 💛 Being Ace by Madeline Dyer 💚 Charming Young Man by Eliot Schrefer 💙 The Glass Scientists by S.H. Cotugno 💜 The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado ❤️ By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter 🧡 Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo DuVall 💛 Stars in Your Eyes by Kacen Callender 💚 Shoot the Moon by Isa Arsen 💙 The Bell in the Fog by Lev A.C. Rosen
🌈 Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt ❤️ Family Meal by Bryan Washington 🧡 A Murder of Crows by Dharma Kelleher 💛 A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper 💚 Love at 350° by Lisa Peers 💙 Greasepaint by Hannah Levene 💜 The Christmas Swap by Talia Samuels ❤️ Mate of Her Own by Elena Abbott 🧡 Mistletoe and Mishigas by M.A. Wardell 💛 Elle Campbell Wins Their Weekend by Ben Kahn 💚 All That Consumes Us by Erica Waters 💙 If You’ll Have Me by Eunnie
❤️ Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Lillah Lawson and Lauren Emily Whalen 🧡 10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall 💛 It’s a Fabulous Life by Kelly Farmer 💚 Let the Dead Bury the Dead by Allison Epstein 💙 These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs 💜 The Goth House Experiment by SJ Sindu ❤️ Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant by Curtis Chin 🧡 Mudflowers by Aley Waterman 💛 Here Lies Olive by Kate Anderson 💚 Fire From the Sky by Moa Backe Åstot, trans. by Eva Apelqvist 💙 Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake 💜 On the Same Page by Haley Cass
❤️ A Dish Best Served Hot by Natalie Caña 🧡 Art of the Chase by Jennifer Giacalone 💛 The Haunting of Adrian Yates by Markus Harwood-Jones 💚 The Sword: Xcian by Elle Arroyo 💙 The Complete Carlisle Series by Roslyn Sinclair 💜 300,000 Kisses by Sean Hewitt and Luke Edward Hall ❤️ Just a Pinch of Magic by Alechia Dow 🧡 Blackouts by Justin Torres 💛 Wrath Becomes Her by Aden Polydoros 💚 Let the Woods Keep Our Bodies by E.M. Roy 💙 Everything Under the Moon: Fairy Tales in a Queerer Light edited by Michael Earp ❤️ Frost Bite by Angela Sylvaine
🧡 We Met in a Bar by Claire Forsythe 💛 Sweat Equity Aurora Rey 💚 Pumpkin Spice by Tagan Shepard 💙 The Misfit Mage & His Dashing Devil by M.N. Bennet 💜 Love and Other Risky Business by Sarah Brenton ❤️ Enough by Kimia Eslah 🧡 A Fire Born of Exile by Aliette de Bodard 💛 Twelve Bones by Rosie Talbot 💚 Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses by Maya Prasad 💙 Dragged to the Wedding by Andrew Grey 💜 Fox Snare by Yoon Ha Lee ❤️ Murder and Manon by Mia P. Manansala
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elizabethemerald · 2 years
DP x DC: Silent Extraction
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Team Batgirl was away from Gotham on a mission. Stephanie was proud of the fact that the Batgirls were the ones Bruce trusted with this mission. With Barbara on the coms directing, Steph as the charismatic face of the operation and Cass as the super sexy, super sneaky ninja, they were unstoppable. Combined Steph and Cass were the best team of fighters other than maybe Damian and Cass, except they didn’t work together as well. Stealth wise, Cass was obviously the sneakiest member of the extended Batfam, and Steph was… well… they averaged out to still be pretty sneaky. 
They were also the team that could be counted on for the least amount of unnecessary stabbings and broken bones for the baddies. Dick could usually be counted on not to go overboard, but Jason was somewhat infamous for his whole shooting out kneecaps and breaking arms thing, and Damian stabbed first, stabbed second and once everyone was stabbed usually just stabbed some more. 
Not to say the two girls weren’t capable of their own stabbing and bone breaking, but Steph preferred more reasonable methods unless a mugger really deserved it and Cass had an unbendable moral code even stronger than Bruce’s. And this was a case where they were all really tempted to hurt some civilians. 
The two of them were in the Batplane over Amity Park. They were on a mission to investigate and if necessary extract Danny’s friends and sister. Bruce had apparently gotten the giant armor guy, Fright Knight who still guarded Danny in the Batcave, to talk. Babs had almost broken her keyboard with all her typing to find information on the city, Danny’s family, and his friends. 
According to social media and attendance records Danny had disappeared from the public view four weeks prior, coinciding with Amity’s protector Phantom, getting shot down by a lucky shot by the Drs Fenton. Danny hadn’t been well enough to confirm any correlation between himself and the ghostly protector, and Duke refused to elaborate on Danny’s abilities until he was well enough to talk about them himself. 
Oracle had continued to dig further and she found that Tucker Foley, Samantha Manson and Jasmine Fenton had all disappeared one week ago, roughly coinciding with the appearance of ghosts in Gotham. Their task was to search Amity Park for any trace of the missing teens, rescue them if necessary, find any information they can on the Fentons and on Ghosts and return to Gotham. 
Stephanie had already investigated the town as much as she could with her civilian identity. She used to be jealous of the Waynes and their popularity, that was until she got to experience some time in the limelight herself when she was publicly dating Tim. The paparazzi had constantly followed her around and harassed her over every little thing they felt was wrong about her appearance or her behavior. She was happy to be able to return to her relative anonymity once they parted ways. 
She had dressed in her civies and knocked on the door of the Fentons, pretending to be one of Jazz’s friends from school. Fortunately the elder Fenton child was reasonably popular, so she was certain that Jazz’s parents wouldn’t recognize her as a stranger. Sure enough the eccentrically dressed woman, and the towering man she could see through the door didn’t think anything unusual about her asking if Jazz was alright, “She hadn’t been seen at school recently, you see?” 
Madeline Fenton (as Barbara’s file listed her) gave the incredibly cagey answer that “Jasmine is sick and would hopefully be back to normal soon.” The deep dark rings under her eyes that would have put even Tim’s to shame and her husband shouting in the background about a “Blasted Ghost!” before punching a wall made her even more worried for Jasmine’s health. These two were obviously unhinged and whatever was going on would only continue to degrade their senses. 
However they couldn’t intervene yet. There were still two more teens missing that needed to be found. Stephanie’s worry grew as Cassandra stepped out of the shadows across the street and joined her. Cass silently signed to her as they walked to the house of the next missing person. According to her body language Madeline Fenton was distracted, desperate, and heavily favoring her left side, the most likely result of a powerful kick to the ribs in the recent past. Jack Fenton was distraught and seemed to have given up whatever hope still fueled his wife. He also had a broken hand and several more injuries hidden by the disgustingly orange jumpsuit he wore. 
Cass guessed that the injuries were gained from someone defending themselves against the two scientists. She couldn’t tell how recent they were without a closer look. The two women hurried to the next house. Steph was nervous about what they would find at the end of this mission. 
The next house they visited was the Foley household. Mr. Foley cautiously opened the door just enough to look out. Tucker Foley had a much smaller friend circle, apparently just consisting of Danny and Sam, so Tucker’s parents would think it suspicious if she pretended to be his friend. So instead she pretended to be from the school making a worried house call. Mr. Foley said that Tucker was at a friend’s house in another state. He might transfer schools if his friend’s city was safer. He couldn’t or wouldn’t tell her anything else. 
Cass joined her as she stepped away again. Mr. Foley had been anxious and unsure while speaking to her and kept looking over her head at the street as if the house was going to be attacked any minute. She said he had been telling the truth about Tucker being at a friend’s house but lying about the house being out of state. Surprisingly he had been telling the truth about the possibility of his son transferring schools. 
Tucker only had one other friend, so the two girls hurried to the mansion that belonged to the Manson family, however they were immediately denied entry by a quite substantial security team. Steph saw guards with dogs, all armed and covered in body armor at the front gate and patrolling the perimeter. After she was rebuffed and had met up with Cass again, her girlfriend confirmed that not only were there multiple armed guards patrolling the entire property, which appeared to be in some kind of heavy lock down, but there was also a full squad of personal security officers on site to provide backup. Barbara confirmed over their comms that the Mansons had put a significant amount of money into their security in the past two weeks. Right before the teens went missing, rather than after. 
Now Team Batgirl was above Amity in the Batplane ready to drop in on the property. With security as tight as it was, it would be their easiest approach. Leaving would be a different matter, but they would improvise on the scene as they usually did. Fortunately the Batplane was currently being piloted remotely by Barbara, so the both of them could enter together. 
“According to thermal scans of the property,” Babs began in their earpieces. “There are two smaller heat signatures located in one of the upper story bedrooms. One of them is pacing while the other is sitting. Signs point to those being your targets. Approaching the drop zone.” 
Cass tapped her com twice to acknowledge Barbara’s words. She pressed her masked face against Stephanie’s cheek, their version of an in costume kiss for good luck. 
“Don’t trip when you land.” Cass signed as the bay doors opened for them to jump. 
Then like the beautiful, sexy ninja she was, Cass jumped and flipped out into the open air. Steph felt her heart thump in her chest. God she wanted to kiss her so badly right now. She quickly followed her girlfriend out of the plane. Fortunately the Batplane could fly almost silently so they didn’t need to do anything so extreme as a HALO dive to approach the Manson house, just a quick hop out of the plane and then glide down with their capes. 
Cass had already executed a perfect rolling landing that had probably been completely silent when Steph came in right behind her. She landed a little fast and would have taken a tumble off the roof if Cass wasn’t right there to catch her. 
“I told you not to trip.” Cass signed, her smirk visible even through the mask that covered her face. 
“Sorry I couldn’t hear you.” Steph giggled in reply, then quickly muffled her voice so the patrolling guards wouldn’t hear her. Cass pretended to glare at her as if she wasn’t the most common perpetrator of the jokes about her being mute. 
The two girls focused back on the mission and Steph forced down her desire to make out as they crept across the rooftop. Barbara had a detailed floor plan of the mansion pulled up and was walking them through what rooms they were above. She had also already put a feedback loop through the cameras so they had a couple of minutes of unobserved time. 
Only a moment later they were above the balcony that led into what should be Samantha’s room. Barbara confirmed that the two heat signatures were still there, one still pacing and one still sitting. Cass silently dropped onto the balcony, out of sight of those in the room and those patrolling the grounds. She pressed a small bat shaped object to the glass of the sliding door, then she hopped back up to the roof with Steph’s help. A few taps at a keyboard and Babs was forwarding them the audio from the bug. 
“I’m telling you Tucker, I can’t just stay here!” Samantha’s voice came through clearly. By the changing volume of her words they could both assume she was the one who was pacing back and forth. 
“I know Sam.” The tired voice of Tucker Foley came next. “You’ve told me a hundred times since we got Danny out of the city.”
“Jazz should have gotten back in touch with us. We need to go check on her!” 
“I know Sam, but she was the one who told us to wait!” Tucker’s frustration at the obviously often repeated argument could be heard. “Then if she didn’t contact us we were to make our way to Gotham to try and find Danny.” 
“One, I don’t see you in any hurry to leave Amity without Jazz either, and two, Danny also hasn’t contacted us yet! We have no idea where in Gotham he could possibly be!” 
There was a heavy silence. Neither of the two teens wanted to consider the worst possibilities with their friend. Eventually Sam continued. 
“Still, I’m worried about Jazz. She said she was going to try to convince her parents about Danny then contact us.” 
“Maybe she’s just grounded?” Tucker’s voice didn’t sound at all confident in his words. “I don’t know what else they might do to her, she’s not a halfa like Danny is.” 
Halfa? Steph mouthed the word to Cass who shrugged. Maybe it was a local term for a meta. They listened back in as Sam replied. 
“I don’t know, but they’ve clearly lost their minds. Especially after what they did to Danny, there’s no way for us to pretend to know what their plans are or what they would do.” Sam sighed. “I’m glad mom and dad listened to me when I told them the Fentons were dangerous and upped the security around the mansion, I don’t know if Jack and Maddie would try and come after us or what, but now I don’t think even you and I could sneak out of here to check on Jazz.” 
“Actually…” The hesitation in Tucker’s voice was clear. “I hacked into the email server the security company uses. Apparently Jack did show up at the front gate.”
Steph could hear the tapping of keys in her ear as Barbara also hacked into the server. They would have confirmation in just a few minutes of what Tucker was saying. 
“Yeah. Right after we settled in for the week. Jack came with the GAV. He was apparently armed to the teeth with the anti-ghost gear. Said we both must have been exposed to dangerous levels of ectoplasm and we needed to go with him. He almost tried to storm the gates.” 
“Why is this the first I’m hearing about this?” Sam all but shrieked the question out. 
“Your parents told the guards not to say anything. And I- I just didn’t know what to do.”
Tucker’s voice sounded broken and scared. Sam’s desperation was clear and the two Bats could hear her starting to hyperventilate. Cass rose to her feet, and Steph was only a second behind her. They needed to step in before these kids had a panic attack or did something foolish that got them hurt. And now with the confirmation that Jack Fenton likely intended harm for the kids in question and the fact that Jazz was likely in danger, they needed to act to get Sam and Tucker safe so they could rescue Jazz. 
Cass dropped back onto the balcony and it was but the work of a moment to undo the latch on the door. Barbara already had the security system rerouted so the guards wouldn’t be alerted. Steph stepped through the door, dropping the hood of her costume back so the kids could see most of her face. This was a well practiced dance for Team Batgirl. She was friendly and approachable, Cass stayed to Steph’s side and just a touch behind her, keeping an eye for any threat. 
The two heroes entered a room that seemed to be filled with chaos. There were two mostly packed duffles near the end of the bed with clothes hanging out of them. Another pair of expensive looking suitcases were on the bed itself. One was closed and the other was filled with an assortment of bright green objects that almost looked like toys. More of the green and silver objects were scattered across the floor, some with their casings opened and internal electronics exposed. All of them seemed to glow with green light that was far too reminiscent of the Lazarous Pits. 
Sitting on the ground, surrounded by bits and bobs of green glowing paraphernalia, was an African American teen, presumably Tucker based on Oracle’s files, wearing a red cap of some kind. Pacing the room was Samantha Manson, her black hair up in a ponytail, and her heavy gothic boots clumping back and forth. 
Sam spun around as soon as the door opened and Steph stepped through, what looked like a green glowing taser in her hand. Tucker stiffened at her side, some half disassembled piece of tech in one hand and ancient looking PDA in the other. Sam froze in confusion upon seeing the two Bats, but didn’t lower her taser. Steph carefully and slowly raised her hands to show that she was unarmed. She knew Cass had drawn a Batarang from behind the cover of Steph’s cape and if necessary would defend her from any threat that could come. 
“It’s ok. We don’t mean you any harm.” Steph said quickly. 
She took a cautious step forward but froze when Cass made a small movement. Anyone who didn’t work with Cass on the regular basis wouldn't have even noticed the movement, much less given it any significance. However Steph did know Cass. She knew her quite intimately. Cass did not fidget. She could stand still as a statue for hours on end, and had in the past during stake outs. Even the smallest movement from Cass was a message. A warning. 
Steph eased back onto her back foot, taking another glance around the room, without broadcasting what she was doing. While Samantha had started to relax, dropping her aim with her taser, Tucker had tensed. Just like Cass and Steph worked together as a flawless pair, she could see the two teens were also used to working together. While Sam held her attention with the open threat, Tucker had one of the devices in his hand, the trigger primed. She couldn’t tell what would happen if the device went off, but whatever Cass had seen in his body language told her she didn’t want to experience it. 
“Has there been a new ghost in town that makes me hallucinate visiting Bat themed heroes?” Tucker asked. His finger still on the trigger of his device. 
“No. I don’t think there’s been any new ghosts since Phantom’s order.” Sam replied, then she narrowed her eyes at the two Bats. “What are you doing here?” 
“You are allies of the hero Phantom.” Steph said, running with the script Barbara prepared based on their intel, they were about 90% certain that Danny and Phantom were the same, whatever powers and abilities they might possess. Tucker immediately rose to his feet and Sam stepped up to his side. “We’re sending word that he safely made it to Gotham. We want to make sure you’re safe as well.” 
The change that came over the two teens was immediate. Tucker sagged bonelessly against Sam, his forehead finding her shoulder. Sam ran her hands through her hair, pulling it free of its ponytail, finally fully lowering her taser. She almost sobbed with relief at Stephanie’s words. 
“He’s safe? He made it? Thank the Ancients.” Sam whispered. 
“Wait, if you’re here, then that means he was found by Batman!” Tucker said suddenly, his eyes wide. 
“Don’t worry!” Steph put her hands up to keep them from panicking. “Batman doesn’t actually have a problem with metas!” The two teens glanced at each other and after a second Cass stepped up next to Steph and signed quickly to them. Steph translated. “Or whatever he is! Batman doesn’t care. He just wants him and you safe.” 
Steph wasn’t entirely certain why her girlfriend had corrected her, but it seemed to have the desired effect and both kids relaxed again. Cass continued signing to them. 
“If you’re not safe here in Amity, you can come with us to Gotham.” Cass signed. 
Steph was about to translate when Sam nodded, signed “Thank you” and zipped up one of the suitcases. Tucker looked at her in confusion. 
“Wait, what did she say?” 
“I told you, you needed to learn ASL!” Sam said, with a gentle smack to the back of his head. 
“Yeah, like you knew Batgirl was going to appear and sign at us.” 
Sam blushed. “Maybe not. But you still should have learned it yourself. She said we can go with them to Gotham. So get packed up!” Then she turned back to the two heroes, Steph was smothering a grin and she could tell Cass was smiling behind her mask. “Did Jazz send you to get us?” 
“We actually haven’t found Jasmine yet. We were hoping you knew where she was?”
Both teens stiffened and clearly panicked. They began a flurry of motion. Tucker rapidly assembled the pieces scattered across the ground, and Sam quickly put her hair back up in her ponytail. They both started talking over and around each other. 
“We need to get to Fentonworks-”
“Jazz went to try and talk to her parents-”
“They probably think she’s a ghost-”
“They must think she’s contaminated-”
“They might be hurting her like they did Danny-”
“I can put together some tools to get her out-”
“We’ll probably have to fight the Fentons again-”
“Enough!” Steph used her stern ‘Batman Voice ™’ to regain control of the room without raising her voice. “I’m sure the two of you have done a lot for your friends and for your city. But Orphan and I will be the ones who go to the Fentons and rescue Jasmine if that’s what it takes.” 
They both looked like they wanted to protest, but Cass gave them a simple motion, “Stand down” and they both quieted. 
“The two of you need to pack. We’ll contact your parents via Oracle, convince them if necessary that it isn’t safe for you to stay in Amity Park while the Fentons and GIW are still looking for ecto-contaminated individuals. As soon as we have Jazz in hand we’ll be flying out to Gotham so you can reunite with Danny.” 
Sam gave a shaky nod and pressed a hand to her face. Tucker handed them a flashdrive. 
“When you get Jazz, give her this.” Steph put the flashdrive in one of the pouches. “The easiest way to get the Fentons out of their house is to hack into the city’s ghost siren and lead them on a chase. If you’re friends with The Oracle it shouldn’t be an issue for you.” 
Oracle’s voice piped up in Steph’s ear. “Already on it. I’ll have the system cracked by the time you get to Fentonworks.” 
Steph nodded, both to what Tucker said and to what Oracle said, even though Barbara couldn’t see her. The two Bats retreated out the balcony and nimbly avoided the security guards on the property. The last thing they heard as they left was a tired Tucker muttering to Sam. 
“I guess now we just have to convince our parents.” 
The Batgirls left the two teens to that task. Barbara, Bruce and Alfred would all be on call to support them in that regard if needed. Hopefully the parents would see the benefit of getting the kids out of the city until they were safe to return. The two women jogged and grappled their way back across the city towards the obnoxiously designed Fenton Works. Amity Park didn’t have enough tall buildings for them to grapple all the way and that slowed them down, but they were still able to make good time to the building. 
“The city’s ghost alarm system is currently going off on the other side of town.” Oracle’s voice sounded in their ear as they approached the house. “The Fenton’s have already been spotted en route on traffic cams. They are driving some kind of tank. Looks like it could rival the Batmobile.” 
“Good to know.” Steph said. “Any security inside?” 
“I genuinely have no idea what’s going on with the Fentons’ security. When you go in, you’re going in blind. Try to get in and out as quickly as possible. We already know ghosts make our tech go haywire, so we’ll lose contact as well.”
“Copy that Oracle.” Steph said and Cass tapped her ear piece to acknowledge as well. 
Cassandra led Steph in through the backdoor of the Fentons’ place after they had jumped the back fence. The security system activated as they entered and they both tensed to dodge as some kind of laser cannons popped out of the walls. However after a moment of analysis the system seemed to dismiss them as not a threat. The cannons still actively tracked Cass’s location in the room, but they didn’t open fire. 
“No wonder Oracle was confused.” Steph whispered. Cass nodded, keeping an eye on the strange defenses that wouldn’t have been out of place in a Lexcorp lab. They both could only hear small bursts of static in their ears which meant they were really alone. 
The two Batgirls quickly swept the upper floors of the house. Every room was clear, though the bedroom that was probably Danny’s considering it matched the pictures on his social media looked like it had been ransacked and the room that likely belonged to Jasmine had nothing out of place except two packed duffle bags. They glanced at each other, concerned by everything they were seeing before they began to descend to the lowest floor of the house, the basement laboratory, where according to the Fenton Works website the elder Fentons had successfully built a portal. 
Cass bypassed the security on the door into the lab, the tightest security they had seen so far in the house while Steph watched her back. With how tense the situation was, she for once, wasn’t literally staring at Cass’s backside, but watching their surroundings for any possible threat. Cass had some incredible assets, but now wasn’t the time. 
Steph followed her girlfriend down the steps into the basement. Cass of course walked almost completely silently even on the metal steps. When Steph joined her on the steps they both tensed as something rattled below them. 
“Mom? Is that you?” A girl’s voice called up to them. “Dad?”
They both hesitated. There was a lot of emotion in that voice. Grief and anger. A tension that hid pain. They both hurried down the stairs as fast as their cautious nature would allow. 
The lab was like something out of their nightmares. All manner of jars filled with green glowing things that might have been organs covered the shelves on the walls in between racks of all kinds of weapons. A circular structure took up most of the room in the lab and could only be the portal itself. A pair of medical tables were pushed against one wall, one still covered in old blood and strange green stains. In one corner stood a cage made of steel bars covered in a dark green chemical. It was barely tall enough for a child to stand up right, certainly not tall enough for the redhead girl currently chained by her wrist to the wall inside the cage. 
Jasmine Fenton sat up when she caught sight of them, she tried to approach the bars, but the chain on her wrist held her back. Her once long hair was messily chopped short, some places it looked like chunks of her hair had been pulled right out of her scalp. She had bruises and cuts on her face that were most likely from her struggling to defend herself. The sleeves of her shirt had been cut or torn off and they could both track marks up and down her arms. Alongside the marks of repeated sloppily done injections or blood draws she also had short cuts, repeated in a far too precise manner. Some of her injuries had been haphazardly treated, but most were left as if they had just been dealt. Just like her brother, Jazz had been tortured by her parents. 
“Orphan? Spoiler?” Jazz asked, her head tilting slightly to the side as she looked at them in confusion before she suddenly brightened. “Wait, if you’re here, then you must have found Danny! Please tell me he’s safe, tell me he’s alright!”
Her words were desperate as she pulled against the chain holding her to the wall. Cass signed to her to calm her before the girl pulled her arm out of her socket. 
“He’s Safe. He’s with the family.” She signed. Jazz nodded immediately and signed back her thanks, she continued to sign along as she spoke whenever she had a hand free to do so. 
“Thank the Ancients.” Jazz whispered. “He’s safe. He made it out.” 
“Yes he did.” Steph said, bring Jazz’s attention back to her. “And we need to get you out too.”
Steph moved to grab the bars, then had to pull her hand back with a yelp as a spark of electricity shocked her. Cass was at her side immediately to make sure she was ok. 
“You have to disarm the system first. The panel on the wall. Password to disarm should be ‘blasted ghost’ with a zero in the place of the o.” Jazz explained. Steph gave her skeptical look but went to the panel nonetheless. “I know. I know. They hate ghosts more than anything in the world. They tried to rip Danny apart because he was a part ghost. When I helped rescue him, they were sure that the only reason I would help a ghost is if I was possessed.” 
Steph worked to disarm the system as Jazz was speaking. Then when the security powered down with dull hum Cass picked the lock on the cage and set to work freeing her from her manacle. Steph was carefully memorizing what she said just in case their equipment didn’t work to record the conversation. Danny was a part ghost? What did that mean? Jazz seemed almost delirious with relief and exhaustion, so she didn’t seem to be aware of what she was saying. She gestured to herself as Cass worked. 
“Hence their trying to ‘free me from the blasted ghost.’” Jazz’s disdain was clear in her voice. She stood and stretched out her back as she was finally able to be free of the cage her parents had kept her in. “It doesn’t help that their own poor lab safety protocols made everyone in this house contaminated with ectoplasm. They had to keep taking samples to see if they could narrow down the contamination. Hair, skin, even marrow samples." She rubbed at her collarbone subconsciously as she spoke. "Don’t worry, as long as you don’t stay down here too long and don’t eat anything from the house you should be fine. We need to go and make sure Tucker and Sam are safe now.” 
As Cass had been helping her stand on shaking legs, she was the one to respond. 
“Tucker and Samantha are safe at the Mansons. They have a lot of security. We will be bringing them with us to Gotham to stay safe.” Cass signed. 
“Oh, did you already check on them?” Jazz asked and Cass nodded, she smiled. “Did Tucker give you a flashdrive?” 
Steph pulled the drive out of her pouch with a raised eyebrow. She handed it over without more than a second’s hesitation. Jazz immediately plugged into the computer sitting next to the portal, clicked a few things, then began gathering all the weapons and equipment in the lab and putting it into some heavy duty bags. 
“The drive will pull their files, wipe the computer then set the portal to explode. It will just take a couple of minutes. Feedback loop, yadda yadda. I know, Tucker is the tech genius here and don’t tell him I said that.” Jazz explained as she finished grabbing the gear with the help of the Batgirls. 
Finally with shaking hands she gathered the specimen jars that were scattered around. Cass again moved to help her, but Jazz out right snarled at her, her eyes flashing as green as the portal over her shoulder and sharp fangs showing in her mouth. 
“Don’t touch him!” Jazz hissed, the words coming out garbled and layered over themselves but still understandable. She continued grabbing jars as she spoke. “They hurt my brother. MY Brother! I won’t let what they took from him to be used by anyone else. No one else will hurt him ever again!” 
She gathered the last of the specimen jars inside the tube shaped entrance way to the portal, just before the swirling green void. Her hands were trembling and her breath was coming faster and faster. She braced herself at the edge of the portal, then leaned over and threw up. She wiped her face and left the portal, closing the biometric lock as she did so. Cass immediately came to her side, with Steph taking her other side as Jazz could barely stand. 
“I swear to the Ancients, once Danny is safe I will do everything in my power to erase every trace of their foul work from existence.” She murmured the words to herself, leaning heavily on the two other girls. 
Before either Batgirl could come up with any response to that display, or to the horrifying reality of where the numerous organs that filled the jars had come from, the computer in the corner beeped and red lights began to flash in the lab. Jazz seemed to come back to herself, shaking her head to clear it, her eyes once again teal, and her incisors back to normal. She grabbed the flash drive out of the computer and pocketed it. 
“We’ve only got a few more minutes. We need to grab these bags and my bags upstairs.” 
Cass and Steph each grabbed one of the bags full of weapons from the lab armory and one of Jazz’s personal bags, leaving Jazz to only carry a backpack with a tired looking stuffed bear strapped to the outside. The three of them left as quickly as they could and they were only a block away when an explosion shattered the silence around them. Car alarms went off nearby and Jazz stumbled and almost fell, but the other two caught her. 
“Oracle? Can you hear us again?” Steph asked as they hurried away from the scene. 
“Loud and clear Spoiler.” Barbara’s voice came through their earpieces instead of static, finally. “That was one heck of an explosion. The Foleys and the Mansons have agreed their children will be safer out of Amity Park. The Batplane will be waiting for pickup outside the Manson property.”
“Copy that Oracle.” Steph replied. 
The trio hurried back to the Mansons’, Steph and Cass were forced to carry more and more of Jazz’s weight as she sagged under the strain of the past week’s torture at her parent’s hands. They wanted to stop to allow her to rest, but Oracle reported that the Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle was currently heading back towards the explosion and that would bring them far too close to their current location. They had to get to the Batplane to get the kids out of Amity. 
The Batplane touched down in the street in front of Sam’s Mansion right as the Batgirls arrived with Jazz at her front gate, much to the bafflement of the security team on site. Sam and Tucker hurried out, calling last minute goodbyes and promises to call to the Mansons as they raced to the plane. 
Steph sat in the cockpit and strapped in (even though she didn’t actually pilot the plane, Barbara would take care of that remotely (she liked to press the buttons to see what they did)) while Cass got the kids settled in the back. Just as Barbara hit remote ignition on the jet engine the GAV came screeching around the corner, an Ancients-be-damned cannon hanging off the top. Steph got her chance to hammer at some buttons as she deployed counter measures, including a guided missile that blew the cannon into a smoking wreck on the roof of the still driving GAV. 
Barbara had to pull some tight maneuvers to get the Batplane back into the air and to avoid getting shot down. Tucker looked like he might throw up, while Jazz and Sam both looked like they wanted to return fire at the Fentons. Finally they were back in the air and Barbara activated stealth mode, making the Batplane practically invisible and set a course for Gotham. 
Steph sighed in relief and unbuckled herself to go join the others in the back, confident they were safe in Barbara’s capable hands for the flight back to Gotham. Cass was crouching in front of Jazz with the plane’s first aid kit in her hands as she started to treat the injuries her parents did to her. Steph double checked that neither of the two younger teens were injured before she helped Cass with her work. 
After a long time of flying in near silence other than the occasional mumbled word Cass finally pulled her mask off revealing her beautiful face. Steph hesitated a moment, but if Cass decided Danny’s friends and sister were trustworthy, then that was good enough for her, even if Bruce would probably get upset later. Cass met Jazz’s tired eyes with her own dark gaze. 
“Danny is safe.” Cass signed. “Your friends are safe. You are safe. Danny is a new brother. You are a new sister.” 
Jazz watched her signs with a growing shimmer to her eyes before she started sobbing in naked relief. Her fight was over. Her brother’s fight was over. The horrors they had both experienced were over. Cass and Steph took Jazz’s either side, wrapping her in a tight hug that was quickly joined by the two other Amity Parkers. The five of them hugged and Team Phantom cried and wailed out their grief, their fear, their anger at everything that had happened to them and those they were closest to. They were finally safe. They were heading to Gotham to be reunited with their last missing piece, and hopefully to find a family that actually loved them, cared for them and would protect them.
Kofi Link!
@starkcravingmad, @blacksea21090, @rainybyday, @dat1angel, @crystalstarstuff, @alinmenttreasure, @everything163, @the-ace-kid, @akikoyuii, @naluforever3, @theaowsomecookie, 
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iambic-stan · 4 months
last book read + last stethoscope used, part 28
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The scope is a Littmann Master Cardiology in plum and the book is Being Ace: An Anthology of Queer, Trans, Femme, and Disabled Stories of Asexual Love and Connection edited by Madeline Dyer. Yes, that's a mouthful but what a joy it was to read an entire collection of short stories that I could relate to in some way or another! They were all noteworthy in some way but I'm going to highlight the ones I really enjoyed.
Across the Stars by Dawn Bowman: In this futuristic story set on a space colony, Freya has been reluctant to leave the safety of her home since her parents passed away. Most of her social interactions are with AI, until one day one of her robots malfunctions, forcing her out into the world to find a way to repair it, where she meets what seems to be a very personable AI named Zoey.
Give up the Ghost by Linsey Miller: Cass has an unusual and isolating job for a young person: she escorts grievers through an enchanted cemetery that allows them to communicate with their lost loved ones. What the survivors don't realize is that the boy she loved, Athy, is buried there as well, and her motivation for taking this post was to discover the identity of his murderer. But the real mystery is whether she can be satisfied to learn the truth and move on with her own life.
Smells Like Teen Virgin by S.E. Anderson: I didn't want to like this one--I don't like vampire stories and the title even made me cringe a bit, but it was so cleverly-written. Artemis comes from a long line of vampire slayers, and tradition dictates that she lose her virginity by age 18 or she becomes a danger to herself and her community by attracting an inordinate amount of monsters with her pungent "virgin blood." But Artemis is proudly asexual and doesn't wish to have sex even once, and sets out to prove that virginity is merely a social construct and her community's ideals outdated and inaccurate.
The Third Star by Roanna Sylver: Brenna, Leo, and Orion are the only survivors after their spaceship was attacked by Fenrir, a monstrous wolf thought to exist only in Norse mythology. They left behind family members when they boarded their escape pod--which is running dangerously low on oxygen. They're also involved in a queerplatonic relationship with each other that has become horribly strained because they are exhausted, scared, and struggling not to blame one another for their near-hopeless situation.
The Mermaid's Sister by Moniza Hossain: In this re-imagining of "The Little Mermaid," Phoebe discovers her idealistic sister Ariel made a Faustian deal with a sea witch and embarks on a journey to save her from humanity. A merman prince from another kingdom to whom she is betrothed insists on accompanying her, but she hasn't confessed to him or the rest of her family that she doesn't desire romance or marriage with anyone.
The Witch of Festa Falls by S. J. Taylor: In 18th century Norway, Birga is an outcast in her town because she has no romantic interest in anyone, but when young girls start wandering into the woods and go missing, it's Birga who's able to uncover the truth about their disappearances. She's also the only person who has a chance of avenging their deaths and preventing more without meeting the same fate.
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itsnotgray · 10 months
cracked spines and pre-wrap au - meet our girl!
meet our athletic trainer (in training), literature obsessed girl- cassandra!
her full name is cassandra madeline clark
born december 12, 2004- so she turns 19 this year!
everyone calls her cassie (jj calls her cass or mads though)
she’s majoring in kinesiology, and minoring in english
she’s a student athletic trainer, specializing in football and hockey
she’s a sophomore
she only worked with the hockey teams last year, but was convinced by a boy in one of her classes, one colston loveland, to work with the football team this year.
she’s really enjoyed it- sometimes preferring the slight anonymity she has within in the confines of the large facilities
she starts to get really close with a few of the boys, and starts building her own little friendships with everyone
aside from jj mccarthy- somehow, she’d never had to work with the star quaterback, and honestly didn’t expect to at all this season.
until the maryland game
however- the introduction wasn’t all what she pictured, and leaves a bad taste in her mouth
in contrast, jj’s determined to change the negative view he knows she quickly formed on him
and that is where i’m starting off cassandra’s and jj’s story!
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tracybirds · 7 months
Happy March of the OCs Part 2!
okay, so I don't really write with OCs very often, but I do like thinking about side characters and giving them random backstories and families and things :) So here's some more sims posting, this time with all the characters I've pulled out to pad up the world!
Sara Cavanaugh
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Sara is Kat Cavanaugh's sister, and they love each other a lot but cannot stand to be together for longer than approximately four hours. Kat thinks Sara is materialistic and vain, Sara thinks Kat is pig-headed and selfish. They're both right and they're both wrong, as often is the case when it comes to people. Sara does appreciate material things and takes pride in her appearance, and she can be quick to judge based on appearances, but she also works hard for very little thanks and cares very deeply about her community.
Eleanor Rigby
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Eleanor is about eight years old, and she's Captain Wayne Rigby's daughter. I picture him as a single dad, and someone he worries about a lot and that a lot of his grouch with Kayo was misdirected anxiety about having to constantly leave Eleanor behind while he was working overtime. Eleanor's super resilient though, and mostly saw bouncing around her friends' homes as a bit of an adventure. She love love loves the outdoors and is a huge 'Into the Unknown' fan. Her biggest dream at the moment is to become a vet at a zoo.
The list continues under the cut ><
Aidan Hawkins and Theo Hawkins-McCready
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I imagine by the time Virgil meets Cass, she's a single mum with two very rambunctious sons, but for my sims save, I'm playing a little further back in the story haha, so meet her fiance, Aidan, and eldest son, Theo. Aidan is a very romantic and outgoing person but it's paired with intense insecurities and poor communication that creates a very tumultuous relationship for Cass. They both love each other, and Cass gets swept up in his grand gestures, but they struggle a lot with co-dependency and trust issues. Cass sacrifices a lot for Aidan at the expense of her career and eventually they split. Theo right now is just super cute lol <3 He's about three or four when Cass meets Virgil, and his younger brother Jordan (not pictured) is two.
Lesley Hoffman, Franklin Hoffman-Casey and Dante Hoffman-Casey
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This is Colonel Casey's family :D Lesley is her wife and they have two children, Franklin and Dante. They're good friends with the Tracys through Val of course, and although they grew apart a bit after Jeff disappeared, they're still considered family friends. Lesley and Val met through a mutual friend and connected over their shared love of music and breakfast foods. Franklin is about Kayo's age, just a little younger than John, and Dante is between Alan and Gordon. Lesley "and the kids" get a brief mention in this story here :)
The Patterson Family (aka Space Controller Conrad's Family)
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Conrad's family are ultra high-achievers and high-expectations and they expect big things from Conrad - he's the youngest and as he says in the episode Long Haul, his siblings are heroes in his eyes (a fire-fighter, a police officer, and a paramedic) and he feels the pressure. I kinda roll with the idea that he's several years younger than his siblings, similar to Alan being several years younger than his brothers, and so here they are. Anyway, this is them in the sims world! From top left to bottom right: Daphne and Ed, then Lawrence, the fire-fighter, Raelynn, the police officer, and Quentin, the paramedic. I have more thoughts, but they're mostly about Conrad so I'll move on for now ;D
Joanne and Walter Hackett
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Joanne and Walter are Madeline Lemaire's parents :) I put the Lemaire's in a big giant house, and then made myself sad by headcanoning that they wanted kids and couldn't have them, and so I moved in her parents to make things seem a little less lonely. They're much more sensible than their son-in-law, but mostly see him as harmlessly eccentric. Walter is really into fishing and constantly taking Lemaire out on the boat for a boys day (which he hates lol), and Joanne is very into throwing dinner parties and trying out new cocktail recipes for her guests.
David Reeves
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David is Tycho's twin brother purely because I think I'm funny xD He's a bit geeky and works as a primary school teacher, coaching a kids' football team and things. Because Tycho's busy jetting off around the world, David keeps a guest room for him and takes in his mail and things (I know paper mail probs won't exist but SHH). Their parents died when David and Tycho were in their twenties still, so they make sure they do Christmas and birthdays and things together and catch up as often as possible.
Gregory Moffat
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This is Gregory, who is Moffie's teenage son (and also my son) and I am extremely fond of him <33 He's pretty quiet really, and plays bass guitar in a band with his friends. Moffie was a little exasperated, because he learnt the cello first and she had visions of seeing him play in an orchestra and things, but he got into an argument at the first practice and ultimately ditched it. He also like art and architecture and is very loyal to his friends.
The Taylor Family
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I love the headcanon that Lucille and Lee are siblings, and I also love that she came from a large family as well (it makes sense in my head) and also I stole @avengedbiologist's idea that all the siblings have L names because I love it. I aged up the family to show you what they look like, but I haven't fixed them up fully so it's just a general idea :D Anyway, here we have Connor and Payton Taylor, and then Leonard, Laura and Lily. Leonard is the oldest, then Laura, then it's Lucille and Lee (twins for maximum ow), then Lily is the baby of the family.
I have actually written them into a story (veeeeeery loosely) here :)
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tea-and-vodka · 2 years
Okay I know I'm still being metaphorically crushed by my last post but I need to get these thoughts out there- I already halted posting a different DP x DC post because that last one startled me bUT LISTEN-
Okay so it's one of those parallel timeline things, and the Danny Phantom timeline/s is parallel to the Batman one/s attached to this idea. Everyone's got their alternate version in the different universe:
Danny: Damian
Jazz: Babs
Jack Fenton: Bruce
Madeline Fenton: Harley Quinn (stay with me here-)
Dani: Jason (I'm sorry but also I like this concept)
Sam: Cass
Tucker: Duke
And finally, my personal favorite that ties the story together: Vlad is the alternate Joker.
Because listen! Didn't Harley, Bruce, and Joker go to college together? Just like Maddie, Jack, and Vlad! And also, two of them ended up in a relationship (though Bruce isn't ever really pining for either of them). Also I think it's very funny.
(I don't have any good ideas for who else would be who I'm sorry)
There's some sort of inciting incident that causes the barriers between the two worlds to become blurred, and everyone starts meeting with Danny and someone else from his world of your choosing accidentally crashing into the DC side of things.
Eventually, the Joker and Danny end up somehow crossing paths, and there's a bleed-through across timelines from Vlad into Joker, causing him to suddenly get a rush of [keep protect mine son protect take mine want take keep mINE-] that's directed at Danny, causing a whole new slew of problems.
Also I just really like the idea of Bruce meeting his other-timeline, himbo self in the form of Danny being in danger (again), and hearing from the other side of a very sturdy wall (concrete, Superman-proof, take your pick), "NO WALL CAN STOP JACK FENTON-" and him crashing through it Cool Aid Man style. (Yes that's someone else's idea, I can't remember who they are but I would credit them if I could because I think about that part of their post almost every day and it takes up space rent-free in my brain)
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nicolasbaudoin · 7 months
La fin des bouquineries de la Galerie Bortier, à Bruxelles
· 4 min - Fleuve de papier
· 17min - Zone UNESCO etc
Fanny Genico
Philippe et Martinne Dufrenne (le 1 et 2)
3 librairies mais sans assurance de bail
précarise et vide et il → 26min
La bouquinerie Galerie Bortier fb
"Foutre la honte à la ville, ça ne marche pas"
"Niveau patrimoine et site, réaffectation HORECA
Il n'y pas eu d'appel d'offre
mais appel à manifestation d'intérêt proposé en 2022, ils ont reçu dossier et n'ont pas bougé pendant 1 an
Défaut de procédure
Salle de la Madeline privatise rue St Jean, casse la logique de la Galerie, joujou de Philippe Close, enjeux dépasse galeries
La salle de la Madeleine, un des lieux de concerts, donné à Brussels Expo.
Aucune discussion
Rendez les clés avant l'été
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coochiequeens · 2 years
They know the answer. It’s in the article. It’s men abusing and killing women.
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Massachusetts has seen a string of mysteries involving women who have disappeared. Some of the most recent cases include new calls for help from Framingham and Brookfield, to a case that's lasted for months out of East Boston, to the disappearance of a mom in Cohasset that grabbed international headlines.
A local expert who tracks these kinds of things says she can't remember so many missing women in the Bay State at one time. The circumstances in each case are different but for their families, the pain and questions are all too similar.
In Brookfield, the worry is magnifying as the search continues for 35-year-old Brittany Tee. 
"She would not do this on purpose," her sister Bethany said Monday. "She has never left, we always know where she was." 
Authorities said Monday they are planning to increase the scale of the search on Tuesday, which marks one week since Tee was last seen.
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Police say Tee left a Main Street home around 8:30 p.m. on foot on Jan. 10 and disappeared near Lewis Field down the road. Her family reported her missing two days later, saying she left her car behind and her cellphone isn't working.
Tee is 5-foot-6 and 120 lbs. She was last seen wearing a hoodie and jeans, with a black winter coat and work boots on.
Anyone who may have home security cameras in the area, or who has information on her whereabouts is asked to call Brookfield police at 508-867-5570.
Brittany Tee hasn't been seen since Tuesday, Jan. 10.
Reyna Morales Rojas has been missing since November, according to Boston police.
The 41-year-old was last seen on Nov. 26 getting into a vehicle in the area of Bennington Street in East Boston and dropped off in Somerville. She was wearing a black shirt and pants, a gray sweater and was carrying a bag.
Morales Rojas is described as 5'5" and 145 pounds. She has black hair and brown eyes.
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"My heart breaks just thinking about her not being here or that we may find her without her infectious smile.”
Morales Rojas has two children in El Salvador and they do not stop asking about her mother, the family says. Her sister adds that this is very strange because she talked to her sister every day, even the day she disappeared.
Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call detectives at 617-343-4328.
Boston police are searching for 45-year-old Lori Baxter, who was last heard from on Dec. 28.
Police say Baxter is known to frequent the Massachusetts Avenue, Melnea Cass Boulevard and Southampton Street area.
Anyone with information regarding Baxter's whereabouts is asked to call detectives at 617-343-5619.
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Authorities said Monday they were looking for 33-year-old Madeline DeShazo, who had last been seen Thursday.
Tuesday, police announced that DeShazo has been located in Boston and is with family.
Cohasset mother of three Ana Walshe remains missing, having last been seen at her home since the early morning hours on New Year's Day.
Her husband, Brian Walshe, was charged with murderon Tuesday — he'd previously been charged with misleading police in their investigation, and pleaded not guilty.
Information has come to light involving his past run-ins with the law.
A vigil was held for the missing 39-year-old woman last week at the Cohasset Town Common, as her family in Serbia says they are getting more worried every day.
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A 2014 report obtained by NBC10 Boston from police in Washington D.C. shows that Ana Walshe once told authorities that her husband threatened to kill her.
During Brian Walshe's arraignment in Quincy District Court, prosecutors said that blood and a bloody knife were found in the basement of the Walshe home, and said Brian Walshe lied about his whereabouts to police. The state also said that Walshe spent $450 buying cleaning supplies at a Home Depot.
This case has also seen exhaustive police searches through dumpsters, as detectives sift through garbage for potential evidence.
Anyone with information on Walshe's whereabouts is urged to contact detectives at 781-830-4990.
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With each passing day, these investigations are growing more difficult.
"Timing is a very important aspect in the investigation, the longer the case goes on, the longer the person is missing, certain leads will possibly go stale," said security analyst Todd McGhee.
New England Law Professor Wendy Murphy is co-director of the Women's and Children's Advocacy Project. She says she has tracked troubling trends when it comes to women facing danger.
"You may think these cases are unrelated, but I think they are related," she said of all of the disappearances. "Boy it has never been this bad. I can't remember a time when we had this many missing women in such a short period of time."
Police in each case say the investigations are continuing.
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poppletonink · 2 years
An Inspired Reading Recommendations List: Blue Covers
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Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Art Matters by Neil Gaiman
Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
The Fall Of Lucifer by Wendy Alec
Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood
The Selection by Kiera Cass
The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow
The Murder of Mr. Wickham by Claudia Gray
Things Have Gotten A Lot Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca
Love Is A Mixtape by Rob Sheffield
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins
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glorifiiedgore · 2 years
🔥 - Our muses hang out by the bonfire // to Troy from maddy (kiillerlegs)
fall/autumn starters.
The Fall gathering happened to be smaller than anticipated, less than 50 students in the rented house and outside in the expansive backyard that nearly entered into a woodland area. Troy sat by the bonfire, beer in hand as he listened to the small chatter happening around him. Light eyes casting upward as he watched Cassie stand up from her spot at his side and saunter over to were one of the football players had been beckoning her. The lit major couldn’t help but chuckle, not out of enjoyment but out of irritation. They’d come together (as usual) and more than likely they’d be separated (another usual thing that had been occurring recently). They weren’t a couple, not by a long shot and yet the young man couldn’t help but feel the cruel sting of jealousy as he watched the blonde mindlessly flirt across the yard. She twirled on her heels, smiling like a senior prom photo as she giggled at whatever pointless joke had just been made by the village idiot. She acted so impressed by those that were the least impressive and Troy just couldn’t understand why she lowered herself each and every time. Was she that self conscious? That unaware? He couldn’t quite put his finger on the issue but all he knew was that he was becoming increasingly more annoyed by the second.
‘So fucking vapid,’ he muttered, taking another swig of his beer before turning his attention to the young woman on the other side of the bonfire. ‘Just like you Madeline,’ he raised his eyebrows, smirking as he insulted his non-lover’s best friend. ‘I imagine you feel as if you’ve come to our little upstate oasis for nothing,’ he shrugged, ‘Vassar doesn’t seem like your speed. Not enough superficial dickwads like you have in Cal-if-or-ni-a.’ Leaning back in his chair, he gaged her response — this was how they’d spoke to one another for the past 2 years, each and every time she decided to venture to New York to visit Cassie at college. They were both so totally different and yet they always seemed to find themselves together by the end of the evening. Their banter typical of two people in utter dislike of one another — eager to be free of the others presence. ‘You mad Cass didn’t bring you over to meet her new jock friends?’ He questioned, placing the empty beer bottle at his feet before reaching for the second one that he’d brought outside from the house.
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jacobbseedd · 7 months
Here’s an updated oc masterlist, yes I redid alot so be prepared.
Farcry 5:
Eden’s Gate Main:
Michaela Reece Campbell - Jeanine Mason
Katarina Maya Morgan - Elizabeth Gilles
Adam Blaine Strickland- Travis fimmel
Natalie Quinn Kramer - Kathryn Winnick
Bryson Kai Grant- max Parker
Jayda Raven Wright- inanna sarkis
Trenton Enzo Collymore - Kori Sampson
Jayla Rae Ford- Aj Naomi king
Braeden Weston Raymond- Will Graham
Audrey Cara baker- Chloe Bennet
Preston James Huff- Richard Harman
Nadia Jane Sutton- Kathryn Newton
Lindsey Cerys Morris- Bryce Dallas Howard
Keira Beth White - Madeline Petsch
Parker Lance Dawson- Tyler Blackburn
Maliah Cass Gordan - Morgan Crabtree
Layla Valerie Hampton - Danielle Campbell
Renne Mia Huxley - Lauren cohen
Nicholas Matteo Pearce- Kyle Allen
Michael Trace Sullivan - Will poulter
Antonio Kyson Chambers- Kieron Moore
Blake Chandler Miller- Matthew Noszka
Cassidy everly Quinn - Madelyn Cline
Eden’s Gate Minor ocs:
Darin Shane Reid- Brant Daughtery
Felix Micah Porter- Freddy Thorp
Kayden Lucian Morgan- Chris Evan’s
Jessica Nora miner - rosamund pike
Calvin Madden Price- Tyler hoechlin
Trey Draven Sanford- Aaron Taylor Johnson
Emery Cordella Combs- ayo edebiri
Jayne Rose Frey- Elle Fanning
Liam Cole Mullens- Jesse Williams
Martinez Campbell- Tom Ellis
Stephanie Woods- Inbar Lavi
Resistance Main OCs:
Larissa Leah Palmer - Marie avergolpous
Terrence Miles Harvey- Chris wood
Chase Lucca Gray- Theo James
Malcolm Jay Bryant - Ryan Guzman
Lauren Grace Shaffer- Hillary Burton
Annabel Kaylyn Chavez- Rose Salazar
Charles Gage Fisher- Pedro Pascal
Elena Katie Smith- Lucy Hale
Isaiah Theo Farley- Federico massaro
Conner Ryder Knight- Logan lerman
Robin Kelsey Norwood- Dianna Agron
Sean Corey Harrison- Alexander Ludwig
Resistance Minor ocs:
Aiden Nico Davenport- Rafael l Silva
Davina Brielle Ramsey- Rachel Zegler
Shaw Damon Harrison- Travis van Winkle
Grand Theft Auto Five ocs:
Addison Belle Becker - Meg Donnelly
Kyler atlas miller - Carlos Cuevas
Resident Evil 3 remake ocs:
COD ocs:
Olive Maeve Rowland - Leah Pipes
Makeena Sky Marks- Zoey Deutch
Red dead redemption two ocs:
Eliza Jane Evermore - Isabel May
Farcry New Dawn:
Drake Zachary Huffman - Nico Tortorella
Cody Noah Mcconell - Ken bek
Summer Grace Meadows - Dorit revelis
Bethany Marina Hester- Kate Winslet
Watch Dogs: Legion
Cheyenne Bella Reid - Elora Danan
Brandon Andres Simpson- Jonathan Bailey
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