#machine society
darkroguescribe · 1 year
Hitsuhina Week 2023 - Day 3: Shinigami/ AU
Rating: K
Summary: Set in the Machine Society AU. Police Lieutenant Hinamori has to attend a gala hosted by the Executive Committee where she runs into Toshiro who works for the Vigilance Committee.
AN: The AU originally came from Brave Souls. I took some ideas from my WIP that can be found on AO3. I think of this almost like a mini sequel since it references some events that I have planned for that story.
Gilded carriages bearing the crests of the most influential in the Machine Society lined the entrance to the capital building. Momo looked out the window of her own carriage, waiting for the line to move. She’d never set foot inside the grand building before. Large fire basins sat atop the massive marble pillars casting light across the front garden filled with floating lanterns casting the spring flowers in a light amber glow. It looked almost like a scene from a fairy tale.
Siting back in her seat, she adjusted the front of her coat and then began to nervously play with the ends of the red sash tied around her waist. The occasion had required full dress uniform and Momo hadn’t worn anything this elegant before. The uniform consisted of a long black coat edged with golden laurel leaves embroidered on the edges and cuffs and a high collar bearing the Lilly of the Valley that marked her rank as a lieutenant. The black waistcoat had gold trim and the red sash at her waist was tied with the knot on her right side. The black leather belt she wore over the sash carried no weapons and she felt empty without anything at her side. White trousers and knee-high black riding boots completed the ensemble.
Momo shifted uncomfortably as the carriages moved up. She’d rather be anywhere but here. Politicians and aristocrats were among her least favorite people to deal with and now she had to socialize with them for an entire night. At least she knew there would be others from her department in attendance. Police Commander Kyoraku was going to be there, along with Lieutenant Ise who would probably be watering down his drinks so as not to make a fool of himself in front of the heads of state. But besides them, she didn’t know anyone else.
The Vigilance Committee would be there, but whether Toshiro and his team would be in attendance was questionable. Toshiro had told her that the secrecy of his work meant that few even knew the team existed, let alone the role they played in ensuring the everyday safety of the whole of the Machine Society. She didn’t think it was fair, especially after seeing how they had dealt with the murderous support bot crisis, and how they took down the Phantom Thieves. And no one would ever know the truth of any of it.
The carriage jolted a bit as it rolled up once more and stopped at the main drive. The footman who opened the door was a copper plated support bot. The metal work of the body made it look almost human; two arms and two legs, all finely detailed with interrogate gold patterns welded to make it look like it wore a servant’s suit. Momo stepped out, ignoring the bot’s extended hand, too nervous to focus on anything but not falling flat on her face. Her fingers twitched at her side, unsure of what to do with her hands as she looked around at all the finery surrounding her. She swallowed thickly and adjusted her waistcoat, smoothing it out before she began walking up the mall towards the imposing building before her all while surveying the grounds and guests that she passed. Men were dressed either in uniform or their finest bespoke suits while majority of the women wore colorful gowns of the latest fashion. She only saw a handful of women like her in dress uniform, and most of them were well known figures in the military and Vigilance Committee. Colored sashes and pins of office adorned almost all the guests. She spied a few who even wore the Golden Chrysanthemum; the highest Medal of Honor awarded only to those who committed great acts of heroism in defense of the Machine Society.
To say Momo felt out of place would be an understatement. As she climbed the steps and entered the building, she caught sight of the entourage that were accompanying the noble Kuchiki clan, evident by the family crest that patterned the gold sashes they all wore. She ducked her head as she quickly put as much space between her and them as she could. She didn’t belong here. Why had she been invited in the first place? With her head down, she could barely see where she was going, let alone who was in front of her as she scurried to find a place to hide until it was all over. Make herself small, be invisible; then perhaps she wouldn’t be noticed when the host made his rounds of the guests. The thought of meeting the Chairman of the Machine Society made her legs threaten to give out right under her as she finally found a spot in a corner next to a massive pot of greenery to stop. The large leaves could partially hide her from sight while still giving her a pretty good view of the people milling about and mingling around the main floor that overlooked the large ballroom.
Leaning back against the wall, she caught her breath as she took in her surroundings. Standing tables were lining the walls, with small groups of people exchanging pleasantries and gossip. Below, she could make out tables that were being held for the Shiba clan, guarded by retainers bearing the family crest, and keeping onlookers back as if the head of the clan was actually seated at the table. Momo looked away and watched the dancing taking place on the ballroom floor. The fluid movements, and turns had her sighing as she watched. For once, she wished she’d taken dance lessons instead of spending so much time preparing to join the police force. It was beautiful to watch the people dance. The flowing dresses the women wore, and the chivalrous way the men would bow and take their hands; it reminded her of the fairy tales she’d read as a child.
“You look terrible.”
Momo jumped at the voice, and turned sharply to her left in the direction of the voice. Her hand instinctively went to where her side arm was usually strapped, but faltered when her hand landed on nothing, and her eyes locked with the familiar turquoise eyes of her best friend. “Toshiro? I thought you couldn’t come to these things.”
He was dressed similarly to her but with variations that marked his affiliation with the Vigilance Committee. His coat was white with silver trim and the emblem on the collar was a silver daffodil. A silver four pronged star was pinned the left breast of the coat with the black cross of the Vigilance Committee engraved in its center. His white waistcoat was trimmed with dark green accents over a black shirt and cravat, fastened with the bronze brooch he usually wore. A dark green sash was tied around his waist over white trousers and tall black boots.
Toshiro sighed and moved to lean against the wall with her. “Commander Ukitake ordered some of us to come.” He explained, pointing down towards the ballroom floor where the commander of the Vigilance Committee could be seen seated with his two attendants standing at attention behind him as he conversed with a representative from the Machine Bureau. “We’re here to petition for more funding. More resources for research, and more personnel.”
“So, you’re here with…”
He shook his head, “No one you’d know,” He said. “My team isn’t the only special advanced task force in operation across the Machine Society.”
“I see…” She didn’t press him for more information. He likely wouldn’t tell her much anyway.
Toshiro arched his brow as he looked her over. “You really do look terrible, you know,” He said. “You look like you expect someone to try and kill you. You’re tense, uncomfortable, and you have a hunch in your back.”
She rolled her eyes. “Thank you, Captain Obvious. Clearly your observation skills are unmatched.”
“You aren’t making it difficult to notice,” He said. “Hiding in a corner, and I’d bet you’re just waiting for the right opportunity so you can make your escape. Just try to appear at ease. It’ll make the night go by faster.”
Momo looked at how relaxed he was just standing there, leaning on the wall with his legs crossed at the ankle and his hands folded in front of him. It was clear to her that this wasn’t the first time he’d been to this sort of function, especially as he gave a familiar nod directed at a pretty lady dressed in a blue pastel gown. The girl had blushed before hurrying past with her friends giggling, making Momo scoff. “Easy to say when you’re so clearly enjoying this,” She said.
He scoffed himself, “I’d rather be shot and stabbed than be here,” He said. “I’m just better at hiding it.”
Sighing, she leaned her head back and looked up at the high molded ceiling tiles. This place was a strange mix of old and modern with gold filigree inlayed in the walls and tiles and the old chandelier that had been fitted with electric bulbs that were bright enough to cover every corner of the grand room. Not even the alcoves with their statues of the great founders and inventors of their society had an ounce of darkness to them. “How many of these have you been to?” Momo asked after a moment.
“Three,” He said.
“Are they all more or less the same?”
He shrugged, “I guess,” He said, rolling his shoulders. “I’ve never been asked to wear my uniform to one of these things before.” Momo turned to look at him. His eyes were casually moving around the various groups walking around. Occasionally she noticed eyes looking over towards them, and his response was to stand a little taller before the attention drifted away. “Uniforms make it harder to be inconspicuous. I don’t like my ties to the Vigilance Committee being on display,” He said in explanation.
Momo nodded and took a breath as she let her head bounce back on the wall behind her. “Tell me really; how bad would it be if we just ditched this thing?”
“Bad,” He said. “But that’s why they serve drinks.”
Her brow arched, “You don’t drink.”
Toshiro shrugged, “At these things, I do. But just enough to make it more tolerable,” He said. “Besides, how often does one get the chance to drink from the Chairman’s personal cellar?”
Shaking her head, Momo pushed off from the wall, “Well, since you’re such an expert, why don’t you show me how to survive the night?” She held out her arm towards him and he just stared at it for a moment. Instead of taking her offer though, he simply cocked his head in a gesture to follow as he began to walk towards the stairs down to the ballroom floor. With an amused smile, she followed, walking along side him.
He led her down towards one of the high tables situated on the edge of the dance floor. Almost immediately after laying claim to the table, a support bod rushed towards them and placed two glasses of dark red wine in front of them before disappearing back into the crowd. Momo looked around, and noticed that, with the exception of the couples on the dance floor, there wasn’t a single person down here that didn’t have a glass either in their hand or on the table in front of them.
“Support bots are spread rather thin everywhere else,” Toshiro said, swirling the wine in his glass before sipping at it slowly. “Down here, you never go more than a minute without a drink.”
“How’d you learn that trick?”
“Who do you think?” He asked sarcastically with a smirk on his lips.
Momo laughed, of course Rangiku would be the one to know. From what she knew about Toshiro’s lieutenant, she was terrible at paperwork, reliable in a fight, and an expert when it came to getting free drinks.
Trumpets sounded from the balconies above as a loud bang of the herald’s staff rang through the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up towards the large main staircase as the precession of the host and honored guests began. The first to walk down the stairs was the host of the gran affair; the Chairman of the Executive Committee: Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. Well beyond his prime, the chairman was still an imposing figure to behold. The stories about him from the war, the uprisings, and restoration; he was a modern legend that inspired as much fear as awe in people. Beside him walked the Vice-Chairwoman, Retsu Unohana who was a powerhouse all on her own. The two walked down towards the ballroom floor and began making the rounds, greeting guests and holding short conversations as they went.
Behind them, the noble clans began their precession. The Kuchiki’s had a precession of thirty retainers, all dressed in black and purple finery so as not to distract from the head of the clan and his sister. Lord Byakuya Kuchiki wore a dark blue coat with gold accents and fringed epaulettes with a gold cord extending from his shoulder to his left breast jacket button. Beside him, walked his adopted sister, Rukia Kuchiki. She wore a dress of blue and white with a golden brooch of the Kuchiki family crest.
Momo heard Toshiro scoff beside her as he drank his glass of wine. “What?” She asked, glancing between him and the seven noble families that were making their way down the stairs.
“There’s always such a fanfare surrounding nobility,” He said, looking more bored than impressed.
“You could get in trouble for saying things like that,” Momo said.
He rolled his eyes and looked like he was about to say something, before his jaw clamped shut and his back straightened as Yamamoto and Unohana approached their table. Toshiro bowed respectfully at the leaders of the Machine Society and Momo did the same, feeling her legs tremble like she was going to lose her balance. A hand gripped the back of her jacket, subtly helping to keep her standing and pull her back upright. She cast her eye to her side, grateful that Toshiro had kept her from falling and making a scene.
“It’s good to see you again, Captain Hitsugaya,” Unohana greeted, casting a friendly smile towards Momo which was gladly returned. In her brief interactions with the Vice-Chairwoman, Momo had learned there was more to her than just the front she put up for the sake of her politics. She’d seen her willing to fight and put her life on the line for the Machine Society.
“Chairman, Vice-Chairwoman,” Toshiro returned, his hands folded behind his back as he spoke.
“Captain,” Yamamoto said, inclining his head respectfully towards Toshiro, then shifting his attention to Momo with a furrow in his brow that suggested he didn’t know who she was or why she was here.
Unohana fortunately saved the encounter and placed her hand on Momo’s. “I’m so glad you were able to make it tonight, Lieutenant Hinamori,” She said. “I read your report on the arrest of Nemu Kurotsuchi. To think we trusted their private security company for so long;” She shook her head, disappointed at the shortsightedness of her colleagues.
“Ah, yes,” Yamamoto said. “I recall that incident. The Vigilance Committee was none too pleased to know that they failed to see a threat that a mere police lieutenant put together in a few weeks.”
Momo bowed, “Thank you, sir,” She said.
“Her assistance has been invaluable these past few weeks, sir,” Toshiro added. “Without her insight, I doubt we would have been able to put down the most recent threat so soon.”
Yamamoto nodded, “I must say, overall I have been very impressed with your team’s work these past months. I assure you that the Executive Committee has taken note of your efforts.”
Toshiro bowed his head, “I’m honored by the Committee’s recognition,” He said. “Though I do hope an answer to the request we put in will—“
Yamamoto patted Toshiro on the shoulder, “—There’ll be time enough later to talk about transfers. For now, enjoy the festivities.” And with one final bow from her and Toshiro, the hosts departed, moving on to the next table.
With just the two of them standing at the table now, she looked up at him out of the corner of her eye. A transfer could mean any number of things. A new division, a new assignment, a new office; but it all amounted to about the same thing. He was leaving. Again. She felt her chest constrict at the mere thought of it, and so soon after they had gotten back on friendly terms too. Momo took a breath and pushed through the discomfort. Better to deal with it now than later. “You… you’re transferring?” She asked, “Are you sure you want to leave your team under Rangiku’s command?” She forced a smile as she tried to make light of it, but it felt unnatural even as the words left her mouth.
“Wh— No, that’s not—“ His lips pursed as his brow knit and he made a grunting sound as he cleared his throat. “I’m not transferring,” He said after he seemed to gather his thoughts.
“Then, wha—“
“— I requested a transfer for you,” He cut in. “If you want it, that is.” His eyes refused to meet hers as he focused his attention towards the tables that the Shiba clan were seated at.
Momo was speechless as she let his words sink in. “You… you want me?”
He sighed and scratched at the back of his neck, “I wasn’t going to tell you until I knew it would be approved, but Yamamoto…” He shook his head, “Besides, Unohana said it was almost a certainty, just… a backlog of paperwork to get through. Bureaucracy and all that.”
“But… you… want me on your team?” She had to ask again.
Toshiro took a breath and forced himself to look at her. “Everyone is rather fond of you. You’re diligent, insightful and work well under pressure. Besides, it’ll be good to have someone else who actually does their own paperwork.” The corner of his lips rose in a small smile, “So, in answer to your question; yes. I do want you on my team.”
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bitchymusicpuppy · 2 years
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cassiopoet · 2 months
The Stag
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“The stag does not fear
he knows only
that his antlers are great
and the herd is many
he knows rest and he
but most of all
he knows
A/N: been thinking and drawing about deer a lot recently. specifically stags. idk they’re just so ethereal to me. where’s my moot who loves deer imagery come get your food ♡︎
credit: poem and drawing are by me (@cassiopoet)
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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taylorsmidnights14 · 5 months
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Parallels: Taylor Swift and Post Malone. AMAs and Fortnight music video.
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nofeelingisfinall · 1 year
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yes, all things end, but we still have art
"This, I feel, is the advantage to creating art at this point in time: When we realize that we are temporary, we are facing our self-destruction, we are realizing our fate and we must confront it. Art is the only sensible primal response to an outlook of possible destruction." - Keith Haring
[bertolt brecht || unkown || dead poets society (1989), dir. peter weir || all things end, hozier || andrew garfield in an interview for 'the believer' || free, florence + the machines || give yourself permission to be creative, ethan hawke || dead poets society (1989), dir. peter weir || road to hell (reprise) hadestown]
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distortionofthought · 19 days
I’ve never had a character death hit me this hard and I’ve never seen people collectively grieve a character this much. Like it’s genuinely fascinating to me that this many people couldn’t accept Neil’s death after watching . It’s genius and I think there’s so many things that made his death to have the affect on the audience that it did. The fact that he was so happy and confident. The fact that he had the courage to participate in the play despite what his dad thought. The fact that he was so passionate about acting . The fact that everyone appeared, and that everyone was proud of him(except his father). The way his father spoke to him afterwards felt so cruel, despite how amazing he was. The fact that his suicide felt so sudden, and so brutal,and so avoidable. The fact that it happened even tho he did well. That the best day of his life turned into his worst and then his last. Or maybe it was everything afterwards, the boys, all as young as. Neil, having to tell their friend he died like that. That Mr Perry couldn’t see that he was in the wrong and blamed the only people who really gave Neil a feeling of comfort and freedom. Maybe it was because we had to watch all of them go thru so much grief. Maybe it was seeing Neil’s mattress and desk completely bare for the rest of the film. Maybe because everything just fell apart after him. Maybe because it all felt so unjust by the end. Maybe because even at the end, where there was a feeling of joy, it still felt bleak; because there was no way for things to be the same , and it all still felt bleak.
Maybe we just wanted them to have a future. Maybe because they resonated too much with us. Maybe we just wanted hope, for them, and for us.
There’s so many things I could’ve mentioned that just added onto the things this movie made me feel. no wonder it’s a classic
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taylorismytherapy · 24 days
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FLORIDA GODDESSES! | Follow the amazing sebasgraphics 🤍
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louiaffairs · 8 months
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The Tortured Poets Department. 📜
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hussyknee · 8 months
I'm really not a villain enjoyer. I love anti-heroes and anti-villains. But I can't see fictional evil separate from real evil. As in not that enjoying dark fiction means you condone it, but that all fiction holds up some kind of mirror to the world as it is. Killing innocent people doesn't make you an iconic lesbian girlboss it just makes you part of the mundane and stultifying black rot of the universe.
"But characters struggling with honour and goodness and the egoism of being good are so boring." Cool well some of us actually struggle with that stuff on the daily because being a good person is complicated and harder than being an edgelord.
Sure you can use fiction to explore the darkness of human nature and learn empathy, but the world doesn't actually suffer from a deficit of empathy for powerful and privileged people who do heinous stuff. You could literally kill a thousand babies in broad daylight and they'll find a way to blame your childhood trauma for it as long as you're white, cisgender, abled and attractive, and you'll be their poor little meow meow by the end of the week. Don't act like you're advocating for Quasimodo when you're just making Elon Musk hot, smart and gay.
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going thru college getting new ideas for my anderperry fic like… yes…. yes i DO think todd and neil eat at the dining hall… i think todd’s in charge of getting them desserts……….. i think they have a life360 circle just so neil can text and go come home faster :(
neil and todd making the world theirs. that’s it. that’s the post. i love them
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TFA Arachnus Prime
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bitchymusicpuppy · 2 years
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cassiopoet · 2 months
Moonlit Dream Keeper
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“On silent hooves
he steps
night watcher
dream keeper
oh great stag
may the moon shine
ever bright
may you cradle it
in your antlers grand.”
A/N: watched Bambi the other day and it always made me sad as a kid when Bambi grew up bc i liked his spots but i also liked his antlers. you’ll never believe how excited I got when i found out Fallow deer existed
also @cozybirch @cupids-fiction made some more food for you hope you like <333
credit: poem and art done by me (@cassiopoet)
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
people might be like "you waste like 4 hours a day scrolling tumblr and sometimes tiktok, why do you hate reels so much?"
well ya see, reels™™™ from "meta™" are a collection of completely uncultivated mindless gibberish content infested with rage bait ghouls that's constantly being thrust into my face on two platforms where I have worked for years to cultivate my experiences. On instagram I followed only artists I liked in order to see their art. On facebook I wanted to see posts from people I actually know, and nothing else. Meta hates that because I'm not CONSUMING enough CONTENT. Not clicking enough Links. Not interacting with enough brandsss.
In barges Reels with its endless stream of drivel about random bullshit like funny horse videos and celebrity drama. Do I watch videos like that on tiktok? Absolutely, and the crucial difference is that I went to tiktok and intentionally cultivated an algorithm that would give me content that I wanted to see when and where I wanted to see it. I wasn't tricked into going down a braindead video funnel by clickbait. I continuously and consciously cultivate my tiktok algorithm with a reasonable degree of success. Meanwhile Reels is over on the sidelines sobbing, begging me to click just ONE VIDEO PLEASE GODS JUST CLICK ONE! I refuse to be suckered in to watching some hour long rage bait video about ice cream in a toilet like 45 million other idiots. Like my aunt from Indiana who had to let the world know that she knows not to eat ice cream out of a toilet.
I wish I could set Reels™ on fire and feed it to wild dogs.
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taylorsmidnights14 · 5 months
The new setlist for the EU leg be like:
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