#macedonian army
jeannereames · 9 months
Your top 5 Alexander the Great moments?
Top Five Alexander Moments
One issue with answering this is to figure out what events actually happened, especially when it comes to anecdotes! Here are four I find either significant to understanding his charisma and/or which explain how he functioned and why he was successful, plus one I like just because I’m a horse girl.
1) To my mind, the event that best illustrates why his men followed him to the edge of their known world occurred in the Gedrosian Desert. While I’m a bit dubious that this trek was as bad as it’s made out to be (reasons exist for exaggerating), it was still baaaad. One story relates that some of his men found some brackish water in a sad little excuse for a spring, gathered it in a helm, and brought it to him. Given his poor physical condition after the Malian siege wound, he no doubt needed it badly. He thanked them (most sincerely), then carried it out where all (or at least a lot) of his men could see, raised it overhead, and announced that until all of them could drink, he wouldn’t. Then he poured it onto the rocky ground.
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That gesture exemplified his charisma. And it absolutely is not something the likes of a Donald tRump could even imagine doing—nor most dictators, tbh. They’d be blaming everybody else and calling for heads while drinking Diet Coke, not suffering alongside their people.
This wasn’t an isolated event of that type. While he almost certainly didn’t have time to engage along with his soldiers in every project, we’re told he would drop in from time-to-time, to inspire them and to offer a little friendly competition.
He also dressed like his men for everyday activities, especially early in the campaign. As time went on, some sources say he inserted more distance—probably necessary as his duties exploded—but he still seems to have found time to “just hang out” with his Macedonians on occasion. The claims that he was too high and mighty to do so appears to have been exaggeration (as such accusations often are) in order to forward a narrative that he was “going Asian.” Troop resentment over court changes was very genuine—I don’t want to underplay it (especially as I’ve written about it in a few chapters in this), but it tended to boil up during certain periods/events, then die back again. Alexander was trying to walk a very fine line of incorporating the conquered while not ticking off his own people.
2) Reportedly, he once threw a man out of line because he hadn’t bothered to secure the chin strap on his helm. I pick this one because it tells me a whole lot about how he saw himself as a commander, and what he expected of his men (and why he tended to consistently win).
On the surface, his reaction seems almost petty. It’s precisely the sort of mistake students whine about when professors ding them for it. It’s just a chin strap! I’d have tightened it before I went into battle! (It’s just a few typos; you knew what I meant! Or, Why does everything in the bibliography have to be exactly matching in style? Who cares? What a stupid thing to obsess about!) These objections are all of a piece. First, they’re lazy, and second, they indicate a disconcern with details. In battle, such disconcern can get a person killed. And on a larger scale, for a general, such disconcern loses battles.
One of the striking aspects of Alexander’s military operations was just how well his logistics worked. Consistently. We hear little about them precisely because they rarely fail. Food and water was there when they needed it, as were arrow replacements, wood to repair the spears, wool and leather for clothes and shoes, canvas for tents, etc., etc. All those little niggling (boring) details. If these are missing, soldiers become upset (and don’t fight well). Starting with Philip, the Macedonian military was a well-oiled machine. That’s WHY Gedrosia was such a shock: the logistics collapsed. Contra some historians, he did not do it to “punish” his men, nor to best Cyrus.* He had a sound reason—to scout a trade route.
Alexander understood that details matter. It starts with a loose chinstrap. (Or an unplanned-for storm and rebellion in his rear.) Everything else can unravel from that.
3) Alexander sends Hephaistion a little dish of small fish (probably smelts). He also helps an officer secure the lady of his dreams. And writes another on assignment (away from the army) that a mutual friend is recovering from an illness. While technically three “moments,” these are all of a piece. Alexander knows his men, and is concerned not only for their physical well-being, but also their mental state: that they’re happy. Granted, these are all elite officers, but it suggests he’s paying attention to people. I’ve always assumed he sent Hephaistion the fish because they were his friend’s favorite, and/or they were a special treat and he wanted to share. That he didn’t punish an officer for going AWOL to chase the mistress he wanted but offered advice, and even assistance, on how to court and secure her suggests the same care.
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I don’t want to take away from what appears to be his serious anger management problems(!), but little details like those above strike me as the likeable side of Alexander—why his men were so devoted to him.
4) Then we have the encounter with Timokleia after the siege of Thebes. While probably a bit too precious to have occurred exactly as related, I think it may still hold a kernel of truth.
Alexander had a reputation of chivalry towards his (highborn) female captives. If some of that was likely either propaganda from his own time or philhellenic whitewashing later by Second Sophistic authors such as Plutarch (and Arrian), poor treatment of women is not something we hear attributed to him.
Ergo, while the meeting was probably doctored for a moral tail, he may well have freed Timokleia as an act of clemency to put a better face on a shocking destruction he knew wouldn’t sit well with the rest of Greece—who he both wanted to cow yet earn support from. (A difficult balancing act.) Also, if Timokleia hadn’t been high-born, she’d probably have been hauled off to one of the prisoner cages with little fanfare.
Nonetheless, I find his actions surprising given the casual misogyny of his era. If we can take the bare bones of the story as true, and it’s not all invented, Timokleia was raped as a matter of course during the sacking of Thebes, then managed to trick her rapist and kill him by pushing him down a well and dropping rocks on him. I assume this happened when his men weren’t there, but they found out soon enough and hauled her in front of Alexander to be punished for killing an officer. To the surprise of all, Alexander decided the man had earned it and freed Timokleia. One might be inclined to call this overly sentimental, but….
There’s a similar story that occurred much later in the Levant, when two of Parmenion’s men seduced/(raped?) the mistresses/wives of some mercenaries. Alexander instructed Parmenion to kill the Macedonians if they were found to be guilty.
In both cases, we have an affront against (respectable) women. In the latter case, Alexander was (no doubt) working to avoid conflict between hired soldiers and his own men, who—in typical Greek fashion—would have looked down on mercenaries as a matter of course. Some sort of conflict between Macedonians and Greek mercenaries up in Thrace had almost got Alexander’s father killed. Alexander saved him. No doubt that was on Alexander’s mind here.
Yet what both events illuminate is a willingness on Alexander’s part to punish his own men for affronts to honor/timē that involved women. Yes, this is clearly about discipline. But it also shows an unusual sensitivity to sex crimes in warfare: actions that would normally fall under the excuse of “boys will be boys” (especially when their blood is up).
I doubt he’d have felt the same about slaves or prostitutes; he was still a product of his time. Yet without overlooking his violence—sometimes extreme (the genocide of the Branchidai, for instance)—I find his reaction in these cases to be evidence of an atypical sympathy for women that I’d like to think isn’t wholly an invention of later Roman authors. And just might show the influence of his mother and sisters.
5) Last… the Boukephalas story…because who doesn’t love a good “a boy and his horse” tale? Obviously the Plutarchian version is tweaked to reflect that author’s later concern to contrast the Macedonian “barbarian” Philip with the properly Hellenized Alexander. Ignore the editorializing remarks, especially the “find a kingdom big enough for you” nonsense.
But the bare bones of the story seem likely: unmanageable horse, cocky kid, bet with dad, gotcha moment. You can imagine this was an anecdote Alexander retold a time or three, or twenty.
* His attempts to copy Cyrus may be imposition by later writers. In his own day, he may have cared more about the first Darius, for reasons Jenn Finn is going to explain in a forthcoming, very good article on the burning of Thebes and Persepolis.
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illustratus · 2 years
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Capriccio of Classical Ruins with Alexander the Great Opening the Tomb of Achilles
by Giovanni Niccolo Servandoni
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ernestdescalsartwok · 10 months
EJERCITO-MACEDONIA-ARTE-PINTURA-FALANGE-ALEJANDRO MAGNO-HISTORIA-GRECIA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: EJERCITO-MACEDONIA-ARTE-PINTURA-FALANGE-ALEJANDRO MAGNO-HISTORIA-GRECIA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Ejército de Macedonia, al mando del Rey ALEJANDRO MAGNO los hombres forman la FALANGE, la nueva estrategia militar que revolucionó el mundo antiguo en sus guerras, los soldados armados de sus sarisas, lanzas muy largas, forman un erizo que resultaba muy difícil de superar, pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de acuarela, pintar sobre la historia de Grecia.
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dandelionfool · 10 months
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doodling al'skander when i should be sleeping because i have not recovered from the effects of the persian boy
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Ive been reading the Persian Boy and I'm not suprised by the orientalism but I am disappointed
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chidoknowshit · 2 years
Very fucked up of us to concentrate so much on Alexander the Great and his father, when his mother Olympiad, his grandmother Eurydice I, his sister Cynane and his nice Eurydice II were there
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemaic Egypt existed between 323 and 30 BCE when Egypt was ruled by the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty. During the Ptolemaic period, Egyptian society changed as Greek immigrants introduced a new language, religious pantheon, and way of life to Egypt. The Ptolemaic capital Alexandria became the premier city of the Hellenistic world, known for its Great Library and the Pharos lighthouse.
From Persian Rule to Alexander
In 525 BCE, Egypt was conquered by the Achaemenid Empire, beginning a period of harsh foreign rule and cultural repression. Egypt briefly regained its independence from 404 BCE until 342 BCE before it was reconquered. Discontent with the Persian government resulted in the Egyptians welcoming Alexander the Great as a liberator when he invaded in 332 BCE. Alexander had already broken the Persian army at the Battle of Issus (333 BCE), and Mazakes, the satrap of Egypt, surrendered without a fight.
Alexander demonstrated a deep respect for Egyptian culture, choosing to be crowned pharaoh according to traditional custom. He offered sacrifices to the Egyptian gods in Heliopolis and Memphis and hosted Greek athletic games to celebrate his reign. Next, he traveled south to the Oracle of Amun, whom the Greeks equated with Zeus, in the Siwa Oasis. Alexander believed himself to be the son of Zeus, which the oracle seemingly confirmed for him. The idea had precedent in Egyptian royal ideology in which kings were considered living gods, the offspring of deities like Ra or Amun. It was an unusually grandiose claim for Greek rulers, but Alexander's reputation was great enough for the Greeks to accept him as a demigod.
Alexander's grand design will slowly have come to encompass the idea that all peoples were to be subjugated for the formation of a new world order; for this purpose, the Egyptian pharaonic system presented a very suitable ideology that was well established and has been accepted for millennia.
(Hölbl, 9)
In 331 BCE, Alexander visited the fishing village of Rhakotis where he planned the foundation of a new city, Alexandria. He intended for Alexandria to be the capital of his empire, a link between Egypt and the Mediterranean. Before leaving to continue his conquests, Alexander appointed two governors, Doloaspis and Peteisis, and named Cleomenes of Naukratis, a Greek Egyptian, as his satrap. He also left a small army to occupy and defend Egypt.
Statue of Alexander the Great as Pharaoh
Carole Raddato (CC BY-SA)
After the death of Alexander the Great in Babylon in 323 BCE, his general Ptolemy I became satrap of Egypt. He was nominally the servant of Alexander's successors Philip Arrhidaeus and Alexander IV of Macedon, but in reality, he ruled on his own initiative. Ptolemy I quickly executed Cleomenes, whose exorbitant taxation was unpopular, and began establishing royal policies to modernize the country. By 310 BCE, the last of Alexander's heirs had died, and during the Wars of the Diadochi, Alexander's generals claimed pieces of his empire. Ptolemy I was crowned king of Egypt in 306 BCE, establishing the Ptolemaic dynasty.
Continue reading...
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Lost Queen - III
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader
— word count: +1,605.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 3
''I wouldn't trust her if I were you, Alexander.''
Alexander looks up at the map he was studying when Parmenion decided to speak. He stared at the general, waiting for him to finish speaking.
''We don't know anything about her and there's clearly something wrong about her.'' Parmenion finished speaking, feeling slightly disturbed by the King's piercing gaze.
''I wouldn't trust her either if I were Parmenion, but I'm Alexander.'' He replied, turning his eyes to the map. It was a map of the most convenient routes for the entire army to pass. They were hunting Bessus and the best choice would be Bactria.
Alexander smirked when he heard a light laughter and he didn't even need to look to know it was Hephaestion. His best friend and closest companion forever. Alexander wouldn't know what to do if something happened to him.
''We don't know anything about her, as you say,'' Alexander began, looking at Parmenion again, ''which is why I have decided that she is not a threat.''
''And how can you be sure of that?'' Cassander grumbled loudly. Alexander looked at him with a stern expression, but the general didn't even flinch.
''Are you questioning your King?'' His voice was low but deadly. A pretty clear warning.
Apparently Cassander had no self-preservation as he glared at Alexander with a hateful expression on his face. The King leered at him as if daring him to say something.
Wisely, Cassander kept silent.
Satisfied with that, Alexander continued to speak, ''She's just a confused young woman. What risks might it present to an army? For Alexander's army?''
No one answered.
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Running away wasn't the most viable option, you realized very quickly. And besides, where would you go?
You didn't know anything about this place, the people and you were very far from home. Both in distance and in time.
So how would you run away? If you ran away it would be worse for you. They might not be so... Benevolent. And bad things could happen to you. You could be robbed, abused, murdered or even enslaved.
So no, running away was definitely not a viable option. For now.
You needed a plan. A strategy. You needed to survive at any cost. It was no longer a choice, it was a necessity. You couldn't go on any longer in that time, you needed to go back to your home, your family and your friends.
Your family...
Your heart squeezed inside your chest at the thought of your parents. You hadn't thought about them since you came across this place.
How were they? Had they already noticed your absence? Fuck, you felt like crying again. Your mind conjuring up images of your parents devastated by your disappearance, and that is if they even know you're gone. Your vision blurred as more tears rolled down your face.
You hated crying that much. You hated that feeling of desperation, like there was a lurking monster waiting to attack you.
Your eyes were already stinging from your previous bout of crying and they stinged even more as new tears formed. You wanted to stop crying, you wanted to pretend that this was a nightmare and you would wake up in your comfortable bed, that there would be walls around your instead of a tent canvas, that there would be LED lights and electronic devices around your and not candles and an empty tent.
You hated hearing the noise of the soldiers outside, the horses and the swords waving.
You hated it all.
''Excuse me?''
Your head whipped around at the sound of a voice and it honestly hurt a little. You tried to look at the man but your vision was blurry from tears, but you recognized him as the man you had found attractive.
The one with the blond hair and dark blue eyes.
''Wh-What do you want?'' Your voice was choked and harsher than you expected, but it didn't matter at the moment.
''I...'' He faltered for a moment at the sight of you crying and his chest tightened at the sight, ''I came to check on you.''
You frowned but decided not to argue.
He took a step forward, approaching the cot where you were sitting and collapsing.
''Are you... okay?'' His voice was low but there was genuine concern.
You looked up, still teary-eyed, and he fell silent instantly.
''May I?'' He pointed to the cot beside you. You thought for a moment and nodded. The cot moved a little as he sat down next to you, his shoulders close to yours and thighs almost touching. You shuddered a little at the contact, but you kept silent, trying to stop the tears.
''Your name is (Y/N), right?'' You nodded at his question, ''I'm Perdiccas. It's an honor to meet you.''
His name was not unfamiliar to you and you choked on your own saliva as you remembered who he was. He was the regent of Alexander's Empire after the latter's death.
He smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat to see him smiling. Perdiccas reached up with callused fingers and touched your cheekbones, wiping away the tears. You blushed at the touch but allowed him to wipe away your tears.
''Th-Thanks...'' You mumbled and he just nodded.
''You shouldn't cry.'' He whispered and closed his eyes, ''It doesn't suit you.''
You arched your eyebrows. Doesn't suit you? For the love God! He didn't even know you and talked like you were best friends.
''I'm sorry but you don't know me to say whether it suits me or not. You doesn't know anything about me.'' You decided to be direct. He seemed to be kind, at least that's what you assumed, it didn't look like he wanted to hurt you.
Perdiccas laughed a little, ''You're right. I don't know you but I'd love to do it.'' He said and got up from the cot, smiling gently at you.
He shrugged, walking to the flap of the tent. ''I don't know.'' Perdiccas confessed, still smiling at you, ''But I wish I could be your friend, (Y/N). Am I pronouncing your name right?''
Perdiccas bowed slightly, in an act of play, you know. Greeks bow to none but the gods.
''I hope to see you tonight.''
You got confused, ''Tonight? What's happening tonight?''
Perdiccas chuckled, “A feast in Alexander's tent. You were invited.''
''Oh...'' You frowned, ''I don't have anything to wear...'' You tried to come up with an excuse for not having to attend and that was the only one you thought of at that moment.
But apparently that would not be accepted.
''Don't worry about that. I'll send you a chiton, along with some jewelry.'' Your eyes widened upon hearing his words.
Perdiccas laughed, ''Thank me later. But I hope to see you there, (Y/N). I wish I could be your friend...'' He left before you could answer him.
Oh dear... It was all so...
And Perdiccas was even more so. Why was he being so nice to you? And why do you like it?
Your mind screamed desperately for you not to trust anyone but yourself, but your heart... Your heart told you to make friends, allies and maybe they could help you get back home.
Yes. Maybe making friends with Perdiccas isn't so bad after all.
Your heart will be your downfall.
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You feel awkward and uncomfortable while being washed by servants sent by Perdiccas. You assumed so since he was the only one talking to you.
You tried to avoid it at first, but they wouldn't have it and soon you found yourself undressed and being bathed.
You were sure this was your most embarrassing moment in the world. You haven't needed help bathing since you were a small child and now...
Here you were having your hair and your body washed. Your face and body were totally red with embarrassment and you were even redder when you were pulled out of the water and dressed.
''This is so inconvenient,'' you thought as a servant adorned your hair with a jewel General Perdiccas sent you.
''There, lady.'' She said and bowed slightly, leaving the tent along with the other maids as you were dressed for the feast.
You didn't know what you looked like, you didn't know if you looked pretty or if you looked like a clown. You prayed it wasn't the last option. There were no mirrors available, so you decided to trust the servants' judgment.
You were dressed in a white chiton with some gold straps, it looked quite nice, although loose but it made you more comfortable. An ancient greek sandal and some lent jewelry. You took a deep breath, trying to calm the panic that started to build in your body.
You could do this.
You could go to that feast, make allies, and when you finally did, leave this place.
''Are you ready?'' Your eyes went towards Perdiccas, standing at the entrance of the tent and looking at you with shining eyes. You studied him a bit, noting that he was also well dressed, no armor or weapons in sight, just a white chiton and a few ornaments.
You nodded nervously and let him walk over and hook your arm through his.
You would do it. You would make it.
And so, close to each other, you and Perdiccas started walking to where the feast would be, the loud noise welcoming you.
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— lady l: weren't you expecting a chapter today? Well, neither do I! I planned to post on saturday but as I'm going to travel, so here it is. I know there were no interactions between Y/N and Alexander, but I wanted to show how her relationship with one of the generals will be! In the next chapter there will be interactions between Y/N and Alexander! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! If you want to talk, send theories or anything, I'm always open. I love you all! ❤️
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mapsontheweb · 2 months
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Regions of Current Age Pakistan before Invasion of Alexander
Alexander the Great's military campaigns in the Indus Valley (modern-day Pakistan) involved significant engagements with local territories, kingdoms, and their rulers. In 329 B.C., Alexander conquered Qandhar and encountered Indian tribes for the first time, marking the beginning of his interactions with the complex political landscape of the area. By 327 B.C., he had crossed the Hindukush Mountains, capturing key fortifications such as Astes Fort and massacring 7000 Indians at Massaga of Assakenians. His conquest continued with the siege and capture of Aornos in December of the same year.
During his campaigns, Alexander encountered various powerful entities in the region. The Buddhists, particularly in Sind, were influential, with prominent temples in Multan and Alore. Despite the power of the Buddhist monks, the Brahmins played a significant role in resisting Greek advances, inciting rebellion among local rulers such as Sambus. This resistance led to notable conflicts, including the defeat of Poros in 326 B.C. and the collapse of the Mallians in 325 B.C. The Greek conqueror’s interactions with these local powers highlight the complex and multi-faceted nature of the region's political dynamics.
Alexander's campaign in the southern Punjab in 326 B.C. was marked by the defeat of the Malli and Oxydraki principalities, followed by the liberation of the rivers Hydaspes, Acesines, and Indus. His naval fleet, consisting of 2000 warships, played a crucial role in these operations. The submission of Musicanus, the chief of upper Sind, who paid homage to Alexander to avoid destruction, further exemplifies the mix of military might and diplomatic engagements that characterized Alexander's approach. The appointment of Peithon as the Governor of Sind and the dispatch of Krateros with an army via Bolan Pass were strategic moves to consolidate Greek control over the region.
The period following Alexander's departure saw significant turmoil. In 325 B.C., revolts in Patala and other regions, such as the rebellion of Sambus and Musicanus, were brutally suppressed. Alexander's forces, led by his generals, employed severe measures, including mass executions and enslavement, to quell these uprisings. The death of Philippus, the Satrap of Upper Sindhu Valley, due to internal jealousy among Greeks and Macedonians, underscores the tensions within Alexander’s administration. These events reveal the fragile nature of Greek control and the persistent resistance from local rulers and populations.
Alexander's death in 323 B.C. marked a turning point, as his empire was divided among his generals. Despite the fragmentation of his empire, Sind continued to be governed by Peithon, reflecting the lasting impact of Alexander's conquests on the region. The strategic and administrative decisions made during his campaigns had enduring effects, shaping the political landscape of Sind and its neighboring territories. Alexander's legacy in these regions is a testament to the complex interplay of military conquest, local resistance, and administrative governance that defined his rule.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Marble Head of Alexander the Great Uncovered in Turkey
The head of a statue determined by archaeologists to belong to Alexander the Great, was unearthed during excavations in north-western Turkey.
The marble head, dated to the 2nd century AD, was found at the top of a theater in the ancient city of Konuralp, near modern-day Düzce.
While most parts of the ancient theater have been unearthed during the excavations, similar historical remains such as the head of the Apollo statue and the head of Medusa were previously found in the upper part of the structure.
During the excavations carried out in the Konuralp Ancient Theater excavation area, archaeologists identified an artifact in the ground at the top of the theater area. As they kept digging, they removed the artifact, which appeared to be the head of a bust.
As a result of the consultation of history experts, it was determined that the bust head found belonged to the Macedonian King Alexander the Great.
In a statement, Konuralp Museum provided information about why they determined the bust to belong to Alexander the Great.
“The head, measuring 23 centimeters [from head to neck] was found during the excavations in the ancient theater. It is depicted with deep and upward-looking eyes made of marble, drill marks on the pupil and a slightly open mouth that does not show much of its teeth.
“His long curly hairstyle up to his neck and two strands of hair [Anastoli] in the middle of his forehead are like the mane of a lion. This depiction is a hair type typical of Alexander the Great,” the statement said.
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The marble head of Alexander the Great delivered to Konuralp Museum
Historical Konuralp is 8 km north of Düzce; first settlements there go back to 3rd century BC. Until 74 BC, it was one of the most important cities belonging to Bithynia, which included Bilecik, Bolu, Sakarya, Kocaeli.
It was conquered by Pontus and then by the Roman Empire. During the Roman period, the city was influenced by Latin culture, and it changed its name to Prusias ad Hypium. Later on Christianity affected the city and after the separation of the Roman Empire in 395, it was controlled by the Eastern Roman Empire (the later Byzantine Empire).
In 1204, the Crusader armies invaded Constantinople, establishing the Latin Empire. Düzce and its surroundings are thought to be under the dominance of the Latin Empire during this period. Düzce was under Byzantine rule again from 1261 to 1323.
The Konuralp Museum has some rare exhibits. A 1st-century sarcophagus, Orpheus mosaic, the mosaic of Achilles and Thetis and the 2nd-century copy of Tyche and Plutus sculpture are among the notable items in the museum. There are 456 ethnographic items.
In the ethnography section clothes, weapons, and daily-usage articles about the late Ottoman era are exhibited. There are also 3837 coins from Hellenistic to Ottoman era.
By Tasos Kokkinidis.
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worldhistoryfacts · 4 months
Among the most elite soldiers in Alexander the Great’s armies were his “companion cavalry.” On the “Alexander Sarcophagus,” created in the 300s BCE — it was somebody else’s sarcophagus, not Alexander’s — artists show scenes from Alexander’s battles against the Persians. Here a Macedonian warrior runs down a trousered Persian; The Persian’s horse crumples to the ground while the Macedonian’s horse rears up, a little crazed.
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{Buy me a coffee} {WHF} {Medium} {Looking Through the Past}
Much more on the history of horses at war:
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jeannereames · 1 day
I don’t know if it’s much discussed, but I always wondered what was in Alexander’s tent? Furniture wise, after all if you were going on a campaign against the Persian empire you couldn’t exactly carry all of your belongings with you. While Persians had all of their furnished caravans with pillows and more then basic necessities. While in Oliver Stone film of Alexander I’ve seen his tent well furnished too, I don’t know if it was just for mere appearances of the scene as after all the film isn’t so historically accurate.
The settings for Stone’s film are, on average, pretty good, especially compared to documentaries (which typically have less money for scenery). Sometimes things pop up in strange places, but overall, I was mostly impressed. The historical problems tended to be in worldview and themes.
Anyway, Alexander acquired Darius’s tent after Issos and continued to use it from then on. So yes, what you saw in the film was correct. Persian Great Kings on campaign, or even just on trips around the empire, traveled in what amounted to little moving cities. The royal tent was a mini-palace. The queens would have had a tent of their own that was a mini-harem. It was, in fact, normal for queens to travel with the king, or even to travel on their own. Along with the king’s tent, there would have been a secretariat, and treasury, and tents for his top generals and satraps, etc., etc.
Prior to that, no, we don’t know much about Alexander’s tent. Presumably it was large enough, and there would likely have been a command tent too, either separate from it or as part of it. He also had a “tent of a 100 couches” meant for dining, which he presumably got from Philip. That was certainly sizeable, but it wasn’t his personal tent. That may have been (loosely) modeled on Persian tents, which the Macedonians would have been exposed to as early as Alexander I.
Given all the hoopla in Greek texts about the tent of the Great King (both when Alexander had it and in earlier periods), we must suppose Greek military tents magnitudes smaller/less decorated. Alexander’s use of the Great King’s tent was initially a statement of conquest, but as time went on, he’d have increasingly needed it for simple administrative purposes.
Anthony Spawforth, in “The Court of Alexander the Great, Between Europe and Asia,” his chapter for The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies, gives one of the more comprehensive descriptions of Alexander’s tent in academic writing. It’s a good chapter overall; I used it a fair bit in my own (much shorter) chapter on Alexander’s court in the new Companion to Alexander the Great, although there are a few places I disagreed and/or “updated” what he had written. But again, my chapter had a different purpose, and it’s not nearly as detailed on things like the tent. 😊
A while back, I wrote a post about the Persian king's touring. I'll see if I can find it again and link to it here.
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Dying Alexander the Great bids farewell to his Army
by Karl von Piloty
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connorsnothereeither · 6 months
were there any specific styles/cultures you took inspiration from when designing the telchin clothing styles?
Honestly the tricky answer is: a lot-
Initially, it was very much just like “okay does this shape and colour palette and design look cool? Sick” and just throwing thoughts at a wall.
When it came to defining those broader shapes/colours and adding things like specific cuts, details, patterns, etc, I sort of worked backwards to grab inspirations.
Ulysses initial/main outfit is honestly quite Medieval, European (but notably Norse/Scandinavian in its cut/style), albeit with a ridiculously plunging neckline for some reason lol-
(it was even a bit early on that every time one of the cast drew Ulysses, we’d make his neckline just a little bit sluttier)
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HOWEVER the details on the collar and sleeves are directly lifted from ancient Greco-Roman designs, specifically influenced by the “Greek Key” or “Greek Meander” pattern which can be seen in pottery, jewellery and architecture all over the ancient Mediterranean!
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Specific to Ulysses, his clothing has currently reached a fairly fairytale-esque “fantasy” stage, drawing a lot of early Renaissance and pirate-style influences with his little poet-shirt and sash, since he’s been on the Overworld so much, and is slowly growing to become a part of that culture and world, and I really wanted to show that in his clothing changes.
Honestly, a lot of the broader telchin clothing when I have sketched it up is very Greco-Roman, at least in the way I tend to depict it (that is my field of expertise, given my degree haha) but there’s honestly a lot of broader Mediterranean ties in as well. The army and their armour is designed to be very Ancient Macedonian, and a lot of the more casual clothing skew very Ancient Egyptian.
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Canonically the Telchin clothing style also definitely develops rapidly over the course of the war with the drowned, mostly for practicality sake more than fashion (loose flowing fabrics aren’t doing anyone much good escaping the undead), leading to an almost 1950s/60s American aesthetic? Of course still mingled with the Greco-Roman patterns. Especially in the way the scientists are presented in lore/my art, they always had a very retro-60’s almost sci-fi scientist aesthetic. If I was to give it a fancy/proper-sounding name I think “Wartime-Americana Retro-Classicism” would be more or less it, potentially lmao-
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(You can even sort of see similar shapes and patterns in that first reference image to Ulysses eventual design!)
There was of course always a flair of Victorian-Mad-Scientist too, because I have a bit of a brand and I can’t help myself. And given the blurring of science, alchemy and magic in Fable I think it definitely fits.
It’s a shame Tumblr only lets me upload 10 images per post on mobile because I have A BUNCH of reference images for all of these stages of the Ulysses/broader telchin clothing design lol, but sadly I can’t include them here :(
But I hope this was somewhat useful/interesting!! I’ve had so much fun coming up with this kind of stuff over the course of Fable s3 for the telchin and I’m very grateful to Ocie and Metta for kind of just letting me go ham on a bunch of aspects like this lol-
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aphrodieties · 10 months
Alexander and the Gordian knot—cutting the Gordian knot
Here’s another manifestation challenge for the masses and nothing has changed except the formatting and the execution. I hope you all find this challenge fun and helpful, and I'm always wishing you success.
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I do not consider the law of assumption to be complex but many do not share the same sentiments—and that's fine; to a lot of people, manifesting their desires seems to be an extremely difficult and tedious task. It doesn't need to be that way though and this challenge was designed to demonstrate how easily you can apply the law of assumption.
Alexander and the Gordian knot
Cutting the Gordian knot—A Law of Assumption challenge
Alexander and the Gordian knot
As the story goes, in 333 B.C. the Macedonian conqueror marched his army into the Phrygian capital of Gordium in modern-day Turkey. Upon arriving in the city, he encountered an ancient wagon, its yoke tied with what one Roman historian later described as “several knots all so tightly entangled that it was impossible to see how they were fastened.”
Phrygian tradition held that the wagon had once belonged to Gordius, the father of the celebrated King Midas. An oracle had declared that any man who could unravel its elaborate knots was destined to become ruler of all of Asia.
According to the ancient chronicler Arrian, the impetuous Alexander was instantly “seized with an ardent desire” to untie the Gordian knot. After wrestling with it for a time and finding no success, he stepped back from the mass of gnarled ropes and proclaimed, “It makes no difference how they are loosed.” He then drew his sword and sliced the knot in half with a single stroke. — History website.
“Sometimes the best answer to a complex problem is the simplest one.”
Cutting the Gordian knot—A Law of assumption challenge
We’re gonna turn the seemingly complex equation that is the Law of Assumption—into a simple task with a simple application. This challenge will last for two weeks and you can start anytime that you wish!
Rules for the challenge
Do not consume any Law of Assumption-related content during the challenge.
Disregard any questions you may have about the Law of Assumption and trust yourself.
Stick to the routine provided in this post.
Continue to apply the law of assumption after the challenge is finished.
The challenge routine
Before you start your day—I encourage you to immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled for about ten minutes.
Throughout the day I encourage you to practice self-curiosity; imagine a state that you want to be in something that you love. Something that implies you are successful in conquering your sin. Then I want you to ask that state a million questions. Create your own questions. How would that version of me feel? How would I think? How would they speak to themselves? Is it calm in their mind? Are they disturbed by this or that? What do they do? How would they feel when they walk or speak to people? Would they be scared of what I am afraid of? How would they breathe, in a sure relaxing manner? What is their perspective on themself? How do they treat themselves? What do they see? What do they hear in their world? Of course this is all you. Every honest answer you give is you. This exercise to arouse a sleeping state of yourself within you. To stir it up and start changing from the inside out. Then start to see from their world. Hear what they hear. Feel what they feel. Frequently go back to them and become curious about a different side, or state of you! Then you will see how intimate you are with this version of you. That is is actually INSIDE you. You don't need to rearrange the outside first before you rearrange the inside but REARRANGE SELF INSIDE! If you persist in anything in life, persist in a change of Self! — Edwardart, “Self-curiosity"
When you're ready to end the day—recant your day in imagination and revise!
The 3D doesn't matter—continue to live your life as normal.
Thoughts are an indicator of your state, don't try to combat unfavorable thoughts and change your state instead.
Time doesn't matter.
Stop looking for approval in the 3D. If you're still looking for proof of your desire then you're not fulfilled.
Do not worry about the when or the how and focus on the end.
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sixteenseveredhands · 4 months
Milunka Savić, the Most Decorated Female Combatant in History: Savić disguised herself as a man in order to join the Serbian army during the Balkan Wars, then served again during WWI, earning medals from Serbia, France, Russia & Britain; she also provided medical support to anti-fascists during WWII and spent 10 months in a Nazi concentration camp
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This is a total rewrite of a post that I did last year, with much more detailed information, more photos, and some additional sources.
Milunka Savić is regarded as the most decorated female combatant in history. She fought for the Serbian Army during both of the Balkan Wars, before returning to the battlefield again during WWI. Savić was wounded in battle on 9 separate occasions and survived the Serbian Great Retreat, making the perilous journey across the mountains of Montenegro and Albania through the dead of winter with a serious head injury.
Her military career began during the First Balkan War in 1912, when her younger brother was called up to serve in the Serbian army, and she decided that she would covertly take his place. She cut her hair, wore men's clothing, and presented herself as her brother.
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The First Balkan War, 1912: Milunka Savić as a young soldier during the First Balkan War, shortly after joining the Serbian army
She was able to hide her true identity for quite some time. Her skills as a soldier quickly became evident as the war progressed, and she earned her first medal/promotion during the Battle of Bregalnica in 1913. Unfortunately, she was hit by shrapnel from a Bulgarian grenade during her tenth deployment, causing injuries to her chest and abdomen, and those wounds (along with the subsequent medical treatment) ultimately led to the discovery that she had lied about her identity.
In recognition of her accomplishments on the battlefield, her commanding officer decided not to punish her for the initial deception, but informed her that she would not be allowed to return to combat -- as a woman, she could only be transferred to the nursing division instead.
As the story goes:
Savić was called before her commanding officer. They didn't want to punish her, because she had proven a valuable and highly competent soldier, and the military deployment that had resulted in her [sex] being revealed had been her tenth; but neither was it suitable for a young woman to serve in combat. She was offered a transfer to the Nursing division. Savić stood at attention and insisted that she only wanted to fight for her country as a combatant.
The officer said he'd think it over and give her his answer the next day. Still standing at attention, Savić responded, "I will wait." It is said he only made her stand an hour before agreeing to send her back to the infantry.
Savić was able to serve in a combat role throughout the remainder of the Balkan Wars.
The Second Balkan War finally came to an end in 1913, but that peace was short-lived, as World War I erupted just a year later. Savić returned to the military once more, serving in the elite "Iron Regiment" of the Serbian army.
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World War I, c.1915-1916: Savić was no longer forced to hide her identity when she returned to battle during WWI, and these images show her posing in uniform with her hair grown out
Savić received the Serbian Karađorđe Star with Swords medal on two separate occasions during WWI; the second medal was given to her after the Battle of Crna Bend in 1916, where she was credited with single-handedly capturing 23 Bulgarian soldiers. She received several other medals throughout the course of her career, including the French Legion of Honor (twice), the French Croix de Guerre, the Russian Cross of St. George, the British Medal of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael, and the Serbian Miloš Obilić.
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WWI, c.1915-1916: Milunka Savić as a Corporal in the Iron Regiment
She suffered a serious head injury while fighting along the Macedonian front, and she was still gravely wounded when Austro-Hungarian, German, and Bulgarian forces gained control of Serbia in the winter of 1915. The Serbian army was then ordered to make a full retreat from Serbia; Savić and her fellow soldiers, along with the Serbian government and more than 200,000 civilians, were all forced to flee through the mountains of Montenegro and Albania in the dead of winter, hoping to reach Allied forces along the Adriatic Coast -- a perilous journey that would later be known as the Serbian Great Retreat (or the Albanian Golgotha). Roughly 400,000 people embarked on this journey, and less than 180,000 of them survived, eventually reaching the Allied ships along the Adriatic coast.
Despite her injuries, Milunka Savić was among the survivors. She was sent to an infirmary, where she spent several months recovering from her injuries, before she returned to the battlefield alongside Allied forces.
At the end of the war, the French government offered to provide Savić with a full pension and living accommodations in France, in recognition of her actions while serving alongside the French military during WWI. She ultimately declined the offer and chose to retire back in Serbia instead, where she and her husband settled down to raise their daughter and three other girls that Milunka had adopted. The couple would later separate, however, and Milunka was left to raise her children as a single mother, working at a local bank to make ends meet.
In 1941, Serbia (which was then part of Yugoslavia) fell under Nazi occupation. During this period, Savić was involved in providing medical support to local partisans and anti-fascists who had resisted the Nazi occupation. She was eventually arrested by German officers; there are differing accounts of the events leading up to her arrest, with some sources suggesting that she was arrested as a result of her involvement with the local partisans and other anti-fascist elements, while other sources claim that she was arrested after she offended several Nazi officials by openly refusing to attend a formal banquet that was being held in honor of the German military campaign. In any case, she was imprisoned at the infamous Baljinca Concentration Camp for ten months before finally being released.
She faced other forms of hardship in the aftermath of WWII, as she struggled to support herself and her children. She worked several low-paying jobs over the years, while living in a dilapidated, decaying house in Belgrade. Her name (and her long list of accomplishments) had largely faded into obscurity by then.
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Serbia, 1972: Milunka Savić proudly displaying some of her medals in 1972, when her story became more widely known
It wasn't until the early 1970s that her involvement with the military finally began to receive more widespread attention, both in Serbia and abroad. Following the 1972 publication of an article that told her story, her local community in Belgrade quickly rallied to provide her with newer, more suitable living arrangements.
Sadly, she passed away within just a year of the article's publication.
In 2013, Milunka Savić's remains were relocated from the small mausoleum where they had been interred since 1973, and she was reburied in Belgrade's "Alley of the Greats," where some of the most well-known and most widely respected Serbians are laid to rest.
Sources & More Info:
Research Gate: Milunka Savić: the Forgotten Heroine of Serbia
Girl Museum: Milunka Savić
Law and Politics: The Position of Women in the Serbian Army
Medium: The Fearless Woman-Bomber Who Died Proud, Broke, and Forgotten
Wikipedia: Milunka Savić
Mental Floss: The Serbian "Great Retreat" Begins (WWI Centennial)
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