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eldstunga · 3 months ago
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The trees grow close there, and dark. Darker still when night falls.
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petday · 2 years ago
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freesidexjunkie · 10 months ago
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i got this beautiful picture of sarissa by @deeplord today and I'm in love 🥺🥺🥺 she looks so beautiful and detailed and like she belongs in a museum. i adore it so much. thank you again for this piece!!
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malbecmusings · 11 months ago
2024 sailing yacht of the year - Royal Huisman's 59.7m Sarissa.
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roll-for-dexterity · 5 months ago
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Happy Halloween, everyone!
I've been trying to draw more to feel better from the past few days, and I had the thought to make a drawing for Halloween.
As for their costumes: Helix is dressed as Vivi from Final Fantasy 9 with his poochy Ami being a Moogle. Little Halbert is an Amazy Dayzee, and big sister Sarissa is wearing decorative armor based on her late fathers; Yaridovich's is actually a tad of a refrence to their backstory in my own Weapon World story.
In summary, they were widowed when their late husband, Dorian- passed away in battle only a few years into their marrige. So I figured with all that Halloween embodies, the irony and homage to said backstory would be very fitting.
I'm working on some more concepts, so hopefully I can share them soon. Until then, have a great Halloween.
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wariofranchisefanblog · 1 year ago
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She smol.
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twinsinminecraft · 2 years ago
So who wrote the note???
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Riss: ...
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Riss: Why am I here, Neri? Why did you kill me just to bring me back with you here? What do you want from me?
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Riss: Do you want me to remember what I was doing? Because, I don't and I still don't know what went wrong, nor what I was doing! If you think some hospitality will make me forget what you did, you've got another thing coming, lass!
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???: ...
???: You always were the one to jump to conclusions
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Riss: Wait... what? It can't be- you were-
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???: It's been a long time, darling~ I've missed you!
Riss: Mother??
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apothecaryassistant · 1 year ago
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Sphinx Sarissa Let's just move on to the Talon
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micro961 · 11 months ago
Luigi Mirabella - Il romanzo “Sarissa - Vaso di Pandora”
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“Sarissa - Vaso di pandora”, è il romanzo che segna l’esordio dello scrittore Luigi Mirabella nel mondo dell’editoria nazionale, presente sui principali stores digitali e edito dalla “Lupi Editore”, casa editrice fondata nel 2015 da Jacopo Lupi. Magistralmente scritto, con dettagli paesaggistici e non solo estremamente dettagliati che donano al lettore un’immediata immersione emotiva e sensoriale nello scorrere le pagine. Un thriller d’altri tempi, ma con una caricata letteraria contemporanea che crea un mix di tensione e colpi di scena degni dei grandi classici della letteratura.
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Nel cuore dell’Afghanistan dilaniato dalla guerra, le Forze Speciali Italiane stanno cercando di stabilizzare una nazione sull’orlo del caos. Una scoperta inaspettata: antiche munizioni della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, ricolme di agenti chimici, gettano una nuova e tenebrosa luce sul conflitto. Da un tranquillo villaggio di pescatori italiano, all’inquietante mercato nero della ex Jugoslavia, fino alle profondità delle montagne afghane, una caccia mozzafiato contro il tempo è iniziata. Mentre i pericoli si avvicinano e gli alleati si sfidano, una rete di intrighi, tradimenti e segreti sconvolgenti viene svelata. Saranno le Forze Speciali Italiane a fermare l’impensabile? Oppure l’apertura del Vaso di Pandora segnerà l’inizio di un terrore ancora più grande? Un thriller avvincente che ti terrà col fiato sospeso fino all’ultima pagina.
Acquista il libro
Storia dell’autore
Luigi Mirabella nasce a Siracusa, il 22 luglio del 1981. Sin da giovane età è fortemente appassionato di paleontologia ma sviluppa, col passare del tempo, anche un forte amore per la storia, principalmente antica e contemporanea. Si laurea in Tecnologie per la Conservazione e il Restauro dei Beni Culturali nel 2008 e, poco dopo, inizia a cimentarsi nella scrittura, inizialmente come una sorta di passa tempo che fa da contraltare al suo hobby della lettura; è, infatti, un accanito divoratore di libri. Col passare degli anni, riesce a mettere da parte ben tre romanzi, oltre ad avere nel cassetto idee per numerosi altri. Trova, nella Lupi Editore, la casa editrice che vuole scommettere sulle sue potenzialità e valorizzarne opere e lavoro.
“Sarissa - Vaso di Pandora” è il primo romanzo edito dalla Lupi Editore, pubblicato il 1° settembre del 2023.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551215755491
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luigimirabella.81scrittore?igsh=Ym8zaHNjMXhkazVl
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LuigiMirabellaScrittore
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mezoverse · 1 year ago
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Sarissa taking care of some hatchlings for her clan.
The three are all quick new designs I did for this pic, so I don't have names for them yet.
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pyrorptrs · 1 year ago
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Sarissa taking care of a few of her clans hatchlings
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eldstunga · 3 months ago
Season's Bleatings from Sarissa 🔔
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freesidexjunkie · 11 months ago
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i am SCREAMING over this piece of Sarissa and Solas by @hejee 💕❤️💕❤️❤️❤️💕💕
amazing and perfect, 10/10 a million roses for them for this art. tears of joy streaming down my face. that's my girl. im so excited and overjoyed to see her brought to life so beautifully!!
(and ofc I've gotta plug my fic since my girl is so beautifully realized here: Din'an All Elgara, which can now have my mostly full attention again with the semester over!!)
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roll-for-dexterity · 11 months ago
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Everyone: *Insert here a rational, and normal headcanon for Speardovich*.
I don't know why- but when I hyper-fixated on SMRPG during my fiance's playthrough, my brain just went to giving him kids... But it somewhat explains why they always seek a promotion so much. (I think it does? What a workaholic...) XD
But for those who want to know the names of Yari's children here, from left to right are- Helix, Halbert, and Sarissa.
Work has been getting in the way of my drawing lately, especially with two comics I'm working on- and it almost stresses me out sometimes to look on my art app and see how little progress there is... Thankfully I have the weekend to look forward to to make some progress. I will do their individual character pages and some backstories one day, but for now- a picture as a family does my heart so much good. ^^
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jeannereames · 7 months ago
That damn thing is heavy! Ancient Macedonian sarissa phalanx recreation.
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freesidexjunkie · 1 year ago
I really wanna know what the other party members might see/hear/feel if they had dialogue for what the spirits showed them...
Solas might be Elvhenan. Battles long past, or being stuck in uthenera. Feeling trapped by the more brutal aspects of elvhen society.
Varric would be the deep roads. Red lyrium abounds. Maybe he would even think he could hear Bartrand.
Dorian would feel a home he can't go back to. A childhood spent in blissful ignorance, surrounded by prosperity without seeing the pain. Maybe even studying with Alexius.
Cassandra would hear Antony, laughter in castle halls, the sweet flavor of sticky tarts just barely on the edge of awareness.
Vivienne... I'd like to imagine she didn't have it easy before coming to the Circle. An outcast, misunderstood child with a hungry belly, trying to ward off the cold without realizing she was doing magic.
Cole would be back in the dungeon at the White Spire, hunger gnawing at his stomach, throat raw from screaming, fingers bloody from clawing at the door. Pushing down the growing fear as he realizes no one is coming. They forgot him.
And im gonna throw in Sarissa too bc i have to show love for my girl... traveling from the Dales to the Free Marches, scared, alone, with people she's never met, going to live with people she knows nothing about. Being sent away from home far too young. Missing her parents. Wishing her magic away. The creaking of a ship for the first time in her life, storm raging outside the too thin walls. Not understanding, crying softly. Feeling alone. The loneliness never quite went away.
What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan
(Previous quest - Storvacker Caged)
Main questline: What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan
This is the second part of "What Yet Lingers" questline.
A mysterious island in Frostback Basin may yield clues to the region’s past.
Characters involved: Telana’s spirit
(After receiving permission to borrow the boat, you may sail to the Lady’s Rest island and investigate the area.)
Upon entering, one of the following party members might remark on the strangeness of the island:
Sera: I hate this island. Stinks of dog, and blight, and just… sad! How does it smell sad?
Blackwall: For a moment, I almost felt like I was walking down a street back in Markham. Strange.
Iron Bull: Anybody else smell sea-air and spice? That's... that isn't right.
Possible replies:
Dorian: Your mind is being influenced by the spirits here. They're drawing sorrow from you like you'd draw water from a well.
Vivienne: It's the spirits, darling. They're projecting sorrow and eliciting your most tragic memories in return
Solas: The spirits gathered here were drawn to tragedy. They radiate it, as a fire does heat.
Cole: You feel sad because they do, watching, waiting. They want to help you hear it.
Response from the person who made the first remark:
Sera: Make them stop. It's my head, demons. You're not invited!
Blackwall: Right. That didn't help.
Iron Bull: Glad I asked.
(While you explore the Lady’s Rest, you can hear a disoriented female voice, which is revealed to belong to a spirit who found Telana as she was dying and preserved her memories.)
I can't... not without…
Sleep. I need to... I must find you...
No, no, no.
This blood... my blood? No, I can't…
Vhenan... I'm... dreaming…
Ameridan... Ameridan, why?
Party comments when you explore deeper into the island:
Sera: Eugh, shivers right up in there. Not living and not right!
Iron Bull: I could do without all the demons, Boss. Any time you want to leave is fine by me.
Solas: Interesting. What drew so many spirits to this place, I wonder?
Cole: They watched the dead and dying, pressing close, clustered to hear, and forgot how to go back.
(Approach an unstable rift in a fallen shack. The Anchor starts behaving strangely.)
Party comments:
Cassandra: We should deal with the rift. This area will not be stable until it is gone.
Varric: We're not going to leave that rift here, right?
Solas: This rift is ancient. It may have formed from the battle that took place here, not the Breach.
(If no companion makes a comment.) PC: We've looked everywhere else on this island. Shall we see what's inside the rift?
(When you fully open the rift, the spirit can communicate more clearly.)
Telana’s spirit: Telana slept... I slept. To find him in dreaming... but I... the blood... I'm... she's... gone. Telana wanted to reach Ameridan again, one more time, but she couldn't. I couldn't. I died. I tried to stay but only pieces came through. You opened the sky for the rest of me.
Dialogue options:
General: You knew Ameridan. [1]
General: Ah. Another Fade... thing. [2]
General: What is this? [3]
Special: Cole? [4]
Special: Solas? [5]
[1] General: You knew Ameridan.
PC: You... or she... wanted to reach Ameridan again? We're also trying to find him. [6]
[2] General: Ah. Another Fade... thing.
PC: This is going to be the Fade all over again. Do you know where Ameridan is? [6]
[3] General: What is this?
PC: What are you talking about? Where is Ameridan? [6]
[4] Special: Cole?
PC: Cole, can you help make sense of this?
Cole: It hurts. She hurt. The wraiths knew only the pain, but she knew why, daring, dreaming into darkness, for Ameridan. [6]
[5] Special: Solas?
PC: Solas, this seems like something you might be able to help with.
Solas: Pain drew the wraiths, but this spirit touched the mind of someone who cared for Inquisitor Ameridan. [6]
[6] Telana’s spirit: Ameridan. Yes. Inquisitor. Beloved. I... she... came with Ameridan to hunt the dragon.
PC: The dragon?
Telana’s spirit: Huge... power like none had seen. It came from the mountains with the Avvar. Towns fell, all dead. One last favor for Emperor Drakon. Slay the Avvar-dragon, save Orlais. [7]
[7] Dialogue options:
Mad: Why was this covered up? [8]
Confused: He was on a mission? [9]
Stoic: Where did he go? [10]
Sad: He died here, then. [11]
[8] Mad: Why was this covered up?
PC: Inquisitor Ameridan died saving Orlais from a dragon? How could history just forget that?
Telana’s spirit: Not forgotten. Forbidden. Darkspawn in the north, all of Orlais afraid. No one could know. Orlais must stand unstained, no fear to falter. "Please, my friend. For both our peoples." [12]
[9] Confused: He was on a mission?
PC: This wasn't just a hunt? Inquisitor Ameridan was here on orders from Emperor Drakon?
Telana’s spirit: Yes. A secret. Drawn by the dragon. Telana... I didn't want to, but where Ameridan goes, I go. [12]
[10] Stoic: Where did he go?
PC: Can you tell me what happened to Inquisitor Ameridan? [12]
[11] Sad: He died here, then.
PC: There are no records of a dragon, so he must have killed it... and died doing so.
Telana’s spirit: Yes. If he had lived, he would have found her. Me. But he didn't. And no one ever knew. [12]
[12] They fought at the shore. Spirits and magic, cold, so cold. How I found her, how she found us. They rested here, then up the river. Metal spires. A way to stop the dragon. Then Telana returned here alone to wait for him. Forever waiting. Dreaming... then dead. [13]
[13] Dialogue options:
General: You can rest now. [14]
General: Leave, or be destroyed. [15]
General: Goodbye. [16]
[14] General: You can rest now.
PC: We'll find Ameridan. You don't have to wait here anymore.
Party comments:
Solas: You have done all that she asked of you. Be free.
Cole: You did what she wanted you to. You can let go of her now.
Telana’s spirit: Thank you. It was hard. [17]
[15] General: Leave, or be destroyed.
PC: You're too dangerous to remain here.
Party comments:
Cassandra: I agree. It does not seem hostile, but it is safer for everyone if it returns to the Fade.
Vivienne: True. It is only prudent to banish the thing.
Cole: No, she's not angry! She wanted to help. She stayed when Telana couldn't.
Solas: That is hardly necessary. The spirit is no danger to anyone.
Telana’s spirit: I will not fight. I tried to remember. For Telana. [17]
[16] General: Goodbye.
PC: Farewell, spirit.
Telana’s spirit: I have shared her message. I will go. [17]
[17] I... she... went a long time ago. I stayed because she asked. Her things are there. She wanted them found. [Exits the conversation]
(Collect Ameridan’s orders.)
Codex entry: Ancient Document Protected in a Scroll Case
Whosoever reads this message,
Let it be known that the bearer, Inquisitor Ameridan, Commander of the Seekers of Truth, travels to the Frostback Basin on the official request of His Divine Majesty Kordillus Drakon, Emperor of Orlais, upon business vital to the safety and security of this most holy empire, and that he and those who travel with him are to be afforded every service, rendered every assistance, and extended every courtesy in their effort to protect Orlesian lives from threats both magical and mundane.
Maker watch over him,
Kordillus Drakon I
PC: Kenric will want a look at the orders.
(The Anchor erupts, bringing the Inquisitor to their knees.)
Party comments: (I’m pretty sure these reactions are reused from another spot in the game.)
Blackwall: Are you all right?
Varric: Hey, you all right?
Dorian: Everything all right down there?
Cassandra: Are you all right?
Iron Bull: You all right, boss?
Sera: (Laughs.) How'd that work out?
(New ability “Aegis of the Rift” is unlocked.)
(Go back to the boat. In the meantime, Hakkonites arrived at the shore.)
Male Hakkonite: There! It's the lowlanders!
Female Hakkonite: Kill the Inquisitor! Death to her/his hold, for Hakkon's glory!
(Defeat the Hakkonites and return to the mainland. Approach Arvid.)
Arvid: You lived. Thank you for bringing the boat back.
(Next quest - What Yet Lingers: Return to Kenric)
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