#mable pines meme
riverstg · 1 month
It's really funny how different the Pines family's messages are to Bill:
Stan: Fuck you Bill. You fucked my brother
Ford: Fuck you, Bill. I'm never gonna let you rizz me up ever again.
Mable: Fuck you, Bill. I'm gonna eat you like a dorito the next time I see you<3
Dipper: Fuck you, Bill. You insolent, disgusting waste of the 2nd dimension. The next time I see you, I promise you I will turn your body inside out, tear it apart, and put it into a meat grinder. I'll watch as your two dimensioninal body gets grinded up with joy on my face. I will set the remains a blaze and watch as you burn in hell where you belong. Watch as you burn into nothing because that's what you are, Bill. You're nothing. Nothing to me, nothing to my family. You're nothing....
Oh, p.s: here's a fun code that's gonna give the readers an aneurism trying to solve it✌️
Like why dis 🌲 so mad😭/j
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regsaysstuff · 1 month
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Reverse cowgirl
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unreal-sundogs · 1 month
All of these are canon
-Alex Hirsch (trust me bro)
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zenozero106 · 1 month
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(these where kinda lazy but what ever 💀)
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libbworl · 1 month
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More edited stuff!!!
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stnsketchin · 2 years
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2018. MEMEBEL (Digital: OC6/PS.)
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octopustrains · 2 years
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jupitermelichios · 1 year
8, 9, and 10 if you want to! :)
8) a character you think did nothing wrong but fandom demonizes?
I know exactly enough about homestuck to know saying vriska here would be a funny joke, but not enough to actually know who she is or what she did or didn't do wrong, lmoa
Memes aside though, Scott McCall is innocent and I am prepared to defend him in court if necessary.
I do get why fandom didn't latch onto him the way they did other teen wolf characters, he's the platonic ideal of a highschool boyfriend and that's not the kind of character that usually appeals to people Doing A Fandom, but people hate him So Much, and I don't get it. He's just a little guy, he's a little birthday boy. Why are you hitting him when it's his birthday?
I especially don't get the 'Scott is a bad friend' take that's so common it has a canon AO3 tag. Him and Stiles have a pretty unhealthy co-dependant friendship, absolutely, but it's very much mutual, and Scott is just as ride or die for Stiles as Stiles is for him. They're just a couple of weird little guys who have had no one else to talk to but one another for years, and have ended up with a freaky psychosexual mess of a friendship, we've all been there.
(also 90% of all female characters from kids cartoons, but that's a wider issue than just fandom taking a dislike to a character. the fact that there are people who think mable pines committed any crime worse than 'having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old while being literally 12 years old' is baffling and terrifying in equal measure)
9) a character that did a lot of things wrong in canon that you think fandom woobifies?
Loki, obviously. I've done my time in the MCU fic trenches, and oh boy some of the Loki takes I've seen...
Stiles Stilinski, the counterpart to the demonisation of Scott. They are basically the exact same level of problematic in a very believable teenage way in canon, but in fanon Scott becomes a monster and Stiles becomes a woobie.
Every single member of the Batfamily, but most of all, Alfred Pennyworth. He's a fun character and an excellent valet, and he loves Bruce and the kids, but my god was he a shit parent. How does anyone look at Bruce Wayne and conclude Alfred was a good parent? It baffles me. 'I raised master bruce'. you ruined a perfectly good orphan is what you did. look at it. it's got anxiety.
(There is one exception to this, and that is the Alfred from the Gotham TV show, who has done nothing wrong in his life ever, and does stuff like hug Bruce, and tell him that he loves him, and actually talk to him about his trauma. 100/10, best Alfred, don't @ me)
But the big one, the one that will result in me just blocking people so I don't have to see their takes on my dash, is John Constantine. And this isn't fully fandom's fault, recent DC TV and animated movies absolutely also do this, but the result is just this horrible oroborous of bad takes as TV writers who think they're too smart for comics inform the opinions of fans who don't want to engage with moral ambiguity, and then the writers respond to what those fans enjoy by making him even more toothless, and around and around it goes until you get this character who is utterly unrecognisable as John, and cruicially, feels fictional, which is the absolute worst thing a version of John can be. If the fact that multiple Hellblazer writers have reported meeting him irl doesn't feel at least a little bit plausible, that's not John.
(and if this is your first time hearing about that, yes multiple otherwise apparently sane writers of a vertigo comic book have claimed to have met the character they created in real life, and the fandom just accepts that as a canon part of his mythos. comics are wild.)
10) what is your favorite “problematic” fandom?
I guess it depends how you define problematic.
I made the decision not to engage with it anymore when jkr lost her mind, and also because I just lost interest and moved on to other fandoms as I got older, but I'm not going to pretend I didn't have a lot of fun in the harry potter fandom when I was a teenager. It was my first real fandom, and I'll always have some nostalgia for it for being my gateway drug into this community, despite everything.
The Fannibals are some of the most talented and creative people in fandom, the art and fic for Hannibal is absolutely incredible, definitely the highest average standard of fic I've encountered in a fandom. Plus it's nice to have a fandom where you know people are capable of engaging critically with dark content. I won't say there are no antis in the fandom, they seem to turn up everywhere these days, but they're easily drowned out by the people who actually remember stuff like SLS and YKINMKATO
I have a weird soft spot for Twilight, something about it just hits the so bad it's good groove in my brain just right, and the recent twilight renaisance has been very fun to watch, but I haven't really engaged with the fandom all that much beyond reblogging some memes (and writing an 8,000 word not!fic about how much better twilight would be if bella swan was polyamorous that one time)
And despite the whole ackles tapes conspiracy theory, and the prevelance of tinhatting, and the dumb shipwars, I'll always have a special place in my heart for the supernatural fandom. it's a fucked up place to live, but I had a lot of fun there, and i still visit on occaision.
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cabu12 · 4 years
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Troy blows raspberries (Gravity Falls style)
Can’t believe I never posted this shitty gem. 
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The Pines family aka Stan, Ford, Dipper, and Mable Pines from: Gravity Falls is Jewish!
Submitted by @godlymoss
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tasteofyourblood · 2 years
gravity falls? yeah i sure hope it does
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rickmortysummerc137 · 3 years
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How was your vacation?😂
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anna-kitsun3 · 3 years
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lmao I saw this on Facebook but it was Zhongli
I made edits
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milich96 · 4 years
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Annnnd done, the squad is here! 
It was interesting as a meme. I expected people to suggest me something witcher or disney movies related. Apparently I was wrong hehe
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ostrich-possum · 3 years
Someone: yeah I like gravity falls
Me trying not to mention that it’s nearly scientifically impossible that either dipper or mable are trans: yes…same…fellow human being
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