#mable just wanted to go outside
raspberryconverse · 1 year
Me, to my spouse: Did you call the gynecologist? Mable, jumping off the couch: BORK! Me: See, even Mable wants you to call the gynecologist.
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jinxthequeergirl · 1 month
The Ol switcharoo (pt3)
Stan pines x reader/ ford pines x reader
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Summary: 30 years pass and you meet stanfords family.
Warning: NONE
Sorry for another short chapter. Consider this a filler episode. Chapter four should be better.
30 years is a long time.
You can do a lot in that time.
You can live a lot of different lives in 30 years.
You started cutting your hair in that time, Stanford taught you to box, You'd gone on many different adventures. Most of which you often questioned the legality of, but they still made you laugh.
Now you mainly tended to the Mystery shack no more adventures, you wondered as you sat on the couch next to Stanford when you'd gotten so old. And when your life had changed so much.
You had almost forgotten all about anything before your family vacation. you and Stanford had grown into a pretty comfortable life together. You wouldn't lie you'd come to love the life you've grown into with him.
But you've also missed the adventures you used to go on, finding monsters , exploring the unknown.
But you were only met with gluing eyeballs to pieces of plastic halloween decorations and making up stories to make out of towns folk get a good laugh in.
You had tried to find Stanfords journals just to "relive the glory days" but with no luck.
You were never sure what happened to them, if he had accidentally tossed them out, if he had lost them himself or if that was part of what happened while you where away. Either way you stopped looking. You never asked about them either.
Stanford seemed to really enjoy his life with you too, you never got the idea he wanted to turn back or like he was waiting for some big adventure.
"This may sound corny but you and the mystery shack are my big adventure...I wouldn't trade you or the old shack for anything y/n. Not. For. ANYTHING."
So you stopped worrying yourself with the journals or the old research, let alone the real monsters that lurked in the woods.
You hunkered down, sold stories and bumper stickers in your matching suits and watched night time television before falling asleep on top of eachother every night.
This was the routine you'd fallen into. You found it odd if you had to sleep without Stanfords shoulder as your pillow or his jolt of laughter before he realized you fell asleep. It was odd for both of you to not debate who got giftshop duity over tour duties. (You always got gift shop.)
It was odd when a pair of twins arrived on your front lawn.
"You never talk about your family." You said following Stanford down the stairs to meet them. "Sure I do." He said clearly a little nervous.
"Mmm no...I didn't know you had a sister! Let alone great neices and nephews!..excuse us, Soos." You say almost chasing him through the gift shop almost knocking soos over.
He paused as both of you looked out the little door window at them. "Listen...I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my family... to be fair... we aren't really close..but somethings came up and-" You could see his stress building up as he tried to piece together something that made you understand how important it was to make a good impression on those kids.
You placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm here with you... you can explain it all later, but right now, I'm right by your side, like always." He smiled and placed a hand on top of yours.
Before heading outside to me, you are in tow.
"I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD A GREAT AUNT! A GRANT!? A GRRR...GRAUNT!?" The girl in the pair shouted excitedly after stan had introduced you to them.
"That's cause you don't. We aren't married y/ns a friend."
You laughed at the girl who energetically and enthusiastically introduced herself as Mable. The introduction was followed by several need to know now questions, all of which would later be scribbled onto a paper for you to fill out and return to her.
☆what's your favorite color
☆ do you like my grunkle stan?
☆if you were a magical creature, what would you be? Why? WHAT WOULD I BE? why?
☆do you LOOOOVEEE grunkle stan?
☆opinion on stickers?
"Alright, you two leys get you up to your room for the summer." Stan said, pulling Mable away from you and grabbing her bags.
You grabbed the second set of bags and followed stan and the two kids.
"Dipper, right?" You asked the boy who fell in line with you "oh yea! Yep that's me!" He laughed nervously.
"Very cool name,I like your hat by the way." You prayed you didn't seem like you were trying too hard to get them to like you.
"So you and grunkle stan run this place?" Dipper asked, looking at all your hot glue collages as Stanford decided to give them the grand tour before their room.
"Yup." You nodded.
"What's the point? Isn't this all fake? I mean... I can see the string on the invisible man's glasses." He said pointing out the attraction as you passed.
"Oh c'mon Dipper, how could you not love the jackalope!? Is he a deer? Is he a rabbit? I can't tell!" Mable said, carrying the creature in her arms like a teddy bear.
"I just don't get it? Why lie to people when I'm sure there has to be something real out there!"
You smiled at him. He sounded like you when you were a kid...he sounded more like Stanford before the shack. "You like the supernatural?" You asked.
"Oh yea, dippers a huge nerd he loves all that junk!" Mable said punching her brother in the shoulder.
"Oh, here we go! Don't get this one started on mystery and supernatural boogie men!" Stanford said, stopping to join your conversation.
"Y/n used to be big on hunting and looking for stuff like this." He said, wrapping his arm around you. "Used too...I haven't in over 30 years...it got too complicated." You opted to give them a simple answer as to why you stopped.
"Really!? That's so cool!" Dipper exclaimed. "If you ever need someone to go on adventures with, you can trust me."
Over the upcoming weeks, it was slightly rocky with the kids getting settled in, but eventually, they started warming up to the shack as well as yourself and Stanford.
You were quite pleased to have their company, actually. You felt something change in your everyday lives when they entered the shack.
"Depending on who you ask." You said continuing your story as you placed plates in front of the kids. "Your grunkle and I are married." The kids gasped. "Only through some silly machine in Vegas it wasn't real there was this one time -"
Stan chuckled to himself as you told the story of your fake marriage in Vegas as he watched the three of you laugh in the kitchen.
He smiled. Watching you frantically move your arms to further dramatice the story, a certain shine he'd noticed had been missing from your eyes for a few years now. You had it when he'd met you.
The same day, he knew things would be different for him. They HAD been different. You accepted him for everything he was. You went along with his crazy shenanigans. You gave up a whole life for him.
He remembered the birthday parties you had thrown for him. Even if you were the only person to be there for him.
He knew after a few years of you doing so that you would always be the only one there. He had the strangest feeling the night of his 35 birthday when he realized this.
He lied awake in bed, staring at the ceiling when it occurred to him what the feeling was.
"Oh no."
He quietly snuck away from you and the kids, still hearing your laughter erupt through the house behind him. He made his way into the darkened gift shop and punched a code into the vending machine, and went down to the basement he swore to you he'd destroyed.
30 years, and all he had offered you was lies. After all you'd done for him after all the care you'd shown him after all you had sacrificed. He just wanted you to have a normal life. A good life.
Not something he had fabricated.
He spent most of his time thinking about the large machine that still sat in his basement, the other half worrying about you. If he was giving a good life if he was soing as good a job being in your life as you had done for him.
He worried about what might happen when, IF he was able to pull of bringing his brother back.
How would you react to being lied to for 30 years. Maybe you did really feel the same way he had felt about you for years and you would forgive him.
In order for that to work, he'd have to actually admit his feelings to you.
He wanted to, he also wanted do a lot more for you in the 30 years you'd been together but always failed before he could make a move or do anything really. He pushed aside a notepad filled with ideas of kind gestures he could do for you (most of which were crossed out) and replaced the space with the journal Ford had left him.
He would get it right.
All of it.
Then again.
He could always ask Mable.
While you laughed with two kids at a dinner table and Stanley beat himself up about lying and tried to rebuild his life.
The real Stanford pines sat out there amongst the stars with nothing but a creased photo of the two of you and wondered why it was taking you so long to find him.
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gay-dorito-dust · 13 days
Okay hear me out ....
after getting kicked out they erase all the memories of the pines after the pines family finds the truth. They find reader and giving her a heart felt apologize for all the stuff they said and did but reader is just confused even when Mabel, tries and shows them the bracelet they still have no clue and just hug Mabel because they feel bad for her. I can image how sad they'll be realizing it pained them so much they erased there mind of them.. also I live your storys there so heart breaking I love it. ❤️
This can take place after Weirdmagedon and they might’ve pulled a mcgucket and erased their memory of it all a second time cuz it was too much.
It hurts even more when Ford doesn’t have anything to show reader in hopes of jogging their memory and neither does Stan, only Mable has the bracelet and it’s not enough.
You’re is stuck with no memories of ever being Ford’s assistant, going anomaly hunting, being possessed by bill nor the past thirty years rebuilding a portal.
‘Please remember.’ She pleads tearfully as her worst fears come true after pulling away from the hug you’ve given her.
You could only stare at the child that once upon a time you would’ve happily risked your life for in confusion. ‘What is there to remember? I’m sorry kid but I don’t know any of you.’
Mabel cried and dipper goes to comfort her while Ford and Stanley only feel just as hopeless as neither of them had anything to jog your memory of them, and now their apology fell on deaf ears because you didn’t know them nor know what they did to you.
You only looked at Mabel with sympathy but stood up regardless and left the weird family that claimed to know you alone to mourn whoever it was they were mourning for, you knew damn well it wasn’t you. However as you were walking you noticed a weird statue of a cartoonish triangle with one eye, bow tie and a top hat with his had out stretched as though making a deal.
You didn’t know why but the statue struck you as familiar but not in the good way, the familiar feeling this statue gave you was pain, betrayal and anger along with the vow to never let certain people back into your life, but what people? Who hurt you? Who betrayed you? Was it that family you left behind? If so why would you ever want them back in your life just so they could mistreat you again?
You shrugged your shoulders and kept it pushing, not noticing that Bill’s eyes glowed a sickening green as it followed you, knowing that even if he didn’t win neither did the Pines Family and that was all he cared about as he cackled in his cell farm far away.
Poor Mabel, not even the stupid bracelet she made could jog your memory and due to the lack of memories made with you by any of them outside of her, you are doomed to wander Gravity Falls memory less of the life you once lived, nor the fact that you wandered the town you single-handedly saved at the cost of your own memories; everyone knew you and you knew them but the Pines Family? They’re just some strangers who claim to know you.
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onmyyan · 4 months
I was just thinking how funny it’d be in a AU if y/n grew up with the Delmonts, but left shortly after finishing high school to go see her grandma in the country where she ends up meeting Ashley. The drama…😆
City Girl
A/n: lmk if y'all want more
You were only gone for three weeks, that's all they had to endure until you were back home where you belonged, three painfully long weeks without their darling seemed like hell enough but then you came back.
Three weeks ago
The first thing to hit you was that famous Texas heat, that paired with the bright sun had you blinking tears from your eyes for a moment, stepping outside of the airport you inhaled the fresh heated air and sighed, this certainly wasn't San Francisco, in fact it was so unlike back home all the sights and sounds gave you whiplash, what pulled you from your stupor was the sight of your name, crudely painted in bright blue ink on a piece of paper, the man holding the paper to his chest was unfamiliar,but his smile was warm and kind enough to make you ignore the stranger danger rule and investigate.
Walking closer you cock your eyebrow and before you can say a word the man is taking off his hat, pressing the brown leather to his chest as he greets you. "Miss (Y/n)? My name is Ashley Hunt, I'm your grandma's neighbor n' she asked if I'd pick you up so here I am." He grins in such a friendly manner you can't help but return it, it was so like your grandma to do this and not tell you so.
The car ride to your grandmother's property wasn't a quiet one, Ashley was a yapper, but it was charming, he asked plenty of questions without being invasive and made sure you were as comfortable as could be in the Texas heat.
"What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"Gran asked me to come help out with this big fair you guys have?"
"The summer solstice? That'll be a hoot! Oh it's so nice, everybody comes together to make it happen."
He lit up at the mention of your intentions here, smiling at you so wide you felt compelled to return it
"It's good to know you miss (Y/n)."
He was a breath of fresh air compared to the nonchalant attitudes of the people back home
He'd opened the door for you to get out and walked you up your grandma's driveway, sneakily taking a peek you had to admire just how fine the man next to you was, and considering you spent most of your days surrounded by the Delmonts, this was saying something.
The small older sun kissed woman held a hand to her eyes to block the sun, a bright grin on her face, she leans on her porch beckoning you both inside with a shout, "Y'all better get inside before my grandbaby here has a stroke." She laughed at your sorry sweaty state and reached into her pocket for a handful of bills, gesturing to Ashley she couldn't get a word out before the man was refusing it.
"Now miss Mable I can't accept that."
"Why the hell not boy?"
"The company of miss (Y/n) was payment enough."
And this is how he leaves you, the tall handsome cowboy looked straight out of an old movie as the sun beat behind him, a certain swagger to his walk.
"Pick yer' jaw up before ya catch flies." Your grandma teases.
Summer comes to a beautiful end and everything changes for you in that short time frame, it was wonderful and chaotic and you had never been more nervous to get in a plane in your life, but it wasn't because of some newfound fear of heights, you were terrified because you weren't going home alone.
And you knew how your boys could get..
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nuttersincorporated · 2 months
Gravity Falls fanfic I’m too lazy to write
Bill Cipher has been in the Theraprism a LONG time. It’s a good thing the Theraprism is in the neutral zone, outside of time because – if clocks worked there – he would have been there for 42 lifetimes of the universe.
It’s been slow work but Bill has made some progress. He’s at a point where he’s confronted the horrible things he’s done. He’s no longer living in denial and hiding behind a cheery façade. Unfortunately, he’s now deep in self-loathing and he’s been there for a long time, unable to move forward and grow.
Then the unthinkable happens. Something happens to the Theraprism and Bill takes his chance. He ends up back in our universe.
Half dead, glitchy and weak, Bill starts traveling backwards through his own timeline. Everywhere and when he finds himself, he desperately trying to change how things turned out and thwart his past self’s plans.
Bill arrives the day before ‘Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future’ and enters Mabel’s dream.
“Mable! Tomorrow you’re going to have a really bad day. I know you don’t want summer to end but when the Time Traveller turns up and offers you more time, don’t give him anything!
It’s a trap. I’ll be��� he’ll be…
Look I’m from the future and past me possessed him. Just ask him to take off his goggles so you can see his eyes.”
He jumps further back. Dipper has been trying to guess the password to the laptop for two days and he’s getting nowhere. Bill’s past self is going offer to give Dipper a ‘clue’ in a few days time but current Bill gets there first.
“Dipper! Don’t scream! Everything’s fine! … or it will be. Just shut up and listen! This is important!
The password is ‘Stanford’ and the laptop was made by McGucket. The Journals were written by your Grunkle Ford. He fell through a portal 30 years ago and your Grunkle Stan’s been secretly trying trying to get him back ever since. He’s going to succeed.
Don’t ever make a deal with me. I can’t be trusted and the price is always too high.”
Bill jumps back again and again and again. The thing is, he’s been chased. Time Baby wants the Time Anomaly Removal Crew to catch him because his actions are causing new timelines to splinter off from what Time Baby sees as the ‘canon’ one. Bill’s old guards/therapists want to catch him and drag him back to the Theraprism for more treatment.
However, the worst danger Bill is in, is from his past self. He’s traveling back down his own timeline after all and his past self is always nearby.
Past Bill hates what he sees as a pathetic, broken version of himself. If he ever catches himself, first he’ll find out what happened to make a future version of himself turn out this way so he can avoid making the same mistakes. Then, he’ll kill this miserable excuse of a Bill Cipher. There’s only room for one of them and past Bill is going to make sure he comes out on top.
Current Bill never actually planned any of this out. He’s doing the best he can. If he has any sort of aim, it’s to make it back to before he killed his home universe. Hurt and weaken as he is, Bill still thinks if he makes it back that far, he can probably kill his younger self. Either way, he doesn’t plan to ask the Axolotl for another chance this time around.
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 4: Animal
Tw: Slight SA
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Dipper POV
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I gasp, jumping awake from my sleep. I jump so hard that I fall out of my bed. My eyes dart to my surroundings, my mind clouded with a slight of pain. The events of last night are such a blur. I slowly stand up, rubbing my temples.
I sit back on my bed, running my fingers through my hair. "Was all of that a dream or...."
I feel my foot kick something that's under my bed. I look down as my eyes widen. The duffle bag from last night, along with my somehow clean knife. My eyes widen as I pull out the five jars with the minigolf ball heads. I look at one of them, noticing it's glowing a bright blue shade.
"Just....when did I get home?" I question, placing the jars on top of my nightstand.
"I helped you out with that pinetree." Bill's voice rings in my ear.
I jump, looking around my room. "Bill? How can I hear you right now?"
"I gained some of my power back thanks to that kill of yours, which was sloppy. You have to be more careful pinetree."
I raise an eyebrow, unlocking my bottom desk drawer. "What do you mean? I don't fully recall the events from last night."
"That damn llama sweater knows Dipper."
"Pacifica knows!?" I shout, rushing to place the jars into the bottom drawer.
Before Bill can answer back, I hear Mable call my name from downstairs. I frown, locking my drawer before leaving my room. As I walk down the stairs, a feeling of uneasiness washes over me. When I make it down, I grip the stairwell.
"Hyia Dipper! Pacifica just wanted to know if you were here, so I called you down. She didn't believe me for some reason."
"Is that so? Well, I'm here in the flesh and spirit." I said while walking into the kitchen to make myself some cereal.
"U-uh Mabel....Can I talk to you outside?" Pacifica stutters, tugging at mable's sweater sleeve.
Mable nods her head and smiles. "Sure!" She said as Pacifica leads her outside.
I take a few bites of my cereal while watching them talk. I can't hear them speaking until their voices begin to bounce around in my head.
"Bill, are you-?"
"Just listen closely, pinetree."
"What's the matter, Pacifica? You seem all down and gloomy. Lighten up!"
Pacifica steps a little closer to Mable, reaching down to grab her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Mable....there's something I have to tell you...about, Dipper."
I narrow my eyes as I take a break from eating. I rest my elbows on the kitchen table, my fingers connected as they press against my nose and mouth so only my eyes are visible to her. I blink my eyes, my vision going from clear to yellow.
"What about him?"
"Doesn't he seem kind of...off to you?"
I watch Mable place a hand on her chin and nod her head. "Well, now that you mention it, he has seem a little off, but that's just Dipper being Dipper!"
"No mable! Just..." she sighs, scratching the back of her neck. "Mable he-"
"I'd take a quick glance at the window before saying anything else to shooting star, llama sweater." Bill said through my head, and I guess through Pacifica's considering her reaction.
She jumps, her body trembling. She turns to glance at the window, meeting my stare. "I said we'll be watching you. Now be a good little meat sack and change the subject or my little pine tree will take great care of you!"
Pacifica quickly turns her head. "N-nevermind mable. There's....something else I-"
"Oh my gosh, what happened to your cheek?!" Mable shrieks as she reaches up to touch the cut I gave her.
"Nothing mable, Dipper just -"
"Dipper, did this? Is that what your trying to tell me?!" Mable shouts, her voice full of anger and disbelief.
Pacifica shakes her head. "It was an accident! He was just messing around because he found out that I....I-I.."
"You what Pacifica? You can tell me anything.." she said while smiling, holding both of her hands.
"I....I love you, Mable. I always have for as long as I can remember... Dipper found out and playfully pushed me too hard, and I fell against a tree, and it cut my cheek. He didn't mean to! H-he just wanted me to be happy..."
Mable is taken aback as I try to hold in my laughter. This is just too good to watch. "Pacifica....I-I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same..."
"But Mable, we can just -" Pacifica begs, her grip tightening around mable's hands.
"N-no Pacifica, I'm sorry, but it's best we stay friends.." Mable said, pulling her hands away and rushing into the house.
Pacifica stands there in shock, her eyes watering with tears from the sorrow she must be feeling. She looks at me from the window, and I smile.
"Live to see another day! Way to cover up for us llama sweater! You deserve a cookie. Or do your kind eat grass?" Bill laughs, which causes me to chuckle.
Pacifica looks away, lowers her head, and walks away from the shack. I turn my attention to Mable, who doesn't look too pleased to see me. I sigh, adjusting myself in my seat so I'm facing her direction.
"What is it, Mable?" I ask, rather uninterested.
"Why did you hurt Pacifica?!" She shouts, crossing her arms over her chest.
"If you're referring to the cut on her cheek, it was an accident. After I left the diner yesterday, I bumped into her. We got to talking and she told me how she felt about you. I told her to give it a shot, and she said no, and I playfully pushed her for encouragement. She fell against a tree and it cut her cheek. It isn't that deep."
"But why would you tell her to tell me that she loves me?! You know I only like guys Dipper. Why would you give her hope in something you knew would never happen?!"
I sigh from frustration as I stand to put my bowl in the sink. I start to walk towards the stairs, but she stops me by grabbing my arm. I tense, pulling my arm out of her grip.
"Answer my question, Dipper!"
"Oh, I don't know? Maybe I wanted her to be happy? Maybe I wanted my sister to be happy and not treated like crap? All the guys you hooked up with in the past were jerks! You should try things out with Pacifica. Oh, because she's not a guy, you're not interested? Just wow, Mable. You love love more than anything, and when it's given to you, you break it! Why must you be so damn selfish?!"
Mable's eyes widen as tears begin to roll down her face. "H-how could you say something l-like that?" She chokes on her sobs.
I roll my eyes. "Mable, she loves you. I just want the two of you happy. Why can't you see that -"
I'm cut off by mable attempting to punch me. I quickly grab her wrist, tightening my grip. I blink my eyes, my vision turning red. I frown as I place my free hand on my head in pain. Why can't she listen? She knows not to touch me....she knows!
"So why don't we teach her a lesson. Right pinetree?"
I feel a small smile twitch up my lips, my vision now yellow. "You should have listened shooting star."
A loud snap is heard through the kitchen along with Mable's cries. I let go of her as she falls to her knees, holding her broken wrist in pain. I hear my grunkles rush down the stairs. Both of them push me out of the way to go to mable's aid.
"What happened, kiddo?!" Stan asks.
I place my hands over my mouth to hide my growing smile, my vision back to clear. I look at Ford, who's staring me down. "Did you do this, Dipper?!"
"Y-yes...yes he did.." Mable cries, whimpering in pain.
Both of them look at me in complete disbelief. "How could you do this?!"
"I-it wasn't his fault...I tried to hit him... And I touched him.."
"What is it with you not wanting her to touch you, Dipper!?" Stan demands.
"We'll ask when we come back from the hospital. Dipper, you are not allowed to leave the shack!"
I look at them blankly as I turn around and start to walk up the stares. "I'm not 12 anymore, but I hope she gets better." I said before making my way to my room.
I jump into my bed, throwing my pillow against the wall. "Why... why couldn't my own twin sister be there for me?"
Why did I let mable drag me to this stupid party. Sure, any normal 16 year old would be thrilled to go to one of the best parties of the year. The only difference is that I'm not normal. I rest against the corner of the wall, a soda in hand.
I'm not stupid enough to drink, nor am I an idiot to drink from the punch bowl. I brought my own drink before coming. I watch in disgust at the amount of teens grinding against one another. I keep a close eye on Mable, who was getting drunk way too quickly for my liking.
I watch as a guy slowly grinds up against mable. She giggles, turning around and dancing with him. I roll my eyes at how naive she's being. Idiot, that walking raging hormone just wants to fuck you.
The guy places his hands on her waist, but it slowly travels to her ass. I walk over to the two, pushing my way through the crowd. I spill my drink all over him. I grab Mable, pulling her away from him.
"What the hell, man!?" The boy shouts.
"Yeah, Dipper, what was that for?"
I look at Mable, her amount of stupidity getting under my skin. "Really Mable? I know you're not that obvious to the fact that he only wants to fuck you."
"So? Dipper, you always get in the way of me having fun! I just want to be popular, but you always get in the way of it! Sometimes, I wish we were never twins!" She shouts, gaining attention from the people around us.
I stand there in complete shock. I always knew she felt that way, but I never thought she would say it so freely. I feel someone pull my arm. I look up, glaring at the guy from earlier.
"You're coming with me." He demands, tugging me away.
I look at Mable with pleading eyes, but she ignores me, just like everyone else. The boy drags me to an empty room, throwing me on the bed. I try to get up and run to the door, but he punches me in the jaw. I fall back onto the mattress.
The boy chuckles as he walks around the nightstand, pulling out rope and duck tap. My eyes widen as I jump up again, but he knocked me down with a blow to the eye and my nose. He ties my hands to the frame of the bed and ties my feet to the end. I stare at the ceiling, counting the stars I could see thanks to the punches he gave me.
"Since I can't have your sister, I guess I can settle for you. I am only 17, so there is no harm in exploring my sexuality right?" He laughs while lowering my pants and boxers to my ankles.
My eyes widen as I scream, trashing around in the binds. He punches the same jaw three times. I lay there motionless as he laughs in my face, reaching in his drawer, pulling out a few 'toys'. My eyes widen in fear as I look at him with pleading eyes.
"Let's get started."
- 20 minutes later -
I'm a sobbing mess, screaming in pain through the duck tap over my mouth. He placed a vibrator in my hole, turning it on high. My body is twitching from the number of times I came. He twisted my body so my ass is on full display for him. The energy from my body is drained the moment he shoves the vibrator up my ass. The pain of getting scratched is unbearable.
"Mm!! Mm..mmmmhhhhmmm!!!!" I cry.
He laughs and groans, rubbing himself aggressively. "C-crap a live show is so different...fuck..."
My eyes roll back as I feel myself about to cum. I cry out into the pillow, my body going limp. I close my eyes as I sob quietly. I hear the boy moan loudly, guess he finally came. I hear him stand and walk over to me. I whimper when he pulls the vibrator out, rubbing his hands all over my body.
"Shit, Dipper....I didn't think such a nerd like you could be so hot..." he whispers in my ear.
I whimper, shaking my head.
"I wonder what it feels like to be inside you..." he said, reaching to touch my back but cries out in pain. "What the hell?!"
I fill my eyes roll back to the back of my skull, yellow clouding my vision. My voice became dark and distorted. Blue flames cover the ropes as they snap, setting me free. I sit up quickly, kicking the meat sake in the nuts, and pushes him off the bed.
I cut him off by stomping my foot on his neck. "My pinetree....How could you do this to him? You know you want to kill him, Dipper. Take your revenge. Open your eyes and heart to the darkness I saw in you the day we made that deal! Kill him!" I hear Bill speak through me.
I lower myself on top of him, placing my hands around his throat. "Die....die die die die..hahahaha-that's it. Look at the fear in his eyes! Life is being drained right out of him. You're so close, pinetree! End it all!"
I watch as he digs his nails into the flesh of my skin, but I ignore it. The sweet sting brings more joy to this moment. However, the rush I felt was soon brought to an end when my world suddenly went black.
-the next day-
I jump up, gasping for air. I look around, covered in sweat. I sigh, happy to be back in my room. I flitch, soreness rushing up my back. I remember the burn I felt on my back and take off my shirt. I slowly stand and limp to my body mirror. I turn around, my eyes widen. On my back is Bill's circle.
I feel a vein bulge from the temple of my forehead. "Bill, you damn dream demon! You fucking Dorito! I'll beat your damn ass for this!"
"Jeez pinetree. You look like you have smoke coming out of your ears." I hear Bill laugh, but his voice is faint.
I groan under my breath, "You damn...damn dream demon... You saved me, didn't you?"
"You could say that, I just helped unlock a darkness in you that you kept trying to buried away. And whoa, pinetree, I gotta tell ya, that part of you makes me question my own insanity! Haahanaha!"
I sigh, resting my head against the mirror, staring into my own eyes. I could see it, how dark and gloomy they became. I feel my skin begin to itch, so I scratch and scratch and scratch, digging my nails into my skin.
"Pinetree, stop! You're safe now. You'll get your revenge. I promise pinetree. We'll show them just how much of an animal you are."
"Y-yes Bill..."
-end of flashback-
It's been hours since my grunkles took Mable to the hospital. I stare at myself in the dirty body mirror in my room. I place a mask over my mouth and nose and place a black cap on my head. I throw my bag over my shoulder, placing my knife into my pocket. I chuckle, staring into my own eyes.
"I'll show them just how much of an animal I am. I'll get my revenge. No, we'll get our revenge, Bill."
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aceistheplace86 · 11 days
Strawberry & Pine Pt.5
(I think I am going to end this story here soon. But for now, you get some cute stuff) (I made Stan cheesy. I am not sorry.)
Stan had been getting closer to Julie during their time working at the shack and working on the portal together. He eventually admitted to himself that he was falling for her. He hadn’t been able to admit those feelings to her.
“You alright out here Stanley?” A soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Stan had been sitting on the porch outside just trying to get his thoughts together. He was really starting to like Julie, he found himself always wanting to be around her and never wanted her to go home at the end of the day. But he couldn’t get himself to be brave enough to tell her, he felt he had too much going on, too much baggage. He didn’t feel good enough for her.
“Oh, yeah I’m alright” He glanced over at Julie who was leaning in the doorway. “The twins give you any trouble?”
Dipper and Mable had gone to bed but not before asking Julie to tell them a story. Mable was really the one asking but Julie knew Dipper was listening once she started talking about the Loch Ness “monster”
“They’re all settled down, hope you don’t mind I told them about Nessie,” She says sitting down next to him on the couch.
Stan sighed “I don’t enjoy the fact that the kids know about the weird stuff that goes on here, but I know they already know a lot. They’re doing good at protecting each other”
Julie put a hand on his arm “You’re doing good at protecting them too Stanley” She whispers softly.
He looks at her, finding himself taking notice of her eyes again. She had pretty eyes, she was pretty, and she smelled like Strawberries. It wasn’t a sickly sweet, she smelled comforting.
God he was going crazy.
“Y’know Ford wrote a lot about you” He whispered. Why on earth did he bring up his brother to her? That was not a flirting technique in the slightest.
Julie seemed shocked but nodded slowly “Yeah I know” She looks back out ahead of her, sinking back into the couch. “He liked to study me, my powers, my strengths and weaknesses”
Stan kept looking at her even when she looked away. He didn’t say anything, he just wanted her to keep talking.
“At first it was nice, I thought I had a friend” She shakes her head “But I started to realize he didn’t see me like that. He just saw me as apart of his research.”
“I see you” Stan whispered, the words falling out of his mouth faster than he could realize what he had just said.
Julie looked over at him “What?”
She was looking at him again and he felt like a kid with a high school crush. His brain. Could. Not. Work. “I uhm” He stuttered “You know cause, I’m not that old, despite what Dipper says when I’m driving” He let out an awkward laugh and quickly looked away from her.
He could see out of the corner of his eyes that she was just looking at him “Stanley” She whispers softly. He’s kind of hoping that she will force him to talk about whatever the hell that was, to talk about his feelings. Something.
But she didn’t. “I should probably get going” She stood up from the couch “You should get some sleep here soon”
Stan watched her stand, he felt like he was about to lose his only chance. He didn’t think he would be this brave tomorrow. “Julie wait” He patted the couch when she turned to look at him. Once she took a seat he sighed heavily. “We’ve been doing great work with the portal” he said slowly.
She was just looking at him patiently, not a hint of judgment or annoyance on her face. “And I know soon we’ll get that thing turned on. A-and I like spending time with you, y’know, you’re a hard worker here at the Shack and-and you get along real well with the kids” He rubbed the back of his neck “My brother wrote a lot about your magical talent but I uh, I think I got lucky getting to know you as a person” He groaned and ran his hand down his face “That sounds real lame” he mumbled.
“It’s not lame, Stanley” She says with a small smile on her face. “I think you might be the first person to make an effort to treat me like a person”
He moved his hand and looked at her confused “Whaddya mean?”
“Well everyone knows about me and my magic, so that is their focus. I get it, it’s cool to have a Gravity Falls "anomaly" do fun magic and not try and attack the town, but after a while, it gets frustrating to only be known as a witch” She shrugs “But you have never once asked me to be apart of the Mystery Shack's attraction, and I know that would bring in tourists” She chuckled “But you made me strawberry pancakes my first morning here, you offered me a room and you took time to decorate it with my favorite color”
Stan shrugs “Mable has a lot of pink and she likes to decorate”
Julie just laughs “But you care Stanley. You’re sweet to me, You didn’t even ask me to use my magic to help with the portal, I just did it.”
“Yeah, I dunno how much magic you can use before you get tired or somethin’ and I didn’t want to wear you out cleaning up a mess you didn’t make”
“See, you’re real sweet to me” She continues “I knew that even when your brother talked about you, even though he was upset it was hard for him to convince himself, or even me, that you were the bad guy”
“He talked about me?”
Julie nodded. “Ford is a stubborn shit but he cares.” She rolls her eyes slightly “he just doesn’t really show it well”
Stan nodded and thought about it for a moment “I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you this without sounding like some love struck teenager” He rubbed the back of his neck “But I don’t think that’s possible because you make me feel like that again. Like how I used to be before all of this” he waves his hands and looks around “went down” He looks at her “I like being around you Julie. I-“ He just nodded slowly.
“I like you too Stanley” She says sitting back with him. “Hey I’ve been thinking of a good way to scam tourists”
“Oh yeah?” he leans back against the couch and pulled her into his side “Whats that?”
Julie comfortably snuggled into his side “You get people to pay money to enter a drawing to win a prize, you get everyone all excited and you make them think that the more they pay the better chance they have at winning” She continued “The twist. All that they’ll win is a shirt that says ‘I entered the Mystery Mania Raffle and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’”
Stan busted out laughing, tossing his head back “That’s a good one! Real smart” He kissed the top of her head “I like that”
The two of them stayed out there all night, talking about ways to trick tourists, some of his funnier crimes and eventually about what life was like before Gravity Falls, and what might happen after this portal gets fixed.
Mable and Dipper found them asleep together the next morning. Mable has pictures.
(I hope you enjoyed this! The next part is gonna be sad. Yay!)
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toournextadventure · 3 months
I know you haven't written the fic yet, but in Finestkind Mabel does some fancy (illegal) driving (Jenna actually busted an axel or something on the stunt car while driving and that shut down filming for the day) and now I'm just imagining her driving and DEA going "Fucking hell, slow down and drive carefully or I'll arrest you for this" while clinging to the oh shit handle
- Scoundrel Anon
No but like, just imagine, this is a common occurrence ⬇️
"Jesus, slow down," you hissed. You couldn't have had a tighter grip on the handle. At that point, you swore it would break off.
"Do you want to get shot?" Mable growled.
"Do you want to get arrested?" You shot back.
The car sped across traffic and through a red light.
"You really need to-" you grunted as she jumped a curb "-get your priorities straight."
"You need to have more fun," Mabel said with a wicked smile.
Your knuckles were pale and fingers aching by the time the car slid to a stop outside one of the known drug warehouses. There had already been numerous raids on it, and you had been by on a few personal trips. No one was around for miles. Silence enveloped the car. The music was still on, but you couldn't hear it, you could only hear the blood rushing in your ear.
"See?" She asked, turning to look at you with that devious spark in her eye. "Alive and well."
You sighed and leaned back against your seat. "You're going to get me killed," you said. A small chuckle fell from your lips. "Or fired."
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wisteriainslumber · 1 year
“Wait, this is supposed to be relaxing?”
alternatively: TWST cast discover ways in which animal crossing: nh should not be played
once upon a time my playstyle was the entirety of ace’s section and then i thought “what if it was Worse” and this post was born
warnings: swearing, the aggravating process of getting villagers to move out, tom nook slander
claims he doesn’t choose favourites but everyone & their mother knows he’s particularly fond of Merengue
would participate in the stalk market because he wakes up at 6AM like a maniac
also because he refuses to time travel
has a very neat island. he uses whatever time he can to improve on his island layout and is a very good form of stress relief for him
finally, a good coping method
gifts his villagers fruit most of the time, but will occasionally give them furniture and stuffed animals 
taken back by Pietro’s appearance in his campsite but now he is appointed the court jester
will tell no one that he adores the music in Pietro’s house
gets gold roses the quickest out of his classmates, but now he’s struggling with a major flower infestation
pls it won’t stop raining and he’s getting buried in petals
he really plays this game just to garden. this is not animal crossing this is Gardener Riddle Simulator now 
when he gets visitors, he demands they greet every villager in town as well. its the polite thing to do, after all
blathers is a fine lad but there’s one thing about him that really irks riddle
why is he complaining about doing his job?
he owns a museum, he asks for donations, and lets his personal bias get the better of him if given a bug (he says, yk, like a hypocrite)
bugs are part of the island and fit the criteria of things blathers asks for. there is even an entire wing of the museum dedicated to insects.
even if he has a distaste for bugs, the least the owl can do is his job. no one likes a biased educator
riddle wears a pretty little shirt customed designed with stars by sebek
cute, it’s really cute. except those stars are pentagrams, and both the wearer and designer still think they are a neat star pattern 
this was a relaxing game until riddle found out about the island rating system 
he will settle for no less than a 6, yes, six star rating
the bulletin board isn’t used for announcements it’s used for impromptu laws he declared
such laws include no vandalizing the board (only applies to ace), no slander towards one another (watch ur tone, Blanche), no tampering with the able sisters displays (he sees you, azul), and what looks like a wanted ad for Redd
yeah, it seems that azul & riddle have a common goal
sending literal long ass letters to his villagers if he catches them being mean to each other. 
after being enraged by the character limit because he wasnt finISHED, he settled for reporting them to isabelle
the peace era lasted a week
he loves the squirrel villagers so much, namely Mint. i’ll give you two guesses as to why
besides Mint he has a unique fascination for Blaire because she’s got the attitude of his classmates 😭😭
has the most variety of villager personality types on his island. the most normal villagers he’s had on there have peaked at 2 at one time. he likes the variety
or maybe he likes to convince himself hes the most normal one there who knows
gifts his villagers sunglasses when it’s sunny but then they kinda look like douches especially his jock villagers
keeps Flora on his island specifically so riddle can come visit her and chat in her home
it’s like an unbirthday party, but without any of the work #hallelujah
unsurprisingly his bathroom is the most furnished room in his home. other than that, he loves to decorate the outside of his house with flowers and has a constant rotation of wreaths on his door
big fan of Mable and Sable, they’re so sweet, reminds him of his go-to hedgehogs in croquet 
accidental dealer of furniture in heartslabyul
heartslabyul student C wanted a nice moon rug and asked trey if he knew how to get one, and trey went the extra mile to find & give it to him himself
the story spread and now all his students come ask him for stuff
he did not ask for this job </3
stocks up on mystery floorings and wallpapers whenever Saharah comes to visit
perhaps it is in his heartslabyul soul to make everything in his house whack
10000% laughs at the dad jokes in this game
let out a hearty ass chuckle at "i caught a snapper! its pretty dapper!"
no one but trey thinks they’re funny. clever maybe, but not funny
every time he sees C.J he points him out to cater and asks him about his hidden beaver relative
they talk the EXACT SAME. and trey thinks hes so funny for this (okay acc hes so right for this one)
everyone’s least favourite villager has to have some fans and that fan is trey. he has major “i can fix them” energy therefore he would love the most unpopular villagers
and by love i mean he is the only one that disapproves when lilia and leona form a temporary alliance to chase Barold around the island to hit him with nets 
you know damn well he went for the customizable phone case first
that horrific ugly phone case is so persistent in its survival that it transcends beyond the physical realm to do so
doodling on everyone’s bulletin boards so they get messages from their favourite senior <3
keeps one or two peppy villagers, but ultimately enjoys the chill of normal and lazy villagers the most
theyre just so kind.. and supportive :((
wants to collect all of the heart themed characters because they are pink and cute and full of love (is he convincing others or himself?)
ironically he doesnt end up collecting any of those villagers and his favourite villager is Cousteau because he has a funny mustache
let his favourite villager leave when they ask. he takes this so personally. thinks they didn’t wanna be there </3
Cousteau immediately went to rooks island too like. bruh okay then a fake french for a fake french >:(
cater now has a new favourite villager and it is Nate. they are besties, they are 4lyfers, he gets the best flowers around his house and the rarest of fruit
passes off the furniture he doesnt want to deuce and tells them they're gifts😭😭
obsessively putting smiley faces everywhere in his home to resemble his own room (???)
has matching mama bears with trey but instead of putting it inside it guards his house from the outside
having an identity crisis after the C.J comparison
he is not beating the C.J allegations but he loves to catch fish for him so they can take photos together
has a legitimate fear of Lloid because of the hollow eyes that crazy thing has. its like he can see into your soul 
because cater wants Lloid out of his island pronto he doesn’t wait for donations from his villagers he just pays up front
go away ASAP s’il vous plait🙏🙏
if you thought his dialogue consisted of 60% kaomoji before, its upped to the ninteys now
he's found a way to perform the reactions IRL and hasnt stopped since
in fact this is caters and kalims main form of communication
has a vacation area on the beach specifically designed with jamil in mind
not that jamil never visits, but his visits have increased to just chillax and take photos 
jamil is noticeably kinder to cater, and ruggie is seething in the back (gotta respect ur elders or smth idk)
has a million different fruit trees everywhere for the sake of fruit jokes
this is fruity island now, leave your zebra merch at the airport
unfortunately he gets unsatisfied with his island or villagers and wipes the file once every few months to start anew again
and because he’s indecisive, his name and island name will be the exact same too. 
rip to his classmates that have to scroll through 5 cater copies to find his current file. this is not how they imagined Split Card was supposed to be used for
uses the type in your own answer function for evil
makes his villagers call him weird names and makes them say inappropriate things
vendetta against the smug villagers. they sound like his bossy brother and grim
Wart Jr. happens to be his favourite villager. he’s never explained why
but grim & deuce say that he and ace both share the same smug ass look
ace does not agree with this statement
unspoken agreement from the dorm to not let ace into their world but he finds a way to break in and vandalizes their notice boards for the trouble
gave Hamlet a hamster cage and laughed when he displayed it
why cant he be nice😔
karma does come back around though, and it came in the form of Francine moving onto aces island
ace has never felt so much rage in a seemingly relaxing game
he doesnt even have a good reason for disliking her either she’s just too vibrantly blue for his liking
now all of the first years terrorize him with homemade good morning gifs of Francine that they edit themselves
high effort to cause ace as much inconvenience as possible, of course
his friends hate him because he blows up their console with “Ace Trappola is Online!” from all his time travelling
he’s trying to get this bitchass villager to move out why the hell is the STUPID bubble on everyone else but Francine!!?!?!?
100000% ready to reset his island just to purge his console of that damn bunny
hes so lucky that riddle does not do island inspections because his console would be forcibly taken away
at least isabelle is nice about it, but riddle would flame him
way too lazy to make his own custom designs so he steals them and subjects all his villagers to them
despite all of the chaos he sows, he’s one of the best terraformers and genuinely helps grim with his island. still bullies him the whole time tho💀
he reaches extremely high friendships with his villagers
yeah hes been working hard on the DL why is that so surprising >:(
he loves Celia
he imagines this is what those indentured princesses in the fairy tales look like before their big transformation
plus Celia looks and is so friendly. she reminds him of his neighbours back home
making a gift out of anything he finds in the nook store.
wraps all his gifts too! has a bunch of wrapping to choose from to match his villagers. his villagers deserve the most!
gets giddy every time he receives a letter from Mom. gets angy that he cannot send letters or gifts back to her
at first he didnt really vibe with Cherry's punk look but shes got a soft place in deuces heart now. appearances can be deceiving and he respects that (some say he has a RBF). Celia has competition
sebek had told deuce that he and Cherry look alike and deuce pestered sebek for a while asking how to look less like a bad boy :((
even in game ace & deuce have matching everything. ace has Hamlet and deuce has Hamphrey to match
they both complain endlessly about their matching stuff but always refuse when their villagers request to move out
still keep up appearances though, they start wars trying to nab a villager the other wanted first
keeps being bitten by wasps because he doesnt know you can catch them with nets
whenever riddle visits he runs around and picks up weeds for him without scolding him
takes his job as the island representative very seriously. you will not catch him slacking in making sure his island is a well decorated habitat 
hasn’t gotten the hang of custom designs but trades the holiday DIYs to floyd in exchange for a few sidewalk/clothing designs
treats any request by his villagers as his god given duty
he was placed on this island to look after everyone and he is going to do his job WELL.
takes every and any opportunity he can to go on leonas island to admire the architecture and try to recreate it himself
has many heart ponds on his island after he unlocked terraforming 
once he had a sleepover with the first years and they switched consoles for the night
deuce was extremely nice and helped catch a few bugs and increase friendship with villagers for sebek. wholesome stuff
but of course the terror that is ace trappola was fighting for everyone else’s console to vandalize- i mean, terraform their island
safe to say no one’s island was safe from a pp pond. thanks ace >:(
deuce did get his revenge though, he teamed up with epel just to make a trash moat around aces house
even though ace is aware that deuce put up a bulletin post on his board calling him stinky, it has not been deleted lmao
gets rid of all the lion villagers, there can only be one member of the kingscholar family on this terf
he keeps a lot of the peppy villagers on his island
if asked, he will say they are annoying and won’t gtfo but it’s because its too silent and peaceful without the annoyance
hes too used to being interrupted all the time by a tiny cub jumping on him that he doesnt know how to function without it anymore wbk
not that he would kick out as many male villagers as possible but these jock villagers are getting on his nerves. like not even jack is that muscle obsessed
plus, big macho muscle men is such an outdated thing, grow up, Dom.
leaves gulliver alone. his business is his business
for someone so cranky, he beefs with the cranky villagers the most. says theyre so entitled and annoying LMAO
only one he doesnt beef with is isabelle. yeah, she gives him shitty ratings on his island but she’s so sweet, and she’s stuck with ruggies #1 enemy so she deserves the special treatment, you hear?
leona is the first out of his classmates to get his friendship high enough to receive a villager’s photo. no one knows how, but yea, leona and Stella are like besties now. they’re 4lyfers. BFFLS <33
what can he say, that island is his pride
makes a little library in his house, it sucks that there aren’t any readable books in this game so he studies the lore instead
he gets to one-up idia on the animal crossing expertise if nothing else🎉
places down mats and pet beds anywhere in case his lazy villagers need a lil nap (it’s not how it works but gotta appreciate the thought)
ruggie and idia have this weird cahoots going on where they leave pitfall traps everywhere for him. 
rivalry with malleus ended, new rivalry with these two gremlins
leona has beat the 'lazy' (is it really?) allegations hes making custom design after custom design just to spite his classmates
his interest solely lies in giving his juniors the True High School Experience
posts loving reminders on his classmates’ notice boards. such as a very “clean up ur island” on kalim’s and a very kind “the onceler called, he wants his island back” on azul’s
actually they’re not reminders at all, they’re just disguised insults
he also very kindly leaves fruit that epel doesn’t have on his island. he says it was his starter fruit (it was not) so he doesn’t need it 
in fact for some reason his island has become a playground for the first years
despite his complaints about bothering him, he always ends up opening up his island for them, even if hes still complaining during it
do not comment on it if you’d like to keep your eyeballs
runs a not-very-lowkey nook miles ticket business
take that azul, he’s the one drowning in riches now
made mad tickets by being an animal slave trader
azul felt it was morally wrong because they were so cute but ruggie does not give a flying eff
you all think azul's the person who treats people like pawns? absolutely the hell not
my guy ruggie & jamil are the kings of human (in this case, animal) meat shields & theres no time to debate morals in this economy
only one hes not keen on slaving away is Tutu. she simply looks too sweet for ruggie to subject that treatment onto
tries really hard to draw a lil picture of his classmates’ favourite villagers onto the notice boards, because he’s nice like that
plus it doesnt hurt to have a few brownie points with everyone :)
extends extra effort to get into jades good graces because 1. no one wants to be in his bad graces and 2. he is so high maintenance >:( 
ruggie is probably being hella scammed bc jade has been eating up his iron stash with nothing to show for until a few months later
living his fun little fishing dad life
bro’s a pro fisher, he’s beating the fishing tourney with flying colours. knows every fishing trick in the book & helps sebek catch all the fish he keeps scaring away
doesn’t matter who hates tom nook the most, because ruggie hates him more
his villagers are going to unionize. we rally under comrade ruggie
doesnt listen to a damn thing the raccoon tells him after the tutorial and only pays for his house if he runs out of storage
he writes letters to his villagers and has a daily graffiti notice board post to remind everyone that their island motto is “down with tom nook”
vive la revolutione
because history is important or whatever blathers said, ruggie decided to honour her majesty the queen of hearts with his island flag
it depicts tom nook under a guillotine 
riddle is slightly horrified
that One Time trey visited, he left with a new anti tom nook shirt bc ruggie insisted trey show off his hard work
unlike all of his other classmates, lilia is delighted to see so much passion and joins in on the revolution not knowing a single thing
one peruse into ruggies island and malleus is now convinced that tom nook is some sort of evil mastermind keeping the player and his villagers captive
increasingly disturbed by a villager named Ace who moved in
he gifted the villager a basketball out of kindness
but seeing how different the villager was from the ace he knew (cough cough, hardworking), jack would prefer if he moved out 
also a time travel anti. his friends are all time travelling but he will refuse to be tempted
stretches with his villagers every morning. it’s good to get the oxygen flowing for a good, energizing start to the day
all of his buildings have either hedges or flowers around them. hes very committed to the aesthetic of Mother Nature
joining riddle in the Gardener Simulator squad. his sole goal is making his entire island a pretty little garden
sometimes he does wish he could have Leif on his island permanently. he likes the friendly lil sloth creechure
not much preference in who moves into his island but he does have a penchant for the sisterly and jock villagers
they’re friendly and always keeping each other in check. it’s a mutually beneficial relationship
plus they have way more integrity than the rest of his friends lmao bye
personally vibes with Sterling for that diligent knight energy. jack has plenty of role models to choose from and this time he happened to want to learn from silver
even though his entire island is the most jock-oriented place, his favourite villager is Bangle. she gets along with almost all of his villagers and is always in a good mood. 
he thinks she has a good personality to lead the island pack
one of the few that tries to even give tom nook an ounce of respect. he wont join in on the hate but he wont necessarily defend the raccoon either
bless his big heart
the savanaclaw students adore jacks island and his complete butterfly exhibit
every friday after dinner, the savanaclaw students all huddle and play animal crossing together i will die on this hill
they love to camp out in jacks island and by the savanaclaw lounge, you’ll see a string of photoshoots in jack’s butterfly exhibit
who initiated this? why, leona of course! he’s giving jack the recognition he deserves & it gets the dorm bonding
(it also gets ppl to visit jack’s island more, which means ppl visit leonas island less😏)
puts up a daily motivational quote on the boards
got highly offended when sebek once compared him to a jock villager. it wasnt bc he hated the villager, it was bc sebek meant it as an insult >:(
his favourite villager is Marina
she’s super nice and has never hurt a fly. he complies to all of her whims. how can you say no to her??
finally, someone can understand idias penchant for cute things
in tears after knowing the octopi are sought after by the masses he’s so proud
was less proud when jade joked the octopi were endangered bc they were getting eaten like can you not >:((
cannot participate in the stalk market he time travels so much
sure, the weeds will increase but it’s a small price to pay for efficiency 
pays his debts as fast as possible. not because he’s a good noodle, but because he won’t risk interest (even though there is no interest)
has an ongoing (one-sided) rivalry with redd and gathers all of the real artworks he can get
the paintings are a good deal he supposes but redd truly needs a better atmosphere if he wishes to continue selling
his boat doesnt even look approachable, & ambiance is a big factor when getting your clients to be comfortable. azul could totally lend out a few tips. all for the generous price of free!
he changed his mind after he misclicked and bought a fake painting, so he decided to pawn it off saying it was real. as a famous princess once said, some things never change
he’s long completed his art collection, but if you’re in need of a certain artwork, you can have it for the right price <3
pissed as hell over the snooty villagers. you think you’re better than him huh???
or, that’s what he wishes he feels. he just feels bullied in his own domain
money DOES grow on trees so therefore azul’s island is decorated in bell trees
he got excited when a tree dropped a coin. 
got less excited when he picked up the coin and it got put in his wallet
he thought there were different coins and he could have a digital coin collection too :(
builds something akin to a mostro lounge 2.0, not really for monetary purposes, it’s just a nice outdoor plaza for his villagers to hang out in :)
mad respect for his villagers who go to the lounge during winter season. it is very cold :(
but they look so adorable in their sweaters and hats and scarves🥺 jade, floyd, perhaps its time to invest in a miniature clothing line
a completionist! he will try to earn every achievement, and complete his critterpedia!
he heard riddle wanted to complete the critterpedia so azul did it first to impress him, but all riddle told azul is that he needed to spend less time on the game osijfgnrfg big L
starting hissy fights with floyd over the villager he wanted moving into floyd’s island
refuses to let floyd on his island for weeks because he’s So Hurt. just look at how upset he is :'(
had Raymond during his hype and refuses to let him go to this day. he’s gotten attached
hes got some cool ass preppy vest and their eyes match!!
often mentions that he wants to invite Tia on his island in hopes someone gets the hint
(so far no one has yet, but jade is a master at playing the long game)
has a concerning amount of sharks on display: both in tanks and as plaques
he misses the hunt <3
kept refusing to give back wisp’s body in hopes something would happen but ur basically forced to give it back ugh
how boring. he hoped there wouldve been consequences or something
actually he hoped that wisp would lose his shit
his house isn’t really for living in, it’s for storage. his home is the outdoors and hes placing down the furnishing to prove it
many forget that jade is also just living his best life, just a little guy. hes so jealous of his villagers. he too wants to only water flowers, fish for hours, and visit his nice neighbours in their pretty little homes
almost always wearing some kind of wide-brimmed hat to really sell the image that his home is the outdoors
cater is constantly handing jade some more trendy clothes because he thinks jade’s fashion is atrocious, but jade. never. wears. them.
hell, next year he might just use his island as a way to recruit people into the mountain-lovers club
makes ugly ass custom designs and genuinely think it looks good (anyone remember that one time jade dressed himself?)
forget leona, maybe it’s jade that has the uncle fashion. socks with sandals and all
aside from his own kin, no one has seen him physically hold a console in his hands, yet, his hours in this game would give idia a run for his money
theres some skeletons in the basement yeah
no seriously, he has skeletons in the basement. it looks like a jail. theres custom design blood on the floor
all that iron he's been pilfering from ruggie goes into steel bars👍👍
but he’ll say its for educational purposes
between you and me though, thats the corpse of Chadder. he hates rats- wait what do you mean wrong game??
loves Zucker because “he looks edible” 
because of course he’d say that
terrorizing one octopus wasn’t enough he needed to terrorize two
obsessively resets his island until he gets peaches
fighting with jade over his console to drop iron for him
his house looks fine and normal in every room besides the basement. 
there’s seven skeletons chilling in there with bubblegum k on 24/7 loop
its a skeleton rave because they deserve to have fun too goddamnit
out of the twins, floyd has the neater house. hes quite committed to the aesthetics of his virtual space 
his happy home academy scores have reached the peak and hasn’t moved from there at all
it’s also vil certified! he really liked floyd’s home and told him he could land a career in interior design
says he’s gonna custom design the octavinelle uniform for azul and yassified it up so its a crop top & shorts now :D
dont forget them knee high boots
had fun designing but it was less of a “mini matching octavinelle uniform for us awww” and more of a “what would azul hate to wear”
(azul absolutely fuckin hates it to shreds so yay!! mission accomplished!)
even though azul reluctantly wears it, floyd had legitimately made the real uniform for him should azul choose to change clothes
his home storage is filled with 80% clothes bc of course his shoe collection carries over to the virtual space
horrible person he loves to scare wisp but will never hunt the ghost bits to give back to him
once he got his hands on the ocarina it was over for his multiplayer invites
his most used tool frfr. depending on the day he’ll play a pop song he memorized or a cacophony of sounds
kalim is the only one who thinks its a good idea to extend floyd an invite to the pop music club
like ace, also uses the type in your own answer function for evil. except he forgets what he writes all the time and it jumps back in his face
villagers be asking him a month later if his favourite hobby was “de-boning Blathers” and then saying they “should try it out themselves”
probably owns Saharah’s entire collection of mystery everything, and just like lilia he will run around and bury them on other peoples islands like some kinda hamster
another one that just pawns off stuff to his juniors, but instead of calling them gifts he straight up says he doesnt want it before handing them off
at least he’s honest LMAO
his entire head is a radio that is constantly playing bubblegum k on loop
leaves stuff all over the place then forgets about it
when a villager gifts him something he will make sure to put it on or find a place for it to display right away
look at the cool leaf umbrella Pashmina gave him!!
personally vibes with the peppy villagers the most since they’re so upbeat. he tries his best to talk to Wendy every day
spends most of his bells on random furniture to place everywhere. his home storage has always been empty because he wants to display everything
he especially puts in extra work for the seasonal furniture but he’s constantly out of materials
runs circles around his villagers in greeting
takes advantage of the many reactions at his disposal. makes happy gestures at his villagers in greeting
he leaves fruit and picnic baskets all over the island in case his villagers wants to hold an impromptu party or have a lil snack
vending machines are a MUST
food is his love language! 
gifts too but you can only give one a day :(
gets super sad when his villagers dont want to repeatedly talk to him
puts nice lil messages into his friends notice boards and draws a lil stick figure of himself to accompany them
kalim mentioned one day that he would wear an entire line of clothes vil designed and vil puts a few of them on kalim’s island
kalim most enjoys it when his villagers wear vil’s designs because he can match with them! thanks vil :DD
hes always wearing a wetsuit underneath in case he wants to go for a dive
adores the little seal, he goes swimming often just to bump into him to give him scallops
sticks around after he hands over the scallops just to see the seal hold it
encourages his classmates to take lots of photos with him
only his fossil and art exhibits are full
(the art exhibit not really because he doesn’t know how to spot the counterfeit artworks)
he doesn’t want to take the sea creatures away from their home
this does not apply to the insects though. call him blathers’ comrade because he is a valiant knight in chasing away the bugs on jamil’s island
in exchange, jamil farms materials for kalim (why is he always short on softwood???)
floyd breaks into his island to hit all of his villagers with nets
emphasizes with blathers because of the mutual hate for bugs
not appreciating ace making crappy renditions of jamil as blathers on the notice boards
steers clear of flick. that has got to be the freakiest thing hes ever met and hes had several conversations with rook hunt
he can take all the bugs tho, if jamil was brave enough to catch any
the lazy villagers are absolutely adorable and wholesome but jamil is sobbing on the inside. listen its nice that you want to share your fruit with your friends but u can do better than insects
if those six-legged devils are invading your space, sooner or later, you’ll be contracting the entire alphabet of hepatitis
drives all the smug villagers out of his island. he doesn’t want this negative energy in his safe haven
he keeps a few peppy villagers. he thought he would tire of them quickly, but sometimes u need a lil happy-go-lucky energy as a pick-me-up
lets kalim pillage all of the coconuts on his island for his coconut tree forest
silver’s favourite villager resides on jamils island and he asks all the time if he can come over to say hi to them
silver keeps telling him that Plucky reminds him of his dad because he also gives silver daily self-defence tips and sleeps hella late 
and u know what the more jamil hears of silvers father the more confused he gets. its hard to condense so many unrelated characteristics into a single personality, but apparently silver’s dad has it all
spends an ungodly amount of time in the able sisters and nooks cranny because the characters follow him around like little ducks and he likes the sound of their liddol footsteps
also very much appreciates all the authority he has on this island its the small semblance of control his virgo ass can get
he can legit tell a villager to move their house somewhere and they’ll agree with a smile
always treats his villagers with respect
has a strange obsession with fire. he places campfires and torches all over the place
will not rest until his island looks exactly the way he wants, down to the last detail
hella annoyed during island recruiting because he cannot pick his villagers, and everyone’s uniqueness is clashing with the aesthetic jamil was going for, now he has to change it
his favourite villagers are the normal personality ones, and if he could control the villagers that move in, he would have an island to Poppy and Bertha’s liking
another one of the cries when he receives letters from mom squad. shes just really sweet.
when Whitney moved on his island he got reminded of jack then took it back after getting to know her personality. ik it looks like a bad thing but its not, she grew on him very quick
not very fussy about his villagers, no matter how strange their designs are 
ik ur probably thinking “but some of them are so ugly”, yeah but vil lives with twink he-man tailing him every day
nah im joking its bc he talks to his villagers often and they’re so nice and vil Gets Attached Easily
besides, they love all the clothing and furniture vil gives them. vil can’t even get epel to appreciate his own looks, this is a certified W for vil
sometimes its the inside that matters most <3
while vil kind of still has a bit of celeb status in-game, it’s not over-the-top, so it feels extremely refreshing to be regarded as Just Vil
plus the close-knitted community in the island reminds vil of home. its nice
wishes his villagers were nicer to each other but there isn’t a scold option in the game >:( might report them to isabelle
makes it a mission to get rid of a cranky villager after seeing them be mean to Gala. Whitney is the only ‘mean’ one allowed here
dreaded inviting leona to his island for one reason and one reason only: he put his own designs into able sisters
please, Gala is wearing leopard print, this is a crime
made his own custom designs to fill leonas island with them. the third years stay beefing for eternity
(according to trey, leona camps on vils island waiting to snatch Gala up)
besides the weaponry potential he has, vil spends most of his talents on making really nice designs
rook loves to wax poetry on the artistry of vil’s mind & then he ends up creating more. it’s a continuous cycle of art appreciation <33
speaking of rook, he had gifted vil an amiibo card of Étoile telling him ‘a star for a star’ 
vil does a very bad job hiding his favour towards her
but he does let rook take any lion, tiger, or gorilla villagers off his island (sigh)
found the most enjoyment after one of leonas favourite villagers left and came to vils island, saying that they finally realized they deserved better💀   
but cater so graciously opened his mouth to dub Cheri as “leonas leftovers” and yeah, you can probably imagine how that turned out
the hunting instinct has Awoken
mans has every fish & bug & sea creature in the critterpedia
he did lots of island hopping to do so
need a tarantula? he’s got cages of them. they’re so fuzzy and fast and their eyes are so cute!
jamil has sworn off ever visiting rooks island. evidence of his hunting instinct are inescapable
unfortunately for jamil, rook is loud and proud about the fruits of his labour. invites everyone to come take a look at his island and museum
azul comes in frequently to take pictures in the aquarium
jade would be bonding with rook more over the hunt but, they started a bet over who gets the highest score in the fishing tourney so, no bonding today
(there was no competition to begin with since ruggie swept up the entire tourney anyways)
never fails to send each and every one of his villagers a personalized letter telling them how much he adores them
‘you look radiant when you’re asleep’ holds merit because some of his villagers do nap under the trees, but it’s a still a pretty unusual comment to receive
nevertheless, his villagers are very receptive to him and tend to send him many letters back
gets max friendship with so many villagers so quickly and for why?? he just wants their portrait to display in his house
theres a room full of portraits and really it looks more like a hitlist than a documentation of his journey of friendship
do not ask him to choose a favourite villager, for he finds beauty in them all. it is simply too cruel to ask him to pick just one
unleashes the voices in his head onto the bulletin boards
they are mostly love musings and occasional tiny drawings
some of the times they are helpful hunting tips!
idia claims that there was no need to inform his villagers about how to preserve the hide of a jaguar but you never know when his villagers need to defend themselves against The Unknown (no he will not elaborate)
camps on everyone’s island to take the villagers that are moving out
yes, it is a shame that they must leave monsieur magicam's island, but he too understands the calling of adventure. please, come join his island for a rest until the next island awaits :))
hosts bigger goodbye parties than kalim. rook would be a terrible island representative if he did not give a heartwarming farewell to his now former villager, oui?
their time spent together was enriching, but who is rook to stop them from pursuing another destination on their journey? people often forget that there is beauty in endings
also obsessively reset his island until he got a certain fruit
once he got his pears he traded them with jack for his apples
almost exclusively keeps his island in winter as it reminds him of harveston aww
not appreciating the comparisons to Apple
extremely not appreciating sebek putting her into an enclosure because he doesnt like the interior of her home
considering sebek partook in the comparisons to Apple, epel is now banishing any crocodile villagers to the furthest corner of his island. they can live in isolation😡
it really doesnt last long, he got attached to Gayle. like father like son fr
even funnier his favourite villager is Judy but he will tell everyone that its Boots
he also has the most fruit trees on his island out of everyone. ace raids epels island all the time to steal fruit and sell it off (mostly with permission, but theres always that one time without)
happily gave azul some tips on tree placement & how to display as much as possible bc this is his Expertise
cue the next week azul was constantly asking epel if he needed any furniture and epel finally named something he wanted
low and behold he got it in the mail and azul stopped pestering him
huh. his seniors are really nice, arent they? :D
vil made a regal little flag design for epels island that epel swore he would never use but it’s always there when vil visits
he absolutely keeps the tune rook composed though. it sounds like boss music #weballin
highkey adores the able sisters (especially sable) they’re so kind they remind him of his town’s elders 
his villagers constantly compliment him and give him clothes🥺
unlike with vil he will happily wear whatever cute shit his villagers give him, even if he prefers the cool stuff
like you said vil, charm & cuteness is a weapon and its one his villagers exploit heavily. he’s jotting down notes the next time he wants vils lessons to end sooner😏
diligent with his landscape you will never see a single weed anywhere
his tree stumps are intentional and his tree placement is all arranged nicely
takes up gardening too and is the second to get the gold roses, but it didn’t fit with his island, so he passed them off them to malleus instead
kindly takes off the flowers colonizing riddle’s island to put them in his
can we get a round of applause? for epel has every species of flower on his island !!
finally, a place where he is The Boss and people will respect him for it
ortho recommended this game to him so they can play together
(it was mostly to comfort him after his favourite ship didn’t become canon)
cried the first time his villagers gave him a compliment :((
When Audie tells him “I managed to make some awesome friends, like you, Idia!”, he understands now why ortho told him to download this game
sniffling through this game it’s so wholesome
ofc he knows the lore about Audie its why shes his favourite
idia decides to keep his island full of peppy villagers to suit the vibe, match the aesthetic, etc
the only exception to the personality rule is if theres a cat villager, then they’re forgiven for any and all crimes
(this is a trick question, for they can do no wrong)
memorizes his villagers’ preferred gifts bc they get nothing else but the best!
actually all of his custom designs are cosplays. his villagers wear his designs. hes leaked water over this game more than hes ever in his life
isabelles soft, cheerful energy is really what gets idia through his day. shes the perfect amounts of outgoing without being too overwhelming
many people often believe that vil is catty but idia is literally right There
hes a bitch and everyone knows it. its just super forgettable because theres so many other aspects of idias personality that overshadows his mean bitch energy
idia will specifically go to azuls domain just to insult his trees and the placement of his furniture
he approves of the yassified octavinelle outfit tho its very tasteful
judges people who don’t know super obscure details like why do you have to be a casual AND normal about the game pick a struggle >:(
makes little mods and tweaks to the game. he coded in that his villagers can lie down on the mats, hammocks, and on the beach
four updates in though, a bug occurred and his villagers roll around on the ground like how they do in beds
it was way too funny so idia kept it that way and didnt patch up the bug
if anyone passes by him in the halls they might hear him singing acnh tunes
absolutely evil. doxxing people (its ruggie) for trying to auction off Bob & kicking his feet and wiggling his toes while talking to Audie the next second
he finds out that ace really wants to get rid of Francine so yeah, idias making derogatory drawings of Francine on ace’s notice boards and sending him anti-Francine memes
nothing brings two people closer together more than mutual hatred they said
he’s inviting all of the robot villagers and they are having a blast
is very supportive of Ketchup’s dreams to be a popstar! he regularly puts microphone stands near her house and gives her lots of sparkly clothing
hes a fan of all the duck villagers, really. their little beaks and happy faces :)
his favourite villager is Doc. no particular reason but ortho has always wanted a grandparent
plus Doc talks about comics and superheros and ortho will not miss an opportunity to nerd out (even though Doc’s opinions are very on the safe side. ortho thirsts for controversy)
once ortho visited riddle’s island and asked for Kid Cat if he moved out
riddle gave him a generous donation of flowers to send Kid Cat off with😭😭  
if idias skipping his 8 hours of sleep, ortho will make him do the stretches with the villagers (hes the reason why they're all out of sync)
technically ortho joins in but he doesnt exactly need any stretching
hacked the star fragment trees into his world. low risk, high reward!!
uses those trees to recreate the stargazer tree and designed his own starsending gear to go along with it☺️
shared the design with jack and invited him onto his island for a photoshoot
jack is amazed by the trees and says he cant wait until he can grow star fragment trees and ortho just smiles through it all
jack would be so disappointed to learn ortho got them in less than legal means
maybe he'll hack them onto his island in secret
also puts his own little mods in. he makes some custom design furniture and FINALLY PUTS THE FROG CHAIR IN
even adds some characters he wants and brings back the ruthless dialogue from the past AC games
personally makes an entire set of furniture that references his favourite movies (extra care is given to ones vil has starred in)
ortho’s playstyle is a lot less wholesome than idias because he likes a challenge
he made an entire DLC called animal crossing: survival island because he heard silver talking about it (probably works like minecraft hard mode)
put pride flag custom designs in the shop to wait for his villagers to come out :) 
after they “come out”, ortho makes a little backstory on it and gets idia to guess their stories. he’s got lore in this island now !!
fluent in the entire soundtrack. he makes the noises, hes downloaded the bgm
ortho wants an irl isabelle and he’s preparing a 70-slide powerpoint presentation to convince idia to get him a dog
kinda overkill since all ortho needs is to give him the puppy dog eyes
for the sake of this hc lets say he at least knows the controls
confuses this game for pokemon and tries to “catch” his villagers with the net
gets confused when they get mad at him
hes very very amused by how normal his villagers treat him
these tiny little animals are cowering in fear by the thought of ghosts even though they are technically walking over bones of the dead
they gas him up so much for the tiniest things he does and if it were anyone else but these fluffy animals he would think it was belittlement
it feels like he’s important, not for his titles nor his accomplishments, but just because his animal friends love him
he can see why silver loves to talk to the birds now
when he’s on someone’s island he can lurk and be afk until he’s kicked off
has statues everywhere. he doesn’t really know how to pick them up after theyre put down so don’t mind the random statues by the airport
tries to put down as least furniture as possible bc of one too many incidents of him picking up the sidewalk instead of his fruit
anyone near him during this can add many ancient curses to their forbidden vocabulary👀👀
when his villagers threw a birthday party for him...
rumours say the valley of thorns was sunny for the first time that day!!
his favourite villager is Coco and he cherishes her with his life
he also has a certain favour towards crocodile villagers as well, namely Drago bc he shares the name of one of his tamagotchis
doesnt do much in this game but talk to his villagers
loves the night walks in the game because he can bump into two things Celeste, or Wisp
hes so intrigued by Celeste shes fr just chilling and living her best life looking at the stars. it reminds him of lilia
given lilia is way more devious so maybe not😔
Wisp is a lot less brave than any ghost hes met and malleus thinks hes adorable. he feels very guilty for frightening him all the time however
it felt so dehumanizing trying to catch a dragonfly he was pouting for weeks
highkey cannot drop the game because he left for a while and when he came back his villagers were wailing about how he left them alone for months
hes never leaving them alone again he doesnt want them to feel abandoned
his name in the game is not lilia, oh no
his name is dad. he is now the proud father of 10 more children
11 counting isabelle
debates are still on the table of whether or not tom nook is a legitimate dignified son of lilias
he even has a time out corner for his naughty villagers
its just him barricading that villagers house
he did barricade resident services for a good 15 minutes before receiving an amiibo card from silver and he wanted to use it
favours the lazy villagers because they are a certain brand of adorable and they try to make friends with everyone
technically loves all his villagers but he always points out Kevin because he ‘looks very friendly’
had a big ass laugh after deuce compared Kevin’s smile to treys
when he’s on someones island he treats it like hide and seek. he will never be found
getting access to the custom design was fun for lillia, but not for anyone else
sometimes he throws down some eldritch horror, sometimes his outfits look like a glowstick exploded
his island is in permanent halloween mode 
buries random shit on other peoples islands. they dig it up thinking it’s a fossil and instead get mystery wallpaper, random stacks of clay, and random diys
call it an everyday egg hunt if you will
he has three rooms dedicated to kitchenware and is trying to (more like going to) find a way to cook smth nice for his villagers. its the least he could do as thanks
if not then he’ll just buy fruit baskets and hand them out to his villagers. he’s such an asian dad
doesnt bat in eye when his villagers knock up on his door and barge into his house
he's welcoming them with open arms. why of course Pudge you can sit on the ground and read ur book for as long as you want ^^
he'll be doing his own thing too #parallelplay or something idk
(on a side note, Pudge’s face is probably how every visitor on lilia’s island feels)
thought there were going to be more survival elements to the game since it starts with himself & a group of animals on some remote island 
as soon as the plane was hovering over the island, silver was ticking off potential water, food, & shelter sources
threw him for a loop when he found out how peaceful this game was. it’s pleasant :)
doesn’t stop him from valiantly chasing off the wasps and scorpions and fleas away from his villagers
don’t worry Lolly, you’re under silver’s protection now. nothing will hurt you :)
even though the threats in this game are minimal, silver keeps lights & campfires all over just for safety reasons
if his villagers end up lost, all they need to do is follow the light! and if they want some alone time, the fire can keep them safe & warm <3
he thinks Flick is adorable. has a shy little personality and likes to make art and bug friends (?) 
constantly supports Flick by giving him bugs for commissions. everyone deserves the chance to follow their dreams :)
peacefully picking seashells on the beach while sebek is scaring away all of the fish
really fond of the zodiac furniture. he wants to collect them all
he makes around 100 wishes every time. just lays his console down and presses A
thinks celeste is very sweet. sad that she doesnt visit often
certified photographer. he takes a lot of pictures with his villagers because he’s just. so happy they like his island, they like each other, it’s such a wholesome atmosphere
cater and silver have a shared magicam account dedicated to their pics it’s very cute and the followers mostly consist of savanaclaw and diasomnia members 
loves seeing his villagers interact with each other. their conversations are so cute, they visit each others homes!! bros gonna sink into his mattress and flood it with tears
do not underestimate him, even if it is most likely made up, silver will become fluent in the Language of the Coded Animals
he will not curse but the animal noises are the closest he’ll get if he ever chooses to
all of his villagers get a royalty treatment. silver's residents are the most spoiled residents ever
fills his notice boards with drawings of his villagers saying nice things, like reminding him to drink water, or to hug his friends
at the same time he also puts in survival tips just like how lilia raised him. its a very contrasting mix of messages
even online he is Too Much
sprints everywhere and wonders why all the bugs and fish flee
hes got places to be and no amount of time to waste
his home interior is a lot like diasomnia but bro do not let him get ahold of the custom designs
im sure hes a really good artist but anyone who's tried operating the custom designs knows that it zaps any artistic skill you've ever learned
traditional art? fucking amazing. acnh art? now ur kid with a purple crayon
stick figures. drawing the diasomnifam does not work. theres 4 stick figures. one has horns, one has bat wings, ones surrounded by animals, and one is Just Green.
his priorities shifted to practicing custom design until he mastered it
does not take commissions. if he ever bestows a custom design onto someone, its a sign of sebek’s approval/respect of them
hes very committed to the aesthetic. hes terraforming his island every single week based on his current mood (bros going thru it)
competes with silver for every kind of grading they get (happy home academy, island rating, etc)
this is what motivates him to come back and play
dont be mistaken either this is not one-sided. mutual rivalry is the best way to keep the other improving !!
hoards all of the holiday materials to make the diys that he doesnt have or collect
personally having the maddest beef with the snowboys bc one accidental nudge of a snowball resulted in them insulting sebek’s snowmen-building competence
sebek obviously does better the next time, but then the snowboys are just so egotistic for no reason. all they did was sit there and get built, they could never measure up to his master malleus, or lilia
by the third run-in with the snowboys, he just opts to crush or drown the snowballs. the winter DIYs weren’t worth the effort
the fued w/ one Ace Trappola has not ended since the day he got the console because they wanted the same villager and started fighting over Agnes’ amiibo card
amiibo cards can be used multiple times and clearly they both do not know this
probably the only one out of the cast to actually use the 'ask blathers' feature
the owl is a very dutiful and knowledgeable curator. sebek believes he can learn much from him
only thing to complain about is how often blathers is asleep during the day. if blathers were a retainer he most certainly would not make the cut.
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mikaikaika · 1 year
Hello I've seen you around the QSMP spaces a lot, but I'm curious!! Do you have any cool headcanons you wanna share?
Hey anon! Thanks for the question and sorry if it took me a while I was recollecting my thoughts. I don't have any set hcs but a few thought sparced around here and there so here they are. They are mostly about the eggs but some people found their way in
Tallulah has all of Wilbur's letters memorised and she repeats them when she finds herself in danger. However sometimes Chayanne hears her muttering in her sleep and if he pays attention he can hear the repeat of Wilbur's words.
Richarlyson does not like to take baths due to his parenthood side that comes from Catboy Cellbit
Flippa and Tilin were very clumsy and often got injured so they had a bet going on with each other about who can convincingly tell their parent the most batshit crazy getting injured story without worrying them too much. Their record was never broken despite their exaggerated shenanigans
Missa was the better chef of the house who used to make diverse meals. Seeing him Chayanne took up cooking because he wanted to help after he saw how exhausted Phil was while taking care of two kids. It now helps him make proper use of all the potatoes and now he has one more skill he can use to provide for his loved ones incase they are stuck in danger
Not mine but someone had a hc that Antoine is an alien due to his moon and the tomska sketch he was a part of. I just wanna add to it that that is the reason his mc skin is layered with an outer layer. So it is him trying to imitate huamans and trying to fit in. That's the reason he has like three faces cause he wanted to fit in by doing his best attempts possible
Since Phil said they shop at hot topic cause they're a emo family, I think Tallulah hates it, so as a little sign of rebellion she keeps choosing tshirts with the most ridiculous captions to take home like one that says "crazy plant lady" with weed on it but Tallulah insists it represents her venues or anything over the top pink that she can find there like I'm talking mable pines level fluffy
Dapper is really good at doing rubix cubes and loves them but Ramon absolutely hates due to how engrossed Dapper got when he was learning it
As Chayanne grows up he end up outgrowing his duck floatie. So he ,with the help of Ramon and dapper, devises a belt with a duck belt buckle on it that can turn into a floatie anytime it is required. It comes in handy more often than you think.
Baghera is deathly afraid of snakes cause she's a duck
Cellbit's family are his anchor anytime his past comes haunting him back. He often gets nightmares that wake him up but all it takes is him seeing the picture of Richarlyson with he Favela Five or turning to his side and seeing the face of his sleeping husband and with one squeeze of his hand - Cellbit comes grounded back to reality and peacefulness.
When he's outside and people are accusing him of being a traitor or when things get too rough, you would often find Cellbit toying with his ring. It serves him as a reminder that his past is behind him and now he's in a better place and no matter what he would always have someone looking out and waiting for him - something he has never had before
The dragon colours that the eggs would be turned into coincides with the signs they use. Flippa's would be green similar to what gegg uses, Bobby's was brownish since he used normal signs, Tilin's would be slight orange as hers was red but she passed hers down to Pomme and Trump is light blue since his was blue but he passed it down to Richarlyson as Richas is more socially "loud" than he is
If Tilin and Juanaflippa were still here, their name together with Tallulah would have been TFT trio
Pac paints his nail but it's always chipped due to him working with Mike but you would never see it completely gone and no one knows how/when Pac reapplies and redamages it
Also I love this hc that all the partners of the people on the server are some kind of godly entity with specific powers that tie into the story
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jinxthequeergirl · 1 month
pines family x parental figure!reader/ implied stanfordx reader
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Summary: based on the song "Fireworks" by mitski- you've lost yourself in your journey to bring back your friend from another dimension that you've almost forgotten about your family.
Warning: ANGST BABY!!!!! WOWOW! Also corny as hell
You wondered how long you'd feel like this. The sense of constant unease and dread and guilt.
"You're going to drive yourself crazy staring at those pages."
You blinked with heavy eyelids as you stared at the half complete layout of the large portal machine. "I can figure it.. I know I can..." You mumbled.
"There's nothing we can do until we have the last journal."
You said nothing but focused on the pages, thinking till your brain was numb.
Stan sighed, realizing he wasn't getting you away from those books without a fight.
"ME and the kids are going to be outside incase you care to join us."
You mumbled or groaned he couldn't really tell the difference. He frowned he had noticed a change in you most recently though he knew you didn't think he did.
A slight grey in your eyes as you continued to work. He knew you wanted to bring Stanford home so did he. But not to the extent you had been pushing it too. So he quietly went to meet the kids upstairs.
You felt your eyes growing heavy. Your thoughts drift as you stared at the page and wondered when you had gotten to this point.
You had spent so much time crying for Stanford to come back, so much time blaming Stanley for losing him. Then the feelings just fossilized one morning. You knew they where still there. You still felt the grief, the guilt the anger.
But for some reason, you'd forgot how to cry.
You heard a faint popping from upstairs but didn't think much of it at first. Still dazing into the old journals.
Trying for anything. A spark of an idea a glimmer of hope, the courage to face what you feared be true, to feel less lifeless again.
hoping that the almost numb feeling wasn't your lost feelings for him. If that was the case, then that would mean you'd given up hope on finding him again.
You hear the popping again, followed by cheering. You look up for the first time in what feels like hours. Your neck hurts, and you groan in pain as your eyes are met with a photo of you and Stanford.
Is this what he would want for you? The feelings you had were real and still hurt. The feelings you had for Ford were just the same.
Your eyes drift to the photo next to it. You and Stanley and the kids squished together to fit the frame. A wide grin across all your faces.
You heard the popping and booming louder this time.
This isn't what Stanford would want for you. You decide as you push yourself out of the chair with a stretch and up the basement steps.
You he'd want you to realize that what you felt was healing. Not losing hope or feeling for him like you feared.
Your eyes adjust to the light as you step into the warm summer night.
He'd want you to connect with the people you called family.
"Y/n, you made it! We still have some fireworks left!" Mable cheered as you shut the door that led to the roof. "I saved all your favorite colors incase you came out."
Take care of yourself.
"I dunno guys. Isn't this kinda dangerous?" You asked. The twins shared a look with eachother before you laughed.
"Who am I kidding? Hand me the biggest one you have!" You exclaimed.
Stan laughed. "Ah there they are the y/n we all know and love!"
And more importantly be there for them.
You placed an apologetic hand on stans shoulder and offered him a smile. Which he returned.
You sat on the edge of the roof watching the fireworks for most of the night feeling your worries wash away.
Everything was gonna be alright with them by your side.
It always had been.
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d00mbunnie · 4 months
so part 6 of the Chose your own adventure under the cut! good job everyone you all avoided a bad ending. you're getting close to the end!
“We need help over here!” you shout to the Librarian.
              The librarian shushes you and quickly walks over to you. She gasps when she sees the tendril.
              “Not again.” She says angrily but in hushed tones. She clicks her tongue and starts pacing in front of the shelf. You and Dimitri just watch her walk back and forth a few time till she turns on her hoof and points to Dimitri.
              “I’m going to close down this section of the library. I need you to go report this to Mable. She should still be at the café.”
              Dimitri shrugs and says, “Sure she probably is. But may I at leas take out these to two books.”
              The Librarian nods curtly and takes the books over to the front desk and quickly stamps the cards in the back. Dimitri takes the books, smiles, and tells her “Don’t I’ll have them back to you by the end of the night.”
              You walk out of the library with Dimitri at your side and head back to the café shape like a giant toad stool. He hands you the books he checked and point to the one on top.
              “you should start with that one first.” Dimitri explains, “it will answer all the questions about safe havens and explain in simple terms how these worlds work. You’ll get your own library card tomorrow when you come back. Once you finish orientation, you’ll be a full member!”
              You look at the cover then open the book and glance over it as you walk. You wonder if there’s any explanation for what you saw in the library. You look through the table of contents and notice in the 3rd chapter is titled ‘creatures of the under.’ You flip through the pages to see if any of the weird creatures drawn in the book have the tree like tendril like you saw in the library. Nothing looks like what you saw but sentence underneath one of the pictures states;: “many beings in the under are allergic to Iron just like faeries. Not all are but a majority are.”
              You wonder how the people in charge are going to take care of this problem and if it continues will it be a probably for you. You decided to ask Dimitri
              “Do you know how they’ll get rid of that creature?” you ask
              “Well… I don’t know, but everyone will probably learn later at the meeting in the afternoon.” Dimitri strokes his beard while looking into the distance, “But for now we should probably get some lunch.”
              “oooo. I want the sandwich you had earlier!” you shout in delight as you follow him through the door.
              You join the others at the table, everyone from this morning is there. You sit in between Dimitri and James. Mable sits in front of you with moira on her right and Kiki on here left. Duke the pit-bull bar tender comes over with red note pad and begins taking orders. When he gets to you your order the sandwich and some juice. He goes back into the kitchen and comes back balancing many dishes on his arms and head. He perfectly manages and is seemingly unworried buy carrying so many plates. You take the first bite of your sandwich and it is amazing. A food orgasm really. You wonder if all the food here tastes this good. You are pure food bliss so you miss what James says the first time he speaks
              “Hey! How was the library?” James asks, he no longer has his wizard on.
              You snap back to reality quickly and swallow your bite and answer, “Oh it was alright, I definitely learned somethings, but we had to leave early, because of some kinda creatures that’s outside trying to get in.”
              “yeah, I saw some of the ‘branches’ outside the traders shop. I think the thing must be looking for something inside the safe haven. Like maybe we have something it wants. I don’t think it’s here to hurt us.” James tells you.
              “But what does it want?” Kiki questions as they look up at the ceiling, “at least they haven’t gotten to the café, but I doubt it wants people food.”
              “hopefully what ever it wants, I hope it’s not a person, like it hasn’t touched anyone yet from what I heard, but I worry it might be after one of the faeries, or one of their many powerful artifacts that keep this place stable. I heard some of them whispering about it, they seem unsure of what is too. But there are things out there that want to eat them.” Moira explains as she eats the same kind of sandwich you eating.
              Actually, everyone but Mable who only has a cup of tea is eating the same sandwich. You start to wondering  if this creature is going to become a major problem, a faerie from your limited knowledge is a powerful creature or maybe even a god that got down-graded when Christians invaded and destroyed the native religion of the Celts. You haven’t seen one yet, but either way you wonder what thing could be powerful enjoy to need to eat faeries.
              “so we are all going to the meeting hall at 3 o’clock, safe haven time.” Mable calm like explains, “since it’s your first day you would have gone to and orientation meeting to help get you introduced to everyone, but we’re having the emergency meeting instead. It’s 1 o’clock now so you have a little more time before the meeting so why don’t you spend time with someone else.”
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
I Don't Need Your Help P2
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Adorable
Concept Foster Parents
Requested 'I don't Want your Help' Sequel
I hummed my little tune as I pushed the cart along the alise of products every so often glancing to the signs above each alise and then to my shopping list to cross reference between the two, I felt a small tug on my dress so I glanced behind me seeing little Lisa in her clean dress her hair in the pigtails I did for her this morning
"Ohh yes?" I asked she simply pointed to the shelf where the the chocolate chip cookie dough sat in its logs "I think that's a great idea Lisa" I smiled I let her choose which ones we got and helped her add them to the cart "okay next is orange juice, you think you can grab that for me?" I asked her and she nods and runs off happily to find it. I went around and got the rest of the groceries we quickly paid for and loaded up the Lincoln heading through the busy still drizzly New York streets back to the beautiful house I now called home. I pulled into the driveway and parked up helping lisa out the car and she happily came and helped me unload all the groceries into the kitchen, once everything was away I started on the rest of my chores for the day sorting all the beds, all the laundry everything I needed to do when I heard the phone so I bolted downstairs grabbing it before it rang off
"Watts residence?"
"Hi y/n" her voice smiled
"Oh hi carol" I smiled "what's up?"
"I know we were talking and you mentioned you have an open bedroom"
"Yes we do, now Alice has gone home we have an open bedroom. Why do you ask?"
"I've got a young lady here, it's an absolute shit show of a case and I need somewhere for her to go and I know just how well you guys do with these kinda cases"
"Absolutely what's her name?"
"Mable she's just turned eleven, she's a very sweet girl been thought one hell of a time"
"No problem well we are more then happy you can send her and her file along as soon as you get chance"
"Thanks y/n you're a lifesaver" she says before she rang off
So I put the phone down and I grabbed a little cream basket from the cupboard, I headed upstairs making sure to peek in on Lisa on her room playing with her rag dolls so I went on past the other rooms to the last free bedroom I opened the door revealing the fairly bare bones room, it use to be Alice's room when she lived here but she left a few weeks ago with a wide smile happy she finally was able to live with her mother again, I made the bed with some fresh clean sheets and made sure the room was free of dust and spiders, I set the basket on the bed and made sure to fill it from the airing cupboard with a fresh new fluffy towel, some clean brand new PJ's, some snacks, some colouring stuff, a stuffie, some fresh blankets for the bed, a new toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner and even a bath bomb all of them fairly mini travel sized ones ready for Mable to arrive I even made her a little card up to put on the basket for her. When I checked the time I rushed myself down to the front door watching out the front window as the yellow bus pulled up outside the house, I opened the door up and smiled widely as I saw them all get off the bus so I smiled and waved As Jessi ran over dropping her backpack on the doorstep to give my legs a hug, I smiled and patted her head "Hi Jessi, How was school?"
"Good" she smiled 
"Alright, go on then make sure you get on that maths before dinner else you won't want to do it after bath time" I told her 
"I Will" she smiled happily running inside 
"Afternoon Harriet" I smiled to her 
"Hi," she smiled nicely 
"How was your day?" 
"Okay," she nods 
"Okay, make sure you eat some dinner okay" I told her as she headed inside, and as soon as she was in Dani came to the door too "Hi"
"Hi, how was class?"
"Good" she smiled giving me a tight hug 
"Awww, lovely hugs come on then we have cookie dough for tomorrow"
"Great" she smiled heading inside too, I waved the driver away and headed inside to start on dinner for the girls, making sure everyone was okay given everything had had happened during the day at school and what they wanted to do over the weekend 
"He's home!" Jessi smiled as she was at the window I laughed and set the dishes down and went towards the front door but I didn't even need to open it as the door opened and immediately I saw benny as he came though the door and dropped his duffle bag on the floor, in his jeans and black shirt 
"Hi Benny" I smiled 
he didn't bother to reply simply taking me into his arms and lifting me up giving me a spin "I've missed you little lady"
"I've missed you too" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss as he set me down on the floor again "Happy Anniversary" He smiled handing over some roses clearly from the gas station but still 
"Thank you benny, a week late but thank you" I smiled giving him a kiss 
"Better late then never, you know I don't like going off over our anniversary" he says "Where are my girls?" He asks and immediately the girls all bolted to give him cuddles even Harriet everyone coming to give him a cuddle and to tell him about everything since he was gone, and of course he came to have his own dinner all while listening to the girls tell him everything he missed and of course he told them all about his time away until they headed up to their rooms, "How has everything been?"
"its been okay, Harriet's struggling but I hope it'll cheer her up to have you home again. Jessi is struggling with her maths so I've been looking into a tutor for her. Dani's missed you a lot, and I know Lisa has been feeling a lot better since she's gotten settled" I explained "Ohh and we got a letter from alice"
"we did? didn't you open it?" he asks as I handed over the letter
"Course not I was waiting for you" I smiled "Ohh and we have a young lady coming tonight for the spare room."
"Ohh her name?" he asks opening the letter
"Lovely, how old?"
"we know anything about her?"
"Not much but carol is bringing her pack when she brings her"
"You made her a bed up?"
"Made a bed, and a basket for her"
"Good, I'll have a chat with her when she gets here, we'll give her pack a look though one she's settled in her room"
"Absolutely, and Lisa helped me pick out some nice cookie dough logs as a nice activity for tomorrow"
"Ohh that sounds lovely the girls will love that" He smiled "you wanna read?"
"Of course" I smiled sitting with him and leaning my head on his shoulder holding his arm tightly 
"Dear Benny and Y/n Watts,
I wanted to let you know I've settled down into the new house and my new room. 
My mother has made lots of promises since I moved in, I'm not sure if I should believe her or not but I'm going to give it time, I know she's put so much work in already. 
Even thought its nice to be back with my mother, I do miss you all terribly. 
I still keep the blanket you gave me on my bed at night and I've been using the lessons you taught me in school.
My grades are good, and I'm waiting to here back about a summer internship which will be amazing, 
I know I've told you both a hundred times but I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me and I'm sure I'll be able to see you at some point again. 
I hope everyone is okay and things are going well, and I'll send more letters as soon as I can. "
"Awww she's such a sweetie" I smiled 
"I worry about her"
"I worry too. I know she doesn't trust her mother"
"Can you blame her? she's let her down before" 
"I know, well I always told her she has a bed here if ever she needs one" 
"We'll write her back tomorrow" I smiled 
We caught up about benny's tournament until the door knocked so we fixed up a little and went to the door seeing carol with her folder
"Hi carol" I smiled 
"Hi, Ohh I didn't know you where home benny"
"Only got back tonight, So about Mabel?"
"She's in the car" she says indicating behind her to the car on the street "I've got her file, not sure how long she'll be here"
"she can be here as long as she needs" I told her "School?"
"Not at the moment we can give her a week see how she settles," she explained 
"Okay" I nodded "Shall we meet her?"
Carol Happily walked us down to the car and their sat Mabel, with a trash bag of her belongings, her hair matted and messy, her skin dirty she was clearly nervous. we were slow and careful but we helped her out of the car and into the house up to the bedroom I set up 
"So, this is your room its your space completely to can do whatever you want with it , we have a three day weekend so over this weekend we can help you unpack and take you to do some shopping to get some nice things for your room" I explained "Everything in this basket is yours its all for you"
"To keep?" she asks
"To keep, absolutely" benny told her as he leant on the door frame 
"All of it is for you, and if there is anything specific you'd like, maybe a type of plush or blanket you'd like we can get you them. These hygiene things are all yours and when we got out this weekend we'll get you whatever larger ones you'd like to keep in the bathroom, You're welcome to go and have a bath or shower to make yourself feel more comfortable" 
"And your welcome to ask for anything you want, if you'd like to go to the hairdresser, maybe get your nails done, go get some plushies anything you'd like"
"Just let us know, is this bag all your stuff?"
"Yes" she nods
"Okay is there any clothes you'd like me to do any laundry for you? anything you'd like us to wash before we put away?"
"Ohh... uhhh yes please" she nods handing the whole bag over 
"Everything? you sure?"
"Yes please, could I go have a bath?"
"Of course you can, and if you need anything that's benny and I'm y/n you need anything at all just let us know"
"we hope you can get comfortable, and enjoy your time here" benny told her
I went and ran her a bath with bubbles and some bath bombs leaving the towel in the bathroom for her, and I took her clothes down cleaning all her clothes and toys in the machine 
"she seems okay" Benny says as he came into the kitchen flipping though her file 
"she does, hopefully she can relax over the next couple of days and maybe spend some time with the other girls"
"Absolutely, Ohh got another nut allergy" 
"Ahh like Harriet, no problem" I nodded sitting with him to go though the file about her history and her issues to make sure she's comfortable, once we sorted all the girls for the night making sure to give them all privacy and we headed up to our own bed room 
"Yes benny?"
"You ever get kinda... upset we can't have our own kids?"
"Sometimes" I admit "But we have lots of kids to look after, all the girls we have here all the girls we've helped before who are so much better now then they were before they came here"
"Yeah its nice to help them all out, its nice to help them all"
"It is, besides, Carol's been trying to convince us to adopt Lisa for years now"  
"I know, I'm thinking about it, come on lets get to bed" 
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weirdlynotspecific · 2 years
Hey friend! Could you write a fanfic about Mabel x Pacifica enemies to lovers??
Yep! Here we gooooo
Also I'm including this in the Valentine's day fanfiction challenge (day 4), but it doesn't follow any of today's prompts.
Also also kind of cannon divergence? Basically Dipper and Pacifica are cool but Pacifica never made up with Mable. The Northwests are still rich and the Grunkles live in the shack.
Mable loved highschool. She was a weird kid that wasn't the best at fitting in, but once she got to highschool she found her group, her calling.
Grunkle Ford and Stan were great, but they couldn't quite itch her creative scratch. They were better than her parents for sure (which is why she elected to stay in gravity falls for highschool in the first place) but they weren't her age and didn't always understand.
And of course Dipper was amazing too, but he didn't share Mable's creativity and spontaneous nature. He was quiet and since Weirdmeggedon he had mostly stayed to work with Ford in the basement. They still spent time together of course, but she was happy to have a life at school outside of her family.
That is to say, until she joined the art club at the Gravity Falls highschool. She knew Dipper and Pacifica had worked out whatever nonsense they had between them, but Mable had to deal with Pacifica's shenanigans first hand.
Said shenanigans included tripping her in the hallways, spreading rumors, and basically being that really annoying highschool mean girl stereotype.
Mable loved art club. She stayed after school and worked on honing her creative skills. Until Pacifica came over and somehow ruined it.
"Oh wow. Mable, is that a painting of you?" Pacifica laughed and gestured towards Mable's painting of a rat.
"I'm sorry Pacifica, do you have eyes or do you just enjoy going out of your way to be a jerk?" Mable snapped back. She wasn't offended per say, she thought Herbert looked rather dashing, it was just annoying being walked on.
Pacifica rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't understand the first thing about art."
"Yeah, cause I think I know better than you." Mable sneered and gestured proudly at her Starry Night sweater.
"Fine. Let's settle this. Come to the manner tonight and we can see who does the better portrait of the other. The loser has to apologize." Pacifica proudly put her hands on her hips.
Mable glared at her, indignant with rage. "Yeah whatever. I'll go to your stupid house."
The older Pines twin sat in her room sulking when her brother walked in. "Mable? What's up?"
"Pacifica." She groaned and buried her face in her pillow.
Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Paz? What's her deal?"
"She's being a jerk and now I have to go to her stupid mansion and paint her stupid picture to prove I'm the better artist." Mable sat on her bed with her legs pulled up on her sweater.
Dipper laughed at this. "What? That's so dumb. Mable, I don't think she's trying to fight you."
Mable cocked her head. "Uh, she basically called me a rat today dipdop. That's... Not the nicest."
"No I mean, I think she wants to hang out with you and doesn't know how. She hasn't really had friends before. Don't let her treat you like garbage, of course, but she what happens when you're nice to her. I think she might like you." Dipper smiled as his sister threw her hands in the air.
"Totally. But it's also the Northwests soooo... Give her a shot. You could be a good influence." Dipper gave her a thumbs up and left the room, leaving Mable even more confused and more miserable.
When Mable arrived at the mansion she was greeted by Pacifica at the front gate. "C'mon Pines. Took you long enough."
She was led into a grand room with two easels set up, paint in a variety of colors sat on a table in between them.
They both took their places at their respective easel, Pacifica of course with an apron, beret, and towel.
And they started. Mable let herself get caught in her work, looking over to study Pacifica with trained eyes. The way her blond hair fell over her shoulder, her calculating blue eyes. She found herself getting lost in her painting.
Pacifica spoke after a while, breaking the silence. "I'm not the one spreading rumors, you know."
"What?" Mable stopped painting and looked up at her.
Pacifica sighed and stopped painting as well. "I- well it's someone I know. I asked her to stop but they got worse and then- well it's dumb."
"Pacifica, I'm not going to push you to explain yourself to me, but you do owe me an explanation. Why do you still trip me? Why are you awful to me and not my brother? What is your problem?!" Mable slammed the paintbrush down and Pacifica flinched. "I- sorry that was uncalled for. I'm really frustrated."
The Northwest heir held up a manicured hand. "No- I understand. It's okay. It's really stupid but I used to have a dumb crush on you and then she threatened to tell the school because I didn't want to bully you... I'm sorry."
Mable's brows furrowed. "It took having a crush on me to realize that, 'hey maybe it's wrong to bully people'?!"
"Well no- I know that's really stupid-"
Mable nodded and crossed her arms.
"And it doesn't excuse my past behavior-"
Mable nodded again.
"I want to be a better person. I know my family is filled with spite and lies and I didn't know that was wrong until I met you and Dipper. I shouldn't have bullied you, crush or not. It was wrong and dumb. I want to try to be your friend if you'll let me." Pacifica sighed and winced, not used to this type of vulnerability.
Mable smiled. "Okay."
"That's it?" Pacifica looked aghast.
The Pines twin just shrugged. "All you had to do was apologize. I'll happily be your friend, I think you're really cool when you're not being a jerk. You're also really attractive when you're nice to me."
Pacifica smiled, feeling a surge of confidence. "So then will you go out with me?"
"HA, no. Give me some time and let's give your new found niceness a test drive, okay?" Mable smiled and held out a paint covered hand.
Pacifica slowly nodded and took it.
Mable's painting of Pacifica was glittery, but an observant eye would notice the detail in the brush strokes and the small smile at the corner of Pacifica's mouth.
Pacifica's painting of Mable was much more refined than her realistic counterpart. But if one took more time to study the muted painting they'd notice a little glitter in her hair and a heart painted onto the sleeve.
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unsc-offical · 10 months
Halo straight into hell chapter 3 part 6
Thanks for reading :D
Mable and Liam sat on the floor of the armoury Mabel sobbed quietly and Liam had his face in his hands.
Liam looked up at the door's window to see the flood outside trying too break down the door, then back down to his hands.
"The fuck are we supposed to do now?"
Liam exclaimed
Mabel wiped away the tears i her eyes and sat up
"May as well start packing up the weapons in here"
"If we're gonna die anyway we should at least make it easy for the next person to grab these and go"
Liam responded, head still buried in hands;
"It'd be better to hide them. The next thing in here will be some flood forms. And they already have enough guns."
Mable tossed a bag with a couple pistols away and sat back down
"For some reason i thought I'd actually make it out of here"
Down on the planet to be rescued by the rest of the unsc, cartied away after a hard fought battle we all survived."
"I'd be down there right now if my team didn't leave me" liam piped up
"Woke up in my barracks alone. Pod bay was empty except for my broken pod"
"Abandoned by my family. My sister was our captain for God's sake. Something must have happened but i don't see any way they could've forgotten or misplaced me."
"The only logical explanation is they left me, but they just wouldn't do that. They wouldn't leave an enemy soldier to die in this hellhole, let alone their family."
"I wanted to go down to the planet and find them. Reunite and escape together."
"At least they could still be out there."
Mable said quietly.
Mabel and Liam sat in silence as the flood pounded on the door
"Grab the guns, Liam."
"Just do it, okay?"
Liam packed up the weapons
"What now?"
Mable began;
"I'm going to open the door and make room for you to get out."
"Just... don't let them take me, okay?"
"What!? No, I'd rather we both die in here than have you do that."
Liam exclaimed
"Itd be better to have at least one of us make it with the supplies."
"Well then, let me do it. My armour's tougher" liam replied
"What about your team on the surface?"
"If he's real, god owes it to me to let me see them again anyway."
"I'm not letting you ponder this Mabel, I'm going now. Don't waste the chance I'm giving you."
Mable tried to pull him away from the door but he swung it open and threw himself at the flood, clearing a path for mable, she ran with the supplies and didn't look back, it sounded like hundreds of gunshots rang out at once and then after a moment ceased.
3 more rang out
Then 1
Then none.
Mable made her way back to camp with no other encounters, but as she got closer she began to hear the sounds of gunfire
Mable quickly began to cun to the cafeteria
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janitor-figure-a · 2 years
Art's experimental recording session, the beautiful starbucks parking lot pictured
transcript under the cut
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Jack: i don’t like, godspeed
Art: yeah uh huh
Jack: fight for what is good and right, we will be looking out for you fifty percent of the time  and 50% of the time we’ll be trying to make you lives miserable in ways we haven’t worked out yet
Dre: mmhmm!
Art: yeah and I'll be doing that on a real microphone and not a phone in a starbucks parking lot
Dre: awwww
Ali: giggles
Jack: why are you in a starbucks parking lot
Austin (overlapping):  is Jess in the car with you? What's going on?
Art: no Jess had to go get Mable and Mable’s dog sitter lives where there's no cell service so she just dropped me in the parking lot and went to go get the dog
Austin: wait, are you in a car??
Art: no i'm just standing here
Austin: you're just outside…can you take a picture?
(overlapping) Mixed laughter
Jack: have you got your phone to your ear?
Art: no i'm wearing headphones, cos i was in the car 
Austin: can you take a photo of the most palisade thing you can find that isn't a palisade vehicle
Janine: can you go get a cakepop and then eat it
Ali: ooooooooooh
Art: uuuuuuuuum, i dont… no…
Austin: hey everybody welcome to friends at the table our new game this season is tell art things to do in the parking lot of a starbucks 
Dre: can you take a selfie and that's our new podcast cover art
Keith: it makes sense your outside because when you first joined the call you said is there any outside noises and i thought that meant you were driving and you didn't want like ambient car driving noises
Austin: (overlapping) right, same
Janine: don’t podcast while driving that's worse
Art: oh no i was in the car for most of the time we've been talking i've only been in this parking lot for about ten minutes?
Keith: no audio quality change!
Dre: so you got out of a car mid conversation??
Art: yeah and crossed the street i got let off on the other side
Dre: (overlapping) i never woulda known, you’re a professional
Austin (overlapping): that’s wild 
Ali: you crossed the street?!
Austin: yeah this is, this is wild
Art: cos there's a really long drive though line here that actually goes out of the parking lot and around the corner so we couldn't pull into the parking lot to drop me off 
Keith: we should figure out what game we can play where we’re all on our phone walkin around doing the…
Austin: we, i have that game already oh my god
Ali: i have that game
Austin: one day we will play that game. We have to. We have to do that.
Jack: is that the game BLEEP 
Austin: shuuush
Keith: oh oh that one that one
Art: bleep that! Bleep that!
Austin: bleep that cos they'll arrest us if we do it in an announced format
Ali: yes yes x many yeah yeah yeah x many
Art: I have posted in dog pound what I think is the best…
Jack: art has posted a picture of what looks like a southern californian parking lot
Keith: big spoiler! This is a spoiler for palisade
???: no it isn't
Much laughter
Sylvi: shut the fuck up
Austin: people can’t see the photo Keith!
Sylvi: (overlapping) they will
Austin: There was a car with a gigantic spoiler on the back of it. like the thing that is to a car not the truth darth vader's relationship status with other characters in the movie star wars
Art: I think you protected that one. I think that one was uhhh
Austin: yeah yeah yeah well uh well listen i was on a podcast the other day and someone forgot that darth vader had kids! So!
Jack: wait really
Austin: yeah sometimes you do a podcast and you forget thing, you know
Jack: oh yeah, oh yeah
Dre: thats fair
Sylvi: all the time
Art: but its a very important part of that character
Austin: uh! While we’re still in this little intro section we did briefly mention the cover art and using arts photo as the cover art. We will not be using that as our cover art because we have new cover art by aurahack who is an incredible artist that I have been friends with for years and years like six seven years now? Like since my giant bomb days. This is the first time we have gotten a new artist for the cover we, Craig has been great but Craig has been very busy, i believe in animation these days
Jack: amazing
Austin: we knew years ago that we would be, that there would be a moment when we said bye to Craig and Craig moved on to go do other stuff. Didn't go to move on to do other stuff, Craig is not. Let's be clear Craig has always been having other jobs. Craig does not sit around waiting for us 
Keith: Craig was the resident friends at the table artist we kept him in a starbucks parking lot and he’s been there for eight years
Austin: and now we’ve traded him for art! Art lives in the parking lot now! So its all fine
Dre (overlapping): this housing market i tell you what
Art: i'm not even in the parking lot! I'm in the car again!
Jack: how does he do that
Keith: is it the car with the spoiler?
Art: no… hi Mable hi!
Janine: is Mable there? yay! Mable!
Austin: aw Mable’s here!
Keith: aw Mable
Austin: hello Mable
Art: Mable everyone says hi
Janine: she doesn't know what that means or who she [uninteligable]
Jack: she’ll never speak
Austin: hi Mable! Anyway!
Keith: aw she’ll never speak…
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