d00mbunnie · 5 hours
As requested, the list of archaeology nemeses which i poses: (in no particular order other than #5 bc tumblrs formatting hates me right now, and i cant be bothered to fix it)
Whoever convinced the general public that archaeologists and paleontologists are the same thing (not the public themselves, i can be nice to them, but whoever started it.............. i just want to talk)
Trying to excavate in dry soil with high sand content and having sediment patches just... leak out in random spots from the pit walls
Cant Function A Mattock To Save My Life
Sieving wet clay is like sieving porridge and its TERRIBLE and HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING and makes HORRENDUS SOUNDS
As discussed, Munsell chart and my complete and utter inability to read colours correctly
Any varient of the "The archaeologists didnt figure this out it was some Normal Person Who Knows Crafts And Life Skills" my Dear Personal Friend i hate to rain on your anti-academia parade, but archaeologists ARE people (although jury's still out on normal for some of them...)
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d00mbunnie · 5 hours
not a big fan of how bodily autonomy as a value seems to be strongly rejected by a lot of leftists
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d00mbunnie · 6 hours
I'm so overwhelmed. I don't know when I'll get to the next part of the choose your own adventure. I hate summer. I'm over stimulated because I've had company for days and I have no help with shit because there's no one able to give help to my disabled ass because america sucks and my family, although technically extensive, has no help to give because they don't care or are unable to.
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d00mbunnie · 6 hours
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d00mbunnie · 6 hours
Hi, I'm Agie, and along with @transamus and @potionslushie I've been working on a big update to PierMesh, a project to bring cheap radio based, decentralized and disaster resistant web technology to trans women and other marginalized people. I've made a demo video of the WebUI and the underlying technologies of it which now include a DNS analog and a bidirectional peer to peer protocol. Please take a look and share this post around if you're so inclined.
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d00mbunnie · 6 hours
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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d00mbunnie · 8 hours
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d00mbunnie · 8 hours
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d00mbunnie · 8 hours
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I HAD to share this : First picture is Pedro Pascal (a brillant actor), second is Alphonse Mucha (a brillant painter)... Am I the only one to see the same person ???
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d00mbunnie · 8 hours
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d00mbunnie · 8 hours
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d00mbunnie · 11 hours
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The brain does not magically mature at 25. Actual neuroscientists note some 8-year-olds even have a greater "maturation index" than 25-year-olds. The myth misunderstands basic neuroscience but is still used for anti-trans policymaking like the Cass Report. https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html
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d00mbunnie · 11 hours
Can't vote for Biden and his vicious and cruel destruction of title ix. Really embarrassing that Dems have mainly left it to the right to try to defend it, and it's not like I can vote for them because they also hate women just in different ways. Shat on by the left, shat on by the right, women are in an awful situation
i'm posting this so we can all deconstruct what a far right psyop ask looks like.
on first read, this looks like someone who wishes they could be confident in voting blue but they're bummed by the democrats in office. targets title ix for their ire but doesn't really explain, perhaps assuming i'm out of touch and will just react instead of doing my due diligence (bad bet: i'm an attorney). uses over the top dramatic language like "vicious." they equate the left and right as being identical and indicates they won't be voting for either, with the implication that i shouldn't either, but goes on to blame the dems specifically for...something.
look at the very specific way they've couched this sentence:
Really embarrassing that Dems have mainly left it to the right to try to defend it,
i'm not meant to fight them on this. i'm meant to be embarrassed to be voting blue in november, i'm meant to blame democrats for abandoning some law, and i'm meant to recognize the right as upholding it.
title ix, if you didn't know, bans sex-based discrimination in schools and education. when someone tells you about democrats destroying title ix, that someone is a TERF.
and TERFs largely have aligned with the conservative hard right. I'll link a few articles at the bottom with detailed explainers, but for right here it's enough to say that TERFs want the far right to win because the far right is voting with them on their single issue, which is the destruction of trans rights and the ouster of trans and gnc women from public spaces. TERFs have marched with the Proud Boys. TERFs have partnered with anti-lgbtq groups to advance their anti-trans agenda. they will throw every other issue under the bus repeatedly if their anti-trans agenda wins.
and, importantly, the far right recognizes that TERFs are a tool they can use to destablize the left. the far right knows that as long as they will align with TERFs on this single issue, which they will because they too want to enforce the gender binary and traditional gender roles, TERFs will vote for and with them regardless of every single other issue. not only that, but the far right knows TERFs are a modern movement that's gained traction in social media spaces over the last several years, and they are relying on TERFs to send asks like this one to infiltrate spaces like tumblr and twitter and tiktok to encourage would-be blue voters not to vote because they want the far right to win.
this is a psyop. this is, whether formalized or not, a psychological operation intended to discourage voting in and among the left.
don't fall prey. vote blue in november.
I like this one because they have this great graph that specifically points out the link between TERFism, the far right, and disinformation attempts like the ask above.
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d00mbunnie · 11 hours
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d00mbunnie · 20 hours
You can donate to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund for as little as $1.00.
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There is a fee you can choose to apply to cover processing.
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Which if you choose to do leaves you with a total of ~$1.35 (USD) depending on the type of card you have.
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PCRF has a score of 97% on Charity Navigator.
Adults and children alike are currently dying in Palestine due to starvation. (World Health Organization Link)
The Gaza Strip is one of two places in the entire world that is categorized as Phase 5 (the highest phase) on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification scale.
So even if you think it isn't enough, remember that donating even as little as $1.35 helps! It's $1.35 they wouldn't have had otherwise. So donate if you can. 🇵🇸
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d00mbunnie · 22 hours
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d00mbunnie · 22 hours
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A giant salamander emerged from Kyoto’s Kamogawa on July 4, 2014, following torrential rains that flooded the river.
Four years later to the date, it returned.
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