#m-17 won
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threepandas · 7 months ago
Bad End: Preserve Us
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You know how in conservation biology you sometimes try to introduce a pair to be mated and one will just... just fuckin' merc' the other? Just absolutely obliterate them in a hissing, growling, nightmare ball of fury? Before anyone can stop them? Territorial and (to put it lightly) "uninterested", dispite your desperate desire to save their species from extinction, and need for them to get frisky?
I know.
Holy SHIT do I know.
There's a lot of reasons. Ways you can (hopefully) get around it. But first? Is finding out WHY it happened. Was it just the one? The environment? Were they sick? Or... as is the case sometimes, did they decide their Handler was their mate? Some species only mate once. Are loyal for life. You gotta work around that.
Which is all well and fine and good.
When we're talking about ANIMALS.
Non-sentient, non-sapient animals! Not ALIEN SPECIES! What the ABSOLUTE FRESH HELL did they expect from me!? Compliance?! This was UNETHICAL! Monstrous! I had been trying to slip my gaurds long enough to radio for help SINCE I GOT HERE.
I hope the fuckers ROTTED in whatever their Gods considered a Hell.
"Conservation facility" my ENTIRE ASS. You can't run CONSERVATION EFFORTS like this on SENTIENTS. Eugenics loving, atrocity fetishizing, immoral BASTARDS!!! And they KNEW it too. They HAD too! Or they wouldn't be HIDING it! Fucking KIDNAPPING scientists! Biologists! Doctors!
I was on my ways to study Lekku monkeys!
I'm? I'm so tired of being pissed.
Furious and outraged and SCARED. Horrified and sick. There are PEOPLE here. Kids! And I don't... oh god, I don't... H-How LONG has this been going ON? Why did no one NOTICE?
Every day I feel my heart break. The desire to scream and scream and never STOP, grow inside me. I have to get out. I have to get us ALL out. Get these people FREE. Do SOMETHING. But I am forced to "conserve" the species assigned to me. The group assigned to me.
It's killing my love for the field. Making a mockery of everything I worked for.
I don't... I don't think my hands will ever be clean again.
But I have to help. Do everything I can. Make hell a little kinder, if nothing else. At least while I figure out a way OUT. My group deserves better. The groups I do not work with, deserve better.
I disguise games as "testing". Pages and pages of meaningless numbers ans scores. INSIST that enrichment is the key to success. Diet is EVERYTHING. Oh, and habitat? Well unless we can mimic their habitat there's no WAY they'll "breed".
No, no, using machines would stress them out too much.
It's like you DONT want babies!
Who's the expert here? That's RIGHT! Dr. Cho, but FAILING her and like five other people? Me. And I know for a FACT they are pulling the same scam. We ALL fucking hate you. Dr. Cho has KIDS, you FUCKS. Hasn't seen her son in YEARS thanks to you bastards. He was engaged. She's probably missed his WEDDING thanks to you!
Getting distracted, spiraling again, gotta stop DOING that.
It wont help anyone.
But God, if my brain doesn't slowly feel like it's shorting out the longer I'm here. Stress is called the silent killer for a reason. Or what that something else? Fuck. I can't even look it up! Bastards cut us off from the galactic web. Full information blackout. Because of COURSE they did... can't risk us rightfully calling for help.
Getting the Feds involved to shut this hell pit of a black site DOWN. Or a "whatever it truely is" site. Because it sure as SHIT has nothing to do with conservational biology. Except maybe the abuse of it.
But that doesn't help me right now.
Focus, damn it!
The Yanderens. Old, absurdly rare, nearly extinct, with a home planet they'd reduced to uninhabitable wastelands millennia ago due too... something. No one knew what. There had definitely been fighting. It WAS documented they were excellent fighters. Ruthless ones at that. But it was ALSO documented they strongly pack bonded.
There had been a lot of strongly worded warnings on what few documation my captures were able to find, translate, then shove at me. But honestly? They said the same thing about humans. Ooooh big scary persistent hunters~ oh nooooo! Watch out for the omnivores with a history of war! Sins of the father and we are defined by our diets! Class systems! Let's all JUDGE each ooooootheeeeer~!
Yeah, no. Not buying it.
Especially when the "warnings" were so damn vague and poorly documented. All "the HORRORS!" and "we barely SURVIVED!". Cause honestly? The Yanderens I was watching over? Easily the most mild and temperate individuals I had ever met. No tantrums from the kids, no big emotional meltdowns, just curiosity and at WORST? Mild frustration.
It made everything ten thousand times worse for me, that these poor people were in this hellish place. They were calm. Curious. Meant for greater, BETTER things! They should be out, playing and learning. Exploring and enjoying peaceful strolls in some art gallery or zen garden somewhere! Not... not this sterile fucking LAB.
But then M-17 loses his SHIT.
And now I'm kinda panicking. Because F-6 is not just dead, God rest her soul (she didn't deserve this. Oh god. She was so SWEET.), but M-17 might just be too, soon. If I can't find out what HAPPENED. Because if he's "feral" or "diseased" or whatever other horrifying terminology they end up using? They DO something about it.
And I can't actually stop them.
I... I don't know if it was a trauma response. Or I did something wrong. I could PROBABLY pass it off as my needing more studies into their observed "mating habits"? That... that I somehow... turned it... uuuuh... dominance battle? Shit. Where are my notes?!
F-6 is DEAD and its all my fault.
She was such a cuddle fiend too. Always excited to hear about my studies, from before. My life. Wanted to join me after we got out of here. I never should have let her volunteer. Granted, she wouldn't have taken no for an answer. Wanted to spend the pregnancy plotting our escape. Asked me to help raise the kid once we got out. Had a whole grand plan. But I...And I...
I should have said NO. Insisted. It was just so hard, when F-6 had made it all sound like it would be okay. Like she had a plan and all I need to do was trust her. Believe in her. Then we could be free.
I had hoped M-17 would work best. He was always the most agreeable and quick on the uptake. I figured... well... ha ha. God, I'm such an IDIOT. I should have CHECKED. Who KNOWS what happened before I arrived? What triggered I just accidentally rammed my foot into? FUCK! I sweep everything from me desk onto the ground. Don't give I shit that I'll have to clean it up later,
I had figured M-17 would be COOL with it.
This place is getting to me, isn't it?
Why the FUCK would anyone be COOL with getting jumped? Bred like an animal? Shoved in some random ass room, with a vaguely familiar stranger, and told "now fuck. We want a literal litter from you two"? All while some biologist watchs and makes god damned NOTES!?
Of course he fought back. OF COURSE he didn't stop!
The only one there he could trust was himself.
I...I'm becoming a monster... aren't I?
Oh god.
At least we're in the satellite facility. The gaurds are definitely going to rat me out, but the news will take time to filter back. And... and the Yanderens being so "dangerous" might work in my favor. I... I can spin this. I HAVE to spin this. I can't let TWO people die for my fuck up.
I promised myself I would get as many people out as I could. I refuse to back out now. Even if that means crying, puking, then going out there to lie my ASS off. This was TOTALLY NORMAL. In fact, expected! Yep! It means that's we've determined that M-17 is the alpha Yanderen! A thing that is both REAL and possible to BE!
I rinse my mouth, stomach empty. Crying has exhausted me. But I can't give up. Too many lives count on me now. I... I wish so badly I was just a nobody again. Just some random biology student, trying to make a name for herself. Being "important" is a CURSE.
I try not to chug my water as I half stumble out of the glorified shoebox that is my bathroom into the much larger and Fancier CLOSET that is my room. Truely, no expense spared, for the captives they ripped away from their lives. So glad I am here willingly and of my own volition.
I gather myself. Finally ready to go and try to untangle the mess I have made of everything. When a deep booming alarm rattles my bones. The lights flickering to red. Blast doors slide down, SLAM shut over the transparent recessed bit of wall that counts as my window, the door to the rest of the facility.
Trapping me inside my small room.
Almost immediately after, an EXPLOSION rocks the world hard enough to knock me from my feet. Only the bed's limited padding keeping me from a nasty concussion. The edge of it still ramming painfully into my shoulder. Another explosion. Then another. I sit for a long, terrible, second stunned.
The moment passes.
I scramble on my hands and knees for the in facility communication device that I had knocked from my desk in anger, grief. Not daring to stand lest I be thrown down again. I manage to find it as the world shakes again for the fifth time. Followed by what sounds like gun fire out in the halls.
I fling myself back towards my shitty little bunk. Drag every bit of padding and protection I can, down and under it with me. If the roof goes? I want shock absorption. If shots get through the door? I want something to slow those blasts down. Anything. ANYTHING! To increase my fucked chances of surviving.
I burrito up and wriggle back as deep as I can. The world muffled but ending just outside my crawlspace. Then I desperately try to get one of the others on the line. I got nothing but chaos. Running. Running. Hiding. And Dead.
Dead. Dying.
Remember me.
Some of them fighting with their groups too freedom. Some being targeted right along side their captors. Others savaged by the ACTUAL animals they had been working with, the one's Galacticly deemed too dangerous for effort like this. Someone or something had set EVERYONE free. A simultaneous attack on all fronts that our captors could not put down or escape.
The Yanderens were out there.
Oh god. Please let them be okay. They wer-
My thoughts ground to a halt as M-32 LAUNCHED his tiny body onto the screen of one of the security feeds I was desperately looking through. F-6 had figured out how to get us a backdoor to them a long time ago. M-32 was just a kid. A small, soft, cuddly little thing that loved to lean against me and crawl into my lap. All cherubic cheeks and cute little curls. Shy!
Yet I watched... in mounting horror... as like a lion on some unfortunate animal, he landed on a gaurds back. Small arms going around his body in a mockery of a hug. Head tilting so he could BITE at the back of the man's neck, small hands clawing and ripping at weak points in his armor, as he screamed. Thrashed. Tried desperately to get M-32 OFF of him.
There was so much blood.
My hands were shaking. So much, I accidentally hit the next screen button. Jerked my thumb back. But... but oh god. There was F-26. Using the butt of a rifle to slam down against the head of a scientist. Again and again and again. Long after the begging and thrashing stopped. I flipped again. M-4? No... please not M-4. Not the soft spoken and wise...
I watched as he grinned, a cold thing, and shot out another joint. His foot on the chest of the head scientist who had moved him to a different group. In the background, his supervisor lay dead. They had not died quickly. The head scientist was begging. A mess of tears and pain. M-4 shot another joint, pressing his foot down harder.
I wanted to be sick.
I flipped again. And again. And AGAIN.
H...Had I known them at ALL? Like demons wearing the faces of those I'd known. People I'd trusted. Not a SINGLE ONE was... oh... oh god. F-6. Had she been too? Would I have ever known? Was THIS what all those warnings meant? I couldn't think. Couldn't breath. Had... Had never had a panic attack but... BUT-!
I wheezed.
"Oh, Clever giiiirl~" A familiar voice sang, before a blood splattered face flickered into being on the screen in my hands. "Where aaaare yoooou~?"
M-17. He'd somehow managed to take over the security cameras. That or the communication feed. His eyes were bright. A grin on his face like I'd never seen from him. ALIVE in a way I'd never seen him. The excitement transformed his face. No longer softly doll like, but something DANGEROUS. Unhinged. His eyes dilated and deadly teeth on display.
"Come out, come out wherever you aaaare~. I have so much to TELL you! We have so much to DO! I'm going to make you MINE sweetheart! No one else can have you. So come out. I won't hurt you much, I promise! Just gotta make you mine then we can leave okay~?"
Furious snarls echoed through the halls. Male and female alike. Old and young. I... I recognized each of those voices. What was HAPPENING?
"Aaaah? Did you TRASH really think you DESERVED her? Ha! Please." M-17 grin was cruel. Mocking. "You don't have a chance in hell of taking what's MINE."
His eyes seems to shift away from unseen enemies and back, somehow, to me. Warming to something euphoric. Resting his head on his hand as if to consider me. His fingers spread, stroking his own face, as if the desire to TOUCH was simply too great. As if what he was imagining was bleeding over into the real world.
"Oh clever girl~ my clever, clever girl~♡ I can't wait til it's just you and ME. Start think of where you want to go first, okay? We're going to get married. Have that child you wanted me for. All the things you ever dreamed~♡ I'm going to have you all to myself. No more annoying others. Ah~ can't wait to find you soon!"
"But first?"
"May the best of us Win."
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culerfc · 11 months ago
lamine yamal is getting a ballon d’or nomination at for work he did when he was 16 years old… yup
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paulyenvol6 · 6 months ago
Byka Atroksia (Masterlist)
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This is the masterlist/moodboard/summary for my new series called "Byka Atroksia". It's a story between Daemon Targaryen x reader (Vhaela Targaryen)
First of all: This story is based on the HBO/Max TV show House of the Dragon and the works of George R R Martin. I don't own any of the characters.
This story should only be read by people over 18 years as it contains adult content.
You can find the following themes in this story: HIGHLY detailed smut, fingering, oral (f & m receiving), kissing, dirty talk, losing of virginity, gagging, p in v, unprotected sex, period sex, praising, degrading, edging, overstimulating, blindfolding, some non-con choking, possessiveness, body image issues, angst, mentions of period and pregnancy, incest, inappropriate relationship between uncle and niece, power imbalance, dom!Daemon, inexperienced reader, arranged marriage, toxic relationship, morally questionable behaviour, abusive behaviour, sexual abuse (not performed by Daemon!)
Disclaimer: I am aware that the dynamic of this relationship is problematic as Vhaela's inferiority complexes cause her to search for Daemon's attention. So please be careful while reading this and have in mind that this kind of relationship is neither healthy nor desirable. Daemon is a bad person. His actions are irresponsible and unethical and he manipulates Vhaela. Don't try at home please.
Disclaimer 2.0: The G Spot: In this story I mention the g spot (even though the characters obviously don't know this term for it and what exactly it is) as a way for women to receive pleasure. I know that the existance of it is controversial and it's not scientifically proven that something similar exists. However, I still decided to include it in my story so my main character is able to receive pleasure by vaginal sex, but be aware that a lot of women don't get pleasure plainly by vaginal sex. I just don't want to portray a false image of what sex is supposed to be like so I felt the need to write a short paragraph about it.
Summary: Vhaela Targaryen is the younger sister to Rhaenyra Targaryen and has all her life felt like she was competing with her sister for their interesting and dangerous uncle's attention. In Vhaela's mind her beautiful and confident sister has already won this fight but when Daemon Targaryen returns from a battle at the Stepstones things seem to be a little different and she explores a whole new world of emotions.
Smut is marked with *
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 * (very light smut) Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 Chapter 8 * Chapter 9 Chapter 10 * Chapter 11 * Chapter 12 Chapter 13 * Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 * Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 * Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 * Chapter 26 (Final chapter)
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starberry-cupcake · 1 month ago
Sharing some news about today's anti fascist lgbtq+ multitudinous assembly in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which will be replicated in different places of the country, as a protest response to the president's deplorable and ignorant hate speech and political agenda, which intends to remove rights won by the community, feminist and human rights activism in the past decades, echoing the far right politics of the north he admires so much.
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Screencaps from Federación Argentina LGBT+
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Screencaps from Periodismo Diverso's stories
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phoward89 · 10 months ago
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Based on this ask
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is his own warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, masterbation (m & f), p in v (alluded to), Dark!Coriolanus, Young Politician!Coriolanus, Secretary!Reader
This one got away from me so it's a bit long. Whoops...
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You're at your desk, logging into your computer to start the day whenever the door to the office opens and in walks your boss. Senator Coriolanus Snow. One of the youngest Head Gamemakers and Senators in the history of Panem. He's only 24 years old and he's already so successful.
Crazy, right?
Your older brother was in the same graduating class as him at the Academy. Rein was a slacker that wasn't in the top 24 while Coryo- uh Coriolanus- was the top student, won the Plinth prize, and even did a short stint as a Peacekeeper to serve the greater good of the country (like his father General Crassus Snow did before him) before attending the University as a double major in Political Science and Military Strategies. Oh and while attending the University he interned under Dr. Gaul, became an Assistant Gamemaker, and even became the Head Gamemaker himself when Dr. Gaul died in a tragic lab accident involving her mutts.
And he did all of that by age 20.
Age 20!
After graduating from the Academy, Rein was shoved into the Peacekeepers by your father, retired Colonel Javanis Halvir. Your brother was sent to 8 and he complained in all of his letters about it. Once he was eligible to take the Officer's Aptitude Exam, your father had ordered him to sign up. So, Rein took the test and became an officer. He got assigned to PK Base D-12.
And that's what your older brother accomplished by 20. Oh and he also knocked up a local barmaid from the Hobb, causing your father to have a stroke. Your mother found it very comical.
And then both of your parents told you that you needed to redeem the family name, blah blah blah, and pushed you to be the top student in the Academy. So, of course you ended up in the top 24. And you mentored a tribute, a 17 year old boy from 7, that won. He was very proficient with an ax. You didn't have to do too much mentoring, he basically just hacked everybody to bits…
But you still won the Plinth Prize anyways. And during the ceremony for the prize, instead of Strabo Plinth handing you over the Plinth Prize it was his heir instead.
Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow.
After handing you the prize he had asked you to have a glass of posca with him, causing your mother to glare angrily at the interaction. Your father on the other hand was ecstatic that Coryo-uh Coriolanus- wanted to talk to you. He served under General Snow in 12; thought that Coriolanus was a man cut from the same cloth as his father.
Anyways, once you and Coriolanus Snow got to talking he admitted that he was going into politics and would need a personal secretary; an assistant per say to help him with his day to day tasks such as scheduling meetings, etc. and much to your surprise, he offered you the job.
That was a couple of years ago.
So, yes, that's how you got your job. And you really liked your job. It wasn't that hard to do plus it made you feel important that such an accomplished and powerful man trusted you to manage his life.
If you only knew that Coriolanus, who's been insisting that you call him Coryo for roughly a year now, has been lusting after you since he saw you in a cute dress that hugged your body just right when he presented you the Plinth Prize 2 years ago. Also, your boss is a dark soul. A cold man. But he does have a soft spot for you.
And only for you.
Which is why he greets you with a wide, manic smile that makes the corners of his baby blues crinkle. “Good morning, Y/N.” The platinum blonde senator says while crossing the room, heading to your desk.
“Good morning, Senator Snow.” You politely smile, pulling up the excel document in order to print out the day's schedule for your boss. And talk about your boss, he's holding a bouquet of white roses in one hand and a tray of coffee along with a pastry bag in the other as he stops at your desk.
Coriolanus sets everything down, only to grab the vase on the corner of your desk and bring it over to the trash. All the while saying, “I brought you some fresh roses, courtesy of Grandma’am’s rooftop garden, to replace the wilted ones on your desk.”
The blonde politician did that every Monday for you. He brought fresh flowers for your office vase. A vase he gifted you for your one year work anniversary last year.
Dumping the contents of the vase out in the trash can, Coriolanus gestured to the coffees and brown paper bag on your desk, only to explain, “The barista at the coffee shop got my order wrong, so I had to do a second order, but since I already paid for the wrong order I figured I'd give it to you.”
“Oh, thank you, Coriolanus, Sir.” You simply smiled, grateful for the free coffee. You were going to put a pot on in the break room as soon as you printed out Snow's schedule, but getting an unexpected cup of coffee’s always nice.
Perhaps you'll pay it forward and treat him to coffee tomorrow. The gods know that you have his coffee order memorized.
It's black, just like his soul, with a couple of sugar packets. Not Splenda, not Sweet ‘n’ Low, not Truvia, but real sugar made from sugar cane grown down in 11. Oh and he always has a chocolate filled croissant too.
You also know his afternoon tea order by heart along with his dinner orders from a handful of takeout places he prefers. Hell, you even know his liquor order for after hours meetings. But it's your duty to know those things since, after all, you're his personal secretary.
Literally his right hand woman.
“Darling, how many times have I told you to, please, call me Coryo.” Your boss shook his head at you while bringing the empty vase to the nearby bathroom to fill up with water.
It must've been at least a hundred times by now, maybe more. But it felt weird to you calling your boss such a personal sounding nickname. You're both professional adults, if you call him by his name it should be Coriolanus. If not then you'll just refer to him as his title, since he's your boss.
“You know I can't call you Coryo, Coriolanus. It's not proper; you're my boss.” You remind the senator, who's dressed to the nines today in a perfectly tailored three piece black suit- complete with a white dress shirt and striped tie, as he walks out of the bathroom and back into your foyer office with the filled up vase in hand.
A vase that looked dwarfed by his large grip. “We've known each other for a couple of years now, darling. I'd like to think of us as being on friendly terms, wouldn't you?” Coriolanus asked, placing the vase down on your desk and arranging the flowers in them for you.
You clicked the print button on your computer, only to swivel your chair around to reach the ink jet printer behind you. “Yes, we're friendly, but you're still my boss.”
“And as your boss I'm now ordering you to call me Coryo.” He told you, pulling out the coffee that was yours, due to error, and setting it on your desk while you watched the printer spit out the paper with his daily schedule on it.
“Fine, I'll call you Coryo.” You gave in, grabbing the paper and swiveling back around to face your him.
“I got two croissants since I had to get my order remade, so it looks like you'll be getting one this morning, darling.” Coryo told you, opening up the paper bag and pulling out a pastry. He grabbed a napkin that was stuffed into the drink carrier and put it on your desk, next to your coffee, before depositing your croissant on it.
“Thank you.” You simply smile. Handing him over his schedule, you announce, “Here's your schedule for today.”
The platinum blonde gives you a closed lip smile and nods before stretching his hand out for the paper. “You've got a dinner meeting tonight at 7 o’clock sharp with a political sponsor.” You reminded him, your fingertips brushing, while he grabs the outstretched paper from you.
Briefly glancing over the paper in his hand, he asked, “Would you like to go with me?”
“Dinner at 7 o’clock sharp. Would you like to go with me?”
Shaking your head, you politely decline his offer. “Oh no, I'm sorry, Coryo, Sir, but I can't go.”
“Why not? Got a boyfriend or something occupying your time?” The senator sharply asks, his baritone heavy with a tingle of jealousy.
Coriolanus prayed to every God he never believed in that you're single. If not, well he's going to go whack some unlucky bastard to free you up to be his girl. He's decided that he's tired of pinning over you; stalking you.
Coryo's ready to take things to the next level. He's ready to fucking corrupt you; make you his forever. He's going to be announcing his bid for the presidential runoff, the first step in becoming one of two candidates to face off for the presidency, and it's time for him to get into a relationship.
A public relationship.
And you're perfect for that. Coriolanus knows, without a doubt, that you'll make a perfect First Lady. That your beauty and slight innocence will be the perfect contrast to his cold, stoic, but regal stature. That you're a perfect fit for him.
Plus he's getting tired of paying for whores. Whores that he has to keep disposing of so that they can't blackmail him about his sexual appetite. Coriolanus prides himself of being from one of the founding families of Panem, from the Old Guard. He even runs on the Old Guard ticket; he can't have some disgruntled whore tarnishing his reputation.
It'd be much cheaper and easier to just get you into bed; fuck you in all the ways that he likes.
But he also has a soft spot for you. Coryo likes you. Okay, that's a lie. He's obsessed with you in such a dark, sick way that if he sees a man smile at you or get too close to you then he's killing that man. Yea, Senator Snow’s in love with you, or at least in his head he's in love with you.
It's more like an obsession.
“No.” You shook your head. “I don't have a boyfriend.” Well, you had an on-again, off-again thing going on with your neighbor across the hall from you, but since it's currently off Coryo doesn't need to know about that.
Coriolanus swore that he heard the heavens singing hymns upon hearing that you're single. Yes, now’s the perfect time for him to make you his.
“Then I'll have my driver pick you up for dinner tonight. Wear something nice.”
Once again, you decline him invitation. “You're my boss, I'm sorry, but I can't go with you tonight.”
Usually Coriolanus appreciates your professionalism and dedication to your job, but right now he loathes it. Why can't you just accept that he's taking you to his dinner meeting tonight. That he's showing you off on his arm for the entire Capitol to see.
Leaning against your desk, he gives you a piercing look with his icy eyes and tells you, “It's a very important business dinner with a political sponsor, Y/N, and you're my assistant.” A calculating look crosses the politician's face as he adds in, “It's actually, you might say, very vital that you attend dinner with me tonight.”
When he puts it that way.
“Okay, I'll go to dinner with you tonight.” You relent, causing a smug grin to appear on Coryo's face.
“Good.” Coryo grins, making his face light up like sunshine, as he grabs his coffee and pastry bag. “Since dinner's at 7, I'll have my driver pick you up at 6:45. That'll leave a 15 minute window to get to the restaurant.” The platinum blonde told you the plan before pivoting on his heel and striding over to his office. Pausing at his door, with his large hand hovering over the knob, he looked over his shoulder and told you, “Wear either a red or black dress, but preferably red.”, before opening up the door and disappearing inside of his office.
Oh, how did you get into this mess?
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Coriolanus sat at his mahogany desk, going over documents for various bills that he could either sponsor or just straight up deny. Honestly, most of the shit that got dumped on his desk he denied. If it didn't pertain to the Capitol and the Capitolites then he just shoved the document in his shredder and made a note to vote no, well in the Senate it was ‘nah’, on it.
And Senator Snow was notorious for voting nah on everything.
As he sat in his office going over mindless matters, he couldn't help but wonder about what you'd look like all dolled up for dinner tonight. He knew that you had a few nice cocktail dresses to pick from, but the mystery of whether you'd listen to him and wear something black or preferably red versus another color altogether made his head spin a mile a minute. He hopes that you're a good little secretary and listen to him about the dress.
But what he really can't help fantasizing about is what you'll be wearing underneath your dress. He can't help picturing you in a bra and panty set that hugs your body in the right ways. The senator's daydreaming about delicate lace molded against your most private parts, that are hidden away only for your lover to see.
And just thinking about becoming your lover, stripping you out of not just your dress, but your soft, delicate lingerie has his pants growing tighter. So tight, in fact, that it was downright uncomfortable.
Letting out a barely audible groan, the platinum blonde stood up from his desk and went over to his door. For just a moment, he leaned his forehead against it and debated on whether or not to call you into his office; have you on your knees underneath his desk for him. But then he decided against it; locked his door instead and went over to his desk chair to take care of himself.
You're not some district whore, you deserve to be properly wined and dined first before he has you on your knees for him- choking on his cock with tears and mascara messily running down your cheeks.
Oh, just the thought of you with your pretty mouth around his large cock had said cock twitching in his pants.
Quickly, Coriolanus makes his way over to the small sofa that's in the corner of his office. He makes quick work of undoing his belt, only to tug his pants and boxer briefs down just enough for his cock to spring free before sitting on the sofa. Spitting in his hand, he leans back into the sofa and wraps his large hand around his cock.
He feels his dick throbbing angrily in his cold hand while sliding his thumb over his tip’s leaky slit. The platinum blonde bites back a moan, and closes his eyes- pretending that it's your hand wrapped around his shaft and your thumb teasing his cockhead. Fuck, how he craves your touch. Using his thumb to spread precum over his tip and down the length of his dick, he started to move his fist up and down in measured glides.
Coriolanus knows he should just rub one out as quick as possible since he's at work, but the fact that you- the object of all his fantasies- is right outside won't let him. Being in such close proximity to you feeds his fantasies and he has to have a proper handjob session.
Coriolanus has to indulge in the make believe notion that you're the one pumping his cock up and down, twisting your wrist slightly every now and then. That it's you playing with his cum heavy balls, making his toes curl in his socks and black floor shines, as the fist around his cock starts to slightly pick up pace.
Gods, he's getting lost in his fantasy of you pleasuring him with your hands, hell even your mouth- that he's sure will be aching from his cock unhinging your jaw when you suck him off- that the loud ringing of his office phone startles him.
“Goddamnit! Can't I fuck my fist in peace?” Coriolanus grumbled.
He's angry that his fantasy was broken; that he has to fist his cock faster than he wanted to.
The phone continued to ring off the hook as he furiously moved his hand up and down his dick. He bit his lip and bucked his hips, spurting his cum into his left hand. The one that he was using on his balls before the damn phone started ringing like crazy.
Letting out an aggravated sigh, he grabbed a few tissues from the box on the side table next to him and wiped off his hand. Standing up to right his boxer briefs and pants, he heard your heels echo down the hall. Great, just great, now you're on your way to his office because the phone’s ringing off the hook.
Quickly, Coriolanus tosses the tissues into the wastebin. Rushing to his desk, he grabs the phone, only to slam it down. Hard.
Hey, he made the excessive ringing stop. Whoever called should just stick to the after 3 rings, hang up and try again later rule. Coriolanus has more important things to do than listen to a phone ring endlessly.
More important things: like jacking off to daydreams and fantasies about his secretary.
His secretary that's knocking on his door and asking him if he's alright.
“I'm fine, my darling.” Coriolanus called out to you while crossing his office. He unlocked his door and opened it, only to give you a manipulative smile while feeding you the bullshit lie of, “I just zoned out reading a grant proposal and didn't realize the phone was ringing.”
“Are you sure you're alright?” You asked, only to follow it up with the offer of, “I can always read some of those grant proposals and take notes on them for you, if you want. That way you won't get so bored to death reading them that you miss important phone calls.”
“You'd do that, for me?” Coriolanus asked, feeling a bit touched by your offer. Oh, how he thinks you're an absolute sweetheart.
A perfect angel sent to him from the Lord above. And he's your golden angel too.
Lucifer, that is.
“Of course, Coryo. It's my job to help you with paperwork.”
And before another word could be shared between you two, his phone started ringing. Again.
“Oh, I'll leave you to your call. Just put whatever you want me to read for you on my desk later.”
“I will, darling.” Coriolanus smiles at you, watching you walk away before closing his door.
Storming over to his phone, he sees that the video option light is blinking. Sitting down, he answered the phone and pressed the button to turn on his video call screen. As soon as the face of the half-assed idiot that was one of the Junior Gamemakers appeared on the screen he immediately felt a migraine coming on.
“Senator Snow, are you neglecting Head Gamemaker duties in favor of politics? You never answered my call.” The redhead man with a bad combover had the audacity to tell his boss via the phone screen.
Poor soul must not value his life…
“There’s 3 fucking months before the games, that I'm designing, so there's no damn reason for you to call me and let the phone ring off the hook. Are you incompetent? If you had the common sense that God gave a mule the. You'd know I was busy with other matters and couldn't answer your ridiculous call.” Coriolanus seethed in a long winded rant. His veins were protruding from his pale neck; a red vein was angrily popping in his forehead too. But it was his eyes that held so much hate in their icy orbs.
The man on the phone screen, despite being a few years older then Senator Snow, was a complete incompetent idiot in Coriolanus' opinion. Age certainly didn't make him any wiser.
“I'm a very busy man; next time you pester me I'll have you thrown into a tank full of rabid mutts.” Coriolanus promised the Junior Gamemaker before hanging up, hard, on him.
Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose and slumps into his overstuffed leather office chair. Letting out a heavy sigh, he rubs his temples and tries to calm down by daydreaming about dinner with you tonight.
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Your day went on as it usually does. You took calls and made appointments for Senator Snow. You also read and typed up some cliff notes for a few bills that Coryo left for you before he took off for lunch. He didn't say where he was going and you didn't ask.
When he came back from a power lunch, you knew he went somewhere for drinks cause you could smell a hint of whiskey radiating from his pores, he greeted you with a simple thin lipped smile and placed a container of food on your desk. He didn't tell you to take your lunch break, but the way he wordlessly moved his baby blues between you and the doggie bag he just dumped on your desk was more than enough to give you a hint that he wanted you to eat. So, you simply thanked him, before handing him some notes and taking the food he got you to the break room.
After lunch, the remainder of your day was mundane. Or at least it was until Coryo emerged from his office and strutted over to your desk. You didn't pay him any mind, figuring that he prolly just wanted the other bills back along with the notes you just finished up on them. So, when he perches himself on the corner of your desk, all the while suggesting, “Darling, why don't you leave early. You can pamper yourself with, say, a rosewater bubble bath before tonight's dinner. Yea?”, you're taken aback.
You're in total shock.
Your nose scrunched up, reminding Coriolanus of a little bunny rabbit, as you asked incredulously, “Excuse me, Senator Snow? You're sending me home early?” Softly, you trailed off, “To take a bubble bath…”, while tilting up a baffled arched eyebrow.
“A rosewater bubble bath.” The regal platinum man corrected with a long finger high up in the air. Leaning slightly, so that he towers over you as you sit behind your desk (and gets a nice little peek down your v-neck blouse at your modest cleavage), he tells you, “You're such a dedicated employee; I think you deserve to go home early and pamper yourself before I drag you out to a dinner with my potential political sponsor.”
And what he wasn't telling you was that Mr. Feathersworth was bringing his mistress along. Oh yea… So, technically, it's a couples dinner.
Really? He wants you to relax and pamper yourself before a dinner full of political talk? Wow. You weren't expecting that from your boss.
“My bath and beauty products are actually rose-vanilla scented, Coryo, not rosewater.” You told him, before you could even think better of it.
A smirk appears on Coryo's face and desire briefly flashed in his cerulean eyes. The imposing man favored roses; in fact it was his signature, so that fact that you used rose-vanilla scented bath and beauty products had his cold, black heart beating with warmth, life, and daresay love for you.
“Darling, you deserve to pamper yourself in that rose-vanilla bubble bath. We'll be in for quite a long evening; you don't want to be tense beforehand, now so you?”
When he puts it that way.
Sighing slightly, you gave in with, “Fine, I'll leave early and pamper myself with a bubble bath.”
“Rose-vanilla bubble bath.” Coriolanus corrected with a ghost of a smile tracing his lush lips. Patting your cheek, he tells you, “Go ahead and go, darling. I'll be fine here for a few more hours.”, before pushing himself off of your desk.
“Thank you. I'll see you later for that political dinner.” You genuinely smiled, grabbing your bag out from under your desk and shouldering it before standing up.
“Remember, my driver will be by at 6:45 sharp.”
“Oh, that's right. You need-” You began, intending to give Senator Snow your address, only to be cut off by a raised hand. “I have your address in my employee files, Y/N.” His baritone hung thickly in the air like honey stuck on a honeycomb; slowly dripping down, as he ordered, “Go home and pamper yourself; get all dolled up in something red, my darling rose.”
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As you sat neck deep in your tub, surrounded by bubbles, thoughts of your boss floated around your head. You never really thought much about him, or at least you didn't til now. Yes, you always thought that he was easy on the eyes- platinum hair (you always secretly wondered if the carpet matches the drapes), striking crystal blue eyes, a prominent nose, sharp jawline, tall and lanky build. But you never truly fixated your attention on his looks, or at least until now that is.
You can't explain it, but the interaction you had with him before leaving the office had your blood racing. You're flustered with dirty thoughts. Things that you've never truly let yourself imagine about Senator Coriolanus Snow.
But now…
Well, now you find yourself closing your eyes and thinking about your boss while relaxing in your bath; trailing hand over your breasts while your other hand’s rubbing your clit; dipping two fingers in and out of your pussy.
It's best to get this out of your system now, before you're stuck going to dinner with him tonight.
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“Coriolanus, I was expecting your driver to pick me up.” You gasp, hand tightly gripping the doorknob of your open door, as you're shocked by the sight of the tall platinum blonde standing in front of you- dressed impeccably in a deep crimson suit with a single red rose in his hand.
“Bentley drove me here.” Coriolanus informed you. “Now, what sort of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk up to your door to get you our dinner date?” He smirks, offering you the rose.
Your eyes widen at his words. “Dinner date…but I thought this was a professional dinner with a potential political backer, Senator Snow.” You tell him as you shakily take the offered rose from his large, outstretched hand.
“Yes, well, my darling, Mr. Feathersworth informed me that he's bringing along his mistress to Mizuna’s so I don't see why we can't mix some business with pleasure as well.”
Before you could utter a word, the door right across the hall and behind Coriolanus opened; out walked your on-off neighbor ex. Bastard was dressed like he's going out somewhere (or going out with someone). His sea-green eyes look over at you and lock Coriolanus back a bit curiously: portraying that he can't believe you're all dolled up and going out with someone so regal looking.
Deciding that you didn't like the look on your ex’s face, you put your hand on Coriolanus' label and press a quick kiss to his lips before telling him, “Let me put up this rose, Coryo, and then you can take me on our date.”
Coryo grabbed your face in one of his hands and kissed you again, this time his lips searing and hungry, before running his hand over your cheekbone and darkly smirking, “You can just take it along with us, darling. I'm taking you home with me tonight; it'd be such a shame for you to leave your rose alone on a side table all night.”
“You're taking me home with you?” You asked, finding this information entirely new to you.
At least your bronze haired ex wasn't standing behind Coryo; gawking at you anymore.
Pulling you out of your apartment and locking your doorknob, only to slam the door shut, he bluntly tells you, “I’d be a fool not to, Y/N, and, frankly, I'm anything, but a fool.” Coryo smoothly tell you while leading you down the hallway; towards the elevator bank.
And of course when you reach the elevator your ex is just stepping into it. Great, now you're going to be riding in an elevator with your on-off neighbor ex and your boss/sudden new fling.
Oh boy…
“After you, darling.” Coryo sweetly tells you, guiding you into the metal box while following right behind you.
You feel your ex’s eyes on you, burning a hole into the side of your face, as Coriolanus hits the buttons to both close the door and go to the lobby.
“Should've known you'd be cozy with Senator Snow, considering you're his personal secretary.” Flew out of your ex’s mouth as soon as he saw Coryo's large hand come to rest on the small of your back.
“Odysseus…” You chastise, nearly hissing at him.
Coriolanus snapped his head around so fast, it was as if it was going to spin off exorcist style, and narrowed his eyes at the bronze haired man next to you. “I can have you turned into an Avox for slander against Miss Y/N, so I’d mind that useless tongue of yours if I were you.”
“Coryo, calm down. My neighbor-”
“Ex” Odysseus supplied at the same time you uttered the word neighbor, causing Coriolanus’ face to turn into hardened stone.
“She doesn't belong to you anymore, Odysseus. My darling seems to have gotten tired of settling for beans and has upgraded to the filet mignon.” The senator told your ex in a smooth, but eerily cold tone. “You ought to consider yourself lucky that I won't be calling for your tongue, but I'm sure I'm we can agree to you not bothering my sweet girl anymore, can't we, Mister-”
“Odair. Name's Odysseus Odair, Senator Snow.” Your ex shot out, his voice fake and sugary, as he played with fire.
Snow melts, but fish fry. And unfortunately for Odysseus Odair he'd learn that the hard way after Senator Coriolanus Snow gets him exhiled to District 4 for the crimes of slander. Coriolanus' cold ass gives Poseidon Odair, Odysseus’ father, an ultimatum- either sign over his assets, investments, and company over to him and go into exhiled on 4 with his son or his son would be turned into an Avox for slander against you, the senator's personal secretary and girlfriend.
Coriolanus Snow was a cold ass to everyone except for you. Something that you'd come to discover in time. But right now it's not important.
No, right now what's important is keeping the senator from tearing your ex apart limb by limb.
Sensing that Coryo was starting to unravel (something that you've never seen and, frankly, didn't want to) you rubbed his shoulder while telling him, “Coryo, please, just let it go. You don't want to be in a bad mood before dinner with your political backer, do you?”
Coriolanus’ jaw twitched for a moment before he gave you a slight smile, “Of course, darling.”
Odysseus found Senator Snow's demanear changing into sweet and loving for you at the drop of a hat very alarming. Honestly, he thought it was downright scary that Snow went from menacing one minute to practically cooing at you the next.
As soon as the elevator came to a stop and the doors dinged open, your ex practically ran out of them. It made Coryo chuckle.
You and Coryo walked out of the elevator together, only to cross the lobby and head out of the building towards his car. His driver, Bentley, was standing by the black luxury sedan that was parked in front of the curb. Upon seeing you with the senator, he quickly opened the back door. You thanked him and let Coryo help you into the backseat.
“Oh, darling, I'm so sorry for not telling you earlier, but you look truly beautiful in your red dress.” Coryo told you, once he was settled in the back seat next to you.
“Thank you, Coryo. You look handsome yourself.” You replied with a smile as the driver took his place behind the wheel and pull the car away from your building.
“And tonight we'll make quite the debate as a stunning political couple.” The platinum blonde confidently told you as you rode to the high end restaurant the meeting with major political endorser Mr. Feathersworth, and his mistress, was taking place at.
Tonight is only the first of many spent at Coryo's side. It's safe to say that you're Senator Snow's darling sectary; that he has a soft spot for you. After all, he charmed you into becoming his girlfriend with the guise of attending a political dinner with him for work related purposes.
But you'd accept that dinner invitation again and again no matter what universe you're in because that dinner ended with Coryo fucking you in the backseat of his car. The poor driver nearly drove the car off a bridge and into the opposite lane of traffic he was so startled by what his boss and you were doing. Yes, the two of you still were clothed (for the most part) but Bentley knew that if he looked into the rearview mirror and saw something he wasn't supposed to then Snow would have his eyeballs pickled in a jar (literally!). And after fucking in the backseat of his car, a life was created with Coryo and you never left his side.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
368 notes · View notes
finnbbl · 1 year ago
Hyunjin X M! Reader - Dancer AU | SMAU | !!!MASTERLIST!!!
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Status: Discontinued
WARNING!! This story includes/will include dark topics such as things that could be triggering. Disclaimers are given at the beginning of each chapter, please be sure to read and take them seriously.
Ch. 1 - Can I get your Number?
Ch. 2 - He’s so hot
Ch. 3 - Meeting with JYP
Ch. 4 - Meeting Stray Kids
Ch. 5 - I’m attractive?
Ch. 6 - Tokyo
Ch. 7 - Friend?
Ch. 8 - First performance
Ch. 9 - Where you wanna be
Ch. 10 - Cutie
Ch. 11 - Bubble Tea
Ch. 12 - Photoshoot
Ch. 13 - Entitled
Ch. 14 - You never asked me
Ch. 15 - What have you done
Ch. 16 - Begged to forget
Ch. 17 - I’ve already won
Ch. 18 - Twink Coded
Ch. 19 - Fuck Girl
Ch. 20 - Stray
Ch. 21 - I wish I didn’t care
Ch. 22 - What’s wrong with me
Ch. 23 - I hate him
Ch. 24 - Aftermath
Taglist OPEN
270 notes · View notes
starrynights-sunnyskies · 10 months ago
as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (8/17)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: see my masterlist 🤍
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yourusername: today turned a little brighter after a very special surprise arrived at my doorstep. Liked by alexiaputellas, sofie.svava, albaps9 and 938 others
albaps9 cherish her 😔
username1 the note!! <3
bff2 Aw, you got a dolphin plushie?
alexiaputellas We're coming over soon ❤️
bff1 ❤️😞
bff3 All my love to your family today 😘
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↳ 5min ago: yourusername added to their story
Direct Messages
marisabel_rguez But I heard that she's yours? ↳ yourusername where did you hear that?? 😯 ↳ marisabel_rguez A good friend of mine knows her! She told me. ↳ yourusername text her so she can come pick her up then! ↳ marisabel_rguez Hmm, no, I think I'll let you deal with her on your own! ↳ yourusername 😠 Seen ↳ yourusername hey!!! stop giggling at your phone and look at me, i'm sitting right here 🙈 ↳ marisabel_rguez I can't help it, you're adorable 😆
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↳ 9min ago: yourusername added to their story
Direct Messages marisabel_rguez You better!! Preferably forever, if you can. I think that would make her very happy. ↳ yourusername you know what? i think that would make me very happy too. forever sounds like a good deal! ↳ marisabel_rguez Hala, don't tempt her!! ↳ yourusername 🤪
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↳ 2h ago: yourusername added to their story
Direct Messages
albaps9 getting baby fever already? 😏 albaps9 i'd be a great auntie, just saying! yourusername let me live a little first albaps9 fine fine, we can't all be around children everyday and love it. but do tell, how's she with the kid? yourusername she's so patient and careful, alba 😩 he loves her so much, she's been stuck dancing to pin pon es un muñeco with him for the past half hour and my tummy hurts from all the giggling. i love her so so so so so much. albaps9 one, you need to get that fever checked albaps9 two, fucking film that shit POR FAVOR albaps9 i'll make sure to add it to the compilation video i'm meaning to play at your wedding yourusername i can't help but fear what other videos you'll put in there yourusername IF that day ever comes albaps9 oh shut up, you know it's a matter of when, not if. albaps9 and if you want that day to happen, maybe take matters into your own hands 👀 Seen
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↳ 10min ago: marisabel_rguez just added to their story
Direct Message
alexiaputellas Aren't all tattoos forever? 🤪 marisabel_rguez This one is extra special! ☺️ alexiaputellas ❤️
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yourusername: how about you don't forget to kiss this one too. Liked by marisabel_rguez, albaps9, bff2 and 5,323 others
username1 😮
marialeonn16 Damn baby 'tellas got rizz 😂
alexiaputellas If you ever break up, you can always look at it sideways and have the number of times we won the champions league there. ↳ yourusername ale shut UP!!!! ↳ marisabel_rguez You haven't even won it three times? 😕 ↳ alexiaputellas Not yet 🙃
username2 Uh this is more permanent than a bracelet ↳ username5 shushhh it's been a year as far as we know, that's basically 15 years for queer couples 💍 liked by 31 others
username3 we're all thinking it, right? ↳ username4 'M' from mmmmiiii- wait sorry- visa? ↳ username5 m from mistake lmao ↳ yourusername it's m from MY business. liked by albaps9 and 62 others
bff3 🤗
marisabel_rguez Estara bien, jefa 😉 liked by yourusername and 54 others ↳ username6 perdoN?JEFA?! BOSS?! 👀 ↳ username7 lol at least now we know who's in charge 🤡 ↳ username3 😲
bff1 not m from mine? 😭 ↳ yourusername nope, sorry, sweet cheeks! ↳ bff1 do i hear you finally appreciating my bum bc i will ss this for proof ↳ yourusername no, you asshole ↳ bff1 i liked your first bum comment better 😭
albaps9 i was there this time 😌 liked by yourusername and marisabel_rguez ↳ marisabel_rguez Loved the one you got! ↳ albaps9 thanksies, and i love your daisy chain! 🤗
username8 Misa got a daisy chain tattoo???? ↳ username9 no im not okay, ↳ username10 No way 😢💜
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↳ 1h ago: albaps9 added to their story
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username1: Lmao, yn watch out, she's gonna steal misa away from you... no but just imagine tho: Alexia helping Misa propose to her sister 🤣 Liked by 423 people
username2 In what world... ↳ username3 not in this one, dream on 🤣 ↳ username4 lol ale would probably rather lose the copa to real madrid
username5 WHEN THO ↳ username6 only a matter of time? 🙊
username7 nah honestly, y'all make her out to be so grumpy about it all but did you see the way they talked to yn after the match and how alexia looked at them all giddy? ↳ username8 I second that, I can see her actually help misa out 😩
username9 Noooo but they are the most wholesome pair of sister-in-laws fr fr ↳ username10 maybe now, but they def weren't like this before lol ↳ username3 we've come a looooong waaaay 👀 ↳ username11 DID YOU FORGET THE PK SITCH? ↳ username9 What PK sitch? ↳ username11 😧 ↳ username12 gasp girl! surely not! 😲 ↳ username7 🤨👋
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bff2: If 17 year old me had known she’d meet her bestie(s) because of uni, she would not have taken two gap years. Happy 25th to the sweetest girl! (: Liked by bff3, albaps9, marisabel_rguez and 239 others
bff1 the math ain't mathing. if you'd gone to uni earlier yn wouldn't have been there either ↳ bff3 Ssh! It's a cute post! 🤫 ↳ bff2 You're just mad she was all mine while you were travelling!! ↳ bff1 rub it in why don't you
yourusername i loooove you, you sweet potato!! ↳ yourusername but you did me dirty with that last slide ↳ bff2 Well, you got me dirty so now we're finally even! 😘
bff3 Wait, did you girls ever get back the deposit of your uni housing after you-know-what? ↳ yourusername don't ask ↳ bff2 No... better not... ↳ bff3 Okay 😳
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bff1 happy birthday, you filthy animal 🤩 Liked by alexiaputellas, marisabel_rguez, sofie.svava and 402 others
yourusername and a happy new year ❤️ ↳ bff1 rawr, hot mama ❤️
bff2 Don't worry, they're always like this 🔝 liked by bff3
albaps9 the capri sun 😭 ↳ alexiaputellas Remember when they had dolphins on the packaging once and she basically refused to drink anything else beside capri sun? ↳ albaps9 dad's fault for indulging the dolphin obsession ↳ alexiaputellas Mami's fault that she kept buying it jajaja. ↳ yourusername uhhh maybe, just maybe, she didn't want her favourite child to dehydrate ↳ albaps9 PERDON, favourite?!?!? ↳ alexiaputellas No, she's right 😆 ↳ albaps9 alexia!?! ↳ yourusername 👼
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bff3 This one's for the most strong, selfless, mature, SILLY and most caring woman I know! Here's to you and your 25th birthday! Liked by alexiaputellas, yourusername and 123 others
yourusername thank you for surprising me with the loveliest night ever 🥹 ↳ bff3 So deserved! Now go have a safe flight and a lovely vacation! ❤️ ↳ bff2 There's no way you're forgetting that time we arrived with a karaoke system and did just dance the whole night!!! ↳ bff1 i'm genuinely hurt 😞✌️
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albaps9: happy birthday mi chiquita ynn! i'll allow you to be mami's favourite today. you still have 15 hours left so you better enjoy it while it lasts. i love you. Liked by alexiaputellas, bff3, marisabel_rguez and 1,313 others
alexiaputellas My favourite girls 😁
marisabel_rguez ❤️
bff2 Always giggling you two ✨ ↳ alexiaputellas Should've seen them ten years ago 🥴😅 ↳ albaps9 massacreeeee!!!
jennihermoso Putellas fam 😍
yourusername I LOVE YOU MORE ↳ albaps9 now you're pushing it ���🏽
bff1 my adoptive sisters if anyone was wondering ↳ albaps9 no you're still the deranged cousin ↳ bff1 🖕 ↳ albaps9 when teasing young misses, you're asking for kisses 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 ↳ bff1 get away from me 🤢
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alexiaputellas: Per molts anys, meu YN 🧸 Liked by yourusername, marialeonn16, marta_torre_8 and 43,367 other
marialeonn16 Happy 25th! 🥳
username1 what a flex to have alexia as your big sis
username2 😍
ingridengen Happy birthday!!! A surprise from us is coming your way! 💝
janafernandez3 feliç aniversari!! 😘
ona.battle 🎉
patri8guijarro 🎉😁
jillroord Happy birthday!
yourusername 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
jennihermoso Yay!! 🥳🥳
ireneparedes4 Feliz cumpleaños
sanpanos have a good day 🎁
juliagrosso7 💜
fridolinarolfo Happy birthday!!!! 😇
esmeebrugts happy birthday 🤘
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marisabel_rguez: It's your birthday! @/yourusername ! 🍰 Liked by albaps9, alexiaputellas, sofie.svava and 34,526 others
sofie.svava Naww, isn't this the cutest? 🥺
ivanaandres5 feliz cumple!
leilaouahabi Enjoy your day 😉😘
yourusername 🖤
frejaolofssonn haaaappy birthday yn!!
carolinemoller_ hip hip hooray! 😊
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yourusername: starting my 25th year in style 🌼 Liked by marisabel_rguez, janafernandez3, salmaparalluelo and 9,258 others
jennihermoso Well, hello there, guapaaa!
judebellingham 🤯 liked by 145 others ↳ username1 don't even try liked by 12 others ↳ username2 Save yourself the rejection 👋
bff2 mamacita 🔥
albaps9 25 is looking good on you already
ingridengen 😊
sofie.svava Have the sweetest time!
alexiaputellas Sunscreen! 😉😎 ↳ marisabel_rguez On it! ↳ alexiaputellas 👍🏼😅
marialeonn16 With saucy seasoned carbs? ↳ yourusername you got it!
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marisabel_rguez At home with my home in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Liked by yourusername, jennihermoso, sofie.svava and 14,499 others
username1 hi yn
username2 hello yn
jennihermoso Ah-ha!!! I recognise something 🤫
albaps9 🥺
sofie.svava ❤️
username5 meeting the fam? 👀
username3 YN what are you doing hereee
alexiaputellas 😊
bff2 Aw the caption!! 😭
username4 YN lmao, hey girl 🤣
username5 its been how long? drop the secrecy
username6 i'm giggling 🥰 so happy for them
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Text messages
misa 🖤 Hey you...
misa 🖤 So...... We've been together for almost a year now.
you hey, my love.
you i know, i'm so excited!!!!
you but i sense you're not done talking?
misa 🖤😉
misa 🖤 I was thinking... and I know we talked about this last time, but the lease on my place is ending in three months, but like I said, I was only thinking. So maybe, and only if you want to of course, maybe we could start looking for a place together?
misa 🖤 I know it's quite a step for you and I understand if you're not ready to move in together or move away. I just would love to have you by my side as I wake up or fall asleep or when I come home. I want to only have to enter the other room when I want to see you. I want to hear you softly sing as you do the dishes or the laundry, to cook for you, to pick up little surprises and flowers for you after training and to not have to wait to see your reaction through a post or a Facetime call. To hold you when I miss you and to kiss you when I want you to know how much I love you, you know? All those little things.
you ○○○
you ○○○
misa 🖤 And you don't have to answer right away, I know it's quite a step, as I said. Not only for you but for our relationship in general. To take the leap from long distance to... very little distance, jaja. It might be a bit stressful to get everything figured out and to find our feet at first, but we'll do it together. And we can do it, I know we can. But just think about it. Listen to your gut and heart. I'll respect your decision either way. I love you, okay? Please never forget that.
you misa, i love you, te amo más que a la vida en sí
you ○○○
you so i don't have to think about it. i'd love nothing more than to live together with you.
you it's a big yes.
a/n: sending you all a very big bear hug 🤍
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spiderbaby123 · 3 months ago
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Behind the mask.
Kakashi x reader
Fluff but doesn't end in a relationship. I want to do a part 2 though 😁 let me know your thoughts 🫶
This is cross posted on wattpad with a part 2 🥰
Y/n smiled to herself. She had thought about her first day at the academy.
"Class, this is y/n. She'll be joining us from now on." Said the sensei. One kid raised their hand. "Why is she in our class? She's like 6." He pointed out. She had been placed in a class that was 4 yrs her senior. "She's shown exponential skills. She's a prodigy." He replied simply. The boy complained. "I don't want to beat up a little girl in sparring practice!" Y/n retorted. "You won't." They looked at her funny. "Watch it, brat! I could defeat you easily!" Y/n smirked. "No.. you couldn't." She walked passed him and sat down.
She giggled, thinking about that guy. She had, in fact, won against him every time he attacked her. The guy was now 22 and constantly trying to get her to go on a date with him. But she likes someone else.. "Y/n!" She heard from behind her as she walked. She turned and saw Iruka, another old classmate. "Hey Iruka." She smiled and waved at him. "Whats up?" He smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Oh, I just wanted to see if you heard from Kakashi lately.. you know, he has a few of my old students.." She blushed at the mention of Kakashi. "Oh.. no I haven't seen him in a few days.." Iruka looked at her confused. "Oh? You didn't train with him yesterday like you usually do?" She shook her head. "He was busy with his students." He nodded. "I see.. you know.. I remember the first time he invited you to train." He chuckled. "We had just graduated, and you were so stubborn.." she looked at him, annoyed. "H-hey! I wasn't stubborn!" Iruka laughed. "You were definitely a stubborn little 8 year old brat." Y/n blushed as she remembered their mission.
"Just use me as bait." She said to the 3 older boys on the mission with her. Guy and Iruka stared at her, surprised. Kakashi simply stared deadpanned. "N-no! Absolutely not!" Iruka shouted. "What? Why not?" Y/n asked, confused. "I'm obviously the best option. Nobody is going to suspect an 8 yr old girl to be a ninja." Iruka looked at her astonished. "That's exactly why you shouldn't! You're 8!" Y/n rolled her eyes. "Seriously? I passed on top of our class. Stop treating me like a kid." She replied. Kakashi interjected now. "We'll do it. You can be the bait." Iruka looked at him, surprised. "What?!" "She's a ninja. It doesn't matter how old she is. She has the skill." Kakashi stated simply. Guy looked at him surprised as well but nodded his head to agree. It was true. The 3rd wouldn't have sent her on the mission if he thought she couldn't handle it. "Go ahead. Show us what you got, small fry." 17 yr old Kakashi said before moving to the shadows on the side of the road. Guy following suit. Iruka stood there staring at her. "Are you sure?" He asked, uncertain about the plan. "Iruka. I'm a ninja. I can handle it." He nodded reluctantly and followed the other 2 boys. Soon, she sat on the side of the road crying. She was faking an injury to lure the bandit they were supposed to capture. As if on cue, the man came walking up. "Hmm.. hello, little one. What's wrong?" The man asked with a fake smile. Y/n sniffled. "M-my friends left me behind a-and I hurt my ankle.." she pouted her story. "Oh dear.. how awful." The man said, though he had a toothy smile. She nodded, sniffling again. "I-I don't remember my way home either.." In the shadows, the 3 ninjas accompanying her watched carefully. 12 yr old Iruka gritted his teeth. Kakashi placed a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. A few minutes later, they noticed she had stopped talking and looked closer. She wasn't moving either. Kakashi nodded and charged in, releasing her from a genjutsu. They caught the bandit. When they returned to the village, Kakashi had told her to meet him the next day.
Y/n had said goodbye to Iruka and was walking the streets again. To be honest, she was looking for Kakashi. That's when she saw him. A man who was about the same height as Kakashi, but he didn't have a mask on and he had brown hair, big Grey eyes, and purple marks on his eyes. But he felt so.. familiar. She stopped and stared at him. He had a camera and simple clothes on. Being honest.. he was quite attractive. He noticed her staring and blushed, looking away quickly. She blushed. He was definitely attractive.. she walked up to him. The closer she got the more familiar his Chakra felt. "Hey you!" She shouted to the man, who had now turned to walk away as she came up to him. He froze and turned around slowly. "Who? Me?" He voice squeaked as he pointed to himself sheepishly smiling. "Yeah. You. Who are you?" She asked as she got up into his personal space. He formed a sweat drop nervously. "I-I'm Sukea." He said nervously. Y/n stared at him suspiciously. He seemed nervous. He seemed so familiar.. "I feel like I know you.." he shook his head and put his hands up. "N-no, miss! We don't know each other!" She got closer. Wait.. she definitely knew this Chakra. "No. I'm certain. I know you somehow." She insisted. He blushed and stared at her wide eyed. Hold on.. this is.. her eyes widened. "I do know you!" She shouted. He froze again. She smirked. Just then Kakashi's genin ran up. "There you are Sukea! Did you get it?! Did you get the picture?" Naruto shouted. Y/n looked at Naruto confused. "Picture of what?" She asked, suspiciously. Naruto looked up at y/n and smirked. "Kakashi-sensei's face." He said sneakily. Y/n sweat dropped and looked at 'Sukea'. "Seriously?" She asked the man, who just smiled sheepishly. She giggled. "Hmm.. good luck guys. Share it with me if you get one." She winked at the group and walked away. 'Sukea' gulped and nodded, blush still prominent. She smirked as she walked away. She would need to pay a certain ninja a visit later.
Later that day she did just that. She knocked on his door. Slowly he opened it, still drying his hair. He was wearing his tank top that had an attached mask and a pair of loose pajama pants. He blushed seeing her. "Oh! Y/n! What brings you here?" He asked, trying to sound nonchalant. She smirked. "Oh just visiting an old friend." She walked in past him into his house. He turned to look at her. "Hmm? To what do i owe the pleasure?" He asked, shutting the door behind her and following her to the living room. "Oh I'm was just wondering if you got it." He looked at her confused. "Got what?" He asked. She smirked. "The picture of course, 'Sukea'." She giggled. He flushed. "Uh.. I.. well.." y/n pointed at him and grinned "I knew it!" Kakashi smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "You got me.." his voice cracked. "How'd you know, anyway?" He asked. She smiled. "I've spent the last 10 years training with you. I think I've learned your Chakra by now." She giggled. He smiled. "Right. I should've known you would recognize me." He walked over to her, lifting a hand to her hair and ruffling it. She blushed and swatted his hand away. "Hey stop messing my hair up, Kashi.." she fussed and he chuckled. "Always the same." He said fondly. She pouted, remembering Iruka saying something similar earlier. "Hey.. I'm not an 8 yr old brat anymore.." Kakashi chuckled. He knew that of course. "I know." She blushed and looked up at him. He smiled. "What? Can't I recognize how you've grown and still think you act just as stubborn still?"
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swan2swan · 5 months ago
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I"m going to talk about this in other gifsets, but one of my favorite elements of Isla Nemesis is that MantahCorp would have won if they'd actually put human beings on the island.
Even just to monitor the security cams!
A human watching the monitor of BRAD-17 would have noticed "Hey. That's a water bottle. How'd that get there?" and turned the drone on a full search. The AI piloting the BRAD lacks the programming for that, though: it sees an inorganic object and doesn't question "How did it get here?", it just moves on. Ben escapes because there's no human thought. Just like Hammond assessed, they're too reliant on automation: while Jurassic World succeeded for years because of a vast human network, Isla Nemesis barely functions for a year as soon as humans start disrupting its cold, mechanical systems.
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
October Creator of the Month: Tessa-Liam
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Please welcome this month’s Creator of the Month: @tessa-liam
Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists. The writer or artist is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTMs can be found here.
Tumblr Blog Name: Tessa-Liam
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Tessa
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played?
Christmas 2017, I was scrolling FB and saw an ad for Choices featuring The Royal Romance Book 1. I downloaded the app and started reading TRR right away.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I was hooked on that series and was waiting for a new chapter to release. I was desperate for more and my sister suggested that I try searching Tumblr for fanfiction in 2021.
3- How did you pick your blog name?
Liam was my LI, so I joined his name with mine!
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!
My very first post was the masterlist to @ao719's series ‘The Invitation’. I found her treasure trove of Liam Rys/TRR stories very quickly! I couldn't get enough!
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both?
I write fanfiction. I wish I could draw…the best I can do is create moodboards.
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I started writing my own stories for Choices pretty much at the same time I found the app. Publishing those stories started with prompting and encouragement from Anitah [@ao719] & Emmy [@txemrn]. I posted my first on October 28, 2022, ‘October Weekend Retreat’. I have also written for ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘Twilight’ & ‘The X-files’. These stories are all published on AO3 with other pseudonyms
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
My favorite book(s) to read and create for: The Royal Romance Series. Favorite = book 3
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
I do still like it! The changes I would make…I would add more ‘Would You Rather’ questions and dialogue.😁
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created?
My favorite: ‘All is Fair in Love & War’ …and I won an art commission (my center pic) for it from CFWC, by ArtbyAinna (IG).
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I am always honoured whenever anyone takes the time to read, comment, or share my stories!🥰
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Definitely angst❣️ I love writing/drama about a group of characters in a series with various sub plots and relationships over time.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Yes! My OC Sophie Taylor from Marabelle.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Writing…Definitely 😏 smut! ….but practice makes perfect, right!? 😉
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Oh geez, so much!? My one drive is well stocked! 😂
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first?
Yes! My sister. No, not necessarily…I know she reads AO3, cuz she posts there too!
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? Are there any writers that influence you?
Anitah @ao719, my fellow Liam stan definitely inspired me to write TRR stories here on Tumblr. She is a phenomenal writer!💖
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?
Marabelle …it's still a W.I.P. right now and I have so much story to tell!
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art?
I have started a framework for a novel and have created storyboards for it.
19- What other hobbies do you have?
I love horses and am learning dressage. Reading, writing, politics.
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to)
I adore royalty in real life and follow news on William & Kate. They toured Canada in 2016. I was in Victoria, BC on vacation when they were here, but I couldn't get anywhere near that area of the city. 🤷‍♀️
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desmos-calculator · 3 months ago
I was thinking about those posts I sometimes see about dates being an equation (you know the ones), and was thinking, is there a year where that happens the least? maybe even one where it doesn't happen?
Well, I don't think I'd be qualified to cover every function that uses two inputs, and I would assume every function is quite a few and probably would cover every day
So, I'll be sticking to the basic 4,+,-,× and ÷, since that's what I see most common with those posts
First step is to get a list of all the dates (I should clarify, from the Gregorian calendar, since that's the most common dating system I see from those posts), which is pretty easy, just make it yourself! you know how the months work... right?
Anyways, we have a list now! two, in fact, so we can put our days and months separately
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Now, we just apply the functions and,
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meh, could be prettier, now, we gotta consider that negative years don't exist yet, less so something like XX negative 19, so those extra spots below, gotta go
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We also need to consider that years such as XX 100 would theoretically someday exist, but we're just gonna assume you're only looking at the last 2 digits, so, BEGONE!
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And don't forget about the year XX 02.75, that was the best year... for all of us that used a different calendar system, so I'm going to need to ask you numbers to LEAVE!
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And that should be all the house keeping we need to do, let's collapse em down
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woooah, coolio, let's color them based on the group come from
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preeeetty, someone should crochet that
Now, you may think "Hey, he left out my favourite day, [February 29th], How could he????!!!!!"
Well, 2+29=31, which can't be a leap year, 2-29 is negative, so no, not possible, 2/29 is a fraction, and 2*29=58, which is NOT a leap year
so, to anyone guessing dates that can never work, congrats, you won!
we can also see what years work with each function
with division ending the lowest, since all it does is decrease, we find the last date to be XX14, on 28th February, ironic. sorry y'all didn't notice it til it was too late.
for subtraction? the last date will be... 30th January 2029! Get your cakes (uh, funeral cakes?) ready for the last date possible for subtraction in.... 4 years time?!?! jesus, time flies, huh?
uhmm, for addition, we find the final day to be 30th December XX42! woa
and the multiplication goes til the end, being the year XX99, dated November 9th...... ANYWAYS
the year of most functional dates will be XX12 with the dates:
11th Jan (11+1=12), 12th Jan(12*1=12), 13th Jan(13-1=12),
6th Feb (6*2=12), 10th Feb (10+2=12), 14th Feb (14-2=12),
24th Feb (24/2=12), 4th March (4*3=12), 9th March (9+3=12),
15th March (15-3=12), 3rd April (3*4=12), 8th April (8+4=12),
16th April (16-4=12), 7th May (7+5=12), 17th May (17-5=12),
2nd June (2*6=12), 6th June (6+6=12), 18th June (18-6=12),
5th July (5+7=12), 19th July (19-7=12), 4th August (4+8=12),
20th August (20-8=12), 3rd September (3+9=12),
21st September (21-9=12), 2nd October (2+10=12),
22nd October (22-10=12), 1st November (1+11=12),
23rd November (23-11=12), 1st December (1*12=12),
and finally... 24th December (24-12=12)
the years with no days are all primes after XX43, since if it had any factors, it'd work for multiplication
except, I lied, XX58, XX62, XX74, XX82, XX86 and XX94 are all not prime, yet have 0 days, since they're divisible by 2 but the other factor is bigger than 30
except, I lied again, XX58 is actually the only one with a potentially real day, being february 29, as we mentioned earlier.
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graaaaah, the division section barely exists
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woah, separation, around the x=y line too, with the same shape no less
except, BOOM, i lied to you, AGAIN.
you see, this shape is actually skinner than the original one
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you actually only lose potential dates by switching to the other system, and here's how many you lose
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The years that lose the most are XX13, XX14, XX15 with 13 missing days, and we'll reach a consensus for amount of days working with math in XX32! the perfect number to end on
but also, this system gives us our earliest year ending with a multiplicative date, being 1st December XX12 (XX12 was a great year for functions, huh)
So, when's the next functional date? well, we missed 13th November, so mark your calendars for 12th December!!
So, what did we learn?
Well, I mean, I guess you can brag about knowing when the next date that's a math equation.
and also the tragedy that is 29th February XX58...
Suggest other calendar systems, and I'll look into them!
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bubbleddisasters · 10 months ago
Since Y’all liked the last one, heres something somewhat similar:
TWST Characters as funny / random ass moments with my friends/family
Ace : A good friend of mine made an entire Cards against Humanity Deck including us, and we played it at like 4 am.
Also, one of my closest childhood friends of now 11 years, the way we first met was he insulted me, and then thirty minutes later I peeked at his notebook while he was drawing (our beds were next to eachother) recognized Sans from a meme, and then managed to bullshit through an entire conversation about Undertale without him suspecting I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.
I made a joke about it a little less then a year ago, thinking he knew by now, but no. He looks at me and the conversation goes:
“Are you telling me our entire first interaction was you just fucking improvising through a discussion of a fandom you didn’t know shit about?”
“Wait you didn’t know?”
“You genuinely believed that I knew what I was talking about then for 10 years?!?”
“Surprisingly, yes.”
Deuce: I was biking with my sister, and she accidentally biked straight into a fucking lake. Also when my dad looked me dead in the eye after receiving one of my graded tests and goes
“How the fuck do you answer Maine four times on different questions and be wrong for all four times.”
Bonus Adeuceyuu combo: Me and two of my childhood friends once linked together to grab something we saw in a river, turns out it was just a broken fishing rod.
Also another on me and the above two friends meeting: The first thing one of them did was insult me, and I genuinely have zero memory of how I met the other.
Basically, we met at a sleepaway camp as kids, and for some reason, our sleepaway camp had some wackass shit, but one of them was this game. I don’t remember the name of it, but you had to go in groups of 3-4 and tie ribbons around each staff tent/cabinside without getting caught (and keep in mind each campsite and Cabins were very spread apart) at midnight, and the first to return to the cafeteria, where the staff were waiting, and did so after tying them all, on won.
Kids age 12-17, in the middle of fuck knows where in the woods Long Island, running around in the dark unsupervised with only any light bringing items they brought themselves.
So me, and we’ll call them C and M, teamed up. It’d take too long to go into full detail, but it was a very Prologue Mines fused with Camp Vargas core adventure.
Bonus First year gang in general : Me and three friends were waiting for something I genuinely don’t remember in an abandoned dorm area and got extremely bored, and one of them could do a perfect Donald Duck impression, and another a really good goofy, and this somehow led to us having a fake reality tv show verbal bitchfight as Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Minnie for a solid hour. We all regretted not recording it.
Cater: My friend from Wales entirely forgot about the existence of timezones and called me in the middle of my history class. Her ringtone at the time was just a clip of her screaming “Bread”.
How my teacher didn’t figure out who’s phone it was is beyond me.
Trey : Made Russian Roulette Spilt Cupcakes for a large group of my friends, and one is allergic to strawberries, while another’s favorite is, so I very specifically placed the strawberry filled one on the complete other side of the table with the intention of slipping it in after she picked her two.
Some fucking how, she ended up with the Strawberry one, which I had tied with a bow (basically the ones with bows mean they contain an allergen, and the color is the allergen. Ex: Strawberry was BRIGHT FUCKING PINK.) I’m to this day not exactly sure how, but my best guess is she traded hers with whoever originally got the Strawberry one before we ate.
Luckily, I told her partner, who had been my baking partner in crime and convinced me to add in the strawberry after I said it might be a bad idea, to bring two epi pens just incase.
Riddle : I am around 5’3, and I had a friend (?) who was 6’2-3 in middle school. We had almost the blatant definition of a Floyd and Riddle Dynamic, but he’d out of the blue be extremely sweet to me (kinda like that comic in the anthology), only on days I was going through shit. When I tell you I genuinely thought I was hallucinating when he did though-
Also, I yelled at him for nailing, yes, NAILING, a flag on the ceiling reading :”el sábado es para los chicos” (Saturday is for the boys) In the fucking Spanish classroom. Since nobody was as tall as him and the janitors didn’t notice it, it was there for like a week.
Che’nya : My friend and I have an ongoing inside joke where whenever we spot the other through a window in the hallway, we text the other “behind you” or “to your__”
Leona : I brought a pillow with a silk pillow case (gift from my mom) to a sleepover once, and my friend went “You trust leaving me in the room with this?” and I genuinely responded “Its a pillow, why wouldn’t I trust you.” entirely forgetting that Silk can be pretty expensive.
I felt so bad bro.
Ruggie : My friend once dared me to get a one plate of everything during a party. I misinterpreted this and brought a mostly to full plate of each thing, including water bottles.
Turns out they meant balance one of everything on a single plate.
I did not, infact, return the seven brownies, four cupcakes, two cookies, twelevish tangerines, popcorn and god knows how many grapes, but everything else was returned or snatched by friends.
Jack: My friend was throughly convinced she knew where she was going when we got lost outside at one of the biggest malls in fucking America, and we ended up walking a good 4/6th of the perimeter before finding the target (the store, we were still fucking lost) , which we called her mom to pick us up at.
Bonus: My friend, a few dormmates and I were at Starbucks and this random woman comes up to my friend and goes “Hey, they got my order wrong, want my drink?” and I was literally trying to give him this face of “BAD IDEA”. Yea so he ignored the obvious and drank the whole fucking thing and was bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day. (This one could also work for Jamil I suppose.)
Floyd : I was once walking with a friend of mine and jokingly said Trees are giant salads.
This motherfucker breaks off a branch of the nearest tree, takes a fatass bite, drops it, and goes “I want a refund.”
Jade : Randomly got interrogated my mushroom hunters—-
(I kind you the fuck not, MUSHROOM. HUNTERS. Basically, they go out to hunt/find/ forage for rare mushrooms. Atleast thats what they told us?! I wasn’t paying much attention, I was busy petting their dog tbh)
—While camping, my friend and I had zero clue what they were talking about, so she just pointed in a random direction and they thanked us and left.
The same friend also introduced me to mica, but always called them Mermaid Scales, and we more than once walked around in the water looking for them, I was the only one that would literally stop mid-trail to pick some up though. I have a massive collection.
Also she never let me live down the fact I once trapped myself in my tent with fucking dental floss overnight just to see if I could, then couldn’t undo it in the morning, and our adult / guide / trying to keep us alive person had to cut me out with a knife.
Azul : This one very specific time as a kid I was talking to two identical twins, who were standing on each side of me, wearing the same outfits but color reversed, and nearly had an internal breakdown trying to remember which was which, so I just did verbal gymnastics around using their names.
We later literally spent two hours fighting for ours lives together and I shit you not I STILL COULDNT REMEMBER THEIR FUCKING NAMES.
Kalim : Went shopping with my badass grandma and somehow left with a Second Hand Valentino (the brand) dress for $50 and a free bracelet one of the employees gave me because ….I actually don’t know.
Also, I got trapped on a really high up indoor water slide with my sister because the water entirely stopped (we learned later the water machine tied to that ride blew up) , and where we were was like a weird slope like between two drops. We couldn’t get back up, and going down was too risky without water bcs we could go splat.
There was like a window ish on the ride, so like a smart 8 year old, I start calling for help at the top of my lungs. My sister (10) also did this. There was this guy who I guess heard us that we nicknamed Chad because he looked like the most stereotypical 2000’s beach movie love interest lifeguard and was dramatically looking around for where the voices were coming from but NEVER LOOKED UP??
Anyway, My sister got us out in the end because she found a hatch and managed to open it, and I shit you not there was a spiral staircase with a gigantic fucking sign reading “DO NOT CLIMB STAIRCASE.”
So obviously, my sister chucks me across the gap onto the staircase and then jumps over herself, and we end up spending another 40 minutes after that fiasco trying to find our parents while i’m pretty sure Chad was trying to find us.
After the 40 minutes we just assumed we were now orphans and went back to where we left our keycard and low and behold our parents had just come back from wherever they had fucked off to.
Also Chad found us and felt super bad, and bought us a smore cake?!? Someone throw him back in time to be his destined role as an extra in Teen Beach Movie. The cake was great though, but that was one hell of an 8th birthday lmao.
Jamil : My friend from India (jokily) Divorced me after my dumbass asked her if Chai was an ingredient used in Chai Tea.
Spoiler Alert : Chai IS THE TEA. Apparently, asking for Chai Tea is the equivalent of saying “Can I have some Tea Tea please.”
Yea safe to say I felt real stupid in that moment.
Epel : My sister once locked me in the bathroom so she could test her new makeup on me. She left for one second and I kid you not I snuck out of the window.
Random bonus : Me and my cousins for some reason ended up roughhousing outside after one of our older cousins weddings, and I judo flipped a whole ass 17 year old man at age 12 and I felt so powerful in that moment.
Also If you saw about the ranch in the previous post, me that gang had an anonymous cookie provider who would leave us two tins of fresh cookies every day around 12ish pm, usually behind the kitchen or outside the equipment shack.
Yes, we tried to catch them once, No, we didn’t succeed. Also nobody wanted to risk loosing cookie privileges, so we didn’t try again.
Rook: Once scared the living shit out of my online friend by texting him “I am now several miles closer to your location.” . He lives in South America, and I happened to be in Florida with a friend, so I thought i’d be funny.
Vil : I was going to a cosplay convention with a friend, and instead of bringing like a normal amount of makeup, my indecisive ass brought basically a whole suitcase worth of it.
Also won a costume competition at my boarding school for Halloween, and wasn’t even aware there was a competition until the year after, when a good half or more of my dormmates asked me to do their makeup because they’d heard I was really good at it.
Idia: Ok, so, long story, but my friend invited me and two mutual friends to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway w/ the og cast. However, I was the only one who didn’t know we were going anywhere, because he thought his mom told my dad we were going to see Sweeney Todd, while my dad thought my friend told me, but also he was suspiciously alluding to it, maybe unintentionally
So I show up in a blue hoodie with a bad pun on it, mildly ripped sweatpants, mismatched socks and bright rainbow crocs. Not very “going to watch a musical about cannibalism and Serial Killers” attire. But it gets worse.
So around the 3/4ths into the first act is when I usually get snacks at musicals or plays, since they’re usually just finished setting up and theres no line, so I’m in and out and don’t miss much.
Well, I did that as usual, and its important to know we had front row balcony seats, because…
I slipped on my friends playbill on the way to my seat, and my fucking left croc went flying down into the seats below us, and hit an older woman in the head right at Sweeney did the first oofing, and the stage lights go red for a moment in this scene.
I felt so bad, and was literally too embarrassed to go get the shoe myself, so one of my friends got it for me. Apparently the lady thought it was somewhat funny (thank fucking goodness)
Ortho : My sister and I were biking once, and found out some reason the coats we had (school merch from field day I think). had the biggest fucking hidden pockets known to man.
So the next time we went out, she for some reason decided to put our dads entire laptop in there.
Also bonus: My friend once invited me over to their house to help with their costume, and when I came over, the costume was literally a gigantic trash can. No, not the actual object, They were literally making a giant trashcan costume.
I helped but still remained mildly confused in the process.
Malleus : I had a good friend who lived next to a graveyard, and sometimes we would just go on nice walks in the graveyard.
Lilia: Another Wilderness one: We were making Pasta, and one of the guys in our group was playing with a large thing of moss, tripped, and the moss got into the fucking pasta.
One guide said “Nature Consequence, we can still eat it” while the other screamed they were going to get fired.
Also, me and a friend were singing bo-burnham on a hike, and for some reason we had this stupid ass idea of making a fake fishing rod called…..
“The Child Catcher.”
(The irony ony of us both being 14 at the time so technically we were children)
We found a good fishing rod like stick and a vine, tied a vine on, and I kid you not we carried that thing for MILES. We also made a fork with a flatly shaped stick and a rock named Reddie.
Yea living in the woods does somethin to ya I gotta say.
Bonus: One of my childhood friends had a very giant dog, and one time we had a sleepover, she was laying infront of the other side of the door when we woke , and because of the way the door was, we couldn’t get through.
So my genius solution was to climb out the window (this was on the second floor) , Cha-Cha real smoothed to the nearest other window, go through there, and lure the dog away with a treat.
It worked.
Silver: Went to this make your own dipped popsicle thing with a good friend of mine, and watched in pure horror as she got a mango popsicle dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in fruity pebbles.
Another one: I was at a Sleepover and there was this tent like thing that was meant for tiny people (aka me, not really it was for toddlers but I was small enough to fit at the time), and at some point in the middle of the night, someone tripped on the tent and it entirely collapsed on me, and not only did I sleep through it, I ended up being the last person to wake up because they all saw the tent collapsed and assumed I was already awake.
Also I was camping once and I rolled away from my tarp and somehow down a road, and my friend said when she found me there was just several butterflies and caterpillars on me. I originally didn’t know but I found a caterpillar on my head that morning and apparently it was poisonous (I was fine and I named him Bob)
Sebek: I was in an escape room with some friends, and I discovered that a key we had gotten in the very beginning worked on another lock, so I did that, and later one of my loud friends finds a key and is SPIRALING because she can’t find what it unlocks for like 30 minutes, and after several minutes I realized, unintentionally slammed my hand on a desk and screamed “OH SHIT.” with zero context.
That experience was actually my first time in a escape room with friends, and not my family or a bunch of drunk strangers in suits + my concerned mother.
Second years : My friends in the priorly mentioned group consisted of who I’ll call N, who was doing 70% of the work, we had R, who was angrily searching for the lock to the key, we had T, the birthday boi, who was randomly making jokes about the 1930s, S, who genuinely forgot he had a key item in his pocket, and A, who dramatically serenaded the paintings after misinterpreting a clue and me, who kept accidentally unlocking shit ahead of time.
Third Years: Prior to the other mentioned event, we had gone to a small improv event that ended up being just us, and the poor guy running it kept giving us scenarios and random conditions which we would absolutely make the craziest shit from.
If I remember correctly, one of the skits was we were supposed to be a school board, and the condition was when someone said an idea, you had to say yes.
The result? a organ harvesting business thats front was a school, and everytime someone got detention, one organ of theirs was sold, and the funds went into funding the biogenetically engineered creation of Hatsune Miku and Cat Boys.
For some reason this skit also led somehow into atomic glitter and cocaine missiles, selling souls on Ebay with express shipping, using Sephora Products and Instagram to spread our propaganda, making meme complications of our crimes, and nuking the Bermuda Triangle.
Ask no questions because I have no answers.
Yea thats it for now! Enjoy!
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insideliascrazyhead · 2 months ago
Sannoh Rengokai´s instagram shenaningans remix Sleepy Lion is actually a baby snake?! 2
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Jesse:I´m a total slut for pink hair.Just gotta put that out there
Ice:& 4 ur boytoy.
Naomi:A pink cobra.a rare creature to see in the wild
Tetsu:i dead ass feel like whenever Cobra partys with the Mighty Warriors he turns into a crazy new persona and I wanna meet that guy
Smokey:split personality disorder needs a lot of treatment.go seek therapy.yall need therapy
Hyuga:says the sick victorian child
Murayama:smokey be coughing and goes please lord may i live longer im only 7
9:coughs up blood disease,gotta get that treated first.
Muraymama:nah Rude Boys!* makes crazy squirrel moves *
Yamato:Cobra the party animal.love that.
Noboru:Able to even drink Yamato the tank under the table!
Sara:thats a hilarious drinking game.really.it´s called alcoholism
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Fujio:Just deadass found this funny little guy in Tsukasas bathroom
Yasushi:Taking a shit in company.now that´s classy
Todoroki:Probably whole heartedly means it too
Tsukasa:that´s sir Froggington Barthollowquak the fourth
Jamuo:what a distinguished gentle man
Kizzy:i love this shit
Ice:man let me tell yall their apartment looks like a curriosity store anyways.
Naomi:Totally i also got my crustation menstruation station lobster that holds pads etc,from Cobra a
Cobra:When Jesse´s wasted he speaks to that thing
Jesse:When we got him Cobra usually forgot we have him.So at night when Cobra went in there we heard him scream bloody murder!
Hyuga:Aint nobody else weirded out by this?Just me?guess I go fuck myself then...
Tetsu:growing up around all that weird crap must be fun tho
Tsukasa:it is.its like a wonderland
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Jesse:Heart Eyes Motherfucker<3
Ice:Suprise Motherfuckers?
Murayama:Break Cobra-chans heart Imma break your bones
Naomi:Exactly.What he said.
Yamato:C´mon guys there together for like 17 years and have a teenage son together! Noboru:Still I was in jail once and won´t mind going again...
Jesse:Yáll are crazy I would never hurt Cobra! Sarah:You did go to jail for a few years and left him to raise Tsukasa. Cobra:Relax.I had help from literally everyone.
Rocky:Well if you break up i would just state:that´s on dating a former Doubt member
Kizzy:So was I tho...
Kaito:He doesn´t mean you sweetheart.You´re an angel and we´re thrilled to have you.
Smokey:questionable adorable
Fujio:Goals tho.Hope Tsukasa and I end up like you and Cobra-san! Cobra:Don´t even think about kids until you´re at least done with school!
Todoroki:The bar is so low it´s literally on the floor Tsukasa.You didn´t even finish school dad! Jesse:Yeah and because he didn´t go to school we had you...
Sarah:Cobra got knocked up cause he didn´t knock you out.
Fujio: OMG what if he knocks me up?!
Cobra:No that happened because of a cheap tequila and a gas station condom!Also Fujio that won´t happen to you cause you don´t have a uterus!
Fujio:Was it removed the time I needed to go to the hospital to have a surgery because i was in so much pain.
Tsukasa:No Fujio.That was your appendix.You don´t have a uterus because you got amab
Ice:Yeah fuck the police!Acab and all that!
Cobra:I should knock myself out it would be a lot less painful than reading this!
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Cobra:date night suprise by Jesse
Kizzy:when you paint each other then Jesse got a beautiful masterwork aka Cobra´s face
Kaito:And Cobra? Rocky:Cobra has a horror halloween decor of Jesse´s ugly mug
Jesse:Mean!MeanieMouse! Ice:draw each other naked now that´s a date night
Dan:Ew.Nobody wanna see that shit.
Murayama:I wanna see Cobra-chan naked!
Hyuga:if the whole gangleader,gas station shit aint gonna work he would make a ton of cash on onlyfans
Smokey:you nasty pig.
Jesse:Now you got me clutching my imaginary cause im broke ass fuck pearls right now
Chiharu:Well he´s just stating facts
Tetsu:right onlyfans!thats the easiest thing i couldve done after the bathouse closed.
Sara:Cobra would be successfull on onlyfans,you wouldn´t
Tetsu:are you bodyshaming me
Cobra:she´s not saying that you´re so scrawny that you would get lost in the covers lilke a remote.She just said you aint got that personality and attitude of being like oh fuck yeah i´m gorgeous.
Dan:that wine was probably empty ten minutes in
Jesse:It was we switched to tequila
Tsukasa:yeah i came home and they painted nearly everything but the canvas.furniture,walls but nope canvas was clean
Ice:Why did jesse start off with water tho.
Jesse:Yeah,that wads totally water and not vodka*sweats nervosly*
Cobra:yeah and you didn´t throw up all morning,screaming you´re dying.it was miserable
Tsukasa:Lovely conversation between my parents as usual
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Jesse:Romantic evening slutz,reloaded!<3
Sara:only way to capture cobra´s heart is candy
Pearl:You gonna get diabetes
9:sweeeeeet (literally)
Cobra:Nah got hypoglycemia already i need that shit
Dan:shitty excuse Naomi:if i try to be romantic Yamato would inhale that shit like a vaccum cleaner
Yamato:i wouldn´t you´re a mean little person.i would love a romantic evening like that
Naomi:yeah and in the end you bite my hand instad of a marshmallow
Rocky:dentist bill through the roof
Cobra:yall ever heard of a toothbrush?no?explains it all...nasty fucks
Hyuga:especially with you´re weird ass silver teeth like the back of a damn garadge truck
Smokey:looks like a oompa loompas colon
Ice:Yo we all gonna eat at jesse´s from now on!
Tsukasa:blood type sugar syrup.
Cobra:Yall way too dramatic
Tsukasa:nah you got the eating habits of a toddler.you´re a grown man.not even your son is a toddler anymore thats how old you are.
Cobra:So what you wanna have me eating then?prune juice and oatmeal with raisins?Hell nah.-
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Sarah:Found this oldie and thought that´s gotta go on social media
Cobra:Where did you find that ?!
Ice:We found that in you real life facebook! Tsukasa:You mean a photoalbum? Sarah:That exact one.
Fujio:Awww tiny baby Tsukasa
Rocky:Good that he didn´t get Jesse´s looks * dry heaves *
Noboru:You looked like death
Jesse:oh screw you you know exactly babies don´t like sleeping at night
Naomi:thats not exactly how it works...
Jesse:you know exactly how I let Cobra sleep most nights of course I know the baby doesn´t like sleep
Murayama:Aww a sleepy baby lion snake.Well now he likes sleeping a looooot more
Yamato:Or crazy idea,he prefers Cobra
Kizzy:Even I prefer Cobra
Jesse:We all do girl.That´s exactly why the least I can do is let Cobra sleep through the night with all he did for the baby
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Jesse:Cobra on vaccation not amused by the freezing cold.
Sarah:Cobra cold.Cobra retreats.
Tetsu:Escape the cold!
Naomi:Snakes are warm blooded creatures after all
Jesse:loved how he stepped outdside and immidiatly said „yep.imma piss ice cubes all night“
Murayama:not vacay all day huh Cobra-chan?
Yamato:Cobra´s rule for vacation „I´m not adulting today“ Ice:Can yall imagine a romantic vacation tho where you wanna get kinky and shit and its like ah
yeah just let me peel the ten layers off that im wearing like a fucking onion
Noboru:you did cobra dirty.beach vacation then boom.ice age 5 cobra crawls out of the woodwork
Cobra:thats exactly why we spend the rest of the weekend in the hotel room
Hyuga:oh you kinky bitch i love that
Dan:so did the hotel bill huh?
Jesse:not necessarily.cobra was wrapped in a blanket borrito.He took the blanket borrito with him whenever he left the bed
Tsukasa:Totally sounds like dad.So yeah that fits.
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Naomi:That´s how he looked when Cobra made a new Sannoh family tradition up;
that night we all went tipsy grocery shopping;one rule;whatever we get we need to take out of other peoples shopping carts and replace them with something weird or inapropriate.
Tsukasa:best shopping trip ever
Murayama:That´s sound so good I gotta try this with Seki and Furuya! Fujio:Damn that´s the greatest family to marry in ever!
Jesse:It was so hard to be sneaky tho! Cobra:Naomi the feral chaos gremlin totally won tho!
Yamato:Fuck yeah!She replaced a few onions with hair coloring even tho that guys bald.
Smokey:Sounds ridiciulously like a fun trip tho
Rocky:And risky to get your ass kicked Cobra:Fun sponge
Hyuga:what? Tsukasa:You heard my dad firework boy,he said fun sponge.
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Jesse:Found this old ass photo from our first date night after baby Tsukasa!Yamato babysat last minute and I just went to Cobra and rushed him out just how he was,before Yamato escapes.
Yamato:You nearly left dust clouds so fast where you
Naomi:If you would be a teenager that´s up all night with a screaming baby you would want a break too
Ice:Ey yo don´t forget Jesse be talking like a toddler all day!
9:He complained so loudly.Like „If I read one more time in some damn book what sound does a cow make...It´s moo motherfucker!Moo!“ hilarious
Kizzy:Cobra may didn´t finish highschool but he easily (at least I hope so) could´ve read the baby a book
Noboru:He tried.At the what sound does a pig make he says hey i know that.it says you have the right to remain silent! Sarah:How about leaving the raising to the good old tv? Tsukasa:He and Yamato always watched wrestling with me until I cobra-twisted a kid in daycare...
Yasushi:You little psycho i love that
Kyoshi:You can´t say much you´re favorite childhood toy was a hammer.
Dan:You really went the date in joggers?
Cobra:Not everyone is as desperate as you Dan,also Jesse tried to replace date night with dinner.
Naomi:That´s so romantic. Cobra:Not if you burned the soup out of the can you wanna make.It went gooey and green.
Jesse:Rude!Yamato still ate it
Tetsu:Yamato would eat a motorcycle if he could...
Yamato:and i throw up so violently you toilet cried kill me....
Noboru:no.that was probably your intestines
Pearl:why would anyone let jesse cook.he´s miserable at cooking.
Tsukasa:That was like thousand years ago
Murayama:Woah Cobra-chan still looks as young as when he was a teenager.
Jesse:He pickled himself in tequila.
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kwebtv · 8 months ago
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TV Guide - July 4 - 10, 1964
Raymond William Stacy Burr (May 21, 1917 – September 12, 1993) Actor, primarily known for his title roles in the television dramas Perry Mason and Ironside. He was prominently involved in multiple charitable endeavors, such as working on behalf of the United Service Organizations.
Burr emerged as a prolific television character actor in the 1950s. He made his television debut in 1951, appearing in episodes of Stars Over Hollywood, The Bigelow Theatre, Family Theater and the debut episode of Dragnet. He went on to appear in such programs as Gruen Playhouse, Four Star Playhouse, Ford Theatre, Lux Video Theatre, Mr. and Mrs. North, Schlitz Playhouse of Stars and Playhouse 90
Burr moved from CBS to Universal Studios, where he played the title role in the television drama Ironside, which ran on NBC from 1967 to 1975.
After Ironside went off the air, NBC failed in two attempts to launch Burr as the star of a new series. In a two-hour television movie format, Mallory: Circumstantial Evidence aired in February 1976.   In 1977, Burr starred in the short-lived TV series Kingston: Confidential.  He took on a shorter project next, playing an underworld boss in a six-hour miniseries, 79 Park Avenue.
He won two Emmy Awards, in 1959 and 1961, for the role of Perry Mason, which he played for nine seasons (1957–1966) and reprised in a series of 26 television films (1985–1993). His second TV series, Ironside, earned him six Emmy nominations and two Golden Globe nominations. (Wikipedia)\
Erle Stanley Gardner (July 17, 1889 – March 11, 1970) was an American lawyer and author. He is best known for the Perry Mason series of detective stories, but he wrote numerous other novels and shorter pieces and also a series of nonfiction books, mostly narrations of his travels through Baja California and other regions in Mexico.
The best-selling American author of the 20th century at the time of his death, Gardner also published under numerous pseudonyms, including A.A. Fair, Kyle Corning, Charles M. Green, Carleton Kendrake, Charles J. Kenny, Stephen Caldwell, Les Tillray and Robert Parr. (Wikipedia)
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aita-blorbos · 6 months ago
Am I the A-hole (Sorry, not allowed to swear cause of Shizuku) for beating up people after they insulted my groupmates?
I, A (17) is in an idol group , we usually make livestreams to promote ourselves due to me and two others being old idols and one being new that agencies wont hire us.
My groupmates in the question are S (17), M (16) And H (16).
We were making a Livestream when i heard someone say "Hey, isn't that the group More More jump? Hah, they'll never get popular!" And it blew my friends self esteem so guess what.
My friends are telling me I shouldn't have done that but nahh, tumblr AITA cause bro you do not talk crap about someone right behind them and right when they're making a video!
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finnbbl · 10 months ago
Hyunjin × M! Reader - Dancer AU I SMAU | Chapter 17
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Ch. 17 - I’ve already won I Previous Chapter | Next Chapter I
I Story Masterlist I
Written: Yes
Smau: Yes
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Dark but nothing too triggering? Mention of panic attacks, i don’t think there’s swearing just be aware. Harassment I guess
“Y/N! It’s been a while huh?” Yeonjun spoke, his arm around your shoulder looked like a friendly gesture to anyone else. But you knew differently. The way his nails discreetly dug into your shoulder as another way to say “you better keep your mouth shut.”
“You and Y/N know each other, wow I don’t think I would’ve expected that.” San starts off, it was gonna be hard to get out of this one. “So how’d you two meet?” You open your mouth to say something, however you’re cut off by Yeonjun. Any sense of control you thought you could have, even if it was the smallest bit, you were a fool to think that could happen. “Ah, yeah we were friends in high school a couple years ago.” His hand began to gently rub up and down your upper arm, fueling into the lie of how you were “friends.” Unfortunately, San still wanted to know more. So here you were as Yeonjun continued to spit out lies about your past, twisted so far that the past he led on had never even happened. Meanwhile, you stood frozen in place as the memories began to flood your head. All the pain, heartbreak, the trauma he inflicted was like no other. You swear you could absolutely explode right now.
“Well how about we go sit on the couch hm? Make yourself at home Yeonjun.” Trying your best to keep your expression hidden as you had to keep reminding yourself that the story he led on was what everyone knew of right now. Trying to flip it and cause a scene right here had no way of ending well. “Yeah I agree, come on Y/N.” Yeonjun’s hand slid down to your wrist, a tight, warning grip that said shut the hell up. It could’ve also been to say, “I’ve already won.”
No matter what you say or do in this situation could end well. Knowing the type of person Yeonjun was, everyone’s safety was at risk if he got too upset. Having to take that into consideration as well, you were stuck. All you could do was play along with the stupid events he led on, while having to fight off the flashbacks before they got too deep into your head. Having a panic attack right here would also cause a scene. You were so fucked.
Or, maybe not completely…. Maybe there was a way out of the situation. At least for a little bit. Nothing that was discussed even concerned nor involved you. The only reason that Yeonjun even brought you over was to see you squirm. That man and everything he did was sick. “Uh sorry to interrupt but where’s the bathroom?” Asking San as they were about to move onto a new topic. You could feel the Yeonjun glaring bullets, however you avoided eye contact. “Oh yeah sure, it’s down the hall to the right.” You thanked him quickly before hurrying off to the bathroom while trying not to arouse suspicion. As soon as you stepped foot in the bathroom, you immediately shut and locked the door. The tears that had been building up in your eyes for the last half hour suddenly came rushing out like a waterfall.
You were on the verge of a panic attack, doing whatever you could to calm yourself. “I have got to get out of here.” Your breathing began to slow down as you thought of a plan to get out of here. Sniffling you pulled out your phone from your back pocket, getting a ride home was the only safe way out of this.
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You started to feel a bit more at ease knowing Lia and Ryu were on the way, however the distance between you two still kept you on edge. Deciding to go with her advice, you splashed water on your face as you prepared yourself to go out there. It was no doubt that Yeonjun knew the effect he had on you. That he was the reason for your sudden need to disappear. Knowing for a fact that he found enjoyment in seeing you all restless. Your hand shook as it neared the door knob, resting for a few moments before you hesitantly opened it.
Not but two steps out and you were suddenly pushed against the wall. A burning pain was sent down your back as it collided harshly with the wood behind you. You opened your mouth to scream, however you were quickly shut up by his hand. “Shhh, wouldn’t want to alarm anyone would you?” Your eyes widened as you stood face to face with Yeonjun, beginning to squirm in his harsh grip. His strength was overwhelming, only needing a single hand to keep you pushed up against the wall. A sick smirk coated his face, “Surprised to see me?” A small muffled whimper left your mouth as you used all your strength to try and escape. “Helpless, just like that one night. That was fun hm.?” He said as he slowly unconvered your mouth, using the back of his knuckle to caress your face.
Tears glossed over your eyes as the memories flooded back, remembering the day that everything had changed. As much as you wanted to scream and cry out for help, the words seemed to have gotten caught in your throat. “What, cat got your tongue? Can’t even respond to a simple question..” He laughed lightly as he looked you up and down. “Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.” His smirk dropped with his insult.
“What the fuck?”
The voice startled both you and Yeonjun, turning your head to see who had been standing nearby. “Mingyu-“ You had started to speak before Yeonjun put his hand back over your mouth. “Hush”
“What do you want?” Yeonjun’s facade was gone, now harshly speaking to Mingyu. “The hell do you think you’re doing dude? I suggest you get your hands off of him.” Mingyu took a couple steps closer. Yeonjun stayed unphased. “We’re just talking. He’s fine.”
“Y/N.” Your eyes darted over at Mingyu, still unable to speak. “Do you want him to let you go?” You looked between the two for a moment, before quickly nodding. The way Yeonjun bit his lip in anger as his hand pressed tighter over your mouth was another reminder of how powerful and intimidating he was. “You heard him, let go.” By this point, you could feel your heart pounding against your chest. It sent a quiet but painful ringing through your ears. “Yeah, or what? What are you gonna do?”
It only took two seconds for him to snap a photo of the scene in front of him, the sound silent but the flash blinding your eyes. Causing both of you to flinch. “I can ruin your reputation in 2 seconds. So if i were you, I’d let go before things get ugly.”
Yeonjun gritted his teeth, glancing back and forth between you and Mingyu. He sighed and rolled his eyes as you felt the pressure being lifted off of you. The moment it did, Mingyu already had his hand around your wrist as he quickly pulled you behind him. “I really suggest you leave, you’re lucky I don’t take this to the police for harassment.”
“Tch, yeah whatever.” Yeonjun started to walk towards the front door. He bent down slightly and briefly to your level as he passed by you, “Watch your fucking back.” It only took that for Mingyu to pull you closer to him. Once Yeonjun was out of sight, he turned you around to face him. “Are you okay?” He said, placing his hands on your shoulders. You were too overwhelmed with shock to cry. “I..” You started to speak before trailing off, “I just want to leave.”
“Alright, that’s fine. Come on let’s go out the back, I’ll call San later and explain everything.” Although you were against the idea of San finding this out about his former roommate, you were too shaken up to even protest. Mingyu’s hand caressing up and down your back as he led you quietly out the door around to where his car was.
Suddenly, your phone began to ring as you quickly got into the passenger seat. You glanced at your phone, pausing for a moment before swiping right to answer the call. It was Lia. “Y/N, there’s a wreck on the highway, i’m calling to check up on you because it’s gonna be a while before we get there. I’m sorry I know you need us right now I-“
“Lia, it’s okay.” Cutting off her rambling to reassure her. Due to all the events, you completely forgot that you’d texted her previously. “Don’t worry about it, Mingyu is taking me home.” Glancing up at him, he stayed focus on your guys’ conversation. “What? You told him about Yeonjun?” A sigh sounded, biting your lips as you contemplated on how to explain without breaking down. “N-Not exactly. It’s a long story but i’m okay. I’m sorry I called you guys out here.” Your voice remained low, not reaching above a medium tone ever sense being towered over by Yeonjun. “It’s okay Y/N, don’t sweat it. I’m just so glad you’re safe, we’re gonna get home and i’ll check up on you later, alright?”
“A-Alright, thanks Lia..” The shock began to set aside as the call ended, other emotions wandering back causing you to zone out. So much had happened in only 45 minutes, it was unbelievable and overwhelming. Suddenly you felt warmth on one of your unknowingly shaky hands. Looking up to see Mingyu, he spoke. “Be honest, did something happen with you two prior?” Inhaling a sharp breath before speaking as you suddenly avoided eye contact. “I.. I don’t really want to talk about it Mingyu.. Not right now at least.” He was quick to respond, “Don’t worry, that’s okay. Just tell me where you wanna go, wherever you’ll feel safest.”
The same word repeating over and over in your mind. Where would you really be safe? Were you safe anywhere? These questions raced through your mind as you contemplated. Which way would you most likely be caught. Sneaking in at now 11 at night? Or early in the morning when your dad was still blackout drunk. You hadn’t even noticed that you were zoned out, that was until Mingyu placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Do you wanna go back with me?”
Back with him..? Did you? The feeling of his hand on your shoulder brought tears to your eyes. But in a good way, somehow it made you feel… at ease. Your eyes glanced up at him as tears glossed over. You tried to speak but the words got caught in your throat, Mingyu nodded before sliding his hand off slowly before turning the key in the ignition. Your phone had began to start blowing up with texts from San and Hyunjin, though mostly San. All the energy had been drained out of you. You couldn’t even bring yourself to think, let alone actually have a conversation with someone. The ride was quiet and silent as Mingyu drove to his house. The events playing over and over in your head brought tears to your eyes. However, you blinked them away, you wouldn’t show that you were weak. At some point you must’ve dozed off as your mind went in circles. All that time you spent getting away from Yeonjun, all that time you tried to protect yourself. It had finally paid off, only for him to find you again years later. You were convinced you’d never be at peace.
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo @lampcults @chaer4life @kkurbys @gnusihcom @mellhwang @sleeping-demons @kuuroomiii
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