#lyle lock
I thought about it and decided: Why not show my fanfiction? So today I will show one of my works, and especially for you, I translated it into English (because I am Russian) myself. I hope that you like it.
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~ The soul of beloved brother ~
The night sky, which was strewn with billions of stars, covered the town like a dome. Serenity was in the air. Residents saw off "yesterday" and prepared for a new day.
All the misfits were in their beds. They are very tired, training their stage magic skills. But some people couldn't sleep. And I'm talking about Dante Vernon right now. Ask, why is he not sleeping at such a late hour? Well, he had a very sad dream.
He found himself in his shop, but there was one difference: he looked the same as many years ago, in his youth. Looking at the counters with goods, Dante recalled his childhood. He remembered his father, his friends.....his cousin Lyle.... Then the wizard remembered the creation of the "Emerald Ring" .....and the fire in the "Grand Oak Resort". And guilt overwhelmed him. How he would like to go back and fix everything......
- Hello, Dante!- a painfully familiar voice sounded.....
- Lyle....is it really you? Dante asked incredulously. His eyes filled with tears.
In front of him stood a man with blond hair that stuck out in all directions. His eyes were like a clear sky, and his smile was brighter than any star. Lyle was wearing a white shirt with a black bow tie and black trousers. Leather shoes glittered on his feet.
Carter is the spitting image of him, -Dante thought.
- Well, you give! Don't recognize your brother!- the man laughed loudly, as if he was 14 years old again.
- I miss you so much......Lyle ...- said the wizard. Tears continued to flow from his eyes like little rivulets.
The soul came up to Mr. Vernon and hugged him tightly.
- Thank you, Dante, for taking care of my son. I'm so sorry I left him.... -Lyle said regretfully.
- He had to go through a lot...... Dante said sadly, but decided to change the "mood" of this conversation - But he is safe now. Carter is your little copy, in case you didn't know,- the wizard said with pride.
- Hah! - the ghost laughed - And your daughter is just lovely! I'm glad you have your own family.
The brothers hugged for a long time. After all, they haven't seen each other for many years. But unfortunately this moment could not last forever. And at that moment, Lyle let go of his friend, brother and began to walk away, dissolving into the light of the sun.
- Lyle! Wait!- Dante ran to him. He didn't want to lose it again.
- I'm glad that we met again, say hello to Leila and Carter, - Lyle Wilder Lock finally said.
Dante jumped up in bed. Tears continued to flow from his eyes. And the wizard felt such an unimaginable longing that he wanted to scream. There was a rustling nearby and later it turned out that it was James who woke up.
- Honey, what's wrong? -The other Mr. Vernon asked anxiously.
- I saw Lyle......- only Dante said and James understood everything without words. The other Mr. Vernon hugged his husband, patting him on the back. There were no sobs, but it didn't make it any easier. But after the tantrum, the men went to bed. And in the darkness of the night Dante whispered:
- Good night.......bro....
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BTAS Production art || Scarecrow
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nevis-the-skeleton · 21 days
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Yeah! Come on Scarecrow! Kick his ass! >:D
The episode Lock-up (in BTAS) is an episode I really like, but in the same time I hate soooo much this jerk of Lyle Bolton! He's a perfect villain! I always wanted that the Rogues who suffered from him get they revenge!
He will appears in my AU too ;) much later
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floatyhands · 5 months
Okay so why did they have DA Harvey Dent be the guy in favour of prisoner abuse in Arkham instead of say, Lyle Bolton?
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I originally wanted to draw some of these (and I still might), but I don't have the energy right now, so Incorrect Quotes textpost it is!
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Bobby: Come on guys, nothing in life is free! Dante: Love is free. Mick: Knowledge is free. Lyle: Adventure is free! Sandra: Self-respect is free. Kilroy: Everything is free, if you take it without paying.
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Ridley: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever, and you're all invited. Leila: ...If? Carter: Great! The only party I've ever been invited to, and she might not even die!
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Carter: I would like to live a safe life, in which I am not forced to steal. Uncle Sly: God, you are extremely fucking selfish. Die! Carter: I am 13 years old.
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Leila: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Theo: Several traffic violations. Ridley: Three counts of resisting arrest. Carter: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Izzy: Also, that's not our car.
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Cop: You're receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. Bobby: Shit. Kilroy: ...Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? Lyle: OH MY GOD, MICK FELL OFF!
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Kincaid: Release my brother! Kincaid: He did that shit, but I don't care!
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Mr. Vernon: You're the love of my life and my best friend. I would do anything for you. The other Mr. Vernon: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Mr. Vernon: Absolutely not <3
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Dean: How many kids do you have? Mr. Vernon: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
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Carter: *Gently taps table* Leila: *Taps back* Olly: What are they doing? Theo: Morse code. Carter: *Aggressively taps table* Leila: *slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
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Theo's brother: Please, bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. Theo: I got spring water. Theo's brother: NO! Theo: With extra minerals. It's like licking a stalagmite. Theo's brother: DON'T COME HOME! Theo: Mmmmm, cave water.
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millimononym · 1 year
The Lock-up episode of children's show BTAS really said "you know these villains who are seemingly never redeemed or improving? Well they're actually being horribly mistreated and abused in the mental institution that's supposed to help them by the American Police/Prison System made into a completely unsympathetic character :)" and made a more effective point about the state of most mental health institutions and the police than most things today.
I love this episode because it shows without a doubt that batman cares about these peoples lives and WANTS them to improve. He doesn't even humor Lyles bullshit, he just beats his ass up whilst telling him he has no compassion (based batman).
Because no matter how shitty people like Scarecrow(who has no explicit sad backstory in btas)are, they are still just people and need to be treated as such if they are to improve. You cannot expect someone to get better by treating them like vermin with no hope of change. They are in a mental institution. They are supposed to be treated with care to have any chance of rehabilitation.
Not like Lyle Bolton wanted to help them or see them improve anyway. He just wanted to feel powerful by abusing helpless people he had control over. And that's why people don't like Lyle Bolton while they do other villains. He isn't a fun concept. He's real. He represents a real issue. People like Lyle Bolton are real. As I'm writing this very post my father is watching a YouTube video in the living room from one of them. Abusers in positions of power complaining about being "censored" by the liberal media and how "those types" of people aren't people and don't deserve to live.
The entire trial scene is so hard to watch because even though the patients of Arkham are clearly being abused and threatened in front of everyone, no one (except Bruce) seems to notice. If Bruce hadn't instigated the patients freak-out, they never would have said anything about the mistreatment they were receiving from the very place that was supposed to help them. They literally end up huddling together, shaking in fear as Lyle, barely being able to be restrained, screams at them about how they're scum that deserve to be beaten to death. There's a theory that Scarecrow not only escaped to get away from Lyle Bolton, but to get help for the other inmates as well. And if that was the intention, well, I'm glad he succeeded.
The only unrealistic part of the episode is the fact that Lyle actually got punished.
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xariarte · 2 months
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go time - Jul 19 2024
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twcfaces · 9 months
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thesleepyhollows · 1 month
I used to really enjoy BTAS’ lockup as an episode and whilst I still do I can’t help but also dread whenever it comes into conversation because some billy mcgreesenton will always come out of the bushes to go ‘ehe. Bolton was kinda based though. 😂🤣😂🤣.’ No. No he was not.
Yes. Arkham has LAUGHABLE security but the man who sought out patients who were physically weaker than him to overpower, abuse and bully was not the solution to that issue. He is a good villain. But a villain nonetheless.
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somewhat-bored · 10 months
Mick: So, any plans for Thanksgiving? Visiting relatives, making pie, any of that?
Dante: Don't have much of a plan, we were just going to have dinner in the magic shop. However, Lyle is not allowed to carve the turkey.
Lyle: It was ONE TIME-
Mick: ...Do I even want to know?
Sandra: I'll give you a few hints: A large knife, two fake fingers, and a lot of ketchup.
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random-little-gal · 2 months
Another Lyle Bolton post
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Note, Lilith is an patient in Arkham Asylum. Although, she’s not mentally ill (due to the fact if she’s even human) but needs to be contained from the outside so that she won’t cause anymore problems.
She is also one of the use of Bolton’s misery method, although she keeps a composed demeanor towards him, not bothered by him. But deep down inside her, she developed a new feeling she never felt before.
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sonicspeeddemon · 1 year
30 years ago Lyle Bolton was seen as an. Extremist, nowadays he’d probably show up on tucker Carlson or the daily wire to explain why eating cooked food is actually beta soy behavior and you should only eat raw eggs and meat or something
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foolishluneish · 1 year
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me when my ring is emerald or something idk
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qan-t · 2 years
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orange-circuits · 8 months
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awesome fucking image featuring faggots of my own plus @slime-tv's and @deviled-3gg's guys too, and indigo at the very front but the owner has no tumblr. and everyones names
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oh yeah and @cobalt-scars is here
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Seeing as Dante signed his apology letter with "Dante Vernon", I will assume that's actually his given last name, and not his husbands
I'm just saying, cause I totally see the other Emerald Ring members poking fun at him, for being the only one without alliteration lmao
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