#luna & roxy
needyfreek2 · 13 days
Prom Blows (Repost)
It was past 10 when Luna pulled up in front of the school she’d already graduated from. If it wasn’t for her absolute wreck of a senior sister, one would think of her as some sort of creepy college girl coming to the high school to pick up underage boys.
Roxy had called her, over an hour ago, begging her to take her home. After her date ghosted, her friends ditched, and she spilled spiked punch all over herself, Roxy had sobbed to Luna over the phone. So like the “Good Sister” she was, Luna came to her rescue.
“I’ve been waiting outside for a fucking hour where have you been?” Roxy hid her tears behind a veil of aggression.
“Sorry, sorry. I was busy.”
“With what? You don’t have a life.” Roxy retorted. She wasn’t fully wrong. Ever since Luna went off to college, she hadn’t done much aside from going to class in the morning, doing homework when she got back, and sleeping. Even on weekends, Luna was more likely to go study at the library rather than do anything fun. It was the first time in years that Roxy was well and truly alone at home. Their mom was usually working late at the hospital, and their dad didn’t even bother to write letters anymore. Roxy had a couple of friends, and the pretty privilege to get asked out every so often, but it never felt as fulfilling as her relationship with Luna. At least, that’s how it was. 
Luna had started college this year. Too poor to get into one of the nicer schools she wanted to, she had to settle for community college and living at home. It was nice to have a free place to stay, but it was starting to get tiring in sophomore year of high school. This town has a way of wearing down the people who get stuck here.
“I’ve got an essay due tomorrow.” That’s all she ever talked about. Schoolwork.
Roxy didn’t respond, she just looked out the window and tried her best to hold back her tears.
“So, what happened?” Luna was the first to break the silence.
“My date didn’t show up, he was off fucking one of my friends in the bathroom. Then my friends ditched me. Fucking whores.”
“Roxy…” Luna sighed.
”They are! Don’t take their side dipshit-”
“No, I'm just sorry. That blows.” 
Roxy blinked a couple times, taken aback at her sister’s sudden approval. She half expected her to call it “Teen Girl Bullshit” and move on but not this time.
“Yeah, I- It sucks.” Roxy leaned back to get comfortable. “I got all dressed up and pretty for him…” She fidgeted with her tight, deep red velvet dress. It was a beautiful dress, form fitting, a perfect color for Roxy. When Luna glanced over, she couldn’t help that his eyes wandered to her prominent cleavage. In most outfits she wore, Roxy’s chest seemed much smaller. She wasn’t modest by any means, but she clearly put in the work to draw attention to where she wanted. It even worked on her sister. Luna’s eyes flashed back to the road. She knew how gross it was to think of her own sister in that way, to objectify her like that. 
But she couldn’t help it. Roxy was beautiful. Long black hair that poured down her back like a dark cascade, a back now exposed by the dress. Silky smooth, pale skin, perfectly slender and clean. The way her body curved, her hips, thighs, chest, almost like a doll with how precise it was. Luna hated that time and time again, she found herself staring, whenever Roxy wasn’t looking. When Luna would be on her laptop in the kitchen and Roxy would come in for a snack, bending over to get something from the lower sections of the fridge. The way her shorts would ride up, exposing the slightest bit of Roxy’s panties underneath… Or when they watched a movie together, Roxy would lay her legs over Luna’s and she could barely focus on what was happening on the screen. 
The worst part is that she wondered if she did it on purpose. Just to get a rise out of her.
Gross. Don’t think like that.
“So what now?” Luna asked quietly.
“I don’t know… I kind of just want to get out of this dress.”
“You don’t want to stop for ice cream first?” Luna smiled at her sister. Roxy just shook her head and watched the cars go by. Luna sighed. “I think you look very pretty, Roxy.”
Roxy turned to her.
“You do?” She asked, pleading for reassurance.
“Yeah… It’s a nice dress.”
“So you think the dress is pretty. Not me.” Roxy rolled her eyes.
“No, I think you’re pretty. The dress just… uh- helps.” Luna had a hard time concealing her blush. Disgusting that she would get that way over her own sister.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my sister.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, you don’t actually think I'm pretty.” Roxy sunk deeper into the seat.
“No, I really-“ Luna stopped herself. “You’re the most beautiful girl I know, Roxy. And if the people at your school don’t see that they’re dumbasses, ok?” Roxy looked out the window again. “I really mean it, Rox. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. You’re smart, witty, you have good taste, you’re the nicest person at that shit show of a school. You’re hot- uh- from a like- from an unbiased perspective I mean.” Luna covered her mouth in a vain attempt to conceal her blush. “Look, I just mean that you’re… you’re so much better than all of them. They don’t deserve you.”
Roxy still didn’t look back. 
Luna brought the car to the side of the road by an old park the two used to play at. It was empty, that late at night. A place that once brought the two so much joy, now a reminder of their distance. 
“Why are we-“ Roxy was cut off by Luna’s hand, taking her arm.
“Roxy…” Her grip was soft, reassuring more than anything else. Roxy finally looked back. “I need you to know that you are the most amazing, beautiful, incredible girl I have ever met. Anyone, and I mean anyone, would be lucky to have a go out with you. They blew their shot, don’t get hung up on them. Ok?” Then that smile, that stupid beautiful smile of hers. Roxy couldn’t stand that look, when Luna was so close to tears, and yet looked so loving and… pretty, damn it. 
And that’s the point where Roxy decided to go for it.
“Fine… you’re right. But I still didn’t get kissed… or laid. And fuck i was really banking on getting laid tonight.” 
Luna blushed a bit, but laughed the comment off, saying something incredibly stupid as she did. 
“I’d kiss you, if I weren’t your sister.” Luna joked, sort of… 
“You’d kiss me?”
Luna panicked, she hadn’t realized she said that out loud. “Oh! I just mean that- I mean- It’s not-“ Luna realized just how fucked she was, hoping that the little bit of alcohol in Roxy’s system would allow her to forget the massive fucking blunder Luna had made. “We should get going!” Luna went to take the car out of park but was surprised to find Roxy’s hand placed gently on hers.
“W-Wait… Please.” Roxy gave a pleading look to Luna that made her hesitate. “You… you would kiss me? Even when I’m this much of a mess?”
“I mean- I- Roxy I’m your sister it’s not like-“ Luna tried to save herself, but Roxy wasn’t content to let her go so easily. 
“You mean you don’t want to?” Roxy asked, red in the face.
Luna paused. Fuck.
“I don’t- we can’t. We’re sisters… I wouldn’t- I would never even think about-“
“What if I wanted you to?” Roxy’s hand had traveled to her sister’s shoulder now. Luna could hardly think, much less string together words to make a coherent sentence. “It wouldn’t mean anything, but… Would it really be so bad? Just one?”
Luna realized she wasn’t breathing.
“Wait, you’re being serious?” Luna muttered, Roxy nodded. 
“Just… don’t make a weird thing out of it ok? It’s just a kiss.” 
Luna checked to make sure no one was around, thank god for that. Taking a deep breath, Luna turned back to her sister.
“So…” Luna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed up her glasses. Her hands were shaking. Roxy noticed, and took her sister’s hands in her own.
“It’s OK, Luna… don’t be so nervous. I’m your sister, I won’t judge.” She gave her such a sweet smile. With that last bit of encouragement, Luna nodded and leaned toward Roxy ever so slightly. Roxy caught her breath and moved in. For a while the two were too nervous to breach the gap, a comfortable distance kept between their lips. Then, with sudden eagerness and impatience, Roxy shot forward and locked lips with Luna. The suddenness of the kiss caused Luna to inhale sharply and jump in her seat. 
The kiss itself was amazing, the best either had ever experienced. Luna’s face was warm, blushing so hard her glasses could have fogged up. Roxy moved her hands to her sister’s red face, holding her tightly. Absent-mindedly, Luna started to slip her tongue into Roxy’s mouth, a gesture she was more than happy to reciprocate. Without realizing it, Roxy’s hand fell to Luna’s thigh, and inched closer to her crotch until-
“Oh-!” Roxy pulled away. Luna blinked twice, recollecting her thoughts before turning away, abashedly covering her face with one hand and her crotch with the other.
“Fuck, i- im so sorry- i don’t know what happened.” Luna did her best to conceal the very obvious erection trying to escape her jeans. “I haven’t been able to- and yknow i’m just- Fuck, sorry!” 
“No no- it’s ok Luna… Really. I take it, you liked that?” Roxy was blushing just as much, if not harder than Luna.
Luna didn’t respond.
“I’m sorry. I’m so gross.” Luna hid her face in her hands.
“What? No, it’s ok. Really!” Roxy leaned back in and caressed her sister’s arm. “I get it, you’re excited. I- I am too.” 
“Excited?” Luna removed her hands from her face.
“Yeah I mean, I assume that’s what that means.”
“No no, you’re excited?” A million terrible thoughts went through Luna’s mind.
“Well…” Roxy turned toward the window, blushing. “You’re not the only one who’s been… pent up.” She cleared her throat. “I’m- I’m a little wet right now… Well, more than a little.”
The sisters stared at each other in silence for what felt like ages. 
“I know…. it’s gross isn’t it?” Roxy tried to laugh it off.
“No! Not at all!” Luna grabbed Roxy’s shoulders. “Uh- Well I guess it sort of is… I mean we’re sisters and all, but-“
“But…?” Roxy placed her hand onto Luna’s as it held tight to her shoulder. 
“Uh- People get like this all the time? It’s fine, we’ll take care of it when we get home.”
“We!?” Roxy was both excited and mortified.
“I mean seperately! In separate rooms! Touching ourselves- not- fuck.” Luna tried desperately to hide her fucked up desires in this moment. Roxy didn’t even try to hide her disappointment. “Wh- what?” Luna asked.
“Just- I don’t know… It’s easier with help.” 
“Huh…” Luna went brain-dead. 
“Like you’ve been with girls before! Just this one time, I swear! I won’t ever bring it up again. I just need help right now.”
Luna fully realized what her sister was asking her to do.
“Are you being for real?”
“Y-yes.” There was that awkwardness again. She was too cute to resist like this.
“So you want me to…” Luna’s fingers drifted to the hem of Roxy’s dress. Roxy turned away as she slowly lifted it to reveal her now damp white panties. Luna gasped, completely unable to pull herself together now.
“Please just- do it already.”
Luna nodded, though Roxy refused to look. Slowly, gently, carefully, Luna pulled her sister’s panties down to her shins. Now, her glistening cunt was bare and Luna saw the full lengths of what she had done to her sister with just a simple kiss. 
“F-Wow, you’re really wet, sis.” As soon as it came out of her mouth, she realized how disgusting it sounded. But that didn’t matter anymore, all that did, was Luna being here for her sister.
Luna teased Roxy’s slit, tracing her fingers across it and lightly touching her clit. The full weight of the action, Luna fingering her sister, wouldn’t quite break through to her until she had already slipped two fingers inside. Roxy, who up until this point had been lightly releasing quiet pleasured breaths, let out a full moan. The sound was intoxicating to Luna, she’d fantasized about hearing it for so long, it almost didn’t seem real.
“Fuck…” Luna sighed. Roxy let her head fall back as her breaths became staggered and harsh. The two tried not to look each other in the eyes as Luna spoke once again. “Is this ok?”
Roxy nodded, unable to speak at this point. Luna kept going, now being able to smell just how worked up Roxy had gotten. Luna’s pointer and index were now lodged deeply within her sister’s pussy, awkwardly curling and shifting inside of her.
Roxy let out a quiet whimper and covered her mouth with her hands, ashamed that she was being so loud for her sister of all people.
Luna pulled Roxy closer, maneuvering so that she could better reach from behind, though the position was awkward and uncomfortable.
“Luna~” Roxy whispered through strained whimpers as her sister fingered her from behind, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Roxy wrapped her own arm around Luna’s neck and stared up into her eyes. Finally, the two made eye contact, face to face, mere centimeters apart. 
That’s when the reason they had avoided direct eye contact became clear…
The two of them kissed once again, a deep, sloppy, passionate kiss. Roxy couldn’t help but moan as they exchanged saliva, their tongues writhing around each others’ mouths.
“R-Roxy~ Please… I can’t do this.”
”What? Why?” Roxy broke from her sister’s grasp, pouting.
”I’m i- I’m too hard… do you think you could-”
Without a second thought, Roxy started unzipping Luna’s jeans. Feeling her older sister’s hard cock beneath her tight satin panties drove Roxy crazy. Luna too was losing her mind, shaking uncontrollably as her nerves took hold. Having a girl, her sister no less, touch her in such an intimate way—
The thought was interrupted by the warm, wet sensation of Roxy’s tongue tracing the length of Luna’s cock. 
Luna whimpered as Roxy fit her dick into her mouth. The taste was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, Roxy could hardly think of anything else as she took the entirety of her sister’s dick down her throat.
Luna arched her back, grabbing the steering wheel for support, shaking and blushing furiously.
“Oh my god… Roxy, please~ please don’t stop.” Luna whispered.
Roxy looked up into her sister’s eyes as she pleaded. She looked so pretty from down there. 
It didn’t take long for Luna to finish. She filled her sister’s mouth with hot cum, so much it dripped from Roxy’s lips as she pulled off Luna’s dick. Luna loudly moaned, no longer able to contain herself.
Luna fell back into her seat, still hard as she shouldn’t have been. Unsatisfied, Roxy pulled her panties fully off and climbed on top of Luna. 
“Wait- Wait no!” Luna didn’t really want it to stop, but she knew if she let this happen, there really would be no going back. It was too late though…
Luna’s leaking tip disappeared into Roxy’s slick opening. Slowly, the rest of Luna’s dick entered her sister’s pussy.
“Luna~” Roxy moaned into her ear as she wrapped her arms around her neck tightly. The two sat in each other’s embrace for what felt like an eternity. 
After enough time had passed for the sisters to move past the initial sin, they made the final decision to keep going no matter how wrong it was. 
Roxy rose up slowly and slammed back down, her ass slapping against Luna’s thighs over and over. 
Roxy’s dress rose up high enough now that Luna could see the mess she had made of her sister. Wet, glistening in the light of the street lamps, freshly shaven too… 
“Roxy~” Luna muttered her lover’s name between whimpered moans. 
“Luna~” The two kissed once again. A deeper, more passionate kiss than either had ever given anyone else, like they had saved it specially for this moment. They moaned into each others’ mouths, taken by their shared euphoria. When Roxy rose, Luna pulled back. When Luna pushed deeper, Roxy buried her sister’s dick as deep inside her as she could muster without breaking. 
“Roxy~ I’m going to cum again~ I can’t~”
“Shhh…” Roxy placed a finger to Luna’s lips. “I know… me too.” She could hardly get the words out. “Let’s do it together… ok~?”
Luna nodded. The two increased their pace. Up and down, back and forth, over and over. Luna felt herself building to another climax, this time trapped inside her sister, when—
The two came together, screaming out each other’s names as they felt their minds go blank for one brief moment of pure ecstasy. 
Roxy fell on top of Luna, both of them breathed heavily. They didn’t move for a full minute.
“A-are you ok?” Luna whispered. “Was that ok?”
“Yes!” Roxy stammered quietly. “It was amazing, Luna.” She hugged her sister close. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Roxy.” Luna watched as Roxy rose from her cock, letting their shared liquids spill out onto it. 
“Thank you.” Roxy embarrassingly stumbled back into the passenger seat. Luna pulled her pants back up and Roxy did her best to clean herself up with the tissues in the glove compartment. The two drove home, not a single word exchanged between them. 
When they finally arrived, their mother still working late into the night, they returned to their separate rooms-
It wasn’t thirty minutes after they got back that Roxy snuck into Luna’s room to continue what they had started in the car…
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charmixpower · 1 year
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Everyone standing around for Stella's fashion show is so funny.
Roy standing behind the actual specialists like Cotradora and the rest of the side characters to the point where I didn't even notice his ass at first. I cannot believe they're trying to make him a love interest, you spent NO time on him. Please cut some of the bullshit and develop your plot lines that are actually going to affect future events.
Roxy is also there but only for a second, at least she isn't in the background and Artu was remembered.
Timmy and Brandon are holding hands which is EXTREMELY funny to me and I will forever use it as evidence that everyone loves Brandon. I think Brandon was just super excited and wanted to shake someone around.
Riven is XD. No, listen he's happy for Stella but he's not happier for her than he was for Musa in s2. He's standing off to the side of his friends who are whooping loudly clapping more subdued like. Still extremely happy for his friend but not expressing it like that. Like he's showing more excitement than Sky, which simply isn't going to happen. He gets embarrassed when expressing himself, objectively wrong.
The way he puts his arm behind Sky and gently leans into point, is adorable. Wrong, but adorable. I'm so obsessed with it because no he wouldn't on all accounts. Even if he and Sky are getting along better, Riven wouldn't pick him to do this, like their strongly contrasting personalities....well I guess this is perfectly fine for s5 Sky and Riven who do not feel strongly about anything outside of their girlfriends, so who cares.
Why the fuck did Radius and Luna decide to stand next to each other??? It would have been so much funnier for them to put Brandon or something in between them, and it would have made more sense for them to stand on opposite sides of the venue.
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correcthpnextgen · 1 year
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James Sirius Potter
Casted with Christopher Briney
- Oldest son of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
- Older brother of Albus and Lily
- oldest grandson of Molly and Arthur
- Quidditch co-captain with Roxy
- Next marauders with Roxanne, Fred and Isabelle
- Would rather be in the air than on the ground
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Rainbow High Ultimate Sexy High Heels 👠
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kesp-mimosa-blaze · 2 years
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basicallyjaywalker · 1 year
Random OC facts and hcs
-Hannah constantly changes her hairstyle. She buzzes it after leaving Chen's Island, grows it and keeps it in a pixie until the Tournament, then grows it out, then starts dyeing it and experimenting with various styles. Her favorite one was when she got black roots and tips and had it feathered
-all serpentine tribes have a specific dialect they developed over the years, nataly knows the preferred methods of insult and cursing used in all of them
-despite being a fashion trend follower and getting her friends to have some sense of style, Roxie usually just wears a solid color tank and shorts unless they're going out on the town
-jasmine hates the taste of coffee but still drinks it every morning. The cup is 2/3s vanilla creamer. She even has a frothing stick at her desk to use on it
-jackie loves and is great with kids! She always worries that she's too awkward but loves putting on storytelling shows for them
-if Kyle spikes his hair and puts on a red hoodie, he looks like a Great Value Kai. He knows this and will often walk into Skylor's in this weird ass cosplay just to make her double take. Hannah hates when he does this. Nataly thinks it's hilarious.
-cyrus has a program in Borg Industries where he takes on bright minds from around Ninjago and allows them to create their own projects for presentation, if they pass they are offered jobs at his company. This is how Jasmine came to work there.
-willow only contacts one person on a regular basis and that's Johnathan after she found him stranded in the woods outside the labyrinth when he was escaping a group of nindroids. Johnathan swore he would never tell anyone else about her and he hasn't
-luna has written fritz donnegan fan comics and would like to be a comic book writer someday
-ivy is a terrible mechanic despite ronin's attempts at teaching her. She is however great at forging signatures
-kai and nataly are in competition for who has crashed the most vehicles. Nya is the one keeping track
-twyla's handwriting is so loopy it's hard to understand. She purposefully wrote her history journals in block lettering because of this
-nataly and Jackie are the only ones who go into her library for fun and read her journals for fun
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needyfreek2 · 25 days
i missed u all so much!!
my blog got taken down 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
this was sort of the final nail in the coffin for me and i think my stories and posts are gonna be on an indefinite hiatus
it’s been a really stressful couple of months and i wanna focus on school n stuff
it sucks cuz these stories and posts and all of you make me so happy but idk if i can keep it up rn
thank you for being here for me it’s really meant a lot
maybe at some point i’ll come back (i’d like to) but for now it’s goodbye
i love you! all my sisters!!!!!! <3
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
It’s a lot of dudes, but what are everyone’s favorite seasons? XD
Roxy likes summer, or even very warm spring weather - any weather where she can get away with wearing a tank top and short shorts.
Toni likes fall - less of a chance people will ask her to come join them for outdoor activities.
Kazurin likes winter - it's more comfortable to her.
Dani likes spring! Warm, but not too warm - the perfect weather to be out and about.
Luna likes spring. Warm but not too warm - the perfect weather for staying indoors
Violet is partial to winter, after all his time in Snowdin, but he does also enjoy a nice warm spring day.
Fresh will usually say summer to a question like this, but it's less because it's his favourite and more because he feels like that's an acceptable answer that people won't question. He doesn't really have a favourite.
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sywveon · 2 months
m got to watcg disney jr yeserday now i wnna watch pupstruction againnnnnnnn
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princesspawkit · 7 months
Have you heard of pupstrucurion ( however you spell it 😑)
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celticcatgirl2 · 1 year
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Blonde cat buddies :3
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fuzzychildchopshop · 1 year
Rainbow High color palette: Silver/White/Grey by KiraKiraVambre
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ ace. affen. affie. aidi. airendale. akita. aksaray. alano. alex. alfie. annie. apollo. archie. aries. armant. artemis. artois. ash. asher. aurora. badulf. bailey. bandit. barbet. barkley. basenji. bear. beau. bella. beowulf. biewer. blue. bluey. bolt. boris. boxer. brad. brenard. brittany. brutus. bud. buddie. buddy. buster. buttercup. buzz. cailean. cain. cairn. caleb. canaan. cane. canid. canis. carlo. carol. catellus. celeste. charles. charlie. chase. chewie. chip. cliff. clifford. coco. collie. conall. conan. cooper. daisy. dale. darwin. dash. daxie. dexter. diana. dire. dixie. duke. dylan. echo. emory. eros. eskie. ester. fang. fenrir. fido. finn. ford. fox. frankie. ghan. glen. gold. gordon. gray. grey. griffon. grim. grimmwolf. hamilton. harley. havana. hero. hound. howl. hunter. indie. indy. jack. joey. kai. kaleb. kalev. kelpie. ken. kerry. kibble. kibs. kit. lady. leo. leon. llewelyn. lola. lowell. lucine. lucy. luna. lupin. lyca. lycro. lycus. mace. maisie. mal. malinois. marley. max. mia. miles. milo. mingan. mob. molly. mudd. mutt. nala. night. noire. noiresse. noirette. nova. nugget. nyx. oliver. ollie. orion. oscar. paxton. peach. pebble. phoebe. picard. pila. pluto. poppy. puff. pup. ralph. randy. red. redd. remus. rex. rhys. riley. rocky. rolfo. roman. romulus. rosie. rover. rowdy. roxie. roxy. ruby. rudy. ruff. rufus. ruppell. russel. russell. sadie. scottie. scout. scruff. scruffy. selena. shep. shepard. shepherd. silver. sophie. spike. spitz. spot. stafford. star. stella. stick. storm. stormy. suki. teddy. terry. tiger. tosa. venerie. walker. will. wolf. wolfgang. zip. zoey.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arf/arf. awoo/awoo. ba/ball. ba/bark. bark/bark. bite/bite. ble/blep. bo/bone. bo/bork. bork/bork. cae/canine. can/cani. cani/cani. canin/canine. canine/canine. cha/chase. chew/chew. claw/claw. co/collar. coll/collar. cute/cute. dig/dig. dog/dog. drool/drool. en/energy. fang/fang. fe/fetch. floof/floof. fluff/fluff. fluff/fluffy. fur/fur. fur/furry. ga/game. grey/grey. grim/grim. gro/growl. growl/growl. grr/grr. guard/guard. ho/howl. houn/hound. hound/hound. howl/howl. hunt/hunt. jump/jump. lea/leash. leash/leash. lo/loyal. loyal/loyal. lu/lupi. moon/moon. mutt/mutt. muz/muzzle. night/night. pa/paw. paw/paw. pawprint/pawprit. pet/pet. pla/play. pla/playful. play/play. pooch/pooch. predator/predator. pro/protect. pup/pup. puppy/puppy. ri/rir. ri/ruff. roll/roll. rough/rough. ru/run. ruff/ruff. run/run. slob/slober. snarl/snarl. sni/sniff. snout/snout. soft/soft. squi/squirrel. star/star. star/starry. sti/stick. tai/tail. tail/tail. teeth/teeth. teeth/teething. tre/treat. tre/tree. wa/wag. wa/walk. wag/wag. walk/walk. wolf/wolf. wolf/wolve. wolv/wolve. woof/woof. yap/yap. yip/yip. ❤ . 🌳 . 🎀 . 🎾 . 🐕 . 🐕‍🦺 . 🐩 . 🐶 . 🐺 . 🐾 . 🐿 . 👀 . 👅 . 💗 . 📢 . 📣 . 🔆 . 🔊 . 🔍 . 🗯 . 🥎 . 🦮 . 🦴 . 🧸 .
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basicallyjaywalker · 29 days
Does any of your Ninja ocs have elements?
What season are they introduced?
What are their relationships like with the ninja?
Good evening anon! Happy to answer :DD Putting it under the cut bc these tend to get. long
Most of my main OCs have elements! There are three (Willow, Jonathan, and Kyle, though the latter changes as of DR) who don't but otherwise we have
Nataly, Master of Love
Roxie, Master of Peace
Jasmine, Master of Nature (not related to Bolobo)
Jackie, Master of Magic
Hannah, Master of Music
Luna, Master of Dreams
Ivy, Master of Wind
And Master Twyla, Master of Light! (Not related to Paleman)
Their introductions are scattered throughout the seasons, but the basic breakdown is
S2: Jackie is introduced as a member of Garmadon's Stone Warrior Army who's a human. At the end of that season, she's pulled out of the rubble of a building and goes to study with Garmadon
S3: Jasmine is semi-introduced as a background character at Borg Industries, though she's not plot relevant yet. Jonathan is introduced as Borg's son but also isn't super plot relevant yet, he has his own adventure which is technically where we meet Willow
S4: Roxie, Nataly, Hannah, and Kyle are all introducing on the boat ride to Chen's, as well as Jackie and Jasmine. Roxie knows Cole from Marty Oppenheimer's, Lloyd and Garmadon recognize Jackie (who between S3 and S4 started studying under Master Twyla, a former friend of Garmadon's, as well), and everyone kind of recognizes Jasmine as someone from Borg Industries. At the end of the season, Twyla joins the EMs in the Corridor of Elders to fight. Prior to this she's only been mentioned by her students and a little by Garmadon
S5: Ivy is introduced when the ninja go to Ronin's pawn shop! She's Ronin's partner in crime and while she's there she and Nya form a strong bond too (daughters of Wojira my beloved)
No one is introduced in S6 or S7 really
S8: Luna is introduced by Harumi during Garmadon's resurrection. After it's presumed failure, she's taken to go stay with the Ninja
Another skip
S15: putting Willow here too bc this is when she's introduced to the Ninja at large during the fight with the Overlord 3.0. until now she's been chilling in the woods with occasional visits from Jonathan
Ofc having all of the relationships would be a bit messy but her are the basic breakdowns:
Nataly: she and Kai have a pretty close bond, partially forged on annoying the shit out of each other. Similarly, she and Lloyd bond a lot over complicated family situations (Nataly is Pythors's daughter, if that tells you anything) and also an innate sense of whimsy. Her related w the other ninja is pretty good! Aside from various pranks she's pulled on them
Roxie: she and Cole are really close and used to be best friends at Marty Oppenheimer's! I've made a post about their friendship before and if I can find it later I'll link it. She's also really close w Nya and I personally believe they have 3am conversations about femininity and womanhood that look like that one painting of Aristotle and the other guy. Gender studies minors after an exhaustive study sesh type jazz
Jasmine: uh. Complicated. She gets along great w Nya and Jay for a while due to a shared love of mechanics and inventing but she develops some more complicated feelings that lead to her shooting those relationships in the foot. She also discovers in S8 that she's Julien's daughter and thus Zane's sister but there is a veil of family drama over that entire thing, so that relationship barely manifests and becomes tense even after Zane finds out. She and Pixal get along amazing though. There's been no time to ruin that.
Jackie: she's probably the second closest to most of the ninja, but particularly Kai, Nya, and Lloyd. She and Kai are kinda like siblings. Often if a situation is full of Some Bullshit, they'll exchange a glance before diving in. They're like a pair in a buddy cop movie. Her and Nya are training together and I think would get along well by virtue of being insane tryhards. Her and Lloyd are really close after S4 and are the partners in crime to her and Kai's buddy cop movie. She develops a crush on him around the Oni Trilogy, but doesn't act on it because well. Oni Trilogy events. He starts reciprocating around the post-S11 pre-S12 era but they don't do anything about it til undetermined time (probably sometime pre-Seabound or post-Crystallized, they are definitely officially a couple as of Dragons Rising).
Hannah: Keeps to herself and her team but she and Cole get along pretty well. They share an appreciation for music, though she's a performer and Cole's not, so they mostly talk about artists they enjoy and he might help her hash them of her own work out. They're chill friends. She has this semi-antagonistic, semi-they just like to talk shit with each other, relationship with Kai. She's very tempermental and likes to call out his antics. Kai thinks it's kinda funny when she's mad about dumb shit so he purposefully pushes her buttons. It's like rats play wrestling. She and Kai and Skylor are in a triad (she's in a romantic relationship w Kai and a QPR with Skylor, Skylor and Kai are also in a romantic relationship) post-Crystallized. I would go into her relationship w/ Skylor bc there's a lot of backstory there, but this post is long enough as is.
Kyle: Mostly hangs around Jay and Cole. Third wheeling. He referees their Face2Fist matches to make sure no one is cheating. They're like... bros is the best way I can describe it. He and Kai are also pretty amicable on account of both getting the Older Brother Special Edition experience (orphans) and Kai hangs around Chen's, where Kyle works bc he and Skylor are actually besties
Luna: Her and Jay are nerding out over comics something fierce. I think she and him would host Jackbox nights for the team to boost morale too. She and Lloyd have a semi-tense relationship at first bc of the circumstances of their reunion but post-S10 they have a very "one is doing something very impulsive and stupid and the other is egging them on" sibling relationship. She would get him back into comics and also they'd do pinball tournaments at arcades that aren't about winning just about beating each other
Ivy: is kind of peripheral, but she and Nya get really close during S5 and stay in contact. They sit on the edge of a creek and skip stones while talking about random shit. Ivy brings her scrap for projects and Nya has to side eye her like "did you steal this" and Ivy never gives her a straight answer. I think she and Cole would get along too, funnily enough. They're just similar enough in their defiant rebellion that I think they could hold a respect for each other that manifests in sitting in the same room, quietly, working on projects and occasionally helping each other out. Ivy and Lloyd have a bond over bitching about Morro.
Jonathan: he and cole are vibing in a room together except Jonathan has no idea how to talk to him and so is nervously making small talk. Cole thinks he's neat and likes to hear him ramble about the various mechanical projects he's working on. They'd also bond about their dads. Jonathan feels like he has to live up to the Borg name and make his father proud (he already has, but anxiety's a bitch) and Cole gets that. He and Pixal are also practically siblings and are tight as hell. Between S7 and S8 he was def helping her w her Samurai X stuff.
Willow: she actually doesn't have relationships with the ninja! As said she's kind of a peripheral character who only interacts with Jonathan and her characterization and story rests within that bubble. If I were to let her out I think she and Wu actually would get along the best, which is a cop out, but there's something about feeling like the fate of the world is upon your shoulders and one wrong step will cause everything to come crashing that makes a silent shared cup of tea the most meaningful interaction you might ever have
Master Twyla: she's closer to Misako and Wu by virtue of those being her friends and comrades before, but I think she views the ninja as like. peripheral students. she's not their teacher and doesn't act like it but those are her kids in the same way the others are yk? She would see their parents in them but also feels a sense of pride at their own strengths and is happy to be someone they can talk to. I think she'd have a particular soft spot for Lloyd because she was closer to the Spin Bros and Misako so in another life that's her godchild
Thank you again for your question! I am so sorry this is so long! But this absolutely made my day to answer!
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seraphim-coinz · 4 months
Hello again!! Would you mind if we requested another NPT? (Or,, the other acronym we haven't learned yet fjsbfjd)
Ngl we kinda became obsessed with seeing those– and also we've been feeling very doggy lately so! Queer (trans/nonbinary) doggy NPT? :D it can also be kitty if you prefer!
Tysm once again!!
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System Names: The Puppygenders. The Queer Pups. The Enby Hounds. Trans Best Friend. Trans Man's Best Friend. Canine Queers. The Wagging Tail Collective. The Howling System.
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Names: Bailey. Charlie. Stick. Riley. Bear. Indie. Blue. Roxy/Roxie. Zip. Peach. Ollie. Echo. Dixie. Cooper. Luna. Coco. Nala. Suki. Harley. Teddy. Leo. Apollo. Scout. Bandit. Dexter.
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Pronouns: Pup/Pups. Dog/Dogs. Paw/Paws. Yip/Yips. Wag/Wags. Coll/Collars. Mutt/Mutts. Hound/Hounds. Leash/Leashes. Bark/Barks. Wolv/Wolves. Howl/Howls. Pooch/Pooches. Pet/Pets. Dig/Digs. Teeth/Teeths. Bite/Bites.
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Usernames: ouppyqueer. thetransdoggo. howlingenby. enbypupper. queermutt. muttgendersss. multigendermutt. enbydoggo. dogtrans. puppyboyyyyy. puppygirlllll.
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Titles: The Happy Little Dog. The Puppy Who Digs Up Genders. The Enby with the Softest Ears. [prn] who Bites. The Playful Puppy Queer. The Perfect Puppy. [prn] who Loves to Play (With Gender).
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Genders: Puppydoll. Pinkpuppycoric. Boymutt and Girlmutt. Vampupboy. Octopupgender. Thingmutt. Traumadog and Traumamutt. Puppyboy.
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Labels: Agender Pup. Black/White Siberian Husky Link. Pup/Pups Pronoun Flag. Mutt Flag. Mutt4Mutt Attraction. Stray Dog. Mutt Faggot. Service Dog. Assigned Puppy At Birth.
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I used the pronouns in this NPT on an account I mod on! Here! (link)
Also I might actually scream if I search "puppygender" and get NSFT again!
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