#luffy: did i do good doc?
dogbunni · 4 months
depowered/real life AU where Luffy just has EDS
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 9 months
Me, vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass: I wanted a Koby-and-Luffy-Childhood-Friends AU and that turned into a Koby-grows-up-with-the-ASL-brothers AU and THAT turned into me imagining Koby still becoming a marine (Garp is THRILLED TO TEARS. Ace and Luffy give him a lot of grief for it but they're still lowkey proud of him) and one day, completely by chance, he stumbles across the Chief Of Staff Of The Revolutionary Army.
Wanted posters for the Revolutionary Army aren't passed around like the posters for pirates and criminals are, because it's actually very common for a would-be bounty hunter to get recruited to the cause if they seek them out, and the government doesn't want that, so only ranked officers are allowed to actually have them. And Koby, who recently made rank, did find himself staring for a very long time at the slightly blurry black-and-white picture of Sabo(?), Rank Unknown -- but a picture doesn't do a face justice, and he's been carrying that ghost with him for years, so he ultimately set it aside. Told himself not to wish for impossible things.
Only to, less than a week later, end up helping Sabo (Sabo, it's Sabo, holy shit it's Sabo) escape from a marine base. Koby will go to the gallows for this if he gets caught, but both of his other sworn brothers are pirates. He became a marine knowing that if he had to make the choice, he would chose family over duty. Granted, he didn't expect to have to make that choice for at least another few years, but here we are.
The two don't speak much -- there isn't time. Koby gives hushed orders and Sabo whispers clarifying questions and they breathe warnings back and forth, both of them stretching their observation Haki as far as it will go as they tiptoe out of the base.
This boy feels familiar. Sabo can't explain it, but he felt it the second he laid eyes on this young captain. The pink hair, the big eyes. It's worse now that they're standing right next to each other, Haki signatures pressed so close together it's impossible to ignore. This boy feels like feathers and steel, like something soft and warm and earnest wrapped around a core that is solid and steady and unfaltering. He is the waves that erode the shore, patient and gentle but inevitable in their quest for change. Sabo shouldn't be able to read the soul of a stranger this clearly, but he can, somehow. It feels good next to his own roiling storm clouds and piercing cliffs, it feels grounding, but he can't help the strange thought that there should be fire and forest here, somehow. There should be sunlight.
The boy feels familiar, and Sabo hates that he is the one following behind. Which is stupid, because he doesn't know where they're going and obviously the one who does should take the lead, but every corner they turn and patrol they dodge has the spaces between his shoulderblades winding tighter. He wants the captain tucked safely behind him, with Sabo in the lead where he can take the brunt of whatever danger they face. This, too, is strange.
They make it out of the base and down to the docs, where Koby gets Sabo set up -- the guards change shift in thirteen minutes, if Sabo waits there'll be an opening for him to steal a boat and get out of here -- and Sabo takes the opportunity to ask "Are you... sympathetic to the cause?"
The boy stills.
"You aren't on our books, is all. I don't recognize you as an officer. If this is you looking to join, I'm afraid I don't have time to vet you right now, but I can arrange for you to meet with a recruiter--"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" It comes out a hoarse, furious whisper. Koby wants to scream.
Sabo blinks. "I'm sorry?"
"Is that how you justified it? Oh, it's been so long, they probably forgot about me? Is that what you told yourself?" He needs to keep quiet, he needs to get back inside before he's noticed missing, they can't do this right now -- "Or maybe you just figured out of sight out of mind, right? Since clearly that worked out fine for you!"
Koby waves a hand up and down Sabo, a gesture meant to encompass -- this! All of this. His fading grin and his fancy coat and his fucking wanted poster.
"Chief of Staff. That's impressive. I'm not surprised you're some big shot, it suits you. Are you having fun, Sabo? Is your grand adventure treating you well?"
"I don't know what --" but Koby can't let him talk, because Koby can't breathe, because Sabo is here and he's alive and he's acting like Koby is a stranger to him and if Koby doesn't spit out the words he's suddenly choking on then he's going to collapse into screaming sobs instead and they can't afford that right now.
"Let me guess, secret identities? Code names? It's all so hush-hush, so cloak-and-dagger, you were sworn to secrecy? I don't care. I don't fucking care what reasons you used to justify letting us think you were dead! For ten years! It was selfish, Sabo. It was cruel. And I--" He gasps. Coughs. Sucks in a heavy breath until the salt of the sea breeze settles in his lungs and he can tell himself the wetness on his face is ocean spray. "We mourned you. Ace and Luffy are still mourning you. Dadan and the bandits and Makino and Gramps. Everyone, all of us -- we have all been carrying this grief and you just--!"
Breathe in. Breathe out. Stay quiet. "If this is the life you want, then okay. Okay. But don't you stand there and pretend I'm a stranger to you, and expect me to play along. Don't you do that to me. Not to me."
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badassbbpirates · 7 months
Blackbeard Pirates Art Skills Headcanons
Basically, my headcanons on what type of artists Blackbeard and his crew could be. Do what you will with this information.
Blackbeard: He's not the greatest artist, but he's not terrible either. He can do pretty good sketches of people, animals and objects, which he takes some pride in.
Burgess: He's about as good an artist as Luffy is, which is to say he's not very good. For this reason, he's not allowed to help draw up a raid plan for the crew to embark on. Well, actually it's not that he's not allowed-he just doesn't want to because of all the criticism he got the one time he did...
Burgess: Okay! I helped draw up the plans, Laffitte!
Laffitte: Oh, very good! Show it to the group so we can go over it.
Burgess: *lays down drawing, which is the most barely comprehensible drawing the group had ever seen*
Blackbeard: Uh...I can't tell what's happening here...Like what is that big blue and gray mass???
Burgess: It's the marine ship we're raiding.
Laffitte: What's with the giant letter T on that brown square we're all standing on???
Burgess: That's the raft.
Augur: What's with the devil giraffe holding...god, I don't even want to say what it looks like...
Burgess: That's YOU holding your GUN!
Augur: Why is my neck so long???
Burgess: Necks are hard!
Doc Q: Is that amoeba riding that deformed dog supposed to be me and Stronger???
Burgess: *grabs drawing and eats it* I HATE CRITICISM!!!
Blackbeard: Maybe don't draw so badly and we won't criticize...
Laffitte: Will draw the most detailed and perfect images ever, like Da Vinci level art, and say "Honestly, I can't even draw a circle!"
Van Augur: He's a roughly okay artist, but he doesn't draw much so he doesn't mess around with improvement.
Doc Q: He can draw organs, he can draw skeletons, he can draw muscles, he can draw any body part you can think of, but he CANNOT draw people "intact and with the skin still on them", like Blackbeard would probably say. He can draw realistic animals pretty well, though, especially horses. He can also draw cute anthropomorphic animals (Minks? Hybrid Zoans?) pretty good, which was discovered when he was asked to draw up the raid plans one time...
Doc Q: Okay, I got the plans drawn...
Laffitte: Very good! Now show them to the group.
Doc Q: *pushes drawing towards group*
The entire crew are drawn as cute anthro-animals, such as Blackbeard being a hippo, Burgess being a tiger, Augur being a hunting dog of some sort, Laffitte being a dove, and Q being a horse.
Blackbeard: Uh, why are we all Minks?
Doc Q: I can't draw humans...
Burgess: I like how I'm a tiger! It fits me!
Augur: Well, I suppose this is a step up from Burgess's drawing skills...
Burgess: Hey!
Laffitte: Aw, you drew it so CUTE, Doc! I didn't think you had this in you!
Blackbeard: Yeah, I mean, considering how you are, this is a big surprise. Makes me rethink you as a person, actually.
Doc Q: ... *grabs drawing and releases it in the wind*
Laffitte: Aw, no! Don't do that! We were praising it! Not teasing you!
Q's got a reputation he likes to keep intact. He doesn't draw in that style very often.
Shiryu of the Rain: Cannot draw and refuses to demonstrate how bad he is.
Catarina Devon: She can draw perfect images of women, but men...she's not very good at and refuses to improve. One time she was asked to draw up plans, and she drew the entire crew as women, which raised eyebrows.
Blackbeard: Did you seriously have to draw us like this?
Devon: I can't draw male bodies well.
Blackbeard: Okay, I guess that's fair. Which one of us is supposed to be this lady here? Cause, damn! You made her the most hideous!
Devon: That's you.
Blackbeard: *starts to fume*
Augur: Why are Laffitte, Doc and I drawn so...beautifully?
Devon: Eh, you're the most attractive boys out of the crew, so I tried to match that.
Laffitte: Ohhohoho! Thank you!
Doc Q: You think I'M attractive?! *coughs up blood*
Augur: ...Okay.
Blackbeard: *fumes more*
Avalo Pizarro: He draws in a surprisingly cute style, maybe something close to chibi or cutesy-western cartoon style? But he gives everyone cat ears for some reason.
Vasco Shot: He's not the best artist, but he's a LOT better than the crew expects. He claims he draws best when he's really drunk.
Sanjuan Wolf: His drawing style is pretty simplistic, like stick-figure type art. What he draws is pretty comprehensive though, since he usually adds a detail to signify which figure is who, like a top hat for Laffitte, a scythe for Doc Q, or a sword and cigar for Shiryu. He can only draw in the sand or dirt due to lack of giant paper, though.
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differentpostrebel · 20 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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This gif cause that alliance LMFAOO
Chapter 15: Alliances and Ambitions 
A/N: Welcome back for another Chapter! I know this was originally supposed to be posted for yesterday but unfortunately my sections got deleted so I had to rewrite it all over again. We finally got a SANJI POV! But I can't wait for you guys to read what else is in store!. And without further ado, let's get to it!.. 
Word Count: 4.7k
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 (Here)
Sanji x Reader, Sanji X Y/N, OP X Reader
Y/N Pov.. 
“So, we meet by chance and you ask us if we want to fight an emperor out of the blue?” Nami said, her skepticism clear in her voice as she glared at Law.
"I don't trust him, Luffy. He's up to no good!" Nami continued, her concern growing as she looked from Law to me.
I remained silent, weighing the options in my mind. Law’s proposition was bold, and the risk was enormous.
"I'm not saying killing an emperor is going to be easy," Law said, "I’m just saying that our odds would be better if we stick together and work out the details."
Luffy tilted his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, there are four of them. Which one are we talking about?"
"Don’t tell me you’re actually thinking about it, Luffy?" Nami asked, clearly exasperated.
I stepped forward with a determined grin. "Nami, this is our big chance! Besides, it's not like we haven’t faced insane odds before." 
Law’s expression shifted from serious to smug as he prepared to reveal more. "The name of our target is—"
Nami’s eyes widened in shock as the name left Law’s lips. I couldn’t help but smirk at her reaction, clearly enjoying the moment.
Luffy’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he gave his usual wide grin. "Right, got it! Sure, we’re in!"
Nami stared at Luffy in disbelief. As she couldn't believe that Luffy agreed to forming an alliance with Law. 
Back at the encampment…
“YOU DID WHAT?!! The crew’s collective outrage echoed through the camp.
“Damn it, Luffy! How could you agree to this?” Usopp was practically vibrating with frustration as he shook Luffy. “You weren’t even gone that long!”
“Calm down, Usopp,” Luffy said, brushing off the concern. Meanwhile, I was preoccupied with my own task. “Where did I leave my sword?” I mumbled, scanning the area. A glimmer of metal caught my eye. “There it is!” I exclaimed, retrieving my sword from the snow.
“And you, Y/N, how could you let Luffy agree to this?” Usopp’s concern shifted to me. “You’re the one who usually keeps him in check!”
“Oww, Usopp, could you not shake me right now? I’m injured and need to treat my wounds,” I winced, pushing his hands away gently.
“Forget it, this is too risky!” Nami’s voice was tinged with frustration. “We can’t just dive headfirst into a fight with an emperor!”
“She’s right. We’re not ready for that kind of battle!” Chopper agreed, his worry evident.
“Hey Doc, get this raccoon patched up,” Law said, holding Chopper’s unconscious body. “What did you do to my body?!” Chopper whined, attending to his own injuries. 
Shaking my head slightly, I moved to a secluded area and began peeling off the corset top Nami had given me. “Need any help?” Law’s voice came with a teasing undertone as he approached.
“As much as I’d love a thorough check-up from a charming doctor like you,” I said with a flirtatious smile, “I’ll just wait until Chopper’s done. But if you want to watch, it might give you some interesting notes. Or is that not what doctors do with their patients?” I bit my lip playfully.
“Chopper, when you get a chance, could you patch me up, please?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah!” Chopper hurried over, his concern clear. 
“Thanks, Chopper.” I lifted my top off, tying my hair into a makeshift bun to keep it away from the wounds. Chopper, in Sanji’s body, began applying the ointment I used during training. I winced slightly at the sudden contact but tried to relax. 
“Hey Doc, you might want to focus on this spot here,” I said, pointing to a particularly sore area. “Let me help.”
Law stepped closer, his gaze sharp. “Here, let me take over,” he said, taking control with practiced ease. He began applying more pressure to the sore spot, causing me to let out a soft groan.
“See, this area needs to be treated with a bit more care,” Law remarked, his voice laced with both authority and concern.
Chopper glanced between Law and me, slightly baffled. “Alright, but let’s make sure she’s comfortable.”
Law eyed the makeshift top Chopper had fashioned with bandages. “This isn’t secure enough,” he commented critically. With deft movements, he adjusted the bandages, ensuring they were more securely and comfortably fitted. “There, much better.”
With that, both Chopper and Law worked on treating my wounds. I glanced at Chopper, who had finished his part. “Thank you, Chopper,” I said, giving him a grateful hug. “You’re welcome, Y/N!” he replied, a smile on his face.
Turning to Law, I approached him with a playful smile. “And as for you, Doctor Law,” I said, emphasizing the title, “Thank you for patching me up as well. I’m starting to feel much better. Perhaps I can visit you after hours, just to make sure any other areas need to be taken care of?” I laughed, making my way back to the group.
Law's cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked momentarily caught off guard by my teasing. 
Just then, Robin's voice cut through the tension. “Luffy, I’ll go along with this, but we’re all pirates here. Where there are pirates, there’s betrayal. I’m just concerned because you’re so quick to trust.”
Luffy’s eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to Law with a look of disbelief. “Hey! Are you going to betray me?”
Law raised an eyebrow, his expression serious. “No.”
Luffy burst into laughter, his usual carefree attitude returning. “Well, that’s settled then!”
Usopp, still looking unconvinced, shook his head. “The rest of us are going to need more than that!”
“Come on, a pirate alliance sounds like a lot of fun! My gut says Trafalgar is an okay guy. Besides, what’s the big deal? You guys were training for the past two years! I’ll let you protect me.”
Luffy’s laughter grew louder, and the crew, initially stunned, began to relax. They exchanged smiles at the compliment their captain had given them, the mood lightening significantly.
I couldn’t help but join in the laughter, feeling a sense of camaraderie and relief. The look on Law’s face was one of mild confusion, clearly not used to the Straw Hats’ easygoing approach to such serious matters. But after the tension had melted away, he took action, switching Franky and Chopper back to their original bodies.
Nami, however, was less fortunate, and was now trapped in Sanji’s body. "You can fix this, right?" she asked Law, a hint of desperation in her voice.
“Not until your body is back,” Law replied dismissively, his tone indicating that it was simply a matter of patience.
“It’s okay, Nami, don’t worry. It’ll get fixed soon enough,” I said, trying to cheer her up with a reassuring smile.
As I spoke, my gaze shifted to the children, who were now asleep. My heart ached for them, knowing what they had been through. Their innocent faces, finally at peace, only made the situation more heartbreaking.
“So, the kids are all here?” Law asked, stepping closer to get a better look.
As Luffy and Law discussed the situation, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “These poor kids,” I murmured, my voice filled with empathy.
Law, however, seemed less moved. “Let’s just forget about them. It’s too much work,” he suggested, his tone almost indifferent.
I shot him an incredulous look. “Why would you even suggest that? They’re just kids,” I said, my voice tinged with disbelief.
Chopper, ever the compassionate one, chimed in. “Poor kids… I want to take them all home, but they need to recover and build their strength first.”
“It’s sad. Who would do that to a bunch of kids?” Usopp asked, his voice filled with frustration.
Law’s expression remained neutral as he explained, “Well, the World Government for one. They’ve been trying to build an army of giants for years. They’ve been conducting experiments.”
“Caesar’s probably hoping to beat them to the punch, both Vegapunk and the government,” Law continued, his voice growing more serious. “But I don’t think it’s that simple.”
The weight of Law's words settled over the group, the realization that these children were mere pawns in a much larger, darker scheme hit hard. Law turned to Nami and me, his gaze intense. "Are you sure you want to help them? I mean, you don’t even know them."
Nami stepped forward, her resolve unwavering. “You’re right, we don’t. But seeing them begging for help, crying for someone to save them... I vowed that I would make sure they were all safe and sound,” she said, her voice steady as she placed a comforting hand on one of the children.
Law’s eyes softened slightly as he looked at Nami. “If I leave with Luffy, are you going to stay here alone?” he asked, concern laced in his tone.
Nami was about to respond, but Luffy interrupted with his usual determined grin. “Wait, I’m not going anywhere! If it’s important to Nami, Y/N, and Chopper, then it’s important to me. And Sanji wants to put that samurai back together too! Listen, if you’re going to work with us, get used to helping people,” Luffy said, his smile growing wider.
I couldn’t help but smile back at Luffy’s words. “Thank you, Luffy,” I said, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie.
Usopp let out a resigned sigh, already knowing the futility of arguing. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, pal,” he said to Law, shaking his head. “Once Luffy makes up his mind, there’s no turning back.”
Law sighed, clearly recognizing the truth in Usopp’s words. “Fine,” he relented, though not without a hint of reluctance. “But we have to hurry. There’s no time to waste. Putting the samurai back together can be your group’s problem, but I’ll help investigate the drug that was given to these children. The ship’s doctor should come with me—we’ll do our research behind Caesar’s back.”
“There, that should do it,” Usopp declared proudly as he finished tying Chopper securely onto Law’s hat. Chopper, still a bit wobbly from earlier events, clung onto the hat with his small hooves.
“I’m... sorry... it’s just... I can’t walk right now. I hope you don’t mind,” Chopper mumbled sheepishly, his eyes wide and apologetic.
The sight was undeniably amusing. Luffy, Nami, and Franky burst into laughter, doubling over as they took in the comical image of the usually stoic Law adorned with a small reindeer atop his hat. Even Robin couldn’t suppress a chuckle, and a wide grin spread across my face as I approached them.
“Well, well, Law,” I began with a playful lilt in my voice, circling around to get a better view. “I have to say, you look even cuter with Chopper as your new accessory.”
Law’s eyes flickered toward me, a hint of annoyance mixed with embarrassment evident in his gaze. “This isn’t a fashion statement,” he replied dryly, adjusting his hat slightly as Chopper tried to stabilize himself.
Unable to resist teasing him further, I reached up and gently patted Chopper’s head. “Hold on tight, Chopper. We wouldn’t want our favorite doctor taking a tumble.”
Chopper giggled, his cheeks turning rosy. “Thank you, Y/N! I’ll be careful!”
I turned my attention back to Law, noticing the slight flush creeping up his neck. Leaning in closer, I lowered my voice just enough for him to hear. “You know, Law, this caring side of you is really endearing. Who knew the infamous Surgeon of Death had such a soft spot?”
Law cleared his throat, attempting to maintain his composure.
Smirking at his uncharacteristic discomfort, I decided to push just a little further. Before he could react, I leaned in and placed a quick, soft peck on his cheek. Pulling back, I watched as his eyes widened in surprise, a deeper blush blossoming across his face.
“Consider that a thank you for all your help,” I said casually, my eyes sparkling with mischief.
For a moment, Law seemed at a loss for words, his usual cool demeanor thoroughly shaken. He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by another round of laughter from the crew. After a few more minutes of banter, the plan was set into motion.
Law and Chopper were tasked with heading to the lab to find out what was in the drug that had been given to the children and to see if there was any way to reverse its effects. Meanwhile, Luffy, Franky, Robin, and I prepared to move out and kidnap Caesar Clown. Nami and Usopp would stay behind to protect the kids, ensuring their safety while we carried out the mission.
“Wait, what good is it to kidnap Caesar?” Franky asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Money?” Usopp suggested, though his voice lacked confidence.
I shook my head. “I doubt it. No one would be crazy enough to pay a ransom for that guy.”
“What we’re after is chaos,” Law interjected, his tone calm but with a hint of something deeper.
“Chaos?” Robin echoed, her curiosity piqued.
Law nodded but didn’t elaborate. “There’s no point in explaining now. We’ll worry about that later,” he continued, his voice firm. “Let’s focus on capturing Caesar Clown first. As soon as that’s done, I’ll explain the whole plan in detail.”
The gravity of his words settled over the group, and the atmosphere shifted to one of determination. We all knew this was a critical step, and the stakes were high.
Law turned to Luffy, his gaze serious. “Last chance to change your mind, Straw Hat. It’s your choice.”
Luffy grinned, his carefree nature shining through even in the face of danger. “Oh, don’t worry, I’m still on board.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Law said, a  smirk crossing his lips as we all sprang into action. 
Sanjis POV…
Running through the snow, I scanned the area, desperate to find any trace of the samurai. The biting cold nipped at my face, but it was the frustration of coming up empty-handed that really got to me.
“Sanji, mind explaining how I got this bump on my head?” Brook's voice broke through the freezing air as he ran beside me, his skeletal hand touching the spot on his skull where a noticeable lump had formed.
“No time,” I replied hastily. “We’ve already wasted too much time as it is.” Truth be told, I had no idea how it happened. It was all a blur after that yeti's ambush.
“It's a shame we can’t locate that yeti that attacked us,” Brook remarked, his tone as nonchalant as ever despite our dire situation.
We had been caught off guard. The yeti brothers ambushed us with incredible speed, knocking us down before we even had a chance to react. Brook had tried to fend them off, but one of them managed to land a brutal hit, sending him crashing into the snow. I barely had time to pull myself together before they vanished into the blizzard, leaving us with nothing but a bump on Brook’s head and no sign of the samurai.
“Hey! Samurai! Where are you?” Brook called out, his voice echoing through the snowy landscape. But I couldn’t focus on the search for long. My attention was once again drawn to the way Nami’s body moved—more specifically, the way her breasts bounced with each step. It was... distracting, to say the least.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zoro’s smirk as he observed my momentary distraction. “Hmm, wait til I tell Y/N,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“LIKE HELL YOU WILL!” I snapped back, my frustration bubbling over as I started to bicker with him. How could that moss-headed swordsman think of blackmail at a time like this?
“Well then, focus! You’re the one who wanted to look for the damn samurai,” Zoro shot back, his tone exasperated.
Before I could respond, Brook’s voice cut through our argument. “Guys, come take a look! I see a footprint!”
Zoro and I exchanged a quick glance before rushing over to where Brook was standing. “You guys see that?” Brook continued, excitement creeping into his voice. “Could it be that we’re left with the legendary Yeti?”
“No chance in hell,” Zoro and I said in unison, dismissing the idea outright.
But Brook’s enthusiasm was contagious. “If we follow them, we may find…” he paused dramatically, and without missing a beat, the three of us finished his sentence in unison, “…one of nature’s greatest mysteries.”
We followed the footprints through the thick snow, our curiosity piqued despite the tension. But just as quickly as our hopes had risen, they were dashed when the trail led us to a dead end. Frustration gnawed at me, but there was no time to dwell on it.
Suddenly, two massive shadows loomed behind us. We turned as one, and there they were—the Yetis. Their appearance was as menacing as ever, and before we could react, they fired at us. A thick gas began to fill the air, and I felt its effects almost immediately. My vision blurred, and my limbs grew heavy as I struggled to stay conscious.
“Damn it…” I muttered, fighting against the overwhelming urge to succumb to the darkness. But the gas was too potent. My knees buckled, and despite my best efforts, everything went black as I fell into unconsciousness.
“Damn it…” I muttered, fighting against the overwhelming urge to succumb to the darkness. But the gas was too potent. My knees buckled, and despite my best efforts, everything went black as I fell into unconsciousness.
After what felt like minutes, muffled voices started to reach my ears. “The Straw Hats are here, and we’ve recovered their bodies,” one of them said. The words barely registered as I struggled to regain control of my senses.
Summoning every ounce of strength, I grabbed the ankle of one of the voices and pulled myself up. “Hate to disappoint you but…”
“Hey, one of them is alive!” shouted one of the men in hazmat suits, panic lacing his voice.
“It’s just a girl. She can’t do anything,” another dismissed, clearly underestimating me.
“That’s what you think!” I shot back, gritting my teeth as I launched into action. Despite being in Nami’s body, I quickly knocked each of them down with precision. “Damn underlings,” I muttered, making sure not to overdo it since Nami’s body was more fragile and bruised easily.
As I stood amidst the fallen foes, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep drag. “Nami, I’m sorry,” I whispered, knowing she wouldn’t appreciate the smoke but needing the comfort of the habit in that moment.
I then turned my attention to Zoro and Brook, both still unconscious. With a swift kick to their heads, I brought them back to consciousness. They groaned, rubbing their heads as they sat up, trying to shake off the effects of the gas.
“Get up, you idiots. We’ve got a samurai to find,” I said, stubbing out the cigarette.
Zoro scowled at me but didn’t argue, while Brook just gave a weary nod. The three of us resumed our search, determined to find the samurai and put an end to this mess.
End of Flashback..
“Hey, Samurai! Are you here?” I yelled into the icy wilderness. “Did they already kick your ass?” My voice echoed off the surrounding snow-covered trees.
Just then, Zoro stopped, squinting ahead. “I think I found him.”
Brook and I hurried over. The samurai was half-buried in the snow, his form stiff and unmoving.
“He looks a bit frozen,” Brook noted, his tone more amused than concerned.
Without hesitation, I kicked the samurai’s frozen form. The ice shattered around him, and the samurai was released, collapsing into the snow with a loud gasp.
“I was caught in the snow and I froze!” the samurai exclaimed, shaking off the remaining ice.
“You were caught in a snowstorm,” I corrected, helping him up.
“No! The snow cannot touch me!” the samurai protested stubbornly.
“Quit being so stubborn,” I said, rolling my eyes at his pride.
The samurai was visibly trembling, clearly affected by the cold. “I believe my torso is somewhere underwater. The upper half of my body is submerged,” he explained, his voice still shaking.
“That would make sense, considering you can’t use your powers,” I replied, nodding in understanding.
The samurai looked shocked that we were willing to help him. “I accept your aid,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude.
With that, we guided the samurai toward the lake, determined to retrieve his missing torso.
“I thank you,” he said sincerely as we walked.
“Well, well, looks like someone learned how to say thank you,” I teased, a smirk tugging at my lips.
Just as we were nearing the lake, we noticed something in the distance, moving toward us.
“Could it be Brownbeard’s subordinates?” Brook wondered aloud, his voice tinged with concern.
We squinted into the distance, but as the figure grew closer, it became clear that this was something far more ominous. A giant, red shape loomed on the horizon, its form growing larger by the second.
“Damn, what is that?” I muttered, my earlier confidence wavering as we braced ourselves for whatever was coming our way.
“So, we all know what to do?” Luffy asked, looking at each of us in turn.
“Right!” we replied in unison, our voices filled with determination.
I adjusted the sword at my back, ensuring it was securely fastened. “Alright, let’s go!” Luffy announced, and with that, we mounted Luffy’s back as he prepared to leap into action.
“Go, Cien Fleur, Wings!” Robin called out, her voice carrying a sense of grace and authority as she gracefully disembarked from Luffy’s back.
Next, Franky readied himself for a jump, his body expanding into Gomu Gomu Balloon. Clenching my left fist, I timed my jump and leaped off Luffy, landing smoothly beside Robin.
“Well, well, looks like we have company,” I said with a smirk, drawing my sword “Well, well, looks like we have company,” I said with a smirk, drawing my sword and preparing for action.
“Alright, Master Dude, come on out before we get into your lab and kidnap you,” Luffy called out, his voice carrying a mix of challenge and enthusiasm.
Robin and I exchanged scolding glances. “Luffy! That was supposed to be a secret,” I said, a hint of exasperation in my tone.
“Crap, it’s the Straw Hat crew!” one of Caesar’s underlings shouted, their panic evident.
“Straw Hat,” Smokey muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief and concern.
The atmosphere grew tense as the underlings scrambled to respond, and the real showdown was about to begin. 
“Did that guy say he was going to kick our master’s ass?” one of Caesar’s underlings exclaimed, disbelief clear in their voice.
“Yeah, like hell!” another shouted. “Down with the Straw Hats!”
With that, the underlings charged at us, their faces set with determination.
I touched the red gem on my sword, and a burst of flames erupted from the blade. The heat was intense, and the fire crackled with a fierce energy. As I swung my sword, waves of fire cascaded through the air, creating a dramatic display of flames that sent several of Caesar’s underlings flying backward. The flames carved through their ranks with precision, scorching the ground and forcing them to scatter.
I spun around, deflecting incoming attacks with fluid movements. The sword’s flames danced and leapt, its heat providing a barrier against the oncoming onslaught. Each strike was met with a burst of fire, creating a chaotic and mesmerizing spectacle. The underlings, now overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the fiery assault, faltered in their charge.
“I got you now, Straw Hat!” came a voice from behind. Before I could react, Franky leaped in with his powerful “Strong Right!” The force of his attack sent several underlings flying, clearing a path.
“Nice one, Franky!” I called out, giving him an approving nod.
Just then, I noticed Tashigi and Smokey among the crowd. Tashigi stood out, her shirt open and a cigar in hand, creating a stark contrast to her usual appearance. I couldn’t help but tease her. “Tashigi! I didn’t know you had it in you! Granted, I never would have suspected you’d open your shirt like that and smoke a cigar. I took you more as a wine kind of gal, but I still approve. Love this for you!”
“I’m not Tashigi, you idiot!” Smokey snapped back, his voice tinged with annoyance.
“Smokey?!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening in surprise. “Wait, not you guys too?”
“Nevermind! After them, men!” Smokey shouted, rallying the G-5 unit to charge at us. The soldiers, now on high alert, advanced with the intent to capture.
Robin, quick to react, called out, “Cien Fleur Clutch!” Her abilities ensnared several of the G-5 soldiers, causing confusion and chaos among their ranks. The battle raged on as we continued to fight both Caesar’s underlings and the G-5 troops.
“How long do you think we have to wait for the master?” Luffy asked, clearly growing bored with the delay.
“I wish I knew, but it looks like we’re busting into the lab,” I replied, slashing through a soldier who was in my way.
Just then, Tashigi, still in Smoker’s body, lunged toward Luffy with a determined but clumsy attack. “Luffy!” I called out, trying to warn him.
Luffy dodged the attack effortlessly, his reflexes sharp as ever. Tashigi struggled to control Smoker’s Devil Fruit powers, her lack of experience evident in her erratic movements. Luffy, ever the tease, grabbed Smoker and managed to drag her to the ground with a mischievous grin. “What’s wrong, Smokey? Did something happen to you?!”
“Damn it, Tashigi, don’t get your ass kicked by that idiot while in my body!” Smokey’s voice, filled with frustration, rang out. Meanwhile, Luffy continued to dodge attack after attack, clearly enjoying the challenge.
Franky seized the opportunity, blasting a Radical Beam that created a massive hole in the lab’s wall. “Nice one, Franky!” I shouted, impressed by his timely intervention.
“Y/N, Robin, Luffy! Looks like we got an opening! Let’s go!” Franky called out, rallying us to move forward.
Smokey! Look up above!” shouted a G-5 soldier, pointing as something ominous began falling from the sky.
The G-5 soldiers and we watched in alarm as a red slime landed on one of the ships. “What is that?” I asked, my concern growing as the substance began to expand.
“It’s getting bigger!” one of the G-5 soldiers shouted, his voice tinged with panic.
Robin, scanning the scene, noted, “It looks like gas.”
“I don’t like this at all,” I said, taking a step back as the situation escalated.
The G-5 soldiers, desperate to neutralize the threat, began firing at the slime. But their attempts only led to a devastating explosion, taking out the soldiers on the boat. “What?!” I exclaimed, shocked by the sudden and violent outcome.
As we tried to process the chaos, another slime appeared out of nowhere. “Shit, the sky is filled with them! What is this?!” I yelled, watching in horror as more of the red slimes began to fall.
Suddenly, a sinister laugh echoed through the air. “Shroooorororo, Slimey, I’m sorry you were locked up for three years,” a voice taunted.
“Master!” the underlings cried out in reverence.
“So that’s him,” I muttered, recognizing the voice as belonging to the mastermind behind this madness.
“Are you the master? That��s it, you’re going down!” Luffy declared, determined to put an end to this nightmare.
“Shroooorororo, welcome to Punk Hazard, G-5 and Straw Hats. I am the most brilliant scientist—Caesar Clown!” Caesar announced with a manic grin. “A bit of patience, and it won’t be long until you’re all dead!”
We all stared at Caesar, our determination hardening in the face of his arrogance. Just then, Luffy seized the opportunity and lunged at Caesar, grabbing him with a triumphant grin. “I got you now, Master!” Luffy declared, his grip firm and unwavering.
Caesar’s eyes widened in surprise, his confident demeanor faltering for a moment. Before Caesar could react further, the rest of us prepared for the next move, ready to face the twisted scientist and end his reign of terror. 
We are back with another new chapter! Yall this was supposed to be posted yesterday but some parts got deleted, so I had to write the portion. But we finally got a Sanji POV.. and we now know the enemy threat is Caesar Clown. Next Chapter is tonight! And you guys don't want to miss this! Thank you guys for following along as well as following, liking and commenting! Thank you for showing love to my first fan fic! I know its a bit long, but I cant wait for you guys to read the whole cake island and wano Chapters I have in store!. The plot will be plotting! 
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aenokiawrld · 4 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
𝓶𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓮 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 !!
ft. the strawhats
a/n: going to see ayesha erotica tonight, omg what if she signs my right tiddy
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what movies do the straw hats like?
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cw: my headcanons, if u don’t agree that’s fine just writing them cause it’s silly, grammar lowk rn cause im crazy
tags ✮⋆˙ crack fic, i just randomly thought of this and immediately had to write it on docs lmao, if it’s ooc i lowk don’t care
not say saying this to infantalize lil bro but i see him unironically into how to train ur dragon and mostly likely watched it over 100x. but tbh, i don’t blame him bc the movies are lowk gas so.
i also see him getting riled up over king kong vs godzilla or just any action movies like marvel. oh and he would definitely headcanon the crew as different marvel characters for funsies.
probably kins brad pitt
you cannot fucking tell me bro doesn’t watch kill bill or any bruce lee movie.
definitely got scolded by nami when she found him recreating a scene from charlie’s angels.
idk i don’t got a lot to say about him bc i feel like bro’s just interests are self-explanatory. he definitely is against the whole romance sappy shit.
my girl loves some cute ass rom-coms, i can feel it. she definitely eats up 13-going-on-30 or 10 things i hate about you.
oh, she eats up telenovelas…who cares if it’s in another language, if it involves love, angst, and death, she don’t care. on the wings of love~
definitely cried watching marley and me, cannot tell me otherwise
this man is watching the rom coms with nami. he unironically loves romance movies. sure, he’ll watch a few action movies but come on…bro was prolly watching the new sydney sweeney movie his bestie (nami).
nami will invite him to the library while the whole crew is asleep for silly sleepovers. they’ll put on a random rom com while gossiping and giving eachother spa days.
him and nami were holding eachother while sobbing after watching the ending to marley and me for the 10th time.
watches any movie that discusses the beauty of culinary art.
he definitely enjoyed watching the menu and became fascinated with the horror elements that complimented a “sophisticated work of art.” oh and prolly watched the american girl movie with olivia rodrigo as grace (cause she’s like a baker in the movie lmao).
*sigh* ok so like he prolly LOVES titanic and imagine rose as nami. prolly tried sneaking into usopp and nami’s sleepover but got his ass beat cause he wasn’t chill enough to come ova.
ik she into them campy movies or horror but mostly psycho horror. in terms of camp, definitely the devil wears prada. for horror, she’d prolly like hereditary(?) (lemme sit on it ill prolly change it later) or she’ll like them classics and im not talking about just 80s classic, no, she prolly watching dracula before it had fucking sound.
fucking top gun maverick. bro is the definition of a gen x mom. or prolly crying to a studio ghibli movie or the notebook(?) OR he can be cunty by watching legally blonde bc elle woods is SUPPERRR tbh i think bro’s taste would lowk be diverse.
mid joining usopp and nami’s sleep over and crying with them to marley and me. or he prolly watching zootopia and would be so amazed bc it’s an allegory for segregation
watching that one lowk boring movie about stocks with christian bale. lowk fucks with that one princess diana movie with kristen stewart. yk what, fuck it, he prolly fucks with the godfather.
some stupid ass movie from the 50s?? full on black and white shit. wait, ok, i did a film class and all i can remember was like vertigo which was lowk good and whats up doc.
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symbologic · 8 months
Luffy vs. Zoro at Whiskey Peak
Unpopular opinion maybe, but the Luffy vs. Zoro clash in Whiskey Peak made sense for their characters. You could even argue that it was bound to happen, given their personalities.
Luffy likes the people who feed him. In the the face of their suffering, no matter who's responsible, he's too angry to concern himself with the reasons behind it. Zoro, on the other hand, prefers to handle things independently without saying much about it, especially if it means his crew gets to enjoy themselves a little longer
So it's not really surprising that Luffy would be blindsided by finding their hosts cut up by his swordsman, and that this would send him flying into a fit of rage. If he's never paused to listen to context or backstories before now, why would he start here? And of course, Zoro is not the type to back down from a challenge. He will match Luffy's energy and respond in kind
"But if Luffy were a good captain, he would have stopped to listen to Zoro's side of the story." Vivi tells him he's a bad captain two arcs later, precisely because of this kind of behavior. It clearly leaves an impression on Luffy, and we see he's grown into a better leader by the time he reaches Amazon Lily. (Almost as if Oda set all this development up on purpose with Whiskey Peak. HMM...)
"But Luffy refused to believe that Nami had killed Usopp in Arlong Park." This argument is like comparing apples to oranges. Nami did not actually do the murder that Johnny and Yosaku claim they saw, nor is she capable of killing people in cold blood. Of course Luffy isn't going to believe Nami killed Usopp based on hearsay. But in Whiskey Peak, Zoro did cut those bounty hunters. Luffy sees the evidence for himself, and he knows the carnage Zoro is capable of inflicting once he puts his mind to it. There is no denying what happened. Nothing other than Zoro saying "someone else did this" (or Nami knocking the soul out of him) was going to stop Luffy from going ballistic
"Why would Luffy fight so hard to recruit Zoro into his crew, firmly believing that he wasn't a bad person, only to later attack him because he believed Zoro was capable of harming 'innocent' people?" Because the fight was never about whether their hosts were "innocent" or not, not really. Their fight was about what Zoro did (assaulting the ones who fed them), and how those actions made Luffy feel (mad as hell, because these people FED THEM) For Luffy, context did not actually matter at that moment in time because, for him, "they fed me" unequivocally means "they're my friend", full stop This is even shown again in Mocktown! Both when Luffy unquestioningly eats an apple from Doc Q, and when Bellamy buys Luffy a drink in Mocktown. In the first case, Luffy only lived because he was lucky. And in the second case, he assumes Bellamy is a good person despite all evidence to the contrary, only to have his face brutally smashed into the bartop by Bellamy. Luffy is shockingly bad at reading people who try to feed him.
Luffy has interpersonal conflicts with all the core members from East Blue at different times. The fight with Zoro is the only one instigated by Luffy. But surprisingly, their fight highlights their similarities instead of their differences. They still fight equally and work together against BW agents who try to interfere with their fight.
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I think that's what Oda wanted to showcase with this scene.
In short, Luffy's initial anger stemmed from his protectiveness towards those who have fed him, while Zoro's actions were driven by his dedication to the crew and subsequent refusal to back down from Luffy's challenge. It was a clash resulting from miscommunication and misunderstanding, something that is not typically a problem for them — until it suddenly becomes one When all is said and done, they're both quick to forgive and forget. This, too, is fitting for both their characters. From that point onward, Zoro continues to demonstrate that Luffy's trust is not misplaced. And Luffy never, ever doubts Zoro again after this
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Training with Zoro P.3 (Eventual Smut) Y/N X Zoro
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🍶 wc: ~3.4k
THIS FUCKIN PLAYLIST is amazing to listen to while reading/writing slow smut im gonna die. I was blushing and not breathing and eyes so wide they were watering because just IMAGINING THIS MAN.
Crossposted from my AO3 work called Zoro Train Me.
Also again- no use of Y/N.
TW's: insecure reader, taking medicine for pain, very sore muscles, reader is oblivious to Zoro's hints.
P.2 P.1
“Oh fuck” you muttered. You’d thought it was only a skin-deep attraction, that he only made you blush because he’s so hot. You looked at Robin in horror, heart racing.
“I-I… I can’t… It’s not just physical” you whispered. She smiled knowingly at you.
“He’s a good man.”
“NOOO Robin! You’re supposed to help me!” you whined pathetically. She giggled at your flushed pout.
“I am helping you. You just realized it was more, right?” You gave her a flat look but gestured for her to continue.
“If it’s more than skin-deep, it’s probably best to let it fade over time. Maybe you can start to see him the same way you see Franky, Usopp, or Luffy. Maybe Sanji, seeing as you seem to bond with him over cooking. Either way…” she looked at you out the corner of her eye. “He’d be lucky to have you.”
A scoff left your throat before you could stop it.
“Me? Yeah fuckin’ right. He’s way out of my league” you muttered quietly. Robin opened her mouth to reply, but Chopper came back, calling your name as he ran towards you.
“I got the medicine and bath salts!” he said excitedly as he produced two pouches. You grinned.
“You’re the best doctor, Doctor Chopper!” you exclaimed in reply. He giggled and blushed, falling into his adorably weird dance while denying he was happy. You watched him a little before interrupting.
“Can I take the medicine now? I’m supposed to stretch and meditate with Zoro after his nap” you asked, opening the pouch of medicine. It contained a few small glass bottles that held a single dose of liquid medicine. He nodded.
“Yeah! He should be waking up soon too! Oh, also, I ran out of an ingredient that needs to ferment for a day, so I gave you extra of the general pain relief. So the muscle-specific pain relief will only be ready about tomorrow night. But I promise it’ll be worth it!”
You smiled at his excitement as you uncorked a small bottle you’d plucked from the pouch. You breathed out, preparing to take the medicine like a shot. You inhaled through your nose as you upended the bottle in your mouth, opening your throat to let the medicine bypass your tongue as soon as possible. You smacked you lips as the bottle left your lips, expecting an unbearably bitter taste. Surprisingly, it was only mildly salty, muddy, and minty. Odd combination, but not horrible.
“Huh. Not bad. When does it kick- ohhh” you interrupted yourself as you went to stand, finding your muscles only mildly sore, instead of agonizing. You jumped a few times.
“Oi! You gotta take it easy, remember? Your muscles aren’t healed yet!” Chopper nagged as he snatched the empty bottle from your hand. You held up your palms in surrender as Robin giggled at your antics.
“Right, Right. You’re the doc. Hey do you know where Zoro is?” you asked the reindeer.
“I saw him at the back of the ship, napping against a railing” he replied. You nodded and called out a thanks over your shoulder as you walked off. You dropped off the medicine and bath salt in your room and brushed your teeth quickly before making your way to the back of the ship, passing by Robin’s flowers. A gleam from above caught your eye, and you smiled as you saw three sword handles glinting in the sun, resting on the banister on top of the bath house. Must be one of his favorite nap spots now.  You knew it wouldn’t be wise to climb up the way you usually did with the way your muscles were, so you decided to wait him out. Hopefully the medicine Chopper gave you would last through the session with Zoro. You climbed on the railing, sitting on it and looking out to sea. Footsteps behind you thudded lightly on the deck.
“Hey! I had a question for you” Usopp said as he hoisted himself on the railing beside you.
“Shoot” you replied, giggling to yourself at your pun at the sniper. He blinked at you before giggling a little himself.
“If you could have a choice of any weapon, what would it be?”
You glanced at him, before sighing as you looked back to the horizon.
“Did Zoro put you up to this?”
“No, no. I just know you’ve been training for hand-to-hand combat, but you don’t have a Devil Fruit power, nor are you insanely powerful like Sanji and Zoro. Nami and I use weapons that suit us, so I was wondering what you think would be a good weapon for you?” He finished his sentence sounding unsure of himself. You chuckled a little.
“I don’t think many people are as strong as those two. They’re pretty special. But a weapon? I’ve never really thought about it. Honestly, I’d almost think a sniper position would be my favorite since I’m not athletic or strong. But considering you’re much better at that than I am, and you’re right alongside everyone else, it’s probably not a practical position for this crew. I know you and Nami have mid-range weapons, right? They can be used at close range but aren’t as effective, and take more skill to be used in long range.”
You could feel Usopp looking at you, surprised.
“Well… mine is ideal for long-range, but you’re right. This crew gets in trouble pretty quick, which means I don’t have time to get to a high position. Wait, how long have you been thinking about this?”
You turned to him, confused.
“Thinking about a weapon?”
He waved his hand in front of his face while shaking his head.
“No no, about how the crew fights”
“Hmmmmm… well, I don’t exactly think about it, it’s more that I just notice things and as I’m rambling it comes together? I don’t know. It just sorta goes on in the back of my mind I guess” you shrugged. Usopp nodded.
“Well, what kind of weapons appeal to you in general?”
You tilted your head, thinking. What weapons appeal to me?
“I guess maybe… daggers? Throwing knives? Projectiles? Maybe something that you aim and shoot? Not guns though.” You shuddered and brushed a finger over your scar before continuing. “I love cooking, so working with knives is familiar to me, but I’m sure I’d be too clumsy and forget which side was the sharp one in the middle of the fight. Though I suppose having a dull side, like Zoro’s swords, would be good. I don’t want to kill anyone. I’m pretty sure I’d like a sort of staff like Nami has, even though I’d have to train with it a lot to not whack myself in the head.”
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and glanced to the side. Usopp seemed to be scheming and planning something in his head.
“What about… a sort of scythe, but the staff end of it can become a sort of small cannon?”
You thought about the idea, liking where  it was going.
“I’m not too sold on the curved blade. I’d probably end up cutting my own head off by accident” you giggled.
“What if the sharp bit was on the outside, so if you hit yourself with it, it would be the dull side?”
You hummed in thought.
“Since we’re talking hypotheticals and daydreams… I think it would be cool if I could press a button or pull a lever or something and it could switch between different types of blades. Like a spear, the backwards scythe thing you mentioned, and maybe a short sword blade? And if I could shoot different types of bombs, like how you have different sorts of ammunition for your slingshot!” you babbled, eyes lighting up in excitement.
“Oooh! What if I could have a blade come out at both ends of the staff? That would be so badass” you sighed. The sound of scribbling met your ears, and you glanced to see your friend desperately scratching something in a small notebook. You leaned over, reading messy writing containing your ideas, plus some additions.
“What’s this one?” you asked, pointing to an unreadable word.
“A shield. You’d probably need one if you need to reload or if you’re facing guns.”
You nodded, liking the idea. The sound of boots thumping loudly on the deck behind you made you turn around. Zoro had awoken from his nap, and had leapt down to approach the pair of you.
“If you’re thinking about a weapon like that, you’ll need more arm strength” he said matter-of-factly. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Let me dream, Mr. Monster of a Swordsman.”
He scoffed in reply.
“Whatever. Looks like Usopp has your weapons plans started.” 
Usopp cheerfully agreed, jumping off the railing with a quick wave before disappearing- probably to bother Franky with the plans.
“Wait… but I was just daydreaming! That can’t be made!” you exclaimed. Zoro jerked his head in a sign to follow him.
“Franky made this ship and his body, and Usopp made Nami’s weapon. I’m sure they’ll be able to figure it out, and probably add some things to it that you didn’t think about” he replied. You hummed, mind thinking about what the two could possibly accomplish with your idea. Zoro started up the ropes to the Crows Nest, before he stopped and looked down at you.
“Oi. You good? I can carry you up if you want.”
You opened your mouth to respond, when from out of nowhere Robin swept up behind you and spoke for you.
“I believe it would benefit the muscles to not be pushed by climbing up there. Why don’t you carry them, Zoro?”
You whipped your head around, shooting her a look. You heard boots thud next to you as the swordsman jumped down.
“You’re right Robin. Come on. I’ll help you put the muscle cream on before we get started.” A corded arm wrapped around your waist and you let out a squeak, looking desperately at the raven-haired woman who put you in this situation. She sent you a kind smile and waved with her fingers. Zoro picked you up with ease, slinging you over his shoulders so your stomach was meeting the back of his neck, and your crotch was right by his face. His arm was wrapped around your upper thighs, resting just under the curve of your ass. You wiggled, face hot from being in such a compromising position.
“Stop moving or I’ll drop you” he snapped, easily climbing the ropes. As you got higher, your mind started to think less about your uncomfortable position and more about gripping on for dear life.
“If you dropped me from this height, I’d die like a NORMAL person” you muttered as he nearly reached the ladder. His body suddenly jerked, his grip on your thighs loosening for a split second. You squawked, scrabbling for purchase. You ended up basically curled around his head- one arm wrapped around his forehead and the other around his neck, and your legs tightened towards your torso, blocking his view until he yanked your legs back. Heart racing, you hardly noticed his chuckles until he was on the ladder.
“YOU LITTLE SHIT!” you scolded. “I thought I was gonna die!”
His laugh got louder with your complaint, shoulders shaking and jostling your body. You huffed a breath.
“Put me down” you ordered once he was safely in the crows nest. He followed orders without complaint, and as you stood upright, you saw he was still obviously feeling rather pleased with himself for scaring you. You scowled.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m your teacher, remember?”
“You scared the shit out of me twice already today!”
“Twice? Oh yeah, this morning” a smile erupted on his face at the memory. Your face flushed. Stupid dumb little attractive, hot, smile.
“Yeah. This morning.”
“I didn’t do that one on purpose though.”
“So you admit the one just now was on purpose?”
“Sure. Whatcha gonna do about it? Hit me?” he teased, leaning towards you with his fists on his hips. You narrowed your eyes at him and crossed your arms.
“I will put sand in every single one of your socks” you threatened. He snorted.
“I train all the time without socks. What would that do?”
You grinned evilly.
“Any time you put on your boots? There’s sand in your socks. Every. Single. Time. A slight nuisance that is sure to bring down your day as it wears on you.”
“You’re a petty little shit, aren’t you?”
You chuckled and leaned in closer to him. 
“I got the Great Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro to call me a petty little shit? I feel flattered.”
“I never called myself a pirate hunter” he grunted, standing straight again. Your smile died a tiny bit, missing his proximity. Did he back off because of me? Shit, I forgot for a second. I’m not his type. 
“Well, it’s what you’re called. Did you bring the muscle cream?” you asked, disguising your anxious disappointment with curiosity. His gaze swept over the benches as he nodded.
“I keep it up here. I don’t use it much, only when I’m training after a hard fight, or if we’re by a winter island and my muscles won’t warm up fast enough.” He said distractedly. As he spoke, he walked to where he kept his weights, clanking metal around until he found what he was looking for.
“Here” he said, tossing you a small glass jar. You caught it with a small fumble, not realizing how small it was. You noticed fingers and thumb could touch easily when you went to twist open the lid.
“Thanks” you muttered, inspecting the cream. The first thing you noticed was the smell. It was like menthol, mixed with strong cinnamon, and an earthy overtone of other medicinal herbs. You jerked back slightly, not expecting how strong it would smell. Your eyes stung slightly.
“It’s really strong.”
“Yeah, that’s why I was going to show you how much to use. Also, don’t rub your eyes after without washing your hands first if you use that stuff. Trust me” he advised with the sound of experience. You imagined Zoro quietly accepting the pain and eye water after he accidentally rubbed sweat out of his eye after using the muscle cream. You snorted at the image.
“It seems like you’ve had some trouble with that before.”
“Shut up. It was an accident, and Chopper didn’t tell me.”
You smiled, quirking a brow.
“Well? Are you going to show me how much to use?”
“Sure. Take off your pants.” He crossed his arms and looked at you expectantly. Your face burned.
“I-I-I… What?”
“Take off your pants. I need access to your entire leg.”
“Why can’t I just roll them up if you need me to?”
“It can stain your clothes until it’s absorbed completely into the skin, and I need your entire leg. So, take off your pants. Now.”
“Seems a little unfair” you muttered under your breath. Your face felt like it was burning, hands slowly going to the waistband of your cozy pants.
“Unfair? I can take mine off too if that makes you feel better. But I’m not wearing anything under them” he shrugged nonchalantly. You froze, heart beating wildly. Nothing under his pants? Does he mean that is just there? Under those pants?! Hanging out?! You watched with baited breath as his hands rose towards his own waistband. He wouldn’t… would he? I probably wouldn't be able to hide my reaction. I can’t see that yet, or if ever.
“NO!” you accidentally shouted. Zoro froze. You cleared your throat.
“N-no. It’s okay. It’s just for my muscles, right? I’m just… unsure about my body.”
“Unsure?” he echoed.
“Insecure” you clarified. He blinked.
“So? We always judge ourselves the harshest. You’re at the least completely normal. Now pants off so we can get started with you.”
Your face flamed harshly at the combined semi-compliment and innuendo but dropped your waistband from your hips.
“Sit.” He ordered, nodding to a bench. You walked over to it shyly, and he plopped down next to you.
“Leg” he said, patting his lap. Does this man even know what he’s doing to me? You hesitantly raised a leg to drape over his thighs. A warm, calloused palm rested on your shin.
“Pay attention. This is how much you use” he said, dipping two fingers in the jar. The tips came out covered in the clear gel-like cream, jiggling slightly on his fingers with the vibration of his next words “And this what a muscle massage should feel like when overexertion happens” he explained.
Warm hands cupped your ankle and knee, bending your leg so he had better access to your calf. Your breath hitched at the contact.
“Wait!” you squeaked. I must be really hell bent on cockblocking myself you thought, annoyed at your mouth. Zoro paused, looking at you with a raised brow.
“Uh… I took the medicine, right? So would I really be able to feel what it’s like to massage it when the pain is dulled?”
He furrowed his brow in thought.
“It shouldn’t be too different. Really, the aim of this is to increase the blood flow to the area, so when the pain is dulled, it should be easier to accept the harder pressure. Of course, you don’t want to bruise the area, but that shouldn’t be a problem. When the medicine wears off, just massage however feels best, either a harder pressure or a lighter one.”
Shit. There goes my excuse.
“Oh. Okay. G-go ahead then” you muttered. You were sure your blush was prominent, and you self-consciously wrapped your arms around your thigh, determined to focus only on how he was doing the massage and NOT on the growing arousal between your legs. Even though you watched his fingers cup your calf, you still flinched at the cold of the gel. You hissed in a breath through your teeth. Zoro immediately paused, looking at you questioningly.
“It’s cold” you said quickly. He grunted and resumed spreading the gel on the bare skin of your calf gently.
“It’s easier to spread out the stuff first like a lotion. It’s kinda oily, which makes it perfect for massaging” he explained quietly. You hummed, watching raptly as his fingers cupped your calf gently, your mind straying into much less-innocent thoughts. His hands are so warm, I wonder how they’d feel stretching me out. Maybe he’d have me suck on them while he was- STOP. NO. FOCUS.
“Flex your foot up” he instructed. You looked at him questioningly as you did so. He caught your gaze and explained, “I need to know where the most painful parts are first, and it’s a lot easier to do when the muscle is firmer.”
You nodded in understanding, watching his fingers prod over different areas. You winced when he found a particularly sore spot, and his fingers lowered their pressure.
“Relax your foot down” he said, gaze focused on his hands. You followed instructions, a little confused. He began to massage the area that was so sore, having followed the shift of your muscles with his index finger. You flinched and let out a little moan of pain as he dug into the area with a knuckle, dragging it vertically over the area.
“I know. It’ll feel better in a moment. Just gotta get used to it” he muttered.
“Now I really want to kill you” you muttered, flinching slightly again as his knuckle dug into your calf. He snorted.
“Yeah? I could be doing this when you’re standing. That would really hurt” he threatened.
“I think you’d just end up giving me bruises - ow - if you did that” you scoffed.
“Wouldn’t be nearly as fun giving you bruises that way” he muttered under his breath. You looked at him. What on earth did he mean by that?
“What?” you asked. A faint blush tinged Zoro’s cheeks, as if he realized his words were spoken aloud.
“Uh. Sparring. Bruises from sparring” he said hurriedly. You rolled your eyes.
“And here I thought I finally annoyed you enough to want to whack me.”
He gave a particularly hard rub over your calf and you winced with a hiss of pain.
“Not yet” he smirked at you. You stuck your tongue out at him, and he chuckled.
“Flex your foot again. This area is done” he said in lieu of a reply. You sighed. This was going to be long and torturous. Hopefully just like his – STOP. NO.
175 notes · View notes
ask-sister-solaris · 5 months
I can’t find the master list thing I did so a new one IG:
My commissions are open! Here’s my Ko-Fi
For now I am only doing busts of OCs and canon characters. Doing full bodies took a toll on my mental health, though I might do waist up if you ask nicely /hj
𝐏𝐟𝐩 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠: @kabukiaku
NSFW asks now open! Now I’m officially 18 and have full control of my account.
Things I won’t do:
- incest
- r@pe
- sexual assault/harassment
- non con
- pedophilia
Ghost Band
Tumblr media
- Primo
- Secondo
- Terzo
Aftermath with Terzo
“Amore mio your as beautiful as the day I met you”
“See something you like amore?”
“Now and forever Amore”
“I’m always here amore”
- Copia / Frater Imperator
Copia with an s/o that’s practically a soundboard
Copia meets your friends
Copias chaos!ghoul
Copia Confessing to you
Copia X buff!reader
Antichrist Copia
“Stay with me”
First meeting copia (he gets aroused)
“I’ll never leave Amore”
“Choose to run away with me?”
Dracopia Angst
“SOS he’s in disguise”
“Love me, Love me, Love me, Love me”
Copia with a buff!reader
RHRN Copia angst
RHRN: Don’t you forget about your friend death
“Lucifer, whispering silently into your mind”
“Eyes on me Cara Mia” (18+ MDNI)
- most of the ghouls
- ocs
- Young Nihil
“No your never alone”
“Satanas your beautiful”
“Just wanna be with Chu in the moonlight”
- Mixed Headcanons
Touch starved s/o
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- Ray Stantz
“Back off she’s a scientist and my girlfriend”
“It’s ok we can fight it one little bite at a time”
“Wait me?”
- Peter Venkman
“He’s a slime ball”
- Egon Spengler (my beloved)
“It’s called a floor nap”
“What. Just. Happened”
“What’s Up Doc?”
“Spengs got a date before Venkman”
“Baby Fever”
“How can you just…stand there?”
“Your arts amazing”
“Your doing good, I’m proud”
“I promise your ok dove”
“Breath with me dove”
“Radio Static”
“Don’t you dare fucking leave me again”
“Peppered Kisses”
“You messed with the wrong scientist”
“I told you so..are you crying?”
- Winston
- Phoebe Spengler
- Old man Egon
“See you again”
- Old man Ray
- Old man Peter
- Old Man Winston
- Polyamory with the ghostbusters
“I promise you’ll be safe with us”
“We love you, and each other”
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- Sal Stantz (Ghostbusters)
- Janet Venkman (Ghostbusters)
- Violet Brett (Ghostbusters)
- Green Diamond (Steven Universe)
- Plum Diamond (Steven Universe)
- Queen Bee/Janet Carter (BATIM)
- Sei Emeritus/Papa V (Ghost Band OC)
- Sen Morrison (Later Emeritus) (Ghost Band OC)
- Ophelia (One Piece OC)
Baby Boom
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- Steven Buchner (Harold Ramis’ character)
"Lets just focus on the dinner..and us"
Steven Universe
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- Pearl
- Garent
- Amethyst
- White, Yellow and Blue Diamond
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- currently nobody romantically
- most of the characters platonically
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One Piece:
I haven’t seen a lot of it but I’ll be writing as I watch.
- Monkey D Luffy.
- Rorona Zoro
- Nami
- Usopp
- Sanji
- Buggy The Clown Pirate
- Smoker
- Ace
- Princess Vivi
- Chopper (in a platonic way)
- Dracule Mihawk
Live action:
- Dracule Mihawk
- Buggy The Clown
“I promise I’ll do better”
- Vinsmoke Sanji
“Kitty Claws”
- Shanks
- Zoro
- Nami
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Part 1:
- Jonathan Joestar
- Dio Brando
- Erina Pendleton
Part 2:
- Joseph Joestar
- Caesar Zepelli
Part 3:
- Jotaro Kujo
- Old Joseph Joestar
- Old Caesar Zepelli (AU where he’s alive)
- Noriaki Kakyoin
- Jean Pierre Polnareff
- Muhammad Avdol
Part 4:
- Josuke Higashikata
- Nijimura Okuyasu
- Rohan Kishibe
- Older Jotaro Kujo
- Older Noriaki Kakyoin (AU where he didn’t die)
Part 5:
None as of yet, as I haven’t watched it.
Part 6:
- Jolyne Kujo
- Old man Jotaro Kujo (again fuck canon he doesn’t die)
- old man Noriaki Kakyoin (fuck it he doesn’t die)
Live action Part 4:
- Jotaro Kujo
- Nijimaru Okuyasu
- Josuke Higashikata
- Koichi Hirose
Doki Doki Precure:
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- Mana Aida/Cure Heart
- Aguri Madoka/Cure Ace
- Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond
- Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword
- Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta
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Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
Shredder/Oroku Saki
April O’Neil
Casey Jones
Casey Jones JR.
Bayverse Movies
Shredder/Oroku Saki
Casey Jones
That’s it..
41 notes · View notes
thegreatcaptainusopp · 9 months
The Seer
Ao3 Link
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Prophet of Lies
“How’s it looking, doc?” Usopp jokes weakly as he feels Chopper step away from him.
Chopper hasn’t said anything to him as he looked at his injury: unwound his bandages, poked, muttered softly to himself, dabbed something on the wound, rebound the bandages. But he’d said nothing, just worked in complete silence.
Usopp had tried not to let that make him nervous, but it did. It really, really did.
“It’s looking…okay,” Chopper says, and Usopp can practically feel his stare boring into his face. “They took pretty good care of your injury. I’m not seeing any signs of infection, so I just changed it out and put on some ointment. Antibiotics’ll probably be a good idea for this too, so I’ll put you on a course. And you’ll need rest and food too.”
“Okay,” Usopp says. “What about…you know. My vision? What can we do about that?”
“Usopp…” Chopper begins hesitatingly, and Usopp interrupts him.
“I don’t care if it takes forever,” He says, hoping the desperation isn’t too clear in his voice. “I’m willing to, you know. Do whatever it takes to bring it back. Surgery, anything. You name it, I’ll do it.”
“Usopp,” Chopper says again, then stops. He hears the scrape of a stool on the wooden floor, and then feels Chopper grasp at his hand. “Usopp,” Chopper repeats, and there’s a trembling resolve in his voice. “I’m so sorry. There’s nothing I can do about this.”
Usopp’s mouth goes dry. “But,” He squeaks. “But…but you’re Chopper. You’re the best doctor ever and you’re going to cure all disease and you…and you…”
He hears Chopper’s breath hiccup. The hoof on his arm is shaking. “I know,” Chopper says, voice breaking. “I know. I’m sorry. I know. But this…Usopp, this I can’t fix. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Usopp can’t….he can’t…
“I don’t understand,” He says. “I…you…what do I do? How do I…how do I get it back?”
The hoof squeezes him harder. “You can’t, Usopp,” Chopper trembles out. “Your sight…it’s gone. The connections of your nerves to your eyes are completely severed. Your eyes themselves are destroyed. They won’t work again. I’m so, so sorry. I promised you, I promised the others…but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Usopp shakes his head. “I was…” he says, and then stops. The words just won’t come.
How…what is he going to do? The only way he’d gotten through his time on the Vance ship was that he’d known Chopper could fix this. But now…but now…
Usopp can’t do this. He can’t.
He shakes Chopper off his arm, bringing them to his face. He hides into his hands, craving the darkness for once. “Leave please,” He whispers, trying his absolute best not to scream.
He can hear Chopper’s hesitance. “Usopp…?”
“Leave,” He whispers into his hands. “Please.”
He hears Chopper whisper an “okay,” before the stool scrapes again, and seconds after that the door gently clicks shut.
Usopp turns on the cot, curling into a ball. The scream finally emerges into his hands.
Slowly, it tapers off, and Usopp just…floats into his thoughts. Into the nothingness of the darkness in his head and out of it.
Sanji doesn’t know what to do.
He hadn’t known what to do when Chopper emerged, teary-eyed, from his office, and let everyone know that there was nothing he could do, that Usopp’s sight was permanently gone. He hadn’t known what to do when Luffy whirled around at the news, shoulders shaking, and stormed off, nor when the Marimo hurried after their captain. He hadn’t even known what to do when Nami-San burst into tears, nor when Robin-Chan immediately enveloped her in a hug.
All he knows to do is stand there, uselessly fidgeting with his lighter. The helpless feeling that had dogged him since Vance first attacked the ship, when he’d done…whatever it was he’d done, and brought Sanji down to his knees. It’s like he’d never recovered from that: always on his back foot, always struggling against the current, drowning in his lack of action.
And still, he stands there, just watching.
He practically jumps out of his skin, turns to find Chopper watching him. His eyes fill, but don’t spill over. “What can I do?” He asks immediately.
Chopper wipes away at his eyes. “Usopp doesn’t want to s—talk to me right now,” He says. “But he still needs looking after. Can you…can you make him something, some broth, and bring it to him, please? He needs to start getting proper nutrition.”
Finally. This is something Sanji can do. “Yeah,” He says, already turning around. “I’ll do that now.”
He runs off to the galley, head full of plans and prep and before he knows it, he’s standing in front of Chopper’s office, hand hesitant over the doorknob.
Do your job, he tells himself, and twists the knob open.
Usopp, lying on the cot, reacts instantly at the sound, sitting up in place. “Who’s there?” He asks nervously, cocking his head.
It’s all Sanji can do not to gasp. He hasn’t seen Usopp since he was taken, hasn’t seen him injured, and it’s hard to see. The bandages around Usopp’s eyes are hard to look at, and his eyes refuse to linger on them. What are they doing to do about this? How the hell is he going to help?
“It’s me,” He says finally, shutting the door gently. “I’ve brought you some broth. It tastes good, I promise.”
“Sanji,” Usopp breathes out. His hands twitch on the cot. “It’s good to hear your voice.”
Sanji’s breathing hitches. “Good to have you back,” He replies, heading towards Usopp. He taps Usopp’s hand, then lifts the bowl to it. He pushes a spoon into Usopp’s other hand. “You got this?”
Usopp’s hand close around the items, awkwardly fumbling them into a comfortable position. “Yeah,” He says, “I got it. Thanks.”
He sits there, holding the bowl and spoon, but doesn’t move more. “Come on,” Sanji says. “I made that special for you. Don’t waste it, or…”
He trails off.
“Or what?” Usopp says, an empty smile spreading across his face. “You’ll beat me up?”
“I might,” Sanji says. He’s never felt so off-kilter in his life, but he’s going to try. For Usopp. “We don’t waste food on this ship.”
Somehow, that works. Usopp starts to slowly spoon the broth into his mouth. “Thanks,” He says.
Sanji hovers awkwardly, then lowers himself onto a chair near the cot. “Anytime,” He replies.
They sit there, silence suffusing them, as Usopp slowly gets through the food. It settles something inside Sanji’s stomach, seeing that. That’s something fixed. If he can do anything, it’s make sure that everyone has all the nutrition that they need.
Suddenly, Usopp’s spoon clatters back into the bowl. “Shit,” He gasps out, and Sanji leaps forward to save the bowl. “I can’t believe I…I forgot…”
“What is it?” Sanji says frantically, getting closer, peering at Usopp’s face. “Do you need me to get Chopper?”
“No,” Usopp says, then lifts his hands, dropping them on Sanji’s forearms. “I forgot to tell you guys about Vance. You need to know.”
Sanji grabs Usopp’s elbows in return. “Know what?”
“Vance,” Usopp says, and Sanji feels a pulse of anger in his gut at the name. “He’s crazy. He thinks there’s some sort of…substance, he said? Out there that’ll get rid of people’s devil fruits. Everyone’s in danger. We need to tell the others.”
Sanji nods, before realizing that Usopp can’t see it. “Okay,” He says. “We can do that.”
“And,” Usopp says. He hesitates, then squeezes Sanji’s forearms. “That’s why he wanted me there. Because…because he thinks I have, like…visions? And that my stories I tell, they come true? And…the thing is. I think…I think he might be right? I told some stories, recently, that felt…different, and I’ve had some stories that came true…”
Sanji blows out a small breath. “Yeah,” He says, hesitant. “We knew about that part. We got some info about why they came after you, and, well,” He taps on Usopp’s elbow. “We already. We already knew about the stories. Like, from the beginning.”
He feels Usopp tense. “What?”
Sanji wishes Usopp could see his face, read the cues there. “Yeah,” He says. “I mean. Anyone who listened to you tell your stories could find out. And we all listen to your stories. We noticed.”
Usopp sucks in a sharp breath. “You did?” He asks, quiet.
“Yeah,” Sanji says. “We all knew, we just never…talked about it.” He shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Usopp. Maybe we should’ve, I don’t know. But that was just…part of you, part of the Usopp package. We all just kinda rolled with it.”
Usopp shakes his head. “Did everyone know about this but me?”
“We all believe in you,” Sanji says. “Always have.”
Usopp sniffles. “That’s why,” He says. “My eyes. You know. Vance said that that’s how he could trigger the stories…the visions. If I didn’t rely on my eyes, I could…”
Sanji’s the one who tenses this time. “This…this was on purpose?” He asks. “Vance did this to you?”
“Yeah,” Usopp says quietly. He starts to slowly pull away. “That’s what he said.”
“I’ll kill him,” Sanji promises, as Usopp’s arms slip out of his grasp.
“No,” Usopp says. “I didn’t mean to-no. I just meant…I need to tell everyone. Vance is dangerous and he’ll do whatever it takes to get rid of devil fruits. He’ll probably come after me. Everyone needs to know so we can be ready for them. Can you do that? Please?”
“Okay,” Sanji says. He gently lifts his arms back to himself. “I’ll tell everyone. We’ll still kill him, though.”
Usopp mouth twitches into an almost-smile. “Well,” He says. “I guess I wouldn’t be too mad about that.”
“You’re damn right you wouldn’t,” Sanji says, an answering smile growing on his face.
Usopp’s face drops again. “Sanji?” He asks. “Can you also tell Chopper I’m not mad at him? It’s not his fault or anything, I just…I’m still kind of…you know.”
“Sure,” Sanj says. “I understand. You know. Considering.”
“And…” Usopp says. “Can you tell Luffy to come? After you tell everyone what we talked about? I need to talk to him too.”
“Yeah,” Sanji says, standing up. “I’ll go do that now.” He takes a deep breath. “And, Usopp?”
“Yeah?” Usopp says, head turned in his general direction.
“I’m sorry,” Sanji says. “For everything.”
Usopp’s breath hitches. “Me too,” He says.
It doesn’t take too long for Luffy to show up.
Usopp had thought he’d had time. He needed the time to build his resolve, to strengthen it. He was going to need all the stubbornness and strength left in him to approach this conversation. Luffy is the scariest opponent he is ever going to face, and that’s why he had needed time to prepare to talk to him.
Sanji must’ve really kicked everyone into gear, because it feels like almost no time has passed between Sanji’s departure and the door bursting back open. “Usopp?” He hears, and it’s the sound of his captain, finally.
Despite everything, the sound makes him want to cry. “Luffy!” He says, reaching his arms out.
Luffy is not like Franky, not like Chopper, not like Sanji. He doesn’t treat Usopp like he’s going to break. Instead, Usopp hears him break into a run, and then lets out an ooof as a body collides with his. Limbs, long and rubbery, twirl around his torso and squeeze tight.
“Usopp!” Luffy practically shouts, right above Usopp’s ear. “We missed you!”
Usopp body hurts, but he tries to squeeze back just as hard. “I missed you too,” He chokes out.
“Sanji told us everything,” Luffy says, tone suddenly dropping. “I’m sorry Usopp. You shouldn’t have been hurt like that. I’ll never let anything like that happen ever again.”
Usopp squeezes him even tighter. “It’s not your fault,” He says. “But, Luffy. I need to talk to you about something, okay? It’s serious.”
At this, he feels Luffy unwind himself from around Usopp, ending up curled up right next to him. “Okay,” He says. “What is it?”
Usopp takes a deep breath. Resolve, He tells himself. “Where are we headed to now?”
“Oh,” Luffy says. “Camie is taking us to this place. An island or something. Sabaody? It’ll take us to Fishman Kingdom!”
Usopp nods. “Okay,” He says. “I want to ask you for your permission for something.”
Luffy’s voice sounds confused. “For what?”
Resolve. “When we get to Sabaody,” He says. “I’m going to ask your permission to leave the ship”
There’s silence for a moment. “You don’t need my permission for that,” Luffy says. “I think everyone will want to leave the ship to go to Sabaody to see-I mean, you know, to explore. Even if you still don’t feel well I could carry you around.”
“No,” Usopp says. Resolve. “That’s not what I meant. I meant…to leave the ship. Leave the crew.”
The silence this time is shocked. “What?” Luffy says. “What do you mean, leave the crew?”
“Everything’s different now,” Usopp says. “I can’t…you know. Do a lot of things that I used to do before. So it’s time for me to leave. To move on.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Luffy says. “I know you’re hurting, and that what happened to you is really bad. But that doesn’t mean you leave. That means you need to stay even more, so we can help you figure out what to do next.”
Resolve. “No,” Usopp says. “Luffy, listen. I want you to listen to me, okay? Things are different now, and they always will be. I’m not like you, or Zoro, or Sanji. Everything about me, everything I do, relies completely on my sight. I’m a sniper, and that means I use my sight. My work on engineering, or even repairs: that’s all sight based, I need to see to do that. And even my art-” And here his voice cracks, oh god in never gonna draw again I’m never gonna see color again I’m never gonna see the sunset. “That’s all based on my sight. You have to understand. Everything that I do on this ship? I can’t do it anymore.”
“So we adapt,” Luffy says, and Usopp feels him lean in further. Their knees touch. “We adapt your role here. But you can’t give up on us! You can’t give up on the Brave Warrior of the Sea!”
“What about the Pirate King?” Usopp says, voice rising. “World’s Greatest Swordsman? Map of the World? All Blue? Curing every Disease? The True History? Sailing the World? Laboon? All of them matter too. And with me here, they’ll all be held back. I can’t do that. I can’t hold anyone back.”
Luffy voice rises too. “You won’t!” He says. “All of those dreams are still alive, no matter what. We can help you and achieve our dreams. And the Brave Warrior of the Sea is just as important as any of the others. I won’t let you give up on him!”
“But I can’t be your sniper!” Usopp says, yelling now. “I can’t protect you, I can’t fight with you! I can’t do my job here, the reason I’m here at all. Why would you even want to keep me around?”
“I didn’t bring you to be my sniper!” Luffy yells back. “You didn’t even become my sniper until you were already on my crew. I wanted you with us for you, not for the sniper. You were the recruit. I don’t care about the job. You can be our storyteller now, you already were anyway. None of those are good reasons to leave,” And here, Luffy’s voice breaks. “Again. Why would you want to leave again? We just got you back.”
Despite all his efforts, Usopp feels the resolve start to leak out of him. “I can’t hold you back,” He repeats, dropping to a whisper. “I can’t be a burden on you all. That would be the worst thing in the world.”
“You aren’t,” Luffy says. “Look. I’m gonna ask you this and you have to answer honestly, okay. Do you want to leave? Because if you promise me that you really want to leave, I’ll let you go. I won’t get in the way. Is this what you actually want?”
Usopp swallows. His throat clicks. He opens his mouth, pulling on his resolve for the yes.
Nothing comes out.
“See?” Luffy says. He must lean forward further, because Usopp feels his forehead bonk against his shoulder. “You don’t want to go. So don’t! We’ll figure this out together. Your dream can stay too. It’ll be ok. I promise. It’ll all be ok.”
All the preparation in the world wouldn’t, couldn’t, have prepared him for Luffy. All the resolve he could have ever had is not strong enough to face him. Luffy can reach right into his heart and pull out the truth, every single time.
Usopp’s voice quivers. “I’ll try,” He says. “I promise I’ll try. But if I can’t be useful anymore…”
“We’ll see,” Luffy says. “We can talk about it. But you just being you is enough for me.” He moves his forehead off Usopp’s shoulder, and Usopp feels him rustle around. “Here,” He says, and Usopp feels something touch his head.
He knows what this is. “No!” He says frantically, lifting his hands up, blocking Luffy’s. “Don’t do that. Please don’t do that. I don’t…I don’t deserve that. Please.”
Luffy’s voice is steady. “Usopp,” He says. “I need you to look after this for me for now, okay? It’s really good at helping you find your dreams. Protect yours and protect mine too. I’m trusting you, okay?”
Despite everything, despite him trying to leave again, despite Water 7 still echoing in both their heads…Luffy still trusts him with his most important thing. How can he say no to that? How can he deny him this?
Usopp’s arms drop, and he feels Luffy complete the action, and place the straw hat firmly on his head.
“There,” Luffy says, sounding satisfied. “You trust us? Then trust us to get through this. Together.”
Usopp loses his final bit of resolve. His head drops, overwhelmed with all the trust and love and respect of his captain. “Yeah,” He chokes through his tears. “Okay. Yeah, we will.”
“Are you sure about this?” Sanji asks, hands in his pockets, walking through the greenery of Sabaody. “We have a lot we need to plan for.”
“Yup!” Luffy chirps, throwing his hands behind his hatless head. He’d emerged from Chopper’s office a few hours before they arrived at Saboady without his hat. Nobody had commented. “The best thing to do would be to move forward anyway. Vance won’t find us if he can’t reach us!”
“Still,” Sanji says, pulling his cigarettes out of his pocket. “According to Usopp, the guy’s crazy. He’s gonna keep gunning for him, so we need to be ready in case they reach us. And we’re gonna have to decide what we’re going to do about him in the long term.”
“Easy,” the Marimo says. “We kill him.”
He has the same look in his eyes that he’d had when Sanji had told the crew about the reason behind Usopp’s injuries: eyes flat and dangerous, promising pain.
Sanji, irritated that he’d had the same initial reaction, snaps at him. “Idiot,” He says. “We need a real plan, here. Something we can be ready for.”
Luffy shrugs. “Not really,” He says. “We just keep going. If they find us, we fight them, and we win. And if we need to make sure they don’t after us again, well…” He trails off. “I promised Usopp it wouldn’t happen again. So I’ll make sure it won’t.”
“We need to make sure he doesn’t wander off by himself for a while,” Sanji muses. “I don’t think he’ll be up to it, but just in case…”
“I’ll stay with him,” the Marimo offers, and Sanji snorts.
“What, so you both end up on the North Blue?” He says. “Have you even been to see him yet?”
The Marimo shoots him a dark look. It was true: he hadn’t actually seen Usopp since they brought him back. Chopper didn’t want too many people to go in and overwhelm him. Even now, when Luffy had declared that the three of them were going to scope out Sabaody, only Robin-Chan was allowed in the room. She had kindly come in with a book, clearly intending to read it to him. She was truly an angel. “Shut up,” the Marimo says, through gritted teeth.
“So where do you think we can go to coat the ship?” Luffy says, completely ignoring their conversation. “We’ll need someone to help us get to Fishman Island too. Do you think Camie and them would come with us?”
“Maybe,” Sanji says thoughtfully. “She would be more than welcome to stay with us! I think we’ll need to go sooner rather than later, though. This place is just…”
He trails off. There were many pirates here, pirates that are all clearly a level above the rest, darkly dangerous. And the people wander around with looks of resigned fear on their faces. Something is off, Sanji thinks, About this place.
“Luffy,” the Marimo says, calmly, dangerously.
Sanji turns. He had stopped a little further away, staring at a newspaper stand, a frown on his face. “You need to see this,” the swordsman says, gesturing to Luffy.
Their captain bounds towards the stall, Sanji close behind. What does that idiot want? Sanji grumbles to himself as he approaches. We need to keep movi-
He freezes.
There, at the front page of all the newspapers, is a familiar face, kneeling down and looking stone faced at the camera. Fire Fist Ace To Be Executed blares out from every headline.
Sanji sucks in a breath. “Luffy,” He says softly, then stops. What more can he say than that?
Luffy is rooted in place, staring at the newspaper. His eyes dart to the page, reading the entire article. “Oi,” the shopkeeper barks at them. “Are you going to buy anything?”
Luffy ignores him, and keeps reading.
The shopkeeper continues to grumble as Luffy looks back up at the two of them. The twinkle of adventure in his eyes is gone, replaced with a stony expression. “We need to help him,” He says.
“No arguments here,” The Marimo responds. His hands twitch towards his swords.
“None here either,” Sanji says grimly. “What’s the plan?”
Luffy whirls around, heading back towards the direction of the ship. “The newspaper said he’s in prison now,” He says. “So we go there. We break in and get him out. And if he’s already out,” A shadow passes over his face. “Then we go to the execution platform and get him out that way.”
Sanji jogs after his captain. “How do you want us to get in?” He asks. “And who should go? I don’t know if Usopp will be able to-”
“Yeah,” Luffy says. “We’ll ask him what he can handle. We’ll need someone to protect the ship anyway. So maybe…maybe we can do that. But the article said we don’t have much time, and we need to make it to Impel Down before-”
“Excuse me,”
A voice interrupts them: old, cracking, curious. Sanji turns to see an old man with long, white hair and glasses. Despite his age, he carries himself with a casual power. “Did you say Impel Down?”
Usopp clutches onto the hat on his head for dear life.
There’s something about it, something that’s reaching at the darkness behind his bandages. Something like light.
He released the grip on his hat, softly tapping the rim, once, twice. Without warning, a choked sob emerges from his mouth.
“Usopp?” He hears Robin’s voice: calm, concerned. “Are you all right?”
He shudders. “Yeah,” He says, clutching at the hat again. “Yeah. I’m fine. I’m…”
Do your job. He thinks. It’s time. Be brave. Be brave.
“Yes, Usopp?” He hears her voice draw closer. “What do you need?”
“Can you help me go outside?” He says. “I think it’s time I figure out how to start navigating the ship.”
He hears the smile in Robin’s voice as she grips his arm. “Of course,” She says. “Let’s get Chopper to clear you.”
Usopp brings down one hand on top of hers. “Thank you,” He says, taking careful steps out into the world outside.
Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
13 notes · View notes
the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Deicide (20805 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth
catch up here Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Rewrite, Wano Arc (One Piece) Spoilers, Possession, straw hat pirates polycule, Action/Adventure, Power of Friendship, Established Relationship, Kaidou Lives, basil hawkins lives, caesar clown joins the straw hats, Nefertari Vivi is a Member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Smart Monkey D. Luffy, Cuddly Monkey D. Luffy, Drinking, curing the SMILE fruit pleasures, Medical Procedures, POV Multiple, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, giving secondary characters actual screentime
Summary: In the aftermath of the raid on Onigashima Luffy is hearing the voice of a god, and he wants it out of his head. The path to the One Piece is a course that can only be charted by those who agree to join together as friends and fight without taking the easy way out.
Law already knew that Kid was not the patient type, and he obviously wasn't willing to be now. He'd watched the other captain grudgingly sit through dinner with them, and then Kid had immediately pulled him aside to look at Killer and his situation. 
Law had told Luffy to make certain to tell both Caesar and Chopper to catch up with him soon. He’d need their expertise, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell an increasingly irritated Captain Kid to hold on while he grabbed them.
Besides, he couldn’t help but be curious. The SMILE Fruits were a curse, a gamble that sucked no matter which way it turned out, sold by Doflamingo to men desperate for the power of a devil fruit without the means to get the numbers they desired of the real thing.
The side effects were horrific and if you’d gone by the initial assessments— .permanent, terminal even. But if there was a chance of reverting it he couldn’t pass it up. Not for his oath as a doctor, and not for his curiosity as a scientist.
So he’d followed Kid along with his arms folded over his chest. “This might take time, Kid.” 
"Believe me when I say I haven't got anything else on my schedule," he said gruffly. The tatami screen rattled as Kid shoved it aside, leaning him into the room where Killer was resting. 
The masked man looked up as they entered. He seemed to have been arranging mahjong tiles in some kind of pattered, and as he saw them enter he smothered a giggle.
Law could feel the tension in the air as Kid shouldered his way in.
"Killer. Trafalgar's going to look you over. We might be able to do something about the effects of the SMILE fruit."
“Good to see you again, Killer.” Law nodded to him as he sauntered into the room and looked him over. “I’d ask how you’re feeling but I’ve got a pretty good idea.” 
"Oh I'm fantastic, doc," he said, smothering another giggle. "Just give it to me straight when you have the info. I'll try not to be a terrible patient."
Carefully, Killer disengaged the latches on his masked helm and slipped it off. Thick locks of golden blond hair cascades downward and the way his bangs covered his eyes only made the twisted smile that was pulled across his face even more obvious and bizarre. 
Kid let out a huff of breath from where he lurked in the corner, but didn't take his eyes off the scene.
“If you are, I’ll just switch your heart into a better patient’s body for a little while.” Law drawled, before he paced forward to look at him carefully. “I need to confirm something.” 
Killer nodded. "Alright…."
“Try not to smile. Tell me your feelings when you try to maintain a sober expression.” Law pointed at him.
Tears beaded at the edges of Killer's eyes, and if anything his smile got even larger.
"Not to be a baby or anything, but it kinda hurts. Pretty funny, right? They say it hurts to smile– more like it hurts not to." He started giggling again and immediately went to cover his face. Before he did, however, Law noticed the way the muscles of his face were twitching and spasming.
The aura of despair and rage from Kid's corner of the room was palpable.
“....” Law crossed his arms. “...they really are a curse. Worse than the damn Devil Fruits ever were.”
He knelt beside him and held up his hand. 
“I’m gonna fix this. Just need to find the trick to it. If it’s just impacting the body and not the ‘heart’, then extracting it should be possible for my awakened op-op power.” 
Giggling, Killer put a hand over his chest. "The heart, huh?"
Kid thumped the support beam of the wall. "It didn't change his damned heart," he hissed. "It couldn't have. He's still– he's still Killer, I know it."“I know, Kid.” Law looked over his shoulder “which is why I think it’s possible. Keep your temper in check, okay?”
He looked at Killer for a long moment. “It's just a matter of learning what to extract. If I pull the wrong pieces of you out, the damage could be much worse.” 
"My body's your playground," Killer said, giggling and holding up his hands. "What have I got to lose? I'm not afraid to die."
"Tch." The one small noise from Kid in the corner said all it needed to. He was the one who was afraid.
“Your captain’ll shoot me in the back if I fuck up,” Law drawled with a wry smile, “and I’m not keen on wasting the energy to dodge myself out of the way. Don’t worry. You’ll live, that’s my doctor’s oath.”
He held out his hand. “The question is this, Killer— how is a SMILE absorbed? Is it the same as a devil fruit? Or is it as flawed as the rest of its makeup?” 
"And you can find that out, right?" Kid said, not refuting Law's comment in the least. "By looking inside his body? Or do we need to wait for the clown and the reindeer to show up."
“I’m going to take a look,” Law said. “Clown and Chopper will show up soon enough to lend their expertise.”
WIth a twist of his fingers he activated his power. “Room.” 
Chopper cheerfully sorted through the medicine chests he’d begun to stockpile during their adventure on the land of Wano. Some was gifted by local doctors and grateful patients, some purchased with the copious rewards they’d been given, and some simply found through gathering outside the Flower Capital’s limits.
It was amazing. Wano was a beautiful country, and its medical practices were so different from what he’d grown up used to. Different herbs, different antibiotics, different plants to be mixed and methods to mix them. He’d gathered a veritable stockpile all for the Straw Hat crew when they set sail.
Currently, he was sorting packets of medicinal balls with a big smile on his face. “I wonder if I can make them taste a little sweeter…”
The door behind him slid open and there was a little knock on the frame.
"Yoohooo, oh Doctor Chopper…."
It was the familiar cooing of his recently acquired assistant, Caesar.
Chopper turned with a wide smile, holding up the medicine balls in his hands. “Dr. Clown! Look at these! I made them myself with local plants!” 
He couldn’t hold back his excitement, the absolute joy of having nailed down the local science. 
Caesar glanced at them with what Chopper hoped was appreciation, clasping his hands together.
"How quant… and ah, self-sufficiently practical!" he declared, with an uptick of enthusiasm. He floated into the room, and leaned in, giving one of the medicine balls a sniff. HIs lips twisted as he smelled it.
“I’m thinking of adding sugar to them.” Chopper helpfully added. 
"Yes, that might… help," Caesar admitted, pulling away and waving his hand over his nose. "As long as it doesn't neutralize the absorption of any of the other ingredients, obviously."
“Obviously!” Chopper nodded seriously with a wide smile “Will you help me test them, Caesar?”
He looked up at the man with his wide and expressive eyes, and his best smile “I think they’ll make a great addition to our office on the Sunny! Wano’s got a fascinating medical culture!”
"Fascinating I'll agree with," he nodded, tugging on his gloves. "They've certainly made the most of their barbaric, closed off backwater, haven't they? By the by, have you seen Law? I heard we were supposed to do something about that little difficulty with the off-label SMILE fruit usage."
“....” Chopper rubbed the back of his neck. “Last time I heard he was kissing the Captain…but they shoulda finished by now. You know?”
He wasn’t quite sure if ‘barbaric’ was the choice of word he’d personally use, but sometimes— always…Caesar was just kind of like that. 
"Well I suppose there's no telling how long something like that would take," Caesar said, stroking his chin. "But I hate to waste the time. You don't happen to have any of the poor unfortunates lying around here that we could experiment on in the meantime, do you?"
“Well…..” Chopper tilted his head to the side with a pensive huff, tapping his hoof on the ground. “there’s the people from Ebisu…a bunch of them are in town to discuss treatment…” 
"Fantastic!" Caesar declared. He picked up the travel medical bag in one arm, and Chopper by the back of his collar in his other arm. "Let's go pay them a visit!"
“Y–yeeeeeep!!” Chopper squeaked as he was hiked up by the scruff of his neck “Caesar!!!”
"Whoops, sorry about that, doctor!" He grinned over-wide, and carefully tucked Chopper in the crook of his elbow instead. He turned a sickly sweet expression on him. "Better?"
Chopper huffed softly as he hung in the crook of Caesar’s arm, feeling the flush of mild embarrassment roll through him. “...yeah, but if the patients call me cute for this I’m gonna be cross.” 
"You soften my image, though, doctor," he cooed as he strode out of the room.. "I'm too intimidating sometimes."
Chopper looked up at him with a tilt of his head and a thoughtful “hmmmMMM”
“Yeah, your bedside manner’s always been a little rough, Doctor Caesar! But don’t worry!” he giggled. “I’m sweet enough for the both of us.” 
"Too true, Doctor Chopper, too true."
After the long examination, Law sat in the room smoking silent with Kid and Killer.
Law's abilities with the Op-op fruit let him cure a lot of maladies that would be otherwise incurable, including his own. Amber Lead Syndrome had been dangerous because the presence of the mineral in the body led to uncontrolled calcium production in the body's vain attempt to isolate the toxin. The more of the lead present, the faster the uncontrolled mineral production in the body. But even with very small amounts, the mineral production will build up sooner or later.
It was a destructive cycle. But one that could be mitigated simply by locating and removing the lead from the body. After that, there was nothing triggering the uncontrolled production, and what had been built up in the meantime could simply be removed as well.
The SMILE fruit's chemistry wasn't like that. Unlike the Amber Lead the makeup of the SMILE fruit was bound inseparably to other necessary chemicals in Killer's body. Law could remove them, but doing so would immediately cause his body to shut down and die from the lack of them.
It made it infinitely more complicated, rather like the topic of Devil Fruits minus the more esoteric details. Law frowned as he finished his examination.
“Do you want the bad news first or the good news?” 
Speaking at the same time, Kid said "bad news" and Killer said "good news."
They looked at one another, Killer shrugged, and giggled, and gestured at his captain. "Bad news it is."
“Good, because at the moment I don’t got any good news.” Law grumbled as he pushed his hair back “but I’m workin’ on it.”
He paused a moment to look Kid in the eyes. “It's not like some of the other conditions I’ve treated. I can’t just pull out the aspects of the SMILE from his body given the way they’ve bonded to his necessary functions. If I just pull out every trace of the chemical composition of the SMILE fruit’s unique makeup, he’ll die. Almost instantly.” 
"Fuck!" Kid slammed his hand on the floor and Killer winced.
Law felt the tension in the room as first mate and captain looked at one another.
It was like a knife. The last thing any doctor wanted to do, even a pirate doctor, was tell a patient the difficulty of the procedure…especially with such a low chance of success.
It reminded him of all those years ago when Cora…Rosi…had dragged him from hospital to hospital only to be told the same thing over and over. ‘There’s no hope, and no way to fix this’. 
Before he had found the words to break the silence, as if there were any, there was a sudden and jarring knock on the frame of the door as it was slid open.
"Hellloooooo, anybody in here? Law? Anybody?" Caesar stuck his head through the door. "I heard from the servants you were hanging out in here."
Law heard a throaty growl from Kid, which was immediately smothered as Killer put his hand on his captain's shoulder with an unfortunate giggle.
“Law?” Came Chopper’s high-pitched and cheerful voice as well “we were supposed to meet up for the Killer treatment! Can we come in?”
“GUGhghghghhhh” Law grit his teeth with a low grumble. “you …CLOWN , Caesar you gotta read the room, man!” 
"I did and it says 'guest room' on the plaque outside," Caesar said, stepping into the candle light. He dropped Chopper down to the floor and gave him a pat on the head. "Guess who just got back from a medical call? No need to guess, actually it's us! What have you been up to here?"
“We thought you were still kissing Captain Luffy!” Chopper chirped without a car as he landed on his hooves and dusted himself off. “So we’d wound up meeting with some of the pleasures and taking some samples to analyze together! But it looks like ya started without us…”
“Yeah uh, Kid didn’t wanna wait.” Law said as he gestured to Killer “I examined him as well. That fucking fruit of yours really did a number on him.”
He looked pointedly at Caesar. 
Caesar leaned in to look at Killer's face with an exaggerated grimace on his own.
"Yeeesh! So I see! I toooold everyone to wait for the final version but nooo," Caesar shook his head, gesticulating dramatically. "A 10% success rate was good enough for them, and damn the consequences! Well, here are the consequences."
Killer giggled at that. There was no telling whether or not he actually found it funny, but it was doubtful.
“And now the consequences are my fucking problem, Caesar.” Law jabbed his finger towards him “so why don’t you tell me exactly what goes into them, and how they bind to the internal chemistry of their host. I think I can pull it outta him, but I can’t kill him in the process!”
Chopper’s brow furrowed. “well..I mean….the issue is that it’s binding too closely with the natural body chemistry, right?” 
"Exactly!" Caesar said, giving Law a rather withering look. "I was just about to tell you my findings from the samples so there;s no need to get all shirty with me! It's not like we actually need to find a way to unbind them anyway! All we have to do is flush them out of the system while we introduce the correct chemical cocktail resupply to the body at the same time."
“Exactly!” Chopper echoed. He jumped up and down. “see? Like, the problem is the body starts shutting down. But if we reintroduce the chemical resupply as you remove it, Doctor Law, then we can keep the body alive until the SMILE’s influence is removed! We could even cure Gifters this way, though ah, the physical transformations would likely take some messing with.”
Law’s brow furrowed. “...that’s true. We can’t do it all at once, the body won’t be able to process it…but if we do it slowly with an IV drip and my power…” 
"I've already isolated the correct chemical cocktail for reintroduction," Caesar purred pridefully. "A simple matter after comparing the blood samples to the SMILE fruit's formulation."
Kid stood up all at once, crushing his burning cigarette in his hand. "So you're saying that you can do it. You can cure him?"
"Absolutely," Caesar nodded. "Why we could even do a chemical flush without Law's abilities but that would be ah, significantly more prolonged and painful. But doable."
“Tch.” Law crossed his arms “if we’re doing this we’re all doin’ it together. If we can mitigate suffering by making it a little faster than you’re gettin’ my help. I gave my word.”
“W-well yeah! That’s what we’re saying!” Chopper stomped his hoof. “We worked hard and WE isolated the correct chemical!”
He looked up at Caesar with a pout “I helped too!” 
Caesar put a hand on top of Chopper's hat and looked at him with a disgustingly sweet smile. "You were a huge asset to the project, Doctor Chopper. Indispensable. Like I was saying, we could do the whole thing without Law– but he couldn't do it without us."
Kid balled his fist. "Listen you three, I don't care who does it or how it happens. All I care about is that you fix what that poison did to my first mate. Or I will fucking lose my shit."
Law’s brow furrowed as his jaw set. The last thing he wanted was for fucking Caesar Clown to lord it over his head that the success of the operation was indispensable without him. Chopper he could take. Chopper was cute enough to let it pass. But Caesar brought back so many damned memories.
He took a deep breath and smiled grimly. This was the duty of a doctor, even when you wanted to punch a man’s face in. “Yeah. We’ll do it. Don’t worry , Kid.” 
Killer was giggling again, but this time his smile– however stretched it was– was probably genuine.
When Basil found Kid, the captain was squatted alone in a hallway, furiously puffing on an almost finished cigarette. There were several burned out cigarette butts on the floor next to him. He said nothing as Basil approached.
To say he hesitated wasn’t quite accurate…but Basil took a moment to regard the man as he rubbed the space where his arm once was, now replaced by a straw facsimile. Internally, the cards flipped and turned in an internal reading before he dismissed it.
He didn’t need to rely on the fates for this– this was a matter for men, and not cosmic calculations.
“Captain,” he announced, “may I join you?” 
Kid lifted his own singular flesh arm in greeting and made a gesture that obviously meant something along the lines of 'be my guest'.
Basil eased himself down into a cross legged sitting position beside him, brushing the strands of his hair over his ear with a glance sidelong at him as he rooted in his pocket for his own hand rolled cigarettes. “It’s been one of those days, hasn’t it?” 
"Sure fucking has," Kid growled. He ground the cigarette out on his metal arm and grabbed another out of his pack. Then he shoved the pack in Basil's direction.
Basil took one with a thankful nod of his head and pulled his lighter from his pants, engraved with the death card from his deck. “This may be impertinent, but I am a member of your crew now if you’d like to talk about it.” 
"Impertinent," Kid snorted. "Whatever. It's fine. They're working on Killer right now. The docs."
With a laugh, Basil snapped his lighter shut and leaned his head back on the wall. “Should I change my word choice?”
He closed his eyes. Killer, the man who Kid was closest to who’d been poisoned by the SMILE…despite the blood between them, Basil hoped he was alright. “The doctors are working on him? Is the prognosis good?” 
"You're fine," he grumbled. He snatched the lighter out of Basil's hand and lit his own cigarette with it, before immediately offering it back. "I donno. They seem to think so. It's all way over my head."
Basil chuckled as he took it back, and waved his fingers. In an instant it was gone,slipped back into his pocket with sleight of hand.
“Even if I don’t necessarily trust them all, they seem to be good doctors. If they say it’s good– then Killer will likely be back to you, and back to normal. "
"Yeah," he breathed, taking a long suck of cigarette smoke. Every muscle in the man's face was tense. Even more tense than usual. "If I walk into that room and Killer's dead… I don't know that he's gonna stay the only one."
Basil closed his eyes “if that’s the way it turns out, Captain Kid, I shall assist you…and not only because you took me in. Killer saved my life in that burning palace.”
He tilted his head with a half smile. “I know you’re not a man who values mysticism…but…may I give the card’s prediction to you?” 
Kid was quiet for a moment, and then he snorted. A puff of smoke rolled from his nostrils.
"Sure. Why not. Might as well use my crew's skills."
Basil waved his hand, and his cards floated out of his pack to shuffle themselves. 
“Might as well.” He winked at him. “...perhaps it’ll show good fortune in your coming days, hm?” 
Kid grinned. There was little humor in it, but it was something. He scooted closer to Basil.
"I could use some of that."
Basil’s smile grew a touch wider. It was nice to see, even with the grim air of it, that Kid could still smile in these troubling times. He’d been there so very recently himself, knowing intimately the hurt of one’s crewmates being in danger.
He waved his hand and the cards circled before him in a pattern for reading, face down. 
“Then let’s hope the cards favor us, hm?” He glanced sidelong at him. “and if they do not…we’ll have to twist fate until they do.” 
Kid's grin widened. "I like the sound of that."
Caesar had put Killer under sedation while they worked– to mitigate the stress on his body, he'd said. Law took the man apart down into the smallest pieces, section by section, while Chopper carefully monitored his vitals and managed the dispersal of the chemical IV.
It was detailed, anxious, picky work.
As a surgeon, the situation could have been better. They could have had a better operating room, better tools, a better situation. But Law was anything if not thorough and careful in his work. He was proud to be a doctor…and he was proud of his work with the others.
Killer was sleeping soundly, it was almost time to wake him up and test their theory. His vitals were holding steady— it was only a matter of if he’d be himself when his eyes finally opened.
Even Caesar was quiet for the moment. He'd been shockingly calm and composed through the whole operation.
Killer's chest rose with a deep breath, and he shuddered. Law watched the muscles in his body twitch.
Law backed up, as Chopper nervously wrung his hoof-tipped hands together with a furrow of his brows over his face mask.
“I hope this worked,” Law heard him say.
There was another shuddering breath, and Killer's eyelids fluttered. The muscles in his face twitched again– and his punishing smile relaxed into a neutral expression as he opened his eyes.
“Good morning, Killer.” Law pulled off his gloves with a lopsided grin. “Tell us how you’re feelin’. Really emote it.” 
Killer slowly sat up and rubbed his jaw with his hand. He rolled his tongue over his lips, and he scowled.
"Honestly? I feel like absolute shit."
“But you’re scowling.” Law said with a widening grin. “Welcome back to the world of the pissed off, Mr. Killer.” 
Caesar clapped his hands together. "Fantastic! The operation was a complete success."
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prophecydungeon · 2 months
gimme 19 for blood of the covenant (eyes emoji)
19. While editing, did you kill any darlings? What are they?
ok let's crack open a cold one with the boys, there's almost 1400 words in my doc that got cut from TBotC so here's stands out as i'm looking through it now:
For one horrible second Sanji thinks that Zoro is angling for a kiss and he thinks no, not like this, not while talking about this, but then Zoro pins him to his chest with one arm around Sanji’s shoulders and the other around Sanji’s waist and Sanji heaves in an obvious, shuddering inhale because this is almost worse. Zoro smells like sea air and the familiar metal tang of his swords and the Ringo district’s distinct flavor of soba broth and all Sanji can do is go limp in the hold, his cheek rubbing against sweaty cotton. “Do it back,” Zoro mutters against his ear, and slides a hand up to the nape of Sanji’s neck. Sanji exhales – just as shaky as the inhale – and listens to him outside of a fight for once in his god damn life, just this once; he twists his spine so that he can suitably wrap his arms around Zoro in turn, and he can’t hunch in on himself like this so he curls into Zoro instead and Zoro just silently lets him. Zoro slides fingertips over the edge of his collar and murmurs, “Luffy knew you’d come back.” “And you?” “I knew you’d do what you thought you had to.” Zoro’s palm strokes slowly back down Sanji’s spine. He wants to break out of this hold; he wants Zoro to wrap himself around Sanji the way Luffy can, tight enough to suffocate. “You don’t have to keep trying to throw yourself away for us.” (there's a break here in my document; i think whatever had lived here ended up staying in the cliffside convo.) Sanji doesn’t know what to say to that. Can’t say anything to that. There’s a pitched war happening in his chest: one side that screams with the righteousness of the wronged and knows that Zoro’s words are the truth, and the other side, dark like tar, that knows he should always be first in line when it comes to stepping between the crew and anything that might harm them because there’s nothing else he’s good for. At best a wall. “I don’t,” Sanji starts, just to say something, but his voice is strangled and there’s nowhere for the words to go. He thinks his hands might be shaking, twisted into the still-sweaty back of Zoro’s yukata. Zoro pulls back; gently, incongruously gently, arms still keeping Sanji hopelessly pinned.  “You’re our crewmate. Luffy loves you.” There’s something wondrous unfolding before Sanji’s eyes: he’d always thought Zoro to be ruthlessly straightforward and self-assured, uniquely incapable of feeling shame or embarrassment, but here he is an inch away from Sanji with a bloom of red spreading across his cheeks that has nothing to do with exertion or arousal. “We all love you.” “I know,” Sanji whispers back, dazed by the growing flush on Zoro’s face. The moment is teetering on the edge of ruin; Sanji can feel the glee overtaking the awe like a tidal wave, all wrapped up in the terrible rush of this entire conversation. “You’re so embarrassed—” “Shut up,” Zoro snarls, and finally shoves him away, and while Sanji mourns the quiet contact he can’t deny that it feels so good to be back on familiar footing as he shoves right back and they scuffle with each other, fists and heels mean.
this one was a bit too squishy-soft to keep, but i still like it. i managed to wrangle sanji into saying something similar in situs inversus - "hold me like a person, you bastard" - which scratched the itch for me. i like the idea of them both needing reminders to Perform Affection Normally.
i liked this little bit, too:
Sanji wonders for a split second if Zoro is angling for something, but there's no heavy press of lips or breath to the back of his neck. What Zoro wants is simply touch; Sanji doesn't know if he's seeking or offering it. For another split second, Sanji weighs whether he wants to angle for something himself, to tip his head back and let his mouth speak without words. It's tempting for that split second: it'd be one way to take his mind somewhere else.
the very first scene was going to be a little more Touchy but i changed it up in favor of zoro (correctly!) assuming sanji wouldn't want any full-body contact so immediately on the heels of waking up Out Of Sorts.
and this one!
Luffy’s torso has drooped entirely out of his bunk to curl into Usopp’s side and they snore in tandem, the sight comical enough to bring a smile to Sanji’s lips. Zoro leans over to echo what Sanji had done earlier; his still-pink fingers brush Usopp’s hair away from Luffy’s nose, the motion absent-minded and automatic.
i think you said it in a Comint but yeah luffy is everyone's lil lucky rabbit's foot. always worth ruffling his hair or fixing the blanket or giving him a hug.
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yabigrail · 11 months
i got super sidetracked writing study notes so here is:
Which Of The Straw Hats I Assigned To Each Subject And Why:
(i added tiny photos of them to my notes doc to motivate me to study and bring me luck :D)
english = luffy (my main subject, the main and BEST chara)
geography = nami (the navigator, need i say more)
commerce = usopp (hes good at lying, i need to bullshit commerce)
pdhpe = chopper (hes a doctor, we're learning about drugs)
mandatory history = brook (hes super old sooo maybe he knows about the civil war)
history elec = robin (shes too good at history i need her energy)
science = zoro (science gives me green vibes)
if i did food tech id do sanji for that but i dont sooo :(
i also have no notes for maths so franky misses out too
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year
”I’ll do you the honour of killing you with Yuri” Mihawk holds up a picture of women in love, embracing, laughing, enjoying their time together. Zoro, a man who rejects romance and all affection with every fibre of his body, faints. Doc gives him an ice pack for the bruise he’ll wake up to as he just went splat on the floor. Mihawk, bidding his new best friend Usopp goodbye before he leaves. The end. No bad injuries. (Yuri, from my quick google, is about romance between women, I think) (idk I thought this was funny)
Okay on to my serious attempt at reviewing your work, Jenna. Loved it!!!!!! My goodness I was just all warm and fuzzy despite the angst of Zoro trying to fulfil his dream and his vow. I read you haven’t really been feeling your writing lately and whilst of course your feelings are valid, and no one can be full of confidence in their creations at all times, I must dispute. You are just soooo good at writing the interactions between people who care about each other, especially in non verbal methods. Like in last chapter how Sanji displays his care for Zeff despite his words, and in this, how everyone was clasping elbows etc in worry for Zoro.
“I’m always going to be in every one of your corners because you guys are in mine”
wow, i love that line, it is so accurate to live action Luffy (haven’t read enough of the manga to verify how in line it is with that version). What an amazing person, he’s just always so kind. I’m sometimes close to tearing up at how he just always treats his friends earnestly, just as he’s incredibly silly, his lack of filter applies to being unabashedly kind. You did great with his character.
and I’m happy to see Sanji and the drink owed! And Ussop kept on mentioning Zoro, which was definitely what a teasing friend would do, it depicted childhood friends well. About their childhood, more specifically Doc’s, I was definitely surprised and happy to see some development there too.
Anyways, or I’ll go on forever,
have an absolutely fantastic week!
(also, what does Osiyo mean for you? I could google it, but it always impersonal getting a machine translation, like I’m just getting a word translation and not what situations people would use it in, etc)
Osiyo, Chilly!!
I have been unhinged laughing in the corner of my room for the last three minutes after reading your first part. I was like, Yuri? Forgot my ass WROTE YORU AS YURI and immediately lost all brain function and have gone into an endless sea of cackles. I have wondered how the hell I missed it while going and fixing it. I am officially deceased. Good fucking bye lol.
Osiyo (ᎣᏏᏲ) is Cherokee for Hello. I am Native American and that is my tribes language.
Thank you for being so sweet. I try really hard to make the interactions between them feel real and well-thought-out. I'm happy it is something that you can see while reading it, and I appreciate you saying such nice things. I am trying to be kinder to myself the way that you, and others have shown me kindness.
Luffy in the OPLA seems to be incredibly kind. I've just started reading the manga but have been watching the anime for a while. I NEED DOC TO MEET BROOKS OK. Even in there, he is a softie, but I feel like OPLA Luffy is even softer than that??
Thank you for stopping by and leaving me this sweet review. It is always a pleasure to hear from you! I hope your Monday is a good one and your week even better. Much love.
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
Chapter 1078 — Escape limit
I really enjoy the cover story! Good for Judge and Caesar; sad for Reiju and Ichiji, sighing in defeat. Maybe there is hope for the next generation of Vinsmokes after all?
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Confirmation about the Void Century research conducted on Egghead! As well as a nice little nod to the difference between government-sponsored weapons research (Egghead) and ancient institutionalised academia (Ohara) — one you can just bomb, the other will bomb you back.
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Cool use of the silhouette-against-explosion-trope here.
She is one cold-blooded snake, stomping Pythagoras like that, tho’ :(
I wonder if Boa and S-Snake’s powers are reversible through haki? If Law’s earlier negation of Doc Q’s sick-sick fruit is anything to go by, I’d say yes; her mero-mero power just has the unfortunate side effect of paralyzation, making your haki useless… power-up for Franky in the pipeline?
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Backup! Backup! Backup!
The flying thing is cool as well.
And Atlas is one big girl.
We knew that. But still.
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All rights, it’s nice that Sanji’s embracing his human-exoskeleton-thing. And his eyebrow has reversed, so it’s proper Germa Science! going on. But does he have to look so pleased with himself?
Ooo, also a lot of ideas about how his mum sacrificed herself so he could be normal and all the love she had and how that could be seen as the power of love too and how he continues the love and—
—and Luffy and Zoro are being absolute morons again.
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On the other hand, Kaku’ snot showing his critical thinking skills either right now, reacting way too late to being called Usopp.
And Luffy, really? You’ve fought Pigeon Guy earlier, why are you surprised he’d happily eliminate the weaker links to rattle the stronger ones? He’s done it before. You threatened/tricked him into not doing that once this fight is finished!
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On one hand, it’s the exact same tactic Luffy had against Kaido: bash your head against the wall until you think of something else.
On the other hand, I miss his earlier adaptation and quick battle-thinking. After the time-skip it feels like he’s just… hitting things again and again. Which, don’t read me wrong, is a pleasure at times (see: pummelling Caesar, pummelling Doflamingo, pummelling Cracker, pummelling Kaido…). But I do miss the wacky pre-timeskip fights: Luffy having to figure out how to fight with a ton of gold hanging of his arm. Luffy with a Door through his face. Luffy breaking Kuro’s swords. Water Luffy.
But we move on, to what will be known as the Egghead Incident, apparently.
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What do Bonney see? What secrets do Kuma’s memories hold? O_o
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Traitor speaking, how may I help you?
Love Angry Lilith in the background.
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Although art quality has gone down, Oda really can tell a story. This is the last panels on the spread and we still don’t know who it is. But it is someone huge: they have to bend to fit through the door and their shadow is massive on Vegapunk.
But who can it be?
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York is huge.
She was petrified by S-Snake; did she manage to unpetrify her as well in the chaos? Does she have an antidote? Do S-Snakes powers, unlike Boa’s, only last for a certain amount of time before unraveling?
I wonder if killing of the satellites destroys that part of Vegapunk’s personality or if they.. return, somehow?
And it’s a really nice comment on the need for balance in people. You are not only your feelings or desires: you are the combination of those, keeping each other in check and balance. People who lose their feelings make worse decisions that people with a healthy blend of rationality and emotion, for example, and no human can be completely rational. Vegapunk let his desires lose on the world, and where did that leave him? Prisoner in his own cellar.
And York: they don’t let you become a Celestial Dragon just like that, you know that, right Guessing the Elder Star on their ways has a special mission with regards to her…
Interesting chapter, nice plot drop. I give it a treasonous heart and a desire for the extravagant things in life (and total ignorance of the suffering producing those things).
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bluepecanpie · 2 years
One Piece 1064 review
Holy shit, was this fire or what!
Even looking at the past ten chapters, this was probably the best of them!
Law vs Blackbeard - or rather, the Heart Pirates vs. the Blackbeard Pirates really kicks off. I think that it’s been unmentioned that this is the first time that we’ve seen some of the Blackbeard Pirates fight (really just Doc Q) and definitely the first time we’ve seen some of the Heart Pirates get into action rather than just sound off like a nervous Law fan club.
Law is not even the slightest bit phased by what would come off as an ominous confrontation with Blackbeard literally on a flying steed, and easily puts him on the back foot by slashing Stronger in half - surprising Blackbeard long enough to shaft him with his sword. Doc Q’s apple bombs are also easily repelled by Penguin and Shaci, who turn out to be very adept swimmers, and fighters at that - Shaci being the one to knock off the bombs, as they assault the Blackbeard Pirate’s ship. The Heart Pirates seem to be really good at amphibious warfare. Law even mocks Blackbeard for having all of his top officers those with Devil Fruit powers, suggesting that Blackbeard is the one with a disdvantage here.
Of course, there are mirrors between the Blackbeard Pirates and the Straw Hats when Van Augur gripes about Blackbeard moving in unprepared, and saving him with his new teleportation ability, advising retreat - only to be rebuffed by Blackbeard’s insistence to keep fighting. Van Augur’s shooting is also easily blocked by Jean Bart covering Law as a human shield. The Blackbeard Pirates also serve as a foil to the legendary Roger Pirates - when Law mocks Blackbeard for having so many ‘anchors’, Blackbeard replies that the power gained is worth the risks - generally the opposite of how the Roger Pirates viewed Devil Fruits, preferring their ability to swim. As an aside, Kaido - who was something of a contemporary of Roger, even said to Luffy that Roger and his crew stood on top of the world without a devil fruit between them, and not to be convinced that the fruit power is enough. This gives a big indicator that Blackbeard may be rising very high right now, but he’s in for a big fall....just not by Law. Law at best, might be able to edge out a draw, but I think that this will be his loss. But Law is doing phenomenally well, and his experience with Big Mom and Kaido is definitely a huge benefit. To give an idea of the different kind of world One Piece is, one of the Blackbeard Pirates scoffed at the kidnapped Pudding’s boast that Big Mom will come for her, by pointing out Blackbeard is clashing with the guy who did her in. It really cemented the idea that everything is up for grabs now and it’s a complete free-for-all.
People might be clowning the Marines’ seeming impotence, and especially Sakazuki’s sense of resignation, but the Marines have never even back to the time of Roger, thrown their resources at containg a clash between two Yonko-class pirates. And quite a number of them have certainly happened before. They certainly can’t do jack about it.
Meanwhile, Luffy, Jinbe and Chopper and Bonney discuss the ‘police’ Pacifista they encountered in Vegapunk’s lab and how attacking the image of him must be difficult for Bonney. Luffy’s a bit unsympathetic though, saying that his crew were hunted by Pacifista before - so he’s taken to react offensively when he sees them (not to mention the real Kuma separated his crew leading to the traumas he endured just before the time skip). Speaking of no sympathy - Jinbe outright tells Bonney that her dad was a tyrant in Sorbet Kingdom, and was overthrown by his own people because of it. He also says that the World Government while taking a dim view of his connections with the Revolutionaries, accepted a deal with him to be subjected to experimentation because of his unique body, converted him into a cyborg and even made clones of him in the Pacifista project, while he serves as a member of the Royal Shichibukai. Naturally, Bonney doesn’t buy that her dad was an oppressor, but says some strange line of them being a ‘special race’. As far as she’s concerned, she’s there to confront her father’s ‘killer’ - Vegapunk. Obviously there’s a lot more to this Kuma story - but if Kuma being an oppressive ruler was bullshit, it’s weird that Jinbe would be so ready to believe it. It could be that what Jinbe said has validity to it, but encountering the Revolutionaries made him reflect on what he did, and join them. Even then, an unresolved question (going back to 2009) is why Kuma - a Revolutionary, and even a deposed king even - would join the World Government and even allow himself to be experimented on. But I guess that this is what the arc is trying to resolve.
The rest of the Straw Hats are getting sent to Vegapunk’s inner sanctum, and even they are getting a costume change - Robin’s being the most fanservicey of them all. The robot carrying them has some anti-gravity features. Apparently, Egghead has a ‘labophase’ in the sky where the main research takes place and the ‘fabriophase’ on the ground where workers and technicians operate. Vegapunk’s room seems to be in the ‘labophase’. Zoro and Brook decide to keep watch of the ship while Nami, Frank, Usopp and Robin follow Lilith. Meanwhile, Shaka!Vegapunk talks ominously about his own impending demise while in contact with Dragon, of all people. Two-week break announced.
Whoa. Too many questions! What is the connection between Vegapunk, Kuma and Dragon. In fact, Dragon even seems to know Cobra - could there even be more out of this? Are Vegapunk and Kuma playing the revolutionaries off on the WG? (unlikely) Even so, that is the basis of their collaboration? It doesn’t even entirely consensual with both, but they were both so involved to the point well beyond it being non-committal either. Also, what does ‘death’ even mean to Vegapunk anyway? He has six satellite bodies! Each representing an aspect of himself. How does CP0 intend to kill him? Will we see more Pacifista? Will even Sentomaru turn up, him being Vegapunk’s bodyguard and all? Bonney’s saying the same thing Ivankov said - that Kuma hated the World Government, and would never serve it. So what is the nature of this ‘deal’? We’ll have to find out in a fortnight.
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Yeah, the only way I can see Zoro becoming a Captain is if Luffy specifically orders Zoro to become one.
One of my very earliest story ideas set in the world of One Piece - for serious, I was but a wee infant fan barely able to toddle to her phone and then be immediately insulted by the lack of Zoro/Mihawk - actually delt in this "trope". [I was also set pre-Skypiea, so at this point I had still mostly seen the filler arches and let me say.... Skyiea did very little to change my opinion on that matter.]
In basic terms, the idea involved the Strawhats forced to sail through this series of closely linked islands, each with their own little societies of very gossipy but very different - at least in the native's opinions - cultures/morals/cuisine/whatever (alternative they could have just been rural populations of very dedicated bounty hunters; we're talking backwater enough that they would have been shocked to hear that whippersnapper Shanks made captain much less Yonko).
You would think such a place would be paradise for pirates on the run, but the truth is, these Islanders may rarely get flooded with new bounty posters of Wanted Men (and Women, and Fish-people and Mers and Minks and listen these people don't discriminate against a criminal with a price on their head) but that hardly stopped them making and spreading their own their through little archipelago whenever a clear threat was so spotted.
Look, it wasn't Luffy's fault he may have accidentally on purpose destroyed this town's entire floating fishery and aqua garden - the only one they had available in their rather unreasonable mountainous winter island habitat - but on top of the wanted poster someone finds stuffed in his back pocket, it spells death.
Luckily, they do have Robin around at this time, and she knows just enough about these islands, peoples and customs to have just the solution.
Make Chopper-San captain! After all, who would expect such a brilliant, caring doctor to be a horrible, criminal pirate captain!
Arg, Robin-san you idiot! You can't make him happy just by saying he'd be such a good doctor captain!
Surprisingly, it's not Nami who takes issue; she may not trust Robin like "the boys" (because she "has boobs and funny powers" *sigh*) because she Also recognizes that Robin is, like her, a smart surviver, and that she is willing to support (well at least until it becomes dangerous and let advantageous). So Nami's vote goes to Robin's plan: have Chopper act as captain until they're safely out of these crazy waters. Of course, as the plan came from the intelligent Robin-swan and has the approval of the beautiful Nami-chan, Sanji wouldn't say a bad word against it, but you can tell in the way he eyes the horizon he's preparing himself for the inevitable trouble.
Then of course, there's the matter of convincing Luffy who,
"Hmm? You mean like playing pirates! Oh, I call captain!"
"Luffy, you can't be captain, the whole point is that Chopper has to be captain so they don't come after us like that again!"
"Hmm? Okay, well then I want to be......Oh! I know-"
And just like that he runs off to get whatever supplies he needs to "play pirate", leaving a cheerful crew (and one very happy reindeer, currently beaming as Robin fits him with his own little captain hat and Usopp takes out an old bit of sail, asking what he wants his Jolly Roger to look like.)
The only one completely unamused is, of course, Zoro is against it on principle (even though he thinks Chopper looks sweet as a baby angel in his captain's hat, I mean just look at their doc!) Oye, where's she get off, telling the crew who their captain is!? What is that women even on about? Zoro and the Merry only have one captain and they can't just go changing that on her whims! If they get to the next island and people are still pissed, just let him and Luffy fight them off! That's what THEY do on the crew!
But it's too late, Luffy likes the sound of this game, so from now until after the next island they're officially the Cotton Candy Pirates!
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But of course at each island something goes wrong and in a panic they switch to another captain.
Each rotating Captain gets the whole expierence:
☠️ Naming and "recruiting" a crew, though that last one is more just assigning everyone a roles (Luffy insists it's absolutely necessary for any pirate captain, even only a temporary pretend one; though sometimes it's a necessary swap when the townspeople ask why their doctor looks so much like that doctor pirate captain they just heard of from the last island.)
☠️ Their own Captain's hat, of course, and sometimes the full Captainly ensemble to match (don't ask from where, from the same jumbled pile of clothes they pull all their other outfits, okay?)
☠️ A new flag adorned with their own Jolly Roger (courtesy of Usopp)
☠️ A banner on the side of the Merry (again, Usopp, with some help from Chopper and Robin) with their new crew name, just to make it clear they aren't the Strawhats.
☠️ Something inevitably go horribly wrong, forcing another quick disguise change for themselves and Merry before the next Island.
In case you're wondering.... (You weren't, but you're gonna suffer through it.)
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Chopper takes his role very serious, which means he has lot of fun since he basically gets to play pirates with his best friends! Usopp makes him a flag, Robin finds him an awesome costume, Sanji calls him "Doctor Captain-san" - Usopp said his name should have been scarier but Chopper didn't want any of the kids to get scared of doctors even though they only had to stay on this Island for six hours for the log pose to reset - and gets him a sweet whenever he asks (except when Nami, who claims she is playing the ship's OTHER doctor, says that he will give himself a tummy ache). Luffy beats around on a bunch of pots and pans which the others hate but he says he has to because he's the musician and that all pirate crews have a musician (Chopper wonders why they don't have a musician, but he doesn't think to ask at the time). Since Usopp offers to be the new navigator Chopper asks Robin to be his first mate, and then asks Zoro please if he wouldn't mind being the crew's army fighter protector, since he's the strongest person Chopper knows. He doesn't play with them very much but he does smile just a little when Chopper asks so Chopper thinks he's a pretty good captain!
That is until he talks to some poor weak looking lions that are all beat up and come sniffing around the ship for scraps. He tries to give them some medicine, but the town folk don't like that at all. They have to leave really quick, but as Captain, Chopper decides they're taking the lions with them to the next Island, where hopefully they'll be safer!
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Usopp goes next because, well, he's the one who convinces the next island that of course they aren't those cowardly, evil Cotton Candy Pirates! Haven't they heard of the great Usopp Pirates before, led by the famous captain Sniper Warrior Of The Giants Kyoyūshi Usopp! In fact, these are lions they recently saved from some totally different terrible pirates the, Errr, Strawhats, who you probably haven't heard and certainly don't need to worry about, not after Usopp took care of them! They had been abusing these poor, sick lions and forcing them to go to towns and scare people or they would be beaten and starved.
Fortunately, Usopp happens to have world famous linguist on his crew, Chop-Chop. After he ate the Tenuki no mi, he can even talk with animals, and so Usopp gives the people his solemn word as the strongest, most trustworthy captain in all the seas these lions won't hurt anyone in the town. Indeed, they've promised to work alongside you fine citizens while hunting and even guarding you from pirates, just so long as you promise to share some of what they hunt and don't beat them or chase off their young! Their doctor, uh, Mizzie Sunday, has plenty of experience as a veterinarian as well. She'll be happy, with Chop-Chop's assistance, to help get both lions and people set up and comfortable with this prosperous new alliance!
Yes, it's true, Usopp's crew is quite amazing! You should meet, um, Cat! She may look pretty and sweet but actually she's one of the most fearsome swordsmen of all times! Huh? Oh, well, she often makes him hold her swords, so she can decide which one is best depending on the battle. That's how amazing she is! And she trusts Zo-Ro-Zo because as their cook he is excellent with knife care! Oh, this is his first mate and trust advisor Yonji - eh? Haha, right now he forgot you hate telling people your first name! (Why would Sanji hate the name Yonji so much? What did Usopp say?) They simply call him, The, uh, Heart Breaker, for the wherever he goes women fall over themselves, helpless at their charm!
And finally of course, this is our bard, the man in charge of chronicling my many amazing and legendary deeds! We call him Monkey but he has many names, they say no one has yet to know them all!
So if you could just do us a favor and -
Usopp spent most of the next four days talking. Of course they ended up in trouble by the end!
I could go through each and every one one of these crews but let's just say when it gets to Zoro it goes something like this.
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Zoro: So... I'm the captain, now?
Sanji: *trying not to look nervous after what he had Zoro do*
Chopper & Usopp: *jump to attention*
Robin: Yes, Captain-san, we await your orders. *Smile*
Luffy: *lies on his favorite spot, watching Zoro curiously*
Zoro: *Nods, seriously* Good.
Zoro: Oye! Luffy, get your ass own here!
Zoro: I'm making Luffy captain. *Throws Luffy the ridiculous cape Usopp had given him* And since I'm captain no one can do a damn thing about it. *Stocks off to go get in a much needed nap until Luffy inevitably causes a fight to break out*
The End
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