#lucio upright
stariisoda · 1 year
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Kade's outfit for Lucio's Upright Ending! I'm actually happy with how the outfit design came out. It was meant to keep his original style, but also match with Lucio.
He also has Lucio's "old" cape ("old" because he isn't seen wearing it) which I thought was super adorable to have Lucio give it to him. Well... At least borrow. It's a nice comfort item.
And Lucio insists that Kade have a weapon (a small dagger) despite him being a literal magician and having magic. No. He needs a physical weapon.
(Also don't ask about the missing sleeve. Also it's most likely folded up because I was going to draw Kade in it but with both sleeves 😭)
[Kade and Lucio comparison under the cut]
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Matching boys 😭💕
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lukasdoodles · 10 months
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So there's this game--
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mashup-writing · 6 months
The Arcana; Masterlist
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A = angst, F = fluff, H = humor, HC = Hurt & Comfort, S = smut, UE = Upright Ending, RE = Reverse Ending
Main 6 Headcanons:
M6 Gift giving & thought process [F] [UE]
Nadia Satrinava:
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Across my Memories (F) (UE)
Asra Alnazar:
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Nothing Yet!
Julian Devorak:
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Nothing Yet!
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Nothing Yet!
Portia Devorak:
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Nothing Yet!
Lucio Morgasson:
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Nothing Yet!
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ace--of--swords · 1 year
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He caught himself a lil bird.
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szkicel · 2 months
btw guess who got into Arcana for the very first time, in the year of 2024
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shrekshugebadussy · 8 months
i love that at the end of muriel’s upright ending you get the chance to punch lucio. there was never a decision made so fast–
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justmaryo · 2 years
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
21 + post-Upright Lucio? 👀 (angst? fluff? up to you, I'm just starving for adventuring era Lucio content)
I would be more than happy to write adventuring era Lucio content!!!!!! I am also always looking for that post-upright Lucio content haha. Thank you so much for requesting! I truly appreciate it! Here's a bit of fluff and a bit of angst! All rules for this event are here, my requests are open!
Tearful Kisses with Post-Upright Lucio (The Arcana)
Lucio flinches as you press a clean strip of cloth to his injured abdomen. His wound is deep, but not mortally so. He's lucky the blade hadn't plunged any deeper, or the two of you probably wouldn't be huddled around a campfire, tending to one another's injuries.
"You need to be more careful," you scold, voice riddled with worry. You try to inject some irritation into your tone, but you're too shaken. Mercedes rests her head on her papa's lap, while Melchior snoozes near the crackling fire. You managed to escape with just a couple of scrapes and bruises, unlike your reckless companion.
"I'm fine," Lucio grouses, before he gives you a cheeky wink, "Those bandits were no match against the great Lucio and his magnificent magician."
He flashes a bright smile at you, which turns into a grimace when you pull his bandages tighter.
"A little snug there, dontchya think?" he retorts, but you ignore his commentary, frustration welling up inside you. You've been on the road with Lucio for several months now. Things have been going relatively smoothly, save the occasional shady character that tries to harass the two of you. Most of the time, you're able to diffuse the situation, but every once in a while, like today, things escalate. And then there's the added stress of Lucio always throwing himself in front of you without thinking.
"You can't just keep jumping into the fray like that," you go on, tossing unused bandages back into your pack and shoving everything else back into place, "You're going to end up getting yourself seriously injured. Or worse."
Lucio scoffs, pulling his shirt back over his head, fumbling a bit with the sleeves.
"I'm fine!" he reassures, still not understanding just how shaken you are, "Besides there's no need to worry! Not even death can stop good ol' Lucio!"
He puffs his chest out proudly and you're suddenly reminded of the days you spent with Lucio when he was a ghost. Still trapped in this idea that he's invincible, immune to the natural order of things. Lucio has made a lot of improvements since his days as a Count, but there's still a lot of work to be done.
"You can't keep thinking like that, Lucio," you retort, unwilling tears stinging the corners of your eyes, "You and I- we've each both escaped death once. That's more times than anyone else has. I don't think-"
You sigh, shoulders slumping as Lucio gives you a bewildered look, "We're not going to be given the chance again. And-"
"I don't wanna lose you," you almost whisper, tears rolling down your cheeks. Lucio's silver eyes gaze at you, glimmering brightly in the light of the fire.
"I- I didn't mean to make light of it," he returns, staring down at the ground, brows crinkled with worry, "I just- I guess I just don't wanna think about the danger. How maybe, if I make a bad move- One misstep, I might- I might not make it. You might not make it."
"I don't know what I'd do if I let anything happen to you," he murmurs, glancing back at you. His lip quivers, eyes glazed with tears.
You yank him into a crushing embrace, feeling his arms wrap around you with equal fervor. It's been a long, tense day, and it all comes out in sobs and quiet weeping into one another's shoulders. Lucio pulls back occasionally to lay teary, desperate kisses against your lips. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he pulls you in closer. He cups your face, the pads of his thumbs passing across your cheeks, wiping away your tears.
"Sorry I was so upset," you apologize between breaths.
"I promise I'll be more careful," he whispers, sincerity in his voice. The two of you cling to one another. Lucio's gentle heartbeat, the warmth of his embrace, the tenderness of each kiss he lays against your lips: all of it is a reassurance that you're safe, that you're alive. And you want to cherish every sacred moment you have with him.
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hakuhub · 8 months
THE ARCANA OBSESSION IS COMING BACK AND HITTING SO HARD RNN!!! lucio loml i can fix him i swear (i can make him worse)
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sacrificialmutt · 10 months
they dont know im an arcana fandom veteran (i ran a meme account as well as a headcanons account like 5-7 years ago)
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general-grey · 10 months
i finished Lucio's Reversed ending the other day, and i am incredibly weak so I immediately began a new run to do an Upright ending again.
But thing is, the way this game works, I still got the dialogues skewed in the Reversed ending's favour, right?
Turns out that Lucio can be an absolute twat very early on and I am LOVING IT
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This pretty much fixes my need to see him more at his most unpleasant 💕💕💕💕 I love to see him as a lil bitch.
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gypsypendragon · 1 year
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Fighting art block with any stupid idea I come up with, and this time it's that post battle/fighting/blood thing Lucio definitely has going on if that unlockable moment with the wyrm is anything to go off of, and baby...
Im goin. I am all on board that train. oof.
This is the first actually attempt at Nadia and Asra for me, and I dont think I did too too bad. I'll admit Asra's design is so far away from my usual familiarity so it was a challenge... and I personally find Nadia breathtakingly beautiful (im currently working on her route tbh and oof my bones ache with her scenes), so I personally dont think I did her any justice this time around. Not gonna lie Im afraid to really try to seriously draw her because of that reason lol
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ace--of--swords · 2 years
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Hello, I'm requesting the mini HC nightmare scenario again, of the M6 having a nightmare of MC dying, please and thank you! 🫶🏽
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 have a nightmare of MC dying
Julian: wakes up hoarsely crying your name in a cold sweat, freezes when he sees you, then melts in relief when he does. instantly holding trembling fingers against your wrist to feel your pulse when you brush the hair out of his eyes, hesitates to ask you to hold him for comfort but will turn into a grateful, exhausted puddle when you do
Asra: oh. oh no. wakes up with a jolt and refuses to talk about it, instead asking shakily if they can hold you before burrowing with you under the covers and clinging to your chest. doesn't say much beyond "I forgot how bad it was" as he glues his ear to your heartbeat and tangles himself up with you. tells you the dream later if you ask
Nadia: startles upright with a small scream, needs a moment or two to register that you're in front of her and okay before she snaps out of the horror-induced daze. hesitant to fall asleep again, extends a no-pressure invite to you to join her for some tea and a midnight snack. either way, she's staying where she can see you breathing and happy
Muriel: already in a full-blown panic attack by the time he wakes up and the only thing to do at that point is help him ride it out. Inanna's quick to fetch a pouch of myrrh and lean against his back, but what helps him most is when you crawl into his lap and breathe with him, each grounding, mirrored breath a reminder that you're here and ok
Portia: almost flings herself out of bed with a gasp, immediately collapses into relieved tears when she sees you still next to her. tells you between sobs about her nightmare and only really starts to calm down when she can feel you holding her just as tightly. falls back asleep fairly quickly, but spends that time gently tracing your face
Lucio: if you weren't already awake from his sleep-shouting, he's shaking you awake with tears streaming down his cheeks just in case you really are dead, please wake up, please please please - oh good you're up, hold him until he feels better and listen to him while he tells you about his dream. keeps watch the rest of the night, just in case
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shrekshugebadussy · 9 months
just finished lucios reverse ending and um… ouch 😭
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bunnyluvx · 5 months
the arcana characters and their favorite ways to spend time with you! ♡
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featuring: the romanceable cast of the arcana minus lucio x gn!reader.
summary: the cast and their favorite ways to spend time with you!! <3
warnings: brief death mention in portia's part. nothing else! <3
a/n: WOWIEEE HAIII EVERYONE!! i just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who loved on my last post. it was really scary for me to make that, but i did it and all of the interaction means the complete world!!!! i know that this is a very different fandom than the last post so i don't know how many people will see this but to any readers, i hope that you enjoy this!!! i worked super hard and got a bit tired towards the end so i hope you can forgive me if it isn't as detailed eyfvibu i wanted to do more but mannnn i am so tired. i didn't write lucio, as i will not be writing any lucio content on my page at all. mentions of him for story reasons and maybe if i ever write a fanfic, he'll probably show up but other than that, i will not be making any content of him at all. i am a proud lucio hater so if you want lucio content please go somewhere else. i just finished asra's route today, i got the upright ending and AAAAAAAAAA?????? I LOVE THEM SMMM SYFVIUBIOE!!!! asra is literally such a cutie patootie and i am so in love with him. i cannot deal with it. i have done muriel and julian's routes too, both with the result of the upright ending, and i plan to do nadia's next!!!! very excited and nervous to see what happens. nadia and portia may be a bit ooc, so apologies for that. i have yet to do their routes so i have yet to see their characters in action. very mildly proofread, so please forgive any errors. character banners were edited together by me! any and all requests/ideas for my next post are appreciated! i don't think i have anything else to mention so enjoy!!!!!!
divider credit: @isisjupiter
date started: 7:46PM, april 11th, 2024. date finished: 2:07AM, april 22nd, 2024.
wc: 3.9k
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asra ♡ traveling.
i really struggled to find something for asra that suited, because they would honestly enjoy doing anything with you. it doesn't matter where you are or what time of day it is, as long as he has you by his side, then he's happy. and that is super evident in their route. and having just finished asra's route, i have been thinking; we all know that asra does a lot of traveling. and we all know that during those times, asra misses you terribly. they don't like being away from you for a long time, and as we go through asra's route, having all of these adventures and seeing so many new and cool places, we can see just how happy asra is to have you at their side. the joy shines through the screen, and i can feel just how happy he is to have you with him wherever you are. ergo, their favorite thing to do with you is to travel.
when the two of you started to travel together, asra was a bit nervous. he didn't know what to expect when you agreed to travel together without a destination in mind, and he was worried that somehow, some way, something would happen to you. what if you got kidnapped? what if you got hurt? what if you got sick? all sorts of thoughts were running through asra's head, but the more that they watched you grow and allowed you to take chances, the more that they realized that you would be okay. yes, any of those things could happen, but he is right there if you need him. they know that they will always be by your side to help you through any challenge, and care for you however you need it.
however, as the travels go on, he is reminded everyday that you are a strong, capable individual. they knew that before, of course, but seeing you solve all of the riddles and puzzles put in front of you, helping so many people and growing so much made it hit them like a truck. he was always too afraid to allow you to take chances before, in fear that you would get hurt. but they learned that if you didn't take chances, that you wouldn't grow. and the last thing that he wants is to stop you from being the best version of you that you can be.
so, they let you off of the leash. and just like a bird taking flight, you soared and took everything that came at you by storm. he watched you as you became braver, smarter, kinder and stronger. they always expected for you to be great, and they always had faith in you. he just needed to learn that in order to achieve that greatness, that he needed to let you do some things on your own. they needed to let you make your own mistakes and win your own battles, so that you could learn. and it was one of the best decisions that he's ever made. watching you become more independent and confident within yourself is one of the best feelings that they could ever be blessed to have. he feels so grateful that he is the person that you choose every single day, and no matter what, he will always choose you.
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julian ♡ dancing.
at heart, julian is a romantic. almost every cliche romantic thing that you can think of, you have done with julian. picnics. karaoke, aquariums, painting classes, shopping, craft nights, not to mention all of the crazy adventures that you guys would get into together. every day, he wants to remind you why you fell for him, and in his opinion, keeping things lively is the best way to do that! above all, though, julian's favorite thing to do with you is to dance. he knew that you were a prodigy at dancing after the masquerade, but one night changes everything.
the two of you had actually taken dancing classes before this. you were actually the one who suggested it, and after teasingly accusing you of thinking that the two of you are horrible dancers, he agreed. he honestly didn't think that he could be more in love with you after that. you two went to the class, and julian could hardly ever tear his eyes off of you. the way that you moved was so naturally graceful, as if you had been a dancer your whole life. he most definitely showered you in attention and love after the class was over, and he knew that he had to arrange for the two of you to dance together more often.
oh but that night was not the night that he realized that this was his favorite thing to do with you, no no no no no. the night that he realized that dancing was his favorite activity to do with you was a night like many others; dinner at portia's. it was you, julian, portia and nadia, and you all decided to eat outside so that you could watch the stars. portia went into the cottage to check on the food, with nadia following close behind her, and julian figured that it was the perfect time to steal a sweet moment with you. so, he stood from his seat and knelt to one knee before you. with one hand on his chest and the other extended to you, he asked, "will you have this dance with me, my dear?"
you giggled and told him that there wasn't any music playing. what could you possibly dance to? oh how sweet you are. a chuckle symphonized from his chest, and he responded with, "oh my dear, we do have music." a gloved hand took yours and placed it over his heart, "right here." oh my gods, this absolute cheeseball. you playfully shoved his chest, moving backwards under the force but not falling onto his butt. he swiftly leans forward and takes the hand that shoved him, pulling you to your feet as he stood. one pair of hands intertwined while the others lay on your waist on his shoulder. you two started to sway together, as if you were in the masquerade. yes, you did technically dance at the masquerade, but julian wanted a more intimate experience. you didn't get to have a romantic ballroom dance thanks to the one we do not speak, and julian finds that absolutely outrageous!
your bodies glide beautifully amongst the grass and bushes, you take turns spinning each other around and laughing throughout. fireflies spring from the greenery wherever you set your feet, giving your figures a tender glow that julian found absolutely enchanting on you. after spinning through almost all of portia's front lawn, you find yourselves right back at group sitting spot. his arms have encircled your waist, keeping you close to him as your arms encircle his neck carefully. there are no long strides in this dance, no dramatic flair; just you and him rocking back and forth. his eyes stare into yours and his lips are curved into an adoring smile, as if by looking into your eyes, he could pour all of his love from him to you just through eye contact.
you mutter his name, he mutters yours, you lean in, and..portia pipes up. both her and nadia hold two bowls of soup, hot and ready. portia is mischievously smirking at the two of you while nadia admires your connection. julian tries to usher them away so that he can have more alone time with you, but you're quick to shut him down. begrudgingly, julian did, but all he could think about for the rest of the night was how beautiful you were dancing with him. your laughter singing into the air, the smile on your face, your gaze carving through the very core of his being. somehow, he was able to stay focused on the conversations that occurred that evening, but everyone, including you, could tell that he was going to be hung up on tonight for the next several weeks. when you got home, he was sure to steal a kiss from you later, and another dance.
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nadia ♡ fashion shows.
ah, our beloved countess. at first, i planned on giving her shopping, seeing as her love language is gift giving, she would love to spoil the crap out of you with anything that you even glanced out. however, i wasn't happy with that idea. my boyfriend was actually the one who came up with the idea of fashion shows (hi vinny honey, i love you <3). he is such a freaking genius for this one bc OH MY GOSH YES. nadia has such beautiful taste in clothing, so she would absolutely love to host little fashion shows with you. she does like to share her clothes with her friends, but with you, it's special.
the original thought was you trying on nadia's clothes, and nadia trying on your clothes. nadia would feel like she is falling in love with you all over again if you tried on her clothes. all of the fabric would embrace you in such a perfect way, accentuating all of the things that she loves the most about you. gosh she would just be so head over heels,, she would clap every time you would walk out to show her what you chose, or what she selected for you because she just wanted to see you in it so bad. this woman is literally your number one supporter, she thinks that you are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous in everything that you choose to try on and cannot get enough of you in her clothes. she will shower you in compliments and praise of just how celestial you look, and it makes you super duper flustered because she just flatters you so much.
she also gets really shy when she tries on your clothes. all of her life, she has had the most expensive, well-made, stunning clothes that anyone could ever dream of. so, trying on clothes that do not fit under those categories is new to her. while she isn't used to not wearing the most lavish clothes to be found, she likes your sense of style and is always excited when you ask her to try on an ensemble of yours. what she worries about is what you think. she frets that you think it won't look good on her, if that isn't the farthest thing from the truth. when she walks out to you, you are in absolute awe of how beautiful she is. you already think that she can't get any prettier when she wears other outfits, but now this???? her in your clothes???? oh lord almighty you must be SAVED bc this woman has swept you off of your feet. she asks you what you think, and all you can do is walk up to her and smooch the ever-loving life out of her. you just love each other so much!!!!!
when your group of friends have sleepovers at the palace, or when you all go out shopping together, it is unavoidable that you all will be having a fashion show where you all show off the clothes that you bought. nadia loves these so much because she gets to watch her friends all enjoy themselves and feel confident in their clothes, especially if she was the one who bought them. but with you, they just feel so different. to her, it is an intimate experience of being able to share your joy with one another. something that you value in your relationship with nadia is self-esteem, both yours and hers. not only do you both want to make each other feel good. but you also want to feel good within yourself. and nadia thinks that fashion shows are an important part of that. clothes are part of how one may express themselves and their identity, and that is something that nadia treasures. so, if showing off the clothes that you got is going to make you feel good about yourself, then she wants to be there to watch you. there is nothing more important to her than your happiness, and if going through outfit by outfit is what will make you happy, then so be it.
admittedly, she..also really likes to show you the new clothes she gets. when you first started dating, she was a bit nervous about it. she knew that you knew of her riches and lifestyle; it was lavish, and she only got the best of the best. she's the countess for crying out loud, so of course you knew that she was going to have everything that she wanted at her feet, even if it meant something that took literal years to find. but there was part of her that worried that you would see her money and think differently of her. she feared that you would judge her person based on her money, instead of the woman you fell in love with. when she told you this, you automatically reassured her that you wouldn't think differently of her at all. you would love her regardless of the amount of money she has, you told her. and this put her heart at ease, so she progressively became more comfortable showing off her wardrobe when you hosted your shows to each other. now, she doesn't hesitate to declare a fashion show after a shopping spree so that she can show you the lovely things that she got for herself. and every single time that you have one, you cannot believe that that is your girlfriend. you are just the luckiest person in the whole world to have someone like her, and she feels infinitely more lucky to have you.
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portia ♡ watching the sunset.
this kind of feels like a given to me. portia is always talking about how she wants to sail the world and explore, both in the actual routes and in heart hunter. so sitting on the docks with you, watching the sun disappear behind the sea and talking about your dreams??? oh heck yes, count her in. she is really tired when she isn't working, so usually she spends her time trying to rest up and take care of things around her cottage. however, she wants to spend all of the time that she can with you. so, the two of you go on all sorts of lovely dates! shopping in the marketplace, teaching her about new herbs in the shop, seeing the new shows in the theater and heckling julian, all sorts of stuff!!!!! but portia's all time favorite part of your days together is when you go to the docks, take off your shoes, sit on the edge and talk while watching the sunset together.
portia has so many dreams, and so many things that she wants to do in her life. and she loves to tell you about all of them. she spends hours just ranting to you about all of the things that she wants to do, the places that she wants to see, the types of adventures that she wants to go on, and of course they all include you being there with her. oh gods you love listening to her,, every single word that she speaks are words that you carve into the stones of your memories. listening to her talk about her dreams is like watching the sun shine. greenery smiles under the glorious warmth and embraces her glimmer gratefully, her passion burns brightly and she is the most beautiful being in any realm to ever exist. she has no time to wonder if she's talking too much because she is far too focused on being with you, and loving every single moment of it. you truly hope that you are able to go on all of the adventures that she wants, so that you can experience every ounce of the world with her, until it all falls apart.
of course, she loves to listen to you. the time that you two spend at the docks is time to talk about anything that comes to mind, and she cannot help but adore you as you pour your heart out to her. when you speak of all of the things that you want to do before your time in this realm comes to a close, she watches and listens very intently. your voice to her is like a river, running smoothly through the canals of her mind and soothing the battering howl of her heart. her eyes twinkle with adoration as her elbow rests on her knee, her face leaning against her hand as she stares at you. everything that you tell her only makes her more excited for your future, because in your future, you include her. and that is all that she could ever truly want. you both truly love to listen to each other talk, not even just about your dreams, but about anything. even if it's something as small as dinner options or something that you saw at the market that you liked, you both love to hear anything and everything from each other. can you tell that the two of you are head over heels in love??
the first time that you sat at the docks together was a magical moment that portia will never forget. you two had just spent an amazing day together, and you wanted to rest by somewhere pretty before heading back home. so, portia suggested the docks to watch the sunset. you agreed, then took your shoes off and sat down. you conversed for hours, laughing and teasing each other. it is so obvious that you both are the other's favorite person to be around to everyone around you, you are both so comfortable with each other in the purest, most loving way. portia had taken her hair down, long curly locks of red flowing carefully down her back. as the sun caressed the ocean for a farewell kiss, the light made her look like she was a celestial being. freckled, pale skin bathes in orange, your own skin making you look just as radiant as she. you locked eyes with her, and all you could think about is just how much you love her. and her you, for she thought in that moment, that you were the most gorgeous person she had ever seen. she thinks that all of the time, but everything about that time was too perfect. your hands cupped her cheek, and her hands held your arms as you exchanged a beautifully passionate kiss. all of her love dumped into it as did yours, and it is something that portia will always remember. you two go to the docks a lot more to watch the sunset, and exchange plenty more kisses worth treasuring for the rest of your lives.
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muriel ♡ nature walks.
OHHHHHH MURIEL!!! MY SHMOOPY POOPY DOOPY BEAR!! i love this man with all of my heart,, no one understands my love for him syufigubine. i didn't even have to think about this one, because i KNEW for a fact this our sweet boy would absolutely LOVE to go on nature walks with you. he isn't much of a people-person, so he doesn't really like going anywhere that crowds gather. which, in vesuvia, is a pretty hard thing to do, considering the fact that people are almost always out, doing something. so muriel doesn't like going anywhere where people are. the time that he spends with you is meant for you and you alone, not to be spent around a crap ton of strangers that push and shove and cram him into tight spaces. so anytime alone with you is time that he greatly cherishes. you had been wanting to find an activity that both you and muriel love doing that wouldn't make muriel anxious or uncomfortable, so you came up with the idea of nature walks.
when you brought it up to muriel, he accepted it right away. he would get to be around nature and spend time with you? that's all he ever really needs, honestly. he has been through the forest time and time again, he knows every crevice of it like the lines on his palms, yet when you went on your first nature walk together, everything about the forest seemed to change. the colors were brighter, the plants smelt richer, heck even the animals were out and about more when you two went out together. he didn't understand why, but it felt so much better being in the forest with you. you walked along and let the path take you wherever fate demanded. the sun peered through the leaves of the trees to allow life to breathe underneath it, the warmth of the day wrapping around you both like a blanket. he's gotten used to this forest after living in it for so many years, but with you, it felt like the most fascinating place to be.
he was a little worried because he figured that you would want to go out. not just to the forest, but to somewhere like the marketplace, the town square or even the rowdy raven. when he expressed his concerns, you reassured him that you didn't need to go out and do something. all you need is to be with him, and if this is the way that he is most comfortable spending time together, then so be it. you could walk all day, all night, for the rest of your lives in this forest together, as long as it meant that he was comfortable and happy. he smiled and thanked you for your reassurance, giving you a little kiss on the cheek before taking your hand and continuing your journey.
from that point forward, nature walks became a very regular part of your routine with muriel. it always starts with "wanna go on a walk?", and from that point forward, who knows what could happen. you two have found a lot of new things in that forest together. you've found lots of pretty flowers, greenery, rocks and animals that you didn't see before, new spots to relax in and even found little burrows and nests a couple of times!!! it's like a little adventure that isn't too far away from home, and muriel is more than happy to go on a walk at any time. it's almost always something new when the two of you go out together, and he thinks that that's what makes you so lovely. on most days, on his own, he wouldn't think twice about any of the things that you do. so, when you stop him to look at a pattern on a rock, or to admire a dandelion that you call a flower even though it's a weed, he takes his time to admire it with you, and he can't stop that sweet smile from curling onto his lips. seeing you in his favorite place is the most wonderful experience that he could ever ask for. he didn't believe that he was deserving of wonderful experiences before, but now that he has you, he wants to think differently.
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@BUNNYLUVX ,, all rights reserved. do not copy/plagiarize any of my works or submit it into ai. any and all support is so very appreciated! <3
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