quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Okay, but I just remembered a novel by Iain M. Banks that I read one time where the villain had genetically engineered his penis to shoot truth serum so that he could interrogate his lovers for signs of disloyalty.
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thrashkink-coven · 3 months
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omg guys it’s Luciferrr!!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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luciferianchild · 11 days
Signs Lucifer is reaching out to you
Seeing snakes
Seeing dragons
Seeing crows
Seeing ravens
Seeing swans
Seeing the numbers "666" often
Seeing his name often
Finding crow feathers
Temperatures randomly start dropping
Randomly smelling sulfur
Thinking about him often
Feeling drawn to the sun
Feeling the need to clean
Feeling the need to make a difference
You feel like working towards self-liberation
Pulling the Devil tarot card often
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hell-yeah-satanism · 2 months
baphomet/lucifer e offering
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"baphomet, lucifer, the gods that i first met, thank you for everything, everything you have done and do, thank you"
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myrtles-and-blood · 7 days
me when my deities put me through difficult shit to grow as a person and get out of my weird mental state when it's literally what I asked them to do: girl no way you're doing this to me rn bffr 🙏🏻
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sapphicnunnery · 5 months
hey folks, can anyone gimme a bit of help?? I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff about Lucifer on here, and feeling a bit of a pull to work with him for a little while now. I’ve had a really hard time with researching him lately because of how much is about pop culture (characters, shows, books, literally everything), Christians essentially saying that Lucifer is gonna kill everything and you should avoid him and the gays who serve him, or, like, deity/biblical fanfic? If you currently work with Lucifer or have in the past, could you help me out with some information about him? UPGs, signs, associations, stories, history, advice for working with him, reliable sources for research on him, etc would all be super helpful! Also, Loki is my patron deity, so does anyone know if they don’t really get along? Loki seemed pretty excited about that idea when I talked to him about it, but idk lol
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nehdjet · 3 months
for people who light candles for their deities, what do you usually do? let the candle be lit for a few hours, or blow it out right after finishing a prayer or offering? or both/neither? and for what you do, why?
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nepzero · 2 months
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theheadlesswolf · 26 days
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How to pray to our Lord, Satan.
There is only one rule:
DO NOT KNEEL DOWN. Our Lord doesn't want you to submit to him, he only wants to give you love and knowlage.
If you have a shrine to our Lord, pray there.
If you don't have a shrine, you can pray anywhere where you are alone and can focus. Do these steps:
Light your candle.
burn your incense.
I, personally, like to put my fingers, palms, hands together and do the "devil horn" sign.
Whisper or tell him something in your head.
Listen to music that reminds you of our Lord.
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cursecuelebre · 2 months
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Roman God Lucifer of Light, The Morningstar, and the Rising Sun
Morning star (Venus)
Rising sun
Director of the Heavens
Jar of Light
The Sun (especially the rising sun)
Bright stars in the night sky
General Information:
Lucifer before the Roman Catholic Church demonized him was a minor Roman God of Dawn. Since then he is been well known as “Satan” or “the devil” which isn’t true in the Bible Lucifer is never mentioned by name except one passage talking about the Morning Star which can be any god/goddess in the Middle East and nearby nations.
There is not well documented stories about Lucifer other than he works along side of Aurora the goddess of Dawn. Ovid the Pagan poet mention Lucifer as being the son of Aurora and Cephalus or Asterius (depending on what story you read), as she is the first to awake as she rides across the dawn filling the sky with light. Lucifer follows her capturing the light of the stars and pouring light from his jar. He also directs the order of heaven when the dawn comes to being. Known as the “Light Bringer” and “Herald of Dawn” and the Greek name “Phosphorus” which means Light Bringer as well. He is the physical representation of Venus/Morning Star. The Evening Star is his brother Hesperus representing the same star but at night overtime they merge together as one.
Obviously Lucifer isn’t all recognized as being Lucfiercus of Roman mythology. The Roman Catholic church used Lucifer as a scapegoat when demonizing their old pagan traditions. Since then a lot of Satanists and Lucferians see Lucifer as the Christian Devil which is valid. From my experience he doesn’t mind that, even I use the left handed path sources for his symbols and attributes even his sigil I used as a representation of him. I created this post to help people actually understand that Lucifer isn’t evil nor related to Abrahamic faiths in the first place. His origins do not show that, he was a god that helped bring dawn across the sky. It’s important to learn about gods who were demonized their actual purpose to cultures not just Lucifer but a lot of the “demons” we know today were once Gods and Goddesses. There is nothing wrong with seeing Lucifer as a fallen angel or a prince of hell just keep in mind that is not his true origin.
His appearance:
I have started to work with Lucifer early this year and it was quite interesting but in my meditations, that’s where I began to fully understand and work with him and help me to deconstruct my fears about him.
Traditionally he is a young man sometimes a child like Cherub (the classic art painting not Biblical accurate) with wings. I see him as a young man, but he is very bright! From my own experience has light colored hair almost white sometimes black, his skin is pale or gray, but his eyes always burnt orange so bright with massive black wings you would see on angel. At times he appears to me not in a physical sense in my meditations but in the sky as a bright star glowing like the sun. It’s quite beautiful.
My Experience from Working with him.
He has helped me being more empowered and trusting of myself, helping me hone in my skills of magic. Like giving advice and guidance on certain things. People who say he is like a father figure, I can most definitely agree with that, very gentle and very patient. But he will push you through not in a malicious way of course but a very tough love way, that he wants you to accomplish. I notice ever since I’ve been working with him I’m more confident and comfortable with my self and expressing my feelings.
Tarot Cards:
This is the tarot cards I personally associate him with feel free to use it but just sharing it in general sense!
The Sun
The Star
The Devil
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thrashkink-coven · 2 months
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More trans Lucifer because it drives the terfs crazzy
I love him so much aaa 💕
u can see more of my art on Instagram @thrashkink_art !!!
Hail Venus! ✴️
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sh4k3squ33r · 2 months
My Devotional Playlists
I'd love any song suggestions :)
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hell-yeah-satanism · 4 months
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myrtles-and-blood · 20 days
Newbie confusion: Prayers
Reading The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly.
Thanks to this book I've discovered that I've been praying wrong this whole time, not only applying in Demonolatry, but in general. I thought it was a nice poem you'd say out loud and that's it, I didn't understand why people talked about it like it was an actual offering.
Like, it's actually an exchange of energy. I'm actually giving something to them, not just saying stuff out loud. I still have a very physical view of the spiritual world (contradictory, I know), and unless I can feel the offering, make it, touch it, sense it in general, it's like I'm not doing anything.
I didn't understand offerings very well either. Like, I give you a strawberry and you spiritually eat it or what? What's happening to the strawberry, what's going on. 😦
The thing, or how I understood it, is basically that entities are energy themselves, and when you put energy into doing something with a good intention for them you're... feeding them? I don't think that's the word, but maybe in the same way a person goes to a ballet. That dancer is not doing anything for me, but their performance evokes an energy that makes me feel good.
I think I didn't really get why a deity or a demon would like to constantly receive praise and everyone to be scared of their power because "bad things happen when you don't like me" type of mentality. That's how I used to view God and that's what I thought was the norm.
I didn't get it because I wouldn't like it if people did it to me, but actually this is not what was supposed to be happening when worshipping. People pray and offer stuff because they are friends and students of their deities/demons, and they like to thank them for teaching them stuff and helping them.
When I first discovered this stuff I was like "Damn y'all talk are fucking crazy" but no, it's just they don't live with the idea that they should fear who they worship, just respect it like any other being on this earth. Believe it or not I thought this was stupid until later on.
Nothing more to add, actually. I wanted to make a post about my discovery and my view as a newbie in spirituality, because I'm more new to this than I thought I was. My head works in mysterious ways.
I'll definitely incorporate this new knowledge and see how I can make my brain think I'm doing something and not just saying meaningless stuff out loud, I may or may not update. 👍🏻
Small disclaimer: I don't hate God currently, but according to everything that I saw and heard at church I thought he was meant to be feared, and my small kid brain didn't really think that was nice so I stopped believing in him and started being an absolute hater. I stopped after a while and discovered witchcraft.
I'd love to hear that I'm not the only one who had a weird perspective on this, I also love hearing other perspectives and any advice you have on this matter (with respect obviously). 🫶🏻
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sainttypevibe · 8 months
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We do not worship; We Honor.
All Hail Lord Lucifer; Father to all things broken.
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