#lu crossover fic
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Shadow of a Deity (A LU/FoT crossover)
Chapter 1: A Portal Awry
Link had a mask that was a deity. In one universe, that deity became a father. In another, he didn't. What happens when those two realities collide?
The portal was askew as the nine heroes named Link tumbled out of it.
The journey had not been a good one. Something had gone wrong. Instead of walking calmly between one time and the next, they had fallen into this new one. All the other trips had been a seamless journey, instantaneous from one place to another. This had taken too long, with a pressure that squeezed and pulled at them, like their destination was somewhere they didn't belong. Instead of an open door, the portal was a crack in a wall they had to force their way through. When they finally found fresh air, they stumbled, fell and nearly lost the contents of their stomachs as they sprawled under the great, spreading branches of many trees in a deep, dark woods.
"Where are we? When are we?" Legend climbed shakily to his feet, sharp eyes taking in every detail. There were so many dark forests in Hyrule over many years that they could be anywhen at all. He spun at the sound and feel of collapsing magic and watched as the portal fizzled away into nothing. "Well, there's that. We're trapped here."
(Read the rest on AO3!)
Continuity for this fic is as follows: Father of Time: After the second Termina visit, before the Hebra trip, probably before the Navi reveal Linked Universe: After the whole Dawn storyline, most likely before the temple.
#Father of Time fic#Legend of Zelda AU#Post-MM AU#Post-OOT AU#Legend of Zelda fanfic#Legend of Zelda AU fic#Fierce Deity#Fierce Dadity#Hero of Time Link#teenager Hero of Time#Linked Universe#lu chain#lu time#Look we're tagging Time specifically for reasons I'm sure you understand#All the boys are here#and epona too ha!#non canon#lu fanfiction#lu crossover fic#father of time crossover fic#mixing the AUs like it's a big ol' soup
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apparently i like making myslef hurt and suffer
because i'm wondering
how would Sablya react if she heard about "Mrs. Kitt Tailor" and their MANY kids?
i know she's from another au but dang it my mind is wandering and it hurts
I will be entirely honest, I have had thoughts on this SO MANY times, but never been sure if there was a point in writing it! That said @apparitianhanako actually asked me a while ago to write this! It just fell by the wayside.
I got hit by a wave of inspiration when I saw this ask though, although unfortunately I am running on like...four hours of sleep, and, thus, brain function is CRAP, so I cannot vouch for the quality here, but I guess here's an answer fic! (NOT Violet Incident canon or TBBU/BoHH canon)
It’s one of those days that’s actually not as bad.
There aren’t a majority of either the good or the bad, mostly just a sort of lingering gray that overtakes it all. A grey unlike the twilight, unlike the shadows, and very, very different from even those long stormy nights that Link loved so much.
To look at him, you’d never think a man like that would love storms, and yet he does. Many’s a night they’d curl up before the fire, huddled in close under some quilt or another that his mother and sisters had made and he’d tried his very best to add too, even despite his trembling hands. Many’s a night she’d brew them tea and he’d hold her close, eyes turned to the windows and sharing story after story from his childhood, from his homeland; the fae stories that even her grandfather doesn’t know, and never could tell with the eloquence of the man she’d loved. The selkie stories he’d learned from his grandmother and passes on to anyone who’ll listen. The stories of the old, the new, the unknown, the unexplained. Her Link may not have been rich to the world’s eyes but he was rich in stories, and to the two of them that was often better.
They had been anyway. She still loves them, but there’s something lacking in new ones now, maybe the roll of his voice or the intent way he’d tune his telling to its listener, engage and entrance them with his words until they’d feel there themselves. A book’s pages don’t capture it right and no one knows how to say it.
Sometimes she wonders how he’d describe the greyness. Would he spin it like the deep sea that drinks down whatever is cast within, leaving a peaceful stillness above and a roaring torrent below? Would he tell it like a sky before a storm? The wind before a blast? The air in a second before magic speaks its words over the earth?
But he’s not here to say it.
That’s sort of her own fault though. Proud though she is, Sablya knows the faults not solely his, and that’s the source of the grey.
Pride’s a dangerous thing; she’s been warned all her life. It’s the thing that sends soldiers to their deaths and ruins lives and loves. Still, even with that knowledge, it’s a powerful force to try and deny, and it’s the only one that’s stopped her on some days from straying towards the castle to try and fix things.
And then, some days, it’s weak, so very weak, and she manages to step out anyway, heading for the gates and intending, with all her heart, to wander in to his office and ask, like anyone who comes to him, if he can help her to restore the family that she lost in the war, to bring her Link home to her.
Something always stops her though.
Pride, perhaps, stops her at the gate. Doubt and anger at the steps, her own unwillingness to face the world some days stops her making it past her own doorstep. But the times she’s made it to his door, hand on the knob and ready to knock, it’s the voices inside, the tired sound of his voice and the tears he’s no doubt meaning to ease from whomever it is that’s come to see him, seeking, like herself, to find what was lost. It’s doubt then, and fear, and bitterness that has her certain that he’d say the same to her as he’s said in her hearing to so many bereaved; “your soldier isn’t coming home, ma’am. I’m sorry.”
Today though isn’t a day where that doubt creeps in. It's one of those ones where even pride has taken a backseat and she’s got a moment to look about her home and feel the most dangerous feeling of all; hope.
Link’s a man who’s good to his word, who never breaks a promise, never defiles a vow. The vows they made on their wedding day, surely, were meant with as much if not more heart than any other he’s made. They’d sworn ‘through good and bad, easy times and hard, sickness and health’, and though she’s failed, broken that promise, on a day like today, she has faith that he wouldn’t.
He came home after all, and he never pushed when she’s said no, said go, said leave. He’s never failed a vow yet, so surely, this is one he will keep. Surely, he’ll at least let her try to speak to him, if only enough to discuss, to give words to the greyness that bubbled up that day that the war ended and he’d come home.
On another day, maybe she’ll laugh at herself for her hope, for the naivety, but on this day, Sablya Taylor has no intentions of letting a past or future version of herself stop her for at least today. After all, she’d heard from a neighbor that Link is back. Wherever it is that he’s gone, he’s back now.
“And looking a good deal in better health then last I saw him!” The old lady had chirped at her over the garden wall yesterday evening as she’d been working at the wash.
It’s a spark, a bit of hope that’s dangerous but oh so powerful, and it has her setting out that very morning.
She’s not sure if it’s the castle or an inn he’ll visit, because Hylia knows it won’t be his mother’s place, not on the slim chance that Mister Taylor the senior will actually be there. Of all the things that have changed, she knows for a fact that Link’s relationship with his step-father will be the last to do so; the two men despise each other, and to have them in the same room, never mind sleeping in the same house, would take a genuine miracle!
Gossip is a sure compass though, and she’s only got to say his name before some shopkeeper or market vendor is pointing the way they last saw a blue scarf trailing.
It’s not long at all either before she sees it for herself.
There he is. Standing tall only a short distance from some stall or another, chatting away in an almost animated fashion with another man.
For a second, her feet stall, freezing.
He looks himself again. Gone are the heavy bags beneath his eyes, the near perpetual five-o'clock-shadow and scowl from too long hours in the office, too many nights in a bar. He’s clean shaven (but gosh does she miss his beard, patchy as it was!), combed but not coiffed, clean but not polished, a laugh on his lips and a scowl on his brow as he nudges at the man beside him.
A man who looks a shocking about like a certain best-friend she knows is dead, hair just a shade or so darker, with hints of auburn, but smile just as toothy and the voice that sounds in answer to her Link just as tinged with Ordon’s drawl.
For a minute, she has to shake herself and question if she hasn’t traveled back in time somehow. Except... except she can’t have, because the scars over his eyes aren’t familiar and the blue scarf is somethings he’s only seen once; when he came home. He’d not had that before, so she knows it can’t be the past
She sort of wishes it was though. It would certainly make this much easier.
Sablya steps towards the two men, lips parting even though she’s got no clue what she’s about to say.
And then they move.
It’s not far, just to another stall, but then the man who could be Gassun’s twin is stepping away and another, brown haired and with a near angelic smile on his lips, takes his place, trading softer words that earn kinder smiles and easier motions than the last.
It takes her a second to work up her nerve, but the moment she does, they’re drifting off again, and once more, another lad comes, though the second man stays, and a boy who she thinks she’s seen linger by her husband’s side before joins the conversation.
It keeps happening that way. She’ll be a second from stepping over, only to start and lose nerve when Link goes to speak to someone else. It’s annoying. She’s annoyed at herself and her own lack of nerve. Pities sakes, what would Mother and Father think o such behavior? What would her grandparents think? Bushka? They’ll all tell her to buck up and talk to her husband! So, with a huff and a heave and as strong of steps as she can manage considering she knows she’s wronged him, Sablya steps over.
And then her feet stop cold again, just an arm’s length away, as another figure glides over.
It’s not the fact that the person is there, not when she’s expecting it now, it’s the way their hand slips into the crook of Link’s arm with a familiarity none of the rest had shown. Its the way they turn to speak to him, drawing his gaze, something dark and dangerous deep in their own. It’s the fact that, unlike the rest who’d come and gone, the figure at Link’s side now wears a skirt and has the fine features of a woman, not a man.
“Darling,” the word is tense, the grip the same, but the dark stare that lifts past heavy lashes, pressing and pointed, has her heart catching up in her throat to see directed at her husband, “I fear I must ask your help.”
It’s nothing, she tries to assure herself It’s normal. Women throw themselves at her husband even with her at his side, they always have. He’s a good-looking man and an honest one too, and she’s never minded before that the world can see it. Now though, now after the war, after everything, after the sorceress, her gut still churns a bit.
She wants him to catch that nimble yet firm hand and tug it off, to step back and ask, in that not yet cold, but very much warning tone what it is that the lady wants. Because, beautiful though the creature on his arm is, enchanting as her gaze must be up close, what with how hypnotizing it nearly is from afar, he’s still a married man. He made a promise, and whether or not they’ve spoken in ages doesn’t change that.
Link’s brows furrow, and she’s ready to see the gentle push, but instead he leans in, just a bit closer, head down and whispers soft as he answers, nearly too low to be heard. “What happened this time?” Fervent, worried, attentive, not a bit of hesitation in his manner and gaze fixed solely on the vision beside him.
There’s a wince, the grip of that hand tightening and his coming to settle over the top, assuring, comforting, promising in motions she herself knows so well and hates to see granted to another. As though unawares though, the other woman goes on. “I fear our girls have gotten to mischief.”
Our girls? Surely, she doesn’t mean-
Link stiffens slightly, tensing in the shoulders. “All of them?”
A nod. “Five magics, all going mad, and believe it or not, dear captain, they’re scattered.”
Link sighs. That great, heavy sort of thing he won’t sound unless he’s truly comfortable in a person’s presence. It’s a sort of pride of his own, she’s often thought, that he won’t falter before any save those he trusts, and the implications of it sounding in the space between himself and this other woman makes her heart scream. “Why did we think this was a good idea?”
“Having kids?” The woman sighs in kind, “we didn’t. It happened, and now we have seven gremlins to mind and stop from destroying this city.”
“Let’s get to it then,” and he’s striking out a couple whispers late, parting now but with a wry smile that the other echoes, moving off in the other direction calmly as though trying her hardest not to attract attention. Link doing the same in the opposite direction, no doubt with direction from the dark-eyed lady on where to go.
She could follow him.
She could follow the lady, but desperately, she both does and doesn’t want that woman to know. There’s no ring on his hand, not with his profession being what it is, so, surely another woman might make a mistake. The fact of it is clear though; she is something to him, but the desperate hope that the lady didn’t know battles with the wish that Link has somehow been tricked, seduced by the siren’s song of that woman’s sweet voice, perhaps under the spell of the magic that drapes over her like a cloak. She wants to believe it’s not his fault, yet the idea of blaming the lady seems so wrong without knowing for sure.
She should follow him.
She should stalk after and drag him to the side, out of sight and earshot and demand to know what she just saw. Yes, they’re separated, but could he not do her the basic dignity of divorce if he was so set on starting again? She has her failings, and she’s aware that they’re significant, but regardless, that isn’t an excuse!
Or is it? Is she to blame? Was it her words and actions?
And yet, her feet move without though, mind spinning, there were children mentioned. Not one- seven. Seven children, and while certainly the lady looks young, she’d also said it happened by chance. No one in their right mind, not even Link with his bleeding heart for strays and street kids, would adopt or take on seven children. She knows he took two, in the war, under his wing. She knows she’d been bitter, thinking he was replacing their own lost little one with blonde-haired boys he hoped would fill a hole.
But seven? With a woman like that? And all old enough to wander, freely? To have magic?
The captain’s wife has the sinking feeling that such a thing wouldn’t be possible in the time since the war ended and their marriage had followed suit. Even if her words did somehow drive Link to break a vow, a promise, his own honor and her heart with it, the times wouldn’t match.
He’d have to have had met this woman long before, and the children- gods, is she the second woman?
Her mind spins and trips on itself, feet the same until she finds herself on a street she can’t name, ducking into the nearest ally to drop her head to her hands and breathe.
She can’t cry. She won’t cry. If she cries than she’ll never stop and-
“Are you okay, miss?”
Sablya starts, dashing what tears had escaped away and turning about to the source of the voice, finding a young figure before her. It could be a child, but then again, it might not be. Whatever they are, boy, girl, young or grown, they’re staring at her with warm amber eyes and a worried frown.
“You seem upset,” the short figure observes, blinking up at her slowly, gaze weighted more than it should be for so young a person. “is everything alright?”
She means to answer, to say she’s fine. Regardless of anything, she won’t be admitting her troubles or ruined marriage to a random stranger, but it’s at that very moment that Fate chooses to spit in her face and another figure darts around the corner on the far side of the alley, calling out. “Scarlet, luv, come along, your sister-” and the words cut off.
She stares.
The dark-eyed woman stares back.
Of all the chances, of all the people, she does not expect it to be the same lady as took her own husband’s arm with such certainty, but yet, here she is. Here she is, pretty and powerful, if not physically than at least with magic far exceeding Sablya’s own.
Link likes powerful women, she finds herself thinking, bitter. He likes strong women. He likes women who stand with confidence as the lady before her does now, even as confusion touches ethereal eyes. He likes women who entrance him, and no doubt, anyone would be so before this figure.
“Mama,” and oh gods, is this one of those seven? “I don’t think she’s okay.”
The strange lady steps forwards, magic reaching, cautious but gentle, eyes searching and ears flicking. “Are you hurt, miss?”
Her heart is irrevocably shattered into a million pieces, if that answers the question.
The sweet face of the strange, young yet world weary, and still somehow near regal despite tattered dress, creases up in a frown. “Is there anything we can help with?”
She wants to say yes. She wants to demand answers. She wants to whisper a plea to tell her it’s a lie, that she’s wrong, but in the same breath, she’s looking into the face of the younger, the child, her Link’s child, and wondering how on earth she could dare to shatter a second family after ruining her own. Does this kid deserve to be told something so terrible? Does this lady? Could she leave them in peace and let Link go on, happy as he’d looked beside them, weary but warm, himself again like he hasn’t been in forever?
As though to add insult to injury, the man in question himself rounds the corner a second later, four more children, near identical save the one’s dark hair, all on his heels. “I see you found Perri and Scarlette already, which is a blessing because-” the words die as he looks up from small figures to where she and the other woman stand, now both having turned.
Link’s eyes widen, feet stuttering as he draws up sharp. “Oh shit.”
“Language!” One of the kids pipes up, only for a sibling to slap a hand over their mouth.
She can’t move.
Link doesn’t seem to be able to either.
“You know her?” The lady asks.
Link’s gaze is heavier than the very sky and it’s every star, his words clipped and short. “That’s my wife.”
Dark eyes turn on her in a moment, now also wide. She expects a scream, a hiss, maybe tears exploding forth as they threaten to from her own soul, perhaps a fit of rage as magic snaps and growls. Instead though, the strange lady just sags, hands over her face and a heavy sigh seeming to carry her last breath intro the alleyway. “I hate my life.”
“Second that.”
“Well thanks,” and the sugar sweet tone is abruptly gone, the gentle manner lost as a scowl, so drastically different from the angelic expression before that it would almost be comedic if it wasn’t so confusing, is shot Link’s way. “Stick a knife in my heart yourself, why don’t you.”
“A wife?” and there it is, “you didn’t think to say something?”
“What, like you would have believed me?”
“I procured you a fake wedding ring and- you know what, no,” hands fly up and the stranger, who is suddenly so much less gracious and gentle and is now a whole new person altogether, something that leaves Sablya floundering at the sight of, is turning to look at her. “You must be so confused.”
“Oh shit.” Link sounds again, more emphatic this time.
“Hi,” and the expression of exhaustion that joins an outstretched hand held her way nearly makes her feel ready to keel over herself, “I’m terribly sorry. I’m a friend of your horrid husband and I would like to assure you right here and now that I am not sleeping with him, nor will I ever.”
Link chokes.
Sablya stares.
The... lady(?) draws back, apparently realizing her hand won’t be taken and that Sablya herself might not be able to even properly think at the moment. “I can only imagine what you just saw, or are thinking, and because Link here is shit at explaining crap to do with anything in this regard, I’ll do the honors.” Words followed with a mutter to the ground of “someone kill me,” that, despite everything, she somehow doesn’t manage to take personally.
Which is how she ends up leading six strangers and her estranged husband back to her house and the privacy it offers, to be told a story around her kitchen table by a boy who looks like a goddess about how he, a wolf-man, and four of the five not actually children in the current company had accidentally convinced not only Castletown but the whole country, in multiple eras of history, that Link was married to a goddess and the father of seven children.
In short, it is not how she expected to finally sit down with her husband, but after the whirlwind she just suffered, it does ease some tension between them when the story ends and she finds herself breaking down into a hysteric combination of laughter and tears that leaves everyone else staring awkwardly and her own husband, her Link, her not a cheater and, in fact, still true to his word Link, trying his very best to help her calm down enough to breathe again. In all honesty, it’s almost all worth it. Especially when Link gives up talking and she finds him setting an arm around her shoulders instead. He’s all hesitant and slow, wary, but when she doesn’t push him off, he eases and, a second later, tugs her in close like he used to on grey afternoons before the fire.
They're both shaking.
She’s not sure if or when her hand will ever unwind from that blasted scarf of his, but, somehow, she doesn’t think it will happen before his head lifts from her shoulder.
Blessedly though, her husband’s friend sees fit to usher the rest out, leaving them alone.
It’s not how she planned to sit down and talk things out with Link, but if anything, this will most certainly make for an interesting story for him to tell someday. Once, of course, they’ve made up and a very, very long time has passed so that she can actually laugh at this all. A very long time indeed.
As long as he wants that time, that is.
She hopes he does. She doesn’t want it without him.
#asks and answers#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu legend#lu warriors#lu four#TBBU sablya#Ketto writes#the Violet incidents#sort of#it's not cannon to the series#just a crossover au of the Violet Au and my first ever fic series#aka: what if Wars' was actually married and Incidents still happened anyway
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Drabble prompt: in the mines
The entrance to the mine loomed over them like a cold, black tomb. Nothing seemed to stir within.
"I vote no," Wind announced promptly, crossing his arms as he squinted into the darkness.
Wild picked up a small stone and rolled it between his palms before throwing it into the mine. It vanished amidst the shadows with an echo that carried for far too long. Wild's ears twitched uncertainly. "Could be fun?"
"A glowing review," Legend drawled. He turned to Hyrule with obvious doubt. "You're sure there isn't another way? I've heard of this place--even in my time, Moria was dangerous."
"There's only the mountain pass. I don't think we have a choice."
"Hyrule's right," Time answered, though he sounded troubled. "The wizzrobes have made the pass too dangerous. We'd freeze before we ever reached the other side. The only way is through." Despite his words, he angled himself between the younger heroes and the mine.
Twilight began tying a bandana around the lower half of his face. "Smells like death. A lot of it. And 'blins."
"Anything else?" Four asked resignedly.
"... trolls, too."
Legend and Sky harmonized as they groaned.
While the others regretted every choice that led to this moment, Warriors approached Time and quietly asked, "What about our little tagalong?"
"I'm not sure," Time answered just as quietly. "I can't fathom why the Skull Kid would be following us, or how, but he hasn't caused trouble yet."
"This is going to be a disaster, mark my words."
"Marked, Captain," Time answered wryly. Louder, he said, "Alright, let's move out. Keep your wits about you, limit chatter, and absolutely no wandering."
Wild smiled innocently, but Hyrule didn't appear to notice Time's pointed look. Instead, he cast a wary glance across the small lake they'd passed earlier. The water rippled. "I think... we have a problem," Hyrule warned.
Warriors didn't hesitate to draw his sword. "And so it begins."
#lol I couldn’t resist this goofy crossover#thanks for the prompt anon!#lotr Lu#Lu fic#lu time#lu warriors#lu hyrule#gintrinsic writing#ask prompt#linked universe
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some more assorted doodles. mostly ishdon again.
#limbus company#ishmael lcb#don quixote lcb#hong lu lcb#donmael#ishydon#little nightmares crossover anyone?#that don and hong lu doodle happened cause my friend was streaming their w corp drawing#and i played ln2 music to set the mood#and it fits ngl#also you ever wonder how certain identities deal with each other#do the n corp sinners froth at the mouth over ishy's antlers#the concept was introduced to me by a fic on ao3 actually#tho that one has n corp rodya instead#its called gavel and cervid btw#lotsa content warnings tho#aight tag rambling over
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In case anyone is wondering the lengths I must go through to filter linked universe from my ao3 search. This is the most effective way to do it, too, even though it's the second fucking search result it's the only lu fic for at least the first couple of pages, which if I haven't found anything to read by page 3 I'm writing my own shit. Without the fandom tagging there's way more poorly tagged lu fics in the search results. No the actual lu fandom tag did not show up before I maxed out the number of fandoms ao3 could show in the tab.
#lu fans have admittedly gotten better about this lately but the way ao3 handles tloz is super funky#and results in shit like this#like this person would NOT think to add the linked universe tag to this fic#they already added the linked universe fandom why would they need to tag it#but because ao3 groups tloz fandoms in a way that im sure makes sense to someone actually#looking at the guts of the site but in such a way that a user cannot filter out inter game crossovers efficiently#it shows up in the search results anyways#fic titles and author details censored to protect the innocent
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Oh DO tell me more about the Eveni LU little drabbly thing
You know what, I’ll just show you the part I actually wrote out, since the beginning bit is actually pretty well done.
There’s more to it then this obviously, but this is the part that one night I just wrote out because I was in the mood. this is what I do when I’m bored XD
(For those unaware, Eveni is Link (Twilight in this case) and Midna’s son.)
Link sprints through the portal with a hand held tightly to his son.
That black lizalfos had nearly killed him, killed them both, and the portal was the last place to go. He’s bleeding from a slice to his arm and his head is spinning from dark magic, but Eveni is unhurt, and that’s all that matters.
He breathes in shakily as he holds his son to his chest, looking up at their new surroundings.
They’re in a forest, but it’s much different from the one they were in before jumping through the portal. It’s smaller, younger, and deciduous trees instead of pines, late afternoon sunlight shining through their leaves.
It’s also fall. Which is odd, because it had been late spring where he’d just been.
“Huh,” he says absently, making sure the sling securing Eveni to his chest is tight, “well that’s a might strange.”
His son babbles in seeming agreement.
Link no more hears the presence behind him then senses it, leaping out of the way as a blade suddenly swings through the portal. Eveni shrieks and he bolts, noting that he’s not on any sort of trail or anything as he sprints.
Leaves crunch under his feet and roots stick up from the ground to try and trip him, but he can’t afford to slow down. He can still hear the lizalfos chasing him, and while it’d be so much faster to be a wolf, it’s also a lot harder to hold a baby when you don’t have arms.
Something swipes at his face and as Link jerks to avoid it he stumbles, and claws gouge into the back of his knee.
He sprawls to the ground with a cry, turning and clutching Eveni so he doesn’t hurt him inadvertently, and winces as he lies in the dirt for a second. Link hears footsteps and begins to scramble for his shield when his world lurches, something throwing him backwards and pinning him to a large tree.
And snatching Eveni out of his arms.
Link shouts as the black lizalfos steps forward, holding up his baby as it looks at him with an almost amused expression.
Eveni begins to cry.
“Let him go,” Link nearly roars, but whatever is holding him does not budge even from his in no way measly strength. It’s magic or something— there’s nothing visibly holding him back. “I’m who you’re after let him go he’s done nothing—!”
The lizalfos grins and peels back the blanket, licking its chops.
Link feels an all-encompassing fear crash over him and he shouts with pure panic and rage as he pulls with all his might to break free, struggling madly and feeling utterly helpless as the lizalfos looks hungrily at his son.
An arrow slams into the lizard’s knee.
It screeches, and the magic holding Link fades enough for him to break himself free and leap at the monster, kicking and clawing at its face. It hisses angrily but Link manages to grab his son out of its grasp, holding him close as he scrambles backwards.
He takes a second to thank the spirits Eveni is okay, then grabs for his sword as he tries to soothe the wailing baby and also keep an eye on the lizalfos.
But the last of these ends up being unnecessary.
The lizalfos is already gone, no sign of it but a trail of black blood leading off into the woods. In it’s place are three hylians, one holding a bow, who are looking at him with wide, concerned eyes. Several more are charging into the woods, and Link assumes they’re chasing the escaped monster.
“Sir is your baby okay?” asks one, a short kid with a green bandana in his fringe. He takes a hesitant step forward. “Are you okay?”
Link shuffles back, unsure of what to think of these men. They must have shot the monster, but he’s in a completely unfamiliar location and situation here.
And his head is still spinning from having watched Eveni nearly die.
“Wh... do you...” he asks, clutching his son and ignoring how there’s blood running down both his arm and leg now. “Where am I?”
A large man, wearing armor that’s eerily familiar, holds out a placating hand, sheathing his sword with the other.
“A place called Akkala, or so I’m told,” he says gently, obviously trying to calm Link down, “We’re hunting the lizalfos... or perhaps he’s hunting us. I’m sure you’ve noticed it’s not a regular one of its kind.”
Link bares his teeth in a snarl without meaning to as he thinks of how the monster grabbed Eveni, and the men inch back a bit. He pushes down the growl in his throat and sighs, suddenly exhausted.
“It... chased us through some portal,” he says, blinking tiredly. “Was going for me. Specifically.”
The teenager with the bow glowers. “How many more of us is it going to drag into this? Can’t it just leave us alone already?”
Eveni lets out another wail and Link turns his attention fully to him, holding him closer and gently soothing him.
“Hey, hey it’s okay buddy it’s okay, Daddy’s got you, he’s gone,” he whispers, and his son’s wailing slowly fades to more quiet whimpers. The man in the armor steps closer then, and offers him a cautious hand. Link takes it, stumbling with his bad leg, and the man doesn’t let go once he’s upright, giving him a concerned look-over.
Link meets his eye (the other is closed, a scar marring the lid) and for some reason... he feels that he can completely trust the man in front of him.
“Thank you for assisting me,” Link says gratefully, giving the man’s arm a squeeze. “You helped protect my son, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”
The man nods, and gives him a small smile. “Our pleasure. I’m glad he’s okay. Both of you.”
Eveni rubs his face up to Link’s chest with a whimper, and he shushes him again, running a hand over his head.
You’re okay, you’re okay.
“Hey, is your name Link?” the teenager with the bow abruptly asks. Link snaps his head up and stares at him, his already confused brain not quite up to figuring that one out.
“Wh— yes..? How’d you... do I know you?” he asks in confusion, and the kid with the bandana lets out a small laugh.
“We’ll explain, but uh, why don’t you sit and drink a potion first. You’re looking sort of... pale.”
Link doesn’t hesitate long before agreeing. These people, though they’re obviously all well-equipped fighters, don’t mean him any harm, and helped with protecting Eveni (which makes them more than okay in his book). They seem to be adventurers similar to himself, if he’d have to take a guess, or possibly monster hunters of some sort. Not to mention...
...there’s an odd sense of familiarity about them as well.
But Link is too tired to dwell on it much, so he merely follows the group, brushing a spot of blood off Eveni where it dripped from his arm.
The mystery can wait for now.
#answers from the floor#lotrreactionmemes my beloved#lu twilight#linkeduniverse#linked universe#linked universe fic#midlink#or implied anyway#true form au#<- kind of???#it’s an AU of that#or crossover?#ahhh whatever#tw blood#I guess#writing from the floor#this has been sitting in my docs for foreverrrrr#glad to be releasing it
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I finally started writing again! And so I offer a snippet of the thing I'm writing.
And, of course, it ends up being One Piece. I currently have a ton of ideas, with only two of them starting to become actual fics. So, I figured that I would share one of them for now. It'll be a crossover fic with Linked Universe where Sanji gets shoved right into LU via Devil Fruit. I don't have all of the ideas in place yet, but I hope y'all enjoy it. I'll share the other one later on, which will continue my trend of writing fics with copious amounts of pain and suffering ^u^
#one piece#linkeduniverse#linked universe#op fic#lu fic#crossover fic#there will be shipping in this eventually#spoilers it'll be ZoSanZo or however the ship name goes#silver talks#silver writes
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watching the percy jackson series made me reread that fic, i published it before the pandemic on wattpad and never finished writing. The best thing about that fic were the comments because there were people who shipped the OC with Percy, others with Annabeth and some with Luke but what I will never get over is that they ship her with HADES
#the fic was a kind of crossover with harry potter#the oc was george weasley's stepdaughter#and she could see fred's ghost#my 15/16 year old self was so creative.#lu speaks#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#annabeth chase#luke castellan
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I'm supposed to be going to bed now so I'm dropping this in your askbox for you to reply to whenever you have the time.
I saw that you finished reading Room of Swords and oh my goodness, it has been forever since I thought about that comic. (Okay so maybe 2-3 years, but that's basically forever.)
That story was insane. I got so much emotional whiplash from reading that thing.
Sorry for the yelling I am just still reeling from that experience. Room of Swords is one hell of an experience. I finished all of it and I’m just
I’m screaming!! Crying!!! I have so many theories!!! I’m stopping myself from doing an immediate reread. I need to recover
Also!! I hope you sleep well! Good night friend :D
#out of the apple box#beloved gryphonlover!!!!#At least it has a happy ending.. that’s a relief. After everything#I’ve never considered writing a crossover fic before but honestly??? It’d work?? with LU and I mean I’m sitting here like#‘I could write that for my own enjoyment.. that’s definitely something I could do’#But I have other projects… that I am waiting to post because I have to finish Martyr
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First Line Tag Game - Tagged by @zartophski
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
10. From the Elements We Came, To the Elements We Return: Earth was the first to be returned, just as it had been the first to be found.
9. I Want to Resurrect Whoever Made This Dungeon So I Can Kill Them Myself: "Is this normal for dungeons?"
8. Four's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day: Today was supposed to be a simple, uneventful day.
7. The Full-Metal Hero: To say that the chain had no idea where they were was an understatement.
6. We'll Make a Pirate Out of You Yet: Twelve bottles stand evenly spaced out on a fence post.
5. Beware the Jesters of Nightmare: "Beware the Jesters of Nightmare."
4. A Talk in the Border Between Worlds: Vegeta wasn’t too sure what had just happened.
3. The Claaaw: “Come on Legend!”
2. A Day with Our Daughters: "Come on now?"
1, We Shall Rise Again: Imagine the seedier sort of "gentlemen's" club, where men--who are no gentlemen but like to consider themselves a cut above the rabble--meet to discuss the deeds that make them no gentlemen.
No pressure tags (sorry if you've been tagged already for this game): @gpow13 @nowhere-to-go-but-down @jeru-skyrider @mlnovaoff @lessinkmoregraphite @Nebulapaws @wayward-lotus @floor-tiles @telemna-hyelle @rijurambles
#tag game#Most are lu other than the one NiGHTS fic in the middle#two of them are also crossovers#though one is more of a general LoZ crossover other than LU
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How to Forge a Chain in Nine Easy Links
Yui Shaw was not a hero chosen by the goddesses, but somehow she and Ken ended up here anyway- through a portal, talking with other heroes of ages long since gone by.
#heres the super niche crossover for me. my sister. and my cousin#the only three people i know of who are both into lu and have read htdadkites#my fic#my writing#how to defeat a demon king in ten easy steps#not gonna put it in the main lu tag tho lol
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Shadow of a Deity (LU/FoT Crossover) Chapter 2: A Familiar Era
There was silence in the room as Nocturne looked at the man in his arms, then looked over at his son. Link could only shrug helplessly.
"Look, I had nothing to do with it."
"At least they came here and I didn't go there!"
Nocturne sighed and gazed around the room at the other heroes, all of them staring back at him in mute shock. He looked at the deities and arched an eyebrow.
Oceanis waved an arm towards the Lost Woods. "They said they were chasing something. It is most likely still here unless it tried to portal away again."
(Read the Rest on AO3!)
(The usual embeds don't seem to be working. Alas. It's fine)
#Father of Time fic#Legend of Zelda AU#Post-MM AU#Post-OOT AU#Legend of Zelda fanfic#Legend of Zelda AU fic#Fierce Deity#Fierce Dadity#Hero of Time Link#teenager Hero of Time#Linked Universe#lu chain#lu time#Look we're tagging Time specifically for reasons I'm sure you understand#non canon#lu fanfiction#lu crossover fic#father of time crossover fic#mixing the AUs like it's a big ol' soup#going to castle town! What fun!
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The Hero of Hyrule and Strife's Delivery Service
Globs of bloody saliva flew from the monster’s mouth as it screeched one final time. Lurching forward, it snapped its teeth in defiance once, twice, then toppled over. Its many tentacles twitched in a pattern not unlike a thready heartbeat before the monster stilled altogether.
Hyrule gulped in desperate breaths and hesitantly lowered his blade. Despite the frigid temperature, sweat made his tunic cling to his back. Goosebumps broke out across his skin; already, his fingers felt stiff with cold, and every breath burned like fire in the back of his throat. “Who—” He wetted his lips and tried again. “Who’re you?”
On the other side of the monster, a man in a strange, black outfit swung his sword up and over his shoulder until it rested flat against his back. The blade was longer than Hyrule was tall, but the motion appeared effortless. “Could ask the same of you,” the man said quietly.
Instinct made Hyrule suspicious of the situation, though he fought to remind himself that sometimes people were simply good. His time with the others had taught him that. “My name is Hyrule. I got separated from my friends.”
“Hm,” the man answered noncommittally, crossing his arms. “Weird place for a friendly weekend getaway.”
“I’m not actually sure where I am.”
If anything, the man looked even less impressed than before. “Twenty miles south of Gaea’s Cliff.” He frowned briefly at the monster, then glanced back at Hyrule. His eyes seemed to glow in the fading light. “Treasure hunter?”
“Ah, sure,” Hyrule answered awkwardly. It sounded better than “destined hero on a quest across timelines.” “Pardon, you never said who you are…?”
“Just a delivery boy.”
“A… delivery boy,” Hyrule repeated. He eyed the fallen monster again. “And that?”
Hyrule shook his head. He was beginning to shiver in earnest. “Never heard of—Whoa!” Suddenly, the monster dissolved into blue-green shimmering light. Within seconds, nothing remained of the fight except trampled snow. Hyrule couldn’t help but think of Wild’s sheikah tech. “Did it teleport?”
The man raised both brows. “It returned to the lifestream.”
“Right…” He rubbed his arms, teeth clacking faintly. He hoped the others had landed somewhere a little warmer. “Well, thank you for your help. That, ah, malboro took me by surprise.”
“It was a lucky hit.”
Hyrule eyed that ridiculous sword again. “Sure.”
The man sighed. “Maybe you should call your friends.”
“Oh, um, sure.” Hyrule shrugged, then cupped his hands around his mouth. “Legend! Time! Anybody! Hello?” His voice echoed faintly before it succumbed to the sounds of nature. Nobody called back.
“I meant…” The man huffed. “Do you not have a phone?”
“A phone?” Hyrule asked, ears twitching uncertainly.
The man blinked at him. For a moment, his eyes looked more green than blue. “Never mind. You’re clearly not…” He waved vaguely toward Hyrule.
“Not what?”
“Nothing. Come on, let’s mosey. Whatever you are, you’ll freeze to death without shelter. Probably.” That said, the man turned on his heels and began striding across the icy tundra.
“But…” Hyrule hurried to catch up. His toes felt numb. “What about my friends?”
“I’ll find them.” Somehow, the man sounded both confident and unenthused. Hyrule thought he and Legend might get along.
“Okay, thanks. I can help, though!” It would only be right, and besides, Hyrule still didn’t entirely trust this guy. And it was obvious the feeling was mutual. “Are you not cold?”
“No to help, or no to the cold?”
Hyrule fought a sigh of his own. He followed the delivery boy and prayed this wasn’t a new Link.
#i said i wanted to write a lu and yyh crossover and then ffvii happened#whoops i guess#anyway i have strong feelings about ffvii and lately i've been thinking a lot about that part 2#linked universe#lu fic#lu hyrule#cloud strife#gintrinsic writing
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I’ve been reawakened and I’m here to share my old ideas!!
The first one is pretty OP and probably not all that likely because of how crazy it is, but you know how in game days and nights were much shorter than real life days and nights? If their nights and days were just like that, a lot shorter than ours, then the reader would likely be able to stay up for days and not need much food compared to them, either. But let’s make it a bit more specific and say their day is two hours for us as an example. This idea also means the reader would be knocked out for four whole days (eight hours) to get proper rest, so it’s a bit of a double edged sword.
The second idea is them either being immune to magic or simply not adapted to it. This is coming from a more biological perspective because if the reader comes from a world with no magic, they’re probably not adapted or evolved to process its effects properly. I always thought that this would result in the reader throwing up a magic potion because their body didn’t recognize it and did the only logical thing — perceive it as a threat and force it out. But if they’re simply immune, then magical attacks wouldn’t hurt as much. Like if they get punched with a magic fire glove or something, the fire goes out when it comes into contact with them, so it’s just a regular punch.
Third and final idea is basically the whole “humans would befriend anything friend-shaped” scenario. The group warns the reader of something dangerous in the area, like dragons for example, and they take off running and appear 30 minutes later on the back of said creature.
Bonus for the third idea; This is why Wolfie didn’t scare the reader much. He was friend-shaped, fluffy, and friendly, all three F’s. And also he looks more like a husky than a real wolf.
I love the idea of humans being built different, it's even more fun when you get to unintentionally traumatized the other people :3
Sorry for late reply! I didnt realize i had mail 🥺💌
No fr, one of my fav tropes in "humans space orcs" fandom stuff over there, is like what we eat/strength equivalent/resistence to stuff = and the reactions thereof to it lmao
What if most things just bounced off of us as humans, bc the gravity in Hyrule is different than ours, i mean it is a diff planet (kinda?)
(This is not how gravity works, more like we could have extreme jumping, but roll with my bs science im an arts kid)
or like if we did get hit, it had nowhere near the impact of how it's hit a hylian, like for example: Guardians.
The guardians get possessed/copied into Dark versions after running around Wild's hyrule enough, and so not only is it 10x harder to beat than usual guardians, as its taking nearly half the chain trying to take it down (rather than like 2 usually)
And even better if ur out of the fight bc they still expect u to not be great at it, like ok ur temperature resistent, but thats not helpful in battle-
U get fucking hit by a Guardian Laser Beam, and everyone freezes, the Links fighting the guardian, the Links fighting the misc monsters, Wild mightve even screamed and came running after you-
And you just kinda, sit. Like someone pushed you while u were off balance, and u flopped on the ground, still sitting up even 💀
And ur chest is hot, but not burned or anything
Yeah, I'd love a universe of Humans ≠ Hylians
Maybe ill make a fic or like a bunch of oneshots abt this with Masc!reader, if anyone is vaguely interested in reading it
Otherwise id write it for myself and not bother posting LMAO
Peace out,
#thank you for listening#I loved typing this out!#it’s unfortunately all I have right now#and I think I might include the humans are not hylians thing with a crossover fic im planning#maybe#linked universe x reader#lu x reader#male reader#lu x male reader#linked universe reader#link x reader#I used they pronouns because I didn’t know if you wanted to keep the he/him pronouns or not
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The Writeup
Thanks for the interest! As promised, I've come out of retirement for one (1) day to do this writeup about the intense things going on in the Nezha 2 fandom.
Once more, this is NOT about the people who happened to watch the movie, the people who are just interested in box office stats, the people who really enjoyed the movie, or the people who just really admire Nezha. This will be about the fandom fandom, the truly invested, the elaborate fanons behind certain ships that will make you go "wait what?", the rabid Ao Guang discourse that will also make you go "wait what?," the brainrot (affectionate) in its purest unfiltered form. This is a post about brainrot for those also suffering from brainrot.
This is a collection of patterns mainly from lofter, but also from douyin, weibo, bilibili, and xhs (I'm grouping everyone together because most artists/authors repost to multiple sites or have their content shared on multiple sites, so everyone ends up looking at the same things if they follow the relevant tags on each site). I didn't filter out or blacklist a single tag. I stared directly into the sun to collect this information!
Disclaimer: I genuinely have no idea how to warn for some of the things mentioned here, so just a blanket note of caution- if you click "read more," you are prepared to read about anything and everything. If you are OK with all this, then- let's go! 命由我不由天!
The movie has been out in China in for roughly 3 weeks. In those 3 weeks, all of this has happened in the deepest layers of fandom.
General patterns:
I can't speak for other site stats, but at least on Lofter, Nezha/Ao Bing as a ship is #1 and #2 trending (as Oubing and Bingzha respectively) out of all fandoms and topics on Lofter. But curiously, Ao Guang (#8 trending) and Shen Gongbao (#9 trending) are more popular as individual characters than Nezha and Ao Bing. The latter is noteworthy because Shen Gong Gong's tag was pretty barren circa 2019.
Some Oubing fans have decided that they don't have enough oubing content so they've started shipping Oubing.... from the 1979 movie. This is also in the top 10 trending. Their inspiration comes from this advert.
Ao Guang vocally disapproves of his son dating Nezha, but he can't do anything about it. The real victim here!
Any pairing you can think of exists. Any pairing.
Character/Reader fics exist for everyone in the main cast except Wuliang Shenweng and Taiyi Zhenren
There's a vibrant self-shipping community again for everyone except Wuliang and Taiyi
Lots of M-preg
CEO Ao Guang is common in modern AUs
Nezha is usually in his powered up form in Oubing/Bingzha content, but in his gremlin form in content focused on anyone else
Lots of "The characters themselves react to watching the movie!" type of stories
Shiji Niang Niang has been shipped with both Taiyi Zhenren and Shen Gongbao. The latter has spawned a meme. There's a comic I won't repost because I don't know who the original artist is, but it's very powerful. It goes like this:
SGB: "Prejudice is like a mountain in people's hearts-" SNN: "So I exist in everyone's hearts? That's beautiful <3"
"Lady Yin LIVES!" AUs aplenty
Wuliang's nickname is "Evil Peach"
Lots and lots and Lots of Shen Gongbao whump
Ao Guang has been separately interpreted as a daddy dom, a malewife, an old guy TM, a himbo, and a baby girl AND as all of those things all at once
Ao Run and Ao Bing are the only dragons considered to be smart
Shen Gongbao tends to have very low self-worth. This comes from a 2019 Jiaozi interview where he directly says our leopard lacks confidence
Any AU you can think of: modern AUs, mafia AUs, republican era AUs, actor AUs, musician AUs, wuxia AUs, this one AU where the Ao family are American senators for no reason, omegaverse, and so on
Lots of Journey to the West (a lot of Black Myth specific ones especially) and FSYY crossovers
There's a meme about the real Lu Tong using his antlers to attack people in their dreams if they dare make sexual content of him because someone who made "bottom" Lu Tong content claimed they were attacked by him in a dream. Others took this to mean that he only attacks if you make him a bottom. People who interpret him as a "top" claim that they won the lottery and their lives are going great.
Ao Guang and Shen Gongbao are usually on a first name basis. Ao Guang calls Shen Gonbao 公豹兄 (Gongbao Xiong, "Brother Gongbao") and Shen Gongbao calls him "Ao Guang" directly. This is sort-of canon because this is how they address each other in 敖丙传 "The Tale of Ao Bing/Aobing Zhuan". for those who ship it, their ship name is 龙王豹 (long wang bao/ dragon king leopard) *Keep Aobing Zhuan in mind. This will be important towards the wildest part of this writeup.
Now for the elaborate fanon lore behind two specific ships that seemingly came out of nowhere. Everyone knows about oubing, but what about the other popular ships out there? They're absolutely wild, but- HEAR THEM OUT.
This one has its origins from the first movie. 地笼 AKA "Prison Cage/Emperor Dragon." It's a ship based on Tiandi (Emperor of Heaven) x Ao Guang. The Di in "emperor" is pronounced the same as ground "di," which is also the first character that makes up the word "prison." And "long" (dragon) is pronounced the same way as cage (also "long"), hence the ship name.
Some time after Ne Zha (2019) came out, someone pulled out one of Ao Guang's lines and ran with it. It's a quote where he essentially says that even though the dragon clan was loyal to heaven and its emperor, the heavens betrayed and imprisoned them in the sea anyway. This section of fans took this to mean that Tiandi charmed Ao Guang on false pretenses, took advantage of Ao Guang's love for him, and then left him to rot in the eastern sea... after impregnating him with 1-3 kids. And this changed Ao Guang from an innocent beauty into a resentful dragon desperate for vengeance.
Things of note about dilong:
Tiandi 天帝 is NOT the Jade Emperor (Yu Di). Their mythos overlap, but the Emperor of Heaven is considered the supreme ruler of Everything in the universe while the Jade Emperor rules over the three realms. So Tiandi ranks higher than the Jade Emperor. (But he's also a more obscure figure in popular worship if we get technical)
At the time, Ao Guang didn't actually have a name in 2019 canon. So the fans referred to him as 敖广 (that's what the eastern dragon king has always been called, but Nezha 2 reimagines him with a different name that's pronounced similarly: 敖光).
Tiandi's given name, or rather, the name that the fans gave him, is Hao Tian 昊天, which is the actual name of one of the mythological Tiandi's many variations
Tiandi does not appear in either Nezha movie. His entire character (appearance, personality, etc.) is purely built on headcanons. He is usually written as a playboy, a heartless manipulative bastard, a deadbeat dad, an ungrateful power greedy monster, and so on. But he is always written and drawn as #Hot.
Ao Guang gave birth to Ao Bing in the Dilong universe.
As you can tell, this is a very angsty ship that usually ends in anger and suffering, but there are plenty of fix-its and happy ending versions out there too, mostly about Tiandi feeling bad for being such a shitty bastard in the past and trying to win Ao Guang back
Regardless of how you feel about Dilong after reading all this, if you are in any way fond of Ao Guang's design in Nezha 2, you owe your life and soul to Dilong shippers because Jiaozi's original idea for Ao Guang was making him a bearded geezer. The Nezha team saw how popular the humansona for Ao Guang was (from dilong fanart) and they incorporated it into canon.
#Dilong had a resurgence in popularity thanks to Nezha 2 (it's the no.6 trending topic on weibo as of right now). But you'll notice that pre-2025 Dilong may feel ooc now because Ao Guang is, for lack of better word, interpreted more as a softspoken twink than the beautiful himbo he is now.
*Keep Dilong in mind as well. It is the source of much insanity below.
Next, in a similar vein to Dilong, another wild ship has risen over the horizon! In terms of quantity, dilong is more popular, but in terms of engagement, this is doing bigger numbers nowadays. I'm talking likes in the ten-thousands range. That ship is.... Lu Tong x Shen Gongbao. AKA 鹿豹 (LuBao, DeerLeopard)
You might be thinking "HUH!? Why!?" My answer for you is that it's all Taiyi's fault. Both inside and outside the movies, Taiyi consistently screws Shen Gongbao over. Life imitates art! This section is a little longer than the dilong section because there is a Lot going on here. I'll admit that one of the most profoundly beautiful and well-written stories I have ever read is a lubao fic on lofter, I understand now
Just as the fans did for dilong once upon a time, this section of fans pulled a blink-and-you-miss-it quote from Nezha 2, where Taiyi tells Nezha that the previous captain of the demon hunting team was Shen Gongbao (after they meet the current captain, Lu Tong).
From there, the lore just got deeper. When Lu Tong greets Taiyi, he calls him 师伯 (Shi Bo, senior martial uncle). But you only call a male relative 伯 in Chinese when that person is your father's older brother. Wuliang is Taiyi's elder (martial) brother (Shi Xiong, as I'm sure you all know), so Lu Tong's address is incorrect. Taiyi knows this as well, so he corrects Lu Tong and says "It should be 师叔" (Shi Shu, younger martial uncle). Lu Tong continues calling him Shi Bo anyway. The fans took it to mean one of two things:
Lu Tong did it on purpose because he only acknowledges one (1) person as his Shi Shu and that's Shen Gongbao
Lu Tong is officially Wuliang's disciple, but he believes himself to truly be Shen Gongbao's disciple and since Taiyi is Shen Gongbao's elder martial brother, he'll call him Shi Bo
Then it got even more elaborate. The fans surmised that since the celestials are so condescending towards demons, Lu Tong and He Tong were ostracized and bullied when they first arrived at Yuxu Gong. And the only person who was nicer to them/protected them/stuck up for them was Shen Gongbao since they're the only demons there. This is why you'll sometimes see fanart of the three of them together in the "Yuxu Gong days."
When Shen Gongbao immediately realized Shen Xiaobao's wound came from Lu Tong's arrow, the fans decided this meant that he was familiar enough with Lu Tong to know his fighting style. When paired with the above headcanon, this directly turns into "Shen Gongbao himself taught Lu Tong archery."
Whenever Ao Bing possessed Nezha, fans noticed that there was always a closeup of Lu Tong's reaction. They decided this meant that Lu Tong recognized Ao Bing through recognizing his fighting style, taught to him by Shen Gongbao.
The fans also think Lu Tong did not have to go off that hard on Shen Xiaobao and Shen Zhengdao. There's following your boss's orders and there's following those orders in the most hyperviolent over the top way possible. Their conclusion is that Lu Tong knew that was Shen Gongbao's family and did it on purpose. Because when Shen Gongbao left Yuxu Gong without telling him, Lu Tong took that personally. And when he took Ao Bing on as a disciple, Lu Tong took that more Personally. So Lu Tong has decided to do his best to kill everyone Shen Gongbao ever cared about until he has nobody left but Lu Tong. Audiences complained that Lu Tong lacked a personality in the movie- the fandom has assigned him a personality and that personality is "sadistic freak obsessed with his Shi Shu."
Things of note about LuBao:
dilong was requited at some point in time, but lubao is an aggressively one-sided ship where Shen Gongbao only requits 1% of the time either because it's a complete AU, none of the movie's events happened, or he has amnesia (inflicted on him by Lu Tong)
A common trope revolves around Lu Tong hoping and hoping for Shen Gongbao to take him on as a disciple, which never happens, planting the first seeds of disappointment and HATE
Lu Tong really fucking hates Ao Bing, whom he considers to be the antagonist of his life because Ao Bing STOLE all of Shen Gongbao's love that rightfully should have been Lu Tong's. He also really hates Ao Guang too, again for stealing HIS shishu. actually, he hates Taiyi sometimes too. He hates anyone Shen Gongbao ever talked to.
He Tong is the only person who knows Lu Tong is this way.
Sometimes Lu Tong meets Shen Gongbao as a primitive deer, a fully adult celestial-in-training, or a literal "deer boy." During his time as captain, Shen Gongbao usually takes Lu Tong under his wing at some point and/or is the person who spares Lu Tong from being slaughtered by the rest of the team or convinces the others not to kill him. OR, even wilder, Shen Gongbao interacts with Lu Tong for 5 minutes 200 years ago and that's enough to cause Lu Tong to go on this spiral. Whichever the case, Lu Tong imprints on Shen Gongbao.
90% of LuBao content includes Lu Tong taking his revenge on Shen Gongbao after Wuliang imprisons him. This includes all manner of graphic torture.
Lu Tong wants Shen Gongbao to hate him because he believes Shen Gongbao left him in the past due to indifference towards him. "Hate lasts longer than love."
Shen Gongbao: *exists* Lu Tong: I'll kill your family. I'll kill your disciple. I'll kill your disciple's father and your disciple's best friend. And Taiyi Zhenren too. I'll kill everyone who ever interacted with you. Then I'll break you and break you some more until you're nothing but bones and dust. I hate that you made me love you and that you left me. What do the dragons have that I lack? Are my antlers lesser than their horns? We both have blood on our hands and yet you think yourself nobler than I. You are inherently kinder than me and I hate that the most about you. My dearest revenge is dragging you down to my level, to make you hate me as much as I hate you. If I can't have your love, I will have your hate and your pain and your tears- Ao Bing & Ao Guang: 有病!??????? WTF.
恨明月高悬独不照我 is a phrase now permanently associated with this ship. It translates to "I hate that the moon in the sky shines for all but me." Lu Tong hates that shishu shares affection with everyone except him.
This is such a prevalent characterization of Lu Tong at this point that "obsessed with Shen Gongbao" is now his defining trait even in content where neither he or Shen Gongbao are main characters
If its an Ao Guang/Shen Gongbao fic, Lu Tong sometimes shows up as SGB's abusive ex, abusive stalker, or a guy that Ao Guang finds extremely creepy and annoying
If you're still here, this next and final section puts everything else to shame!
The Ao Guang Discourse
There is a lot of drama surrounding Ao Guang now, not because of anything he did as a character, but because of who's he's shipped with. But there's actually only one side of the fandom instigating all the arguments.
Now, remember Aobing Zhuan? That's a spinoff comic focused on Aobing's childhood that came out circa 2021(?). It goes into depth about his early days with Shen Gongbao, his brothers, and even his mother, 应龙, Yinglong. (Yinglong is a real mythological creature, a powerful dragon with a place in old mythos and folklore as well, but that's not entirely relevant here lol). Yinglong is older than Ao Guang, is beautiful, strong, etc. She dies in the spinoff.
A significant number of fangirls latched onto Ao Guang (as presented in Aobing Zhuan), and projected onto Yinglong, the mother of his children. After Nezha 2 released, Ao Guang understandably gained even more fangirls. Most of them became GuangYing shippers.
Now, it's a golden rule in CN fandoms to tag your content so others can avoid. GuangYing shippers do not care about this. They go onto any and all m/m content with Ao Guang to insult the authors and argue that their disgusting ways are disrespectful to canon, disrespectful to Ao Guang, and disrespectful to women everywhere. It doesn't matter that Yinglong is not in the movies and also dead--Ao Guang is not allowed to move on from her ever, and also he is STRAIGHT. Is there not enough gay content out there?? Why can't the heterosexuals have this one man to themselves?? The injustice!
Edit to add: m/f is also unsafe from the wrath of guangyin shippers. They also attack Ao Guang self-shippers for daring to be sluts coming in between him and his true love, Yinglong.
They especially hate dilong and have been harassing all dilong content for the past month. Dilong is their main target, but it's not their only target- you can also find them under Ao Guang/Shen Gongbao content claiming that "they're just besties" and "Ao Guang just sees Shen Gongbao as a pet" asdfasdf
Dilong shippers retort by saying all Guangying shippers do is attack and harass others instead of making their own content, which is why their content is so lacking and pitful. They also called into question the canonicity of Aobing Zhuan. Jiaozi supervised it, but he's not the actual author. They started bashing Aobing Zhuan as focusing too little on Aobing, making Aobing look bad to make his brothers look good, accusing the author of being a Xiao Zhan stan in the wake of the ao3 ban, creating events that directly contradicted with canon, crediting things that Ao Guang or Shen Gongbao did for Aobing as things that Yinglong did, the official Nezha team is embarrassed of the direction Aobing Zhuan went in and doesn't acknowledge it anymore, Yinglong is the author's self insert, etc. And back and forth-
And then, 匪我思存 (Fei Wo Si Cun), acclaimed web novelist, author of multiple novels, including 东宫 (Goodbye My Princess 2019) and 9 more that were turned into TV shows.... published a Dilong fanfic on main (weibo). It referred to Ao Guang as 敖广 and involved M-preg, of him giving birth to Ao Bing, who is also Tiandi's child here. Yinglong and Tiandi's wife are both in the story too- they are a lesbian couple who double as beards for their husbands.
The Ao Guang fangirls, I mean, Guangying shippers LOST IT. They came at Fei Wo Si Cun with full throttle rage. Countless socmed posts about what a horrible disgusting disgraceful thing this author did! How dare she use her wide platform to do this instead of putting it somewhere where nobody can see!? Some have even accused this one fic of destroying Nezha 2's image on the global stage. This one story about this one ship has DESTROYED the reputation of ALL OF CHINA. This is TREASON. Now when normies see Ao Guang and Ao Bing, all they will think about is M-preg.
Not only that, Fei Wo Si Cun had the audacity to do something as misogynistic as turning Yinglong into a lesbian! That's a direct quote from them that nearly made me choke on air. It is a SIN to break up a "canon" pairing and a sin to change the character's sexualities into anything except heterosexuality!
The Yinglong crowd is still going at it as I write this. FWSC has not deleted or apologized for this fic. China's reputation has, last I checked, not been DESTROYED by this one story about an animated dragon man from a kid's movie, and dilong shippers are still suffering.
And that's a wrap for now. I may or may not update this if something even wilder happens. I want to say no, this is the end of the ride, but we are only 1 month in. There's plenty of time for more to crop up!
#nezha#nezha 2025#nezha 2#哪吒之魔童闹海#哪吒2#哪吒#adsadf I'm not a fan of overtagging#this is just for the 20 people who showed interest- hope this makes it easier for you guys to find~#and now I return to cultivating act 3 of rain in retirement#farewell and take care!#on lofter I have contributed to One (1) of the things mentioned above but I'm not saying which one#those who know me well will have to take a guess
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Heyyy Spence
So I saw that you wanted some batfam requests (especially platonic ones) so I was wondering if I could ask for a batfam (you pick whatever characters you want to be added) x bat!sibling reader who’s getting a special award but doesn’t tell anyone about it? Not bc they don’t think the family will care, they just think that the rest of them are busy and don’t want to bother them. They somehow find out though and are all there so surprise the reader?
If not- that’s totally fine too!!
Take care <333
Spider || Batfam
Paring: Batfam & gn!reader
Sypnosis: You're Brooklyns resident Spider, or The Insect, as Heaven likes to call you. It's a job you've taken with honor, and you're being thanked for it by the city. What you didn't expect was to see your family in the crowd.
Warnings: kind of a spiderman x dc crossover? r is basically the spiderman of DC, talks of heights, violence and terribly written fight scenes, reader is threatened by a villian, swearing, mentions of food, its poorly written I'm sorry!!
wc: 3.2k || nav || m.list
a/n: shout out to @lu-vin-it for being a character in this fic! he also happens to write so you should definitely go check out their stuff (that's a threat not a request). thank you @lemkay-luminary for proofreading!! <3 reblogs > likes!!
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Gotham City was constantly buzzing with life, along with death. It was a violent city, full of murderers, thieves, robbers, and villians drowning in a thirst for blood. More times than you could count, the city has stolen the life of people you've cared for.
It held too many bad memories for you to stay. You loved the city, and it would always be your home, but you had a new home in Brooklyn, too.
Brooklyn gave you a breath of fresh air, here you could see the sun most days. It was calming, the warmth of it a comfort. You love it here and the people here love you in return.
"Spider!" A little girl from down below shouted, strawberry ice cream smeared across her face as she pointed up at you. "It's Spider!"
Her father gave her a light lecture on how it was rude to point when you attached yourself to the side of a building, offering the little girl a wave. She waved back, squealing in excitement at the fact that the Spider was waving at her.
"Y/n, you know those guys we've been tracking for God knows how long?" Heaven's voice spoke through the comms, startling you.
"I don't, actually, I think they've managed to slip my mind." You retorted sarcastically as you jumped off and swung your way to a nearby rooftop.
"You were bitten by an insect, I can treat you like an insect."
"Spiders aren't insects, they're—"
There was an annoyed huff that cut you off, it made you snicker. "Fuck you. I should make you do all this by yourself, but I don't. Be grateful. Anyways, so I've gotten a location on them, Visage is most definitely there."
"Where?" You asked quickly. Visage has been tormenting the city for a while now.
"Near Plymouth Church. They've been spotted in some run down building near it."
"Thank you." You responded and the comms cut out.
That's when you jumped, arms behind you, the breeze pushed against your suit. It was exhilarating to fly through the air, being so high above everything else.
Helping people in the way you do, swinging through the city and hearing people like that little girl call out to you was worth every risk the job came with. You'd put yourself on the line every time because you're here to protect them.
Which brought you here, on top of some building across from an abandoned grocery store. Your eyes were glued to the doors, as you watched and waited for something to happen.
A man walked out, wearing protective green gear. It was Visage, you knew it was. There was no mistaking him and his rather ugly suit.
"Visage, my man, what's up?" You jumped over to the power line nearby, standing on top of the wooden pole. His head snapped up to you, and the second it did, you webbed him. Jumping up you yanked him up with you. You grabbed ahold of his head and slammed it onto the pole. There was a crack in his helmet, him falling to the ground and letting out a pained groan.
"Fuck," You heard him hiss under his breath, struggling to pull himself off the ground. You didn't give him much of a chance before you leapt down in front of him, landing before swiping him off his feet.
"I'm gonna kill you," He raised his gauntleted hand and he fired at you from his spot on the ground.
It was one of his weird creations, Vistech as he liked to call it. It made you realize that villians are extremely uncreative when it comes to naming things.
"'I'm gonna kill you' blah blah blah, I've heard it all before. Your words mean nothing." You retorted, moving out of the way of whatever it was he shot at you. He had a nasty habit of creating new concoctions and testing them on you.
You were sure you probably seemed cocky, and the way he tensed made it evident he wasn't very appreciative of your attitude. "You're really annoying, you know that?"
After that he charged at you, gear adding power to his steps. Your senses spiked, making you leap out of his way. His gauntlet grabbed hold of your arm, as he throwed you towards a nearby wall.
The impact knocked the wind out of your lungs, falling to the ground with a wheeze. You could hear his heavy boots hit the ground with each step he took towards you. You pushed yourself off the ground, then you lifted your hand and shot webbing at his face. His cries were muffled by the substance, his hand scratched to try and get the webs off.
You fully pushed yourself off of the ground, wincing in pain. Much to your dismay, the second you were on your feet Visage had pulled off the webs. He ran towards you again and you were lucky to move out of the way on time.
You put your hand behind his head and slammed it full force into the wall, knocking him unconscious. You crouched down, inspecting Visage's guantlet, lifting the heavy metal. It was warm to the touch, most likely because of the weird substance in them.
You looked them over, searching for a way to remove them . It was more sophisticated than you originally thought, but you found it eventually.
You knew Visage wasn't the highest of rank in whatever business he worked for, but he was high enough on there for you to get some information on the entire organization.
You tied him up with your webbing, and when you heard police sirens you leapt up to the rooftop of the nearest building, Visage's guantlet in hand.
The fight had been all over the news.
Some people praised you for your efforts whilst others said you were nothing but a menace, but the mayor, much to your surprise, was extremely pleased with your work.
She made an announcement on television about wanting to thank you personally for everything you've done for Brooklyn.
Which led you here, stood near the entrance of the building the mayor did most of her work in. She looked elegant, black pencil skirt hugging her legs and waist, a matching jacket on top of a white dress shirt. She was so put together it made you nervous.
You didn't look put together. Not that you really could in your spidersuit but you still felt self-conscious.
Yet she offered you a warm smile, holding her hand out towards you. "Spider! It's nice to meet you in person."
You smiled back, though she couldn't see it from underneath your mask. "It's nice to meet you too, Madame Mayor." Her hand was warm against the fabric of your suit.
"So you and I will just walk out that door," She began, pointing over towards the door. "And I'll greet the crowd, give a speech, and then I'll shake your hand once more. I'll warn you now, there will be a lot of people."
It was strange how you could fight dangerous people and yet the mention of a crowd made your heart rate pick up.
You nodded, and she smiled again. Her heels clicked loudly against the white flooring of the office building, your steps quieter than hers. You made sure to wear your converse here. There had been many times you forgot to slip on your shoes before heading out of your bedroom window, your mind racing to find reported criminals.
The doors opened, sunlight shined through as you exited the brick building. There was an abundance of people in the crowd, the snapping of pictures and shouts of Spider filled the atmosphere. There were news reporters that surrounded the barricades of the stairs, keeping the rambunctious crowd from getting too close.
"Hello people of Brooklyn!" The Mayor waved, sun reflecting off of her white painted nails. The way she handled the crowd made you envious and it took everything in you not to teeter on your feet to calm the nerves.
The crowd gave a series of shouts and greetings in reply, making the mayor laugh. She was good at this, but you suppose she had to be. That's when she introduced you, another wave of excited noise spilled from the ocean of people across from you.
"Hello." You replied as you waved and cringed at how awkward you probably sounded. Another group of greetings sounded around you.
People could be loud when they wanted to be, and that amplified in groups. You eyed them, and noticed the little girl from a few days ago again. She rested on top of her father's shoulders—her face was ice-creamless now—and her abundance of red waves was put into braids with ribbons tied at the end.
She made you smile from under your mask, as the beginning of the mayor's speech slipped past your ears. You moved your gaze from her, your eyes looked over the people and that's when you saw them. Your family in the very back.
Dick looked silly. The entirety of his outfit was just Spider merchandise and you were sure he seemed like an obnoxious fan to the rest of the crowd. Jason stood away from him, probably upset that he had to stand so close to Dick when he looked like that. He blended in more with the crowd, he wore simple attire that any normal person would wear in public. Not that he was normal, he just didn't like to stand out in such a way.
Your father wore a suit. A very pristine suit, as usual, no one except reporters ever wore something so proper to an event like this.
Steph had the biggest smile ever on her face, hair pulled back by a purple headband, dressed simply in a long skirt and a purple cardigan to cover it. Tim stood next to her, adorned in a sweater Bernard had given him and a pair of shorts. The both of them were on the opposite side of the crowd. Cass was not too far away.
She had never enjoyed crowds, or people in general. You wouldn't have noticed her if not for your enhanced senses. She leaned against Bruce's car, the entirety of her black attire blended in with the car's paint. Damian was beside her, arms crossed. The warm weather had him in a simple pair of brown cargo shirts, his green t-shirt blended nicely with them.
Damian probably didn't want to come. Not that he didn't love you or anything, no he often talked about how you were the most tolerable out of the rest of his family, he just never saw the point in coming to something he could very easily watch on TV. You were going to make sure to thank him later.
You returned your attention back to the mayor. As she was nearing the end of her speech she turned to you. "—And I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming here today. The Spider has done so much for our city this last year, and it seemed rude to not provide our hero a proper thank you."
Her hand reached toward you once again, but before she could grasp your hand an intense feeling of danger hit you. Your head snapped up, turning over and noticing a man—one of Visage's men it seemed from the apparel he wore—directing one of the special guns directly at the mayor. You shielded her quickly, pulling her away just as he pulled the trigger.
The crowd screamed at the sound, erupting in panic. You should've known this would have happened. Nothing is ever so easy.
"Are you okay?" You asked the mayor, and she nodded, mumbling a thank you. You once her over just to make sure before jumping back into the crowd. It was almost as if the man multiplied in your short time of making sure the mayor was okay.
"Can't you guys take days off or something?" You asked, annoyed when you webbed one of the weapons, yanking it out of his hands and sticking it up against the wall of a building. "Seriously, you guys are everywhere. I think you might need to bring this up with your boss."
One of them charged at you, which you swiftly moved out of the way but kept your foot in place, snickering when she tripped on the ground.
You jumped, legs pushing you high enough to land on the top of a street lamp. You'd yanked one of the men up with you, slamming his head into the light before webbing him to it, leaving him dangling when you jumped down.
"Do you ever shut up?" A woman shouted, irritated with you. She lunged at you, but hit the wall—hard enough as to where you could hear a loud groan.
"Only if you say please."
There was only one person left, he radiated irritation. It was easy to piss these people off. If it were a sport you'd have 1st place medals galore.
"And then there were two." You joked, watching as he pulled out a similar weapon to the first guys.
"Shut your fucking mouth!"
You scoffed, preparing yourself to attack him before you answered. "Do you people have no manners?"
It was a swift motion, webbing the weapon so he couldn't fire. He tried to rip off the webs before you got him in the face. His sounds of confusion were muffled, and you took this time to kick the legs out from under him, sticking his hand together
Within minutes, you'd gotten all of them tied up. It was a swift battle—if you could even consider it one—and now you made your way back to the Mayor.
With a quick once over, you knew she was okay. Shaken up, but overall physically okay. You still asked to be sure. "Are you okay?"
She looked at you, offering a smile. "Yes, I'm okay thanks to you. Thank you again, Spider. For everything. I don't know where Brooklyn would be without you."
You couldn’t think of a response. Talking to people was hard, but talking to the Mayor was harder. Especially when she said something like that. “It’s no problem.” You said, though you questioned if it sounded awkward.
After assisting to make sure everyone was okay. You felt a small tug at the stretchy fabric of your suit. Your head drifting in the direction of the source, your heart warmed. It was the little girl from before. “Spider!”
You grinned underneath your mask, crouching down to see eye-to-eye with her, taking notice of the adorable crochet beanie in her head. “Hello. I really like your hat!”
She giggled, the brightest smile you’ve ever seen crossing her features. “It has you on it!”
"It does! Did someone make it for you?"
Her waves bounced around her head when she nodded, grabbing ahold of her father's hand and shaking it around. "My daddy made it for me! Isn't that right, daddy?"
He gave a proud grin, though it wasn't as bright as it would be if he didn't look so exhausted. "Yeah, that's right, sweetheart. I did make it."
"You should convince him to make me one," You joked, looking up at her father. "It's an awesome hat. I'm honored to have such a hat with me on it."
"She wouldn't stop pestering me until I finished," He replied, shaking his head with a chuckle. "She asked me everyday if her hat was done. She loves you."
You warmed and looked back at the child. "And her love will always be appreciated."
After a rather hard goodbye, he led her back towards their small car. It took a few hours, but eventually you were able to make your way back home for a quick meal. You had some spare time before you decided you were going to force yourself back out into the city, hoping to finally give yourself a chance to relax.
Though it seemed your plans had been foiled, the smell of Mac & Cheese filled your apartment, and the slight chatter of familiar voices bouncing off of the fake wooden walls.
"Alfred?" Your eyebrows rose when you saw the man that was basically your second father standing in front of your stove, a pot in front of him as he stirred a wooden spoon through the creamy noodles. "You're making Mac & Cheese?"
Alfred never enjoyed making Mac & Cheese like this, far more into homemade foods rather than the cheap store-bought boxes. He enjoyed putting care into his cooking, and boxed Mac & Cheese took that away. In his eyes, at least.
You set your stuff down, listening to Alfreds words even though he didn't look at you. "I would have made something else, but it seems this was all you had in your cupboard, L/n."
"Fair." You shrugged before you heard someone clearing his throat.
"No hello to your father?"
You looked at him and smiled. "Hello Father."
Jason snickered, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You sound like Damian." His feet on your table made you send him a light glare.
"Better him than you, Jay. And get your nasty ass feet off my table." You shoved his feet off of the fake wood, as you ignored the glare he sent you when you walked by, and ruffled Damian's hair. "How's the favorite brother?"
He huffed in annoyance and shoved your hand away, an incoherent grumble being your only response.
"Y/n!" Steph interrupted, a blur of purple passing your vision as he gave you a swift hug, arms wrapping tightly around you. "We missed you!"
"I missed you guys too." You grinned, brushing a few strands of blonde hair that fell out of her headband behind her ear after she pulled away. "Where's Cass and Dick?"
As if on queue, Dick walked through the door, his hand in the air as he answered. "We're here!" He had a flare for the dramatics, his high-school yearbooks and his years of theater could prove it.
Cass' entrance was far more tame, as she carefully walked through as to not drop the big yellow box in her hands,closing the door with her foot. "We brought cake."
"Cake?" You weren't expecting cake, and especially not store bought cake. Alfred would be quivering in his boots if he didn't have to hide his irritation.
"You didn't tell us about the Mayor." Damian interrupted, his arms crossed. Irritation was written all over his face—which seemed to mask his slight pain about the topic—and you were hit with a sudden pang of guilt.
"Sorry, Dami." You began, as you gave an apologetic smile. You looked at all of them, trying to explain yourself. "You guys are all so busy, I didn't wanna pull you away from your work."
The explanation seemed silly now that you said it out loud. It was a stupid reason, your family cared about you a lot and it probably seemed like a kick in the face. You continued, words spilling out of your mouth in an anxiety consumed guilt.
"It's not that I thought you guys wouldn't care or anything I just— I don't know, I didn't wanna pull you guys away from something more important."
"No work could ever come above you," Bruce spoke quickly, taking your hand within his. He squeezed it, as if it were to make his words stronger with meaning.
And in a way it did, it reminded you that your family may be busy, but you all would always put each other first.
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sorry this was all over the place!! constructive criticism is always welcome!! please consider reblogging if you did enjoy it!!
#batman x you#batman x y/n#batman x reader#batfam x reader#batfam x you#batfam x y/n#batfam imagine#batman imagine#dick grayson x reader#jason todd x reader#stephanie brown x reader#cassandra cain x reader#damian wayne x reader#tim drake x reader#batfam fanfic
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