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dootznbootz · 11 months ago
Odysseus runs so much but it's always to or for Penelope. But he stays put once with her.
I'm fucking losing it. I'm not fucking coherent but skldfj
I plan to write Penelope thinking Odysseus isn't serious about her, despite the fact that he's never been more serious about anything else in his life. She's thinking "We're both tricksters. He's known for his cruel rejections, he's probably just excited about the chase more than me."
But he waits for her response. He made his desires clear. He wants to marry her.
He runs for her. Against her father so then they could marry. BUT THEN THERE'S NO OTHER CHASE FOR HIM; he has all he's wanted. He has his wife, his son, and his kingdom. He only runs to pick up and save their son from the plow. From then on he's always rushing and racing. Practically cutting corners with war crimes to just finish the war. To get it done so then he could go HOME.
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(Book 23, Johnston)
Then he runs again. This time from island to island, monster to monster, enemy to enemy. Even held by force or fear, he wants to go home.
I know he's seen as a wanderer at heart but no, he has a fucking destination that he wants to go to. THAT'S why he runs. He will not move from their palace where his love takes root. His bed, his love, his life, is rooted there. He will always return to his roots.
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squoony · 3 months ago
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Did these for one of my projects for my AP art class and accidentally made them look a little like Viktor and Savika. I made them before I even watched the show too 😭🙏
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gristlegrinder · 22 hours ago
more importantly, please consider: if there are living surviving mursaat, then that gives arenanet a reason to spend time designing fem mursaat models. and if we manifest it hard enough, maybe they’ll all be just as jacked and shredded as the current handful of masculine mursaat. it’s not out of the realm of possibility. listen to me. listen. li
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justarandomlambblog · 11 months ago
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I was possessed at 3 am
ignore the Lamb without horns it's 3 am-
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Watch me be completely normal about this show and this character specifically
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
Oh DO tell me more about the Eveni LU little drabbly thing
You know what, I’ll just show you the part I actually wrote out, since the beginning bit is actually pretty well done.
There’s more to it then this obviously, but this is the part that one night I just wrote out because I was in the mood. this is what I do when I’m bored XD
(For those unaware, Eveni is Link (Twilight in this case) and Midna’s son.)
Link sprints through the portal with a hand held tightly to his son.
That black lizalfos had nearly killed him, killed them both, and the portal was the last place to go. He’s bleeding from a slice to his arm and his head is spinning from dark magic, but Eveni is unhurt, and that’s all that matters.
He breathes in shakily as he holds his son to his chest, looking up at their new surroundings.
They’re in a forest, but it’s much different from the one they were in before jumping through the portal. It’s smaller, younger, and deciduous trees instead of pines, late afternoon sunlight shining through their leaves.
It’s also fall. Which is odd, because it had been late spring where he’d just been.
“Huh,” he says absently, making sure the sling securing Eveni to his chest is tight, “well that’s a might strange.”
His son babbles in seeming agreement.
Link no more hears the presence behind him then senses it, leaping out of the way as a blade suddenly swings through the portal. Eveni shrieks and he bolts, noting that he’s not on any sort of trail or anything as he sprints.
Leaves crunch under his feet and roots stick up from the ground to try and trip him, but he can’t afford to slow down. He can still hear the lizalfos chasing him, and while it’d be so much faster to be a wolf, it’s also a lot harder to hold a baby when you don’t have arms.
Something swipes at his face and as Link jerks to avoid it he stumbles, and claws gouge into the back of his knee.
He sprawls to the ground with a cry, turning and clutching Eveni so he doesn’t hurt him inadvertently, and winces as he lies in the dirt for a second. Link hears footsteps and begins to scramble for his shield when his world lurches, something throwing him backwards and pinning him to a large tree.
And snatching Eveni out of his arms.
Link shouts as the black lizalfos steps forward, holding up his baby as it looks at him with an almost amused expression.
Eveni begins to cry.
“Let him go,” Link nearly roars, but whatever is holding him does not budge even from his in no way measly strength. It’s magic or something— there’s nothing visibly holding him back. “I’m who you’re after let him go he’s done nothing—!”
The lizalfos grins and peels back the blanket, licking its chops.
Link feels an all-encompassing fear crash over him and he shouts with pure panic and rage as he pulls with all his might to break free, struggling madly and feeling utterly helpless as the lizalfos looks hungrily at his son.
An arrow slams into the lizard’s knee.
It screeches, and the magic holding Link fades enough for him to break himself free and leap at the monster, kicking and clawing at its face. It hisses angrily but Link manages to grab his son out of its grasp, holding him close as he scrambles backwards.
He takes a second to thank the spirits Eveni is okay, then grabs for his sword as he tries to soothe the wailing baby and also keep an eye on the lizalfos.
But the last of these ends up being unnecessary.
The lizalfos is already gone, no sign of it but a trail of black blood leading off into the woods. In it’s place are three hylians, one holding a bow, who are looking at him with wide, concerned eyes. Several more are charging into the woods, and Link assumes they’re chasing the escaped monster.
“Sir is your baby okay?” asks one, a short kid with a green bandana in his fringe. He takes a hesitant step forward. “Are you okay?”
Link shuffles back, unsure of what to think of these men. They must have shot the monster, but he’s in a completely unfamiliar location and situation here.
And his head is still spinning from having watched Eveni nearly die.
“Wh... do you...” he asks, clutching his son and ignoring how there’s blood running down both his arm and leg now. “Where am I?”
A large man, wearing armor that’s eerily familiar, holds out a placating hand, sheathing his sword with the other.
“A place called Akkala, or so I’m told,” he says gently, obviously trying to calm Link down, “We’re hunting the lizalfos... or perhaps he’s hunting us. I’m sure you’ve noticed it’s not a regular one of its kind.”
Link bares his teeth in a snarl without meaning to as he thinks of how the monster grabbed Eveni, and the men inch back a bit. He pushes down the growl in his throat and sighs, suddenly exhausted.
“It... chased us through some portal,” he says, blinking tiredly. “Was going for me. Specifically.”
The teenager with the bow glowers. “How many more of us is it going to drag into this? Can’t it just leave us alone already?”
Eveni lets out another wail and Link turns his attention fully to him, holding him closer and gently soothing him.
“Hey, hey it’s okay buddy it’s okay, Daddy’s got you, he’s gone,” he whispers, and his son’s wailing slowly fades to more quiet whimpers. The man in the armor steps closer then, and offers him a cautious hand. Link takes it, stumbling with his bad leg, and the man doesn’t let go once he’s upright, giving him a concerned look-over.
Link meets his eye (the other is closed, a scar marring the lid) and for some reason... he feels that he can completely trust the man in front of him.
“Thank you for assisting me,” Link says gratefully, giving the man’s arm a squeeze. “You helped protect my son, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”
The man nods, and gives him a small smile. “Our pleasure. I’m glad he’s okay. Both of you.”
Eveni rubs his face up to Link’s chest with a whimper, and he shushes him again, running a hand over his head.
You’re okay, you’re okay.
“Hey, is your name Link?” the teenager with the bow abruptly asks. Link snaps his head up and stares at him, his already confused brain not quite up to figuring that one out.
“Wh— yes..? How’d you... do I know you?” he asks in confusion, and the kid with the bandana lets out a small laugh.
“We’ll explain, but uh, why don’t you sit and drink a potion first. You’re looking sort of... pale.”
Link doesn’t hesitate long before agreeing. These people, though they’re obviously all well-equipped fighters, don’t mean him any harm, and helped with protecting Eveni (which makes them more than okay in his book). They seem to be adventurers similar to himself, if he’d have to take a guess, or possibly monster hunters of some sort. Not to mention...
...there’s an odd sense of familiarity about them as well.
But Link is too tired to dwell on it much, so he merely follows the group, brushing a spot of blood off Eveni where it dripped from his arm.
The mystery can wait for now.
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funkyphonophorae · 9 months ago
the boys is so funny because there'll be a line of thoroughly mid/questionable episodes, you think "man why the hell do i put up with eric kripke" - and then suddenly you're watching the most gut-wrenching, well acted, jaw dropping, emotional scene perhaps ever put to television
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arapa1ma · 3 months ago
ohh i never posted this umm here
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drawing of my guy their name is stipple. they r from a closed-ish ? species on chickensmoothie, they were designed by lacke on the prev mentioned site
*side note i'm drawing headshots like this for people (NOT for free but idk what i would ask for in return lol, i was mostly doing these for ppl on a specific game for a specific game currency, so idk just offer me art or something like that i guess, i'll probably accept whatever) sooo if ur interested dm me on discord, my user is sepialycidas
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tachimichishrine · 1 year ago
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(not mine, all creds to the op! I dont do twt so if they don't want this rb on another platform lmk plspls)
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realcowboysdrinkjuice · 10 months ago
idk why i waited to say this but lmao it would suck if emizel died and shilo doesnt like sorry bud you’re never getting your normal unfucked up spine back good luck with that king also new teeth also shorter ears like you guys look even more similar but at what cost lmao pov your brother borrows your body parts and then dies with them and they get replaced w a new set of his
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noweyay · 2 years ago
I'm at a game developing camp and I don't think I can survive being around selfish rich Fortnite kids that watch Minecraft YouTube shorts. The oldest people there are chill but they already have their own friends. Then there's the little eepy weepy babies that play Roblox rainbow friends and among us. This is the best week ever
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gravitysaint · 7 months ago
shoutout to getting in trouble for flipping the bird when i was just imitating toxicroak from the pikmin on the tv
nickelodeon: zim cant hit people with his fist his hand has to be open. no punching. the children.
nickelodeon: dark harvest is allowed
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unpeeled-human · 6 months ago
special defense
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does this count as anything ???is this art
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willabee · 7 months ago
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theres-rue-for-you · 7 months ago
my brother works on a boat so when he rants about his job I can’t take it seriously because he keeps angrily referring to his boss as “captain”. like sorry ur having 19th century sailor problems my guy
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