#lref riker
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tabl3 · 1 year ago
Kaz and Bree hate Reese the most out of the three main shifters (for obvious reasons)
Roman and Skylar equally despise each other (and they're almost copies of each other w the lightning/strength) bc of Decimation on her end and Roman hating her the most since she's simply the pinnacle of heroism
Chase has equal rivalries with both
ig Oliver and Riker would just fight by association???? they have no personal hate for each other or any of the others, Riker just loathes heroes bc of their dad and Oliver hates the shifters for what they've done
but that doesn't even matter bc Riker can't actually fight him unless he wants to get murderized by Mr. Terror lol
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rememberingnoah · 2 years ago
lref au where roman & riker start their own team by recruiting some of the past villains
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
Riker: i dont. understand. what is this.
Reese: this is a hug, im hugging you.
Riker: what the fuck does that mean
Roman: it means shes suffocating you, quick punch her in the face! (<-- Completely serious)
Reese: no thats not what it -- *gets punched*
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lab-trash · 2 years ago
I wrote a comment for the LREF Keyan Carlile video but feel too bad to post it there
So I’m posting it here. 
Game of Drones is probably my favourite episode (Home Sweet Home I think beats it out) and it probably shouldn't enrage me so much that he got like... so much wrong-- or just that he didn't talk about it that much at all.
First of all, the whole jealousy plot was done in Mighty Med, only with Kaz being jealous of Oliver and Skylar. Second of all, Oliver didn't make his own drone to show them up, he took a drone from the armoury. Third of all, he didn't take it by himself; he told Kaz that Chase was going to betray him and they took them together. The thing with this episode is that there's actual character development for Chase. he puts someone else first by doing something they wanted, even though he knows he won't win, which is something that he loves to do. It really helps you believe his and Kaz's friendship too, which is incredible in Chase's story. He finally found someone who seems to genuinely want to be his friend.
Throughout the show, Kaz is genuinely praising and hanging out with Chase-- just because he wants to. Sure, he's not like super into robotics, which Keyan brings up, but that just proves this further. He's doing the drone race because he wants to be Chase's friend, but like how Chase likely saw that movie with Kaz because he wanted to be Kaz's friend.
And sure, yes, I absolutely ship Kase, but even if you don't, you can't deny that their friendship seems real, and that's such a big deal for Chase. I'd go as far to say that Kaz is legitimately his first real friend. After all, the only others he had was Sebastian and Marcus, both of which betrayed him.
Game of Drones holds so much development and emotion for Chase and Kaz's relationship, and it was so odd to just see it brushed over like that.
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mattholicguilt · 3 years ago
WHEN THEY PLAY THE SLOWED DOWN/DRAMATIC VERSION OF THE OG LAB RATS THEME RIGHT BEFORE BREE ATTACKS RODISSIUS...... gets me every time. like if this had to be the last time we'd ever see bree davenport on TV, at least it was awesome.
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
Roman: who ate my mnms . i swear To God.
Reese: i did, fucker. what’re going to do about it? huh?
Roman: what if i stole your kidneys. what would you do then
Reese: id eat them straight out of your hands, now you have no leverage. loser.
Riker: for the love of god can you two have a normal conversation PLEASE
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
roman feels like the type of man to wear jewelry with his name on it. reese is the type of gal to melt it down and turn it into bullets. rikers the type to. cry
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
rewriting roman, riker & reese; :D
rewriting rodissius; D:
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tabl3 · 2 years ago
A guide to the villains:
to make it a bit easier to understand the dynamics in my writings, both in power and personal
Lab Rats Villains: Giselle and Krane might be the most officially allied, but neither trusts the other in the slightest. Both have contingency plans for the other and are plotting downfalls, should the slightest sign of betrayal come about. Their partnership is of convenience, not trust. Also, Sebastian and Marcus hate each other lmao. They only put up w the other because of their fierce loyalty to their proverbial creators. Giselle eventually discovered Bridget Hunslet's identity. Mr. Terror was both amused and impressed by their little group, and extended her invitation
Rodissius: He rules his home with an iron fist. Mr. Terror saw the rage within him at the loss of his powers and hatred of both supers and normos, and invited him and his children to join her cause
Mr. Terror: Every last one of the above mentioned are completely terrified of her (pun intended) She has both Experion and Scarlet's loyalty (will be elaborated on in the future) which definitely adds to the fear factor. Except she's totally in Mighty Max. Yup.
Least to Most Powerful:
Rodissius: He's got a physically strong stature in my design and is definitely skilled from his hero days. The chokehold he has on his veritable army is formidable. But at the end of the day, he's a regular normo now (and weakening with each passing day (will be elaborated on later #2))
Giselle: She's a super genius, manipulative, calculating, and highly skilled in combat, given she held her own against Bree. That and she has a torrent of androids at her disposal and Marcus's unflinching loyalty. However, she is simply a normo as well, and despite her brain being dangerous as it is, when it comes to most of the others, she wouldn't be able to dent much.
Sebastian: Giselle granted him new bionics. He has his soldier training and is obviously very skilled, but he wouldn't hold a candle to the next listed.
Shapeshifters: Wide range of powers, incredible skill because of training since birth for one purpose, and there are thirteen of them. The black swarm ability is also pretty op, on top of all the other assets. The main thing to hold them back more than anything is their loyalty to Rodissius and fear of his retribution toward them.
Marcus: He has all of ABC's bionics and then some. Not to mention as an android, he tires far slower and is largely unaffected by any injury. The problem with him mirrors the shifters'. He's blindly loyal to a woman who doesn't genuinely care for him (my Giselle is a sociopath with a sprinkle of psychosis). He definitely couldn't take all thirteen shifters, not when a five-person team, two bionic, two heroes powered by the arcturion, and a Calderan couldn't. But he would probably manage to defeat one or two at a time. Same with Sebastian, depending on which shifter. A lot of the younger ones they could take down. Roman, Riker, and the Spider-Legs girl (2nd oldest) they couldn't beat, most likely. Reese and another yet to be revealed are the only exception to younger shifters that could take them.
Krane: He's hard to place. I could easily switch him with the next listed. Powerhouse is the only descriptor. He's probably the most formidable in the Lab Rats show. I think he could take half the shifters at a time with relative ease, despite the setbacks from his injuries. He stands way above Marcus and Sebastian as well.
Scarlet and Experion: Calderans are op. That's it lol. I can't decide which among them is more powerful. Scarlet stayed on her warrior-gladiator world and gained experience that way (she has a much different backstory bc the EF one sucks. Also I wanted to give Sky a personal rival bc Experion is shared between her and Kaz) but Experion has hero experience. Both are master manipulators, and fully powered, unlike Skylar. I don't know if Krane could take two Calderan soldiers.
Mr. Terror: Girlboss Extrodinare. She's rich, has an empire, and hundreds of lackeys beneath her. Not to mention full loyalty of two Calderans. Even without all of that, she could most definitely defeat any before. And they know it. She has a quiet power over the rest in their partnership, and all of them fear her greatly. She's highly intelligent and motivated, a scary combination. The unspoken leader: whatever she orders goes. The only one ballsy enough to make a contingency plan for her is Giselle, and she hasn't found anything to be of possible use. Bridget has her own plans for each of them, and every move she makes has extreme intention (peep the chessboard. Not just symbolic)
anywhoozle, there ya go :)
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
just had the worst thought . of the shapeshifters turning into horace during a fight with elite force . ohno
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tabl3 · 2 years ago
looking for names for the orange girl and lilac dude from decimation
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
i like looking at ef characters and all the kiddie pool depth they have <3
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rememberingnoah · 2 years ago
if i was riker and roman i would simply shapeshift into someone the lref team already trusts and eliminate them one by one
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