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-As secret lovers often do- Beneath the moon two bunnies flow, Through the storms, despite the dark Stealing kisses in the snow Hexed by love's blinding spark.
Two bracelet set. Wear them together or gift one to a friend (or partner).
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xx-akubara-xx · 5 months
I just really wanted to highlight @mostly-mortal 's comment here!
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(First of all, woeujioejfhiure thank you for the compliment <3)
But YES. Agency. Growing up, Peach's repeated kidnappings were the biggest joke on the internet. And the most popular explanation people seemed to have for it was the idea that Peach and Bowser had something going on.
Which - is a fun concept, don't get me wrong! Love the implied drama in the idea.
I really wanted to try something different, however. Something that stepped away from that idea.
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undeserved-halo · 8 months
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addictedgallery · 4 months
Get Your Art Fix!
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Just a bunny, living her best life 👯‍♀️
"Love Bunny" by Jamie Nelson, 2015
Series: Love
🎥 Lights, Camera Action 🎬
Explore Jamie Nelson's beautiful "Love Series" in an interactive virtual gallery setting: Click 👉 HERE
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See It On Your Wall
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shiproleplayer · 1 year
Mariolore roleplay!
Hello! I am looking for an 18+ roleplay partner who knows mariolore au made by lovebunnycos & dinograveyard on tiktok. I would love to do a few relationships that i have tought of but we could add our own plots or create out own scenerios even.
ships i am interested in (The bold text is who i would be roleplaying as.): Bowser x King/prince Boo Princess Peach x Bowser Princess peach x king/prince boo Princess peach x king/prince boo I am also looking for someone who would be interested in roleplaying normal mario lore but most possibly the movie lore with this ship: Luigi x Bowser If interested like this post and i will reach out to you or feel free to message me.
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stargazerdali · 1 year
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I have so much fun making fake brands for things a la “Wcdonalds”, here’s some dialogue from a drawing im working on.
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wyvernwinds · 2 years
69 for the spotify thing lol
ijust answered 69 but ill answer urs too bc ily <3
king by florence <33
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mizzd3m3an0r79 · 2 years
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When your baby bunny wants to chill with you #swoon #smitten #itslove #lovebunny #babybunny #bonding #joy #sweetboy #chillin #chillinwithmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CkSJatxDoTZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinkerbelle05 · 10 months
Clingy Zoro x reader. You should make the story on Zorro and y/n are laying in bed after a wild night 😏. And y/n has to get up and go make breakfast but Zoro doesn't want to let her leave the bed.
Clingy Bastard
Characters: Zoro x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks luv 💚
Warnings: alluded to past and present sexual experiences also this is my first time writing for Zoro so please excuse any ooc.
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You woke up slowly, the morning sun shining light in the otherwise dark room. Blinking away the sleepiness, you saw the bright red numbers of the clock reading 11:30.
You briefly recalled that it was Saturday so no work for you to do but you still didn't want to rot in bed all day. Slowly you rose from the bed just to be pushed down back to the bed by Zoro’s arm.
He intertwined his legs with yours, trapping you in them and pulled your body closer to his, your back on his chest and his arm around your body. Holding you like you were his human teddy bear or something.
“No moving,” he mumbled tiredly into your neck. His voice was deep and croaky from sleep.
The audacity of this man.
He’s always doing this! Wanting to cuddle and snuggle until both of your bodies are sore due to the immobility and you didn’t know where your legs began and his arm ended so trying to untangle yourselves just made your already aching body hurt more. You two ended up pretzeled together for what seemed like hours (and it probably was) was not how you wanted to spend your Saturday morning.
Don’t get you wrong, you loved cuddling with Zoro. You loved when he held you against his chest, feeling his heartbeat through your back and the soft rising of his chest. It made you feel safe and warm and loved. Protected in a way that was unfamiliar to you for so long.
But you were….sticky. Yea, sticky and sweaty were the best words to describe the state that you were from what happened last night. They were the best words to describe Zoro too. But before showering, you desperately needed some food. And maybe coffee. And to y’know, get out of the bed too.
“Zoro, let go,” you said in your best “I’m not playing around” voice though it failed miserably judging by the way he snorted at you.
He hugged you closer to his body and you felt him slowly relaxing, his body melting into yours becoming one. He wrapped around you, coo-conning you into his body.
“No, let’s just stay here a bit longer. Why mess up a good thing?” He asked, his voice muffled a bit.
You sighed and thought about the best way to deal with the situation. Usually, after some begging and bribing Zoro would let do what you needed to do. But that’s when you need to do work so he would be less willing to comply when there was no work for you to do. And you didn’t wanna beg to just lay in the house all day anyway. And really, you weren’t that sticky.
No, no, no you definitely were.
So you had only one option. Something where you two would both get what you wanted.
“Wanna shower with me?” You offered to him. You saw his eyes slowly opening, cutting you a look with a sly grin.
He chuckled and kissed your neck, “Oh really? And what have I done to deserve such an honor?”
“Being a clingy, stubborn bastard,” you answered dryly and frowned at him but you couldn’t help the smile that was starting to form on your face when he started to laugh at your comment.
He dragged you onto his lap, his fingers digging into your waist, “Oh, I'm being clingy? Stubborn? You act as if you don't like it. Stop pretending.”
You rolled your eyes at him but was still smiling because despite how absolutely annoying it was, he was right. You did like it.
You’ll never admit it verbally though.
“That a yes or no, Roronoa?” You asked again.
Zoro gave you a toothy smile and carried you to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.
Something tells you that you wouldn't do much cleaning though.
Tags: @puff-hugs, @msmisasoup, @localcowboyd, @purplepirateadventures, @the-skys-musical-echo, @thatgothic-nerd, @lovebunnys-world, @0picels0, @multifandomgirl2018, @charliepoopyfart, @cielitoot7, @tayharrper, @nikolaevna-art, @simpingmyassoff, @saturnwitheclipwze, @rotin0, @villainsmygods, @cherrysandmatcha, @borkbarnes, @villainouspotential, @ramielll, @poketrainer2270, @gingersnap126126, @2strawberries, @fujinnn, @n1ght5h4d3-24, @olliewhinchester, @dimplewonie, @penny44224, @justsomerandomw31rdo, @fuck-you-im-gae, @ghostysfanfics, @dearest-lady, @hopester08, @noway-leon, @avatarkanemi, @justthecasualreader, @fandomsunited, @707xn, @yoongi-holland, @don-tuna, @alienstardust, @darka-moon, @louiselamb12, @dazaisfavgf, @zenitsuisthemostrelatableinkinyc @heydemonsitsyaboilucien, @0amy5, @smolracoon25, @synchronised-beat, @flowerlds-blog, @secretlittlestudyblog, @dragonqueenfk, @foxflamewarrior, @theboisarehere342, @nightingale2124
Taglist & Reqs Info & Masterlist
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thehaberdasheress · 2 months
Today's Etsy shop update: Pure self-indulgence! A customer asked if I could make a version of my Lovebirds High pattern with rabbits instead, and I had a lot of fun translating bunnies to a streamlined blackwork pattern.
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I ended up with three finished patterns:
Lovebunny Frolic: Because when they go so fast their ears lie back along their backs, it's a beautiful sight.
Lovebunny Mix: Because they're like potato chips. You can't just have ONE type of bunny; sometimes you need them all!
Lovebunny Realness: Rabbits are kind of like cats - when they're completely content, the uninitiated think they're pissed off. Resting bitch posture or something. So I wanted bunnies that were in love and chilling out together.
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cybertron-after-dark · 8 months
TFP- Pet Names
Bots and cons, both what they'd call you and what they'd love it if you called them
Gender neutral reader, reader is human but I can do one of these for cybertronian reader too down the line.
If I missed someone you really wanted to see, feel free to ask for them!
Calls you: My beloved, my love, my other half. A lot of old fashioned, sweet, sappy nicknames bc he's a sappy old man.
Call him: Sugar, sweetie, honey, baby. Overly saccharine titles just make him blush like nothing else. Even if they're a little silly, they just make him feel so loved.
Calls you: Dear, love, my better half, though more often than not he calls you by your name. He likes how it sounds.
Call him: one would think he despises nicknames from his reaction to wheeljack calling him doc and sunshine, but it's quite the opposite; nicknames are a very special thing to him, but you have to earn the right to call him by them, or it feels overly familiar and that infuriates him. Once you've been together for awhile, if you call him "my love," his spark will soar.
Calls you: Baby, cutie, honey, lovebug, lovebunny, sweetspark. You're the cutest thing in the world to him and he wants you to know that.
Call him: stud, handsome, or big guy are all great ones if you're looking to fluster him. That said, if you call him muffin or sweet thing, he might actually cry a little because it makes him way too happy.
Calls you: Babe, hot stuff, cutie pie, babydoll, beautiful, gorgeous, boo. He needs you to know you're too dang pretty!
Call him: honey, honeybee, sweetheart, sweetspark. He's a total sucker for the cheesy stuff.
Calls you: babe, dork, partner. That last one means a LOT to her. If she calls you her partner it means she's totally opened up to you, and you're too important to her to lose.
Call her: babe, but only call her partner if she calls you that first. It's not a title to be taken lightly in her eyes.
Calls you: hottie, hot stuff, sexy, dollface, sunshine, babe, wild thing, he's got a whole arsenal of nicknames, some more annoying than others.
Call him: studmuffin, sexy, big boy, crazy, daddy. Real talk, he loves hearing whatever cursed, over the top bullshit you come up with. The dumber the better, he loves when you can make him laugh.
Calls you: human, more often than not. Pet is the best you're getting.
Call him: you're going to call him Lord Megatron, or Master. Anything else is unacceptable, even for his partner.
Calls you: Fleshy, pet, wretched organic, gremlin, creature... And, when he's sure nobody's listening, very rarely, he'll call you beloved or my spark.
Call him: master, sir, lord starscream, my heart, my spark. He likes to feel important to you, and he REALLY likes to feel respected and powerful.
Calls you: ... Well he doesn't usually call you much of anything given he doesn't talk, but sometimes he'll use soundbytes of cutesy pet names from old human romance movies that he totally does not watch, shut up.
Call him: he'll honestly appreciate any nickname you give him (though you won't catch him showing it), but things like beautiful, gorgeous, or pretty boy will get him to blush under that screen. Especially if you've seen him with the mask off and still insist he looks good.
Calls you: your name. He feels no need to make up overly saccharine terms of endearment. You are his and he is yours, you both know you love each other, so why bother with such performative trivialities? If you tell him you just like hearing the affirmation every now and then, he won't fully get it, but he will settle on calling you trinket, because you are very small and you fascinate him.
Call him: You're not gonna get a reaction out of him no matter what you call him, but he considers the terms love, dear, or my heart to be acceptable.
Calls you: darling, doll, dollface, honey, baby, lover, cutie, sweetspark, lapin, little thing, ma chèrie, mon amour, itty bit, and those are just the usual names.
Call him: gorgeous, pretty boy, hottie, honey, baby, all of it gets him a little flustered, but he REALLY loves whenever you call him speedy. He loves looking pretty and driving fast, and only one of those gets acknowledged all that often.
Calls you: Baby, tiny, lovebug, snugglebunny, sweet thing, honey, gorgeous, pretty little thing, sweetspark, cuddlebear. He can get pretty cutesy with it, he's not ashamed to admit how much he loves you.
Call him: big guy, sexy, big boy, good boy, darling, sweetspark. He likes when you remind him how big and strong he is, but he also likes hearing you get sweet on him.
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cicadeus · 11 months
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eehee wip but im working on new fanart for the exceptional mariolore series by lovebunny, dinograveyard, and ivyspring cosplay. its such good practice for different face shapes, and ive been so hyperfixated! also check that improvement, my hard work is paying off i think!!
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undeserved-halo · 8 months
okay but ken wins the prize for prettiest wedding dress ever idc what u say (sorry for blurry ass pic lol)
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How do I love thee, let me count the weeks...
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Fellow Travelers Valentine's Celebration: Week Two Round-Up
Week Two Prompts: 
Love Language/Gifts
“I dreamed of you.”
Happy moment/Love confession
✨ Be sure to show your appreciation for the authors’ hard work with kudos and comments on the fics after reading! 
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you're linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it. 
Works below can be found in this collection, except where noted (♦️). 
♥️ you should be in my space (you should be in my life) by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [E, 1K]
What if Tim let Hawk touch him during their mutual masturbation session.
🧡 the gold of the dusk and the dawn by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [M, 3K]
Valentine’s Day, 1954
💛 Me too by @alorchik | alorchik [T, 1K] Hawk feels he can afford it now, here, with Tim.
💚 Stars fading but I linger on, dear by @cinnamoncountess | CinnamonCountess [E, 5K] Tulips, roses, lavenders, daisies and orchids —
Tim closes his eyes for fleeting seconds as he passes the bayside and takes in the wide-ranging scent wafting over from the flower sales on each side of the road, drawing into his nostrils where it mixes with the salty sea odor from afar. It is that day of the year again that always squeezes on his heart like a fallen wall of bricks burying him underneath.
💙 Everywhere I look, you're all I see. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 950] In that moment, all the pain, the hurt, and the years of separation melted away. It was just the two of them, lost in their own little world. And for Tim, it was all he ever wanted.
💜 The World is Not Kind to Good People♦️ by @lovebunnie | space_kid [T, 727]
Tim felt Hawk’s eyes on him whenever they were in the same room, not unlike the unrelenting gaze of God; all powerful, all knowing, something Tim ached for.
🩷 Where No One Else Can See by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 2K]
Marcus once said Hawk was a damn good liar. And the first step in being the best damned liar that ever set foot in Washington, was the necessity of being able to lie to yourself.
Hawk had been lying to himself for so long - about so many things - even he didn't think he would know his own truth if it was laid bare before him.
Until soft brown eyes and a kiss that tasted like milk and eternity.
Until Skippy.
Or, How Tim's touch made Hawk realize a certain fact.
Thanks to all the creators for your wonderful efforts, and to the readers for taking the time to enjoy and share these fics!
Thank you to @fellow-travelers-events for hosting this event. Prompts for the remaining weeks can be found here.
Ao3 Collection 💗
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grim-kitkat · 8 months
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Welp Peach won my poll who would win in a fight between dirk and peach. These two drawings were a riot to do XD Thanks again to visguard and lovebunny for inspiring these
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stargazerdali · 1 year
drawing Valentine again for the first time in a while, and of course he’s being a weird little slut
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